Choices and Conseqences teen M/L CC Chapter 9 11/15/17

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Re: Choices and Conseqences teen M/L CC Chapter 8 11/9/17

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I'm really enjoying this story. Looking forward to the next part.
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Re: Choices and Conseqences teen M/L CC Chapter 8 11/9/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

How could you leave us there???
Interesting events........Zan didn't call Liz Princess this time......
The connection opened Liz's eyes to a lot of things about Zan, and the others. Now her life is changed forever as she understands so much more now.
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Re: Choices and Conseqences teen M/L CC Chapter 9 11/15/17

Post by JanieD »

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Zan looked over at Liz. He could see by the heartache in her eyes how difficult this was for her. “Max was not in love with Tess or Ava. The truth is he hardly even knew her. Max’s marriage to Ava was an arranged marriage. His mother set the entire thing in motion,” he assured her.

Liz’s eyes filled with tears. “You aren’t just saying this to make me feel better, are you?”

“I would never insult your intelligence and do such a thing,” he told her bluntly. “That’s not who I am; you should know that by now.”

Liz laughed a little, “Yeah, I guess you are the kind of guy who just tells it like it is,” she said as she wiped at her eyes. “So if Max did not love Tess or Ava; why does she keep telling him that he did?”
Zan shrugged his shoulders, “I have no idea,” he told her. “Unless like Max she really doesn’t have any memories of her life with him and is just parroting what her protector told her.”

“What really did happen on Antar?” Liz asked him.

Zan took another drag off of his cigar. “I was a part of Max’s elite military guard and a part of his inner circle. I answered to him and Michael only," he explained. "To really understand how things started you have to go a little further back in our history. The people of Antar were a very proud race. They had developed their abilities in both mind and body to the point that they had become prideful, arrogant, and hardened. Instead of taking what was good about themselves and making it better they began to see themselves as superior to every other race in the universe. In their arrogance, they decided that it was their right to conquer and control all other planets in our solar system. For over 50 years the people of Antar would attack and enslave other planets. These years became known as the Times of Conquest.
Antar became very powerful, we had the means, and the power there was nothing to stop us, and we became ruthless in our pursuits of more conquests. Each new planet we came upon, we would attack, enslave, and then control for our own purposes. Finally, it all became very clear to Max's grandfather that somewhere along the way we had lost that best part of ourselves. The old prophet warned him that if things did not change our planet and people would end in destruction. The King realized that Antarins had lost that part of ourselves that felt true emotion. We had lost that ability to care, create, and have compassion for others. I suppose you could say that part of us that you call ‘being human.’”

“So you were more like emotionless superhumans,” Liz surmised.

“Pretty much,” he said as he put out his cigar. "The King saw that if we continued on our present course one day there would be no other planets left to conquer and we would eventually turn on each other. He believed that we were becoming so destructive, so merciless, that one day we would destroy ourselves.”

“What did he do?” Liz asked him.

“He did what any good king would do; he appealed to his five most trusted advisers on what they thought was best. There was much debate, but in the end, even those who had at first approved of expanding of the kingdom were now finding the terrible acts of mercenary too much to justify. It was determined that no one race, no one King should rule over all the planets in our solar system, so the King along with his advisers split apart the one Kingdom and created five in its place. The first was Antar, which remained under Max's grandfather’s control. The second kingdom was Asgarda, which was ruled by Max's uncle, Manoah. The third kingdom was Reynes, which was ruled by a trusted adviser named Gamual. The fourth kingdom was Naysa, which was ruled by Khavar's grandfather Belinick, and the last kingdom was Thule, which was ruled by Michael’s grandfather, Chebar. It was decided that the five kings would preside over the council and rule over the kingdoms together in peace and there would be no further expansion of any of the kingdoms. It was decided this was the best course for our planet, but the people were still so hardened. There was too little compassion, too little love; we still lacked that one thing that would ensure our people continued on in peace. Again the council came together, and it was determined more had to be done. The council decided that the people of Antar needed to mix with another race, another people that were not so unlike itself but yet still retained some of what we had lost," Zan told her.

