All The Things She Left Behind ~CC~ TEEN/MATURE {COMPLETE}

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Part 11

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

A/N: Ok, I know everyone's a little upset by the Max and Tess thing... I'm sorry but there is a reason, I promise. This story is far from over and really hasn't even begun yet, there is so much I'm planning on doing with it that is more than just some love story, didn't I tell you adversity would be in Maria's way? Well the adversity comes in more forms than just Michael and Laura... I have some trouble planned, I'm just working out the details in my brain here... Bear with me... Also... I'm going to try to get parts out the next few days because Wednesday I'm heading to visit my Dad in Florida so I'll be away from my trusty computer until Jan 7th... so I just wanted to forwarn you... anyway here's part 11 and I might have another one up tonight too, I'm inspired...

Part 11

Michael flew through the doors of the hospital and ran to the counter, Liz following closely behind him.

“Laura Guerin.” He said breathlessly to the receptionist.

“And who might you be?” She asked, a snobby tone in her voice.

“I’m her husband! Please where is she? Is she all right?” He sounded so desperate and Liz touched his shoulder to calm him down.

“Mr. Guerin, she’s in surgery right now. That’s all I know.” She pointed towards the waiting area. “Please have a seat and I’ll have a doctor out to you as soon as we know something.”

Michael sighed nervously and walked over to the chairs, not having any other options at the moment. Liz sat down next to him and rubbed his arm. “It’ll be fine.” She told him.

“You don’t know that!” He snapped angrily.

She looked down at her lap.

“I’m sorry Liz, I’m just stressed out.”

She swallowed hard, not knowing what to say to her friend. “I understand.”

“Will you try Max again?” Michael asked her.

She nodded and pulled out her cell phone. She dialed again and got his voicemail. She hung up sadly. “I’m sorry Michael. He didn’t answer.”

Michael took the phone from her and dialed a number. Liz sat wondering whom he was calling?

Maria? It’s Michael, go to Max’s. See if he’s there and if he is send him here immediately.” He hung up with so much as a goodbye and Liz sighed.

“Why did you call Maria? Why didn’t you call Isabel?” Liz asked.

Michael stared at the phone. “I don’t know, it just felt right.”

* * *

Maria hung up slightly agitated. He was ordering her around already and she’d only been back for 3 weeks. She hung up the phone and decided to do what he wanted her too. She told Kyle and Tess that she would be going to Max’s and she’d be back. Tess offered to go along and Maria happily agreed, not wanting to go alone.

The two women drove to Max’s and knocked for about 10 minutes and there was no answer.

Tess sighed. “Let’s just go in. I can unlock the door.” She put her hand over the deadbolt and it glowed a bright orange. Maria heard the lock click and Tess opened the door. They were in.

Maria and Tess searched the house for any sign of Max or where he had gone. Michael needed Max to save Laura. They all knew that, though it hadn’t been said aloud.

Tess searched the basement while Maria searched the main floor. She went into the bedroom and into the bathroom. There was no sign of Max. She wandered into the kitchen and flipped the light on. Sitting on the counter was an envelope. Maria picked it up and saw it was addressed to Liz.

“Tess!” Maria called downstairs. Tess hurried up the steps.


Maria held the envelope up and Tess examined it. “I say we take this to the hospital.” Tess said.

Maria agreed and the girls ran out of the house, Tess making sure to lock up, and sped to Roswell Memorial.

* * *

Maria rushed into the hospital with Tess, immediately spotting z and Michael. “Liz!” Maria cried.

Liz stood up and went to her friends. “What? Where is he?” Liz asked.

Maria handed her the envelope. “We didn’t find Max, but we kind of broke into your house and found this.”

Michael joined the group and Liz ripped open the envelope. The letter was lengthy and Liz read the first few lines before smacking her forehead with her hand. “I’m so stupid!” She said.

“What?” Michael asked, impatient about where his best friend was.

Liz sighed. “Max is in New York. He had a business trip. His flight left half an hour ago. Michael, I’m so sorry.”

Michael collapsed into a chair, defeated. His wife was going to die.

Maria saw the sadness in his eyes and she sat next to him. “I’m really sorry Michael… for everything.”

“It’s not your fault. It’s mine. I kissed you, I fucked up, and I killed her.” He said.

“Stop! She’s not dead yet Michael. She still has a chance. And it isn’t your fault. You didn’t force her into that car.”

“SHUT UP MARIA! You have no fucking idea what I’m going through ok? Just leave me alone.” His sudden anger frightened and infuriated her.

“Fine Michael! Then don’t fucking call me to do you favors. I was trying to help! I was trying to help and I didn’t have to.” Maria stood up and stalked out of the hospital.

“I better take her home, we’ll be back later.” Tess told them, and then followed Maria outside.

Liz sat down with the letter and continued reading where she had left off. Michael sat sulking next to her, not paying attention until Liz gasped.

“What?” Michael asked, seeing pain all over her face.

Tears formed in Liz’s eyes and she tried to push them away. “Max cheated on me. Max slept with Tess.”
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 12

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

::Enjoy! If I don't get a new part up 2nite or tomorrow, I'll be back on January 7th! Have a great New Year!::

Part 12

“But when the sun in all his state, Illumed the eastern skies, she passed through glory's morning gate, and walked in paradise.” Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Maria slammed the door to her bedroom and paced the room. He wasn’t going to talk to her like that. She had just been trying to help, and then he got all shitty with her. Well that was just going to have to stop. She wasn’t going to take it anymore. He may be Michael Guerin, but he wasn’t going to push her around. She was past him. She looked down and caught a glance at the engagement ring perched on her finger. She moved on and she was getting married to someone wonderful. Someone who loved her and who would provide a comfortable environment for herself and her daughter.

Yes, in just a few short months her and James would be walking down the aisle and Maria would be leaving Michael Guerin behind. Maria sat down on her bed, something was missing. She always knew that, whenever she kissed James something was always missing. At first she just thought it was nerves of starting a relationship with someone new, but then it became clearer. She was missing the passion. When she kissed James, when she made love to James, there was love and understanding, but there wasn’t a burning desire. She couldn’t feel the fire that she had once felt with Michael, that she had felt when Michael kissed her that afternoon. James wasn’t Michael, and he never could be.

But that didn’t matter anymore. Her and James were getting married and there was nothing she could do about it now. And anyway, Michael was already married and there was no way she’d ever get Michael back. He was Laura’s. Maria scowled thinking again of Michael’s behavior at the hospital when she was trying to help. She could understand that he was upset, but he didn’t have to lash out at her like that.

Maria pushed her anger aside and pulled the covers over herself. She was exhausted from the day and assumed tomorrow would be another long one. She closed her eyes and sleep swallowed her within minutes.

* * *

Michael rubbed his eyes tiredly and looked over at Liz who had long since fallen asleep. He noticed her tear stained eyes and remembered the time she had spent crying earlier. It was just a bad day for both of them. Laura was dying and Max was screwing Tess. It couldn’t get any better, Michael thought. Well then there was of course his little scene with Maria. He had yelled at her for nothing, just because he needed to vent his anger, and he had hurt her. He could see it in her eyes as she yelled back and stormed off, she was hurt. An angry Maria would have just stayed there and continued bitching, and she hadn’t. Michael ran his fingers through his hair and made a mental note to do some damage control with Maria later, after he found out what was going on with Laura.

Michael glanced at the clock. It was one AM and he needed some answers. He stood up to go to the nurses’ desk when he saw a doctor heading his way.

“Mr. Guerin?” The doctor said.

Michael woke up Liz. “Liz, wake up. The doctor is here.”

Liz awoke quickly and stood up next Michael.

“How is she?” Michael asked.

The doctor sighed. “Mr. Guerin, your wife lost a significant amount of blood. Some of her vital organs were punctured and we did all we could, but I’m afraid it wasn’t much. She also took quite a blow to the head. She’s in a coma right now and too be honest, it’ll be a miracle if she ever wakes up. I’m very sorry Mr. Guerin.”

Michael took a deep breath to process the information. She was going to die. He heard a sob escape Liz’s throat and he pulled her into a hug. He forced himself not to cry, he wouldn’t. Maybe if they just kept her alive
until they could get Max, they could save her. There was still hope.

Michael pulled out of his embrace with Liz and turned to the doctor. “Can I see her?” He asked.

The doctor nodded.

Michael turned back to Liz. “Are you going to be ok if I go?” He asked her.

Liz squeezed Michael’s hand and forced a small smile. “I’ll be fine. I’ll call Isabel and Kyle and try Max again. Tell her I said hi.”

“K.” Michael said turning back to the doctor. The doctor led him down the hall and stopped outside her room.

“I’ll give you a few minutes.” The doctor said and left Michael alone.

Michael entered the room slowly. He saw Laura lying in a bed, wires and tubes attached to her everywhere. She had a white bandage wrapped around her head and Michael could see red where blood had seeped through.

He pulled up a chair next to her bed and grabbed her hand. He just stared at her, not knowing what to do, or say. She looked so small and weak lying there. He always thought of Laura as someone who could do anything, take any challenge and overcome it, but looking at her small form, he wasn’t sure if that was true anymore.

