(Nekhbet) The White Goddess [M/L POV] AU ADULT [COMPLETE]

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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(Nekhbet) The White Goddess [M/L POV] AU ADULT [COMPLETE]

Post by nicola »

*Thankyou again Christine, I absolutely love it!!!*

Synopsis: Hundreds of years ago a when the great King Wosret and the white-goddess die their story is tucked away in the Egyptian city of El Kab. Several years later a young researcher (liz) mysteriously uncovers their history from half-way across the world. Little does she know it was fate that brought the unfinished tale to her doorstep and as she unravels its mysteries it slowly becomes apparent she is researching her own past life.

NOTES: This is completely fiction even though there was a white goddess in Egyptian history that had the kings children. That has nothing to do with this. The places are real but the temples are not.

I own nothing but the idea!!!

The White Goddess (Nekhbet}

She slid off her cloak at an agonizingly slow pace. He knew she was doing it deliberately. The smirk plastered to her lips was a clear indication of that. All he could do was wait and watch. She refused to let him lay a hand on her.

“Zan…you look a little flushed…” she whispered. “What ever is the matter?”

“Why don’t you come over and find out?”

As inch by inch of brown skin was exposed to him he felt himself drifting backwards. He was no longer able to continue sitting up right. Not tearing his eyes from hers he propped himself up on his elbows.

At long last she gracefully slipped the material off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor behind her. Her garments were shear, white and extremely transparent. He couldn’t help but groan and reach for her.

“No,” she said simply and stepped back. “Stay where you are.” Her perfect lips stretched into a full-blown smile.

“You like what you’re doing to me don’t you?” he asked.

“You’ll just have to wait and see if I like what this is doing to me, won’t you?” She ran her fingers down her toned stomach to the elastic of her flowing sarong. “Tell me Zan…” she purred. “Skirt off?”

He swallowed. “Are you kidding me?”

“Yes or no?” her hands slid back up where she caressed her nipples mischievously.

“Yes,” he said. “Skirt off.”

“I thought so.” She drew the skirt down her thighs and flicked it away with her foot. “Better?”

All he could do was nod.

Her underwear matched the rest of her transparent outfit and the strip of black curls at the top of her thighs was extremely visible to his hungry eyes.

Another groan pierced the silence in the candle lit room. “Christ Eva…”

She ran her fingers through her long raven hair and shook her head from side to side. “Hmm…” she sighed. “What to do next…”

“Such a hard decision,” said Zan.

“I’ll let you decide. I warn you, choose carefully.” Her fingers traced the outline of her underwear. “You may only get one off.”

“I find that very unlikely,” he alleged. After a short pause, “I choose…top half.”

She laughed sexily. “So predictable dear King

Her hands went behind her back and Zan paused breathing in anticipation. She worked unhurriedly, smoothly, skilfully, and beautifully.

The silk touched the floor and she did not shift under his scrutinizing gaze. She stood proudly and twisted her hair through her fingers. She piled it on top of her head and then let it drop back down around her shoulders. “Happy with your choice?” she asked sultrily.

“The-the,” he stuttered. He was finding it hard to function under the weight of his arousal. By the glimmer in her eyes he knew she was dripping wet. He could practically smell her feminine scent from his position on the bed. “Underwear…take it off,” he ordered.

She grinned. “That sounds like an order?” Not waiting for a response, she turned her back to him and strode towards the mirror swaying her hips from side to side. She could see him in the reflection.

“I see I have your full attention.” Her voice came as husky as she had hoped.

His eyes burned smouldering black.

While watching him in the mirror she drew circular patterns around her nipples and then trailed a line down to her belly-button.

“Lower,” Zan whispered.

She did as she was told and trailed her hand down between her thighs where she stroked herself through the thin fabric of her underwear. Her head arched back. “I am so wet, Zan,” she told him while staring at herself in the reflection.

Zan stood up but did not walk towards her.

“I believe…” she continued teasingly, “I have you entrapped now dear King…”

“Underwear,” Zan instructed, “now.”

Keeping her back to him, she hooked her fingers under the fabric and slid it down her shapely legs.


“Turn around,” he begged. “Come to me, now.”

She did not.

She ran her hands down her lower back and over her rear. “Zan,” her voice was soft and drenched with longing. “You know what I want.”

Zan yanked his robe from his body. “I make the orders around here, woman.”

They smiled at each other knowingly.

“Oh yes?” Eva asked as she spun around and marched towards him. “I find that hard to believe when I am always on top.”

Zan snarled. He was absolutely crazed when she touched his chest with her satin-soft hands. Her petite structure and radiant chocolate eyes was enough to drive him over the edge. She always did this to him.


Her fingers outlined the muscle creases in his torso before trailing lower to his manhood. She knew he thought of this as his prized possession and had first-hand knowledge of just why he valued it so. A smile graced her features.

“You know what I want,” she demanded once more running her fingers through the cluster of dark hair.

He knew she would not venture lower until he did as she wanted.

“I am supposed to be king!” he howled. “I can not show weakness, not even with you—my love, my life.”

She would not allow him to take her until she knew she held him captured in her spell. No one broke through his stubborn walls and to prove she was different—that she meant something to him—he would give in.

“It is your choice Zan,” she reminded him. Her hands went to her own body, caressing, massaging, feeling…

He groaned and hissed, “I want you”—he gave in—“I need you! You are vital to my existence. My army will fall at your hand. I love you. Please…I give in.”

Her smile was excited and proud. “Thank you.”

There was a loud bang as his huge golden bedroom doors were pounded to the ground.

They both stopped smiling. “Go,” he told her. “You must hide.”

“I will not,” she refused. “I will hide no longer.”

His face burned. “NO! I will not allow you to do this. I will not.”

“Too late,” she purred gripping him tightly. “Hold me.”

Zan watched as his rival’s army gathered around them. He clutched Eva tightly to him.

“Nekhbet!” her father wailed angrily. “You will pay for this betrayal. Men, cease him!”

“NO!” Eva screamed. “No, father, no!”

Unashamed of her bare body she shielded Zan from their enemies. A man grabbed her and yanked her away from him. She was soon so immersed in the men Zan could not see her.

“Eva!” he cried.

“Zan!” She cried back just as devastated. “Zan, I love you!”

“Kill him,” her father ordered. “Now! I demand you kill him.”

Eva’s eyes widened in horror and she YANKED herself away from the mob. “NO!” she screamed and leapt in front of the blade headed straight for Zan’s heart.


It was too late. The piercing of her flesh as the blade sliced her right between her bare breasts was horrifying. She slumped to the marble floor in a heap and Zan dived after her. “Eva, Eva, please no!”

“Zan…” she breathed.

“Please,” he said in between sobs. “Eva, look at me. This is going to hurt and then I’ll make the pain go away.”

Zan…” she repeated as her eyes fluttered shut.

He wrenched the blade from her chest and threw it to the floor. Covering her wound with his healing hands he chanted, “Look at me Eva. Open your eyes.”

But it was too late, she was gone and all he could hear in his mind was her dying sobs. “Zan…Zan…”

He looked up at the soldiers in his room with fury. They gasped at the bright light illuminating from his amber eyes. “DAMN YOU!” he screamed and reached for the knife. “You will pay for this!”

Without hesitation he stabbed the knife into his heart as hard as he could and buried his face in his Eva’s hair. “You will pay for this,” he repeated as he faded away. . .



He is just so beautiful. It should be illegal for someone to be so incredibly well sculpted. I watch him all the time but he never notices because he’s too busy watching someone else. My best friend Jane.

I can’t blame him, she is a supermodel. It would be so much easier to hate her if she wasn’t so kind, gifted and hilarious. If I were a guy or a lesbian I would be in love with her too. It’s just that every time I catch him staring at her it’s like some ones stabbing me multiple times in the chest.

Jane and I share an apartment on the third floor of our apartment building. He lives two apartments down from us so I often run into him in the hall. Sometimes when I’m coming home from work and he is too we share the elevator.

I wish we were capable of sharing more then the typical, “Hey, how are you?”

But even if we did I knew he would only be thinking of Jane and her perfect figure and personality. It’s not fair. I wish he wanted me.

The first time I saw him I knew I loved him. I was standing by my mailbox blubbering over his loveliness when he said a friendly hello and introduced himself.

“Max Evans, nice to meet you.”

I could barely form a coherent reply. Maybe if I could have he would be in love with me instead of Jane.


He is polite, charming, friendly, witty, intelligent and handsome. Sometimes when our landlord is being a bastard he comes and helps us with the plumbing…or electricity…he is so good with his hands. And the best thing about that is he wears these tight jeans that reveal his muscular lower back when he squats. I could stare at that backside until the sun melts Mercury.

Once I thought he had a little dot of chocolate above his top lip. I was so tempted to go lick off for him. It wasn’t chocolate. After constant inspection I discovered that it is this adorable little freckle.

I still want to lick it nevertheless.

I know it’s sad that I can’t even get up the courage to ask him out. If I wasn’t convinced he was in love with Jane then perhaps I would. But if he wanted me wouldn’t he ask me out anyway?

I don’t know how he got lost down here in amongst mortals but his sham doesn’t fool me. His radiance shines through those amazing amber eyes of his. There is no way he was meant for apartment 3D.

No wonder I trip over my tongue every time I’m around him. He is a fantasy, not a reality. Somehow he escaped from my dreams.

I am positively sure of it.


She is just so beautiful. Somehow I always manage to avert my gaze before she catches me staring. Thank God.

She probably thinks I’m in love with her friend or something because the first thing I flick my gaze to is Jane. She just always happens to be there by her side. I think Jane has picked up on my obsession with her roommate.

I can’t blame her, I am so obvious. Some days I feel as if I’m wearing a fricken sign on my head with lights that flash, ‘I love Liz Parker!’

How could I not? She somehow masters this endearing quality that allows her to be sweet and sexy all at once. She is so friendly and inviting. Sometimes I wonder how I keep myself from walking up to her and wrapping my arms around her.

In the morning when I reach out my front door to grab the paper I see her doing the same. She is usually wearing this pink flannel robe (that barely covers her thighs. Thank you GOD!) and her hair is tied up in a little bundle. She always glances down to see if I’m there and then wave’s hello when I am. It’s times like those when I feel I am the most special guy in the world. What a way to start the day.

I learnt all these handy-man skills to do with electricity and plumbing just so I could offer to help her out (our landlord is a bastard). Her apartment smells like her. Lavender and Sandalwood.

Another one of her amazing qualities is her attentiveness. She fluffs around me when I’m unclogging the garbage disposal or putting in an electrical socket.

It’s constant rain of:

“Do you need anything?” “Is there anything I can get you?” “I’ll make you lunch? A coffee?” “Do you want a drink? Soda? Water? Sandwich? Cake? ME?

Well, at least I wish she’d offer herself because then (being the kind-hearted soul I am) I’d be inclined to accept. Wouldn’t that be a shame?

I would ask her out. Hell, I’d ask her to marry me if I didn’t have a very good reason not to. And I do. Have a very good reason I mean.

I am not from…around here and I’m certain if she found out she would freak. Besides I’ve had trouble keeping my identity secret in the past and I don’t know how safe it would be for her to know. Being with her and not telling her the truth about myself is out of the question.

But if she wanted me wouldn’t she ask me out anyway?

I knew I loved her the first time I saw her. Somehow I got up the courage to introduce myself and now we have a sort-of friendship blooming. Not the type that you would worry about loosing if you ever got into a relationship. I know that if we did get together it would last so it wouldn’t matter if we lost the friendship we have now.

She is a researcher for the Museum in town. It is one of the most significant museums for five states. Some of the artefacts in there are worth millions of dollars. I bet she is excellent at her job. It’s so interesting just like her.

We come home from work at the same time and sometimes share the elevator. On one occasion she told me about this new piece she was investigating and I was almost as entrapped by what she was saying as I am by her. Or maybe it was just because I was hearing her talk…either way I could never be bored by her.

She is a goddess. Just looking at her you can tell she was meant for better things then apartment 3F.

I know I’m in no way good enough for her. As if she could want me anyway.
Last edited by nicola on Mon Apr 26, 2004 2:26 am, edited 39 times in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »

WOW! Thanks to all of you for all the supportive fb and votes:
kiwigirl, Cassandra, Kay, Lys, Lana, Itzstacie, girlie_girl, oO bubbles Oo, Zan Da Man, roswellluver, tobascobehr, PuReAn9el58, qt4167013, Kara, Katie, marteloise, Ariel70, DAYDREAMER!
You guys are too kind. Let me know if you still like this after this part. And to the one person who thinks my writing is trash please tell me why if you ever happen to glance in here again (Which I'm guessing you won't :lol: ). I can never get better if I don't know what to improve on. I won't get upset, I'm just curious. Thanks for being honest. (That goes for all of you!!!! Again, you are so sweet!)
Tell me what you think:


I sat by the windowsill staring down at the street—a tradition for me at breakfast time. I like to watch Max leave for work. Obsessed, you say?

“Morning,” Jane said as she came out of her bedroom. “Friggen heck it’s cold!”

I smiled. “I made some porridge if you want some?”

Yuck,” she replied over-dramatically. “No thank you.”

I just shook my head. “Do you think we should start lighting the fire at nights?”

“Heck yes,” Jane answered. “And as far as I’m concerned that is well overdue.”

There was a knock at the door and I went to get up but Jane bet me to it. I turned back to watch the street. I was not paying attention until I realized with horror and delight that it was Max at the door. Oh God, I look awful and he’s going to see me. Wait, I’ll rearticulate that—has seen me.

“Hey!” Jane greeted him cheerfully. “Morning!”

“Good morning,” he replied politely.

While I frantically tried to brush my hair with my hand and hold my coffee I somehow managed to wave hello.

“Hey Liz.”

Ah sigh, he knows my name.

I mean obviously he knows my name but it still gets me every time.

I suddenly realized to my alarm that Jane was wearing this sexy nightie while I was wearing grey sweatpants and a blue Donald duck jersey.

Jane somehow manages to look good even in the mornings. It’s not fair!

“I just came by to tell you that the wood everyone put money in for has arrived and is in the basement. Did you want me to bring some up for you?” Max offered.

“As a matter of fact we were just talking about that weren’t we Liz?” Jane said and didn’t wait for a reply. “We would really appreciate it if you would do that for us.”

“Great. I’ll bring it up tonight after work.’

“That would just be so great Max,” Jane flirted. “What ever would we do without you?”

I bet he just loves that. I snorted to myself and unluckily they both heard me and gave me funny looks. Quickly recovering, I said, “That would be a great help.”

He smiled at me. “I do what I can. I have to get to work now. I’ll see you later.”


Once he was gone Jane said, “We should invite him over for dinner.”

“Why?” I asked. I know exactly why.

“Because he’s always doing stuff for us and he’s a really nice guy. And he really likes you.”

“What?” she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. “He does not. Not in the least.”

“Don’t look so horrified! Heaven forbid someone should actually like you,” Jane retorted.

I watched from the window as Max exited the building and got into his black car. Then I got up and went to have a shower.


I got to their apartment eager to help and see Liz again around six-thirty. I knocked but no one answered. I could hear music inside so they obviously just didn’t hear me. I tried the door knob—open.

