Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Epilogue - Complete 3/8/2019

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Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Epilogue - Complete 3/8/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Author: RoswellFan68
Title: Double Vision
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell, or any of the characters created for the series that debuted in 1999, and ended in 2002, or for the preceding book series. They belong to Melinda Metz, Jason Katims, WB and later UPN etc. This story is of my own creation, and new characters have been created at the discretion of the story.
Category: CC
Rating: Adult for sexual content.
Characters: ALL but will focus on M/L
Couples: Max/Liz
Synopsis: Post Wipeout: Anything after Wipeout is fair game. The dupes come to town looking for a king. My duplicates are different from the ones in the show. That is why I think of them as doubles instead of dupes.
Notes: This is my first attempt at fan fiction. I discovered Roswell fan fiction after purchasing the DVDs in 2014. My daughter found the series on Netflix in 2013. My daughter is the same age as Roswell (born in September 1999). I want to thank L-J-L 76 for being my beta. I will not try a New York accent. Some dialogue will come from "Meet the Dupes" and "The End of the World"


In some ways every time they came together, they were celebrating the love their souls always held for each other as they were celebrating their own love for each other. He loved her from the moment that he first saw her. She lacked the same confidence. She didn’t think she was good enough for him. He was a king. She was a simple girl. He had powers while she had wisdom beyond her years. Over time she would understand his love for her was never ending. The first kiss awoken her abilities and her powers emerged. She believed in herself more with each passing day. In only a few short years they would bond themselves together.

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. You are my world, angel. I will love you with my final breath.”

“I will love you in the next life as well. You are my world too. Show me how much you love me. Make me see the stars.”

Quickly their clothing was shed. He began caressing her face and began to kiss her deeply. She caressed his strong chest. She left a glowing trail where her touch had been. He picked up her petite form and laid her on the bed. He took his time to let her know just how much he loved her body. Through his kissing and caressing of her breast he brought her to orgasm. Once she recovered a little, he continued to worship her body. He kissed a trail down her body. He dipped into his tongue into her belly button. His fingers found his final goal. She was always so responsive to his touch. He moved his fingers in and out. His thumb touched her clit and sent her over for a second orgasm. He wanted more. He wanted to continue to give her pleasure. He slowly moved down her body and allowed his tongue to taste her wet folds. His tongue and fingers worked together to give yet another organism.
He was always so giving as a lover. She knew he wanted her badly, but he was making sure that she was completely satisfied before taking care of his own needs. She decided it was time to show him some special attention. She began stroking his manhood. She then slowly moved down his body and lowered her lips to his manhood. He always loved it when she did this. She caressed his manhood with lips and tongue. He slowly pulled out from her beautiful mouth. He could take no more.
He positioned himself above his mate and slowly began to enter her. They both were bombarded with the thoughts and emotions of the other, like every other time. They always felt so close. They began to move together. She soon had yet another organism. This organism triggered his release. “I love you Ava.” “I love you Zan.” Both were very satisfied and quickly fell asleep in each other arms. They would worry about their problems another day.

Chapter One
(some language from "Meet the Dupes")
New York City (Sunday Evening – November 12)

There is a group of four outsiders, freaks, royalty, lawless, duplicates and defects. There were many words to describe the group. There is their leader Zan the former king. His wife and queen Ava. His sister the princess Vialandra. Finally, there is his second the former leader of his army, Rath.

