A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) Completed 1/23

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Re: A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) A/N 8/13

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, so this is my first part in a while and I wanted to thank you for all the lovely feedback for my A/N’s about my sister. The cancer has unfortunately spread, but thankfully she will only need 5 weeks of radiotherapy and chemo, but sadly the radiotherapy will ruin any chances she has of having a baby so she will be meeting with fertility Doc’s to see what they can do as she is only 28 and may want children in the future.
Anyway, hope you like my new part! Feedback is always welcomed and appreciated.

Part 10

That night, Liz sat on Maxie’s couch, everyone else was asleep and her big sister had disappeared a few hours ago claiming she had something to take care.
She had cuddle up next to Biggs after taking a long hot shower, but unfortunately her shark DNA was preventing her from slumber so she had waited for her lover to fall asleep before crawling out of the bed and now here she was, watching an extremely old movie on her big sisters TV.

Liz moved her eyes to the door frame of the bedroom, not surprised to see Biggs standing there with a small smile resting upon his gorgeous face. She had heard his breathing speed up and heard him get out of the creaky bed, but was content to just let him watch her for a few minutes. Patting the spot beside her, she watched as her mate dressed only in boxers, moved towards her, muscles shifting beneath his skin.
He sat down, pulling her to him as she rested her head over his heart, loving the sound it’s beating made. Liz closed her eyes, trailing her nails softly up and down his side as his voice penetrated his thoughts.

“What you thinking about?” Biggs asked, tightening the grip he had around her waist.

“The baby.” She replied honestly, before he had woken, her thoughts had been filled with the child growing inside of her.

Her boyfriend moved his hand over her protruding belly, and a larger smile creeping onto his face as he did so. “And?” He wanted to know what had given her the glow that he had noticed as he watched her.

“I like the name Riley for a girl, and Tristan for a boy.” She mumbled sleepily, her DNA finally allowing her to fall into a slumber so deep that, she didn’t feel Biggs carry her back through to the bedroom, pulling her back into his arms as he kissed her gently on the lips before falling back asleep himself.


So, love it? Hate it? Let me know.

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Re: A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) Prt10 9/4

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, thanks for all your kind thoughts for my sister. She’s starting her treatment soon, something we are all very thankful for.
So, here’s my new part. I’ve tried to make it longer as part 10 was really short. Sorry about that again. Hope you like my new part, remember feedback is always welcome and appreciated!

Part 11

Liz turned to Max, a small teary smile placed on her face.
Today was the day they were all headed to New Mexico, hoping to be in Roswell by that night. Over the last few days that they had been in Seattle with her big sister, the two had gotten extremely close, so much so that Liz had asked Max to join them on their journey, but her sister had just shook her head and told her that it would have to be another time.

Behind her she heard Alec and Cece get into the spacious car Max had somehow found for them. Biggs stood a few steps to her left, leaning silently up against it, respecting that the siblings were saying goodbye to each other.
Liz walked quickly to her sister, wrapping her arms tightly around the girl, but making sure that her bump or ‘baby Boo’ as Original Cindy had nicknamed it wasn’t squashed in the process. Spotting Logan in the background, she whispered into Max’s ear that she would always be welcome in Roswell, her sister’s reply was silent, tightening her arms around her.

Pulling back, Liz placed a kiss on her sister cheek, before sending a polite yet forced nod in Logan’s direction, glaring as he smiled widely at her.
Finally she turned to Biggs, silently telling him that it was time to go, her boyfriend smiled at her, kissing her sweetly on the lips before going round to the drivers side of the car and getting in.
Liz followed his actions, getting into the passenger side, rolling down the window to wave at her sister as they set off for New Mexico.


A few hours later they stopped at a gas station on the ground that Cece was hungry. Biggs then decided that they should get some stuff to keep them going if they wanted to be in Roswell for a reasonable time that night. The two of them went in together, leaving Alec and Liz alone in the car together.


