Breathe Again (Sequel AU M/L Adult) END 9/10

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Addicted Roswellian
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Breathe Again (Sequel AU M/L Adult) END 9/10

Post by Icequeen »

Title: Breathe Again (Sequel)

Category: AU M/L

Rating: Adult (language and graphic material with some nookie)

Disclaimer: They aren’t mine sadly.

A/N:This by no means is a fluff fic. There will be angst and loads of it. Thank you to the AMAZING/WONDERFUL Crashdown_51 for the kick ass banner!!!!!!!!!!

Summary: Sequel to Be My Escape.(click on My fics link) You don't really need to read the first part but it can't hurt. After fleeing New York Liz goes to Italy to get away from her abusive husband Jackson Cayne Where Liz meets her brothers friend and future husband Massimilio Evans. Jackson is the type that gets what he wants and what he wants is Liz. Being forced to go back to New York or risk Max’s life Liz agrees to leave Italy with Jackson. Putting the pieces together with the help of his sister Max goes to get Liz. Arriving too late Liz kills Jackson during a violent attack but what about the mystery involving his body?

Max and Liz are now happily married and living in Italy. Everything seems to be going well until something from Liz’s past comes back to haunt her. Will Max and Liz survive and live to breathe again?


~~Chapter 1~~
“Let me see.”

“Hold on a sec I’m trying to focus this thing.”

“Can you see him?”

“No not yet. Calm down and shhhhh!!”

“Hurry up!”

“Ok there he is.” She looked through the binoculars.

“Can I look now please he is my husband?” She took the binoculars and brought them up to her face.

“What the heck is he doing?” She said more as a statement.

“You tell me you’re the one that’s looking through the binoculars.”

“I can’t see anything. We need to get closer.”

“You’re going to get caught.” She warned her.

“Just a bit closer. Come on.” She moved up a little closer and hid behind another bush.

“This is insane you know that right.”

“Look something is up ok and I want to know what it is.” She tried to focus again and found him.

“Ok he’s talking to someone now. I can’t see who it is though that damn light post is in the way.” She said frustrated she couldn’t get closer.

“If he catches us you’re going to explain everything. I’m out of it I know nothing.”

“Fine whatever. Just shhhh ok?”

She was leaning forward trying to get a closer view when she saw it.

“He’s with someone. A woman.”

“No he’s not. Let me see.” She snatched the binoculars from her to look for herself.

When she came into focus she couldn’t believe who it was.

“No way. What the hell is he doing?” She said it a bit too loud. Next thing they knew he was walking towards them.

“Liz? Bella? What are you doing here?” He asked.

Maybe I should explain why my sister in law and I were spying on my husband. I should go back to the beginning. Now that I think back there were many signs but I chose to ignore them. I thought that it would never happen to us maybe I thought that we were invincible or something. If I’m being honest it was more my fault then his. As cliché as it sounds I sort of pushed him into it. Now before you jump to conclusions he didn’t cheat on me. Not in a physical way anyway.

~~6 months earlier~~

“How long you going to be gone?” Max asked as he stepped out of the shower hair still dripping wet.

“Umm 2 days.” She was sorting through her briefcase making sure se had everything.

“I was thinking of taking a vacation next month. I have a break in my schedule and figured we could go to the country for a few days.” He was buttoning up shit shirt knowing that she would say they couldn’t go.

“Max I wish I could but I’ve just been so busy and things aren’t going to slow down anytime soon.” She walked over to him. “I’m sorry baby.” She placed a soft kiss on his lips and he pulled her towards him making the kiss more intense. He slid his tongue into her mouth lovingly stroking hers with his. Soon meetings were forgotten as they were tangles within the sheets. Liz ripped open Max’s shirt adding it to the pile that had to go to the tailors for missing buttons. Max was thankful that Liz was wearing a skirt and slid it up her legs pushing aside her tiny g-string as she sank down onto his member.

They knew that time was of the essence and Liz wasted no time in riding him hard and fast.

“Ahh Fuck.” Max hissed when she arched her back and grinded into him harder. He cupped her breasts and teased her nipples until they were hard.

“Mmm Max.” She moaned when he placed hi hands on her hips guiding her to a pace that he wanted. She leaned forward and placed her hands on his chest as she rode him to completion. He came hard spilling his seed into her tightened walls. They laid together for a few moments both spent.

“I’m going to be late.” She said when she looked up at the alarm clock.

“I am late.” He laughed. The both got dressed quickly and headed to work.

Max rode the elevator up to his office and stopped when he saw Mia standing in front of his door as if she was waiting for him.

“Morning.” He said trying to get past her and into his office.

“Good morning. Would you like some coffee?” She asked following him into his office.

“No thanks.” He sat down and booted up his computer wishing she would go away. When he saw that she was still standing there he looked up.

“Is there anything else?” He asked slightly annoyed that she was still there.

“No.” She smiled at him and walked out.

A few hours later he was sorting through some paperwork when there was a knock at his door.

“Come in.” He said not looking up to see who it was.

“I’m taking lunch orders would you like anything?” Mia made herself comfortable in one of the chairs across from his desk. She had taken off her jacket and was wearing a tight while blouse that was almost see through along with a very short skirt.

“No thanks I’m going to go out for lunch.” He wondered why she was taking the orders since the receptionist usually did that.

“Oh. Ok then.” She stood up and left wondering why he didn’t look at her twice.

When she walked out Max leaned back in his desk taking in a deep breath. Mia had become more and more obvious in her quest for his attention and it was getting old. He skirts were getting shorter and shorter and her shirts tighter. Why did women think that all men were interested in things like that he wondered? He got up and grabbed his jacket heading out to grab some lunch.

He went to a small café near the museum and took a seat in the corner. After he ordered his food he began to read the days newspaper. When the food came he folded his paper and placed it on the table. As he was about to take a bite he noticed someone at the far end of the café and almost dropped his fork.

“No it can’t be.” He said leaning forward to get a better look. He sat there for a minute just watching needing confirmation that it was who he thought it was. After a few moments he knew without a doubt that it was. He sat there weighing his options. He could sit there and try to sneak out without being seen or he could start a conversation. The thought of him trying to make an escape wasn’t too appealing mostly because there was no way he would get out without being seen. He nibbled on his food and dropped some money for the check. Grabbing his newspaper and jacket he headed towards the door.

“Max?” He knew that she would see him and was thankful that she made the first move.

“Tessa?” He acted as if he didn‘t see her before.

“How are you? It’s been so long.” She said and sounded genuine.

“I’m great and you?” Max didn’t know what to think she actually sounded nice.

“I’m doing ok. What brings you to Florence?”

“I live here now. And you?” He had no idea why he was talking to her but didn’t want to be rude.

“That’s funny I live here too. I moved in with a cousin of mine.” She took a sip of her water.

“That’s great.” He suddenly felt uncomfortable. He didn’t know what to say anymore should he leave or does he have to continue the conversation?

“Look I know that you’ve moved on and probably don’t care but I wanted to say I’m sorry for what it’s worth. I did some awful things and I realize that I was wrong. You didn’t deserve what I did to you, you were nothing but nice to me.” She hadn’t meant to give that speech but it just came out.

“Thank you. I am very happy now and it looks like you are too.” He had noticed she was pregnant a figured she was married or engaged.

Yeah well looks can be deceiving.” She said and lowered her head.

Suddenly as if someone took over his body he was sitting across from her listening to her story. She referred to the man that got her pregnant as Jack. She didn’t tell him all the details of how they met, she was ashamed now.

“I’m sorry to hear that but it looks like you are doing well now.” He grabbed his things ready to walk out.

“Thank you. Do you work around here?” She asked.

“Um yeah at the museum.”

“That’s really great. Well see ya.” She gave him a small smile and waved him off.

Max walked back to the museum grabbing a coffee from one of the vendors across the street. Listening to her story made him feel bad for her not that she deserved it.

The rest of the day went by with no further visits from Mia thankfully. At 5 he was gathering his things when there was another knock on the door.

“Come in.” He sighed hoping he wouldn’t have to stay late for something.

“Hey are you heading home?” Mia asked.

“Yes.” He didn’t even look up at her.

“Oh well a few of us are going out for some drinks do you want to come?” She asked apparently ignoring that he said he was going home.

“No thanks. I think I’ll head home. Long day.” He hoped that was the end of this conversation.

“Ok well some other time then?”

“Yeah sure.” He said not really meaning it but not wanting to be completely rude to her.

When he got home he was surprised to see that Liz was home.

“Hey your home.” He said putting his things down.

“Yeah the meeting went smooth so we got done early.” He was preparing dinner.

“Foods almost done.”

“Ok let me get changed.” He walked to the bedroom and got ready for dinner.

“So how was your day?” She asked as they ate their dessert

This was the moment of truth. He could tell Liz about Tessa or not.

“The same as always.” He lied. He didn’t see any reason to tell her since he wouldn’t be seeing her again.

“How are things going?” She sensed that he was bored.

“Alright. It’s not what I expected though. I miss the one on one that I had with upcoming artists.”

“I thought you would have loved this. I mean it is your dream job isn’t it?” She cuddled up next to him on the couch.

“Yeah I thought so too.” He placed a kiss in the top of her head.

The mysterious body of Jackson Cayne had bothered Michael since that day at the funeral home. He had done a little of his own investigating but couldn’t find a thing. When he went back to the funeral home the person that they spoke to that day was not there. He gave a description of the man and they looked at Michael like he was crazy. It was a family run place and they never heard of that person. That got the wheels rolling in his head. Another thing that bothered him was that there was nothing in the newspaper about his death. He would buy three separate papers a day for a few weeks and didn’t find a thing. A person of his wealth would have had something written about them he thought.

He didn’t want Maria to know what he was doing so he would e-mail Max at work and give him any updates since Liz didn’t know either.

He and Maria had gotten married soon after Max and Liz did. They came up for the wedding but only stayed 2 days. Liz didn’t want to be in New York and no one blamed her. Maria decided to work from home and she and Michael bought a house not too far from the city but far enough away from the hustle and bustle.

Michael would paint most of the time and make monthly trips to the city to drop them off to clients. He missed Italy terribly but didn’t want to tell Maria, she might think he wasn’t happy with her. He loved Maria but something about being in New York was off. He spent all that time in Italy and had gotten used to it.

What he didn’t know was that Maria was just as sad. She missed Liz now more then ever. This was the longest they had ever been apart and those two weeks they spent in Italy together were perfect. She loved Michael and wanted to spend her life with him but there was something missing. Bringing it up to Michael would be a different story.

“Are we having a problem?” A man sat with his back towards him.

“N-no. It’s just taking longer then I expected.” He said trying to hide the fact that he was scared shitless.

“Well I’m getting tired of waiting. You need to step up your game or something. Turn on that boyish charm we all know and love.” He spun around to face him.

“With all due respect it’s easier said then done. They are very close and guarded.” He was hanging by a thread as it was.

“I don’t care!” He slammed his hands on the desk. “I’ve been very patient if you can’t get it done then let me know.” His blue eyes staring at him almost looking through him.

“I can do it; it’s just going to take some time that’s all.” He suddenly realized that he was the only shot this man had. There was no way he could bring someone else in at this point.

“Well time is ticking. I want results or I will take matters into my own hands no matter how bloody it gets.” He waved him off.


This fic will be updated once a week on Wed. for now.
Last edited by Icequeen on Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:12 pm, edited 21 times in total.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Icequeen »

Thanks for the FB guys.

~~Chapter 2~~
Tessa needed a job badly. The one problem was that she was almost 6 month’s pregnant and no one would hire her. She had recently moved with one of her cousins to Florence. She was the closest thing Tessa had to a family even though she didn’t really know her. She needed to get out of Rome and jumped at the opportunity. Her cousin Lucia told her not to worry about finding a job right now, but Tessa was getting bored sitting at home. Lucia was recently divorced and got a nice settlement, so money wasn’t an issue for her as long as she was careful.

When she first got to the house, her cousin asked her about the baby’s father. Tessa told her everything because desperately needed someone to talk to.

“Do you want to look for him?” Lucia asked.

“I wouldn’t know where to look. I didn’t know much about him.” She said sadly.

“Well, I’ll see what I can find out. Maybe we can hire someone to find him for you.” Lucia said while patted her hand.

Tessa doubted that she would ever see Jackson again, but agreed to hire someone to help. She didn’t know what the outcome would be if she ever found him.


I decide to go visit Max at work since I haven’t seen him in a while.

“Can I help you?” The receptionist asked.

“Yes I’m here to see Max Evans please.” She picks up the phone and I have a seat while I wait for Max.

A few moments later a woman comes out to the receptionist area.

“Hello I’m Mia, Max’s assistant.” We shake hands and I wonder “Why did she come out here?”

“Hi, nice to meet you, I’m Isabella.” Something about her isn’t right but, I try to be nice to her.

“Is Max available?” I ask because she was just standing there like an idiot.

“Oh um yes he is. Right this way.” I follow her to Max’s office and notice that her work outfit is a bit too tight and short.

“Come in.” Max says after Mia knocks.

“Massimilio Evans why don’t you call me anymore.” I said as I barged into his office.

“Bella, How are you?” He stood up to greet me by giving me a kiss on each cheek.

“It was nice meeting you.” Mia excuses herself, and I couldn’t be happier.

“Oh, you too.” I say as an afterthought.

Mia walked out with a huge smile on her face. “Seems like Mr. Perfect has a few secrets.”

“What brings you by?” Max asked and offers me a seat.

“Can’t I come by and see my brother? I missed you that’s all.”

“Me too. I hear things are going well for you.”

“Let’s not talk business, please. I need a break. Take me to lunch.” I stand up and wait for him to gather his things.

They walked out of his office arm in arm. This didn’t go unnoticed by Mia who popped her head out of her office as soon as she heard them in the hallway.

“So, how are things?” Max asked once we settled in the café.

“Everything is great. The business is doing well, and Alex and I are doing great.” I can’t hide the smile that I feel creeping up when I talk about Alex.

“So you are still seeing him then.” He knew I was, but I brush it off.

“Yes, I’m still seeing him. Is there a problem?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

“No, it’s just that I’d like to meet him.”

“Alright. How about this weekend then? I don’t have anything planned with work. Run it by Liz and let me know.” I knew that he would want to size him up eventually.

We ate our lunch talking about random things. I walked him back to the museum before heading home.


The following week Max I was having lunch near work when I saw Tessa again. She was already sitting when I walked in. I wanted to turn and leave but she caught me before I could.

