Lost & Found (CC, Mature) - Chapter 48 - Completed: 03/28/2019

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Lost & Found (CC, Mature) - Chapter 48 - Completed: 03/28/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

Author: Parker1947
Title: Lost & Found
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell, or any of the characters created for the series that debuted in 1999, and ended in 2002, or for the preceding book series. They belong to Melinda Metz, Jason Katims, WB and later UPN etc. This story is of my own creation, and new characters have been created at the discretion of the story.
Category: CC
Rating: MATURE for unsettling situations, and some sexy times later in the story.
Characters: ALL
Couples: Maria/Michael, Isabel and Kyle
Synopsis: Post Busted: Max went to California in the search of answers and to find his son, and during his mission Liz resentment grew to the point where she became fed up and told him they were through… Max did not come back as he stayed to continue his mission, or so they thought when he disappeared and wasn’t heard from for ten years. Liz found herself deeply hurt by his disappearance, and it led her to into making choices she would regret until years later when she would be forever changed by a heart wrenching act of a madman. Only for it to set off a string of events that would bring Max back into her life. Can the truth save the day?
Changes for the story: Everything that happened in the wake of Max going to California in Season 3 is not relevant to the story, and it didn’t happen. If it did happen, pure coincidence and is part of their journey for today and this story. Familiar faces may stop in during the story… significantly changed from when we may have seen them…for good and for bad. Also, for the nature of the story, as you can guess. Max and Liz did become intimate during their Bonnie and Clyde mission that led to Utah, which only makes it more complicated and I have evolved the backstory of the “Dupes” and especially Ava to mesh with this story. So those are the only true alteration to our timeline besides Max’s mission and it’s results in California.
Author’s Note: I wrote this story once upon a time under a different name (Seal) and for another show entirely, and different characters (Days of Our Lives, Shawn and Belle), and under another title for the story (Little Girl Lost). I decided to recreate this story in the vein of Max and Liz and as a result I have revised most of the story… With new characters name, different motivations and some very different details for the story because we are talking about aliens and humans of course. The story has evolved to a new creation and therefore it is very different from the original story that I wrote maybe close to 20 years ago; including the writing style of the story and dialogue, with some staying the same but mostly evolving because the original story was so terrible and the evolution of time, well, I am a different person now, and write differently. So, if anyone has any knowledge of the original story. Just know it’s my attempt to bring the story into a different life. I hope it works out.

So, enjoy the journey which is of course angsty… yet full of hope for Max and Liz.


Chapter 1

11:12 p.m
Channel 5
Roswell, New Mexico

Posted Countdown: 5,4,3,2, ON!

Voice: Welcome back to Roswell at 11 with Maria Guerin and Jonathan Miller. I am Maria Guerin!

Que Background Shot Title: Little Girl Lost!

Maria: Yesterday marked the one-year anniversary of the disappearance of little 10-year-old Isabella Valenti. As our town remembers the horrible abduction we sadly must admit that the police have had no leads into the little girl’s disappearance from her bed in the early hours of May 14, 2011. As they battle the cold case, the past year has been one full of a tremendous fear for the little girl's mother, as she doesn't know what the future holds for her or her daughter. Here is her story!

Que Tape

A picture of a devastated women and a split screen picture of a little girl with brown hair!

"When you grow up, you hope to be able to give your children the life that you had or at least make it better. Then you have a child--a little girl or a little boy and he or she makes your life perfect as you watch them grow. So, you dream of the future that the child would lead. But you never dreamt that the life could be so drastically cut short for no real reason. After all, it's every mother's nightmare when something happens to their child, and while most never have to cope with this nightmare. There are mothers and fathers out there that deal with that kind of nightmare every single day of the year.

Elizabeth Parker is one of those mothers. A twice divorced single mother who was watching her daughter grow up and dreaming of the future that her daughter Isabella was going to lead. Would her talent in dance and sports lead to a future in one of the fields or would she go down a totally different road? But those hopes were dashed when in the early morning hours of May 14, 2011 when Bella as she likes to be called and who was then only age 9 was taken from her bed and disappeared into the night. The police and all the experts assigned to the case would come up empty in the days to come, and months to come as no one could explain how the little girl disappeared or where she might have been taken. It’s left her mother Elizabeth with a lot of unanswered questions as she looks for any clue as to the whereabout of her little girl.

Maria Guerin: What has the past year been like without your daughter, Bella?

