All The Things She Left Behind ~CC~ TEEN/MATURE {COMPLETE}

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All The Things She Left Behind ~CC~ TEEN/MATURE {COMPLETE}

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

TITLE: All The Things She Left Behind
AUTHOR: RoswellChic4Ever AKA Holli - My real life name! HAHA
RATING: TEEN or MATURE… depends on how vulgar I get…
CATEGORY: Mostly M/M with M/L A/I and K/T
SUMMARY: Basically… Maria left Roswell 6 years ago and kept no contact with anyone. Now she’s back to get married in the town she grew up… but oh, there will be some adversity in her way!
DISCLAIMER: If I owned them, I wouldn’t be a poor college student… and I’m definitely a poor college student…
AUTHOR’S NOTES: I tend to tell the whole story of my life in these things so I’m gonna try to make this brief. Nothing in season 2 happened. Which ultimately means nothing is Season 3 happened. But there are some things that didn’t happen in Season 1 that I’m adding in for the purpose of this story. Like season one was their senior year… therefore they all graduated as the class of 2000 and they are now 24. There, that’s as brief as I can get! ENJOY and Feedback please!

Part One

“A person travels the world over in search of what they need and return home to find it.” George Moore

She stared nervously out the window of the plane. She could see the beautiful bright blue sky, and a scatter of clouds at her reach. Below her was a vast plain of desert. And at the edge of the desert was the outskirts of a town. A town she knew all to well. A town that she hadn’t visited in 6 years. The town that she had been born in, the town she had been raised in, where she had her first kiss, her first love, her first… everything. A town that was so vastly strange to her now. One she hadn’t heard of in 6 years.

She was uninformed of the occupants of the town. She knew who was there when she left, but that held no promise that they would be there when she was to return. And she was to return sooner than she would have liked, and later than she would have liked. No matter what decision she made, her mind was always telling her no. But it was too late now. The plane would land at any moment.

She looked next to her and her traveling companions. A young man, about her age sat one seat away from her. He smiled as she looked over at him and then took her hand in his and squeezed it gently. He was her best friend. The one who took care of her in her time of need. The one who listened to everything she had to babble about, even if he didn’t care. He was her savior.

Between her and the young man sat the most beautiful little girl. Her blonde curls fell onto her face as she slept on her mother’s arm. She snored softly thanks to a cold she had gotten from day care. The young woman took her unoccupied hand and gently brushed the hair from her baby’s eyes. This child was her lifeline, her angel.

She turned back to the window, not letting go of the man’s hand. She looked as she saw the town more clearly now. She could make out buildings that looked so tiny to her. She imagined how it looked like a Barbie town from where she was. A little Ken doll would kiss the little Barbie doll and then get into his Ken sports car and drive off to work. Then Barbie would take care of the Kelly doll and wait patiently for the Ken doll to come home. She laughed inwardly reminding herself to never make a Barbie analogy again. Obviously she had been spending too much time playing with her little girl.

“Ladies and gentlemen please notice the fasten seat belt sign has been turned on, please stay in your seats we will be arriving shortly.” The pilots voice echoed throughout the plane.

The passengers put their seatbelts on and the young woman felt her hand endure a tight squeeze. She smiled again at the man and silently thanked God for his presence in her life. She wasn’t quite sure how she would have gotten through the past 6 years without his love and support, which he gave willingly, no questions asked.

The plane glided downward and the young woman took a deep breath preparing for the landing. It was slightly rough as she felt the plane hit and bounce a few times, but then it was smooth and the plane slowly came to a halt.

She gently shook her daughter out of her deep slumber, and the girl yawned and smiled at her mother. “Are we there?” Her quiet voice asked with a hint of excitement in it.

“Yeah honey, we are.” She told her. A forced smile for the sake of her child.

The young girl unbuckled her seat belt and bounced in her seat, obviously very excited about the trip.

“Ladies and gentlemen the time is currently 4:15 PM and the temperature is 78 degrees. Welcome to Roswell, New Mexico, I hope you enjoy your stay.

Part 2

The jet lag had set in and her whole body felt exhausted. It was only 5:30 Roswell time, but the anticipation along with the actual traveling had left Maria DeLuca ready for bed. Her traveling companions however were not as tired as she. Her daughter was bouncing on the bed trying to get Maria up. “Mommy! I’m hungry! Please get up!!!” The little girl continued her bouncing.

Maria laughed and sat up, grabbing her daughter and tickling her. The little girl shrieked with laughter. “Mommy stop! Please stop!” She then laughed harder. “Help!” She said. “Help!”

The young man from earlier came in and swooped the little girl away from her attacker. “I’ve got you!” He said and twirled her in the air.

“We beat you Mommy!” The little girl cried from the air. “We win, you lose!”

The young man set the girl back on the bed and she giggled. “That was fun. But I’m still hungry.” She told the two.

“Ok, how about if you let us get ready and then I promise we will go eat in the hotel restaurant.”

The little girl pouted. “I don’t wanna eat in the hotel restaurant. I wanna eat with my Grandma. You said we would meet her today.”

Maria sighed. “I know Honey, but maybe that should wait until tomorrow.”

“No!” The child protested. “I want to see her now!”

“Marissa…” James said, his voice stern. “Listen to your mother.”

Marissa jumped off the bed and stomped her foot. “I want to go out now!

James captured her up in his arms as he had done before and sat her on the bed, his eyes in total contact with her’s. “Tomorrow. Now why don’t you go play with your Barbie and Mom and I will be ready soon.

“Fine.” Marissa said defeated, but still pouting. She walked over to the one of many suitcases and pulled one towards her. She unzipped the zipper and pulled out a few dolls and a few accessories.

She started dressing their hair and changing their clothes and immediately forgot about the want to leave the hotel. She sat singing and talking to herself, immersed in her play.

Maria smiled at James. “Thank you.” She said and he bent down and kissed her gently on the lips.

“No problem. Now let’s get ready and get that child fed!” He laughed. “No need for any more arguments tonight.”

