Alternate Universe Challenges

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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Tzigone »

I have one. CC, with aliens, and heavy Isabel.

Years ago I saw fic where Isabel (and Michael) ended up in foster care with Hank Whitmore. It was a Max-fic, IIRC, and I don't recall if it was any good. But the difference in character, and the in the dynamic between Michael and Isabel was interesting. Isabel with that guy for her formative years. How would it shape her - rude or browbeaten, promiscuous or afraid of men, etc.? So many variations. All characters still in high school during the story.

Max and Michael should be aliens, too. It's up to you what happened to them - both adopted by the Evans, or one ended up with her with Hank, different foster homes, different adoptive parents, etc. The boys could have been in Roswell all along or new to town. It is not necessary that all three of them saw each other when newly "hatched" or recognize each other (I'd prefer if they don't all realize who each are, but it's okay if they do). Tess, if present, should be an alien, but she's not required to be there.

AU w/Aliens, CC, ensemble

The aliens "hatched" more like 3-year-olds than 6-year-olds and were all separated and do not remember each other. Max and Isabel will not be named Evans, and Tess not named Harding.

Michael - Went through several foster homes, none were abusive, but a few neglectful. Now that he's older, he and his foster parents have a basic live-and-let-live arrangement. They get the money, and they stay off his back. He's impulsive and flippant. When he was 11 and new to Roswell, he got irritated at a young Kyle showing off at some athletic event he himself failed at, and pranked him. Kyle has a sense of humor, but this has led to a not-entirely-friendly rivalry between the two. They don't hate each other, but they do try to one-up each other and sabotage each other. New girl in town Tess oozes sex-appeal, and Kyle has set his sights on her. Michael will throw a wrench into that - maybe he'll even steer her to another guy (Max or Alex?). But there's something strange and familiar about this new girl.

Max - Max was fostered with a nice, stable family. But he never warmed to them. Or anyone else he was placed with after them. He's always been afraid to show anyone who he really is, because his nature could mean his death. He was besotted by Liz Parker from the moment he first saw her. But he'll never make a move. He sees his life as an endless stream of monotony, of trying to look like he belongs. Liz is the only real thing in the world to him. He's uncomfortable with classmate Isabel; she seems a little too interested in him...or maybe in his foster brother Alex.

Isabel - Isabel was adopted less than a year after she was found. By then she'd mastered speech and was developmentally equal to any other child her age. She and her parents make the perfect picture. And that's why they adopted her. One parent is a politician, and a politician needs a family. When they couldn't have children of their own, the picked one out. Isabel was beautiful and well-mannered and eager to please. She desperately wants her parents' approval and lives her life according to their standards. She makes good grades, has appropriate friends, dates appropriate boys, and never draws any negative attention or does anything that would reflect poorly on her parents. She's terrified they'll discover her alien nature, because she knows then she'd never be able to get them to love her. She would do anything to gain her parents' love, and doesn't understand that nothing will win her that. Isabel has difficulty in knowing herself, knowing what she wants, because that's not a part of life she's ever been encouraged to explore. Does she even want to be whatever real self she is, when everyone likes the image? She's recently been thrust into the social circles of Max and Alex (school project?), and both of them draw her attention, albeit in different ways. Alex seems to welcome it, but Max just avoids her. Maybe a walk in his subconscious would tell her why...

Maria - Maria is who she always was. Talented, flippant, loyal, dependable and good friends with Liz Parker. Her mom made some bad choices in men after her dad left, but two years ago, Amy made what turned out to be a great decision when she married Jim Valenti. Maria is loving the new 'family' life and Kyle Valenti turned out to be a great bud and a fun step-brother. So when Michael tries to interfere with her bro's budding love life with the new girl, Maria is going to put a stop to that!

Liz - Liz is a scientist, not a nerd. But she's never let social status dominate her life, either. Her best friends are Maria DeLuca and Alex Whitman. She gets along well with Kyle, too, since he and Maria became family. While Maria's loyalty means Michael is on her hit-list, Liz prefers to remain neutral on their rivalry - it's nothing to do with her. But her life is starting to change now. For one thing, she's working on a project with Isabel. Isabel is always pleasant, but she just seems really insincere to Liz. Liz becomes even cooler on Isabel when Isabel doesn't want to socialize Maria or Kyle, because they're "not her type." But Alex seems fixated on Isabel. Alex's new foster brother seems fixated on Liz herself.

Alex - Alex's best friends are girls - it can be a trial sometimes. But he has guy pals, too, even if they aren't as close. He's even sorta-kinda made friends with Kyle. Now he has a new foster brother and he's extending the hand of friendship, trying to help Max get his footing here. But Max isn't having any of it. He's shared a room with him for four months, and Alex still knows nothing about the guy. Except that he has a thing of Liz, obviously. Alex is fine with that. Liz can make her own decisions, and anyway, Max seems like a nice quiet guy. It's only ...isn't that what they say about serial killers? Anyway, his own romantic interests are taking up his mental energy. Isabel is an absolute knock-out, of course, but he's always thought there was more to her than the face she showed at West Roswell High. Now they're spending time together, he's eager to find out everything he can about her.

