(Nekhbet) The White Goddess [M/L POV] AU ADULT [COMPLETE]

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Post by nicola »

Ah, here it is...finally...I might add. I hope you like it. And thankyou to so many of you for replying to my note.

HI ladylou and I amlongtime fan, thanks for leaving fb!!! I'm glad you like this!


“Zan,” I moaned. “I want to go home.”

“Be patient,” he said, “soon enough.”

I leaned back into my chair and tugged at Liz’s black work skirt. “I want to be with you always,” I said. “I am sick of sharing our time with them…”

“Liz.” Val walked out of her office and stopped short when she saw I wasn’t alone. “Oh, hello.”

Zan glanced at me and then back at Val. “Hello,” he said.

“Liz, who’s your friend?”

“This is my husband,” I said simply, not willing to change my story for anything. “His name is Zan.”

Val put her hand on her hip, she was blatantly confused. “Pardon me? Your husband? Liz you never—”

“I don’t live in America,” Zan said hoping she would leave it at that.

“But…” Val started.

“He’s my husband, why are you having such a hard time with that? Am I not speaking English?” I looked at Zan, “I’m sure I am—aren’t I love?”

“You are,” he said.

Val studied me. “Well…whatever then. I just came to give you your plane tickets. Your flights scheduled for Thursday morning next week. Is that okay?”

“That’s fine,” I said and took them from her.

She went back to her office and closed the door.


“Oh my God. It’s three-thirty.”

“What?” I asked. “No it’s only…” I looked up from the clock on my desk. “But that’s impossible!”

Val came out of her office once more, “Just one more thing Liz—”

“Val, what does your watch say?”

“Three-thirty, why?”

I looked at Max. “It was only one-thirty the last time I looked,” I said.

“Eh, don’t you just hate it when that happens?” Val offered. “When time just flies by!”

I bit my lip and then said, “I’m being rude, Val this is my boyfriend Max, Max this is my boss Val.”

“Nice to meet you,” Max said and held his hand out for her to shake.

Val frowned. “What? You just told me his name is Zan.”

“No, you’ve never met him before,” I said.

“Just a second ago! You told me he was your husband and his name was Zan.”

Max and I looked at each other and then back at her. “No my names Max,” Max corrected her, “And Liz and I aren’t married…”

Val folded her arms over her chest. “Are you trying to pull some kind of weird prank on me? Because it’s not funny.”

“Why would we do that?” I asked.

“I don’t know, why don’t you tell me?” Thankfully Val’s cell phone started to ring and she left us alone.

Max got up and kissed my cheek. “I have to go.”

“I’ll walk you to your car,” I said.

Outside, Max couldn’t help but ask, “How did she know that name?”

I sighed and leaned back against his car. “I have no idea. This is really weird Max. We don’t even know how we know that name.”

He stood close in front of me and put his hands on my hips slackly. “Do you have this feeling…” he leaned forward as if he was going to kiss me, “that all this has something to do with that fax you got?”

I looked up into his eyes and nodded. “Yeah.”

“Do you feel as if you have to get to Egypt as fast as you can to find out why?”

Again, I nodded.

“I’m coming with you,” he said and smiled.

My eyes lit up. I’m sure he could see how happy I was just by the look on my face. “Really?”

“I’ve been trying to tell you but I keep getting interrupted,” he said. “How could I not come?”

I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him. “Thank you Max.”

“Don’t thank me,” he said. “It’ll be great, I need a holiday.”

“Have you spoken to the travel agency?”

“Yes,” he replied. “It’s all sorted. Do you have your tickets from Val yet?”

I shook my head. “No, I’ll get them now. Do you have to get back to work, won’t you get fired?”

“I do need to get back to work,” he said smiling. “But I won’t get fired.”

Riiiight, big boss man,” I teased. “Are you going to come around tonight again?”

He ran his lips up and down over mine. “Do you want me to?”


“I’ll see you then.”

When I got back up to my office and sat down I felt a crunch in my skirt pocket. I put my hand in and found aeroplane tickets for Egypt.


On Friday night before he left, Max came over to say goodbye and I made him a big dinner. Jane was there and she was acting like her normal self again but she still wouldn’t tell me what I’d done. No matter how much I pleaded with her.

I didn’t want Max to leave, but I couldn’t tell him. I was too shy. “Have a good time,” I said instead.

“I think that will be very hard.” He brushed my hair behind my ears. “Try not to think about the…’thing’.”

“I will,” I promised.

”We’ll figure it out,” he said.


That night I had a dream that I was in my bed sleeping. I got woken up by a noise in my closet and, frightened, I got up to investigate. The doors started to shake and for some reason, I opened them anyway. A black leopard pounced out with a loud roar and I fell back and my head hit the corner of the bed. When I woke up I had a bad headache and a lump where I’d fallen.


I stepped into my father’s car garage with the expectation of finding the reliable, soft hearted, brawny father figure I’ve known since I was born. What I found was quite the opposite.

He greeted me with the same musky hug and chuckle of excitement but the light that had been fading in his eyes last time I saw him was infinitely gone.

“You look good son,” he said.

“I wish I could say the same for you”—I really did too—“have you been taking care of yourself dad?” I dumped my bag on the tattered bag in the office.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he waved me off. “Max, you look kind of…different.”

This got my attention. “How?”

“You look relaxed and…content with life. The last few years you’ve looked so stressed. You look…youthful. It’s great to see.”

I took off my jacket. I had Liz to thank from my happy appearance. “Thank you,” I said.

“How about we go get a beer at the pub?” he asked.

“It’s very late,” I reminded him.

“Yeah I guess they’ll all be closing soon. I think I can probably scrounge one in the fridge upstairs. Come on up.” We walked into his badly kept apartment and sat in his kitchen that held no food. He found one beer that I told him to have and I had water.

“So did your mother or Isabel send you?” he asked.

I yawned. “Both. Mom is getting…”

“Engaged? Again?” My dad rubbed his eyes. “You think she’s actually going to go through with it this time?”

“Yeah. I think she will.”

He was quiet for a moment as he sipped his beer. “Okay then,” he finally said. “She’s too beautiful to be alone. She should get married.”

“So should you.” He was much too young to look as old as he did.

I should?” he laughed. “Oh that’s classic coming from you. You are the one that’s a thirty year old bachelor.”

I rolled my eyes. I got enough of this from mom and Isabel; I didn’t need it from him too. “Well I’m hoping it won’t be that way for too much longer. I’ve met someone.”

“Oh you have?” he asked. “That’s good.”

“We’re going to Egypt next week. She’s got work there, she’s a researcher.” I wanted to close my eyes and imagine her beautiful face.

“Egypt huh?” Dad obviously approved. “That’s good.”

I nodded.

“So you gonna marry her?” he asked.

“One day hopefully,” I said.

He smiled. “Well if you ever decide you want to introduce her to me, ring before hand. I’ll clean up a bit.”

I smiled back. “I’ll do that.”


“Hi,” Liz greeted me smiling.


“You’re back.” She held open the apartment door for me. “How was your father?”

“Actually he was pretty…bad, don’t ask,” I answered and wrapped my arms around her waist. She smelt so clean and sweet. “How was your weekend?” I covered her mouth with mine before she could answer.

She chuckled against my lips. “It was actually pretty boring…”

“Do anything interesting?” I kissed her neck.

“Not a thing.” She was silent for a moment. “But…”

I pulled away so I could look at her.

“Some ‘things’ happened,” she said.

I sighed. “You’re kidding.”

“I wish.”

Jane came out from the bathroom in a towel. I forced myself not to look at her revealed skin. “Oh hey Max.”

“Hey Jane,” I said and looked down at Liz. “Do you want to go out? It’s not that late. Wasn’t there a movie we both wanted to see?”

“Yeah, there was.”

In the car she told me what happened with the tickets and the black leopard. Then she added sacredly, “Max what if next time I don’t just hit my head. What if these…things are actually a danger to us?”

I swallowed. “I think they would have done something worse already if they were going to. How’s your head now?”

She unconsciously reached up and ran her fingers over the back of her scalp. “It’s better.”

I could tell she was worried. She had probably been freaking out about it over the weekend. “Liz…I’ll take care of you, I promise.”

She put her hand over mine on the gear stick and didn’t say anything until we got to the theatre. I was concerned for her. I wanted her to know that nothing would ever happen to her when she was with me, but I had a feeling just saying it wouldn’t help her much.

After the movie when we were at my place and lying in the dark, sweating and panting after ‘catching up for lost time’, Liz pressed her lips to my shoulder and said, “I missed you this weekend. And I know you will take care of me.”

I looked at her. “I missed you too.”

She smiled.

“I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“I need water,” I laughed. When I came back from the kitchen I found her lying on her side with Murphy curled up against her.

I thought she was asleep but she said, “I think he stole your place.”

“So I see.” I climbed in and tried to shove Murphy out of the way but he just growled.

Liz rolled onto her back and said, “Sorry. I already tried. It doesn’t help.”

“I think it’s time I gave my dog away,” I said directly into his ear. Liz laughed.

After several attempts I still couldn’t get him to budge. I lay back with a sigh and just when I was cursing the stupid thing and giving up, I felt Liz reach over and take my hand in hers. “There,” she said. “Just hold my hand.”
Last edited by nicola on Mon Jul 21, 2003 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »

Book II Egypt

The suitcases hit the bed heavily and a woof of air escaped from underneath them. I watched as Liz threw off her cardigan and let out a loud happy sigh.

“I’m exhausted!” she cried and turned to me with a large smile. She looked incredibly gorgeous in her little tank top and skirt. “Want to rest?”

I had taken my jacket off in the car because it was friggin’ boiling hot in Cairo. “You read my mind,” I told her.

She kicked off her leather sandals and walked towards me. “Is this how you expected it?” she asked.

I thought back to what I’d seen of Cairo during the taxi ride. “Yeah, I guess so. I hadn’t realized the full extent to Egypt’s poverty though.”

She nodded. “Yeah…quite unanticipated and unfortunate.”

We stared at each other. “No reason to ruin a good holiday though…” I suddenly said, a suggestive smile groping my mouth. She ran her hands down my bare arms.

“No,” she said and got up onto her toes to kiss me. “I suppose it isn’t…”

I wrapped my hand in her hair and as we kissed we walked backwards towards the bed. Her thighs hit the mattress, soon followed by the rest of her. She laughed into my mouth and started to unbutton my shirt.

The bed was covered in deep crimson, embroidered duvets that were thin because of the heat. I knew that we wouldn’t even think about using them. I chucked the suitcases to the floor and then climbed back on top of Liz and attacked her neck with my mouth. “God,” I moaned. “I think I’m going to enjoy this vacation.”

She pulled her tank top over her head and pressed her bare chest to mine. “I think I am too,” she said.


I lay on my back with her curled up to my side. Her leg was over my thighs and her dark hair was spread out over the pillow. I was right; it was far too hot to use blankets. We were both bare and sweaty after making love and I was pretty sure Liz had drifted off.

I kissed her forehead and studied our room. Sleep was a little way off for me.

The room was very emblematic to Egyptian culture…typical but very nice. There was a huge printed picture of Cleopatra hanging on the wall that was yellow…plaster? A huge set of windows were at the right of the bed, looking down on Tahrîr Square and the Nile River.

The city of Cairo is spread out over both sides of the Nile and there are many rafts and stalls set out on the water edge. Someone was busking on the street near our room and the rhythm of loud guitars and throbs of drums came in through the open windows.

The slight early morning breeze shifted the thin white curtains but did nothing to cool our bodies. The room smelt of musky spices and wild vegetation, it wasn’t strong but you got the sporadic whiff if you breathed in deeply.

There were cheap wooden bedside tables and a ceramic lamp and a massive Indian rug on the floor with hundreds of colours in thousands of shades.

I shifted so my arm went around Liz’s shoulders and she murmured and pressed her cheek further into my shoulder. My heart swelled and I closed my eyes to savour the moment. How had my life gotten so incredible?

When we woke up it was late afternoon, the sun was still blazing away with the heat of one thousand fires. Liz stretched and walked across the room to stare out the window. “Let’s eat,” she said. “Something very…Egyptian.”

We didn’t plan to stay in Cairo very long, only until our train ride in the morning down to Al Minyâ. I rifled through my suitcase and found some brown shorts and a t-shirt. I was just about to put them on when I felt Liz’s hand on my arm. I looked up into her grinning face.

“Let’s go have a shower,” she said. “To cool off. Then we’ll go out.”

“What ever you want,” I replied.


“Where do we even start looking?” I asked Max as we strolled hand in hand through beautifully unique Cairo.

He smiled sexily. “I thought you were the Historical researcher here, not me.”

“Yes, but I’ve never been to Egypt before,” I said and smiled. Suddenly my cell phone vibrated in my back pocket and I quickly reached to answer it, muttering a quiet, ‘who the hell could that be?’ to Max.


“I’m here Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch!”

I rolled my eyes. “Jack, hello.”

“Hmm, yes that’s right. Where are you? I’m in Egypt; I got bored so I caught the first plane. You still in the states?”

“Actually…no,” I explained. “I’m in Cairo. Where are you?” I glanced at Max and raised my eye brows. “My brothers here,” I informed him. He nodded.

“Nah, I’m in Asyûþ, land of limestone hills and red and black pottery. You in the capital huh? We’ll meet up. Can you get down here?” He sounded loud and rowdy as usual.

Max pulled me away from a car that tumbled past. “Well…I need to get to El Kab which is further south then that. But it’s on the way.”

“Where’s El Kab?” he asked, there was ruffling of paper. “It’s not on the map.”

“Yeah, I know,” I explained. “It’s only on ancient mythology ones.”

“Rightie,” he said. “Well how long do you think until you get here?”

“A couple of days?” I thought. “I’ll see what I can do. Stay put until then, huh?”

“Will do,” he said. “Got to go. See ya when I see ya.”