Hesitantly I stepped inside and couldn’t help but grin when I saw Liz dancing around the kitchen as she cooked. She was singing along to the music and I had to clear my throat loudly for her to finally acknowledge my presence.

She spun around and dropped the knife in her hands when she saw me. “Max?” she asked surprised and then leapt away from the plummeting utensil. Her face was bright red.

“Ah, hi.”

She bent down to pick up the knife and I got a nice view down the front of her maroon shirt. I didn’t mean to look but I couldn’t help it. I am head over heels in love with this girl remember…

And male. Don’t forget that it is my obligation as one of the male species to look.

“Shit,” she swore. “Sorry Max. I didn’t mean to do that. I’m just gonna finish here and then I’ll come help you.” She turned her music down a tad.

“You don’t need to, I just—” Of course she would offer to help. She is so kind like that. Kind and wonderful.

Just then Jane barged in through the door behind me. “Liz I saw the funniest bumper sticker today. It said: ‘I thought I was acting like a SLUT but then I realized I was just acting like a MAN!’ isn’t that hilarious?” She pulled off her coat and chucked it on the sofa. Eventually she noticed me. “Oh hey Max.”

“Hey,” I replied.

She fell back onto a chair and cried, “Christ! I’m absolutely fagged!”

I thought I heard Liz chuckle but when I looked at her she was focusing on her cooking again.

“What’s for dinner Liz?” Jane asked. “Did you invite Max yet?”

“Nope,” Liz answered. “Didn’t get a chance.”

“Oh,” Jane said and looked at me. “Max, did you want to stay for dinner? Liz is the best cook ever. I stay away from the kitchen.”

I don’t even need to think about it. I was supposed to have dinner with my cousin Maria tonight but I can cancel. It’s Liz for Christ’s sake! Who would say no to that? Who could?

Certainly not me.

“I couldn’t say no if I wanted to,” I replied honestly.

Liz came out of the kitchen wiping her hands on a tea towel. She stood next to me. “We’re having sushi and tuna salad, do you like that? I can make you something else if you’d like?”

“Are you kidding?” I asked quietly into her ear. “Sushi’s my favourite.”

She smiled brightly and genuinely. “Great,” she said. “But I hope mine competes with the type you would normally have.”

“I’m sure it’ll be better.”

She blushed. “Thank you for saying that. Let’s go get wood shall we? The faster that’s done the faster we can eat.”


Jane got up from the couch. “I’ll help too. Just le’me get changed.”

Liz and I walked down to the basement together. “You know,” she said. “You have never actually told me what you do for a living. All I know is office job and black suit.” She paused. “Are you deliberately not telling me?”

I didn’t get a chance to reply. She studied my face and then said, “Oh God, you work for the FBI don’t you?”

I laughed. “No, wouldn’t that be wonderful? So much more interesting.”

“I guess that’s a good thing that you don’t otherwise I’d have to get you to handcuff me and then flash your badge.” In response to my surprised expression she laughs. “What? Haven’t you ever wondered what it’s like to be arrested?”

“Ah…no,” I replied.

“Oh,” she said and then quietly added, “Well…neither have I.”

We both laughed.

“Seriously though,” I said. “I haven’t told you what I do because it’s boring.”

She gripped onto the hand rail and chuckled. “Yeah, like anything about you could ever be boring Max.”

Does she really think that? Wow.

“Oh then you have a great misconception of me. I work in advertising. Head of my department, actually.”

“Wow that’s impressive,” Liz teased. “What’s boring about advertising? Have you made any ads I might know?”

“Sure…um…” I thought hard about one of my good ones I could tell her. “Have you seen the one for Tower insurance where the guy walks into the bathroom and takes off his clothes thinking it’s his girlfriend in the shower and then discovers it’s her mom?”

“Yes! I love that commercial! And then it says, ‘There are some things we can’t cover you for but for what we can…’ I forget the rest. You thought of that?”

Shyly I admitted, “Yes.”

“I can’t believe I didn’t know that,” she said.

I shrugged.

“Huh. You are just full of surprises,” she told me. “Any other secrets you aren’t telling me?”

“Oh, plenty.”


I was so nervous he wouldn’t like my sushi. But he did. Well at least he told me he did and ate heaps. Nothing made me happier then to see him eat something that I made for him and have him enjoy it so much. He even lit the fire while Jane and I did the dishes.

“I’m gonna go get ready to go out,” Jane told me.

“What?” I asked. “You’re going out?”

“Yeah, this Frank guy rang me. He is really cute,” Jane said. “Besides it’ll leave you alone with Max.”

That’s what I’m afraid of.

Wait a second, why am I afraid? I love this guy.

Maybe nervous is a better word.

She winked suggestively and turned the CD player on some slow music.

Once I’d put the dishes away I made us both coffee’s and went and sat on the sofa. “How’s it going?” I asked Max.

He was squatting in front of the fireplace and I had a great view of his backside. Damn he is just so incredibly beautiful. I managed to tear my eyes way before he caught me.

“Perfect,” he answered.

I handed him his drink and he sat down beside me. “Is it how you like it?” I asked.

He sipped it and put his head back. “Exactly.”

“You know you can be brutally honest with me,” I told him. “I have the feeling you are just telling me what I want to hear.”

He smiled. “Nope, you just have the uncanny ability to do everything perfect.”

He is so charming. Didn’t I tell you he was charming? Well he is.

I turned myself around so I was facing him and crossed my legs. “If you hate your job so much why don’t you get another one?”

“You mean it’s that simple?” he asked.

“Well yeah,” she answered. “It should be. What would you like to do?”

He shifted so he was sitting more comfortably with his back against the sofa. “That’s just it. I have absolutely no idea.”

“You went to college right?”

“Yes. Majored in Legal Studies, Economics and Accounting,” he answered.

And intelligent too!!!!!

“Wow, that’s…” I didn’t know quite how to hide how impressed and proud I am of him. “That’s really, really impressive. You could be a lawyer and live in a flash house instead of these dinky little apartments.”

“Well my apartment isn’t so small…”

“You mean they aren’t all the same?” I asked pretending to find this mind-boggling.

He laughed. “No.”

I smiled. “Do you ever think about being a lawyer?”

“No not really. You have me stuck on this idea to be an FBI agent.”

“Oh really? I’m not going to argue with that one. Guys in uniforms are hot,” I teased. He blushed slightly.

“Oh in that case I definitely want that job then.”

The telephone started to ring and I went to get it but Jane shot out of her room. “That’ll be Frank!” she called while putting her earrings in.

I sunk back into my seat and heard Jane hang up a second later. “Was it Frank?” I asked.

“Fax,” she replied.

“It think it’s for you,” she said after it had come through. “I don’t know anyone that speaks…hey I don’t even know what this language is.”

She handed me the piece of paper and I glanced at it. “It’s Egyptian,” I told her. “That’s weird. It must be from the museum…”

“Funny time of night for work,” Max commented.

I nodded in agreement. “No one would even be there right now. And look…there isn’t a sender or anything on the top.”

“Strange,” Jane commented. “And Freaky!”

“Can you read it?” Max asked.

“Only some, I don’t know the language fluently,” I answered.

Max was silent as he stared at the page. “It’s the start of a story,” he said finally.

“You know Egyptian?” Jane asked shocked.

“I learnt in High School. Don’t know why, it just seemed right, you know? It came to me really easy. I don’t understand the whole lot.”

I smiled at him. “Like I said before, you are just full of surprises.”

“You two are just so strange. How often do people just know Egyptian? Why would you need that knowledge unless you lived there? Do they even still speak that language? I have no idea.”

“I need it for my job,” I reminded her bluntly.

“And I thought it was more interesting then the other high school options,” Max defended himself.

“Whatever,” Jane said. “I’m off! Have fun!”

“Bye,” Max and I said in unison.

We continued looking at the fax once she had left. “If you need any help translating it, I can help,” Max offered.

“That would be great,” I thanked him. “But I’m not doing it tonight. I’m not one of those people who finish work late and then continue at home.”

“Guilty,” Max admitted. “On occasion.”

“Oh no,” I said. “You don’t.”

“Not very often but yes I have been known for it.” He finished his drink and put his mug down on the coffee table. “That fire is great.”

“Yes, you could just possibly be talented,” I teased. “Want a refill?”

“As much as I really want to,” he said, “I need to go feed the dog.”

I smiled. “Oh yes. How is Murphy?”

He got up from the couch. “He’s fine. Don’t tell him I told you so but there’s the bitch on the corner he’s got his eye on.”

“Isn’t that adorable? Don’t forget to tell him there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.”

I walked him out to the hallway.

“Thank you for dinner,” he said. “It was delicious.”

“I’m glad you think so. It’s nice to finally do something for you in return. The wood will come in handy.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “We should do this again sometime.”

“Yeah,” he agreed as he started backing down the hall. “We definitely should. See you later.”

I put my hand over my heart and sighed to myself. “See you later,” I hoped.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »

The Fb is just incredible guys, thank you so much. Hi to those who just found this. So many of you asked about Max's past and all I can say is you'll just have to wait and see. I am not going to give anything away.

Tell me what you think of this part. I really hope you like it.


On Monday morning when I got to work I asked around to try and find out who had sent me the fax but no one knew where it had come from.

My boss Val asked to see it.

“I didn’t think it would be sent from here. It was at least ten on Saturday night when I got it and no one stays that late,” I explained.

“You’re right,” Val said while nodding her head. “It wasn’t sent from here. Nevertheless it looks like it could be interesting. Have you considered doing further research?”

“Yes of course,” I replied. “I’ve already begun translating it.”

“I definitely recommend you look into it.” She smiled and handed the paper back. “You are always the lucky one. I wish work just fell onto my lap.”

“It’s a good thing I enjoy it or I would be screwed,” I told her.

I was just walking away when she called out, “Hey, you need help translating that?”

I thought blissfully of Max. “Nah, I think I can manage it. I know someone who lives close that can help.”


I spent the rest of my afternoon brain-storming and writing notes on what I recognised in the document.

Max had been right; it was the beginning of a story.

I translated two paragraphs and then went home. I couldn’t help but hope Max would want to know about my discoveries. I still couldn’t believe that he actually knew Egyptian. I thanked my lucky stars for that.

Almost as if it were fate, when I was just walking down the hall to my apartment Max was standing outside his door having just got home himself.

“Hey Max,” I called and sped up to catch him.

He unlocked his apartment door and then turned to look at me. “Liz, hey. How was work?”

“Great…well, tiring actually. I have been working on translating that fax all afternoon.”

“Really? Find anything interesting?”

“Yeah, it’s really fascinating,” I replied. He looked so incredibly sexy. He was still wearing his suit from work but he’d removed his tie and unfastened the top buttons on his dress shirt. “But there was some stuff I just couldn’t translate…”

“I can look at it if you’d like,” he offered.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a hassle…”

He grinned. “You could never be a hassle Liz. How about you give me half an hour to shower and eat then come over?”

Into your apartment? As in, in your apartment? I nearly fainted right there. “That would great. I’d really appreciate it Max.”

“No problem,” he said. “I just hope I can help.”

“See you soon?”


I practically skipped home.


I hurried in the shower but then ended up spending ages looking around for something to wear. Liz was coming over! I wouldn’t do this for just anyone.

For those of you who are under the impression that only gay males freak out when it comes to looking good to impress someone, you are sadly mistaken.

All males, at some point in their life, try to look good.

What I needed right now was help from my sister Isabel but I was not about to spend a puck load of money to call her across the state.

Oh the dilemma.

I was still standing around in a towel when I heard her knock on the door.

“Shit!” I cursed. The next two minutes were spent scrambling around and yanking on clothing. I ended up in jeans and a long sleeved shirt with a t-shirt over top.

Next I attempted hopping towards the door while pulling on socks but I nearly tumbled to the floor several times. I do not advise anyone tries it.

“Liz, hey,” I said as I opened the door. I tried to hide the fact I was out of breath. “Come in.”

She walked past and I got a whiff of her scent. She must be the best smelling person ever.

She was carrying a lap top that I quickly took from her and put on the table.

“Thank you,” she said quietly. Is she nervous to be alone with me? She shouldn’t be I would never ever hurt her. “I guess I should fill you in with what I found out, huh?” She tucked her hair behind her ear and bit her lip. “Well…”

“Wait,” I said. “Did you want something to drink?”

This brought a soft smile to her face. “Yeah, water would be great.”

“Sure.” Out of the corner of my eye I watched her set up her laptop as I got some water. She seemed to relax slightly after a few moments.

“Here you go.” I placed the water down on the table and slumped down casually into the seat next to her. Ah, her smell…how was I ever going to concentrate?

“Thanks.” She brought up a word document with the information from the fax on it. “You see these two names here?” she asked and pointed.

“Nekhbet and Wosret,” I pronounced perfectly. “They translate to mean, ’The White Goddess’ and ‘the powerful one’ correct?”

She studied my face with what seemed to be amazement.

“What?” I smiled.

“Nothing,” she replied. “Just…Well, I’ve suddenly realized I wasted a whole afternoons work decoding. Could have just had you read it to me.”

“Sorry,” I said guiltily.

“No, it’s fine.” She paused for a second and then turned back to face the laptop. I didn’t, I continued looking at her. God, she is just so beautiful. “Did you get a chance to eat?” she asked suddenly and turned to look at me again.

“No,” I answered honestly.

“I didn’t either and I am starving. Do you mind if I order a pizza?”

“No way. In fact, pizza sounds great. I’ll get the phone.”

After the pizza had been ordered we got back to work. She continued telling me what she’d found, “Unlike you, I had to look up the two names and you are absolutely correct, I found the female name ‘Nekhbet’ to mean ‘The White Goddess’ and the males ‘Wosret’ to mean ‘Powerful One’.”

“Yeah?” I asked. I was surprised that something I learnt in high school was still in my brain.

She nodded. “Wosret is mentioned continuously whereas Nekhbet is only mentioned at the top here in the heading. She must be important but if so, why isn’t she mentioned again?”

“There must be more to the story.”

“Exactly. There is definitely more but where to find it I have no idea.”

I frown. “The person that faxed it to you doesn’t know?”

“That’s the thing. I asked around work but no one has any idea where it came from. Other then from there I don’t know anyone who has ever taken any interest in Egyptian.”

“You know me,” I told her.

She smiled. “Yeah but you were with me when I got it.”

I almost shudder as she says that. I was with her! “That is kind of spooky.”

“I know.”

We were silent for a moment, I guess lost in our thoughts. I wondered who had sent her the fax and why but at that moment I didn’t really care. It had given Liz a reason to be near me so I was happy.

After a few minutes she continued. “If you read on it says that Wosret was a great ruler; I guessed that was why he had such an extraordinary name. His Kingdom was in El Kab and was known as Kom el Ahmar. This translated to mean ‘the Red Mould’.”

I managed to tear my eyes away from her and glance at the screen. It was a hard task I tell you. I followed the symbols as she spoke.

“Kom el Ahmar was positioned on the banks of one side of the Nile River and across from it another city named Nekheb was positioned. These two cities together made El Kab. You would think that because they are so close they would be allied and share resources but Kom el Ahmar and Nekheb were enemies.”

“Really?” I asked intrigued. “Do you know why?”

“Well no,” she admitted. “That was what I was hoping you could help me out with.”

“Right,” I said. “It might take me a minute. I’ll do my best.”