Kyle - Kyle Valenti is a jock, no doubt about that. He played enough sports one could get them mixed up. He and his dad were a couple of bachelors for a while there, but now he has a feminine influence in his step-mother and step-sister. It's nice having women around the house, even if it did take him months to learn to lower the toilet seat before leaving the bathroom. In addition to sports, Kyle enjoys hanging out with his buds and rattling Michael's chains. They've had issues for years. The thing is, Kyle would swear he'd seen Michael do something no human could do. All of his grandfather's words about aliens had come rushing back to him then. Of course, when his grandfather talked about aliens, his father had had the old man committed, which was why Kyle only knew him from the monthly visits of his childhood. Kyle wasn't going to let that happen to him, which was why he was keeping his mouth shut about what he'd seen until he could prove it. Now he's taken a job at the UFO museum to see if there is anything worth reading there. It gets him some ribbing from the guys, but it's worth it when an angel walks in, interested in learning about Roswell's colorful history regarding UFOs. He doesn''t know if Tess came in because she believed and might be someone he could talk to about what he'd seen or just because she was interested in him. Either way, it was a win.

Tess - Tess has long wondered about where she came from and what she is. She was found naked in the back of a pickup at gas station off the Interstate as a young child. Her unique abilities started developing years ago. Finally, she got access to her own file and found that a previous stop for the pickup's driver had been Roswell, New Mexico. That gave her enough pieces to the puzzle to realize what she might be, and she's determined to learn more. To that end, she's hitchhiked her way here. Now, with a fake ID claiming her 18 and a new job at the diner, she plans to do whatever it takes to learn anything she can. And UFO Museum looks like a good place to start.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by dreamon »

437. What if Max's pod was damaged during the crash and there are issues with his development.

Want it to be angsty and Tess is nice. I have a couple more details in mind so pm me if interested!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by rocky_griffin_az »

Don't know if this is the right discussion...
Crossover challenge, crosses with Wormverse by Willbow
any mix or merger would be good
bonus points if you keep the same personas for the characters involved
bonus points if you bring them to Brockton Bay for whatever reason and include main characters from Worm in the fanfiction.
Possible CC if you do that, Still alien hybrids but unsure of that because of parahumans being a thing.
How would the story change if one or more of the group triggered with with parahuman powers, especially Liz after being healed.
Humorous note, master strangers protocols catch out nesado
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy » aliens....or if you can make it work with aliens then go for it.

Max and Liz are ex's who dated in high school or college.

Isabel is getting married to Alex and is still on friendly terms with Liz....but some what from a distance(a phone call here and there plus a few emails and Christmas cards) Isabel sends Liz an invitation to her wedding....maybe even asking her to be a part of it.

Liz is in shock but can't turn down the invite...for whatever reason you want to give. But she dosen't want to go looking like a dateless loser. Michael is in her life some how....apartment neighbor or coworker. They're not on the best of terms. But some how Liz talks him into...bribes him(?) go as her date.

On the flip side Max is having the same thoughts as Liz is. When he hears at the last moment that Liz is coming and with a date he jumps into action! Maria is in his life and he some how talks her into going as his date to the wedding.

But what happens when Liz and Max's dates meet and hit it off better with each other then they do with Max and Liz?

Must evil Tess who gets with or is with Kyle...that's all I ask.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by dreamon »

There were 6 aliens sent to earth and 2 protectors survived the crash.

When they came out of the pods they were a little bit younger like kindergarten ages.

Liz is the queen and she was adopted by the Parkers when they were out of their way from Roswell and headed back to Albuquerque to tie up loose ends prior to their move to Roswell. So Liz actually grew up in Albuquerque for a little while until the middle of the 3rd grade when she moved to Roswell when her parents finished renovations on the Crashdown. Also as the queen Liz has many powers: she can heal, dreamwalk, project herself, etc. where as the others have a main power that they excel in and secondary powers like in the show.

Aaron is the king and he and a protector escaped the crash and got out of New Mexico while the other protector hid the remaining 5 pods and he then fled to safety himself with the hopes of returning. But when he came back the pods were empty.

Max is the royal bodyguard his number one duty is to protect the royals. But his priority is the Queen.

Michael is Max’s second. Isabelle and Tess finish off the royal detail. So Max,Michael, Isabel, and Tess, are the security team.

Michael, Isabel, and Tess were adopted by the Evans where as Max was just in foster care.

They don’t know what their mission is or anything and the 3 of them don’t know about Liz but Max is always drawn to her and looks out for her. For instance, when she forgot her lunch in the 3rd grade Max gave her his even though that would be the only meal that he would have for the entire day. The two of them became friends and Max always looked out for her. Like he gave her his umbrella when it was raining etc.