“Max, Hey.” She waves me over.

“Hello.” I walk towards her not wanting to be completely rude. I still don’t feel comfortable around her for some reason.

“Are you having your lunch?” She asks while taking a sip of her drink.

“Umm, yeah I was about to.”

“Why don’t you join me? I’ve just ordered.”

Reluctantly I sit down across from her. I don’t know how to act around her. She certainly wasn’t a friend, so what would we talk about?

“The other day, I checked out the museum where you work. It’s really beautiful in there.”

“Yes it is.” I don‘t know what to say to her.

“Look, if you’re uncomfortable you can go. I didn’t mean to ruin your lunch.”

“No it’s ok. I mean, yes to be honest, I do feel a little strange, but it’s fine.”

We eat our food talking about my work and her search for work. I had mentioned Liz a few times, and Tessa didn’t seem to react badly. She talked more about her current situation, and for some reason, I found himself feeling bad for her.

“How is Bella doing? I haven’t seen her in a long time.” Tess asked.

“She’s doing great. Her company is doing really well.” Once again I become uncomfortable not knowing what to say next, or weather or not I should leave. Luckily, she got a phone call that she had to take and ended our lunch. As I was saying goodbye to Tessa, Mia walked in and saw me with her.

“Shit!” I walk over to her and said hello not wanting her to think that I was hiding.

“I didn’t think you came here.” Mia said as she ordered her coffee.

“Yeah, I come here for lunch sometimes.” I look at my watch and tell her that I have to go.

“This guy gets around.” Mia thought remembering that he was with another young blonde the other day. “Maybe I do have a shot with him.” She smiled to herself.

I‘m exhausted. I’ve been working like mad trying to get everything in order for the opening of a new exhibit ,and can’t wait for it to be over. I want to go on vacation with Liz. We both need a getaway.

A knock on my door pulls him from my thoughts.

“How is everything going?” It was Antonio.

“Good, everything should be ready in time.” I shuffle some papers that are on my desk.

“Good to hear. I have some exciting news for you.” He sits on the leather sofa.

“Okay.” I stop shuffling the papers and look up at him.

“There is a potential new artist in Sicily that I need for you to meet after the opening.” Antonio knew that this was Max’s specialty as well as his true love.

“Alright. Anyone I’ve heard of?” This is my cup of tea.

“No, he’s brand new, but there is one other thing.” Antonio knew that Max wasn’t going to like this.

“What is it?”

“Mia is going with you, but before you say anything, it wasn’t my choice. Her uncle wanted her to go as a learning experience. There wasn’t anything that I could do about it. I’m sorry.”

Oh, this is just great. I can’t imagine the conversation I’m going to have with Liz about this.

“Well, like you said, there is nothing that can be done. How long will this trip be?” I hope it wouldn’t be overnight.

“2 days.” Fuck!

“Alright thanks.” I watch him leave and throw my head back.

“What the hell am I supposed to tell Liz?” I gather my things and head home. I hope Liz would be there so I could get this over with.

When I get home Liz was in the shower.

“Babe I’m home.” I walk into our bedroom and call out to her as I take my shoes off.

“I’ll be out in a sec.” She calls from the bathroom.

I change my clothes, and soon after Liz comes out wearing a pair of my boxers rolled up a few times so they didn’t fall off and a white cami top.

“Humm, you look good enough to eat.” I walk over to her and pull her flush against me giving her a passionate kiss.

“Thanks.” She smiles after we break apart.

“I was thinking of ordering in. I didn’t feel like cooking.” She sits on the bed watching me take my watch off and throw my clothes in the hamper.

“Sounds good. Order whatever you want. I’m up for anything.”

She hops off the bed and went to get some menus.

“It should be here in 45 minutes. How was your day?” We sit on the sofa while Liz pours us some wine.

“It was alright. Yours?” I lean against the arm of the sofa and opened my legs so she could sit between them.

“Long.” She sighed.

I wonder if I should tell her now or enjoy our meal first. Food first.

We sit and talk for a few till the food came. We decide to eat in the living room in front of the fireplace. I’m trying to eat as slow as I can, trying to prolong the inevitable. I can’t put it off anymore and set my fork down. Liz had finished eating a while ago and watched me play with my food for the past 20 minutes.

“Is something wrong? Did you not like the food?” She asks as she cleared the plates.

“No everything was fine.” I hate that she catches onto my feelings like that.

“Ok then.” She takes out some gelato and brings it back to the living room.

Once again I played with my food. I’m going over the conversation in my head and tuned everything else out.

“…….so I walked in the office and Bella was naked on her desk.”

“WHAT!” I almost drop my bowl.

“I knew that would get your attention. You were zoned out. What’s going on?” She asks me.

“Sorry. I just have something on my mind.”

“Obviously. What is it? Is it work?” She set her bowl down.

“Yeah.” He sighs and set my bowl down.

“What’s going on?”

“Antonio needs me to go to Sicily next week after the opening to look at a potential new artist.”

“That’s great. You love that kind of thing. What’s the problem?”

“Mia is going as well.” I brace myself.


“Oh.” I knew that this was coming it was only a matter of time before something like this came up.

“Oh?” He asks me. What am I supposed to say? I don’t want to seem like a jealous wife but I am.

“There’s nothing I can do about it right?” I know I sound like a bitch but I don’t care.

“No, but you don’t have to act like that. It’s not like I wanted to go. I was told about it today.” I feel bad because I know it wasn’t his choice but I feel like he should have said no.

There isn’t anything she can do or I for that matter but I hate that she gets like this. She doesn’t have anything to worry about.

“Liz there is nothing to worry about.” Ok that came out the wrong way. It sounds like there IS something to worry about and I’m just covering up. AH ok enough rambling.

“Sure there isn’t.” She says and gets up walking towards our bedroom. I know this would happen. I wish I would have stayed where I was before. This job is turning into a headache.

“Liz you have to trust me. If you can’t trust me then we have nothing.”

I trust him it’s that skanky hoe I don’t trust.

“Max it’s not you that I don’t trust.” He looks at me like he has no idea what I’m talking about.

“Do you think she’s going to attack me or something?” Smart ass!

“No, but I know what lengths women will go through to get something that she wants.” It’s adorable how clueless he is. Adorable and aggravating.

“I have to go. I’m sorry.” I hope he doesn’t have to be sorry. I have a bad feeling about this but I decide to keep that to myself.

A few days later I’m helping my husband pack for his “business trip” with the hoe. I’m carefully eyeing every piece of clothing that he packs, reading into everything.

“What are you doing?” He asks since I’ve stopped helping him.

“Nothing just watching you.” I’m trying to play it off but I‘m watching his every move.

“Ok.” I hate how calm he is about things. It’s highly annoying. He walks back and forth from the closet to the suitcase on the bed carefully placing his clothes in.

“Why are you taking those?” I ask when I see him throw a pair of shorts and a t-shirt in.

“I’m not going to be in a suit 24 hours amore.” Oh God I forgot they are going to have down time. Shit! This is not good.

“So what are you going to do when you’re not working?” I ask not meaning to pick a fight but I feel one coming on. Why am I so bitchy lately?

“Liz come on don’t be like that innamorato.” He smiles at me and I want to jump him right there. But I hold back I’m pissed right now I need to stay this way for a little bit.

“Like what? I just want to know what my husband is going to be doing in another city with a girl how is in love with him that is not his wife.” Ha! Take that.

“Amore don’t be silly. She’s not in love with me.” He places a kiss on my forehead and I want to kick his ass right now.

“Yeah right. She is totally in love with you. You just never step back and look. I see the way she looks at you.” Men are so stupid sometimes.

“Well it doesn’t matter because I’m head over heels in love with you.” He walks over to me and pushes me back on the bed nestling between my legs. He trails kisses down my neck and I give in a moan at the feel of his hot breath on my skin.

Hours later I’m lying in bed and I still can’t get this damn trip out of my mind. Max is beside me sleeping peacefully. I hate being this jealous person, but I can’t help it. Something about that girl really bothers me. She’s nice enough to be but I feel that she has a hidden agenda. I decide to put it out of my mind for now. There is nothing I can do about it anyway.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Icequeen »

Thank you guys for the Feedback. I’m glad you are sticking with me and reading this sequel. Lurker, if any stop by and say hello. I don’t bite……hard. LOL

Martine- You have a lot of questions. All I can say is that all will be answered and you will find out what IF anything happens with Mia and Max soon.

Lady_vixen- I have to agree with you Mia is a slut-bag. Unfortunately there are people like that in the world. LOL

Roswell 10/2/00- Thank you for reading.

FamersAmers- Humm what IS up with Tessa? You will have to wait to find out.

Smac- Max certainly is clueless. He has faults what can I say? You will have to wait and see about Jackson.

Frenchkiss70- Like I said Max is pretty clueless. You will have to wait and see what Max does about his job situation but it’s easier said then done to stand up to your boss.

Emz80m- Thank you for reading.

Txndreamer06- Thank you.

Kittens- Yes Max should have told Liz but he’s not perfect.

LovinGuerin2Much-I’m glad you like “this” Max and Liz. LOL And Liz calling her a skank and hoe in her head it totally me, you know that. LOL
Mmcherron- You said it all. Men don’t learn. Let’s hope Max can redeem himself.

Max is getting ready to leave for the airport and I’m trying to hold back the tears.

“I’ll be back in two days.” He says placing kisses all over my face and neck. I’s not helping me let him go.

“Call me when you get there?” I step back and ask giving him puppy dog eyes.

“Of course baby.” He’s kissing me again and I have to push him away or else he’s not going to go.

“I love you.” He says and walks out the door and I lean against it watching him get into his car and drive off.

All alone in the house what am I going to do? I decide to call Bella and see what she is up to. I see enough of her at work but I don’t feel like being alone right now. Where is Maria when I need her?

“Bella?’ She answers on the second ring but she sounds funny.

“Liz? What’s up?” I hear rustling sounds and I hold back a laugh I think I know what she was in the middle of.

“Nothing, are you busy? I can call back?” I’m so messing with her now.

“No, no it’s fine. So Max left?” She knew he was going away and no doubt knew I would call her soon after.

“Yeah.” I sigh into the phone.

“Why don’t you come up here. Stay with me for a few days.” I love this woman.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude.”

“Stop it. Your not intruding. Come on over I’ll be waiting for you.” I hang up and go the bedroom to pack a bag. I feel like a baby but I don’t care I don’t feel like being alone. Once I get my bag packed, I get into my car and drive over to Bella’s.


I don’t know why I let myself get talked into this. I’m sitting here minding my own business trying to read a magazine and I have miss chatterbox talking up a storm. I wish she would go away, but being the nice guy that I am, I close the magazine and talk to her.

“So how did you and your wife meet?” Why is she all of the sudden asking about Liz?

“We met through her brother.” I didn’t want to go into full detail that should have been enough.

“Really? She has a brother? I’ve never seen him.” How long is this damn flight?

“He lives in New York now with his fiancée.”

“Oh.” I knew that comment would stop that line of questioning.

“So did you meet here in Italy or in New York?” Where the hell is the flight attendant? Shouldn’t she be asking me if I need a pillow or peanuts or something?

“We met in Rome.” This is beginning to feel like an inquisition.

“That’s nice. She’s really nice.” I smile at her. What am I supposed to say? thanks? I hope she’s done so I can get back to reading my magazine. These are going to be the longest two days ever. I see her turn her attention to some other guy and I’m thankful for that. She gets up and sits near him. Finally! I can read my magazine.

We land an hour later and I grab both our bags from the over head compartment and de board the plane. I see Mia still chatting with that guy and I’m happy. Hopefully she keeps in contact with him the whole time we are here.

“You got everything?” I ask her. We walk towards the exit ready to hail a taxi.

“Yeah, I’m ready.” I see a huge smile on her face and I wonder what it’s all about. Must be the stranger she met. A few minutes later we are at the hotel and I head to the counter to check us in.

“Massimilio Evans e Mia Valentino controlla dentro.” I say giving the attendant our names.

“L’oh Si honeymooners.” He says and I have to do a double take.


“Sono spiscente sono quello non destra?”
(I’m sorry is that not right?)

Hell no! It’s not right I want to scream but I’m trying to relax.

“No it’s not. We need two rooms please.” Very far away from each other I really want to say but I hold back.

I see the attendant typing like a maniac on the computer and I’m looking around for Mia. She’s been pretty quiet the whole time. I scan the lobby and spot her sitting in the corner just looking around.

A few minutes later the man gets my attention again.

“I am very sorry sir but we are all booked this week. We only have the one room.” He’s giving me a look of sympathy but I’m pissed right now.

“Ok thank you.” I smile and walk towards Mia.

“The screwed up the reservation. I’m going to call another hotel.” I let her know walking towards the pay phones.

I swear someone up above is laughing their ass off right now. I called around and apparently there is some festival going on all week so every hotel is booked solid. This is great. I walk out of the phone booth and head back towards the counter.

“It looks like I’m going to have to take that reservation after all.” I tell the man.

“Ok sir. It will be just a minute.” He punches some keys again and I few minutes later I have two keys to our honeymoon suite. Kill me now please.

“We’re sharing a room?” Mia asks when I walk to the room.

“Yeah they messed up and booked us in the honeymoon suite. I called around and there is nothing else available anywhere.” I unlock the door and walk into the room. It’s pretty nice but I quickly scan for a sofa. I notice one and silently thank God for that.

“Well it looks like I’ll be sleeping here.” I place my bag next to the sofa and call down for extra pillows and blankets.

“This room is beautiful. Get a look at this view.” She calls from the bedroom and I roll my eyes. I’m not interested but I don’t want to be an ass so I walk to the balcony.

“It’s nice.” I say. She’s standing there staring at me and I’m saved by the bell when housekeeping comes up with the blankets I asked for. The woman who brought them up is looking at me curiously when she sees me put them on the sofa. I don’t care.

“What time is our meeting?” I ask wanting to get this over with already.

“It’s tomorrow at 2 so we have all night and all morning tomorrow to do whatever.” She’s a little too excited about that.

“Ok well I’m going to call Liz.” I tell her just wanting her to leave the room so I can talk in peace. I call the house and there is no answer so I try her cell.

“Hello.” I hear her angelic voice and my hear melts.

“Hey baby.”

“Max? Hey you go in ok?” She asks me.

“Yeah everything is fine I just checked in.” I don’t want to tell her about the room situation.