“Hmm, kay.” I put my phone back in my pocket and turned to Max who was looking at a stall with ivory and wood carvings. “Sorry about that,” I said and looped my arms around his waist.

“Where is he?” he asked while lifting my sunglasses to rest on top of my head.

“Asyûþ,” I answered. “I told him we’d meet up with him on our way down.”

He nodded. “Okay.” He turned and pointed. “I think I saw a food place that looked good.”

“Then let’s go,” I smiled.

He kissed me quickly. “Let’s.”


When Max and I returned to our hotel room around eleven I couldn’t help but ask, “Not regretting having time off work yet are we?”

He smiled in reply and later when we were lying in bed he told me that this was the best holiday he had ever been on. I was touched.

In the morning we got dressed and walked around, seeing as much of Cairo’s ruins as we could. When the afternoon came and it was time to leave we went to the train station and packed our things into the luggage compartment. I was kind of bummed that camels were no longer relied upon for transportation as they once were, but I knew that to get to Kom el Ahmar and Nekhen we would have to have use them. For what was Egypt without camels? Why go to Egypt and ride a train? Max smirked when I told him my views.

We arrived in Al Minyâ during the night and tiredly, we stumbled around trying to find a room to stay in. We found one but it wasn’t as comfortable as the last one.

The bathroom wasn’t much and the bed was lumpy but it was only for one night so we didn’t complain. I sat on the bed, typing a log of the day for Val but I couldn’t send it because there was no internet connection. In my periphery I saw Max stroll out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel.

When I looked up he was staring at me. I knew the look in his eyes. Gently, I put my lap top down, as if to say he was very welcome and he smiled and headed towards me. “You know,” he said and dropped the towel. “We can get a guide and camels to travel on from Asyûþ, if you’d like.”

“I would,” I told him but my mind was not on camels at that moment. Or Egypt or anything for that matter. “Come here,” I begged.

Our train was early so we were up with the sun and out the door in a big rush. The ride to Asyûþ was no where near as long as yesterdays and this time my brother was there to greet us.

He looked really good. I was so jealous of how good he looked. We hugged rowdily and then I introduced him to Max and he hugged him all manly like and said, “I don’t care if you aren’t married, if you’re good enough for Lizzie, you’re good enough for the family.”

Sometimes I love how welcoming my brother is. He’s one of those people that when his attention is on you, you feel like the most important person in the world. Well…that’s what one of his old girlfriends told me.

We went out to a little restaurant and ate a big greasy dinner with lots of wine and beer. I asked Jack if he wanted to come find Kom el Ahmar and Nekhen with us.

“What are you kidding?” he said. “I am dying to go into all those ancient pyramids and find some mummies. That’s why I came.”

“Great, we want to leave as soon as possible.”


Around one in the morning when we got to our newest hotel room, we had found transport (Arabian camels, as hard to believe as that is, I was so excited) and a guide. He wasn't the most charming man but he'd get us there.

“So?” I nudged Max. “What do you think of Jack?”

“He’s great,” Max replied honestly. “You two look really alike but your personalities are…”

“Complete opposite?” I offered. “I know. Sometimes he can be a lot like my mom. Who are you like, your dad or mom?”

“Well, apparently I look more like my mom,” he told me. “But personality wise, I’d have to say I’m nothing like either of them.”

In the morning I rubbed sun tan lotion all over my body (with help of Max of course) so I wouldn't get burnt by the heavy sun rays while I was on my camel. Camel! Yay!

When we knocked on Jack’s door he told us he’d meet us there so we had a quiet fruit breakfast and then meet up with our guide.

"Don't you think this guy is a bit of a fruit loop?" Max asked as we waited beside our camels.

I laughed. "I'm certain he is…do you think we should be trusting him with out lives?"

Max shrugged and helped me up onto the spitting animal. I had to giggle.

"What's so funny?" he asked looking up at me.

I doubled over. "It's a camel for Christ's sake."

Our guide, I soon learnt his name was Simon, looked at us oddly. "How do you propose we travel through the desert?" he said with bad English. "Perhaps you'd like a car."

I grinned at him. "This is do, thanks."

"Bloody Americans," he mumbled as he walked towards his 'ride'.

Jack came sprinting along with his big travel pack. “I’m here, I’m here! Sorry I’m late; I had a little female company this morning, if you know what I mean. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.”

It was so very hot, like you wouldn't imagine. I wore a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of shorts. Max handed me a bottle of water.

"How many times have you done this trip?" he asked Simon.

He shrugged. "Twice."

Max and I shared a look. "Was the first and second time successful?" I asked.

"Ah…sure," he lied. Sensing our unease he added, "Not to worry, we'll get to Naj‘ Ḩammâdî just fine.”

“Dude, we’re going to El Kab,” Jack said.

“Right,” Simon ginned. “El Kab. Nekhen, Kom el Ahmar.”

We met up with a group of travellers that had set up camp for the night. They offered to let us stay with them and helped us put up our tents too. There were eight or nine of them, all in the young twenties. They told us they had just finished University and this was their big O.E. Max and I felt a little old next to them but Jack fitted right in, as he always does. We stayed up late talking and hearing their stories. Simon went to sleep outside on a stretched out bed mat. He was snoring loudly when Max and I crept past him and went into our tent.

The stars were so bright and close that I set up my blankets so my head was at the entrance. Max and I stared at them for a long time.

“Do you ever wish you’d gone on a big O.E?” Max asked me quietly. It was too hot; we slept on top of our blankets.

I looked at him. “Sure…I guess. I’ve always kind of been jealous of Jack’s travelling. What about you?”

“I never really had a chance to, as I said. But there’s still time, at least I like to think so. And now that I’m older and have savings I could do it with more luxuries.” He was staring up at the sky.

I agreed. “You should.”

After a long time I asked, “Do you hate being different Max?”

He looked at me. “Sometimes…yes.”

“Don’t,” I said. “It makes you, you. I like it.”

He kissed me then, slowly and passionately. When he pulled away I wanted to tell him I loved him but I was too shy. We looked at one another and smiled.

“I’m so glad you came Max,” I told him.

He wrapped me up in his arms. “I’m so glad I came Liz.”


In the morning I got up to take photographs of our surroundings. I took one of Simon drooling in his sleep and some of the sun coming up. I took some of the people we’d met last night and of Liz snoozing with her body curled around our gear.

An hour later when I was sitting on the sand Liz got up and stretched. “It’s hot already,” she moaned. “It’s so different from home. Hey, how long have you been up?”

“An hour or two,” I answered. She offered to rub suntan lotion on my back so I could wear no shirt as we rode today. Her cell phone, amazingly, had reception and started to ring twenty minutes later.

It was Jane. “Another fax arrived for you. I would have just left it, but it has those funny Egyptian symbols on it.”

“Oh my God. Can you scan it and send it to my email account?”

“Liz,” she said, “I can’t use a scanner!”

I found it very amusing listening to Liz try and describe to Jane how to use a scanner. When she hung up she started freaking out. “I can’t believe it! Nothing for like two months and four days in Egypt and a fax arrives.”

“Do you think she’ll get it to work?”

“Not a chance,” she cried. “Ahhh! This is so frustrating.”


Hi everyone! I'm not so sick anymore, in fact I'm practically all better so I'm very happy to have written this part finally. Sorry if it ends kind of abruptly and I don't know how good it is because I haven't proof read it but I wanted (HAD TO) post something! Let me know what you think, thank you for being so patient!
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm

Post by nicola »

New part! Here you go! And thank you!


“I’m out,” Liz said and slapped her cards down. “It’s just you three.”

“I’m out too,” Simon agreed.

Jack and I looked at one another. “What’s it going to be?” Jack asked.

“Oh I’m in,” I assured him.

“You are bluffing?” Jack asked.

“Phw,” Liz said. “You can’t ask that.” She peaked over my shoulder at my cards and then at Jacks. “Ah,” she said and grinned.

Ah what?” Simon asked. “What’s going on?”

I put my cards down and stared at Jack.

“Oh you’re good,” Jack said and then abruptly slapped his cards down. “But not good enough! Haha!”

I sighed. I hate loosing.

“Oooh,” Simon murmured.

Liz got up from the table and finished her drink. “It’s late; I’m going back to the motel. Are you all going to stay here?”

“I’m coming,” I said. “Can you wait one more game? You can’t walk back by yourself.”

“Yeah Liz,” Jack agreed. “What are you thinking?”

She poked her tongue out at him.

“Oh that’s real mature,” he said.

She sat back down. “Okay, one more game,” she relented. “But this time I’m going to win.”

Afterwards as we walked through the thick dark, we were rounding a corner and we ran into a man. It was just us, Jack and Simon had stayed behind at the bar.

The man took one look at us, gasped and ran as fast as he could in the opposite direction. “Hey!” I yelled after him.

“What the hell was that?” Liz asked quietly.

“It was almost as if he recognised us,” I told her. “Did you see? Come on, let’s try find him.”

“Do you think that’s a good idea?” Liz was nervous.

I took her hand. “We’ll be fine. Come on.” We walked briskly in the direction the man had gone. When we saw him round a corner we started to run. “Hey!” I yelled again. “Wait!”

He looked back at us, freaked and ran off.

We lost him. Panting, Liz stopped running and looked around her startled. “Max, this is freaking me out. I want to go back to the motel room.”

I looked down at her. She was scared. “Yeah. It’s alright…hey, you okay?”

She bit her lip. “Let’s just go.”

Back in the room she made sure the doors and windows were locked securely before she could relax. “Liz,” I said. “What’s gotten you so worked up?”

“Did you see the way he looked at us?” she asked. “It was as if…we were his worst fear. The look in his eyes…that doesn’t scare you?”

I swallowed. “Liz…”

She shook her head. “I can’t wait to leave here tomorrow. I just want to get to Nekhen and sort this out as quickly as possible. I want it to be over.”

“It’s just the beginning,” I said.

She blinked. “Don’t remind me.”

“You know,” I told her, “that I’ll always take care of you. Nothing will hurt you when I’m here. I won’t let it.”

“I know,” she said. “But what if it’s ourselves we have to be afraid of?”


In the morning I was better. Max and I went to library first thing to look and ask around. We planned to make the last short journey to El Kab in the afternoon.

The museum was badly lit but incredibly beautiful. The shelves were wooden with material covered heavy books staked very tidily. Max and I rounded the corner to the reference desk. “Look,” Max said and pulled me back suddenly.

I looked in the direction he was motioning, I couldn’t believe it! The guy from last night was the head librarian. He was leaning over some woman reading from the book on the desk. He had a long dark face with rough white hair on his head. His hands were thin with stretched fingers, just like his legs and toes.

“Oh my God,” I said to Max. “What should we do?”

Max bit his lip and stared sternly at the man as if that would help come up with a solution.

“What do you suspect we do?” I asked again. Looking around, I hoped to find clarification but found none. I gave up. “This is silly, let’s just go up to him. Maybe he thought we were someone else last night?”

We walked up to him and a couple of steps before we reached him, he looked up. The terror flashed across his face so quickly and unmistakably I couldn’t believe it. “Excuse me,” I said quickly. “Please, we need your help.”

He tried to get around the girl at the desk and escape out the back way but Max intercepted him and said, “Why are you so afraid of us?”

Next he looked perplexed.

“We aren’t any danger to you,” I said, just to make it clear.

The dark haired girl at the desk looked at him and said something in French. French! I was surprised. Max and I had no idea what she said.

He spoke back to her and then turned to us. “What are you doing here?”

“Do we know you?” Max asked.

The guy didn’t seem very willing to answer any of our questions. I swallowed. “Max, maybe we should go?”

“Liz, no.”

“Liz?” the guy asked, confused.

Max cleared his throat. “You must have her confused for someone else.”

“I don’t,” he said. “And I don’t have you confused for someone else either, Wosret.”


I nearly chocked. “What did you just call me?”

Liz was looking at me worriedly. I tried to focus my attention on the guy. He ran his trembling hand through his hair and blew a huff of air out his nose. “You don’t know anything do you?” he asked.

“Know anything about what?” Liz barked.

“About your history.”

I fell back onto an antique divan, a woof of air escaping underneath me. Rubbing my eyes, I asked, “But I’m guessing you do, right?”

The researcher came out in Liz, “How much do you know? Who are Nekhbet and Eva? Who is Zan? Why did you can Max, Wosret? Who is Wosret?” She sucked in a deep breath and then, as if she’d realized something she said, “You were the one that sent me the fax aren’t you?”

He laughed; it was a loud surprising sound. I could tell he was the serious type.

When he finally quietened down, he said, “Oh I’m so relieved. It hasn’t happened yet.”

“What hasn’t happened yet?” I asked, exasperated.

How quickly his mood changed. “My name is Hugh,” he said holding his hand out for me to shake. “And we may all be in grave danger—this is why I was frightened when I saw you. But you are here, and perhaps we can find a way to stop it.”

Liz came and sat down beside me and I took her hands to calm her down.

“There is so much to tell you,” he said. “But first I must know how much you know.”

Liz and I shared a glance and then, shyly, Liz told him everything we knew and everything weird that had been happening to us. I didn’t have time to wonder if it was a bad idea to tell a stranger so much. I suspect we just needed to cling onto the first thing we’d finally been able to discover to do with the great story of The White Goddess.

Hugh stopped pacing back and forth when Liz finished talking. “I cannot tell you who Zan and Eva are,” he said. “I’ve never heard those names before.”

“But Nekhbet?” Liz asked softly. She blushed. “I’m sorry about all the questions; you can imagine what a relief it finally is to meet someone who can help.”

He nodded. “That is alright.” I could tell he didn’t know where to start. I decided I’d tell him where to.

“How do you know anything about this?” I asked.

“I have worked here in Egypt for forty-five years,” he answered. “I travel to the ruins as many do, searching for stories. Trying to discover something, anything. I happened to stumble across the story of The White Goddess some time earlier this year.”