“Ok, I’ll go first and then I’d like to call my Mom and Kyle.”

“Alright.” He agreed.

She walked to the pile of suitcases and opened three, not sure which one contained her bathroom supplies. She finally found one with what she had been looking for and gathered the things she needed, then headed into the bathroom.

She turned on the shower and stripped off her clothes. When she felt the hot water beating on her back, it was like heaven. Her mind was in a million different places and she was stressed out. She knew that this was the start of a disaster. She never should have come back.

* * *

After her long shower she exited the bathroom in a soft white bathrobe and a towel holding over her head. Her long blonde hair dripped water on the hotel carpet and she wrapped the towel tighter, hoping to absorb it. James entered the bathroom as she exited and she heard the start of the shower.

She sat on the bed next to the phone and picked up the receiver. She held it in her hands a few minutes blankly staring at the numbers on the pad. She started to dial the number of the place she used to call home and held the receiver up to her ear.

“Hello?” The familiar voice answered.

Maria could feel her body tense up and her hands start to shake at the sound.

“Hello?” The voice said again, this time slightly irritated.

“Mom.” Maria said softly. “It’s me, Maria.”

* * *

James came out of the bathroom to find Maria lounging on the bed dressed, with her long blonde hair pulled up in a pony tail. She had a distraught look on her face and he looked at her, his eyebrows furrowed, trying to guess the emotions hidden behind her features.

“What’s wrong?” He asked her.

She sighed. “I called my Mother and it does appear we will be eating with her tonight. God help us all.” She said.

James laughed. “It’ll be fine Honey. I promise. It’ll be just fine.”

“Yeah just finished getting ready while I dress Marissa.”

He went back to the bathroom with a pile of clothes and Maria went and kneeled next to her daughter who was still playing.

“Hey Marissa. We are gonna go see Grandma tonight after all. How does that sound?”

The little girl jumped up and cheered. “Yay! I’m so excited. Look, I drew her this picture!” The little girl pulled a picture from her suitcase and proudly showed it to her Mother.

“Oh this is great. She’s going to love it!” Maria said, admiring her young child’s art skills. “Let’s pick out a pretty outfit to wear ok?”

“Ok!” Marissa said gleefully. She threw her dolls back into their rightful suitcase and Maria dug through another one, grabbing a suitable outfit for the 5 year old.

She quickly changed her daughter, just in time. James was ready just moments later and the three were off to dinner at Grandma’s house.

::Tell me what you think!::
Last edited by RoswellChic4Ever on Sat Mar 20, 2004 12:07 am, edited 39 times in total.
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Part 3

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

Part 3

Maria DeLuca knocked on the door of her childhood home and braced herself for what was to happen next. It was all to much and happening to fast. She hadn’t expected to see her Mother quite yet and honestly, she was downright terrified. She just left after Graduation. She had received quite a bit of money from her Graduation Party and she used to all for a one way ticket to Chicago. The sad thing was, she went all the way across the country just to avoid one person. Michael Guerin.

Her stomach began to knot up at the thought of his name. She immediately felt nauseous but pushed it away. Michael was another story. She’d deal with him later. Tonight, she had her Mother, and she decided that was enough for one evening.

The door opened and Amy DeLuca stood with her hands on her hips and a stern look on her face.

“Maria! Where the hell have you been?” She yelled.

Maria thought real quickly about making a run for it, but decided against it for her own good. She fought with emotions and words, not knowing what to say to her Mother.

Before Maria could utter any words Amy’s arms were tightly wrapped around her. “Oh Maria, I missed you so much. I missed you so much.”

Maria felt tears well up in her eyes and for some reason, didn’t hold back. She started to cry on her Mother’s shoulder and she in return, heard her Mother crying as well.

When the two women parted after their long embrace they laughed in embarrassment at their scene.

It was then that Amy noticed Maria’s two companions. She looked down at the little girl and assumed it was her Granddaughter.

“Mom, this is Marissa, my daughter.”

Amy bent down to her level and smiled at the girl. “Hi Marissa.”

“Are you my Grandma!” Marissa said excitedly!

“Yeah I am.”

The little girl started her bouncing again. “Oh boy! I’ve been waiting my whole life to meet you!”

Amy’s face was a full out grin at this point and she took her granddaughter in her arms. “Well I’m glad to hear that!”

Amy then looked at James with a questioning look. She held out her hand, ready to introduce herself, since Maria must have forgotten. “I’m Amy.”

“I’m James. James Masters.” He shook her hand.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Mom,” Maria said, her mind elsewhere.

“It’s ok. Why don’t you guys come in. Dinner is almost ready.”

The four walked into the living room and there sat three more people. Sheriff Valenti, Kyle, and Tess.

When Maria entered the room she was bombarded with hugs and kisses.

“We missed you so much Maria!” Kyle said.

“Where have you been?” Jim asked.

The four pulled apart and Maria looked at Kyle. “I missed you all too.” She then directed herself towards Jim. “I’ve been in Chicago. It’s a long story.”

Maria introduced James to everyone and then Marissa. All three were immediately charmed by the 5 year old chatterbox.

“Dinner’s ready!” Amy called from the dining room and the group sat down at the table to eat. Marissa sat between James and Maria. Amy sat at one end, with Jim at the other, and Kyle and Tess were across from Maria, James, and Marissa.

Marissa chatted away at first. She informed all of her new family that she was an artist and also a singer. She was just like Maria in almost every aspect. But her eyes. They belonged to someone else. Someone who wasn’t Maria.

When Maria quieted her daughter down the adults started talking. Maria learned of her Mother’s marriage to Jim and Kyle’s marriage to Tess. She was so happy for her Mother and so excited that Kyle was her brother.

“So Tess, you ended up going to law school right? That was your plan after graduation at least, when I was here.” Maria asked. Maria had never been to much of a fan for the girl, but she could already tell that Tess was a different person than when Maria left Roswell.

“Yeah. I really love it. It‘s great to help people.” She told her.