Elizabeth: It's been a living nightmare. Every emotion that is possible has gone through my both my body and my life. It is the fear that I live with of something I never thought I would go through and I can never escape it.

Maria: Do you have family and friends that have been able to help you through this nightmare?

Elizabeth: Yes. The outpouring of sympathy that I have received over the past year has been tremendous and my family and friends have been there for me, but the fact that we have no clues as to Bella’s whereabouts’ is what is frustrating and something no one including my family can help with. I don't know whether she is alive or dead, because no one seems to know anything.

Maria: You were home when it happened! How is that someone could come in and take Isabella without you being aware?

Elizabeth: I have no idea. Her room is down the hall from mine. I had put her to bed around 10 p.m., the night before as we had been at a family function and she went right to bed when we got home. I awoke the next morning around 6 a.m. to get her ready for school and myself ready for work and I found her missing. The doors were locked, and no windows were disturbed except for a picture frame in her bedroom.

Maria: The police suspected someone you knew may have had access to the house?

Elizabeth: Well only my family has a key to my house, and that is only for emergencies. Back in the beginning, the police checked them all out and cleared them?

Maria: I understand you are divorced. Could her father have come in one night after getting pissed off and taken his daughter?

Elizabeth: Her biological father left us before Bella was even born as an unfortunate first marriage ended before she was months old, and my second husband who never officially adopted Bella but allowed his name to be given to her when we married was out of town on a coaching trip with the high school team he coaches during its season. Sadly, we were newly divorced upon her disappearance, but he loves Bella, and would never have done anything to harm our girl. My ex and his father have been amazing for myself and Isabella, even before we got married, and after we split he was the perfect father and Bella loved him so much, and he loved her too, and made her a big part of his life even after we split up, and during this past year as we searched all over for our little girl.

Maria: What have you been doing in the last year to find your daughter?

Elizabeth: I have been searching the country for any sighting of any little girl who might fit my Bella’s description. I have mastered the art of missing children posters, and all those techniques that one employs when a love one is missing. But nothing. I only wish someone who has seen one of my messages and seen a little girl fitting my daughter description could call me or any of my family members, and that she could come home.

Maria: Do you think your daughter is still alive?

Elizabeth (tears coming down her face): Yes. Every maternal instinct that I have says my daughter is still alive because otherwise wouldn't I know it deep down that she was gone. She is alive, and I just wish she could be found and brought home.

Maria: What was Bella’s favorite things to do?

Elizabeth (smiles through her tears): She loved to dance; ballet and jazz were her favorite classes and she also loved to ride horses and play soccer and soft ball. She was on the star of her summer team. She would also go on the weekends with her grandfathers or honorary uncle and have a blast as she was so funny and had plenty of friends. She even loved school as she excelled in everything she did. She had so many friends. She really was the perfect child and I desperately want her home, so she gets into all our faces for the rest of her life.

Maria: Do you think that one day Isabella will come home to her family and friends?

Elizabeth: Yes. Deep down I believe she is alive and sometime soon she will be able to come home but I hope it’s not too late when she is found?

Maria: If the kidnappers are watching tonight, what would you like to tell them?

Elizabeth: I would hope that they know that Isabella is a very special child who needs to be with her mother, her family and friends and it serves no purpose for them to deprive her of that. They will be looked on kindly if they bring back Bella! Please let me see my daughter again, I love her, and she loves life. Don't deprive her of that!

Maria: Thank You Ms. Parker and we here at the station hope that someone will bring your daughter home to you safe and sound and very soon! This is Maria Guerin with Channel 5 news.

Back in the news studio, the tape came to an end, and the cameras were back on Maria and Jonathan, as they sat at the desk, and the camera’s focused on Maria.

“It’s been a very unfortunate story all around and a story that has yet to have any conclusion, happy or sad, but maybe someday soon there will some happiness the Elizabeth and her family but in the meantime Elizabeth will do whatever it takes to find her daughter. Now back to Jonathan for a wrap up on the days sport scores. Jonathan?" Maria Guerin asked as the camera’s turned to her co-host.

The cameras turned to Jonathan who began his duties as they finished off the show, and minutes later the newscast did come to an end and Maria and Jonathan were thanked by a producer as he came to the desk after the sign off. "Nice show guys?"

Maria smiled. "Thanks Dave!"

"Yeah, it went quickly," Maria's partner on the desk, Jonathan sighed as he went through the notes he had in front of him. “There was a lot of breaking news tonight.”