“Where?” Liz demanded. “In El Kab? We are heading there this afternoon. Will you show us?”

“You are going there?” he asked.

“Yes,” I answered. “How many people have discovered this story?”

“As far as I know I am the only one,” he said. “The names are mentioned sporadically in mythology books or web sites but the story has never been published.”

“That’s what I’m here for,” Liz offered, proudly.

“Oh no,” he said. “Trust me; you are here for a lot more then to discover a story. You are here to put your past to rest.”

“My past?” Liz asked.

“As Nekhbet, the queen of Nekhen.”


“Rightey-ho,” Jack marched towards us. “Are we off?”

I looked up at my brother from my map. “No, not just yet.”

“What?” Simon barked. “Look lady, you aren’t paying me to stick around here.”

“No I realize that,” I explained. “We are just waiting for one more person. Max has gone to help him with his things.”

“Who?” Jack asked, intrigued.

I tied the straps on my camel so my bedroll and my other things would not fall off. “You’ll see. He’s going to help us find what we’re looking for. He knows a lot about this.”

Jack ran his fingers through his styled-wax covered hair. “When’d you meet him?”

“Oh,” I answered, “Well today, but that’s irrelevant.”

“What?” Jack demanded. “Today? How is that irrelevant? That seems very important to me.”

Max came to my rescue by introducing Hugh. He had a pack in his arms that I helped him put onto the back of a camel. “What do you think?” I asked when we were in private.

“He won’t budge,” he answered. “Doesn’t want to tell us anything until we arrive.”

I nodded. “Does that seem weird to you?”

“Do we have any other choice?” Max tucked my hair behind my ears and leaned forward to kiss me quickly. “If we don’t go, we may as well say goodbye to any information.”

“You are absolutely right, of course,” I said. “But promise me you won’t leave me alone with him? This whole thing is just...”

“Liz,” he interrupted me. “I won’t leave you alone for a second. I promise.”

Once we were on the way I started asking Hugh some questions, trying to get to know him better so I wouldn’t be so jumpy around him. “So you speak French?” I asked.

He nodded. “Yes. That was my daughter at the museum. I used to live in France with her mother until she died. When I moved here, my daughter stayed in France to work. She’s here now because come to stay with me for a while.”

“Oh yes?” I said. “I’m sorry about your wife.”

“It’s not your fault. Besides, she never wanted to come here so I’m free to now.” He was silent for a moment. “I can tell,” he said, “that you are uncomfortable around me.”

I swallowed. “We just…don’t know enough.”

“I’m a good guy,” he promised.

Jack was making a loud ruckus behind us. “Yee—hah! Go horsey go!” he was kicking his feet and waving his arm around in the air. The camel was moving very slow.

“Jack!” Max yelled. “Buddy, in case you haven’t noticed, CAMEL, not horse.”

Jack sighed. “Oh trust me, I noticed.”

Simon exclaimed, “Stop hurting Karla, she not do anything to you!”

I couldn’t help it, I laughed behind my hand. For that I got a glare from Simon.

“Who is this guy?” Hugh asked. “Where’d you find him? He wouldn’t know right from left, or north from south. You should leave him behind.”

“I agree,” Max sighed. “But it’s too late now.”

I glanced back at my brother. “Not having much fun there are we?”

“Affirmative.” Perking up, he added, “Hey, I never knew your eyes were amber.”

“My eyes—” I sucked in a deep breath, “—aren’t amber. They are dark brown.”

Max looked over at me and stared into my face. “He’s right, they look different. Maybe it’s the sun?”

Hugh looked at us and said nothing.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »

Oh my goodness, I had no idea how long it had been since I updated this. I'll do better, I promise!!! :D :shock: I hope you enjoy this...that is if anyone is still reading it!!! Lol!


The sun created such unrelenting waves of heat across the horizon I almost didn’t see the huge mud brick walls of the town enclosure. They were about 12 meters thick and apparently still contained within them the ruins of the temples, cemeteries and a sacred lake. “Did you know,” I leaned into Max to speak, “Nekhen was once known as Eleithyiaspolis.”

He looked at me. “I love how you do that.”

“What?” I asked smiling.

“Tell me little facts about things,” he laughed. “I swear, I’ve learnt more from you in the last couple of months then my whole time in college.”

I blushed. “Oh God, I’m sorry—it’s the researcher coming out in me.”

“Accurate, enquiring, patient and persistent,” Max said. We were travelling slowly behind Jack, Hugh and Simon who were up front. He reached out and took my hand in his. “Your eyes are back to normal.”

“They are?” I asked. I was trying not to let myself get worried by what was happening and by the information Hugh was withholding from us. “Max, I’m such a wimp, I—I am freaking out over here…”

“I know,” he said. “It probably doesn’t help but I promise that everything will be just fine.”

I laughed. “You’re absolutely right, that doesn’t help.”

“What about…this…” he kissed me slowly and passionately on the mouth. “Does this help?” he licked my lips.

“Hmm…” I held onto him so he wouldn’t pull away. “It most definitely does...”

Eventually, he had to pull away because he was slipping off his saddle. Frantically, he grabbed onto the straps and straightened himself. I laughed teasingly and tried to steer my camel closer to his. “Did you know,” I started…

“Here we go again,” Max made fun of me.

“I thought you liked it?” I asked. “Do you want to know or not?”

He smiled. “I want to know, tell me.”

I ran my fingers over his knuckles. “In Southern Africa, the name for an Egyptian vulture is synonymous with the term applied to lovers, for vultures like pigeons are always seen in pairs. Pairing, bonding, protecting, and loving are essential attributes associated with a vulture.”

He looked at me. “You looked this up because of my ‘vulture’ sightings?”

“Maybe I did,” I said. “Because of its immense size and power and its ability to sore high up in the sky, the vulture was considered to be nearer to God who was believed to reside above the sky.”

“I am so much better for knowing that,” he told me.

“Are you being sarcastic?” I asked. I levelled my evil eye on him.

He rolled his eyes. “Oh, no, help me, the wrath of Liz Parker, it’s so horrifying.”

“I know where you live,” I told him. “I know where you sleep.”

“Yes, right next to you on a good night,” he said. We kissed again and this time we were interrupted by my brother whistling immaturely. I looked at him and he grinned and winked at me.

“We’re here,” Hugh said jumping off his horse. Max and I smiled at each other and then got down and joined him at the entrance.

“So,” I said. “What are we waiting for?”

Jack pinched my arm. “Do you think anyone else is here? Like…anyone fun?”

“What are you implying?” Simon asked. “That I am not fun? Take it back.”

I was standing next to Hugh, staring in at the crumpled, forgotten city that held, hopefully, all the answers I was looking for.

“What do you think?” he asked. “Does it seem familiar to you?”

I walked towards the entrance. “Why would it—” suddenly as I stepped through I felt a tremble curse through my body. “It is different from how I remember it.”

Max came towards me. “Liz, what are you—?”

I closed my eyes. “Can you feel it?” she asked. “It feels so familiar.”

He took my hands in his. “I guess…I guess it does. Yes.”

“What’s going on?” Jack asked. “Excuse me? Sis? Hello?”

I opened my eyes. “Let’s go set up tent, I want to start exploring this place as soon as possible.” We made our way inside the enclosure, it was quiet and still apart from the slight airy breeze.

“That would be just like you,” Jack grumbled. “Straight to work.”

I stared at him. Frankly I was quite fed up with his immaturity. “I never said you had to come.”

He grinned with all his teeth. “I wanted to spend some time with my wonderful older sister.” I could tell he was already regretting his decision to come.

“Jack, this is a business trip, whether you like it or not.” I slipped my hand into Max’s and he squeezed my fingers.

We set our tent up a little further away from the others so we would have some privacy when we needed it. I could tell we were already going to have problems with getting to be alone. “There must be other people here,” Max said as he fixed the metal poles together.

“It’s likely,” I replied. “I’d like to meet someone but…part of me doesn’t want to have competition in finding out what I need to know.”

Max smiled. “Right, having the knowledge that no one else possesses.” He seemed fidgety. “You don’t think there are…you know…scorpions or anything around here do you?”

“Are you scared?” I asked while I helped him thread the poles through the tent flaps. “Of scorpions? There are so many other things to be concerned about and you are worried about little crawly creatures that you could squash—just like that.” He is so adorable.

“I think you are neglecting one little fact about scorpions,” he said. “They are very poisonous.”

“Eh, poisonous smoisonous,” I shrugged off his concerns. Scorpions were the last thing on my mind.

“Okay, well don’t come crawling to me if you wake up with one getting cosy in your sleeping bag.” He finished putting up the tent and I put our stuff inside, making sure to close the zip up flap-door so no ‘scorpions’ would get in. Max just rolled his eyes at me.

“Right,” I said and marched over to the others. “Who is coming?” I was so anxious to get out there and discover. There was so much to find, it made me giddy.

“I’m not,” Jack barked. “I’m going to stay here and eat.”

“I’m not coming either,” Simon grumbled. “I’m going to catch up on some much needed siesta.” I found that surprising, he always seemed to be sleeping—how could he need to catch up on it?

I tied my curls back into a pony tale. “Right well, okay. You’d both be a hassle anyway. Hugh?” I found him pulling books out of his pack inside his tent. It must have been extremely hard to carry all that he did. “Are you coming? Max and I are going to go look around.”

He smiled. “Of course Liz, give me a few minutes. Don’t forget to bring matches and water.”

“I won’t,” I said. We left a few minutes later, the three of us walked in the direction of a stone entrance jutting out of what once would have been a beautiful pyramid.

“Do you have a torch?” Hugh asked. I nodded and took the lead as we went through into the darkness. In most of the pyramids in Egypt there are wood railings and lights put in for tourists but because El Kab is largely undiscovered its temples are untouched apart from the occasional wooden ladder and unlit wooden torches. Max grabbed one of the torches and lit it. He held the flame up above his shoulder.

“Did you know,” I said. “When a body was mummified the internal organs were usually preserved but the brain was just discarded.” I ran my hand along the dusty wall. “And you know the best part is…they removed the brain by inserting a hook up the nose and using it to slice up and remove the brain tissue, with the cavity then being washed out.”

“Ah,” Max said. “I actually knew that but it’s fantastic to be told once more.”

I threw a smile at him over my shoulder. “Ha, but do you know why they did that?”

“I do,” Hugh commented. “They did it because Ancient Egyptians believed that it was the heart which was where the 'soul' lived. And Liz Parker”—I turned and looked at him—“They didn’t always do that. Full mummification would have been quite an expensive process, out of the reach of many of the ordinary people. In certain cases the brain was left inside the skull, where it then dried and shrunk. This could produce a rather novel rattle.”

“A rattle?” Max asked, fairly disgusted.

“Max is squeamish,” I teased.

“It imagine since both of you were royalty, your brains would have been removed,” Hugh said nearly inaudibly but we both heard him. The funny thing was, we didn’t say anything because we knew, he was absolutely correct.


“It’s getting late,” I told Liz. “We should start getting back.” We hadn’t found anything interesting or relative throughout the duration of our hunting.

She nodded. “I was thinking the exact same thing.” I watched her as she went over to talk to Hugh and I couldn’t help but admire her appearance.

We had been inside the tomb for nearly two hours, scraping away and her hair was coming out of her hair tie and her cheeks were flustered—nevertheless she still made me feel like all the chambers in my heart burst open and sent blood squirting all over my internal organs. The fire from the torches illuminated her tanned skin and pale lips. I suddenly needed her desperately.

“Let’s go,” I said. The faster we got back to camp, the faster could go to our tent and I could feel her near me.

“Impatient aren’t we?” Liz teased.

I half expected the day light we’d left behind when we entered the tomb to still be there when we got out. It wasn’t. It was getting dark and everything was navy blue coloured. The stars were starting to appear and the moon was smiling down at us.

We made our way back to where we’d left Jack and Simon in silence. Liz was walking ahead at first but something must have reminded her to be cautious because she slowed down and pressed her side to mine. I felt oozing contentment that she looked at me for security. I knew I’d never fail to deliver that for her. I took her hand in mine and grasped it tightly.

What we found when we got back was a large bonfire and four additional travellers we’d never met before. Simon and Jack were sitting around the warmth chatting away happily.

“This is Anna, her friend Georgia and her parents Sue and Karl,” Jack introduced everyone.

“We’re from Coventry,” Anna said. “Here on holiday.”

“It’s great to meet you. Have you seen anyone else around here?” Liz asked—still at my side.

Georgina and Anna were obviously in their early twenties—and Liz’s brother was just loving that. He had apparently got his wish. They were very friendly, charming people too.

Georgina answered Liz’s question. “There’s a group of about ten around the other side, all college graduates looking for a good time. There’s also a group of five others too, we don’t see much of them. They’re here for work I think.”

I wanted to go down to the river to wash and Liz was eager to come too. We apologized for not being able to stay and chat then hurried down to the water. When I was washing myself, I couldn’t help but watch Liz out of the corner of my eye. How did she have such a profound effect on me?

“Let’s skinny dip,” she suddenly said, waddling through the water towards me. “Come on.”

We removed all our clothes and left them on the shore. We didn’t go too deep but crouched down in the warm, refreshing water. Liz looked stunning with the moonlight shiny on her wet hair and smooth shoulders. I wrapped my arms around her.

“Something big is going to happen soon,” she said running her fingers through my hair.

“Until then…” I grasped her bare thighs and brought her down on me.

“Max, I want to tell you something.” She kissed my mouth.

“You can tell me anything.” I didn’t think anything could be better then this moment.

She touched my cheek with her forehead. “I love you.”

My heart started pounding double time. “I think I already knew that,” I told her. “I love you too Liz, so much.”

I was up with the sun. I boiled some water for everyone and made breakfast then went and brushed my teeth. Something was calling to me—begging me to get out there and keep looking. I knew Max felt it to because when he got up the first thing he said to me was, “We need to go around to the other side, that’s where we need to look.”