He sighed and finally found words to say to his comatose wife. “Hey Baby,” He said quietly. He stroked her hair with his free hand and continued talking. “I don’t know if you can hear me but… I just wanted to tell you some stuff. Liz says hi, and she wants you to get better real soon. And I just wanted to say…” He felt a lump form in his throat. “I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am. This is my fault, if I wasn’t such a dumb ass you’d still be with me and we’d be at home watching TV and I’d be able to hold you as we fell asleep, but I fucked up and now you’re on your deathbed and there’s nothing I can do.” He choked out a sob. “I’m so sorry.” He put his head down and started to cry lightly.

“Don’t start crying on me Guerin. You’re a big boy.” He heard. He knew that voice. He looked at her, but she was still laying still, eyes closed. He looked behind him and there standing, was Laura. He looked back at the bed and she was still there.

He turned back to the Laura who had materialized behind him. She was shimmering and light seemed to shoot from her.

“Laura? What…” Michael stuttered.

Laura laughed. “I’m a ghost. Cool huh?”

“But you aren’t dead, you’re… you’re right here.” He pointed back to the bed where coma Laura was still laying.

“Yeah but I’m almost gone Michael. My body won’t survive much longer.”

“Laura, I’m so sorry.” Michael started toward her shimmering form.

“Don’t. Don’t blame yourself. This isn’t your fault.” She said sternly.

“But if I hadn’t kissed Maria none of this would have happened.”

“How do you know?” She asked. “Maybe if you hadn’t kissed Maria we would have left together and we would both be dying. Or maybe it would have been Marissa in the car. You can’t play the what-if game Michael. Everything happens for a reason and I can tell you that now because I’m omniscient.” She added the last part proudly and smiled.

“You know this isn’t funny.” He told her.

Shimmering Laura walked up to Michael and put her hand on his cheek. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you dwell on this. It’s happening and now you have to move on. You have a new daughter who is going to need you in the next couple of months. You have Maria who is going to need you. Everyone will need you Michael. Don’t let them down.”

“What are you talking about?” He asked.

“I can’t tell you. Just know that I’ll always be watching you. I’ll always be here when you need me, but there’s someone else that needs you more than I do.”

“Maria?” He whispered.

“Yeah… You love her. I know you do.”

“I love you.” He told her firmly.

Laura kissed his cheek lightly. “Don’t push her away Michael. Love her, don’t feel guilty. I want you to be happy.”

A tear rolled down his cheek. “You are so selfless. Always worried about everyone else and never yourself. I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” She leaned in and kissed his lips gently. “Goodbye Michael.”

“No! Don’t leave me! Laura!” He cried. "I need you!"

But the shimmering form disappeared. Michael stood waiting for her to come back, but she didn’t. He heard the high-pitched buzzing and turned to Laura’s still unmoving form. She was dead.

The doctors rushed in the room and pushed Michael out. He watched as they tried to revive her but he knew it was useless. She was gone. He walked back to the waiting room where Isabel, Liz and Alex were sitting, talking. Isabel stood up, tears in her eyes and rushed to Michael, grabbing him and hugging him. He hugged her back and she buried her face in his chest. “I’m so sorry Michael. I’m so sorry.”

Michael didn’t speak but pulled himself out of Isabel’s hug. “I have to go.”

“Michael, where are you going?” Liz asked, worried about her friend.

“I have to go.” Michael grabbed his jacket and walked dazed out of the hospital. His three friends watched with confused, sad looks, hoping he would find the solace he needed.

* * *

Maria had awoken around 1:30 and she just couldn’t fall back asleep. She turned the light beside the bed on and looked out the window. It was a beautiful night, the full moon lighting the street and the area outside of the window.

She stared out the window, not able to take her gaze from it, when she saw him. He walked with his head down, yet came straight to her window. He looked up, right into her eyes and she could tell something was wrong. She walked to the window and unlocked it, then opened it slowly. His face was tear stained and she felt a familiar surge shoot through her.

This had happened before. When he had gotten into a fight with Hank many years ago. It had been storming and he just went to her window and she let him in, and she just held him while he cried. She knew this time would be no different.

* * *

He wasn’t even sure what it was that had made him go to her, but here he was, standing outside the window to her room at Kyle’s. She opened it and he climbed in, glad she wasn’t asking for any explanation, because he was at a loss for words and couldn’t provide any.

He let her lead him to the bed and he sat down. She sat next to him and rubbed his back, trying to comfort him. After a few moments he allowed himself to lie down. He could feel her right next to him; close enough for comfort, but not overstepping any boundaries.

He felt her hand run through his hair and he took solace in her comforting strokes. He allowed himself to cry softly and he slowly fell into a light sleep.

* * *

Once Maria knew he was asleep she sighed. Obviously something horrible had happened. Something having to do with Laura and the accident no doubt. She continued running her hand through his hair, hoping it would keep him asleep. She had a feeling it was going to be a restless sleep tonight.

She kissed his head lightly when a shimmering form appeared in front of her.

“Laura?” Maria asked, kind of surprised, feeling kind of guilty. She sat up, losing all contact with Michael.

“Don’t feel guilty. I’m here to tell you something. He needs you Maria. Be there for him and push back when he pushes you away. He can’t lose you.”

“Ok…” Maria said, confused.

“Something’s coming Maria, something bad. That’s all I can say. He’s going to need your strength. Take care of him for me.”

“I will.”

The shimmering form disappeared and left Maria confused. She was quickly shaken from her thoughts when Michael cried out. Lying back down, she started stroking his hair again.

* * *

He cried out, not sure if he was dreaming or awake, but he could still feel her next to him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him, needing to feel her next to him. He was surrounded by her strawberry scent and he buried his face in her neck, just needing the contact. He felt her arms go around him and he felt some sort of solace as she murmured soothing words. The sound of her sweet, comforting voice lulled him into sleep.
Last edited by RoswellChic4Ever on Tue Dec 30, 2003 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 13

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

A/N: Ok well I fought with myself for a while about whether or not to post this next part... I wrote it last night and I was going to wait until I got back but I decided... I'd post it and see how what comes of it. Anyway I'm leaving in about 2 hours for FL so I'll be back with a new part next week! Everyone have a happy and safe New Year! Thanks for all the wonderful feedback!

Part 13

James knocked loudly on the door at the Valenti house. He stood waiting for a moment before Tess answered. Through teary eyes she invited him in.

Inside he found Kyle sitting solemnly on the couch, not watching TV, just sitting there starting.

“What’s going on? Where’s Maria?” James asked, fearful of the answer.

“Maria is still in bed. We had a long night last night.” Tess explained to him about Laura.

“That’s horrible. I’m sure everyone must be devastated. I’m going to just go wake Maria up, if that’s ok?”

Tess pointed to Maria’s room and then sat down on the couch next to Kyle. He enveloped her in his arms and kissed her forehead.

* * *

Michael awoke to find Maria sprawled out across his chest. He was holding her tightly and she had one hand in his hair and one draped across his body, lightly touching his waist. He thought to how he had gotten here and then the events of the past 12 hours became clear. Laura had died and he had come to Maria for comfort. He loosened his grip on Maria, but didn’t want to move, for fear of waking her up. So he just stayed content lying there, holding her.

It made him feel guilty, holding another woman, only hours after his wife had died. But Laura had said something the night before, something that stuck with him. “Don’t push her away Michael. Love her. Don’t feel guilty, I want you to be happy.” The words stuck with him just like the rest of conversation. Laura had warned him that Maria was going to need him.

Maria stirred and he smiled. Something about the moment, something about waking up in her arms just felt right. But it just was too soon. He was going to need some space, to mourn Laura and figure things out. Besides there was the fact that Maria was engaged. There whole relationship had always been complicated, but Michael had a feeling from what Laura said that he and Maria would be facing their toughest challenge yet.

Michael saw Maria’s eyes flutter open and she yawned, reaching her arms over her head. After stretching she put her arms back around him and looked up in his eyes.

“Rough night?” She asked.

“Yeah. I’m sorry about just coming over here.” He still didn’t let her go.

“It’s ok. I understand. I’m glad I could help.”

“You did… a lot. Thanks. So I guess you figured out what happened.”

She sighed. “I’m so sorry Michael. I know how much you loved her.”

“Look… thanks for being there for me last night, but I’ve got a lot of thinking to do. This doesn’t mean that…”

“Michael… I know. I’m engaged.” Maria told him.

“DAMN RIGHT YOU ARE. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?” Maria jumped up out of Michael’s arms and turned to face her very pissed off fiancée.

“James! This isn’t what you think.” Maria tried to explain.

“Then what is it?” James asked, glaring at Michael, who sat up facing James.

“Hey, it’s my fault. Don’t yell at her.” Michael said. “Look, she was just comforting me ok? My wife died in a car accident last night.”

“So you just move right on to my girlfriend? You’re a real winner.” James spat.

“Shut up! We are just friends. Michael was upset and I was comforting him and we fell asleep. It’s nothing.” Maria lied. It wasn’t nothing. It was something.

“And you became entangled in each other’s arms… how?” James wasn’t buying their story.

“Nothing happened James.”

“Maria, this is just ridiculous. Why should I believe you? You’ve been lying to me for weeks. Ever since you got to Roswell you’ve been keeping things from me. I’m taking you and Marissa back to Chicago. We’re leaving tonight.”

“The hell you are! Marissa is my daughter and you aren’t taking her anywhere!” Michael yelled.

