Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 9 ~Complete~ 4/2/15

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 4 2/10/14

Post by begonia9508 »

Loved the two parts!

Wow!!! I liked how Michael was so "down-to-earth- and soooo romantic! :lol: :lol: :lol: But in some way, he is right; because killing himself that much isn't making sense and he should lie to her, if he doesn't want to tell the truth! She hits her head, and he can tell her she has seen things and it was only the impact on her head! :lol: If she will believe him is another story...

Thanks Carrie! EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
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Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 4 2/10/14

Post by L-J-L 76 »

keepsmiling7 wrote:Had to laugh at Mikey's brotherly advice.......
Max declared a strickly professional relationship......wonder how long he can hold to that??
Great part Carrie,
I agree with Carolyn. I hope Max and Liz will have a chance to talk. Will Max and Liz talk? Will Liz find out the truth about Max? What will Liz do when she finds out the truth? Will Liz run or stay? Will Max and Liz become close friends or more? Will Liz try ad help Max if she can? How will Liz's show go? Will Max be at the show? Will Liz have to go look for Max? If Liz has to look for Max what will Max be doing? Will Max and Liz get together? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max and Liz become more then friends? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Sorry for all the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 4 2/10/14

Post by saori_1902 »

Nice part :D
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Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 5 2/11/14

Post by jake17 »

thank you so much for your fb

Chapter five

~ hold back the night and all of its wildness and treachery. I beg of you hold back the moon and the creatures that dance and kill in its light, for she loves me, dare I say she loves me

Walking with his head down feet kicking up the dusty dirt before him Max looked over his work list for the day.

Having been up most of the night tossing and turning unable to think of anything but her he was more than ready by dawn to start his day.

It was well after lunch so he was almost done, only a few things remained for him to work on, Katrina, the human mermaid was having problems with her giant water tank filter, Ivan the fire eater’s floor board was uneven causing him to trip during his act, and lastly the boss wanted to speak to him at six o’clock.

With plenty of time on his hands he decided to stop by Mikey’s tent to see how his nerves were considering was he debuting tonight as Paradise’s very first sword swallowing phenomenon.

With his hands as always shoved in his front pockets Max smiled courteously as he passed by the game and food booths nodding as everyone was getting ready for the big weekend crowd.

There was always a buzz in the air on opening night in a new town, a kind of frenzied energy that sparked through the workers, even the seasoned performers felt it.

Everyone was always pumped up, charged invigorated for some reason, everyone that was except for Max.

It was all the same for him; maybe it was the anticipation of what was to come that had him on edge, always having to worry, unable to control what would happen, praying that maybe this time no one would get hurt.

It was three nights away but he could already feel it inside him, rushing through him like a shot of adrenaline, it was as if every inch of him was lined with electricity, crackling, pulsating.

Stopping suddenly as he passed by the haunted house he saw her out of the corner of his eye.

She was staring directly at him, completely unabashedly, boldly glaring at him with her hands on her hips as the wind whipped her wild dark hair all around her beautiful face.

It was as if she enjoyed how nervous she made him, like it was a game to her, only she had no idea how deadly this game could be.

Quickly averting his eyes he stared down at his boots feeling his chest tighten and his breath leave his lungs as if being squeezed by a strong fist.

Deciding to take a short cut off the main walkway through the tents to get to Mikey Max took a hard right ducking under the many thick ropes and stakes almost running now trying hard to fight the urge that was welling up inside him.

She was all around him in his mind, he could feel her touch like fire on his skin, taste her on the tip of his tongue, it was pure torture of the sweetest kind with no hope of escape.

Out of breath he turned the corner only to come face to face with her looking as if she had somehow knew every move he was going to make and was two steps ahead of him at every turn.

“Hello Max.”

Startled by her he stumbled backwards grabbing onto one of the ropes as he attempted to catch his breath.

Shyly gazing up towards her he felt his hands begin to shake, it was getting worse, harder to control.

“Hi Liz, h-how are you?”

Lifting her chin she raised her arms up in the air clinking tiny castanets in her fingers dramatically together before speaking in Missy’s thick Russian accent.

Her throaty sexy purr sent him reeling as she moved around him grazing his chest with the frilly edge of her dress.

“My name is Selene.”

Rising up on her toes she tilted her head as the tips of her raven curls bounced upon his chest skimming like silk along his neck as she lifted her chin to smile upon him.

“What’s wrong? You look upset, don’t you like it? Missy helped me pick it out, it’s from Greek mythology, she’s – “

Lifting his hand to cup her cheek lost in the irony of it all he whispered low and deep causing her satirical smirk to fall away into a look far more sultry and sweet.

“The Goddess of the moon.” his tone dropped further as he ran his thumb over her ruby lips breathlessly as if he were under a spell. “She rode across the sky on horses of milky white and those that dared gaze upon her fell to their knees in love’s pure delight.”

Covering his hand with hers she kissed the tips of his fingers softly edging her way closer to his mouth searching for more, so much more.