"You know Maria, that was a very good story on the missing girl. Heart-warming and yet so bittersweet to know that mother misses her daughter so much as little Bella is still missing. It's hard to believe that there have been no leads into the little girl's disappearance," the producer replied.

Maria again smiled, but with a sadness to it as she sighed deeply. "Unfortunately, I know that family is still so devastated because there has been no closure one way or another. They know it’s been a year, and the chances of a positive outcome are slim, but they need to know, so they can move on. And they haven’t been and therefore they have been in a state of suspended fear."

"Having seen the piece, you could do a follow up on the police investigation into the case?" the producer suggested. “To see if anything was missed in the aftermath.”

"I get that it's juicy, but I don't think it would be very appropriate right now with the anniversary so fresh in all of our minds" Maria sighed as she looked at her watch and saw the time, knowing she had to get home because of her own family.

"You're right," the producer smiled as she acknowledged the sadness behind Maria’s eyes "The story is there, whenever you feel up to it. Staff meeting at noon, so see you tomorrow?" he said leaving Maria to go to her desk and pack up and go home.

Which she did, an hour later, when she let herself into her home because of some last-minute research of another story that drew her attention. Finally stopping herself, she closed her computer with the knowledge that it was an emotional and a long day, she absolutely hated these kinds of days, she sighed but smiled. "Honey, I am home?"

"Fantastic job on Bella’s story," came a voice from the living room as Maria smiled and walked towards the voice and hugged him. "Maybe something will come out of it?"

"We can only hope!" Maria said with a heavy heart. "How's Liz?"

"Isabel says that she has shut herself in her house and is not taking any calls,” came the voice as he walked towards his wife. “The anniversary has completely defeated her…”

"Let's hope she is better tomorrow," Maria muttered.

Her husband nodded. "I sincerely hope so."

"You know you're a good friend, Space boy!" Maria said with a quick kiss on Michael’s lips, “I appreciate the effort you are putting into being there for my best friend.”

"You're also trying to be there too, honey!" Michael smiled as he thought of the pain and sadness that had been in their lives over the last year. “And Liz is the not the only reason I am doing it…” he said quietly as he acknowledged the truth neither or no one was willing to admit, even all these years later as 10 years had gone by.

“I know,” Maria said quietly as she looked deep into the eyes of her husband and saw the deeply pain in them as they both remembered the past so clearly and wished life had taken different turns. If only she thought. If only it hasn’t turned out how it did for Max and Liz. "So, did Betty win her bet?" Maria asked as they walked into the kitchen and she checked into the status of some leftovers as she sat down and ate and looked up at her husband.

Michael smirked. "She came close, but she went down about 10 p.m. I can say though that she did try her best."

"Our daughter is a trooper, not every 8-year-old is able to stay up!"

"She does like to try, especially when there is a story on the television about Isabella Maria." Michael admitted. "She's still heart-broken over the loss of her best friend. She hates how we lost her."
Last edited by Parker1947 on Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:07 pm, edited 53 times in total.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, MATURE) Chapter 1 (October 28, 2018)

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Interesting start to your story. Who took Bella? Will Micheal and Maria help Liz find her daughter? Will Liz, Micheal and Maria find Bella? What happened to Michael and Maria in the past? Will Max find out about Bella? What will Max do when he finds out about Bella? Will Bella and Liz see each other again? Will Max and Liz talk? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz be together? Where is Max? Where has Max been? Will Max, Liz and friends have their happy ending together? Sorry for the questions I was just wondering.

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Re: Lost & Found (CC, MATURE) Chapter 1 (October 28, 2018)

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Wow.......that an intriguing story.
I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for more.
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Lost & Found - Chapter 2 - 10/30/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

One month later: June, 2012
Los Angeles, California
Flashing back to October, 2001

Two teenagers stood in the desert on the outskirts of their home town as they stood by the shiny blue convertible. A car nearby waited… It was one boy, one girl. Both had sorrow in their eyes as they looked at each other, knowing what he had to do, "I have to do this?" the boy said as the girl could only nod in agreement.

"I know, I hate how it all came to this" she cried as she had to sneak out of her bedroom to come here although she had a backup excuse if her parents caught wind of her time out of the apartment. She had been a short chain since Utah.

"The situation is so screwed up, but I can't possibly stay here when the truth is out there, and so unknown and unfinished. I need to know. You have to understand that, don’t you?” I just can't stay and plan my life when this affects us all."

