On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 65 - Completed: 12/18/2019

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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 57 - 11/22/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

This really is breaking apart the families here.......and to think the torture the next generation is having to endure.
I'm ready for Max and Michael to go after Nicholas and remove him forever.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 57 - 11/22/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

Rated R for violence


For the next week the search continued to be on. An all points bulletin search was on for Nicholas, but he had escaped because Jim had to let him go after questioning because he had been forced to and because of no direct connection to the kidnapping and now they knew they had screwed up and now the had slipped out of their sight and control. In Madison, Grace was trying to have a good visit as she got to know her mother’s life in Connecticut. She got to spend a lot of time with her sisters and even got in a proper visit to Yale when her mother came through with connections to get in on a personal tour of the campus. And they even drove over to Harvard for the day and saw the prestigious university. The twins came along on that tour and Alexandra fell in love with Harvard just as much as her older sister did. Carrie gagged at the thought of going to one of those schools. They were on nice campus’s, but it wasn’t her style. But she had a good time on the tour. Still Grace had managed to find value and enjoy the tour despite the threat that hung over her head. The leak of the pictures hadn’t happened yet, but she knew it was coming and it had given her plenty of sleepless nights and because she was unable to see Jake and seek comfort from him, so it made for some tense times.

“So, how are you feeling?” Grace heard as she sat in a doctor’s office as her mother had insisted she see her friend, and she had resisted because she knew she didn’t need any professional telling her to slow down, and to grieve in her own way, and not use sex as a way to keep that grief away.

“It’s be an eventful couple of months,” Grace muttered as she thought of how everything had started to slide out of control with her last trip here in Connecticut when all she was doing was rebelling by going out of town with a friend, and she didn’t know what she would discover with that trip, and here she was back in the state again, when her life was completely different.

“Your mother is worried,” Brian asked.

“So, you helped my mother, right?” Grace asked as looked around the office and then back at the doctor at the mention of her mother. “She was your patient, right?”

“She has stopped in every once awhile” Brian admitted as it continued to blow his mind how much his colleague’s life had change in a span of a few months as he knew administration had a side bet going on how long Beth would stick with the hospital.

“Then how come you didn’t help her get her memory back?” Grace asked. “Why couldn’t you have helped come back to us when I was younger?”

“Sometimes it doesn’t work like that,” Brian sighed. “I wish her memory could have come back to your mother a long time before it has, but at this stage it’s about trying to deal with what she does remember and how it impacts your life.”

“I guess,” Grace sighed murmured as she thought of how having her mother back when things were simpler might have helped and saved them so much pain, and yet if this was because they had found out her mother was alive, she didn’t know that was good or bad but it might have saved some heartache.

“So, I heard your friend is missing?” Brian asked as he sensed there was tremendous pain underneath the girl’s exterior that she was trying to bottle up. “That has to be a lot for you to deal with given you miss her…”

“Yeah,” Grace said with hatred in her eyes. “It should have been me…”

“Why do you say that?” Brian asked.

“Because it’s truth,” Grace murmured. “It should have been me,” Grace sighed as she knew she couldn’t really say anything about it given how bizarre it would sound, and because it had a direct line to the part of herself that couldn’t be spoken out loud to the general public. “But it wasn’t… and I will have the live with that for the rest of my life.”

“Sometimes we have to make peace with choices made and try to forgive ourselves…” Brian asked.

“That is me” Grace murmured. “If only I had let people in before I did…” she asked as she wondered how much they could have prevented some of Nicholas’s attack maneuvers if only she had been honest about Tommy Ellis back in January. They had allowed him the ground to move from, and she’ll never forgive herself.

“I am told you’re spending a lot of time with your friend’s older brother?” Brian asked as he knew there was a lot of unspoken pain she obviously suppressing and unwilling to talk about and knew that could cause trouble in the end.

“My mother speaks too much…” Grace groaned.

“She can’t help but be worried,” Brian asked. “She’s your mother, and she worries, and she knows she wasn’t there for much of your life, but she’s trying to be here for you now…”

“I know, and I love that I have my mother back, but she shouldn’t worry because Jake is the best thing about what is going on with my life right now. We support each other, because we both miss his sister, and sometimes that leads to other activities.”

“You do know becoming sexually active at your age can lead to emotions you’re not ready for, right?” Brian asked.

“Something tells me I am aware of that, but given that being with Jake saved my life… I think god is okay with whatever we might do together, and how is sex bad for me when it has to a better alternative than too much alcohol or drugs. Being with Jake is one thing that saved me from the fate my friend is facing… They say I am only young once and some people don’t even have the chance to be young, so yeah, I think my conduct is pretty tame compared to how it is for my friend” she murmured as the appointment ended before he could dive into her thinking and she left office, and sat in the waiting room as her mother went in for a few minutes.

“She’s greatly troubled” Brian advised Beth. “Her life is in upheaval, and the longer it goes on, the more she’s going to act out, and engage in risky behavior…” Brian made a point of saying and Beth nodded because it didn’t take a outsider to understand that Grace was crying for help but unwilling to take that help because she had too much burden on her shoulders because of her status, and what she couldn’t say. “You and her father both are going to have to face a lot of harsh realities if you want to help your daughter.”

“We already do,” Beth sighed as she sadly smiled as she knew some of what Grace was facing and knew it went well back to what happened with Ellis as she though of the troubles facing her eldest daughter, a child she was only beginning to understand and know as she nodded and thanked Brian and left the office as she and Grace left for her home. “We have to talk” was all she said…

“Oh great, what now?” Grace muttered as they sat in the car as she knew in some ways being away from Roswell wasn’t the vacation it should be because she felt too much, and she missed home too much.

Beth knew this, and instantly knew what she had to do as she dropped her daughter off at the house, and then she made a phone call, and made some arrangements before telling her daughters that changes were afoot.

They just didn’t know what kind of changes were on the way.


Back in Roswell, Max was fully concentrating on the search for Elizabeth who got more and more dependent on the drugs they kept withdrawing and feeding her to her to taunt her as they tried in vein to get Nicholas last piece of the deal to get off the planet, but so far nothing was happening as they tried to build up Elizabeth’s system with stem cells to allow for a pregnancy that her body was rejecting up to this point.

“I told you we should have taken the Evans girl” said one of the men. “She’s the King’s daughter, anyways, right? She would give us what we need.”

“No, this is perfect” Nicholas muttered as he stared over the rails at a zoned-out Elizabeth who laid before him on the gurney as he patted her head and felt her hair. “As much as I want off the planet, it might actually be good to play the long game on this one.”

“What do you mean?” the man asked.

“Just something I am playing with,” Nicholas mused to himself as he was having a good time at dealing this piece of revenge on Guerin. “He’s not going to see it coming.”

“All because you want revenge on the father?” Stuart Barnes asked as he wondered if Nicholas was getting a little too obsessed with his revenge against Michael Guerin and was bypassing their other targets. “What about Evans?”