Maria smiled. “That’s great Tess! Kyle, what do you do?” .

“Actually, I teach. I’m stuck at West Roswell High even 6 years after graduation!” He laughed.

“Wow Kyle, I never pictured you a teacher, but that is great!”

“Yeah, I’m the head football coach too!” he said grinning. Tess smiled a proud smile at him and the two clasped hands.

“So what about you Maria. What do you do now?” Jim asked his step daughter.

“I actually work as a secretary for James. He’s an insurance agent.” She smiled at him and he squeezed her hand under the table.

He was very much aware of how hard this had to be on her. Seeing her mother and also finding all of this information was overwhelming, but she took it in stride and he was proud of her.

“So you two are married then.” Tess asked.

The two looked at each other then faced the group again. “Actually… That’s why we’re here. James and I are engaged and I wanted to get married here, in Roswell.”

Amy beamed. “Oh! I’m so happy! We’re having another wedding Jim! This is fantastic. We’ll have to call Isabel first thing in the morning.”

Not Isabel. Not yet. She would surely tell Michael that she was back and engaged and she wasn’t ready. Why Isabel? Why would they call Isabel? “Why?” She asked, not even realizing the question coming out of her mouth.

“Well because Isabel is a decorator. She did our wedding, Kyle and Tess’s wedding, Max and Liz’s wedding, Her and Alex’s wedding, Michael and Laura’s wedding…”

Maria almost choked on her bread when she heard Michael and wedding in the same sentence. She coughed loudly and tried not to look to obvious. “Michael huh? Wow.”

She turned and saw her fiancé giving her a disapproving glance. She looked sheepishly at the table, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone.

“Anyway, I’ll call her in the morning.” Any said.

Maria faked a smile. “Sounds great.”

The group sat silently for a few moments when the chatterbox interrupted. “Mommy, I don’t want anymore. I want to play now.”

Maria lifted Marissa from her chair and sat her down on the floor. The child hurried over to her bag of dolls they had brought along and played with them.

“Mom, let me help you with the dishes.” Maria offered, grabbing plates from the table.

Amy snatched them from her. “Nonsense! Jim and I will do them. You guys go talk and catch up.”

“Ok.” Maria said not wanting to argue with her mother quite yet.

The 3 friends and one outsider followed the little girl into the living room. Kyle and Tess sat down on the love seat, and James and Maria on the couch.

Marissa grabbed three of her dolls by the hair, along with some accessories and climbed her way into Kyle’s lap.

“Come on Uncle Kyle! Play with me!” The girl said excitedly.

Kyle looked slightly nervous about playing Barbie but couldn’t find it in his heart to say no to his new niece.

“OK,” he agreed.

Marissa handed him a doll and clothes and a brush. “They are going to Mommy’s wedding. You have to make them look pretty.”

Tess laughed at her husband. “Yeah honey. Make them pretty.”

Kyle threw her a glare, then awkwardly tried to make Barbie look pretty.

“This one is Kira, she’s Barbie’s friend.” Marissa explained.

Kyle and Marissa were left playing on the couch, with James smirking at the sight of a grown man playing Barbie. Them Marissa handed him one, and he had no other choice but to join the two.

“Hey Tess, can we talk? Outside on the porch?” She asked her,

“Yeah of course.” She said, a confused look on her face.

She turned to James. “I’ll be right back. Will you keep and eye on Marissa and Kyle. We don’t want them to get into any trouble.”

Kyle and Marissa laughed and Maria smiled, glad that Marissa seemed to get along so well with everyone.

“Yeah.” He kissed her cheek and her and Tess headed outside for the porch.

* * *

“He won’t do it.” Tess told her bluntly. “I know him, and I know he won’t do it.”

“Well tell him he has no choice.” She said.

Tess snickered. “I’m not telling him. You are. If you want him to sign the papers you better tell him. I’m not gonna get killed cause I’m the messenger.”

Maria sighed. “But you will draw up the papers for me?” She asked.

The other woman nodded her head. “Yeah just come by my office tomorrow.”

She smiled. “Thanks. The sooner I get this over with, the sooner I can get Marissa back to her normal life.”

::Please feedback! Thanks Earth2Mama for the feedback! I appreciate it!::
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 4

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

Part 4

The Roswell sun was hot for November and Maria was sweating in her tank top and Capri pants. She smiled down as her daughter skipped along side of Kyle. She had been immediately taken by him, and the two were on their way to being best friends. Maria frowned when she thought about how she would be taking Marissa away from her family in a few months. After the wedding, Maria and James would be taking Marissa back to Chicago to continue living. She knew that it was going to be a heartbreaking leave when it happened, so she tried to push it out of her mind for the moment.

She was excited about their outing today. James had been overwhelmed with paperwork and opted to stay at the hotel, but Maria and Marissa, along with Kyle, set out for a day of shopping and reuniting with old friends. She would stop by Tess’s office and pick up the papers she needed and then head to see Max and Liz.

“Tess’s office is right there.” Kyle said, pointing to a small office.

Maria stopped in front of it and took a deep breathe. Kyle put his hand on her back as to comfort her.

“Marissa and I will be right over there.” He pointed across the street. “I figure she could have some fun in the toy store."

“Alright. Be good Marissa!”

Marissa grabbed Kyle’s hand and drug him behind her skipping to the store.

Maria watched them enter, and then turned back to the building. Let the games begin, she thought.

* * *

Maria entered Tess’s office, escorted by her secretary. Tess was apparently in a meeting with another client, but would be done soon. The secretary told Maria to make herself at home and then shut the door behind her.

Maria stood awkwardly for a few moments not really sure what to do. She glanced around her and her eyes were immediately transfixed on a shelf that held 6 picture frames.

She wandered over to the shelf and studied the pictures. The first five were all wedding pictures. They were engraved with dates and she noticed they were in chronological order. Maria laughed to herself at Tess’s obsessive organization.