“Hopefully anything you don’t know I’ll know.”

I concentrated on the document; I was unwilling to let her down. “Nekheb was ruled by King Jarha and his partner, Queen Hatshepsut,” I told her.

She nodded.

I had to get a pen and paper to figure out the rest. Finally after about ten minutes I had something to tell her, “Ah, here. It says that there were huge cultural differences between the two leaders, whatever that means. And also that on a previous experience they had thought of becoming one city but there was an argument as to who would be the ruler.”

Just then the door bell rang signalling the arrival of our food and I immediately jumped up. “Be right back,” I told her and hurried to get some money. After I’d paid for the pizza I took it to the table and put it down. She was typing something but I refrained from asking what until after I’d got the plates.

“Just so I don’t forget,” she answered. “I think I better keep a record.”

“Good idea,” I said. She is so on to it.

While I put some food on a plate for her she finished what she was doing and then slid the lap top over so I could read while I ate.

“I think tomorrow I’ll go to the College library and try and get some information on the History of Kom el Ahmar and Nekheb. Perhaps they’ll have something there,” she said and picked a piece of pizza up with a napkin. I learnt that little habit of hers right there and it made my heart swell just because I now knew that part of her character.

“I wonder why someone would fax you this of all things,” I told her. “Perhaps someone has heard of your work and is going to ring you soon asking if you’d been able to do this for them?”

She seemed thoughtful. “I don’t know,” she said. “I mean…why wouldn’t they just leave a note on the top with a number or something? This doesn’t even have the standard return address in little black writing on the top of the page like usual. It just seems really odd to me.”

I nodded. “It is weird.”

After we’d finished eating and I’d put the dishes in the sink we both worked together on the last paragraph. It felt so nice to be doing this with her. As if we were partners uncovering a mystery. I loved this blossoming closeness.

We had to look up a few symbols but eventually we had it. I read her the first sentence, “King Jarha and King Wosret fought bitterly for a long period of time over whose leadership was more enhanced, so to speak.”

“Some things never change,” she said. “Each of them thought they were better than the other.”

I nodded. “Yeah, seems that way.”

She was silent for a second and then she laughed.

“What?” I asked and smiled.

“The way you read,” she told me. “You add little bits in here and there like a story. ‘Bitterly’ and ‘Enhanced’ it’s amusing.”

I hoped she couldn’t notice my embarrassment. “Hey,” I argued. “I do not.”

“You do so,” she retorted. “Don’t worry it’s not a bad thing. Cute actually.”

She thought I was cute? Not quite what I was hoping for but I’ll take what I can get. She thinks I’m cute!!!!

“That last bit there just says that eventually they gave up trying after a huge row and vowed never to speak or associate with one another again,” she quickly went on.

“Then who the heck is Nekhbet?” I wondered allowed. “And what does she have to do with anything?”


He said exactly what I’d been thinking. “That’s where the research part comes in.”

“So are you going to try find out the rest?” he asked. “Will you tell me what happens?”

“Of course,” I told him. “In fact I’ll probably need your help again.”

“Well don’t hesitate to ask. Do you want my cell number just in case?” he offered.

My heart started pounding double time. His cell number? Oh my god I am about to have in my possession Max Evans cell number. I stuttered, “Ye-ye-yeah. That would be great.”

He wrote it down on a piece of paper and slid it across the table to me. “There you go.”

I quickly picked it up and tucked in the pocket on my laptop case.


“Can I ask you something?” he said.

“Yeah, of course.”

“What made you want to become a researcher?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I answered. “I guess I just love the feeling of uncovering or searching for information that no one else has discovered yet. In a way it makes me feel special. It’s like, I’m walking down the street past people and I know that I am the only one who knows this one thing or in my case…has this theory.” I shrugged. “It’s silly I know. Someone could have thought of it but I claimed it first…and most people wouldn’t care anyway. Still… I don’t know. I get this thrill from it.”

I studied his face. I was expecting him to laugh at me. I sounded like a lunatic. But his eyes seemed to darken and as soon as he knew I was watching he smiled. “I know exactly what you are talking about,” he said. “But after a while…don’t you get sick of keeping it to yourself?”

“Well I never keep it a secret for long,” I answered truthfully. “I tell my boss so I can get praise.”

We both laughed at that.

“But I know what you mean,” I added. “I could never hold it in long. You always need at least one person to share it with.”

I don’t know how or why but at that point he seemed to close off a little.

“Yeah,” he said quietly.

“Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?” Oh God please don’t tell me I’ve upset him.

“No, no, no,” he quickly reassured me. “I’m just deep in thought. I seem to get like that around you. What do you do when you can’t find anything to research?”

His thigh brushed against mine and goose-bumps spread across my whole body. “Well I write reports or deliver presentations on previous research findings. I teach history…”

His eyes lit up. “You teach?”

“Yeah sometimes,” I said. “You’d think I wouldn’t be very busy but there is always something to do. I’m involved in the preparation of museum displays and web-sites. I do things in the identification, protection and research of historic places. I investigate for the media, sometimes current affairs and sometimes past events.”

“There’s more to you then what meets the eyes then,” he said. “But I already knew that.”

“Really?” I asked. I was surprised by his comment. “How?”

He looked into my eyes and said honestly, “I don’t know. There’s just something about you.”

I blushed. He is so flattering. At this moment I couldn’t help but wonder if he liked me as much as I liked him. But he likes Jane doesn’t he?

With the way he’s staring into my eyes I am convinced I’ve gotten my story mixed up somehow.

There was nothing to keep from making a move then. If he didn’t like Jane then what was there to hold us back? I slid closer to him and we leaned into one another. Our lips brushed but extremely unluckily his front door opened and two people walked in. We sprung apart as if we were teenagers getting caught in the Eraser room.

Max stood up. “Maria? Michael? What are you doing here?”

“What kind of a greeting is that?” the male asked sarcastically. I guessed he was Michael and I was right.

“Michael,” the girl said eyeing me suspiciously. “Shut up. Max, who’s this?”

“This is Liz,” Max introduced me. “Liz, this is my cousin Maria and her husband Michael.” He didn’t catch my eyes.

“Nice to meet you,” I said shyly.

“Yeah,” Maria said. “Same here.”

“I-I-should go,” I told Max regrettably.

“No Liz, stay,” he said.

I was already up and gathering my things. “No really I should…I stayed longer then I expected. I have heaps of stuff to do.”

He walked me to the door.

“Thanks for your help…oh! And the pizza,” I said.

“No problem. Don’t forget to call me if you need anything else.”

“I will. See you,” I said. We caught each others eyes and smiled then I turned and walked down the hall.

Last edited by nicola on Mon May 12, 2003 4:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »

Aha! I am not supposed to post this until Lindsay posts on her 'Risqué buisness' but she's taking too long and I'm a big softy. You are all wonderful people, thank you for making my day with your fb...

Sorry it's kinda short...


I could have killed them for interrupting when they did.

“Max,” Maria said. “Since when do you get a new girlfriend and not tell us?”

“She isn’t my girlfriend,” I said. I wished she was.

“Well then,” Michael said, “perhaps the better question is: Since when do you hook up with girls that you aren’t dating?”

“I didn’t hook up with anyone!” I demanded.

“Well you were kissing; who knows what would have happened if we didn’t interrupt you?” Maria retorted.

“Even if I did, it’s not as if I have to inform you,” Max said.

“Huh! I knew you did! Go Maxwell!” Michael grinned.

Maria whacked him across the chest. “Michael!”

“Max, it’s just…well you don’t exactly get girlfriends very often.”

I groaned and fell back onto my couch. “She isn’t my girlfriend. Liz lives down the hall and I was helping her out with some research she is doing.”

“On what?”

“Is this an interrogation?” Max asked.

Maria plopped down on the couch beside him. “We just want to know that you are being safe. You haven’t told her your ‘secret’ have you?”

“No, of course not,” Max answered. “Why would I?”

I can not believe that Liz and I as good as kissed. I know I really should not get involved with her because of my ‘different’ status but she was the one that made the first move. If she is interested in me how the heck could I say no? I can only be so strong.


I floated to the College Library in the morning to see what I could find on Nekheb and Kom el Ahmar. I was still on cloud-nine because of last night.

As I made my way out the back where it was quiet and secluded I couldn’t help but fantasize about the possibilities of me and Max’s near-kiss late night. He likes me! He couldn’t hide the look in his eyes. I wonder if he wants me as much as I want him.

I took a seat near the Egyptian section where no one else was. There is nothing worse being interrupted when I’m trying to concentrate.

Of course, my cell-phone chose to ring at that moment.

It was my mother.

“Good morning sweetheart, how are you?”

I yawned into my hand. “I’m fine mom. How are you?”

“Wonderful dah-ling! I rang to ask when you are coming for dinner,” she said. I think her voice resembles that of a birds-squeak. “One would think you had forgotten about me and your father.”

“I haven’t forgotten about you,” I whispered. “I’ll come around on Wednesday. I am quite busy at the moment. How’s dad?”

“He’s fine. Would you speak up? I can’t hear you.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m in the library, I can’t speak up.”

“The where?”

“The library.”

“Ohhhh,” Nancy cried. “I understand. Working hard are we?”

I glanced around me. “Yeah, I guess.”

“Well, with all that work you’ll never get to play. How will you ever get a boyfriend?” she asked. “I’ll invite that nice Ryan Gordon around to dinner.”

“No!” I practically yelled. Ryan Gordon is a divorcee with disgusting teeth. I can not stand him. “I do not need to be set up.”

“You are twenty-eight years old and single! Obviously you do!” Nancy cried.

I was not about to have this conversation with her. “Have you ever thought that maybe I do not want a husband?”

“Do you have any idea how close twenty-eight is to thirty?”

“Yes mom, I’m very aware of just how close it is.”

“Are you a lesbian?”

“No,” I replied and rubbed my forehead. “I have to go.”

“Okay, okay. Don’t get like that. I’ll see you tomorrow?”


Of course, as usual she got in her last comment before I hung up. “And don’t forget what I said about working too much dah-ling!

I shuddered. I hate it when she says that.

So, what? I’m nearly thirty. I don’t care why does she?

I squatted next to the shelf and scanned over the titles. I knew the information I wanted wasn’t just going to fall onto my lap. Two books on Ancient Egypt caught my eye.

I pulled them down of the shelf and flicked through the pages. It felt strange—as if I was stumbling upon something I already knew. It sent tingles down my spine.

On the east Bank of the Nile 23km north of Edfu is one of the oldest settlements of Upper Egypt. The ancient town of Nekheb. . .


Last night I had a dream that the windows in my bedroom flung open and an eagle flew in. It hovered above my bed and seemed to look down on me. It had the most remarkable, glossy auburn eyes and it let out a weird racket that almost sounded like it was saying a name. The name was Zan.

ZAN. Zan. ZAN. Zan! It called.

Its fur was shiny gold. It glinted in the moonlight with every move it made. Startled, I sat up and it flew around me going crazy. I didn’t know what to do.

It was flapping its wings so furiously it created a blustery wind and everything in my room shuddered under the weight of its force. The lamp on the dresser fell off and my dog Murphy started freaking out and ran into my closet.

Next a waxen glow illuminated from its body and its structure started to shift. I noticed the silhouette of a human before the dream ended.

In the morning when I woke up there was a feather next to my pillow and my bedroom windows were wide open. My lamp was on the floor and Murphy was no where to be seen. I sat there thinking simply,

What the hell?

The dream was so vivid I questioned if it had really happened but then realized the ridiculousness of it. An eagle? Yeah right, like that was going to happen.

That didn’t explain how my windows got open. Strong wind wouldn’t budge those hinges. As a matter of fact, an eagle wouldn’t budge them either.

Maybe I am going insane. Finally after all these years I finally lost it. All this built up sexual tension did it probably.

I got out of bed and pulled on some track pants and a t-shirt. “Murphy!” I called. “Murphy! Where are you buddy?”

Out in the lounge, I always leave the window to my balcony open so he can get out during the night if he wants to. I found him out there this morning lying in the sun on his back with his tongue hanging out. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful Saturday.

“Come on boy, time for a walk,” I said and dangled his collar and leash. He didn’t move. Not surprising, he’s such a lazy dog, he hates going for a walk.

I had to go into the kitchen and shake his biscuit box for him to finally get up.

While he ate I pulled on my sneakers and had a glass of water. I tried not to think about my dream; I’d just go crazy conjuring up stupid explanations. I put my wallet in my pocket so I could get something to eat on the way back.

“Come on, boy,” I said and secured his leash in place.

Like I do every day as I head out down the hall I glanced behind me at Liz’s door just in case I caught a glimpse of her. To my disappointment she wasn’t there.

We haven’t talked since last Thursday when I helped her out with her Egyptian. Either she hasn’t found anything worth telling me or she’s embarrassed because of what happened.

Ah, sigh. We practically kissed.

Sometimes I remind myself but I don’t quite believe it.

“Max, hi.”

Downstairs I ran into Jane as she was coming in the front door. I glanced at my watch, seven-thirty. She has never did strike me as a morning person. She must be coming in from a ‘good date’.

I am so insanely jealous. Not because…I mean, because she got laid last night and I didn’t. My life just sucks.

“Morning Jane,” I said politely.

She yawned into her hand. “Morning. Off for a run?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I answered.

“You must be crazy to be up so early,” she told me.

“I’m not the only one up,” I reminded her.

She blushed. “Yeah…well…” she suddenly seemed uncomfortable.

“I better get going,” I told her. I didn’t want her to be embarrassed. It seems my assumption was correct. “Say hi to Liz for me.”

This made her smile. “Why don’t you go and say it for yourself?”

My turn to go slightly red. “Ah…”

“Just kidding Max. I’ll tell her, have fun running.” She walked away and I glanced down at Murphy who was staring up at me. As if he knew I was as pathetic as I felt.

“What are you looking at?” I snarled. Stupid dog.

I walked down the steps outside and as I was about to take off running someone yelled out to me. I looked up and saw that Liz was leaning over her balcony looking down at me. “Hi,” she said.

I smiled. She was wearing that pink flannel robe again and she had her black reading glasses resting at the end of her nose. “Hey,” I called to her.

“Wait up?” she asked.

“Sure,” I answered and nodded.

“I’ll just be a sec,” she called.

She wasn’t just a sec, she took quite a while but I didn’t mind waiting. Neither did Murphy who had started to fall asleep on the pavement. I tugged at his leash to no avail.

When she came out she was wearing black shorts with a tight t-shirt and sneakers. Her hair was in a pony tale. “Sorry, Jane held me up,” she apologized.

“Tis’okay,” I answered.

“You won’t believe how busy I have been these last few days,” she said. “I had to teach at the High School on Main Street on Thursday and Friday.”

“Yeah?” I asked. I was practically dragging Murphy along by his leash. Stupid dog!

“Hmm,” she mumbled. “But I did get to research that Egyptian story a little more.”

“Oh? Find anything?”


I had been sitting on the balcony in the sun when I noticed Jane get dropped off by her date from last night. I didn’t pay too much attention I was reading the paper and sipping my coffee.

Well, I was trying to read my paper but I couldn’t concentrate. Last night I had the strangest and most erotic dream and I am still buzzing from it.

Of course, it consisted of me and Max as a naked tangle of flesh. I can’t help but blush every time I think of it.