“That is too easy, this is so fun” Nicholas said as he strolled his fingers along Elizabeth’s arms with a tender trail of touch as she started to whimper out of a mix of fear and need. So, he leaned down and whispered into her ear, “My baby needs her bottle, doesn’t she?” he asked as her whimpers through the tubing increased. “That’s right, she needs what she needs and she’s always going to remember me, isn’t she because I give her what she truly seeks… her bottle” he asked as he held the plunger of drugs and plunged it into the feeding line as she immediately settled as he patted her hair. “That’s right, my baby is all better, now isn’t she?”

As her eyes closed and she slipped into drug induced slumber. “Go ahead on the plan against Evans, but I am going to need some more time with this one” Nicholas grinned because he was having too much fun in trying to wreck the Guerin’s worlds with his actions to pull any termination button and get rid of Elizabeth and proceed back to their initial idea of Grace. It was too delicious, for him to play with Elizabeth. Khivar will get what he wants, he will just have to wait as I want my fun. More than twenty years of being a slave to other masters had made him to twitchy, and wanting it done his way, “So, what’s up doc. Anything?”

The newest doctor who was blackmailed into doing the bidding of Nicholas looked up from his work. “It is still not working. All the drugs you’re slipping her might be preventing anything from working or she’s not meant to provide what you’re wanting.”

“She’s providing what I want” Nicholas smiled. “And the other thing is a necessity doctor or you’re dead just like the person who held your job before you… So, make it happen doctor, or wifey gets the pictures and the cops get a call.”

“One way might want to think about transfusing blood into her from someone who is like the potential father, of the same genetic makeup so that the body doesn’t reject it. You might get more success out of it. Its like her body thinks it’s supposed to reject what we have given her so far…”

“Damn her human mother,” Nicholas sighed. “Why couldn’t Michael have slept with Isabel like he was supposed to… and mate with her… then this would be so much easier.”

“Excuse me,” the doctor asked.

“Just do whatever you can to make this happen now…” Nicholas muttered as checked his phone, and had enough people on his staff to know that he was now the only suspect on the list that Valenti was working with regarding his granddaughter’s disappearance. He managed to move around surprisingly with ease but knew time was counting down and he did need to get out of town until it would blow over as he dreamt of what his next goals to accomplish his newest toy. “Okay doc, I’ll be the donor. You are right, she’s too human, and she might need to be more like me, so what do I have to do?”

“The first one should be direct to the patient, and the others we can store for future sessions” the doctor muttered as they pulled the other gurney over so Nicholas could lie down.

“This is too damn perfect,” Nicholas smiled, and she patted a drugged-out Elizabeth. “It will give me something to hold over her if I am apart of her, as she won’t be able to get rid of me as much as she’ll try” and something her father will never get over if she lives to see home at the end of this. Imagine this Guerin, because then what kind of girl your warrior princess will she be?

“Lie down and we’ll start,” the doctor indicated, and Nicholas laid next to Elizabeth and a needle was inserted into Nicholas and then the tube was inserted into Elizabeth’s arm and the blood flowed as Elizabeth was oblivious to what was happening as in her brain a taunting Nicholas was muttering his dire warning about her father’s reaction to all this and how she was a disappointment swam through her drug filled mind. “Your Daddy will be so embarrassed” Nicholas smoothly taunted her brain…

She was beginning to believe him.


Speaking of Michael. He was losing it. He stormed out of the Sheriff’s Department after another disappointment meeting had gone by and still nothing had come up to where Nicholas had taken his daughter. Max came out after him as he was also on tender hooks because Grace was due back any day now, and the threat of the pictures still hung over his head and Michael and Maria were still separated. Without Maria steady hand, Michael was a loose cannon. Jake was living full time at the motel. Maria was in no shape to be anyone’s steady influence as she was finally left the kids with Amy and Jim and went up to the cabin, away from her family, as she hadn’t talked to anyone in days.

The meeting had gone badly because the rumors of an allegation of abuse against Jake were starting to make the rounds, and not simply in their little group as it was starting to get out into the general public. It made Michael explode, and Max didn’t blame him. Although Jim was trying to stamp them out but because of his relationship to the story. It wasn’t going to be easy and Isabel’s dream of Elizabeth’s state of mind wasn’t making things any easier as she explained to her brother that it was truly terrifying as the girl had no will left to be able to fight what was being done to her, and she was falling more and more under the influence and she might never come back to them. Max feared for Elizabeth, and feared for what it would do to his friends, as it was already hard to manage Michael…

“Go up to the cabin and talk to Maria,” Max advised. “You both need each other during this time of need. It’s making things worse for the both of you to be apart.”

“How about you and Beth?” Michael asked.

“That is different,” Max murmured. “You have a wife who is crying for your support, and you need hers. Don’t let Nicholas drive you apart… as he’s already done too much to give him this.”

“He has my little girl Max,” Michael said. “I know I said I didn’t want children back when we were kids, but Elizabeth was special from the moment she was born. I saw me in her eyes, and she had the spunk of Maria. It was a sight to see. She may have given some grief lately, but I will take that all back to even get a piece of that girl back. You haven’t told me. Isabel hasn’t told me about her latest vision, and I know it can’t be good. To know it’s because of me. To know it’s because of who we are…”

“We don’t know why Nicholas is doing this…”

“He’s doing it because we stopped him from taking the Granolith and Courtney sacrificed herself to prevent him from getting it when he was trying to rape her mind. The Summit is a reason he’s mad at you, when you didn’t take the offer from Khivar but you’re just fun for him, it’s me who forced him to stay on Earth.”

“It was all of us…” Max thought back to high school. “We allowed him an out to be out there seeking the advantage he had on us. He hates all of us and is trying to ruin us.”

“You know Isabel is right. Nicholas is trying to split us up….” Michael spat. “By destroying our children, he destroys us.”

“We’ll win in the end…”

“How?” Michael asked. “Tell me Max, how are we supposed to win when he has my girl and has had her for nearly two weeks and the horror, he has inflicted on her. This is on us. We should have seen it and been more protective. They blindsided us with Liz and we went back to sleep on the watch. We allowed the kids to think it was just fun horror stories of our childhoods and we allowed to think they had a chance, but they don’t Max, they don’t”

“We will find Elizabeth…”

“Who will we get back, if we do Max…” Michael asked. “You were only in the White Room a few hours and you came back changed. It’s been two weeks Max, and we don’t have any clues as to where she is. Maria doesn’t need me to be there with her because every time she looks in my eyes, she sees the regret that she didn’t take Jake back to New York once he was born or to Los Angeles and meet someone else and have a nice normal life, and have nice normal children. Instead, she got this…”

Max sighed as the phone rang. Assuming it was Grace, he picked it up, but it was his sister. “What is it Isabel…” he asked. “No, I haven’t… Damn it, really? Thanks for letting me know. Call Jake and tell him to get to my place, on the double” he asked. “I know I am on hiatus from the office, but I am his lawyer…”

“What is it?” Michael asked.

“It’s gone live. The pictures, tape and everything else leaked on social media making it hard to track who’s responsible. We need to get to my place because Jake is going to get swarmed.

“And you think we can win this in the end?” Michael asked as he wanted to punch someone.