The first picture was of Max and Liz. Maria smiled, always knowing that they would be the first to get married. They had been destined to be together since the third grade and Maria was happy nothing stood in their way. They had faced too many trials and they deserved to be happy. It was dated May 9th, 2002 and Maria was surprised they had married so young.

The second picture, taken just months after the first, was of Her Mother and Jim’s wedding. Her mother looked so beautiful in her casual spring dress. She had been told the night before that they just exchanged vows in the backyard with a few close friend. No need to make a big deal, her Mother told her, We’ve both been through it once already.

The next picture was of Kyle and Tess. It was about a year after Max and Liz. Tess and Kyle looked happy as they stood surrounded by flowers and candles in a beautiful sanctuary. Maria made a mental note to ask them where the wedding was held.

Next was Alex and Isabel. Maria sighed, and frowned, thinking of how she had missed all of these happy days. She hadn’t kept in contact with any of them. She hadn’t so much as wrote a letter informing everyone she was ok. She just hid. She couldn’t deny that she loved her life, it was perfect. Beautiful daughter, loving fiancee, and she knew she’d always be loved and financially stable, but she couldn’t help but feel that something was missing.

That was when her eyes fell upon the last wedding picture. It was of Michael and his wife, what was her name? Maria thought hard. Laura! That was it. Maria looked at the picture of Michael and Laura. It was only a year old. Maria noticed how pretty Laura was. She had long, dark brown curly hair and beautiful green eyes. She had the body that any guy would die for. She and Michael were looking at each other laughing at something. Maria saw the happiness in his face. Happiness she wished for him everyday that she had been gone.

Maria then noticed the last picture. There it was, plain as day. A picture Maria recognized. A picture Maria was in. You could tell that the photo of the group was not a planned one. It was on Prom night at the Crashdown. Liz and Max were holding hands, sitting at the counter talking. Tess and Kyle sat awkwardly, as they were just friends at this point. Maria laughed remembering how nervous they both were. Isabel was in the process of kissing Alex on the cheek. Then, standing behind the counter, wrapped in each other’s arms were Michael and Maria. Their foreheads were pressed together and they were smiling, just staring into the other’s eyes, each completely engulfed in the other. When Maria had seen the picture 6 years ago, she made the comment that the camera had caught them in a Max and Liz moment. She smiled remembering the happy night.

She raised her hand to the picture and touched the image of Michael and herself. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she remembered that night. It had been such a happy night. Her and Michael had danced all night, despite his reluctance. He made sure that it was the best night for Maria, and it was. That night had given her, what he whole life revolved around. That night had given her, her daughter. Their daughter.

“Maria?” She jumped at the sound behind her and turned quickly wiping a few away.

“Tess! Hi, I was just looking at these pictures. They are great!” She smiled.

“Are you ok?” Tess questioned, noticing her jumpiness and seeing the last of her stray tears.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s just get this over with.”

Tess took a seat behind her desk and motioned for Maria to sit in front of it. Tess reached into a folder sitting on her desk and pulled out the contents. She then handed them to Maria.

“This is it.” Tess told her.

“So he just signs these papers right? And then all of his parental rights will belong to James?”

Tess nodded solemnly.

“Maria, are you sure you wanna do this?” Tess asked.

“Yes.” Maria answered quickly. “This is what I want. This is what James wants and this is what is best for Marissa.”

“Maria, I just want you to know, that as your friend, I don’t know how Michael is going to react when you tell him this. Michael was devastated when you left. He actually… he cried Maria. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but I saw him one night. He was sitting in the park, all alone and he was just sobbing. I’ve never seen Michael like that.”

Maria stared to get upset. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Maria, I’m telling you because you need to hear it. You left him, you left him all alone and now you’re just going to rip another part of him away. The daughter he never had. How do you think he’s going to react?”

“I can handle Michael. If there’s one thing I can do, I can handle Michael.” She said confidently.

“He’s changed Maria. I just want you to know. He’s changed.”

Maria nodded. “Thanks Tess, really. For everything. I’ll see you later.” Maria grabbed her papers and the folder they belonged in and headed out of the office.

She got outside and breathed in the fresh air. She took a few deep breathes before heading across the street to the toy store. She was almost there when she ran into someone.

She knew it was him the moment her body made contact with his. She could smell an all to familiar smell. One that drew her in. The warmth from his body made her skin tingle and she could feel the passion they had once had for each other as his hands touched her.

She quickly was snapped out of her trance and jumped away from him. He couldn’t say anything, he just stared.

* * *

He ran his fingers through his hair and after a few moments of the awkward silence he finally felt his voice work.

“Maria.” was all he could get out. There she was, standing in front of him. The woman he had loved, the one who he had dreamed about for years. “Maria...”

“That’s my name Spaceboy.” He smiled at the sound of the nickname she had made up for him so long ago.

“Wow, Maria… I, I … How are you?” He still struggled with words.

She smiled and he noticed how beautiful it was. “I’m good. How are you?”

“Good… great!” He said.

The two stood in silence again, neither one ready to bring up the infamous question of where she had been.

“So, um.. You’re home.. For good?” He asked, still trying to make some sense of the situation. Here stood Maria DeLuca, the love of his life. Here she was after 6 years of wondering and worrying.

“I’m home for a few months. Then I’m going back to Chicago.” She told him.

“Chicago, wow. Far away.”


Again the awkward silence. Michael shifted his weight between his feet, trying to come up with something to say, but he was at a loss for words. Luckily for him, someone else wasn’t.

“MOMMY!” The little girl screamed with glee. “Mommy! Look what Uncle Kyle bought me! A new Barbie!” She ran to her Mother quickly, Kyle in tow trying to snatch her up.

“Oh, let me see.” Maria said, kneeling down to her height. Marissa excitedly showed her the Barbie.

Maria stood back up and bit her bottom lip. “Michael, this is Marissa. My daughter.”

Michael was taken aback. Daughter. Wow, Maria had a daughter. She had to be at least 4 or 5. She doesn’t waste anytime finding another guy does she, he thought to himself bitterly.

He pushed the bitter thoughts away and smiled at the little girl. “Hi Marissa.”