“Some Father you’ve been Michael. Where have you been the past 5 years? Non-existent in her life. I’ll take her if I want.”

Michael felt anger boiling inside of him. He turned to Maria who sat stunned on the bed.

“James, you are being ridiculous. You aren’t taking Marissa and I anywhere.” Maria told him.

“You can’t take Marissa out of the state without my written consent.” Michael told him. He had heard Tess talk about tons of cases where one parent would take the child across state lines without consent and got arrested for kidnapping.

“Look, James we need to talk.” Maria said.

“MOMMY!” Marissa interrupted the adults and ran into the room jumping on the bed. “Mommy! Aunt Liz is here. She wants to talk to you!”

Maria smiled at her daughter. “Tell her I’ll be right out.”

“Hi Daddy!” Marissa smiled at Michael and waved. “Are you feeling better today?” She asked.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead. “I’m feeling so much better now that you are here.” He started tickling her and she erupted into a fit of giggles.

Michael let her go, and as she went to jump off the bed she noticed James, just watching from the corner.

“James!” Marissa’s face lit up with happiness at seeing him.

She jumped into his arms and her kissed her forehead. Michael felt jealousy course through his body as he watched the interaction between the two. Marissa obviously felt an enormous amount of love for this man and it pained Michael.

“I need to go. I have arrangements to make and stuff. Thanks for everything Maria.” He stood up and started toward the door.

“Daddy are we going to go to the park today like you promised?” Marissa asked eagerly.

“I’m sorry Baby, we can’t go. I have a lot of things to do.”

Marissa frowned.

Maria took Marissa from James and sat her down. “Honey, Mommy has to talk to you about something really important ok?”

“Ok.” Marissa said.

Michael kissed her goodbye and exited, the reminder of last night overwhelming him.

He hadn’t quite processed what happened. There was the whole Maria thing and then the fight with James and they had kept him pretty distracted, but now it was time to face reality. And reality was that his wife had just died.

* * *

Liz sat silently in the kitchen of Kyle and Tess’s house. She had come to see Maria, needing comfort. Last night had been the worst night of her life. Not only had one of her best friends died, but she had also learned that her husband slept with someone else. Now she was sitting in Tess’s house, holding in everything she wanted to say to the bitch. But she held it in. This wasn’t the time to worry about her love life. Someone had died and that someone had been very close to her.

Maria carried Marissa into the kitchen and sat her down on the table. Marissa was crying softly.

“Mommy said Laura and I can’t play at the park today because God took her to Heaven to be with the angels.“ Marissa sniffled.

Liz forced a smile. “Yeah, God needed her.”

“But what will Daddy do without her?” Marissa asked.

“Daddy is going to miss her a whole lot. That’s why you have to be really nice to him ok?” Maria wasn’t quite sure how to explain death to her young child, but she assumed she’d have a lot of questions as to why everyone was sad and crying.

“Well why doesn’t Daddy tell God to bring her back?” Marissa asked.

Maria almost cried at the innocence of her child. It was heartbreaking. “It doesn’t work like that Honey.”

“Why not? I liked Laura she was fun. She liked to be Kira when we played Barbie. She was going to give me my own room at her and Daddy’s house and we were going to paint it pink.”

“Well maybe Daddy can paint your room pink.” Liz suggested.

“But Laura wanted to do it. She was excited.”

Liz felt sadness overwhelm her with every question or comment Marissa had. Liz hugged Marissa and tried not to cry. “I’m sure Laura would like for you and Daddy to paint your room pink ok?”

Marissa nodded, her blonde curls bouncing softly.

A man Liz had never met before entered the kitchen and she assumed it was James.

“Let me take Marissa to the park or something.” He said to Maria.

“Umm… ok.” Maria said hesitantly. “Oh James this is Liz.” Maria said, realizing they hadn’t been introduced.

“Liz this is James, my fiancée.”

Liz smiled slightly and held out a hand. He shook it and nodded. “Nice to meet you.” He said.

“Just have her back for lunch ok?” Maria said.

James lifted Marissa into his arms and leaned in to kiss Maria on the cheek. “I’ll see you around 12:30. Nice meeting you Liz.”

“You too.”

James left the kitchen and Maria took a seat next to her best friend. “How ya holding up?”

“Not good Maria, not good.”

“I’m so sorry Lizzie. I feel horrible.” Maria said, squeezing Liz’s hand.

“It gets worse.” Liz told her.

“How so?” Maria asked.

“Can we get out of here? Go somewhere and talk?” Liz asked.

“Sure… let me get my purse.” Liz followed Maria out of the kitchen. Maria quickly grabbed her purse and the two girls were out the door in no time.
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 14A

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

::This part is pathetically short, but it's something. Another long day actually my best friend came over and stayed all day before he went back to school and then I went out to eat and bought a new computer desk and I spent all night putting it toghether! But I got this short part out! I'll try to get another part out tomorrow but I am going to lunch with another friend and then going to a hockey game! (Michael's favorite sport! HAHA:-) Anyway... thanks for waiting and reading! I appreciate all the wonderful feedback!

Part 14A

Liz and Maria sat together at the cliff that the gang always went to in high school when they would have their secret meetings. The two best friends sat in silence for a few moments, neither really knowing how to start the conversation. Maria knew her best friend was going through a lot at the moment and she couldn’t imagine how hard things were for Liz.

“Liz, I’m so sorry about everything. I know things must be horrible right now.” Maria said, finally.

Liz stared over the edge of the cliff. “Ever wonder what it would be like to jump?” Liz asked.

Maria furrowed her eyebrows. “What are you getting at Liz?”

“Like… to just… jump and end it all. All the pain, all the sorrow. To never feel hurt again, to never get your heartbroken. Don’t you wonder what it’s like on the other side. Don’t you ever just want to be free?”

“Liz, you can not be serious!”

“I am though.” Liz said, calmly, not looking at Maria. He eyes stared over the edge of the cliff. “My whole life is falling apart. Laura, who was my best friend is dead. I mean you were gone and Laura was there and she was my best friend while you were gone. She’s dead now. And there’s my husband, the man I have loved since I was 16, and he’s cheating on me. I just can’t imagine it getting much worse.”

“Whoa! Back up!” Maria said. “Max cheated on you? Are you sure?”

Liz pulled out the letter that Maria had delivered to her the night before. She handed it to Maria. Maria read it quickly, shocked by the contents.

“He slept with Tess?” Maria couldn’t believe what she was reading.

Liz’s eyes filled with tears. “I know how selfish I am being. Laura just died and I’m so concerned with my love life, but, I can’t help it. I just keep thinking and I can’t make any sense of this! Why would Max sleep with Tess?”

“Liz, I completely understand. And you are right, it doesn’t make any sense.”

“But as much as I wish it wasn’t true, there it is. Right there he admits what happened. I can’t just ignore that!”

“Have you confronted Tess?” Maria asked her friend.

“No, I want to talk to Max first. I just don’t understand why! Why would Tess do that to me? She was supposed to be my good friend! And why would Max? He was supposed to love me! He promised to love me forever and he broke that promise. How can I even forgive him?” Liz let the tears run free and Maria pulled her best friend into an embrace. “I wish it had been me in that car in stead of Laura. I wish I was dead.” Liz cried.

“Please don’t’ say that Lizzie! I know it’s hard now, and a lot is happening, but I promise we will figure this out. And I promise, I’ll be here for you through all of it. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Thanks Maria.” Liz sniffled. “I’m so glad you are back. I missed you so much.”

“I know Liz, I missed you too. But you are my best friend Liz and no matter what, whether I’m across town, across the country, or across the universe nothing will change that. You will always be my best friend Liz, and I won’t leave you again.” Maria promised.

“You’re my best friend too.” Liz was still crying. “I’m sorry I’m so emotional!”

“Babe, it’s fine. You’ve been through a lot. Later when things calm down we will have an ice cream bonding session.”

Liz smiled through her tears. “Definitely!”
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 14B

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

Here ya go! Part 15 is about 1/3 of the way done so tonight after work I'll finish it and hopefully have it posted tomorrow!

Part 14B

Isabel walked into the Guerin house without knocking. She walked into the kitchen where Michael was sitting alone. The black cordless phone was sitting on the table in front of him, as well as Laura’s address book. "What are you doing?" Isabel asked, sitting down with him at the table.

"I’m a horrible person Isabel," he said quietly.

"Michael, what are you talking about?" she asked, slightly irritated by his attitude.

"I didn’t even call her family last night. I forgot completely to call her parents and her sister and brother. Instead, I slept with my ex-girlfriend!"

"You slept with Maria, like… had sex with her?" Isabel asked, shocked.

"No Iz! I slept in her bed, I… nothing happened, but I feel so guilty, because this morning, I was happy waking in her arms. I forgot that my wife died for a while, and it only happened yesterday. What kind of person am I really?"

"Michael… you cannot do this forever. I know that it just happened yesterday, and everyone is upset. We all loved Laura. But you can’t spend the rest of your life feeling guilty. Laura wouldn’t want you to sit in this house and be unhappy forever. She wouldn’t want you to be alone while you’re upset. I know that much. I know this is hard, but you have to live your life, Michael."

"I just don’t know if I can do this Isabel. It’s so hard. I miss her so much already," he cried.