“What are we looking for?” I asked quietly.

He looked at me. “Answers.”

Simon and Jack came with us this time. Hugh kept telling them to shut up and walk behind. I was glad I wasn’t the only one who wanted to wring their necks.

“Max, Liz, I think it’s about time I filled you in on what is going to happen,” Hugh said. We looked at him intently, expectantly. “When Nekhbet and Wosret died, Wosret put a curse on El Kab. He vowed that one day he would get revenge and would return to change history.”

“Revenge for what?” Max asked.

Hugh didn’t say. “I will take you to where I found the information I have. Nekhbet and Wosret planned to be born again in forms identical to the ones they once were. The thing was they were cursed by Reuser after their deaths to never have their powers back.”

“Who is Reuser?” I asked.

“Wosret’s father, the previous king of Kom El Ahmar.” Hugh swallowed. “He did not have the power, however to keep the curse alive that long and Wosret knew that.”

“So how long?” I wanted to know. “How long until they get their powers back?”

“Their anniversary five thousand years after their deaths.”

“That’s a long time to hold a grudge,” Max commented. “Perhaps they aren’t angry any more?”

Hugh stared at him. “How could that be? You are here, aren’t you?”

I shuddered unintentionally. “So what year did they die?”

“2997 BC,” Hugh answered. “I don’t know how good at maths you are but I don’t think it takes a genius to figure out when the five thousand years was up.”

Max looked at me for the answer. I calculated as quickly as possible in my head but before I came up with the answer I already knew it. “This year,” I said. “They gained power once more this year.”

We were stunned into silence for a moment—then more questions overcame us. “Wait a minute, so if we are them, like you say we are. Why were we born in the seventies and not this year when their powers came back?”

Hugh thought about it for a moment. “I’m not sure, I imagine they some how broke through the curse enough to create themselves again. How could they make use of the powers they have been seething to use if they are only one this year?”

Max and I looked at one another. Both of had the same question in mind—now that they were in control of us again, what did they plan to do?

“So they have just possessed us?” I asked. “They are in us now?”

“They always were, you are them.” Hugh looked at us closely. “I imagine they haven’t gained control you since you got here.”

“Why is that?”

“Because they are becoming you. Soon you’ll have both voices in your head permanently,” he said.

I was frightened. “Well what do we do to get them out of us? Can we?”

“Find their bodies for one,” he said. “Find their tombs.”

“Well do you know where they are?” Max asked. “Can you show us?”

“They’ve never been found,” Hugh said. “Because Nekhbet and Wosret’s parents were so betrayed by them, no record was kept as to where they were kept—another way of making sure they would never rise I imagine.”

“So all we can do is search?” I asked. “They must be here somewhere. Wosret wouldn’t have been taken to the Valley of the Kings if he betrayed his role. I’d still like to know what he did.”

“So would I,” Max said.
Last edited by nicola on Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »

This is a really crappy part guys, I just wanted to get something out. I'll try post more quickly. Oh and isn't that sad about foreign taste? I really liked her stories!


The wall in front of us was magical—the little symbols danced in front of my eyes, making my heart flutter.

“So you understand it?” I asked Liz.

“Every word,” she mumbled quietly.

“This is amazing Lizzie,” Jack said. “Look at this—do you think this is worth anything?” he pulled his pocket knife out of his pocket and proceeded digging the black jewel out of the wall.

“No don’t touch that!” I barked.

Jack looked at me surprised. “Whoa, calm down buddy.”

Hugh took the knife from his hands. “It’s a booby-trap,” he said simply.

“Of course it is, I knew that,” Jack tried to make himself look better.

Liz’s mouth was open agape. “This is amazing, Look Max—look at this drawing…she has long brown hair and he…”

“They look exactly like you,” Jack said. “Both of you. That’s freaky.”

I trailed my fingers over the pictures of Nekhbet in glowing white cloaks—sporadically large red wings erupted from her back and a gold vulture mask wrapped her face. Wosret had a Black leopard head…

“Oh my God, Max,” Liz whispered. She bucked forward and I caught her before she fainted.

“Liz? Liz? Are you alright?” I sat her down on the sand and tucked her hair behind her ears.

Hugh handed me a bottle of water. “It’s all just rather…alarming. I don’t know what to think,” she said and I made her sip some water.

“We can leave,” I told her. “We’ve been here too long. I think all of us need some fresh air.”

“Yes,” she said. “I think I’ve had quite enough for now.” I helped her to her feet and kept a protective arm around her. “Jack, will you get my Polaroid camera out of my bag and take pictures of the walls? Make sure you get it all,” Liz instructed.

It wasn’t until we were about to leave when Hugh said, “Hey, here is Simon?”

We all looked around expectantly.

Simon?” Jack suddenly yelled—his voice echoed against the walls. We stood dumbly for a couple of minutes, expecting him to materialize in front of us.

“Does anyone else hear that?” I suddenly asked. A loud rumbling seemed to be coming from a distance and getting closer. I heard Liz step closer to me.

“What is that?” she asked.

Suddenly we heard a loud, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” come trailing down the passage we’d just been through and looked in the direction of the noise. Simon came sprinting past as fast as he could with a humongous round boulder rolling speedily behind him. “Heeeeelllllllllllpppppppppp!” he screeched.

We ran after him, unable to see Simon past the mass of concrete behind him. Luckily, he got the end of the passage and out the side of temple before he got completely flattened. The boulder rolled along the sand and hit a concrete pillar causing it to collapse with a loud thud.

“What did you do?!” I demanded angrily.

“Nothing!” Simon panted. He collapsed onto the sand tiredly.

Liz looked down at him. “What’s that?” she motioned to the shiny object in his hand. “And where’d you get it?”

“This—” he looked up at us innocently. “Oh, I had this before.”

“Give it to me,” Hugh demanded.

Simon shoved it quickly into his pocket. “No, it’s mine.”

Jack nudged his hip with his boot-clad foot. “Hand it over, now,” he said.

“It may be very important,” Liz reasoned with him. “Please let us look at it.” I felt a groan of annoyance erupt from me when I heard him spat, “No, I found it, I keep it.”

“Look buddy,” Jack said, kicking him harder now. “My sister asked you nicely.”

“You can have it back,” I assured him.

“I don’t believe you,” he replied with pursed lips. To me he’d never looked more grimy and disgusting. I almost felt as angered as Jack who yelled…

“I’ve had enough of you, you friggen’ bastard. I could cause you some serious pain, you get what I’m saying to you?”

I don’t think anyone said anything because we all wanted to see what Simon was keeping from us. “I some how doubt that,” Simon retorted to Jack’s comment.

“That’s it.” Jack pulled out a gun from his belt and aimed it at Simon’s face. “If you don’t hand it over, I’m going to blow your fucken head off.”

“Jack!” Liz cried, shocked. “Where did you get that?”

Simon looked at me and said, “I don’t think he’ll shoot me.”

Jack went at him furiously. “That’s where you’re so wrong mother fucker!” I held him back easily, he was smaller then me and less muscular.

“Jack, just calm down,” Liz said. “And Simon, I promise you’ll get it back, just let us please look at what you’ve found.”

“No,” Simon argued firmly.

“ARGH!” everyone groaned in unison.

We all started to walk away from him grudgingly and he groaned and heaved himself to his feet. “FINE!” he yelled. “But I’m holding it.” As soon as it was out of his pocket Jack snatched it up and ran quickly in the direction of our camp.

“You bastard!” Simon screamed can ran after him.

The three of us walked slowly after them. “Are you feeling better?” I asked Liz.

She nodded quietly. “When I’m out of this heat.” I could tell she had something to say but didn’t want to speak in front of Hugh. To our surprise, Simon was lying unconscious when we caught up.

“Oh Jack, what did you do?” Liz asked.

“I hit him in the head with a pot,” Jack beamed with pride.

Hugh grunted. “You better drag him into his tent so his stench doesn’t bring vultures over because they think he’s dead.” No one moved. “Can I see the object?”

It was an elegant gold necklace that was finely made. It had a green jewel the size of half a lemon hanging from it. I couldn’t help but think it would look fantastic on Liz when she ran it through her fingers. It gleamed unnaturally in the sunlight. “God,” I said. “That’s impressive.”

“No wonder he took it,” Liz commented. She looked up at me, asking me something silently with her eyes but I didn’t know what she was thinking. “Jack, why on earth do you have a gun?”

“I have two guns,” Jack grinned. “I bought them in Asyûþ.”

“Why?” she demanded.

“I have some too,” Hugh said. “In Egypt it’s smart to have a gun.”

Some?” Liz asked incredulous. She was very surprised by it all. I could hardly say I was.

Hugh walked over to his tent and grabbed a black bag. When he came back he opened it to reveal a large supply of weaponry. Including a Russian AK-47 machine gun. He also had a revolver, an old fashioned Carbine and a hand gun.

“Whoa!” I breathed and reached out to pick one up. I was surprised and delighted.

“I know,” Hugh said. He pulled out a small rifle that I hadn’t seen and handed it to me. “You should keep this on you at all times.”

“Why?” Liz asked. “What kind of danger did you think we would be in that it was so necessary for you to bring all this?”

“I’m just being cautious,” Hugh told her. I was too entrapped examining the new gun I had in my possession. Liz noticed that I was acting like a little boy on Christmas and rolled her eyes.

“Cautious!” she spat. I could tell it was all too much for her. “I’m going to lie down.”

I watched her head towards the tent and then stop outside it. “Max?” I found she was extremely surprised I hadn’t followed her. I swallowed and went to hand the gun back to Hugh.

“No, keep it on you,” he said. “You’ll need it.”

I went with Liz to our tent and she quickly stripped out of her shorts and shoes and lay down. “Are you okay?” I asked and sat down next to her.

She curled into my side. “Seeing that wall just made it all real for me. A part of me believed this was all a big joke until I saw the proof. Can you lie down?”

I scooped her up into my arms and lay back. “You’re worried?”

“Of course, how can you not be?” she looked up at me. I realized seeing those guns must have terrified her. I pressed my mouth to her forehead and she smiled softly.

“I’ll be what you need me to be,” I whispered. “Don’t worry; I’m sure he was just being vigilant.”

She ran her hand under my shirt. “What if he wasn’t?”

“Then we’ll handle this. We are worried about different versions of ourselves, how bad can they possibly be?” I slid on top of her and covered her mouth with my own in a passionate kiss. Her hands ran up my bare back and grasped at my skin.

“Max…” she moaned. “I’m going to be brave.”

I slipped my hand in her underwear. “Okay.”


“What are you thinking about?”

He glanced over at me from where he was lying on his back. I was spread out on my stomach with my head resting on my folded arms.

“Everything,” he smiled. “You.”

I blushed. “Will you hand me that necklace?” he handed me what Simon had stolen earlier and I ran it through my hands.

“It’s beautiful,” I said. “I recognise it.”

“So do I.” He plucked it from my hand and lifted my hair so he could put it on me.

“Max do you think that’s a good id—” As soon as I felt the cool metal against my chest I was thrown into a trance-like world.

It was the early evening and the pink sky had streaks of gold swarming out from behind the sand hills.

“When I first left home I wondered how I would ever continue my life so far away from everything I knew as normal.”

Eva wrapped her arms around herself and watched him. “You are doing just fine,” she said and smiled.

“It’s amazing isn’t it?” he continued, “how quickly something you left behind that meant so much to you at one point can be so easily forgotten. Something can hurt so much that you know you’ll never get over it but some how…as you grow up and that pain turns into a memory it seems as if it turns into another life too.”

The wind whipped her dark hair in her face. She tried to hold it back with one hand while the other clasped her cloak in place. “Zan,” she said her voice catching on the breeze. “Promise me if you ever go back you’ll take me with you.”

He stared at her for a long minute. “You are the one with wings to soar with,” he reminded her and smiled.

Eva came up close to him and stared into his solemn face. She wanted to kiss him.

“I have something for you,” he waved his hand and a necklace appeared from thin air.

She gasped. “Khasekhemwy! How did you get that?”

He brought it up to her neck and clasped it in place. “That does not matter.”

“Zan, what does this mean?” Her deep eyes bore into his.

“It means you have my soul.”

“Liz? Liz? Are you alright?”

I snapped out of it and found Max staring worriedly into my face. When I got my voice back I answered him, “I’m okay.”

“What happened?” he stroked my cheeks.

“I don’t know,” I sat up and pulled on my tank top. “Max, Khasekhemwy—that means the two powers appear, doesn’t it?”

He thought about it. “Yes. That’s what the necklace is called isn’t it?”

I nodded. “You gave it to me before.”
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Post by nicola »


Liz was looking at me intently and it was making me feel uncomfortable. We were sitting in front of the bonfire that evening with Jack and Hugh. Simon had apologized and gone to bed.

“What?” I finally asked.

Leaning into me she whispered, “Max, I think Zan was like you.”

I frowned. “I think we already established that.”

“No, in all ways,” she continued to whisper. “As in, alien.”

“What makes you think that?” I asked.

Her eyes twinkled like they always did when she switched into research mode. “In that flash, Zan was talking about going back to some place he considered home. Max, home! What if that’s another planet?”

“Shh!” I looked around frantically to make sure no one was listening. “Liz…”

“I’m right, I can feel it,” she rubbed her hands together. “This is my job, to put the bits pieces of history together to make sense. I’m telling you, this makes sense.”

I had nothing to say to that. She probably was right. I watched her pull her hair back into a pony tale and apply some aloe vera oil to her sunburnt shoulders while she continued talking. “Max, I’ve asked about your powers before and you’ve only outlined the basics…but you may need them to help us get through this.”

“I don’t use them,” I reminded her. “Not only for safety but also to forget they are there, so I can have the ordinariness everyone else has. I don’t know if I could use them…even if I wanted to. Which I don’t.” I took the bottle from her hands. “Let me do that.”