“Hi!” She said, eager to meet a new friend.

“Marissa, this is Michael.”

“Hi Michael! This is my Uncle Kyle.” She said pointing to Kyle.

The adults laughed. “Michael knows Uncle Kyle honey.” Maria explained.

“Oh.” Marissa furrowed her brow, then pushed her Barbie in Michael’s face. “This is Theresa! She’s going to go to Mommy’s wedding with Barbie, Skipper, and Kira!”

Michael indulged the child. “Really, that’s exciting! Mommy’s getting married huh?”

“Yeah! And you should come! You can be Theresa’s date.” She told him.

He laughed. “Well, ok then.”

Michael looked back at Maria and Kyle. “Congratulations.” He said, directed towards Maria.

“Thanks.” She smiled. “And I heard about you getting married. That’s great Michael. I’m so happy for you.”

“Thank you. Well I better get going. I have to get back to work.” He told the three.

“Bye Marissa.” He said. “Maria… It was great seeing you. And Kyle, always a pleasure.” He shook his friend’s hand.

“Um Michael. Do you think we can talk later?” Maria asked him.

“Yeah. Um… Laura has this thing at work if you wanted to come over tonight or something.”

“Yeah ok. That sounds good.”

“How about 7?” He asked.

“Yeah. See ya then at your place.”

He smiled. “Ok.” He turned away and breathed a sigh. Maria DeLuca… back in Roswell… All hell was about to break loose.
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 5

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

::Ok... those of you looking for some candy action... well this part may upset you... alot. But don't you fret, I'll fix them I promise, but I couldn't just have Michael be all fine and dandy with giving his daughter away. Not to mention that he's still pissed at Maria for pulling her disappearing act. All the anger comes out in this chapter and it's not good.::

This part is rated R for extensive use of the F word...

Part 5

Michael sat in complete silence. He wasn’t sure what to say. Should he tell her? Should he tell her that his old girlfriend is back in town and that she’s coming over tonight? He could just imagine it. ‘Hey Laura, you remember that girl that I told you I was in love with for like 4 years? Yeah? Good, well she’s coming over tonight while you are out. Is that ok?’ Yeah that would be just great.

Not that Laura wasn’t understanding. She was. She was great. They had met about a year after Maria disappeared. He was lonely and brooding and she was lively and exciting. They became good friends, Michael letting her in as he could. She always pushed him, but never too much. His wall was higher and thicker after Maria left, but somehow, when Michael wasn’t looking, she broke it down and they had been together ever since. He wasn’t ever sure what it was that drew him to her. She was beautiful, and kind. She was perfect actually. But she wasn’t Maria. She wasn’t his little pixie. She was something completely different.
It didn’t matter now though. He loved Laura more than anything. It had taken time, but as the years went by he just found himself loving her more and more. He couldn’t make it stop, no matter how hard he tried. And he had tried. He wanted to wait his whole life for Maria to come back. He always knew she would, but eventually after no contact, he gave up. He gave up and Laura was there to catch him the day he broke down. She just held him as he cried and cried over his lost love. He had only ever cried in front of one person before Laura, and that had been Maria. That was the night he realized he was in love with Laura.

Now however he had to push those memories from his mind. He had to decide how to tell this news to Laura.

“Earth to Michael!” The voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

He looked up to see his wife looking at him, her head cocked and her eyebrows furrowed.

“Whatcha thinking about?” She asked.

He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him. She bent down and kissed him on the lips.

“Nothing.” He said, lying.

She sat down next to him and slapped his arm. “Liar. Spill.”

He sighed. “Maria is back.” He told her.

Her face dropped. “What?” She asked.

“Yeah, I uh, I ran into her today. She was leaving Tess’s office actually.”

“Interesting.” She said, trying not to let her jealousy show through. It was
no secret that Michael and Maria had shared something special, and it made her nervous whenever Maria was even mentioned. Nervous that he would remember how much he loved her and leave on a search to find her. Laura tried to push those thoughts out of her head. “And…”

He sighed again. “And she wants to talk tonight. I told her she could come over here.” He looked down at his lap, trying to hide his guilt.

“Oh.” Was all Laura said.

“Is that ok?” He asked after a few moments of silence.

“Yeah. That’s fine.” She said, forcing a smile.

“If it’s not, I’ll have Kyle tell her not to come.” He said.

She turned her body towards him and grabbed his hands and held them in hers. “Michael, I know that this is something you have to do. I think you should talk to her.”

He smiled. “Really?”

“Yeah. Really.”

“I love you.” He told her.

“I love you too.”

* * *

Maria opened the door to the hotel and Marissa ran in, excited to introduce her new doll to her old dolls.

Kyle was also still with them, and he followed Maria into the room. James was sitting on the bed watching TV. His head turned as the three entered the room.

“Hi Honey.” She said, walking to him and kissing his cheek.

“Hello Kyle.” he said, then he looked at Maria and frowned. “Hi Honey, I have some bad news.” He told her.

“What?” She asked, afraid of the answer.

“I have to go back to Chicago for a few weeks. Someone screwed up some loans and we are in big trouble.” He explained.

“Well, do you want me to go with you?” She asked, relieved at the news. For some reason she thought it would be much worse.

“No. No. I want you to stay here and get reacquainted with your family and friends. I want Marissa to meet all these people you’ve been telling us about for years.” He laughed.

Maria was relieved. She still had a lot to do before she wanted to go back and now she would get to do some of it, without the supervision of her fiancé. She imagined things with Michael would be slightly easier.

“When are you leaving?” She asked.

“My plane leaves at 6:00.”

Maria looked at her watch. “Well it’s 3, I suppose we start heading over there. Between security and everything.”

He agreed and they grabbed his suitcases. With Kyle’s help they had his stuff loaded in the rental car in minutes.

“Hey Maria, why don’t you check out of the hotel and you and Marissa can stay at Tess and I’s place. I mean I don’t like the idea of you and her here alone.” Kyle said.

“I think that’s a good idea.” James told her.

