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Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 8:51 pm
by Icequeen
Sorry it took so long to get this part out. I've had it done for a while but i'm just blah right now about this fic. I want to finish it but i'm just ehh about it. LOL Thank you to all that have left FB.

~*~Chapter 11~*~


I pull up to my parents house and walk into the study where my father is.

“Max I’m glad you could make it.” He fixes me a drink and we take a seat on the leather sofa.

“Your sister came over here about a week ago and asked me if there was anyway I could check someone out for her. I was wondering if you knew who she could be talking about?”

“No. She hasn’t said anything to me about it.” I’m just as surprised.

“Well I guess we will never know because she called me a few days later and told me that she took care of it. I don’t know it just doesn’t seem like Isabella to ask me to do something like that. I just wonder who it is.” I know that my father is concerned and so am I.

“I’ll see if she says anything to me.”

“Has she been around anyone new? I don’t think it would be any of her clients this sounded more serious then the usual background check. It seemed like she wanted me to use my contacts or something.” I’m beginning to get really stressed out.

“I don’t know she hasn’t been around I don’t know except for Alex.”

“Alex?” My father asks. He really don’t know much about him and neither do it.

“Yeah he’s some sort of business man from New York. Bella has been seeing him for a while now.” I wonder why she hasn’t brought them around our parents.

“Well she hasn’t’ has us meet him yet. Do you think it’s him?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think she would ask you to check up on her boyfriend though. She knows what she’s doing.”

“Yes I guess you are right. Just try and talk to her you she has always confided in you.” I finish off my drink and say goodbye before walking out to my car.

I have to talk to Bella about this but I have to be smart in the way I approach her. I want to get her to open up to me not shut me out.

Alex is staying over tonight, something that he’s never done. I don’t know why it took me so long to sleep with him and now I can’t get enough. He’s still and enigma but I’m hoping to slowly break him out of his shell.

I want to ask him to meet my parents and hope that he agrees.

“You look beautiful.” Alex says when I open the door.

“I do not.” I’m wearing a light blue pheasant skirt with a white thank top.

“You always look great.” He seals our lips and kicks the door closed with his foot.

“I missed you.” He says when we finally break for air.

“Me too.” We sit on the sofa wrapped up in each other.

“Alex I wanted to ask you to have dinner with me at my parents house next week.” I hope he agrees.

“Wow meeting the parents. This is serious.” He jokes.

“You’ll come then?”

“Of course I will.” I pull him in for a hug and we begin a heavy make out session again.

Just as we are about to go to bed his cell phone rings and he goes out to take the call. I can’t hear what he’s saying but I can tell that it’s a serious conversation. Patiently I wait for him to get off and come back inside.

“Everything ok?” I ask when he comes back in.

“Yeah just work you know.” He sits next to me and I can tell that something is on his mind.

“Anything I can do to help?” I ask.

“As a matter of fact there is. Come here.” He pulls me onto his lap and smothers me with kisses.

I get home and I’m exhausted and starving. I walk in the house and see Liz watching television on the couch.

“Hey everything ok?” She turns the Television off and walks over to greet me.

“Yeah my dad just has to ask me something. It’s no big deal. Did you eat already?” I set my briefcase down and ask.

“Yeah, I wasn’t sure when you would be home so I went ahead and ate. I saved you some food though it’s in the oven.

“Thanks. I’m going to change I’ll be right out.” I walk to the bedroom and change into something more comfortable.

“So how was your day?” I snuggle up with her on the couch.

“Ok. I called Maria today.”

“That’s good.” She looks upset and I know that she misses her.

“Yeah. I miss her.”

“I know baby. Maybe we can plan something for you to go visit her or something.” I suggest and get up to get some food. I’m still starving.

“I wish I could but I just took time off and things are really busy now. I don’t want to leave Isabel to deal with everything.”

“I’m sure she would understand honey.” I warm up my plate in the microwave and grab a beer.

“I don’t know. We’ll see I guess.”


Isabel is in Venice for a few days and I’m swamped. I don’t know how she did this alone but I guess now that I’m here she can expand more. It’s 6:00 and decide to head home for the day. Tomorrow Max and I have an appointment with a fertility specialist. I want to approach this aggressively so we decided to go with this doctor. I gather my things and shut the lights off.

When I get home Max isn’t here and I’m surprised. He’s always home by this time or he would have called. I check for a note but don’t see one so I call his cell.

“Hey babe where are you?” I ask when he picks up.

“I’m on my way home right now. I should be there in a minute.” He says and I can tell he’s in the car.

“Ok.” I hang up and wonder where he was. I change into a pair of shorts and a tank top when I hear the door open.

“Hey.” He drops his briefcase and wraps his arms around my waist.

“Hey, your home late.” I say after I place a kiss on his lips.

“Yeah I had an errand to run.” He shrugs. He’s being secretive but I’m not going to jump to conclusions.


I can’t keep up all these lies. They aren’t really lies but I’m not coming clean about a lot of things. I need to talk to Liz and get all of this off my mind. I walk out and see Liz curled up on the sofa watching a movie.

“Come sit with me.” She pulls the blanket off of her and makes room for me.

“What’s wrong?” She asks as I stroke her hair.

“Do you trust me?”

“Of course I do. What’s going on?” She turns to face me and I hate to upset her.

“I have to tell you something.” I see a worried look on her face and feel like shit.

“Ok.” She says waiting for me to continue.

“Do you remember Tessa?” Of course she does. What kind of question is that.


“Well I ran into her a while back.”

“And?” She asks and I need to get to the point.

“We sort of had lunch. She’s pregnant now.” She looks betrayed not that I blame her.

“Why are you telling me this Max?”

“Well I wanted you to know…in case you saw her or something.” I’m such a coward. How do I get myself into these situations?

“There is more to it then that Max. Just tell me please.” She scoots to the other end of the sofa not that I blame her.

“Bella found out that it’s Jackson’s baby.” I hate saying that monsters name in front of her. I know that it brings back memories that she would rather not think about.

“Bella knew that you were seeing her?” I didn’t expect that to come out but I can understand her being hurt by that too.

“Y-yes. She umm….confronted me about it.”

“This is nice. Thank you Max, thank you for making me feel like shit once again! God who are you? Your not the man that I married and you certainly aren’t the man I fell in love with. I don’t’ know who the hell you are but I want you to go away! Get out of my face!” She pushes me and storms off to our bedroom.

When did I become such a fuck up? How could I do this? I don’t know what I’m going to do but I’m fucking up right now. I’m fucking up royally.

“Shit!” I run my hands thought my hair and get up to get a cigarette. I’ve tried to stop since we started the fertility treatments but I need one right now.



“Bella I need to talk to you.” I tell her since I hear noise in the background.

“What’s up?” She asks me and I guess she moved to another room.

“Do you hate me?” I ask her.

“What? What’s going on? What are you talking about Liz?”

“How could you not tell me about Tessa? Max just told me and he told me that you knew. You knew Bella! How long did you know?” I need to know how long I was in the dark about this.

“Liz I’m sorry. I told him to tell you right away. I didn’t want to be the one to tell you.”

“God I feel like such an idiot right now!” I want to scream I’m so pissed.

“Liz I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say.”

“I need to get away. I have to go Bella.” I hang up the phone and decide that I’m going to visit Maria. I can’t be here right now. I call Maria not bothering to look at the time. I need to talk to someone.

“Hello.” Michael answers the phone and I try to hide my emotions.

“Michael hey how are you?”

“Liz? Wow this is a surprise. I’m great. What’s up?” He asks.

“Oh nothing much. Is Maria around I need to ask her something really quick.” He tells me to hold on and hands her the phone.

“Hey what’s up?”

“Nothing. Umm I’m going to be heading up there soon. Can you get a few days off work?” I ask praying that she says yes.

“Of course I can. I’m working from home now so it’s not a big deal. When are you coming?”

“Soon. Maybe tomorrow. I’ll call you and give you the details though.”

“Alright let me know.” I hang up and get online to book my ticket. This is bullshit I can’t stand to be around Max right now and yes I’m running away but I don’t give a shit.

I book my ticket for tomorrow afternoon and it’s way over priced but I don’t care I need to get out of here. I decide to pack tonight so I can just take my bags in the morning and not have to come back home.

“Where are you going?” Max comes in as I’m packing and asks.

“New York.” I say without even looking at him.


“You heard me I’m going to NEW YORK!” I brush past him and get my underwear.

“Ok did I miss something here?” He asks sitting down on the edge of the bed.

“Not really anything to miss Max. I’m going to New York since I can’t stand the sight of you and I can’t go to Bella’s.”

“Why can’t you go to Bella’s?” He asks watching my every move.

“I just don’t feel like it.” I shrug and go to the closet to get some clothes. I purposely take more then I’ll need just to get him thinking.

“Why are you doing this?” He asks when I come out of the closet with about 8 pairs of pants.

“If you don’t know then we have a huge problem.”

“Liz what do you want me to say?” He grabs my hand to get me to stay.

“I don’t want you to say anything. Just leave me alone.” I pull my hand out of his grasp and he stand up and walks out of the room.

Later that night he comes to bed and tries to wrap his arms around me but I move away from him. I’m not ready to just forgive him that easily I always do.


I didn’t get much sleep and when I wake up Liz isn’t in bed. I brush my teeth and go get some coffee when I see a note from her on the table.

See you in a few days.


I guess she made her point. She’s pissed, not that I blame her but running away isn’t the way to solve things. I get dressed and go to work hopefully she doesn’t stay away for too long so we can talk about this.

“Mr. Evans your sister is on line 2.” I know she would call eventually.


“Well well Max how are you going to get yourself out of this one.” She says.

“I don’t know Bella. I told you that I didn’t want to tell Liz about Tessa and when I do look where it got me.”

“Oh no. Do not try to pin this on me. Trust me if she would have seen you with her it would have been worse. Much worse.” I know she’s right but it still sucks.

“Scopata! come l'inferno posso riparare questo?” I slam my fist into the desk.

“I don’t know how your going to fix it but you better think of something soon. She’s visiting Maria and Michael by the way so she’s ok.” She tells me and I’m glad that she’s going to see Michael. She hasn’t seen him in a while.

“Alright I got to go. I’ll talk to you later.” I hang up and sit back in my chair wondering what the hell could go wrong next. My wife is on her way to being across the world from me completely pissed and me and I’m stuck here wondering what she’s thinking. I just hope she comes back soon I’m already going crazy.


I spent most of the flight going over the events of my life over the past few years. I’m trying to pinpoint the exact moment we went wrong. The exact moment things turned to shit and I can’t. I don’t know if it’s me or if it’s him but one of us or maybe both took a wrong turn somewhere. This is my second marriage and while the first one was an utter disaster I wanted this one to work. Now I’m not so sure that it will. I don’t even know if things will ever be the same. While Max hasn’t cheated on me that I know of yet I don’t know if I can trust him anymore. He ends up in these situations and I just don’t know if it will ever end.

The pilot comes on and tells us we are about to land so I buckle up my seatbelt and wait. When I get off the plane I go to baggage claim and gather my bags. I called Maria and told her when my flight got in so she should be here shortly to pick me up.

