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Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 6:11 pm
by Icequeen
Thanks for all the comments. Max may have gotten off lightly but they talked about it and I didn’t want to drag that out. I’m trying to get to the main focus of the fic, so I’ll be skipping years from now on. No more midlife crisis though. Scouts honor, even tho I’m not a scout. :wink:
Thank you all again!

Poison Ivy
Roswell 10/2/00

~*~Chapter 9~*~*

~*~2 years later~*~

“Mmm Max stop I have to get Kara ready.” I woke up with the biggest hard on in my life.

“I’ll be fast.” I say while sucking on her breasts. I still notice the small changes in her body made by our children and love her even more. Her body is shapelier even though she thinks she’s fat. I reach down and slide a finger into her feeling her wet and ready for me.

“God Max.” She hisses when I slide into her. I never get tired of loving her. Quickly we find our rhythm and I continue to kneed her breasts. Her moans drive me crazy and soon I’m near the edge.

“Shit Liz I’m close…so close.”

“Me too.” She wraps her legs around my waist and I spill my seed into her.

“Good morning.” I say after I catch my breath.

“Yes it is.” She smiles and climbs out of bed wrapping her silk robe around her.

“So today is the big day huh?” I ask after brushing my teeth.

“Yeah. Are you going to be ok?” She slaps my ass on the way to the closet.

“Yes, are you?” The bathroom steams up and I step in the shower. Liz has made an extra effort to bond with Kara and you would never know that there was an issue in the first few months of her life. They are as close now as any mother and daughter would be. She has completely stepped into her role as a mother to both of our children and it warms my heart to see that.

“Yeah.” She says and goes to wake up the kids.

I stand under the spray and think back a few years and can’t believe that I thought about giving up on my marriage. Liz and the kids are everything to me and everyday I’m more and more sure of that. Every time Liz walks into the room my heart flutters. Every time I hear one of my children laugh my heart swells. I couldn’t ask for anything more and I’m glad that Liz is the women she is. I’m thankful that when I told her that I was having second thoughts she worked with me instead of pulling away.

I’ve spent everyday since then making sure that she knows that she’s my world and think I’ve done a good job at it.


“Daddy, I’m a big girl today.” I set down my paper and turn my attention to Kara when she walks into the kitchen dressed and ready for her first day.

“Yes you are princess.” Liz serves our breakfast and sits with us. Who would have thought Max Evans, family man? Kara is so excited about her first day of real school as she puts it. She’s been going to pre-K but this is the real thing. Kaiden is in his high chair attempting to get all of his cereal in his mouth.

“I’m going to get this one cleaned up. Make sure she eats all her breakfast.” Liz says before pulling Kaiden out of his high chair.


“Yeah babe.” I fold up my paper and take a sip of my orange juice.

“Do you and mommy like Kaiden more then me?”

“No baby. Why do you think that?” I ask. She hasn’t shown any signs of jealousy.

“’Cause mommy is always holdin him and she’s not holdin me.”

“Princess that’s because Kaiden is still a baby and you’re a big girl now. You don’t need mommy to carry you around anymore.”

“Yeah he’s a baby but I’m not a baby right daddy?” I see her smile.

“That’s right princess now finish your food. You don’t want to be late do you?”

“Ok ladies your chariot awaits.” Liz and Kara step out the house and I wish I had a camera. Kara is dressed in a pair of jean Capri’s with butterflies on them and a pink t-shirt with a small butterfly on her shoulder. Liz is also a sight as always in a simple yellow dress.

“Kara nice.” Kaiden says.

“Yes she is buddy.” I strap him into his car seat and wait for everyone to get into the car.

We drive to the private school and see the hoards of kids being dropped off by their parents. Liz and I decided to walk Kara in so we can get a look at the classroom. Kara practically jumps out of the car once I turn it off.

“Kara, wait for daddy.” Liz holds her hand while I walk around the side of the car and get Kaiden. I can’t believe my princess is five years old. I haven’t aged a bit so how did she?

“Mommy there’s Julia.” Kara spots one of her friends and rushes over to her.

“I guess we aren’t needed.”

“Just wait until we leave.” Liz says and walks over to say hello to Julia’s mother. I look around the classroom checking everything out since my baby will be spending the next year here. Her teacher is young but not too young so that’s a good thing. The class is pretty diverse which is another good thing. I wanted her to go to the best school but also one with a good mixture of kids.

“Ok daddy are you ready to let her go?” Liz walks back over to me and slips her hand into mine. I brace myself hoping that she doesn’t cry.

“Kara baby, mommy and daddy are leaving. I’ll be back to pick you up later ok?” Liz bends down and brushes an invisible piece of lint off her shirt.

“Ok mommy.” Ok? That’s it? I thought she would be sad. “Come give your daddy a kiss.” She walks over to me and I scoop her up into my arms not wanting to let her go. I feel like if I blink she’ll be 17 right before my eyes.

“I love you.” Liz and I say before walking back to the car. I know that Liz is going to break down and I’ll be here to catch her when she does.

“She’s so big Max.” Here it comes. She did the same thing last year when she went to pre-K part time.

“She’s not that big honey.” I try to sooth her pulling out of the parking lot and driving back home.

“She’s not going to need us anymore.”

“Hey, don’t you think your jumping the gun a little here? She’s five Liz.” I laugh.

“I know but I miss her being a baby and needing me for everything.” I know what she means. Kara still needs us but everyday she becomes just a little more independent.

“She still needs you.” We pull up to the house and Liz gets Kaiden out of his car seat.

“Honey she’s still a baby. She’s only in kindergarten.” I see her crying and walk over to her.

“I know. I’m sorry.” Kaiden climbs onto Liz’s lap and twirls her hair around his finger. Both my kids have a thing for her hair, not that I blame them.

“Your never going to leave me are you?” She asks Kaiden.

“Nope.” He’s been stuck on saying no or nope to everything no matter what the question is.

“In a few years you will want them gone.” I laugh.

“Never.” I sit with her for a while then head to the office.

~*~Max’s office~*~

“So how was it?” Michael asks me.


“Yeah it always is.” She says and sits in the chair across from me.

“She‘s acting like Kara is going of to college soon or something.” I see him laugh and wonder what is so funny.

“I know how you feel.”

“No you don’t, you can’t.” I say wanting to rip his head off for laughing still.

“One word for you. Dillon.”

“What the hell does Dillon have to….Oh shit! Maria too?”

“Oh yeah. She was going on and on about how she missed Taylor being a baby and we had Dillon. It didn’t happen as fast as she wanted but it happened.” He never told me that.

“You never said anything to me.” I say wondering why.

“Are you kidding me? Like you would have cared back then. Shit, I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that you are still married let alone have a kid.”

“Thanks.” I throw a pen and him and reflect on my life up to this point. Liz and I have been through our ups and downs but I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world. It’s help mold us into who we are now. It took Liz a while to get over my stupid mistake and I’m just happy that she was able to forgive me at all. If it would have been her in that situation I would have gone crazy.


“….and then we painted a picture then we had a snack then we went outside.” I come home and find Liz and the kids in the kitchen. Kara is telling her all about her first day.

“How was your day princess?” I give Liz a kiss then kiss Kara on the cheek.

“I love school daddy. We got Ta color and draw today.”

“You did? That’s great baby.”

“Dada.” Kaiden gets my attention and I scoop him up from his high chair.

“Are we going out for dinner?” I ask Liz as I swing Kaiden around.

“Yeah I thought it would be nice since it’s her first day and all.”


After dinner we watched some TV with the kids then put them to bed.

“Time flies doesn’t it?” I ask Liz and she gets ready for bed.

“I know. Sometimes I think about how different my life would have been if I hadn’t gone to Vegas that weekend.” I think the same things too.

“I know. So no regrets?” I ask as she slips into bed.

“Not one. I love our life. I love our kids, our home and our friends. Thank you.”

“For what?” I should be thanking her actually.

“For giving me another chance after… you know. You could have stayed a cold hearted asshole but you didn’t.” I laugh, she’s right

“All I needed was a special woman to defrost it for me.”

“Well I’m glad I could help in that department.” She snuggles up to my chest and I reach over and turn off the light.

Liz decided against getting her tubes tied. We scheduled the surgery but she couldn’t go through with it. I know she’s scared of getting pregnant again but I also know that the thought of her having another one is in her mind. She loves being a mother now but I’m still scared to put her though that again. The thought of losing her now would shatter my world.

I’m starting to drift off to sleep when I feel Liz stroke me though my boxers. I instantly harden and stoke her breasts through her night shirt. She lifts up so I can pull it off and toss it on the floor.

I’m in a haze when I feel her straddle my hips. Expertly she sinks down onto me and I moan as she envelopes me. She rocks her hips back and forth slowly.

“Liz.” I hiss loving the feel of her riding me. My hands cup her breasts and I lean forward taking her nipple into my mouth.

“Oh yes.” She rides me harder and faster bracing herself on my shoulders. Her soft body is against my harder one gliding over me.

Not wanting it to end I flip us over and push the tip of my cock into her teasing her clit with my thumb. I rub small circles around and around driving her crazy.

“Max don’t tease.” The moonlight is streaming in through the window illuminating her beautiful face.

I pull out and slide down her body aligning my face with her core. Her smell is intoxicating. I dart my tongue out and tease her nub her legs part wider giving me a full view of her Brazilian wax. The first time we made love after she got it was addicting.

I flatten my tongue against her nub and lick up and down.

“Oh God Max.” I smile knowing that I’m driving her wild right now. Flicking my tongue faster and faster I feel her fall apart and slide back up the bed.

“Why did you do that?” She asks out of breath.

“You complaining?” I laugh.

“No, I wanted to come with you.”

“Oh you will. Don’t worry about that.” I seal our lips together and swirl my tongue around hers waiting her for her to come down from her high before round two.

“God I love you.” I can never say it enough. I love this woman more then my own life.

“And I love you.” she pulls me down onto her letting me know she’s ready and I slide into her buried to the hilt.

“Fuck me hard Max.” with a low growl I hook her legs under my arms and plunge into her hard and fast.

“Yes like that. Oh God yes!” With each thrust she calls my name.

“Fuck Liz you feel so good.” I push into her wanting to find my release. She meets my thrust each time and I feel the familiar sensation building up initiating my release.

“God Liz I’m almost there.” She tilts her hips so I brush against her clit with each movement.

“Yes!” She screams and I let go.

“Shit yeah.” I cry out spilling my seed into her. We lay side by side catching our breath. She wraps her leg over mine and that’s how we lay until the next round.


“It’s quiet.” Kris says

“I know. Now that Kara is in school it is quiet.” We sit out back and enjoy a light lunch.

“So how is everything?” Her wedding to Andrew was the most beautiful wedding I’ve ever seen. After he proposed the plans went into full swing. I’ve never seen her so happy. They got married in a large ceremony on the beach. I was maid of honor and Max was a groomsman as well. They honeymooned in Fiji and she’s been in seventh heaven ever since.

“Good. Things are good. Married life is a bit strange though.”

“Why?” I laugh. They’ve been married for a year now she should be used to it.

“I’ve never had to live with someone so it was hard to get used to. Just the fact that he and I are going to be together forever is a bit strange but I like it. I’m happy.”

“That’s good. It is strange at first but everything works itself out eventually.” I sit back and think about everything Max and I have been through and hope that Kris doesn’t have to go through any of that.

“Yeah well you and Max did it so I’m sure we can too. No offence but you guys have been through some shit.” We both laugh. She’s right.

“I know but I wouldn’t trade a second of it for anything in the world.”

“I know.” She leaves soon after and I’m left in the quiet house. Kaiden is taking a nap and I have nothing to do. I need to get back into my photography. I’m not cut out to be a full time housewife.

Max, the kids and I have a semi quiet dinner then put the kids down to bed. We sit in front of the TV, something we haven’t done in a while.

“So how was your day?” He asks flipping through the channels.

“Fine. Kris came over for a while.”

“Are you alright?”

“Yeah I’m fine. I want to get back into work though.” I sigh and grab the control from him since he can’t decide what he wants to watch.

“That sounds great. We have everything set up here at the house. I say you should go for it. I know how much you loved your work.” We settle on a show and sit back and relax.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:27 pm
by Icequeen
Thank you all for the comments. This part is really long. :D

Poison Ivy

~*~Chapter 10~*~*

~*~3 years later~*~ (Kara=8 Kaiden=5)

“Kara you’re going to be late.” We’re running behind schedule and I try to get the kids ready while Liz cooks breakfast. I walk to my son’s room and find him engrossed in cartoons.

“Ok buddy we have to get your shoes on. Today is a big day.” I look around for his sneakers and find them under the bed. Having a boy is so different then a girl. Although Kara was a tomboy for a while Kaiden has gotten into baseball lately even though he’s a little young.

Kara is now eight years old and a handful.

“Are we all ready?” Liz asks when we all sit on the table.

“Yeah.” Kara said digging into her pancakes. Kaiden is making a mess and Liz has to change his shirt. Today is his first day of school and Liz is holding up well.

The doorbell rings and Kara runs to open it.

“Hi Mr. and Mrs. Evans.” Julia Kara’s friend since kindergarten greets us.

“Hi Julia.” Kara grabs her backpack and kisses Liz on the cheek before walking over to me.

“Daddy I need lunch money.”

“Oh so you need something huh? No kiss for your dad?”

“Daaaad.” She wines. I hand her some money and she kisses me on the cheek before walking out.

“When the heck did she grow up?” Liz is clearing the dishes while I change Kaiden’s shirt.

“Tell me about it.” She says. We get everything we need and get into the car. I’m nervous the whole way there just hoping that Liz handles this well.

“Daddy I’m going to school.” Kaiden says when the school comes into view.

“Yeah you are buddy.” I turn the car off and help him out of his car seat.

“You ready?” I ask Liz as we walk inside. She squeezes me hand and nods. So far so good.

“Still good?” I ask her when we get back to the car.

“Yeah I’m fine.” She sighs and leans back.

“I don’t have a lot to do today so I’ll be home early.” I tell her on the way back home. I have to drop her off then head to the office.

“Ok.” She’s quiet. Not good. We get to the house and I slowly walk in behind her having a sense of déjà vu.

“Ok angel I’m going to go. I’ll see you in a few hours.” I place a kiss on her forehead and looks for any signs of tears. We’re still good. I’m halfway out the door when she calls me back.

“Yeah baby, what’s wrong?” She turns around and now I see the tears. Fuck!

“There both so big. Kara is going to leave us soon and we’ll be all alone in a few years.” I drop my briefcase and pull her down to sit with me on the sofa.

“Angel Kara is only eight. She’s not going anywhere anytime soon or ever if I have anything to say about it.”

“I know but she was just five the other day and now Kaiden is five.” The tears roll down her face and it breaks my heart. I think she’ll have a breakdown when they do go to college.

“Baby, they are going to grow up but right now they are here.” She leans her head against my chest and breathes deep.

“I know. I’m sorry.” She lifts her head up and wipes the tears away.

“So you’re ok now?” I ask.

“Yeah.” I pull her down sealing my lips to hers. After all these years I still want her all the time.

“Mmm Max you’re going to be late for work.” She says pulling away from me.

“I’m the boss. No one will care.” I pull her back down and thrust my tongue exploring her mouth.

~*~Max’s office~*~

“So any plans for a new Evans anytime soon?” Michael asks me.

“No. Jerk.” I throw a bottle of water at him and look out the widow taking in the sight of the city.

“So it was a success then.”

“Yeah it was.” I smile. The rest of the day goes by quickly and I stop off at a local flower shop before going home.


“How you holding up?” Kris asks me. We meet at least once a week at the house and have lunch or just hang out.

“I’m fine. And no I don’t want another one.” I beat her to the next question.

“Good.” She says sipping on her iced tea.

“So are you ready to pop or what?” I ask pointing to her belly. She’s 6 months along now and is huge. Well she’s carrying twins so that might be why.

“Yeah I am. I’m just glad that I carried them this long.”

“Yeah that’s a very good thing. So how is Andrew doing?”

“Good. I’m driving him crazy I think.”

“Yeah well have him talk to Max about that. I‘m sure he‘s got some horror stories about me.”