“I would feel safer,” she suddenly said.

She knew that would help sway my decision. “Liz…”

“Please? We’ll go somewhere tonight when everyone’s in bed and you can try…nothing much. Just to see if they still…work.” I slipped the strap of her singlet down her shoulder and kissed her tender skin.

“Want a marshmallow?” Jack suddenly interrupted.

“We’re just about to go to bed,” I said.

Jack’s face fell. “Oh please don’t, I am not tired and I don’t want to be stuck out here with Boring-Mc-Boring over there.”

Liz snickered and Jack hastily apologized. “Why don’t you go search out those girls that you met?”

“I could do that,” Jack said. “But I don’t know if I feel safe walking around in the desert by myself. Max, you could come with me.”

It would appear that being frightened easily ran in the Parker’s family, I thought amusedly.

“Excuse me?” Liz was appalled by the idea. “Go by yourself. Wimp.”

Jack heaved himself to his feet. “No. As much as I wouldn’t mind some female company I am not going to go wandering the wasteland in pitch black. I’ll go read or something.”

“That’s a good idea,” Liz said.

As he went Jack called, “Night Hugh.”

“What? Oh…goodnight.” Hugh was preoccupied carving something out of some wood he’d found earlier. I got up and pulled Liz to her feet. “You two going too? Goodnight.”

“Night,” Liz said happily.

As soon as we got into the tent she searched out the photo’s we’d taken of the wall earlier. I took off my clothes and lay back tiredly. “Where are they?” she wondered aloud. “Ah…here.”

“Where on earth are we going to look for those bodies?” I mumbled.

“I don’t know,” she sat down beside me and crossed her legs. “Look at this, its incredible Max.”

“I know.” I paused, studying her for a long moment. “Do we have to do the powers thing? I don’t want to,” I told her honestly. “I don’t want to evoke that side of me.”

She looked away from the photos. “What are you afraid of?”

“I just want to be…normal.”

“Max,” she wrapped her arms around me and pressed her forehead to mine. “I love you, it wouldn’t matter if you had…I don’t know six-two toes and antennae.”

I laughed. “Sixty-two toes? Is that physically possible?”

“Okay, shut up. I was incapable of being creative for that brief period of time. It’ll never happen again, I assure you.” She kissed my nose softly. “That’s not what’s important anyway. If you really don’t want to use your”—she lowered her voice even though no one was listening—“powers, you don’t have to.”

“I don’t want to,” I covered her mouth with mine in a loving kiss. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright.” She rolled onto her stomach and looked at the photo’s again. “It says here, which really is very obvious already anyway, that the reason Zan and Eva couldn’t be together was because of the anger between the two cities.”

“You mean Wosret and Nekhbet,” I told her.


“You said Zan and Eva, for all we know they could be completely different people.”

She nodded. “Yeah, I guess, but I don’t think so. Anyway they were clearly together even though it was prohibited and then I guess they must have been caught because of the furtiveness of their deaths, right?”

“Yes, I suppose so, feels right,” I told her. I read the symbols in the pictures. “Liz…I understand it all. How is it possible I’m improving so rapidly?”

“I knew next to nothing,” Liz over exaggerated. “I know everything now. It’s bizarre.”

I stretched out closer to her and rested my chin on her back, gently so I wouldn’t hurt her sunburn. “Read it to me.”


“Wosret came into power of Kom El Ahmar after he married his sister Hathor-Sakmet.”

“I find it disturbing that they used to marry incestuously,” I commented dryly.

“I know what you mean, but clearly he didn’t love her,” Liz added. “Anyway, Nekhbet was the ninth and youngest child of Hatshepsut and Jarha. They renamed the city after her because she was so white and beautiful and a gift from the Gods. They thought maybe they had created her for a specific purpose. As she grew up she was pampered and was rarely permitted to leave the temple they called home.”

I closed my eyes, imaging that she looked just like Liz and I realized I was slipping into a trance, slipping into that world…really seeing it, not using my imagination at all.

“Mother,” Nekhbet stood before her parents hesitantly. “Please allow me out into the city as you let my sisters and brothers, I must leave this place.”

“Ankhmutes will arrive shortly to teach you the arts of the sword, you cannot leave,” Jarha said sternly. “You will go prepare for her arrival.”


“Daughter, you will go without argument,” Hatshepsut ordered.

Nehkbet went sulkily. Even with her mouth in a pout, her nose wrinkled from distress and her eyes burning with aggravation nothing could hide her beauty. Sometimes she cursed her superior looks. When Ankhmutes, also translated to mean “Image of her mother”, arrived several minutes later Nekhbet expressed her problems loudly.

“How can they expect me to live out my life within these walls? I yearn for something new.”

“Why not ask your sisters to help you see the city?” Ankhmutes offered.

Nekhbet waved her dagger in the air, repeating her teacher’s movements. “My sisters hate me. They are jealous. My brothers love me but are just as protective.”

“If I help you, they will sentence me to death. I am sorry little one.”

“Poor her,” Liz mumbled to herself. “This doesn’t say how or where they met; just that she one day started to sneak out and in that period of time she started her affair with him.”

“Well that’s no fun,” I said. “It misses all the good details.”

Liz cocked her eye brow upwards. “Max, I had no idea you were such a romantic.”

I grinned. “Who, me? Never.”

She rolled her eyes and continued on with the story. “One of Nekhbet’s brothers, the one that had been trying to persuade their parents to allow him to marry her, was the first to discover their affair. He was the one that informed their parents.”

“Bastard,” I snarled.

Liz didn’t laugh, a second later I found out why. “They were together in her bed quarters when they were caught. Nekhbet’s father marched in demanded they take her daughter and kill Wosret but Nekhbet demanded they leave him be. When they tried to kill him, she dived in front of the blade. Wosret used the same blade to kill himself right then, cursing the men and the cities before he died.”

I swallowed. “Sort of Romeo and Juliet-ish isn’t it?”

She nodded. “It’s a lot like that. That same situation probably happens more frequently then we realize.” I lifted my head so she could roll onto her back. “Oh no.”

“What?” I asked.

“When they were mummified their innards were placed apart from their body so it would be harder for them to be brought back to life. We’re going to have to find both.”

“Damn,” I sighed.

“We’re going to have to search up and down this place. It could take months. It’s been known to take years!” Liz rubbed her eyes. “This is a disaster.”


We were up early the next morning, before anyone else. We went for a swim and made love in a secluded place where there would be no onlookers. As we were walking back to the camp we decided we wanted to check out Kom El Ahmar across the river too sometime. We could see some of the ruins from where we were.

“Let’s go further into the large temple today,” Hugh suggested. He’d made breakfast. “Where Nekhbet lived.”

“There isn’t much left is there?” I asked.

“There’s enough,” Hugh told me. “And I’m sure we’ll discover there’s more then we think. Underground and so on.”

“Hopefully,” Max said.

We were off by eight-thirty because we intended to use as much of the day as possible. Hugh brought his guns; I felt safer but still didn’t like the idea that we might actually need them.

It was around lunch time when Max and I were first separated from the others since we’d left the camp and as he kissed me I leaned back against the wall and suddenly we both went hurdling backwards. We landed softly on a beautiful bed in a room that I recognised instantly from my dreams.

“Where are we?” Max voiced instantly.

I looked around, shocked and then heard voices outside the still golden doors. Before I got to answer they opened and an almost identical version of me walked into the room. Somehow we’d rolled back in time. “Yes, father, I heard you,” Nekhbet snarled, not noticing us. “I’ll rest.”

Max and I looked at each other and scrambled off the bed.


Just a short little something I put together, I hope it was okay. Thank you for patience guys, you are so sweet.
I hope you enjoyed your weekend,

100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »


Nekhbet didn’t see us. She wandered into the room looking dejected and slumped back onto the bed. I took a moment to marvel at how much she looked like Liz. Although, she lacked a certain quality and I couldn’t put my finger on what it was.

With paused breath, I watched as she finally heaved herself off the bed and walked towards the large oval balcony that jutted out, overlooking the city. She stood with her hands resting on the railing. On her face was a look of longing—of complete loneliness.

Liz slipped her hand into mine and tugged at me to come with her. We walked out onto the balcony and she said quietly, “She’s thinking about jumping and flying away.”

Nekhbet didn’t show any sign of hearing us. “Why doesn’t she?” I wondered. Liz looked up at me and shrugged. “What’s keeping her here?”

“Family ties I guess,” she said.

Nekhbet suddenly turned around and walked briskly back into her room. We watched as she un-tucked a drab cape from under her bed blankets and pulled it over her skimpy attire. She removed her gold jewellery from her arms, neck and hair and then pulled the hood up to cover her silk tresses.

“What is she—?” I stopped talking because I realized I knew. She walked over to the door and jabbed a spear into it, making it harder to open. Next she walked back out onto the balcony and climbed onto the railing. Liz frantically ran to catch up to her as she crawled along the side of the jutting out part of the building. If you could even call it a building.

I went after them, this was incredibly dangerous, and the drop was very far. If we fell, would we die? I didn’t even know if we were in a flash or if we were really here. Liz moved as quickly so I hurried to keep up with them. I nearly tumbled over them when Liz came to an abrupt halt.

“What now?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” Liz peaked over the edge and saw that they were above a large pond that was surrounded by pillars and had draped white curtains. “She’s going to jump.”

Sure enough, she did. She dived in a perfect arc into the air and plummeted downwards, barely making a splash as she slid underneath the water. I glanced at Liz who was in scientific mode, examining the distance that we would fall. The last thing I expected her to do was yell, “I’ll see you at the bottom!” And leap off in the bomb position. I shook my head in disbelief and then jumped after her. She was just full of surprises.

The water hit me like concrete, I think I fell wrong, but when I came up Liz was splashing around, her long hair flat and sticking to her cheeks. “Are you okay? Let’s go,” she said.

We both swam across the pond and clambered onto the sand. “Shit,” I said. “Shit, it’s cold.”

She smiled. “Don’t be a baby.”

I grabbed her hand and we ran to keep up with Nekhbet who was already twenty meters away. She was creeping around corners but as far as we knew we weren’t in trouble of being seen so we just walked briskly behind her.

Two guards walked past and Nekhbet hung back in the shadows behind a pillar. “What kind of a life is this?” Liz asked. “Having to creep around her own home.”

I nodded in agreement. We weren’t paying attention and a guard appeared and walked straight towards us. Before I had a chance to move out of the way he went straight right through me. I felt like I’d been winded but then…as good as new.

“Oh God,” Liz said. “Are you alright?”


“What? What is it?”

“My life, since I’ve met you!”

Nekhbet ran for it. She looked down, pulled her cape over her head and jogged right out of the grounds and hid herself in amongst the townspeople. We watched as her hooded head got further and further away from the temple.

We pushed through the crowds, disbelieving and confused about what we were seeing. The people were noisy going about their own business, shopping, bargaining and selling. I tried to think what this reminded me of. Their bronze faces and active tan fingers.

It was like something off a cartoon I loved when I was young, called Aladdin. Liz felt the same way, but this wasn’t the time to be discussing childhood cartoons, so we both went after Nekhbet once more. I felt this weird nagging to keep an eye on her and protect her from everything. Maybe that’s how her parents felt when they wouldn’t let her out of the temple.

She walked for a long time, taking in everything around her. Just like us, this was a first for her. I clutched Liz’s hand tight so we wouldn’t get separated and she held it back just as firmly.

Eventually we approached a darker, quieter part of the township that was further up the Nile River. Nekhbet stood with her back to an alley watching the water and the city across from hers. She was there for a while and then sighed and we could tell she knew it was time to go back home before she was caught.

Someone came past running and threw something into her arms. “Take this,” they said frantically and sped off. Nekhbet frowned and looked down the package in her hands. “Hey?” she yelled after him.

He was gone. Looking around, she tried to figure out what to do with whatever it was when some she saw guards coming. “Oh no!” she cried. She figured they’d learnt she’d escaped and quickly dropped the package onto the sand and ran down in-between two dark structures and bumped into a group of men.

“Oh, excuse me—” she tried to get out of the way but one of them held onto her. Their grip was rough and she tried to tug her arm away. “Please, I must…”

Liz swallowed. “Oh God, Max the—”

“Look what we have here fellas.” A big man with missing teeth peered down at Nekhbet with a big grin. Her face crinkled in despair as she tried to push him away.

“Unhand me!” she yelled.

Another man grabbed her from behind and they proceeded to push her up against the left wall.

“Please no!”

“We have to do something!” Liz hissed. “Max!”

“We can’t Liz, this is history, it’s already happened.” I bit my lip and tried not to watch.

Before anything could happen another man appeared from behind the shadows. “What’s going on here? Stop that.” A shadow was across half his face and when we looked closely we both gasped. “Who is this?” he demanded

The men all left Nekhbet alone as Wosret commanded them. “We were just having a bit of fun,” the chubby one said.

“We aren’t here to terrorize young girls,” Wosret said. “We have much more important matters to deal with. Go on, as you were.” They all left and he was about to follow them but stopped when he heard Nekhbet whimpering into her hands. She was down on the sand with her legs bent under her bottom.

“You are fine,” he said harshly.

She did not say anything and did not lift her face to look at him.

“Max!” Liz hissed. “God! I can’t believe how much he looks like you.”

“He is me,” I said simply.

“You do not wish to thank me?” Wosret said snobbishly.

Nekhbet finally wiped her eyes and looked up at him. “You have my gratitude, kind sir,” she said.

He was about to go on but stopped to peer into her cape. His face softened. “Reveal yourself.”

She was hesitant.

“Please,” he said forcefully.

Nekhbet tugged her hood off her head and tucked her hair behind her ears. “I must go…”

His breath caught in his throat.

Liz and I smiled at one another. “That’s how I felt when I first saw you too,” I whispered to her.

She blushed. “Liar.”

Wosret held his hand out for her and she took it. “Thank you.” Once on her feet she pulled her hood back over her silk hair.