From her sitting position, Isabel reached over and held Michael. "I know it’s hard, but it’ll get easier. Everyday is just a step forward. You can do this. And if you can’t do it for yourself, or for Laura, then do it for that adorable five year old, who adores her new father." Michael hugged Isabel back. "The next few days, even weeks will be rough, but you can do it. And we’ll all be here for you. I promise."

"Thanks Iz," he said.

"That’s what family is for."

* * *

"Ok, so… tell me about this James guy. I want to know everything," Liz said in a better mood, to Maria.

"Well, he’s really a great guy. I mean, he hired me because he saw how badly I needed the work, and he was there when I finally broke down. I told him everything, ya know. Well, I didn’t tell him about the alien stuff, but I told him the rest of it; why I left. He just listened. He was so great. He never pushed for more. It was always something I was happy about. He was just my savior really. He was always there for me, when I needed something."

"He sounds great Maria."

Maria smiled. "Well he’s great with Marissa and she just adores him." Her smile quickly turned to a small frown. "It’s just…"

"He’s not Michael," Liz finished for her best friend.

"Yeah, I mean, I know how horrible that is, but I’m still completely in love with Michael. It just took seeing him to bring all the feelings to the surface."

"So what are you going to do?" Liz asked.

Maria sighed. "I don’t know. I mean Michael’s wife just died, I know he’s not going to just get back with me, but I also have to think about Marissa. James wants us to go back to Chicago, but I can’t take Marissa away from Michael. I just can’t do it. Not after everything he’s been through and Marissa is just… she loves Michael so much. She talks about him all the time. I could never take him from her."

"Do you love James?"

"Yeah, of course I love him," Maria said.

"No, Maria, I mean… are you in love with him?"

Maria shook her head. "I thought I was, but I’m not."

"Then I think the answer is pretty clear, don’t you?"

Maria bit her bottom lip. "Yeah, I guess it is."

Next time on All The Thing She Left Behind: Maria and James have "the talk" and Max returns from New York to a very hurt and pissed off Liz.
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 15

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

Part 15

Roswell, New Mexico - 1 week later

It had been a long week and Maria was exhausted. She spent the whole week avoiding Tess while at the same time living in her house. She promised Liz she wouldn't say anything to Tess about Max, but it had been hard. So Maria had spent the past week with Liz or with Marissa and James.

Michael had been preoccupied with funeral arrangements and Maria hadn't really talked to him all week. She had taken Marissa over a few times, but never stayed long enough to talk. She just didn't know what to say.

Maria also had to worry about James. She knew that she wanted to call off the engagement but she hadn't been able to. She'd been prepared so many times, but then James would say something incredibly sweet or do something romantic, and Maria couldn't bring herself to do it.
That was going to change though. Maria was going to talk to James this morning and then go out with Liz to look for apartments. They had decided to move in together for a while, until Liz could figure out what to do about Max and Maria could decide what to do about everything. The only thing Maria was certain of was, that she wanted to stay in Roswell. She wanted to stay with her friends.

"Maria?" she heard James call. "In the bedroom," she called back.

James walked in and kissed her on the cheek. "What are we doing today?" he asked, sitting next to her.

Maria bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes to mentally prepare herself for what was about to happen. She took a deep breath and looked at James.

"Everything ok?" he asked.

Maria shook her head. "No, actually it's not."

"What's going on?"

Maria sighed. "I don't want to get married."

"What?" James looked confused and angry.

She inadvertently played with the diamond engagement ring as she explained. "James, I… I love you. I mean you have been the greatest thing to ever happen to me the past six years and I am so thankful that I have you in my life."

"But...," he said.

"But, I'm not… in love with you. I thought I was but… I'm sorry." She took the ring off and handed it to him. "I never meant to hurt you. I'm so sorry."

James looked at the ring sadly. "I guess I kind of saw this coming," he told her. "I've seen the way you look at Michael. You're still in love with him aren't you?"

Maria nodded, "Yes."

"So I assume you and Marissa will be staying in Roswell permanently?"

"Yes." Maria felt horrible, it was almost as if she could hear his heart shatter. "But you can still see her. I mean, she could come to Chicago to see you for the summer or something. I know how much you love her and she just adores you. I would never not let you be in her life. You've done so much for her."

"I'm sure we can work something out," he told her. "I suppose I should start packing my stuff up and when I get back to Chicago I'll pack your and Marissa's things and ship them here."

"Thank you, James," Maria told him. She reached over and touched his hand gently. "I really am sorry."

James moved his hand from her touch. "Can I take Marissa out to lunch before I leave?" he asked.

"Oh yeah! Of course! You can spend the whole day with her. Liz and I are going to look for apartments."

"Ok, well I'll just go tell her and I'll bring her back here later tonight."

"Yeah just have her back by 8, so she can get to bed on time," Maria told him.

"I will." James got up and headed out of the room, and Maria sighed in relief. That had gone way better than she thought… or had it?

* * *

"Ok, that last one was disgusting!" Alex told his two best friends. Maria laughed, glad that they had decided to invite him along. It was just like old times.

"I think our best bet is the first one," Liz said. They were sitting at the CrashDown, eating dinner, after a long day of apartment searching.
"I make good money. I can cover rent and stuff until you get a job," Liz told Maria.

"Liz, I can't just live with you and be a leach!" Maria said, sticking a fry in her mouth.

"Yeah, she can't just suck you dry of money… or maybe she'll suck your blood. That's what leaches do."

The girls laughed. "Alex, you are such a dork!" Maria threw a fry at him.

"Maria, seriously…. I'm a doctor! I make plenty of money. It's just until you get settled."

Maria sighed in defeat. "Fine, but just for a little while."

Liz smiled. "I'm so excited, Maria! We are going to have so much fun." She laughed. "God, I feel like I'm in high school again!"

"It will be fun," Maria said.

The door to the CrashDown opened and the bell chimed. The three friends looked at the visitor only to see it was Max Evans. Liz jumped up and hurried to the back, with Maria and Alex in tow. "I can't see him yet! I'm not ready! He wasn't supposed to be back until next week!" she told her friends.

"It's ok, just go upstairs. Alex and I will run interference, ok?" Maria told her.

Liz nodded and disappeared up the steps just as Max entered the break room. "Where's Liz?" Max asked, looking around.

Maria shrugged. "I dunno."

"She said something about hopping the next spaceship off this planet."

Max rolled his eyes. "Boy Alex, you just get funnier and funnier. Where the hell is she? I saw her come back here."

"Sorry, you just missed her," Maria told him.

"Maria, I need to talk to her. Get out of my way." He tried to push past her, but she would have none of that. She shoved him back. "Why don't you just stay the fuck away from her?"

"Maria, I don't have time for your Jr. High games. Get the hell out of my way so I can see my wife."

"I don't think you have that right anymore. Not after what you did," Alex said.
"Yeah and gee Max, I'm going to buy you a dictionary for Christmas so that you can look up the word HYPOCRITE because that is what you are. After everything you said to me, and behind my back, about how I was a horrible person and a selfish bitch and here the whole time you were fucking Tess. I really can't believe you."

"I know, Maria! I know I screwed up. But I need to see her. I need to explain…"

"Explain what?!?!" Liz's voice came from upstairs. She slowly descended the stairs, having heard every word. "What on Earth could you possibly need to explain?" Max took a step toward Liz but she jumped back. "Stay away from me."

"Liz, please, let's talk."

Liz hesitated for a moment. "Maria, Alex… will you give Max and me a minute."

"Sure Liz. We'll be in the restaurant if you need us," Alex said.

Maria didn't budge. Alex grabbed her and started dragging her away. "If you hurt her again, I will kick your alien ass all the way back to Antar," she threatened as Alex escorted her out of the room.

"Liz, I'm so sorry!" he said, as soon as they were gone.

Liz laughed bitterly. "You're sorry? Wow, that makes it all better, Max. Thank you."

"Liz… I never meant to hurt you."

"But you did. You did hurt me! You killed me, Max. I wanted to die."

"Liz, I'm so sorry… please…," he begged.

"You should have told me. No wait. You never should have slept with Tess in the first place, but you should have told me. Instead you spent the past 6 months lying to me and pushing me away!"

"I wanted to tell you! I just… I knew what it would do to you."

"So instead you decided to wait until I move out and then write me a note? Real mature Max! I mean you told me you cheated on me in a note. You are a coward. That's all you've ever been, selfish and a coward. It's always been about the four of you: You, Isabel, Michael and Tess. I was stupid enough to think that I could be put first. That maybe your "destiny" wasn't as important to you as your love for me. But I was wrong. I'll always come second!" Liz felt like she was going to cry, but she held in her tears, knowing she had to be strong.

"This has nothing to do with destiny or you being second. I love you and yeah, I made a mistake. I would do anything in my power to take it back and to stop your pain, but I can't. I know I screwed up. But God, can't you ever just forgive?"

"You are unbelievable. I have done everything for you. I have risked my life for you, over and over again. I have lied to my friends and to my family for you. I have jumped off bridges for you. I have given up everything for you."

"But you can't forgive me for making one mistake?"

"Forgive is an awfully big word for such a small man," she spat.

"That was harsh, Liz."

"Harsh? After what you did to me? You don't even deserve what I'm giving you. I'm being way nicer than I should. And the truth Max, I can't forgive you. I don't know if I ever can."