“That man would never say anything bad about you.” I smile. She’s right.

“Andrew said that they got this huge bid in New York. Do you think one of them will have to go out there often?”

“Andrew isn’t going anywhere so don’t worry about that. I’m sure Max will find someone else to go or he can trade off with Michael. His kids are older so he can go more often.”

“Ok good. Cause I drive him crazy but I don’t think I can deal with twins alone.”

“You wouldn’t be alone anyway. I’m here and Max is here.” I squeeze her hand and get her some fruit.

“Well well look at this. Two out of the three most beautiful women in the world.” Max comes out back with a bouquet of roses.

“Who is the third?” Kris asks.

“Kara of course.” Max rubs Kris belly and pulls me into his lap. Most people wouldn’t be comfortable with their husbands or boyfriends for that matter being so close to a female friend of theirs but I’m glad that Kris and Max are as good of friends as they are. I trust them completely and know that neither of them would do anything like that.

“So what are you ladies up to this afternoon?” He pops a grape into his mouth and asks.

“Well we are sort of limited so I thought we’d hang here.”

“Ok, I’m going to go down to the beach for a while. I’ll be back in a few hours.” He kisses me on the lips and goes inside to change.

“Do you think Andrew will still look at me like that after the babies?”

“Like how?” I ask.

“Liz please. That man would kill for you. He looks at you like it’s the first time seeing you every time. He adores you.” I blush a little. That’s how I feel about Max. After all these years I still want him as badly as I did in the beginning.

“Andrew adores you and he will after the babies are born. Maybe even more.” I wink at her and we go inside to watch some movies and eat.


Our ten year anniversary is coming up and I have to do something nice for Liz. I rack my brain trying to think of something special but can’t come up with anything. We’ve been to so many places together that it’s hard to think of something different. After hours of coming up with nothing I call Kris. She’s helped me out before.

“Hello.” She answers after the second ring.

“Hey, how are you?” I ask. Any day now she will burst.

“Fat. You?” She laughs.

“You’re not fat. So everything is ok with the babies?”

“Yeah, we just need them to stay in for a few more weeks.”

“Good. I bet you and Andrew can’t wait for them to get here.” I know that’s how I felt with Kara and Kaiden.

“Andrew is a mess. He’s baby proofed the house and moved the furniture around in the nursery a hundred times. Reminds me of someone else.” She laughs.

“See so I’m not the only crazy one.”

“What’s going on with you?” She asks.

“Well our ten year anniversary is coming up and I have no clue on what to do.”

“Well if you would stop taking her on trips you would have places to go.” She laughs and I agree.

“Help me please. I want to do something nice. This is important.”

“Ok let me think about it. I’ll call you once I come up with something.”

“Ok thanks. I owe you…again.”

“I know I love it though.” I laugh and hang up. Hopefully she will come through soon.

A few moments later Michael comes into my office looking like someone killed his dog or something.

“What’s up?” I ask him as he sits down.

“What’s up is that Maria is leaving me.”

“What?” I ask shocked. Have I been that self involved that I didn’t notice they were having problems.

“She wants a trail separation.” He says softly. I’ve never seen Michael like this and it bothers me. I thought they had the perfect marriage.

“Ok start at the beginning.” I move closer to him.

“She says that I’ve been neglecting her. Ever since the kids have gone off to college she says that I don’t want to spend time with her. I don’t get it, she knows how important my work is and she knows that I have to travel. I try to be there for her.”

“Has she mentioned this before?” I ask trying to think back to all the times he’s gone away for business.

“She has but I didn’t think it would come to this. Max I can’t lose her. I just can’t.” I put myself in his shoes for a second and wonder how he can be so calm.

“Did she move out?”

“No. She said she’s going to this weekend though. How does she expect me to stay in the house with her knowing that she’s leaving me?”

“Talk to her Michael. You have to work this out.”

“I’ve tried! I told her that I would change but she’s not buying it. You know how stubborn she can get. If she leaves me I’ll go nuts. She wants to tell the kids tomorrow.” This is serious if she wants to tell them.

“All I can say is keep trying. She’ll listen but you have to try Michael. Take her out somewhere nice and talk to her.”

“I don’t know what to do. I can’t lose her though.”

“Look why don’t you take her to Catalina where I took Liz? It’s a really nice resort, very private. You can talk there, she’ll listen.”

“She won’t go.” He says sadly.

“Make her go. Just give her an address and have her meet you at the airport. Once she’s there she’s not going to turn back. Or drive her there without her knowing. Pack a few things for her and drive over there.” It’s worked on Liz.

“Listen to you mister expert.”

“Seriously do what you have to. Fight for her. Show her that she’s the most important thing in your life.”

“Thanks man.” He walks out and I hope things work out for him. It’s ironic that I’m planning my ten year anniversary while his marriage is falling apart.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I love Kris and owe her a lot. She’s come through once again with the most perfect plan. Andrew is a lucky guy and I’ll be sure to tell him the next time I see him.

Our official anniversary is Friday night and I’m glad it fell on a weekend. I make the appropriate calls and everything is set. Now I hope I can keep it from Liz long enough. I’m very bad at keeping secrets from her.

Liz is on a shoot this afternoon so I go home early and pick up the kids. They are going to have to stay with Kris for this to work.

“Where‘s mommy?” Kaiden asks when he spots me in the front of their school.

“Your mom’s at work.” He gets in the car and we wait for Kara to come out. She’s always chatting with someone after school.

“Where’s mom?” She asks getting into the car.

“She’s at a shoot.” They sit in the back as if I was their chauffer or something.

“So listen guys tomorrow is our ten year anniversary and I have something special planned for your mom.”

“You always do.” Kara says looking out the window.

“Anyway, I need you guys to stay at Kris and Andrew’s house for the night.”

“Why?” Kaiden asks.

“Because your mom and I will be out all night and I’m not leaving you alone in the house.”

“Kara can watch me.”

“Kara’s too young. Why don’t you want to go to Kris’s house?” I ask him. He gets along with them so I wonder why.

“Cause he’s a momma’s boy.” Kara cuts in.

“Hey. I don’t like talk like that.” I catch a glimpse of her in the rear view mirror and like always she’s rolling her eyes.

“Don’t get mad at me because it’s true.”

“Kara, I’m warning you.” She mutters whatever and I let it go for now. She needs an attitude adjustment ASAP. We ride the rest of the way in silence and as soon as I pull up to the house Kara runs inside to her room.

“Are you hungry?” I ask Kaiden.

“No.” I make sure he’s settled then walk to her room to find out what’s going on with her.

“Kara, can I come in?” I knock and wait for an answer.

“Whatever.” I take that as a yes and open the door. When I walk in I see her in front of her computer typing away like crazy.

“Can we talk?” I sit on the bench in front of the bay window and wait for her to say goodbye to whoever she was talking to.

“What’s going on Kara?” I ask her softly not wanting her to think I’m upset with her.

“Nothing dad.” She sighs and swings around in her chair.

“You can tell me you know. I may be old and all but I remember what it was like as a kid.” I laugh and get a smile from her.

“It’s stupid.” She says running her hands thought her hair.

“Hey, it’s not stupid.” I walk over and kneel in front of her. “Tell me baby.” I sit back and lean against the foot of her bed.

“I don’t like being smart. I get picked on. Everyone things I’m a nerd.” I see tears in her eyes and it breaks my heart.

“You’re not a nerd honey. There is nothing wrong with being smart. Who’s picking on you?” I know she won’t tell me but I ask anyway.

“No one. Just forget it.”

“Sweetie don’t let it bother you. Being smart is a good thing. I know you don’t believe me but it is ok?” She sniffs and rubs her nose.

“I guess.”

“Come give your dad a hug.” I get up and pull her close to me kissing the top of her head.

“You know I love you right?” She shakes her head and smiles. Kids can be cruel but I think she will be ok.


Getting everything to go on schedule is harder then I thought. I left work early and told Liz that I was picking up the kids from school. She was on location and didn’t ask too many questions. The kids were a different story though.

“Dad I want to stay home.” Kaiden is whining and Kara is quiet.too quiet.

“Why?” I make sure he’s strapped in and get into the driver seat.

“Kaiden just shut up ok!” Kara screams at him.

“Kara don’t yell at him.” I try to be patient with her but she’s pushing me.

“I wanna stay wit you and mommy that’s why.”

“Your aunt Kris is going to take you to Sea world tomorrow. You like that don’t you?” I look in the rear view mirror and see that he has a smile on his face. Mission accomplished.

We pull up to the house and Kara runs to her bedroom while Kaiden pop’s in a DVD to watch. I get him a drink and snack then go talk to Kara.

“Kara baby can I come in?” I knock softly on her door and get a ‘whatever’ from her.

“What’s going on baby?” She’s lying on her bed with a pillow over her face.

“I don’t like my school anymore dad.”

“Why?” She pulls the pillow away from her face and I see that she’s crying.

“Because my teacher hates me.” I try not to laugh but doesn’t every kid think that?

“Why do you say that?”

“’Cause she called me a know it all?” My eyes go wide and I hope that she’s joking.

“What? When?” She goes on to tell me that the teacher was asking the kids questions and Kara was the only one raising her hand and answering when she called her a know it all.

“Honey are you sure Miss. Jenson said that?” I have to ask before I go rip her a new one.


“No? Then why…”

“It was Miss. Taylor.” That’s the new teacher’s aide who is soon to be fired if I have anything to say about it.

“Did anyone else hear her say that?”

“I don’t think so. She was sitting next to me.” Coward couldn’t even say it out loud.

“Don’t worry about it honey. I’ll have a talk with her. Being smart is a good thing. Promise me that you will still raise your hand in class.”

“Ok.” I reach over and pull her in for a hug. Monday morning Liz and I are going to have a talk with the principle.


I dropped the kids off at Kris’s house and drive back home after stopping off at the store for a few things. I have an hour or so to get everything ready before tonight.

The house is ready and I hear Liz pulling up. I grab my digital camera wanting to capture the look on her face when she walks in.

I hear her keys jingle and get the camera ready.

“I’m home.” She says then stops dead in her tracks.

“Max?” She flashes me a smile and it takes all my strength not to grab her right there and have my way with her.

I placed rose petals all over the floor and adorned the house with al her favorite flowers. There are pictures of the kids and special moments of our lives on a table in the middle of the living room symbolizing our life together over the years. I snap a few pictures hoping to add them to our next anniversary date.

“When did you have time to do this?” She walks towards the table and picks each picture frame up running her fingers over the glass no doubt reliving the memories as I did.

“After I dropped the kids off at Kris’s.” She gives me a questioning look.

“Tonight is about you. It’s just you and me all night.” I see her blush and smile knowing that I did that to her and that I still can.

“Come with me.” She sets her things down and follows me outside where I’ve set up a special dinner for her and I. The stars are just starting to come out and everything is right on schedule so far.

“This is beautiful Max.” I pull the chair out for her and lift the lid off the plates. I ordered all her favorite dishes from everywhere we’ve been out to eat. It’s too much food but I wanted her to be happy.

“Liz I can’t begin to tell you how much I love you or how much you mean to me but I know that I’m going to spend the rest of our lives doing it.” I hold her hand in mine and stare into her eyes. I can’t get enough of her.

We eat our dinner until we are about to pop. Phase two is around the corner and I take her to the bedroom to get started.

“Sit here.” I sit her down on the bed and walk to the closet.

“What is this?” I hand her some clothes.

“Put them on.” I laugh. She must be thinking I’m nuts since I handed her a pair of jeans, a top and boots.

When she goes into the bathroom to change I grab my gift to her. She has everything she’s ever wanted but I wanted this to be special.

“Ok I’m ready and wondering what the heck is going on.” She comes out of the bathroom and laughs.

“Wait. I have to do something first.” I lead her towards her vanity and sit her down before kneeling in front of her.

“I know I tell you this all the time but I love you and our kids. I love you for giving me them and I love how you love them.” I lift the lid off the case and reveal a necklace with all of our birthstones around a heart with a diamond in the middle.

“It’s beautiful. Thank you.” She smiles and stands up rushing out of the room. I sit there wondering what’s going on when she comes back in with a huge smile on her face.

“I got you something too.” She hands me a box and sits on the edge of the bed while I open it.

“A key?” I look up at her perplexed.

“Come with me.” She laughs and pulls me outside. We walk to the garage and I’m really stumped.

“What’s in there?” I ask having not been in the garage in months. We never park our cars there.

“This.” She hit’s the button on her door opener and reveals the last thing I ever would have thought she would give me.

“Are you serious?” I ask wide eyed.

“Yes.” She laughs.

“How did you…”


“When did you…”

“This morning.”

“I love you.” I pull her to my side and place a kiss on her cheek before running over to my new toy. I still can’t believe that she got me a motorcycle and feel that my gift pales in comparison.

We take a short ride by the beach and I keep the time in mind not wanting to be late for the last part of her gift.

“Don’t you like it?” She asks when we get back to the house.

“I love it but I have something else for you.” The stars are all out tonight and the weather is perfect for what I have planned.

“Where are we going?” I blindfold her and walk her down to the beach.

“Just a second.” We walk along the shoreline to our destination. I give the man a shake of my head and wait for him to leave before I pull the blindfold off.

“Oh my God Max.”

“Are you ready?” I ask helping to onto the horse. Kris told me that she’s always dreamed of riding horses on the beach under the stars and I’m glad I can do this for her.

We trot slowly along the shore line. I can’t take my eyes off her; she looks like a kid riding the horse.

“Max this is perfect. I’ve always wanted to do this.” We start to ride back to the house where I plan on showing her just how much she means to me all night.

I still can’t get over the fact that I’ve been married for ten years but I hope to have many more years of happiness.

“I love you and I plan on showing you that tonight.” I lay her in the middle of the bed and lay on top of her. We’re both naked at this point and I want to thrust into her but I wait.

“Good.” I thrust my tongue into her soft mouth and explore every inch. My member rests over her heat and I feel her wetness already.

“Max I need you now.” I suck on he breasts taking each delicious nipple into my mouth sucking it until it’s hardened. Teasing her folds with my tip I slide into her as I’ve done many times. It feels better and better each time.

I hook her legs over my arm and drive into her hitting her sweet spot with every thrust. Images of out lives together flood my mind as I hear her screams of pleasure. I let go of her leg and rub her nub with the pad of my thumb.

“Oh yes! Right there.” I pump into her in short hard bursts wanting to make it last as long as possible.

“Oh God Max I’m coming.” I angle her hips and push into her feeling her walls contract around me as she screams out my name. I let her come down from her high before starting my movements again. Feeling her come with me still inside her almost makes me spill my seed into her but I bite my lip holding out.

She lifts her hips up letting me know she’s ready and I drive into her hard and fast. I feel my sac harden and know that I’m about to come.

“Liz I’m almost there baby.” She lifts her hips up and meets my every thrust.

“Umm me too.” She moans. With her name on my lips I let go and empty myself into her.

“Thank you for everything. Today was perfect.” She says as we try to catch our breath.

“Thank you. For loving me despite my flaws. For standing by me through everything.”

“Don’t thank me. I love your imperfections; it’s what makes you who you are. I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world.”

We fall asleep soon after and I can honestly say that I am the luckiest and happiest man in the world right now.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:33 pm
by Icequeen
Thanks for all the FB guys. I wanted to get this out sooner but RL sucks and blah blah woof woof. Anyway here it is. Hope you guys like. :D

~*~Chapter 11~*~*

~*~5 years later~*~ Kara-13 Kaiden-10

“When is mom coming back?” Kaiden asks for the 10th time today.

“Two days buddy.” Liz is away with Kris for the weekend taking a much needed break. I took a long weekend from work to be with the kids.

“Ok what do you want for dinner?” I ask Kaiden since Kara is no where to be found.

“Cookies!” he shouts.

“No cookies for dinner you know that. How about burgers?” He shakes his head no.

“Pizza?” Every kids like Pizza.

“No.” Not this kid.

“Grilled cheese?” He shakes his head no. What the hell does this kid eat?

“Spaghetti O’s?” That’s a no.

“Well what do you want then besides cookies?” I brace myself for the answer.