Being back in New York feels strange to me. I have mixed feelings. I always thought of New York as home but now it doesn’t feel that way, I feel like a visitor. Home is where Max is and he’s not here. Finally I see my bags and quickly grab them before walking outside to the cold air and waiting for Maria to pull up.

“I’m soo sorry girl. Traffic was insane.” 10 minutes later Maria pulls up like a bat out of hell.

“It’s ok.” I laugh and throw my bags in the trunk.

“You look great. How are you?” She asks when we get in the car.

“I’m alright. You look good too.” Her hair is longer now.

“Michael would have come too but he got stuck in the city doing something. He should be home when we get there.” I forget that they don’t live in the city anymore.

“So how’s life in Italy?” She asks me. I still haven’t told her about Max and I and don’t want to right now.

“It’s great. I love it there.” I try to fake a smile.

“Well then what the hell are you doing here? I mean not that I’m not happy to see you.”

“It’s complicated. I’ll tell you later.” I look out the window as we drive to the house.

“Here we are.” We pull up to a cottage style house.

“This is really nice Maria.” We grab my bags out of the trunk and walk up to the door. I walk inside and the house looks nothing like I would imagine. It looks very much like a city style apartment. It’s very open with modern furniture.

“I know you didn’t expect it to look like this. Everyone says that but Michael and I missed the loft style so we gutted out the house and came up with this.”

“I love it. It’s great.”

“It’s no Italian villa but we like it.” She shows me to my room and helps me unpack.

“How long are you staying?” She asks when she sees all the clothes I have.

“Not long. It’s a long story.” I say hanging up my clothes.

“Hey I’m home.” We hear Michael call and I run out to greet him.

“Michael!” I run into his arms and hug him tightly.

“Hey I missed you.” He wraps his arms around me and I try to hold back my tears. I missed him more then I thought.

“Me too. So what are you doing here?” He asks and we take a seat on the sofa.

“Can’t I come visit my brother?” I laugh.

“Yeah. We’re happy to have you.” He places a kiss on my head and I suddenly miss Max. He used to do that all the time.

“You hungry?” He asks me.

“A little.”

“Alright how about I make my famous pasta for you then? I mean I’m sure you’ve had the best living in Italy but you used to love mine.” He jokes.

“That would be great.” He goes to the kitchen and Maria gives me a tour of the house.

“That smells great.” We end up in the kitchen and Michael has the sauce simmering.

“Thanks. So what’s new in Italy?” He asks and pours us some wine.

“Nothing much. I’m still working with Isabel and Max is still at the museum.” I try to sound happy but I’m really missing home right now.

“That’s good.” He goes back to the stove leaving Maria looking at me like she knows something is up.

“We need to talk.” She whispers and I know I can’t avoid it.

After dinner Maria does the dishes and Michael and I sit in the back patio. It’s cold out but they have an outdoor fireplace that works really well.

“So are you going to tell me why you’re really here?” He asks.

“What do you mean?” I take a sip of my hot chocolate.

“Well for starters you just show up, not that I care but it’s not like you. Secondly you haven’t called Max since you’ve been here. So are you going to share?” When the hell did he become so observant?

“Not right now Michael. I will, but not now.” I hope he accepts that.

“Alright but I’m here if you need me.” I smile and gaze up at the stars. Maria comes out a little while later and the three of us sit and talk about the past for a while. I still feel jet lagged and go to bed early. As I get changed for bed I think about Max. I feel badly for not calling him and decide to at least check in with him.

“Pronto.” I called his cell to make sure I got him.

“It’s me. I’m at Michael and Maria’s. I just wanted to let you know that I’m ok.” I say coldly.

“Liz I…”

“Max I don’t want to talk I just wanted to tell you I’m ok incase you cared.” I know he does.

“Liz you know I do. I love you.”

“I got to go.” I hang up before he can say anything else and the tears start to fall. I miss him so much already. Hearing his voice and knowing that he’s so far away kills me but I need this time. Tomorrow I have to face Maria and her thousand questions since Michael has a meeting.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 5:32 pm
by Icequeen
A/N: Thank you all for the FB. Regarding Liz not addressing the fact that Tess is carrying Jackson child. She is going through fertility issues with Max and trust me from experience the LAST thing you want to talk about is anyone being pregnant weather they are a friend or not. It will be addressed later on but I didn’t forget about it, it was done that way for a reason.


I wake up to the smell of breakfast and think I’m home for a moment before I open my eyes. I sit up and rub my eyes before brushing my teeth and heading out to the kitchen.

“Good morning sleepyhead.” Maria is making breakfast and I groan. I’m still not used to the time change.

“I made all your favorites. I hope there still your favorites.” I’ve been so used to just having pastries in the morning a good American breakfast sounds good.

“Everything smells great.” I hop onto one of the stool and watch her work.

“So I was thinking of heading into the city today. We can have lunch at one of our old spots.” She serves me some eggs while I pour us some juice.

“That sounds great.” We eat just talking about random things but I know she’s dying to ask me more about why I’m here.

We get dressed and drive into the city. After the usual sightseeing and shopping we stop at am Italian restaurant we used to go to all the time.

“Ok I know you’re all Miss Italy now but I’m sure this place is still great.” Maria says once we are seated.

“Stop it. They’ve always had good food here.” We place our orders and wait for the food to come.

“Have you called Max?” She asks.

“Yeah I called him last night.”

“And?” she looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Not here ok?” I really don’t want to discuss this in public.

“Alright but as soon as we get to the car your taking.”

“Ok.” I laugh and our food gets here.

“Alright start talking.” As soon as we pull onto the road.

“Where to begin? I guess I’ll tell you the most recent issue then backtrack from there.” I sigh.

“Wait a minute there’s more then one issue?” Maria asks.

“Oh yeah. So anyway do you remember Max’s old girlfriend Tessa?” she nods her head yes and I go on. “Well it seems that she’s in Florence and Max ran into her they had lunch or whatever.”

“Shut up!” She says and I laugh. I miss her.

“Yup. So anyway he just told me about it the night I called you. Isabella knew about it too.” Maria gasps. “No but wait it gets better.”

“Oh God. No Liz don’t tell me he did something with her.”

“No! But she’s pregnant.”

“What? She’s not trying to say it’s Max’s or something is she?”

“No. It’s umm……Jackson’s.” I say softly. It pains me to think of her carrying a child even if it‘s by that monster.

“What!” She screeches. “Does she know about him?”

“I don’t think so but I don’t care to be honest with you. I don’t see how Max can stand to be around her after what she did to him. And Bella, she knew and didn’t say anything to me.”

“Don’t be mad at Bella Max is her brother you can’t make her choose. She loves you but she’s going to help him first you would do that same for Michael and don’t say otherwise.” She laughs.

“I guess. I’m just so angry at him. So let me tell you the other thing.”

“God Liz I don’t know how much more I can take.” She shakes her head and I know how she feels.

“Tell me about it. So anyway it seems as if one of his co workers has a crush on him. Max was totally oblivious to it and long story short they went on a business trip and she ended up kissing him.”

“What!” She looks at me and I tell her to look at the road. I’m not trying to die over here.

“Yeah. He said he was asleep and she kissed him or whatever.” Thinking about it pisses me off again but I made my peace with it.

“That happened a while ago and we talked about it. Everything was fine until this whole thing with Tessa. I just don’t know what got into him Maria. He wasn’t like this. I used to be able to trust him but now I’m not so sure.” I say sadly.

“Did you ask him why he didn’t come to you sooner about this? Maybe there was a reason he felt he couldn’t tell you.”

“What reason could there be? If he feels that he can’t talk to me then we have a really big problem.” I fold my hands across my chest feeling defensive now.

“I’m not trying to say that something is wrong with you or anything like that I’m just saying men sometimes read things wrong that’s all.”

“I don’t know I guess that’s possible. I don’t know what to think anymore. I do know that this sucks.”

“What you can’t do is leave like you did. I know that you were mad but you being all the way over here isn’t helping things.” She’s right.

“I know I was just so mad Maria. After everything we’ve been through for him to break my trust in him like this is hard to take.” We get off the exit to her house and it’s starting to rain.

“I know but it’s still not right. Just talk to him Liz but remember that he’s not perfect. No one has the perfect marriage you have to work at it sometimes.” We get to the house and run inside.

“Alright so girl talk isn’t officially over yet. What else has been going on?” She starts making some hot chocolate and we sit in the kitchen.

“Nothing much really. Max and I are going to try for a baby.” I get into the whole infertility thing with her.

“That’s really great Liz. I’m happy for you.”


“There’s something else isn’t there? Something else is bothering you?” She ask when we settle in the house.

“I hate being the way Maria. When Max told me she was pregnant it’s like I hated her more. Hated her for having something that I want but can’t have. I know that I shouldn’t think like this but I can’t help it. And then to know that Max was around her, spending time with her, it just hurt. I’m stupid I know it.” I hold back my tears.

“You’re not stupid. I can’t tell you if you’re right or wrong because I’m not going through what you are going through. I can only imagine how hard it must be to see people have something that you desperately want I’m sure it’s natural and whoever says otherwise tell them to fuck off. She may be pregnant Liz but is she happy? I’m willing to be that she’s not. You have Max she has no one.” Leave it to Maria to put things into perspective for me.

“So how’s married life with my brother?” Time to ask her about her life.

“Oh you know. Everything is fine. Michael is Michael but that’s what I love about him. He’s been doing great with the artwork and I’ve been working from home.”

“That’s really good. I’m happy for both of you.” After our hot chocolate we watch some TV and wait for Michael to come home.

“So things have been quiet. What aren’t you telling me?” He asked sounding slightly annoyed.

“Nothing to tell. I’m not going to ask questions and make it obvious.” I say already over this game with him.

“You better not be hiding shit from me. I won’t think twice about exterminating you.”

“Yeah I got the point. Anything else?”

“That’s all for now.” I hang up and throw the phone across the bed. What the hell am I doing?


Liz hasn’t called me since she first got to New York and I’ve decided to give her some space. It’s not that I don’t want to call her but I’ve come to understand that she needs time to sort things out in her head. I hate being away from her but if it will help our marriage then I’m all for it.

The thought of her being so far away and in New York makes me nervous especially after everything that Isabel told me but I know she will be safe with Michael. It’s about 4PM here so I decide to call Michael. He should be up by this time.


“Hey it’s Max.” I say wondering if he’s mad at me about Liz.

“Oh hey. What’s up?” He doesn’t sound mad. That’s a good thing.

“Nothing much. What’s going on over on your side of the world.” I don’t want to ask about Liz and let on that she hasn’t called me.

“Liz is fine Max. She’s with Maria today and I’ll be home in a few hours.”

“I’m that transparent huh?” I laugh.

“Well you don’t really call me and she’s here so I kind of put two and two together.”

“Did she umm say anything?” I ask wondering if she did.

“No man and I’m not going to get in the middle of it but if you hurt my sister I don’t care how good of friends we are I’ll kick your ass. I’m serious too. She’s been through enough shit Max.”

“I know that Michael but I’m not perfect you know.” I’m trying not to get irritated at him but I don’t need yet another person telling me that I shouldn’t hurt Liz, I know that already.

“I don’t expect you to be just don’t hurt her ok?”

“Alright. Call me if anything.” He says he will and I hang up. That didn’t go how I expected it to but I don’t blame him. I’d do the same for Bella in an instant.

