Lost & Found (CC, Mature) - Chapter 48 - Completed: 03/28/2019

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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 33 - Updated: 01/28/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

keepsmiling7 wrote:Khivar..........now this is a royal mess.
I'm glad Max and Liz came back to CA.......but I can't stand it. Max needs to call Serena.
Please put them out of their misery soon.......and me too.
Yes, please call Serena. Put Liz, Max and the readers out of their misery.

Will Max need to heal Molly so she will remember her mom?
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 33 - Updated: 01/28/2019

Post by Superman86 »

Ahhh!!! I can't take it, they're so close to Bella... Will Max and Liz rekindle what they had in the past before Serena spill the news. Can't wait to see. :D Please come back soon for next update.
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Lost & Found - Chapter 34 - 01/31/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

Liz couldn’t help but have those words ringing in her head as Max showed her to the spare room. Sitting on the bed, she looked around the barren walls and thought of how life could have been if only had been together. Sighing, she knew those thoughts were useless because the past was the past and they couldn’t erase it. Unpacking her bag, she went back and heard Max on the phone. “Right, I forgot she and her husband had that trip planned” Max was saying into the phone. “When is she back in the squad room?” he asked of his partner who was off on a scheduled family trip that Max had forgotten Serena had planned. “Okay, thanks, tell her to call me or come by my place. I am home now. No, I am not coming in yet. Yes, I know I am thin rope with Gibson. Thank you, Tessa…”

Tess Liz thought at the name even though she thought she heard him say Tessa. Shivers still ran up her spine at the mention even though she supposed she had experienced eviler than that blonde could have given her in her short time. Still nightmares plagued her Tess’s reign of terror and what she had taken from her…

Alex, she thought. How she missed him.

Max didn’t know Liz had come out, and so he pressed play on his answering machine as he hadn’t checked it for days and found it filled.
Several were from Serena so erased them. Others were for trash, but then there were some that made his heart race.

“Max you’re a SOB. You need to call me back. It’s Cindy, as if you didn’t know. Call me back.”

“Max, this is Harriet… Call me back. I thought we had something…”

“Max this is Mae… You don’t kick me out of your bed and then not call me back… Call me back. Otherwise we’re through…

“This is Mae again. We’re through.”

“So, you haven’t been lonely,” came a voice that made his heart race but not out of panic, but with intense attraction as he didn’t realize she had come out and heard the messages as he realized his preoccupation with Molly’s case has kept him celibate and he realized he didn’t miss the nightly different women when he only really wanted one, and she was eyeing him with weariness.

“I didn’t hear you come out of the spare room?” Max said quietly as he eyed the look in her eyes.

“Obviously,” Liz said. “So…”

“So,” Max nodded. “Sorry you had to hear that. So, no, while I might have been sober… I haven’t been lonely in some respects but truthfully, they didn’t mean anything to me or any of the others he mused to himself and didn’t allow the words to cross his lips.

“Really?” Liz asked.

“It was only you…” Max said softly.

“Max, please don’t tell me that. Obviously, they meant something to you. I remember you back then, and you generally had to feel for someone to cross that line. It did with Tess. And then me…”

“Tess was nothing,” Max winced at the memories. “I told you so back then.”

“You also told me that she was “like you” and that was the attraction even though you always told me I was the ‘one for you.”

“You were…” Max said. “And I am sorry for hurting you back then. Tess, I have come to realize was a con game. She pulled one over one on me so it’s hard to trust anything I might have felt back then. Given it wasn’t the easier time for any of us.”

“No, it wasn’t,” Liz said as she remembered back to that time when they were all a mourning the loss of Alex and conducting themselves in a manner that would hurt them and changed all their lives. While it had solidified Maria and Michael for spurts of time, well, for her and Max it had the opposite effect of them. They might have tried after Tess left the planet. Still, they were never the same and they were forever damaged by it.

