Summer Dreams (M/L adult) 15/3/10 [WIP]

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 33
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Summer Dreams (M/L adult) 15/3/10 [WIP]

Post by Dreamer4life »

TITLE: Summer Dreams
AUTHOR: Dreamer4life
DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction. Any references names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination.The characters of Roswell belong to Twentieth Century Fox Corporation, Jason Katims, , Regency Entertainment, and Monarchy B.V.
SUMMARY: Liz Parker and Max Evans are sworn enemies but they have to tolerate each other for their parents sake. But what do they hate each other???
AUTHOR NOTE: Second fanfic. Inspired of a few things.


“Fucking pomas ass” I mumble before taking a sip of champagne. The small bubbles tingle my lips as i raise the glass to my lips once again. I watch as my long dress moves with the wind as i lean against the balcony.

“Oh... Liz what’s has he done now” Maria smiles at me before giggling behind her hand and smiling at the men as they walk by.

“I’ll tell you what he did.. First he bedded the maid and now he has sucked up to daddy and got him to loan him the beach house for the summer. It our beach house Maria, so now we have to share with dipstick over there and his friend” i point over at the two men dressed in black suits smiling at the woman as they walk by. I see him lean over grabbed a girl around the waist before pulling her to his side, whispering close into her ear before i see her giggling into his shoulder. i roll my eyes before turning back to Maria.

Max has and always will be my worst enemy. He has been a family friend since he and i were children, and we only tolerated each other then. Max is the perfect gentleman but behind closed door his a bonified asshole, despite his gorgeous looks that have women swooning stupidly left, right and centre. Max and i both grew up and shared a mutual hate for each other, but where there’s hate there’s a reason....

“ I wouldn’t mind sharing anything with his friend” Maria laughs, pulling me out of my thoughts.
I notice her gaze fixed at his friend leaning against the pillar, looking bored as he takes a sharp breath of his smoke, before nudging Max who takes a puff, before looking over at me and smiles and just before i can blink he raise his middle finger up at me and turns back to the giggling woman at his side.

Great this is all i need a whole summer with Max and his friend in a small beach house. What’s the worst thing that could happen right?


I can hear dad moving in the other room, doing work i would guess. We used to be so close until Max came along and become the son dad always wanted. After mum passed, dad avoided me a little more each time, i reminded him of her he once said.

I throw clothes neatly into my bag, i know i should of started this last night as i leave in a few hours. I throw my last pair of swimmers into my bag and start to zip it shut as i feel two strong arms slip around my waist; I don’t even have to turn to know who it is.

“ Go away, I’m not in the mood and by the way just so you know those large wooden things that lead into my room are called doors, knock them next time” I slip out of his embrace as i hear him chuckling to himself.

“ You know i have grown fond of these conversations L and are you saying that there’s going to be a next time” he raises his eyebrow before placing himself in the middle of my bed. I close my eyes in frustration.

“ Look it never going to happen, i repeat never and please stop calling me L is annoys me” i push down on my bag trying to get it to close

“And why you’re at it get off my bed and out of my room” i smile before pushing him off my bed.

“ Im here to pick you up for our summer vacation” he gets up and walks across the room and picks up one of my bag before placing his shades back on his face.

“ Oh this is going to be great” i mumble to myself following behind him closely out the door.

“ I can see it now, the white sand and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore” Maria says to me, when i hear a snort coming from the front seat

“ If you say so blondie, im looking for the babes and the hot sex” Michael, Max’s long time best friend from says before give max a high five like out of some high school movie. I roll my eyes

“ Excuse me what did u call me... you conceded, self centred......” Maria mumbles on as i close my eyes already wishing this trip to be over.

“Oh L did your dad tell you the 4th room is closed for renovations this summer, looks like you can bunk with me” Max winks at me.

“ How many times do i have to tell you don’t call..... Excuse me why did he fucking not tell me. There is no way on gods green earth that i am sharing anything with you, let alone my bed.” i can feel the blood pumping through my veins as i stare at him.

“ Well we have no choice. Im not sleeping with Michael nor maria and im sure you and maria don’t want to share either for months” Max says before looking back at the road. I cross my arms and turn my ipod up.

This is surely as bad as it can get.
Last edited by Dreamer4life on Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:13 am, edited 7 times in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 33
Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:15 am

Re: Summer Dreams (M/L adult) 10/1/10 Chpt 3

Post by Dreamer4life »


I throw the last remains of my clothes into the draws, while i hear Maria’s chatter in the next room. I hear her footsteps behind me as she makes herself comfortable on the bed.