Antonio comes into my office a few hours later asking me for a favor.

“Max I need a favor.” He sits across from me.

“Ok what is it?” I ask hoping it doesn’t have anything to do with Mia.

“Sometimes next week we have some art collectors coming in. We are trying to get them to loan us a few of their pieces and I need to meet with them.” He says and I know it has to do with Mia now.

“Ok what do you need?”

“I want you to come with me. They are coming here so you won’t have to travel or anything but Mia will be coming as well.” I knew it.

“Before you say no she’s coming because we are trying to get her more training in that department so she can go on her own. I’ll be there so no worries.” I’m still not sure and I can tell he knows I don’t want to go.

“I don’t know. Do I really need to be there?” I ask.

“Yes. The boss has asked for you to go as well since its part of your specialty. I’m going mostly to represent the museum but this is your area. I know you don’t want to do it but like I said I’ll be there so there won’t be any issues.”

“Alright just let me know when and where.” I sigh and agree to go.

“Thanks. I’ll get you’re the details as soon as everything is finalized.”

“No problem. I’ll talk to you later.” He gets up and leaves. I have a bad feeling about this but he said he’ll be there so what can happen? Hopefully nothing.

~*~*~2 days later~*~*~


“So when are you going back home?” Maria asks. We are at a mall this is insanely huge. Its 4 floors!

“I don’t know I have an open ended ticket.” My feet are killing me. Bella has to come here she’d be in heaven.

“Liz I love you and I love having you here but you need to go back home. You being half way around the world isn’t going to fix anything.” We stop somewhere to get something to eat and I’m thankful for the break.

“I know Maria. It’s been nice being here with you but I do need to go back soon. You and Michael need to move to Italy I hate being so far from you.”

“Yeah.” She sighs and I can tell that something is wrong.

“Alright your turn to spill.” I laugh.

“I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy, I love my life but I miss you guys you know? It’s not that Michael isn’t enough because he is but I miss being able to veg out and watch sappy movies or go shopping with someone. I don’t keep in touch with anyone from work anymore so I don’t have any girlfriends but Michael seems so happy here I don’t want to bring it up or make him feel like I’m not happy.” She sighs.

“Talk to him. I know that Michael is unapproachable at times but you need to tell him how you feel.” I laugh when I say that.

“What’s so funny?” Maria asks.

“I’m giving you advice about being open and honest meanwhile I can’t do that same. It’s ironic that’s all. The point is talk to Michael, tell him how you feel. You never know he might feel the same way. Michael can do his work from anywhere and I’m sure you can find work in Italy too.”

“Yeah maybe your right. Thanks, I missed having someone to talk to.” She gives me a hug and we place our food orders. Half way through out meal I decide that I’m going back home tomorrow. I miss Max and Maria’s right I can’t fix anything being all the way over here.


It’s been two and a half days since Liz has been gone and I’m going nuts. I miss her so much that I sprayed her perfume on her pillow. I’m pathetic. I’m lying in bed not being able to sleep when the phone rings. I look over at the clock and see that it’s 1AM. Who would be calling at this time?


“Max?” It’s Liz and I instantly think something is wrong.

“Liz?” I sit up and smile when I hear her voice.

“Hey. I’m sorry to call this late but I wanted to let you know that I’ll be home tomorrow.” I’m relived that nothing is wrong.

“I miss you.”

“Me too. We’ll talk when I get home. Go back to bed you have work in the morning.” She says and I should get off but I want to hear her voice.

“It’s fine. I’m not tired anyway. How was your trip? How’s Maria?” I ask her just wanting to keep her on the phone as long as possible.

“She’s good. I had a good time but I miss you so much.” I sense sadness in her voice and want to wrap my arms around her and tell her everything is ok.

“Me too amore. Non posso attendere per tenerli ancora nella mia armi” I say knowing that she loves when I talk to her in Italian.

“And I can’t wait to be in your arms again. Ti amo così tanto danneggia a volte”

“Love should never hurt but I know how you feel. And I love when you speak Italian.” We both laugh and talk for a few hours. I start to feel sleepy and let out a yawn so Liz makes me get off the phone. She’ll be here tomorrow night and I’m glad since it’s a Friday I will have all weekend to spend with her.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:31 pm
by Icequeen
Thank you all for the Feedback and bumps. I haven’t been in the mood for this fic lately. Luckily I have a few parts already written so I dusted them off and blah blah. I apologize for it’s mediocre-ness ahead of time.

~~Chapter 13~~


Liz called and gave me her flight information and I’m on my way to pick her up now. I decide to have a little fun and wear the same outfit I wore when I first met her in the same airport. I wonder if she will remember?

I park the car and walk to the baggage claim with my sign in hand only this time it says Elizabeth Evans. I’m a dork but I don’t care, I love my wife. I look up at the monitor and see that her flight is on time so she should be here soon.

I hear the baggage belt start to move and know that the plane is here and that they’ve gotten off already. I search through the crowds trying to spot her but I can’t see anything. There are too many people around. I finally decide to just stand by the door so she can spot me easily.


When I land in Italy I feel like I’m home. Italy will always be my home. I hurriedly walk to the baggage claim area dying to see Max. I was anxious the whole plane ride here. There are tons of people around the baggage claim area and I don’t see Max. Luckily I find my bags right away and grab them quickly. When I walk to the door I see Max holding up a sign that says Elizabeth Evans and smile. The best part is that he’s wearing the same outfit he wore when we first met.

“Hey.” I run into his arms and feel his wrap around my waist.

“God I missed you.” He says and places kisses all around my face.

“Me too.” He grabs my bags and we walk to the car.

“Isn’t that what you wore when I first met you?” I ask.

“Yup.” He smiles and opens the door for me.

“How was your visit?” He asks as we drive home.

“It was good. It was just what I needed.” I smile and grab his hand.

“I’m glad you are home now.” We get to the house and Max brings my bags inside.

“Let’s go out tonight and celebrate.” He says while I unpack.

“Ok sounds good.”


I’ve been walking on eggshells around Liz ever since she got back but we need to talk. I asked her if she had lunch plans and she agreed to have lunch with me.

“How was your trip.” I ask once we are seated.

“It was good.”

“I’m glad. Look I wanted to say I’m sorry. I should have told you but you have to understand that Max is my brother. I didn’t want to take sides.”

“Bella it’s fine really. I just want to get past it ok?” She smiles and I’m glad that she’s ok with it.

“La maledizione è lei dappertutto?”

“Is who everywhere?” Liz looks around trying to see what I’m talking about.

“She’s like a bug I swear. Just don’t look, maybe she won’t spot us.” I say ducking my head a little.

“Bella who are you hiding from?” Liz asks confused.

“Tessa.” I whisper.

“Oh. Where is she?” Liz ask.

“Over there.” I point to the far side of the café.

“Too late she’s coming over here.” Liz says. Damn it!

“Bella hi!” Tess greets me.

“Hello Tessa.” I think she has a tracking devices planted on me. Florence isn’t that small. She stands there not saying anything I guess waiting for me to introduce Liz.

“Liz this is Tessa. Tessa Liz.” I bite back my laughter at Tessa’s face. She looks spooked.

“It’s nice to meet you Liz.” Liz smiles at her but I can tell she’s uncomfortable.

“Nice meeting you too.” Liz says.

“We actually have business to discuss Tessa.” I say giving her a hint to leave.

“Oh ok. I’ll see you around then.” She waves goodbye.

“Awkward much?” Liz asks once she leaves.

“I’m sorry. As you can see she really does pop up everywhere though.” Liz laughs and so do I. We enjoy the rest of our lunch but I can tell that seeing Tessa bothered Liz. She says she’s ok with everything but I don’t think that is really the case.

“So tell me about this treatment you are doing?” I ask trying to bring up something else for her to think about.

“Umm not really much to say. I’m going in in a week for the egg retrieval then they do the implantation 3-5 days after that.” We walk through the park on the way back to the office.

“Wow so soon?”

“Yeah I was reacting really well to the meds. Everything is progressing great.” She has a huge smile on her face and I’m happy for them.

“So umm how are they going to…you know.”

“Bella! I can’t believe you asked me that.” She says blushing.

“Ok changing topics.” We laugh and continue our walk.

“So how are things with you and Alex?” She asks when we stop to get gelato.

“Strange, but good. He’s so secretive it drives me nuts.”

“Yeah a control freak like you would think that.” She laughs.

“It’s not just that. He’s really secretive Liz. I mean it’s like he works for the mob or something. He agreed to meet my parents thought so I guess that’s a good sign.”

“That is.” We get back to the office and head out separate ways.


“I hear your going to meet the parents.”

“You hear too much.” I’m on my cell walking back home.

“I don’t hear enough actually.” he says annoyed. I’m glad he can’t see my smirk.

“Whatever. You have the place completely bugged what else do you want?”

“I’ll get what I want soon enough.” He laughs and it sends a chill down my spine. This guy is ruthless. Again I ask what the hell am I doing?


“Thank you for doing this.” Alex has come to pick me up to go to my parents house.

“You don’t have to thank me.” He places a kiss on my temple and we walk out to the car.

“So tell me about your parents?” He asks on the drive over there.

“Not much to say. My father is an American, he works in politics and my mother is a painter. She mostly works from home from time to time basically retired though.”

“Politics huh?” He asks.

“Yeah I don’t really know much about it, he doesn’t talk about work too much.”

“I can relate to that.” He says and I wonder if he’s into politics.

“Bella I’m glad you made it.” My mother greets us at the door.

“This is Alex mom.” I say introducing them.

“It’s nice to meet you Mrs. Evans.” Alex kissed the back of her hand and my mother smiles.

“I’ll get your father.” She calls for my father and we sit in the formal living room.

“Mr. Evans it’s nice to meet you.” Alex sands up to shake my fathers hand.

“Nice to finally meet you. I’m sorry to say that we don’t know much about you Alex.” I give my father a glare hoping that he doesn’t get all fatherly right now.

“Well there isn’t much to say Mr. Evans.” Alex says but my father isn’t buying it I can tell.

“Dinners ready.” My mother chimes in and I’m thankful.

We eat with trivial conversation and I’m glad my father didn’t pressure Alex into opening up. After dinner we have dessert in the formal living room.

“So Alex what brings you to Italy?” My father eventually asks.

“Business. I’m overseeing a project for my boss.” That’s more then I ever got out of him.

“What is it that he does?” My father asks.

“Philip abbastanza. Leave the poor boy alone.” My mother says. We finish our dessert and Alex and I head back home.

“I’m sorry about my father.” I say on the drive back home.

“It’s ok. He’s just looking out for you.” He smiles and bring my hand up placing a soft kiss on it.

~~2 weeks later~~


Antonio told me that this Thursday is the meeting with the clients. I’m not going to make the mistake of not telling Liz this time. I get home and see Liz in the kitchen cooking.

“Hi.” I wrap my hands around her waist from behind as she works on the stove.

“Hey.” She leans her head back on my shoulder and stirs something.

“That smells great.” I say taking a peak at what she’s making.

“It will be ready soon.” He puts the spoon down and turns around to face me.

“I missed you today.” I say placing a kiss on her nose. Our foreheads are touching and I close my eyes taking in her scent.

“Me too.” We walk to the sofa and sit while the food is cooking.