"Liz… please, I love you," he told her.

"I wish I could believe you. But I don't, I don't believe you, Max."

"Liz… please, what can I say to convince you?"

Liz rolled her eyes. "You just don't get it, Max. There is nothing you can say. You have broken my trust and that's something you'll have to earn back. And even if you do, there's no guarantee we can ever work this out. You made promises to me Max, and you broke almost all of them."

"Don't you love me anymore?" he asked, his heart breaking into a million pieces.

"The question will never be whether I love you or not. I'll always love you. I just don't trust you. Goodbye Max." Liz walked into the restaurant and left Max in the break room, alone.
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 16

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

Earth2Mama ~ Sometimes you can just read my mind! :-) You have a tendancy to guess the plot line long before it happens! Am I that predictable? :-) Some light to the Max/Tess thing will be shed in this part, and I hope it makes some Dreamers a little bit happier, but there's still alot going on there.

Out Of This World ~ I know Liz was really harsh with Max, but I'm so sick of everyone portraying her as a pushover, because in season 1 Liz did kind of let Max walk all over her, but I think in as the show went on she developed a backbone and that's how I want to portray her, as someone who has become independant and can do things on her own without Max or his permission.

Begonia9508 ~
David accepted too well the breakup!
Well his name is James:-) but yes you are right, he did accept it too well... You'll see in this chapter the consequences of Maria's actions....

roswellluver ~ I thought the scene was intense as well, and I wanted it that way. Sometimes I think Max is a selfish prick and someone needs to put him in his place. Don’t get me wrong, I love Max but sometimes I wonder where his priorities lie.

creative nickname ~ As you will see in the next part... yes James is up to something... Also, like I said above I'm tired of Liz being Max's follower, it annoys me when she gets portrayed as a doormat.

Strawberry_Dreamer ~ Again, this part sheds light to a lot of the questions that everyone has been asking... And about Max... well we all know how he can be sometimes...

To everyone else who has been reading or posting thank you so much! I only replied to the people who have posted since the last update so I didn't mean to leave anyone out... Enjoy part 16!

All The Things She Left Behind
Part 16

"Maria! What do you mean you aren’t getting married? I’m so confused; what is going on?"

Maria sighed. "Mom, I… I realized that I’m not in love with James. I want to stay here in Roswell with everyone."

"This is about Michael, isn’t it? Honey, I don’t think you should continue making life altering decisions because of him," Amy said to her daughter.

"Mom, I think that at 24 I’m old enough to decide who I want to be with and where I want to live."

"Maria, think about the life that James could have given you. What kind of life are you going to have now?"

Maria tapped her foot in frustration. "Mother! James could have given me a great, financially stable life. But how happy would I have been, knowing that I wasn’t in love with him? That’s not fair to him or me! And how happy would Marissa be, if she were torn from her father and the rest of her family? Mom, I’m doing what is best for my daughter and myself. This isn’t about Michael."

"Well, you and Marissa are moving in here with me and Jim," Amy demanded.

"No, Mom! Marissa and I are moving in with Liz, in this nice apartment on Third Street. It’s very, very nice and Liz is going to help me until I get settled."

"You mean Liz is going to be financially supporting you. Maria, I just don’t think this is a good idea!"

Maria rolled her eyes. "Mom, listen to me. At 18, I left home, moved across the country, and supported a daughter and myself. Yes, James helped, but I could have done it on my own. I can do this Mom."

Amy sighed and sat at the table. "I know, I’m just… I’m worried about you. What if Michael breaks your heart again? What if … you leave again and I never see you?"

Maria sat down next to her mother. "Mom, I’m not leaving again. I have missed you so much. I’ve missed everyone so much and I promise you, that I will not just up and leave again. I promise you, that no matter where I go or what I do, you will always be apart of my life. I know I made some mistakes, but I did what I thought was best, and I’m home now."

Amy leaned in and hugged Maria. "I just missed you so much when you were gone and I can’t imagine losing you again."

Maria felt her Mother’s tears fall in to her hair. "I’m not going anywhere Mom… I promise."

The two broke the embrace and Amy smiled through the last of her tears. "I’m happy you are home."

"Me too, but I have to go." Maria said.

"Go? You just said you weren’t leaving anymore," Amy cried.

Maria laughed. "Mom, I have to go to Michael’s to talk to him about something, and then back to Kyle’s to get Marissa from James at 8."

Amy felt embarrassed. "I knew that."

"Bye, Mom. I’ll call you tomorrow," Maria said as she exited through the kitchen door.

"Bye, Honey, I love you," Amy called back. She sat down at the table and bit her bottom lip.

"Hey, Amy, I’m home," she heard only moments after Maria left. Jim walked into the kitchen and kissed her on the cheek. He could immediately tell that something was off. "What’s wrong?" he asked, not really wanting to know.

"I don’t know, Jim. I just have a bad feeling. Something is not right."

* * *

Maria walked into Kyle’s house, and threw her keys on the table by the door. She had gone to Michael’s but he wasn’t home and he hadn’t answered his cell so she went to see Liz and they had dinner. She lost track of time and hurried home when she saw that it was past eight. She walked into the living room and saw Kyle and Michael sitting on the couch, watching hockey.

"Hey, I was at your house earlier," she told him, as she sat down in a chair.

"I came by to see Marissa a couple hours ago," he told her.

"Oh, where is she? She usually never leaves your side."

Michael shrugged. "I thought she was with you," he told her.

Maria checked her watch. "No, she was supposed to be back by 8. James took her for the day, before he left for Chicago."

"Well it’s only 8:30, maybe they are running late," Kyle said.

"His plane is supposed to leave at 10. That’s cutting it really close," Maria said, starting to panic.

Kyle could see the panic on her face. "Maria, don’t worry. I’m sure she’ll be back within the next half an hour." Maria went to get her cell phone to call James. "Maria, just give him until 9. He’s probably just saying goodbye." Kyle didn’t want her to overreact.

Maria put the phone down and nodded her head. "You’re probably right, Kyle. I’m sure that’s it."

"Where’s Tess?" Michael asked, after a few moments.

"Max called, something about needing to talk to her. I don’t know," Kyle told him.

Maria snickered. "Yeah, I’m sure Max really needed to talk to her in private. Those two are unbelievable."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Kyle asked.

Maria looked at Michael, saying "uh-oh" with her eyes.

"You mean he doesn’t know yet?" Michael asked in shock. "Why didn’t anyone tell him?"

"Tell me what?" Kyle was getting angry and worried.

"It wasn’t my place to tell him," Maria told Michael.

"Max and Tess slept together," Michael said to Kyle.

"WHAT?" Kyle roared.

"Nice Michael, real smooth." Maria rolled her eyes at him.

"EXCUSE ME! Could someone please explain to me what the hell you are talking about?"

Maria looked at Michael. Michael licked his lips. ‘Uh… Max wrote Liz this note that she got the night Laura died. In it, Max told her that he slept with Tess one night." Michael explained.

"And no one told me this because?" Kyle was really upset and Maria knew they shouldn’t have told him.

"It wasn’t our place to tell. We thought Tess would have told you already. I mean, it is pretty apparent that Max and Liz are separated. We figured she would have known it was because of what happened. I thought she told you, and you were just really forgiving. I mean, she had to know it would come out eventually."

"I can’t believe this. Excuse me." Kyle got up and walked over to the liquor cabinet. He pulled out a bottle of whisky and a glass from the shelf above it. He took it back over and placed it on the coffee table.

"What are you doing, man?" Michael asked.

Kyle poured himself some whisky and took a drink. "I’m trying to make sense of this situation."

"With alcohol?" Maria asked. "Kyle, I’m sure there is some logical explanation to why Max and Tess slept together."

Kyle quickly gulped down the whisky in his glass, and then refilled it.

"Yeah, like maybe Max is just really good in bed," Michael said, in his Michael like way.

"Michael! How is that helping?" Maria cried.

Kyle took another swig of whiskey, this time straight from the bottle. "My wife is sleeping with Evans. What is it about that guy, really?"

"She isn’t sleeping with Max. She slept with Max. One time," Maria told him.

"One time that we know of," Michael said, not tearing his eyes from the TV.

"Ok, Michael, you are not helping. Just shut up."

"Hey, I’m just telling the guy the truth ok?" Michael said.

Maria sighed. "This is ridiculous." She looked at her watch again. "And where the hell is my daughter. She picked up the cell phone and dialed James’s number. It rang once and she got his voicemail. She slammed the phone down on the table. "DAMNIT! Where are they? Why isn’t his phone on?"

* * *

Half an hour later, Maria was pacing the floor of Kyle’s living room, while he continued drinking. His whiskey supply was dwindling quickly and Maria was about to start drinking herself.

"Ok it’s after nine. Where are they?" Maria sat down on the couch.

"I dunno. I wonder where Tess and Max are right now. Probably screwing," drunken Kyle said.

Michael entered from the kitchen with tea for Maria. He handed it to her and sat next to her. "I’m sure she’s fine. In a few minutes, she’s going to come running through that door and jumping on your lap. He probably just lost track of time."

"I really hope so," she told him, taking the tea, and sipping it.

"Aren’t we something," Kyle blurted out.