“They contacted us again last night. Same invite. We got to tell them something” Rath said.
“The answer is no. It’s a trap. We ain’t going to the summit. I’m the King and it’s my decision,” Zan informed the group.
“Zan is right. It’s most likely a trap. I support you baby,” Ava said before giving him a deep kiss.
“Will you get your tongue out of Ava’s throat bro. We need to focus on the issue. You are saying we ain't going to the summit,” Lonnie asked.
“What Avas and I do is our business we are bonded completely unlike you two that will screw anyone at any opportunity. Let me be perfectly clear, we are not going,” Zan said.
“You’re messing out bro. There are lots of tight girls in NYC that want what we can give them. Back to the subject of the summit, that's messed up, duke. This is the only time we've ever been contacted,” Rath said.
“Whatever. That's it. We don’t know why they decided to contact us now” Zan informed his group.
“We tell them no, they won't ask again,” Ava concluded.
“Tell them hell no,” Zan added.
“What is up with you, man? I'm tired of you. I'll go by myself,” Rath added hating being only the general.
“They don't want the number 2. They want the royal four,” Zan said.
“Why don't we go and see what they got to say? Why don't we go and get the answers? We need to go. I want off this rock. We were royalty,” Rath said.
“What if it's a setup,” Zan said.
“No, it's not a setup! They need us,” Rath pleaded.
“I'm the man. Don't forget,” Zan said.
Lonnie tried to appear as the peacemaker. “Yo. Guys. It's been a mad long day. Let's just chill,” said Lonnie.
“Yeah. You the man,” said Rath.
Ava had an uneasy feeling about the apparent truce. For some reason she didn’t believe that Rath and Lonnie would let the subject die. Back at the crib (the underground abandon subway tunnel they called her home) she shared her concerns with Zan.
“Zan baby, I don’t think your sister and Rath are going to let this die. You know both have always wanted to escape this world and return home. I don’t know why they both believe that Antar is going to be better than this life. They killed us for the throne. Do you think Lonnie is working with our enemies again? She did betray you to Kivar in our last life,” Ava explained her fears to Zan.

“Ava angel, I don’t know what to think. Rath and Lonnie both seemed determined to go to the summit. I know you got the impression that the summit was a trap. Have you been getting any other impressions? Do you think that Rath or Lonnie would do anything to force me to go to the summit,” Zan asked.

“I haven’t seen anything or gotten any impressions. Maybe we should work on some flashes baby,” Ava said with a gleam in her eyes.

“Angel, that is the best idea you have had all night. Do you know how much I love you? You are my world. I’m your King and this is the only thing that matters to me,” Zan said before pulling Ava into a mind-numbing kiss and they tumbled into their bed.
Last edited by RoswellFan68 on Fri Mar 08, 2019 7:08 am, edited 44 times in total.
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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Prologue/Chapter 1

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Congratulations of your first fan fiction. I hope this is only the start!
Interesting view from the dupe's point. Can't wait to see how this develops.
Thank you,
L-J-L 76
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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Prologue/Chapter 1 11/15/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So glad you posted this story. I still think this is an interesting story. Can't wait for more chapters.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 2 11/17/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Chapter Two
In Roswell, West Roswell High School (Monday November 13)

Another alien king, Max Evans, is trying to find his direction. His group had barely escaped with their lives following the last run in with the skins. Michael was questioning every decision. He gave up the location of the granolith to a rebel skin. Was she a true rebel or was she a spy? He was so quick to believe her because her group supported Michael as leader on Antar. Isabel went off on her own to confront Nicholas. She had been told by Whitaker and Nicholas that she had betrayed him in his past life. She didn’t feel the need to share that information. Tess saved them all with her fire ball. He could see she was becoming more a member of the group, but he still couldn’t imagine her as more than a friend. Liz was so complicated. Of course, he still loved her. He would always love her. He loved her from the moment he first laid eyes on her. When he finally given to try a relationship with her it had been perfect. Everything was great until Tess and Nasado arrived. Then Liz started doubting herself. She questioned if she was good enough for me. Didn’t she understand I wasn’t good enough for her. I couldn’t give her a human life.

When he thought back to that night or that week, Liz was completely out of character. First, she set him up with Tess. Liz only tolerated Tess after she made me kiss her. Then there was the speech. She spoke his worse fears. They had a long conversation the night he was rescued from the Special Unit and she only talked about her dreams of their life together there was no fear expressed. The night with Kyle was another thing. After the night in the desert, they discussed the situation and realized they were not ready to take their relationship to that level. They had an honest conversation. He realized that Liz was prepared to go that far the night they were looking for the orb and understood she would have done it more for him than her own desires. They almost decided to go that far the night in van on the run from the Special Unit, but he wanted it to be special for both. He knew deep down that Liz did not view sex casually. He couldn’t understand how she could have decided to have sex with Kyle. She claims they made love, but he knew it could only be sex. She didn’t love Kyle. He saw into her soul and he knew that she loved only him. Why did she feel she had to go that far to push him away? She claimed she didn’t want to die for him. But she had already risked her life twice in the last month for him. Something was not right with this situation. He was determined to find an answer. He finally turned his attention back to his teacher.