“Maybe you’re right, maybe we can’t win this in the end, but we have to try. We have kids counting on us Michael. We need to at least try to make this life is somewhat livable for their sake so to not be defeated otherwise there will be no coming back from this…”

“Good luck there because we have no chance at this point,” Michael murmured as he got into Max’s car and they drove back to the Evans house. Jake was pulling up when they arrived. “Don’t say anything! We will figure this out…”

“Grace is coming back,” Jake announced.

“Fuck!” Michael murmured as Max only shook his head as this was the last place, he wanted his daughter.

“I guess her mother needs to go to a medical conference for the next few days. She’s filling in at the last minute, and she didn’t have any choice given all the time off she’s taken lately. The twins are staying with her friend Serena, but Grace is coming back…”

“Does she know?” Max asked. “About the other thing.”

“No,” Jake said. “I got Isabel’s call right after talking to her. She’s on the plane now, she’s not going to know anything she lands.”

Max nodded.

“About the other thing,” Jake asked.

“Has anyone tried to call you?” Max asked.

“I turned off my phone once I got Isabel’s message” Jake muttered. “What are we going to do?”

“You’re going to go pick up Grace at the airport personally, and since the cabin is nearby. You can spend the night there and can come back tomorrow or better, yet Saturday and we’ll figure out where to go from here. We’ll know more of the fallout by then…” Max said determining he needed some more time to figure out a safe route for his daughter and Jake.

“Mom doesn’t want any company,” Jake asked.

“Tough,” Michael muttered. “She better but I do think she’ll understand, and if she doesn’t then she can call me”

“That will be a fun call,” Jake muttered.

“That doesn’t matter at the end of the day. All you have to do is protect Grace with all you have until she’s back home, and then we’ll figure the rest out” Max thought as he wished his daughter could stay in Madison a little while longer because this was getting too big to control.

“I will,” Jake nodded.

“You better get going,” Max nodded as they watched Jake ride off on his motorcycle as Max turned to Michael. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe we’re screwed.”

“Thanks for coming back to my team,” Michael muttered as they sat down to figure out how to manage this disaster and it’s resulting carnage.


“Your daughter is special,” Serena was commenting as she drove Beth back from the airport. The car was in the shop because it was acting funny, and Beth wasn’t taking any chances due to recent events and so Serena offered to drive her to the train station afterwards so she could take the train to New York as the twins were already at the Rogers house playing videogames with the boys.

“She is,” Beth commented as she felt distracted as she thought of what Brian said after the appointment with Grace, and she knew there was only so much the girl could say to a strange doctor, given the situation they all were in and she knew it. She also knew Grace and Jake were reacting the upheaval, and if Elizabeth wasn’t found soon, it could lead to even riskier behavior and it haunted her that all three girls needed some finality, and some semblance of normal.

Sighing, she also wished she could have told Max personally about the change in plans but the conference came up last minute when Jessica couldn’t attend and they wanted someone else from the hospital to go, and she didn’t have any justification to say no given her extra time off recently. Grace elected to go home instead of staying with Serena even though they got along fine, but Grace missed home and Beth wished she could have warned Max but hadn’t been able to reach before her train. As they hadn’t been able to talk personally in days because Max had been spending night and day investigating, and barely was home, and so they exchanged text messages but it wasn’t something she felt comfortable sharing, and now knowing what Grace was heading home to “I wish she wasn’t going home to what she’s facing…”

“Being a teen girl today sucks,” Serena commented.

“And I have two more of them at your place” Beth commented as she worried about Alexandra and Carrie. If this was an example of how they were going after Max. Who knows what they would pull on the twins, and on her although they had already tried once again with her, and to know what Michael and Maria were facing and then what Grace faced as she heard a text come through on her phone and she cursed when she saw it. “Damn it!”

“What?” Serena asked.

“Well it’s landed. Max just texted me and said the pictures leaked, and everything else” Beth murmured. “And Grace is flying back to this storm.”

“Whoa,” Serena asked. “What’s the fallout.”

“Too early,” Beth murmured as they saw the train station in their eyesight. “I’ll try to call him when I get to the hotel in New York.”

“This is serious Beth, and Max is dealing with this all on his own” Serena asked. “With everyone else being hit by some shrapnel or a fresh bullet”

“I know,” Beth nodded as she thought of Max and what was in New York awaiting her arrival. “I wish there was some way to help…”
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 58 - 11/25/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Poor Grace. She didn't need the added stress of this getting out. They need to find Elizabeth quickly.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 58 - 11/25/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

This is really getting crazy.
Of course Nicholas is enjoying revenge against the pod squad since they are the reason he's stuck here.
I understand Grace wanting to come home, but I'm afraid of what will happen to her when she does get back.
Wonder if their lives will ever be "normal" again after all of these changes.......?
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On the Razor's Edge - Chapter 59 - 11/30/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

“Your father was right for you to come here,” Maria murmured softly hours later as she looked at both Jake and Grace as she had been up here at the cabin for days and hadn’t talked to anyone and therefore she had been surprised to see her son show up with Grace as she hadn’t been warned of their arrival. For Jake and Grace, their reunion wasn’t one filled with joy as the drive from the airport had been quiet while Grace stewed about their private lives being exposed to the world, and how their enemy wanted everyone to be taken out. Jake meanwhile didn’t give a damn about the rumors or how it would affect him, only how it would affect Grace, and how his sister was missing. So, now he was surprising his mother who had barely said anything to him, in days or anyone for that matter but he could feel his mother’s grief as she looked at him, and it only escalated the tension in the family.

“I wasn’t sure you wanted to see me,” Jake asked softly as he could see the weight on her mother’s shoulders, and it was obvious to him that his mother was losing a lot of weight due to the stress of these last two weeks.

“Jake, you’re my son. I love you and I love your brother and sisters” she said to instantaneous tears because it only brought memories of Elizabeth as Jake hugged his mother as the tears came down Maria’s face as Grace was reduced to her own set of the tears as the three grieved for their lost love one.

“She will come home Mom,” Jake insisted.

“Where is she?” Maria asked. “What is that monster doing to her?”

“You can’t think like that,” Jake asked softly as he knew it was a lost cause because he knew that was all they were thinking and knew it had to be truly painful for his parents to not know given that his sister had completely disappeared as Nicholas took advantage of them living in a small town but with lot of desert and a lot of open space. They could be anywhere, and while they may have already busted two places still, they didn’t know where they would go next because there were no signs.

“It’s all I can think about,” Maria sighed painfully as she fretted about her daughter and wished she could go back to the days when the only bad thing was worrying about her children’s education, or love lives and now too much horror was in her mind as she fretted over Elizabeth, and the horrors that were being inflicted on her baby girl.

There was a knock on the door as it brought Maria out of her nightmare as Jake hoped it was his father coming to spend time with his mother, but he went to the door and found Max. “Max!”

“Hi Jake,” Max said as he came into the cabin and was relieved to see Grace. “I needed to talk to you as it couldn’t wait.”

“Dad,” Grace said as she came forward and hugged her father. Sighing because Max needed that and felt power in knowing his daughter was safe and wished he could say the same thing about Elizabeth. “I am sorry about this…” she murmured as she hugged her father and glanced over at Maria and then back to her father.