Maria glared at him. "Kyle, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Well… I mean, look at me. My wife is sleeping with one of my friends." He pointed at Michael. "You’re wife just died." He then turned to Maria. "And you’re ex fiancée just kidnapped the illegitimate half alien child that you had with him." He pointed back at Michael. He then bit the end of his index finger. "All the while that this is going on, you two are in love with each other and you won’t even admit it to yourselves. Can we say… dysfunctional?"

Maria grabbed the whiskey from Kyle. "Hey!" He yelled. "That’s mine!"

"I think you’ve had enough," she said angrily.

"Look, I’m going to call Jim. Maybe he can track down James and Marissa," Michael said.

Maria sighed. "Ok."

Michael took Maria’s cell phone and dialed the Sheriff. After a few moments of talking, he hung up.

"He’s going to go to the airport, and see if he can find them," he told Maria.

‘And if he can’t?" she asked.

"He’s going to get everyone looking."

Maria buried her face in her hands. Michael put his arms around her. "It’s going to be fine."

Maria shot her head up and looked at Michael. "She said something bad was going to happen!"

He looked confused. "What? Who said that?"

"Laura… I saw her. She said umm... that something bad was coming, and we would need each other. I just didn’t pay any attention to it," she told Michael.

"You saw her?" he asked. "Like, when?"

"The night she died, she came to me. I don’t know, it’s weird."

Michael nodded his head. "I saw her, too. She told me that you and Marissa would need me."

"Oh my God, Michael. Something’s happened to her. Oh, God," Maria started to cry.

Michael pulled her closer. "No, she’s fine. We’ll figure this out. I promise."

They heard a door slam and Maria jumped up and ran to the foyer, "Marissa?" she called as she ran. She was disappointed when it was only Max and Tess.

"What’s going on?" Tess asked.

Kyle, in his drunken stupor, made his way to the front door. "Maybe we should ask you that," he said.

"Kyle, what is going on?" Tess asked, and then saw the bottle of whiskey in his hand that was almost gone. "Have you been drinking?"

"Yes, have you and Max been screwing?" Kyle flung the bottle around.

"Jesus Kyle, how much have you had?" Tess took the bottle from him.

"I don’t think you’re in the position to be asking the questions." He pointed his index finger at her. ”You’ve been cheating on me!"

"Something really weird is going on," Max said, making his way into the living room.

"You can say that again. Marissa is missing," Michael told him, as he entered the room with Tess, Kyle, and Maria.

"Marissa is missing?" Tess asked. "Oh my God."

"James took her," Maria told them. "He had her this morning and he never brought her home."

"Maria, I’m so sorry," Max said. "But that’s not all that’s going on."

"What are you talking about?" Michael asked.

"Tess and I spent the last 3 hours trying to figure this out. I tried talking to her about sleeping together, and she doesn’t know what the hell I’m talking about."

Tess looked at her friends. "I remember Max painting, and then we fell asleep. Max fell asleep on the couch, and I was in bed. I didn’t sleep with him," she told them.

"What are you talking about?" Maria asked.

"I don’t think it happened." Max told them.

"So what, it was like a mind warp?" Michael sat back down on the couch.

"I think," Max said.

Maria sat next to Michael, and he put his arm comfortingly around her. "Why would someone only mind warp you. Why wouldn’t they mind warp Tess into believing it too?"

"I don’t know. We can’t figure this out," Tess told them. "I would never sleep with Max. I love Kyle. I don’t know what’s going on."

"You don’t love me. Cheater!" Kyle threw in.

"Kyle, shut up." Maria had had enough. "I don’t know what the hell is going on with you two," she said, pointing at Max and Tess, "but my daughter is missing, and that’s all I really care about right now."

Maria’s cell phone rang and she snatched it from the table. "Hello?" she said, hopefully. "What? … That’s what he told me… Ok… Thanks, Jim… We will."

"What’s going on?" Michael asked.

"Jim checked the occupants of the flight leaving at 10 for Chicago. James didn’t buy a ticket for it. Jim is checking every flight to see if James was or is a passenger, and then he’s going to call us back. He has his men searching the county. He informed the state police, and they are going to do what they can." Maria felt the tears stream down her cheeks. "Where is our little girl?" she asked Michael.

"We’ll find her. I swear to you Maria. We will find her."
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

A/N: I'm back! I know you are all jumping for joy! Anyway hope you enjoy this next part! I'll get another one out ASAP! :-) Thanks for the feedback!!!


Part 17

His shoes sloshed in the mud as he walked briskly through the woods. The tall trees surrounded him, causing a blanket of leaves to form above him, hiding the light of the moon. He quickly looked at the directions he’d scribbled and continued towards his destination.

There, in the clearing, was a man. His hair was messy and dirty. He had many tattoos, as well as piercings. The strange thing about this man was that he looked identical to Michael Guerin. Of course, their difference in style set them apart, but the resemblance was uncanny and made James freak.

Despite his fear, he approached the man, hoping to get this business transaction over as soon as possible.

"You James?" The man asked.

James nodded his head. "Nicholas?" he asked.

The man shook his head. "No. I’m Rath."

"Well, where’s this Nicholas?"

Rath snickered. "You ain’t gonna be meeting him. I‘ll be doing the business transactions."

"Well, where’s my money?" James asked.

"You’ll get paid when Nicholas gets what he wants," Rath told him. "And Nicholas wants the Royal Four dead."

"Look, I don’t know who you are, but you better not hurt Maria or Marissa."

Rath cackled. "You ain’t the one calling the shots here pal. But don’t worry. Nicholas does not intend to hurt Maria or the hybrid child. He doesn’t give a damn about either of them. The only thing we want is the heir to the throne and we will find him."

"What heir?"

"Max’s kid," Rath said, rolling his eyes. This guy was dumber than Rath and Nicholas had expected.

"Max doesn‘t have any kids," James told Rath.

Rath laughed again. "Anyway… Nicholas will contact you again when we have what we want." Rath turned away from James and headed off in the opposite direction.

"What about my money!" he yelled to Rath, but Rath ignored him and kept walking. James picked up a rock and chucked it across the forest. "DAMNIT!" he screamed. Things were not going as he had planned.

* * *

"Maria! What if this is alien related? You can not get the cops involved," Michael yelled at her.

"THIS ISN’T ALIEN RELATED!" she screamed. "Our daughter was taken, by a human! Don’t you even care that she’s missing?"

"Maria, I do, I care. I’m worried too, but we have to be smart about this."

"This is ridiculous."

"Look Maria, we are all worried, but I think Michael is right. We can handle this without involving the police," Max told her.

"You would be on his side," she snapped.

"What does that mean?"

"It means that you’ve never cared about anyone other than yourself. All you care about is YOU! Well I don’t care about YOU right now! I care about finding my daughter. I don’t give a damn about whatever alien thing possessed you to cheat on your wife."

"Oh boy, this is so not what that is about," Isabel interjected. "If you get the FBI or any enemy aliens suspicious about us, you are not only leading them to Max, Tess and me, but also to Michael and your half alien daughter. And I’m sure the FBI would love to test her, not to mention what the skins would do to her."

"Thank you, Isabel! You are making me feel so much better about the fact that my daughter is MISSING!" she said, accentuating the last word for the group. Her patience was wearing thin and she wanted to find Marissa.

"Look we are getting no where with this fighting," Tess said. "We need a plan."

"I’ve got one. I’m calling the police to find my child. You all can sit around and do nothing, that’s fine." Maria pulled her cell phone from her purse and started dialing. Michael snatched it from her.

"You can’t call the police Maria!"

"DAMN YOU MICHAEL! DON’T YOU CARE AT ALL? Or do you not care if you lose another member of your family!" she cried. His face fell into a sad look, and Maria sighed, knowing she had nit a nerve. "I’m sorry Michael, I’m just really scared." She leaned into him and he put his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"Well, what’s the plan your highness?" Michael asked.

Max let out a deep breath. "Michael and Maria will go find Marissa." He looked at Michael and Maria who were still in their embrace. "Make sure you have cell phones and keep in constant contact with us and the Sheriff. If anything strange happens, get back here. I don’t think James will hurt Marissa."

"What about the rest of us?" Kyle asked.

"We’ll stay here. We need to figure out what is going on with these memories I have. We can also be here in case James comes back with Marissa."

"That’s a good plan Max," Tess told him.

"I am not taking orders from Max," Maria spat.

"You know what Maria! You don’t have to be such a bitch about everything," Isabel said glaring at her.

"Isabel, that’s enough," Michael said sternly.

"No, Michael, it’s not. Ever since she came back, everything has been about her. It’s all about what she wants. What about the rest of us? Obviously, something really strange is going on, and we all could be in danger. But she doesn’t care. She’s just going to run off, and lead our enemies and the FBI straight to us!"

"MY DAUGHTER IS MISSING! What fucking planet are you living on Isabel? Because here on Earth, we do whatever we can to locate our missing children!"

"I’m not saying you shouldn’t try to find her. I’m saying you should stop being a selfish bitch. This isn’t all about you. What you do affects all of us. We are a team. Well, we were until you just up and left for 6 years without so much as a damn postcard. None of us wants anything to happen to Marissa. We all love her too, you know. But there are other things going on, other things that as a team we have to deal with. You’re apart of the team again, so either get with us or get the hell out of our way."