"And what I don't get," the girl said. "She kept it a secret. She could have been honest a long time ago and told us the truth. Instead we must face the rumors, and the not knowing and I hate it. It’s so messed up, and our lives are so ruined because of it."

"I just want you to know I never regretted one minute we spent together, or anything we did together. Even if it means you can’t go with me because we messed up everything with our actions in Utah. I love you, never forget that okay and I’ll always come back to you, but I have to do this, I hope you understand.”

"It was a dream, an incredible dream,” the girl said as they pressed their foreheads together as they wished things could have been different and it hadn’t all ended in a nightmare. “You changed my life. I’ll never look at who I once was in the same way again. I want you to promise me to come back… Okay, promise me.” the girl smiled between her tears.

"I want you to tell my parents that while I do love them, and I do. I really need to do this, and they won’t understand today, but one day they might. Tell them I love them."

"I hope you take care of yourself in the California. I want you back in one piece," the girl said as they hugged and kissed one last time.

Nodding, the boy parted and looked at his girlfriend as he nodded to the friend nearby who waited to take the girl home, who only frowned at how life had turned out so painfully for the star-crossed lovers. "I will, and while I really do need this for my own sanity, and for our futures. I do want you to take care of yourself too..."

"I know, and I will." The girl smiled as she looked around and tried to ignore the reality of their situation and only saw the still of the night and then checked her watch and knew time was running short.

She nodded and shared a brief kiss and watched as he walked and got in his car and mere moments later he drove away, out of her life. As she started to leave the area where the chamber was located, where it all had started, she heard a voice telling her. "I will always love you Liz!"
From where she stood Liz with tears down her face stopped her walking and yelled into the air as if to curse god. "I love you too Max!" as she turned and walked toward her best friend who waited for her heartbroken friend as they got into the car that sat idle, and they drove back to a life that would be dramatically different for them all…

A RING sounding blared in the background…

As the ring of a phone interrupted the dream and knowledge that the dream was actually a nightmare because nothing promised in that dream had actually happened the way it should have, and in the end ended only in a lot of pain and heartache as the man groaned as he struggled to wake up and before long he was muttering into the phone, "Um!" he muttered. "What the what… what”

"Evans, you're needed at 1221 Garden Place" the man on the other end of the phone said as the callee tried to curse himself fully awake and was now listening to his boss as he sat in the darkness of the night.

"Damn it, Why?" Max asked as he struggled to wake up and face the telephone in his call as he wanted to return to the dream, and the memories of that special time before it all went so horribly. Liz, how I miss you.

"You know, the usual. A domestic call. Neighbors heard screaming all night. They just called the complaint in..."

Groaning Max looked at the clock, and then concentrated back on her call. "Franklin and I have been to that address maybe 3 times in the last 2 months."

"I know. The bastard apparently won't listen, and he also doesn't seem to comprehend that the police will keep on being called if he keeps his neighbors up at night."

Max nodded as he started to get out of bed and yank on a pair of jeans. "Has Franklin been called?"

"Yes, she should be there to pick you up in about 15 minutes. Get yourself in gear?" the man on the other end of the call replied and Max nodded as he looked out into the darkened room, and dark night that looked through the windows. Sighing, he knew he had to get up and deal with this...

"Yes sir?"

"Look Evans I know it's your day off. So, I'm sorry about this. But being that it's been your case all along, I felt you would want to deal with it. So, assess the situation, and then you can have the rest of the day off. But file a report..."

"I do want the call. So, don't question it, sir!" Max said and moments later put the phone down and glanced at the clock once again. It was 5:05 a.m. Groaning, he told himself that there better have been movement in the case otherwise he would be hating being dragged into work on one of his precious days off. But his boss was right, he had been working the case the longest and he wouldn’t want other officers dealing with these kids as they have been under his wing longer than any of the other officers on duty. He knew he wouldn’t want someone else dealing with this bastard and kids.

Realizing that his partner wouldn't be too far away, he looked over at his guest, who was groaning at the interruption which only made his intense dreams all the conflicting and immoral. “Duty calls,” he said quietly, “You need to leave.”

A yelling match ensued, but she was out of the house but shouting dirty words at Max as the car holding Detective Serena Franklin pulled up. Only shaking his head in response as the woman stormed off, he jumped into the car and tried to ignore the antics of the night with his silence.