“How are you feeling?” I ask. We went to the doctor and had everything done. They extracted 10 eggs and we decided to put back 3 for now hoping that at least one of them takes. She was on bed rest for a week and now we wait for her to have a blood pregnancy test done to see if it worked.

“Fine. Those shots are killing me though.” She still has to take shots to build up her lining so that the baby will hold if there is one.

“I know, I’m sorry.” I pull her to lean on my chest.

“It’s ok thought. It will be worth it.” She says sighing. I know that this has been hard on her, it’s been hell on me too. Our chances go up if we have to do it again but I hope it doesn’t come to that. The emotional stress of it all is killer.

“Yes it will.” I say smoothing back her hair. I wonder if we will end up with triplets? There is a chance that all three could take but I’d be happy with one.

“What if it doesn’t work?” She asks softly.

“Don’t think like that. It will work but on the off chance that it doesn’t then we try again.”

“I miss being with you.”

“Me too baby.” We haven’t been able to be intimate throughout this whole process and it’s hard. I hold her at night and want to love her but I can’t. Cold showers have been a regular occurrence for me lately.

We eat dinner and watch a movie before going to bed.

“Liz?” She’s applying lotion to her legs and I’m trying not to think about how sexy she looks right now.

“Yeah.” She says totally oblivious to how damn hot she looks.

“I um have a meeting Thursday night, a work meeting.” I’m suddenly nervous.

“Oh. Ok.” She says stopping only for a brief moment then going back to her routine.

“Antonio is going to be there, he assured me he will be there.” I tell her hoping that will help ease any fears she may have.

“That’s good.” She gets up and brushes her hair before joining me in bed.

“Are you ok?” I ask once she shuts the light off.

“I’m fine. Where is the meeting?” I tell her the name of the restaurant and she seems more at ease now.


“Max has another meeting Thursday.” I tell Bella during lunch.

“Are you kidding me? Is he brain dead?”

“Antonio is going to be there.” I say laughing at her reaction.

“Well we are going to know for sure aren’t we?” She say and takes a bite of her food.

“What do you mean?”

“We’re going to that meeting and finding out for sure what my dear brother is up to.”

“I don’t know Bella, that might not be a good idea.” I say not wanting to spy on Max.

“It’s not spying really it’s more like checking.” She says taking a sip of her drink.

“Checking huh?”

“Checking.” She says. I have a bad feeling about this but it doesn’t sound like a bad idea. I’ll just be worrying about it all night if I don’t go so I might as well.

When I get home Max is in the living room watching a movie.

“Hey I didn’t know what you wanted so I thought we’d order out.” He gets up and pulls the menus out of the drawer.

“Ok let me get changed.” I walk to out room and change into something more comfortable.

Max orders our food and I sit on the sofa with my feet in his lap.

“I saw Tessa today.” I blurt out.

“Where?” She stops rubbing my feet and looks up.

“I was having lunch with Bella and she walked in. Bella hoped that she wouldn’t come up to us but she did.”

“And?” He asks.

“Nothing. She said hello and left that’s all.” His next sentence was cut off by a knock on the door it was the food.

“So she didn’t say anything to you?” He asks handing me a plate.

“No. Nothing other then hello. Why?”

“No reason.” He serves himself but looks uneasy.

“It’s fine Max. I don’t care about her.”

“Ok.” We sit in silence and I can’t take it anymore.

“Ok I do care, but it’s not what you think.” I see him smile.

“I’ll admit that it was hard seeing her pregnant and to know that it was his.” I can’t even say his name. “The funny thing is that I feel sorry for her. She doesn’t know what kind of person he is and she’s carrying his baby. She doesn’t know anything about him.”

“That’s her fault.” He bites out.

“Max people make mistakes. I wanted to tell her but what good would that do?” I shrug.

“None. She’ll be fine Liz don’t worry about her.” I turn my attention to my food and don’t say anything else. I had a million emotions running through my head from envy to pity. I envy her for having something that I desperately want but I pity her for being alone and not knowing the truth about the father of her child. Maybe it’s better that she doesn’t know.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:51 pm
by Icequeen
I’m soo sorry it took me so long to update this. I just haven’t been in the mood for this fic lately. Thank you all for the FB and for the bumps. I’ll try to force myself into the mood and finish this. Thanks again.

~~Chapter 14~~

“Liz? Bella? What are you doing here?” He asked.

This was the moment of truth. What were we doing here? Oh right we were spying on him. I looked over at Bella and realized that she wasn’t going to jump in and help me out.

“What are you doing here?” I asked truing the tables on him or trying to at least.

“I’m here having dinner.” He crossed his arms over his chest still waiting for an explanation from me.

“I’m going to go. I’ll talk to you later.” Bella the coward said leaving me there to fend for myself.

“Max who are you with?” I don’t know where it came from but I said it.

“I’m with Mia why?” Bastard acts like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

“And who else?” I raise an eyebrow at him and he knows where this is going.

“Antonio was here but he had to leave when his wife called.” He ran his hand through his hair showing his frustration.

“How convenient.” I snort. He is seriously pissing me off right now.

“Liz what was I supposed to do? Our food had already arrived.” Why am I always in this position?

“Max how can you be so blind. How many times have you ended up with Mia alone for dinner? I thought you worked this out already.” I’m trying to keep my volume down since people are starting to look at us.

“Can we talk about this at home?” He asked also noticing the attention we are getting.

“Fine. Do you have to walk her home or can she do it on her own?” I ask sarcastically getting a frown from him but I don’t care. I want to kill that bitch. He walks back to their table and says something to her. I see her nod in understanding and I want to slap the smile off her face. I wait patiently outside well, not entirely patient as I’m tapping my foot to some unknown beat. I’ve managed to fuck up my manicure as I’m waiting and when I look down at my nails I’m even more pissed.

Finally Mr. Peacemaker comes out. What the fuck he is smiling about?

“Do you have your car here?” He asks. I nod no cause right now I can’t talk to him. We walk to his car and drive home in silence. Well I’m silent this bastard is singing along to some song on the radio and I really want to ask him why the hell is he so happy. He pulls into our driveway and I get out of the car before he can come around and open the door for me. I’m not in the mood for his freaking manners today. I see him shrug his shoulders when I walk past him and just keep walking into the house. He takes longer to come in cause he just HAS to stop and say hello to one of our neighbors outside. Why isn’t he pissed off? God he is annoying. Finally he comes in the house and I’m standing in the middle of the kitchen with my hand on my hips.

“You are blowing this way out of proportion you know that right?” He says to me and takes a beer out of the fridge.

“Your kidding right?” I snort.

He just looks at me and walks to our bedroom. I quickly follow cause I’m not ready to stop talking just yet.

“Your picking a fight and I don’t like it.” He says.

“Excuse me? I’m not the one having cozy dinner dates.”

“What the hell are you talking about? I told you what happened already. This was the last time I was going to do these things. I wasn’t just going to bolt out of there anyways.”

“Why the hell not? Why do you have to be so damn nice all the time?” He takes a long sip of his beer and looks up at me.

“Liz, you have to get over your insecurities.”

“I don’t like that you spend so much time with her. She’s made it more then clear that she wants you or did you forget about that fateful kiss you shared?” I’m so annoyed that I’m practically yelling at him.

“First of all that night wasn‘t fateful and we didn‘t share anything. She kissed me and I told you about it. What more do you want? I didn’t ask for this and I don’t like being accused of things that I’m not doing.” He starts to take off his shoes and I move to stand right in front of him.

“You two sure looked cozy tonight.” It was the only thing I could say even if it wasn’t true.

“Your crazy. How exactly did we look cozy?” Oh shit now he’s mad.

“Bella and I were watching you Max. I saw you guys laughing and I saw her touch your hand every so often.” My demeanor changes and I recall what I saw.

“I’m not talking about this anymore. I’ve told you that there is nothing going on. I have no interest in her. I can’t help it if she seems like she is attracted to me but I have to work with her. There is nothing I can do to change that.”

“Max you are too busy trying to be the nice guy you don’t see what it’s doing to us. We are fighting about her and I‘m sick of it.” I’m tired of standing up and sit down on the edge of the bed still far away from him.

“What do you want me to do? Do you want me to tell her that I can’t talk to her anymore? Or do you want me to tell my boss that I can’t work with her anymore? Would that make you feel better?” He asks me and I can’t help but sense some sarcasm in this voice.

“You do what you want Max. Your so fucking perfect and since you think you know everything then do what YOU think is right.” Take that!

“I never claimed to know everything. I’m not going to tell her that I can’t talk to her anymore because I’m not a child. I am capable of having a work relationship with someone of the opposite sex.” Is he insane? He must be.

“Are you serious right now?” I’m laughing cause I think this is a big joke. I think I’m on some sick reality show, I’m just waiting for the camera man to come out of my closet at any moment.

“Yes I’m serious. I can’t take this jealously Liz. I‘m tired of having the same conversation over and over.” I see him opening drawers and I sit there with my mouth hanging open.

“What are you doing?” I ask in total shock as I see him go to the closet, with no cameraman mind you, and get his carry on suitcase.

“I’m going to stay at Bella’s I can’t do this all night.” He is stuffing his things into the suitcase and my heart broke into a million pieces.

“Your just going to walk away?” I’m completely stunned.

“I need to leave, I don’t want to say something I’ll regret and I don’t feel like talking about this all night.” He grabs a few suits from our closet and that’s when I lose it again. It dawns on me that he is serious and that he’s not planning on coming back soon since he took three suits and several shirts.

I decide that I’m not going to beg him to stay. He’s right, I’m not ready to stop talking about this and if he stays I’ll bitch about it all night. But I can’t believe he’s leaving. He walks to the bathroom to get his toiletries and I sit on the bed watching his every move like I’m never going to see him again or something.

“You have Bella’s number.” He says stating the obvious. “I love you.” He cups my face in his hands and gives me a brief kiss. It leaves me longing for more so I sit there with my eyes closed not wanting to actually see him leave our house. I think he understands what I’m doing since he leaves without another word.

As soon as the door closes I collapse on the bed crying like a child that didn’t get his way. I’m sobbing uncontrollably letting the tears soak the down comforter. I lay there for what seems like hours but is only one. I’m all cried out for now and walk out to the kitchen to get a drink of water. Suddenly the house feels huge. I hear every sound bouncing off the walls and I feel like I’m in a haunted mansion. I slowly creep to the kitchen laughing at myself when I get there and turn the lights on. Funny how turning on a light can make you brave all of the sudden. Like no one will hurt you because the light is on.

After getting my water I walk back to the living room and turn the television on. After flipping through every channel twice I’m bored out of my mind and it’s only 9PM. I decide to do something I haven’t don’t in years and head to the bedroom to change into running gear. I used to run all the time back in the states but things happened and I haven’t done it in a while. Tonight was a good night for running. It would help me get my mind of things and I could always use the exercise. I grab my I- pod and a bottle of water and head out.


“What are you doing here?” Bella is surprised to see me.

“I need to stay here tonight.” I look at her with pleading eyes. They are pleading with her to not ask a thousand questions but I know she will anyway.

“Ok but what’s going on.” She opens the door wider for me to come in.

“Bella, I really don’t want to talk about it ok?” I walk towards her spare bedroom and hang my clothes up in the closet praying that she will go away.