“About what?” Max asked.

“Making this worse…” Grace said.

“They should not have leaked those images and gone after you and Jake” Max sighed. “I wish you could have stayed in Madison longer.”

“Mom didn’t have a choice,” Grace nodded. “It didn’t seem fair for me to stay there when you need me here.”

“I need you safe,” Max sighed as he glanced in his daughter’s eyes and remembered the little girl who looked up at him to keep her safe and knew that was all vanishing before his very eyes. “They aren’t showing any mercy.”

“If Elizabeth is going through hell than why shouldn’t I also?” Grace muttered to the horror of Max and Maria. “It should have been me.”

“God no,” Maria whispered. “It should have been no one” she sighed. “We should have protected you girls better. We should have known by the fact it was calm that meant that they were laying in wait. They caught us weak, and we should have known and it’s not fair of us to be putting it on your shoulder’s or on Jake’s” Maria sighed as she looked up at her eldest and took her hand. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t possibility of known what was going to happen. Even if you were there, or even if Michael or I were able to pick them up after the dance. It still likely would have happened as they would have sprung their trap earlier in the evening...”

“It’s not like we were that carefree” Grace muttered.

“But you had freedom and they exploited it. You were growing up and we should have realized it was a red flag to our enemies.”

“You thought you got rid of them,” Jake said of defense against his childhood. “How could you have known?”

“It wasn’t just the FBI, or even Tess. There were others, and we knew they were out there, but we just forgot about them” Max sighed as he looked at his daughter. “We assumed they had gone away, and it made sense to move on and be happy but that only makes things worse as evidence in now because they are using our happiness to take everyone down.”

“I am so sorry,” Grace sighed.

“Stop saying that, it’s not your fault” Max said as he wished he didn’t have to bring up the next subject up. “But I do have to talk to Jake about something…”

“What,” Maria asked on alert.

“Do you want to talk alone?” Max asked.

“No,” Jake shook her head. “I might be 18, but Mom is Mom and she needs to know what we’re up against.”

“Okay,” Max nodded as she turned to face his long-time friend who instantly became wary from the expression on Max’s face. “You probably should know anyways because you’re Mom is involved…”

“Excuse me,” Maria said on hyper alert at the mention of her family. “What are you talking about. What is this about my mother?”

“Not her directly but they are going after Jim,” Max said carefully, and Maria’s blood pressure skyrocketed. “I know, I know.”

“The hell they are. What on earth is happening to this town and to our lives?” Maria shouted as she paced the cabin. “That is horse shit. Jim has done nothing to warrant them going after him. He has protected this town and protected us for more than 20 years.”

“That is the point, isn’t it, Maria,” Max sighed as he faced the anger on both Jake and Grace’s face’s as Maria was glaring at Max like he was an enemy. “He’s protected us, and that makes him our enemies target.”

“What do you mean?” Maria whispered.

“It’s all leaked,” as Maria went pale at the mere thought of the images out there in public.

“While most don’t believe the allegations and most are outraged that someone took pictures of Grace and Jake in their private time together, still others are spreading the fact that Jim is Jake’s grandfather and is trying to protect them. They are trying to make it seem he’s not taking the issue of the state’s legal consent law seriously. They want to know why it seems like Jim is giving it a pass and allowing Jake to skate without an investigation.”

“That is utter bullshit!” Maria screamed. “Max, she’s sixteen for god’s sake,” she sighed as Grace became pale at the thought of her and Jake being together was causing more pain for the family. “She’s not underage.”

“Yes, and he’s eighteen” Max admitted. “The consent law in this state is 17. That makes it an offense if someone wants to raise it. Obviously, we’re not, and no one in their right mind knowing Jake and Grace the way they do would think anything is wrong. But she’s barely sixteen, and he’s older and they think he’s taking advantage of Grace or that is the perception they want to give people. Jim knows the truth, but the town doesn’t, and they think he’s using his office to protect us.”

“That’s stupid!” Maria shouted.

“I know it is Maria,” Max said softly but his tone was rising sharply. “This is my family who is being hit as much as it is yours. It is obvious that they are coming after our kids. And even if we can prove who leaked the pictures and we have a pretty good idea of who is behind it still you have a tip, and the fact is he’s older and she’s younger and they went over state lines before she did turn sixteen.”

“Oh god,” Grace said as she was about to faint. “They are going to blame Jake for that, aren’t they?”

“The hell they are,” Maria threatened.

“Tommy is no longer an issue, and there is no proof or filed report with the department that he did anything to Grace. We know ourselves his letter of his confession before he left town is likely faked, and they are going to take the fact Jake already 18 took Grace to Connecticut where she lost a baby. They are going to put two and two together, and likely going to assume it was his baby,” Max shouted.

“I am so sorry,” Grace sighed as the fear hit her in the face. “We can’t prove Tommy is the father because it opens the speculation on me because the party was on New Year’s Eve, and lost the baby in March, and the baby was too far along so they are going to say I was sleeping with Jake and prom wasn’t the first time, and fifteen is way younger than even sixteen” she asked as she felt faint. “This is all my fault” she cried as she ran from the room, and Jake went after her.

Seeing Grace so distraught calmed Maria but only marginally. “Maria, it’s not that I want to make this an issue, but I am just telling you what they are saying and it’s spreading, and it’s going to cause Jim to have to do something about it.”

“What do you mean?” Maria asked, fearing spreading.

“He’s likely going to have to step down or allow an independent investigation into the allegation so that it doesn’t look like he’s putting family above being Sheriff which means they are going to have to look at Jake seriously.”

“No one could possibility think there is a case,” Maria cried. “It’s only two years for god’s sake and everyone knows how close our families are, and we might not like it but it’s not a crime that they were together.”

“Still an investigation puts Jake under the light. Same with Grace, and along with those pictures and tapes. They are going to say he’s taking advantage of her… Using his age and experience to use her… It taints him…”

“Fuck!” Maria cursed. “They don’t even have to kidnap her to fuck up her world, and to destroy our lives,” she murmured. “They are going after absolutely everyone.”

“I am afraid so,” Max admitted as he pulled his friend in for a hug as tears started to come down her face. “Why did we deserve this?” she sighed as she stepped back and tried to collect herself. “I guess I have to talk to Michael…” Maria admitted as she stared out into the space mournfully. “I knew Kal taking out Tommy would only cause us trouble!”

“We have NO backup,” Max sighed as he stepped and confronted the truth. “To prove my daughter was raped not by Jake, but by Tommy Ellis puts an examination onto the baby which would raise red flags and then we’re exposed. That is what they are counting on if we try to fight this by raising Tommy. Expose us to the town, and further threaten our lives, and our families and their futures.”

“They have us in a corner,” Maria sighed. “And my daughter is under their spell and control”


Jake chased Grace down to by the lake. She was hysterical and having a panic attack as he persuaded to stop running as he caught to her and pulled her into his arms as she tried to push away. “Hey, it’s alright,” he said with a soft voice.