“Good I’m glad. I’m heading over to Bella’s I’m going to be there while you are gone.” I smile when she tells me that. I knew she wouldn’t stay home alone.

“I miss you already.” I sigh leaning back against the sofa. I can’t help it and light a cigarette. I’m trying to quit but it’s not working.

“I miss you too. Are you smoking?” She asks and I know I’m busted.

“Yeah.” I take a drag and let the air out slowly.

“I thought you were going to quit.” She asks and I don’t feel like talking about this right now.

“I am I am. So listen my meeting is tomorrow afternoon so I’ll call you when it ends ok?”

“Alright I love you.” I tell her that I love her too and hang up.

“You didn’t tell her about the room did you?” Mia creeps up on me.

“It didn’t come up.” That was lame but it wasn’t any of her business.

“Well I’m going to take a shower and freshen up. Will you have dinner with me?” I knew this was going to happen. I if I say no I’m an ass in a major way besides I need to eat.

“Alright.” I agree and decide to check out the hotel while she is showering. I don’t want to be around when she is in the shower for some reason.

I give her enough time and walk back to the room. When I come in her perfume smacks me in the face. I hate strong perfume. I fan in front of my face and hope that she is dressed already. I want this day to be over with.

“Max? Is that you?” Who the hell else would it be?

“Yeah.” I answer. A shower sounds good right about now but I don’t know how hungry she is.

“If you want to jump in go ahead I’m not ready yet and we have time.” I see that she isn’t even dressed. She still has her robe on.

“Ok I’ll be right out.” I hate that the shower is in the bedroom. I strip down and turn the water on. Once I step in the shower I’m glad that I took one. I needed to freshen up. I stand in the middle letting the water hit me from all sides. I quickly lather myself up and wash the soap off my body. I step out and I hope that she’s close to being ready to go.

“That was fast.” She calls from the other side of the door.

“Yeah.” Is all I say. I’m glad that I brought my clothes in with me even though I hate getting dressed in the bathroom. It’s always so hot. A few minutes later I come out fully dressed. I just need to put my shoes on and I’m good to go.

“I’m just finishing my make up then I’ll be ready.” I nod and go get my shoes. I can’t help but notice that she is really dressed up and I’m not.

“Ok I’m ready.” She comes out doing a twirl for some random reason.

“Me too. Let’s go.” I grab the hotel key and my wallet and head out.

“I have the perfect place to eat you are going to love it.” She say to me. We jump in a taxi and she gives him the address.

We drive there in silence I just want to get back home already. I’m about to ask where the hell is place is when the taxi stops. We get out and walk to the restaurant.

It is pretty nice but on the romantic side. I scan the place and I only see couples at every table. I see the smile on Mia’s face and I roll my eyes when she turns away from me. I have a feeling that she set this up as well as the hotel room. Now that I think about it she wasn’t surprised when I told her that we would be sharing a room.

“This place looks a little cozy don’t you think?” I ask her as we are shown to our table.

“Not really. The food is great here.”

We sit down and order appetizers and wine. This is officially the longest day of my life.

~~ Liz~~

When I get his phone call I miss him more. Since we’ve been together we have never been apart for that long except for the nightmare that happened. I’m glad that Bella is around but I miss Maria so much. Bella is not one for eating ice cream and pigging out on junk food in front of the Television. I’ve never seen Bella in front of a television since I’ve met her now that I think about it. I pull into her drive way and I see Alex’s car parked.

“Hey you’re here.” Bella greets me.

“Why didn’t you tell me Alex was here? I could have stayed home.” I feel like I’m intruding.

“Stop it.” She steps aside and I walk in. Her house feels like a showroom. It’s very nice but it’s not cozy. She’s more of a minimalist clean and simple lines. Her house feels cold to me but I won’t tell her that.

“Hello Liz.” Alex is walking down the stairs. Max and I officially met Alex a few weeks ago but I still didn’t really know him. Bella must want to keep him to herself.

“Hey Alex.” I smile and walk towards one of the guest rooms. I put my bags down and come back out to see that Alex is still there. I feel awkward now.

“So Liz how about some dinner.” Alex suggests.

“Oh I don’t want to intrude you guys can go out if you had plans.” I’m such an idiot why didn’t I ask her if she had plans before I just came over.

“Nonsense come out with us.” Bella said only to getting affirmation from Alex.

“Ok.” I agree and Bella quickly decides that she wants to go somewhere fancy.

“I didn’t bring anything fancy.” I tell her.

“Ok well let’s run out and get something. We have time.” Is she insane? Shopping with her is a mission every time. How she thinks we are going to find a dress in less then an hour is beyond me.

“We don’t have time Bella.” I tell her trying to get her to be rational.

“Yeah we do. You don’t mind right Alex?” She asks him

“Not at all . Take your time.” He’s way too easy going.

We head out to the store and by some miracle I manage to find something in 20 minutes. It’s a simple black dress so I pick up a pair of heels to go with it and we head back. I get dressed in record time and to my surprise Bella does too.

We arrive at a small restaurant not far from the house and are led to our table.

“I’m the luckiest guy here.” Alex says with a smile on his face.

“Why do you say that?” Bella asks him. Those two are so cute together. They complement each other perfectly.

“I’m here with two of Italy’s most beautiful women that’s why.” He kisses her on the cheek and takes his seat. I can’t help but notice the blush that creeps up on Bella’s face and I’m so happy for her. She deserves to be happy like this. It makes me miss my husband.

“So Liz how is it working with Bella?” Alex asks me no doubt referring to her perfectionist ways.

“I love it. She and I are a lot alike so we get on well.” I really do love working with Bella. She knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go for it.

“That’s great. Where is Max tonight if you don’t mid me asking.” We pause for a few as the waiter comes over and takes our wine order.

“He’s in Sicily on business. He’ll be back the day after tomorrow.” I tried to hide the sadness in my voice but it didn’t work.

“These two can’t be separated for more then a few hours. You would think they just started dating.” Bella jokes but it’s true. I hate that his new job involves travel.

“I think it’s nice to feel wanted by someone.” I sense that maybe he hasn’t had the easiest life. I see Bella reach over and squeeze his hand. He smiles at her and picks up his menu clearly uncomfortable.

We place our orders and sit in silence for a minute. His earlier statement still lingers in the air.

“So what is it that Max does again?” Good thing he starts conversation going again.

“Well right now he oversees any new exhibits that come in. He’s also in charge of the Michelangelo section of the museum. He’s more into working one on one with artist thought but this was a great opportunity for him.” I smile every time I talk about Max. I’m so proud of him.

“That sounds interesting. I know nothing about art.” He chuckles.

“Well don’t tell Max that. He will make it his personal responsibility to teach you everything he knows.” Isabella laughs but she’s right. Max would be a great teacher he loves to talk about Art and to get others interested as well. I’ll have to ask him about that.

The rest of the night goes by quickly and I don’t feel like the third wheel at any point which is nice. We finish off our dessert and go back to Bella’s. I feel strange because I know if it were Max and I we would want out privacy after having a nice dinner out. Luckily Bella’s house is big enough that I won’t have to hear whatever it is they decide to do.

“I’m exhausted.” Bella says stretching out on the sofa. I sit in the love seat across from her and take my shoes of as well. I’m not tired but I’d like to talk to Max.

“I’m going to have a cigar outside.” Alex says before excusing himself.

“Ugh he smokes those horrid vanilla cigars, I can’t stand them.” Bella says

“Thank you for tonight. It was nice.” I say Isabella then head to the guest room. I decide to take a bath before calling Max and run the water.


Dinner was interesting to say the least. Mia was being overly nice all night. I had to move my chair discreetly a few times because she was constantly touching my arm whenever she would laugh at something. To her I was the funniest man on earth. I wasn’t trying to be funny but everything I said earned an “Oh Max.” Or an “Your so funny.” I tried to get us out of there as fast as I could but she wanted dessert followed by coffee. Finally there was nothing else to eat or drink without her exploding and we headed back to the hotel. I really wish I could have my own room right now. I would love to just go to the hotel room and talk to Liz all night. I’m pathetic I know. I haven’t been gone 24 hours and I’m miserable already.


The next day Bella and I decide to do some sopping like either of us need to. We shop and a few hours later decide to stop and have a light lunch. Stopping into a small café we take a seat near the window.

“So you and Alex are pretty serious aren’t you?” I’m asking but I know what the answer is.

“I guess so I just hate that he travels so much. His job keeps him so busy.” Bella takes a sip of her iced tea and I can tell that this is really bothering her.

“Well can’t he do something about it?’ Like she hadn’t thought of that.

“I wish! To be honest with you I don’t even know what he does exactly.” She laughs and I sit and think about that. It is strange.

“Did you ask him?”

“He doesn’t like to talk about work.” Ok that is strange. Why wouldn’t he want to tell her what he does? I decide not to pry and drop it.

“So how do you feel about Max traveling?” Why did she have to go there?

“It’s fine.” I answer shortly

“Yeah. How about you tell me how you really feel this time.” She raises her eyebrow at me.

“Let’s just say that I don’t hate the traveling part I hate the companion.” I know she knows how I’m talking about because she nods her head in agreement.

“Don’t worry about her. She’s too obvious for Max. He hates that.” I hate that I’m so insecure and that she knows it too.

“I guess. I just feel like she’s on the prowl all the time. I can’t stand her.” I’m not holding back anymore. I really do hate Mia.

“Well that’s exactly what I mean. It’s obvious what she ‘s trying to do. Just trust Max he won’t do that to you.”

“Yeah well he won’t even admit that she’s in love with him.” I snort.

“Hey he’s not perfect. He’s still a man.” We both laugh at that. So true.

Bella’s laughter dies down when I see that she’s staring at someone on the other side of the café. I turn my head and follow her gaze.

“What is it?” I ask when I realize I have no clue who she is looking at.

“I’ll be right back.” I see her get up and walk towards someone. She stops at a table with a blonde girl and starts talking to her.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Thu May 20, 2004 9:14 pm
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Post by Icequeen »

Thank you all for the FB, I really appreciate it. This part wasn't send to the beta so sorry for any mistakes.

~~Chapter 4~~


“Tessa?” I can’t believe this shit.

“Isabella? Oh my God what are you doing here?” She flashes me a smile and I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes at her.

“Me? What are you doing in Florence?” I ask her cause I know she has no one here.

“I moved here recently.” She adjusts herself in the chair and I notice that she is pregnant.

“Oh your pregnant congratulations.” I’m not a total bitch and acknowledge her situation.

“Thanks I wish it was all smooth sailing but it’s been hard.” I stand there not knowing what to say. I can’t feel bad for her.

“Well things will get better.” I try to cheer her up.

“Yeah I just wish I could track down the baby’s father. I never saw him after he went back to New York.” Those words shock me. It couldn’t be Jackson’s but could she have met another New York businessman?

“Was it the guy that you had dinner with when I last saw you?” I ask because I need to know.

“Yes it was. Do you know him?” The gleam in her eyes is sad really. I hated her for so long after what she did to Max but no one deserves to be in her position. And God help her, she’s carrying HIS baby.

“No I was just wondering.” Ok so I lied.

“So I hear that Max is married now.” She says clearly upset that I couldn’t help

“He is how did you know?”

“I had lunch with him a few times.” Oh hell no. She is not playing this game again. Me feeling bad for her went right out the window.

“What?” I ask making sure I heard her right so when I kill my brother I can give the reason.

“Yeah the café near his job. I ran into him twice there.” Twice? Sounds like stalking to me.

“You better not try any of your old tricks. Max is happy don’t try to mess with that.” I warn her knowing that she is a schemer.

“I’m not trying to mess anything up. I’m glad he’s happy besides I‘m hardly in a position to steal anyone’s husband.” She almost sounds genuine….almost but I‘m keeping my eyes peeled, old habits die hard.

“Ok well I better head back.” I realize Liz must be wondering what the hell I’m doing.

“Ok see you around then.” I smile and walk away.

“Who was that?” Liz asks me when I sit back down I forget for a minute that she knows of Tessa but they have never seen each other.

“Just and old friend. When is Max getting back again?”

“Tomorrow.” She says and I can’t wait because I’m going to kill him.


The meeting went well. It made me miss working one on one with people but I enjoyed myself. Luckily for me Mia wasn’t interested and wandered off for most of the meeting. We head back to the hotel after agreeing that he will show is pieces with us. I look at the time and wonder why we didn’t head back tonight instead of tomorrow morning. No doubt Mia had something to do with that. We order room service and eat mostly in silence. I’m trying not to be rude but I’m not in the mood to talk not with her anyway.

She finally stops talking and goes to her room for the night. I quickly get changed and slip under the covers. I just want this night to be over with.

Sometime in the middle of the night I feel someone placing soft kisses on my neck. At first I moan a little but then I suddenly reality hits me and I know that I’m not with my wife meaning she’s not the one kissing me. What the fuck! My eyes snap open when I see Mia hovering over me.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I yell and push her off of me.

“What do you think I’m doing.” Is she fucking serious? I jump off the sofa suddenly feeling dirty…very dirty.

“Are you crazy!” I’m pacing the room running my hands through my hair.

“I thought we were having a nice time….. I’m sorry.” She sits down and looks like she’s about to cry but I really could care less right now I’m so pissed.

“Just cause we were having a nice time doesn’t’ give you the right to kiss me. I’m married! What the hell is wrong with you? You know that I‘m married and you think that you have a chance with me?” God what am I going to tell Liz? Am I going to tell Liz? I don’t even know.

“I said I’m sorry.” I know she‘s not turning this around on me.

“Yeah well maybe you can explain to my wife that your sorry. Your I‘m sorry isn‘t helping me at all. God I can‘t believe this shit!” Shit! She totally screwed me over now.

“Please don’t tell her. It will never happen again I swear. I wasn’t thinking.” She sounds semi sincere but I’m still pissed.

“Your damn right it‘s not going to happen again and it‘s obvious you weren‘t thinking but I have to tell Liz. I can‘t keep something like this from her but that‘s not your problem.” I don’t want to see her cry and she looks like she’s about to burst out in tears. I’m not about to comfort her and could really care less about how she is feeling right now.

She walks back to the room and I can’t go back to sleep. I desperately want to take a shower but I can’t right now. I can’t put myself in this situation again. I have to talk to Antonio about these trips. I’d rather go alone or not at all. I sit staring out the window until the sun comes up. Just a few more hours till I go back home.