“Peanut butter with bananas and bacon.” Is he serious?

“How about some Mac and cheese?”

“Yeah!” Thank God. I was running out of ideas and was not about to make a sandwich with bananas and bacon.

“Go ask your sister what she wants for dinner.” He hops off the stool and runs to Kara’s room. A few moments later I see him coming back with his head down.

“What happened?” I ask sitting him on the counter top.

“She kicked me out of her room and called me a bad name.” I sit him at the dining room table and go see what’s up miss Kara’s butt now.

“Kara?” I knock on her bedroom door but get no answer. “Kara I’m coming in.” I open the door and don’t see her in the room. Her bathroom door is shut so she must be in there. As I look around the room I have to laugh. This was the room Liz stayed in when she first moved in. It’s so different now and I would have never thought that I would have a daughter sleeping in here.

Before we moved her to this room Liz and I had the wall separating our rooms soundproofed. We don’t need either of our kids hearing what goes on at night in our room.

“Kara why did you call Kaiden a bad name? And what exactly did you call him?” I stand on the other side of the bathroom door and ask. I don’t get an answer and knock again.

“Dad, go away please.” She sounds like she’s crying.

“I’m not going anywhere. What’s going on?” I would bust in there but I don’t know if she’s dressed or not.

“When is mom coming home?” She asks.

“Two days baby. Can I come in?”

“I guess.” I turn the handle and see her sitting on the edge of the tub.

“What’s going on?”

“I umm got my….” She looks at the floor and turns bright red.

“You’re what? Do you have a headache?” I ask knowing that she gets them from time to time.


“Stomach ache?” She shakes her head.

“Ok where does it hurt then?” I have no clue what’s wrong with her.

“I got my period ok!” My eyes go wide. Isn’t she a bit young for this?

“Umm are you ok? Does it hurt?” I ask not knowing anything about periods.

“No it doesn’t hurt. Mom already talked to me about it I just thought she’d be here.”

“I know honey.” I stand in the doorway not knowing what to do but I know that she’s going to need something. Shit! I need to call Liz.

“I’m going to call mom ok?” She nods and I walk to the living room to get the phone. Kaiden is still eating while reading a book. That kid is always reading something.

I call Liz’s cell and get no answer so I leave a message. Damn it.

“Ok honey your mom didn’t answer so I’m going to have to run to the store for you.” She can’t even look at me I guess she’s embarrassed. I know Liz has some things for when she gets her period but I have no clue if those are ok for Kara.

“Kaiden, I have to run to the store for a minute. Don’t bother your sister ok?” He nods and continues reading. Luckily the store is just a few blocks away.


Wings, Scented, Unscented, Regular, Super. What the fuck? How many kinds are there and what the hell are wings? I scan the isle not having a freaking clue on what to buy. I see a box of tampons and pick it up wondering what the difference is.

“How to use. Peel off applicator…insert into…” No freaking way my kid is inserting anything in there. I drop the box as if it burned me and move away from those.

I’m going to leave it up to her since she said Liz talked to her about it. I pick up one of each and soon realize that I need a cart.

My cart is loaded up and I remember something about Midol to help with cramping. I walk to the pharmacists just to make sure I get the right thing.

“Excuse me. I was wondering if you could help me with something.” She has her back to me stacking some boxes.

“Yes?” She asks when she turns around.

“I had a question about umm pills for umm periods.” I whisper the last part since there are people around.

“Who are they for?” She asks me and I wonder why.

“My daughter. She’s 13.” Her face turns from pleasant to annoyed in three seconds.

“Get her some Midol they are on isle 6.” She says turning around again.

“Are those safe for her?” I don’t care about her attitude and ask anyway.

“Yes they are.” I thank her and walk to isle 6 to look for the pills. I never I my life thought I’d be buying pads.

“This is your life Max Evans.” I say and walk back to the car wanting to get them to her as fast as possible.

When I get home Kaiden is on the phone with Liz. I hand Kara the bags and she tells me that she already talked to Liz and that she knows what to do.

“Mom wants to talk to you.” He hands me the phone and I take it outside.

“You are never going away again.” She laughs when I tell her that.

“She’s fine. I talked to her already. I heard you went to the store. How was it?”

“Don’t laugh. It was the worst experience of my life.”

“Well it was just as bad for her. She didn’t want you to know she got it.”

“Can’t you come back today?” I whine like one of the kids.

“No you big baby. I miss you guys though.” We talk about what she’s been doing with Kris then I go back inside to make sure Kara is ok.

“I’ll get your mac and cheese in a sec Kaiden.” He tells me he can get it himself and I tell him to be careful. I feel that I need to talk to Kara and no nothing about periods except that they come once a month.

I jump online and so some research before going to talk to her. An hour later I’ve read way too much about menstruation but feel that I can talk to her now.

“Kara you ok honey?” I knock on her door and wait for an answer.

“Yeah” I walk in and see her in front of her computer as usual.

“So everything is ok now?” I ask scratching my eyebrow like I’ve seen Michael do a hundred times.

“Yeah dad I’m fine.”

“Come sit over here. I want to talk to you for a minute.” I sit on the bench near her window and pat the empty space next to me.

“I don’t know how much you and your mom talked about all of this but the start of your menstrual cycle means that your body is changing; maturing. You body is now capable of becoming p-pregnant.” This is awful for me I hope it’s not as bad for her. She’s looking at me with no expression on her face and it’s scaring me.

“So during your menstrual cycle, which you will get every month, hormones are released from different parts of your body…”

“Dad, I so don’t want to have this conversation with you. Mom and I talked about all of this already including protection. I’m all set.”

“Protection?” I wonder what exactly they talked about and why I wasn’t clued into this.

“Condoms. Birth control pills. Come on dad you know what I was talking about.” She rolls her eyes at me and I’m slightly annoyed that she knows about this at the age of thirteen.

“Ok well do you have any questions for me? You know as a man?”

“Yeah, umm no thanks. I know enough about all that for now.”

“Well, ok. You can talk to me about anything you know that right? I won’t freak out or anything.”

“Sure you won’t” She says sarcastically.

“What? I’m serious. I want you guys to be able to talk to me too not just your mom.”

“Ok dad. Is that all?” She’s itching to get back to the computer. The flashing indicating that she received an instant message is calling her.

“Yeah that’s all. Make sure you come out and have some dinner soon.” She says ok and makes a mad dash to the computer.


Kaiden has a t-ball game today and after pretty much begging Kara to go we load up the car and head to the field meeting Michael there.

“Dad, there’s Uncle Michael!” Kaiden jumps out of the car and rushes towards him.

“This is so lame.” Kara adjusts her sunglasses and walks ahead.

“Hey, do you think your brother liked going to your school plays or you dance recitals? But he went and didn’t call it lame. Try and be nice please.” She gives me a ‘whatever’ and finds a seat on the bench. I see her pull out her cell phone and begin texting someone. I wonder what she’d do if I took it away?

“Glad you could make it.” Michael comes back from the dugout and takes and stands next to me.

“I wouldn’t miss it. So how are you holding up with the kids all alone?”

“Fine. I can’t wait for Liz to get home though.” He laughs and puts his sunglasses on.

“So how is everything?” After he announced his separation to me I’ve let him have his space. If he wants to talk he knows I’m here but I didn’t want to push. He and Maria are still together but I know things aren’t as they were before.

“Good. We’re still adjusting to the kids being away but things are better. Therapy has been helping.”

“Good. That’s good.” I don’t ask him why Maria isn’t here not wanting to pry.

“Dad I need some money.” Kara walks down the bench towards us.

“Hi Uncle Michael.” Michael kisses her forehead and gives her a hug.

“What do you need money for?”

“I don’t know. Incase I want to buy something.” She shrugs.

“Here.” I hand her a twenty and watch her walk off towards the concession stand.

“When the hell did she get so big?” Michael laughs.

“Tell me about it.” We turn out attention back to the game and luckily haven’t missed Kaiden’s turn up to bat.

Kaiden’s team won and I realize that we were so wrapped up in the game that we didn’t notice that Kara didn’t come back.

“Have you seen Kara?” I ask Michael.

“No.” We turn around and look for her only to see her near the concession stand with a group of boys.

“What the fuck!” Michael and I rush over there.

“What are you doing?” I ask her when I approach.

“Dad.” She says surprised. The boys still stand there and it takes every ounce of self control I have not to knock them out. “I was just talking.” She offers as an excuse.

“Well you’re done now. We’re leaving.” I grab her by the arm and pull her away.

“Why did you do that? That was so embarrassing.”

“How old were those boys?” Michael asks and has me wondering the same thing.

“How would I know?” She shrugs.

“Well you looked pretty cozy with them.” I’m beyond pissed right now. We get to the car and I tell Michael I will call him later.

“You and I need to have a serious talk.” I say once we get in the car. She leans her head against the glass and looks out the window.


“Kara you can’t be talking to boys like that.” Kaiden is in the shower and we are in the living room.

“What’s wrong with talking? It wasn’t like I was making out or anything.”

“It’s not right Kara and I don’t like it. You are too young.”

“I’m too young for everything.” She folds her arms over her chest and sinks back into the chair.

“Honey there will be plenty of time for boys but right now is not the time. Trust me on this.”

“Fine can I go to my room now?”

“Yeah but I don’t want you on the computer or the phone.”

“Whatever.” She storms to her room and I go check on Kaiden.

“Congratulations on your game today.” He’s out of the shower getting dressed.

“Thanks.” I watch him comb his hair and can’t help but smile. He’s like me in so many ways.

“So do you want to do anything special tonight?” I ask him as he puts the finishing touches on his hair.

“Can we go eat pizza?”

“Sure. Let’s call mom first though, you can tell her all about your game.” We walk out to the living room and dial Liz’s number.


The rest of the weekend goes by quickly. Liz should be home tonight and I want her to talk to Kara. I know that acting out is sort of normal but I wasn’t ready for it. I give her some space for the rest of the weekend not wanting her to get angrier at me then she already is.

“God I’ve missed you.” As soon as Liz walks in the door I grab her and place kisses all over her face.

“Me too.” She laughs and pulls me in for a passionate kiss. “Where are the kids?” I grab her bags and follow her down the hall.

“Come in here for a sec before you talk to Kara.” I haven’t told her about this weekend over the phone wanting her to get home. Once we get into the bedroom I tell her about what happened at the baseball game.

“I’ll talk to her. She’ just acting out maybe some girl time will help.” I love how she manages to make everything seem like it’s going to be ok with a few words.

Once everything settles down for the night I lay in bed with Liz safely tucked under my arms and reflect on my life, something I find myself doing an awful lot lately. My kids are growing up so fast and Kara becoming interested in boys is something that I don’t like one bit. I can only imagine how things will be in the coming years.

“This is your life Max Evans and it’s a damn good one.” I think before drifting off to sleep.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:39 pm
by Icequeen
Thanks for all the FB guys. This is a fly by posting so sorry for the lack of personals.

~*Chapter 12~*~

~*~2 years later~*~ (Kara 15 Kaiden 12)

“He’s not going to let me go mom.”

“Yeah he will. Just ask him.”

“No way! You ask him. Please mom?”

“I’ll talk to him but it would be better if you ask him first. He’ll respect you for it.” I try to calm her down. Poor girl is a mess right now.

“Fine, I’ll ask him but he’s going to say no. Either that or he’ll tell Uncle Michael, and then I won’t want to go.” I laugh because that is exactly what’s going to happen.

“You never know.” I lie trying to give her some hope.

“Ok, I’m going to do some homework then.” She rushes off to her room no doubt to call one of her friends that girl is always on the phone.

“What about you? You interested in any girl?” I ask Kaiden who is mighty quiet considering.

“No.” He shakes his head and gulps down some milk.

“No huh? Well you’ll be interested in them in no time.” I laugh and get everything I need out for dinner. I’m trying not to baby him but it’s hard since he is my baby. He’s not as independent as Kara is.

Max gets home just as dinner is ready and we sit down out back to eat.

“So anything interesting happen today?” He asks Kara first.

“No not really.” She shrugs and shoves some food into her mouth.

“What about you champ?” She asks Kaiden.

“No.” something is up with him. He’s way too quiet.

“Well school can’t be that boring. What’s up with the two of you?” He looks at me but I shake my head. I know Kara doesn’t want to talk about this right now.

“When I was in school…” He gets cut off when both the kids groan.

“Dad no one wants to hear about the old days.”

“Old days huh? You think I’m that old? I’m hurt.” He makes a pouting face and the kids laugh at him. He can always cheer them up.

“You know this one time your mother and I…”

“I’m done.” Kara throws her fork down.

“Me too. I do not want to hear about this.” Kaiden follows her.

“Hey, you don’t even know what I was going to say.” He stops them.

“Dad we’ve heard it all. You’re going to talk about some romantic thing you did with mom. We don’t want to hear about it, it’s gross.” She wrinkles up her nose at him.

“Alright you can go.” I laugh and wait for them to walk inside before I drop the bomb.

“Kara needs to talk to you tonight.”

“What about?” He takes a sip of his wine and I wait for him to swallow before I tell him.

“She got asked out.”

“What? Asked out where?”

“To the movies.”

“By whom?”

“A boy in her class.” His eyes go wide. Not a good sign.

“A boy huh? To the movies?” I shake my head.

“Well, she’s not going.” He picks up his fork and continues eating.

“Max, don’t be like that. He’s a nice kid and it’s only the movies. She was going to ask you herself.”

“Liz, the movies? Yeah he’s real smooth take my baby to a nice dark movie theater so he can molest her I think not.” I hide back my laughter. He’s such a drama queen.

“What is so funny?”

“Molest her Max? Come on. He’s a nice kid and Kara is a good kid too. It’s her first date and she’s nervous as hell as it is.”

“She’s still a baby. Absolutely not.”

“Fine then have her hate you. I’m out of it. She’s not a baby Max. She’s fifteen years old. She’s a pretty girl she was bound to be asked out sooner or later. Why won’t you let her go?” I try and talk some sense into him.

“She’s too young Liz. Far too young to be going out on a date…alone…in a dark theater…with a boy.”

“Stop being such a drama queen. I had my first date when I was her age. Don’t you trust her?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

“It’s not her I’m having an issue with.”

“Well since you trust her don’t you think that she would go out with a nice respectable kid? She has pretty good judgment in character Max.” I think I’ve broke him down a little.

“I don’t know.” At lest he didn’t say no.

“Hear her out ok? She’s already nervous.” He agrees and I clear the plates. Kaiden is watching TV and Kara is on her cell phone as usual. Once everything is cleared I go into her room and let her know that now is a good time to talk to Max.

“Mom I’ll die if he says no.” She says.

“You won’t die. Just talk to him.” She takes in a deep breath and I tell her I’m going to send Max in.

“Listen ok?” I tell him before he knocks on her door.


I softly knock on her door before entering as instructed many times.

“Come in.” I walk in and see her sign off the computer. If she’s not on her cell she’s online with someone. Sometimes she’s talking to the same person on the phone and online. Kids.

I look around her room and realize that I haven’t been in here in a while and that she’s grown. Her room used to be light pink with little butterflies on the walls. She used to have a canopy bed with flowers on the white netting what was around the bed. Now her room is more sophisticated with white walls and one wall painted a dark red. Her bed no longer has the canopy around it and there are several posters of men I don’t know on her walls.

“Mom said you wanted to talk to me?” I ask and sit on the bench near her window.

“Yeah umm… I wanted to ask you if I could go to the movies this Friday.” Slick how she didn’t say with a boy.

“Sure you can. I’ll drive you and Julia.” I hide back my laughter at the look on her face.

“Well…see the thing is that Julia isn’t going.”

“Really? Who are you going with?” I should feel badly but I’m enjoying this.

“Umm see the funniest thing daddy. “There goes the daddy. Always calls me that when she really wants something. “I was sort of asked out by a boy.” She bites her lip just like her mother. She looks just like Liz with my eyes and it’s scary. She’s beautiful just like her mother.

“Oh, well who is this boy?” She tells me about him and talks a mile a minute. I now know way too much about Stefano Kane.