He was looking at her intently. “I apologize for the way my men acted…”

“Your men?” her brow creased.

“Yes, I’m…” he paused. “Never mind. Your appearance tells me you are more then an unadorned salesman’s wife…”

“It does not matter who I am. I must go. Thank you again, goodbye.”

“No please,” he said. “You must tell me your name at least.”

“I cann’t.”

She hurried away and we went to go after her when suddenly we were pulled back into the present.


“Are you two okay?”

My head was aching. I rubbed my hand against the back of my scalp. “Where are we?”

Max sat up beside me.

“We’ve been searching for you for hours,” Hugh helped me to my feet. “You disappeared through that wall. You’ve been unconscious.”

I looked at Max who was also rubbing the back of his head. “I don’t know what happened,” he said, as if reading my mind. “Something happened to us. We weren’t…here…”

“What does that mean?” Jack asked.

I felt tired and week. “We must have banged our heads when we fell,” I said. “That’s all.” Max looked at me surprised and I raised my eye brows at him.

“You won’t believe what we found,” Simon said. “Follow me.”

Max and I walked behind. “Are you okay? Your head hurts too?” he asked.

I nodded. “God, what was that?”

“I don’t know.”

We were inching along the same edge that I recognised from before. Soon we were looking down on the pond. “I can’t believe it’s still here,” I said.

The pillars weren’t in the best condition but a few remained upwards, surrounding the water. Vines and wild growth intertwined through the rubble.

“Isn’t it fantastc?” my brother said. “Not quite gold, but charming nevertheless.”

“Yes,” Max muttered. “It’s great.”


Max and I didn’t tell Hugh about what had happened but he suspected something was up.

Back at the camp I lay down in the shade and stared up at the sky deep in thought. It was as if my memories were coming back, but it confused me that I wasn’t seeing it from inside Nekhbet. Instead I seemed to be watching from the sidelines as if it was a movie. I felt as if Max and I had taken a journey into my mind and walked around.

I was glad to finally remember how Nekhbet and Wosret met but I still had so many questions. What was Wosret doing in Nekheb? How did he meet up with Nekhbet again? Who were Zan and Eva?


I tilted my head to the side to see Max standing with a cup of water for me. “I brought you this.”

“Thank you.” I sat up and took it from him.

“Your head still sore?”

“No, it’s better.”

He seemed uncomfortable standing there. Finally he asked, “Do you want to be alone or can I—?”

“No, sit down, sit down,” I said. “Please.”

He stretched out next to me with his hands resting behind him. “Liz, I know you’re probably worried about what happened…”

“I’m not,” I said. “Max, I’ve accepted it all now. I think I’ve finally admitted to myself that whether I like it or not this was what happened and I’m apart of it, there’ nothing I can do to change that.”

He nodded silently.

“And…” I swallowed and looked into his eyes. “I’m glad I’m doing this with you of all people. I just hope you don’t get sick of the sight of me once we get out of here…”

“Liz, there is no one else I’d be here with,” he reached out and touched my cheek with his big hand. “And I won’t get sick of you.”

I nodded. “I’m one of those people who are in constant need of reassurance.”

He smiled. “I noticed.”


Max kissed me then. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

:!: :!: :!:

:shock: A new part? really? my God it can't be true!
It took a little longer then I planned and I'm really sorry, I'll also be updating Behind the Glamour hopefully in the next few days. As I said when I started this, I've never really written something less realistic like this (something that requires imagination lol) before so I hope it was okay. Thanks for the fb and everything, it really does make my day, and week, and year and so on 8)
Last edited by nicola on Sat Nov 29, 2003 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »

Nice long part for you guys, I hope it lives up to your expectations. Thanks for the fb!! :o


We decided that we’d probably find the bodies of Nekhbet and Wosret faster if we split up into two groups. That way we could cover more of a distance because we didn’t know how long we had.

I went with my brother in one direction and Max went with Hugh in the other. Simon and Jack were blissfully ignorant about what was really going on and I knew we wouldn’t be able to keep it that way for much longer. I thought that maybe it would be better if Simon left but when I told him we no longer needed his services he said he would like to stick around for security purposes. Besides, he didn’t have much to get back to. He offered to take a trip back to the city to re-stock our supplies while we were gone.

“Thank you,” I said. “That would be a great help.” I gave him some money because I could tell he felt bad about the whole necklace incident. Max asked me if it was a good idea to trust him to go alone with our money, what were the chances he’d come back? I told him I wasn’t giving him much and that this would show him we trusted him. He could help in the future if he stuck around.

Max wasn’t happy about the “two groups” arrangement. He thought it would be safer to have all of us together if something happened. He was the only one with this view so his opinion was ignored.

“We’ll be fine,” I told him. “My brother wouldn’t let anything happen to me.”

“Are you sure?” his brow was crinkled with concern. “Maybe we should all meet up for lunch, that way—”

“Max,” I shook my head. “We could be in the middle of something and we may be too far away from one another, we won’t get much done if we have to drop everything in the middle. Don’t worry. I’ll see you tonight.”

“Okay.” He still wasn’t happy but he kissed me goodbye and then Jack and I were alone.

“Where to sis?” he grinned happily at me.

I pulled out a little tourist map that I’d been using frequently while we’d been here. The places we’d been to have been crossed out and places we were yet to go were circled. “We’ll search the palace a bit more today,” I told him. “We’ll take a better look around the pond; I think there are some passage ways we haven’t been down…”

Jack was eating a candy bar. “Where did you get that from?” I asked, practically drooling. We hadn’t been eating much in the last couple of days, there wasn’t much left and we had to stretch our meals.

“Oh this?” he broke a little bit off and gave it to me. “I have a stash in my pack.”

“You’re kidding.” I groaned. “Go get me some!”

I pigged out on melting chocolate as we walked. Jack said this was the first real time we’d spent together since he got here. “You’re always with Max,” he winked and nudged me. “You two are rather serious aren’t you?”

“Yes,” I said simply. I didn’t really want to talk about Max and me at that moment. I was preoccupied with getting through this big ordeal and finding the bodies before it was too late. Also, it was good to be spending some time away from him today; I knew we’d start detesting each other if we were together twenty-four/seven like we had been lately.

“You going to get maaaaaaarried?

“If he asks, then yes.” I kicked some sand into the air as I walked. In the distance we could hear laughing and splashing. “What’s that?”

“Sounds like girls!” he said happily.

It was Anna, her friend Georgia and her parents Sue and Karl. The people we’d met earlier on when we’d first arrived. The two girls were splashing around in the big pond and the older two were off looking around.

“Hey there!” Jack was very friendly. “Lovely and warm is it?”

“It’s beautiful,” Anna replied. “You two should come in.”

“No, I really would rather not—” I started to say.

“SURE!” Jack ripped off his shirt and shorts and ran in his skivvies.

“Oh God,” I groaned. “I’m going to get no work done.” I didn’t want to go off on my own.

Jack sensed that I was annoyed. “I’ll just be a little while sis, just to cool off.”

I didn’t bother sit down, I inched my way along a platform where it looked like a bunch of weeds were hiding drawings. Suddenly I had a “Flash”.

“I know a place.”

Wosret’s eyes burned in the darkness. “Where?”

There was the sound of loud and insistent drums coming from a distance. Nekhbet and Wosret were at the pond. They crept along the platform to a wall that that was decorated with extravagant paintings and gold pieces. The ignorant never would have distinguished it as a door.

After pressing her hand to a jutting out piece of rock, there was a loud rumble as it swung back.

“Where does this go?” Wosret asked.

“A place that no one will disturb us.” They shared a smile and crept through into the darkness, Wosret used his torch to light the way. There was a stair case that went down under the water…

“Liz?!” Jack yelled. “Are you alright?”

I shook my head to snap out of it and stared across at him. “Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry.” Now I knew where I was going so I hurried along, balancing myself with my arms so I wouldn’t fall into the water. The jutting out handle was still there, it was covered with vines and cobwebs. I had to clear it all out of the way before the door would open. I was so relieved it hadn’t permanently jammed in place after centuries of being untouched. It grumbled as it shifted backwards.

“Wow!” Anna yelled. “How did you know that was there?”

“A lucky guess,” I said simply. “Jack, stay there. I’ll be back in a moment.”

“Maybe I should come…” he said.

“No, I’ll be alright. I won’t go far. I’ll come back and get you.” I crept inside; the top of the concrete roof was separating in parts so sun light trickled in through the gaps. I hurried down the stair case for fear it would crumble down on top of me. Unlike the top, at the bottom of the stairs it was dark, so I reached into my pack and grabbed my battery-torch. There were weeds everywhere and it was such a small place—I wondered briefly what it had been used for hundreds of years ago. I speculated over if it had ever been disturbed since then, it didn’t look like it. My heart leapt with excitement.

Above me I could hear the water swishing about as Jack and the girls swum around. It was amazing, I couldn’t believe it.

I couldn’t see much with my torch so I got out some matches and a touch of gasoline and managed to light one of the fire torches. I re-attached it to the wall and looked around.

There was an airy feeling about the place and it was very cool, like being in a refrigerator. There were symbols on the walls that told a story of a war a long time ago before Nekhbet’s parents ruled Nekhen. I ran my fingers along the symbols.

“It is used to hide the women in when it was unsafe for them during the battles,” Nekhbet explained.

“You should not be telling me this,” Wosret said. “I am the enemy, if a war were to occur between my city and yours…we’d know where to find you.”

Nekhbet was only momentarily worried. “No, they wouldn’t. Only you would.” She stepped close to him shyly. She’d never been with a man or even been kissed by a man. She was nervous but she loved him and she wanted him. “And you wouldn’t tell them.” Her hand touched his arm.

He looked down at her unblinkingly. “This is a bad idea. It will end badly.”

“Do you not love me?” she stepped closer still, so the toes of her feet touched the tips of his. “No, I know you do. I see it in your eyes.”

Wosret’s hand moved to cup her check. “Nekhbet…”

“Please.” She slipped off her white gown and it fell to the floor, exposing her body to him.

Finally, unable to control his need and love for her, he bent and captured her mouth in a hot kiss.

I panted quietly into the mouldy air. A groan escaped me, “My God.” It was all I could think to say. “My God.”

All of a sudden I heard something behind me and I hid behind a pillar, watching, my heart pounding furiously. A hand grabbed my arm from behind and I jumped and screamed and tried to get away.

“Whoa!” Jack cried. “Calm down. It’s alright. What are you doing down here? I told you not to come by yourself.”

“Oh God Jack, you nearly gave me a heart attack.” I held my hand over my chest. “Don’t sneak up on me.”

“Sorry.” He was looking around. “What is this place?”

“Think of it as an ancient bomb shelter, without the bombs.” I was about to head back up the stairs when I noticed something. “The roof. Jack, look.”

“What is it?” Up above us the ceiling was flat and straight and then abnormally to the right there was a huge rectangle shape protruding out. Like it had been added in and then sealed. “You know what that looks like?”

“A coffin?” Jack asked. “Why would there be a coffin in the ceiling? Under the water?”

“I don’t know. We can’t reach it from here. There must be a way through the water.” I couldn’t believe my luck! It was like Nekhbet was purposely giving my clues to look for her. I wasn’t certain it would be her tomb, but something inside of me was screaming to find out what that was.

We ran back up the stairs back out onto the platform. The two girls were still in the water, floating around. I removed my leather sandals and my pack and sunglasses then dived into the water. Jack followed me.

“Where do you suppose it is?” He asked, frantically moving about in the water. I was using my feet to shift about in the sand feeling for anything strange with my toes. The water was murky so I didn’t think I could see anything if I went under. Jack did anyway; he was under there for a long time, using his hands to dig through the sand. When he came back up he was panting. “Are you sure this is the right spot? It’s just a whole lot of sand.”

“No I’m not sure! How can I be sure?!” I snapped.

“What are you two doing?” Georgia asked and she and Anna swam over.

“We’re just looking for something,” Jack said. “We’re not sure it’ll be here though.”

“What are you looking for?” Anna asked.

“It’s hard to say,” I told her. I gave up and dived under. I have never been able to hold my breath for long so I didn’t getting much digging done in between diving up and down. I was beginning to give up hope after about half an hour.

“There has to be another way,” Jack said. He was silent for a moment, deep in thought. “And if this thing is what we think is I’m not completely sure why we’d want to find it anyway.”

“You don’t understand,” I said. “It’s very important. Maybe I should go find Max and Hugh. They could help.”

“Should I come?”

“No, keep looking. I’m sure they aren’t that far.” I was out of the water and putting my shoes back on when I heard Jack yell out, “Aha! I think I found something!”

He instantly had my attention. “What? What is it?”

He dived under and then came back up almost instantly. We heard a grumbling as something slid open then moments later bubbles erupted from under the water. Jack bounced backwards. “Ah…Liz…I think whatever you were looking for just—”

Suddenly Anna let out an ear piercing scream. Entangled in her fingers was what she had thought was a mass of weeds but then discovered as she lifted her hand to brush them off, a body attached to it…an aged, brown, skeleton with grimy hair. Georgia joined her in her screaming and swam across the water to get out as quickly as possible; she clearly thought that if she got out now she wouldn’t be infected with the contaminated water, even though she had been swimming for over an hour.

Anna continued screaming, frozen to the spot with the dead body floating about her. Jack took a moment to gather himself and then went and helped her, disentangling the hair from her hands and helping her to the shore. I watched, unsure of what to do. We’d obviously found a body, but was it Nekhbet’s and what were we supposed to do with it?

“What did you do?” I asked Jack.

“There was a sort of knob hidden under the sand; all I did was disengage it. It felt like a trap door opened…the body must have been concealed inside it.” Jack put his clothes back on and left Georgina to comfort Anna who was sobbing quietly into her knees.

“We have to get it out of the water,” I said simply. I knew no one would volunteer, so with clenched teeth I slid back into the pond and headed toward the skeleton.