“This is all my fault,’ Grace was trying to calm herself down. “I am ruining your life.”

“No, hey, no, you’re not” Jake sighed. “I love you and that’s not a crime.”

“They will say it is because of our ages,” Grace muttered as she tried to calm down as this was the last thing she thought would be happening when she was debating whether to go there with Jake. “If only…”

“Connecticut was my idea remember,” Jake muttered. “This is my fault. I should have thought of the implications that came with our running away for the weekend. I just wanted to impress you, and get away and I didn’t think…”

“I agreed to go with you,” Grace remembered.

“But still you were only fifteen. I should have thought of another way to get some time with you” Jake smiled. “And something that didn’t involve another state,” he murmured. “Grace, I think of my sister and what is happening to her and she’s only fifteen and to know that was you, it makes a difference and that makes it’s completely my fault.”

“If only I hadn’t landed in the hospital or if I had told the truth back in the beginning,” Grace asked. “They then couldn’t blame the baby on you.”

“You can only do what you are comfortable with because you shouldn’t be pressured to come forward unless you want to. What was done to you was a crime,” Jake sighed as he wished life wasn’t so complicated. “I wish in some ways the baby was mine so that you wouldn’t have to bear the weight that is on our shoulders. So, I am okay if people want to believe the baby was mine.”

“If they think the baby is yours than that makes it even worse since I wasn’t sixteen yet, and we only slept together because I pushed…” Grace remembered. “I wanted to forget what happened with Tommy and to want something that made sense, but it has turned into a disaster that has changed everything for everyone.”

“You didn’t have to push very hard,” Jake smiled as he thought of the first night before it all went badly. “I wanted you, and that is on me. I should have forced us to wait Grace. They are right. You were barely sixteen, and only a sophomore and I am a senior.”

“You wanted to wait,” Grace said. “But I wanted it. I am the one who asked for the key from Camryn.”

“As I said, you didn’t have to persuade me” Jake smiled. “It’s not your fault and they are going to realize that they don’t have cause for a case. Our parents might not approve but they know we’re very different than a usual sixteen and eighteen-year-old.”

“Still this might stick to you,” Grace asked.

“That is on me, as I am the one who pursued you when I should have waited until you were older,” Jake murmured as he leaned in and they kissed. “I love you, and that won’t change.”

“I love you too,” Grace said as they leaned for another kiss and found themselves falling against the grass as they kissed as they feared reality was coming way too soon for them as they felt the heat and desire. “I have missed you so much” she whispered as they kissed as she felt herself going for his shirt as he yanked it over his head. “I’ve missed this, but we shouldn’t be doing this. We were just talking about this…”

“They already think we’re a crime, so what does it matter?” Jake asked as they kissed.

“That’s not funny,” Grace said as she stopped herself. “This is serious.”

“I know it is Grace, but I am not going to stop wanting you just because we should have waited. Most people don’t think it’s a crime, and it’s only our enemies who want to make this an issue to get back to our families. I am not going to let them stop us, as they are already screwing up too much of my family. I am not going to let them do that with us” Jake murmured. “I love you. Too much is already being taken from us, and I don’t want it to be you that is taken from me and until they force me to stop or you want to stop than no one is going to stop us”

“I don’t want to stop,” Grace said as common sense told her to stop as their parents were up at the main cabin and here they were being reckless but Jake was right, too much was being taken from them and why should they resist even if the shrinks would say they were trying to block the negative feelings and the worry about Elizabeth by using sex as a distraction or that is what her mother’s friend said when Beth forced her to see her shrink. “You feel too good” as her hands went for his pants as he went for her shirt as they fell back against the grass and continued to make out. Sex is way better distraction than studying or eating chocolate she mused to herself as their clothes went flying.


“Beth, you called” Max was saying as he walked on the veranda a short time and was pacing as life was too close to imploding. He was spending the night as Maria reluctantly came to the realization that she needed to go see Michael but that was tomorrow’s worry and tonight was trying to starve off the fear for Jake as he saw that Beth had called his cellphone and left her hotel room number, and number for the hotel. “Yes, Grace got home safely” Max murmured as his eyes went down to the water and saw Jake and Grace in a long deep kiss after they suddenly came into his view, and both looked like their clothes were crinkled and Jake’s shirt was half buttoned, as he deeply sighed as he didn’t want to image what they had been doing down by the lake.

“Yes,” he smiled as he turned away from the lovebirds and walked back into the cabin. “I wish you were here too. How are the twins?” he said as he tried to get to a more pleasant subject matter.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Sun Dec 27, 2020 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 59 - 11/30/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Max was right, their lives had been just the calm before the storm.
Going after Jim is the last straw.
Grace and Jake have a tangled mess........and I don't see a good way out of it right now.
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On the Razor's Edge - Chapter 60 - 12/02/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

Rated R for extreme violence and harm


The following day Max and Maria left for the drive back to Roswell. Max’s car was left behind so Grace could bring it home when they came home the next day as they wanted one more day of Jake out of the eyesight before he returned to Roswell to face the fallout over the leak. So, Jake and Grace gladly stayed behind as they continued to try and stay in their private cocoon and forget reality of the world and how it was coming crashing down. She knew from Sue that the tape and pictures were all over school, and despite the front office trying to stop the spread of the picture citing it was a crime to spread those kinds of images among high school students. Still the pictures spread.

Exams were supposed to start Monday and she didn’t how she and Jake were supposed to make appearance at school due to the leak of the images, and now Jake’s allegation against him. “I remember when I loved school, and how much I missed it,” Grace asked as they sat down on the dock by the lake.

“You will again…”

“We’re in hiding Jake,” Grace murmured as she realized that it was basically what they were doing. “This is basically what we’re doing while Elizabeth is somewhere being terrorized. Our enemies are running us out of school.”

“I don’t have much time to go,” Jake muttered as she knew the sentiment of Grace was correct. Their enemies were attacking from every direction and succeeding, and he truly didn’t know how they were going to get an edge or a win.

“We should be preparing for final exams and not hiding out for fear of what the town will think about us…”

“Life will make sense again…” Jake lied because he already knew it didn’t and was unlikely to ever again. “I just want something to go right.”

“Me too,” Grace admitted.


Maria walked into the house and it felt like a stranger’s house and not the house she had spent so many happy years and now she felt like a ghost just floating as she walked in. The car was there but Michael didn’t seem to be home and yet she didn’t call out to see if Michael was home or not and then she saw him bang through the swinging door with a beer in his hand. “So, you are home?” he asked as he sat down in a huff and saw his wife.

“I came to talk,” Maria muttered. “So, this is how you’ve been living… Beer when you know that you shouldn’t be drinking?”

“It’s not like I can do anything else since I am a private investigator and I can’t find our daughter,” Michael said as he took a deep sip of beer and Maria felt defeated as this wasn’t their life just a few weeks ago. They had been so happy and dealing with the usual angst among their kids and now it was completely gone. “And she sinks further away from us, and further under Nicholas’s control.”

“Oh Michael,” Maria sighed.

“And speaking of our other disaster. Where is our son?” Michael asked. “I tried his motel room and he wasn’t in there, and his phone is off so I can’t get the tracker information which by the way is pretty shitty of our son.”