As soon as she comes out of the room I walk past her and go shower. I can’t even look at her and I have nothing to say. She gives me a small smile and I brush past her making sure I lock the door this time. What am I going to tell Liz? I’m not even sure I should say anything at this point but I know if it happened to her I’d want to know, I have to tell her. I’m such an ass at this point. I just want to get home this is the trip from hell. I step out of the shower and towel off. How much longer till we catch our flight?

I spend the rest of the morning drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes like there is no tomorrow. I can’t eat anything my stomach is in knots. We finally check out and head for the airport. I thank God that Mia doesn’t feel like talking and put my headphones on.

“Are you going to tell your wife?” She asks me while we are getting off the plane.

“Why do you want to know?” I can‘t even look at her right now.

“I was just wondering that’s all.” She seems a little hurt but couldn’t give two shits right now. I look at her and turn my head not even answering her I want to get home as fast as I can. Thankfully I brought my car. She hails a cab and we part ways. Too bad it’s not forever. I get home as fast as I can and hope that Liz is there. I need to see her face. I miss her smile.

When I walk in the house and see that she’s not there I’m a little disappointed. I see a note on the kitchen table and pick it up.

Baby I’m sorry I forgot I had a doctors appointment today and didn’t want to cancel. You know how important this is. I should be home shortly after you. I love you. Welcome home!

I stare at her handwriting, her perfect handwriting. It takes me a minute but I remember what doctor she’s talking about. We had talked about having kids and had been trying for almost a year now but nothing has happened. I told Liz to relax and it will happen but she wanted to get checked out. That’s where she is now. I wish I’d been here to go with her. Damn it this week is turning out to be one of the worst in my life.

I’m unpacking my things when I hear the familiar sound of her key ring just outside the door. She has about 100 key chains and 3 keys it’s funny. I’m waiting for her to call out for me I know she knows I’m here but I hear nothing. Maybe she’s coming into the room? After about 5 minutes I don’t see her and wonder what is going on. I walk out and see her on the sofa with her head between her legs. I see her shoulders shaking and I know she’s crying.

“Amore che cosa e` errato” She doesn’t answer me.

“Liz?” I’m getting worried. When I came out here it seemed like she started crying harder. She’s straight out sobbing and hasn’t lifted her head up yet.

“Prego dicami che cosa e` errato” I need her to tell me what’s wrong. I can’t see her like this.

She looks up at me and starts crying more if that’s possible. At least this time she wraps her arms around neck. I feel her trembling against me and pull her closer. I was kneeling in front of her and I realize that if I pull her any closer she will be on the floor. I gently pull her off the sofa and take a seat with her in my lap. She’s leaning her head against my chest and still won’t speak to me. I’m begging her to tell me what’s wrong I hate this.

“I c-can’t w-we c-can’t” That’s all she says before breaking out into a fit of sobs again. We can’t what? She can’t what? Oh God! She went to the doctor. What did he say? Please God don’t let it be what I think it is.

“Liz baby take a breath honey and tell me what happened so I can help you please.” It’s breaking my heart to see her like this. I’m pissed off, frustrated and sad at the same time.

I hear her take a deep breath as she sits up. She wipes the tears from her eyes and I hope she’s ready to tell me what’s wrong.

“I went to the doctor.” Shit I can see the tears form again. Please let her tell me. I look at her waiting for her to continue.

“H-he said that I-I have Polycystic ovarian syndrome.” Ok what the fuck is that? She’s looking at me as if I should know.

“I-is that serious?” I ask feeling like a total ass right now but I have no idea what that is. As soon as the words leave my mouth I regret them. She gives me this look of total disappointment and storms off into our bedroom. Looks like I’ll be on the internet looking up what she has.

I decide to leave her alone right now cause I have a feeling I’ll make it worse at this point so I decide to educate myself before I speak. I sigh and go to my study and turn on the computer. Two hours later I pretty much have the basics of PCOS as it’s referred to and know the reason Liz was so upset by it and I feel like a complete asshole. To sum it up we would most likely have to go through fertility treatments to be able to have kids. There is a chance that she could conceive without help but the odds are not good. I rub my eyes suddenly feeling extremely tired and power off the computer.

When I walk into the room Liz has her back towards me but I know she’s awake. I strip down to my boxers and slide in behind her instantly wrapping my arms around her waist. She scoots into my embrace and I’m glad she’s not totally pissed at me.

“Otterremo con questo. Qualunquecosa prenda.” I speak softly to her in Italian. She told me once that she loves it when I speak it to her. I reassure her that we will get through it.

“How do you know? Max I’m scared.” Can your heart break twice cause mine just did. I’m scared too but I can’t tell her that.

“So che siete spaventati ma lavorera verso l`esterno voi deve credere quello.”
(i know you are scared but everything will work out. You have to believe that)

“What if we can’t have kids? That’s not fair to you Max I know how much you want a family. I won’t keep you from having that.”

“Don’t you know how much I love you? I don’t care if we have kids or not I want to be with you forever it doesn’t matter to me if you can’t have kids. If we have 10 kids or none I will still love you the same. Kids would just be an accent to our life together.”

“Max it’s not fair to you! I can’t ask you to give that up. I won’t!” I feel her pull away from me and this is really killing me.

“We don’t even know if it’s for sure that we can’t have kids. I read about this and there are treatments we can try. There are lots of options.”

“Y-you read about it?” She’s surprised that I know anything about it.

“Yeah.” I laugh.

“Max I’m so sorry.” She’s close to me again snuggling up to my chest. Sorry?

“For what? You didn’t do anything?” I assure her. She can’t be blaming herself for this.

“ I just feel like I’ve done something wrong that’s all.” God I need to make her understand. I need to speak with this doctor right away. I whisper words of reassurance to her and we both fall asleep exhausted.

“My patience is growing thin. You’ve had plenty of time what is the hold up?”

“With all due respect do you want it done right or not? If your answers is yes as I suspect then you need to let me do this my way. I’m close but I can’t mess things up now. It’s a shaky time and I have to play my cards right. If I do this is going to be much easier then we could have ever dreamed.” I reassure him knowing that he could have me killed on the spot if he wanted to. He didn’t really need me, he could easily take matters into his own hands but that could get messy and I know he doesn’t like that.

“Your brave, I’ll give you that but let me make something crystal clear here. I run the show around here. If I tell you to do something I don’t care how stupid it sounds to you, you better do it! Don’t question me. Let that be the last time we discuss anything of this nature. Do what I’m paying you to do and move it along as fast as I want you to.” He hangs up. I love getting a reaction out of people especially him. I’ve pissed him off and I love every minute of it.

“Mr. Evans you have a call on line one, it’s your sister.” The receptionist buzz’s me and I find it strange that Bella is calling me.

“Bella hey.”

“Don’t hey me. Meet me at the café near your job for lunch you know that place well. See you at 12 and don’t be late.” She hangs up the phone not even waiting for an answer. I wonder what the hell that was all about. I look down at my watch and see that I have another hour to go before I meet her. I decide to keep myself busy until then.

At 11:45 I walk towards the café. She’d have my head if I’m late. When I get there I see that she’s already there sitting in the back. I can tell that she’s pissed and I swallow hard. I hate not knowing what’s wrong.

“Ciao.” I greet her trying to get a feel for how pissed she is. She doesn’t respond back. Shit!

“I’m going to get right to the point Max. I know about Tessa and your meetings. I just have one question. What are you thinking?” She looks at me with a raised eyebrow and my mouth is literally hanging open.

“What? How? when?” I can’t even form a question.

“It doesn’t matter how or when that point is that I know. I’m very disappointed in you Max. I also know that Liz doesn’t know anything.” I thank God for that. She doesn’t need to know about this.

“Bella it’s not what you think.” God that sounds so cliché.

“Then explain it to me because the way I see it is you’ve been having these secret meetings with the woman who ripped your heart out while your current wife is oblivious to what’s going on. So please enlighten me Max.” She sits back with her hands folded across her chest.

“I know how it looks but it wasn’t like that. I bumped into her and we started talking that’s all. I come here for lunch and she’s here sometimes. What am I supposed to do ignore her?” She snorts at that last statement and I guess I know her answer.

“What your supposed to do is tell her that your married and that you don’t want to speak to her. Why is that so hard for you? Why can’t you tell someone to fuck off for once in your life? Your always trying to do the right thing and be Mr. Nice guy it’s annoying and it’s going to cost you something big Max.” I know what she means by that and my hearts drops. I would die if I lost Liz.

“This is not going to interfere with my marriage. It’s not like I see her all the time Bella, it’s not like that.” I’m starting to get annoyed.

“Look you do what you want. All I’m saying is that if Liz finds out and it’s not from you it’s going to be bad. Liz is insecure already. This thing that you have with Tessa will destroy Liz. End it Max trust me it’s not worth it. You have enough issues with Mia after you.” Her words hit me hard. I think about how Liz would feel and I know she would be devastated if she found out. I couldn’t do that to her. I’m at a loss right now, what if I see Tessa here again? Am I supposed to not eat here anymore now?

“What am I supposed to do? What if I see her here?” I feel like a little kid.

“Like I said you tell her that you can’t do this anymore with her. Tell her that your married now. Do you really think that she won’t try anything again?” She asks me and I can honestly say that I hadn’t thought about that.

“She’s pregnant Bella it‘s not like she‘s out for a lay right now!” I didn’t mean for it to come out so harsh but I’m getting annoyed.

“Don’t get angry at me. I’m aware that she’s pregnant but she’s not happy either and I know Tessa. She can’t stand to see others happy if she’s not. Did she also tell you that the baby she’s carrying might also be Jackson’s?” I almost choke on my food.

“What?” I heard her but I need her to say it again.

“You heard what I said. She said it was the man that she was having dinner with when I saw her last and that was Jackson.” God how fucking crazy is this?

“Shit, she doesn’t know he’s dead does she?” I ask wondering if Bella said anything to her.

“No she’s still hoping she will find him. I wasn’t going to say anything to her. She’ll find out soon enough though I guess.”

“I have to tell her, she deserves to know.”

“Why do you always have to get in the middle of things that do not concern you? That’s your problem Max, Tessa is not your concern she’s not even a friend but you feel that you just have to tell her about Jackson. Let is go it’s not your problem. Just let it go Max.” She’s right but I feel badly for not telling Tessa.

“Bella she’s looking for him and I know that she won’t find him how can I not tell her?”

“God you are hopeless. Are you running for sainthood or something? I‘m done with this I said what I had to say it‘s up to you now, do what you want.” She gathers her things and walks out leaving me sitting there with a flood of thoughts in my head.

Seems like I have a few things to tell Liz. I need to do them tonight the longer I wait the worse it will be. I know that Liz will find out and Bella’s right it will be worse. First I have to tell her about what happened with Mia. I go back to the office and gather my things so I can head home early.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Icequeen »

Thank you all for the FB.
Roswell 10/2/00

~~Chapter 5~~

I get home and smell the most wonderful aroma.

“Max?” I call. I didn’t think he would be home now much less cooking.

“In the kitchen.” I walk over there and I see him with an apron tied around his waist. He looks sexy as hell.

“Hey what’s all this about?” I ask pointing to all the dishes that are being used.

“I’m re creating one of our first meals together, remember?” He points to the oven and I see through the glass a pizza inside.

“Yeah I remember.” I blush. He’s so romantic.

“Go change this will be ready in a few minutes.” I give him a kiss and get changed.

“This looks great.” We eat in the dining room, something that we don’t do that often.

After dinner we have dessert in front of the fireplace. I wish I could stay like this forever everything is perfect right now.

“I have something to tell you amore.” He turns to me and caresses me cheek.

“Ok.” I sit up a bit and look into his beautiful amber eyes.

“Well when I was away with Mia.” I’m watching his lips move but it’s like a movie. I can’t hear him. As soon as I heard the word kiss I blanked out. I was staring into space. It was like the man in front of me was a stranger. The Max I know would not have let that happen. I see his lips stop moving and I sit there dumbfounded. I know he’s waiting for me to say something but I have nothing to say. I really am at a loss right now. I see he’s getting nervous he’s staring at me and then I feel it. I feel the tears start. I don’t want to cry.

“Liz, amore say something.” I snap out of my thoughts and stare at him.

“I guess there isn’t anything to say is there? I mean she kissed you so that’s that right?” I get up and walk to our bedroom. This is bullshit! I knew that skank was after Max but he didn’t want to hear it. It was only a matter of time before she did something and it happened.

“You know that I would never hurt you. There was nothing I could do she attacked me.” He walked into the room a few minutes after me.

“So what now Max? I’m supposed to be ok with you working with her? I’m supposed to be ok the next time you have a trip with her?”

“I’m not going anywhere with her again I promise you that. No more trips Liz. I can’t do anything about working with her. Her uncle runs the museum.” He sits on the edge of the bed.

“You know what? This is bullshit! I have to get out of here I can’t even look at you right now.” I hop of the bed and storm out of the house. I don’t want him to see me cry over this. I can’t even cry right now I’m so mad. I’m mad at him but I’m mostly pissed at Mia. How could she do this? She knows he’s married, I don’t get it. I know Max wouldn’t intentionally do anything to hurt me but he did today. How can I be sure it won’t happen again? I can’t and that’s what kills me.

I come home a few hours later and find Max on the sofa waiting for me. He cuts off the television and I sit next to him.

“Liz talk to me please.” He cups my face and runs his thumb over my lips.

“Max I know that you didn’t want that to happen. You have to understand how I feel. She likes you Max and you work with her. What happens if you have to go somewhere with her again? I can’t live like this. I can’t live with the constant worry every time you go to work.” I sigh and sit back.

“I know Liz and I’m sorry. I don’t know what to do about this. I have to work with her but like I said I’m not going on anymore trips with her that is final. If they fire me then so be it but I won’t do it.”

“Ok. I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” He nods and we go to bed. It’s been a long day and I really don’t feel like arguing about this. I know it’s not over but I let it go for now.

I’m having lunch with Isabella and I have to talk to someone about what happened. I tell her what Max told me.

“That bitch! I can’t believe she would do that.” She takes a sip of her coffee and I know that she hates Mia just as much as I do.

“I know. I hate that he has to work with her. I knew she liked him. I told Max to be careful.”

“But he was asleep Liz you can’t blame him for that.” She’s right but it doesn’t matter.

“I know. I just hope that he doesn’t have to do anything else with her outside of the office.” We finish our coffee and walk outside.

“Well if he does then let me know.”

“Ok.” I agree but still wonder what she’s up to.