Max has a rocky home life like and the foster system has failed him since day one. For example, it’s freezing outside and when Nancy went to go pic Liz up from school she sees that Max kept her company in the 4th grade and that he doesn’t even have a jacket. So she takes him back to the crash down and gets the kids food and Max actually tries to pay with his change etc since that day the Parkers and Max form a relationship

So Max is actually close to the Parkers and he even asked Jeff to go with him to a father son school camping trip. And as they get older like in high school Liz even jokes that her dad likes Max more than her. In high school Max is once again put into another living situation and this is the worst of them all. Just imagine Hank being 10 times worse and abusive. Also, Max has trouble controlling his powers maybe as a side effect of a damaged pod or something. So at times he can’t heal himself after he gets roughed up by hank.

Now to Liz: Liz always knew she was different but she didn’t know about the others either. Her parents know the truth about her and she’s really close to them.

The shooting happens and Max saves her not knowing who she really is cause he’s in love with her. Like in the show him and group can’t believe that he risked everything to save as far as they know a human. But Liz calms their fears by letting them know that she’s like them too.

Things progress like the show and the fbi actually captures Max but it goes differently than the show and that’s how their protector finds them and helps with Max’s escape. Max was on his way for a date night with Liz when he gets taken. So when he doesn’t show up Liz is worried and she can’t get a hold of them. So after awhile she calls Michael who calms her down saying that Max probably got into another altercation with Hank and probably went to cool off and that he’ll eventually show up. But he doesn’t and by the next day when no one has heard from him they all get worried. Liz tries to contact Max but she can’t due to nerves So Isabelle dreamwalks Max and she finds out that he’s drugged and incoherent, etc. they don’t know where he is and Liz actually learns that she has the power to project and with the protectors help she projects herself into the white room at times and is able to interact with Max and see first hand what he’s going through and it’s worse than the show. For instance, to learn about their organs Pierce has them take out a kidney from Max while he is awake and Liz is there projecting herself with Max when this happens and he passes out from the pain. It takes them about 2 weeks to find him and get him out with the help of their protector.

When they get him out the protector tells them of their destiny and who they are and what their roles are. He also tells them of Aaron and how is the king and Liz’s husband but he doesn’t know if he survived the crash or not.

The protector is actually taken back by the bond that Max and Liz have since Max was not Liz’s intended but he sees how happy Max makes Liz and how in love they are in so he warms up to their relationship. He also informs Liz in private that she like Aaron actually has the ability to order Max to do things and he’s ingrained to follow their directions. Liz doesn’t tell Max this since he just got out of the white room and is also having a hard time with the fact that Liz has a husband and that he is her bodyguard. Perhaps Liz has actually used her controlling powers on Max without either of the knowing in the past in the heat of moments.

You can decide how Max copes with the white room and how the Parkers help him as well.

When they are graduating college (Liz is becoming a doctor, Max and Michael are going to be cops) Max is getting ready to propose to Liz and that’s when Aaron and the other protector find them. They had always been looking for them. The other protector is furious that the other protector let the relationship between Max and Liz go on given the fact that Liz is not only married but a queen and Max is beneath her royal standing.

Aaron grew up always dreaming about finding his love and queen Liz. And his arrival causes a strain between Max and Liz.

Aaron’s protector made a deal with the enemies to turn Liz over since the queen has the power on their world.

Aaron is also aware of the fact that Max has to obey whatever order he gives him. Aaron has no emotions since his protector raised him without love and told him that as the king he had to answer to no one.So after failed attempts to get Liz to be with him he approaches Max and tells him to drink small amounts of poison daily to kill himself painfully and slowly and never to tell anyone about that order.

Max tries to find a way to not follow Aaron’s order or to tell someone but he can’t due to his biological ingraining that he wasn’t even aware of until Aaron told him about it and rubbed it in his face.

So Max does what Aaron told him to do. He gets weaker, starts to be tired all the time, his skin becomes pasty, he can’t keep food down, has no energy etc. The others are extremely worried since they don’t get sick and Liz being a doctor runs tests on Max but with no success. They think something alien is happening to him.

So after a month of taking the poison Max tries to cope but his powers can’t heal him anymore because of his comprised state and he tries to put up a good front. For instance, at a party he tries to eat because he knows everyone is watching him and are worried about him. But the food doesn’t sit well with him and he has to throw it up and Liz is right there alongside Michael trying to help Max. They take him upstairs where he immediately passes out. Everyone at this point thinks that Max is dying.

Aaron is also at the party and he’s thrilled that his plan is working.

The protector who is with Max’s group suspects something is up so he tells Liz to order Max to answer certain questions. So she goes into the room where Max is passed out and wakes him up with the use of her powers. He’s not coherent but Liz’s demands override Aaron’s since she has more power and they learn about Aaron’s order and what’s been going on with Max. So she puts Max back to sleep and is furious and out for Aaron’s blood. She asks her protector what can be done and he tells her that there is a way to take the seal away from Aaron so that he is no longer the king.

You can decide how the showdown between Aaron and the group happens and how Max recovers and the alien enemies are dealt with.

The other humans are involved too and Tess is nice and actually going out with Kyle.
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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