“Too bad. If you want to stay there then I want to know why.” She stands in the doorway with her arms crossed waiting for me to answer.

“Well it might have something to do with you and my wife spying on me.” I knew she didn’t expect that.

“Max, she was worried that’s all. And from what I saw she had good reason. What the hell were you thinking anyway?” She came further into the room and sat on the desk chair across from me. This was going to be a long night.

“I had a dinner meeting set up and the clients canceled at the last minute.” I’m sick of defending myself.

“Max everyone can see that Mia is attracted to you. Your so dense when it comes to that sort of thing you always have been. This isn‘t the first time that clients have conveniently canceled either and you know that. Don‘t you think it‘s strange?” She raises an eyebrow at me when I go to hang up all the shirts I brought. I know I went overboard but I just grabbed whatever was there.

“I can’t help it if she likes me. I’m not interested in her doesn’t that matter? What am I supposed to do ask her to stop liking me?” I don’t mean to get short with her but this is getting stupid.

“I was just there for moral support. Don’t get mad at me.” She seems innocent but I’m sure she was egging Liz on.

“Isabella please. You should have talked her out of it. You know me, you should have had faith in me.”

“Max, she had right to be worried, shit I was worried for her. Mia has a big time crush on you and it seems like she’s not getting the hint that you are taken.”

“How can you say that? I would never cheat on Liz you know that. I don’t care what Mia does or says I’m not going to cheat on Liz.” I’m seriously thinking about going to a hotel, this was a bad idea.

“I know. I’m sorry. I just don’t want anyone to come between you and Liz. But seriously you need to do something about this whole thing. It’s going to tear you guys apart.” I hate it when she’s right.

“I can’t take the accusations though. I understand that she may feel that way but I would never hurt her. She has to know that. I can’t stand the arguing about this.” It’s true I hate to argue.

“ I know.” She takes a deep breath. “But running away isn’t going to help either.” Damn it she’s right again. When did she learn so much about relationships?

“Your right but I can’t go back there tonight. I’ll go over there first thing in the morning.” I give her a hug and begin to unpack my things.

“Alright well Alex is coming over in a bit so I’ll see you tomorrow.” I watch her walk out and sink back into the bed. This day feels like it’s been twice as long as ever. I just want to go to bed and start over tomorrow.


“Hey we might want to go to your place tonight. Max is here.” Isabel greeted Alex at the door.

“Is everything ok?” He asks walking further into the house taking his jacket off.

“Yeah he and Liz had a fight that’s all.”

“You want something to drink?” She asks from the kitchen

“Yeah some wine would be great. I’m going to run down to the car for a minute I left my cell phone there.” he got up and walked down the stairs to his car.

“It’s me. Get over there now. She’s alone.” He snaps his phone shut and walks back to the house.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 2:07 pm
by Icequeen
Sorry I’ve been lagging on updates for this. I haven’t been in the mood. Thanks for the bumps. :D

~*~Chapter 15~*~

“You look happy.” Bella says when he walks back to the house.

“Yeah something I was working on is finally over.” He sat on one of the stool she had at the bar and took a sip of his vodka.

“That’s good. Maybe now we will have more time together.” She stood between his legs and placed a kiss on his lips.

“Actually I’m going to head back to New York tomorrow. I don’t have anymore business here in Italy so I have to head back and take care of things over there.” He hated doing this to her but there was no way that he could stay in Italy if things were going to go down like he thought they were.

“What? Are you serious?” Bella was shocked. She stepped back and waited for an explanation.

“I’m sorry sweetheart but I can’t stay here.” She didn’t know how true that was. He literally couldn’t stay there. Now that he thought about it he shouldn’t be in her apartment right now.

“I’m sorry Bella but I have to go.” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and grabbed his jacket.

“Wait a minute.” It wasn’t a question but a demand. She was pissed and he knew it.

“You didn’t come over here to break it off so what changed?” Shit she was on to him he knew it!

“You right I didn’t but it’s not fair to you. I’m going to be out of the country and I can’t ask you to wait for me.” It was partially true.

“Your hiding something I know it.” She looked at him almost as if she was trying to read his thoughts.

“I ‘m not hiding anything. I have to go I’m sorry.” He walked out of her house and let out a deep breath. He didn’t think it would be this hard but he had grown to really like her maybe even love her. He would never know if it was because he would never see her again.


I get my running gear and I-pod and head out. The air feels great against my skin. I’m jogging in tune with the music when I get the feeling that someone is following me. I slyly look over my shoulder and see no one. Chalking it up to my over active imagination I head towards the park. A few minutes later the feeling is still there. I don’t see anyone behind me but I can’t shake the feeling. I see the path and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I see a few people jogging and I am thankful for that. I join the other joggers and feel free.

I can feel the wind against my face and it’s refreshing. My mind is totally blank. I run along the path and decide to head home once I see other people are starting to leave. On the way home I get that feeling again. I look behind my shoulder but don’t see anything. My pace quickens to a jog as I see out house finally. I dig in my pocket for my keys so when I get to the door I can run in. We need to get a dog. I take the stairs two at a time until I reach the door and quickly insert my key. As I’m about to close the door behind me I feel a resistance and turn to see the one face I never thought I would see again….ever. The face of a ghost.


I can’t sleep. This sucks. I want to rush home and apologize but I have to stay away even for a little while. I know that there was no way I would stay here for days but I have to prove a point as caveman as that sounds. I know why she feels that way about Mia but there really isn’t anything I can do about it. I’m sure there are men that find Liz attractive and there is nothing I can do about it. I’m just happy that she is mine. I try to show Liz that she is more then enough for me but it’s not working. Something got messed up along the way for her to feel that I would cheat with Mia or anyone else.

I’m tossing and turning God I hate this! I hate this bed too. Bella and her freaking minimalist crap. This bed is practically on the floor. I look over at the clock and it’s 2AM. Damn this night is dragging. I have to get some sleep and turn on the television hoping it will help.

This can’t be happening. I have to be dreaming. I shake my head trying to get rid of the image I see before me.

“Well well well it looks like you’ve been doing well for yourself.” The ghost says to me. I can’t even answer him I literally can’t open my mouth.

“Thought you could get rid of me and get on with your fantasy didn’t you? I told you before you don’t get a happily ever after sweetheart.” He steps further into the house and I’m still frozen. He’s looking at the pictures that I have up and I want to run but I can’t freaking move!

“What’s wrong, not happy to see me?” I see him pick up the picture of Max and I on our wedding day and stare at it then he smashes it against the wall.

“Oops. Sorry.” Is all he says before he shrugs and walks towards the fire place. Why is he obsessed with looking at pictures? It takes me a minute to realize that he is not alone. There are 3 other men at the house one of which looks strangely familiar. I don’t mean to stare at him but I need to place his face. I’ve seen somewhere before. When he catches me staring I look away quickly. If they are with him then God knows what they will do.

He’s still looking around my house and I’m getting nervous since he hasn’t said anything in a while. He calls one of his people over and whispers something in his ear. I see him nod his head and signal for the other’s to join him. Oh shit! I’m alone with him now.

“Seems like you and I need to talk.” He makes himself comfortable on my sofa and I’m still frozen in place.

“Don’t be rude, sit down.” Like an idiot I listen to him. Hey, I’ve seen his temper it’s not pretty.

“I guess I should explain how I got here.” That’s a loaded statement. I want to know how the hell he’s breathing let alone how he got to Italy.

“You see I always plan for things. I am a wanted man I need to be prepared for everything. I have a lot of people working for me including police and paramedics.” The last comment makes a bell go off in my head. That guy is the paramedic that came to that house that fateful day. This asshole had all of that planned out. Damn, talk about paranoid.

“I knew exactly what you did after I died . I was watching your every move. Me or someone that works for me. I knew that you stayed at Maria’s and I knew the second that you put the house up for sale. I even knew your every move here in Italy.” This man is sick. Talk about not being able to let shit go.

“What do you want from me?” That shocks the hell out of me. A minute ago I couldn’t say a word.

“You know me. You know I don’t like to lose. No one leaves me.” Oh crap I’m screwed.

“I’m not going anywhere with you. I’ll die first.” I really would. I will never put Max through that again. The look on his face when he found me was heartbreaking. I’d rather die then see him in pain like that.

“That can be arranged. Don’t try to be the martyr here and do as I say.” I want the floor to open up and swallow me whole. This can’t be happening. This is too crazy.

I’m in a haze as he is talking. I don’t even hear him. I see his lips moving but I can’t make out the words. All I can think of is how badly I have screwed things up. He stops talking and I’m scared because I didn’t hear a damn thing he said.

“Were you even listening to me?” He asks me slightly annoyed. I look at him blankly not knowing what to say.

“It doesn’t matter anyway.” He stands up and whistles for his men to come back out. Again he whispers something in one the men’s ear and he disappears again.

“This will take a few minutes. Have a seat.” What is he talking about? I hear banging noises and I’m starting to worry.

“What are they doing?” I ask not knowing where the hell I got the courage from.

“Making it look like a robbery. You really weren’t listening were you?”

“Your husband is going to come home and think that you got robbed. He sees that his little wife is missing and they search for you for a while then after a few weeks you are presumed dead.” He says it like it should be obvious to me.

“Max would never stop looking for me.” It’s true I know him. Until he sees it with his own eyes he wouldn’t believe it.

“Where is lover boy by the way? Not with his hot assistant is he?” How does this bastard know about that? I look up at him with wide eyes.

“I told you that I know everything I mean everything.” Damn he really does know everything.

“He’s out and not with her.” I don’t want to tell him that Max is at Bella’s. I don’t want him going over there.

“Ahh he must be at young Alex’s girlfriends house what’s her name? Isabella right?” Ok this is getting freaky now. How does he know about Alex?

“I bet your wondering how I know about Alex aren’t you?” He asks then looks around before filling me in on how they met and how he came to Italy. When he stops talking I’m in complete shock. Poor Bella. She really liked Alex. Alex is the reason he knows everything about me recently. Alex was his spy, sent here for one purpose. To let him know when a good time would be to come get me. Asshole!

“It won’t work.” I tell him.

“What won’t?” He asks looking towards Max’s office.

“Where ever you take me I’ll run away. I’ll tell someone who I really am.” I’m surprised at the way I’m talking to him but fuck it. If he kills me then at least I said what I have to say.

“Doubt it. You would need someone to listen to do that.” He gets up and I assume he goes to check on what the other men are doing. I sit there for about a second before I run towards the door. Dumb idea. As soon as I open the door there are two men standing on the other side as well as one by the car that is out front. What the hell? How many people did he bring? With my hopes shattered I go back inside and wait for him to come back out. I don’t want to see what they are doing over there I just hope they don’t go into Max’s office. I would hate for them to break any of his sculptures or ruin any of his paintings. I know how much he loves them.

A few minutes later they all come out laughing. I look at him then roll my eyes.

“ I’m sure that you saw the surprise outside.” How the hell did he know I went outside? Whatever it doesn’t matter.

“What are you guys doing over there?” I’m wondering what is taking them so long to trash the place since I know that’s what they are doing.

“I was just looking for something but it’s not here. We’re done I just have a one more room left then this one.” I know what room that is and my heart drops.

