Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 71 - Completed - 7/15/2018

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Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 71 - Completed - 7/15/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

Title: Reunion
Author: Parker1947
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. They were created once upon a time by Jason Katims and those associated with the writing staff of Roswell and before them it was the esteem creator of the Roswell High series by Melinda Metz that captured all our attentions for more than eighteen years and counting…. I am just borrowing them for my own fun and imagination.
Genre: CC (Angsty)
Characters: ALL
Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K...
Rating: Mature
Synopsis: It should be time for West Roswell High’s 20th Reunion. Class of 2002 came and went. Life went on with love and tragedy. Little do they know the reminder of such an important event in their teenage lives has the capacity to change so much in ways they don’t know at the time. Will they even make it to the reunion or will have life as they know it change forever?
Any changes: Pretty much everything exists that occurred on the show except for the last few episodes of Roswell, including the finale episode of “Graduation". While some aspects of the finale do play into the story but the big showdown with the Special Unit is different although not really shown, just referenced and therefore the gang didn’t flee, and they stayed or not stayed depending on the direction of my story. Tess is still dead, and her baby did happen but not in the manner we knew it to be and is not a presence in the story. Alex is still gone, but his presence is very much felt in this story and is at times critical to the outcome. The true events of “Graduation” are referenced in the story but not canon for this story.
It’s posted here, because while one relationship differs from canon, they were hinted, and plot changes from the show go with the storyline but everyone still are the same people they were during the show, and it fits here more than in the Alternate Universe (Alien) because while they are still aliens, it’s not that sci-fi based and more CC.
Author’s Warning: It’s very angsty, and the road is very rough especially for Max and Liz as you can see from the opening of the story… It all makes sense in the end…I hope. Adult themes such as sexual assault is discussed within the story, while not shown and just discussed in the aftermath, and attempted and actual violence comes up later in the story… It’s not too graphic. Dialogue from the show appears sprinkled through the story. Some is verbatim, others are reworded, and any similarities were not intended. Credit is given when it is needed.

Author's Note:
This is my first attempt, so we'll see how it goes... Hope you all like this. It's also a very long story even if the first chapter doesn't seem like it.


Chapter 1


He opened the mailbox outside his home. Taking out a few envelopes and a magazine; he walked into the house. Flinging the mail on a desk near the door, he went down the hallway to the kitchen.

His birthday had come and went the day before. It was only a reminder that he was approaching 40 and his life was a workaholic’s dream. Sighing as he opened the fridge door he got out the leftovers from his birthday dinner and closed door to the fridge only to find a note.


I have gone to Sue’s home to study before I head on to work. I am working the late shift so I won’t be home until late. You will find the leftovers from the party are in the fridge. Don’t eat too much of the cake!

I love you,

Smiling he took the food to the microwave. He had known his daughter had to work but he’d been hoping to catch her before the shift. But like his nature leaned towards being a workaholic, his daughter was a straight A and an academic-a-holic. Dreams of Yale or Harvard awaited his daughter in only two short years.

16 years he thought. His little girl was turning 16 in one week.

Memories of his little Gracie as a baby only brought memories of her mother. A woman he had loved with all his heart and someone he had lost too soon.

It was never easy to face those memories but it was a yearly an event and especially this year with his daughter facing such a milestone birthday. Waiting for the food to warm up, he went and collected the mail.

Walking back to the table. He sorted through the envelopes and magazines. With a daughter in the house, not all the mail came to him. Smiling at a postcard he couldn’t help but notice. Grace’s grandparents on her mother’s side were on a cruise to the Caribbean and would be back the day before the big party had sent the card for their only granddaughter. Deciding to set aside the postcard for Grace, he checked the rest of the mail.

Hesitating when he got to a larger envelope yet deciding to open the piece of mail with his heart dropping at rush of memories that came to him with the simple words.
Are you ready to celebrate 20 years?
If you are, why don’t you come and join your former classmates and celebrate your 20th Class Reunion. The Class of 2002 wants to see you!

Memories of the days in high school with his friends and of whom he had met there flooded his mind. He had found his wife and his soul mate.