“I suppose we could.” Maria said, agreeing. After they agreed on that, they packed Maria and Marissa’s stuff and loaded it in Kyle’s car. James went to the front desk and checked them out.

“I’ll take Marissa back to my place for dinner. Then Maria, just meet us there. Here are directions.” He handed her a map drawn on the paper from the hotel room. “Just come there after you drop James off.”

“Alright. Be good Marissa.” Maria said, kissing her child on the forehead.

“Bye Mommy! Bye James! Have fun in Chicago. Tell Justin that I'll be home soon to play with him.”

James snatched her up into a hug. “Don’t I get a kiss too?” he asked.

She kissed him on the cheek! “Wuv you!” She said.

He put her down. “I love you too Marissa. Be good for Mommy and Kyle ok?”

“Ok.” She ran over to Kyle and he set her in the back seat, buckling her up.

Maria and James got into the rental car and headed off towards the airport, while Marissa and Kyle headed to his house.

* * *

Maria entered the Valenti house a few hours later to find Kyle and Marissa asleep on the couch. She smiled and entered the kitchen where Tess was cooking dinner.

“Hey Tess.” Maria said, sitting down at the table.

“Oh hey Maria! I’m so glad you are staying with us. Your daughter is something else you know. She’s great. We had so much fun this afternoon.” Tess told her.

“Good. You know Tess, I’m sorry about how I acted today in your office. I was just… upset.” She said.

“It’s fine Maria, I understand. Really I do.”

“Good.” Maria looked at her watch and saw that it was almost seven. She took a deep breath. “Hey Tess…” I need to know how to get to Michael’s. We are meeting at his house to … talk.”

“Oh.” Tess knew what the talk would be about. “He lives over on Washington Street. 1320. It’s a big white house, you can’t miss it.”

“Alright.” Maria thanked her friend and said goodbye, informing her she’d be back later.

Maria walked to the rental and got in. She looked beside her at the envelope of papers. The papers that would make her free of Michael Guerin forever.

* * *

Maria knocked on the door of the house and took a step back. She waited only a moment before the beautiful brunette from the picture answered the door. She smiled cordially at Maria.

“Hi, you must be Maria.” She said.

Maria shifted her weight, nervously. “Yeah.” She said quietly.

“I’m Laura.” She held out her hand and Maria took it, shaking it.

“Nice to meet you.” Maria said.

Laura invited her into the house and Maria entered, still nervous. Here she was in Michael’s house. Michael’s house that he shared with his wife. This woman standing before her.

They stood in awkwardness but Laura spoke up. “Do you want anything to drink?” She asked. “I’m about to be leaving for a dinner party, but I could get you something.”

“Oh… thank you, but no. I’m fine. Really.” Maria told her.

Laura nodded her head… the awkward silence began again when Michael entered the room.

“Hey Maria.” He said, walking towards his wife. “I see you met Laura.”

“Yeah.” Maria smiled.

“I have to get going now, I’m going to be late. Maria it was nice meeting you, Michael, don’t wait up.” She kissed him on the cheek and Maria felt her stomach turn over.

“Love you.” She said.

“Love you too.” Maria winced at those words coming from his mouth, being for anyone other than herself.

“She seems nice.” Maria said.

“Yeah, um… have a seat.” He pointed towards the couch. Maria sat down on one end and Michael at the other.

“What’s that?” Michael asked, noticing the folder Maria was clutching.

“Umm.” Great. Now here it was, they hadn’t even gotten a chance to talk and she was just going to have to come out and tell him everything. This wasn’t how she wanted it. She wanted for them to laugh and talk and then she’d bring up the Marissa thing and he’d be upset, but he’d sign the papers because he had a whole new life, one that had nothing to do with Marissa. She could see now that this was going to be a disaster.

“I guess I mideswell get right to the point.” She told him, her hands shaking, her insides felt like they were being eaten away at.

She set the folder on the coffee table in front of them and turned inward on the couch, facing her former love.

“I’m getting married in a few months. January actually. James has been with me for a long time now. I met him a few months after I left and umm… He’s helped raise Marissa.”

“Ok…” He said, not really sure what her point was.

“Anyway, James isn’t Marissa’s Father, but he wants to adopt her, when we get married. He’s been with her since she was born. She knows he’s not her Father, but he’s her Daddy in every sense of the word.”

Maria opened the folder and pulled out the papers. She then opened her purse and pulled out a pen. She clutched the items to her chest and continued.

“In order for James to be able to adopt Marissa I have to have her biological Father sign all of his custodial rights over.”

“Ok and why the hell are you telling me this…” Then it hit him, or rather smacked him in the face really. He snatched the papers from Maria’s grip and his fears were true. He was this little girl’s Father.

“Are you even fucking me?” He yelled. He threw the papers back at Maria. “I can’t believe you.”

Maria felt her palms start to sweat. Her stomach was in a million knots and the overwhelming urge to vomit, came over her.

Michael stood up and started pacing. “I can’t believe you’d do this. I mean, what the fuck!’

Maria stood up. “Michael, I’m sorry. Please just sign the papers. Then we’ll be out of your life forever.”

Michael stopped pacing and glared at her. “You want me to give up the rights to my daughter? Are you kidding? Jesus Maria, I mean… Did you know you were pregnant when you left?”

She twiddled her hands nervously. “Yes.” She said looking at the ground.

“Why didn’t you tell me? What… what were you thinking?” He yelled.

She tried to hold back the tears. “You broke up with me Michael! You said, it was too dangerous. You loved me too much, blah blah, whatever. What was I supposed to do? So I ran. I was scared ok.”

“Scared? You should have told me. You should have fucking told me Maria!” He ran his fingers through his thick brown hair.

“Michael… I am so sorry. I didn’t know what else to do.” She was still fighting the tears that were so near to spilling.

“You’re sorry? What? Is that supposed to make this all better? Well it doesn’t. The fact that you are sorry provides me with no solace.”

“Michael, what else do you want from me?” She yelled.

