Ghosts Aren't Always Evil (SN,XO,UC,Mature) COMPLETE 2/24

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Post by Jezebel Jinx »

A.N. Hello everyone. I'm back with a new part. Thanks so much for the feedback and bumps.

Obviously I haven't finished the fic by my set time (which was last week) however I'm still proud of myself I'm only about 3-6 chapters from the end :D and all I'm having difficulties with is figuring out which ending I want, I have two ideas and I need to make up my mind. I might do both...I don't know. :roll:

Second I sat on this chapter for a couple days because I wasn't sure if I wanted Liz to be as cold as I made her in this chapter. She's not Antarctica but she is rather icy toward a certain someone. So I was going back and forth on that issue. Hope everyone enjoys.

Chapter 9 B

“Why wouldn’t she believe you?” Sam crossed his arms, he didn’t think Liz had any valid reason not to tell her friend what she was dying from. If it were him he would have demanded to know.

“In retrospect she probably would have believed me, if I told her she’d want to know how I knew that information then I’d have to tell her about Kivar and what they did to Michael…”

“You were protecting her from information that could hurt her.” Dean sympathized. He did that with Sammy so many times that he couldn’t count them all.

“In a way yes. I was also protecting myself. If I didn’t say it then it wasn’t real. Not the best ways to deal with information like that.” Liz bit her bottom lip. “Umm, they didn’t kill Max and Michael right away, they kept them alive for a while just long enough to let them see what he did to Isabel.”

Isabel by no means was her favorite person, the way she treated Alex while he was alive put the kibosh on any real friendship forming between them. But no matter how she felt about the princess she hadn’t deserved what Kivar did to her.

“Isabel was called Vilandra on Antar she was a princess and revealed to Max, who told me, that she and Kivar had some kind of history on their home planet. It was a load of bullshit. Yes they knew each other but he had been obsessed with her.”

“Did Kivar tell you that too?” Sam kept his arms crossed not losing the aggressive anger he showed.

“Yes, not in so many words but if you heard him talking about her it’d be obvious that he wanted her but she didn’t give him the time of day. After he was done describing Vilandra he smiled and said he finally was in possession of her and it was time for her to pay for rejecting him.”

“Do we really want to know what he did to her?” Dean asked.

“No you don’t. Without getting into the same graphic detail Kivar did I’ll just tell you that he raped her repeatedly in front of Max and Michael. He didn’t omit a single sensation, a single scream from his description of the violation he put her through.”

Swallowing she blanked out the seductive ruthless voice telling her every detail about his abuse toward Isabel. “After he was done he said she’d get to live if she agreed to be his Queen. He only told me that she didn’t agree to his terms so he beheaded her. Knowing Isabel though she more than likely said something remarkably damaging to his ego as she gracefully turned him down. She had the ability to make a person feel like pond-scum.”

“Did you at least tell Kyle about any of this? Did he get the privilege of knowing what happened to his friends?” Sam wasn’t willing to let it go, he thought Liz was completely wrong and needed to know his feelings on the subject. Dean on the other hand disagreed…loudly.

“Back off of her Sam. Would you be so forth coming with information that could hurt one of your friends? Hurt me? She had a choice to make and she made one that she thought at the time was right.”

“That doesn’t mean Maria didn’t have a right to know what she had, who gave it too her.” He argued back.

“Oh really? What about Jessica? Did you tell her how she was going to die? No you kept it from her just like Liz kept this information from Maria. Don’t string her up for doing the exact same thing you and I have done on numerous occasions.”

Sam clenched his jaw and looked away. “That was a dream Dean. I didn’t know it was real, Liz knew that this was real.” Dean hit below the belt bringing up Jess.

“To answer your question no I didn’t tell Kyle or Jim or Maria about anything that came in the hologram. What the hell could they do? It wasn’t like we could hop on a ship and fly to Antar. Even if we could they were already dead there was nothing we could do to save them. It would have only caused unnecessary pain. Pain I didn’t want to cause, there was already so many things going on, this would have been icing on the cake. So don’t you dare judge me for my decisions.” Suddenly she didn’t feel so guilty for keeping the information from her friends.

Liz stood up and went to lean against the fireplace. “Kivar told me how he killed Max and Michael. During this whole time he never brought up Tess or the son she was carrying except to say she was separated from the others.”

“So what happened to her?” Sam’s tone had softened a bit but it was still icy.

“Nothing at first. Kivar treated her like any Queen. Made sure she had the finest medical attention, fed her the best food, her own room, which was right next to his. Once the baby was born however that treatment changed.”

Sam saw the tiniest crack of a smirk on her lips. “You don’t seem too broken up about whatever he did to her.” Maybe she was in league with the yellow-eyed demon. What kind of person would be happy over another person’s pain?

“Because I’m not. That bitch mind-raped my best friend for months until he collapsed at her feet dead and she tossed him away like he was a piece of garbage. Then just to twist the knife in more she led three of my other friends to their death. I feel nothing but contempt for her. Am I particularly happy about what Kivar put her through, no, I’m not. However I refuse to waste any sympathy on her.”

“So what exactly did he do to her after the baby was born?” Dean stared at her.

“Strapped her to the dungeon wall, he raped her for a while, then he let his men use her for a while. After he let the guards have their fun he tortured her, used various tools to open her up but somehow during all that they kept her alive. Until a week or so later he had her drawn and quartered—a common punishment for those deemed as traitors.”

“Where did he that she was a traitor from?” Sam swallowed trying to keep down his disgust for the display he saw in front of him. Liz hadn’t shown an ounce of remorse for what Tess had been put through,

“She betrayed her family. Isabel, Max, Michael and most importantly her son. Even though Kivar abused and killed the other members of the Royal Four he gave them what he considered an honorable death. A beheading while they were covered in the Royal robes. Tess however turned in her own family to die; she was killed without honor. She deserved worse as far as I’m concerned.”

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Re: Ghosts Aren't Always Evil (SN,XO,UC,Mature) AN 1/17 pg13

Post by Jezebel Jinx »

A.N. I noticed that a lot of people noticed Sam’s reaction to Liz and her decisions. As a hint I’ll say that his anger and judgment is out of character for the Sam we see on the show. This is a rather short chapter.

Chapter 10

After her outburst Liz pushed away from the mantle and went into the bathroom to collect her emotions. They were flying all over the place and that could be dangerous. She could control her powers for the most part but when she was upset or sad they tended to have a mind of their own.

Green bolts of energy flow down her arms and into her chest. Breathe, deep calming breaths and it would go away. Please go away.


Sam stood up from his chair and walked over to Dean. “Listen, can you go outside for a little while. I want to talk to Liz, apologize to her.”

“Yea you were hard on her.” Dean nodded. “Bitch.”

“Jerk.” He lightly punched Dean in the arm.

“Okay. I’ll be outside. Come get me when you’re done.” He almost left the cabin but then turned to Sam at the last minute. “Don’t be putting on your loser charm either. You want her to forgive you not throw up on you.” And with that he left.


Five minutes later the bolts had disappeared. Liz could still feel the electric sensations below the surface but on top it was back to tanned skin, not a single green bolt in sight.