It started off in my bedroom. A black leopard pounced onto my bed and it was so vivid I swear I can still feel the goose-bumps spread over my whole body. I scrunched my eyes shut and cried out in horror.

As if that wasn’t strange enough, the leopard licked my neck and when I opened my eyes it was Max. We were no longer in my dark bedroom but a well lit temple with marble floors and marble pillars. The blankets beneath us were gold and ivory silk and they felt so soft against my skin. As he undressed me from my white night gown I glimpsed out the pillars at the view. An Egyptian kingdom and dessert that seemed to go on forever danced before me.

When I looked back at Max he seemed different but also completely the same. I didn’t know him as Max from down the hall. His hair was long and his eyes were darker. His spirit was foreign to me; he seemed angrier, stronger, and more masculine. That didn’t mean he didn’t touch me gently and adoringly, because he did…

In his eyes there was a fire that I knew burned only for me. Those dark puddles showed complete devotion and love towards me. It seemed as if I was his whole world.

When he kissed me images flooded my mind of us, in a different world, living two different lives…Our clothes were different, I was different. It wasn’t me at all.

Was it?

I was so confused but I let it all slip away and just concentrated in his soft, wet mouth and what it was doing to my senses.

My fingers worked at his robe and soon it was gone and his hot flesh was against mine. We rolled around the huge bed searching and fondling each other feverishly. Our months licked and teased and prodded and what else I can’t describe. It was the most beautiful and exhilarating experience of my life.

What I wouldn’t give for it to be reality.

When we finally made love it was explosive. There were clenched thighs, toes, fingers, there were loud, rugged moans and pants, and there was sweat and saliva.

It would have been the perfect dream had I not woken up just as I was about to find the most powerful release. I lay there in my big empty room trembling under my bed sheets and dripping wet with no relief. My heart was beating so fast I was sure it would burst.

I hate my lonely existence. I really, really need to do something about it.

I glanced down from the balcony and as if the heavens preordained it, Max was just heading out of the building.

Without thinking I called out to him, “Max!”


Lana- I'll message you later :wink:
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »

I thought I better post a new part before you all forgot about me and this story! :lol: Hi to all of those who just found this and thank you for your FB!!! I hope you like this...
Oh and the reason the heading didn't have the parts in it was because a mod edited it (I broke a rule)...I think I've done it more then three times now so if I suddenly aren't around anymore it's because I've been banned! I don't do it intentionally!!! I promise!


“I have so much to tell you,” I said as we walked through the park. “That is, if you are still interested?”

“Of course,” he replied eagerly.

I smiled. “Want to be in on it if I make millions on my discovery huh?”

“Actually I hadn’t thought of that but it’s a very good perk,” he said. “So what have you found?”

“Nekhbet was the vulture patron of the Egypt High but she was killed for committing a great sin. I couldn’t find out what she did, but you know how it is. Back then the Egyptians covered up the ‘naughty’ bits and pieces in history. But that was only if it was really bad so that must be the case here or someone would have published something more on her story by now.”

“Maybe you could be the first to write a book or article on it.”

I smiled. “Yeah, that would be cool…and I hate to admit that I’m getting a little obsessed by it all. Last night”—could I keep from blushing while I said this?—“I had a dream I was in Egypt.”

“Yeah?” he asked. “Can’t be weirder then mine last night. “

“What happened?”

He shook his head and laughed. “An Eagle was in my room and somehow transformed into a woman in a white gown…”

I frowned. “That is weird.”

“So what happened in yours?” he asked.

I turned crimson. “Ah…nothing much…”

Max grinned. “I swear I won’t tell anyone.”

“Ah,” I paused. “It was slightly…urm, erotic.” There wasn’t any other word to use.

He laughed. “Why Liz Parker I had no idea…”

I was so embarrassed. “Oh it’s not like I’m the only person in the world that’s had a bad dream…”

Bad dream?” he asked wiggling his eyebrows.

Good dream,” I corrected myself. “I meant ‘bad’ as in the two people in it were behaving badly’.”

He howled with laughter. “And were one of these badly behaved people you, Miss Parker?”

“Well of course, but shut up. I will not talk about this anymore,” I said and turned away so he couldn’t see my flushed cheeks.

“Okay, okay, I am sorry.”

We sat down on a park bench in front of a small pond and took Murphy off his leash so he could run around. He didn’t of course, he just fell to the grass with a thud and fell asleep. Max sat close to me and draped his arms along the back of the seat. If I moved I would brush against him.

I tucked my foot under my thigh. “The only other thing I could figure out to do with Nekhbet was that she was born and lived during the Early Dynastic Period. That was between 3100 BC-2700 BC which was the time when the essentials of pharaonic culture were established,” I emptied my brain out to him. “I know it doesn’t narrow it down much but I am pretty sure it would be absolutely impossible to find out her actual date of birth and date of death.”

He was staring into my eyes as I spoke. It was incredibly nice to have his attention so solely on me.

“Anyway, in the fax it said that the two cities had had ‘cultural differences’ when they were ‘establishing’ the city. Wasn’t that what caused them to become two instead of one? I think it was… Since the Early Dynastic Period was a time when cultures were established that fits in perfectly with our story.”

I paused and looked down at Murphy who had his paws on my knees. I patted his head and ears as I continued, “During that time they completed a long period of development. They centralized royal administration, a written form of the language, artistic canonization of relief and sculpture, stone building techniques and large-scale mudbrick constructions. It’s actually a relief that the story of Nekhbet and Wosret wasn’t any earlier then that otherwise it would have been virtually impossible to find anything.”

When I turned my head to look at him he was watching me and Murphy dazedly. “I would love to go there and look through the tombs,” he said. “I bet this story is just waiting to be discovered somewhere.”

“Someone must have found it already,” I reminded him.

“Yeah…I guess…I just get this feeling it hasn’t been.”

“What, you think someone faxed me this from the afterlife?” I teased. “Maybe it was Zan, perhaps he’s tired of waiting for someone to discover his story.”

Max’s eyes darkened. “What did you just say?”

“Huh?” I asked. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to—”

“No…you said ‘Zan’,” he said.

I frowned. I did not. “Never heard that name before in my life…”

“Liz, you said, ‘maybe it was Zan’. Who is Zan?” he demanded.

“I said, ‘maybe it was Wosret’,” I argued. We stared at each other for a moment. “Perhaps I should be asking you who Zan is.” There was something in that name that sent shivers down my spine.

He rubbed his temples. “I have no idea. I’m sorry…I guess I must be hearing things. Maybe it’s because I am hungry. I was going to stop off at the coffee bar on the corner for breakfast. Have you eaten?”

“No I haven’t,” I replied. “But I didn’t bring any money.”

He got up from the bench. “My shout. They have the most amazing French toast; you just have to try it.”


He nodded and then leaned down to put Murphy’s leash back on. Murphy growled and backed away.

I raised my eyebrows at Max. “Here le’me try.” I squatted and patted Murphy’s head until he calmed down. Finally I hooked the lead in place and stood up. As simple as that.

Max was shaking his head. “I think he likes you better then he likes me.”

“I can’t believe that,” I replied and looked at him.

“I can.”

We walked slowly through the park.


She said Zan. I know she did. I wouldn’t have noticed if the name hadn’t being dancing around in my head because of my dream last night.

I believe she sincerely didn’t realize she’d said it. The look on her face was enough proof of that. But why did she have that name in her head too?

I didn’t want to think about it right now. Not when I was with her on this beautiful sunny day. All alone.

“Do you want to keep him?” I asked her.

She smiled. “No, not really. I couldn’t handle a dog.”

I wanted to take her hand and feel her fingers lace through mine. I couldn’t, it was inappropriate. But can I help that every part of my body is screaming that I should wrap my arms around her every time she laughs. That I should kiss her every time I feel like it.

She waved her hand in front of my face. “Max? Are you in there?”

I snapped out of my daze. “Yeah, sorry.”

“We’re here—this is it right?” she motioned across the street at the coffee bar.

“That’s the place,” I answered.

She found us a table outside while I ordered us some food and drinks. I watched her out the corner of my eye as she leaned down and patted Murphy’s head.

“Is that all? Sir? SIR?”

“Huh? Oh yes…that’s all. Thank you.”

I went outside and sat with her while we waited for our food to arrive. She rested her chin on her hand. “How long have your cousin and Michael been married?”

This surprised me. And delighted me. “Since they were nineteen,” I answered. “They were high school sweethearts but they aren’t your typical couple.”

“Why do you think that?” she smiled.

“Oh I don’t know…maybe it’s because they use bickering as foreplay.”

She laughed. “You’re kidding?”

“I wish.” I can not describe how incredibly hard it is for me to be so close to her and not be able to touch her. “Michael was my best friend in high school and when my Aunt Deluca moved to my home town to be close to my dad after my parent’s divorce, Amy’s daughter Maria came with her. That’s how they met.”

“Your parent’s are divorced?” she asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, since I was fourteen. Are your parent’s still together?”

“Yes but I don’t know how. My mother is shocking some times. I don’t know how my dad puts up with her,” she explained, “I love her but she can just drive you insane. She is one of those people who deem it crucial to add a high pitched ‘Dah-ling!’ to the end of her every sentence.”

I laughed. “Wow, who would have known you were related to someone like that?”

“If you want to run away screaming I’d understand.”

“No, no, no, I don’t blame you for your parents,” I quickly said. “Do you have any brothers and sisters?”

“Yeah, a younger brother named Jack. You?”

“A sister, she’s thirty-three and lives in New York,” I answered.

Our food came then and I waited for her to take her first forkful before I started. “What do you think?”

She closed her eyes and swallowed. “Very nice.”

“Didn’t I tell you?” I smiled. How does she manage to make me feel this way? She opened her eyes and licked her lips.

“Max, you’re not from around here are you?”

I swallowed. “What do you mean?” I urged myself not to panic.

“You aren’t originally from America you? Where were you born?” She sipped her orange juice.

“Oh.” Thank God. “I was born in Italy but I moved here when I was twelve. My mother is Italian and my father is American.”

“You speak Italian too, don’t you?” she grinned.

I nodded. “Yeah, I do. My mom moved back to Italy after the divorce.”

“So she only spent two years in America?”

Doesn’t she miss anything? “Yeah.”

“How come you didn’t go back with her?”

I shrugged. “At the time I was closer to my father and I liked America better then Italy. As the years passed I wished I’d gone though, you know how it is-I thought I was right and my father thought he was right, so it goes.” She nodded. “I lived with my dad in California.”

“So what made you come to Phoenix?”

“I don’t know…I just wanted to get away for a while and ended up here. Then I got a good paying job and ended up staying.”

“I’m originally from here,” she said. “Boring, huh?”

“No way. There is nothing wrong with Phoenix. Where does your brother Jack live?”

A strand of hair fell out of her pony tale and she tucked it behind her ear. “He lives here but he’s only twenty-four and out travelling the world. Partying every night and staying in cheap backpackers hotels.” She shrugged. “I’m kind of jealous actually. I can’t even imagine how much fun he is having. I’ve travelled for work but I’ve never travelled for pleasure.”

“I haven’t either,” I told her. “But I’ve been saving up all my sick days for a long holiday. Where is your brother right now?”

“Moscow I believe.”

“Wow, that’s cool.”

She glanced at her watch and sighed. “Oh no it’s nearly nine-thirty, how did that happen? I have a gyno—ah I mean, ah, dentist check up at ten.”

“We better go then,” I said.

“You don’t have to leave if you don’t want to Max; I can walk home by myself.” She finished her drink and stood up.

“No way.” I stood up too. “I’m finished anyway.”

On the way back we walked close together even though the footpath was wide.

Grinning, she suddenly asked, “Favourite movie?”

“Ah…don’t really have one,” I answered. “But if I had to pick I’d say either Fight club or the Matrix.”

She gasped and said with mock horror, “Oh you are kidding! That’s horrible.”

I smiled. “Half the world disagrees with you.”

“Oh well that’s right, you have me there,” she said. “I guess I kind of liked Fight Club.”

“What’s your favourite?”

“The Shawshank Redemption,” Liz answered with a smile. “What can I say? hmm…favourite song?”

“Counting crows, Black and Blue.”

She stopped smiling. “That’s a really sad song.”

“You know it?” I asked.

“Yeah, Counting Crows are my favourite band,” she said shyly. “Black and Blue’s off ‘Hard Candy’ isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” I said amazed. We smiled at each other and walked the rest of the way in comfortable silence. She is incredible. Could I tell her I wanted to grow old with her?

“Thank you for breakfast,” she said as we approached her door. “And letting me intrude on your walk with Murphy.”

“No problem,” I replied. She leaned up and kissed my check.

“I’ll see you around,” she said and nodded her head once.

“I hope so,” I replied honestly. When I got home I put Black and Blue on repeat.

Fall asleep next to me
Wait for everyone to go away
And in a dimly lit
room where you've got nothing to hide
Say your goodbyes

Thanks again everyone and btw download that song it is sooooooooo good.
Last edited by nicola on Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »

I'm here! I'm here! 8) I've been busy but my exams are finally over!!! Yay, so far I know I've passed my Chemisty, Number, History and Health. I'm not sure about English yet! It'd be a shocker if here I am posting stories and I haven't passed my English huh? Cross your fingers for me!

Oh, and please, to show our love and respect for Christine, if you get a moment, go nominate her for the time and effort she put into the amazing, stunning, wondeful banner.
Here's the link to the banner thread:

Thankyou for the bumps and the Fb and here's the part, hope you like it :wink: :!:


On Wednesday I did not wake up in my bed with my sheets wrapped around my legs as usual. Something hard was under my head and I quickly discovered it was paper. I had fallen asleep on the notes I had been reading on the couch the night before.

With a sigh, I closed the book and leaned over to put it on the coffee table.

“Oh, you’re awake,” Jane said as she came out of her bedroom. “I didn’t hear you get up.”

I grabbed a cushion, put it under my head, and closed my eyes again. She came closer, I wanted to tell her to leave me alone but I couldn’t be bothered speaking.

“Want coffee?”

“No,” I mumbled rudely. The air shifted and I opened one eye to see what she was doing. She was kneeling in front of me.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

I didn’t want to talk about it. “Nothing.”

She had her hair in curlers and was wearing a pink silk slip. It reminded me of my mom when I was young when I used to watch her get ready to go out. She’d prance around in her nightie while putting on bright lip stick and perfume. The room had always been a furious array of rose smells and lush colours. I never told her but I loved those moments.

Why do I always have to be surrounded by beautiful people showing me what I don’t have? So what, Jane you’re a model and everyone loves you. You have two countries who love you, England, your home, and America who would love to have you think of as home. Everyone knows the world would be the whole lot lesser just to not have you. Just remind me every morning of how little my life actually counts.

“Babe,” Jane said. “You’d have to be a special kind of stupid if you think I’ll leave you alone.”

“Just fuck off.”

Jane was surprised. I was too, I never curse.

Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz,” she pursed her lips.

“What do you want from me?” I suddenly yelled. “Do you want me to tell you that I’m nearly thirty and I’m not married and have never even been close? Everywhere I go I’m reminded that I don’t have kids yet. My mom rings up and sings ‘tick tock, tick tock! Times running out!’ Is that what you wanted? Just leave me alone.”

