Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter Thirteen - Completed: 02/22/2019

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Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter Thirteen - Completed: 02/22/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

Title: Against all Odds
Author: Parker1947
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell, or any of these characters. They were created once upon a time by Jason Katims and before him, the creator of the original series of books Melinda Metz. This story is based on the television series that began in 1999 and ran thru 2002. This story is of my own creation, and several new characters have been created at the discretion of the story.
Category: CC
Characters: ALL
Rating: Mature (Angsty)
Established Couples: Michael and Maria…
Summary: Post Chant Down Babylon, Liz was unable to bring Max back to life with her good-bye kiss. And therefore, she’s spinning in the months ahead, as she comes to terms with the loss of Max, and the powerful memories, and powers she doesn’t even want in her life. But will a chance encounter change all that?
Author’s Note: This is extremely angsty and is mainly a Liz centric story with Maria trying to help her friend all the while it also spirals into a very different story by the end, that I didn’t even see coming when I first started it with one thought in mind and it turned into a very different creature by the end LOL. Maria is on very solid ground with Michael, which will lead them to a very special moment in the middle of the chaos that surrounds them. I was fascinated about how Liz would respond if she lost Max to what she believes is forever. We got the sense she would take it badly in “Chant Down Babylon”, but what if there was no kiss that worked. You get a sense Max would take any total loss of Liz badly, but what if she did lose him? How would she handle it? I wanted to look at the incredible love between Max and Liz and the twisty nature of the story, well, I couldn’t help myself…

It’s very short story by my standards, so hope you enjoy it!

March 2003

Liz was spinning out of control. It had been 12 months since she lost the love of her life. Not the ways he believed she would one day. She always figured one day that he would leave her, and Earth behind to go back to Antar to reclaim his planet, or to rebuild it. And she had almost lost him because of that goal. But no, that is not how she had lost him. She had lost him to death.

Something so final, that not even being an alien could bring him back. No matter how much she had tried. Sure, she didn’t have the healing powers Max had, that had kept him alive in the past, but no, she had tried with one final kiss. She hoped and prayed that the sacrifice he had made when he saved her life hadn’t killed him and taken him away from her for good.

But she had been wrong. He didn’t come back… He had turned into dust, yet again. His eyes hadn’t opened. She had cried true tears and was now spinning out of control because of that. And nothing her friends could do could stop her… and how they tried.

She may have walked out on the boarding school she was attending in Vermont that day and gone home. But nothing anyone could say could break her out of the depression and sinking despair she resided in. She barely went to school, and therefore she barely made it to graduation. She had gotten into Northwestern, her backup plan when Harvard bombed out spectacularly before she had gone to Vermont in the first place. But life didn’t seem like it was worth living, and she deferred university for a year to please her parents who were now scared for their daughter.

No one knew how bad she felt, or how far gone she was sinking. Nothing they could do would pull her out. No one could know how she felt. Maria still had Michael, and they were now living together as she attended classes at Las Cruces and commuted back to Roswell and Michael’s apartment she had moved into once she did graduate.

Instead they watched Liz sink into the abyss over the loss of Max. Unable to convince her to snap out of it, and to come back to them, and to the land of living and instead they were watching their friend sink and sink.

“Keep them coming,” she stuttered as she sat at a bar, and ordered drink after drink as memories bombarded her brain, as she tried to dull the pain and yet it only kept her sinking deeper and deeper as she tried in vain to forget.

“Come on Ma’am, I have to cut you off,” came the bartender said as he focused on his paying customer and saw how under the influence she was and knew he had to step in, “It’s bar policy.”

“I am a paying customer, and I am not driving” Liz said in slurred speech. “So, keep them coming until I tell you to stop” as the bartender only shook his head but handed her a shot of vodka, and she slammed it down and went in for more…

From behind them the door opened, and someone stood in the doorway of Cow Patties, and watched and shook his head and picked up his phone and dialed a familiar number. “Yes, I am calling again” was all he said, “You know where.”