Liz didn’t even get to 1 before Alec had jumped into the drivers seat turning to her with the look in his eyes. The look that said ‘your not going to like what I’m about to ask, but I’m going to do it anyway’. Rolling her eyes, she turned to him, mentally preparing herself for some stupid questions.

“So, what’s the deal with Max and Logan?” He asked, and Liz literally felt her eyes bulge before she finally answered.

“They used to be really tight, practically in love with each other.” She started, wincing as sadness, jealousy and something she couldn’t identify flickered across his eyes. “But, ever since trying to take down Manticore, she’s noticed a difference in him. A difference that she doesn’t like. Why?” She asked, an eyebrow lifted in curiosity.

Then something happened to him, that she thought Alec would never do. Something that had her blinking a few times to make sure she wasn’t imagining it. Alec was blushing!

“No reason, just wondering.” He shrugged, looking towards where Biggs and Cece were heading back towards the car, carrying a few bags each. “She was hot.” He smirked as he started towards the back seat again.

But before he could get there, Liz grabbed him by his ear and pulled him towards her so that he would hear her real good.
“Look, I love you okay? You’re practically my brother. But Max is my sister and I don’t want her hurt. So, I will kill you if you even think about playing her like one of the girls you had on your missions okay?” Alec quickly nodded, gulping as he felt a sliver of fear run through him, she might be tiny and pregnant but damn Liz could intimidate.

She nodded her head, letting him go as Biggs opened his door, Cece following suit in the back. She sent a wide smile in his direction as he looked at her with a confused face. Shrugging her shoulders innocently, she rested her head against the window as they set off again.


So this part was a bit longer wasn’t it? Did you like it, please let me know.
Last edited by LizNdAlec4eva on Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) Prt11...9/21

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, sorry it’s taken so long to get this update done! RL has been kicking my butt, between school and my sister being in and out of hospital, I’ve hardly had time to write.
Although I do have another fic (see my sig!!) that should be posted in the next few days after I have updated on my two already up.

Thanks for all the feedback, hope you like this new part too!

Part 12

As they drove past the ‘Welcome to Roswell’ sign, Liz felt relieved and nervous at the same time. Glancing at Biggs, she sent him a quick smile, which he returned before tightening the grip he had on her hand, silently sending love and support to her.

Turning round in her seat to ask why Cece and Alec had gone so quiet in the last few hours after they had spent most of the journey bickering about Alec’s constant need to stop at nearly every place selling food that they had passed. His argument - he had lived for 24 years on the crap in Manticore, now he was making up for it.
She was surprised to see Cece sleeping and Alec gazing silently out the window. Liz had expected to see Cece leaning against him, using him as her living pillow, but instead they sat at opposite sides of the car both leant against their windows.

Her brows raising slightly in confusion, she turned back to her mate, when she felt him tug slightly on her hand.

“Where to?” He asked as he stopped at a red light.

Closing her eyes, it was early morning, the sun just rising over the buildings in the distance. Sparing a glance at the digital clock on the car’s radio, she saw that it was just a little before 6a.m.
There was a 99% chance that Kyle was already up, no doubt working out like he usually did before school. But it was a lot less likely for her parents to be up, they were usually just up when she was about to leave in the mornings, which she understood, because they were up late most nights doing paperwork or cleaning up the Crashdown, even if they were opening up early the next morning.

Deciding to go with the one most likely to be up, and taking the chance to finally see her baby brother for the first time in months, Liz told him the directions to the Valenti’s house, a rush of excitement and anticipation running through her at the sight of seeing Kyle again after their months of separation.


Biggs did as he was told, turning to the left as the familiar rush of jealousy ran through him at the thought of his woman being excited about seeing another male.
He knew it was stupid, Kyle was Liz’s little brother, she didn’t have any romantic feelings toward him. But with him taking her as his mate, and the fact that she was carrying his child, it made him more protective, more possessive than ever before. It was as if his primal instincts were telling him to stop the car, get out, throw Liz over his shoulder and lock her away until their baby had been born.