“I am different. For good and for bad Liz. The last decade has changed me in many ways and unfortunately, I went for comfort when I knew I should have been alone because you never left me which made it all so hollow because it never really filled the empty feeling that existed within be. I wish I could say I was a better person, and, in many ways, I am, but in other ways I know I am not.”

“Look Max I can’t harp on you for whatever you may have done given I was married twice, and I wouldn’t say I was a hermit.” Liz allowed although she knew it hurt to know that Max had been with others, when she knew she couldn’t be that angry since she had been with Sean and Kyle and others beyond them.

Max nodded even though a flash of jealousy rose through him at that knowledge. “We both have a past… for good and bad…”

Liz nodded.

“I was telling the truth when I said none of women meant anything to me. I never could forget you, and that was the truth. You were always in my dreams, as if you were calling out to me… And I wanted to go there, but then I would wake up and know I screwed up.”

Liz didn’t want to believe because it hurt too much to believe...

“We have to concentrate on finding Bella. Anything else can be decided later and will be gravy to the quest we have to deal with right now, and that is finding our daughter.”

“You are right,” Liz smiled.

“Why don’t you rest. You have had a long day with being just out of the hospital. I need to go over to the hospital and check on Molly, my case.” Max sighed. “I’ll do that now and give you some time.”

Liz nodded as she watched Max collect his stuff and leave soon after while she took a giant sigh of disbelief. So much of the last ten years had been missing Max, and she was in his home.

Looking around she saw all the signs that Max hadn’t been living his life to the fullest. Signs of him drinking were still stinging with her. So not the Max she once knew, but then she was far from the person she once was… Going back into the spare room, she took some time relax. Taking out her cellphone, she called home… She called… “Hi Michael, is Maria home… No, well, tell her to call me when she can… Yes, we made it here safely.”

She laughed, “Max went off to check on one of his cases. His place is a surprise, and evident he lived a very different life here in California.”


While Liz was checking in with Michael. Max drove over to the hospital as he sought clarity as he saw his out of control life, and he didn’t know where it was leading him next as he felt it was a dream come true to know Liz was waiting back at home, and yet he didn’t trust that dream to stick.

Trying to focus on his job allowed him the ability to worry about something else as he had known that Serena was off with her family on a mini visit to her in-laws to celebrate her mother-in-law’s birthday, and wouldn’t be home until the next day, and so they couldn’t talk about Molly’s case and so he was heading for the hospital unaware of anything that had broken while he had made a detour back Roswell.

Checking in on Molly seemed like the right move for him but as he walked off the elevator and into her hospital room, as he checked it out. He found it empty and no sight of the little girl. Turning around he went to the nurse’s station, he demanded. “Where is Molly Davidson. I checked her room, and she’s not there… Where is she?”

“Surgery,” came the response.

“What!” Max spat. “Has there been a relapse. I thought she was on the mend and almost ready for release.”

“I only came on shift a short time ago, so I don’t have the information you need, but I can page Dr. West” the nurse commented. “Dr. Bailey is taking care of the surgery.”

“Do that,” Max muttered as he stared and wondered what was going on and why Molly needed more surgery as he wondered the halls waiting for the doctor to answer her page, and fifteen minutes later he got his answer when the doctor showed up.

“Detective, sorry for keeping you waiting,” Dr. West smiled. “I was finishing with a patient.”

“I realize you do a lot around here, but it was a surprise to swing by Molly’s room and find her not there and then to be told she was in surgery. What is going on?” Max asked.

“You don’t have to worry about Molly because she is doing well Detective Evans, but in the course of her recovery, well, it was decided that she was needing corrective surgery” Dr. West stated with a smile.

“I thought she was healing…” Max asked.

“She is, but as she was healing we found her left arm had some fractures in her shoulder and wrist that weren’t healing like they should be for a growing child and so we decided to some surgical repairs. The procedure isn’t that complicated, and she should be back in her room in a couple of hours, but she won’t be able to have visitors until morning so not to disturb her as she heals…”

“Are you sure?” Max asked.