“I tried,” the bartender said as he saw the visitor approach the bar.

“I know,” Deputy Valenti said with a deep sigh as he took in the girl on the barstool. He had been a mainstay here in the months after losing his job as Sheriff. And even took a turn as a country and western singer here at the very bar, and he still roamed around to make sure nothing was out of order and he hated to see Liz, who was now becoming a regular despite her age. He didn’t bust the establishment that Liz was only nineteen, and underage. He was weeks away from getting his job back as Sheriff as Hanson was moving to California with his wife to take a position in San Diego, and the county had decided that Jim was the trusted man for the job as he had the experience.

He didn’t want to do what he was going to have to do one day soon with Liz, so he made the call he did, and watched twenty minutes later as a blonde walk through the door with a heartsick look on her face as she saw her friend pouring them down at the bar, as she nodded at Jim, who was finally dating her mother and maybe one day would be her stepfather. “Thanks for calling me,” she said as she walked to her friend.

“Take her home,” Jim advised.

“I will,” Maria sighed as she walked up to her best friend from childhood, who was now sinking into a sight that had never been her best friend.

“Come on Liz, let’s get you out of here.”

“Oh god, why did they have to call you?” Liz muttered.

“Because I am the only one who will put up with you like this,” Maria muttered because like that time in Vermont. Liz tended to lapse into a mean drunk tone when challenged, and only Maria seemed to have a knack to get her to clean up. No matter how much Jeff and Nancy tried in the early days after their daughter came home a shell of the person they had sent to Vermont.

Neither were able to tell the true reason. That Max was dead.

Even Phillip and Diane Evans weren’t told their son was dead, because that would only lead to questions. Everyone believed Max had left Liz to go off and search for his son. Yet no one truly believed it because Liz wouldn’t be the mess she descending to if it was as simple as that. Isabel hadn’t been much help in that quest to know more… as in the wake of her brother dying, and her marriage exploding over the secrets and lies that had been her life, she had tried in vain to keep her marriage to Jesse going and so they relocated to Boston when a job opening came…

So now Isabel lived in Boston.

And Liz was becoming a drunk.

“Leave me alone Ma..ria,” she slurred as she tried to bat away her best friend.

“No, you’re coming with me” Maria said as she pulled her friend from the barstool with Jim’s help, and tried to walk her out as she was too drunk not to stagger out after putting up a fight about whether to stay or go with her ride. “God Liz, you have to know I love you so why can’t you just snap out of this.”

“I don’t need to snap out of this,” Liz slurred as memories of a golden brunette flashed through her brain as she cried out inside her brain at the flashes. “I don’t have him anymore. He saved my life yet again, and he died because of me.”

“He wouldn’t want you to be this way,” Maria said. “You have to know that, right?”

“He’s dead Maria. Max is dead!” Liz slurred once they were outside the bar. “I can behave whatever way I want because I don’t have him anymore. He’s the love of my life, and the reason I am alive today, and he’s dead because he saved me…twice” she slurred as she put up two fingers. “So, why don’t you allow me to do the hell I want, okay!”

“Oh Liz,” Maria sighed as she put a drunk Liz in her car and drove back to the apartment she shared with Michael and parked and then yanked a passed-out Liz from her car and dragged her to the apartment.

Michael could only shake his head as he saw his girlfriend half carry and half drag a passed-out Liz into their apartment, and with his help, towards the coach as Liz collapsed on the coach. “Again?” he could only ask.

“Yes.” Maria nodded. “What am I going to do with her Michael?”

“Hope she cleans up,” Michael muttered. “That is all we can do for her until she wants to stop.”

“I hope so,” Maria muttered as she watched her sleep, and but knew they were battling a hopeless cause and with tears in her eyes, she hugged Michael hard and they walked into the bedroom silently, as they prayed.

And yet Liz didn’t stop as she was at the door to the bar the next night again, once the open sign was switched on, and they opened its doors and she walked to the bar and ordered her first drink.