“I don‘t know if I want you going alone with this boy.” She sighs and slumps back in her chair muttering ‘I knew it’.

“I didn’t say you can’t go.” She smiles a little.

“I guess.” I get up to walk out but turn to her before I open the door. “And I get to meet him.” She groans and I laugh as I walk back to the living room.

“Well?” Liz asks when I plop down on the sofa and grab the remote to play some X-box with Kaiden.

“She’s going but I get to meet him first.”

“Thank you.” She kisses me cheek and walks to Kara’s room.


“What are you doing home so early?” Liz asks me. I am home rather early but it’s the weekend.

“Can’t I come home and have some alone time with my wife before the kids get home?”

“Hey, I’m not complaining.” I drop my briefcase and cup her ass while I kiss her.

“Humm how about we get in that hot tub? It’s been too long.” I break away from her trying to catch my breath.

“It’s a deal. Let me get my suit on.”

“No suits. I’m only going to rip it off anyway.” She laughs and we walk outside.

“How much time do we have?” I ask her while I rip my clothes off.

“Umm…” She looks at her watch. “Kaiden has practice so he won’t be home for another three hours and Kara should be home in a little over an hour.”

“Well let’s make the most of the hour then.” I sink into the hot water and wait for her to strip. She turns her back to me shielding herself for not reason. I love her and she’s beautiful to me.

“Don’t hide from me angel. You’re perfect.” She hurries and sinks in the water.

“I’m far from perfect and I don’t have the body I used to.” I pull her towards me and position her on my lap.

“I don’t care, to me you are perfect. You had two kids Liz, your body was bound to change a little. Trust me you still make heads turn.” She laughs and rubs herself against my hardened member before sliding down on me.

“Lizzz.” I hiss when her walls envelope me. I latch onto her fuller breasts and suck and nip at her skin.

“Oh God.” She throws her head back and she sinks up and down my cock. She rides me hard and fast and I feel myself losing control fast.

“Liz slow down baby.” I know we are pressed for time but not this pressed. I place my hands on her hips slowing her down a little. She reaches down behind her and cups my balls.

“Fuck! God Liz don’t…your going to…”

“I don’t care.” She whispers and begins to ride me again. I feel my ending near and move my hips to match her movements.

“Oh God Max. YES!”

“Shit Liz Oh God Yeah baby.” The water is splashing all around us as we both ride to our completion.

“Fuck I missed this.” Her breathing is hard as she rests her head on my shoulder.

“Me too.” We sit together for a while before getting out and dressed.

“So are you ready for tonight?” She asks me while she gets dressed.

“Yeah I think so.” I throw on a pair of shorts and decide against going surfing today.

“Mom I’m home!” Kara comes in looking for Liz.

“Hey baby. Are you hungry?” Liz asks.

“No not really.” She drops her book bag on the floor and finally sees me. “Dad! Hey.”

“Hi baby.” I need to come home earlier more often. They both made me feel as if I’m never around.

“What are you doing home so early?” She asks taking a bite of an apple. I guess she was hungry.

“I just wanted to come home that’s all.”

“I’m going to my room.” She announces and walks to her room.

“You guys make me feel like I’m never around.” I pout when she leaves.

“Stop it. You’re just never here before five that’s all.” I shrug and decide to rearrange some things so that I’m around more often.

~*~4 hours later 7 P.M. ~*~

“Why has she been getting ready for over an hour? It’s just the movies?” I ask Liz.

“Stop it. She’s nervous that’s all.” Kaiden and I sit and watch some show on nickelodeon.

“She better not be wearing any makeup.”

“You know she’s not into makeup Max.” Thank God for small favors.

“Alright you to your room.” Liz says to Kaiden.

“Why? I’m watching this.”

“Watch it in your room and you know why.” He rolls his eyes and storms off to his room.

“That went well.” I laugh.

“It’s bad enough you are going to talk to the boy Kaiden would have made it worse.” I have to agree with that. A few moments later the doorbell rings and I get up to answer it.

“Maxwell Evans take off those sunglasses!” Liz yells before I open the door. I thought they made me look more intimidating. I take them off and open the door.

“Hello I’m Stefano. I’m here to pick up Kara.” Pick up? He’s mighty confident.

“Come in.” I let him in and take a quick glance outside to see what this punk is driving. Not bad he’s driving a new Land Rover SUV; at least it’s a safe car. He walks past me and I get a whiff off the bottle of cologne he drenched himself in and hold mach my laughter.

“Would you like anything to drink?” Liz asks him as he takes a seat. At least he didn’t sit in my chair.

“No thank you ma’am.”

“Please call me Liz.” She smiles at him. Ma’am? Who the hell is this kid?

“So Stephen, how long have you known my daughter?” I watch him closely examining his every move. He seems confident but not cocky, yet.

“It’s umm Stefano sir and I’ve known her ever since I moved here last year. We have a lot of the same classes.” He wipes his hands on his jeans and I hold back my smile.

“Where did you move from?” I ask. If he has classes with Kara then he’s in honors classes which is good.

“We moved here from Florida sir.” Smart kid calling me Sir. Unlike my wife I won’t tell him to call me Max.

“How long you been driving?” I ask not comfortable with him driving.

“I got my learners last year and have been driving with my dad ever since. I’ve been driving alone now for about six months.” He’s keeping his cool so far.

“I don’t know if I’m comfortable with you driving tonight.”

“I understand sir.” Smart. Maybe too smart?

“What are your plans for tonight?” I ask already knowing the plans.

“We are going to see a movie that starts at eight then depending on what time she has to be home we might get some ice cream after.” Smooth one. I like how he threw that in.

“Well she has to be home at eleven so I don’t think you will have time.” His expression falls a little but it’s their first date. Eleven is a suitable time.

“That’s fine sir. I’ll have her home on time.”

“Make sure that you do. I want her in this house at eleven not at the front door or in your car, in the house got it?” He nods and I continue. “I want her lipstick or whatever she’s wearing in tact and every hair on her head in place. Her clothes are to be non wrinkled as well.” I raise an eyebrow at him.

“Yes sir.”

“I also want your cell phone number and I expect her to be able to give me a complete rundown of the movie you are watching and not a repeat of what’s been written online. I‘ve seen the movie already so I want specifics.”

“Yes sir.”

“Good. Now I’ve taken down your license plate number just incase and I want you parents name and address as well.” He nods and I grab a pen and paper for him to write it down for me.

Kara comes out moments later looking beautiful as usual. I wonder if I should ask her to change into some sweatpants and an oversized shirt.

“I’m ready to go.” She says standing next Stephen or whatever his name is. How the hell can she stand all the cologne anyway?

“Ok honey have a good time.” I place a kiss on her cheek and walk them to the door.

“Thanks daddy.” She whispers to me when we get outside.

“Be careful and if he gets out of line you call me ok?” I say so that he can hear.

“Ok daddy.” She laughs and gets into the car.

“It was nice to meet you sir.” He shakes me hand and takes me completely off guard.

“Have a good time.” I wave them off.

“That wasn’t so bad was it?” Liz asks when I come back in.

“I guess not. He seems like a nice kid.” I admit.

“I told you. Now are you planning on coming to bed sometime tonight or are you going to camp out here?”

“What do you think?” I laugh.

“You’re such an old man. I’ll be back.” She walks to get me the blankets and sits with me.

“Am I really an old man? I want to be the cool dad but she’s my baby.” I whine.

“I understand. She’ll be fine though. On the other hand you need to talk to Kaiden. Something is up with him; he’s been too quiet lately.”

“What do you think it is?” I ask flipping through the channels.

“I don’t know. Maybe its school or boy stuff.”

“I’ll talk to him. Maybe we can go out on the boat next weekend. Just he and I.” I say finally finding something I want to watch.

“He’d like that.” She says and lies next to me. “Max I’m not watching that. Change it I hate that show!”

“Since when? It’s a good show.”

“You’re kidding right? Girls next door is a good show?” She laughs.

“It’s fun to make fun of them.”

“Whatever, I’m not watching that so change it. I can’t stand those bimbos.”

“Jealous?” I tease.

“Yeah cause I secretly wish to be a twenty year old bleach blonde with fake boobs that sleeps with a 90 year old.” She rolls her eyes.

“Ok, you ruined the show for me.” I change the channel quickly. She’s right.

Kara made it home in time that night and had the biggest smile on her face when she walked in the door. I’m happy that she had a good time but still hate this Stefano kid. Hopefully it won’t get serious. She’s a good kid so I’ll have to trust her like Liz said. I don’t like this dating thing at all but I can’t stop it. Well, maybe I could but then she’d hate me and I don’t want that. When did I turn into such an old man?

Life is good…scratch that, life is great. Only a few more teenage years left for Kara then it will be Kaiden’s turn. I’ll have to talk to him about how to treat girls now so he can make it through a meeting with the dad.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:04 pm
by Icequeen
Hey guys. Thank you all for your continued FB. I’ve started a new fic called you know I’d love you better. Here is the link It’s co written with FamersAmers. I’d love to hear what you guys think.

~~Chapter 13~~~

~*~2 years later~*~ (Kara 17 Kaiden 14)

“Max, Kara, Kris and I are going to the mall. We’ll be back in a few hours.”

“Ok.” It’s that time of year. Prom. I’m dreading it but it was bound to happen sooner or later. Kara has been planning this for months and has been looking for a dress for weeks. 3 months and counting.

“So it’s just you and I champ. What do you want to do today?” I ask Kaiden when they leave.

“Doesn’t matter.” He shrugs.

“Alright well we can ride some jet skis or go out on the boat.”

“Cool.” He runs to his room to get ready and I do the same. We’ve always been able to share a love for water sports and I’m glad we have that.

“Alright let’s go.” We load up our things in the car and drive to the marina.

“So everything ok in school?” I ask.

“Yeah.” He sighs. I know something is wrong.

“Well that didn’t sound too convincing. What’s going on?”

“Well…. I’m in love.” He blurts out and I nearly swerve off the road.

“Come again?”

“You heard me. I’m in love and I’m miserable.” I hide back my laughter.

“Ok well tell me the whole story.” He goes on to tell me about the love of his life, to use his words, Alexa Prescott.

“She doesn’t even know I exist dad.”

“I’m sure that’s not true. Have you talked to her?” I ask slowing down so that the conversation doesn’t stop.

“Yeah for like a second. She asked me for a pencil one day.”

“Well there you go, she’s talked to you before.”

“Dad come on. That’s hardly what I’d call conversation.” He snorts.

“Your right but she knows of you and that’s a start.” He shrugs.

“Well do you have anything in common with her?”

“I don’t know. She’s perfect though. She’ll never talk to me. I’m the dorky smart kid.”

“Hey there is nothing wrong with being smart ok? Don’t ever let anyway make you feel that way. You have a gift don’t feel badly about it.” I ruffle his hair a bit and get a laugh out of him.

“I guess.” We get to the marina and the conversation switches gear for a moment.


“Sweetheart you can forget about that dress. Your father would have a heart attack if he saw you in that.” This is the fifth dress she’s tried on in this store and none of them have been the one.

“Yeah well if it were up to dad I’d either not be going or I’d be going in a nun’s outfit.” She rolls her eyes and goes back into the dressing room.

“I officially hate shopping.” Kris says sinking down in her chair

“I’d never thought I’d hear you say that.”

“Yeah well there is a first time for everything. This is going to take forever.” I laugh and walk around the store looking for another dress.

“Try this on honey.” I hand her a dress and hope that she likes this one. My feet are killing me and we still have to find shoes and accessories.

“I kind of like this one.” She says from behind the door.

“Thank God. I hope it’s the one.” Kris says getting up from her chair as we wait for her to come out.

“Well what do you guys think?” She comes out and the dress is perfect.

“I like it.” I say as she spins around in front of the mirror.

“Kris?” Kara asks.

“It’s perfect.” Kara smiles and takes the dress off.

“Now on to shoes.” She comes out and we search for the perfect shoes to go with the dress.

“Mom you have to talk to dad about prom. I can’t be home at eleven on prom night. The dace doesn’t even end till midnight.”

“I know baby. I’m going to try.” Max has been very adamant about her curfew lately. Hopefully he will understand that she can’t leave early on prom night.


“Ok so tell me more about this girl, the love of your life.” We are out on the boat and are taking a break from fishing.

“Fine make fun of me if you like. While I’m miserable it’s nice to know that my father is making fun of me.” He pouts and takes a sip of his soda.

“Ok I’m sorry. Really though, tell me. I want to know.” I sit back and put my sunglasses on. He goes on to tell me everything he knows about her and why she’s so perfect.

“Well what if you became interesting in something she’s into?” I ask.

“Like what? I’m a dork dad.”

“Hey, stop saying that. You’re not a dork. What is she into? Does she play sports or belong to any clubs?”

“She’s a cheerleader.” I try to hide my eye roll at that. “She’s also in the drama club.”

“So she’s an actress? Weren’t you into acting for a while?” I remember him being in a few plays.

“Yeah but she’s great dad and I suck.”

“You don’t suck.” Why is he so down on himself lately? “Are there any plays coming up that you might be interested in?”

“There is one coming up but I’m not going to try out?”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s Romeo and Juliet, that’s why.” I laugh a little but stop when he glares at me.

“What’s wrong with Romeo and Juliet?”

“Hello it’s a romantic play! Besides she’s going to get Juliet anyway and I’ll never get a role big enough to spend time with her so what’s the point?” He shrugs.

“Why don’t you try? Even if you don’t get Romeo you’ll still be in the play and have a reason to talk to her and be around her.” I see him thinking about it and he looks interested.

“Maybe.” I’ll take it. At least he didn’t say no.

~*~3 months later~*~

“Max we need to talk about this summer. Kara will be away and I’m not sure if Kaiden is going to summer camp or not.” Today is one of the few days that the kids are both out of the house for most of the day.

“What do you mean Kara will be away? College doesn’t start till September. Where is she going?” Am I that out of the loop here?

“She has a summer internship in Los Angeles Max. We talked about this already.”

“The hell we did? Trust me we never discussed my daughter spending the summer in L.A.”

“Will you stop already? We did talk about this. You found the apartment for her remember? What is wrong with you?” Am I going nuts? I don’t remember any of this.

“I honestly forgot about it. I’m sorry. So where is Kaiden going again?” I have too much shit going on obviously. I can’t even keep track of my own kids.

“He’s torn between Science camp and football camp.” My son the genius star football player. Who would have thought?

“Can’t he do both?”

“No both camps run into each other. He wants to but he can’t. I’m leaving it up to him though.”

“Ok well we need to schedule some family time then. One last trip for the summer with all of us together.” She nods her head. “And then we need to schedule some mom and dad time while the kids are away.” I wink and pull her closer to me kissing her in the side of her neck.

“No complaints here.” She moans and leans her head back giving me access to her exposed skin.

“Mmm how many weeks left till the kids are gone?” I ask between kisses.

“Too many.” She says unbuttoning my shirt.

“Ugh gross! It’s the middle of the day!” My head snaps up and I see Kara and her best friend Julia.

“What are you doing home so early?” I ask buttoning my shirt.

“I live here. “She says with a raised eyebrow. “Is this what you do when me and Kaiden aren’t home?” She stands in front of me with her arms crossed in front of her.

“That is privileged information.” She shakes her head and goes to her room.

“Kaiden and that girl are coming over tomorrow night to run over some lines before the play.” Liz walks to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

“Why do you not sound happy about that?” I ask her popping a cucumber into my mouth.

“I am happy.”

“Liar.” I laugh.

“I don’t know, he really seems to like her and I’m just worried that’s all.”

“He’ll be fine. Even if she does break his heart he’ll live.” She sighs and continues preparing lunch.

“Are you ready for next weekend?” She asks me as she hands me a plate of food.


“We need to discuss curfew.” We take our plates outside and sit at the table.

“What is there to discuss?” I twist off the cap of my bottled water and take a sip.

“You know what.” She says opening her own bottle of water.

“Her curfew is fine. Eleven is a good time to come home.”

“Max its prom. The dace doesn’t even end until midnight. You can’t expect her to be home at eleven.” She takes a bite of her food and stares at me.

“You’re serious?” I ask when she doesn’t say anything.