“Honestly she will be fine,” Dr. West smiled. “She should be ready for release in a week or so, but she might need some rehab.”

Max nodded as he stood satisfied that at least Molly was heading for recovery. “Okay, so I’m heading home, call me if anything happens.”

“I am sure Molly will want to see you in the morning. She has missed your visits.” the doctor smiled as she watched the detective head towards the elevators as she was amazed by the devotion the detective was showing to Molly.

Max knew he missed Molly too…


Liz was let herself back into the house after taking a walk through the woods that surrounded the house. There was an air of peace she found and maybe Max was right that it was nice and isolated and didn’t feel rushed or interrupted. Sitting down on the couch she spotted a few folders on the table. She started to clean up the mess that he had made and hadn’t yet cleaned up except for the alcohol. Picking up a folder, she sat down on the couch and opened it up.

And found a file on Bella’s disappearance. Fighting tears, she thought of her little girl, as she went through the clippings of newspapers and saw a copy of the birth certificate. Something that haven Max the final piece of the puzzle that had been Bella’s paternity. She closed the file and put it down, and then picked up another one and opened it and found pictures of Roswell… Of Michael, Isabel and his parents. And then he found a collection from her… They were all younger in them as she realized that they were from just after he would have left town.

She recognized one of the pictures and it was indeed after he had left town. And then she caught her breath when she saw an article that spelled out her marriage to Sean from the Roswell Gazette. It was such a mess she remembered. How she felt for her parents and the crap she had put them through and she would forever be regretful of her actions. I am sorry Mom and Dad she thought but then it also crossed her mind that Max did know about her and Sean and she hated knowing the pain he must have felt to know she moved so soon after he left town.

He screwed up, but he didn’t deserve the pain of knowing she had married someone weeks after he left town.

Another folder she saw was hidden under the mess. She picked it up, caught her breath as she saw medical papers. Applications for commitment to a mental health facility. Stated reasons was his drunken state that bordered on insanity and delusions of seeing things that weren’t there… or people talking to him when they weren’t…

The application was ultimately rejected as she saw. Wow, maybe it was as bad as he said it was... she thought as she saw his medical records and her heart hurt by seeing the injuries and then she saw the words silver handprint on the most recent one. Vanished within a day.

WHAT! she thought as the door opened and Max appeared, and she looked up. “Hi…”

“Liz,” Max nodded as he saw she was doing some reading and knew what she might be checking out because he was aware he had folders on his table.

“I was curious,” Liz acknowledged. “I shouldn’t have… I am sorry.”

“It’s fine, I keep it around to remind myself how bad it did get so that I don’t go down that road again. Drinking is usually kept to the safety of his house and I try to not go that deep again.”

Liz nodded. “Is it true they found a silver handprint on you?”

“Yeah,” Max nodded.

“How?” Liz asked.

“I don’t know, but probably Kal…” Max thought even though sometimes he doubted it given how he left it with the man. Kal had truly hated him for trying to get to Antar. He somehow found himself a way to Antar but it hadn’t been with Kal’s help.

“Who is Kal?” Liz asked.

“Our other watcher…” Max muttered.

“I thought you only had Nascedo?” Liz asked as she struggled to remember back to high school and the hierarchy that existed within the flight from Antar. Nascedo was sent with the pods that held Max, Michael and Isabel and Tess as it was later discovered. Nascedo would take in Tess and live a human life of Ed Harding. But it was revealed that Nascedo had made a pact to bring back Max’s heir to the outer worldly planet as Tess had tried her hardest to live up to that pact.

“I thought so too but we didn’t…”

“So, there was someone out there keeping a watch on you guys?” Liz asked.

“Yeah,” Max said. “And he wasn’t too happy to give up his human life as he was the opposite of Nascedo in that he loved being a human despite his shapeshifter ability which he hadn’t done since coming to Earth.”

“Wow,” Liz thought.

“I know…” Max nodded.