“He’s fine,” Maria muttered. “He was up at the cabin with me, Grace too. They should still be there…” she allowed. “Max figured they needed to get out of dodge until the outrage is assessed.”

“Smart of Max,” Michael muttered as he tried to fight the alcohol as he didn’t want the memories or the images that always came to him. “Ah, now I remember that was the plan. So, they aren’t back yet” he asked as he took another deep sip of beer and falling deeper into the hole of despair.

“Tomorrow likely,” Maria asked as she sat down on the couch and felt at a loss at how so much had been taken her and from Michael, and how for so long they had been happy and now that was being messed with, and she could see that it was eating her husband that he wasn’t able to find their little girl. “Max says that Jim is being dragged in Jake’s mess.”

“What is going on, now?” Michael asked as he put down the beer. “What could get Jim into this mess, besides something going our way for once and Nicholas actually being caught, which the gods aren’t letting happen” he asked wearily.

“He’s being accused of covering up for Jake,” Maria sighed. “Because he’s family and therefore isn’t doing an investigation into the tip.”

“Bullshit,” Michael murmured as he didn’t know how this had become their lives, and that they had two kids in danger. “There is no case, no crime” he murmured as he took a sip of beer. “Anyone who knows Jake and Grace knows he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, and just because he’s older doesn’t mean anything.”

“We know that, but the public doesn’t,” Maria sighed. “In this day and age, they are going to take what the media says and run with it and along with the pictures and anyone who digs will find out about Connecticut. It will be all over social media, and it will make Jim look bad, so it is a big deep mess…”

“I am sorry Maria,” Michael murmured as he finished his beer and put it aside.

“Sorry for what?” Maria asked, mystified about what Michael could be thinking.

“That I couldn’t protect us, couldn’t protect our children” Michael murmured to tears coming into Maria’s eyes. “I am deeply sorry…”

“You couldn’t have seen this Michael. No one could. Absolutely no one,” Maria said softly. “I wished we had but we didn’t. I don’t blame you. I don’t blame Jake. I don’t blame Grace, I blame Nicholas,” Maria said with rage in her eyes.

“When we got back together when Jake was born, and you let me raise him with you. I promised you that we would make it work, that I would protect our family and make it worth trusting in me and our love. I thought he would be the only one because I couldn’t imagine wanting my own child given my baggage and then we had Elizabeth…”

“Yeah we did,” Maria said with tears in her eyes as she remembered their daughter as a baby. “She was so beautiful.”

“She was so much a part of us, and the perfect mix of us” Michael said. “She was such a fighter Maria. She was willing to go down in flames for someone, and to know that bastard has her and each day, we’re losing that part of our little girl and we might have already lost her…”

“She’s out there, I know it Michael. I have to believe that,” Maria said.

“But will she still be Elizabeth,” Michael asked.

That was Maria’s fear too, as too much had gone down and too much time has vanished without a clue as to where their daughter could be. They were a small town but with so many abandoned cabins and buildings. She could be anywhere…


And in one of the abandoned buildings in the basement, and down some steps Elizabeth was near delirium as it had been twelve hours since her last dose of medication, and they hadn’t given her a new one and she had an ache for the drugs and go back to oblivion so that she could forget. She was delirious now and hallucinating disapproving parents mocking her broken spirit. Of her eldest brother laughing that she was normal, just like him and not a Guerin. If she could break so easily, then she wasn’t a Guerin. Her hallucinations were egged on by the whispering into her ears by Nicholas. Heinous mind control.

She now could feel the heat etching of a gun on her skin as she was in a sitting position on the table as one of the men working on her was bent over searing an ink gun on her skin as the pain was excruciating as he worked on her skin. Stop this madness please she pleaded to her brain behind the blindfold so she couldn’t see what they were doing. If you want me dead, just kill me now she cried to the hallucination of Nicholas who was laughing at her. It went on for too long, as finally after another half hour it finished, and bandages were placed over the images so she couldn’t see it even if she had the eyes.

Then she felt as she was forced down flat as she heard the soothing tones of Nicholas “Baby needs her bottle, doesn’t she?” he asked as she willed the drugs into her system but no relief came as she felt the catheter being removed from her bladder. She wondered if that meant they were going to kill her, finally. You deserved a better daughter Mom and Dad; sorry I am not a true Guerin as her body started bucking as if she was having seizures as the shocks were coming from different parts of her body sending her to even more delirium.

The shocks stopped and she fell back on the table. She didn’t even feel her legs anymore since they been in stirrups for days now as it all seem numb as she felt the catheter re-inserted and a new bag attached as it simply had been replaced after so much use as she heard Nicholas whisper into her ears. “You will always be mine and will always have a piece of me in you and with you” he whispered. “Too bad I can’t stay and prolong this fun but got to go, but I can’t go before giving my baby her bottle, right?” he whispered as he plunged in the drugs into her feeding tube and soon she was swimming in the bliss of being pain free as she lost consciousness.

“Okay boys, you know what you have to do so I’ll be going. Can’t doddle around here, got places to go” Nicholas laughed. “I’ll be checking in on our patient here,” he smiled as he patted her head and leaned down and gave her a sickening kiss. “I am going to be the luckiest man when this is all over” he chuckled as he whispered parting words into her ears to the girl in blissfulness of a deep drug induced slumbers as she felt the warmth of the kiss in the coldness of the room and smiled.

“Beautiful,” deeply satisfied Nicholas patted the stomach of his hostage and left the people in the building and got on his motorcycle and rode away. Leaving Elizabeth to surrender to the peace of being pain free but the drugs wore off quicker every time she had been given the drugs, and now she was coming into consciousness just an hour later as she squirmed on the table as her hand twitched.

“She’s waking,” said the man to his boss Stuart Barnes who looked at the patient on the table and didn’t know why she was still alive when she wasn’t giving them what they needed but the were forced into going along with the plan for the big payoff in the end.

“Then do it,” Stuart demanded. “I am tired of this shit. It should be over by now… If she’s not giving us what we want, we should get rid of her…”

“Tell the big boss that, but he’s obsessed with revenge against her father”

“Just do what I pay you to do,” Barnes demanded as he stormed off as he was tired of this leading to nothing but more than the same.

“Fine, sir,” the doctor said bending over pushing her legs further apart to the immense pain and she started to whimper from invasion as her brain struggled with the drugs wearing off and which meant she was too alert to what was happened as she was opened further and inserting a thin catheter into her cervix and into her uterus and then pushing liquid through the catheter. “It better work this time” he murmured as Elizabeth felt the pain of the insertion as she tried to buck to ignore the pain but they had her tied down and she felt the pain as she heard “So, do you think he used his own sample this time” Please god no she whimpered at the fear coursing through her as a IV with a blood bag was set up and a needed was inserting into her arm, and she felt the pain of the IV being inserted into her as she tried her hardest the will her through it as she recalled Nicholas chilling words, “You will always have a piece of me in you and with you” he laughed as she was back to the delirium as they withheld the medication she wanted and ached for as she longed to be put out of this misery as the hallucinations started to show no mercy and whipped her brain into a frenzy. Had she reached the end of what she could take and withstand?