“ You only have your dad to blame for this. Why would he only have king single beds on the other two rooms? Max still on caving on giving up this bed?” she says as she grabs the nail polish beside her on the table and starts to paint her nails.

“ Yeah i know. We haven’t been here in awhile though Maria so i don’t know why dad hasn’t. No asshole is not caving, He asked dad specifically for this room so it looks like I’m stuck with him for awhile. If you hear any screams in the middle of the night, have no worries it’s just me cutting off Max’s hands if he touches me at all” i say with a small smile and pull my dress over my head.

“ Let’s go to the beach, its hot and I’m already ready” i point to my black bikini that im wearing and pull my hair into a small bun.

“ Yay... Give me a few minutes and we can go.. i think the boys are already there though” Maria points to the beach in front of the balcony. She runs into the next room as i walk onto the balcony to see where the boys are.

I see Max and Michael sitting comfortably on two beach lounges in the sun, smiling and whistling as girls walk by. I roll my eyes and head for outside. I walk down the steps, with Maria following closely behind to see the lounges empty. I am just about to turn to ask Maria where they must of went, when i feel an arm wrap around my shoulder.

“ Well.. Well.. Well.. Fancy seeing my bed buddy here, come to enjoy the show?” Max smirks as i try to get out from under his grip.

“ No ass face, Maria and i are going for a swim, so if you wouldn’t mind, go away!” i reach behind him to grab Maria as we head for the water. I feel the cool water hit my toes as we walk in to the point where half our bodies are under water. We splash around in the water when i feel a chill run down my spine. I turn to the beach house where i see max leaning on the balcony, shirtless and smoking. I groan as i turn back to Maria’s conversation.


I walk into the room, finding it empty. I smile to myself as i pull my hair from its clip, letting it flow to my shoulders. I walk into the bathroom and touch up my make up when i see him leaning against the door frame, still shirtless and midly wet, i watch the small water droplet run down his torso, i wonder...

“ L what have i told you about staring its impolite” Max laughs to himself as he leans into the bathroom.

“ And what have i told you about calling me that.. we are 22 now, don’t you think its time you left me alone. What do you want anyway?” i adjust my dress and lean back towards the mirror.

“ Do you remember the last time we were here together. We were 16 if i remember, i still remember it. I like to replay it in my head sometimes” he laughs

I watch as he hovers over me, his veins in his arms move with every movement. His face buried in my neck as i try to bit back a moan. I can feel him inside me as he moves

“ I have been wanting to do this forever L” he says before a small grunt and leans down for a passionate kiss.

“ Me to”
I open my eyes as the sun’s rays bite against my sun. I see him sleeping soundly beside me as i reach for my dress. I cant believe what i have done. I slept with my enemy, i gave my virginity to a womanizer. I grab the piece of paper beside me and write him a small note.

This never happened. Im sorry

I nod quietly, trying to block the images from my head. I can feel his face hovering above mine.

“ Trust me it wont happen again asshole” i smirk before pulling away from his gaze and turn back towards the mirror, adjusting my hair. I can see him staring at me in the reflection of the mirror. I show know emotion, he would get satisfaction out of seeing emotion from me. I turn and leave the room wanting to be as far away from him as possible for a few hours.


“ Come on Liz and Maria, hurry up, you have been hours, the club will be shut the rate your going” Michael’s voice yells from the bottom of the staircase

“ I vote we leave them here” Max interrupts as Maria and I walk down the stair case.

“ If you had left us here you would be one ball short” I smile before grabbing my bag. He smiles and throws an arm around my shoulder, as i hear Michael’s voice behind me

“ Women” he laughs.

This should make to be an interesting night.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 33
Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:15 am

Re: Summer Dreams (M/L adult) 12/1/10 Chpt 4&5 UP

Post by Dreamer4life »



“Can i just get 2 vodka martinis” i yell over the music to the bartender. The lights flash brightly and the music gets louder. I hand the money over while attempting try and carry Maria and my drink over to the table without spilling them.

“Ahh... chicha there you are” Maria smiles reaching for her glass, from her spot on Michaels lap. I almost have the urge to gag with the amount of flirting they do.

“Yeah the line was long” i smile sadly before taking a sip and wincing at the strong taste, as it burns my throat.

I try to place myself as far away from Max as possible, but just when i seem to move further away, he seems to get closer into my space. He throws his arm around the back of my chair and he talk comfortably to Michael and Maria.

“Traitor” I mouth to Maria and she smiles at me widely

As the night moves on, Max talks to random girls who approach our table flirting to the point of outrageous sexual remarks, but the girls seem to love it giggling at every word that comes out of his mouth. I roll my eyes downing my fifth martini, as i feel the room spinning.