His Liz.

“Max,” came a voice from the doorway to the house. Turning, he smiled when in came a bubbling blonde.

“Hey,” he smiled.

“So, you got the invitation?” the blonde asked.

“Yes,” he said. “So, did you and Michael get one too?”

“What do you think?” she said.

“Are you going Maria?”
Last edited by Parker1947 on Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:10 pm, edited 83 times in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 1

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Interesting start. Where is Liz? Are Max and Liz still together? Are Maria and Michael still together? Sorry for questions. I was just wondering.

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 1

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Great first attempt.......I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the next part.
Reunions are always such a good theme for stories, so you have picked a good one..
Max approaching 40.....hard to get my hands around that.......and it appears that Liz is dead......??
His daughter Grace seems to be following in Liz's footsteps with the brain power.
Thanks for the new story,
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 1

Post by begonia9508 »

Really great start!

Waiting for more! EVE :wink:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Reunion - Chapter 2 - 11/03/2017

Post by Parker1947 »

Maria Deluca Guerin looked at her friend with a sigh. She had come over as soon as she got home from her book signing in Hondo. Seeing the invitation for their reunion, she knew it would provoke memories in Max and knew she had to come over since all her children were busy for the night and Michael was up north working on a case; she had time to kill.

“Are you kidding? Miss a chance to show our classmates that I wasn’t white trash and I made something of myself and that I am not stuck in a small town being a waitress. That I am successful, of course I am going” she smiled.

It was true that in Maria’s mind, she had struggled for years to come as far as she has.

Graduation had marked a turning point for Maria. Planning to spend a semester working at the Crashdown before starting at the university in Las Cruces, her mother shocked her by eloping with the Sheriff which allowed Maria some assistance from her brand-new step father to do something with her life. So, she immediately set off with her boyfriend to New York.

But Michael had taken badly to New York living and to watching his girlfriend struggle to launch a music career. So before long he was back in Roswell and Michael and Maria were over for good they thought.

Mourning the loss of such a major relationship that had any meaning to her; she sunk in a depression. One last chance before money issues would force her back home; she suddenly got an audition on a show in New York. She struck pay dirt by getting the job. An acting job but it gave her some much-needed money. And it allowed her a stepping stone.

The job lasted just one-month short of a year. Yet Maria wasn’t shocked when the show was cancelled and she was out of a job. With money in the bank dwindling by the day, she focused on getting some more work whether in music or acting. Crumbs came here and there, but nothing substantial came her way once her show was officially off the air. And then her world changed forever when a one-night stand ended up costing Maria more than just the knowledge that she had trusted the wrong man when she became pregnant. Single and alone in New York with very little job prospects for at least nine months; she ended up back home in New Mexico with her mother, stepfather and stepbrother Kyle.

A baby boy was born. After thinking of adoption; she ended up keeping him and naming him Jacob or Jake for short.

Faced with her son’s arrival; she was forced to decide.

New York or even Los Angeles were beckoning her and the baby. But during her pregnancy; she had reconnected with her ex.

Maria hadn’t been convinced the rekindled feelings would last more than the length of her pregnancy, but once her son came along. Michael seemed to form an instant connection with the baby and before he and Maria knew it; they were both making a commitment to a life together, with an engagement and then marriage following in short order. All the while settling into a small home in their hometown in which they raised their little boy.

“I knew you would,” Max said. “And you were never white trash Maria. You were just a little eccentric for Roswell’s taste.”

“Nice one Evans, nice.” she smiled. “So, are you okay?”

“Of course, I am” Max smiled.

“Where is my goddaughter?” Maria asked as she looked around and saw no budding teenager.

“Where she is most days when she’s not in school, working!” Max said. “Although I think she was planning on studying with Sue before her shift and while she didn’t exactly say it, I assume Jake is somehow involved. How is Jake doing?”

“My son is making me feel old,” Maria smiled. “He’s eighteen now Max. Where did the years go?”