“A black hole...that's what's left after a star dies. And that's exactly what happened last week, my friends. The spectacular, stellar, implosion of a red giant, unheard of in the history of astronomy...the first time a post-main sequence star burning in its prime suddenly and without warning violently exploded in a supernova of a hundred million degrees and disappeared, a process that typically takes many thousands of years. What could have accounted for this...remarkable loss,” Mr. Seligman said.
(Class ends. Liz catches up with Max in the hallway)
“Hey. Kind of weird about that star, huh? Kind of sad. It just doesn't seem that something burning so bright could just...burn out,” Liz said.
“But it did,” Max said.

Max walks off. This made him more determined than ever to find out what was going on with Liz.

Liz went to next class knowing she couldn’t take this much longer. She had already decided she would talk to her parents about moving to Florida to finish school. It was hard seeing Max each day and not tell him the truth. After the last run in with the skins she knew that Tess was the key to their survival. She had been watching the two together. Tess was no longer in your face with her pursuit of Max, but she was still touching him lightly when she spoke to him. Tess was trying to tone down her look and dressing more conservatively. Tess was really trying to be the type of girl that Max would date. Liz knew she would not be able to watch them grow closer. It would be a slow painful death of her soul. It would be better for her to get out of Roswell and try to make a life for herself. She could concentrate on her studies, graduate early, get to college and get her PhD. You must have a plan if you are going to accomplish anything.

Monday Afternoon Crashdown

“Liz, I did you hear about Pam Troy and Tommy Flanigan? Word is that Vicky Delany caught them together in the eraser room. Pam has no respect for other people’s boyfriends. She is the biggest skank on the West Roswell Campus. Vicky promptly dumped his ass. There rumors she wants Kyle back.”

“That’s nice, Maria”

“Did you hear a single word that I said to you. I gave you some grade A gossip and you reply that’s nice Maria. I swear since Copper Summit you are a different person. Liz when are you going to accept the fact that you are miserable without Max. I know that Max is miserable without you. I don’t think either of you will be happy until you except the truth, you belong together.”

“What about you and Michael? Have you forgiven him for the Courtney thing? From what you say she was like a stalker. You can’t possibly hold that against Michael.”

“Nice way to change the subject Liz. We were discussing you and Max not me and Michael. So are you giving any thought to putting you both out of your misery and getting back together.”

“Max has a purpose greater than me. He can’t lose his focus. I’m not his future.”

“And you think he would be happy with the bleach blond bimbo. Come on Liz he doesn’t have any interest in Tess in that way.”

“Well Michael said if it was for Tess they would have never made it out of the school alive last time. I’m moving on with my life Maria. I don’t want to discuss this subject any more. We need to get moving the food is not going to serve itself.”

Liz didn’t know how she was going to break the news to her best friend that she had no intentions of getting back together with Max. She didn’t want to be selfish and be the reason Max lost the war. She also didn’t know how she was going to tell her that she planned to return to Florida and finish high school. She knew the only way she would survive without Max was to be away from him. There was no way physically or mentally possible for her to watch Max and Tess get closer.

<UFO Center>

“Max, I glad you got here a little early. I have been wanting to show you something all day. There has been unusual activity around New York City and the old Pullman Ranch. Both occurred on the same day. There was additional activity in New York City today. For some reason I believe I’m about to get taken again,” Brody informed him.

“One of my teacher’s informed me about a red giant today. I wonder if it has anything to do with the signals. I guess we will have to keep an eye on it.”

“Thanks, Max. I knew I could count on you.”

Max was glad when Brody left him alone with his thoughts. What could the New York signal mean? Was there another skin camp near New York? Was their orb responsible for the signal on the old Pullman Rank. He knew that the group decided that the orbs should remain at the pod chamber for safe keeping. Maybe they should head to the pod chamber and check everything out this weekend.

<Evans House Later that Night>

Max decided to get to bed early. He had not been getting much sleep. His nights were plagued by dreams and nightmares of Liz. Now he had to think about the signals in the desert and New York. He quickly fell asleep and the dreams started.

He woke up in sweat. It was like no other dream he had previously. He had felt intense love and intense pain. The only word that came to mind was Ava. Who was Ava?”
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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 2 11/17/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

I am curious. A interesting start. Well done!
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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 2 11/17/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

It hurts me as much as it does Liz to see Max getting closer to Tess.
Big mystery......the New York signals.......?? Could this be the dupes?
And what do Max's dream mean??
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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 2 11/17/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Another great chapter. So Liz wants to go back to Florida and finish school. Wow Max had one of a hell tense dream. So Max knows a name. But doesn't know who Ava is. Hopefully Max, Liz and friends will figure it all out really soon.