She turned on the warm water and grabbed a washcloth placing it under the flow of liquid till it was soaked through. Gently she placed it on her face and dabbed it on her tears. It hurt when the bolts came but it was the turmoil of her heart that caused the tears to fall down her cheeks.

Satisfied that she didn’t look like she had been crying she put the towel back and dried her face. Sighing she turned back to the bathroom door and opened it. Sam stood there glaring down at her.

Too soon for her brain to register Sam grabbed her and pushed her back into the bathroom slamming the door behind him. “Not so fast.”

“What…” Her voice was cut off as his hand went around her throat and pushed her into the black tile behind her.

Sam tsked at her. “No, no, no. Don’t talk.” His hand tightened around her neck squeezing the breath out of her. His eyes flared with anger and insanity.

Liz grabbed onto his arm trying to pull him loose but it was no use, Sam was too strong. She pushed at his chest but he took his unoccupied hand and forced hers into the wall behind her head.

As before the green bolts flowed through her arms rushing to the aid of the body they were housed in, only now time they attacked Sam, zapping him into the door. Falling to her knees Liz coughed and held her neck tenderly.

“What the fuck!” She screamed at him. Liz didn’t give a rat’s ass that it hurt her throat to have that kind of volume.

Instead of answering Sam stood up and laughed sinisterly. He rushed forward and punched her in the face twice knocking her out.

Sam bent down and swept the hair out of her face. “Surely you remember your old friend.” Without care he pushed Liz over onto her back. “So pretty. Oh well.”

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Re: Ghosts Aren't Always Evil (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Ch 10 3/13 pg13

Post by Jezebel Jinx »

Thank you everyone for the wonderful feedback. Here is the next chapter. Enjoy.

Chapter 11

Leaning over her Sam stroked Liz’s face trailing his fingers down her cheek. Having her knocked out would open the connection and she would be able to see everything. But he didn’t want to do that yet. He was going to have some fun first.

Standing up he took a hold of Liz’s wrists and dragged her out of the bathroom. The dog in the bedroom was going crazy barking, even through the room seemed to have some soundproofing.

Back in the living room Sam dropped Liz in the middle of the room like she was a sack of potatoes. He reached to his right and pulled a dining room table chair over and lifted the unconscious girl into it. Now to find something to tie her up with.

After a few minutes of searching he found some duct tape and he proceeded to tape her to the chair. Her arms were pinned to the hand rests and her legs were taped at the ankles then taped to the bar underneath the chair.


Outside Dean leaned against a tree, if his car were closer he could have sat in there for a bit while Sammy smoothed things over with Liz.

Why couldn’t he shake the bad feeling he had in his gut? It was similar to the panic he felt when Sam’s apartment with Jessica had been ablaze.

Dean looked back at the cabin. All seemed quiet…too quiet.

Pulling out his gun Dean gripped it tightly in his hand. Even after all that time of hunting demons he still got a surge of fear before entering a hostile situation. It was a rush.

He hurried up to the porch and turned the doorknob. Locked.

Sam wouldn’t have locked the door to talk to Liz. Standing back he kicked at the door and it flew open hitting the wall behind it. The first thing he noticed was Liz tied to a chair. Her head was down and blood was dripping from her mouth.

Lifting his gun he searched the room quickly before stepping in. He slowly stepped behind Liz, with his gun still raised he felt for a pulse on her neck. Still breathing, good.

Dean went into the hallway. “Sam?” Silently he begged for his brother to answer him. He had to be all right.

The door to what he assumed was the bathroom was ajar. He took a deep breath and lightly kicked it open. No Sam, but this was were Liz had been taken down. Shallow cracks in the tile by the mirror and blood on the floor was a dead give away.

He turned ready head back to the living room but suddenly his world went dark.

Staring down at him knocked out on the floor was his brother. “I didn’t come and get you.”


Moment’s later Sam had both Dean and Liz tied to dining room chairs. They should be waking up soon. Liz was already starting to stir.

He leaned in close to her hunched form. “Wakey, wakey Lizzie.”


Cobwebs covered her mind making it difficult to force herself into consciousness. Her head throbbed and her jaw ached.

Logically she knew something wasn’t right but she couldn’t wrap her head around the events of earlier. What the hell was happening?

Through the clouds and cobwebs she heard a voice coaxing her out of unconsciousness.

“Come on, wake up.”

Lethargically she raised her eyelids and tried to focus on the face in front of her. Sam was close enough that she could feel his hot breath across her cheek.

“There you are.” He spoke softly and with care. “Thought you wouldn’t wake up there for a second. Guess I didn’t hit you hard enough. Ah well there’s always next time right?” He chuckled.

Liz swallowed the saliva and blood that collected in her mouth. She pulled away as much as she could and saw the stain of blood on her jeans.

Those words, those statements that Sam said…it sounded so familiar. She should know who said those words to her. How could she forget them but her brain hurt and it wasn’t making the connection. Her eyes drooped but Sam wouldn’t let her pass out again.

“No, no. Stay awake. There’s so much more to do.”


She cut off her sentence when she saw Dean next to her on another chair. What was going on? Sam tied up his own brother? It made her feel a little better that he wasn’t in on the attack against her. Still wasn’t fantastic since they were both tied to chairs but it added a bit of comfort to a tense situation.

He followed her line of sight. “Yea. He came to rescue you…well us. You know if you weren’t going to die I’d say you’d make a cute couple. Too bad you won’t be going on any dates. Maybe I let you two have a quickie before I kill you.” He shrugged. “Or maybe not.”

“Why are you doing this?” She worked to get her breathing down to normal. Last thing she needed was to hyperventilate.

“I suppose I should tell you. After all we were close once.” He stood up and paced in front of her. “But shouldn’t you know?” He spoke in such a way that she’d get it, if not immediately then soon after.

Liz rose her gaze to his staring into his eyes. Maria said that all the time to Michael, to the point where she and Kyle would tease her all the time over it.

“No. It’s not…” She tried to shake her head but that caused pain at her temples.

“Still not sure. Well how about this.” He lunged forward and put his hands on the sides of her face.

Flashes rushed into her head, too fast to focus on just one, but the feelings behind the flashes were another story. “AHHHHH!” She shrieked. Pain, torture, and finally death.

“Do you know now?” He screamed in her face.

“It can’t be you. No. You wouldn’t do this.” She argued with tears falling freely down her face.

He laughed. “Maybe not then but I had a lot of time to stew in my anger and misery. Why was I the one that died? Why weren’t you dead too? It’s not fair.”


“No Liz, not ‘we’. Me. I. They tortured me. I got poked and prodded, till I was on the brink of death.” He reached forward and grabbed her throat. “Until they prodded one too many times and I died.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?” He shook his head. “That’s not good enough.”


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Re: Ghosts Aren't Always Evil (SN,XO,UC,Mature)AN 4/16 pg15

Post by Jezebel Jinx »

Chapter 12

“Kyle?” Liz gasped out. “How…”

He reached out and smacked Liz across the face. Her teeth rattled from the blow. “No, it’s my turn to talk.”

Off to the side Dean began to stir. He heard yelling and screaming, it took everything he had to fight back to the surface.

“Oh, look whose waking up now.”

“Sammy?” He croaked.

“Nope, sorry Dean. Not Sammy.” Kyle in Sam’s body smirked.