“I want you to fucking get out.”

“Sign the papers. Then I’ll go.” She begged, ready to give him whatever he wanted.

“Fuck no. I’m not signing the papers. I’m not giving up my daughter.” He could feel the anger get stronger.

“Michael, sign the goddamn papers!” She screamed.

Michael grabbed the closest thing to him and chucked it at the wall. The lamp shattered into a million pieces and Maria couldn’t fight her tears anymore. She started crying.

“Oh don’t you cry Maria. Don’t you fucking cry. You brought this upon yourself.” He yelled.

“What the hell is going on here?” They heard a voice from the door and Laura stood there absolutely shocked by the scene playing out in front of her. Maria was sobbing and Michael was glaring at her, hate in his eyes.

“Michael what is going on?” She asked again.

“Ask Maria.” He said, bitterly. “Ask her how fucking long she’s been lying to me.”

“Michael, I’m sorry. That’s all I can say to you. Please, sign the papers.”

“Selfish bitch!” The lamp Michael hadn’t gotten to blew up.

“Oh my God.” Laura said. She knew it had to be bad. Laura had never seen Michael as mad as he was at this moment. In 5 years of knowing him, consoling him when he was hurt, trying to get him to stop being angry with Maria, she had never seen him blow something up without trying.

“Maria wants me to sign away the rights to my daughter.” Michael told his wife. “The daughter she’s been keeping from me.”

Laura put her hand over her mouth in shock. “Oh my God,” were the only words she could seem to form.

“Who are you? I don’t even fucking know you anymore.” He said, then he turned his back to Maria and Laura trying to calm himself, it wasn’t working.

Maria walked to him and put her hand on his back. “Michael please. She doesn’t even know you. Just sign the fucking papers!"

That was when it happened. He turned and without even realizing it, the back of his hand was making contact with her face. Flesh on flesh. She was knocked to the floor.

Maria’s eyes got really big and she started sobbing louder and harder.

“Maria… Oh my God, Maria… I’m so… I’m so sorry.” He started towards her but she inched back as fast as she could, still on the floor.

“Stay the fuck away from me. YOU BASTARD YOU FUCKING HIT ME!“ Maria screamed, clutching her face.

Laura finally intervened. She helped Maria off the floor and looked at Michael. “You need to calm down.” She told him being as composed as she could. This was all just too much for her at the moment.

Maria was still sobbing loudly and Laura turned to her. “Maria, I think you should leave.”

Maria grabbed her purse and her papers. She started for the door, but turned back at Michael. “You just fucked up. You will never ever see her. I hope you know that. I’ll take you to court if I have to. I’ll do anything to keep you away from her!”

Maria slammed the door behind her and Michael collapsed on the couch. His hands were shaking and he was in shock. “I hit her. I… I backhanded her. Oh my God. What have I done?”

Laura sat next to him and tried to think of what to say. She put her arms around him, not knowing what else to do. He started weeping and she held him, holding back her own tears. She had a feeling that what she saw was just a preview. Laura saw some stormy weather ahead. Hurricane DeLuca was back.

::Thanks to all of you who have been leaving feedback!::
::Shameless plugging ~ If you haven't, check out my other fics "The Grieving Process" (Which is finished) Future fic, focusing on M/L's eldest daughter, and "You Can't Hide From The Past" (which is in progress) That one is about the life of the aliens on Antar!::
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Addicted Roswellian
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Location: Suburbia, where they tear out the trees and name the streets after them!

Part 6

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

Part 6

Maria drove around Roswell for a long time before ending up at Max and Liz’s. She had called Kyle and Tess, trying not to sound panicked and asked them to watch Marissa a little longer. They happily agreed and then she asked for the address of her best friend.

She sat in front of their house for a few moments, wondering what on Earth she was going to say to them. She looked in the rearview mirror and saw a hideous bruise forming on her face. Bastard, she thought. She didn’t really want to tell anyone that Michael had hit her. She especially didn’t want to tell Kyle. That was why she avoiding his house like the plague the past few hours. Eventually however she realized she would run out of gas and so she opted to see Liz.

She walked to the house slowly, hoping they were awake and she would disturb them. She knocked on the door and to her surprise, Laura answered the door.

“I’ll come back later.” Maria grumbled and headed back to the rental car.

“Michael isn’t here.” Laura told her. “He’s at home.”

Maria turned back around. “Ok.”

“You know, Michael isn’t like that. He doesn’t get mad like that. And to be honest, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe he hit you. I don’t know what it is about you that makes him so upset, but Michael would never hurt his daughter. EVER.”

“I just want to see my best friend.” Maria said, not making eye contact with the woman.

As if on cue, Liz entered the doorway. “Maria!” She cried, completely surprised by her visitor. “Oh my God Maria!”

“Lizzie!” Maria and Liz hugged. “Oh Liz, I missed you so much! I’m so sorry! Please forgive me.”

“Maria! Where have you been?” Liz asked.

“I’ve been in Chicago and it’s a really long story.”

“Oh Maria, this is Laura, she’s um… oh well she’s Michael’s wife.”

“We’ve met.” Maria said, her smile from seeing her best friend disappeared.

“Oh. Um.. Ok. So Maria, you should come in and we can talk.”

Maria made her way into the house, and Liz led her into the living room
where Max was sitting watching TV.

He turned to see who the visitor was and immediately jumped up. “Maria, I’m so happy to see you, Holy Shit! What the hell happened to your face.”

“Thanks Max, nice to see you too.” Maria said, hugging him.

Liz now moved towards Maria to get a good look at her bruise. Laura however, stayed back, not sure what to do.

“Maria! What happened?” Liz asked.

Maria sat down on the couch and shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t wanna talk about it right now.” She said, not looking at Laura.

“Hey, Liz, I gotta go. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Laura said, ready to bolt from the situation.

“Oh Laura, I’m so sorry you wanted to talk. We can talk, Max can entertain Maria.” Liz said, smiling.

“No, really. You two catch up. Tomorrow, lunch.”