“I thought you only had the ability to save people?” Liz asked. “It was part of your secret power?”

“All of us have the ability to help people. To prevent injury but it just me who has the ability to go further…”

“And bring people back from death?” Liz asked. “Like you did with me and Kyle?”

“Yeah…” Max said of his burden. “Kal is supposed to watch out for us but of course he doesn’t always abide by that rule…”


“Why didn’t you tell me you knew Evans was in California” a voice asked as she sat in a booth to give her some secrecy at the Crashdown or, so she thought. She was meeting her husband for dinner before she had to go back to work. “You sent me here… to keep an eye on Liz and her friends… No, I don’t care…” the voice asked but before she knew her phone was snatched out of her hand as she gave the thief a baffling shout. “Hey, what the hell are you doing!”

“I am finding out who you’re working for… “Michael said revealing himself as he disconnected the phone and sat across from the blonde.

“Ava... or is that your name?” Michael asked. “What the hell are you up to…”

“I don’t know what you mean…”

“I heard you…” Michael spat. “I overheard Ava or is that your name. I heard you say that someone sent you here to keep an eye on me. I want to know why, and who is it and why it is any business of you. So, who are you?”

“That is none of your business.”

“Are you Khivar?” Michael demanded as she exchanged a deathly death glare at the blonde that reminded him so much like Tess. “So, you finished with Sean Deluca and now you’re coming after us…”

“We have to talk” was all Ava said as she thought of the twisted life that was coming unraveled after a decade.

“Hell right, we have to talk” Michael muttered as he as softly as he could grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the Crashdown. Ava didn’t resist so not to make a scene. “I have to call my husband.”

“No, you don’t,” Michael muttered as he opened the door of his car and pushed her in and immediately went to his phone and called for reinforcements. Once done, he got in the driver side and turned to the blonde. “You have been lying to us and we’re going to get answers. Your husband is as clueless as we are… isn’t he?”
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 34 - Updated: 01/31/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Why did Serena pick now to go on vacation? Who is Ava working for? Cal? Max should be able to fix Molly/Bella's arm when he discovers her true identity.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 34 - Updated: 01/31/2019

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Wow Max and Liz have a lot to work out. Poor Molly has to have surgery. Hopefully everything will go smoothly for Molly. Glad Max is letting Liz know somethings.Oh wow Ava is in Roswell. Why is Ava in Roswell?
Who is Ava's husband? Will Max and Liz work things out between them? Will Liz find the picture Molly drawled? What will Liz do when she sees the picture? Will Serena be at Max's apartment? Will Serena call Max? Will Liz meet Serena? Will Liz meet Molly? What will Ava tell Michael and the others?

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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 34 - Updated: 01/31/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

L-J-L 76 wrote:Wow Max and Liz have a lot to work out. Poor Molly has to have surgery. Hopefully everything will go smoothly for Molly. Glad Max is letting Liz know somethings.Oh wow Ava is in Roswell. Why is Ava in Roswell?
Who is Ava's husband? Will Max and Liz work things out between them? Will Liz find the picture Molly drawled? What will Liz do when she sees the picture? Will Serena be at Max's apartment? Will Serena call Max? Will Liz meet Serena? Will Liz meet Molly? What will Ava tell Michael and the others?

L-J-L 76
Ava has been Roswell for awhile. She is a resident at the hospital and is married to one of the deputies. It was in one of the earlier chapters when Liz had to go to the hospital.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 34 - Updated: 01/31/2019

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Boy the plot thickens. Who is Ava working for?
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 34 - Updated: 01/31/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

What a fine time for Serena to go off on a trip with her family......
Liz discovered Max certainly hadn't been lonely while in CA.
Poor Molly, more surgery......but glad to hear it is only corrective. Her dad could fix it very easily if given the chance.
Wow......Max's application for a mental health facility......he must have been in bad, bad shape.
Silver hand print???
Kal's connection???
What's up with Ava now???
Will Molly ever find her mom and dad????
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Lost & Found - Chapter 35 - 02/02/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

“Who are you?” Michael said through gritted teeth twenty minutes later as he stood in the safety of the Valenti-Deluca household as Jim watched over after Michael had called him at the station and requested to use his home for an important group meeting. Knowing his wife was home as she dealt with her nephew’s death, and Maria was planning to be there because Betty had her party to attend, and Michael was at work. Isabel having gotten the change of locals had rushed over because she had sensed the tension in Michael’s voice when he urged her to meet him at Jim’s place.