"So what did they do?" she asked him eager to hear more.

"Well, it was discovered that the inhabitants of a race of people living on another planet, in another solar system were compatible with us and they were brought to Antar. The council thought that if these people intermarried with our own people, we might be able to rediscover what we had once lost. They searched the galaxy for many years until they found a planet with a race of people that were very much like Antarins just far less developed. These inhabitants were..."

"Humans!" she jumped forward excitedly interrupting him.

Zan laughed, "Are you telling this story, or am I?"

Liz smiled, "Sorry, please do go on," she said as she sat back down next to him.

Zan threw another log on the fire, "Well it just so happens you are correct, those inhabitants were in fact human. The King decided to marry off his oldest son to a human captive in hopes that their marriage would be the example for all of Antar to intermarry and we would over time reacquire that part of ourselves we had lost."

"That part of us that makes you human, that allows you to feel and have compassion," Liz guessed.

"Yes," Zan told her.

"So when did this happen, when was Max's mother taken from the earth and how many others were taken?"

"In your history, it would have been just around the end of the 1800's," he told her, then finished telling his story. "Max’s mother was a rare beauty; she was everything any Antarin could want for a wife. She had flaming red hair and beautiful green eyes."

"What was her name?" Liz asked him.

"Her name in my language was Sharayah. She was taken along with thousands of others from all over the earth and brought to Antar. She was married to Max's father, and I do believe over time they fell in love," he told her.

Liz shook her head, "Wow that's a really sad story," she told him.

Zan wasn't fully sure he understood, "What do you mean?" he asked her, "Sharayah was brought to a beautiful place and made into a princess."
“Yeah, but it was against her will. Did Max’s grandfather ask her if she wanted that?" she told him, "I mean, think about it your people came to earth and just randomly plucked people out of their homes and their lives and took them to a place far away that was completely foreign to them. You didn't give them any kind of choice at all. You say it was for the good of your people on Antar and maybe it was but really if you think about it was still another very selfish act on the council’s part. Did anyone ever stop to think or ask how those humans felt about what was happening to them?
Zan shook his head, "I did say that I was pretty sure Sharayah and the prince eventually fell in love," he reminded her.

"Ok, but what about the thousands of others who were taken?" Liz asked him.

He took in a deep breath, "Fine if I will concede what they did was a selfish thing to do will you let me finish this story?"

Liz nodded her head, "Yes, go ahead. I will not say anything more."

Zan thought for a minute then continued, "There were many other such forced marriages that happened at that time, and the plan seemed to be working or at least the King thought so. Later after Max's father took the throne, he realized that Belinham; Khivar's father had been secretly building an army with the plans of returning to the old ways of conquering and enslaving other planets. Apparently, he had his eyes set on invading Earth. Earth had many natural resources, one of them is an endless supply of slave labor. The others knew if Belinham's plans succeeded and Earth was taken over then all hope for future generations of Antar to live peacefully would be lost. It was clear that our people needed to have that element from within the human race to keep us from becoming barbaric and insane with our quest for power. The king commissioned the greatest scientific minds to begin working on the Granolith at that time. It was a machine unlike any other, it harnessed great power and could be used as a force field to protect the people of Earth from the kind of onslaught and invasion that Belingham and later Khivar had planned."

Liz shook her head, "So you mean all this time, we have had this thing, this machine on our planet that acts like a giant force field to keep it protected from mass invasions?"

"Yeah. I can't tell you fully how it works only that it is able to keep the Earth in a protective field so that even if Khivar wanted to come here, he couldn't. His ships, his armies would be detected and destroyed before he was able to enter the atmosphere," he told her.

"So no one can come from Antar to Earth?" she asked unsure of what he meant.

"Not exactly." he told her, "Earth can still be visited in small numbers, in non-combative airships and of course we can take over humans at any time they are needed in order to finish business here."

Liz narrowed her eyes, "What do you mean when you say humans can be taken over?" she asked him.

"It’s a complicated process, and it doesn't happen that often but there have been times when human subjects have been put into a kind of sleep like state for a time so that those on Antar can use their bodies to communicate with those in power here in this world," he explained.