“Yes I’m serious. Kara has never done anything to make us not trust her Max. Her grades are good, she’s working this summer and she’s going to college on a scholarship might I add. Give her a break.” She’s right but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

“Liz you know the myth about prom night. I just don’t want my baby to be taken advantage of.”

“While I’m well aware of the myth you can’t compare her to other kids. She’s smart and has a good head on her shoulders. I highly doubt that she is going to take that step with Stefano on prom night.” I still don’t know why that kid is around. They dated for a while after their first date then broke up about a hundred times after that and now they are going to prom together.

“I’m going to hold you to that.” She laughs and we enjoy our lunch outside.

~*~Prom night~*~


“Coming baby.” Liz rushes into the house to see what’s wrong now. Kara came home from the hair dresser and nail salon an hour ago and this is the second time she’s called Liz.

“I hope she doesn’t look like a clown with a ton of makeup on.” Kaiden and I are setting up the telescope for tonight.

“Be nice.” I let him make some adjustments since he’s better at this then I am.

“I heard her talking on the phone about how late she’s going to be out.”

“It’s not nice to spy on your sister.” I start to give him a lecture but I’m intrigued on what he heard. “How late does she think she’s staying out?”

“It’s not nice to gossip either dad.” He’s got me there. I laugh and take a seat while he finishes up.

“What was the emergency?” I ask when Liz comes back out.

“One of her hair pins came out. No biggie.” She lies next to me on the lounge chair when I hear the doorbell ring.

“I’ll get it.” I get up and answer the door.

“Hey just in time for the craziness.” I let Michael in and we walk outside.

“Hello.” He says.


“What?” Liz is giving me a look that makes me uncomfortable.

“It’s not that I don’t love Michael but why is he here? Tonight?”

“No reason.” I shrug and watch him talk to Kaiden.

“She’s nervous enough Max don’t make it worse.”

“I’m not.” I lean over and give her a kiss on the cheek.

“So what time is the punk getting here?” Michael asks me as soon as Liz runs inside for Kara again.

“He should be here in a few.” I say looking down at my watch to check the time.

“If mom finds out that you set this up she’s going to be mad.” Kaiden cuts in.

“Twenty bucks if you don’t tell.” Michael offers him.

“Please. Twenty bucks? That’s not nearly enough.”

“Oh really?” Michael laughs. “Well how much then?”

“Forget about it. I’d rather watch when she finds out.” He says and runs inside.

“You gotta keep that kid in line Maxwell.” He says and I laugh. We hear the doorbell ring and both get up to answer it.

“Good evening Sir.” Stefano greets me when I open the door. He’s dressed in a tux and is holding a corsage for Kara. I kind of like that he still call’s me sir after all this time.

“Come in Stefano. This is Kara’s Uncle, Michael.” He shakes Michael’s hand and comes into the living room.

“Kara should be out soon.” Michael and I sit on the sofa and Stefano sits across from us in the recliner.

“So senior prom huh?” Michael asks.

“Y-yes sir.” I hide my smile as he stutters.

“Well I’m sure you’ve heard all about what supposedly goes down tonight?” The kid slowly nods but doesn’t say a word. “And I’m sure that your plans do not include any of those activities right?” Michael asks with a raised eyebrow. This is too good for me to cut in. I just sit back and enjoy.

“N-no sir. Absolutely not, I would never.”

“Good. Because Maxwell here may be her father but I’m her Uncle and Godfather. So think of me as the Godfather ok?”

“O- Ok sir.”

“So tonight will consist of dancing at an appropriate distance, eating, drinking non-alcoholic beverages and one simple tasteful goodnight kiss under the lights.” Michael seems like he’s done this before, oh wait he has.

“Yes sir.” The kid looks like he’s about to bust. I see the sweat forming on his forehead. This is hilarious.

“My daughter is under your protection tonight so I want her back the same way she left this house you got it? I’ve welcomed you into my home and allowed you to date my daughter, don’t make me regret it.”

“No sir, I won’t.” Liz comes out a few moments later and tells us that Kara is almost ready. I hear her heels clicking on the floor as she makes her way to the living room.

“Well?” She asks and spins around.

“You look like an angel.” I say. Liz rushes to get her camera and starts snapping pictures the second she comes back in the room.

“Ok I want one of you and your dad honey.”

“Liz...” I’m not dressed properly for this.

“Oh stop it. You look fine.” She says as if reading my mind. We pose near the door and Stefano takes my place next to her for the next few shots. We all have our turn taking pictures with her and soon it’s time to wave them off.

“Be home by two.” I wink at her as she walks to the car. Liz informed me of some after parties that were going on and I’ve come to realize that she’s right. I have to let her grow up and make her own choices. She’s practically an adult now and I have to trust her.

“Thank you daddy.” She hugs me and gets into the car.

“I’m trusting you with something that is invaluable to me. Don’t disappoint me.” I warn Stefano before he drives off.

“You’re not going to stay up and wait for her tonight.” Liz informs me when we close the door.

“I wasn‘t planning on it. Michael and I are going out actually.”

“Oh really? And where might you be going?” She asks with her hands on her hips.

“We’re just going to hang out. You know play pool or whatever.” Michael cuts in.

“Huh.” She eyes us with a raised eyebrow.

“Maxwell Evans you better not be anywhere near that hotel tonight.”

“What? Your crazy, I wasn’t planning on going there.” I hear Michael laugh and give him a look.

“Sure you weren’t. You just so happened on wanting to go play pool tonight of all nights when you haven’t done that in ages? And since when do you need binoculars to play pool? I’m serious Max don’t even think about it.” I can’t argue with her, I’m busted.

“Dude your fucked. Just forget about it.” Michael says while standing behind me.

“Fine. I’ll stay in.” I give in and say goodnight to Michael.

“Good because I have plans for you tonight Mr. Evans.” She says and grabs my ass.

“I can go for that.” I swat her ass then go outside to spend some time with Kaiden. Just knowing that she will be in the room waiting for me is driving me wild but dad duty calls.

“Are you nervous about tomorrow?” I ask Kaiden as he looks though the telescope.

“No not really.” The love of his life is coming over to rehearse for the play. Contrary to what he thought he did get the role of Romeo and she got Juliet naturally.

“Isn’t there a kissing scene in this play?”


“What? Well isn’t there?” I ask knowing that there is.

“Yes ok! Yes there is and I’m totally going to choke.”

“You’ll be fine.” We gaze at the stars for a few hours and he decides to go to bed. Tomorrow is a big day for him.

“So dad how are you holding up? It’s 11PM.”

“You’re not funny. I’m trying not to think about it actually.” I take my shorts and shirt off and slide under the covers.

“She’s so grown up Max.” Liz sighs and snuggles up to my chest.

“I know. Too bad I couldn’t put her in a capsule and keep her home.” She laughs and swats my chest.

“It was bound to happen it just went by too quick. She’ll be getting married soon.”

“You crazy. She’s not getting married anytime soon trust me.”

“Yeah like you can stop that from happening.” She leans over and turns the light out.
“So Mr. Evans are you too preoccupied to have a little fun tonight?”

“N-no.” I manage to get out when she grabs my erection. All these years and she still drives me crazy with one touch.

“Good because I wasn’t going to let you get off easily anyway.”

“I was planning on getting off tonight but of another kind.” I flip us over so that she’s on her back and kiss a trail down her neck. Her moans still drive me wild and I lift her shirt up exposing her breasts.

“You’re still perfect.” I say and swirl my tongue around her cinnamon colored nipple. She moves her hips and grins against my erection making me want to rip her clothes off.

“Fuck me Max. Fuck me like you used to.” She says in my ear. We haven’t done it rough in a while. I didn’t think she still liked that.

“As you wish angel.” I pull her shirt off her and toss it on the ground. She uses her feet to pull my boxers down and my erection presses against her stomach. I reach down and run a finger against her folds feeling her wetness.

“God you’re always so wet.” I lean down and press a searing kiss to her lips. Her arms warp around my neck pulling me down closer to her.

“I want you so badly. Take me Max.” I smile down at her and grab my erection teasing her folds with it. I slide easily into her and thrust hard making sure I’m in as far as I can go. I hook her leg under my arm and begin thrusting into her.

“Oh God that feels good Max.” Our bodies slam into each other and her moans make me pick up my pace.

“Fuck Liz. I love you so much angel.” I let go of her leg and smooth her hair down before placing kisses over her face. I want to do it rough but can’t stop myself from showing her how much I love and cherish her.

“Me too Max.” She pushes me off her and switches our positions. There was a time in our marriage when she wouldn’t be on top. She hated her body and refused to let me see her completely while we made love. I told her she was crazy but she insisted on going to a gym. Almost a year later she was satisfied with the results and let me see her during our lovemaking.

I palm her breasts while she rides me rough. She wasn’t joking when she said she wanted it rough. She leans down and bites my shoulder.

“Ahh.” I scream out in pleasure and in pain. This side of Liz came out a few years ago. It started with scratching and led to biting, not that I’m complaining.

“You ok?” She asks and looks down at the teeth marks she left.

“I’m perfect.” I sit up and bite down a little on her nipple. She resumes riding me and soon we reach our peak.

“God I love you.” I pull the blankets over us and kiss her forehead. At 1:57 I hear Kara come in and sneak out to make sure she’s ok now I can get some rest.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 5:13 pm
by Icequeen
Thanks for the FB guys. RL has been crazy so sorry for the lack of personals. :(

~*~Chapter 14~*~*

“Good morning.” I greet my kids in the kitchen.

“It’s actually afternoon dad.” Kara informs me. I look up at the clock and see that it’s past noon.

“Ok well good afternoon then. So how was it?” I ask staring the coffee pot.

“It was fine.”

“Fine? That’s all?” I ask grabbing some cups out of the cabinet.

“It was a dance dad. Do you want me to go over all the details?” She rolls her eyes and flips through a magazine.

“Ok I’m just going to watch some TV.” Something happened and I know she doesn’t want to tell me. Even Kaiden is staying away from her.

Liz joins me a few moments later and I ask her to talk to Kara about yesterday.

“What do you think happened?” She asks with her coffee in hand.

“I have no idea but if that punk tried anything with her I’ll kill him.”

“Your not killing anyone so calm down. I’ll try and get it out of her.” We sit and drink our coffee. Kris calls and Liz decides to have a girls day with her and Kara.

“Ok buddy it’s just us men today.” Once they leave I head out back where Kaiden is in the pool.

“Can we go surfing?” He asks.

“Sure.” I haven’t been out in a while so it should be fun. We get our gear and head down to the beach.

“Dad when did you have your first kiss?” We are sitting on our boards waiting for a wave to come in and he asks me that.

“Umm. Wow that was so long ago. Let’s see.” I look up and try to remember who my first kiss was.” Oh ok I remember now. Her name was Erin Lockwood and we were in the 5th grade. We were standing by our lockers after school and I just leaned over and kissed her.”

“Was she your girlfriend?” He asks smoothing his hair back. I have to take him to get a haircut soon.

“She sure was.” I laugh.

“Don’t laugh dad.” he says and splashes some water at me. “When did you have your first girlfriend?”

“I guess I was about eleven.” I have a feeling that he wants this Alexa to be his girlfriend.

“I bet you weren’t a dork like me.” He says and paddles off to catch a wave. I don’t know how he got to be so down on himself. He’s smart, athletic and good looking like his dad. Hopefully this girl won’t break his heart because he seems to be really into her. I hope everything goes well tonight.


“So what happened with Kara?” Liz came home from shopping and Kara went back to the mall with Kaiden to get him some new sneakers.

“She didn’t really say but I do know that it had something to do with her being in LA this summer.”

“How do you know that?” I sit on the bed while she takes things out of bags.

“Well she was asking Kris and I how bad it would be if she didn’t take the internship. I think she doesn’t want to be away from him this summer. She knows that she’ll be working everyday and coming home on weekends so she won’t see him all the time.”

“She can’t not go because of a boy Liz.”

“I know Max but I’m not going to force her either.” She folds the bags and puts them in a box in the closet. I don’t know why she saves bags from stores but she has tons of them.

“This kid better not be trying to convince her not to go. She worked so hard to get this internship I’d hate to see her throw it away.”

“I know but what can we do? It’s up to her in the end.” She sits next to me and I rub her feet softly.

“She’ll make the right choice. I know she will.” He feet are freezing again. “Now on to Kaiden. I think he really likes this girl.” I tell her.


“Well he was asking me about my first kiss and first girlfriend.”

“Oh God. What did you tell him?” She laughs.

“Not much. He didn’t really press me for info but he’s been so down on himself lately I just don’t know what to do for him.”

“He’ll be alright. He’s not like Kara Max. He’s more reserved but he’ll be fine.”

“I wish I were as optimistic as you are. Anyway tonight is a big night for him.” I remind her.

“Yes I know.” She rolls her eyes.

“Now you know how I feel with Kara.” I laugh. Liz is so protective of Kaiden.


“Dad is Kara going to be there today?” We are at the grocery store.

“Don’t worry about Kara. She’s not going to bother you.” He’s so nervous but I already talked to Kara about it.

“Good.” We pick up the rest of the things on the list and head back home.

“So little bro I hear you have a hot date tonight?”

“Kara leave him alone.” I warn her.

“What? This is a big deal. My dorky little brother having a date.”

“I’m warning you stop it Kara.” He has enough self esteem issues as it is.

“Whatever.” She hops off the counter and walks away.

“She’s right dad.” Kaiden says softly.

“Hey, listen to me. Your not a dork ok?” He looks down and I lift his chin up. “I’m serious. Everything will be great tonight.” He smiles a little and goes to get ready for tonight.

“What’s going on?” Liz asks a few moments later.

“Your daughter was bothering Kaiden.”

“Why is she my daughter when she’s doing something bad?” She laughs.

“You do It to me all the time.”

“True. So is Kaiden a mess?” She asks helping me set up some snacks.

“Yeah. He’ll be alright though. I just hate that he’s so down on himself.”

“I know. Hopefully he’ll grow out of it. He still hasn’t gone through his growth spurt so that might be why also.” I plate up the food and grab some water and sodas.

“Yeah.” I say and bring everything to the living room. “Ok everything is set up.” The doorbell rings moments later and Kara comes running to open the door.

“I don’t think so. You don’t want Kaiden around when your dates come over.” I remind her.

“Your such a party pooper. I just want to see what she looks like.” She smiles and looks just like Liz.

“Fine but I’m warning you, be nice.” And she gets me to do anything just like Liz.

“Hello.” I open the door and see Alexa standing there with her father.”

“Hello I’m Jim Prescott.” I shake hands with him and let them in.

“I’m Max and this is my wife Liz.” I introduce everyone to each other and have Kara get Kaiden.

“It’s nice meeting you. I’m sorry my wife couldn’t be here, she’s in London on a movie set.”

“She’s an actress?” Liz asks.

“Yes but she doesn’t use her married name. She goes by Susan Roberts.” Liz’s eyes go wide.

“Oh wow I didn’t know. I love her last movie.”

“I’ll let her know.” He laughs. Kaiden comes out moments later and joins us in the living room. He and Alexa say hello and go outside to where we set up a mock stage for them to practice on.

“I just wanted to make sure that they would be supervised. You never know now a days.” He says once they leave.

“We understand. My wife and I will be here all night. We can drive her home when they are done if you’d like.” I offer.

“Thank you.” He gets up and I walk him out. “You have a very well behaved son.” He says once we get to his car.

“Thank you.”

“Alexa has told me all about him. He’s all she’s been talking about for the past few weeks.” We laugh.

“Kaiden is the same.” We shake hands and I go back inside.

“What’s with the smile?” Liz asks me.

“She’s just as smitten with him.” I lean over and kiss Liz lightly on the lips.

“I’m glad.” She says and looks outside towards the kids.

We take Alexa home that night and I can’t help but notice the smile on my sons face. Liz and I didn’t want to check on them too much but popped in every now and then.

“So Kaiden you ready for the big night?” I ask him once we get back home.


“Well how did it go?” I ask referring to the kiss.

“Dad a gentleman never kisses and tells.” He says and walk to his room. He got me there but from the look on his face I can tell that it went well.