“Max! I need to speak to you now!”

Shaken from the moment as the boss shrieked his name banging his cane against one of the stakes in the ground Max turned quickly away from her.

“In my office, what I have to say can’t wait until tonight.”

Waving his staff in the air he nodded before turning away satisfied that Max understood his orders.

Feeling her warm hands resting on his back she brought her lips to his ear causing his eyes to slide shut silently wishing he would just disappear.

“What you said, about Selene, it was beautiful.”

This time there was no trickery or manipulation in her voice, her feelings were real and vulnerable soft to the touch, it was pure agony to his ears.

He felt her, the soul of who she was, the tender part of herself she shared with no one, the trust she never divulged. It made him want her more, like the moon to the tides he was pulled helplessly to her, the cruelty of it all was too much for him to take.

He had no choice; he had to keep her safe.

“We can’t, I’m sorry, remember we had a deal. It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have – “

Backing away she shook her head, “Professional relationship only, you’re right we just got … caught up in the moment. Just promise me you’ll still come tonight. I need a friend there, please Max.”

Nodding slowly he whispered a quiet ‘yes’ before taking off running.

The aggression was already starting to build inside him as he reached the boss’s trailer.

His chest was heaving, his fists were clenched, his jaw tight, it was clear the change was well on its way.

Scowling behind a huge desk the boss raised his cane pointing the sharp silver tipped end towards Max.

“So, have you reconsidered my very … gracious offer Max? If my calculations are correct it's only three days away, if we have a deal then preparations need to be made.”

Lowering his head Max began to shuffle his feet feeling trapped in an impossible situation.

“Not yet, I-I’m sorry … I know how important this is to you, what this would mean for the business, but I can’t … I’m just not ready.”

Scrunching up his face in obvious bitter disappointment Mr. Cleaves clicked his tongue against his front teeth.

“You said the same in the last town, and the town before that… are you reneging on our agreement … is there something I should know?”

Shaking his head vehemently Max stared down at his boots trying to quiet the rage rushing in his veins.

“No, it’s not that. I just need a little more time.”

Tapping his cane on his desk Mr. Cleaves sighed heavily.

“Fair enough, you may go.”

Turning to leave Max felt his nails dig into the palms of his hands.

“Max, don’t test my patience, you will find that I have none… do we understand each other boy?”

Max gave one short nod before taking off towards Mikey’s tent as he tucked in his shirt that was shredded in pieces.

Looking up towards the darkening sky he whispered softly, urgently.

“Please not tonight.”

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 5 2/11/14

Post by Natalie36 »

max needs to leave and hopefully take liz with him
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Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 5 2/11/14

Post by begonia9508 »

I have difficulty at guessing what their problem is!? First, he is not alien and it's ok, more they are fairground people, so far I know... the other thing I know and am sure of, is that Liz is chasing him...

For once, it's enough for me! :roll: :lol: Waiting for some enlightenment!

EVE :mrgreen:
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Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 5 2/11/14

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Natalie36 wrote:max needs to leave and hopefully take liz with him

I agree with Natalie. I hope Max will be able to control what is happening with him. I'm glad it seems Max and Liz are starting to be friends. I think that is great that Max told Liz he would be there for her. I can understand Liz being scared about preforming infront of people. I can't believe Max's boss. What is his problem? What is the deal he made with Max? What will happen when Michael sees Max? Will Michael be able to help Max try and stay calm? Will Max go to Liz's show? What will happen at Liz's show? Will Max be there if there is a problem? Will Max and Liz hang out and talk? Will Max and Liz spend some time alone? Will Liz find out what Max is hidding? Will Liz run hen she finds out or will she stay? Will Max and Liz be there for each other? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max and Liz become more then friends? Will Max and Liz leave? Where will Max and Liz go if they leave? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Sorry for all the question I was just wondering. Please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

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Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 5 2/11/14

Post by LovelyPOM83 »

I love this story, you really know how to captivate your audience. I wonder what Max's secret is, exactly. Come back soon. :D ---Pom
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Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 5 2/11/14

Post by saori_1902 »

Nice part. Can't wait to know Max's secret and what that would imply for Max and Liz.

Come back soon. :mrgreen:
Last edited by saori_1902 on Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 5 2/11/14

Post by HypnotiqBlueEyes »


I finally got caught up on this story, and I absolutely LOVE it so far! I'm starting to think that Max is a wereworlf and is waiting on the full moon to bring on his change. That seems like the most logical conclusion, but then again, I could be wrong. What I am trying to figure out now is what is going on with Liz. I think there is a reason that she is having such a reaction to him and him to her. I can't wait to see what happens after Max sees her dance! Hurry back with more soon, I need it!! :mrgreen:

P.S. What exactly is the deal between Max & his boss?

Liz to Future Max: Don't you realize what you are to me... what you're always gonna be? You're the love of my life. Everyone else is gonna be second best. There will never be another you!!! (The End of the World)
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