“It is unbelievable isn’t it,” Max smiled. “I think of Grace as she is about to turn 16. I can’t imagine what it might feel like to know Jake is facing graduation and college. Does he know where he’s going yet?”

“He applied to NYU, Stanford, Boston University and Las Cruces” Maria frowned “He’s waiting to find out. I am going to miss my baby Max. He’s so close to leaving.”

“He’ll always be your baby Maria,” Max smiled. “But you have do have others at home you know. Four, in fact.”

“I know. But he’ll always be my first, my baby.” Maria sighed. “You’re going to have to face this very soon Evans as that girl of yours is going to have the world after her. “

“I know,” Max sighed at the memories that the mere suggestion of his daughter conquering the world and the heartbreak that was mixed in with the idea brought to his mind. “She reminds me of her mother every single day.”

“She definitely is a picture of Liz,” Maria smiled at the memories that flooded her own mind of her friend.


New Haven, Connecticut
New Haven Medical Centre

Passing a medical chart to the nurse on duty in a middle of a Code Blue relating to another patient she wasn’t responsible for; the doctor in a long white coat walked down the hallway. Making side stops to check in on patients on her way to her office. Reassuring herself that all her charges were doing as well as can be expected given their individual conditions.

Finally, in her office twenty minutes later; she collapsed in her chair. Checking her computer to see what her appointments were for the following day; she assured herself that she could go home.

Closing her computer and then locking her desk and file cabinets; she picked up her purse and left the office. She was officially off duty.

Smiling at a nurse she passed by as she walked to the elevator. She pushed the button for the elevator to come to her. Getting in, she went down the parking garage where she walked towards her car.

The radio was on as she drove north outside the city to the small town where he home was located. The commute could be tiring but she liked the tiny town feel and knew she was safe. Safety was very important to her.

The song finished and a talk program came back on, talking about Reunions. The question of the hour was whether anyone had ever gone to their high school reunion and whether there was still a need to hold them in the age of Facebook?

She thought about it. And wondered if she had?

She doubted it. But then how did she know? She had no memory of the life she once led. For fourteen years, she had been suffering with amnesia. No memory of her childhood and only a few tiny flashbacks but nothing major.

It festered in her mind as she continued to drive as she turned off the highway and turned into her town.

Taking the main street; she turned made a turn at the candy store and went down her street before stopping to open the gate to her home. She always did it manually so not to let anyone get access to her home without her knowledge. Getting back into her car, she went through the gate and parked her car before closing the gate.

She opened her door and called out, “I am home.”

“Mom,” came a voice of her daughter Alexandra as she came down the stairs from her bedroom upstairs. “You’re home early for a change.”

“There were no patients who desperately needed my attention. I thought I would spend the evening with you and Carrie. Where is she?”

“Carrie had a dance class after school. She should be home in a half an hour or so,” the young brunette said. She was a picture copy of her mother, “You really are free tonight, no patients?” she asked.

“Yes,” her mother said. “I have the night off. Someone is covering for me with any emergencies” she said as she smiled at her 13-year-old daughter and thought about how Alexandra and her twin sister Carrie had been her saving grace after waking up from that coma only to find out she was without her memory. Being told you were a Jane Doe to authorities and that you had been comatose for two months and now were pregnant on top of it. That had been big news for her. And she worried for the safety of her babies; but they had come out of it with no ill effects despite being born a few months premature and yet the twins surprised all experts and blossomed into two very happy and healthy teenagers.

“How was school sweetheart?” Alexandra’s mother asked the teenager as they walked into the kitchen and her mother could see that there was a pot on the stove and cooking away to almost completion, “I see you started dinner?”

“It’s nothing,” the teen said shyly. “I didn’t know whether you would be able to be home for dinner and Caroline is usually hungry once she’s done with her dance class.”

“I appreciate you doing this for us sweetheart as I know I depend on you and your sister for a lot around here when I am working,” Alexandra’s mother said with a hug to her daughter.

“It’s really nothing special,” the teenager said. “It was pretty easy in fact,” she smiled as they heard the back door open and they glanced towards it.