I watch the men walk to Max’s office and I want to cry. I know how much that stuff means to Max but he’s not going to care about that when he sees the house a mess.

“I hope you have a good insurance plan.” the asshole has the nerve to say to me.

Every crash I hear makes me wince. It’s killing me to hear and see this. One of the men comes out and trashes the living room. I’m numb at this point. I don’t care what happens to me.

“Well lover boy will get a surprise when he comes home and an even bigger one soon after that.” What is he talking about? Please don’t let him hurt Max. I see his men come out holding several paintings and other artwork. They really went all out to make this look real.

He takes me outside and we get into a black Mercedes with extra dark tinted windows. I wonder where he will take me this time? I doubt he will take me back to the states. I sit back deciding that whatever will happen will happen. I can’t believe this is happening to me again. I have never regretted meeting someone like I regret meeting Jackson Cayne. I can’t get rid of him and he will stop at nothing to get me back.

“Your going to love where we are going.” He says to me and I don’t even look at him. I turn and stare out the window. I don’t want to let the tears fall but I feel them coming. Max will come home eventually and see the mess that they left. I know he’s going to blame himself for this and it kills me. He doesn’t deserve this. I can’t keep going in this circle. Maybe it will be easier if I just get away from Max. I really think that I should have disappeared back then when he took me that last time. I’m like a black cat.

I come out of the haze of thoughts and see that we are near a yacht club. The car comes to a stop near a boat and I figure that we are getting on that boat. He knows that I hate small boats asshole!

“Don’t worry it’s not that small one.” He says to me and I’m shocked that he remembered. We get out and walks further down to a much larger yacht. All of us board and I am seated towards the front of the boat while they converse about something.

“I have a surprise for you.” He says to me and brings me to the lower part of the boat. I see that there is someone sitting at the far end but I can’t make out who it is. As we walk closer towards him I can make out who it is. I half expected this but it’s still a shock to me when I actually see him.

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:57 pm
by Icequeen
Ok so I’m a slacker. LOL Thank you ALL for your interest in this fic. I will try my best to post this on a somewhat regular basis.

L-J-L 76
Vicki LVCM

~~ Max~~

After the worst night of sleep I’ve ever had I wake up and make some coffee before heading home. I know Liz will be there, Bella told me she didn’t have anything planned for today. The coffee is brewing and I hear Bella coming down the stairs.

“Morning.” I say noticing that she looks like hell as well.

“Morning.” She says and gets herself some juice.

“You alright?” I hate to pry but she really looks like hell.

“Yeah I’ll be fine.” The bitterness in her voice doesn’t surpass me.

“What happened?” I suddenly get into big brother mode.

“I don’t feel like talking about it ok.” She stomps off and heads upstairs.

The coffee is done and I pour myself a cup. This day is starting off great. I hope Liz is in a better mood. I missed her all night. I picked up the phone about a thousand times to call her but I want to talk to her in person. After I drink my coffee I decide to shower and head home.

“Bella, I’m leaving.” I call from the bottom of the stairs. I’m too scared to go up there I’ve witnessed the wrath of Isabella first hand and I’m not in the mood to have my ass handed to me this morning. She doesn’t answer and I feel bad for just leaving. I take in a deep breath and brace myself as I walk up the stairs. I feel like I’m walking the plank or something.

I see that her bedroom door is slightly open and push it further open. I see her lying with her back to the door. I can see her shoulders shake and know that she is crying. I hate seeing her cry, I’m not used to it. She’s the strong one.

“Bell.” I haven’t called her that since we were like ten. She doesn’t answer and I sit on the edge of the bed.

“Bella. What’s wrong?” She won’t even acknowledge that I’m in the room.

“Max please go away.” She says between sobs. This is pretty serious and I have an inkling that it has something to do with Alex.

“I’m not leaving till you tell me what happened.” Enough of this shit I want answers even if it takes all day.

“He’s going back to New York. It’s over.” I knew it was Alex!

“Why?” I don’t have to state that I know who she is talking about.

“Work. It doesn’t matter. I’m not good enough for him to stay. It’s over.” She turns to look at me and my heart breaks for her. Her eyes are read and puffy and her nose is as well. Perfect Isabella looks like a mess right now. This is bad.

“Maybe he doesn’t have a choice.” Why I’m trying to defend him is beyond me.

“Don’t do that ok! Don’t try to be the peacemaker here. If he wanted to be with me he wouldn’t go back to New York period! I’m not good enough. I’m not loveable or something.” She reaches over for more tissue and I’m pissed.

“Don’t say that! If he wants to leave then let him. He’s an asshole. You are good enough and you are loveable. Don’t let him make you feel bad about yourself. It’s not like you Bella.”

She looks at me straight in the eyes and I think that she’s going to go off on me. Instead she bursts out into a full out cry and reaches over to hug me. I know her and she’s really hurt by this. She is good at hiding her feelings but Alex got to her. I’ve never seen her like this over any man in her life. I want to find Alex and kill him right now.

“Max why couldn’t he stay? Why didn’t he want to make it work?” She asks me and sounds like she’s 5 years old. Alex is officially a dead man.

“I don’t know sweetie.” I turn her to look at me. “Listen to me. He’s an ass. I know that you cared for him but for him to do this to you makes him a coward. Don’t let him get you down, I know it’s easier said then done but you can’t sit here and cry all day.” That sounded harsh but it’s true.

“I know.” She wipes the remaining tears out of her eyes and gives me a small smile.

“The right man is out there for you I know it.” I smooth her messy hair and place a kiss on her forehead.

“I’m going to go home now but how about you and Liz go shopping or something later.”’ I know shopping makes women feel better and I get confirmation when she smiles at me again.

“I’ll have Liz call you ok?” I get up off the bed and leave her sitting there. I know she will cry more once I’m gone but I hope that Liz will be able to cheer her up, that is after I fix the mess we have going on right now.

The ride home takes longer then ever. I get stuck behind all the Sunday drivers. It takes me 20 minutes longer then I thought to get home but when I pull onto our street I’m suddenly nervous. I don’t know how this is going to go and honestly I can’t take another fight. I just hope that Liz isn’t too pissed at me. I’ve never walked out on her before. I pull into our driveway and grab my bags walking up the stairs to the house. What greets me when I open the door makes my heart drop. I see our living room completely trashed. As I walk further into the house and scan around I see that the entire place is a mess.

“Liz!” I call out praying that she answers. I hope that maybe she was out and came home and saw the place like this.

She doesn’t answer and I decide to check the bedroom myself. I walk in and it’s trashed and there are several paintings missing. My worst fear materializes when I realize that Liz’s isn’t home and I notice all the artwork missing. I sit on the bed at a total loss of what to do. Finally snapping out of it I call the police then Bella. I need someone to talk to right now and my parents aren’t a good idea. They’d freak out. Liz decided to tell my parents what really happened when she disappeared last time. I knew it took a lot for her to do that but after spending so much time with my parents she hated that they didn’t know the truth. I remember that day so vividly. My mother was in shock then she began crying. She was glad that Liz finally trusted her enough to tell her.

My father was harder to read. He sat there in silence for a while then he pulled me aside. He asked me if I was sure that Liz was ok and if I was taking good care of her. I thought he was going to give me a lecture but he understood and was genuinely concerned for Liz. He also said that he would look into Jackson Cayne; it was more for his peace of mind I guess. I never did ask him if he found anything of importance. It didn’t matter I guess, he was dead anyway.

A few minutes later the police arrived followed shortly by Bella.

“Max.” She ran towards me and pulled me into a tight hug. It’s funny because a short while ago I was comforting her.

“Are you ok?” She asks scanning my face.

“Yeah I’m ok.” I know that she means physically because she has to know that I’m not ok emotionally right now. I’m having the worst case of déjà vu right now. Why does this have to happen again? Am I supposed to be alone? Is someone trying to tell me that I’m not supposed to be with Liz? Well if they are then fuck them. I’m not going to think that way this time. I know she wants to be with me and I will fight for her. Until the day I die.

“Sir we need to get a statement.” The young officer asks me while two other’s are snapping pictures. I tell them what I know which is nothing and he just nods his head in understanding. Liz isn’t technically missing since it hasn’t been that long yet.

“Max call Dad.” she suggests. I don’t want to call my parents but my father has connections. I grab the phone and call my father’s cell phone. I don’t want to call the house and alert my mother.

“Max?” He answers I guess he looked at the caller ID this time.

“Dad listen I need to talk to you. Are you alone?” I ask him needing him to not be near my mother right now.

“What’s wrong? Yeah I’m alone your mother is out. Why are you calling my cell phone?” I go on and fill him in on the situation and ask for his help. I guess he can hear the desperation in my voice because he says he will get right on it and call me right back.

“He’ll help you.” Bella rests her head on my shoulder and lean my head over to rest against hers. I feel so incredibly hopeless right now.


The must have given me something when we got on the boat because It’s daylight out. The last thing I remember was seeing Alex’s face. I try to sit up but I feel dizzy. I don’t know if it’s the drugs they gave me or the fact that we are on a boat. I shake my head a little and try to get up again. I make it off the bed and walk to a small kitchen area before reaching the stairs to head up top. As I get closer I hear talking. One voice is Jackson’s and I think the other is Alex. I walk closer careful not to make any noise and get a better view. It is who I thought it was.

“What are you going to do with her?” That’s Alex

“What do you care?” Jackson the asshole says.

“You’re not going to kill her are you?” Alex asks. I swallow hard at that question. Yesterday I didn’t care if he did or not but today is a different story.

“I might I might not. It’s no longer of your concern. We will be in Monaco soon they we part ways.” Monaco? What the hell are we going there for?

I see Jackson walk away for a minute then come back.

“Where is the stuff I asked you to bring?” Jackson asks Alex.

“It’s down below in my briefcase.” She time for me to go back to the room.

“Go get it and bring it up here.” I hear Jackson order before I quickly go back to the room. Hopefully if they think I’m asleep they don’t bother me till I can think of a way out of this mess. I hear Alex stomp down the stairs and try to listen as much as I can while trying to pretend I’m out of it.

I open my eyes again when I hear him climbing the stairs to go back up. Again I rush to the stairs so I can listen.

“You sure it’s all here?” I hear Jackson ask

“Yes. Check it for yourself.” I hear Alex say then hear the briefcase snap open.

“Why are you doing it? I mean why take her all the way to Brazil?” What the hell? That was Alex asking Jackson.

“It’s none of your business. Don’t you know me by now? I don’t lose anything! Liz is something that I want and I will have her period. When I’m done with her then she can go but until then she will be mine no matter who she is with or who she’s shacking up with.” I feel sick. I don’t understand what his obsession is I really don’t.

I hear movement upstairs and don’t want to take a chance of being caught so I go lay down again.

Moments later I hear Alex coming down muttering curses under his breath. Alex always seemed like a good guy I wonder how he got involved in this. I lift my head up a little and make direct eye contact with him.

“Shit!” I say quietly and lay back down. I hear footsteps and refuse to open my eyes.

“Liz?” He says softly.

“Alex why are you helping him?” I ask him looking into his eyes.

“I have to. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be talking to you.” He turns to leave but I call him back.

“Please Alex you have to help me. I can’t go with him. I’d rather die.” He is my only hope at this point.

“Liz I can’t help you. He would kill me.” I know he’s right but I have to convince him.