“Then who—“

“Liz knows me. She knows me real well. See she was my girlfriend, then she became almost an enemy, then a friend again and soon—soon she’ll be dead and I will be free.”

Dean turned toward Liz who wouldn’t take her eyes off Sam. “You know whose in there?”

“Yes. Remember I told you a little bit about Kyle? Well he’s the one that’s in there.” She briefly glanced toward Dean then returned her gaze to the pacing figure in front of them.

“Why would he do this I thought he was your friend?” If he’s what Liz considered a friend she needed to change her definition of friendship fast.

Swallowing she nodded. “He was. Although I don’t know why he’s like this.”

“Don’t lie Liz.” Kyle spoke in a sing-song voice. “How can you not know why I hate you now? To anyone with half a brain it would be obvious.”

“Well if I’m not smart enough why don’t you fill me in.” Her cheek throbbed as she spoke through gritted teeth.

Kyle thought it over for a minute. “All right.” He smirked. “You sure you want the guy you’re crushing on to hear. He might not want you after he hears about you.”

“I’m willing to take that chance.” She assured him.

“It’s simple Liz. You left me to be tortured in that hell-hole.” Kyle in Sam’s body raged softly. He didn’t yell but she could feel the anger from him.


“They let you go. They kept me and let you go. It wasn’t even that they let you go—I was happy about that. It meant that you would be back somehow with help. You’d have a plan to get me out of there.” He leaned in close to the bound girl. “But no, instead you were overjoyed and went on like your only living friend wasn’t being mutilated, poked, and dissected like a lab rat.”

“How could you think that?” She breathed out.

“Because it’s true.” He shouted. “They showed me pictures. So many videos of you enjoying life on the outside. Forgetting about me.”

Kyle believed them, they told him lies and he believed them. Liz licked her lips careful of the cut on her lips and stared into Kyle’s/Sam’s eyes.

“They were lying Kyle. Jesus use your brain.” Anger flooded her system, when she had realized that it wasn't Sam in that body anymore but her long-dead friend she felt so much sadness. But now hearing Kyle speak untruths to her, blaming her for pain she didn’t cause him, it made her blood boil.

“They weren’t, I saw the pictures.” He didn’t move from in front of Liz’s face.

“Wake up Kyle they worked for the FBI, do you really think that photo-shopping in my face isn’t in their capability?”

Unbeknownst to the two former friends Dean was working to get the knife he sewed in his jacket sleeve out. Ever since he was tied to a chair before by that Texas Chainsaw Massacre family he made sure he was prepared for such a predicament.

“Kyle I would never leave you to suffer that.” She pleaded with him.

“You’re lying, you’re trying to cover your ass now that you’re close to death.” He stood up straight and shook his head. He wouldn’t fall for her tricks.

“Listen to me please…” Her plea was cut off by sharp smack across face.

“I’m through listening to you.” Kyle snarled. “You’re going to die and nothing you say can stop that.”

“Bravo.” A clap started by the front door of the cabin, effectively pausing the drama going on inside.

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Re: Ghosts Aren't Always Evil (SN,XO,UC,Mature)AN 5/31 pg16

Post by Jezebel Jinx »

Author’s Note: Thank you everyone for the support and wonderful feedback. Luckily my depression didn't last as long as I thought it would, which I'm very happy about. This rewrite thankfully flowed fairly well out of my mind. I think I have it the way I want it now.

Chapter 13

Kyle turned toward the voice. “What are you doing here?” He straightened the body he inhabited.

“Came to cheer you on Kyle.” The man took a step inside. “It’s taken a lot of time to get you to this point. There’s no way I was going to miss the fireworks.”

Liz glared at the man, she wanted to speak up and ask who the hell he was but she might get more out of both of them if she kept quiet.

Off to the side Dean finally got the knife out of his sleeve and went to work on the duct tape. He couldn’t slice the tape as fast as he wanted, any sudden movements could bring attention to his actions and then what the hell would he do.

“You didn’t have to come here.” Kyle argued.

“Sure I did. It’s killing two birds…or three in this case with one stone. Not only do you get Liz, but the Winchester brothers are taken care of as well.” He spread his arms out and shrugged. “So you see, I’ve got to be here.”

At the man’s confession she turned to Dean. “Do you know him?” She whispered.

“Never seen him before...”

“No Elizabeth Dean and Sam don’t know me. Well…that’s not entirely accurate. They do know me but they’ve never seen this face.”

Liz stared at him in confusion. “What?” She was really beginning to hate that word. It implied that she had very little idea to what was going on, which unfortunately now, was one hundred percent correct.

Dean stopped his slow deliberate movements for a moment and stared at the newcomer in front of him. He and Sam knew him? Dammit Dean think.

The man stepped closer to Kyle and clapped him on the shoulder. Instantly he pulled back his hand seeing the fury blazing in his gaze. “Sorry…forgot you don’t like to be touched.”

“Don’t forget again.” He murmured.

“Not a problem.” The man backed off a little. He switched his attention to the thorn in his side that’s currently tied to the chair glaring at him something fierce. “So Dean. How does it feel to know you’ve lost and your brother is going to be under my control?”

Instantly everything clicked. “You son of a bitch.” Dean growled.

“Ah figured it out did ya? Took you long enough.” He mocked.

“When I get out of here I swear to God I’ll follow your exorcised ass back to hell and make sure you never come back.” The Yellow Eyed fucking Demon. Sam…or more accurately Kyle, he wasn’t sure when Liz’s friend had taken over his brother’s body, was working with the YED. How screwed up was that?

“Like to see you try.”

Angry and a bit impatient Kyle turned toward the couch and picked up a knife he left there. “Let’s stop stalling and get to work.” He tested the sharpness of the blade with his finger. A small trail of blood leaked from his thumb. “Perfect.”

“That’s the spirit Kyle.”

“Kyle wait…look at my back.” Liz pleaded.

“What?” Of all the requests she could have made that wasn’t in the top one hundred.

Liz swallowed. “Look at my back.” He wouldn’t believe her if she told him; maybe he’d believe her if she showed him instead.

Skeptical Kyle shook his head. “How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not listening to what you have to say? It won’t do any good Liz.”

“I'm not telling you to listen to me, I'm just asking you to look at my back. After that you can do what you want.” If the damage her back showed didn’t at least stall him she had nothing left to counter his attack with except an alien blast that would hurt her too.

Blasting wasn’t exactly a power that treated her well. She used it twice and both times it threw her back into a wall knocking her unconscious. For an unknown reason Michael’s blasting power was inside of her but any time she tried to use it hello pain and other unpleasant consequences, namely flying into walls.

The YED could see the wheels turning in Kyle’s mind. He was considering her request. “Kyle don’t listen to her, she’s only trying to stall the inevitable.”

“Why don’t you shut your mouth,” Dean shot back. “If it’s inevitable what’s a few more minutes of stalling going to do?”

Slowly Kyle, in Sam’s body, put the knife on the table and shrugged. “All right. But don’t talk.” He snarled at Liz. If she wanted this as a last wish who was he to deny her.