“Beth” came the voice from the doorway. Alexandra and her mother focused on the newcomer as they found Serena Rogers coming into the kitchen with her daughter Carrie close behind her. “I didn’t know you would be home when I offered Carrie a drive home after class.”

“I am not that bad, am I?” Beth asked as she looked at her other daughter who came over to give her a hug and yet Beth knew that she had put Alexandra and Caroline through a lot with her career. Starting when she came out of the coma and she found out that she had a brain for science and once she was on the road to recovery she decided to follow that path to completion as she could after much studying certify herself as a doctor. And as it turned out, she was an excellent one which often made her wonder whether she had been a doctor in her prior life? And how much of her knowledge had already existed? “How was dance class?” she asked Carrie.

Alexandra and Caroline may be identical twins but their personalities were different as night and day as Alexandra was into school and anything to do with academics and Caroline was more in sports and particularly now, dance. Most semesters she did as well in school as her sister but Carrie was more creative and imaginative than her twin. If she wasn’t dancing, she was writing. Both girls were crafty and unique and they had given their mother so much happiness from the moment they were born. “Fun,” Carrie smiled. “We have a dance recital in two weeks Mom. Can you come?”

“It’s already on my calendar,” Beth smiled. “I wouldn’t miss it. I am sure Serena’s boys will be there so you will have a big cheering section.”

“They won’t want to miss it,” Serena chuckled. “And plus, I usually make them attend, when they rather play basketball or baseball” she said to laughter from the girls.

The same age as Beth, Serena had been an intern on Beth’s case the day she woke up in the hospital and they had gravitated to each and became close friends and grew in their medical careers and unlike her friend who was still based out of a hospital Serena was now operating her own practice in the town where they all lived as she had wanted to get out of the big hospital setting and once she was married and given birth to a second son, she took the opportunity even though it had meant leaving her best friend and a more stable work environment. A friendship had blossomed when they had gravitated towards each other as Beth recovered in the hospital from the coma as she had been on complete bed rest until the twins were born; Beth had nowhere to go so she stayed at the hospital where she got a leg up in her medical studies as she witnessed the medical field first hand and found a lasting friendship with Serena.

“Do you want to stay for dinner?” Beth asked as she helped set the table while Alexandra finished with dinner.

“No. Keith and the boys are waiting for me at home. So, I might as well as go and join them. Jonathan has his basketball game this weekend if you have free time to come and enjoy a bunch of rambunctious kids.”

“I am sure the girls will be there as a cheering section for Jonathan,” Beth smiled as she witnessed her twins nodding their heads with great relish as they got dinner on the table. “I’ll have to check my calendar as I think I might have to work on Saturday this week as I could be filling in for another doctor down in the Emergency department. If I am then we’ll see how it goes.”

Serena nodded as she hugged the girls and smiled at Beth and soon let herself out of the house which left Beth to head back to the kitchen and the dinner table and the wonderful dinner that Alexandra had prepared for her mother and sister.

Exiting the gate, Serena left the home that had the name Evans engraved on the mailbox.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 2 Updated 11/03/2017

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Now I am really curious.......
Jane Doe??
I did like Maria's successful attitude.........of course she'll be the first one at the reunion.
Jake and Grace, seems like that is meant to be.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 2 Updated 11/03/2017

Post by begonia9508 »

The more I read, the more confuse I am! :shock: :?

I wonder what's happened and if she is the one that Max is missing so much... Or just destiny which will reunite them... or circumstances...!

Thanks and waiting impatiently for more! EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
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- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Reunion - Chapter 3 - 11/05/2017

Post by Parker1947 »

The Crashdown

The restaurant was busy. All the booths were filled. The kitchen was at full capacity as it turned out meals. Amy Deluca Valenti was on manager detail as she filled in for the Parker’s who were on a long time coming second honeymoon to the Caribbean. They would be back within days. But while they were gone, it was left for Amy to take care of the restaurant until its owners came home.