A few weeks went by with nothing on the Mia front. Max went out to meet some clients for dinner a few times but they were always local and I always knew where he was going. He still had to go with Mia but Antonio went a few time as well. The first night he went out I was on edge but I let it go. Mia wasn’t going to control my life anymore. She has too much power over me without even knowing.

The first time Max got back from one of his dinner meeting he told me the clients canceled which I found strange since he was gone for so long.

“They called to cancel about 30 minutes after we got there. We had ordered food so I stayed and ate.

“You stayed? What about Mia?” I don’t want to pick a fight but it’s an ho

“Well she ate too. Like I said we both ordered food already.”

“How fabulous for you two. Have a nice cozy dinner Max? Did she try and attack you in the restaurant?” He sighs and sits on the sofa and I swear I want to smack him.

“Liz come on baby, it wasn’t like that you know that.” I’m frustrated and I’m over this conversation.

“Whatever. I’m going to bed.” I go to the bedroom and slam the door shut. I want him to know that I’m pissed and I don’t care. When did we get like this? When did we get the point that we fight all the time? I hate what our marriage has become. I hate that I’m this insecure person now.

I don’t like this constant fighting. It’s beginning to wear on me. This is not the life that I wanted. Liz has become incredibly insecure and it’s making me crazy. I sit in the living room for a while and decided to go to bed. I don’t want to sleep alone tonight.

When I walk in the room I see that Liz is asleep. She has her back turned away from me. I quickly change and slide underneath the covers. Instantly she moves towards me and I’m glad that some things haven’t changed. I pull her into my arms and kiss the top of her head.

I’m whispering words of love to her even though I know she’s asleep. I go to kiss her on the lips when I see her eyes flutter open.

“I’m sorry I woke you.” I say softly.

“It’s ok. I was up anyway.” I guess she wasn’t asleep.

“I meant everything I said amore.” I softly stroke her cheek and place soft kisses all over her face and neck. I hear her moan in delight and it ignites something inside of me. I need to have her right here right now.

“Max I need you. Please.” She pulls me down closer to her and I want to take it slow but I don’t think I can.

“I love you.” I stare into her beautiful eyes while I pour my love out to her. She has to know that she’s the only one for me. She pushes my boxers down with her feet and I quickly remove them the rest of the way. She is wearing a while silk nightgown and I can see her nipples pocking out. I lift up her nightgown and pull it off of her. I need to see her. The moonlight is creeping in through the curtains and it’s lighting her body perfectly. I can study every curve.

She scrapes her nails down my back and it’s driving me wild. I palm her breasts paying equal attention to both biting, sucking and pulling. I love all the sounds she emits when I’m doing this. She’s gently biting my neck and I know it’s going to leave a mark but I don’t care I want to enjoy this with no inhibitions.

“Max please I need you now I can’t wait.” I slide a finger into her folds and I feel her buck against me. I know she’s ready for me but I want to make her cum like this before I plunge inside her.

“un minuto il mio amore” I tell her to wait. I can tell she’s close; she’s bucking against my hand faster and faster.

“Oh God Max.” She’s panting for air now and I latch on to her breasts while she rides out her orgasm. I give her time to come down from her high before I slowly enter her.

As soon as I’m all the way in I feel complete. Being this close to her is heaven. My movements are slow and steady, I want it to last.

“Del Dio te amo.” I tell her I love her over and over. I can’t say it enough.

“Umm Max harder.” Her wish is my command. I grab the headboard and plunge into her harder. My strokes her quick and deep. She wants it deeper so I hook her legs under my arms and I’m now up on my knees thrusting hard and fast into her.

“Oh God yes!” I hear her chanting over and over. She pushes me back and I’m now sitting with her on my lap. I like it when she’s on top; it gives me better access to her perfect breasts.

“Shit Liz.” She’s riding me hard.

“Umm Max. Yes!” I’m close so close. I don’t think I can hold out any longer but I want to her to come over the edge with me.

“Sono quasi la il mio amore.” I tell her I’m near the edge and she starts to ride me harder and faster. I hear her scream as she comes and I follow soon after.

“God I love you.” She says and she lies on my chest completely spent.

“Me too.” I pull the blanket over us and drift off into a blissful sleep.

Just when things are going well something comes in a fucks it all up. Things with Max and I were going great. Mia was no longer a topic in our house and I liked it that way. I was out with Bella one night and we happened to pass by a restaurant when Bella notices Max.

“Hey is that Max?” She asks and I look to see him sitting at a table.

“Yeah this is where they were having a meeting tonight.” I shrug it off and begin to walk away when I see Bella still standing there.

“Bella come on. I’m starving.” I walk back and I see her wide eyed staring into the restaurant. When I look to see what’s gotten her attention I see Max and Mia. The problem is that there isn’t anyone else with them and they are looking like they are having a good time.

“Let’s go.” I say pulling her along with me.

“Bella I’m staying at your place tonight.” She doesn’t say anything and just nods her head. We go back to the house and I gather some things and throw them into a bag.

“Liz come on don’t you think you’re being harsh?” Bella is trying to clam me down.

“Harsh? No I’m being nice. I should wait for him and cut his BALLS OFF!”

“Come on Max wouldn’t do that to you. I‘m sure there is a perfectly good reason for all of this.”

“You know what? I’m sick and tired of hearing that shit! Max would never do that, Max isn’t like that blah blah blah! I’m over it! He IS doing it you saw it yourself!” I don’t mean to yell at her but she’s pissing me off.

“Ok.” Is all she says while I throw all kinds of things into my bag. I’m not even paying attention to what I’m bringing. On my way out the door I stop and walk over to the kitchen counter.

“What are you doing?” She asks as I take off my wedding rings.

“What do you think I’m doing? Let him give these to his little whore!” I slam my wedding band and engagement ring down on the counter and walk out of the house.


“Don’t Bella. I don’t want to talk please.” I’m afraid of what I might say to her at this point.


“Bella for fucks sakes, please!”

“Ok.” We get to her house and I run up the stairs to one of the guest bedroom and throw myself on the bed. I haven’t shed one tear the whole time but now is a different story. I bury my face into a pillow and scream. That fucking bastard how could he? He’s a liar and I hate him! I love him so much! I hate him! Back and forth I go from hate to love to disappointment back to hate.

Moments later I hear Bella on the phone. I walk over to the door and try to find out who she is talking to.

“Yeah she’s here… You need to talk to her about that…” I hear her say. Rage consumes me again.

“Tell that cheating bastard that I hope he has a good life with his whore!” I scream when I open the door and slam it shut again.

“Bella what the fuck is going on?” I ask her for the hundredth time after I hear Liz scream.

“We saw you tonight.”

“Saw me? What did you see me doing?” I have no fucking clue.

“We saw having a grand ole time Max. With Mia!” Great now Bella is pissed.

“I was waiting for some clients that…”

“Canceled at the last minute and you had already ordered your food. Yeah Max I know.” Damn I guess it’s more obvious to other, I was clueless.

“Well it’s true.” I say defending myself.

“Whatever Max I’m not the one over here crying my eyes out over you. Fix this because I’m sick of it. I love you and I love Liz and I hate to see this shit go on.” She hangs up and me and I know I’m in a world of trouble.

I curse the day that Mia came into my life. It’s been nothing but hell ever since. When I came in and saw Liz’s rings on the kitchen counter my heart stopped. I didn’t know what had happened and feared the worse. I looked all around the house for her and noticed that there were some drawers opened. The next thing I did was call Bella and thank God that she was there. When I found out why she was there I was enraged.

I call Antonio and talk to him about the situation. I can’t let any job come between my marriage. Enough is enough. He tells me that he will see what he can do and says he will talk to me tomorrow.

I sit in our bedroom and I feel so alone. The house feels empty even though all of out things are here but there is a void that only Liz can fill.

How could I have let this happen? How could I have been so blind? I’m too busy trying to see the good in people that I’ve let my marriage go to shit.

I got to bed alone for the first time in since I’ve been married and toss and turn. Something needs to be done and fast.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Thu May 20, 2004 9:14 pm
Location: Lost

Post by Icequeen »

Authors Note: Hey guys Jazzy is currently on vacation and she asked me to post this for her. She also wanted me to thank everyone for reading. :D

Chapter 6


I wake up with a massive headache I guess crying all night will do that to you. Isabel left me a note with some aspirin next to the bed. I must have been really knocked out since I didn’t hear her come in. I go to get something to eat before I take the aspirin and she tells me that she’s going out with Alex and that she will call me later.

I don’t know what to do. Part of me wants to run home and into Max’s arms but part of me is still pissed off. I shouldn’t have run away but I couldn’t face him and his excuses anymore.

I wish he would take off his rose colored glasses and see what’s really going on. Mia is so obvious to everyone except him.

I married a wonderful, caring, handsome and generous man and now I see that complications that come with that. I hope that we can resolve this and move on.


I’m up at the crack of dawn and feel exhausted. I didn’t sleep at all last night and picked up the phone about a million times to call Liz but didn’t.

I hop in the shower hoping it will wake me up a little before heading to work.

“Max you wanted to speak with me?” Antonio comes in my office and takes a seat across from me.

“I know that you told me that I needed to take Mia under my wing so to speak but I can’t do that anymore I’m sorry.” I rub my hands over my face in frustration.

“What happened?” He asks and I tell him everything. I wanted to keep what happened on our weekend trip low profile but I need to tell him everything if I’m going to get her away from me.

“I’m sorry Max I had no idea this was causing so many problems. I’ll have to find another spot for her without it looking like you requested it but trust me I’ll get it done as fast as I can. Give me a little time though ok?”

“Thank you. I appreciate it just keep me posted when you hear anything.” he shakes my hand and I feel a little better.

I need to get out of the office for a while and head out to lunch.

“Max wait up.” Before I walk out the main door Mia calls out to me.

“Mia.” I greet her coldly.

“Are you going to lunch?” She asks me with every intention to join me I’m sure.

“Yes I am.” I walk out the door only to have her follow me.

“May I join you?” Was she always his obvious or did what Liz say open my eyes?

“Actually I’d prefer it if you didn’t” I’m trying to brush her off as fast and politely as I can but she’s wearing me thin. As I walk down the street she follows me like a lost puppy.

“Is something wrong?” She asks me.

“No I’d just rather eat alone today.” I hail a cab even though there are about a dozen places to eat within walking distance.

“Ok then I’ll see you later.” She waves to me as I jump in the cab.

“Dove al signore?” He asks where to and I tell him to just drive around the block a few times. When I see that the coast is clear I hop out and go into a local deli.

Lunch was horrible, I couldn’t eat anything and headed back to work. I feel like a zombie just going through the motions right now. I need a break and so does Liz. A plan formulates in my head and I quickly pick up the phone to make some phone calls.


I decided to take the day off and surprise Alex today at home. He gave me his address a few weeks ago but this will be the first time I actually come to his house.

When I pull up I see his car is in the driveway and I’m relieved. I would have called but I wanted to surprise him. I stopped on the way and picked up some pastries and coffee from a place that he likes.

I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell.

“Yes?” A man answers the door.

“Um is Alex here?” I ask nervously.

“Who are you?” Ok he’s rude.

“Isabella.” Two can play this game asshole.

“Isabella? Oh come in please.” Jeckle and Hyde much? I walk in and see three other men sitting on a black leather sofa. When I look around the apartment I notice that it looks like he just moved in. Boxes are all around and the only furniture is a large leather sectional a coffee table and a big screen television.

“Alex, Isabella is here.” The man that opened the door screams. I guess Alex was upstairs or something. I sit on the far edge of the sofa and wait with the pastries in my hand. The men are staring at me as if they’ve never seen a woman before and it’s making me nervous.

If he had an Italian accent I would have sworn they were mafia. They are dressed in black suits and all have aviator glasses. One of them even has them on in the house instead of
on his head like the others. Loser.

“Bella what are you doing here?” Alex looks shocked and not a good kind either. He looks nervous.

“I wanted to surprise you. I brought pastries and coffee.” I hold up the box and show him.

“Honey you should have called me. I’m in the middle of a meeting right now.”

He looks around at the men that are just sitting there. Again I wonder what exactly he does?

“Oh I’m sorry. I’ll just go then.” I gather my things and walk towards the door.

“Bella I’m sorry. I’ll call you as soon as we are done here.” Alex walks me to the door.

“It’s ok. I’ll talk to you later then.” He gives me a kiss on the cheek and waits for me to get into the car before closing the door. I sit in my car feeling like an idiot. All this time I’ve been with him and I still don’t know what exactly he does for a living.

It seems like I don’t know much about Alex but I intend to find out. When I pull out I notice that there are 4 black Mercedes parked across the street with the windows tinted really dark.

“That’s strange.” I think before pulling out of my parking spot.


Everything is set I just need to get Bella to help me out with the rest of
it. Hopefully she can use her ways to get Liz to agree to this. I need to talk to Antonio but no matter what I’m doing this.

“Antonio could I talk to you for a moment?” I step into his office and take a seat.

“Sure what is it?” he puts down his papers and focuses on me.

“I need to take some time off. With everything that has happened I need to focus on my wife right now so I’m going to be going away for a week.”

“When are you leaving?” He asks but he doesn’t seem mad.

“Friday. I’ll be back at work Monday of the following week. I hate to spring
this on you like this but it needs to be done.” He smiles and I take it as a good sign.

“Max I understand. Take all the time you need hopefully I’ll have this situation fixed when you get back.” We talk for a bit longer and I head home early.


I’ve wanted to call Max a thousand times today but didn’t. He didn’t call me either and it hurts. I’m still at Bella’s and hope that she comes home soon, I’m bored.

“Hey you were gone for a while did you have a good time?” I ask when she comes home.

“It was ok. I ended up going to see my father actually Alex was working.” She sits next to me.

“Oh that’s too bad. What made you go see your father?” She never goes to see them unless it’s for dinner.

“I needed to have him look into something for me, It’s not a big deal. So what did you do all day?” I know she’s wondering if I’ve talked to Max.

“Nothing just lounged around here.” I answer sadly.

“Liz why don’t you call him?”

“Why doesn’t he call me? I’m not going to run to him Bella. I love him but I’m not wrong here, he is.” I let out a frustrated breath and run my fingers through my hair.

“I just hate to see you so upset that’s all. I talked to Max before I got here and I know he’s upset too Liz. He loves you so much you have to know that.” I do know that but that’s not what is in question here.

“Isabel I know he does but he hurt me and this is not the first time that has happened either.”