Quietly amused at the scene she witnessed, Serena couldn't help but interrogate Max as she maneuvered the car out of the parking slot she was in. "So, who was it, this time? Another bimbo?"

Groaning, Max tried to remain silent but was also defensive. "She wasn’t a bimbo. It was a red head?" he muttered to the laughter of his friend.

Smiling, "Ooh, Firey?" Serena cracked as she too was a red head.

Max as he looked out of the window, feeling the pull of the past. "It wasn't like that?"

"You may tell that to me, yourself partner. But that has been your life lately - no long-term commitments, and even shorter than that most of the time. Maybe a night, maybe less… nothing lasting more than a few days at a time."

Max being drawn into the past thanks to his dreams. "Franklin, I don’t need any judgments okay, as I’m not in the mood to discuss my love life with anyone, and that includes you and so, what if I want to enjoy my life, I am still young,” Max said quietly and harshly as memories of a gorgeous brunette tore through his dreams regardless of the woman he might have been with on a given night. “I don’t need love right now. It’s too full of complications, and I don’t need it. So, spare me, okay?”

"Well my friend, you've been with the LAPD for 5 years. And in that time, I have seen you go through girls in record fashion-- None lasting more than a few weeks as you said, and that has even been reduced lately. You have got to be pining for someone? Who is she?" Serena asked as they turned onto the highway. Leading them towards the address.

Max wasn't in the mood to discuss his past, "No one important. It was a long time ago?” he lied, but knew it was indeed someone earth-shattering important and someone who he could never truly get over, and he would regret for the rest of his life how it ended.

"A past love is never not important. You just got to come to terms with it so that you can get on with your life. You can't keep on living this lifestyle that you are leading?"

Max only shook his head. "Well, this past love is better off forgotten!" The problem is I’ll never forget Liz he muttered to himself and only himself.

Serena’s eyes rose at the statement but decided to leave it alone - for now. "Whatever you say. Just remember that sometimes the past comes back to haunt you?"


Meanwhile partway across the country in Roswell, New Mexico in a small café called The Crashdown. It was lunch time and two friends were meeting, on break from work. Or at least one of them was on break. The other one was too heart-broken to work and hadn't in almost a year. "You can't keep going all around the country checking out leads. You're getting run down. I'm getting afraid for you Liz?"

Liz who was in the process of pushing the food around her plate looked up and glared at Maria as she was pale version of her former self, and she knew it and hated it, but she couldn’t handle not having her little girl in her life. She missed her daughter so much that it hurt somedays to live. She only knew that time once before, back ten years ago and now to face it a thousand times more powerful made her ache as she looked across at her best friend "Isabella is missing and I'm not going to rest until she is sleeping in her bed."

Groaning, Maria said softly, as she hurt for her best friend. "I realize that Liz, but you won't be any good for her if you are in a hospital room when she finally comes home, or even worse… dead!"

Liz got teary as she knew she wasn't doing herself any good, but she couldn't tear herself away from the search. When she knew Isabella was waiting for them to find her. "I have to do this, Ria. Bella would have had her 10th birthday in May, days before the anniversary and I missed it?"

The knowledge that so much had been missed did get to Maria as too much also had been changed forever in the past year. "I know it's got to be frustrating, but you will have plenty of birthdays when she does come home. But to guarantee that happens, you need to be alive to see them?" she said but could see Liz stubbornness wasn't letting up.

"What if Betty was missing?" Liz said quietly as she didn’t relish pulling the card, but she couldn’t help herself as she dreamt of her precious little girl who was missing... She hadn’t known she could love her daughter as much as she had, when she got pregnant at 18. All she knew at the time was she needed to have the baby, but the moment she held the tender little girl who looked so much like both of her parents, for good and for bad, she loved that child more than anything in her life. And she had worked hard over the years she had Bella in her life to make it one that her daughter could enjoy, even at the expense of her own dreams and her own wellbeing at times as she made choices she would regret, all for her daughter’s sake. And now she was facing a reckoning in that she was alone, and facing the nightmare of all her choices, and what might have been…

Maria was stricken at the mention of her young daughter but wasn't fazed about the use of her own little girl. If she could help her childhood friend, she would do anything and that included powerful any attempts to make her feel guilty for being concerned about Liz’s well-being. "That's not fair, Liz?"

But Liz wasn't letting go as she battled the idea that she had to give up, or that is how Liz was taking the wish of her friend. "It's entirely fair Maria. You and Michael would be moving heaven and earth to find her. Which is exactly what I'm trying to do!"