"You make it sound like there are people on Earth who know about Antar and the others," Liz told him.

"They do,” he assured her. “Liz, I told you Max has way more enemies out there then just Khivar. There are those here on Earth that would love to get a hold of the Granolith and Max so that they can use it for their own power and purposes," he told her as he stifled a yawn. "Earth's governing parties have just as much interest in the Granolith as Khivar. Don't ever doubt that," he warned her. “Anyway, Belinham was taken the prisoner and his son Khivar who was just a child at the time came to the throne. Fighting broke out among the five kingdoms, and these battles went on for a long time. In that time Sharayah gave birth to two children, Valandra their daughter, and Zander, their son."

"Max and Isabel," Liz mumbled softly.

"Yeah, Max and Isabel," he repeated what she said, then continued, "Valandra was her father's favorite, and he spoiled her terribly. She sadly had inherited many of the old attitudes and coldness of the Antarin people, and Max took after his mother. He was strong, intelligent, and determined but not ruthless like so many of our past princes had been. As the two of them grew up, it became more and more clear that the King’s overindulging in Valandra had become a poison within her and she wanted power. She demanded while her father lay dying that he make her the heir to the throne instead of Max. He refused her and with his dying breath he named Max the king. Valandra was enraged; she ran away to Khivar, told him all about the Granolith and that began the Great Wars that continue on to this day."

"But what about Tess?" Liz asked him trying to understand her role in all of this. "How does she fit into all of this?"

"When the Queen was pregnant with Max, the prophet that led our people came to her. He told her that it was foretold from long ago that she would carry a son and that he would one day follow in his father's footsteps to be King. Our planet had been at war for a long time, and many had died. The war lasted through Max's father's entire reign, and the prophet told the Queen that her son would one day marry a beautiful girl from far away. He told her that her son would travel across time and space in a great journey to find her. It was foretold that on this journey he would find and fall in love with his bride. He would be committed to her alone and that nothing would be able to come between them. The prophet told her that this young girl would bring strength to her son. That together they would join our worlds, our peoples, and bring peace to our planet bringing an end to the long savage wars that had plagued us. He told her it would be a rebirth for the people of Antar. The queen was so convinced of the truth of this prophecy that she decided it was time to make things happen. She chose Tess to be Max's bride. The queen convinced Max to travel to Agrippina, one of the lesser known planets in our solar system to find his bride and bring her back to Antar. She believed if the people thought the prophecy was coming true it would strengthen their hopes for peace and that it would help to secure's Max's reign over the people as their rightful King. The marriage was announced, and for a time a peace treaty was put in place. Princess Valandra was welcomed back home to Antar and forgiven. In the days leading up to the wedding, Tess and Max were not allowed to spend very much time together. The prophecy said that Max would know her as his love from the moment he saw her, that his heart would beat for her alone but the truth was he didn't feel anything for her," Zan said.

"Then why did he marry her?" Liz asked him.

"Because Max knew his duty was to restore peace to the kingdom and that meant he would play the part and pretend to be a man in love no matter what. He was prepared to make the sacrifice for his people and marry a complete stranger, but he didn't have the chance to do so. Max, Michael, and the others were all killed right after the wedding ceremony took place in a surprise attack. Valandra had secretly still been working with Khivar, and she lowered the force field and allowed their enemies in. Max and Michael were killed within hours of the wedding. The Queen's army and Max's elite guards were able to fight back but not until many had died including Tess and Valandra. Khivar had lost the battle that day, but it was just the beginning of our endless war. When news reached the Queen that both her children were lost, she was heartbroken. The knowledge that her own daughter could have become such a monster that she would take part in the plan to kill her own brother was more then she could bear. She was convinced that the only chance they had was for her to link the Granilith to Max, and the four of them to Earth. Their life force was preserved and placed inside the DNA of human clones so that they might be kept hidden and safe from their enemies. Her most trusted advisers were against her sending Valandra and Tess, but the Queen believed that her daughter could be good if given another chance. She believed if Valandra were raised with humans, by humans she might yet be the kind, loving child she had always hoped her to be."