“Oh honey,” Jane said, her eyes overflowing with sympathy and love. “Do you want me to set you up?”

Yes. “No, I just…I know it’s sad but I’m so sick of being alone. I want someone to need me.”

“I need you.”

I didn’t say anything.

“You are absolutely right, you don’t need coffee. You need vodka a good fuck.”

I need Max Evans to give me that good fuck. I smiled. “Yeah I do.”

“Let’s go out tonight and find you those two things, what do you think?”

“I think it would be a better idea to drug Max and sneak into his room during the night.”

Jane raised her eye brows. “Oh, I can’t believe it. Ladies and Gentleman we have a love confession. I knew it. I knew it!”

I rolled my eyes.

“You wouldn’t have to drug him. He’d have you in a second. He wants you so bad.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked. “We nearly kissed last week and on Sunday when we spent the whole morning together he didn’t even bring it up or try make a move.”

“He’s shy,” Jane said. “You need to let the tiger out of his cage and then he’ll pounce.”

“Idon’twanttomakeamove,” I said quickly. “I want him to.”

After showering and getting dressed for work I sauntered downstairs to my car. It was pouring down with rain so I had my umbrella clutched as close to my body as possible.

“Hi Liz,” said Pam from across the hall.

“Hi Pam,” I replied. “I’m doing my washing tonight so if you’d like me to do yours, leave it outside my door okay?”

Pam is a single mother with two kids under five. I like to help her out when I can.

“Oh thank you so much Liz. I really appreciate it.”

“Tis’ okay,” I said. “I’ve got to go. See you later.”

Max’s car wasn’t parked outside so he must have left already. While I was having my childish hissy fit I missed seeing him. Even if I am disappointed in his lack of interest in me I can’t stop needing to see his gorgeous self.

At work I sat with Val in the office and told her of what I’d found so far. Which wasn’t much. “I hate to admit it,” Val said as she sipped her sea-weed juice, “But I think you need to go there.” She is a health freak. “I am bitterly jealous of you.”

“You think the museum would fund it?”

She laughed. “Liz, Liz, Liz. This department of the museum has its own funds and since I am in charge of this department I get to decide what a good enough cause is for that money to be spent on. I think this has definite potential. There is nothing in books on Kom el Ahmar and Nekheb so if the story of Nekhbet and Wosret turns out to be nothing then you can write something on those ancient cities.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “The only map that I’ve located Nekheb on was in an Eastern Mythology encyclopaedia. And all I can find on Nekhbet is that she was the vulture goddess of Upper Egypt. There is absolutely nothing on her story.”

“Well if anyone’s going to find anything it’s going to be you,” she said kindly. “So are you going to go?”

The possibilities flooded my mind. “To Kom el Ahmar and Nekheb…” I smiled. “I’d be crazy not to.”

“As I said, I am bitterly jealous. Now go away, I hate you.”

I stood up and pushed my reading glasses up my nose. “Thanks Val.”

“Yeah, yeah. Just tell me when the date of your flight is and I’ll get the funds out.”

I had the best day after that. I read mythology books and went to the travel store to get information on possible flights. The high school wanted me to relieve a teacher before lunch so I was stuck in front of a group of students, half of which could not care less about what I was talking about.

A thoughtful girl with red hair asked me to her desk. “I don’t believe that Hitler killed himself,” she said. “I know they say they matched one of the burnt bodies with his dentures but it seems too convenient.”

I smiled. “Is that right? Well I’m afraid I couldn’t tell you if you’re right or wrong but if you can get more information on that you could use it as your choice of this terms essay? A sort of conspiracy theory…I’m sure Mrs Hardy would appreciate and enjoy that.”

She nodded. “Yeah, maybe.”

I left around one-thirty and went to my moms for lunch. I thought she’d make something nice as usual but instead she slapped a turkey sandwich on my lap and said, “Can’t stay Dah-ling, I’ve got a hair appointment. See you!”

While I was there I went to my old room and sat on the floor looking through all my old things. I must have dosed off or something because I could swear I saw the black leopard from my dream last Sunday. It walked gracefully down the hallway and I nearly jumped out of my skin in fright.

Suddenly I had a thought and rushed to get my lap top out of the car and brought it inside. After switching it on, I went to an Egyptian name website. Under Nekhbet and Wosret a brief statement was posted about them. I’d been to this site before but I’d paid more attention to the information on their time era rather then the animal they were depicted as. The ancient Egyptians were forcefully reminded of their close kinship with the animal world.

Nekhbet was represented with her wings outspread holding symbols of eternity in her claws. I knew she was a hawk, what I was more interested in was Wosret.

I gasped when I found out. Wosret was a Black Leopard.


When I got home around seven-thirty Jane was making dinner for her date who was sitting on the couch. I greeted them both and pulled off my jacket.

“Want some food?” Jane asked happily and chucked her black hair over shoulder. “Macaroni and cheese.” I couldn’t help but smile—of course she wouldn’t attempt cook something extravagant.

“That’s all right, I’ve already eaten. You two have it. Thank you anyway.” I glanced at the pile of mail on the bench. “This mine?” I asked.

Jane nodded.

I went to my room and turned on the stereo. Counting Crows, of course. I put on Black and Blue just because I know Max likes it.

Bill, junk mail…oh what’s this? It was a small yellow envelope with nothing written on it. I tore it open and inside was a small card with some Egyptian symbols printed onto it and in English, EVA. A shudder racked my body. “Jane!” I yelled popped my head out my bedroom door. “Where was this?” I showed her the blank envelope.

She glanced at it. “That wasn’t in the pile was it?”

“Yes,” I frowned.

“I don’t remember seeing it,” Jane said and turned back to her date. “I would have opened it.”

I went to my computer, trying my hardest not to freak out, and looked up the symbols.

It said,

My dearest, you are ready to return to me EVA.

Was the person who sent it Eva? I was so confused but before I could figure out anything the paper turned to dust in my hand. I yelped and bounced away looking disgustedly at the area where it had just been.

I was just about to scream…

“Liz,” Jane walked into my room. “Can you go pick up a bottle of wine? I didn’t get a chance to get one on the way home, Mike just turned up.”

I sighed and wanted to say no but the pleading look on her face made me change my mind. “Okay.”

“Thanks! I’ll get my purse.”

I shrugged on my coat as I headed down the hallway and tried not to think about what just happened. I seriously think I am going crazy.

“Liz, hey.” Behind elevator doors I find Maxwell heading home from work. Wahoo! My heart jumped to my throat and my hands clenched at my sides.

I smiled. “Hello Max. You are home late.”

“Yeah, we’ve been flat out on this new project. It’s not interesting. Where are you off to at this time of the night?”

“Jane has a date,” I rolled my eyes. “Wants me to get her some alcoholic beverages.”

“Oh,” he chuckled.

Regretfully I sighed and said, “I better get going.”


I wasn’t just going to let her walk away. Not when I hadn’t seen her for three days. This longing in my heart couldn’t withstand it.

“I have an unopened bottle if you want it. It’ll save you a trip,” I offered. Birthday present for a colleague, I’ll buy another one.

She looked shocked. “Really? Are you serious?”

“Of course.”

“No I couldn’t take that from you, it wouldn’t be right.” She shifted her weight onto one foot.

“Please?” I wanted to beg. Please come into my apartment. Please don’t go away so quickly. I need you. Marry me? “It’s just sitting there.”

She smiled brightly. “You really are too good Max.”

“I try,” I said cockily. “Come on. I’ll get it for you.”

She came but seemed reluctant. “Max…”

I unlocked the door and then looked at her. “Yeah?”

“Can I tell you something without you thinking I am completely and utterly losing it?”

“Shoot.” We walked inside and I shut the door behind us.

“I got a card in the mail with some Egyptian on it. It didn’t have a sender or anything,” she explained. “I think it must be from the same person.”

“Really?” I asked and switched the lights on. “What does it say? Do you need me to help you out?”

“That’s just it,” she said. “I can’t show you.”

I frowned. “Oh…okay…” Murphy looked up from where he was sleeping on the couch.

“It’s not what you are thinking,” she continued. “It’s just that… it well, disappeared.


“Like into thin air. I was holding it in my hand and it just… ‘pouf!’ and gone.”

“You lost it?”

She shook her head, no. “You think I’m absolutely mad? I probably am.” Her shoulders slumped dejectedly.

Quickly, wanting to reassure her, I touched her arm. “No, Liz I believe you.”

She looked up at me. “You do?”

“Sure.” I couldn’t not believe anything she said. “Did you figure out what it said before it vanished?”

“It said, My dearest, you are ready to return to me EVA.”

My eyes clouded over. “Eva?” I had the most erotic dream last night where I was making love to Liz and called her Eva. It freaked me out because I would know Liz anywhere and I haven’t even heard ‘Eva’ before.

“Yeah,” she studied my face. “What?”

“Nothing,” I mumbled.

“It just looked like it sounded familiar to you.”

“No.” We stood in silence for a moment before I blinked and then remembered “Oh! Wine! Sorry, I forgot. Give me two seconds.”

She smiled and faintly mumbled. “I forgot about it too.”

I pulled the ribbon and ‘Happy Birthday Tom’ off of the bottle before she saw it. “Here you go.”

Out of the blue she asked, “Max are you sure it was an eagle that dream you told me about? Maybe a hawk?”

“What’s the difference?” I asked. “I mean, between the two?”

“Not much, they look pretty much the same but there is some variation.”

I shrugged. “To tell you the truth I have no idea.”

“Okay. Never mind.”

She was acting very strange tonight. “What’s wrong?”

“Today’s been really…different. I didn’t tell you but I had this hallucination with the black leopard in it and then I found out today that Wosret is depicted as a black leopard and Nekhbet a Hawk… now this whole note disappearing thing…it just seems as if something weird is going on.”

“I think you are right, you are obsessing over this a little too much.”

“Yeah,” she said glumly and shrugged it off. “Sorry. I better go…”

“Why?” I nearly slapped my hand over my mouth I was so shocked!

She smiled. “Why what?”

“Why do you have to go?” Oh my God shut up, shut up, SHUT UP! This is unsafe. Unsafe! UNSAFE! “Stay for a while.” Something strange possesses me, what is wrong with me? I stepped closer to her and wrapped my fingers around hers. She was surprised but not disgusted or trying to get away so I leaned down never tearing my eyes away from her lips…

“Max…” she said in a tiny voice.

I covered her mouth with my own and thought, if we are interrupted again, I will kill the person with my bare hands.

She felt so soft, so full, so completely and absolutely everything I know her to be. A modest moan came from in her throat and I couldn’t believe it. How good, how right this felt. I wrapped my arms around her small body and she happily came closer wrapping her own arms around my neck.

When she pulled away I stared into her eyes and tried to catch my breath.

“Max,” she whispered. “Let’s go to your room.”
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Posts: 214
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Post by nicola »

Hi everyone! The Fb is just...Wow! It's amazing, incredible! Thank you so much. And guess what? I passed my three Enlish exams with merit! (I don't suck! yay!!)
:lol: You all have so many questions, maybe something like this...
sablaine wrote:
How old is Max compared to Isabel and Michael? What made him move to Pheonix? What's the real reason behind his parents breakup? Are we talking reincarnation here or something otherworldly? How much does Max remember about his past life? Why does the dog like Liz better? [Just kidding. Had to throw that one in there.] Why are they recieving freams and visions and where are they coming from? Who is sending the mysterious messages? Why does it seem like magic is involved? Why are the messsages being sent to Liz instead of the others? Who is Maria in this story and does she know their secrets?
Thanks Kathy I think you pretty much summed up what everyone is thinking? I know that those are all the questions I still have to answer but I'm afraid I can't otherwise it would give away the story! I'll give away this much though...
I'd bet money that Max goes to Egypt with Liz
I would to :wink:

One more thing before I shut up and post the part, this story line might get a little bit confusing from this point on but I'm going to try and write it as clearly as possible! It's my first time writing like this and I'll try my hardest, promise!

Thank you again,


She crawled onto the bed and held her arms out for me to join her. Her body felt so tiny and supple pressed underneath mine. Just like I used to be, I was afraid I would be too heavy for her, she was delicate porcelain.

Her movements were teasing. That’s what made her so matchless, what made her so damn special, she was acid. I’d known it then and I know it now. There is no one like her. She seemed to scream ‘Come to me, I’m heaven’. But really she was agony disguised.

Just how I wanted her.

I swooped down to cover her mouth with mine and she moaned—her way of telling me to come closer. She used to be relentless and she still was. She used to drive me insane with little swipes of her hips and tongue. She knows exactly what to do; she is a talented sexual sprite.

“Will they know afterwards?” she asked in Egyptian.

“They won’t have a clue,” I replied and worked at removing her dress. “Black,” I noted. “I’ve never seen you in it. Wow.”

She grinned. “Maybe I would have worn it for you.”

“If we’d had longer?” I asked and bit the tanned skin of her shoulder. “Black underwear too? Zoroastrian help me!”

“Yes, not bad taste I must commend her,” she said.

“Wouldn’t make a very good white goddess, would you Liz Parker?” I chuckled and then buried my face in between her breasts.

“I’ve missed you so much Zan,” she cried. “Tell me…”

I paused. “Not this life too!”

“Of course.”

“Eva…” I said doubtfully.

“Zan,” she warned.

I made sure she saw me roll my eyes and then I leaned into her ear and whispered so my lips brushed her ear, “You own me Eva, my white goddess.”

“You own me Zan, most powerful one.” She kicked off Liz’s heels and slithered out of her bra and underwear. “I like her choice in clothing,” she whispered. “You think?”

“Why yes,” I agreed. “But I like it better off.” I marvelled at her lying naked beneath me. “Eva, my love, you are exactly the same…”

“Yes,” she said, “let’s see if you are.”

We pulled all my clothing and threw it to the floor. Breathless we lay pressed together. “Ah,” she moaned, “please Zan…”

“I will…I just…it’s been so long,” he said, “too long.”

“I know, I know…feel me.”

I buried my face in her long hair and gently rubbed the end of my arousal against her opening. She was so damp and welcoming, I plunged within her forcefully.

She groaned and arched back into the mattress digging her nails into my back…

The dog suddenly sat by the side of the bed and growled loudly.

Eva ignored him but I couldn’t, I angrily stood up and grabbed him by the collar to drag him out of the room. “Zan,” Eva moaned. “What are you doing? Come back…”

I slammed the door and marched back towards her. She sat up and ran her hand through her hair. “Zan, I’m loosing my patience.”

“That dog—” I started. “No, never mind. Come here.”

“Lie down on your back,” she instructed. I did as I was told and she lifted herself onto me. “That’s better,” she whispered almost noiselessly.

She took me in her hands and teasingly rubbed me up and down. “Now,” she said. “Shall I make this good for both you and Mr. Evans?”

“Yes,” I moaned.

Her toes hooked into the covers on the bed when she drove me inside of her. Her knees were pressed roughly against my hips but I barely noticed.

We moved harshly and swiftly together and then lay panting against one another afterwards. We didn’t have very long before our power would fade and we’d cease to be anything but an thought in Max Evans and Liz Parkers minds. We savoured those last few moments and then Eva stood up on wobbly legs and headed towards his bathroom.

“Where are you going?” I asked harshly.