Muttering something unspeakable, she decided to change the subject because it was subject that wasn’t going to have worthwhile exit. Although she knew her choice of a new topic wasn’t any better, but she tried… "Have you thought about calling Max and telling him about Bella?" she asked quietly.

Belle attitude turned icy and it stunned Maria because it was rare to see her friend so cold, even when memories of what went wrong was so fresh. "Of course, not?" as she wished Maria hadn't brought Max into the conversation. "It's none of his business."

Shaking her head, and she pulled out her ace. "He's her father Belle. He deserves to know."

Liz wasn't phased in the least, or maybe she was but wasn't showing it to Maria. When Max held a part of her heart that would not go away. "Maybe, biologically but he hasn't been a father to her," she said. "Kyle is more her father than Max will ever be…” she muttered.

“Only because you set up a complex string of lies to cover the fact Liz,” Maria said softly, “You never gave him a chance to try to come back and be there for you, and for Bella” she asked as she remembered back to all the lies her friend had told in the months after Max left, and she found out she was pregnant. Still she tried to keep up the charade of who was Bella’s biological father, but Maria wasn’t an idiot nor was anyone in their clan, but they kept it going for Liz’s sake.

“He left,” Liz said softly. “He didn’t come back.”

“Only because you ended it, and Tess lied to him, and to us,” Maria said softly as she looked around the restaurant to see if they had been discovered yet. “We all know she did. He would have come back.”

“He couldn’t continue to lie to his parents,” Liz said defiantly. “I don’t blame him for staying away, but he’s not her father. Kyle is, and anyways of who I wish it may be, biologically, Sean is…”

“Only because you won’t allow him to be told, and about that other matter, we all know it’s a lie” Maria said softly as she picked up a fry and thought of her idiot of a cousin. “We all know it, and even Sean knows it’s not true.”

“Drop it Maria,” Liz said softy as any memories of Max turned her heart into stone because she didn’t want to acknowledge that life might be different for her and Bella if only Max had come back, but he hadn’t because she broke his heart and told him they were over because California fed her resentment and her hatred for both the baby he believed he had, and for Tess.

“Fine,” Maria allowed as she cried inside for the situation they were in, and how she wished it could have been so different as silence descended at the table.

Liz hemmed and hawed, and silently cursed herself and Max in the same breath before allowing, “And even if I wished to contact him. I don't know where he is!"

Hasn't Phillip and Diane heard from him at all in the last 10 years?" Maria asked as she saw the ice thaw in her friend’s face, and felt for her friend as she would never wish it on her worse enemy what Liz was going through with all the pain and torture as she wondered where her little girl was… Max staying away had changed all them, and she wished things could be different.

"Phillip tried to find him. But he only was able to find that Max was no longer in California as he had ditched his car."

"So he could be anywhere?" Maria asked, and Liz nodded a tad too slowly for Maria’s tastes as she realized Max still had a place in Liz’s life. Liz hadn't forgotten him, and it was a case of true love and forbidden love, at this point.

"Yes," she said. “But back to my original point." Liz muttered. "Kyle is more her father that Max would ever be, and Bella doesn’t know Max and Max doesn’t know her, so he doesn’t even need to know because he’s not her father," she lied once again.

"She may think Kyle as her father, but he isn’t… we all know it… so you might as well drop the pretense Liz"

"Leave Kyle out of this Maria!" Liz said of her ex-husband. “I will always love him for what he did for me and Bella, but I hurt him more than once and he deserves the life he has now. With Isabel, and their baby on the way.”

"Fine. But it's in your best interest to find Max and tell him the truth. Maybe he can help you find Bella?"

"I'm not in the mood to discuss Max. He left 10 years ago and hasn't tried to call once, nor has he written. So, I'm not going to worry about Max Evans" Liz muttered as she continued to move the food around her plate.

Looking at her watch, Maria, having finished her drink. She realized her break was nearly over and her responsibility to her newscast she had to end their lunch. "Oh, look at the time, I have to get to the station as I have a story to finish for tonight's newscast."

Liz nodded as she said with a sad smile. "I do appreciate all you have done for me, and for Isabella. You and Michael both, thank you for featuring Bella’s story, I just wished there were workable clues."

Maria smiled as she put her own portion of the bill on the table. "She is my god daughter... Of course, I would move heaven and earth to help, but you need to take care of yourself, okay? When Isabella comes home, she needs a healthy mother."