I guess that’s what 5 of these martinis will do i think to myself

I watch as a cute guy sitting at the bar walks confidently over to our table. He has blonde hair, shorter then i usually like in height but makes up for it with his athletic build.

“ Hi I’m Kyle, want to dance?” His pearly white teeth shine as he smiles at me and he hold out his hand. I nod and put my hand within his and fall in his embrace as we dance to the techno music playing, our bodies perfectly in sync and he turns me around and pulls me into a kiss. His tongue teases my lips before he slips it inside of my mouth. I notice his kiss is rough and he grabs the back of my neck, when i fell someone grab me on the shoulder.

“ Liz come on we are going” Max says with his tone laced with anger. He grabs onto my shoulder spinning me towards the exit.

“ No” i whine turned back towards Kyle who is following closely behind.

“ You have drank to much, its time to go home. We all know what happens the last time we were together and you got drunk” he trails off as the image flashes back into my head

Max nibbles up the side of my throat as i bite back a moan, he has obviously done this before. His hands slide up the bottom of my dress pulling it above my head clumsily. Obviously we have drank way to much but as this point i don’t care. His kisses are soft but he bites my bottom lip, pulling it into his mouth as i feel him enter me. I bite into his shoulder as the pain of my hymen breaking hits me and he looks at me with such concern and guilt

“keep going” i moan into his ear.

“ Look shut up about it i don’t want to remember that mistake” i shake my head trying to get the images out of my head. I turn around to face Kyle who is right behind us, smiling and shaking his head.

“ I live in the cream coloured house right on the beach. Come see me sometime” i smile, leaning forward to give him a quick kiss as Max pushes me towards the car.

“ This is the last time i look after your drunk ass” i hear max mumble to himself as he climbs into the driver’s seat. I turn to see Maria and Michael passed out quietly in the back seat. I curl up in the passenger seat and close my eyes, leaning my head against the window.


The suns rays slip under my eyelids as i turn my back to the sun. I groan softly before burying my nose further into my pillow, when i feel it move. I open my eyes glancing at the hard body that is currently under my head. My eyes move up his body from his V line to his toned six pack and the biceps that are currently wrapped around my body until i reach his sleeping face.

“How the fuck did i get here” i whisper to myself before looking under the covers to find myself still dressed in last night’s clothes and Max’s only boxer clad body. I shove his shoulder trying to wake him up when he rolls over pinning me beneath him. His large body almost cuts off my air supply and as if that wasn’t enough its boiling hot and I’m starting to sweat. I shove him again this time only recieveing a small groan

“ Liz go away” he groans before burying his face further into my neck.

“ Get up your uncomfortable” i say before hitting his shoulder. He still doesn’t move, so i lean foward with a smile on my face and bite as hard as i can into his shoulder.

“ Fucking hell L that hurt” he rolls of me as i smile to myself.

“ Well i was uncomfortable in future sleep on your side of the bed, better yet sleep on the floor” i say before
sitting up against the pillows reaching for my moisturiser off the night stand and start to rub it into my face.

“ If you wanted to play rough all you had to do was ask” he smirks at me before rubbing his shoulder, where there a large bite mark. He leans foward before capturing my lips with his, his kiss slow as he teases my bottom lip with his tongue. I push him away, throwing myself out of bed and head towards his side of the bed.

“ Never do that again. If you do i wont be so nice next time” i walk towards the shower and shut the door behind me and turn the cold water on as it rushes down my body. I hear the forset being turned on on the hand bansen, i shove my head out the shower door.

“ Max what are you doing get out” i scream trying to cover up myself as much as possible behind the door.

“ Stress less, i cant see you. I need to brush my teeth and have a shower” he says and shows me his toothpaste filled tooth brush

“ there are 3 other bathrooms do it there” i yell

“ But i like the view here” he smiles

“ How bout you get in its big enough for as both” he walks towards me thinking i have gave into his game and i slam the shower door shut in his face and laugh. I hear his groan and walk out of the room.

“Finally peace and quiet” i say to myself
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 33
Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:15 am

Re: Summer Dreams (M/L adult) 3/3/10 Chpt 6&7 UP

Post by Dreamer4life »

Thanks for the feedback guys
Sorry about the late update i have been super busy, Sorry again


I can feel his eyes on me as i move around the room picking up my towel after i have ran it through my hair. I walk over to the vanity and start to put on my usual make up continuing to ignore him.