“So have you talked to miss Kara about our last summer vacation?” Liz is going through her nighttime routine as I lay in bed.

“Yeah I mentioned it. She requested we go somewhere tropical and she wanted to bring Julia but I told her it was a family thing.” She finishes up and joins me in the bed.

“Isn’t Julia going to LA for the summer too?” I ask her as she lays her head o my chest.

“Yeah, how did you find out?” She traces her hand around my belly button.

“Hey dad is up and up on the gossip too.” I laugh. “ I heard her plotting for them to share her apartment. She’s going to ask me soon.”

“Spying on our daughter are we?” She laughs.

“No. I was walking by her room and over heard. I couldn’t be helped.”

“Yeah right.” I pull her closer to me and kiss the tip of her nose.

“I can’t wait to get you into a nice little bikini.”

“Dream on. People would run for the hills if I got into a bikini. My 2 piece wearing days are over.” I pull her so that she’s laying entirely on my chest.

“Your crazy. Your still as hot as ever.” I trace the side of her face and lean in for a kiss.

“Your biased.” She says when we break apart.

“Maybe, but your still hot.” I flip us over so that I’m on top of her now. I lift her nightgown up and flick my tongue over her nipple. After all these years I know how to drive her crazy still and I love that. Our sex life is never boring even with the kids.

“Max the kids might still be up.” she warns me.

“They can’t hear us anyway and they are both past the age of coming into our room after a nightmare.” She knows I’m right and smiles. I pull the shirt over her head and slide her underwear down her legs kissing a trail back up.

“Will it always be like this?” She asks.

“Like what?” Her feminine smell is assaulting my senses and I want nothing more then to embed myself in her right now.

“Will you always want me? Always look at me the way your look at me now?” She bites her lower lip and I smile. Kara does the same thing.

“I promise you that I will. When we are old, wrinkled and gray I will still want you as much as I want you right now.” I position myself at her entrance and slide into her.

“God I can’t get enough of you.” I slide almost all the way out before thrusting back in.

“Oh God me either Max.” She wraps her legs around my waist pulling me further into her. I pick up my pace kneading her breasts with my free hand.

“Your beautiful.” I whisper in her ear. She has other ideas and pushes me off her so that she’s on top.

“I like it when you ride me.” I say as she slides onto me. I slide my hand up and down her back resting my hands on her hips. She rides me painfully slow but I let her take charge. Reaching down to rub her clit the throws her head back. Her moans are driving me wild.

“Liz faster honey.” I urge her. She dies me harder and faster and soon we are both screaming each others names in ecstasy.

“It just gets better and better every time.” She says and collapses on my chest. I kiss her forehead and wrap the blanket around us.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 8:43 pm
by Icequeen
Thanks guys for the FB. I’ve been kind of blah lately so sorry if that reflects on this chapter.

Roswell 10/2/00

~*~Chapter 15~*~

~*~* 1 month later.~*~

“You can’t start crying this early.” Liz has been crying all morning.

“Yes I can. She’s leaving us soon.” She breaks down again when Kara comes to the kitchen for breakfast.

“Morning.” She said followed by Kaiden.

“Morning princess. Are you excited about today?” I ask her sitting a plate of banana walnut pancakes in front to her. It’s her favorite.

“Yeah a little.” She says dowsing them in syrup.

“A little?” I ask getting a plate for Kaiden.

“I guess I’m sad in a way. I’m not going to see most of my friends all summer.” She says.

“You’ll be too busy to worry about that. Besides you’re going to have Julia aren’t you?” I wink at her. She hasn’t asked me yet if she and Julia can share the place. The truth is that I’d feel better if they did.

“You’re the best dad.” She leans over and gives me a hug. Liz joins us soon after and still looks sad.

“Ok, so now that we are all here together. It’s time to plan our last family vacation.” I pull out a notebook ready to write down everyone’s suggestions.

“Kaiden?” I look towards him for his suggestion.

“England.” He says. I should have known, he’s been obsessed with Shakespeare ever since the play. He and Alexa are now officially dating.

“Ok, one for England. Kara?”

“Hawaii.” She says. She always picks someplace tropical.

“Sweetheart we’ve been there already. Pick someplace else.” I don’t like taking the kids to the same places all the time and I want this one to be special.

“Alright how about the Bahamas?”

“Ok, one for the Bahamas.” I write it down and turn to Liz.

“Angel?” I catch her staring at the kids and hold back a laugh.

“Sorry Kaiden I vote for the Bahamas too.” Kaiden shrugs and turns his attention back to his food.

“Ok well then that’s settled. The Bahamas it is. I’ll make the arrangements today.” I’m glad that didn’t turn out into an all out war like it has in years past. I’ll have to make a not to take Kaiden to England soon too, I’d like to go anyway.

“Thanks for breakfast mom. I’m going to go get ready, I have to pick up Julia in an hour.” She gives us a kiss on the cheek and rushes off to her room.

“I’m going to get dressed too. Dad we have to pick up Alexa on the way over there.” Kaiden informs me before rushing to his room.

“Are you going to be ok?” I ask Liz once the kids leave.

“Yeah, I think so. She’s grown up so fast Max. I remember when she was starting kindergarten and now she’s going away to college. Soon she’ll be getting married.”

“Whoa hold on a minute. She’s not getting married for a long, long time Liz. Don’t you think your jumping the gun a little bit?” I move into the chair next to hers and brush a strand of hair away from her face.

“I guess.” She smiles and takes the plates to the kitchen. Kara leaves in her car to get Julia and Liz and I go get Alexa and ride over with Kaiden. Michael, Maria, Kris and Andrew will meet us there.

“Hey. Where should we sit?” Michael asks.

“Um they have special seating for us. It’s right over there.” Liz says pointing to a section that has been roped off.

“Why do we get special seating?” Maria asks. I guess Michael didn’t tell her.

“Kara is the valedictorian.” I say beaming with pride.

“Thanks for telling me Michael.” Maria says.

“Sorry I forgot.” She rolls her eyes at him and we take our seats. I pull the camera out and being snapping pictures of everything in sight.

“Your going to run out of space if you keep taking pictures of every random thing.

“Don’t worry Kris has a camera and Michael does too.” She shakes her head at me.

“I can’t believe she’s all grown up.” I hear Kris say and Liz agrees.

“Here we go.” I say once the music starts. No matter how long it’s been, every time i hear the famous pomp and circumstance I get chills. I guess because it marks such an important time in a persons life. The graduates come down the isle side by side, girls in white and boys in navy blue with the honors kids wearing a long gold tassel around their necks.

“There she is.” Liz and Kris say at the same time. Michael and I snap a few pictures. The principle gives his speech and I know that Kara is coming up soon.

“And now ladies and gentleman I’m proud to present to you our valedictorian Kara Alianna Evans.” Michael, Andrew and I cheer and whistle loudly for her while Liz, Kris and Maria clap loudly. I see her walk to the stage and turn the camera into video mode. My baby giving a speech. Tears prick my eyes but I blink them away quickly.

“Good afternoon.” She says and adjusts the microphone. “Thirteen years of schooling, can you believe it? We’re graduating!” The crowd of kids whistle and clap loudly and Kara smiles. I know she’s nervous but she’s hiding it well.

“When asked to come up for a speech for today, I really had no idea what to talk about. Fortunately, I received many suggestions from teachers and friends ranging from freedom and thoughts on the future of fast food to baseball district championships and everywhere in between. I decided on freedom.” She looks over towards us and I wink at her. Words can’t express how proud I am of her right now. I look over at Liz and kiss her temple.

“We all go through high school yearning for freedom: freedom from curfews, freedom to go where we want when we want and freedom to just be ourselves. Today we take one step closer to being on our own. One more step towards a future full of choices, opportunities and endless possibilities.” She didn’t let me hear her speech before she gave it but it’s great. Liz’s tears are flowing freely now and Kris is on her way.

“My advice to you is that you make an effort to truly appreciate the journey, because all the degrees, promotions and fancy cars in the world mean nothing if you don’t realize what it takes to get there.” I see my daughter in a new light. She’s not only beautiful on the inside as well as out but she’s wise. Wiser then I thought and I regret that a little.

“Take the time to appreciate the people in your lives who have been there along the way; the support you receive from your family and friends is invaluable. Look around you. Every person sitting there tonight is here for us, and let me tell you there are a lot of people here.” The crowd laughs and I look over to my friends and family and I am truly thankful for everything and everyone that is here tonight.

“I couldn’t imagine having to go through high school without my friends and family, and I attribute much of the fact that I’m standing here right now to their faith in me.” Again she looks towards us and I smile and wink at her so she knows I’m listening and looking. Kris and Liz are a mess, Maria is soon on her way and Michael is holding it back.

“To end, I’d just like to say thank you, on behalf of our class, to all of the parents, teachers and friends who have supported us throughout the past four years. We couldn’t have done it without you. And to my classmates, thanks for the memories. Congratulations. We did it!” The crowd stands and claps for her as she walks back to her seat. I put the camera down and pull Liz to my side.

“She was perfect.” She says through tears.

“She was.” I kiss her softly and wipe her tears away. The rest of the ceremony goes by quickly. The class is graduated and they throw their hats up in the air. The fact that she has graduated really hits me as we make our way to the field to search for her. She’s no longer a little girl, she’s a young woman now.

“Mom!” I hear Kara scream and run towards Liz.

“I’m so proud of you baby.” Liz hugs her tightly and wipes fresh tears away. Everyone congratulates her then it’s my turn.

“Did you like my speech?” She asks me.

“It was great. You were great. I’m so proud of you honey.” I kiss her cheek softly and she’s surrounded by a group of friends soon. “I have something for you.” I say getting everyone attention.

“What is it?” She asks with a huge smile on her face.

“Well since you’ve done so well and got a scholarship to college, your mom and I decided to get you a little something.” I take her hands and walk her to the school parking lot. I’m not surprised when I see several cars with red bows on top of them as gifts for the graduates.

“Daddy.” She whispers and gives me a hug.

“You don’t even know which one it is.” I laugh.

“It doesn’t matter. Thank you!” I walk her over to her new car and hand her the keys.

“Can I get Kara’s old car now?” Kaiden asks.

“As soon as we get some driving time together, yeah.”


“Daddy I love it! Thanks mom thanks daddy.” She opens the car door and gets in her brand new SUV.

“Nice car Maxwell, you did good.” Michael slaps my back and he goes around to further inspect the car.

“Open the glove box.” I tell her and walk around to the other side of the car.

“Oh my…” She opens the box to reveal the watch that Liz and I picked out for her. Well, Liz picked it out since I had no idea what to get her but it’s pink and Liz assured me she’ll love it.

“Read the back.” I tell her.

“Our princess, we love you. Mom and dad.” She reads with tears in her eyes. She reaches over and hugs me.

“I love you daddy.” She says then gets out to hug Liz and everyone else. Kris hands her another box that holds diamond earrings that were her mothers.

“Your like a second daughter to me. Andrew and I love you sweetie.”

“Have fun baby and be careful.” I tell her and wave her off. We planned a party for her for tomorrow since tonight she would be out with her friends.

Michael and Maria head home and the rest of us go back to the house. Kaiden and Alexa are out back while Kris, Liz and I sit in the kitchen.

“I can’t believe it.” Kris says sipping her coffee.

“Believe what?” I ask her.

“That she’s all grown up. I remember when we just 8 years old wanting to wear make up.”

“I know.” Liz says and laugh. “Soon it will be your turn.” The twins are at Andrew’s parents for the week.

“I’m not looking forward to that. Maybe we should have a few more.” Andrew says getting a smack from Kris. We spend the rest of the afternoon reminiscing about our kids. It feels good to have a tight group of friends around.

“Your parents sent Kara a card.” Liz places the card on the kitchen table.

“That was nice of them. I’m sorry that they missed today.”

“I know.” My parents really haven’t been in the kids lives and that’s ok with me. My relationship with them will always be strange and I’d rather not expose my kids to that. They make the occasional phone call and send cards on birthdays and such but they don’t really see them much.

~*~*3 weeks later~*~*

“Are you nervous?” I ask helping Kara pack for her move to LA.

“Not really. Julia is going to be there, I’m more excited then anything.”

“Well, your dad is a wreck. All of the sudden LA is on the other side of the world.” I laugh.

“Dad is such a worry wart. He’s such an old man.”

“Don’t let him hear you say that.” She laughs and walks into her closet for more things.

“I know that you talked to daddy about letting me go so thank you.”

“He was going to let you go. Your dad is just protective that’s all but he does trust you.”

“I know he does. I just sometimes wish he wasn’t so…dad like.” I laugh when she says that.

“Dad like? I’m sure when you have your own kids, millions of years from now, your husband will be the same way.” She laughs and folds her t-shirts perfectly.

“Mom?” she stops me as I’m about to walk out the door.

“Yeah baby?”

“I love you.”

“I love you too baby.” I pull her in for a hug and leave her to finish packing.


“So are you going to be ok tomorrow?” Liz asks as she climbs in bed.

“I’ll be fine. I’m dealing with it.” I reach over and turn the bedside lamp out.

“Well you need to spend more time with Kaiden.” She says and I sigh. “I’m serous Max.”

“I know Liz. I try to but we aren’t connecting lately, I don’t know what else to do.”

“I know you try Max but it’s important that you bond with him. I just don’t want him to feel left out or anything.” She’s right. I’m his father I need to make more of an effort.

“Well sine we are on the topic of feeling left out. I’m feeling a bit left out right now? You think you can help?” I pull her towards me and lay her head on my chest.

“You know I think I can.” Like a cougar she crawls over my body and lifts her nightgown up over her head exposing herself fully to me. There is a small amount of light from the moon shining in through the window and it accents her body perfectly.

“You look like a goddess.” I reach up and palm her breasts teasing her nipple with the pads of my thumbs.

“Umm that feels good.” I can feel her wetness through my boxers and lift my hips up as she reaches down to take them off. She slides them down my legs and throws them across the room.

“So are we up for something different tonight?” She whispers I my ear.

“Anything with you.” I say lean up to kiss her softly. She climbs off me get off the bed.

“Where are you going?” I ask when I see her walk to the door.

“Shh.” She puts her finger on her lips and cuts the lights on.

“Liz?” I ask thinking that she’s changed her mind about tonight.

“I wanted to do something different. We haven’t done it in broad daylight in a while and this is as close as we will get to that with the kids.” She says and climbs back in bed.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” I toss the covers aside and pull her on top of me.

“Your so beautiful. “ I place a kiss on her breasts. “I don’t tell you that enough.”

“You do tell me enough, you show me too. I love you.” She leans down and rubs her tongue across my lower lip. Soon our tongues are dueling against each other. My erection presses up against her stomach. We pull apart and she reaches down and strokes me softly.

“I bet you taste good.” She licks her lips before covering my member with her slick mouth.

“Liz.” I hiss at the feeling. We don’t do this often, mostly because I’m uncomfortable with it, but I enjoy it. She expertly sucks and pulls brining me near the edge before she stops.

“Your going to be the death of me.” I lean up and kiss her tasting myself on her. My hands roam her body landing on her hips as she slides down onto me. Years of being together has our movement perfectly matched instantly. Her body is perfectly etched into my mind. Every mole, scrape and even that one tiny stretch mark she has from our son that I would never tell her about. Her hips rock back and forth bringing us both closer to our ending. She pins my hands over my head, her breasts brushing against my chest.

“Oh Max.” She moans. I haven’t been able to really see her face like this in a while. The fact that the lights are on is exciting. I can see every emotion. She bits her lower lip and moans my name over and over.

“Oh God I’m so close Max.” I flip her over and thrust deep into her before pulling all the way out.

“God I love you.” I slide into her as deep as I can go. Our eyes are locked as we reach our climax. She tumbles over the edge first. Her walls flutter around me and she lets out a sigh. I stop and watch her flushed face. Her eyes are closed, cheeks red and hair sprawled out over the pillow and she couldn’t look more beautiful.

“What?” She asks when she opens her eyes.