“Keep them coming,” she told the bartender as she settled on the bar stool.
Meanwhile in a room far away from Cow Patties, two people were arguing in a room with the other being told they had twenty-four hours to make sure Liz shaped up or he would be risking his freedom.

He threw some curses and vanished.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:12 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter One - 01/01/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Looking promising. Looking forward to more.
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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter One - 01/01/2019

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Hate seeing Liz like this. But I need to see where this goes.
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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter One - 01/01/2019

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Interesting start to the story. Wondering who the guy is and what he is going to do with Liz.

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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter One - 01/01/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I'm so happy to see your new story........but am I ready for angst you are going to put us through??
That's sad to see Jim calling Maria to pick up a drunk Liz.......again.
Question........risk who's freedom???
Hurry back!
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Against all Odds - Chapter Two - 01/04/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

On this night, not long after the argument between the two men, Liz wasn't quite drunk enough for her liking as she sat at the bar and ordered beer after beer, and vodka after vodka. The tolerance level she was developing unnerved her in a very brief sober moment. And yet, she still slugged the drinks back with abandon. "I know so shut up," she told the bartender who suddenly appeared before her. "I don't criticize your life so don't criticize mine."

"Just doing my job Ma'am," came the newcomer as he got a glass ready for another customer before turning his attention to the beauty across from him.

"I don't recall seeing you here before?" Liz asked as she looked around the bar and saw she was the only one still there at the bar as it was almost closing time, and yet she wasn't drunk enough and she didn't have anyone coming to stop her from going into a stupor, and this night she didn't need rescuing or, so she thought.

"My first night," the bartender said as he passed his customer a drink. He had been warned about this one, and yet he still felt drawn to her for some reason and still he also gave her drinks even though he had been warned to cut her off, and to call the Sheriff department if she gave him any trouble.

"What a night it is," Liz said as she took the drink from him and slammed it back and went back for more...

"Can I ask you why… Why are you in so much pain?" the bartender asked as he stared at the brunette across his way, and across the bar.

"How do you know I am in pain?" Liz asked as she pined for another drink. "I could just be a girl looking for some fun."

"Because a girl like you doesn't often come in here so often if you weren't feeling upset or didn't have the world coming down around her shoulders,” asked the man who seemed to have all the questions aimed at the brunette.

"I can't forget," Liz muttered as she motioned for a drink as she couldn't find fault in his words and knew they should dig at her and make her stop, and yet she couldn’t, and she also didn’t want to so she continued to self-destruct while her world spun around her as they tried to figure out how to help her…

"Forget what?" the bartender asked.

"What I lost," Liz mourned as she reached for the drink and slammed it down to the dying tones of the Phil Collins classic ‘Against all Odds.’ "No one understands what I lost because they have the ones they love."

"Who did you lose?" the bartender asked.

"The love of my life. The reason I am still alive to screw up my life tonight," Liz signed as she took a drink from the brunette across the bar and swished it around in the glass as she stared it while she contemplates her loss. "I need to forget, so can you help me forget?"

"That is something I can do, but you do know that it's not the answer right, drinking yourself into a coma?" the bartender asked as he saw his boss come through the backdoor to indicate time to close. He nodded, as he handed the last drink to his customer. "Or trying to get lucky."

"Just give me the drink," Liz glared as she motioned for more alcohol. "Save the speech making."

"It so happens that we are closed," the bartender smiled as the Closed sign went up on the window.

"Liar," Liz snarled. “Give me another drink…”

"It's the truth as it's now closing time,” the bartender smiled as he showed Liz the window sign. “You have been here all night, and I am surprised you're still sane."

"So, am I?" Liz sighed for more reasons than the bartender knew as she twisted the stool around and tried to get up. "Oh, hello there" she muttered in a slightly slurred speech as the bartender came from behind counter to help the gorgeous brunette stand on her own two feet. "No, stop” she said yanking herself away from the man’s touch.