I rub the warm lotion over my legs in a circular motion as i feel the constant heat of his stare on the back of my neck.

“ Look what is it that has you smiling and staring at me, its fucking annoying” i yell at him when smirks even wider if possible from his place in the middle of the bed which he is lying on reading a magazine, well pretending to . It is clear his not reading a word in it, but flicks through it anyway.

“ Im sorry. Have i got you flustered since this mornings kiss” he smiles and looks back at his magazine.

“ No i just prefer if you wouldn’t smile at me it make me nervous due to your never up to anything good when you smile. So go smile at someone else.” I ran the brush through my hair carefully.

“ I don’t want to smile at someone i like annoying your prudish ass, and what a nice ass it is” He says before leaning around the bed post to look at my ass. I turn quickly and walk towards the front of the bed.

“ Do not look at me, i didn’t give you the permission or any indication to do so. Im growing tired of these stupid games you attempt to play with me. Ive grown up its time you did aswell” i turn to walk back to the vanity when his hand comes and grabs my wrist turning me to face him. His eyes focus on me as he stands in front of me raising his hand and pushes a piece of hair behind my ear, i close my eyes as he leans down towards my ear.

“ You have no idea the satisfaction i get out of these games we play, L” he whispers, the heat of his breathe brushing my throat, before walking out the bedroom door behind him and leaves me flustered.

“ i swear Maria i just don’t know what to do anymore. I mean this is max, the stupid fuck i gave my virginity to. I don’t want him, its all a game to him. All i need to do is...” i rush out as i barge into her room to find her on top of Michael as they continue to kiss passionately as he rips her shirt off, not noticing my presence or just plain ignoring it. I cover my eyes backing out of the room and close the door.

“ Great everyone gets lucky in this place bar me” i mumble to myself, throwing my hands up in the air.


The suns glare heats my skin as i adjust the sunglasses on my face. I flip through the glossy magazine as i watch the cute lifeguard from the corner of my eye. His bright red shorts caught my eye a few hours ago but his familiar face and body kept my interest. I watch as he turns for the fourth time to look at me. I choose to wear my black small bikini today its cords digs into my skin as i try and adjust them. A large body moves into my sun, i run my eyes up the length of the body finishing on his face.

“ you mind pea brain, your in my sun” i smile sarcasticly

“ No actually i don’t mind, or care for the matter” Max says adjusting his board shorts that sit loosely on his hips. The thing you always had to admire about Max is he did have a great body but the thing was he knew it and used it to his advantage.

“ No you never have” i mumbled under my breath as i watch him raise his eyebrow and he follows my line of vision to the lifeguard.

“ Isnt that, that stupid tool that you tried to pick up from the bar” Max points to lifeguard i have been eyeing.
So thats who it is i think to myself

I raise from my lounge chair and head towards the lifeguard barging max’s large shoulder as i walk past him purposely.

“ Well hello i was wondering when you would come over and say hi, i was starting to think you had forgotten me” Kyle says smile his bright white teeth at me

“ How could i forget you” i smile back as he leans further towards me

“ I was wondering if you were single if we could get together, for dinner sometime” he says running his hand through his hand before resting it by his side.

“ Id love to Kyle, pick me up here around 6, ill see you then” i lean forward kissing him on the cheek and head back towards the house but not before stopping in front of max

“ I have a date so guess you wont be the only one getting lucky over this vacation” i smile and head towards the house.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 33
Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:15 am

Re: Summer Dreams (M/L adult) 08/3/10 Chpt 8 UP!!

Post by Dreamer4life »


I tap my nails on the table as i wait nervously for Kyle to pick me up, his running five minutes late. I check the clock again as the metal chair across from me scrapes the wooden floor , i look down to see Max’s smiling face sitting across from me, His arrogance is showing as he continues to smile and stare at me.

“ Is there a reason you are sitting there, or is it just for my amusement” i smile sarcastically

“ As much as i know you cant bear to be without my presence for short periods of time i decided to join your waiting game, Is Blondie not coming. Naww.. Poor lizzie” he chuckles to himself

“ Look just shut up his running a tiny bit lat, im sure he has a very good reason” I look back up at the clock as Max raises from his chair and walks to stand in front of me. He bend himself at the waist so he face is within millimetres of mine.

“ Look its apparent his not showing and i know you did this to just grab my attention, so why don’t we just cut out the middle man and just tell me that you are wanting me” he smiles as he runs his hand up and down my arm, i almost have the urge to shut my eyes when i hear a quick knock at the door, before i have a chance to tell max off or even get out of my seat, Max near flies to the door, opening it with force and quickly.