“If I don’t clean up she’s going to know what I’ve been doing with her body,” Eva explained with a wink.

“It’s your body too. You are part of her."

"The naughty part?"



“What took you so long?” Jane asked as I walked back into the apartment.

“What are you talking about? I wasn’t gone more then ten minutes,” I argued.

“Liz, babe, it’s eleven. You were gone an hour and a half,” Jane said.

“That’s crazy!” I cried. I glanced at my watch and gasped. There is no way I had been gone that long. “What the hell happened?”

“You probably just lost track of time, no biggie. He’s gone anyway, he was a looser,” Jane tied her dark hair into a bun and headed towards her room. “I’m going to bed. Thanks anyway.”

“Yeah.” I stared at the floor for a long time. I was so confused. I tried to retrace what I’d just done. Max and I were in his apartment, he handed me the wine and we stared at each other for a moment and then I left. I smiled remembering, he asked me to stay but I’d needed to get this back for Jane. How on earth had and hour passed? That was impossible.

I went to my room and undressed for bed when I noticed a small red mark in-between my breasts. I touched it will my finger and frowned. I wonder what that is?

The next morning when I was going to work I deliberately hurried to catch Max in the elevator. “Hi,” I said shyly.

“Hey,” he smiled. “Are you okay? No mysterious notes?”

I smiled back. “No, nothing. Thank God.”

He paused for a moment. He looked so damn sexy in his black suit and blue button down shirt. I could smell his aftershave when the doors shut and I almost fainted in delight.

“What are you doing for lunch today?” he suddenly asked. “I’m going to be near the museum and if you wanted…”

“I’d love to,” I said way too quickly. I blushed. “I mean, what did you have in mind?”

He smiled. “I have no idea. You probably know the area better then me. I have an appointment at the Stevenson offices across the road.”

“Oh!” I said. I know that place. “What time do you finish? Just come over and ask at the door for me, I’ll tell them to expect you and they’ll let you up.”

“Okay, around one?” he seemed almost as enthusiastic about it as I was.

“Perfect.” Inside I was jumping up and down; Max is coming to see me at work! Max is coming to see me at work! “I’m listed if you need to ring to cancel,” I said. I really hoped he wouldn’t.

The elevator bounced slightly as it came to a stop and we both walked outside together.

“See you later,” I said.

He smiled again. “Bye Liz.”


Last night after Liz left I found Murphy hiding outside on my balcony. He was freaking out and wouldn’t come anywhere near me for the whole evening. Not even when I shook the biscuit box. That was weird, he usually liked to sleep on the couch or the end of my bed.

“Murphy,” I coaxed. “I’ll give you food if you come in.”

I even put the bowl down on the tiled floor but he still growled and barked. I gave up.

When I went to bed the blankets were all ruffled and smelt like women’s perfume. Not just any perfume, Liz’s perfume. I would know her smell anywhere.

I tried not to think too much of it but I couldn’t help being completely confused. Maybe my desire for her is clouding my senses.

This morning after I asked Liz to lunch, I still can’t believe I did that—I’m getting brave!—I was walking into work through the sliding doors when I saw her reflection in the glass. She looked different, she had a gold mask resting on top of her head and a white gown hung from her. She smiled and I turned around, expecting to see her but there was no one in sight.

Maybe she was right; something weird is definitely going on.

I greeted my secretary as I walked past her. She smiled and offered to get my coffee but I declined. I just needed to get to work and clear my mind.

Around eleven I got a phone call as I was about to leave for Stevenson’s offices. “Max, hi.”

“Isabel,” I said. “What a delightful surprise.”

“Yes well someone has to keep in touch or we’d never see each other,” she growled. “Anyway, what are you up to? Have a girlfriend yet?”

“Fine and that’s none of your business,” I said. “I’ll ring you back on my cell; I’m on my way out.”


I was driving when I rang back. “So how’s Kyle?”

“He’s fantastic,” Isabel replied. “Max, you really should be married.”

“I really think that’s my choice,” I snapped back. Does she think that it’s as easy as walking up to a girl and saying, ‘hey wanna be my wife?’ Especially when you have the burden of being “special” on your shoulders.

“Mom rang me yesterday,” Isabel explained. “She’s met someone. She wants to get married.”

“What?” She’s fifty-five! I’m twenty-nine and I can’t find anyone! Why? Oh why? A flash of Liz came to mind. Ah sigh…what I wouldn’t give to…

“I know, I know,” Isabel said. “Disturbing.”

“Just a little bit.”

“I think you should tell Dad, it would be better if you told him rather then mom over the phone. And you live closest…”

“I will,” I said. “I can’t believe this…she’s been engaged before but never went through with it. Maybe this will be the same?”

“I don’t think so. She’s so happy. Deliriously apparently.”

“Wow, sounds…great.”

“And of course she added that she has a great sex life right now.”

My mom is getting more then I am. Oh I love my life. “Thanks…for that. I’m so glad I spoke to you. I have to go, meeting. Take care of yourself and say hi to Kyle.”

“Will do.”

Ten minutes after one I walked across the road to the museum. The guy charging admittance pointed to a door that was labelled ‘Staff only’. “She’s up there,” he said.


I climbed the stair case and rapped my fingers gently on the door before walking in. I saw Liz instantly; she was sitting on the corner of a desk with her legs crossed and she was reading something. Her pulps had obviously been kicked carelessly to the floor and her black stockings covered her tiny feet. When she looked up her reading glasses were on the end of her nose.

“Max, hi!” she fixed her glasses. “I’ll be with you in two seconds. I just have to take this through to Val. You don’t mind do you? You can sit here if you’d like.”

I smiled. “Is this your desk?”

“Uh-huh.” She slipped her feet back into her shoes and stood up. “You didn’t have trouble getting up here did you?”

“No, not at all.” God, she looked incredible. She was wearing a pink blouse with black wooden beads around her neck and a black skirt. I’d seen her in that morning but something about her just seemed to make my heart pound. Even in the most average of clothes.

“Good. I’ll be right back,” she promised.

I slumped down onto her swivel chair and watched her disappear into an office down a long hall. She wasn’t gone long but I took the time to look at her desk. It was very tidy but yellow post-its were stuck around her lap top screen. There was a photo leaning up against a pencil holder. It was of a tall dark-haired guy standing with a blonde girl. I wondered who it was and as if she’d read my mind, when Liz walked out she said, “That’s my brother Jack. He sent that to me about two weeks ago. See there? He’s in Moscow and that’s one if the famous palaces.”

“Oh right, Jack wasn’t it?”

“Yeah,” she answered. “Ready to go?” She grabbed her jacket and tugged it on. “I was thinking…there is this nice restaurant called Breakers?”

I hoped she didn’t notice my staring. I put my hand on my chin to make sure I wasn’t drooling. “Breakers it is.”

“Are you sure? If you want something else let me know.”

A woman came up the stairs as we were heading down. She had ginger hair and brown eyes. “Woah, Liz who’s the hottie?” she winked at me.

I raised my eye brows and chuckled but Liz turned a thousand shades of red. “Ah…”

“Relax, I just couldn’t resist,” the lady said. “Have fun at lunch.”

Liz didn’t say anything until we were out of the museum. “Sorry about that…”

“Why? It’s good for my ego,” I teased.

She rolled her eyes. “Oh you need it do you?”

“Of course. Your car or mine?”

“Yours,” she said eagerly. “Yours is so much nicer. And flash!”

“Well when I got my job I wanted to treat myself. A nice apartment or a nice car,” I explained.

“Good choice.”

“It was. Because now I’m on my way to that nice apartment.”

Her smile dimmed. “So you’ll be moving?”

“Not for a while,” I replied.

I clicked the button on my keys to turn off the car alarm as we approached it. When were in Liz said enthusiastically, “Ohhh leather seats!”

I laughed. “Of course.”

After we’d arrived and ordered Liz announced that her boss was giving her funding to go to Egypt. I was happy for her but sad at the same time. I tried not to show my disappointment, if she was going to Egypt she wasn’t going to be here. “Wow,” I said.

“I know!” she was so excited. “I’m going to leave in a couple of weeks.”

“Are you going by yourself?” I asked. I don’t know if I like the idea of her all alone in ancient tombs, what if she gets lost in the desert? Or burns herself with a fire torch… Oh my God she could DIE!!!
I tried not to start hyperventilating.

She shrugged. “Maybe. Jack hasn’t been there yet, he might meet me there.”

“Oh.” Jack, if you don’t take care of her I will KILL YOU.

“My mom said she wouldn’t let me go on my own, she thinks it’s dangerous,” she said. “She’s just paranoid.”

“No, she’s absolutely right. You shouldn’t be travelling alone.”

She nodded. “I guess but my moms still paranoid.”

“Better then my mom I bet,” I snorted. “I found out this morning she wants to get married.”

“Really?” Liz smiled. “That’s so nice. Did you talk to her yourself?”

“No my sister rang me,” I replied.

“You don’t sound happy about it,” she said.

“I’m not, it means she has a better sex life then I do.” Oh my God did I just say that out loud? Oh crap!

Her mouth dropped open and she burst out laughing.

I tried to hide my red face. “She’s fifty-five,” I said trying to make myself sound better but only succeeded in making it worse.

“Oh you poor thing,” Liz teased, still chuckling. “I think it’s good that she has found someone at her age.”

“Yeah, you would.”
Last edited by nicola on Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »

Hi to all those of you who just found this!! *waves hysterically* Thanks for stopping by and saying hi and leaving FB!!! It's so great! Now, everyone, I'm so glad I didn't confuse you with the last part...hopefully this one won't either...remember to let me know if it does okay?

I think this may answer some of your questions...

Thank you so much for the FB!!!


Where does time go when I am with him? I glanced at my watch after lunch and it was after two! We’d been gone over an hour.

I was sure Val wouldn’t mind if I stretched my lunch break but surely he had somewhere to be?

I went to get money out but Max bet me to it and objected profusely when I demanded that I should pay.


“Liz,” he said sternly.

“You paid for breakfast,” I reminded him.

“When ever you are in my company, don’t worry about anything—especially paying for food of all things.”

I ran my hand through my hair to make sure it wasn’t unkempt. “You are too good to me. I don’t deserve it.”

“You do deserve it. Let’s go—you aren’t going to get into trouble for being gone so long are you? I’m sorry I lost track of time.”

“No, I’ll be fine. Val’s pretty flexible.”

“Great,” he said. “Did you eat enough? You can get something extra to go if you want.”

“No I’m fine. Stuffed actually.” He helped me from my chair and we left the restaurant walking close together. “So if your mom gets married are you going to go to Italy?” I asked.

“I guess I’ll have to,” he replied.

“You’ll have to use some of your precious holiday time,” I remembered.

He laughed. “Damn.”

I wanted him to take my hand or even better, kiss me. Why didn’t he bring up that near-kiss in the apartment? Why didn’t he make a move? He knew I was willing so what was holding him back?

I stepped out onto the road and opened my mouth to bring it up when I heard him yelp and grab me.

Seconds later a bus rambled past where I’d been standing. We gasped for breath.

“You didn’t tell me you were suicidal,” he said.

I was flushed. “Oh God, I’m sorry! I guess I wasn’t thinking.” How embarrassing!

He swallowed and lessened his grip on me. “Are you alright?” he asked quietly and stared into my eyes.

My heart beat sped up and I couldn’t tell whether it was because I was shocked or because he was touching me. I nodded my head. “I’m fine.”

He looked genuinely panicked. As if I’d scared the hell out of him. Finally he let go of me but as we crossed the road he pressed his hand to my lower back. At that moment I was so overwhelmed by his feeling for me I nearly wrapped my arms around him to reassure his nerves.

Outside his car he stepped in close to me and started to say something but quickly decided against it and looked away. I wasn’t going to let him get away this time. I slipped my arm around his waist and held him close. He looked down at me, he wasn’t surprised but comforted.

“What ever it is,” I said—not completely knowing what I was talking about, “I don’t care.”

His eyes brightened noticeably and he pressed his forehead to mine. “What if—”

I looked at him straight in the face. “I said I don’t care.”

“You should,” he whispered almost inaudibly. I ignored his comment and leaned into him. Not so far that I was going to kiss him, close so he could have to move a small distance to kiss me. I closed my eyes and smiled at the feel of his breath on my cheeks.

My lips twitched in anticipation, I waited and expected to feel his soft mouth on mine…

He sucked in a deep breath and leaned down. His hair brushed my cheek and before I could wonder what he was doing, he pressed his sensual lips to my neck. He kissed the end of my jaw, under my ear. Bittersweet brushes. He could feel my pounding pulse; I know because he left his lips there while he whispered, “You don’t want this Liz. I’ll complicate you. Your life.”

I groaned quietly. “Max…” I opened my eyes and looked up at him. “You would only make it better.”

I could see him struggling with himself but obviously one voice was louder then the other—he kissed me. I was surprised at first but overwhelmed more then anything.

His hands wove through my hair and his lips sucked on mine drawing them into his mouth. What an amazing kisser. I thought. I knew he would be. It felt so familiar, like I’d done this with him so many times.

When he pulled away we stared breathlessly at one another. I smiled which evoked one from him to as well. My heart leapt, he wanted this as much as I did.

Something serious suddenly came to mind and I said seriously, “Come to Egypt with me.”


When I got to my office I sat at my desk staring at my lap top screen blankly. She’d asked me to go to Egypt with her—I couldn’t believe it. I told her I’d have to think about it but I already knew there was no way in hell I would be able to say no.

I touched my hand to my lips and sighed loudly. I could have kissed her forever. It felt so right; it felt like I had done it a thousand times.

Because you have! A part of my mind screamed. I frowned and scratched at my eyes. I was over thinking this all. It was very frustrating and tiring.

“Max.” My secretary opened the door to my office and smiled. “I’m heading off.”

“Of course. I apologize for it being so late. See you later.”


I stayed at the office until late doing extra work that could have very easily been done in the morning. I didn’t want to go home. Where I would be by myself and she be would just down the hall hugging her pillow instead of me.

I did that for the rest of the week, staying late at the office and then going home early. I got a hell of a lot of work done and managed to avoid Liz. I think she wanted a moment to think things through as well. Although I’m pretty sure she didn’t have as much to worry about as I did.

I needed to ring my dad but I wasn’t looking forward to that conversation so I kept putting it off. On Friday evening my mom rang my cell phone.

“I heard about the engagement,” I told her. Doing my duty as a son I told her I was happy for her.

“I’m so glad love.” She spoke in Italian; it was weird for me because I hadn’t heard it in quite a while. I remembered it well and spoke it back. I knew she liked it when I used her first language so when I was young I always used then too.

“Mom I have a problem, do you mind?”

“Of course not. Is it a problem to do with being ‘different’?” she whispered the last part.

“Yes.” I closed my eyes and rested my elbows on the desk. Before continuing I glanced around to make sure I was alone and then spoke while rubbing my forehead. “There’s this woman…”

“Ah,” she said. She didn’t sound surprised, in fact it was if she expected it. “I see.”

“You and dad were so in love when you met but it broke you up…it will happen to me too,” I explained. “And I don’t know if I could live through it with Liz.”