“Nothing.” I smile and lean down to kiss her before continuing my movements. Moments later I spill my seed into her and lay my head on her chest. The beat of her heart is soothing and soon we drift off to sleep. Tomorrow I let my daughter take a step closer into adulthood and a step further from me.

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:03 pm
by Icequeen
Sorry it took so long for this part. Thank you all for your FB!


“You have everything?” I ask Kara for the 10th time today. She’s leaving to LA for her summer internship and while I don’t want her to go I’ve come to terms that my princess has grown up.

“Yeah I think so.” She looks around her room one last time before shutting the door.

“Ok I’m going to load everything up, say goodbye to your mother and be nice to your brother.” She laughs and hands me her bags. We decided that I would drive up with her in her car and take the train back home.

“Ok, I’m ready.” She comes back out with Liz.

“I’ll call you when I’m on my way home.” I give Liz a kiss and walk to the car.

“Who’s driving?” She asks shaking the keys.

“It’s your car. I want you to get used to the traffic anyway.” I get into the passenger seat and buckle my seatbelt.

A few minutes later we are on the freeway and traffic is picking up but not too bad.

“When is Julia getting in?”

“She’ll be there tomorrow.” She turns the radio down a bit. I guess she wants to talk.


“Yeah baby.” I turn to face her and see her biting her lip like Liz does when she’s thinking.

“Thank you for letting me do this. I know that you didn’t want to.”

“Your welcome. Your mother is right, I need to let you grow up. Besides, I know this is a good opportunity for you.” She stops biting her lip and smiles.

“Did you have a lot of girlfriends before mom?” Ok where did that come from and how exactly do I explain my dating habits before Liz?

“Umm…not really.” Good one.

“Come on dad I’m not stupid. I know you must have.” I wonder where this is coming from?

“Well I uh… dated but I wouldn’t call them girlfriends.”

“Ohh nice. Dad the player. I can see that about you.” She laughs again and tucks a stand of hair behind her ear.

“I wasn’t a player. I just dated but I was older then you are now so don’t get any ideas.” She rolls her eyes and focuses on the road.

“Are you happy?” She says just above a whisper.

“Of course I am. I’m very happy. Why?”

“Well I um kind of heard mom and Kris talking a while back about something that happened a while ago between you and mom and Kris mentioned how you two have come a long way and how much you’ve changed so I wondered if you were happy.” I wonder what exactly they were talking about? I don’t want to give anything away that she might not know about.

“Sweetheart I am totally happy. You, Kaiden and your mom make me happier then I ever thought I could be. I wouldn’t change anything about my life. I love you guys.” Traffic has come to a complete stop and she looks at me and smiles just like her mother.

“I’m glad because it would totally suck if you and mom got a divorce.” That statement takes me off guard. Did they mention divorce? Did Liz want to leave me?

“We would never get a divorce honey. I love your mom too much to leave her or let her leave me.” At this point I’m trying to reassure myself.

“I’m never getting a divorce either.” Traffic starts moving and I sit there not knowing what to say. “Dad?” she asks.

“Yeah baby.”

“Do you think I’ll find someone to make me as happy as you make mom?” the thought of her getting married scares the shit out of me if I’m being honest

“I hope so honey. I’m sure there is someone out there for you but you have plenty of time so no rush ok?” She laughs.

“I know I have time but it’s kind of hard seeing the way you two are after all these years you know? My expectations are high I guess.”

“That’s a good thing. Don’t ever settle on anything. You shouldn’t have to settle.” My cell phone rings and I’m about to not answer when I see that it’s Michael.


“Max where are you?” Michael asks me sounding frantic.

“I’m dropping of Kara in LA why?”

“Shit, when are you getting back?”

“Later today. What’s going on?” I ask worried.

“Did you leave the proposal at the office for the new job in Arizona?”

“Yeah I left it with one of the secretaries, I ask her to make sure you got it why?” He goes on to tell me that he never got them and they aren’t anywhere in the office.

“Son of a B-”I stop when I realize that my daughter is in the car. “First of all she’s fired. I might have a copy at home, let me call Liz and I’ll call you right back.” I hang up and pinch the bridge of my nose.

“Everything ok?” Kara asks me.

“Yeah, just a little mishap. No biggie.” I call Liz and thankfully she finds what Michael needs. I call Michael and have him go to the house to pick them up.

“Is it hard having your own company? I mean you don’t really talk about work that much.”

“It is hard but it’s great. Being your own boss is the best way to go, at least for me.”

“Why didn’t you get into law like Grandpa?”

“I’ve always loved what I do, law never interested me.” We haven’t talked like this in years. It feels good.

“I don’t even know if this is what I want to do. I mean I like it but I’m not sure if I want to do it everyday for years.”

“Well try it out. You can always change majors or go back to school later.” She shrugs and I realize that we are a few minutes away from the apartment.


I help her get settled in and we order a pizza for dinner. Her apartment is furnished so we didn’t have a lot to unload out of the car, thankfully.

“This is nice.” She says taking a bite out of her food. I look at her and still can’t believe that she’s a woman. I can still see her in pigtails and pink bows.

“It is.” I lean back against the sofa and enjoy the rest of our meal.

“I know you’ve heard his a hundred times but I want you and Julia to be careful. Don’t go anywhere alone late at night and watch your surroundings at all times.”

“Ok.” It shocks me that she didn’t roll her eyes at me.

“And keep your cell phone charged, I know how you forget to charge it sometimes. You have a charger in your car, use it.” This time she rolls her eyes and laughs.

“Dad, I got it. I’ll be fine I promise.” We watch TV for a while before she goes to bed in her room. I lay awake thinking of Liz and Kaiden and how things have changed so much in the past few years. My daughter is off to college and my son is in high school. I wonder what my old acquaintances would think of me now? Max Evans, a husband and a father.


“So everything ok?” Liz asks me when I get in the car after my train ride.

“Yeah, I still don’t feel right about leaving her there but your right, I have to let her grow up one day.”