"I have given it a year?" Liz said as she descended into tears. "How much more am I supposed to take?"

"I know, I know. I just want you to be alive when she does come home?" Maria cried as she hugged her best friend and prayed for the pain to the end, and for the end of this nightmare as they both walked out of the restaurant.


Meanwhile back in Los Angeles, at 1221 Garden Place. Max and his partner pulled in front of the house and they climbed some stairs and approached the door to the residence.

"KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! Davidson open up, it's the police?" Max shouted while Serena also banged on the door. "KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK: Open up, NOW!!" they shouted through the door, and then moments later the door crept open softly, and they only saw a trashed home in front of them.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, MATURE) Chapter 2 - Updated: 10/30/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Oh my......so many questions to be answered.
I hate that Max and Liz are apart, especially since Isabella is missing.
We assume Max is a policeman, and Serena is his partner.
So Max had a "guest" in bed.......a red head, but not a bimbo.......
Kyle appears to be in and out of Liz's life. I guess he has been a father figure to Isabella.......
But it was mentioned that Liz was twice divorced.
Please hurry back and fill in the blanks on this story.
I like this Maria.......I can just see her in that position.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, MATURE) Chapter 2 - Updated: 10/30/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great story. I hate that Max and Liz are apart. Hate Max for being a man whore for sleeping with all those women. Agree with Maria Liz needs to tell Max about her daughter. Why did Max and Liz end things? Who ended the relationship between Max and Liz? Who took Bellamy and why? Will Max find out about Liz's daughter? How will Max find out? WI'll Max come back? What will happen when Max and Liz see each other? Will Max and Liz talk? Will Liz and others find out who took Bella? What will Liz do when she finds out?
Will Max and Liz finally work things out between them? Will Max and Liz fall for each other again? Will Max stay in Roswell with Liz? Will Liz, Bella go with Max? Will Max and Liz get married? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together?

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Re: Lost & Found (CC, MATURE) Chapter 2 - Updated: 10/30/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Great start. Can't wait to see where this goes.
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Lost & Found - Chapter 3 - 11/02/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

WARNING ALERT: Upsetting images begin to unfold in this chapter. Unfortunate and upsetting treatment. No actual abuse is shown, just the aftermath... as the recovery begins and the investigation starts... It's part of the journey for all involved in the story.
As the door squeaked open as Max and Franklin were able to see one of the teenage sons staring at them, and cautious when they saw the two cops at the doorway. By the atmosphere in the room, Max knew immediately that there was trouble, big trouble.

"It's Detectives Evans and Franklin with the LAPD. Where is your father?" Max allowed as he and his partner assessed the situation and trashed home they had walked into.

"Gone," one of the teens muttered as he hated the visitors, and wished them gone.

Alarmed, "Gone where?" Max asked as they stared around the group of kids and surveyed the downstairs of the house that they could see. They didn’t like what they had walked into, and they both wondered what else they would find.

The lead teen was obviously pissed off and Max and Franklin could see it and sense the anger in the teenager and they couldn’t help but wondered why. "I really have no idea?" he said. "Dad is Dad. So, you can leave now because he's not home."

"The neighbors heard a lot of screaming and yelling? So, we need to ask, what happened?"

"You know, the television." the teenager said. "It was the television."

Max had heard the same excuses before and made sure the teenagers knew it. "Mark we've been here on official business countless times since your mother died. It wasn't the television. If you don’t humor us with a plausible explanation, well, then we will have to come in and see what is happening for ourselves.”

The teenager wasn't budging as he led a staring contest with the two cops. "I don't see why you need to bother us?" he muttered. “We told you that Dad isn’t home, so go away why don’t you.”

"If your father isn't around and we don’t see him around, but it’s obvious your brothers and sister might need our assistance. Maybe you guys need some help, help that we can provide..." Max asked, showing Mark his badge, and making the teen know that stalling would work.

"They are fine?" Mark muttered as he showed off his brothers. "Don't they look fine?"

Max forced himself into the room, as he commanded the kids to stand back, as he and his partner walked into the room.

Mark only responded by walking away as he couldn’t keep Max and Franklin from the house. The house was trashed, and dishes were all over the place. They saw the three boys in the kitchen looking like they had been abused recently. Davis; 14, Sonny; 12, Hawk; 11

“How's it going, guys? Serena asked as she tried make them comfortable, but the kids were too wary to warm to her voice, and Max knew something was off because prior visits had the kids less riled up, and meeker. Today, they all looked desperate for them to go, and he wondered why…

“Everything is fine. You can leave? Davis muttered.