When Kyle was behind her chair she leaned forward a bit and waited nervously for him to lift the back of her shirt up. While Kyle was distracted Dean began to methodically cut his duct-taped wrist again. He couldn’t afford to look at Liz’s back along with Kyle, instead he watched the YED steam in his frustration.

Squatting behind her he cautiously lifted the thin T-shirt. When he saw what littered her back Kyle sucked in a breath.

Liz shivered at Kyle’s…Sam’s cool fingers tracing one of the more savage scars. The jagged wound spanned from her lower left back to the middle of back stopping right before her spine. It wasn’t the worse injury she had but it was one of the most visible.


“They lied to you Kyle. I wasn’t let go. Not until you were almost dead.”

He lifted more of her shirt exposing her stomach to the YED and Dean but Liz nor Kyle noticed. Kyle stroked his fingertips down another long clean scar that ran along the length of her spine.

Dean briefly glanced at her bare stomach and saw what looked to be two letters that were burned and permanently marked into her stomach. The rest of the letters were also scarred but not as prominent.

“Who did this?” Everything he had been told was wrong? Was what Liz said right, did they keep her strapped to a table like he was? Did they play with her organs while she still breathed?

“You know who.” They all thought he was dead. Jim had checked his pulse, Agent Pierce was dead. Unfortunately no one could have guessed that Pierce was an alien like those he hunted. He was one of Kivar’s men, he told her what kind of alien he was but honestly she couldn’t remember, she had been too busy being cut open and tortured.

Kyle swallowed and just when Liz thought she was getting through to him he violently shook his head. “No!” He snarled. “You’re just trying to trick me.” Kyle stood up and went for the knife.

Dean gritted his teeth. Liz’s plan didn’t work, Kyle still planned to kill her and then him. He almost had the tape completely cut. Just another minute, then it would take a couple seconds to cut the other hand free. He couldn’t kill Sammy but he could knock him out.

“That’s right Kyle, you know what’s the truth.” The YED cheered Kyle on. The fortuneteller he made give him a reading before killing her pointed him in the direction of a very dead Kyle Valenti. He was the link that would give him Dean’s head on a platter and Sam at the head of the demon army.

The fortuneteller saw Miss Parker and the Winchester boys crossing paths and Kyle would be his way in. All he had to do was get Kyle good and angry, which as an angry spirit already wasn’t very hard. So he instead focused on getting him powerful enough to take over Sam’s body for a brief time, once his purpose was served though, he’d be sent to hell for an eternity of torture. If Kyle knew that he might not have gone along with the plan, but luckily he didn’t.

“You’re going to die Liz.” Kyle told her. “At least you won’t be alone. Dean will be joining you shortly.”

Kyle gripped the handle of the knife but saw a wispy figure out of the corner of his eye. Curious he turned and was taken aback by what he saw.

“Kyle.” The figure solidified completely.


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Re: Ghosts Aren't Always Evil (SN,XO,UC,Mature) AN 8/2 pg17

Post by Jezebel Jinx »

A.N. Sorry this took a little longer than I thought it would, school’s been very busy and it’s been difficult to get a moment to write. I basically took a 10-12 week class that was condensed into 5 weeks. Good news though I figured out how many more chapters are left in this fic and I started rewriting the next chapter of Date with Destiny (thanks to the massive deletion of my laptop). Anyway, because of the way my schedule is now I'm able to write (w/ paper and pen) for about an hour every Mon-Thurs. The only thing that takes forever is turning on my decade old computer to type the hand-written stuff up, so I tend to only do it once or twice a week. So good news is I'm writing something four days a week but bad news is that it’ll take a little longer than normal to type things up.

Ok enough of that stuff, onto the story.

Chapter 14

Liz watched in awe, as Maria became solid. She didn’t look dead at all. “Ria?” She whispered.

For a brief moment Maria turned her attention to Liz. “Hi sweetie.”

“How?” In all the years she’d been dead not once had she been able to become solid. Anytime she used her energy to speak to Liz she disappeared for hours until strong enough again.

“Got some much needed assistance.” She smiled slightly at Dean before focusing back on Kyle. “Kyle what are you doing?” Maria questioned disappointment flooded her voice.

Kyle stared down at the knife cradled in his palm. “Liz forgot about us. She let us die…she still lives and we’re rotting in the ground.”

“Let me die?” Maria scoffed. “Boy, you really are a dumb jock.” She insulted.

“Why is she insulting the unstable ghost?” Dean leaned in to whisper to Liz.

Liz nervously swallowed, “She knows what she’s doing.” Hopefully.

“How can you defend her?” Kyle/Sam shouted. “She never told you about Michael. That he not only died but gave you the disease that ended up killing you. Liz knew and she kept her mouth shut.”

Maria shook her head. “Listen to me Kyle.” She pleaded stepping forward. “Even if she told me about it I still would be dead. Yea, it ticked me off once I died. Realizing that she had this knowledge but then I stopped and thought what could she have done? What good would it have done to tell me? Liz thought she was doing the right thing. How could I hate her for trying to protect my heart?”

“She didn’t stop my father from…” Kyle broke off not able to finish the sentence.

“And she was supposed to do what? Place a guard on him twenty four hours a day? He wouldn’t even talk to her after what happened to the both of you. Yes, I said the both of you.” She answered his unspoken question. “Liz was in that same compound, down the hall from you. All those pictures you saw of her dancing and laughing on the outside were fake.”

“Don’t listen to her Kyle.” The Yellow Eyed Demon shouted. He saw Kyle’s anger losing its power and he couldn’t allow that to happen.

Dean seeing his chance cut the last of his arm bindings and bent down quickly to slice his duct taped ankles. Once he was up and out of the chair he charged at the YED. He got one punch in before he was pushed back into a wall by an unseen force. “Always act first, think later huh Dean?”

Liz struggled against her own bindings. Dean shouted in pain, she saw a trickle of blood fall from his mouth. “Stop it, let him go asshole.” She screamed at the man.

“No don’t think so little girl.” He mocked.

Angry, Liz called up all the alien mojo she could find in her body, she concentrated on it and let it build. When her skin crackled with green electric currents she pushed all that pent up energy out at the YED holding Dean. She was thankful her whole body could be used as a release for all that blasting power. If it were only her hands like the aliens she’d be shooting her feet off.

As the energy escaped and sought out their target Liz flew back into the fireplace. The dining room chair she still sat in smashed against the brick and Liz fell in a heap among the ruined piece of furniture.

“Liz!” Maria shouted.

The YED shot backward with a massive hole in his chest, and was blasted through the open door. He landed somewhere in the woods outside. Dean landed roughly on the floor next to Liz. Both lay still for a few seconds that both Maria and Kyle thought they were dead.

What seemed like minutes later but in reality was only seconds; Liz breathed in shakily putting Maria’s fears to rest. Her best friend wasn’t dead. Off to her side Sam’s face scrunched up. As Maria stared at him he fell to his knees. “Kyle?”

“It’s Sam…he’s…” Sam’s voice cut off as Kyle’s spirit was pushed out of his body.

“Whoa.” Maria stepped back. She’d never heard of a possessed body actually having the strength to push out a host.

Sam swayed with exhaustion. It wasn’t a vacation to have a spirit or demon take over their bodies. “Dean.” He managed to croak out before collapsing on the floor.