“You know what I think? I think you guys need to get away for a little while. Go somewhere and just talk without being able to run away.”

“Yeah well that sounds great and all but I don’t know if Max can get away from his whore.” So I’m still mad so what.

“Liz come on don’t be like that. Just go away with him for a week. Take the time to work on your relationship and talk to him I mean really talk this time.” I wonder what she’s up to?

“Alright if he can get away then I’ll do it.” Isabel jumps off the sofa and goes to call Max I’m sure.

“Do you want to talk to him?” Bella comes in with the phone in her hand and I shake my head no. I agreed to go away with him but I can’t talk to him right now as much as it hurts.

“Ok, he has everything planned but he wants it to be a surprise. Just be ready on Friday.” She comes back in and tells me.

“Thanks Bella I hate to put you in the middle of all of this.”

“Well I did my part, I’m out of it now. You need to talk to him Liz and you need to do it before Friday. He’s hurting, when I told him that you didn’t want to talk to him I heard the disappointment in his voice.” I hate that he’s hurting but I am too.

“I know he’s upset. I’ll talk to him soon ok?” We talk about dinner plans and I head up to the bedroom.


I can’t take this anymore. I need to talk to Liz and I have to do it now. I pace the house for a while then change and head over to Bella’s.

“Max what are you doing here?” Bella answers the door.

“I need to talk to Liz.” She steps aside and lets me in the house.

“Max you should have let her come to you.” I sigh and look around waiting for Liz to show up.

“I don’t care Bella I can’t take this anymore. Where is she anyway?”

“She’s upstairs most likely crying again.” Her words hurt me. I know that I’m the cause of this pain and I hate myself for it.

“I’m going up to talk to her.” She stops me.

“Wait a second. Choose your words wisely Max. She’s upset and she has every right to be. Hear her out ok?” I nod and slowly walk upstairs.

“Liz?” I softly knock on the door and call her. After a few moments there is no answer. I turn the doorknob and slowly push the door open. When I step into the room I see Liz in the middle of the bed in the fetal position.

I quietly walk over to the bed and see that she is sleeping. When I look closer I can see tear marks on her cheeks, that breaks my heart. I lay
next to her and stroke her hair softly careful not to wake her. I’ve missed her so much and it hits me like a ton of bricks right now.

“Liz.” I whisper her name after a few moments of laying next to her. She rolls over and faces me. When she flashes me one of her brilliant smiles my heart melts.

“Max?” She asks as if I’m not really there like it’s a dream.

“Amore I wanted to talk to you.” She looks into my eyes for a moment before looking down at the bedspread.

“Max I don’t want to fight about this.”

“Neither do I but we have to talk about it. You ran off and we haven’t spoken about it.” I shift on the bed to make myself more comfortable.

“Fine then talk.” She props her head up with the palm of her hand and waits for me to talk.

“I know that what you saw hurt you but it’s not what you think. I’ve thought
about my actions over the past and I can see where things went wrong. I was blind about a lot of things and I let that get between us, I’m sorry for that.” She’s looking at me like she’ thinking it’s total bullshit.

“Max I know that you didn’t mean for these things to happen but you have to do something to stop it from happening again. You can sit here and say I’m sorry over and over but it won’t do any good unless you act and do something.”

“I am doing something. I talked to Antonio today and he said he will try to have it all worked out by the time we get back from our trip.” I hope that it’s enough for her.

“That’s all I wanted Max.” She reaches up and pulls me down for a hug.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Icequeen »

Thank you all for the FB. Sorry no time for personals but i appreciate all your FB.

~~Chapter 7~~


Max and Liz are in Tuscany for the week, and I’m glad that they are talking again. Max can be such an idiot sometimes. I asked my father to look into something for me, but I told him that I took care of it. He would end up asking me questions about it and I wasn’t prepared to tell him that I don’t know a damn thing about the man I’m seeing. I decide to try and get something on him myself. I know that his work is in New York so I start there. I contacted a very good client of mine and asked for a favor I’m waiting for a call back today hopefully he found something out. I hate that I have to resort to this but Alex is very vague about a lot of things and it’s driving me crazy.

With Liz gone I throw myself into work to keep me occupied. I have to go to New York tomorrow and hope to stop by and see Michael and Maria. I haven’t seen them in a while.

I’m on my way home to pack when my cell phone rings.


“Isabella it’s Erik how are you?” It’s my client from New York and I’m glad he called me back.

“I’m great. I’m actually headed up there tomorrow. How are you?”

“I’m great. Listen I looked into what you asked me to and I’m sorry to say that there is nothing on Alex Whitman. The only thing I was able to find was an address that’s on his license and a credit report that is spotless.” This is not what I wanted to hear.

“What about employment?” Surely he has a record of a job.

“Sorry there wasn’t anything listed.” That’s crazy.

“Well he has a job so why wouldn’t it be on there?” I ask puzzled that it’s not there.

“I don’t know what to tell you. I’m still waiting on a call back from another friend so I’ll be in touch.” I thank him and hang up. Alex Whitman is quite the enigma I wonder why?


Tuscany is heaven on earth. We are staying in the most beautiful villa and haven’t left the room in two days. I want to crawl up inside Max and stay there forever. When we first got to the house we talked again about what happened and I realized that I have to trust him because if I don’t then I’ll make us both miserable. I also realized that he’s not perfect and neither am I. I have to accept what happened and move on or not be with him anymore which is not an option. I know that a lot of it has to do with what happened to me in the past but Max is not Jackson and I can’t think that he is. While Max has his flaws he’s not a monster.

Max is asleep and I’m perfectly content just watching his chest rise and fall. My husband is a work of art inside and out. I brush his hair away from his face, he’s let it get long but I like it.

“Mmm why didn’t you wake me? How long have you been up?” He opens his beautiful eyes and looks at me with so much love that I think I might burst.

“I like watching you.” He leans up on one elbow and kisses me.

“Max I wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Ok what is it?” I can see him getting worried. He must think that I’m going to bring up what happened again.

“Well I was thinking about trying to have a baby and I wanted to go to the doctor to see what we would have to do.” I look down and play with the blanket hoping that he’s ok with it.

“Really? I mean are you sure because I read that…..” I cut him off by placing a kiss on his lips.

“I’m sure Max. I don’t care what we have to do I want to try. I read about it too and I’m ok with it. Are you ok with it?”

“Y-yes! Of course I am, whatever you want to do I’m behind you, you know that.”

“Not behind me, next to me Max. I always want you next to me.” He pulls me on top of him and we make love for the second time this morning.

I land in New York and hail a cab to take me to the hotel there is no way in hell I’m driving into the city. I called Michael when I landed and he and Maria are going to meet me tomorrow after my meetings.

When I step out of the cab I take in the sight of midtown Manhattan. I love Italy but there is something about New York that is like nowhere else in the world. After checking into my room I shower and head downstairs to have dinner. I hate eating alone but hate eating in my room even more.

I’m seated near the back and I like it because I have a view of the city on one side and the rest of the restaurant as well. I order my food and drink and flip through the days paper while I wait. A few business men come in shortly after and I look up as they are seated not too far away from me. One of the catches my eye and looks familiar but I brush it off. My food arrives and I can’t help but overhear bits and pieces of their conversation.

“He’s planning something big I mean huge.” I can’t see their faces but they are excited about something. Must be a business deal.

“I don’t know how he’s going to top what he did last time.” The voice sounds familiar I just can’t place it. Damn it! I see their lips moving but can’t make out any of the words they are whispering at this point.

One of them stands up and I discreetly move over to get a view of his face.

Oh my God! I need to call Michael right away. I call the waiter over so I can pay my bill and go up to my room. I pay the bill and rush up to my room trying to avoid the man I just saw. I don’t know if he will remember me or not but I don’t want to take any chances.

When I call Michael I get no answer, same for his cell phone.

“Damn it.” I throw the phone on the bed. My next thought was to call Max but don’t want to alert him. It might be nothing but it could be something big.


“So I heard there might have been an issue the other day? I hope you haven’t fucked this up.”

“Everything is fine trust me. It could have escalated but I took care of it.” I light a cigar and sit out on the balcony.

“Yeah well let that be the last time that anything like that happens. If you get caught you better disappear because I’ll find you and kill you myself.”

“I got it. Relax ok. It wasn’t a big deal anyway.” The aroma of the vanilla from the cigar is soothing.

“Let me be the judge of what’s a big deal and what isn’t. If you’ve been through all I have you pick up on things like this and trust me when I tell you that it’s not over. What happened the other day will happen again so you better be prepared for it.”

“Alright I got to go.” I hang up and enjoy the rest of my cigar.

It’s 10 o clock and Michael still hasn’t called me back. I’m pacing the hotel room thinking of that mans face over and over again. I really wish Michael would call me already.

As I get ready for bed my phone rings finally.

“Pronto.” I didn’t look at the caller ID and have no clue who it is.

“Bella?” It’s Alex. I wished it was Michael but I miss Alex so I welcome his call.

“Hey.” I make myself comfortable on the bed.

“Where are you? I went by your house and you weren’t there.” He asks.

“Yeah sorry about that I had to come to New York for a few days. I’ve been distracted, I’m sorry I didn’t call.” Things were so crazy that I forgot.

“It’s alright I just wanted to talk to you about what happened the other day at my house. I’m sorry if it seemed like I was rushing you out.”

“It’s alright I shouldn’t have dropped by like that. You had company it’s fine really.” He did seem to want to rush me out but I’m not going to tell him that.

“So what are you doing in New York?” We talk about business for a while when Michael calls me.

“Oh Alex I have to get this. I’m sorry can I call you back?” I clicked back over to Alex after telling Michael to hold.

“Sure it’s no problem.” I hang up and click back over.

“What’s wrong Bella?”

“Michael do you remember the guy at the funeral home? The one that no one could find after that day?” I hope he remembers.

“Yeah. What’s up?”

“I saw him today.”

“What? Where? Did he see you?” He’s throwing questions at me and I don’t blame him.

“I was having dinner downstairs and I saw him with a group of men. He didn’t see me but it’s him Michael I know it was.”

Did you hear them say anything? Did you recognize anyone else?” He asks.

“He said something about someone planning something huge and about not being able to top what he did before. I don’t know who they were talking about. You need to come down here, what if he’s staying at this hotel?” I’m getting nervous now.

“I’ll be there tomorrow. Have you told Max yet?”

“No he’s on vacation with Liz and I don’t want to bother them. They need this time trust me.” I hear him sigh.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” The concerned brother comes out in him and it makes me smile.

“Nothing major just some miscommunication. Everything is fine now.” I’d be the first to kick Max’s ass if he did something stupid.

“Alright I’ll be there tomorrow early. I have to drop off some paintings.”

“Maria isn’t coming?” I ask.

“No she can’t but she wants to talk to you for a minute. Hold on.” He puts Maria on and she apologizes for not being able to join Michael tomorrow. We talk for a while and I head to bed exhausted.

The next morning I remembered that I never called Alex back. I get dressed and give him a call before Michael gets here.

“Hey, sorry I didn’t call you back. I was on the phone pretty late.” I scan the breakfast menu for something to order.

“It’s ok. When are you going to be back?” He asks.

“I’m leaving tomorrow afternoon.”

“Good. When you get back lets have dinner just me and you.”

“Ok that sounds good. I’ll give you a call when I land.” We say our goodbye’s and I pick up the phone to order room service.

I fish up my breakfast when I hear a knock at the door.

“Michael!” I grab him in a tight hug, It’s been so long since I’ve seen him.

“Bella you look beautiful as always.” He gives me a kiss on the cheek and I lead him into the room.

“So I hear things are going well for you here.” I offer him some coffee and sit next to him on the sofa.

“Yeah things have been great.” I sense that something is wrong but don’t want to pry. I know that he’s a private person.

“I’m so happy for you.”

“Listen I wanted to tell you something but don’t tell Max or Liz that you know.” I sit up a little, he now has my full attention.

“Alright what is it?”

“Well I’ve been in touch with Max through some e-mails. I’ve been looking into the disappearance of Jackson’s body but haven’t found anything yet. The man has disappeared into thin air or at least his body has.”

“Wow. I didn’t know that you were still looking into that and your right that is strange. I don’t know Michael but replaying the bit’s of the conversation that I heard I’m not too sure that he’s really dead.” I’ve been thinking about it all night.

“At this point anything is possible I guess. I just don’t see why.” Michael says and I have to agree with him.

“What do you think about me seeing the man from the funeral home? Do you really think that there is something going on? Do you think that Liz is in danger?” The thought of that scares the shit out of me. I don’t know if Max and Liz would survive something like that again.

“Honestly if he is alive then I’d be worried. I need to look into things further before we say anything. I don’t want to alert them for no reason.”

“Michael he’s my brother I have to tell him something. If anything happened to either of them and I knew it would kill me. I can’t not tell him at this point. Too many things aren’t making sense and I think they need to know.” I know that he’s not going to like the idea but I have to tell them.

“Alright I guess you can tell Max but don’t say anything to Liz. It’s just going to freak her out and we don’t know for sure yet. I don’t want her to become a recluse or anything for no reason.” I don’t like the idea but I agree anyway.

“Keep me posted as well. I want to know what’s going on.”

“I will. So tell me about this guy.”

“Max told you?” I ask.

“Yup and I want to know all about him.” I laugh and tell him the little that I know about Alex….the very little.


“She’s in New York?” He lights a cigarette and props his feet up on the desk.

“Yeah, she just got there though and it’s only for a few days.”

“Where is she staying?”

“The Saint Regis in midtown.” He takes a sip of his orange soda.

“Nice place. Did she say anything?”

“She said a lot of things.” A smile graced my face, I love pushing his buttons.

“Don’t be a smart ass, you know what I’m referring to.”

“No she didn’t. Everything is fine, I have it under control.”

“Well I’m going to have to be the judge of that myself and since she’s so close I think I just might do that.” He slams the cigar in the ashtray.

“I don’t think that is a good idea. You can’t be seen.”

“I know that idiot. I don’t have to be the one looking to find out what’s going on. You should know that by now. By the way, your phones are being tapped so don’t try anything stupid.” He laughs.

“Why the fuck are you tapping my phones? Look if you don’t trust me then pull me out.”

“The only way you are getting out of this early is if you are in a body bag. It’s your choice, you know where to reach me when you decide.” He slams the phone down and grins in satisfaction.