Deep down though, he knew that the jealousy and the selfishness he felt towards Liz was due to the fact that the only man she had had a real relationship with before him was in the town, that a any given moment they could run into him. Biggs didn’t want him near his woman or their unborn child and he would do anything to keep him at a distance.

Liz was his, he knew it, she knew it, and soon, Max Evans would know it.


Liz could feel the conflict going on in her mate head, but she just didn’t know what it was about. He had been acting off for the last few hours, but as soon as they had rolled into Roswell he had become even more distracted.

It bothered her that something was bothering Biggs, he was usually so vocal, letting everyone know what his opinion was - unless it was to a superior in Manticore, he wasn’t stupid and knew when to keep his mouth shut.

She hated that he wasn’t sharing with her, and as she tightened her grip on his hand further, she swore to herself that she would get it out of him, even if she had to get Alec in on it too.

The car slowing to a stop brought her to a stop, she didn’t even realise they were there. But as she looked out the window, the familiar, comforting sight of Jim’s house in front of them, she couldn’t stop the grin from sliding onto her face.

Turning to face the back, she tapped both occupants of the seat, gaining their attention as they stretched slightly, their muscles sore from sitting in the same position for so long, Liz informed them that they were at Kyle’s.

Getting out of the car, she heard the others doing the same and started for the door. Waiting until the other three had caught up with her, she raised her fist, knocking a few times on the wood.
A few second later, it swung open revealing a topless Kyle, his face changing from frustrated and angry for being bothered so early to one of shock and confusion.

Waving her still raised hand, Liz grinned.

“Hey baby-brother.”


I’m so mean I know!! So, what did you think?? Let me know.

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Re: A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) A/N...11/20

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys. So, I finally got my laptop fixed after getting my brother to order me a part off the internet. II hope to finish both this fic and A Transgenic In Ipswich so that I can focus on others.
Unfortunately I won’t be able to update as regularly as I want, what with school and Christmas. But I do hope to update at least once every couple of weeks.

Thanks for all the wonderful feedback, hope you like this new part just as much.

Part 13

“So,” Kyle started still stunned by all the new information being processed “you survived the shot?”

“Yeah.” Liz answered from her spot across from her baby brother at the kitchen table.

“And you were given a breeding partner?” He didn’t even want to think about his sister and breeding in a sentence together.

“Yeah.” She felt heat rising in her cheeks, Liz really didn’t want Kyle thinking about her like that.

“And, now your pregnant.” He finished with a breathy voice, still not quite believing that she was here, even as he sat across the table from her.

“Pretty Much.” She finished in a casual voice, it wasn’t that much of a shock to her anymore.

Liz was a bit worried as he just sat there, once again in silence. It had been that way after she had caught him up with everything that had happened.
Sharing a look with Biggs, who stood, leaning against the counter to the left of her. Just as she was about to ask him to get Kyle a drink of water, her baby brother started chuckling which escalated into a full blown laughing fit.

“Sweetie, are you okay?” She asked him after he calmed a bit. She had never seen Kyle like this before and it scared her slightly.

“Yes.” He answered, before continuing after a brief pause. “I just pictured the look on Max’s face when he finds out.”

Smiling, she understood, when her ex found out about her new ‘developments’ it would be humorous to watch the tips of his ears turn red as the anger built up.

“As funny as that is, are you really okay?”

“Lizzie, I just want you to be safe and happy. You deserve it more than anyone else on this planet.” Kyle reached across the wooden table to grasp his sisters hand, squeezing it slightly to emphasis his words. “Know that I will always be there for you and will always be on your side.”

“This is getting too emotional for me!” Liz chuckled through the tears gathering in her eyes, her hormones were acting up a lot more now that she was further on in her pregnancy.

“So, I’m going to be an Uncle huh?” Her baby brother asked, a proud smile placed upon his face.

She didn’t even stop the laughter that same with the question.


“Hi.” Biggs’ voice broke her from her thoughts as she stood in the Valenti’s backyard. Kyle had headed to school not that long along, only after Liz forced him out the door declaring that she would still be in town when he got home.