Maria took in the fallen people scattered around her. Nervously she peeked outside but she couldn’t see where the YED landed. Being a spirit gave her a lot of knowledge, not because she was dead but more because no one could see her snooping. She heard everything Dean and Sam spoke about while Liz was feeding Angel, her dog.

Dean rolled over onto his back, the bits of broken chair dug into his back. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Maria kneeling by Liz lighting brushing her hair off the side so she could see her face. He stared up at the ceiling for a second before searching for Kyle. On the floor face down Sam struggled to rise onto his knees. “Sammy?”

“It’s Sam. And yea, uh, it’s me.” He groaned. “You okay?” Sam managed to get out.

“Fantastic.” Dean chuckled. “Where’d Kyle go?”

“He’s where he needs to be.” Maria told them without lifting her gaze from Liz. She was breathing but still hadn’t woken up. “Come on honey.” Maria whispered. There wasn’t anything she could do in her ghostly state, she was helpless and that didn’t sit well with her.

Dean crawled over to her and lifted her gently into his lap. “What did she do?” When the YED had him pinned to the wall he was in too much pain to notice much of what happened.

“She used one of the alien powers she inherited and blasted ol’ Yellow Eyes out of the cabin.” Maria smirked.

Sam leaned up against the couch, his legs still wobbly so he didn’t bother trying to stand up. He breathed in deeply resting his head on the back of the couch.

“So where’d the YED go?” Dean questioned.


Only three (maybe four) chapters left.
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Re: Ghosts Aren't Always Evil (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Ch 14 8/4 pg17

Post by Jezebel Jinx »

A.N. Reposting due to board problem.

A.N. Sorry this one is a little short but the next chapter should be longer.

Previously: Sam leaned up against the couch, his legs still wobbly so he didn’t bother trying to stand up. He breathed in deeply resting his head on the back of the couch.

“So where’d the YED go?” Dean questioned.

Chapter 15

“Outside somewhere.” Sam said. He held his chest; his lungs and heart began to slow to their normal pace.

“How do you know that?” Dean asked.

“Even though I was taken over I was still here. Saw everything.” Sam chuckled. “Sorry I hit you.”

“Should have known it wasn’t you. No way could you have knocked me out without the help of a ghost.” He teased.



Liz moaned out, her ears rang, and her back hurt like a son of a bitch, but she was alive. Someone held her tenderly caressing her cheek. She could barely make out the voice but it was pleading with her to open her eyes.

After a moment of gathering everything she could about her surroundings without opening her eyes she finally accomplished that final step. Surprisingly she lied face up in Dean’s embrace and he was the one who had been rubbing her cheek with his thumb.

“Welcome back girl.” Maria smiled from her position next to Liz.

“Hi. Where’s…”

“The YED is somewhere outside, I didn’t see where he landed after you blasted his ass and Kyle has gone to…” She paused, “let’s just say Jim’s not too pleased with him. Pretty sure Kyle’s being grounded as we speak.” She scrunched her nose a little in confusion. “Although how a ghost can ground a ghost I have no idea.”

“What?” Liz’s asked confused.

“Jim is probably yelling at Kyle as we speak. Just because they’re both dead doesn’t mean their not still father and son.” Still seeing the dazed expression Maria explained further. “Well, I’m assuming that Kyle was beginning to lose his hold on Sam. Right before he left Sam’s body he looked shocked…so what I think happened is his anger had lessened enough that Sam could push him out.” Maria crinkled her nose. “But I’ve never heard of a person being able to do that…even after the spirit has lost some of it’s power.”

Sam laughed uncomfortably. “Let’s just say I’m special.”

Having not turned her attention away from Maria, Liz asked, “How are you here? How did you become solid.” Liz watched as Maria’s hand passed through the brick fireplace. “Or solid to the eye.”

“Like I said before, I had some help.” Maria bent her neck to the left, signaling Liz to turn in the direction she gestured to.

“Oh my God…”



Liz, Sam, and Dean stared at the figures filling the cabin living room in shock.

“Do you realize how much spiritual help you have behind you? Not many people can say they have a whole army of ghosts ready to protect them.” Maria smiled warmly, although she had faded a little she’s still about to talk normally.

“We thought ghosts…” Sam started unable to take his eyes off one particular spirit.

“Ghosts aren’t always evil Sam. The really upset one can get violent but most are good, watching those they love, keeping them safe as best they can.” Maria stood up and stared down at Liz for a moment. “Come on Liz, knowing you, you have a bunch of questions you want to ask. Let’s leave the boys to talk to their group of ghosts and you can chat with yours.”

Still in shock she nodded and eased up on her own two feet. Dean, while staring in confusion at the two clearest ghosts from a group of at least ten, didn’t notice that he helped Liz up until she stepped away from him and his hands fell to his sides.

Liz couldn’t speak, not yet, she just took in everybody that she could see. Not only was Maria there smiling at her, so were Max, Isabel, Michael and most importantly Alex and Grandma Claudia. They were all there, all able to be seen, and all coaxing her closer. “It’s ok honey bear. We’re not going to hurt you.” Grandma smiled warmly at her.

Meanwhile Dean and Sam had no trouble walking up to their two loved ones or speaking for that matter. “Mom?” Dean whispered his voice shaking with emotions.

“Hello my baby.” Mary placed a wispy hand over her eldest son’s cheek.

“Jess…” Sam reached out to hold her but his hand went through her waist. His breath hitched scared that he accidentally hurt her but her warm eyes that shined with love told him he hadn’t.

“Hey Sam. Did you forget to tell me something about your family?” She teased.


Only 2 chapters left.

Next Chapter: Much needed conversations with the dead.
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Re: Ghosts Aren't Always Evil (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Ch 15 8/24 pg18

Post by Jezebel Jinx »

Queen Fee
Touch of the Wind

Thank you everyone for the feedback, including the people whose feedback got deleted from the board chaos.

A.N. Ok, this was going to be the second to last part and technically it still is it’s just being split up into two parts. The conversation between Max and Liz went on a little longer than I originally planned.

Chapter 16 A

Over on the other side of the room Liz stood in front of everyone she loved—except her parents, they, thank goodness, were still alive and living in Roswell. “I can’t believe this. It’s too unreal.” She pushed her hair back with frustration.

“How is this more unreal than aliens or Maria being your resident ghost?” Michael questioned.

“Honestly, I thought I going crazy…or worse already there. No one else was around, I was afraid that I made Maria up because of guilt and loneliness.” Liz explained. “At least now I know that I’m not insane, and even if I am so are Dean and Sam because they’re seeing ghosts too.”

Knowing they had a minimum amount of time before they disappear Michael and Isabel stepped forward first. The two went first because out of everyone present they were the least important to Liz. That didn’t mean she didn’t care about them but they weren’t as close to her as the others.

“Listen Liz, there is no reason for you to feel guilty. Even if you and the others got to the chamber in time it’s possible we never would have listened to you about Tess. We had made our decision and nothing was going to change our minds.” Isabel spoke first. “With the way things ended with you and Max we might not have believed you anyway.” She shrugged. “Take care of yourself Liz.”

With a friendly smile and a wink Isabel faded into nothing. Next Michael got her attention. “I always told Max that he was stupid to save you that day in the Crashdown. After all if he hadn’t saved you no one would have suspected us to be aliens, the FBI wouldn’t have been after us, and we could have probably led a quiet life.”