“This is going to be so easy.” He says before he grabs his jacket and heads to the city.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 259
Joined: Thu May 20, 2004 9:14 pm
Location: Lost

Post by Icequeen »

Thank you guys for the FB. I went over this part about 20 times and i still hate it but it is what it is. Thanks again for reading.

~~Chapter 8~~


The conversation with Michael has me more on edge. I have a really bad feeling but I don’t want to alarm Max and Liz for no reason. I’m heading home today and am glad to get out of New York. After Michael left I met with my clients and did some light shopping but had a feeling that I was being watched. I would keep looking over my shoulder and of course there would be hundreds of people on the street, but no one that I could make out.

After a short nap I pack my things and make a quick call to Alex before I leave.

“Hey I just wanted to call you before I boarded the plane.”

“What time will you be home?” He asks me.


“Well call me anyway just so I know that you are safe.” I hear some static on the phone and think it’s my cell phone.

“Do you hear that?” I ask.

“Yeah must be a bad connection. So did everything go well?”

“Yes everything was great. Well I’m going to go check out I have to be at the airport soon anyway.”

“Bella, be careful ok?” That takes me off guard a bit.

“Ok I will. Talk to you soon.” I hang up and think about what he said. It wasn’t so much his words but the way he said them. He sounded as if there was something I should be looking out for. Maybe he has a fear of flying or something.


“I don’t want to go back.” Liz and I are out on the terrace having breakfast overlooking the most beautiful view, after Liz of course.

“Me either. This place is a dream.” I see her take a bite of a strawberry and lick my lips. She doesn’t realize that by her doing something as simple as that it gets me turned on.

“So what are we doing today? We only have a few days left.” She asks breaking me out of my thoughts of what I would like to do to her right now to her.

“We could go horseback riding. You said you wanted to do that.” We haven’t really left the villa since we’ve been here and it will be nice to get out.

“I’d like to ride something else actually.” She looks at me with those beautiful chocolate orbs of hers and walks over to me then straddles my lap.

“I think I can help with that.” She wraps her arms around my neck and leans down for a kiss. My hands are cupping her ass while she grinds into my erection.

“Mmm silk I like.” She breathes into my ear. I swear I can’t tell the difference between the gown she has on and the feel of her skin.

“Liz…..lets go inside.” There aren’t any houses nearby but the thought of doing this out here in the open is scary.

“Max, live a little.” The feel of her sucking on my earlobe makes me forget about where we are. The only thing I can think of is how much I want her…now! I slowly lift up her nightgown and quickly notice that she’s not wearing any underwear.

“You were sitting there the whole time with no underwear on?” I ask while kneading her nipples.

“Y-yes.” I know she likes when I suck and pull on them. I make a popping sound when I release one and lightly blow making it rock hard.

“Max don’t tease.” I guess she wants it fast this time.

“As you wish.” I feel her hands on the hem of my boxers and I lift my hips up slightly so she can pull them off. The coldness of the chair shocks me a little when I sit back down naked.

“God Max.” She whispers when she sinks down on me. I slide my hand under her nightgown and play with her breasts. Needing to feel her closer I throw caution to the wind and completely take it off of her.

“Humm, I like this daring side of you.” She says while riding me slowly. I smile and pull her closer to be feeling her hard nipples against my chest. I begin my assault on her neck and shoulders. My wife is a work of beauty and I want to cherish every inch of her for the rest of my life.

“Siete un angela. Cosi bella.” I tell her that she’s an angel.

“Oh Fuck Max I’m close….so…..close.” I see her face contort a sure sign that she’s near the edge.

“Lasciato va l’innamorata.” I tell her to let go. I love when she screams my name in pure ecstasy with no inhibitions.

Moments later we both find our ending and Liz collapses on top of me.

It’s close to 11P.M. when I finally land in Rome, and I still have about 30 minutes before I get home. I slept for most of the flight so I’m wide awake right now. Max and Liz should be home in a few days. I really think that I should at least tell Max what’s going on. Maybe if he was on the lookout I would feel better about things.

I get to my apartment and feel as if someone was just here. I know it’s silly because no one has keys to my house, but I have an eerie feeling. I drop my bags and sort though the mail that I picked up on the way in. It’s mostly junk mail and bills, so I toss them on the kitchen counter.

After going through my voice messages I pour myself a glass of wine and go out to the balcony. It’s a beautiful night out.

When I step out I can’t help but smell the distinct odor of those vanilla cigars that Alex smokes.

“How would he have gotten in?” I ask out loud. There is no way he could have gotten in. And why would he anyway? I shake my head and sit down to enjoy my wine. A few moments later I decide to call Alex. He asked me to call him no matter what time.

“Pronto.” He answers the phone and I laugh.

“Since when do you answer like that?” I ask him.

“I don’t know I guess it rubbed off on me. So you’re home?”

“Yeah, I got here a few minutes ago.”

“Good.” He sounds relieved for some reason. It’s odd.

“Are you alright? You’ve been acting strange lately?” I ask him.

“Everything is fine. Just work, you know.” I don’t believe him but I let it go.

“Ok , well I‘m going to bed. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” We say goodbye and I sit out on the balcony for a while longer. Something is going on and I intend to find out what it is.


“I’m not going. I refuse to get out of this bed.” Max has been packing some of our things and I’m getting depressed.

“We’ll come back baby, but we have to go. I have to get back to work and so do you.” He smoothes my hair and kisses me on the crown of my head.

“Don’t remind me about work, please.” I reluctantly get out of bed and go brush my teeth.

“So how insane do you think Bella is going to drive me when I get back?” I ask when I step out of the bathroom.

“Very.” I smack his arms and help him pack.

“Thank you for bringing me here. This was just what we needed.” I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist.

“Your welcome but it was my pleasure.” I lay my head against his chest and we sway together for a while. This week was beyond perfect. If only thing could stay this way forever.


“I got a look at your girl. Not too bad. She looks a lot better in person if do say so myself. Anyway I need to speed things up.”

“What do you have in mind?” I ask but I know that it’s a mistake. He wants to rush things.

“I’m going out there.”

“What? Are you crazy?” This was too much. Everything we worked for would be ruined.

“What the fuck did you just say to me? How dare you question me.”

“Look, things are going smoothly. Why don’t you wait a few days when make plans. This is not the time to rush things.” I tried to reason with him while I sorted out things that were running through my mind. Mostly second thoughts.

“I have a few more things to take care of anyway but let that be the last time that you speak to me that way. I won’t stand for it.”

“Fine.” I wanted to tell him to fuck off but I know that it wasn’t the best thing to say.

“Fuck! This is not good. I need more time!” I say after I hang up throwing my aviator glasses across the room.


I’m supposed to be meeting Alex at a nearby café ,and I arrive early as usual. As I sit and wait for him, I spot Tessa again.

“Is she always out?” I mutter to myself. Ever since the day I spotted her when I was with Liz I’ve seen her everywhere. Most of the time I manage to get away before she spots me but a few times I’ve had to stop and talk to her. I hope this is one of the times that I get away.

“Bella, hi.” Shit, she spotted me.

“Hello.” I say coldly. I still don’t trust her.

“Are you alone?” She asks getting ready to take a seat.

“I’m meeting someone.” I say quickly before she can sit down.

“Oh.” She stands there like an idiot, and I’m forced to talk to her. I hope Alex comes in soon.

“So, how have you been?” She asks and I wonder why she wants to talk to me at all.

“Fine. And you?” I have some manners.

“Ok. just tired lately you know.” I want to tell her that I don’t really care but she looks so lonely right now.

“Yeah. I bet it can be tiring. Are you meeting someone here?” I ask stealing glances at the door waiting for Alex to show up.

“I I still don’t know anyone here.” I almost jump for joy when I see Alex walk in. He looks very handsome, too, wearing a pair of dark blue jeans with a blue button down shirt and black blazer on top. The aviator glasses complete the look perfectly.

“I’m so sorry I’m late.” He gives me a kiss and helps me back to my seat.

“It’s ok. Um Alex this is Tessa.” I might as well introduce them since she’s just standing there.

“Hello.” Alex greets her. Tessa says hello and soon leaves.

“She a friend of yours?” He asks.

“Not really.” We get our menus and place our orders.

“I have to go back to New York for a few days for work.” He says and takes a seat.


“I’m not sure yet but sometime soon.” He looks distracted.

“Too bad it wasn’t the same week I went. Only a few days right?” I ask a little saddened.

“Yeah three days at most but I don’t think it will be that long. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay I understand how work is. Are you meeting clients?” I ask since I know nothing about his work.

“Umm yeah. I just have to go over the details of something that I’m working on. Boring stuff.” He laughs.

“It’s not boring, we talk about my work all the time.” I’m trying to get him to open up to me.

“Trust me It’s boring.” I sense that he doesn’t want to talk about it and drop it for now.

“So if she wasn’t a friend why were you talking to her?” I guess he wanted to change topics.

“I’ve known her for a while. She and Max had a past.” I don’t like talking about Tessa and wonder why he even cares.

“A past, as in dating?”

“Yeah you could say that.” This is getting uncomfortable for me.

“Well it’s looks like she moved on.” He refers to her current situation.

“Yeah. She’s all alone now though. The guy was in town for a few days only, he was an American. From New York actually.”

“So he doesn’t know then?” He asks after our waiter takes our order.

“No. She has no way of reaching him. He’s umm….dead.” I don’t know why I’m even telling him this.

“Wow. That must be really hard on her.”

“Well she kind of doesn’t know.” I suddenly feel bad for not telling Tessa.

“How do you know and she doesn’t? Why haven’t you told her?” He’s making me feel like shit now.

“It’s a really long story and trust me it’s better that she forget all about Jackson.” The minute the name comes out of my mouth I regret it. I don’t know why I said it.

“Well….. umm that’s still….too bad for her.” Alex looks spooked for some reason. Like the news shocked him, maybe a little too much.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Thu May 20, 2004 9:14 pm
Location: Lost

Post by Icequeen »

Thank you all for the FB. Dropping this off really quick, sorry no time for personals but i have a splitting headache.

~~Chapter 9~~


I get back to work after a beautiful week with Liz and feel refreshed. Mia seems to be keeping her distance and I hope that it was Antonio’s doing. Liz and I have an appointment with the fertility specialist on Thursday and I’m nervous and excited. I’ve always wanted children but now that we are officially trying I question weather or not I’ll be a good father. I know Liz will be wonderful but I don’t know about me. I’ve never really been around children.

I’m meeting Bella for lunch this afternoon and start to get ready, if I’m late she’ll have my head.

“You’re late.” She says when I get to the restaurant.

“No, I’m not. You’re early.” I kiss her on the cheek and take a seat.

“Did you guys have a good time?” She asks me.

“Yeah, it was great. We didn’t want to leave but real life calls.” I laugh and place my lunch order.

“Did you tell her?”

“Tell her what?” I ask knowing full well what she’s talking about.

“Cute, but it doesn’t work on me. You know what I’m talking about.”

“No I haven’t Bella, there is nothing to say. I don’t plan on seeing her again so what’s the point?” I’m getting annoyed, I think I’m getting an ulcer.

“I should get up and smack you over the head. Max, when are you going to learn that when you keep secrets they always come back to bite you in the ass? I’m telling you for the last time, tell her. This is not a joke. You need to tell her. What happens if Tessa runs into Liz and mentions it? What happens if you and Liz are eating and Tessa comes over to say hello? I’ve run into Tessa a few times how do you know that it won’t happen to you? Liz might be head over heels in love with you Max, but you aren‘t that good. You’re not going to get away with it, so save yourself the headache and come clean.”

“Can’t we ever have a meal with just a normal how’s life conversation? Every time I see you I’m getting a lecture from you.” I feel like I’m being attacked.

“Whatever Max, You do what you want. I’m trying to help you out since you are going through life with blinders on. You know that I’ve always been blunt and honest. I love you and I don’t want you hurt and the same goes for Liz, I don’t want this to come between you, that’s all.” I feel bad for my reaction and lean over to give her a hug.

“I’m sorry. You’re right, as usual. Let’s just enjoy our meal ,ok?” She agrees and we eat.

“How was New York?” I almost forgot that she was there for a few days.

“It was alright?” That’s odd, she loves New York.

“Did you see Maria and Michael?”

“Just Michael, Maria had to work.” She is hiding something I know it.

“What happened?” I finally ask after moments of silence.

“Nothing happened. I was there for work.”

“You are the worst liar you know that. Are you going to tell me or am I going to have to keep bugging you about it?” She drops her fork and looks at me seriously.

“Something did happen but I’d rather not talk about it here. All I’ll say right now is that I talked to Michael about his recent contact with you.” I didn’t expect that at all.

“Is something going on? What did he say?” All kind of things are running thought my head.

“Not here Max.” She’s killing me.

“Where then? If something is going on I need to know this is my life we are talking about here.”

“I know that Max. I’d rather talk about it in a more private setting. Come by my house after work ok?”

“Fine.” We finish our food and I head back to the office with my heart in my stomach. Something is going on and it’s big enough that she doesn’t want to talk about it in public. TI can tell the rest of the day is going to go by painfully slow.

I knew that he would be able to tell that something was wrong. I hope I’m doing the right thing by telling him but he needs to know. He’s right it is he and Liz’s life at stake and I’m not willing to play against those odds. I hope he doesn’t do anything stupid when I tell him.

I stop by the office to check on things before heading home. I’m still tired from my trip and decide to take a short nap before Max gets here. I know that he will be here early, he’s not going to be able to stay at work for the rest of the day knowing that I know something.

When I get to my apartment I smell the aroma of Alex’s cigars again. He doesn’t smoke in my house so it’s odd. Maybe I’m imagining it all because I miss him. He’s been very distant lately. I check my messages and return a call to my mother. I haven’t seen my parents in a while and need to make a trip up there soon. When pick up the phone I hear some static. Must be something with the line. Again I smell the vanilla smell but it’s stronger this time, as if he was using my phone when smoking.

“I’m losing my mind.” I say before dialing my parents number.

3 hours later and 2 hours early Max is ringing my doorbell.

“I knew you would be here early.” I open the door and let him in.

“I couldn’t get any work done. I had to get out of there.” We take a seat in the living room and I can tell that he’s been thinking about this for a while.

“Ok when I was at the restaurant of my hotel I thought I recognized someone.” I tell him the details of that dinner and the conversation I had with Michael the following day.

“Do you really think it was him?” He asks after I’ve told him everything.