Smiling at her boyfriend, she let out a long sigh as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, hands placed over her expanding belly.

“We’re going to be fine.” He comforted her with only a few words as if knowing that she had been worrying about how everyone else was going to react to her reappearance and the news of her pregnancy. “We’re going to get through this, together.”

Liz knew there and then, that it didn’t matter if people weren’t happy for her. She was the happiest she had ever been. She was home, with the man she loves and with a healthy baby growing inside of her and that was all she could wish for.

Leaning back into his large, warm body she spoke only two words. “I know.”


So what did you think??

I have decided that this fic is nearing an end. So, the next part will be my last - The Epilogue, where hopefully everything that I’ve left out in the jump will be covered. This fic has been so fun to write, and I got to one of the first people to write a Biggs/Liz story!! Hope you’ve all enjoyed it, and thank you so much for all the wonderful feedback.

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Re: A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) A/N - 12/29

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys. So, this is the last part for my fic A Prom Interrupted. It doesn’t seem that long ago since I was post my Prologue, wondering what you guys would think.
I want to thank you all for the wonderful feedback, you guys are awesome! I’m sad to see A Prom Interrupted end, but it does mean that hopefully, I’ll be posting a new fic and starting all over again!

So glad you’ve all enjoyed reading this fic as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it.

Epilogue - 1 Year Later

Tiny hands clasped in her own, she stood guiding her daughter as she walked along the carpet of the Deluca’s living room. The whole gang were gathering to celebrate Maria’s 18th birthday, something Liz had done herself only a few weeks previously.

Smiling, she watched as her baby girl let go of her hands, only to latch onto the sofa, giggling wildly as she looked around the room.
At eight months old, Amelia was already a little heartbreaker with her fathers eyes, but the rest of her all Liz. Dressed in a pink t-shirt, a denim overall dress covering most of it and her feet clad in a pair of cream baby Ugg boots, the little girl had never looked cuter.

Looking up at the door as it opened, Liz watched as Max, Isabel and Alex arrived. Smiling at them all, she watched them go over to Maria wishing her a happy birthday. Standing up, she melted as she watched Amelia hold her arms up, an indication that she wanted to be picked up. Doing just that, she set her little girl on her hip and looked about for Biggs.
Spotting him over beside Kyle, she headed towards him, not surprised when Isabel stepped in her path, her attention immediately turning towards Amelia and within 30 seconds, she was starting towards Biggs again. This time without her daughter that had been captured by the former Ice-Queen who spoilt the little girl rotten.

Wrapping her arms around her mate from behind, she felt his hands cover her own as she leant her head against his shoulder blade. Turning in her embrace, Biggs wrapped his own, muscled, strong, arms around her, immediately making her feel safe and protected.

“You happy?” The question was unexpected and hesitant, but Liz didn’t even have to think.

“Yes.” And it was true, sure it had taken the birth of Amelia to get her friendship back on track with Max and Isabel, but now things were going great.
Alex and Maria had been thrilled to see her walk through the front door of the Crashdown and after hearing the full story they were concerned and happy, worrying over their pregnant best friend. Michael had been his usual self, only acknowledging her with a grunt, but she didn’t miss the relieved look in his eyes when she had first walked through the doors.
The other three aliens had been a problem though, Isabel and Tess had been distant towards her, claiming that she had broken Max’s heart for no reason at all. Max had understandably been upset and hurt that she had returned to Roswell with a new man and a baby on the way, but as soon as her waters had broken in the middle of her final shift, he had been the first one to step up to check her over.

Watching as her friends all interacted, laughing and joking about, she moved her gaze to Amelia, her gorgeous little girl, before tightening her arms around Biggs. So her life might not be the most conventional, but it was her’s, and she loved it.


So guys, there it was, the final part. Hope you have all enjoyed reading, and hope to hear from you all soon on my other fics!!


My Numb3rs xo fic. Coming Soon!