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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 3 11/20/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Chapter Three
Some language from “Meet the Dupes”
<Tuesday Morning Roswell November 14>
Liz awoke with a sense some was going to happen. Her stomach was aching like last weekend when the skins deployed the time field. She could not understand anything about her dreams. For a change she didn’t dream of Future Max and the nightmare that had been her life since he appeared. What was the meaning of the word Zan.
Max woke up confused. His dream was different, but he couldn’t remember a thing about the dream other than his feelings and the name Ava. Somehow, he knew he needed to see Liz to set his world right.
<Back in New York>
Rath, Lonnie, and Ava steal a Trans Am. Zan is no longer with them

“Trans Am, baby. Yeah! Can't wait to get out of the city. Red line says 120, but I bet you she goes 130,” Rath said.
“We were family. The four of us. He was my husband,” Ava said. Ava had the vision of the other Zan and knew she had to go along with them to warn Zan’s dupe.
“Things change,” Lonnie heartlessly said.
Ava knew that history was repeating itself. Lonnie was once again betraying her brother. She decided to drop the subject and get to Zan’s dupe.

Ava’s hopes were pinned on one Max Evans. She had never met her husband’s double, but she hoped that he was like her Zan. From the few premonitions that she had of him he seemed to be like her Zan. She believed he may have control of the granolith. She didn’t think her people would send them to earth without the granolith. It belonged to the king. He had the granolith it would mean that he was the true king. This is something that her and Zan had theorized about. They never had a true protector. They were left in a subway tunnel near the sewers. They were thousands of miles away from the crash site. She had visions of the granolith and it was out in the desert. It only made sense that the true king was near the granolith. She only hoped that none of their enemies knew the location. She was expecting a great deal from Max Evans. She knew that he would need to bond with his Ava. She didn’t think that would be an issue if he was anything like her Zan. It would be the only way he would be strong enough to face the challenges ahead.

<Roswell that evening>

The more Max thought about everything he knew that he and Liz needed to talk. Maybe they should go to his parents’ cabin after school on Friday. It would be a good place they could talk without interruptions from friends or family. Even if something happened with Kyle, which he was having doubts about now, he decided he could forgive her and start their relationship over. He knew now that he had to have Liz in his life is some way. She was the reason he woke up every morning to face each day.

Max was still concerned about the signals in the desert and New York. He still couldn’t understand the dream from last night. There was so much pain and pleasure in one dream. Who was Ava to him? Was he remembering his past life. Was Tess that special to him? He couldn’t imagine that he was remembering Tess considering he had those kinds of feels for her.

Liz was also planning. She had already obtained a copy of her transcripts from the councilor. She had phoned the high school that she would attended in while staying with her aunt. If she took classes this summer, she could graduate early and start college in Spring semester of 2002. She would need to have everything mapped out for her parents to accept this plan. Her plan was to talk to them on Friday after school. Liz was feeling more optimistic since she was planning her escape from Roswell and the alien abyss. She only hoped that her heart cooperated. She focused on Florida and not the ache in her stomach. She had already forgot the word Zan.

Tess was also making plans. She was making slow but steady progress with Max. Max seemed to be backing away from Liz since her little show with Kyle. Tess didn’t believe it really happened, but she was not going let an opportunity like this go to waste. She would remind Max of Liz’s unfaithfulness any opportunity that she got. No, he had not confessed his love for her, but it would be soon. She proved her worth to Max in the others in their last two confrontations with the skins. She hoped to bring up the idea of memory retrieval with him this week. She would able to spend time alone with Max for this activity. Maybe just maybe he would remember the love that they shared on Antar. Nasado had told her that she would need to get the destiny book decoded if she needed to operate the granolith. The granolith was key to plans with Max. She just the person in mind for the translation. It wouldn’t be easy she would have a lot of mind warping to do. It was a good thing she had been developing her skills since she emerged from her pod.

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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 3 11/20/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Loved the chapter. Ava has a lot of faith in Max and Liz. Now all that is needed is for Max, Liz and Ava to talk and think of a plan. Rath and Lonnie need to go to hell for what they did to Zan. And what they have plan to do.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 3 11/20/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I hate that Liz is running off to Florida for school.
That will leave Max wide open for Tess's memorial retrieval.
That's not good!
Hurry back, Carolyn
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