“What are you crazy?!” Jack yelled. “Are you completely MAD? Get out of there!”

“We need it,” I tried to tell him.

“What’s going on here?” Hugh asked as he came barging into the enclosure with Max after him. They were both puffed, they’d obviously run from where ever they had been. “We heard screams.”

“Liz?” Max asked. “What are you doing?”

“There’s a body in there!” Anna cried.

They distracted me and I forgot there was a cavity in the sand where the tomb was. I accidentally fell into it and the water covered my head as I sunk. Before I knew what was happening, the door to the tomb banged shut and I was trapped inside.

I desperately tried banging on the door with my hands but I was rapidly loosing my breath. I guessed their wasn’t any water in the tomb before Jack opened it but it was full now and there were no air bubbles for me to breathe through. My heart was beating fast as I tried to come up with a way to escape. I was absolutely terrified that I was going to die.

I continued pounding on the tomb even though I knew it was no use. Flashes filled my mind of Wosret and Nekhbet making love in the room beneath me and with every thrust and moan I felt the life getting sucked out of me.

I was getting more and more light headed as my lungs burned with the need for air. I couldn’t take much more.

After what felt like an eternity of struggling, finally my eyes drifted closed and the breath I had been holding erupted from my mouth.


I dived into the water the second I saw her go under. When Jack heard the tomb slam shut he was in there after me muttering, “Shit, shit, fuck, dang, crap, hell, God, CHRIST!”

I saw the head of the skeleton as I swam past but it didn’t even register in my mind. All I cared about was getting to Liz.

Hugh jumped in and helped while Jack and I were frantically searching the sand for the knob to open the tomb. I cannot remember a time when I have been more scared in my life. I knew we had mere minutes and they were running out rapidly.

“FUCK!” I yelled, trying not to loose it. “Where is it Jack?!” I didn’t know what I’d do if we were too late to get to her. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest and I felt a weird heat sensation fill my head.

I heard the door sliding open before I heard Jack scream, “Oh thank God I found it!” I was under the water in a flash reaching into the tomb for Liz. I knew it was a bad sign when we didn’t see her thrashing to the surface for air. I found her wrist under the water and yanked her upwards out of the box before it shut again.

Her head came up from under the water and her flimsy body followed. She was clearly unconscious so we hurried her back onto the dry ground as quickly as possible. “Liz?’ I said, cupping her cheeks. “God Liz, babe, come on.” I lowered my mouth to hers and puffed air into her throat, forcing her lungs to start functioning again.

“Come on, come on,” Jack was at my side, pushing on her chest. Anna and Georgia were watching horrified from their place on the sand.

I puffed into her again and again. With every puff that didn’t regain a response the more terrified I became. After about the sixth puff of air I felt her hand twitch and then her chest, followed by her head. She bucked over and spat water out onto the sand.

She took a moment to realize what was going on and then her eyes flung open in shock.

“Liz?” Jack said. “Liz? Shit, are you alright?” He got to hug her before me, and I watched, on my knee’s trying to catch my breath. When she finally spoke her voice was trembling.

“What took you so long?”

I grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her. “You nearly gave me a heart attack,” I said. She took a moment and then wrapped her arms around my waist. “What were you thinking in there, by yourself? You’re mad.”

“I’m sorry, I needed to get”—she suddenly pulled away from me and looked towards the water—“the body.”

“Is it Nekhbet’s?” Hugh asked.

“I think so.”
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There was no way of discovering whether the skeleton with Nekhbet’s. There was the possibility of digging out her coffin to search for engravings but we just didn’t have the time. We lay the skeleton down on the ground in the small shelter under the pond and left her there.

Hugh wanted to continue looking into the afternoon and have Liz go back to the camp to rest. She didn’t put up too much of a fight; she was emotionally and physically exhausted. Being so close to death had drained her. We all walked her back and then had lunch under the shelter of the trees next to the river. There wasn’t much food to be had, we didn’t have much left.

“Lie down Liz,” I instructed. “You’ll feel better.”

She rested her head on her back pack but I shifted her so her head was on my thigh. After she’d closed her eyes, I allowed myself the pleasure of studying her peaceful face. She had been quiet since it happened; only speaking when spoken to.

“She will be alright,” Hugh said. “She is still shocked, she’ll recover.”

“I hope so.” I felt her hand tighten around mine and then loosen as she fell asleep. I was reluctant to leave her alone at the camp while she was sleeping so Jack offered to stay, I could tell he was just as worried about Liz as I was. He was the one to carry her to our tent and cushion her on our sleeping bag bed.

“You can go,” he waved us off and the last I saw him he was lying on his back reading a book. I was certain he knew there was something more to this visit then we’d told him and I wondered if he was angry that we were being so secretive. I expected a confrontation about it next time we were alone.


I was back in time once more, except this time I was Nekhbet. It was nothing like what had happened when it was Max and I. I felt what she felt and saw what she saw through her eyes.

Nekhbet was planning on sneaking out again, the first time she had gone and come back again without anyone noticing. Although there was that incident with the men by the river…everything else had been wonderful. She was eager to see and discover more so every occasion she got, she would go.

It was a long time before she ventured into the town once more. She wandered around, this time she was not disturbed during her quiet sightseeing and was back home again with a few purchases from the stalls. She hid them so no one would find them ever.

On her fourth time out, she was caught before she even left the grounds—only it was not by one of her parent’s guards. She was hiding outside the entrance to the pond when a big hand clamped over her mouth and an arm looped around her waist. She fought with them as they tugged her into a private alcove just out of view of passers-by.

It was the men from by the river that first time she left the temple. She recognised the dark-haired man instantly; he was the one who had grabbed her.

“You are Nekhbet?” he asked sternly.

She did not answer; she was afraid and wanted to make a run for it.

“The daughter of Hatshepsut and Jarha?” he added. They were all studying her; it wasn’t until now she realized her hood had fallen down her back. She quickly reached for it and tugged it back into place, only to have one of the men pull it down again.

“How—how did you come to know this?” she asked. Her hands bunched the material of her fleece on her hips.

“That is irrelevant.”

“We should kill her,” the one with the scar on his cheek spoke. “That was the plan.”


Nekhbet’s face showed her horror and worry. “Please, I—I, please do not harm me.”

They ignored her pleas. “What do you mean NO?” the men turned to their leader. “She is the enemy.”

This confused her. She fought to prove her innocence. “I assure you, I am no ones enemy. I know nothing of what caused you to believe these lies—”

“Stop talking,” the leader said. “We need information on your father. We have no interest in killing you.”

“My father?” she chirped. “What on earth for? Please, who are you all?”

“Maybe we should just let her go,” the leader turned to his men. “She knows nothing…”

Max accidentally woke me up as he came to bed. He apologized. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

“That’s alright,” I yawned into my hand. “What time is it?”

“After eleven,” he told him.

“At night?!” I sat up, I was shocked. “How long did I sleep for?”

“About twelve hours,” he smiled. “You were tired. Simon came back with lots of supplies, we had a big dinner. There is some there for you but it is cold now.”

“I’m not hungry,” I ran a shaky hand through my hair. “I was having a dream.”

“What about?” Max asked.

“I was Nekhbet, Max, I know how she saw Wosret again.” He demanded to know all I knew and I told him what I saw. “So I gather that Wosret was in Nekhen on a mission, some kind of war between the two cities. You think? I remember reading that one of the duties of the Pharaoh was leading the army. ”

“It fits,” he said. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m alright,” I smiled to prove it. “I’m glad more and more of this story is revealing itself.”

“I wish it would happen quicker.”

I bit my lip. “You’re anxious to get out of here? I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have dragged you along into this whole mess…”

“Dragged me along? Liz I’m apart of this too, it isn’t your fault at all.” He had nothing else to say on the matter. I studied him as he tried to get comfortable on his back once again.

“Are you okay?” I asked finally. “Is something bothering you?”

“You’re always very paranoid, aren’t you?” he smiled. “No nothing is wrong or bothering me.”

“I’m not paranoid,” I said, offended. “I’m just looking out for you. I’m so sorry for taking a moment to give a damn. I’m going to eat.” I got up, quite peeved, and left the tent. He stayed behind and didn’t try to apologize.

I sat outside for a long time fanning myself with a thin paper notebook and chewing some cold meat. It was disgusting but food is scarce in the desert and I can’t be picky. I’ve already lost weight on this trip. The stars were winking at me from up above and I’d never appreciated them before until I’d come to Egypt. I believe that in the desert they are brighter and closer then anywhere else in the world.

When I went back to bed Max was asleep so I simply lay down beside him and stared at the black nylon roof. I don’t remember drifting off but I woke some time later to the feeling of my face being stroked.

A smile smothered my mouth and I murmured, “Max…” thinking it was him.

Then the fingers did not feel warm and soft like his, but hard, bony and cold. My eyes flung open and I let out a loud shriek when I saw it was the decaying skeletal face of Nekhbet staring down at me. She reached for my throat and I tried to get her off of me when suddenly she was gone and I was awake once more, this time for real. The oil lamp was burning and Max was looking down at me worried. “Are you alright? You were screaming,” he said.

“Oh Max, thank God it was a dream,” I thrust myself in his arms and rested my head on his chest.

“What was the dream about?” he cupped my cheek. I told him that I saw Nekhbet again.

“It’s alright,” he said. “You’ll be fine. I know it’s hard not to let all of this get to us.”

We lay back and he wrapped his arms securely around me. “I’m sorry I work you up,” I said.

“It’s alright; you’re more important then sleep.” We turned the light out and held each-other in the dark. “You know you really scared me today,” he said.

“I know.”

When we woke up with the sun we lingered in the tent longer then usual. Today was just as hot as usual, if not more. I really hate the heat, I didn’t want to get dressed but if I didn’t cover up I’d get even more sunburnt and the last thing I wanted to worry about was getting melanoma.

I rolled my head to the side to look at Max. “Why don’t we just stay here today?”

He smiled. “What kind of progress would we make if we did that?” He leaned over so his chest pressed against mine and we kissed. It was so loving and sweet my heart almost burst. Neither of us wanted to pull away so we lingered with our foreheads together and lips moist and pouted. It was me who took it further but running my hands up his bare chest and wrapping my arms around his shoulders to bring him closer. It was tantalizingly slow and romantic.

Max ran his hands up my knee’s and thighs, this embarrassed me because the wax job I’d had before we left was long due for a redo and my legs were hairy as hell. He didn’t seem to notice thankfully.

After we made love we lay there trying to cool down and catch our breath. We still didn’t want to get up. I fanned myself with my hand and the smile wouldn’t leave my mouth. It was a while later when Jack yelled outside, “Are we getting up today or what?”

Max chuckled huskily and sat up. “He’s right; we’re procrastinating in the worst way. Let’s get moving, shall we?”

“Nah…” I rolled onto my stomach and buried my face in my arms. “You go. I’ll just stay right here.”

He lifted me up so I had no choice but to get a move on. I joined them outside under the magma sky with my dorky sun hat on and layers of sunscreen all over me. “How are you feeling?” Hugh asked.

“Much better, thank you.” I nudged Jack with my arm but he didn’t smile. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he said stiffly.

I figured he was just having one of his moods. “Right. Well, I forgot to ask—did you find anything yesterday afternoon while I was sleeping fanatically?”

“We managed to find our way back to her chamber through the trap door you two fell through.” Hugh said. I smiled at him; he looked a bit like a pirate with his unshaven cheeks. He was on his way to having a beard, Max tried to shave every few days so he wasn’t quite so bad. My brother shaved every day, no matter how busy we were.

“Liz, why was Nekhbet always depicted as a vulture?” Jack asked. He'd obviously been paying more attention then I'd realized.

“Well, the ancient Egyptians were always forcefully reminded of their close kinship with the animal world. I suppose they portrayed themselves as animals to feel at one with them. I’m not entirely sure.”

Hugh and I decided that we had to get to Kom el Ahmar to find Wosret’s corpse. It didn’t make sense to look in a city that wasn’t even his own.

“But he was in Nekhen when he killed himself,” Max reminded us. “Why would they give their enemy back to the city he was born in? I think he’s here.”

I wanted to listen to him, he was Wosret so he would know best but I had this feeling about Kom El Ahmar. “Let’s go there anyway,” I said. “I have a feeling we won’t regret it.”

We packed up what we’d need for the night and harnessed the camels then we travelled on our camels for two hours north to where we could use a boat to cross the Nile.


I almost moaned out loud when we reached the boat. I was sick of travelling by that time. Everyone else was much the same. All I wanted to do was swim in the cool water but we didn’t have time, when we arrived, the boat was about to leave. We had five minutes to load our things aboard. There wasn’t going to be another boat until tomorrow. Liz begged them to hold the boat and they were grumpy but agreed.

Once we had everything and everyone on boat we all took a seat on the floor wooden benches in the shade. The whole thing had been a very stressful experience and we were exhausted.

I met a woman named Rita who had become a nomad once she turned forty, travelling all over the world to exotic places. She had a lot to say and was very interesting to listen to.

I said goodbye to her and wished her luck when Hugh and Liz started telling Jack the story of the Egyptian Gods. “At first, there was only Nun. Nun was the dark waters of chaos. One day, a hill rose up out of the waters. This hill was called Ben-Ben. On this hill stood Atum, the first god.”

“Atum coughed and spat out Shu, the god of the air, and Tefnut, the goddess of moisture.
Shu and Tefnut had two children. First, there was Geb, the god of the earth. Then, there was Nut, the goddess of the sky. Shu lifted Nut up so that she became a canopy over Geb. Nut and Geb had four children named Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephthys.”

“Are you kidding?” Jack asked. “No offence, but this all sounds a bit whack. Atum just coughed a person up?”

“Trust my brother to insult the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. They are Gods; they are allowed to just cough people up.” Liz rolled her eyes. “Do you want to hear the rest or not?”