"Fine, I’m getting out of your way Princess." Maria stormed out of the house and slammed the door hard behind her.

"Nice job Isabel," Michael said, glaring at her. "Don’t you understand how upset she is? Our daughter is missing. For all we know, James could have taken her out of the country. We have no clues, nothing. I don’t think we should call the police either, but if it comes down to it, I will do anything to save Marissa."

"Even if it means dying, or being taken by the FBI and thrown into the white room?" she asked.

"Hell yes. I would do anything for Marissa. And I would do anything for Maria."

Isabel snickered. "Well that’s great. I’m glad that after everything she did to you, you can just forgive her like that. You are dumb Michael. Once she gets Marissa back, she’s going to get the hell out of here. She doesn’t love you. If she did, why did she leave in the first place?"

"Isabel, shut up." Liz who had been standing quietly in the background finally spoke. "If anyone is being a selfish bitch, it’s you. You don’t want Maria around because she threatens your relationship with Michael. You’ve always been so selfish when it came to Max and Michael. You never wanted anyone to be close to them because you were too insecure. You are 24 years old; you need to get over yourself for like 5 minutes. You don’t even know what happened with Maria or why she left town, so don’t judge her."

"This fighting is solving nothing!" Kyle cried.

"I’m leaving. I’ve got to find Maria," Michael said. No one seemed to notice. All attention was on Max, Liz, and Isabel.

"Liz, you are just as blind as Michael. Everyone is just so forgiving, not even caring about what Maria did, and how she hurt everyone by leaving. Why can’t you see that?"

"Isabel, this isn’t about Maria leaving. This is about helping her daughter," Tess said.

"Well personally, I think it’s about damn time someone addressed the fact that Maria was being selfish," Max told her.

"Yeah, well this really isn’t the time or the place," Alex interjected. "I agree with Tess, Kyle, and Liz. And frankly, why Maria left isn’t any of your damn business. Obviously Michael forgave her so why don’t we all get over it."

"Michael and Maria are gone," Kyle said. "Michael’s car is gone. I assume they are going to find Marissa but, thanks to you two," he pointed at Max and Isabel, "We have no idea where they are going, or what their plan is."

Max swore under his breath. "This is ridiculous."

"Damn right it is," Kyle spat. "I’m going to now try to locate my sister and help her find my niece. If anyone wants to help that would be great, but in Isabel’s previous words, either get with me or get the hell out of my way."

"I’m leaving," Isabel exclaimed. "Alex?" she asked.

"Sorry, I’m staying here."

"Whatever. Max?"

Max looked towards Liz then back towards Isabel. He grabbed his coat. "I’m coming."

"Anyone else leaving?" Kyle asked, looking at Tess.

"I’m with you," she told him.

"Good," Kyle said.

Max and Isabel turned their backs on their friends and spouses, and slammed the door behind them.

"Well… I guess it’s us versus them," Alex muttered.

Liz whispered, "I guess it is."
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Location: Suburbia, where they tear out the trees and name the streets after them!

Part 18

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

A/N: Alas the writer's block as passed... here's the next part! Thanks for waiting and being patient!

Part 18

"So tell me what’s happening in Roswell?" Nicholas asked, tapping his fingers together. "I want to know everything."

"Well…" Lonnie started. "I was watching through the window and listening real good. Michael and his chick got into a fight but then went off together. I assume they are going to find their kid. Then Isabel, Max, and Tess all started fighting with the other humans and Max and Isabel left all pissed off. We just got to get those two separated and we will have them in the perfect place," she told him.

"Good. I don’t care what you do; just make sure the King and Princess aren’t speaking by tomorrow."

"What’s the plan Nicholas?" Rath asked.

"Well, I’m going to get Tess first. She’s the one that mind warps. I need her dead and gone. Then I’m going to take Princess Vilandra. She’ll be the bait. King Zan will come running to rescue her and kill himself. Then all that’s left is the 2nd and he never was very smart."

"Sounds good to me." Lonnie grabbed some pizza and shoved it in her mouth.

"Yes… It’s a great plan. By next week the Royal Four will be dead, we’ll have the location of the Granolith, and we’ll be off this damned planet with the heir."

* * *

Maria slammed the phone down and sighed in defeat.

"What did he say?" Michael asked from the driver’s seat. They were riding in Michael’s brand new Ford Escape. His other car had been totaled in Laura’s crash, and he sold her car, because the way he saw it, he needed a fresh start. He was still deciding on the house though. Laura and he had made some great memories in that house, but it also held bad ones. Michael knew that house was too big for one person. Laura had been a successful psychologist and Michael made plenty of money from his self - owned art gallery so they had always lived comfortably. Michael just couldn’t bring himself to sell the house, not yet anyway. He still hadn’t been able to go through Laura’s things or even sleep in their bed. It was just too fresh.

"He said that he checked all the airports and car rental places within 100 miles and no one by the name of James Masters bought a plane ticket or rented a car. We have nothing Michael! I have no idea where he would have gone!"

Michael could see the frustration, as well as heartbreak, in Maria’s eyes. Marissa was everything to her, and Michael felt bad that he couldn’t help anymore. But maybe there was someone who could help.
"Why don’t we ask Isabel to dream walk her," Michael suggested.

"Hell if I’m asking her for anything. I can do this on my own," Maria said sternly.

Michael felt helpless and angry as well. "Maria, maybe we can get something from Isabel. Right now we are going on nothing. At least Isabel can get a location or something from her."

Maria sat silent, and Michael thought maybe she was considering the possibility. "Maria, I know Isabel will help if we ask."

Maria sighed. "Fine," she agreed.

Michael felt a little surge of hope rise inside of him. Isabel had helped Max when he was in the white room and he had been heavily drugged, and he didn’t know anything. Michael just hoped that Marissa was stable enough that Isabel could get a location… or anything for that matter. He just had this fear of her being tied up and drugged in some testing facility. He could see her in the white room, or being hurt by James and it killed him.

* * *

"James!" Marissa cried happily as she saw him come from the house. She hadn’t seen him since last night and was starting to get nervous. "Where were you?" she asked.

He knelt down and kissed her on the forehead. "I was doing some business stuff. Did you have fun?"

She smiled big. "Yes Grandma and Grandpa and I played on the swings and Grandma loves Barbies! And me and Sarah played house and it was really fun!" She had been having fun. James had told her that Mommy needed some time with Daddy and that they’d be taking a vacation to see James’s parents. She was very excited, but missed her Mommy and Daddy a lot.

"When will we go back to Roswell to see Mommy and Daddy?" she asked.

"Umm… soon, I promise," James told her.

"Good, I miss them!" she told him, then hurried back to the swing and continued playing with James’s niece, Sarah.

* * *

James walked back inside the huge Spanish style mansion. He entered the kitchen where his parents were sitting at the table. James grabbed a cup of coffee and sat with them.

"Good morning James. Where were you this morning?" his mother asked, not looking up from her paper.

James took a sip of his coffee. "I was meeting a friend," he told them.

"Oh," his father said. "When do we get to meet this Maria that you’ve been telling us so much about?"

James sighed. "Soon. She’s taking care of things in Roswell, and then heading here to meet you."

"Could you please explain to us again, about this whole situation with Maria and your daughter?"

"Umm… well Maria and I met in Chicago and then we fell in love. She got pregnant and scared and ran away to Roswell and has been living with this guy. She lied to Marissa telling her that this Michael was her father when really the whole time it was me. We met up recently and we are getting back together. She’s taking care of the paperwork with her lawyer, changing me to Marissa’s biological father on the forms," he lied. He had spent hours trying to decide what exactly he would tell his parents about this little girl that he had brought. She didn’t call him "Dad" so he couldn’t tell them that he and Maria were married. So he turned everything around and invented this story to satisfy his parents.

"Interesting," his mother said.

"That’s why Marissa calls me James. She’s still confused about the whole thing. She’s just a little girl," he explained.

"I see," Jeanette Masters said. James couldn’t tell if his Mother believed him or not, but for the time being, he was going to have to think she did.

"Well I should go call Maria and let her talk to Marissa," James said, getting up to leave the table.

"Oh, don’t forget. Mackenzie and Rob are coming over for dinner. They have to pick up Sarah," his mother reminded him.

James forced a smile. "Got it."

* * *

Marissa snuck quietly into the basement of the large house and shut the door, hoping no one heard her. She may be only five, but she was extremely smart and when she had a dream of her Aunt Isabel telling her to call her Mommy, she would listen to it.
She had asked James if she could call her Mommy and Daddy but he had said no, that they needed alone time. Marissa was angry and saddened by that, but she wasn’t going to give up. She remembered the night before having gone in the basement with her new Grandma to get some blankets and pillows, she noticed a little room. She had wandered into it while Grandma was busy and saw a phone and she got excited. She knew that she’d call her mommy from that phone as soon as she got a chance.
Now was her chance. Her Grandma and Grandpa had gone golfing and had put her and Sarah in the living room to watch a movie. Sarah had fallen asleep and Marissa heard James tell Sophie, the maid, that he was taking a nap as well. Marissa waited until Sophie was busy making dinner and then she snuck to the basement door.

Marissa went to the little room and picked up the phone and dialed her Mommy’s cell phone number. Maria made Marissa learn it as soon as Marissa could talk so in case anything ever happened to her, she could call.