"What!" the bartender asked as if the girl feared his touch.

"I don't need your help," Liz said as she tried to start walking, and started to wobble. "Okay, I may need some help."

"I thought so," the bartender said as she grabbed for Liz before she fell to the floor. "Whoa there," he said as he took her into his arms. "Take it easy," he said as he helped her to the door. "You're not driving, right?"

"I don't have a car," Liz admitted. "Find me a cab."

"Hank can you hand me my coat?" he asked his boss as he came out of the backroom and only shook his head when he saw Liz was still around. "Something tells me you are popular around here?"

"What can I say, I am notorious" Liz smiled as her smiled frowned in many quarters of my life she thought to herself. "Shoot, I just remembered I can't go home nor to Maria's."

"Why not?" the bartender asked.

"They disapprove," Liz muttered as she remembered the fight, she had engaged in with her friends that morning when she woke up hung over. "And I don't want to hear their disapproval yet again. Where am I going to go?"

"Come with me," the bartender volunteered as they walked out of the bar and looked out at the dead of the night, and the coolish early morning air. "I don't have much, but it good enough for tonight."

"You don't even know me," Liz asked in a soft voice as the alcohol in her system was starting to work its magic and she was starting to slur more... “God, I am thirsty.”

"You don't know me," the bartender countered with a smile as they walked to his motorcycle and he showed it off to the girl. "So, do you think you can hold on?"

"What do you think?" came the reply.

"You're saucy," smiled the bartender against his better judgement. "I like that."

"You have no idea what I can do," Liz in her most flirty manner answered to his laugh as she got on the bike.

"What is your name?" asked the bartender.

"Maybe I won't tell you," Liz laughed as it felt good to tease as for once she wasn’t operating under devastating grief; she was just wanting to have a good time and forget for a little while that she had lost the greatest love of her young life, and how she didn’t want to have to go on living without Max.

"Come on sweetheart," the bartender queried as he handled her a spare helmet, "If you tell me yours, I will tell you mine?"

"The name is Shirley Temple," Liz lied as he took it from the mystery man as she was putting it on, covering her face.

The bartender knew it was a lie, but knew he wasn't going to bust her and so he let the fib continue, because it didn't matter to him if she wanted to hide, and he was willing to engage her quest because he had his own secrets, and secrets he didn’t fully comprehend yet, and was only beginning to which should have made him feel guilty, and it did and yet he found him pulled in the direction of this intoxicating brunette when he should have been staying away for the good of all parties. "You don't look like a Shirley Temple?”

"You would be surprised of what I am capable of being," Liz smiled as she put up the shield to be able to talk. "How about me showing you some of my tricks?"

"You look like you're capable of anything," came the bartender as he knew he was walking a fine line, and yet he was giving into this woman who was surprising him.

"I am capable of everything, and a few things you haven't even heard of, so how about it sexy, what is your name?" Liz asked they roared off on the bike.

"It's Rob," came the bartender with a smile.

"Rob what?" Liz asked.

"Rob Roy," the bartender lied as he shouted above the engine of the bike "So come on Shirley, why don't we go see what trouble we can find?" he murmured as she put down the shield of the helmet and they rode off to look for trouble…
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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter Two - 01/04/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Rob Roy is the bartender???
What's going on here?
It's sad to see Liz to messed up.
Thanks, Carolyn
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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter Two - 01/04/2019

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Liz is getting herself into trouble. Or maybe is there some miracle about to come her way? I can't help but notice this guy's use of Max's Vages alias.
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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter Two - 01/04/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Liz is definitely in a deep depression. I'm intrigued by the bartender using the Vegas alias as well.
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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter Two - 01/04/2019

Post by L-J-L 76 »

All I have is tons of questions. Who the hell is the bartender really? What the hell is he up to with Liz???????? There are 2 but souch more questions then I can think of. Please come back with more soon?

L-J-L 76
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