“ Can i help you?” Max says quickly his arm blocking Kyle from entering

“Yeah, sorry to disturb you I’m looking for Liz” I hear Kyle’s warm voice say as i finally reach the door
“ I’m so sorry Liz for running late i had a flat tire on the way here” he points to the small grease mark on the cuff of his light blue shirt and passes me the bouquet of white roses he was holding in his other hand. He eyes shine with apology and he gives me a small smile which is all the apology i need.

“ Its okay really, thank you there beautiful” I smile

“ You look beautiful Liz” He smiles as he glances over my thigh length black dress

“ You don’t look to bad yourself” i say as i shove the flowers into Max’s unexpected hands

“ Could you put these in some water Max, don’t wait up” I smile quickly at Max before grabbing my clutch and Kyles arm as he leads me to the car.
The ride is quiet as Kyle drives to a small Italian restaurant, he opens the car door before leading me to my chair.

“ So Liz, That guy at the house?” He shifts in his chair as he plays with his napkin

“ A friend of the family. Im here with my best friend and Max, the guy at the house he bought his along. I didn’t expect them here when i got here” i smile, slightly holding the truth back

“ Ok thats good, so your definitely single thats a relief, but i am amazed you are, your stunning” His white teeth shine back at me

“ Thank you” i blush as he leans over to place a small kiss on my lips

“ Hi im Tess, ill be your waitress this evening. Have you decided on your...... Kyle what are you doing here?” He blonde hair sways as she moves and her voice full of shock as i look between the two.

“ Tess, im here on a date, you told me to move on this is what im doing” he smiles as i watch the interaction

“ Come on Kyle i wasn’t serious. We break up all the time, i didn’t think you would take me seriously.” she passes me an quick glance over

“ Well i did, you should of said something baby” Kyle raise from his seat to hold the tops of her arms as the tears start to brim her eyes. I look on horrified as they whisper quietly to each other, ignoring my presence

“ Okay well im going to leave then” I say as i raise out of my seat. Both Kyle and Tess continue to talk and ignore me.

I hail a cab, its a quiet ride. I feel horrified and humiliated for being put through all this shit. I though Kyle was a decent person and i was start to really like him i think to myself as i quickly pay the driver.
I open the door quietly trying not to alert anyone im home already. I feel a small tear fall down my cheek and i quickly wipe it away when i hear a voice from the lounge room.

“How was it sweetie?” Maria says from her place on the lounge and in Michaels arms, both turning around to look at me. I see Max sitting in the chair, staring for my reaction.

“ Yeah umm.. great, turns out he was using me to make his girlfriend jealous. Im tired so im just going to go to bed” i say softly. Maria raises from the lounge and gives me a firm hug.

“ Im sorry sweetie, do you want to talk about it” she looks at me softly with eyes of pity

“ No im just going to go to bed, night everyone” I walk up the stairs to my room and slip out of my dress into an old shirt and slide into bed. I wipe away another tear when i hear the door shut and someone slip into bed beside me and familiar arms wrap around my waist and into his chest.

“ Dont worry he didn’t deserve you anyway L” He smooth voice whispers into my ear as i shut my eyes.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 33
Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:15 am

Re: Summer Dreams (M/L adult) 09/3/10 Chpt 9 Up

Post by Dreamer4life »




My eyes fly open to see Max’s sleeping face. He mumbles something in his sleep that i don’t understand .
What the heel was that. I mumble to myself. I look at the bright numbers flashing on the clock on the nightstand. It was six am and i needed to get up i couldn’t be here when he woke up but my body had other ideas as my heavy eyelids close again.

I roll onto my other side trying to block out the sun’s over powering gaze. Max’s hand shifts with my movement slipping into the thin material of my shirt over my heart but more importantingly it rested on the swell of my breast. I try not to make a sound as his hand continues to move, i turn my head slightly to double check he actually is asleep or just trying to take advantage, his eyes closed and his long eyelashes that i had always been jealous of rest on his face. I look at the clock again beside him for the second time this morning and its already eight o’clock

Definitely asleep, at least i got a few hours sleep i think to myself as i watch the slow rise and fall of his chest with every breath.

I slip out of his grip and walk slowly and quietly into the bathroom.

I look at my messed up hair and smudged makeup reflection in the mirror and splash my face with cold water. I turn the taps to the shower trying to find the right temperature and undress when im happy with the warm water. I lather myself in the vanilla fragrant soap as i hear the door to the bathroom open and close.