Although if she were honest with herself she would say that she had been very lucky as she’d plenty of help with the restaurant over the past few weeks. As the wait stuff were top notch. Everyone knew this was treasured establishment so they tended to rise to meet the challenges; including Jeff and Nancy Parker’s only granddaughter Grace who was busy running around the restaurant serving incoming patrons. Working at the restaurant since she was thirteen, Grace had risen to head waitress even though she was only days away from turning 16.

She was working the restaurant like a pro when the door to the restaurant opened and in walked Jacob Luca Guerin. Adopted by Michael at birth; he was raised as a true Guerin. Although his mother had honored her own family name and her mother at the same time in giving her first-born the middle name Luca. Amy loved all her grandchildren equally but Jake held a special place in her heart because he was the first. Even if at the time, she had felt a tad young to be a grandmother.

She was shocked when her daughter had come home broke and pregnant at age 19. Yet she and her husband Jim had been there for Maria during the pregnancy and Amy was touched when Maria became close again to her ex-boyfriend. Michael had stepped up to the plate. It had hurt her deeply when he had come back from New York having broken it off with her daughter. She knew he had always loved Maria and Maria had remained the only one for him. So, to see him be there during Maria’s challenging time had been amazing and more so when Michael made it clear he intended to be the father to the baby regardless of paternity if Maria was intent on raising her baby.

Even though Jake was later joined by more brothers and even sisters, the idea she had a grandson who was almost ready for his own high school graduation made it more surreal for Amy as she saw her grandson walk into the restaurant. But it was obvious to the family that the boy had a good head on his shoulders, most of the time!

“Hey,” she smiled as Jake noticed his grandmother as he walked over the counter. “I thought you were watching the game with your brothers?” Amy asked of her grandson. It was her understanding that Jake was watching the game with his brothers Colin and Liam who were 12 and 10.

“Colin had the flu and Liam is at a sleepover tonight,” Jake said. “Mom is still at Uncle Max’s so Dad went on babysitter duty for Colin and Belle once he got back from his case. Elizabeth is studying at a friend’s home and staying for dinner.”

“So, you though you would get out of the house?” Amy asked as she handed Jake a milkshake and gave him a plate with burger and fries.

“Something like that,” Jake said with a smile as he took the food from his grandmother “The rug rats can be annoying especially if one is running a fever.” he said. “Thanks for the food Grandma!”

“You are welcome,” Amy said. “And before you ask, Grace is on break in ten minutes.”

“Thanks again Grandma,” Jake said as he walked to an empty booth with his food he had scored from his grandmother. His father was a supremely wonderful cook but sometimes a guy needed a burger and fries.

Especially in an establishment where his best friend happened to work and practically run the joint when his grandmother or her grandparents weren’t around. A guy also needed some fresh air from his army of brothers and sisters.

“Hey Evans, ready for a break?” he called out to the passing waitress as he ate a fry.

“You’re just going to have to wait Guerin,” Grace snarled jokily as she walked past with an order for a table. “I’ll be with you in five minutes.”

“If I must,” Jake smiled. Grace and he had clicked from the start. Sure, he was older by just over two years. His 18th birthday had been the month before and she was about to have her 16th birthday. She was older for her age. He knew her life changed when she lost her mother when she was only two years old and then was faced with a single father raising her and yet at the same time she had gotten a large and extended clan of family and friends who had stepped in to help Max raise his daughter.

And added into it was what made their clan a more secret society, the inescapable knowledge that aliens existed among them. Being he was a product of a night gone wrong but adopted into the crazy clan; he had no powers. But his brothers and sisters were of the special kind and all had a kind of spark that made them all special. He was glad to be normal. But sometimes he wondered what it would be like. But then he saw it first hand in Grace who was solo in her family. It was just her and her father. While all her cousins had others to defend them and to surround them, Grace just had her father. It made him grow close to her. They had become best friends during childhood. And even though he was now a senior and she a sophomore and age separated them; they were closer than many people expected them to be once high school hit.

“I am trying to work Jake,” Grace said as she took a seat across him with her own plate of fries and a burger.

“I am just here for some friendly support. Do you think you can get away this weekend?” Jake asked as Grace picked up her own fry.