Just as he was finished but yet hadn’t taken out the thin tube, he heard fireworks and what sounded like shots in the back of him, as he whipped around and saw what appeared to be fireworks and so he quickly plunged the necessary drugs into the feeding tube as the patient fell back against the table rendered unconscious by the sudden invasion of the drugs into her nose tube as he got off the stool and tried to run.

“Stop where you are, don’t run or I’ll kill you” said the voice of a man who rushed over to the gurney and just about fainted when he saw the patient as the doctor put up his hands and stopped and watched as he glared at the man “Even if you do stop, I may still kill you…”

“Oh my god Elizabeth,” said the man as he felt faint as he took off the blindfold and cursed at the sight of his baby sister glossy eyed and drugged out of her mind with her eyes clearly open and looking right through him as he heart monitor started to show a scary dip in her pressure and heartbeat.

“Is it her?” came the voice as a woman came to stop before the gurney and wept when she saw the condition of her childhood best friend.

“Yes” Jake said of seeing his fifteen-year-old sister strung out and laid on the gurney like a science experiment with tubing and wiring coming out from all over they place as he looked over at the man who was stopped in place with his hands up. What did you bastard do to my little sister. She’s fifteen years old. Didn’t you know that?” Jake shouted with intense emotion that rocketed him as he cried as she turned back to his sister and cried more openly as he pleaded “Lizzy, please come back to us,” as he used her childhood name as she felt her hair, and her head. “What did they do to you?”

“They didn’t tell me,” the doctor insisted as Grace looked up at him with a murderous glance as he was forced on his knees and they used one of the spare handcuffs they found to cuff him to one of the benches.

“Call your parents Jake, call everyone” Grace encouraged to her boyfriend who looked sick and she felt the same sickness to their stomachs as Jake found himself heaving and throwing up at the sight of his sister in pain and so out of it. “Let me stay here, and I’ll keep him in control. You know I have my ways” she whispered in encouragement as he nodded and walked away and up the stairs and out of the building.

Once Jake was gone, Grace turned around on the doctor and made it quite clear. “If you try to get out of those cuffs, I have ways of making sure your body doesn’t get discovered” she murmured as she picked up the hand of her best friend and prayed as Elizabeth laid drugged unconscious and barely breathing. “Hold on,” she whispered as she prayed as she felt the life drain from her friend as the heart monitor started beeping indicating a severe drop in cardiac movement as Grace pleaded for Elizabeth to stay with them. Come on, Elizabeth stay with us. Don’t leave us now…”

She was so cold.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 60 - 12/02/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Elizabeth has got to make. How did Grace and Jake find her?
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 60 - 12/02/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I am curious about Jake and Grace finding Elizabeth too......
She better just hold on!
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On the Razor's Edge - Chapter 61 - 12/06/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

Rated R for violent imagery


Forty-five minutes earlier,

Jake and Grace were driving towards Roswell. The had been bored up at the cabin or it was more like they didn’t want to think the only thing they did anymore together was have sex despite it being so exceptional so they divert from another session in the bedroom they found themselves getting in the car and going for a drive. They didn’t know why they were headed for Roswell, but they were… and looking at the scenery as they drove.

Grace drove. “So, is this better than sex?” she chuckled, and Jake laughed. “We promised we would stay away from Roswell but didn’t say anything about scenic drive,” she murmured. “How do you think your parent’s talk went?”

“Hopefully, okay” Jake asked he prayed for his parent’s marriage. He needed something to make sense and prayed they could make it work.

“They were always strong,” Grace commented. “They love each other so much…”

“But losing a child can kill a marriage” Jake feared as his mood turned into a sense of doom. “No one could be that strong…”

“Hopefully they can buck the trend,” Grace prayed as she saw the scenery. “Elizabeth will come back to us, so why don’t you look out and check out the scenery, and maybe it will spark your mood.”

Jake nodded as he didn’t want to think the state his sister would be in if they were to find him and too much had gone by and no clues since the last location bust as he turned to look out at the scenery they passed, and they tried to pass small talk about what they were seeing when suddenly something appeared in the corner of Grace’s eye. “What is an ambulance doing at that building. Isn’t it like the old salt mine,” Grace asked as Jake eyes perked up as he looked into the distance? “It’s been closed since like our parents were in school, right?”

“Yeah,” Jake said as they saw a figure get on a motorcycle and ride off, but they hadn’t got a good look at the man. “An ambulance and a motorcycle, weird.”

Stopping, but staying out of eyesight they watched and saw two men come out of the salt mine but not looking very miner-ish and walking into the ambulance and then a moment coming back out and going back in…

“Please no,” Jake whispered as he glanced at Grace. “Could it really be the place…”

‘It’s deserted, and hour out of Roswell” Grace commented. “Do we call our parents?” as she prayed this was where they were keeping her friend but didn’t know what they were getting into.

“We have to know,” Jake muttered as he longed for answers. “We need to check…”

“Can we do this?” Grace asked.

“If it saves my sister, we have to try” Jake said as they stopped the car and tried to look like sight seekers and they walked towards the mine, and they found no one standing guard as she used her powers to get through the lock door, and they walked down the stairs… and they tried to stay out of the way and they hid behind some boxes as they gasped by not loudly at a sight of a body on the gurney. Please be alive, please be alive Jake prayed as he grasped Grace’s hand as they gave each other comfort as they saw twitching on the table as it was clear whoever it was on the table, they were alive or was at that moment.

“She’s waking,” said the man to his boss Stuart Barnes who looked at the patient on the table and didn’t know why she was still alive when she wasn’t giving them what they needed but the were forced into going along with the plan for the big payoff in the end.

“Then do it,” Stuart demanded. “I am tired of this shit. It should be over by now… If she’s not giving us what we want, we should get rid of her…”

“Tell the big boss that, but he’s obsessed with revenge against her father”

Jake went pale at the mention and then knew this where they were keeping his sister…

“Just do what I pay you to,” Barnes demanded as he stormed off as he was tired of this leading to nothing but more than the same.

“Fine, sir,” the doctor said bending over pushing her legs further apart to the immense pain and she started to whimper from invasion as her brain struggled with the drugs wearing off and which meant she was too alert to what was happened as she was opened further and inserting a thin catheter through her cervix and into her uterus and then pushing liquid through the catheter. “It better work this time” he murmured as Elizabeth felt the pain of the insertion as she tried to buck to ignore the pain but they had her tied down and she felt the pain as she heard “So, do you think he used his own sample this time” Please god no she whimpered at the fear coursing through her as a IV with a blood bag was set up and a needed was inserting into her arm, and she felt the pain of the IV being inserted into her as she tried her hardest the will her through it as she recalled Nicholas chilling words, “You will always have a piece of me in you and with you” he laughed as she was back to the delirium as they withheld the medication she wanted and ached for as she longed to be put out of this misery as the hallucinations started to show no mercy and whipped her brain into a frenzy. Had she reached the end of what she could take and withstand?

