Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter Thirteen - Completed: 02/22/2019

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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter Nine - Updated: 02/04/2019

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Oh I want to kick the ass of whoever came up with this stupid plan to keep Max and Liz apart!
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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter Nine - Updated: 02/04/2019

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Roswelllostcause wrote:Oh I want to kick the ass of whoever came up with this stupid plan to keep Max and Liz apart!
Agree with Roswelllostcause. The people who came up with this plan really needs their heads checked. At least Liz now knows the truth. Hoping Max will come back for Liz and Claudia.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter Nine - Updated: 02/04/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

"They".........there are still questions to be answered.
So Max agreed to help take down the Wheeler Company and to stay dead to protect Liz, Michael and Isabel.
Can't wait to find out more!
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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter Nine - Updated: 02/04/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Poor Max, Liz, and Claudia will have to remain separated.
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Against all Odds - Chapter Ten - 02/07/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

The sun blared through the window in the bedroom as they were entangled in each other’s arms as Liz stirred awake in the early hours of the morning as she felt the touch of her hair, and the touch of her skin. It had been an incredible night, and she knew time was ticking time. They were playing with fire if anything Max had told her was true. She feared it was true. “Mmm…” Liz murmured to the intoxicating touch.

“You are gorgeous,” Max murmured as touched and kissed her shoulders. “I don’t know how I got so lucky to be loved by you.”

“You opened me up to a new world,” Liz murmured as she stared into his eyes. “I don’t know how I could have lived in my prior life.”

“We both got lucky,” Max said as he looked over and saw that it was 6:00 a.m. “I hate that it’s morning.”

“I know,” Liz said as she felt his lips on her as they got caught up in each other’s arms once again and an hour later they stopped and knew time was not on their side, as she maneuvered out of his embrace. She sat up in bed and looked down at a naked Max “I hate this but it’s Maria’s wedding today. She and Michael need me to be there, and to be on top of my game.”

“I wish I could be there…” Max said truthfully.

“Me too,” Liz agreed. “Are they really taking you away today?” she cried as she didn’t want the answer, he had on the tip of his tongue to be said.

“Yeah,” Max nodded as he feared the moment. “If they can find me…”

“Let’s hope they don’t,” Liz murmured as he pulled her down and they got caught up in each other’s arm as they made passionate love and treasured the little time they had together when suddenly there was a loud knock on her front door.

“God, what now…” Liz said as she rolled over and maneuvered out his embrace at the persistent knocks and he didn’t want to lose that embrace, and she didn’t want to have to step out of it because he knew what was behind that door… hard cold reality.

“Time’s up…” Max feared as Liz reached for a robe and he got out of bed and walked out into the living room and saw their clothes all over the floor. She picked up the piles of clothes and threw them into the room, hitting her bed before closing the door. Max knew his little bit of a miracle couldn’t last, as much as he wished it could. Outside, pausing as Liz tried in vain to think of a way to prevent the reality as she walked to the door. Opening it, she frowned when she saw someone familiar and unexpected. “Jim.”

Jim Valenti was looking at her while she was in her robe and the tussled hair and robe even at this hour, and it was a picture that anyone would guess of just what he was interrupting, and he hated knowing he had to end it. “I am sorry Liz…”

“What’s wrong?” Liz said on guard. “Is it my parents. Is it Claudia?”

“No, all is fine on that front…” Jim assured the young mother. “Although Maria is mystified why you couldn’t go over to Amy’s place last night, but I know why, don’t I?” he asked the young woman in the ratty robe.

“Jim don’t please…” Liz asked, almost pleading in her desperation to keep Max in her life. “You can’t be here for that…”

“I am sorry Liz, but I have to do this,” Jim said solemnly as he faced Liz “Is Max here?” he asked of Liz because they both knew he knew she knew, and vice versa. “Obviously you know what has happened and I’ve been forced to come here and collect him and make sure he makes his check in.”

“And if he doesn’t make it…” Liz asked.

“I am sorry Liz, I wish I didn’t have to do this… But I have no other choice but to follow the directive, and hope that the result is something we can live with…”

“Well, I can’t live with it… so, you can’t take him…” Liz pleaded as she tried to summon a miracle that would allow her to keep Max in her life. “Please Jim, you can’t agree with what they did. They forced him into making that agreement because of behavior he didn’t have any control over, and he can’t be held responsible for it, right?” she asked. “They screwed up his protection, and now they are forcing him away from his home, and his family, without any knowledge of when this will be over… You can’t allow him to take him, can you?”

“I am sorry Liz, I really am…” Jim said grimly even though he had many of the same thoughts as Liz when he knew the government had bungled this greatly and the Evans probably had grounds to make the parties pay for what they did to Max, but still he couldn’t be seen as going against the federal government, unless the circumstances changed. “I do wish this could be different because I really do...”