Liz’s lip quivered to keep from crying. Michael wasn’t exactly making her feel better but maybe that was the point. Maybe he needed to get some of his grievances out.

“But despite all that…if Maxwell hadn’t saved you we never would have had people who protected us and cared about us even with our otherworldly status. We wouldn’t have known if ordinary people could accept us. I wouldn’t have met Maria, Isabel wouldn’t have met Alex, and I wouldn’t have known what it was like to have an unconditional friend. I don’t regret that Max saved you anymore. That incident brought a lot of good things into our lives, including you.”

She swallowed passed the lump in her throat. “Thank you Michael.” With a nod he was gone.

“You know sometimes that boy does get it right.” Maria shared a knowing grin with Liz.

After Michael, Grandma Claudia came up to her granddaughter. “You and I already said our goodbyes.” A tear rolled down Liz’s face. “Remember your promise to me?”

Reluctantly Liz nodded. “Always follow my heart no matter where it takes me.” She croaked out trying to speak passed the emotion clogging her throat.

“That’s right.” Claudia ran a misty hand over Liz’s face and glanced toward the young man who held Liz earlier. “And right now your heart’s fluttering for that one.”

“Dean?” Liz whispered. “I’m just attracted to him Grandma and…”

“And that’s enough. Love can come later…or never, but live in the now, and have fun. You’ve always been so serious honey bear and sometimes you need a man like that to loosen up.”

“Grandma!” She chuckled.

“What? Just because I’m dead doesn’t mean I still don’t notice a cutie. I love you baby girl, always follow your heart, you keep that promise.”

Again Liz nodded. “I promise.” With that statement her Grandmother vanished and another tear fell from her eyes.

Opening her eyes there were only three people left, Max, Maria, and Alex. She wondered who would come up to her next. She watched as Max took an unneeded breath and stepped forward.



Both spoke at the same time. She chuckled and glanced up, while Max smirked warmly and looked to the floor. “Why don’t you start?” Liz said.

He nodded. “You and I…we really loved each other, when I was alive I always believed that but there was also a small part of me that didn’t think that was possible. That maybe it was wishful thinking on my part and what we had wasn’t true love. Now that I’m…you know,” He licked his lips, “I know without a shadow of a doubt that we did love each other. Probably more than any sixteen or seventeen year old should.” Max put his hands in his pockets, a gesture of nervousness from his living days.

“You’re probably right.” She swallowed. “But I can’t regret that. I loved you completely and my Grandma was right. If I can’t love with my whole heart what’s the point.”

“You were my first and last love Liz. I never loved Tess, not like I should have anyway.” Liz saw the guilt cloud his face. She wanted to comfort him but she got the distinct impression that he wouldn’t want that. He lifted his head slightly and looked toward Dean and Sam. “Your Grandmother was right, you should follow your heart wherever it takes you, and I know—“, Max had a hard time getting the last words out. “I know that it’s leading you to him.”

Liz turned and looked at Dean who was staring in awe at a woman who touched his cheek gently. “It doesn’t mean…”

“Oh I know. It doesn’t mean you didn’t love me. It doesn’t mean you don’t love me. You deserve to be happy. Liz you deserve to find love again. Don’t stay out in this cabin, in these woods just because you’re afraid to feel again.”

Liz pushed a stray lock of hair out of the way. Her breath hitched as the emotions she felt became too much for her to hold back any more. “I’m sorry for everything Max. If you hadn’t saved me that day you’d be alive and…”

“Stop. Don’t apologize for me saving your life.” He stalked closer to her. “Every second I had with you was more exhilarating than the next. If I hadn’t saved you I’d probably still be dead Liz only without all the warm and wonderful memories of us. Tess and Nasedo would still have come to Roswell; I would have probably gotten together with her and still slept with her. It’s possible that we still would have found a way to get to Antar and we’d be in the same place we were, probably even sooner than we originally were.” Max tried to make her feel better.

“But Max I never told you about the Future version of you coming to me. And I didn’t tell you how our life was before…” Liz was cut off again.

“That was Tess’s doing. She mind warped you into believing you saw my future self. She wanted to get you to turn me away so she’d have me. It’s not your fault. Stop blaming yourself.” Max pleaded. “The love we had got me through the worst of what Kivar put us through. We weren’t meant to be together now Liz, but I hope we’ll find each other again and have another shot together. Until that time though don’t close your heart.”

Liz sniffled. “I won’t. But please promise me that you won’t wait for me either. If you find someone—whether it be in the great beyond or if you’re reborn or whatever. That you won’t turn them away because you want to wait for me.”

“I can do that.” Max smiled sadly and stepped forward. Maria and Alex faded a bit giving Max some of their energy so he could touch Liz. He leaned down and gently kissed her lips. It was only a whisper of a touch but it gave them closure.

Liz watched as Max faded away and her two remaining friends returned to their visible state. She wiped the tears falling from her eyes and sent them a watery grin.


Next Chapter: Maria/Alex/Liz convo and Dean/Mom/Sam/Jess convo.
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Re: Ghosts Aren't Always Evil (SN,XO,UC,Mature) AN 1/27 pg21

Post by Jezebel Jinx »

A.N. Sorry this took a bit to get out. I didn’t mean for this second half to take so long to finish but for some reason the conversations between certain characters weren’t as easy to write as the previous half of Ch 16. Then when I started to write only pieces of conversations came about and I had no idea how to connect the pieces. I don’t know how I feel about this chapter, there’s a part of me that’s not thrilled with it but another part that likes it. I’ve rewritten, added, and deleted sections and this is probably as happy as I’m going to be with it. Hope everyone enjoys.

Chapter 16 B

Maria smirked. “Even in death that boy still loves you.” She and Alex stepped forward and waited for Liz to dry her eyes.

“So, how’s the afterlife?” Liz teased.

“Interesting.” Alex told her.

Liz couldn’t stop staring at them; they looked really good, even if they were ghosts. She opened her mouth but then closed it. There was so much that she wanted to say, wanted to ask them, but now they’re in front of her and she couldn’t speak.

Alex noticing her dilemma spoke first. “We’re ok.” He assured her.

Cutting straight to the point Maria spoke up. “Since we don’t have much time, there is one thing I need to tell you.” Maria lifted her hand to touch Liz’s shoulder but stopped herself from doing so. If she touched Liz her hand would likely go right through her.

“Ok, what is it?”

“Jim killing himself was not your fault.” When Liz went to open her mouth to tell Maria that she knew that already her friend shook her head and silenced her effectively. “You may believe that in your mind but I’ve watched you every day since I died, in your heart you believe that you could have stopped him. Let me tell you right now that it wasn’t possible. Even if you stayed with him for twenty-four hours there would have been a moment you looked away and he would have taken his own life. Nothing you could have done would have stopped him.”

“Maybe if I had been there…”

“No. Nothing could have helped him. His only son had been murdered. He had nothing to live for anymore, nothing that he wanted to live for anyway.”

Liz, although she still felt guilty, couldn’t help but see Maria’s point. Her parent’s had made clear on a number of occasions that they would cease to exist if anything happened to her. Jim obviously felt the same way when it came to Kyle. What parent wouldn’t?