“Darling, just because your father and I couldn’t do it doesn’t mean you can’t. I know you are afraid; you have every right to be. It isn’t safe for us and you know that too but do you really want to be alone for your whole life because you can’t take a risk?” I heard her sigh loudly. “You’ve been with women, you’ve had girlfriends and I know why you’ve never gotten serious. Your father knows and Isabel knows...”

“They don’t know. They don’t have this problem.”

“Max,” she said. “You love this woman?”

I closed my eyes and imagined her lying in bed at home, hair ruffled, lips parted, quiet breath…

“God yes,” I answered, “more then anything.”

“Tell her, be with her. You do trust her, yes?”

“Of course.” I imagined her looking up at me. “What ever it is,” she said, “I don’t care.” I swallowed. “But mom what about the risks…if we were ever discovered she would get hurt…not just by me but by the people that…”

“Max,” she cut me off. “Has it happened yet? You can’t tiptoe through life. It’s time you met someone you can be with, someone to make you happy.”

I heard footsteps. “I know…argh, why is my life so bloody complicated? People don’t know how lucky they are. I have to go…”

“Maybe later you’ll ring to tell me you are engaged too?”

I laughed. “Yeah maybe. Bye, take care of yourself.”

“You too.”

I glanced at my watch and wondered if it was too late to go and see Liz. It was the end of the week, she could be out or she could be at home in front of the fire. I closed my eyes briefly and imagined her warm and welcoming. She is offering me coffee and a spot next to her on the couch.

When I opened my eyes she was standing in front of me.


I left to see him at exactly nine-thirty. I put on something to rouse some memories of us from the past. Liz’s roommate did all but tie me to a chair when I left. What was with the interrogation exactly? Phew, I ended up yelling at her to leave me alone.

Outside the office a security man gave me much the same treatment. I sidled up close to him and ran my fingers through his beard. “I must insist you allow me upstairs,” I purred. “It is quiet urgent.” I licked my lips suggestively.

Why?” he asked.

“That really is none of your business,” I laughed femininely and ran my fingers down the buttons on his uniform. “But I suppose you are just doing your job…I may as well tell you.” I grinned, my eyes darkening. My hands slithered to my body and I ran my fingers down my sides to my hips. “I’m rather…aroused,” she said. “I need my colleague to ease me.”

His jaw dropped but he quickly regained his professional posture. “I am afraid that I can not allow that sort of indecent behaviour to take place in my building.”

“Is that right?” I grabbed his groin. “So if I were to…? You’d rather arrest me then let it happen?”

“Well, I…”

“That’s what I thought,” I said. “So you’ll excuse me.” I winked at him once and then strutted sexily past him and up the stairs.

I saw Zan before he saw me. Standing outside his glass office watching him, my desire built. He was sitting at a large wooden desk with his eyes closed and his head leaned back on his leather chair. He was wearing a blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the top few buttons undone.

I tiptoed inside and removed my jacket.

“Eva,” he said as soon as he opened his eyes.

I grinned and said as sultrily as possible, “King Zan.”

“I see you have slipped into something more revealing. Something more you.” His eyes roamed over my flesh. “I approve.”

“I’m sure you do.” I slipped out of my heels and walked around the desk towards him. “Zan…Zan…” When he tried to grab me I stepped backwards. “You will find a way to get Max to go to Nekhen won’t you?”

“I don’t need to, his mom, my mom, did already. I’m horrified you don’t have more faith in me love.”

“I have plenty of faith,” I told him. Stepping closer, I let him snake his arms around my waist. “Zan I want to go home.”

“In time,” he moaned and captured my mouth hungrily. He kissed me roughly and passionately, not softly and gently as Max kissed Liz. I pulled away.

“Gentle,” I whispered. “Put me on your lap.”

His eyes flared as he did as I asked.

“I love you,” I told him. “I wish I savour every breath you take.”

His hands stroked my face. “How?”

We discarded our lower garments and, with his hands grasping my ass I lowered myself onto him. We stared into each others eyes. “Like this…”


When I woke up I was stiff and sore and didn’t want to move. I pressed myself further into the embrace of—

And then I realized I wasn’t in my own bed! My eyes flung open and I frantically looked around. Max’s room. I was in Max’s room…in Max’s bed…with Max!

I frantically tried to remember if I had got drunk last night but I couldn’t remember anything past sitting in my room working on my laptop. Shit! I peaked under the covers and even more to my surprise I was butt naked.

Ohhh…so was he! I shifted my bottom so I could have a look at his…and then he woke up. I looked up and he was looking down at me...at first he smiled and then I think realization hit him because his eyes widened and his mouth fell open. How embarrassing!

“Oh my God,” he whispered. “Liz…what are you doing here?”

“Ah,” I was so red I had to cover my face with my hands so he wouldn’t see. “I-I-I have no idea.”

Did we had sex? It sure felt like it, my thighs were cramped and various ‘other spots’ were feeling…raw.

That is just wonderful, I finally made love to Max and I can’t even remember it.

He sat up and I frantically wrapped the sheet around my body to cover my nudity. “Did we—?”

I bit my lip. “I have no idea,” I repeated.

“I don’t remember seeing you last night? I was at the office. Did we get drunk or something?”

“I don’t remember,” I groaned. I peeked at him between my fingers and saw that he was looking down at me. What was that in his eyes? I removed my hands from my face. “I should go home.”

He nodded.

“Can you turn around?” I asked shyly.

He smiled. “Of course.”

I sat up and looked around for my clothes on the floor. I found a skimpy ‘transparent’ undergarment that I haven’t worn in years. I bit my lip.

“Is something wrong?” Max asked when I didn’t move.

I chuckled. “Yeah, no clothes.”

He swallowed. “Liz, this is really weird.”

“I know,” I whispered. “I wish I remembered.” When I saw a look of surprise flutter across his face I tried to correct myself. “I mean, you know-“

He nodded. “I understand.”

I tried not to let my obvious approval of his bare chest show in my eyes. I tried not to look but he was just so…wow. Getting brave, I said, “I hope we didn’t…’you know’…” even though I knew we must of because of the cramps. “Because that’s something I’d want to remember.”

His eye brows rose. “Oh…” We stared at each other for a moment and I reached out and slid my hand onto his shoulder. I didn’t know if he’d take the hint but he did. He leaned forward and captured my mouth with his own.

I moaned, “Max…”

One of his hands cupped my face and the other snaked around my waist. The sheet started to slip…

“Liz…” he whispered. Pulling away slightly he looked into my eyes. “I have to tell you something.”

I don’t know how I knew but somehow I did. Somehow I knew what he was going to say. “You don’t have to tell me,” I told him.

“Yes I do.”

“You don’t,” I said, “because I already know.”
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 214
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm

Post by nicola »

Wow you guys are patient, and wonderful (You know it's true, you are all so great)
and also you have so many questions that I desperately want to answer but can't at the moment but will in due time. I apaologize in advance for the lack of nookie. I suddenly found myself profoundly incapable of writing anything worse then R. I hope you like it anyway.

NINE Oh you probably won't remember me
It's probably ancient history
I'm one of the chosen few
Who went ahead and fell for you

I looked at her sceptically. “What do you know?”

She swallowed. “That you aren’t from around here.”

I noticed that she couldn’t catch my eye. My heart was beating rapidly.

She continued, “That you aren’t from this planet.”

I let out the large puff of air that I hadn’t realized I was holding. I suddenly felt sick.

“That you aren’t,” she finally caught my eyes, “human.”

I ran my hand through my hair and went to get up from the bed. My rear was revealed to her before I remembered my state of dress. Well, my lack of state of dress.

She reached onto the floor and grabbed the pants I had been wearing yesterday. I put my legs over the side of the bed and tugged them on quickly.

There was no way I could continue to sit still now.

“How…” I turned away from her and looked out my window. “How could you know that?”

She was silent for a moment. “I have no idea. I should be asking you how could you be that. But I already know the answer.”

“You don’t,” I said, panicking now. “You can’t know that. I never told you.” When I turned to look at her I could tell she was upset and confused and I wasn’t making it better by getting annoyed. I tried to calm down. She wouldn’t tell anyone. “Liz.”

She was looking at my blue bedspread.


“Max, how many are there of you?”


How many?

“We don’t know. My mom and I are the only ones left.”

She was quiet, she seemed to be processing, remembering. “There used to be a lot.”

I walked towards her. “That’s impossible.” How did she know that? I didn’t even know that.

“You’ve told me before,” she said looking up at me. Her eyes softened. “Max, tell me everything. You can trust me, you know that. I would never tell anyone.”

My hands clenched. “You don’t want to know.”

She reached out and took my hands. “Show me. Refresh my memory.”

Everything she was saying made sense to me somehow. She did know, but how? It was as if we’d known each other before. Before when? This was too much for me, I sat down on the side of the bed.

She smiled reassuringly, still clasping the sheet to her chest.

“There is a generation of us leading back as long as anyone can remember. We don’t know how our people first got here or why. They are…aliens, like me.”

“Aliens,” she rolled it around on her tongue, tasting it again. “Alien.”

“My mom’s mom was one too but she died giving birth and so we don’t know anything else.”

“Have you ever tried to find more out? What about your grandfather? He must know something?” She stroked my arms up and down.

“I’ve never met him, neither has my mom. No one knows anything. All we know is what we feel to be right. What do you know?” I figured if she knew this much without me telling her, she could know something else.

“Nothing, I’m sorry. All I know is what you are,” she seemed genuinely sorry. She didn’t need to be. “I feel like I know a lot…I have this notion that there was a whole township of ‘aliens’. You were all living on earth.”

I breathed in loudly. “I wish I knew how you knew that. Or, right now I would settle for how you got here and why we are both…”


I nodded. I was brought back to reality suddenly; I had a naked Liz Parker in my bed. Wow. Why was I questioning how she got there? I should be thanking my lucky stars.

“Max, if you are different—is your sister too?”

“No, she is adopted,” I replied.

“Oh,” she mumbled. “Do you mind me knowing?”


We stared each other for a long moment.

“You can’t have got it from me,” I thought.

“Hmm?” she seemed fazed and then suddenly knew, “Oh right, as in sort of transmitting it into my head from yours?”

How did she know I could do that? This was very worrying. “Yeah…”

“You can only do it by touching me…” she said, remembering.

I blinked. “It can’t have come from me, I apparently don’t know as much as you. There was never a township that I know of.”

“Max,” she said quietly, “do you think my knowing this about you has anything to do with our loss of memory from last night?”

“Your guess is as good as mine,” I said lamely.

She opened her mouth to say something and before I knew it I was kissing her passionately. I couldn’t help myself, the sight of her like this—hair slightly ruffled from sleep and flushed cheeks. Now that she knew my secret I felt I had nothing to hold me back from doing what I had desperately wanted to do since the moment I first saw her.

Her arms went around me and she leaned back and pulled me on top of her. I wasn’t a fool, I knew what she wanted. I needed to be sure of something first.

I sat up slightly. “You don’t mind?”

Staring into my eyes, she pulled the sheet down to her hips—revealing her beautiful body to me. “I already told you,” she whispered taking my lips in between hers. “I don’t care.”


It was the amazing moment of my life. When he made love to me…wow. It was explosive and…absolutely perfect.

He kissed me over, worshipped me all over, just like in my dreams. He seemed to have grown extra hands. He made me feel incredible and…loved.

I hadn’t had sex in quite a while and to feel him inside of me…I had to wonder if it had always been this good?

I knew that he wanted me as much as I wanted him but the rational part of my mind was fearful and apprehensive about the recent information I possessed. I wasn’t scared and worried that he could hurt me or be dangerous; I subconsciously knew that Max would never ever lay an angry hand on me. I was just worried about how the knowledge got there to begin with.

Another reason for my worry was that his touches, the feel of him—it all seemed so familiar. I recognized it as if we had been this way with one another on so many occasions. I wondered if it seemed that way for him also.

We lay together afterwards, kissing softly, enjoying each others bodies. He had his arms wrapped around me, I felt so safe…and content.

It was during this moment when we were talking softly to one another that Murphy made an appearance. He stood in the door way and barked.

“Someone’s hungry,” I whispered, smiling.

“Someone can wait,” he said and held me closer. “Liz…I need to know how.”

“So do I,” I told him. “I wish I could tell you.”

“It isn’t possible that you just knew.” He didn’t sound worried or annoyed; I suspect he was just confused. I was too, but I was too happy to let it ruin this moment.

I tilted my head so I could kiss him.

“I need to go to work,” he mumbled.

“No,” I moaned. “Call in sick.”

The bed shifted and Murphy climbed across our legs. “Go away,” Max groaned. “Feed yourself. Walk yourself.”

I chuckled quietly.

He moved my hair aside and pressed his mouth to my neck. “I’m sorry; I don’t want to go—”

“I understand.”

He stared into my eyes intently, as if he was seeing someone else. “I am glad you know,” he said.

I smiled. “I’m glad I know too.”

“You don’t have any questions for me? You aren’t…worried about what I am?”

I shook my head. “No.” He seemed amazed by this. “I know you wouldn’t jeopardize my safety, it’s not in your character.”

“I’m glad you have so much faith in me,” he said, clearly very pleased. He was silent for a moment. “We’ll figure out the rest. How could we not? Half of us is a world famous researcher.”

I laughed. “I don’t know about the world famous part.”

“You will be eventually. You’ll discover the story of Nekhbet and Wosret and tell the world.”

“Yes, the miraculous Egyptians and their secret ways,” I mumbled. I wanted to ask him if he’d decided whether or not he would come with me to Egypt but I didn’t want to push him.

“I have to get ready to go,” he said regretfully.

I nodded.

He got up in all his naked glory and walked across the room. All I could think was wow. I mean woooooow.

He pulled on some track pants and Murphy ran after him towards the kitchen.

“Max,” I called, “do you have a shirt—?”

He came back into the room a second later and nodded. “Yeah of course, here you go.” He dug into a draw, pulled out a black long sleeved shirt and then threw it to me. “I have a sweater if you’re cold?”

I sat up and pulled it over my head. “This will do.”

He yawned. “Do you want coffee?” His eyes were so warm and loving. He was so warm and loving.


When he left the room I tugged on the skimpy underwear I apparently had been wearing last night and hurried after him. I wonder if he gave me a shirt that only just covered my ass on purpose.

“I have to have a quick shower,” he said hesitantly after he had filled the jug with water. I imagine he didn’t know whether he should invite me to come with him or not. I grinned to myself when naughty images came to mind.

“Alright, I’ll make breakfast,” I offered. Maybe it was a bit soon to be that comfortable with one another.

He raised his eye brows.

“What?” I smiled.

“I can’t remember the last time I had someone make me breakfast. When I was living with my mom, most likely.”

“But you haven’t lived with your mom since you were fourteen,” I remembered.

“Exactly,” he said as he backed towards the bathroom.

“Do you want me to feed Murphy?”

“If you want to, thanks.”

I made scrambled eggs with toast and was just finishing up when he came back into the room buttoning his work shirt. He has got to be the most gorgeous man on the planet. He came up behind me just as I was turning around with two plates in my hands.

“Looks good,” he said and then kissed me hotly. Why did I have the feeling he wasn’t talking about the food? I smiled against his mouth. He smelt so nice, like water and masculine shampoo and aftershave.

He took the plates from my hands and I had to give myself a moment to catch my breath before I followed him to the bench. I sat on one side and he sat on the other facing me.