“No…” Liz said in denial.

“It’s alright,” came a voice from the back room as they glanced and found a fully dressed Max walk out of the bedroom and into the main room of the small cottage, and the heartbreak that was setting in fell over the house. “Hello Jim, it’s been a long time.”

“Max…” Jim said with a nod to his old ally. “I am sorry about this, but we have to do this so that I can get back to the wedding festivities in time for the ceremony” Jim said with a frown on his face. “I don’t agree with what they did to you Max, but I have to do my job and my professional duty as town Sheriff.”

Max nodded as he stood up for what about to do, although he wished her could stay with the woman he loved. “I hate it, but I understand it,” and he accepted the words from the Sheriff as he turned to face the love of his life “It’s alright Liz, I will be fine. You will too, because I want you to take care of Claudia. Tell her about me, and tell her I love her, and I have followed her as much as I could… I was at the hospital the day she was born,” he revealed to the shock of Liz.

“You were there…” Liz asked too stunned to think it was true.

“Yes,” Max nodded. “I had to be there… I stood outside the nursey as I saw her in her basket, and I saw her name.”

“I didn’t know the truth, but I couldn’t stop myself,” Liz said as she thought of the name, Claudia Maxine Parker she gave her daughter. “To honor my grandmother, and you… the two people who opened my world to a life I didn’t know…”

“Tell her I love her, and maybe one day I will know her…” Max said as he walked past Liz and settled next to Jim and looked back at Liz who had tears coming down her face. “I wish this could have been different. But know, I love you…”

“I love you…” Liz murmured as she reached for a final kiss, that grew heated and passionate before Max tore himself away from the love of his life and turned and followed Jim away, and got into a waiting car as Liz watched him walk away from her, and then the car drove away from her, and her life…

Tears ran down her face as she fell against the door frame as the tears came and the hysterics started, and she cried for twenty minutes straight as she couldn’t stop herself. She hadn’t felt this despair since she lost him in the first place and now to lose him all over again, and this time maybe forever…

She burst down crying.
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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter Ten - Updated: 02/07/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

This is hard to understand......why does Jim have to take Max away???
I realize he needed to check in.
Good to know Max was at the hospital when Claudia was born.....even if Liz didn't know it.
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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter Ten - Updated: 02/07/2019

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Why oh why can't they just leave Max alone?
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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter Ten - Updated: 02/07/2019

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Roswelllostcause wrote:Why oh why can't they just leave Max alone?
All I can say is I agree with Roswelllostcause. Poor Liz she lost Max again. And now she has to go to a wedding.
Those men better hope what they did doesn't make Liz depressed. Hopefully soon Max, Liz and Claudia can be together and be a family.

L-J-L 76
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Against all Odds - Chapter Eleven - 02/09/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

Once the tears stopped, Liz got off the floor and pulled herself together. Walking into her bedroom she almost burst into tears once again when she saw the bed that had been full of intense passion only hours before, and now she was alone again. Trying to pull herself together, she changed into her red sun dress and she went into the closet and get out the black dress Maria had picked for her to wear, with a white beaded belt that would tie at the waist. She felt like she did back in the beginning when she first lost Max from her life and didn’t know how she could last the day without sinking into the despair that was calling her name. It was almost as if the dress selection was just calling out to her despite it being unrelated and totally in Maria’s wish for unconventional…

She knew this was Maria’s special day. She was marrying a man she loved, and she deserved a special occasion, so Liz summoned up all the energy she could muster, and she picked up her purse and bag and then left and got into her car and drove over the Deluca’s. The ceremony was at 2 p.m., and she knew Maria had a salon appointment at 10:45 before she got herself dressed and went over to the park for the ceremony.

The sun was blaring which made Liz’s mood even darker Hell, why does it have to be sunny today when my life isn’t worth living, she muttered but she knew she had to live, for herself and for Claudia. She also knew Maria deserved a great day and great weather given it was an outside ceremony, and she knew she had to pull herself out of her misery.

Stopping off by the Crashdown to pick up her daughter; as she saw her daughter for the first time since Max came back into her life. She suddenly saw her in a new light. A light that made all the sense. She had known Isabel had seen the little girl as a dead ringer for her brother, but Liz just felt she was a mini version of her and didn’t want to see the memories of Max in her but now she saw memories of Max all over Claudia.

Nancy noticed her daughter was tense. She also knew that Liz hadn’t made it to Amy’s at all the previous night and wondered what it was. A thought of maybe her daughter relapsing went through her mind as she knew that memories of Max were on display as Maria was getting married, but then she also knew her daughter had worked for her sobriety, so she wouldn’t relapse. “Are you okay, honey?”

“I am fine Mom,” Liz said quietly as she hugged Claudia tightly and was now grateful for the fact, she had one last memory of Max. She prayed Max could come back to her but if he couldn’t than she had Claudia.