“What if we kill him?” He snaps his head up at me and looks at me like I’m crazy.

“What are you talking about? How exactly are you going to do that with his two henchmen up there? If you tried it they would kill you in an instant.”

“They aren’t going to kill me. If he wanted to do that he could have done it already. That’s not what he wants.”

“I don’t know Liz.” I see him waging an internal battle.

“What if we get him alone? Just you me and him?” I’m desperate at this point.

“You’re crazy. It will never work. You can’t just kill a man like that anyway. We are talking about murder you know.” He’s right but Jackson will never let me go if he’s alive.

“Alex I have to do this. I have no choice, it’s me or him.” I look him dead in his eyes and wait for some kind of reaction.

“I don’t know. I don’t know if it can be done. How are we going to get him alone? He takes those two up there with him everywhere. He’s not going anywhere without them.” He points up to the two men that have been by Jackson’s side since we’ve been here.

“You know him, think of something. I’m sure that you know those men too. Alex please help me out here.” I plead with him. He’s my only hope.

“I don’t know. I have to go.” He walks up the stairs and leaves me alone.

I hear Jackson ask him what took so long and he tells him something about the bathroom. Jackson asks if I’m awake and Alex says no. I just pray that Alex has a conscious and decides to help me but I know that I’m asking a lot. If Jackson found out that he even talked to me just now he’d kill him.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 3:56 pm
by Icequeen
I'm baaaaaack!!! Thanks for the bumps it help motivate me to write for this. This chapter was a bit hard for me to write so i hope it totally doesn't suck :oops: I think there will only be one part after this, two tops.



Max is a wreck. I keep looking at him waiting for him to start screaming and go crazy at any moment. I can’t even imagine what he’s going through right now. My father is on his way over and I wish he would hurry up and get here soon. I’m trying to comfort Max as best I can but I don’t think it’s working. The police are still in the house and It’s keeping me on edge.

“Are you almost done here?” I finally ask.

“Si.” One of them answers and goes back to writing something down.

“Max, talk to me please.” I need to keep him from shutting down. He looks at me and his eyes are puffy and red from crying. He’s been sitting facing away from me staring out the window and it is starting to worry me.

“Max please. Don’t shut me out.” I’m trying to hold back my own tears as I look at my brother so broken.

“Max? Bella?” My father comes into the house and I’m relived. He will be able to get Max to talk.

“Dad!” I run over to him and embrace him tightly. “Daddy he won’t talk to me.” The tears flow down my face.

“It’s ok. I’ll talk to him, don’t worry.” My father kisses my cheek and walks over to Max.


I hear my father come in and hear the desperation in Bella’s voice too. I can’t talk to her right now, I can’t talk to anyone.

“Max?” My father sits next to me but I don’t move.

“Son talk to me. Tell me what happened.” He knows that I don’t know anything. Why is he asking. I still don’t look at him, I can’t look at anyone right now. The one person I want to look at and talk to is not around.

“Well, if you are not going to talk then I will. I need you to listen to me Max and listen carefully. I’ve found out some things recently about Jackson Cayne that you should know.

I look over at him but still don’t say anything. He has my attention though.

“Jackson Cayne has been living under an alias since his supposed death. It seems as if he faked his own death and recently has come to Italy under this Alias.” I’m listening to him but it’s mostly a blur to me. How is this man still terrorizing me? Why can’t he leave us alone?

“Max, he’s been getting help too. He’s been getting information from Alex.” That gets my attention.

“Alex?” The first words I utter in hours.

“Yes, the same Alex that Bella has been seeing. He took Alex under his wing a while back and had enlisted his help from the beginning. Alex has had Bella’s phones tapped for a while now.” I think of Bella and wonder if she knows. If she doesn’t know it’s going to kill her when she finds out.

“How do you know all of this?” I finally ask my father.

“I have connections that I’d rather not disclose right now. That doesn’t matter anyway. We need to find out where he’s going with Liz. I found out that he rented a small Yacht recently we just need to know where he went with it.

“Well none of that helps me know where Liz is right now.” I don’t mean to get angry at him but that information isn’t helpful to me right now.

“Why would Alex do something like that?” Bella finally asks. I’m sure she was just as shocked.

“I don’t know.” My father answers. If I ever see Alex again I’m going to kill him.

“I just can’t believe it. Do you think he was using me too?” I look up at her and see the tears forming in her eyes.

“Of course he was! Isabella don’t be so naive. Do you really think it was a coincidence that you met him and he happened to be in New York? Get real, he was using you to get to me….to get to Liz and I swear on all that is holy that I will kill him when I come face to face with him!”

“Max calm down.” My father says. Bella is in tears and I’m pacing in front of the sofa.

“Fuck!! We need to do something. Bella think of something, someplace he may have mentioned he liked to go or something….anything!” It’s a long shot but it might help.

“I don’t know Max! We never discussed anything about his work or anything personal.”

“How the hell can you not know anything about him!! Isabella think! Please.” I stop pacing and stand in front of her. I’m trying to control my rage but she’s the only one that has been close to the enemy all along.

“Max leave her alone ok?” My father is trying to make peace between us but I don’t care, I need to find Liz and end this once and for all.


I’ve been sitting down here for what seems like hours and have a massive headache. I’m scared to move, I don’t want to make any noise and have Jackson come down here. I need to get out of here with or without Alex’s help. I still can’t believe that he’s in on this. Bella is going to be devastated, I know that she really liked him. He had us all fooled and I hate him for that but right now he’s my only chance.

I hear someone coming down the stairs and lay down pretending to be asleep.

“Time to wake up.” It’s Jackson and his voice makes me want to vomit.

“I know you are up. The injection should have worn out by now.” He nudges me a little and I open my eyes.

“Glad to have you back. You must be starving. I’ll have someone bring you some food in a bit.”

“I don’t want anything but to go home.”

“Oh but sweetheart we are going home.” He answers in a soft voice and I want to gouge his eyes out.

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about you and I going home, our new home that is. It’s where you belong Liz, you made a promise to me in front of God may I remind you. I’m helping you honor that.” My God he’s insane.

“Your crazy! I did make a vow to honor you at one time but the person I vowed to honor went away soon after those vows were spoken. You turned into a monster. How could you think that I would want to stay with you? None of that matters because I have made new vows now, vows with a man that is caring and honest!” Take that you psycho asshole!

“Aww Elizabeth your words hurt me.” He wipes away a fake tear. “Nice speech by the way but none of that matters. Your going with me and that’s that. If you try to run away this time I’ll find you again and again and…well you get the point. Now I’ve been nice and let your little Romeo live but that can change in an instant so if I were you I’d shut up and just go with the flow ok?” He says his little speech in a condescending voice and it irritates me to no end.

“Just kill me then because if you make me go anywhere with you I’ll kill myself.”

“No you won’t. Elizabeth I know you and while you don’t attend church I know that you are a good little catholic girl and we all know that suicide is a big no no, don’t make your childish threats again.” Fucking bastard he’s right.

“You know that people are going to be looking for me like my husband.”

“So innocent. It’s cute really.” He laughs at my comment and I wonder what insane plan he has now.

“What are you taking me to some third world country or something?”

“Cute but no. You will find out soon enough what may plans are. Why don’t you sit back and relax. There is a change of clothes in the room over there, make yourself comfortable.” He points to one of the doors behind me and walks upstairs. God he’s crazy.

I walk into the room and see a simple white cotton dress along with a pair of white sandals. I don’t feel like changing and just lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. I wonder what Max is doing right now? I wonder if they are looking for me? I wonder if he’s alone? I wonder if he hates me? I wonder if he’s packing up his things and getting the hell away from me?

I knock at the door interrupts my thoughts and I yell for them to come in.

“I came to bring you some food. I may have good news for you but we have to wait and see.” He sets a silver tray down near the bed.

“What’s going on?” I ask and suddenly feel my stomach growl when I smell the food.

“I’m not sure but we haven’t left the dock yet. I don’t know why but it might be a good thing. I brought Bella here once so maybe she will remember. I’m sure she’s figured out that I’m involved.” I sense a bit of sadness in his voice and I do feel badly but what he did is wrong.

“Well let’s hope for the best I guess.” He nods his head and leaves the room.


My father continues to talk to the police but I can tell by their faces that it doesn’t look good. Isabel is sitting on the edge of the sofa and I feel badly for yelling at her but I just want Liz back. I sit and stare into space when I see Isabel jump up and run to my father.

“What is it?” I get up and join them

“Alex took me to a yacht a while back, I think I can remember where it is.”

“Let’s go then.” I grab my keys and walk out of the house with Bella and my father behind me.


Having no other choice I eat some of the food that Alex brought to me. I don’t know why we haven’t moved and I try not to get too excited knowing that Jackson has a reason for everything. If we aren’t moving it means he’s waiting for something and that scares the shit out of me.

I hear some commotion on the top part of the boat and strain to hear what’s happening. I move close to the steps but all I can hear is a slew of curse words. Of course they are coming out of Jackson’s mouth.

“…what is taking so long? You said they would be here on time?”

“They assured me that they would. Let’s give them another few minutes.”

“If they don’t fucking get here in the next ten minutes you’ll be sorry. Call whoever the hell you have to but get them here NOW!”

I hear footsteps and run to sit on the bed. If Jackson is that pissed who knows what the hell he’ll do to me.

“Liz?” Alex comes down but he’s whispering.

“Yeah.” I get up and slowly walk towards him.

“I’m trying to buy some time incase Isabel figures it out. In three minutes I’m going to make a phone call but I have to be quick. Would you like me to call Max?” What the hell kind of question is that?

“Yes please.” A tear rolls down my face at the thought of what he must be going through.

“When I make the call I’m going to tell him where we are. If I don’t- just please tell Isabel that…” He looks away.

“I’ll make sure I tell her.” We both know that the chances of Alex surviving this are slim to none at best. Once Jackson gets a whiff of this he’ll kill Alex on the spot.

“Three minutes. Be ready ok?” I nod and sit down. These are going to be the longest three minutes of my life.


“Isabel are you sure this is the way?” I ask for the hundredth time.

“I’m pretty sure.” I’m about to yell at her, again when my cell phone rings.


“Max, it’s Alex, Look I don’t have a lot of time but I’m with Liz.” I almost crash the car when she says that.

“Where the fuck are you!” My father looks over at me and I put the phone on speaker.

“We are on a yacht. Isabel knows where it is, I’m sure she knows everything by now. Look I can only stall him for another twenty minutes or so. Are you on your way?”


“Ok good. I have a small handgun on me. When I see you guys pull up I’ll use it on him. But Max, there are two guys on the boat with us. I can’t guarantee Liz’s safety so you need to get on the yacht as soon as you can. Hopefully you have called the police already.”

“Wait until they get there! I can’t risk Liz’s life like that, they’ll got after her.” I scream stepping on the gas pedal.

“They’ll be too busy trying to get to me. Liz is underneath but she should be able to hear what’s going on.”

“Alex wait!” I say when I hear him fading out.

“I have to go. He wants to leave soon. Hurry Max!” He hangs up and I’m at a loss.

“Max, what’s going to happen?” Isabel asks and I know she’s afraid for Alex.

“We need to get to Liz.”

“Turn left right here and it should be just up ahead.” I make the turn and see a marina.