“I’m pretty sure Max. I only saw him for a few minutes and it was a while ago but I’m almost positive.” I hate this. I hate that we are going through this again.

“Shit! This is not good. If it his him then something is definitely up.” I see the frustration in my brother’s face and it hurts me to see him like this.

“Max, it might be nothing. I didn’t want to tell you but I thought about it and thought you should know. It’s up to you whether or not you want to tell Liz. Just know that I’m not going to interfere with that.” I need him to know that I will respect his privacy.

“Thanks Bell.” I watch him for a few moments and know that he is having a great internal battle with himself. I wish there was something I could do but there isn’t. unfortunately this is a ‘wait and see what happens’ type of situation. Michael is already doing what he can and there isn’t much we can do all the way over here in Italy.


What am I going to tell Liz? If I tell her that something is going on I’m afraid I’ll lose her. I’m afraid of her wanting to leave me for my own protection again. I’m being totally selfish, but she’s my world and I can’t let her go. I need to talk to Michael and get more details before I say anything to Liz. I hope I don’t regret this.

When I get home the house is empty. Liz left a message saying she will be home at six. That gives me plenty of time to put a call in to Michael before she gets here. Totally oblivious to the time difference I call Michael.

“Hello.” Michael answers and I’m glad that it wasn’t Maria.

“It’s Max. I’m sorry about calling this late.”

“It’s alright. It’s only 11P.M. here. What’s up?” He asks and I’m glad that I didn’t wake him up.

“I talked to Bella today.”

“She told you?” He asks then proceeds to tell me what they talked about again and that he hasn’t been able to find out anything new.

“I appreciate you looking into this for me Michael.”

“Hey she’s my sister, it’s my pleasure. If that asshole is alive I want to know so I can kill him myself.” I know how he feels but his statement scares me a little. What if he is alive? Would he come after Liz again?

“Alright. Keep me posted and I’ll do the same over here.”

“Will do, man.” I hang up and head to the shower. I feel so tense right now. I need to relax before Liz comes home and sees me tense. She’ll know that something is wrong right away.

I turn on the hot water letting the steam fill up our bathroom. I look around and see Liz’s feminine touches everywhere and try to imagine my life without her for a second. I wonder where I would be right now? I doubt I would be living in Florence. The steam has completely filled the room and I step into the shower letting the hot water hit my back and shoulders in an effort to loosen up my muscles.

I’m about to turn the water off when I hear the bathroom door open. I know it’s Liz, but don’t say anything wondering what she has in mind. I have my back to the shower door when I suddenly feel a rush of cold air hit me.

“ Mind if I join you?” She gives me a seductive smile.

“Of course not.” She steps into the shower and hands me the soap so I can lather her up.

“I missed you today.” She says between kisses.

“Me too.” I turn her towards the water spray and let her wet her hair while I grab the shampoo.

“That feels nice.” I’m massaging the shampoo into her hair as she leans back against my chest. I’m tempted to reach down and rub her breasts but I restrain myself.

Once the hot water runs out and we have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves we step out and get dressed. All thoughts of Jackson and what happened in New York leave my mind as we enjoy a nice quiet night at home. All of that can wait I want to enjoy my wife tonight.

“Is everything in place?”

“Yeah, but I don’t see what good it’s going to do?” I don’t feel comfortable with what I just did.

“Let me be the judge of that. Just make sure that everything is in place.”

“It is.” I sigh into the phone.

“Having second thoughts?”

“No. Everything is done. Is there anything else?”

“That’s all for now. I’ll be in touch. Oh, and I won’t need you to come out here. Plans have changed.”

“Listen, when you were here, did you happen to meet a petite blonde?” I have to know if it’s just a coincidence.

“I think so, why?”

“No reason.” I say hoping that he will let it go.

“You asked for a reason. Don’t play games, why did you ask?”

“I think I ran into her that’s all.”

“Alright, I’ll be in touch.”

“Fine. Goodbye.” I hang up and light up a cigar. I need to relax. I wonder if she really is the same girl that he met when he was here, and if she is, would he even care about her situation. I decide to wait before I say anything, this could come in handy later.
Last edited by Icequeen on Thu Oct 20, 2005 12:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Post by Icequeen »

Hi all! It is Amy again, Jazzy is back at home and there is no power! Hopefully it will be back up soon, but who knows! She wants to thank you all for your feedback!


Chapter 10


“Where are we going?” Alex called and asked me to meet him downstairs.

“It’s a surprise.” He says. I laugh and get into his car.

“I have to blindfold you. Sorry.” He wraps a black silk scarf around my head and drives off.

“Give me a hint at least.” I ask hoping that he will give me some clue.

“Nope. You are just going to have to wait.” I hate surprises but sit back and wait. Almost an hour later I feel the car stop.

“Ok don’t take the blindfold off yet.” I hear him close to door and come open mine for me. I hear water and assume we are at the beach or near one.

“Where are we?” I ask but he still won’t tell me.

“Just a few more seconds. Watch your step.” He tells me to step up and I walk cautiously.

“Ok ready?”

“Yes!” He takes the blindfold off and we are on the most beautiful yacht I’ve ever seen.

“Alex this is beautiful.” I wrap my arms around him and take in the view. The water is crystal clear and the weather is perfect.

“I’m glad you like it. I thought we could have a light lunch in town and come back and have dinner here on the yacht.”

“Who’s is this?” I ask because I don’t think he could afford this but then again I wouldn’t know since I don’t know exactly what he does.

“It’s my boss’s. He’s letting me use it for the weekend so we have it all to ourselves.” He brings his lips to mine for a passionate kiss before giving me the grand tour.

“Your boss must be a really nice guy. This is beautiful.” I hope that he will open up and tell me a little more about him.

“Yeah he’s pretty generous.” Ok not the answer I hoped for but I don’t push.

“I wish a had a suit with me the water looks great.” We are sitting towards the back of the boat just enjoying the view wish sipping some champagne.

“Well why don’t you pick one up when we go into town for lunch?”

“Good idea.” A few moments later we head into town to eat and I pick up a bathing suit in one of the little shops.

We spend the day swimming and riding the jet ski’s that are on the boat. I feel so at ease today. When I’m with him I don’t feel like I have to check my hair or makeup every second, he makes me feel comfortable.

I’m laying on the front of the boat reading a magazine with I feel Alex come up to join me. I was trying to tan without tan lines and undid the strap of my top, when I sit to snap it back I feel his hands on mine.

“Don’t.” He says softly and I feel him run his hands over my bare back. His hands are smooth and feel great on my hot skin. He removes his hands and I’m about to protest when I feel him run and ice cube on my back. It shocks me a little but it’s also a turn on.

“Mmm that feel great.” I say when he continues to rub the ice around my back.

“I’m glad.” He leans down and places a kiss on my shoulder. I turn over without exposing myself so I’m laying face up.

“Are you having a good time.” He asks me.

“The best time. Thank you for bringing me here.” He leans down and rubs his tongue over my lips. I can taste the beer that he was drinking and open my mouth to let him in.

We lay together for a while before getting ready for dinner.

“We are going to eat here on the boat. I’ve made arraignments.”

“Ok.” I head downstairs to grab a quick shower. I picked up a light sundress when I was out since I was wearing pants when I came here. When I come upstairs I see that dinner is being set up for us.

“This looks great.” I say when I see all the food.

“It does doesn’t it? I’m going to shower really quick. I’ll be right up then we can eat.” I give him a kiss and wait for him to come back.

The sun is beginning to set and the sky is beautiful. The colors are truly a work of art. I sit and look at the sunset for a while when I hear Alex come up.

“You ready to eat?” He asks. He looks good enough to eat himself. He’s wearing a pair of khaki shorts with a white T-shirt and his hair is still wet.

“No fair you had clothes here already.” I laugh and we sit down to dine on lobster and shrimp.

“This is so good thank you again.” I find myself thanking him over and over but this is really great. I haven’t been on a date this nice in a while.

“Don’t thank me. It was my pleasure. Besides I have a confession to make.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah my boss asked me to come up here and check things over for him. He’s planning on using the boat soon and wanted me to make sure it was ready for him.”

“Well I’m still glad that you invited me here.” We finish our meal and Alex mixes come cocktails for us.

“Mmm this is good. You aren’t trying to get me drunk are you?” I tease.

“Yes I’m tying to get you drunk so I can have my way with you.”

“You don’t have to get me drunk for that.” I say and he comes closer to me.

“I don’t?” He asks huskily.

“No.” I lean further into him and place a soft kiss on his lips. We place our cups down and soon I’m in his lap while he kisses a trail down my neck. I’ve wanted to be with him for so long.

“Oh Bell I’ve wanted you for so long.”

“Me too Alex.” He lift me up and carries me downstairs to the master suite. Gently he places me on the bed while he takes his shirt off. I’m wearing my bikini top and a very thin skirt, I can feel his body heat.

“God you are beautiful.” He looks up at me before peppering my face with kisses. I love the feel of his skin on mine. Soon I feel him running his hands over my legs inching closer to my inner thighs. I move my hands down to loosed the knot that I have on my skirt exposing my tiny g-string to him.

“Fuck.” He says when he looks down at me. He runs his hands over my slit and I feel myself getting more and more wet in anticipation. I dips one finger into my fold and I cry out.

“Oh God yes.” I feel him slide another finger in and buck against his hand. He works his magic on me for a while before I reach down in a effort to grab the hem of his shorts.

“Mmm take these off….please.” He slides his fingers out of me and unbuttons his pants. I look at his through hooded eyes as he takes his shorts and boxers off. I lean up and let him take my bikini top off leaving us both completely naked. He hovers over me and runs his hands all along my body.

“Bella you are truly a work of beauty. How did I get so lucky?” He kisses his way up from my ankles to my lips.

“Alex I want you. Did you….bring……anything?” I’m on the pill but am still paranoid. The last thing I need is to get pregnant.

“I think there are some in the drawer.” He lanes over and opens up the drawer of the end table near the bed.

“Got it.” I breathe a sigh of relief. I don’t know what I would have done if he didn’t have any protection.

We work ourselves up again before he sits up to open the foil and roll the latex over himself. He runs his fingers over my center before placing the tip inside of me.

“Are you sure?” He asks me.

“God Yes.” In one swift motion he’s inside me filling me up completely.

“Oh yes Alex.” I buck my hips in a frantic motion needing to feel him. He hooks one of my legs around his arms and is not hitting my sweet spot with every thrust.

“Oh God Bella you are perfect.” He lets go of my leg and massages my breast.

“Oh God I’m close Alex.” I feel my ending building up inside me. I want to hold out but I can’t, it’s been too long since I’ve been intimate with anyone.

“Come baby it’s ok.” He continues to thrust into me and I let go. My orgasm rocks my body as I call out his name over and over. I come down from my high and find Alex looking at me intently.

“You looked like you enjoyed that.” He teases.

“Boy did it.” I feel that he’s still hard and feel badly for finishing before him.

“I’m sorry.” I begin to say when he places his finger on my lips to silence me.

“Don’t be sorry for enjoying yourself.” I push his hand away and bring his head down for a passionate kiss. He plays with my breasts and soon I’m getting wet again. The whole time he’s been inside me but hasn’t moved.

I move my hips a little letting him know that I’m ready for more. The second time was even better for me. We both found out ending at the same time and it rocked my world. Both spent we lay together and drift off to sleep.


Something is up with Max. He’s been acting edgy lately and even turned on the alarm which he never does. We went to the doctor and are staring injections soon. I just have to wait for my period to start then we can begin. Max and I are excited I just hope it works because it seems like a lot of work.

I’ll have to talk to Bella about getting a more organized work schedule though since I’ll have to be home by a certain time to take these shots. I’m sure she will understand.

I’m home early for the first time in a while and decide to call Maria, I haven’t talked to her in a while and miss our girl nights.

“Hey what have you been up to?” I ask when she answers the phone.

“Ugh working. You know I thought working from home would be easier but it feels about the same. So how have you been?”

“I’ve been ok. I miss you though. I mean Bella is great but she doesn’t appreciate a carton of Ben and Jerry’s like you do.” I laugh.

“Yeah I can’t see her doing that.” We reminisce a little about when I was in New York and I tell her about Max and mine’s baby issues.

“I’m sorry Liz but I’m sure everything will work out for you guys.”

“Yeah I hope so.” We talk for a little while longer and promise to keep it touch more often. When I hang up I feel a little depressed for some reason the phone call made me miss her more.

I decide to start dinner since Max will be home in a few hours.


Antonio has pretty much resolved the situation with Mia. I do still have to accompany her to a few dinner meetings until she gets the hang of things but definitely no more trips and she’s not working on my side of the museum anymore. The next thing I have to do is tell Liz about Tessa but I don’t see any reason to since I haven’t seen her in a few weeks. We just got over this whole mess with Mia and if I tell her about Tessa I’m afraid she won’t take it well. I don’t think that Tessa would say anything to Liz if she happens to see her, I doubt she remembers what Liz looks like anyway. Bella would kick my ass but I don’t want cause an unnecessary argument.

I’m about to leave the office when I get a call from my father.

“Dad how are you?” I haven’t spoken to him in a few weeks.

“I’m fine Max. I was wondering if you could come up to the house tonight. I need to talk to you about something.” He sounds worried about something.

“Is everything alright dad?” I ask

“Yes everything is fine I just wanted to talk to you about something in person. Can you make it?” I wanted to spend time with Liz tonight but my father rarely calls me to come over like this.

“Alright just let me call Liz and let her know. I should be there within the hour.” I hand up and grab my briefcase before walking out the door.

When I get to the car I call Liz and tell her that I have to meet my father. She sounds unhappy but says it’s ok. I hope whatever my father has to say is worth me leaving Liz at home alone waiting for me.


“I’ve been hearing some interesting conversations lately.” He laughs.

“That’s nice.” I try to conceal my annoyance with him.

“What’s the matter? You in a bad mood? Not getting any? Oh wait, you are getting some.” This smug bastard I want to kill him.

“Did you call for any specific reason or where you just bored?”

“Touchy touchy. As a matter of fact I did call for a reason. Did you check everything out?”

“Yeah everything is fine.” I pinch the bridge of my nose. Lately I’ve been so tired, I can’t keep this up any longer.

“Good. Be prepared to move sometime in the next two weeks.”

“That soon?” I ask totally not ready expecting that.

“Yes.” He answers before hanging up leaving me with a million thoughts running through my mind. Lately I’ve been regretting getting involved in this. I’m in too deep now, there is no way for me to get out.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.