“Why?” Grace asked a bit suspiciously as she looked at Jake. She could feel he was up to something and when Jake was up to something, it could mean almost anything. “I usually work on Saturday and I have a paper to finish for Monday” she said as she took a drink from the milkshake she had made for herself.

“I am heading to Yale, and wanted a friend to come with me.” Jake said like it was nothing unique. “You know a tour and all that jazz.”

“But you didn’t apply to Yale, did you?” Grace asked as a sudden feeling of doom filled her. She wasn’t looking forward to having her best friend leave her when he headed to university in the fall. She still had a year left if she went for early graduation and knew while she still dreamt of Harvard and Yale; the idea of getting to go to one of those great schools was still out of reach.

“I guess there is some kind of special scholarship for medical studies inclined students who want to go to Yale” Jake said. “And since I am always looking for any ticket to help out my parents with college costs I thought why not go down for a few days and check out the campus.” he said. “And since I know Yale is one of the schools you’re looking at. Why don’t you come with me?”

“My father would freak,” Grace said with a frown. “You know how protective he is of me.”

“He doesn’t have to know,” Jake reasoned. He loved his Uncle Max but knew this weekend would be the best for him and Grace. “Don’t worry, we will be camping. There is a camp site near the university. Tell him you’re spending the weekend at Sue’s. I am telling mine that I am going to a party and spending the weekend at Duncan’s.”

“They won’t be suspicious since Duncan is a known partier?” Grace asked.

“No,” Jake smiled. “I’ve used it before. And plus, I am 18 now. I can get away with it.”

“You may be 18 but I am not. Heck I am not even 16 yet. Dad would freak if something happened and you know something will…”

Jake couldn’t help but smile as Grace was such a worrier and that is what he loved about her. She was a straight A student who did nothing wrong and did everything right. Hence all her abilities and deep down he knew he was looking for trouble. Taking a fifteen-year-old across the country was not one of his wisest moves. But he knew she wanted to check out Yale. And this scholarship was the perfect way to put some rebellious spark in his best friend. She had to live a little.

“Let me think about it okay,” Grace hesitated as she looked over at Amy taking an order from a new table. She always wished she was more of a free spirit like her friend Sue or Jake’s sister Elizabeth. They were constantly testing the limits. Elizabeth who was Michael and Maria’s eldest daughter had gotten a lot of her mother’s spirit in her and was constantly trying to prove it. Yet she was a little guarded like her father. She was three months younger than Grace and they had been best friends from their time as babies. Their closeness also egged on by the fact their mothers and fathers were best friends as well.

For Grace, losing her mother at two years old had defined her and her father. She grew up believing she needed to be perfect. A daughter who caused no trouble nor caused waves that would push the buttons of her father. So, she began working for her grandparents and saving money for college. Dreaming about Yale or even Harvard and dreaming of a career in medicine. She knew she was like her mother. Elizabeth Parker Evans or just known by Liz to her family and friends. Liz Evans had been a medical student in the cardiology and the research departments at the local Roswell Hospital when a car crash robbed her from the lives of her husband and young daughter.

Memories of her mother always was a defining part of Grace, and the promise to be true to herself for the sake of her father had Grace seriously conflicted because she knew she and Jake had certainty skirted the lines in the past but always resisted the biggest temptations for fear of the fallout yet now Jake was trying to get her to test the biggest limit. And she was tempted to say yes.


“Thank you, Maria,” Max was saying as he walked Maria to the door. They had continued to talk about their upcoming reunion. Max was trying to decide whether he even wanted to celebrate the event in June. Especially since June would also be the 20th Anniversary of something even bigger than their graduation. His marriage to his wife.

His Liz.

They had married once day after graduating from high school. It had been such a special event. A smallish wedding with the reception held at the Crashdown. They had been so happy. With their engagement and a wedding coming up Liz had elected to stay in New Mexico for university despite having the ability to go elsewhere but she and Max wanted and needed to stay and so they both started classes at the university at Las Cruces that September. Grace arrived just after Liz had graduated six months early and she started medical school when their daughter was only weeks old. She was on the up and up in the medical school community when two months after Grace’s second birthday; Liz was lost in a car crash so bad that her body could only be identified by dental records despite the abilities of her gifted husband.