So, Isabel arrived minutes before, and now they were standing together facing a defiant blonde on a chair in the kitchen. Amy went upstairs to give privacy while Michael demanded Ava take a seat at the table.

“I told you Michael. My name is Ava… Ava Johnson”

“The hell you are,” Michael gritted with arms folded as he gave the royal soldier pose he hadn’t had to use to years. He felt protective of his family, and the knowledge they might have been betrayed by Tess’s lookalike dug at him. Max of all people had been immediately suspicious about how Ava had engrained herself and he didn’t immediately see it, but now he did. As all he was doing was arriving to meet Isabel for dinner while Maria spent time with her mother as Betty had a sleepover slumber birthday party to attend with friends from camp. Only to hear Ava on the phone with a mysterious person as he went to a booth he had requested for his dinner and once he overheard the words he did, well, his heckles went at what he had overheard.

“I am Ava…” Ava tried again.

“No, you’re not,” Michael muttered.

“Tell us the truth Ava, tell us why you’re trying to con us.” Maria asked as she looked straight at the woman. When her husband had stormed into the house, she had been surprised. He knew he was dealing with work related business and so she came back over to spend the evening with her mother while Jim did business at the station only to find her face going pale at the overview her husband had given her in a shorthanded version of what he had overheard at the Crashdown.

“It’s the truth,” Ava sighed Well it is, just not the whole truth she muttered under her breath unheard… “My name is Ava…”

“How do we know that?” Isabel asked as she stood appalled when she heard her friend’s version of the events in question.

“Look it’s the truth, but it’s not the full story” Ava said as she forced into revealing the truth. She wished could keep them in the dark, and while it’s not the end of the world to have it out. She just wished she could have her normal life without them looking at her like she was a traitor, which they now were... and she hated it.

“Tell us,” Maria said softly as she saw the death glare in her husband’s eyes and it was something no one could withstand long…

“Ok, fine… My name is Ava. Ava Langley Johnson!”

“Excuse me” Michael spat as the name Langley came up as memories came from Max’s letter about their second watcher. He and Isabel had never met him, but now he wondered.

“You came with Lonnie and Rath?” Isabel asked.

“I did,” Ava admitted. “Look it’s a long story…”

“Tell us, because we have time.” Michael demanded.

“Sure…” Ava muttered. “I was split off from Lonnie and Rath like what I am told Tess was to you Isabel and Michael back when we all crashed. You guys ended up here in Roswell. We ended up in New York… Zan, Rath and Lonnie hatched and went on their way. When I hatched, Kal was there… He wasn’t planning to do anything about it but found me useful. He was able to present a different image by taking me in as he worked to come to terms with life on Earth. While I am told Nascedo wanted back on Antar and kept the way he was engrained. Kal found he liked life on Earth and worked hard to maintain that cover… So, he took me in and we ended up in Los Angeles…

“But you were like Rath and Lonnie…” Isabel wondered.