Liz smiled as she thought about Isabel, "Well she was right about that at least. Isabel is a bit of a snob but deep down she is good, and she is fiercely devoted to both Max and Michael. The three of them are so close and have always depended on each other."

"Probably because they were raised by humans and not the protectors that were sent along with us," Zan told her.

Liz took in a deep breath, "What about Tess, why send her when Max didn't even really know her?"

"The Queen was still convinced that the people needed to believe in the prophecy and to protect her home planet she devised a plan. She had the prophet stand before all the people and proclaim that a new prophecy had been given. He said that the King would one day return with his bride and together they would rule Antar. He said the King and his Queen were being sent to Earth and that one day they would return stronger than before and bring peace to the planet. The Queen wanted Max to have a throne to come home to, once they reached adulthood. To make that happen she needed Max's followers, the resistance to continue fighting so that Khivar could not assume the throne and take over. To get the people to remain loyal to her and the son she hoped would one day return she had the prophet proclaim all of these things and lifted the royal four to legendary status among the people. She had fake memories created and given to their protectors so that as Max and Tess grew up, they would be bound to each other. She made sure that the four were sent together, she even integrated their powers so that they would be more effective when used together. It’s funny the lengths that she went too, in order to ensure that Max and Tess would be together and yet, destiny played out its own hand, didn't it?" Zan smiled at Liz.

"I don't understand what you mean by saying destiny played out its own hand?" Liz asked puzzled by his last remark.

"Don’t you see, it was you all along that fate chose for Max," Zan told her. "Max said the reason he saved you and brought you back to life was because ‘it was you.’"

Liz shook her head, "I still don't understand." she told him.

Zan sighed. "Think about it. You're the girl in the prophecy, not Tess. You're the one he traveled across time and space for. Hell, you’re the one that he risked everything to bring back to life! He was destined to be with you. You are his destiny, you always have been. Max loves you. The love that you and he share was foretold of over a hundred years ago in another solar system, and now here we are watching it come into reality. You will one day be the bride of Max Evans, and there will be peace on my planet. I believe that," Zan told her.
Liz laughed nervously, "No pressure though, right."

Zan got up and threw one last piece of wood on the fire before walking back over to her. "Face it, Liz; you are the true princess of that prophecy. You are the girl that Max fell in love with the day he saw you all those years ago when you were just little kids," he told her as he laid down next to her. "Now that you know everything lets try to get some rest. We will be heading out at first light. That doesn't give us much time to sleep so take advantage while we can," he told her as he wrapped his arms around her.
Time is a valuable thing, once spent it is gone forever.
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Re: Choices and Conseqences teen M/L CC Chapter 9 11/15/17

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I'm loving the rewrite of this story. So happy that Zan's marriage to Ava was an arranged loveless marriage.
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Re: Choices and Conseqences teen M/L CC Chapter 9 11/15/17

Post by Parker1947 »

Interesting developments. Zan has some interesting stuff to say, and curious if Liz is ready to hear them. A fun story. Well done!
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Re: Choices and Conseqences teen M/L CC Chapter 9 11/15/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Hoping Liz and Zan will make back to Max and the others before Nicholas and the skins find them. Wow that was some story that Zan told Liz. Hoping Liz will believe what Zan is tell her about being the prophecy.

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Re: Choices and Conseqences teen M/L CC Chapter 9 11/15/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

It's good to know what really happened on Antar.
They needed an infusion of humans to turn around their prideful ways.........thus Diane entered the picture before they completely turned on each other.
Interesting that Vilandra was given a second chance and opportunity to be raised by humans.
Zan confesses that all along Liz was the prophecy and the reason Max risked all to save her.
Now that Liz knows all of this.......what happens next?
Thanks, Carolyn
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Re: Choices and Conseqences teen M/L CC Chapter 9 11/15/17

Post by Natalie36 »

this part rocked
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Re: Choices and Conseqences teen M/L CC Chapter 9 11/15/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends.

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Re: Choices and Conseqences teen M/L CC Chapter 9 11/15/17

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I would love to see the next part soon.
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