Murphy fell asleep next to the fridge. “I think there is something wrong with your dog,” I commented.

“Why do you say that?” he asked and automatically glanced at Murphy.

“He’s very lazy,” I replied and scooped some egg into my mouth.

He chuckled. “I think that’s my fault. It’s hard to find a moment to walk him.”

When we were nearly finished eating I thought of something and asked, “Max, does your parent’s divorce have anything to do with your being ‘different’?”

He pulled his coffee cup away from his lips and put it down on the bench. “Hmm,” he mumbled, “yes it does.” He seemed reluctant to talk about it. “My mom didn’t tell my dad about being ‘different’ for years after they’d been married. He always said that it didn’t bother him but I know that he was just too hurt that she hadn’t trusted him.”

“You don’t think it freaked him out?”

“Well maybe it did at the time, but he is getting old now and has resigned caring about anything.” He shrugged and got up to clear the plates. “He hasn’t married again but he’s dated on and off again. Did I tell you Isabel grew up with my mom in Italy?”

“No,” I said, “she did? Does she know what you are?”

“She doesn’t know, we never told her. She doesn’t need to know. She was more attached to mom that’s why she stayed in Italy.” He glanced at his watch and then grabbed his tie off the couch. “Will you ring me today? I have a few appointments but I’ll have my cell on me.”

“Okay.” I watched him fix his tie in place with the fluency of a man who does it every day.

“You can stay here as long as you like,” he said while he tugged on his suit jacket.

I pulled my legs up to my chest and rested my chin on my knees. “I can walk Murphy if you’d like?”

A smile graced his face. “Of course, if you get a chance. He’d love that,” he paused, “I’d love that.”

Our parting was slightly uncomfortable, as uncomfortable as anyone would be after their first intimate encounter. He kissed me and ran his hand through my hair. “Have a good day.”

“You too.”

“I hate to leave after,” he started to blush cutely, “…after…well, what happened.”

I smiled. “I won’t think lesser of you for it.”


God what a day. I was bombarded with work the second I got in the office door. You’d think that after working late every day this week I’d have gained some leeway but apparently it doesn’t work that way.

Every time I got stressed out all I needed to do was think of Liz wearing my shirt and leaning over the kitchen sink so her round bottom peaked out under the too-big-for-her fabric.

I was anxious to go to Egypt with her now. Before I was insecure, worrying about my secret and trying to keep my hands off her, but now I had no reason to worry. The whole thing felt rather surreal to me.

Isabel rang me again to tell me (‘again’) that I should go and see my father and tell him about the engagement. It was out of the question to ask mom to do it, she could talk to him sometimes about normal things but, for reasons I am ignorant of, can’t tell him this. I told Isabel I would be going to Egypt soon and she demanded to know why, when and with who. Quickly before I hanged up I said, “Because I want to, in one month, and with Liz—my friend.” I didn’t think it would be right to call her my girlfriend just yet, and even if I could, I wouldn’t because there would be such a fuss that I do not need.

I looked at my schedule and decided I could go and see my father in California next weekend. I didn’t want to go, really. Glancing at the clock, I wondered when Liz was going to ring. I wanted to see her, I wanted to explore this new something we had.

I felt like paradise had been handed to me all at once.


When I got home I expected Jane to ask me where I had been but she didn’t. This was incredibly bizarre.

“Jane?” I looked right at her and know she saw me. “Jane?” I repeated louder.

She was in the kitchen and was doing her absolute best to ignore me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, “What have I done?”

She huffed and slammed the fridge door.

“Jane?” Sometimes she can be so damn immature. “What’s wrong?”

She never had been good at giving the silent treatment. “You are such a bloody cow! You know exactly what’s wrong. Why don’t you just grow up?”

Grow up? I thought, I’m not the one who needs to grow up.

“I’ll talk to you again when you get rid of your stupid ‘holier-than-thou’ attitude.” She pushed past me and went over to the couch to watch television.

“What attitude?” I finally asked, “I just got home.”

“I’m talking about last night you fool,” Jane said angrily.

“What about last night? I don’t even remember last night.”

“Well that would be right wouldn’t it?” she finally turned all her attention to me. “You didn’t have to be so much of a bitch you know, you could have just said you didn’t want to tell me.”

“Tell you what?” I asked, completely puzzled.

“Where you were going!” she screamed.

Where was I going? To Max’s? Humph, I suddenly had a headache.

“What on earth did I do?” I wondered out loud.
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Post by nicola »

Hi everyone, they'll go to egypt soon, I promise :roll: Hi to those of you who just found this! thanks for stopping by and leaving FB!


I went to see Liz after work. When I knocked on the door Jane answered and I casually asked for Liz. She motioned me in and walked away without saying anything.

Liz was sitting at the table with books spread out around her. When she turned to look at me, she took off her glasses and smiled.

“Hi,” she said, “how was work?” Something in her eyes told me she was upset.

“Long and boring,” I answered. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was incredibly beautiful. I wanted to kiss her, could I? She wouldn’t mind—I pressed my mouth to hers quickly.

When I pulled away I asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Jane,” she answered quietly and looked behind me. Jane was in earshot so she took my arm and led me into the bedroom. After closing the door behind us, she said, “When I got home Jane started screaming at me for something I did last night and as you know—I don’t remember last night. She won’t tell me what I did because she won’t believe that I can’t remember.”

Oh man. “I’m sorry; this has got to be my fault in some way.”

The corners of her mouth twitched upwards. “Why would this be your fault?”

“Because this whole memory-loss ordeal is bound to have something to do with my being ‘different’ and I don’t want to screw up your life. That is exactly what I didn’t want to do.” I suddenly hated who I was—funny that, considering I’d just spent the first day in my like when I hadn’t cared.

She put her hand on my chest. “Don’t think that way Max; there is nothing bad about being different. When I was in High school—and college for that matter—it was cool to be different.” She smiled, “I don’t blame you.”

Suddenly the front door slammed. Liz asked, “Do you think that means she’s gone?”

“I’d say yes.”

She walked over to the door and poked her head out to look around. When she closed it again and looked at me she said, “Okay then, I’m gonna go ahead and get naked.”

My eyes brows must have climbed so high up my forehead that they disappeared into my hair. “Oh,” I said feigning class, “yes please.”


I don’t think that we officially needed to announce to each other how we felt. It was obvious.

We lay together in my room with my bedside lamp on and talked about everything, anything. He had managed to make me feel better about the whole Jane-thing.

“I have to go to California for a few days next weekend,” he told me as he lay on his back. The blanket rested low on his body revealing his incredible form to me. I lay on my side next to him with my hands under my cheek.

“To see your father?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he rolled his head to look at me, “Liz I want to—”

He was cut off by the telephone ringing. We both sighed.

“Just one second,” I said and leaned over him to grab the phone. My bare chest pressed against his bare chest and it felt so nice I decided to stay there.

“Jack! Hi.”

“Liz, Jesus you have to travel you have no idea what you are missing out on.” I could hear loud party music playing in the background.

“Jack…as glad as I am to hear from you—this really isn’t a good time.”

“WHAT?! What could possibly be more important then me? What kind of a sister are you?”

“A bad one,” I admitted. Max was stroking my hair. “I’ll ring you tomorrow.”


“You too. Bye.” I hung up and focused my attention back on Max. I kissed him and slowly eased my lower body onto his.

“Brother?” I heard him whisper into my mouth.

“Hmm.” I felt his hands run down my back. His hands were so warm and soft against my skin.

I had dreamed about this. There wasn’t a single scenario that I hadn’t conjured up in my mind on many occasions.

Although, never, and I mean NEVER, had I imagined it would be this fantastic.


It was only just nine so we went out for dinner and then when we came back we went to my place because Jane had people over.

We were lying in the dark, about to fall asleep when Liz said, “Today when I was reading up on Egyptian culture I found out some interesting things.”

“Oh yeah?” I tried not to drift off so I could hear what she had to say.

She shifted so her head was on my chest and her arms were around my waist. “The Egyptians saw death as a brief interruption.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“They thought that life continued after death,” she said clearer.

“Oh, right.”

“Yeah…most Egyptian religion was dominated by this thing called the funerary cult, I’m just assuming, but I think they were rather obsessed with death. They aspired to an afterlife that was a continuation of their existence on earth in practically every way. They reserved their social status, family connections and even their physical possessions.”

“Well what did they think happened when they ‘came back’?”

She yawned. “They thought the spirit would inhabit another physical body and live on earth again or live an eternal existence in the murky underworld.”

I processed the information in my mind. “That’s kind of…spooky…but…”

“But idealistic? Imagine knowing you would come back...” she pressed her lips to my skin. “The book said that the concept of judgement accompanied death and determined the future of the soul. A tribunal of gods or angels awaited the deceased to weigh up their conduct.”

I swallowed. “So the sinful Egyptians went to the underworld?”

“Well no,” she said, “it depends on if they prepared themselves for the journey through to the underworld with the proper rituals and incarnations. If they didn’t, death was just simply a termination. But if they did and the gods decided they weren’t worthy of another existence no one really knows what happened to them.”

I was silent for a moment.

“They had huge ceremonies when they died too. They put the corpse on a boat in the middle of the Nile and then in front of a shrine to be hauled on a sled drawn by oxen to the Valley of the Kings. Priests scattered offerings of milk and burned incense. There was something else…I can’t remember…I know there was dancing in front of the tombs and the priest read out spells.”

“That’s…” completely familiar? I shuttered. “How about we don’t talk about this anymore…it’s unsettling.”

“I know what you mean.”

When she fell asleep I lay awake for a long time listening to the rhythm of her breathing. I thought about many things, especially about how soon I could ask her to marry me. This made me chuckle, it would probably scare her to death if out of the blue I confessed my absolute love and devotion to her. Not this soon…but it didn’t mean I couldn’t feel the tingling in my chest whenever I saw her.

I didn’t have to work in the morning so I was free to stay in bed with her as long as possible. Our legs were tangled through one another’s and I had my arms tightly around her.

She wasn’t awake when I heard the front door open at eleven-thirty.

“Max!” Maria’s boisterous voice called through the apartment, “I brought breakfast. Where are you?”

I eased my way off the bed, careful not to wake Liz, and pulled on some pants.

“You aren’t still in bed are you?”

I closed the bedroom door behind me. “Maria, you are making me regret giving you a key.”

“Oh you know it,” she grinned. After eyeing me she said, “looking good there Maxie.”

I looked out on the veranda to see where Murphy was. He was licking his paws under the dark grey sky.

“I brought pastries! And I thought I’d make coffee.” She put the brown paper bag on the bench and picked up the kettle. “There is chocolate covered or custard and coconut or apple.”

“Smells delicious,” I said, “you brought a lot I see.”

“Of course,” she said, “you know as well as I do that we are the biggest pigs on the planet.” She grabbed two coffee cups and I opened my mouth to tell her to make it three…

“Oh,” Liz said standing in the doorway of my bedroom, “Hello.”

Maria was shocked.

“Liz, you remember Maria? Maria you remember…”

“I remember,” Maria snapped, “Liz was the one you were ‘helping out’ with something?”

Liz blushed.

“Well at least someone is using that robe I got you for Christmas last year,” Maria said, “Liz…won’t you join us for breakfast?”

“Ah…” Liz shifted uncomfortably, “I can leave if you’d like.”

“No, no,” Maria said, “stay, I’d love to meet the girl who is apparently holding Max’s interest at the moment.”

I looked at her apologetically and motioned her back into the room so we could talk privately.

“I’m sorry,” I said, “I forgot Maria sometimes comes around for breakfast on Sunday’s because Michael works late and needs the house to sleep—”

She smiled. “Max, what are you apologizing for? It’s fine. But, ah…would you mind if I had a really quick shower?”

“No of course not,” I said, “let me get you a towel.”

“Thank you.”

As I opened the linen cupboard I frantically tried to think of something to say to express how much I was feeling at that moment. I wanted to tell her that these past few days had been the best of my life but I couldn’t think of anything to say that would do my feelings justice.

She seemed to know what I was thinking because she said quietly, “I know,” and we kissed slowly and passionately—lingering longer then we should have.

When she headed towards the bathroom I said, “Use what ever you like.”

She smiled, “Thanks.”

Out in the kitchen Maria was sitting at the table with three cups of steaming coffee sitting around her. I sat down next to her and waited, I knew how this conversation would go.

“Care to explain?” she was grinning.

“Not really,” I answered. We looked at one another.

“Tell me about her, she seems nice enough.”

I couldn’t find the words to sum up Liz’s wonderfulness in one sentence. I tried anyway, “She’s…perfect.”

“Do you love her?” she asked, “because that would be…wonderful.”

I scratched my forehead. “I don’t have much experience so it’s not an expert opinion. But I can say—”

“Tell me what it feels like and I’ll tell you if it’s love,” Maria said.

“It feels like…”I tried to picture Liz in my mind, whimpering underneath me as I made love to her, laughing at something I’d said, “like there aren’t enough hours in the day for me to be with her.”

Maria smiled.

“Like…I’ve known her longer then I’m aware of. Like I’ve found her again after so many years and now I can’t ever let her go again.”

“The last bit’s a little weird. Max, does she know your secret?”

I felt my heart flutter as I answered, “Yeah,” I said, “she does.”


I didn’t mean to over hear their conversation. I was just heading back to his bedroom to get something when I heard Maria speak.

Max loves me! A huge smile seeped over my lips when I heard what he said and I couldn’t sop grinning when I was standing in the shower.

The best part was…I felt the exact same way.

During breakfast I got to know Maria. She is a pretty nice person. She owns a local CD shop and by the way she talked about her husband I could tell she really loved him. After eating I decided to leave so I wouldn’t interfere on anymore of their time together. Besides, I had laundry to do.

Max walked me out and kissed me goodbye. “I’ll ring you later,” he told me.

I just smiled and nodded.

When I got home I was almost too afraid to go inside to the angry Jane. Luckily she was still in bed so I managed to get in and out again without running into her. After I’d done my laundry I went to moms for lunch and sat in front of their large fireplace when it started to rain. I decided I wouldn’t tell them about Max…originally I was going to but then when mom asked if I had a boyfriend yet and I just groaned.

I rang Jack on mom’s phone in the afternoon.

“Trying to built our power bill up, are we?” dad joked.

“Better yours then mine,” I teased back. Jack had a lot to say and I was glad to be talking to him but he seemed to have picked up on a bad habit from mom because he asked, “So is there a relationship on the horizon?”

I figured since he wasn’t here it would be alright to tell him about Max. He was overly excited for me and said that he might fly home just to meet him. That’s when I brought up Egypt. “I asked Max to come,” I announced, “but he hasn’t told me if he will or not yet.”

“I bet he will,” Jack said.

“Will you come?” I asked, “I plan to leave in two weeks.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Jack said, “you can count on it. It’s about to get FREEZING here. The hot Egyptian dessert just might be exactly what I need.”

“Good. I better go now, I’ve spent enough of dad’s money already, get in touch with me again if you decide to come.”

“I will. Good luck with Maxie! Love you.”

Later that night I made Jane dinner and apologized for whatever I had done. She seemed satisfied and gave me a little hug.

“Please don’t ever act like that again,” she said.

“Okay.” I had to fight to keep myself from asking, ‘acting like what?’
100% Pure New Zealand Beef