“You can't take us? Sonny said a little scared by the invading detectives to the house. “Leave us alone.”

“Whoa, who said about taking you anywhere? We are just wondering where your father is, so we can have a talk?” Max asked as he looked with some surprise at his partner who only shrugged.

“Dad just left?” Hawk said defiantly.

“Hawk, when did he leave?” Max asked as she felt the boy could be the one to crack.

“Don't know, maybe an hour ago?” Hawk said as he didn’t care he was getting the evil eye glare from his other brothers for talking…

Max was surveying the kitchen. The mother had died six months before and he and Serena had been called several times unofficially and the last three had been official visits. He then noticed something bizarre:

“Where's Molly?

The four brothers exchanged faces that told the two detectives something was definitely amiss!

“At a friend's place?” Hawk was quick to offer.

“When will she be home?”


“She is at a sleep over? Mark muttered.

“Can I have a look around?” Max asked as she looked around the trashed home with a feeling of dread that had come over him.

“You'll do whatever you like? We can't stop you?” Sonny muttered.

“Franklin look around the perimeter of the house while I check the backyard!” Max offered as he looked at the group of boys “Who's taking care of the you guys?

“I am? Dad will be home soon?” Mark muttered while he also added “Even if he’s delayed. I am 18 and legal.”

Concerned about the oddity of the kids behavior but finding nothing Max and Serena went around the upstairs of the house and looked around the perimeter of the house and twenty minutes later they had given up their search and were sitting in their car as they were heading back to the station as Max could feel like they were missing something, and it was gnawing at him as he tried to figure out what to do with his gut feeling “Something is odd about that house?” he muttered out loud as his partner drove.

“Did you notice the glances they registered when Molly’s name was mentioned?” Serena asked.

“As if they are trying to cover something up?” Max asked.

“If you have the time I suggest you might want to go back and check out the situation?” Serena advised as they pulled into the parking lot of the police department. Serena almost immediately was pulled onto her next case while Max called in the APB on Mark Davidson, Sr and did the paperwork associated with the call to the Davidson home. He was leaving the office to head home to get some decent sleep that wasn’t hopefully interrupted by memories of the past when he was notified by the assignment desk that his badge number got called into by the local elementary school over a report that Molly Davidson hadn’t been seen in school for days and the school was getting concerned. Since Serena was gone to another call. Max decided to check on the house again. Maybe he missed something? Signing out a vehicle from the department; he headed for the house he had just left…

Unfortunately, the house was empty, and the car was gone! So, he forced himself into the house using his trusty powers and went searching through the house.

“Anyone home? It's Detective Evans?” Max called through the house.


“Mark, Davis, Sonny, Hawk, Molly. Are any of you here?” Max shouted through the house, but nothing back.

He went through all the bedrooms and found dresser drawers emptied and toys gone. But for some reason Molly’s room hadn't been touched.
“Damn it?” Max’s cursed as his feeling got seriously darkened.

He called it in the situation on his scanner. Serena indicated she was on the way. Squad cars came rushing over to the house. Several uniforms and other detectives searched the neighborhood for the kids. Max elected to stay at the house to do a search.

Unfortunately, the worst was yet to come as in the kitchen, as he was making a call when he heard some muffled sounds and went to investigate, he opened the door to the basement. A light muffled cry was more pronounced, and he went further down into the basement!

“Hello? Anyone down here?”

He then went further into the basement and then saw a slightly opened door that hadn't been closed properly.

He opened it and he was horrified at what he saw...

A little girl beaten to the inch of her life laying on a stained cot.

Max went over and looked down, and although he couldn't really recognize the girl because of the substantial bruising on the face, arms and legs.

He saw the eyes and was startled!

MOLLY!!!” he gasped with horror.

“Help me,” they little girl gasped through shallow breaths as her eyes drifted closed.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, MATURE) Chapter 3 - Updated: 11/02/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

I have a bad feeling that this little girl is not really named Molly. But her real name is Isabella.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, MATURE) Chapter 3 - Updated: 11/02/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Roswelllostcause wrote:I have a bad feeling that this little girl is not really named Molly. But her real name is Isabella.

I think I am agreeing with Roswelllostcause. Will Max find out who the girl really is? What will Max do when he finds out who the girl really is?

L-J-L 76
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