“Who would have guessed my boyfriend was a demon hunter? I certainly didn’t.” Jess teased Sam.

“I’m so sorry Jess.” He gently cradled her cheeks and almost shouted in frustration when his hands went straight through her transparent face.

“Hey, none of that. You couldn’t have known what would happen when you left.” She tried to comfort him and barely a millimeter above his eyebrow her hand made a motion of caressing him.

Sam’s chin quivered. “I knew.” She’d hate him for sure now.


“Mom.” Dean spoke with relief. He could only lightly feel her touch but it was there.

“I’m sorry honey.” She slowly dropped her hand from his face, but she kept her eyes locked with his despite her feelings of guilt.

Dean stared at her with confusion. “For what?” He gasped out roughly.

“For the last time we saw each other, at the house.” The incident slowly dawned on Dean. “I didn’t mean to make you feel like I brushed you off. I only had a few moments to stop the spirit and saving Sam was the most important than. If you had switched places with Sam it would have been the same only with Sam feeling ignored.”

Dean nodded and scrubbed his face that was wet with silent tears. That moment hurt more than he admitted. All she did was look at him and say his name. By her expression he knew that she loved him but it didn’t stop the pain he experienced when she walked by him and looked at Sam longer than she had him, even said she was sorry to him.

“I get it.” He simply said.

“I am so proud of you Dean. You’ve done so much for this family. More than you should have.”

“Mom, I couldn’t leave Dad or Sammy.” What her tone suggested…it hadn’t been an option, not for him.

“Your father was wrong Dean. I love John. I will always love him but if I had been alive—“ She pressed her lips together not willing to finish that sentence. “Then again if I had been alive I’d have made damn sure that—“ Again she cut off and shook her head in frustration.


She tilted her head slightly. “You’ll find out all of our family secrets in due time. Believe me you may be a little shocked.” Mary chuckled sardonically.

Dean stared at her with confusion. “I don’t understand.”

“You will…someday. It’s important you find out for yourself. Both you and Sam. It’s part of your journey together and it’s probably the one thing I can’t tell you.”

“Why not?”

“If I did tell you now there would be some moments in your life that wouldn’t happen that need to happen.” Mary smiled. “I know it’s hard, but you just have to trust me on this.”


“You knew what?” Jess spoke softly worried about her former boyfriend.

Sam closed his eyes tightly. Tears stung as he finally told Jess what he should have told her a year ago. “Before you were killed I had been having dreams—nightmares about you being up on the ceiling.” He sniffed hard. “I would lie down on the bed and close my eyes then I’d feel something drip on my forehead. I’d look up and there you’d be on the ceiling staring down at me. Then you’d catch on fire.”

Jessica crowded him as close as she could. “Sam—Sam.”

He shook his head refusing to stop. “God the look you gave me as you stared at me bleeding from your stomach. Like you knew it was my fault you were up there. And it was. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened if I had told you before I left…it definitely wouldn’t have happened at all if I never went to Stanford if I never left Dad and Dean. You must hate me.”

Emotions that he had kept under wraps for months and months were finally being released with her in front of him. She had to know how sorry he was for ever coming into her life and making it so short.

“Samuel Winchester I could never hate you.” Jess spoke with such fierceness that Sam believed she was speaking the truth.

“Why not? I do.” Sam admitted. He hated himself for not protecting her.

“Sam. How could you have known that your nightmare would come true?”

“Because of what I know. Creatures and monsters exist and I forgot that for a while.” Sam swallowed hard and slowed the tears that he didn’t realize were flowing so freely down his cheeks.

Jessica stayed quiet until Sam finally looked up at her to see if she had disappeared. When he saw she was still there she spoke. “You were living your life. That’s not something to feel sorry about. So you forgot what goes bump in the night, you thought you left that behind you, I don’t blame you.” She cried out.

Sam again shook his head negatively and Jess screamed in frustration. “And I’m still not getting through to you am I?” She squeezed her hands into fists and after a moment let the tension out. “Nothing, not even my death, has made me stop loving you. Nor has it made me hate you. Unfortunately you don’t believe me. You’re going to have to look inside you and realize at some point that I’m telling the truth.”

Sighing she used the last of her energy and kissed him on the lips. “I love you.” She managed before she disappeared.

“No, Jess!” He reached for her but she was gone. “Don’t leave me again.” He whispered painfully.


“There’s another thing you should know.” Alex told her, he glanced at Maria once and waited for her approval. When his friend nodded he turned back to a confused Liz. “Agent Pierce is really dead. He’s not an alien, he’s not one of Kivar’s men—“

Liz nervously licked her lips. “He was there. Every day for—,“ She stopped, they knew how long she’d been there they didn’t need to hear it. “It was him.” Liz spoke with conviction.

“No honey, it wasn’t.” Maria argued delicately. “The head of that division wanted to conduct an experiment and in a sense cause more damage. Since you knew Agent Pierce, his face was familiar to you they got one of the aliens they still had in their possession and had him mind-warp you into thinking you saw Pierce.”

Alex nodded. “It was another agent that did the torturing.” He explained.

“Mind-warp. So there’s another alien like Tess or Ava out there?” Liz didn’t want to believe it but she knew her friends wouldn’t be saying this to her unless they knew for certain.

“Yes. When they let you go he escaped. After that we don’t know what happened to him.” Alex explained. “We were too concerned about you to worry about the other alien.”

Liz pushed her hair back away from her face. “Is there anything you can tell me about him?” If there was a chance to run into the alien that helped put her through that hell she had to know what to expect.

“Not much. We were trying to keep you from breaking and that took up a lot of our energy.” Maria explained. “What we do know is that he’s not a shape shifter. Not once in that time did his form change. Because of the mind-warp aspect Alex thinks he might be related to Tess in some way but how we don’t know. It’s possible he’s not related, we don’t know how Antarian’s got certain powers.” She told her. “I’m sorry it’s not more.”

“What did he look like?” Liz asked. At their glances she sighed. “I need to know if I see him again.”

“Not that tall, about five feet eight inches, light blonde hair, blue-green eyes, thin…like death-camp thin—“

Liz nodded, “They were torturing him too.” Although she hated feeling sympathy for him she had been in his place as well and no one should have to go through that. “What else?”

Maria and Alex told her the rest of what they knew and saw during her time in the custody of the Special Unit. She didn’t know what she would do if she ever saw the alien that made her see Pierce, what she thought she would do and what she would ultimately do were two different things.


“I love you Dean.” Mary smiled warmly at him. “Now I need to talk to Sam.” She pressed a ghostly kiss on his cheek that was only whisper but he felt the love of his mother overwhelmingly.

He watched as Mom made her way over to a crying Sam. He started to go over to him but he’d want to talk to Mom alone.

Dean looked over at Liz who was now talking with the last two of her ghostly group. She stood with her arms crossed and paced in front of the spirits.


“Our time’s running short.” Alex told Liz. “Know this; we’ll always be here with you. Clearly death can not change how close we all are. I love you Liz. You and Maria are my best friends. We stick together.”

“Always.” Liz nodded.