Shit i forgot to lock the door i think to myself as i open the glass shower door about thirty centre metres, just enough to stick my head around to meet Max’s stare. I run my eyes up his body from his masculine, muscled legs and chequered boxers to his toned, defined torso and biceps to rest on his overwhelming amber gaze.

“ Want company?” He smiles with an arrogant smirk

“ Wouldn’t mind it” i say sarcastically smiling, he walks slowly to the shower door to stand in front of my face, smiling like he just won a prize for me to only add.

“ Just not yours” i laugh as his smirk falls from his face and i shut the glass screen door and duck my head under the warm water feeling the warmth of the water run down my spine. I see the shower door ripped open to have Max’s naked body walk inside. I cant think what to say, as he smiles and the gap between as grows smaller as i keep backing up as he moves closer with a look in his eyes, like a predetor about to attack their prey . I Continue to move backwards into the wall until i run out of room and my naked back hits the wall.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 33
Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:15 am

Re: Summer Dreams (M/L adult) 10/3/10 Chpt 10 Up

Post by Dreamer4life »

Mary Mary



"Want company?” He smiles with an arrogant smirk
“ Wouldn’t mind it” i say sarcastically smiling, he walks slowly to the shower door to stand in front of my face, smiling like he just won a prize for me to only add.
“ Just not yours” i laugh as his smirk falls from his face and i shut the glass screen door only for it to be ripped open to have Max’s naked body walk inside. He smiles as the gap between as grows smaller as i back into the wall until i run out of room and my naked back hits the wall.

“Max want the fuck do you think your doing?” i say as i become aware our naked bodies are centre metres apart. He leans forward closing the gap between us his body pressed against mine as his hot mouth kisses mine. I moan in pleasure as his lips bite down my neck and they come back up to my mouth, our kisses are quick and hard as i wrap my arms around his neck and his hand grabs my right breast, he bites the skin on my collarbone.

“ Do you still love me L” he whisper breathlessly into my ear and desire leaves my body completely. I slap his cheek hard and i see the raw red mark on his left cheek, his mouth slightly agape and i feel my eyes well up with tears.

“You have no right to ask that, Not after back then, ill never forgive you, i could never love you i hate you, trust me this wont happen again” I grab my dress laying on the vanity and slam the shower and bathroom door behind me. I run into the guest bedroom sliding down the door and open the door to the small cupboard beside me, yanking out the bottle of vodka and take a long sip as the dark images from my past flash in front of my eyes.

I take another sip of my martini the alcohol starting to take its toll as i walk into Max’s bedroom expecting it to be empty as i try to escape the party going on downstairs. i was sixteen i was used to drinking at these event dad’s friends held, not that he cared if i did or didn’t.

“ Boring you too huh” Max slurs from his spot in his chair near his bed

“ Fuck yes never been so bored in my life” i slur back as i throw myself on his bed as my head continue to pound

Max and i had been close friends since 5 and i knew what kind of person he was, i admired him from afar. No, i loved him from afar. He was the most flawless people i had ever meet and he knew it, we stuck together since our parents were always together, especially since mum died.

“ Wanna have some fun L” Max stands from the chair and makes his way to the bed laying down beside me playing with a strand of my hair

“Ok” i mumble back, i didn’t care at all, i was to drunk to care, i just wanted to feel better.
His mouth closes in on mine, his kiss slow and soft as his hand slides up my shirt, his heavy weight on top of my small body. Im consumed by desire and he pulls my shirt and bra from my body as i pull his shirt from his.

“Ive wanted to do this for awhile. I love you L” he mumbles in my ear

“ Max i love you too” smiling as i break from his kiss

Waking up knowing he probably just telling me he loved me as a line. He was a womaniser

Writing the note and leaving it on the pillow beside his bed and staring down at his sleeping face.

Going back to his house later that day to ask him if i was wrong about him and see if he loved me as much as i loved him.

finding him having sex with a blonde girl from our class

Crying for weeks later and never wanting to leave my room

Dad forcing me to another event at the Evan’s event only to have Max laugh and look at me with all his friend.

Turning and leaving

Throwing up for days. Feeling scared and alone

Looking down at a pregnancy test scared while Maria held my hand as we watched the timer on the bathroom counter.

Smiling at Maria as i see the negative sign.

“ Negative?” she ask as i nod and smile, she leans over and hugs me while my eyes fill with tears, relief floods through me.

It was the last time i saw max for nearly two years since that event and night. I soon grew to hate him and we stopped being friends. I couldn’t be friends with someone who betrayed me like that. I realised my mistake and error in judgement. I would make that same mistake twice or ever be that girl again. I wipe the last tear from my eye before taking another large drink of vodka.