“Are you sure?” Nancy asked as she knew she had seen this kind of behavior before when her daughter was tense about something.

“I promise Mom I am okay,” Liz said as she knew her mother was rightfully concerned but she had a reason to want to stay on the straight and narrow; her daughter and the knowledge Max was counting on her to take care of their daughter and to carry on. “It was just a swerve that prevented me from going to Maria’s last night, unfortunately. Maria understands…”

Nancy nodded. “Tell Maria we will see her at the park.”

“Thank you, Mom,” Liz said as just having Claudia in her arms was doing wonders for her blood pressure as she reached for her daughter’s bag and headed for the Deluca house, as Nancy wondered just was going on with her daughter but was busy preparing for the reception, they were catering.


“Girlfriend where on the earth have you been” a bewildered and stressed Maria asked as she came running to the front door as she spotted Amy helping Liz bring all the stuff into the house. Isabel also approached as her eyes lit up at the sight of Claudia. “Let me,” Isabel said of the baby.

“Thanks Isabel,” Liz said softly although she knew she was keeping something lifechanging from her friend. Isabel missed her brother as much as Liz did most days, and her life also hadn’t been the same since her brother left it and then her marriage died. “I had to stop by my parents to pick up Claudia.”

“What happened to you last night?” Maria asked as she got the vibe that something big time had happened to her friend. “I tried calling but you wouldn’t answer…”

“I was busy,” Liz murmured which was an understatement she told herself. “I wish I could have been here, but something happened at the house and I couldn’t leave it until I was forced to this morning. I wanted to be here, but I am sure Isabel was able to keep your nerves in check.”

“But it’s not the same as having you here…” Maria asked. “What happened?” the nervous bride asked of her best friend. “You look different…”

I am different Liz thought as she saw her daughter in Isabel’s arms. “I am here now, and I promise you won’t be losing me. So, what do we have to do before the salon appointment?” she asked as she tried to move on from the earth changing news she was operating under.

It didn’t take being an alien to know something was off with Liz Isabel knew as she held the baby. She sensed something was different with Liz and she knew it wasn’t that she relapsed because she knew that her friend was keeping firm to no drinking, but it was something else. “What’s up with your Mommy?” Isabel muttered to the young girl as she carried the girl to the kitchen as they followed Liz and Maria.

Everything Liz murmured to herself as she tried to concentrate on the day at hand; her best friend’s wedding day.


As the girls were arriving for their salon appointment with Claudia staying back with Amy as she had her own salon appointment the day before, and so it was the bridal appointment getting ready for the ceremony and any touch-ups would take place before the ceremony by a friend who was a hairdresser. As they were getting treated to the full works, Jim was driving Max to the meeting with his handler.

“I wish this was different,” Jim murmured as they drove and was pulling up into the desert which was the meeting place.

“I wish a lot of things,” Max admitted. “I wish I hadn’t agreed to this plan, but then I didn’t want to put my family and Liz through the pain the government would give me due to my activities as Clayton Wheeler.”

“I know,” Jim said. “I am alive because of you and I know what it brought to have saved me.”

“You deserve to be alive,” Max sighed. “I don’t regret anything except agreeing to the plan. If I had known how far things would drift…”

“I know,” Jim nodded as hoped that Max would be able to come back for Liz’s sake, and for his daughter’s sake.

“Take care of Liz for me Jim,” Max said softly. “And make sure Claudia knows to take care of herself because being who we are can get messy, and it’s not easy to grow up in this environment knowing what we know.”

“I will,” Jim nodded as another car drove their way. “I guess we have company.”

“The one time they are on time,” Max muttered as he took a deep breath and got out of the car… and started to walk.

A sudden sensation came to Jim that something was wrong with this meet up, and he was just about to open his door to warn Max when he was interrupted by gunshots…

Directed at Max…

“Max, down” he yelled as he whipped open his door and shouted out to Max who heard the first shot which missed him as he ducked to the ground as Jim climbed out of his vehicle and ran to defend Max with his own gun. Giving Max his spare gun, they waited for the new shot to come at Max.

And it did come mere seconds later as Jim told Max to stay down. Getting up, Jim looked out to scout the shot.

“Jim don’t…” Max warned.

“Stay down…” Jim warned. “I am trained for this…” he muttered as he returned fire and soon there was a shootout in the desert.

“Evans get out here,” came a voice. “We know who you are, so there is no use trying to hide because you’re dying here tonight” as they continued to shoot, while Jim returned fire… and then suddenly there was an explosion of gunfire…

And bodies laid on the ground, dead or wounded…
Last edited by Parker1947 on Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Against all Odds (CC, Mature) - Chapter Eleven - Updated: 02/09/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Isabel is a good friend (aunt) to Claudia. This is a difficult time for everyone.
What, you left bodies on the floor..........who......why.....??
Please hurry back!
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