“You know we’ll be around.” Maria agreed. “Never know when something will float toward you or you’ll feel a gust of wind pass you by where there was no real wind.”

“Just promise that you won’t interrupt me during a private moment.” Liz chuckled.

“I can definitely promise that.” Alex said. “Last thing I want is to see you naked or indisposed in any way.” He shivered dramatically.

“I’ll try but I can’t promise anything.” Maria teased. “With that one staring at you the way he is, catching you will be better than scrambled porn.”

“Shut up.” She blushed and sneaked a peek at Dean. He was definitely staring at her.

“Love you Chica.” The duo was given a brief surge of energy that allowed them to hug their friend. A moment later they were gone.

“I love you both too.” Liz whispered to the empty space hoping they heard her.


Sam and Mary had talked for a few minutes before Mary used her last bit of energy to hug her youngest child. “Listen to Jessica. It wasn’t your fault that the demon killed her.”

“I don’t know if I can ever believe that.” Sam told her.

“Someday I hope you do because it’s the truth. I love you Sam. And I’m so proud of you.” Mary smiled warmly and disappeared from sight.

Sam ran his hand over face wiping away the tears. Could that night get any worse? So much heartache and wounds being reopened, a nice warm bed where he could forget that night looked damn good right then. The only comfort he found was that Jess and Mom told him that they loved him and they believed he was a good person. That would have to do for now.


Liz, Dean and Sam met in middle of the living room. She looked around at the damage inflicted to her home that evening. “Well, this was certainly an entertaining night.” Liz gently probed the bump on her head from crashing into the wall.

“You could say that again.” Dean agreed. Sam remained quiet.

It was time to leave her home. She’d listen to Max and not waste away in the cabin alone. She couldn’t continue to punish herself for the deaths of her friends. “Would you guys mind a guest with you on the road? I can even help with the supernatural part of your lives.”

She had her own truck; it’d give her the freedom to leave if she wanted. Plus she had to think of Angel, her dog, she’d need room and she doubted Dean and Sam’s car had the room. Not to mention Angel tended to get car sick, it wouldn’t be pretty.

“We should be able to work something out.” Dean smiled.


Epilogue will be posted next week sometime.
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Re: Ghosts Aren't Always Evil (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Ch 16B 2/17 pg21

Post by Jezebel Jinx »

A.N. Hello everyone, well here is the final chapter. I just want to thank everyone who has read and given me feedback. The fic turned out to be a little longer than I originally planned but the characters had a little more to say than I thought. While there are no plans for a sequel that doesn’t mean there won’t ever be one since I do have a couple ideas for a sequel. And I’ve left some loose ends so if I do decide on a sequel I’ll have some direction. Thank you again for taking this journey with me and I hope everyone enjoys the final chapter.


A day later Liz stood outside leaning against a tree staring at the cabin she made her home over the last few years. She took everything in, savoring the memories both good and bad.

Maria, although told her that she probably wouldn’t be around for a little while, was still milling about. Just that morning she felt a delicate wind brush across her face and she knew without a doubt that it was Maria.

Off to the side she saw Angel leaping and jumping beside the Impala coming up her drive. Dean and Sam left the cabin to get some food and drinks for the road. She’d be going with them on jobs, hunting demons and helping people.

What Dean called the Yellow Eyed Demon had disappeared. The three of them after their ghostly encounters went in search of the man it had inhabited but couldn’t find a trace of him. That meant they could be expecting another visit from it in the future. How far in the future was anyone’s guess.

She had no idea what she wanted to do with her life, but she knew that she couldn’t stay at the cabin much longer before she went insane. For so long she’d been without much human contact, besides the twice a month visit to the grocery store, it was time to rejoin the world again.

Liz watched as Dean left the car and patted Sam on the back before making his way toward her. Standing up a bit straighter as he got closer she waited till he was within a few steps of her before speaking. “Did you find the store ok?”

“Yea. We passed it on our way here yesterday.” He put his hands in his jacket pockets. “Look…”

“Listen…” Liz spoke at the same time. “Sorry.” She smirked.

“No it’s fine, you first.” Dean motioned for her to finish what she was going to say.

“Um,” she coughed uncomfortably and exhaled slowly before jumping right in. “Since we’re going to be together…on the road I mean, the last thing I wanted was for there to be awkward moments. But as I stand here and think it over I realize that even if I say what I want there might still be tension, so I’m just going to say everything and hope for the best.”

Dean nodded slowly. Liz wasn’t making much if any sense. Maybe he should stop her before she said something she might regret. Although that was his idea for a brief moment he ceased any action that would stop her. He wanted to know what she was going to say.

Grandma wanted her to live life to the fullest. If she didn’t say what had been on her mind she wouldn’t be fulfilling her promise. Even if Dean rejected her she wouldn’t have hid behind her fear.

“We haven’t known each other for long. In fact we haven’t known each other twenty-four hours, but despite that I can’t help this attraction I have for you.” She plowed forward not giving Dean a chance to say a word. “Yesterday the people I cared about most all told me to follow my instincts,” she wouldn’t say her heart, that seemed far too intimate for only knowing him a day, “and right now those instincts are leading in your direction.”

When Dean only continue to nod and not say a word Liz thought the worse but since she had come that far already she might as well go all the way. What did she have to lose? It wasn’t like she couldn’t separate from them if it got too difficult.

“So, if you want, you and I could get to know each other and see if we could stand each other for more than a few moments.” Still Dean remained silent. “Maybe you could say something here so I stop making a complete fool out of myself?”

But he said nothing. “Or not.” Immediately Liz started to backtrack and brush it off, she put her hands in her pockets so she didn’t slap him for letting her go on like a moron. “Its fine,” she saw Sam put the large chest she told him she’s bringing into the back of her truck. “I should go help Sam.”

As she made her way around him Dean grabbed her wrist and turned her back towards him. In an instant his lips were on hers.

Soft but firm his lips played with hers and butterflies danced wildly in her belly. As the kiss continued and deepened those butterflies calmed but turned into molten lava warming her completely. Boy that man knew how to kiss.

Dean pulled her forward till her body molded against his. His warm hand cupped her cheek, the cool twinge from his ring brought a bit of clarity and she pulled back. “Wait.” Her husky voice told of her passion. “What are you doing?”

Liz, who had pressed her hands against his chest only moments ago in pleasure, was now pushing him away gently. Dean breathed in and out deeply. “What you just said—agree with everything.” He kept one arm wrapped around her while he motioned with his other.

“And if all that comes out of this are a few nights of great sex?” She teased.

He sighed jokingly like it would be a big burden. “That’s something that we’ll just have to live with.”

Abruptly Dean jumped and pulled back. “What?” Liz questioned.

“Something just pinched my ass.” Dean looked around but saw nothing.

“MARIA!” Liz yelled.

Both of them heard a light tinkling laugh brushing by them as the wind moved. “Is she going to be doing that when we have sex?”

“She better not if she knows what’s good for her.” Liz smirked.

Laughing she rose up on her toes and started kissing him again. Did she love him? No. Would she have fun with him? There was a very good chance of that and that was something she needed then. If the two of them began to move into the more-than-fun and a-few-steps-into-serious category they’d cross that bridge if need be. Until then she’d live in the present and that sounded like a wonderful idea.

The End
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