I can hear the pounding on the door, each knock growing louder and louder. I know if i don’t answer it he will just continue to knock. I swing the door open with force, for him to unexpectedly lean forward placing his hands on either side of my head.

“ What’s the matter L, what did i do wrong?” his eyes try to analyse mine as i try to struggle out of his strong hold.

“ Nothing. Why do you care now? You never have before so just don’t bother i don’t need you to care, so just leave me alone, if Maria asks im going for a swim” i pull out of his hold and push past him grabbing my towel as i walked out the door.

[/]Never again.[/i] i mumble to myself
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 33
Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:15 am

Re: Summer Dreams (M/L adult) 13/3/10 Chpt 11 Up

Post by Dreamer4life »



I watch as the sun seeps behind the ocean fading from my eyes. I feel the presence long before someone talks. Maria places herself beside me in her bright orange swimsuit and throws her arm around my shoulder.

“ Oh honey what a mess you have got yourself into huh?” she says quietly, r ubbing my arm for comfort.

“ Yes it seems that way. I really don’t understand why dad did this, did he send Max here to punish me. He knew we don’t get along anymore.”

“ Im not sure, but thats not the mess i was referring to, You know love is a funny thing..” she smiles looking out to the sunset

“ What are you talking about im not in love with Max. I got over that a long time ago and what you think you see, thats hate” i pull out of hold.

“ No thats a way of you avoiding your feelings. Your in love with him and you think he will never change therefore you put this wall up all those years ago and pretending to yourself you hated him instead of
admitting your in love. You have to talk to him. Tell him what you went through, even if nothing happens, its one less per den you have to carry”. She looks into my eyes. Its one thing about Maria i always admired she will tell you what she thinks even if you don’t want to hear it.

I don’t answer her, just stared at the setting sun. I turned and smiled at her questioning eyes.

“ I think its time we went out Mar” I smile

“ Yeah lets go a girls night is definitely called for” she jumps up clapping her hands in excitement pushing me towards the house until we reach my bathroom.

“ I’ll meet you in like an hour in front of your room” she smiles excitedly before what looked like an excited skip back to her and Michaels shared room.

I turn the shower on relishing in the warmth of the water before preparing for tonight, before i know an hour has passed, i just finish applying the finishing touches to my make up when Maria rushes into the bathroom and closes the door leaning against it with a quilty look on her face.

“ Please don’t be angry”

“ Whats wrong? Or better yet what have you done”

“ I told Michael when he got back we were going to the bar to have a girls night and he invited himself saying he needed some time at the bar and he invited Max to tag along before i could say anything. I didn’t want to say we didn’t want them there, i feel guilty” she guilty smiles holding her hands up in defence when i groan in frustration.

“ Dont worry im sure they will stay away” i smile patting her on the shoulder and grab my clutch off the table, heading out the door.

The bass of the music vibrates the ground beneath my feet as i receive my fourth shot from Maria, still trying to make up Max and Michael who have placed themselves to our sides. She continues to keep smiling guiltily at me as a gorgeous man walks toward our table heading straight toward me.

“ Hi im Tom want to dance” he smiles holding out his hand

“No she doesn’t shes taken” Max says before slipping his arm around my shoulders

“ Can you not do that... and for your information i can talk.. for myself” i slur as i pull away

“ Liz Michael and i are leaving want to come” Maria smiles interrupting max’s and my stare off

“ Nooope” i drunkly smile

“ You can leave dipstick i don’t need you” i look at max

“ No i have to stay and keep you company since i know you love that and i think you have had too much of this..” he says as he pulls my glass out of my hands

“ DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO, YOU DONT HAVE THAT RIGHT ANYMORE” i slur over the music as i pull myself out of my seat and head for the exit. I stand in the carpark slightly swaying as i look for the nearest cab.

“ Oh no you don’t get out of this that easily, im sick of this shit, tell me what the fuck is going on with you” Max yells as he turns me to face him and places his hands on my upper shoulders

“ Its not my fault your an asshole” i scream back

“ Look we were having fun the other morning”

“ It always about fun with you isn’t it, not everything has to be fun. Sometimes you have to be serious, but no your no capable of that not even back that night at your house”

“ Look L im sorry ok what i did to you back then. I was a kid i don’t know what you expected”

“ I expected you to love me like you said you did, i expected you to look after me when i thought i might be pregnant, i expected you to be a little more mature, obviously i expected too much”

“ You were pregnant?” his eyes questioning

“ No i thought i was thats not the point”

“ Wait.. So you wanted me to be all those this but you never told me that fact now did you, maybe i expected that off you”

“ Look im tired im going Max”

“ stop running away from me all the time Liz” i stumble as i walk and he wraps his arm around my shoulders,

“ i don’t need your help anymore” i try to pull away.