“Yeah, but I was sane” Ava muttered as she thought of Zan, Rath and Lonnie. “Zan was too but too bad he got taken out before he was able to live the life he wanted. So, I was raised by Kal. But eventually we clashed too much and so I ran away when I was a teenager and ran back to New York where I came across Zan, Lonnie and Rath and they took me in and showed me how to live like them and I immediately bonded with them and especially with Zan but still something was off as it was evident that I wasn’t like them, as you could call me the black sheep which is why I probably bonded with Liz when we came town for that brief time. When everything went down in New York with the Alien Summit, well, I ran back to California and turned my life around and little by little I came back into Kal’s life. When I did, it was after he had spent time with Max. While he was put off by the actions Max took, he did reveal he had been keeping an eye on you guys all that time. He liked his life and wanted to try to get back to his own self and therefore he wasn’t relishing the idea of coming to Roswell as he figured out that Max hadn’t come back. So, he sent me here with the instructions to watch and report back to him. My mission was to watch Liz since he knew that Max had split off…”

“You allowed Liz to get mixed up with Sean Deluca,” Maria glared.

“She was already in his clutches by the time I came to town. I sensed something was not right with Sean, but I didn’t know what… Kal had his suspicions and told me to be a friend and make sure nothing went haywire with her...”

“Everything went haywire with her” Maria gritted.

“I am sorry about that…” Ava sighed. “I truly am.”

“So, this Kal knew that Khivar might have tried to take control of Sean Deluca?” Jim asked.

“I don’t know what Kal thinks or thought but it was suspicious the change in behavior from his prior time in Roswell, so questions were right to be explored. But if he was in jail, neither of us thought anything of it.”

“But Bella disappeared?” Isabel cried.

“Yes, that is when I figured things had escalated but there was no proof that Deluca was involved.”

“If Khivar became aware Liz gave birth Max’s heir?” Maria asked. “The heir that Tess had worked so hard to try to take back to Antar…”

“I know,” Ava muttered. “But because Liz was lying about the paternity…”

“Khivar would have known if he was assuming Sean’s body.”

Ava sadly nodded.

“But because she was a girl. Khivar could have cared less about Bella because he didn’t want females having any type of power on his planet, so he just found a way to get rid of her as he knew he could strike back at Max that way… if he ever did become aware of Liz having his baby?” Isabel asked.

“It would stand to reason,” Ava admitted. “Look I know that you must be angry, and why…”

“No, you don’t…” Maria muttered as she thought of all the pain Liz was put under if this was a master plan of Khivar to get even with Max and used her friend as a pawn even though Max was no longer in town…


It was hours later, and the middle of the night and Liz slept in the spare room while Max was in the other room. Knowing Max was so close was causing her to toss and turn as she faced the whirlwind of emotion. Memories of the good and the downright painful flashed through her mind as she remembered that day out in the desert when she said good-bye and hoped to see him again, but never imagining it would be over ten years before that time came to her again, and then only months later she was forced into a unimaginative role that she never thought possible or at least not until she was older or more prepared to handle it…

May 5, 2002

Auggh….” came a screaming girl within the walls of the hospital delivery room. She had been screaming for hours, wishing for anyone to take away the pain in which she was under…

“Come on Liz,” came the encouragement from the nurses in the room. The doctor wasn’t yet ready to come in… “A few more pushes and then it was all done…”

“I can’t do this,” Liz panted as some of the extreme had subsided for a moment. “I want to go home…”

“You’re almost there come on you do it. Do you want your husband to be in here with you?” the nurse added as Liz’s eyes went cloudy with pain as another contraction started.

“God no…” Liz screamed… “Keep him out” she yelled as she knew the marriage was a disaster, but she wasn’t ready to say it which is why her mother wasn’t in here with her but was out in the waiting room. She knew her parents she was keeping at a distance because of their hatred for her marriage. Therefore, Maria had been her birth coach and yet she wasn’t in the room because she had been on a pre-graduation trip with Michael as they were newly back together after some hiccups. They had wanted to go out of town for the weekend… Since Liz wasn’t expecting the baby for another few weeks, well, she said sure, go ahead to Maria. But then the labor started…

“Are you sure you don’t want him in here. He can be support for you. He’s the baby’s dad…”

“NO, he isn’t” Liz thought only to herself…
“Max is” she mused. “God, I want him here with me… He should be here with me…”

“Do you want someone to come in here for you…”

“Bring in Isabel…” Liz said as a contraction subsided, and Isabel walked into the room soon after and was with her for the last twenty minutes before finally the baby pushed herself out of her mother…

“Congratulations Liz, it’s a baby girl!”