* * *

Maria and Michael drove aimlessly, just hoping they’d catch a glimpse of James or Marissa walking the streets. They didn’t know if James had left Roswell or not, but they both decided it was useless driving or flying around the country on a wild goose chase. Both were frustrated and the arguing was getting worse. Maria agreed to let Isabel dream walk Marissa but only after they searched for awhile. They had been searching for a long time and they had come up empty handed. Maria was starting to lose hope.

"Maria your cell phone is ringing," Michael told her as he drove. She was staring out the window listening to the music extremely loud.

Maria quickly shut off the music and grabbed her cell phone and looked at the caller ID. "I don’t recognize the number," she told Michael, then answered it. "Hello?" Maria said hopefully.

"Mommy!" Marissa’s excited voice flowed through the receiver and Michael felt a spark of hope.

"Oh my God, Marissa! Mommy has been looking for you for days! Where are you? Are you with James?"

"Yeah Mommy, we are at James’s Mommy and Daddy’s house. It’s really big and I have someone to play with."

Michael heard Maria sigh with relief. At least she wasn’t being hurt. "So you are ok then? You’re not hurt?"

"No, I’m fine Mommy! I’m having lots of fun while you and Daddy have your alone time."

"Our alone time?" Maria asked.

"Yeah, James said I had to come to California with him so you and Daddy could have alone time."

"California? You’re in California? Michael she’s in California!" Maria cried.

"I heard you the first two times," Michael snapped. He was a bit on edge and wanted to talk to his daughter.

"Start heading towards the airport!" Maria commanded. Michael did as he was told.

"Honey, Mommy and Daddy are coming to get you ok? Just be a good girl. Mommy loves you," Maria told her. "Is James with you?" Maria asked.

"No he’s upstairs taking a nap. He doesn’t know I’m on the phone with you. Can I talk to Daddy?"

"Umm... yeah." Maria handed the phone to Michael and he put the phone to his ear.

"Marissa?" he asked into the phone, although already knowing it was her.

"Hi Daddy! How are you?" she asked, happy as ever.

"I’m good now Baby, I’m good now," he told her, tears brimming at his eyes.

"I miss you Daddy. I want to come home and play with you," she told him, sounding sad.

Michael felt his heart break. "I miss you too, Marissa. And Mommy and I are coming to get you. But don’t tell James ok? It’ll be our little surprise," Michael told her.

"Ok," Marissa agreed. "When are you coming?" she asked.

"As soon as possible. Can you tell me where you are in California? Do you know the city?"

"San Diego! We are going to the zoo tomorrow!" Marissa said excitedly.

"Ok Marissa, Mommy and I will get there as soon as possible, and remember it’s our little secret," he said, smiling.

"Our little secret."

"Let me talk to her again!" Maria said anxiously.

"Marissa, Mommy wants to talk to you again, so I’ll see you soon. I love you Marissa."

"I love you too, Daddy! Bye bye." Michael reluctantly handed the phone to Maria, not wanting to lose contact with his daughter.

"Marissa, Mommy loves you ok. Daddy loves you, too."

"Give Daddy a hug and kiss for me," Marissa told Maria.

Maria smiled at her daughter’s comment. "I will Honey," she said.

"I have to go now Mommy. Bye! I wuv you!"

"Bye Marissa. I love you, too." Maria heard the click on the other end of the phone and she hung hers up, too. She set the phone down and then burst into tears. Michael pulled the car over and hugged her as best he could while being in a car. "I miss her so much!" Maria cried into him.

"I know, but we are going to get her right now and that little fuck is going to pay," Michael said, his anger finally showing through.

Maria pulled back from her embrace with Michael and looked him in the eyes. "Thank you Michael," she said through her tears. "Thank you for everything. I couldn’t do this without you."

Michael gently wiped away her tears with his thumb. "Everything is going to be fine now. We know what city she’s in and all we have to do is track down James’s parents."

"Michael… I uh…" Maria leaned into Michael and gently kissed him on the lips.

"What was that?" he asked.

"Umm… Marissa told me to give you a kiss for her," she told him.

"Oh," he said, looking away.

Maria looked down at his lap. "Michael, I have to tell you something," she said.

He turned back towards her. "What?"

"I uh… well you know I broke off the engagement with James."

Michael nodded his head, "Yeah."

"Michael, I’m in love with you," she admitted to him. "From the moment I ran into you on the street, from that moment when your body was pressed up against mine. And then when you kissed me… it just came back. I couldn‘t fight it."

Michael wasn’t quite sure what to say. "Maria… I…" But words seemed useless at this point. He placed his hand on the back of her head and pulled her to him and placed his lips over hers. She put her arms around him and deepened the kiss. Michael felt his whole body surge with electricity from kissing her. A strange hunger for her overtook him, and he pulled her as close as he could get her, running his hands up and down her back.

Michael felt her small hands running through his thick brown hair and he knew he needed more of her. He slowly lifted the back of her shirt slipping his hand underneath it, gently caressing her soft skin. His hands moved up and down her back and he kissed her harder.

Maria pushed him away suddenly and he felt coldness rush through him as he was no longer touching her. He watched as she struggled to regain composure. "What?" he asked.

"Michael… we can’t do this now. We have to find Marissa," she told him.

Michael felt guilty remembering that his daughter had been taken and here he was trying to get it on with her mother. "I know. I’m sorry… I just…"

"Got carried away," she finished for him. "Me too. But we have plenty of time later for that. Now, let’s go get our daughter," she told him.

Michael restarted the car and smiled at her. "California here we come."
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Location: Suburbia, where they tear out the trees and name the streets after them!

Part 19A

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in like over a week... but here's the next part! I'm almost done with my other story and then I'm starting a new one that I've actually been working on which all you Michael/Maria lovers will hopefully like. I'll tell you when I've posted it... Enjoy this part! It's kinda short.

Part 19A

Kyle stretched his arms above his head and yawned. He got up from the computer and walked into the living room. He smiled when he saw Liz and Alex sleeping soundly on the couch. Liz’s head was resting in Alex’s lap, while Alex had his head tilted on the back end of the couch. He walked into the kitchen where Tess was sitting by herself, drinking a cup of coffee.

“Hey,” she said, as he walked over to the table and sat down.

“Hey,” he said tiredly.

“How ya’ doing out there?” she asked.

Kyle sighed. “Well there are a thousand people with the last name of Masters in San Diego. I seriously didn’t know it was such a popular name.”

Tess looked discouraged. “We just need an address. What we need is…” Tess started to say something but then stopped. She looked at Kyle, like a light bulb had just turned on over her head. “We are so stupid!” she exclaimed, reaching for the phone.

“Why are we stupid?” he asked as she dialed.

“We have their phone number!” Tess said to Kyle, but then quickly turned her attention to the phone. “Maria, hey it’s Tess. What? No nothing yet. That’s why I’m calling. Did a number come up on the caller ID of your cell?… It did? Well we need that number. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before. If we had the phone number we could track down the address no problem. Ok… Yeah I’ll hold on… What?” She looked at Kyle. “Kyle get me paper and a pen… Yeah hold on Maria. Ok…” Tess started writing. “555-4524,” Tess repeated back to Maria. “Ok. Yeah we’ll call you as soon as we know something? Where are you?… A hotel in San Diego… Ok? We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Alright, bye Maria.” Tess hung up the phone.

“Smart one, Honey.” Kyle said, leaning in, kissing her on the cheek.

Tess smiled. “Thanks.” She handed the number to Kyle. “Now go find our niece,” she ordered playfully.

Kyle stood up and smiled at her. “Will do.” He headed off into the direction of the computer with a smile on his face. That was his Tess, his wife, and he loved her.

* * *

Michael flipped through the channels on the hotel television. There was nothing on. He settled for the news and lay back against the headboard and sighed. It had been a long day. First he had fought with Max, Isabel and everyone else, and then he had driven all around town trying to find his daughter. Then she called and hearing her voice was like a Godsend at that point. Then he made out with Maria and now they were in a hotel in San Diego waiting for Kyle and Tess to get some information on where James was. He knew they could do it by means of the internet and he was glad they were there, because Michael still wasn’t good at that shit.

He heard the shower turn off and he went to his suitcase to grab some clothes to wear to bed. He was glad that Maria had decided they should get some clothes to take before just heading off to California for who knows how long. She had been very impatient but was glad later when she decided to shower and put on clean clothes.

Maria walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and Michael felt his breath catch in his throat. Her smooth creamy skin was exposed and she looked beautiful.

“What?” she asked, noticing him staring.

He fought to find words. “Nothing,” he choked out. “I umm... I gotta shower.” He hurried towards the bathroom, trying not to look at her.

“Umm… alright,” she said, walking towards her suitcase.

Michael shut the door to the bathroom and leaned against it. All he wanted to do was take her in his arms and kiss her senseless, but that wasn’t going to happen for awhile. Maria told him on the plane that nothing could happen with them until they found Marissa and had a chance to talk to her. He wasn’t quite sure why, but he didn’t argue. He would do what she wanted.

Michael went to the shower and turned it on. When he touched the faucet he got a flash of Maria doing the same thing only minutes before. He swallowed hard. Yup… it was going to be a cold shower.[/b]
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."