“She’ll be fine.” Liz says but I have a feeling that she won’t be. There is something in the back of my mind that is telling me to go back there and drag her home but I let it go. Maybe I’m just worrying too much.

~~~2 weeks later~~

“What is up with you today? Your like on edge or something?” I’ve been sitting in my office staring at the same piece of paper for over an hour.

“I don’t know, just a feeling I guess. I’ve called the house a hundred times to make sure everything is ok but I still feel like something is wrong.”

“You called Kara?” I shake my head. I talked to her an hour ago and she was on her way to work.

“Let’s get out of here. We haven’t golfed in a while it might help you take your mind off things.”

“Golf? Your kidding right?” I laugh.

“Whatever. Just come on. I’ll meet you in twenty.” I get my things ready to meet him but have this awful feeling. A feeling in the pit of my stomach that somewhere, someone I know is being hurt. I’m nuts.


“Kaiden honey I’m going to run to the store I’ll be back in a few hours.”

“K.” He doesn’t look up from his book and waves me off.

“Oh, and no female visitors ok?” I pop my head back in the door.

“Whatever.” He rolls his eyes and I shake my head. He’s been trying to rebel lately and I’m not liking it at all. If Max and I would have gotten home a few minutes later the other night we would have caught an eyeful. We found him on the sofa in a heated kiss with the flavor of the week. He’s grown into his looks and has become a bit of a player, guess he got that from his dad.

I’m at the grocery store when my cell phone rings. I don’t look at the caller ID and answer it while at the check out line.



“Kara?” She sounds like she’s crying.

“Mom, I need you to come out here.”

“What’s going on baby?” The line moves forward a bit but I don’t move.

“Mom please, just come out here. And don’t tell Dad please.”

“Kara honey, what happened. Your scaring me baby.”

“Please mom just…hurry.” The line goes dead and I rush out of the store without my purchase.

I can’t think straight. I want to call Max but I don’t even know what’s going on and Kara, for some reason, asked me not to.

I call the house and tell Kaiden that I won’t be home for a few hours. I know that Max will worry when he gets home but I can’t think about that now. I just need to get to Kara and find out what’s going on.

Thankfully she called me early and I was able to beat the traffic. I get there in record time considering I’ve never been here before. I pull up to her apartment and rush inside searching for the elevator to take me up to her floor.

I step out and rush to her apartment. Knocking franticly I call her name so she knows it’s me.

“Kara is mom honey, open the door.” I shirt from foot to foot waiting for her to open the door.

“Julia?” I didn’t expect her to be here. Her eyes are puffy and I can tell she’s been crying. “What happened?” I look around the apartment and see that it’s completely trashed.

“I’ll get Kara.” She calls for Kara while I look around the apartment trying to figure out what the hell happened.

“Mom!” Kara rushes towards me and launches herself into my arms like she did when she was younger.

“Honey what happened? Are you ok?” She’s crying hysterically against my shoulder.

“He- he-…” She breaks down again and I move us towards the sofa. I look towards Julia who is sitting on the far end of the sofa staring at me.

“Your ok now. Tell me what happened.” I smooth her hair back trying to get her to look at me.

“Please don’t tell daddy.” I’m wondering why she doesn’t want Max to know what happened and it worries me.

“Honey you have to tell me what happened first ok?” She hides her face between my shoulder and the cushion and I turn to Julia for answers.

“Do you know what happened?” I ask her getting no response. I realize that they must be in shock and decide to wait for them to calm down before I prod them for answers


I get home to a seemingly empty house. Liz didn’t say she was going out so I go check the kitchen for a note.

I find no note and turn to look out the window when something catches my eye. I see the back of Kaiden’s head as he leans against the edge of the pool. I start to walk out there to ask him where Liz is when something makes me stop dead in my tracks.

I now see why Kaiden was leaning against the side of the pool like he was. I see a dark head of hair come up from under the water with a huge smile on her face. I really hope that my son isn’t doing what I think he’s doing.

There is a huge internal debate going on inside of me. Part of me wants to rush out there and ask what the hell is going on but another part of me doesn’t want to embarrass him. I go with my first instinct and walk outside.

“Kaiden?” I ask getting his attention. I hear him say ‘oh shit’ and push the girl off of him. Seems like he was doing more then I thought he was and I’m glad I came out here now.

“You have to go.” I hear him say to the girl. She comes out of the pool with her head down in shame I guess. I wait for her to leave before I lay into my son.

“Do you care to explain what the hell you were doing?” He steps out of the pool and dries himself off as if nothing just happened.

“I’m sure it was pretty obvious.” He sits on the lounge chair and puts his sunglasses on. Now he’s really pissing me off.

“Don’t get smart with me. Since when is it ok for you to bring girls here when no one is home and when did it become ok for you to have sex in the pool?”

“Next time I’ll ask if it’s ok to have sex in the pool all right?” I snatch the suntan lotion from his hands and sit next to him.

“What’s going on with you?” I try to stay calm.

“Nothing. I was just having a good time until you came home.”

“A good time?” I can’t believe this kid.

“What do you want me to say? You caught me, she left. End of story.” He gets up and walks into the house. I can’t talk to him right now so I decide to change and go for a swim…at the beach.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:27 pm
by Icequeen
Thanks for the FB guys. I'm happy to see that some of you are still interested in this :D

~*~Chapter 17~*~

“Honey tell me what happened please.” I’ve been rocking her back and forth as she cries while Julia just sits in the chair staring at the wall.

“It was Greg, the guy down the hall.” Julia says

“What?” I can’t imagine what would prompt someone to do something like this.

“Kara told me that he came in to show her how to use this program on the computer. She said that he tried to kiss her and…” She stops and looks over at Kara.

“Sweetheart did he hurt you?” She shakes her head no and all I can think is ‘thank God’ for that. I ask her to tell me everything and she tells me that they met her second day here and that he seemed nice. When he came over to help her he got upset when she told him she had a boyfriend. He didn’t touch her but he started trashing the place and yelling about women being teases.

“Girls, get some of your things. We are staying at a hotel tonight.” They get up and get their things while I think about how to tell Max about this.


After a few hours on the beach clearing my mind I walk back to the house. I need to have a serious talk with Kaiden. Hopefully Liz hasn’t started dinner so he and I can go out somewhere and talk.

“Has your mother called?” I walk in and find Kaiden playing some video game.

“Nope.” he doesn’t even look up at me. I shrug and grab the phone, it’s odd that Liz hasn’t called me after being gone for so long.

“As soon as I get off the phone you and I are going out.” I say and walk to our bedroom to call Liz.


“Hey, honey are you ok?” She sounds fine which is good.

“Yeah I’m fine!” Her tone is odd but I let it go.

“Where are you?”

“I’m umm…I’m out with Kris.”

“Ok well Kaiden and I are going out to dinner then. Will you be home soon?” I ask searching for something to change into.

“I’m not sure. I-I’ll call you later.” She hangs up quickly and I wonder what the heck is going on. I quickly shower to get the salt off of me and get dressed.

“Let’s go.” He’s still playing his video game.

“I have three guys left!” He wines.

“I don’t care. Let’s go.” I stand in front of the TV. With a roll of his eyes he gets up and turns the TV off.

We grab some take out from a local place and drive to a spot near the beach where we can sit and eat.

“Please spare me a lecture ok?” He says taking a bite of his sweet and sour chicken.


“You have that look. I know some sort of lecture is coming up.” I smirk and him and put my chop sticks down.

“Well I can’t spare you on this particular subject, sorry. I get the whole I need to act cool in front of the guys and I get the player aspect but you can’t treat women like that Kaiden. Women are not to be used.” Who fucking ironic is this? Me giving my son a speech reminiscent of something Michael has said to me.

“I’m not using anyone. They all know up front what the deal is. I don’t lie.”

“Well at least your not lying but that doesn’t make it right. You don’t understand women. They may say that they are ok with you being a so called player but what they really are thinking is I can change him.” He laughs and shoves some food in his mouth.

“Laugh if you want but it’s true.”

“How does it feel to be such a hypocrite?” My eyes go wide and I almost spit my soda out.

“Excuse me?” I wipe my mouth clean.

“I heard you. I heard you and Uncle Michael to be exact. I know all about your ‘old ways’ so how can you sit here and give me this bullshit advice?” The fact that he actually used air quotes makes me want to laugh however, what he just said pisses me off.

“First of all you shouldn’t be eavesdropping on conversations especially between Michael and I. Second what I did in the past has nothing to do with you. You are my son, its’ my job to teach you things and how to treat women is at the top of that list.” I hear a whatever and grab his hand stopping him from bringing into his mouth. “You have a sister. Imagine how you would feel if some guy did what you are doing to Kara?” His eyes go wide and I know I have his attention and that I’ve made my point.

“I’m not hurting anyone. Like I said everything is on the up and up with these girls.” He sits back and folds his arms behind his head.

“That isn’t the point. I’m not even going to get into the fact that I personally think you are too young to be having sex but the consequences of what are you doing are severe. I hope that you are smart enough to be careful with these girls.”

“What am I twelve? I’ve had sex-ed dad and trust me the last thing that I want is some kid running around calling me da da.”

“Do me a favor and quit the attitude ok? I may seem annoying now but believe it or not I do know a thing or two about life and women.”

“Is there a point to this? I mean besides telling me that I‘m not treating women right? Do you have a point to make?”

“I’m warning you to watch your mouth. I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately.” He rolls his eyes and picks at the rest of his food.

“My point is that you have a sister, think about how you would feel if someone was doing that to Kara. I know you and her fight but I know that deep down inside it would bother you if some guy did that to Kara.”

“Can we go now?” I realize that I’m not getting anywhere right now and drop our trash in the bin and walk to the car.

When we get home I’m surprised that Liz isn’t there yet. She hasn’t left a message either so I decide to call her.

“Hello?” she sounds like she’s in the car.

“Hey, are you guys ok? You’ve been out for a while.”

“Umm yeah I’m actually with Kara and Julia right now. I’ll explain everything later but we are coming home tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow!” I practically scream.

“Max, please stay calm. Everyone is ok I just need you to please wait until tomorrow.”

“Liz if something happened I want to know. What’s going on?” I walk outside and pace around the pool.

“Please Max. I’m in the car with both girls, I promise we’ll be home early tomorrow. We’ll talk then ok?” I run my hands through my hair but I know that she’s not going to change her mind.

“Fine but please be home as soon as you can tomorrow.”

“I will. I love you.” I tell her that I love her and hang up.

“Where’s mom?” Kaiden asks when I walk back inside.

“She’s with Kara. They’ll be home tomorrow.”

“Figures.” He rolls his eyes and I now know what his problem is. I mentally kick myself for not picking up on it earlier but he’s Jealous of Kara for some reason.

“Is that what this is about?” I sit next to him turning off the television.

“I don’t know what your talking about.” He goes to get up but I grab his arm stopping him.

“Don’t walk away from me. Why would you think that Kara is more important to us then you are?”

“Your kidding right?” He snorts.

“She isn’t Kaiden. Your mom and I love you both…equally.”

“That’s bull and you know it.” This is something that Liz and I should be discussing together.

“Look at me.” I wait for him to look up before I continue. “It’s not bull. I know that I love you and Kara the same and I’m sure your mom feels the same way. I may seem closer to Kara then I am to you but it doesn’t mean that I love her more. I’m going to tell you something, something that Kara doesn’t even know.” I never wanted any of our children to know about this but I think he should know, if only to understand.

“When your mom and I got married, we knew that there was a chance that we wouldn’t be able to have kids. We were fine with that so when she became pregnant with Kara we were beyond happy. Everything was fine until right after Kara was born. You may have heard of this before but your mom suffered from postpartum depression.”

“Why didn’t you tell us before?”

“It’s not something your mother likes to talk about and we didn’t really have a reason to. Anyway, my point is that during that time I was the primary caretaker for Kara so it may seem like I’m closer to her then I am you. Your mother didn’t get a chance to really bond with Kara when she was first born, that’s why they aren’t as close as your mother and you are. When you were born she made an extra effort to bond with you.” He nods his head and I think that he’s starting to understand.

“Your mom has tried really hard to be close to Kara. She feels like she never really bonded with her and isn’t as close as mother and daughter should be so she tries extra hard now and then but we don’t favor either one of you over the other. Please don’t think that.”

“Ok.” I sit with him and play a game or two trying to keep my mind off Liz and what exactly is going on.


“Ok girls take a look at the room service menu and call in your order. Get me whatever chicken dish they have, you know what I like Kara. I’m going to make a phone call.” I take my cell phone and step out into the balcony the room has.

“Talk to me.” Kris answers after one ring.

“Hey, can you talk?”

“Of course I can. What’s up? It seems like forever since we talked.” I laugh and agree with her.

“I’m up in LA with Kara. She ran into a problem and we’re coming home tomorrow.” She asks what happened and I give her the short version.

“Max is going to kill that guy. And I don‘t even want to think about what Michael is going to do.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of. I wanted to tell him as soon as I found out but I need to word this correctly so he doesn’t overreact.”

“I’m sorry to tell you babe but there is no right way to word it. It is what it is. Just emphasize the fact that she’s not hurt physically and that he didn’t touch her and hope for the best.” I glance inside and see Kara and Julia talking.

“Yeah I figured that. I just don’t know what to do. She seems ok but I’m not sure if she’s hiding it or not.”

“If she’s anything like you she’s hiding it. Just keep talking to her. She’ll break down eventually.”

“Thanks Kris. I’ll call you when we get back home.”

“Ok keep me posted.” I tell her I will and hang up.

“Julia do you want to call your parents and let them know you are coming home?”

“I did but they are out of town. I have the keys though so I can get in.” She shrugs and scoots to the end of the bed. I look at her and realize that she’s like a second daughter to me. She’s been friends with Kara since kindergarten and has slept over our house more times then I can count.

“Nonsense, you can stay with us.” She smiles and I know that she has hoped I would say that.

Our food arrives shortly after and we eat outside overlooking the city. Conversation is minimal as I’m the only one talking really. After watching a movie on pay per view the girls finally fall asleep. I however, agonize over telling Max what happened tomorrow.

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:56 pm
by Icequeen
Thank you all for the FB and hello to any lurkers! :D


~*~Chapter 18~*~


After bonding with Kaiden last night I decide to wake up early and cook him breakfast. I wasn’t able to sleep last night wondering what’s going on and when Liz is getting home.

I crack the eggs and place the bacon on the baking sheet then get the mix for pancakes. I might as well go all out incase Liz and Kara get here in time to eat.

“Wow something smells good.” Kaiden walks in the kitchen scratching his bare stomach. His hair is a mess and I try to hide my laughter.

“It should be ready in fifteen. Your mom and Kara might be here in time to eat with us if you want to wait for them.”

“Only if I can sneak a piece of bacon.” I nod and hand him a piece while flipping the eggs.

“So I was thinking about you and I getting some driving time in together. Make good use of that learners permit.”

“Really? Can we go on the freeway?”

“Let’s start off small. Maybe we can tackle the freeway another day.” He smiles and goes to his room to brush his teeth and get dressed.

Fifteen minutes later and right on time the food is all ready and no sign of Liz.

“Wasn’t mom supposed to be here by now?”

“She didn’t say.” We sit at the breakfast nook and start to eat when I hear the front door open. I get up and quickly walk to the door.

“Hey guys.” I look towards Kara and Julia and know that something is wrong. Julia barely smiled at me and Kara didn’t even look me in the eye. Both girls went to Kara’s room and Liz walked to the kitchen to greet Kaiden.

“Did you miss me?” I hear her ask him while hugging him.

“Mooom.” He wines when she kisses his cheek.

“What? I can’t kiss my baby?” She seems ok but I think she’s avoiding me.

“Liz?” I ask after several minutes. I can’t take it anymore and need to know what happened.

“Your dad and I are going to talk honey.” She kisses Kaiden’s head and walks outside motioning me to follow her.

“What happened? Why do the girls look so upset?” We sit on two chairs at the end of the backyard and my stomach drops. If she sat this far away from the house then I know it’s bad.

“Don’t freak ok? Just let me get it all out before you say anything. Deal?” I can’t do anything but nod for her to continue.

“I got a call from Kara the other day asking me to come to her apartment…” As she goes on with the story I feel my ears burning I’m so mad.

“Why wouldn’t you call me? How could you wait a full day to tell me something like this!” I stand up and run my hands through my hair in frustration.

“She asked me not to. My first instinct was to just make sure she was ok. The girls were so upset Max, I didn’t want them to shut down on me.”

“It doesn’t matter Liz. I’m her father, I had a right to know.”

“I’m sorry but you should have seen her Max. She was so upset, I didn’t want to make it worse.”

“Did anything….”

“No. She said he didn’t touch her.” I breathe a sigh of relief, a small one, but a sigh.

“I’m still going to kill him.”

“Your not killing anyone Max. That’s not the answer.”

“Bull! I can’t let him get away with this Liz, He hurt my baby he has to pay.” Why can’t she understand this?

“Max I know you are upset but-”

“Do you? Because your pretty fucking calm right now Liz. Do you know how upset I am? Do you know how I’m feeling right now?” She shakes her head. “I feel like I couldn’t protect my daughter. I feel like someone could have hurt her, seriously hurt her and I wasn’t there to stop it. I feel like I should have followed my first instinct and not let her go to L.A. but I didn’t, because I wanted to listen to you and look where it got us.” I storm off and walk to the beach. I need to clear my head.

As I walk down the beach my stomach turns thinking about what could have happened to Kara because my of stupidity. I knew that she was too young to be off on her own but in never thought something like this would happen. God, it could have been worse, much much worse. I would never have forgiven myself if something did happen, something worse. Thoughts of some creep trying to put his hands on my daughter fill my head and I continue to walk. The beach has always been therapeutic to me. Something about the way the sand feels on my bare feet in combination with the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore have always been able to soothe me. I couldn’t imagine not living near the beach.

Close to an hour later I head back home. I’m still pissed but I think I can talk to Liz in a more rational manner. It’s been years since I’ve gotten angry at her and it didn’t feel good. Part of me knows that she didn’t make me let Kara go to L.A. but a small part of me blames her. Had she not had a talk with me I would have stuck by my guns but I realize that I can’t blame Liz. There is no way she could have imagined something like this happening.

When I walk in the back door I see Liz in the kitchen preparing a snack for the kids. I must have been gone longer then I thought since it’s almost lunch time.

“Hey.” She say softly. Her eyes divert to Kaiden and I say hello back. He doesn’t know yet and I don’t want him to know that Liz and I are fighting.

“Since we had a late breakfast I thought I’d just make some snacks until we decide what we are doing for dinner.” I shake my head in agreement and walk to our bedroom after I signal for Liz to follow me.

On the way there I pass Kara’s room but the door is closed. I want to barge in there and ask her a thousand questions but I know that’s not the right thing to do now. Slowly I press my ear to the door to see if I can hear anything. I realize that the door must be a foot thick because I can’t hear a damn thing and I know that Kara and Julia aren’t sitting there not talking. I shake my head and laugh before walking to our room.

This is the one room in the house that is soundproof so we can talk freely without worrying if one of the kids will hear us. We had to get a beefed up alarm system because of it but it was necessary. After Liz told me how much she heard back when I had visitors we knew that we needed to have it done.

“Kaiden went over to a friends house.” Liz comes in with a glass of iced tea.

“Will he be back for dinner?” After this mess with Kara Liz and I need to deal with him.

“Yeah, I told him to make sure he was back.”

“I’m sorry to yell at you like that. I didn’t mean to-it’s just…”

“I know. I knew that you would be upset, it’s ok.” She places her hand over mine.

“It’s not ok. I shouldn’t talk to you like that, no matter what.”

“I understand. I’m sorry for not telling you right away. It’s just that Kara called crying and I just ran over there.”

“I know. You didn’t do anything wrong Liz. I would have done the same thing if I were you. I just don’t like not being in the loop especially with something like this Liz. When you were telling me what happened my heart dropped. If something were to..” I can’t finish the sentence as I blink back the tears forming in my eyes.

“But it didn’t. We have to be thankful that nothing happened, nothing serious.” She stokes my hair while speaking softly. Almost the same way she used to with the kids.

“I always knew that I loved my kids, I never doubted that but today, when you told me what happened, I realized all over again just how much I love my kids. I’m not a young man anymore but Liz, I wanted to drive to LA and beat the shit out of that guy. I realized that I would do anything for my kids, anything.” A single tear slips down my face but I make no attempt to wipe it away, I know more will come.

“I know how you feel. I may be acting clam Max but I was freaking out. I had to keep it together for Kara and Julia’s sake but I wanted to call you the minute she told me what happened. It’s just when I saw her begging me not to I couldn’t risk upsetting her even more.” I reach over and pull her into a hug.

“What are we going to do? She hasn’t been out of her room since she’s been home. She barely even looked at me.”

“She just needs time Max, she’ll talk to you eventually.”

“I just wish there was something I could do.”

“She‘ll talk to you Max, she always does.” I know that she’s right, Kara always talks to me eventually but I don’t want to wait. I need to make sure she’s ok.

“Just give her time ok?” As if reading my mind she says to me.

“I’ll give her some time.” We sit in silence for a while before my thoughts turn to Kaiden.

“Now onto our other child. Kaiden and I had a talk yesterday” I brace myself before I give her the news that her baby is having sex.


“Well I caught him in the pool…with a girl.”

“So he was swimming, what’s the big deal?”

“They weren’t swimming Liz.” Her eyes go wide.

“What! He was having sex! In the pool.” Now she’s the one that freaks out.

“Liz, he’s not a baby anymore and while I would have liked him to wait, what’s done is done. I talked to him about being safe and he assured me that he was but that is not the point. We talked about Kara.”


“He wanted to know why I was so close to her. He seemed to think that we loved her more. Liz, I told him about what happened after Kara was born.” She stops in mid pace and stares at me.

“Why? Why would you tell our son that Max?” I didn’t expect her to get upset about it.

“He needed to understand Liz, I didn’t know what else to say to him. You have now idea how badly I felt when my own son questioned my love for him.” The thought of him thinking that I didn’t love him crushed me at the time.

“It’s my fault. If I would have been there for Kara you would have bonded with him like you should have.” Tears well up in her eyes and I walk over to her and pull her into my arms.

“It’s not anyone’s fault and he doesn’t blame us either. He understands now. Everything is fine.” I stroke her hair and place kisses on her head.

We sit on the bed for a little while letting everything sink in. Before we know it we had fallen asleep and woke up just as Kaiden walked through the door.

“I want to talk to Kara.” I say as Liz is pulling out take out menu’s.

“I don’t know Max, if she wants to then go ahead but don’t push her ok?” I nod and walk to her room.

Knocking softly I wait for the ok to enter.

“Come in.” She says and I slowly open the door. Julia is sitting at the computer while Kara lays on her bed playing with her I-pod.

“Hey Mr. Evans.” Julia smiles at me when I walk in.

“Hey Jules. What are you girls up to?” I try to act casual. As if Liz didn’t tell me what happened.

“Not much I was just e-mailing my parents to let them know I’m here. They are on some trip again.” She smiles and turns her attention to the computer.

“What are you up to?” I sit on the bed next to Kara and pull one of the ear plugs out of her ear.

“Nothing.” She sighs and puts it back in her ear. She still hasn’t looked me in the face and it’s bothering me.

“Come take a ride with me.” She doesn’t look up and just shrugs.

“I don’t know.” She looks over at Julia.

“I’m cool here Kara, you should go.” Julia says.

“Come on. Humor your old man.”

“Alright.” She puts her I-pod away and goes to her closet to get her shoes.

“Thanks Jules.” I wink at her and go tell Liz that we are going out.

“Hopefully she will open up to me.” I say softly so Kaiden doesn’t hear.

“She will. I’m going to talk to Kaiden for a while then take them out for dinner. I feel bad that Julia’s parents are out of town.”

“That’s a good idea. Kara and I will pick something up for dinner.”

“I love you.” I kiss her softly on the lips and search for my keys and wallet.


“Didn’t mom say you had to get rid of this? Something about it not being safe?” We get into the convertible and I put the top down.

“We’ve come to an agreement.” I smile and pull out of the driveway.

“Dad?” She asks me after a few moments of driving.

“Yeah babe.”

“Have you ever done something that you’ve regretted? Like something big?” I have to think for a moment. It’s been so long since I’ve thought about the mess of a life I had many years ago.

“I’m going to be honest with you. I’ve done a lot of things that I’m not proud of, some of those things I’ll never tell you but lets just say that there are a lot. It’s not the amount of mistakes you make or how big they are it’s what you learn from them. If you can learn something from each mistake you make then there is nothing to regret.”

“So you don’t regret anything?” I make a few turns trying to hide my smile as I get closer to our destination.

“Honestly, no. Everything that I’ve done or not done has made me the person I am today. There are some things that I look back on and think I shouldn’t have done or said that but when I really think about it somehow it’s influenced something else down the line.”

“So, like everything is connected somehow? I mean everything you have done has led you to this, to being married to mom and having Kaiden and I?”

“Exactly. You can’t live your life regretting things. Learn from them, that’s the best advice I could ever give you.” As we get closer it gets harder and harder for me to hide my smile.

“I wish I could be like that, think like that.” I park the car and sit in silence.

“Dad, we haven’t been here in forever. I can’t believe you remember this place.” She hops out of the car and I see her smile for the first time today.

“Of course I remember.” We found a hidden hiking spot a few years ago that overlooks the ocean. On a drive back from Julia’s one night we decided to take a short cut and got miserably lost and ended up finding this place. It’s been our place ever since.

“I haven’t been here in years.” We walk a little ways up the small mountain.

“Neither have I.” I follow closely behind her spotting her incase she loses her footing. We reach our spot and sit on the ground taking in the view of the city below.


“Yeah baby.”

“I’m sorry.” I simply nod and smile. I don’t need her to say what she’s sorry for, we both know that I know.

“Let’s get some greasy burgers for dinner. Your mom is taking Kaiden and Julia out.”

“Mom’s not going to like that.” She teases.

“I know, so it has to be our little secret.” We sit and talk about different things but never really talk about what happened. I know that she realizes what her mistake was and she doesn’t need me telling her I told you so.

I‘m going to talk to Liz about pressing charges on the guy that did this to her. Then we need to get her and Julia‘s things from the apartment. Having two teenagers is exhausting but I wouldn‘t trade it for anything.