“Only if it’s short,” Jack said. I laughed.

Liz continued, “Osiris was the king of the earth and Isis was the queen. Osiris was an excellent king, and he ruled over the earth for many years. However, everything was not well. Seth was jealous of Osiris because he wanted to be the ruler of the earth. He grew angrier and angrier until one day he killed Osiris.”

Hugh finished, “Osiris went down into the underworld and Seth remained on earth and became king.
Osiris and Isis had one son called Horus. Horus battled against Seth and regained the throne.
After that, Horus was the king of the earth and Osiris was the king of the underworld.”

“That’s the shortened version anyway,” Liz said. She turned to me and smiled. “I think the first thing any of us will be able to do when we get to Kom El Ahmar is swim!”

So that’s what we did. After another two hour camel ride there, we set our things down—we didn’t bring our tents this time, we figured it was only for a night or two and we could find shelter in amongst the ruins somewhere. I floated on my back for a long time just allowing my hot body to relax.

After a while we finally dried off and set out in search for more history. We found a temple that was used for worship and many other things that had been restored for tourists. “This is disappointing,” Liz said. “Look, signs in English explaining what the area was used for…where’s the fun in that? Its clear Kom El Ahmar has been remade up for the tourists. Everything to discover would have been discovered by now.”

Jack read out the sign enclosed in glass and stuck to the wall, next to the Egyptian writing. “Some gods and goddesses took part in creation, some brought the flood every year, some offered protection, and some took care of people after they died. Others were either local gods who represented towns, or minor gods who represented plants or animals. The ancient Egyptians believed that it was important to recognise and worship these gods and goddesses so that life continued smoothly.” We left him with Simon and went to talk privately.

“You never know,” Hugh said. “It is true Kom el Ahmar is a popular tourist destination that is why it is further developed. However, we are looking for something in particular; it may be easer for us to find things that were missed.”

Liz was disgruntled. “What if they’ve found Wosret’s body and it’s sitting in some museum somewhere?”

“I find that unlikely, I think part of the reason you are being chased by Wosret and Nekhbet is because their story still has not been told—or their bodies found.”

We didn’t find anything that afternoon or evening. Around nine we settled down to eat in between some pillars at the entrance way to a pyramid. We slept there too and then were up early again in the morning. I whispered to Liz when everyone was washing. “I know where to look.”

Her eyes widened. “You had a dream?”

“I just remember,” I explained, my brow crinkled. “Being here…I don’t know…it’s helping me remember the life I lived…”

“You did live here,” she said. “It kind of makes sense. We should all go quickly then, you will lead the way?”

“Yes.” I paused. “Liz…I think we need to tell your brother what’s going on, I know he’s stating to suspect.”

“Yeah I know.” She paused. “We don’t need to tell him you’re secret.”

“Not unless it’s absolutely necessary.” I said. The less people knew the better. “When will you tell him?”

“Where we’re alone some time. Don’t worry, he might not believe me at first but he’ll be okay about it.”


I hope you all had a great holiday season, and that you liked the new part! And just in answer to electricls question, yes the words and meanings are all accurate in this story, well the best I can do anyway!

Don't forget to check out my new story!!!!!

Love, Nicola
Last edited by nicola on Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by nicola »

from part 8

I whispered to Liz when everyone was washing. “I know where to look.”

Her eyes widened. “You had a dream?”

“I just remember,” I explained, my brow crinkled. “Being here…I don’t know…it’s helping me remember the life I lived…”

“You did live here,” she said. “It kind of makes sense. We should all go quickly then, you will lead the way?”

“Yes.” I paused. “Liz…I think we need to tell your brother what’s going on, I know he’s starting to suspect.”

“Yeah I know.” She paused. “We don’t need to tell him you’re secret.”

“Not unless it’s absolutely necessary.” I said. The less people knew the better. “When will you tell him?”

“When we’re alone some time. Don’t worry, he might not believe me at first but he’ll be okay about it.”


We searched for another long, hot day and found nothing. I could tell Max was getting annoyed because he kept having these feelings that it was ‘this way’ and ‘oh just through here’ and then they would end up being nothing. I tried to make him feel better by assuring him his hunches were a lot better then ours but he didn’t seem very comforted.

“We’ll find something tomorrow,” I told him. “I think we should call it quits for today.”

Hugh agreed and when he and Simon walked off ahead back to camp Max and I lingered behind with Jack. “What is it?” Jack asked, studying our faces.

“You have a question for us?” I asked.

“No,” he said. “Not if you aren’t going to answer it.”

“We’ll answer it,” Max told him. “Just ask.”

“Alright. I want to know what’s really going on here because things are getting a bit fr”—he searched for the word—“fruity around here.”

“Fruity?” I bit my lip. “You’re going to think we’ve gone insane.”

“Well if you think that then you are probably right,” Jack said.

“Yeah…” I looked at Max for help. “Basically a few months a go I got a fax and it was in ancient Egyptian…” I explained everything right up to that moment, including what happened with my boss and waking up in Max’s bed and so on. I didn’t tell him Max was an alien.

Jack was looking at us silently when I finished. I knew before he said anything that he thought we were completely mad. “Don’t say it,” I said. “I thought the same thing for a long time too. I’m only just coming to grips with this whole thing. We just thought you should know.”

Max and I left him alone to think then and set up our bed for the night. We slept a little further a way from everyone else so we could have some privacy. “How do you think he took it?” Max asked.

“As well as we could hope for,” I lay back and looked up at him. “Are you worried?”

“No, I’m not worried.” He stroked my cheek with his fingers and then leaned down to kiss me.

“Hmm…” I purred. “I love it when you do that.”

He smiled. “I love being able to do that.”

The next morning we got up extra, extra early and went somewhere we could be alone and make love. It was hard not to have a room to go to but searching for a dark spot became a source of arousal at times. There was also the thrill of getting caught. We’d just finished and my skirt was still up at my hips and my legs were still around Max. I was sitting on a block of concrete inside an abandoned tourist shop. His mouth was against mine.

“Liz,” he said. “I want you to come to my mothers wedding in Italy with me.”

I looked into his eyes. “Really?” He was still inside of me and we were still a bit breathless so our voice was coming out raspy.

He nodded. “Please, I think my mother would really like you.”

“Of course I’ll come.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him closer. “It would be great.”

When we got back to the camp Max went to make breakfast and I was on my way to wash when I bumped into Jack. He spoke to me before I could ask him how he was, “Let’s not talk about it,” he said. “Let’s just pretend you didn’t tell me.”

“If that’s what you want.” After I’d been to the river and came back there was a little bit of food and drink then we were off again. Max said he had a better feeling about today.

“Let’s hope so,” Simon grumbled.

“No one asked you to stay,” Jack defended Max. “You’re welcome to leave any time you like.”

Simon shut up and we continued to walk in silence. Later Jack asked, “Did they have whores back in ancient Egypt?”

I laughed. I was in a good mood, I think everyone could tell. Especially Max. He took my hand.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if they did,” Hugh answered Jack.

Max was right about having more luck that day. We had been searching the old temple where Wosret had ruled for his short time and found his old chamber. It had been many rulers’ lodgings since but Max somehow knew where something was and walked straight across to a making in a wall and started smashing at it with a metal pole.

”What the—?” Hugh touched his shoulder. “Max, what are you doing?”

“Something’s inside a hidden compartment in here,” he told them. I sat down on the sand with my back against the wall and found myself closing my eyes. I had a wash of feelings flood through me…it was excitement, relief, and something that made me cry out, “Finally!”

Nekhbet had wanted to visit Wosret’s world when they’d been secretly seeing each other. Of course that had not been an option at the time and now it felt like Nekhbet was finally here, seeing it. Liz was so startled at the feelings she jolted away from the wall and stood up.

Max was holding a little figurine in his hands of a vulture. Of Nekhbet.

"What is it made of?" Simon asked.

“Let me see,” Hugh took it from Max and studied it. "I believe the wings are made of coloured glass and gold. The beak and eyes are made from black volcanic glass called bsidian." Jack handed it to me, it was heavy and the vulture wings were spectacular. Max went to trail his finger over the intricate pattern on the wings but suddenly he pulled it away like he'd gotten an electric shock. His eyes went blank and his face went deathly white. It was only a couple of seconds and no one else noticed.

"What did you see?" I asked quietly.

"See?" Jack asked, studying us. Max looked at him and swallowed.

"Nothing, I just got an electric shock, that's all." He sat down on the sand for a moment.

When I finally got a moment with Max alone I asked him again if he saw something when he touched the sculpture. "Yes," he answered. "Liz, the sculpture was a gift to Wosret from Nekhbet."

"They liked giving each other gifts, didn't they?" I smiled. "First the necklace, now this…Why do you suppose you got the flash then and not when you first found it?”

"I don't know, maybe it's because you were holding it." He touched my nose and I realized I had a bit of sand there. "You're smiling a lot," he said.

"Well yes," I grinned. "I have a lot to smile about."

I told him about the feelings I’d gotten from Nekhbet when we entered the chamber and he agreed that he’d felt something similar.

“You think it means that they have even more a bigger part in our mind?” I asked. “We have to find that other corpse.”

“We’ll find it,” he said. “They’re leading the way.”


Another day passed and we still didn’t have the body we needed. I was getting fed up with Kom El Ahmar. “This place annoys me, I have no idea why but I just…hate it. I detested it then too, I know I did. As if there was another option as to where I could be.”

Liz stroked my arm up and down. “We don’t have to be here much longer. If we don’t find it soon we won’t find it at all.”

“I don’t think it’s here,” I said. “I think we’re wasting our God damn time.”

“Calm down,” she smiled sympathetically. “How can this be winding you up so much?”

“I just told you,” I said. “It’s as if I have the choice to be somewhere else and I just can’t figure a way to get there.”

”Where though?” Liz asked. “Where?”

“How the hell should I know?!” I snapped. Liz took her hand away. “I’m sorry; you know it’s not you I’m angry at. I just…” I grinded my teeth. “We’re taking tomorrow’s boat. I can’t stay here another day.”

“Alright,” she looked worried. “We’ll leave Kom El Ahmar tomorrow.”

On the boat ride back I could feel myself unwinding a bit. Liz fell asleep with her head on my shoulder and I saw her brother watching us. “She’s lucky to have you helping her through this,” he said.

“I’m lucky to have her helping me through this,” I told him. “It’s happening to both of us.”

“I know.” Jack turned away and was silent for a long time so I closed my eyes and imagined being back in New York where life was normal. I got up in the morning, made breakfast, drove to work and then came home in the evening, ate dinner, worked out, went to bed. I though I missed that normality but then I opened my eyes and saw Liz’s parted lips in her sleep and felt my love for her ooze throughout my insides. I did want a shower and a decent meal and a bed for a night but this was an adventure—something I’d always longed for.

“Hugh,” I said quietly, trying not to wake Liz. “What do you say about going home for a night or so? Give us a break and a bed to sleep in for a night.”

“I’d say that would be great,” Hugh said. “And very much needed.” It had been nearly three weeks since we’d left the city for Nekhen.

When the boat reached the other side and everyone was getting off I had to wake Liz. She stirred reluctantly. “Are we here?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Liz, we’re going to go to the city for a couple of days before heading back to Nekhen.”

“Why?” she asked tiredly, rubbing her eyes. “Do we have another couple of days to spare?”

“I think we do,” I told her and tugged her to her feet. “I need a shower and a bed for a little while. A decent meal—I know you want that too.”

“I do.” She yawned into her hand. “Just lead the way.”

We travelled back to the city, Jack was very happy to be going back to a motel. We all went and found a place together and then went our own separate ways to our rooms. Liz collapsed on the bed and I went to have a shower—I tilted my head back and closed my eyes, enjoying it. It was an incredibly good feeling.

When I was getting dressed she went and had one too and then I found a cheap washing machine and—!—washed our clothes. When I got back Liz was fast asleep curled into a ball, still in her towel. I tucked her into the sheets and lay down beside her, soon drifting off too.


We didn’t leave our room for the two days other then to eat. We lay around in the sheets feeling relaxed and content. During one of my moments of sleep I had a dream that was quite blurred but the voices were loud and erotic, crying out Zan, please, Zan! I woke up and found Liz also in an uneasy sleep. She clutched onto me and mumbled, “Please…”

I held her tighter, hoping to sooth her. “Shhh…”

Suddenly she sprung up. “Zan? Zan, where are you, I’ve been waiting for you.”

I looked at her eyes, they were black. “Liz…”

Zan,” she grabbed me. “Oh I’ve missed you. Please, please save us…”

“Save us?” I asked. “What is going on?”

“Take us back to your home, to your planet. I want to come with you.” She started to cry. “I’ve waited so long, please. We must be together now.”

Just as quickly as she entered her state, she snapped out of it again. I caught her as she collapsed back onto the bed.


She rolled her head from side to side and then her eyes flittered open, they had rolled back into her skull. “Max…” Then she was out again and didn’t wake up until the next day. I waited, scared out of my mind that I’d lost Liz to Nekhbet permanently. When she finally got up I was so relieved.

“Max, what happed to me?”

“You were her,” I told her.

“Did I scare you?” she asked.

“A little,” he said. “But you’re alright now. It’s okay. What did you see?”

“Max, I saw you back then. You were an—an alien then too. You came into power after you killed your father. Your people had travelled from Antar to Earth and took control of Kom El Ahmar. The humans did not except you at first, that’s why there was such hostility between the two cities. My father banned any association with your people.”

“You’re kidding.”

“It’s hard to believe, I know.” She rubbed her eyes. “Did you see anything?”

“Yes,” he said. “I saw my death.”


Have you all forgotten about me?! lol, I'm really sorry. As some of you know I started a new story that has preoccupied me. Oh and another S.W.A.T one that I haven't posted. Any who, I don't know if any of you remember this and if you do, hope you like it. Thanks for your patience...