“ Well too fucking bad” he picks me up and places me in the front seat of his car. I lean my head on the window and close my eyes.

I turn over as the sun seeps through the blinds. My head pounds and i try to bury it in the pillow, i sit up and turn to see max sleeping peacefully mumbling incoherently. I walk into the bathroom and I pull my dress from last night over my head and try to find my other dress to wear, when i open my eyes Max is sitting comfortably in the middle of the bed, not even aware i was in the room, his on the phone, his brows set in concentration. I back into the bathroom again closing the door slightly and lean near the gap so i can hear.

“ Yes Mr parker, im making progress”

“ You don’t need to worry sir, Liz is a smart woman, she will agree in time”

“ Thank you bye”

I swing the door open

“ What will i agree to” i stand confidently wanting answers from Max’s shocked face.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 33
Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:15 am

Re: Summer Dreams (M/L adult) 15/3/10 Chpt 12 Up

Post by Dreamer4life »




“I won’t ask again, what will i agree to?” I repeat staring at him my arms crossed in anger

“Don’t worry about it, i wasn’t referring to you” he lies before standing to walk out the door, i manage to beat him to the bedroom door and place myself in front of his only exit.

“Do not lie to me max, spit it out. What the fuck is going on” i raise my voice hoping to get answers

“You’re paranoid” he snorts

“Well i wonder why. Any other time we always argue, we hate each other, but now you want to play nice, secondly dad mysteriously knowing full well this trip was for Maria and invites you and thirdly you want to know if i still love you, you have to be kidding me. I’m observant not paranoid, now tell me what is going on” I cross my arms over my chest, I’m literally shaking from anger he has stirred in me.

“Your dads business has had some problems”

“What kind of problems? His had many before, his fixed them”

“ Your father’s business, your father actually is going bankrupt. Your family soon will have not a penny to their

“ ... Okay and what does he want you to do”

“ Marry you”

“ Excuse me? Im not sure i heard you. Theres no way in hell he’d do that im not fucking property”

“ Your father and mine agreed to merge businesses and for that they think there two children should marry. They knew about our previous ... relations so they agreed to marry us”

“ But they cant do that. I wont accept.. they cant force me to do that.... i wont” i stubble out as i place myself on the edge of my bed

“ Liz, we need to do this. I understand we don’t always get along but your dad.. your family will be bankrupt”

“ But why would you agree to something like this max”

“ Im 26 years old, i party all the time, i have given a bad name for my family. I need to grow up and i love arguing with you maybe us arguing is a way of avoiding feelings i don’t know. We could get engaged, maybe have a long engagement see what happens. But dad wont cave on this he wants me to grow up, he thinks your the perfect solution, and he wont merge his business unless this happens” he places himself beside me on the bed.

“ Maybe we should talk first, sort everything out.” I rush out , trying to keep my feelings in check as he nods in agreement.

“ Ok what do you want to discuss Liz”

“ When we hmm... slept together. Did you mean it?” i say and see his brows descend in confusion

“ mean what exactly?”

“ You told me you loved me i want to know if you meant it”

“ I did and even though what you heard about me i didn’t sleep around i had slept with one person, our relationship ended badly, she spread rumours. I meant it Liz and you left me, i woke up alone” he stares at me with disappointment in his eyes.

“ Well you weren’t alone for too long” i snap back

“ What? What are you talking about?” general confusion striking his face

“ I came back later that day. There was a girl in your bed and you were having sex with her” i move further away from him trying to conceal my pain from my voice

“ No i had to see my sister that afternoon i swear liz i woke up that morning alone, i left the house an hour later to meet Isabelle for lunch. you could ask her if you want” I could see in his face showing he was telling the truth.

“ oh” i mumble looking down at my hands

“ And the pregnancy?” he pulls my chin towards his face

“ I thought a few weeks later i was pregnant, i was throwing up so i took a test it was negative.”

“ You still could of told me L” i can see the anger resurfacing towards me

“ Well i thought you were a womanizer, i thought you wouldn’t care. Now don’t get me wrong i still cant stand you” i snap back

“Our dads have this set in stone; they are just waiting for you to agree. I want this, I will be a good husband Liz, you can trust me now. I give you my word. What do you want to do?” ” he says. In all the years that i have known Max he was and is a man of his word.

His hands rest on the sides of my face, as he pulls me in for a small kiss