“It’s that one.” When I get closer Isabel points to a yacht just up ahead.

“I’m going to make sure the police are on their way.” My father says. He’s been pretty quiet and I know he’s scared. I’m running on pure adrenaline at this point. I jump out of the car and run towards the boat not bothering to look behind me. All I want is to get to Liz.

The closer I get the more I realize what the hell I’m doing. I’m about to walk onto a yacht with two armed guards who would kill me in a second. Not to mention Jackson who is a complete maniac.

“Max.” My father whispers but gets my attention. I turn and wait for him.


“The police should be here soon-”

“I’m not waiting.” I cut him off and walk closer to the boat without being detected. I get close enough to hear voices and hug the side of the boat to not be seen.

“Are you fucking with me? Why aren’t we moving?” I hear Jackson’s voice talking to whom I assume is Alex.

“There your people, I don’t know why they are taking so long.”

“Call them again and if they aren’t here in 5 minutes we’re leaving.” Alex turns to make a phone call and I hear Jackson send the two men to the front of the boat to pull the anchors up.

This is Alex’s chance! My heart races as I realize that I know that a man is about to be killed. Although he’s done some terrible things, does he deserve to die? I feel myself having second thoughts. Before I have a chance to stop Alex I hear Jackson’s voice.

“What the hell do you think your doing?” I move over so I can see. Do I want to see?

“I’m ending this, for real this time.”

“Get out of my face with that shit. Your not going to do anything.” Jackson laughs at him.

“This ends today Jackson. Say goodbye, it’s all over for you. You’re not going to hurt Liz or her family anymore.” He cocks the gun and Jackson laughs again.

“I am Liz’s family.” He says and smirks.

“Not anymore.” He pulls the trigger and cocks the gun again then pulls the trigger. The sound isn’t as loud as I thought it would be. I hear Jackson’s body falls into the water and I run onto the yacht yelling Liz’s name. I don’t care about anything at this point.

In the background I can hear the sirens of the police cars but I don’t want to wait. I need to see Liz, I need to hold her in my arms and know that she’s ok.

“Liz!” I scream when I walk onto the boat. I realize it was a bad idea about three seconds after I get on the boat. Jackson’s two lackeys are around me in seconds and I have no doubt that they will kill me.

I see Liz’s face from behind them and for a moment everything clears away and all I see is her. I hear nothing but her beautiful voice calling my name. She’s in a white dress and looks like an angel. That’s when it dawns on me. I think I’ve died.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:11 pm
by Icequeen
Well here it is, the end. It was my first sequel and I’m glad I was able to finish it. Thank you to all that stuck with me since Be my escape. I appreciate it, truly. Thank you again! :D



“Let him go.” She says calm and cool as if she’s done this before. Am I’m dreaming?

“We have orders.” One of them says. I want to look around to see if the police are here yet but can’t turn my body. They each have me by the arm in a vice like grip.

“I said. Let. Him go. I’m not going to tell you again.” One of them laughs but it’s more of a nervous laugh. I hear a gun cock from behind me.

“Let him go or your brains will be all over this boat.” It’s Alex voice and I’ve never been so relived and pissed at the same time. I want to rip his head off his shoulders for what he did to Bella but a part of me is glad he’s here and is willing to help Liz despite what he’s done before.

They let go of me and I run towards Liz scooping her up in my arms. It feels as if I haven’t held her in years. She’s still so small but she still fits. The world comes back into focus as I hear commotion behind us. The police have the boat surrounded but Alex and Jackson’s men are in a sort of stand off with each other. They each have a gun pointed at him while he has his drawn and pointed towards them.

Alex knows he’s fucked at this point, it’s two against one against about twenty police officers.

“Cada le vostre armi” the police yell at them to drop their weapons.

“Alex!” Bella rushes onto the boat getting Alex’s attention. The two men take their change and open fire on Alex’s body as he turns to look at Bella.

“NO!” Liz screams burying her head into my chest. Bella stands there as blood splatters onto her shirt. With each shot she flinches but doesn’t move. The police start shooting the two men leading them to empty their guns out on Alex’s already fallen body.

I wrap my arms around Liz trying to shield her from the gruesome scene but I know it’s no use, she’s seen enough of it for it to be forever imbedded in her mind as well as mine.

My father rushes to Bella’s side and attempts to pull her away from Alex’s body. How she didn’t get shot with all the bullets flying around I’ll never know but I’m thankful for it.

“Max!” as if seeing me for the first time Liz kisses me roughly.

“Are you ok?” I ask her over and over while peppering her face with kisses.

“I’m fine. Oh Max, I never though I’d see you again. I-I” She breaks down in a stream of tears and I hold her close.

“Shhh. Sono qui. mai non li lascio andare” I assure her that I’ll never let her go and I plan on keeping that promise.

“Max! Max bring him back. Max please!” Bella cries like she did when we were kids. She had a pet hamster that she thought had died one day. I picked it up and started pressing on it’s chest and for some reason it woke up. She always said I brought it back to life. I look at her and want to cry. She looks so lost.

“Go to her.” Liz whispers in my ear. I hold her face in my hands and kiss her before running to Bella.

“Max please do something. Riportilo. So che potete.”

“I can’t Iz. I wish I could but I can’t bring him back.” I slide down to the ground bringing her with me. She rests her head on my chest and just cries why over and over. The cops are talking to Liz and my father while I whisper in Bella’s ear.

“I’m sorry Bella, I’m so sorry.” I rock her back and forth like when we were kids. Bella is usually the one that is looking after me and it feels strange now that the tables have turned.

“Perchè Max.”

“I don’t know why Bella.” I watch Liz out of the corner of my eye. She’s standing with my father while she talks to the police. My thoughts should be with Bella and Alex’s death but I can’t stop thinking about Jackson. I need to see his body, need to see him dead this time.

“Bella, I have to talk to the police. I’ll be right back.” I slowly stand up letting her rest against the wall.

“ll corpo?” I ask one of the policeman. All I need is to see the body.

“Stanno tirandolo dall'acqua” He tells me they are pulling it out of the water and I wait. Once I see it I know it will be over.

“Max, I’m going to get Bella out of here.” My father touches me shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Ok, I’ll be at the house in a little while. I just-”

“I know.” He winks at me and gives Liz a kiss on the cheek before helping Bella up and to the car.

“Is it over Max? Is it really over?” she stares at me waiting for an answer.

“It’s over.” I pull her close to me breathing in her scent. I hear the divers say that they’ve found something and try to hide Liz from the body that they’ve no doubt found.

“I need to see it too.” She says and I understand. She’s been through her own personal hell at the hands of Jackson Cayne. We all need closure.

I’ve never seen a dead body, I’ve never wanted to. Seeing Jackson’s lifeless body brought on a mixture of emotions. I shouldn’t be happy that another human is dead but a part of me is. A small part of me that knows that Liz and I will be able to live now without the threat of him coming back to hurt us again. Another part of me thinks that he should have lived and rotted in jail. He should live and suffer for the rest of his life like he’s made Liz and I suffer for so long.

“Let’s go.” Liz snaps me out of my thoughts and as we walk away I turn back just in time to see the body bag being zipped up.

It’s over. Liz and I are completely free now and I will try my best to make her happy for as long as we have together.


The weeks following Jackson and Alex’s murder were tense. While Liz and I were happy that all of the drama is put behind us we were conscious of the fact that Bella was grieving over Alex. I know that I should be angry that he was being paid to spy on us but in the end he redeemed himself and I know that he cared for Bella.

We had a small funeral service for him and it was odd to say the least. I mean what were we supposed to say? Here lies the man that spied on my wife and helped her maniac ex husband kidnap her? My father found out that Alex didn’t have any parents or other family so Bella insisted on holding service for him.

Liz and I have been staying at my parents house since everything happened. We originally went back to our house but Liz couldn’t walk passed the door. It was hard for me to go back there as well, I couldn’t imagine what it was like for her. It’s been three months since everything has happened and I’m on my way home after getting an urgent phone call from Liz.

“Liz?” I call into the house as soon as I open the door.

“I’m upstairs.” She yells. I take the stairs two at a time.

“Che cosa è errato?”

“Nothings wrong. I have news!” She pull me by the arm making me sit on the edge of the bed.

“It worked!” She says smiling proudly.

“What worked?” I see her smile fade and try to remember what she could be talking about.

“Max what have we been trying for the past few months?” I open my eye wide!

“It worked?”

“Yes!” I blink back tears of joy. After all the heartache the sun is starting to shine again. All the fertility treatments Liz and I were going through have worked.

“I’m going to be a dad!” I scream proudly. “When did you find out?”

“This morning. I took a few tests before I called you.” I scan her body as if I’m going to see a change in her but I know it’s too early.

“How are you feeling? Are you sick? Are you tired?”

“No.” She laughs. I pull her into an embrace and never want to let go.


“Where will you go?” I ask as she whizzes around the room.

“I don’t know but I can’t stay here Max.” I don’t understand why but I won’t ask her. It will only upset her more.

“Why don’t you just move to another apartment?”

“I just can’t be here Max. I can’t be in Italy anymore.” I know how she feels. Liz and I don’t want to be here either. As much as we love Italy, it was the place we fell in love after all, there are too many bad memories here.

“Come with Liz and I to New York.”

“What? When did you decide to move to New York?” She stops folding her sweater and sits next to me on the bed.

“We’ve been wanting to get away from here too. We love it here but, well you know.”

“I don’t know Max. What would I do over there?”

“Don’t worry about that. Look, as soon as my transfer goes through we are going. Liz wants to have the baby over there anyway.”

“I don’t know. I’ll have to think about it.”

“Don’t take too long. We only have a few weeks left before we go.” I hope she decides to go. I know how lonely she will get and right now she doesn’t need to be anymore depressed.

I get home and tell Liz the news.

“Do you think she will come?”

“I don’t know but I hope so. I’ll be worried about her if she stays here when we leave.”

“I know, I will too.”

One year later

I sit in a rocking chair over looking the city holding my daughter, Natalia safely in my arms. It’s nights like these when it’s just she and I that I think everything was worth it. All the heartache Liz and I went through was worth it if this was the end result.

It’s mid December and as I look out the window I see the snow collecting on the rooftops and trees. Liz loves the winter, I’m still trying to adjust to it. Bella is still with us and although she thinks she’s in the way at times we love having her here. I know she was only with Alex for a short time but she was in love with him and I think he was too. His death hit her hard despite all the bad and she’s still recovering from it.

I was able to transfer to one of the many museums here in the city and love it. Everyone has been warm and welcoming despite what people think about New Yorkers.

My parents are coming out for the holidays and Bella is in full organizing mode. I’m glad it’s giving her something to keep her mind off things when she’s home. My father expressed concerns about us moving back to New York since Jackson’s friends would be close by but the city is so large that we doubted anyone could find us and doubted anyone would care. Jackson was the ring leader and had his own agenda anyway.

I kiss my daughters head softy before placing her back in her crib. Softly closing the door I quietly walk to our bedroom where my wife is waiting for me, where my wife will always be waiting for me.

“Is everything alright?” She asks softly with her eyes still closed.

“Perfecto.” I slide into bed and wrap my arms around her. We’re safe, everyone I love is safe and we can all breathe again.