He had been lost without his soul mate and left with a two-year-old little girl, he wasn’t sure if he could make it. But his family and most importantly his friends stepped in and helped. He then finished law school and joined his father’s law firm but specializing in criminal law. He worked his butt off to build his career but also to raise his little girl. Now his little girl was about to turn 16 and the invitation to their high school reunion only reminded him of the woman he lost.

So, talking about it to Maria helped along with finalizing the preparations for the big bash to celebrate his daughter’s birthday. It would be a big party the following Saturday; two days after her actual birthday. All her friends would be there to help her celebrate. But Max knew the one-person Grace wanted at her birthday party wouldn’t be there.

Her mother.


“Maxwell is really feeling down in the dumps huh?” Michael asked her wife a brief time later when she walked through the doors of their home which had grown of the years. That small house they started in had been replaced with a bigger and more spacious home once more and more kids arrived in their lives. “He was in terrific spirits at his birthday party last night.”

“The high school reunion invitation has made him wake up to even more memories of Liz. As if he ever can forget her, but the announcement of the reunion also awoke him to the reminder that they would have been married 20 years this June.” she said as she lifted a piece of cold homemade pizza from the pan and sat down across from her husband and took a bite.

“That’s rough,” Michael said as he also took a piece of pizza and looked at his wife as he was hit by the reminder, and could only imagine what his best friend was feeling. “It’s coming up to 18 for us huh?”

“It’s hard to believe, isn’t it?” Maria smiled at the rush of warm memories of their special day. “Where are the kids?”

“Elizabeth is eating dinner at Elaine’s house tonight. Colin has a slight temperature so he’s laying down for a spell. Liam would be at a sleep over and finally Belle is watching a Disney film in her room before bedtime.”


“He skipped out of here as soon as I got home from my case,” Michael said. “I am sure he’s at the Crashdown mooching dinner off his grandmother and spending time with Grace.”

“Those two are playing with fire,” Maria sighed. “It is trouble if you ask me.”

“They are two very smart kids and I am sure they are just friends. I doubt we have anything to worry about,” Michael assured his wife as they finished up eating and he put the remaining pizza away in the fridge. He knew Jake worried Maria. Knowing that their son was eighteen and about to go head off to university.

“Like my mother didn’t have anything to worry about regarding us?” Maria asked with a warning look at her husband. “Back in the day.” she paused. “At least we were the same age.”

“Sure, but I was a tad older than you,” Michael said with a smile that got a laugh from his wife, but he knew he had to do some assuring of his wife “I really don’t think we have anything to worry about in regard to Jake and Grace. Our son knows she’s still pretty young and the last thing either needs is to try anything that they aren’t ready for.”

Maria could only sigh as she knew any arguments were going to be pointless and instead she went upstairs. She worried about Jake and Grace. Jake was in every way like his father even though they didn’t share blood. And she knew at 16 she was unable to resist Michael. She hoped Grace was smarter than her mother and Maria had been at the age of fifteen going on sixteen as she checked on the kids that were still at home.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 3 - Updated 11/05/2017

Post by keepsmiling7 »

This is just getting better and better.
The first grandchild is always special.......I agree 100%.
Now you are dropping crumbs for us readers.......
Grace was 2 when she lost her mother.....
And in the car crash the body was only identified with dental records......
Jake is tempting Grace with a Yale school visit, will she go??
I'm very curious as to how this all is taking place,
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 3 - Updated 11/05/2017

Post by santigold53 »

I love this story. As a die-hard fan of Maria and Michael, I'm sad that Maria had jake through a one night stand, but so elated that Michael is there for her, as I know he always would be. I love reading about them in your story. Despite their ups and downs and mistakes, they have unconditional love. I look forward to reading your story. So intriguing.....The Liz part has made me very sad though. Can't wait for more :)
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