And immediately after being placed in her mother’s arms… Liz fell in love. She saw Max staring back to her, and knew any misgivings she might have of the pregnancy or the damage she might have inflicted on herself in the months that led to this moment… it was all worth it… because in those eyes she saw Max, and something precious she now had of him that allowed her a chance to make things right…

Isabel nearby cried as saw the baby, while also seeing how the baby looked so much like her brother…

And cried even more when she heard the name
, Isabella Maria Parker come out Liz’s mouth as she named the child and yet still maintained the lie that Sean Deluca was the birth father…

They all knew she was lying…

And now ten years later Liz was tossing and turning as Bella’s biological father laid in the room next to as she recalled how that tiny baby had turned into a beautiful little girl whose future held so much promise, and now to have that taken from them by the act of a madman that might have routes in the past…

Her eyes opened as tears ran as she thought of her little girl. Staring into the darkness, and the stillness of the house. A house that was a stranger to her and yet it felt friendly.

Sitting she saw Bella shadow staring at her from across the room… “I know sweetheart… I know…”

“Mommy, I love you.” Bella’s vision was telling her… “I am close by…”

Unable to shake the memories of her little girl and the heartache of being almost taunted by glimpses of the girl, she grabbed her housecoat and got out of bed and walked out of the room softly as she could to not disturb Max, and she walked out into the living room.

Walking to the large windows that showed the front yard. Needing fresh air, she opened the door and walked out.

Smelling the fresh air, she just stood there…

“Liz, what is wrong” came a tender voice she knew so well. Spinning around knowing who she was going to see…



Max had been tossing and turning also but unlike his ex, who was dreaming of their daughter. Intense dreams of their past flowed through his body which made it hard to sleep. Hearing the front door, he leaped up in a sitting position. Knowing he hadn’t heard things, he instantly grabbed his jeans and followed the noise and saw through the window, Liz standing out front in her robe.

Walking out, he stared at her for a few minutes before making himself known. “Liz…”

Liz did a spin around and saw him and saw that he was only in jeans. “I thought you were asleep.”

“So, did I?”

“I guess I did too much sleeping in the hospital,” Liz lied, and Max knew she was lying…

Max laughed but stopped. “Are you okay?”

“It was only dreaming but not really dreams you know what you mean?” Liz admitted.

“Oh…” Max said getting the gist. “You think Bella is trying to tell you something?”

“I want to find her…”

“We will,” Max promised. “I have this sense we’re closer than we think to finding Bella. She might be around the corner…”

“I hope so…” Liz said as she turned to look out into the dark night. “It’s so peaceful here… Not a house for a mile.”

“Which is why it’s spoke to me,” Max said as he came to realize how he had isolated himself here during these last five years. Sure, Serena came over, or he saw woman after woman much to his partner’s dismay but the time he had spent in Roswell made him feel the closeness. “But sometimes I wonder how much I miss…”

“You do?” Liz asked as she turned back to face Max.

“Sure,” Max said. “So much of my life these last five years has been hiding. After my time in Washington, I wanted peace and quiet but coming back to Los Angeles wasn’t that quiet of a town, so I found my corner of it. But being back in Roswell, I saw how much your house or even Isabel’s home spoke to you guys and there is something I miss…”

“Why Washington Max, why the FBI?” Liz asked as they looked out at the night sky to try to cure their insomnia and for Max to quench the desire he was beginning to have stirred up him again every time he was near Liz. Having her at home was a dream come true. “Afterall they put you through in high school.”

“That was the Special Unit. I worked for the real deal agency,” Max sighed. “I doubted whether I could or even should do it. But as I told Michael, and maybe even you… I needed the money to pay my hospital bills and I happened on a recruitment one day, and well I went for it. And it was mostly good…”

“Mostly?” Liz asked.