Both Jake and Grace were watching with intense sickness as it became clear what they were doing to the body and knew they had to act quickly otherwise who knows what would happen so he grabbed a pipe he saw laying nearby and knocked one of the man unconscious and then another noticed and came for them and Grace made some blasts that looked like fireworks to the untrained eye.

Just as he was finished but yet hadn’t taken out the thin tube, he heard fireworks and what sounded like shots in the back of him, as he whipped around and saw what appeared to be fireworks and so he quickly plunged the necessary drugs into the feeding tube as the patient fell back against the table rendered unconscious by the sudden invasion of the drugs into her nose tube as he got off the stool and tried to run.

“Stop where you are, don’t run or I’ll kill you” said the voice of a man who rushed over to the gurney and just about fainted when he saw the patient as the doctor put up his hands and stopped and watched. “Even if you do stop, I may still kill you…”

“Oh my god Elizabeth,” said the man as he felt faint as he checked under the blindfold and cursed at the sight of his baby sister glossy eyed and drugged out of her mind with her eyes clearly open and looking right through him as he heart monitor started to show a scary dip in her pressure and heartbeat.

“Is it her?” came the voice as a woman came to stop before the gurney and wept when she saw the condition of her childhood best friend…


“What are you telling me?” Max asked as he got off the couch and was in Grace’s car in a split second as he was the first one to receive the call. No one was picking up at the Guerin house and so Max was the next call and fortunately he was home as he was scanning his laptop for any sightings that people had sent in. Nothing had come in when he received the panic call from Jake. “Jake, are you sure? What you went in and comforted them,” he shouted in the confines of the car before getting the motor going, “That is extremely risky and asking to get hurt. So, I assume Grace was with you, right?” Max asked. So, you’re saying Grace did what she has the talent for… yeah don’t tell me that” he figured out the rest as he started the engine in his car. “I thought you were up at the cabin. How in hell did you end up two hours away from the cabin?” he persisted. “That is one long drive. So, you’re sure you have the right place?”

“You saw her?” Max asked again in disbelief. “It’s Elizabeth?” he asked the boy to confirm. “Okay, I’ll be there as soon as possible. Try your parents again, until you get through. I’ll get the rest of the group together and the authorities” as he hung up. “Hold on Elizabeth,” he muttered as he started to race out of town towards the old salt mine that had been closed for more than 20 years. Doing more than the legal road limit as he tapped into his car assisted phone service and called up the Sheriff’s office as he shouted into the line “Get me the Sheriff on the double. I don’t care if he’s in a meeting with the mayor. I need him on the line, as it’s urgent. It’s a matter of life and death” Max said as he barely managed to avoid a crash as he swerved to miss a parked car. “Then tell him his granddaughter has been found and if he doesn’t want to find her dead then he better get his car and ambulance out to the old salt mine on the triple. Yes, I am serious. This is Max Evans and I have been told by witnesses that they have seen Elizabeth Guerin that she’s alive and being held hostage at the old salt mine on the OLD service road near the interstate, and she’s in critical condition and the authorities need to get there on the double. Thank you, deputy,” Max spat at the nerve of the deputy to question his information before finally alerting his boss. “Finally, Jim. Your deputy was giving me the run around. Yes, Elizabeth has been found. The kids were taking a drive and found her… Yes, I know they shouldn’t have but they did” he sighed. “I’m thirty minutes away, and I am speeding as fast as I can. So, bring medical help. I am told Nicholas did quite the number on her”


Jake was sick to his stomach and had extreme naseausness as he glanced back at the silver mine. He had wobbled and weaved and barely stayed on his feet walking out of where his sister was being tortured. He didn’t know if she could go back down and see the sickening sight of his little sister in so much pain. He tried to will himself the energy to make this phone call, as for the third time he tried his parents. He didn’t know if the fact he couldn’t reach them meant their talk had gone badly and she had left, and to head back to the cabin or were they still together?

So, he tried again, as images of his sister popped into his mind and he cried for her as he dialed him home number as he tried to be sick again.

Finally, he got someone to answer…

“Mommy,” Jake cried as he felt five years old again as he looked for his mother with information, she needed to hear but would be hard to hear.


Maria dropped the phone and started to cry. Michael walked in at the same time she did as she fainted and fell to the floor. “Maria,” he yelled as he went to his wife on the floor and caught her and held her in her arms. They had been outside in the backyard trying to pour coffee and fresh air into her husband to get him to sober up, as she had been helping him. She had entered to house to grab her purse and coat because she was going back to see her kids and see her mother when the phone call came and the moment, she heard the cry on the phone, from Jake. She knew.

Grabbing the phone, Michael gruffly asked. “Who is this?” he asked. “Jake, what’s going on? Your mother collapsed. What did you tell her?”

“Oh my god,” he whispered as he wanted to collapse himself. “Are you sure?” he asked. “You’ve seen her. Okay, we’ll be there as soon as possible,” he whispered. “How bad is it?” he asked and didn’t want the answer. “I understand.”

He hung up and picked up his wife, and carried her to the car, and started to drive.

Maria woke up and saw she was in the car, and her husband was speeding. “Michael, it’s true, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” Michael said simply and turned towards his wife with a heartbroken smile. “Let’s go see our daughter.”


Jake threw up after talking to his father and confirming the news, and tried to keep the truth about how serious it was from their father for fear of crash on the way and he was heaving when he saw Grace come out into the cruel sun, and walk towards him. Picking himself off the ground, he turned to see her approach “You left her alone?”

“I have made sure all the men are tied up or unconscious and tied up” Grace said as she didn’t know where her vengeance came because she was usually so even keel like her father but when pushed too far, she knew how to react. “Jake, you have to come back in.”

“I can’t Grace, I can’t see how bad he hurt her” Jake cried. “He tortured her, and she was a plaything to him.”

“We’re losing her,” Grace said quietly the worst. “I don’t know how much longer she can hang on Jake. They have pushed her too far, and done too much to her, for her to hang on, and she’s finally giving up and she needs her big brother at a time like this. I have managed to keep her going but Jake but she’s giving up and I am not my father so there is only so much I can do to keep her with us, and you can’t let her go without you there by her side. I don’t know if she can hang on until my father gets here or for your parents to get here to say good-bye and if she can’t have them than she needs you. You can’t let her die alone.”

Jake cried as he took Grace into his arms and they cried together. Stopping and picking himself and knowing he had the be the adult in this situation, he nodded and walked back into the salt mine and down the steps and approached his sister as the heart monitor was reading dire readings, and she was getting too cold. The warmth was leaving her body and no matter how much he willed it to come, it wouldn’t…”

“Please, Elizabeth stay with us” Jake whispered as he took his little sister’s hand and grabbed it and held it and tried to egg her to come back to them as flashes popped in his mind of his mother coming home from the hospital with his baby sister, and how happy he had been to have a sister and the flashes continued of the fun and the fights they had as brother and sister as they battled each other and yet stayed so close. “You can’t let Mom and Dad lose you after you fought so long to stay with us… Don’t let Nicholas win…”

I’m done came a faint whisper from above them as the heart monitor flatlined.
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