“My health was still not completely on the completely balanced and I needed something, but I wasn’t ready for what the job entailed, but I stuck until the darkness I felt swallowed me again… And I quit, and then spent the next year fighting to get back to normal. Finally, I achieved something… I don’t know what, but I did… Yet I still hadn’t completely turned my life around, and finally I did with this job and with this place.”

“I am glad…” Liz nodded.

“Are you?” Max asked as he saw Liz staring at him.

“But then I find that I might like the life that exists in Roswell… the one I left so long…”

“Sounds like you made quite the life here… from the looks of this place…”

“It wasn’t one because I was always missing you…”


“Look I mean what I said before, and I am not trying to push you into anything. I am just telling you how I think. I see you every time I close my eyes and sometimes even when they are open… I thought I had moved on and maybe I should just let you go, but I can’t because I love you.”


“I just wanted you to know… I am not expecting anything. Or pushing you into anything you don’t want. I will be there for you regardless of whatever move you make in the end. But know, that day when I saved your life… I told you, “it was you” and I mean it. I screwed up and hurt you, and I am forever horrified about it but over these last ten years I have tried to get over you, and to move on and that is why my life is so miserable because I have never stopped loving you. I am prepared to live my life without you if that is what you want. But I am going to be there for you, and for Bella when she comes home.”

Liz felt a wave of spine-warming rush of desire. She didn’t know where this was leading them, but she couldn’t deny she didn’t feel the same thing for Max. She didn’t know if she could live her life with him, but she also knew what the last ten years have been like without him in her life, and looking at him without a shirt, and just in his jeans…starting at her like the she was only person in the world… She felt overwhelmed… and a stir of desire waving through her, moving her in a direction. “Max…”

“Let’s go in,” Max said finally after he broke the stare as he turned to head back into the house, and back into sanity when she reached for his arm and stopped him.

“Max,” Liz said softly.

He turned around, and she knew this was the wrong thing she could possibility do but she couldn’t stop herself. She reached up and kissed him

The kiss released a torrent of passion as he responded instantly as both dove into it, as her arms went around his head as they dug deeper into the kiss as ten years of waiting vanished

“Liz,” Max muttered as they couldn’t stop themselves as they continued their kissing as they backed up against the flatness of the house wall and continued to take their kissing deeper as Max also tried to go for the front door, as somehow, they made it despite not separating from each other.

“This is the last thing we should be doing right now…” he whispered they couldn’t unlock each other from their embrace as he slammed the front door.

“We should stop,” Liz whispered but she kept kissing as Max’s hands went down and undid her robe, and as it pooled to the floor.

“God, Liz…” Max murmured.

“Let’s not talk,” Liz said as she knew this was not the brightest move as she was only hours out of the hospital where she nearly died from stress that had built over the last decade after Max went and vanished on her in the first place, and only manifesting even stronger when her little girl disappeared and yet she couldn’t pulled herself away from this man. She was letting go any form of rational thought as they returned to the kissing…

“Right,” Max said as he also knew they shouldn’t be doing this, but he couldn’t help but himself as his hands went under the nightgown and felt the tenderness of flesh and felt the desire burn in himself as she finally found he was coming home again… “God, I love you Liz…”

Not wanting to get into any thought of feelings or public disclosures Liz eliminated his words with her kissing as she moved her own hands down and unzipped his jeans… She felt like the world was out of its axle and yet she also felt like this was what was meant to be…

As she felt him kissing her shoulders, and the bliss she was feeling for the first time in ten years she reached up and put her legs around his waist as they continued to feel like the world only existed with them in it as he walked move back as they continued walk and kiss…

Reaching the couch, unable to go any further they tumbled onto the piece of furniture as they went to lengths that had been denied to them with each other since the parting months before it all ended for them.

They finally felt at home….
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:52 am
Location: Charleston, WV

Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 35 - Updated: 02/02/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Wow. I'm speechless.
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