“Right.” Liz got up to let her out.

“Oh, Liz, I’ll let myself out, really. See ya.” Laura left and when the door slammed, Maria let out a breath she didn’t even know she was holding.

“So you met Laura huh? I guess it’s safe to assume you’ve seen Michael then.” Liz said.

“Oh yeah, Michael and I had quite the reunion.” Maria snickered.

“I take it, it didn’t go well.”

“Oh Max, it probably couldn’t have gotten much worse. At least I only have one bruise.”

“WHAT? Michael gave you that bruise?” Liz cried.

Maria sighed, then proceeded to tell her friends the events of the past few hours. When she was done, she had broken down in tears and Liz was sitting next to her, comforting her. “Oh Maria.”

Max, who hadn’t said a word just sat there. Max agreed with Liz and Maria, Michael should have never hit her. Michael would definitely get a talking to about that, but Maria wasn’t being fair.

“Maria, I… I don’t know how to say this really. I mean, Jesus, Michael should have never hit you. I can’t even believe he did, but you aren’t being fair. Why shouldn’t Michael get to see his daughter. You can’t take that away from him.”

“I can now! He fucking backhanded me and I landed on the floor.” She said, anger rising.

“Maria, calm down. I understand that, but you know Michael would never intentionally hurt you. He wouldn’t.”

“Who’s side are you on Max?” She raised her voice.

“Jesus Maria. This isn’t only about you ya know. When you left, do you know what it did to Michael. It killed him Maria. He came over that morning, with flowers, he even bought a card, one that really said what he was feeling, and your mom let him in, telling him you were still asleep, and he entered your room ready to surprise you, and you were gone. Then that day turned into lots of days, and the days to weeks and the weeks to months and then finally a year had gone by. I watched Michael die. He wanted you to come back so bad. For weeks he just sat in his apartment refusing to go anywhere. He couldn’t figure it out. He loved you so much. It wasn’t until he met Laura that he even started opening up again. Now tell me that if I did that to Liz you wouldn’t be pissed at me.”

Maria started crying again. “I loved him so much. I wanted to come back so bad, but I was so scared. I was scared he’d reject me and Marissa. God, I just wanted him to wrap his arms around me and tell me it was going to be ok, but time went by and then I met James. And James made me feel safe. He made me feel like it was going to be ok. He filled the void.”

Liz wrapped her arms tighter around her best friend. “It’s ok Maria.”

“I’m sorry Maria. I know it must have been hard on you too.” Max said sympathetically. He then took a seat on the other side of Maria. “Do you want me to heal that bruise?” He put his hand up to her face but she flung her head out of the way.

“No!” She cried.

Max was taken aback. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok. Just no, please.”


“Maria, you are way to worked up to drive back to Kyle’s. I’ll call him and tell him you are staying here tonight.” Liz said.

“Thanks Lizzie.” She sniffled.

Liz showed her to the guest room and got her comfortable.

“Lizzie, I’m so sorry. I really fucked up didn’t I?”

“It’s ok.” Liz said, running her fingers through Maria’s hair. “It’ll be ok, just get some sleep. You’ve had a long day.”

Maria laid back on the pillow and Liz watched her until she was asleep. After she was sure she was out, she joined Max back in the living room.

“How could you act that way towards Maria?” She asked, angry at him for blaming her.

“Liz, I don’t wanna fight with you tonight, let’s just call Kyle and then go to bed.” He said, he was sitting on the couch, watching TV again, his feet propped up on the coffee table. She could see dark circles forming under his eyes. He obviously wasn’t getting much sleep.

“Fine.” She said, not wanting to argue either. “I’ll call him.”

Max grabbed the phone before she could get to it. “I’ll call him, you can go to bed.”

“Umm… ok. Goodnight.” She said, not understanding what was up with him.

She paid it no attention, as she was exhausted, and headed to the bedroom her and Max shared. She went into the attached bath and washed her face and brushed her teeth, and then got into the big, comfortable bed. She was asleep within minutes.

* * *

Max waited a long time before calling anyone, making sure Liz was sound asleep. When he didn’t hear her stirring in the bedroom anymore, he picked up the phone and dialed Kyle’s number.

“Hello.” A wide awake Tess answered.

“Hi Tess, it’s Max. How are you?” He asked politely.

“Oh hi Max! I’m great. How are you?”

“I’ve been better. Look is Kyle around?”

“Oh yeah. Hold on.” He could hear her walking to where Kyle was and talking to him quietly. He couldn’t make out what she was saying, but he knew she was talking.

“Hello?” Kyle Valenti’s voice boomed through the phone.

“Hey Kyle, listen I just wanted to tell you that Maria is staying here tonight. Her and Michael got into a big fight and she was just really upset.” He explained.

“What happened with Michael?” Kyle asked, concern in his voice for his step-sister.

“Max sighed, not sure if he should tell him. “Michael hit Maria…”

“MICHAEL WHAT?” Kyle roared.

“Kyle, calm down. Things got really intense and from what I understand, Maria was pushing him to sign these damn papers and he just couldn’t take it. He just lashed out and backhanded her.”

“Oh my God.” Kyle said. The phrase seemed to be going around that evening.

“Anyway will you be ok with Marissa?” Max asked.

“Yeah, after I go and beat the shit out of Michael.”

“Kyle. Are you insane? Leave him alone. Michael isn’t the only one at fault here! Maria brought this upon herself, why doesn’t anyone see that?”

Max didn’t notice the blonde girl watching and listening from the hallway. She couldn’t hear what Kyle was saying, but she heard Max very well.

“Well you know what, Michael should get to see his daughter. He deserves that much after she fucking just left him. After she left us all. How can everyone be so damn forgiving? She‘s being selfish. Selfish and a bitch, Michael had it right.”

“Fine, whatever. Bye Kyle.”

He slammed the phone down and leaned back on the couch, rubbing his eyes. He was tired. He turned towards the hallway and saw her standing there, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her hands were shaking and her long blonde hair was in a messy ponytail.

“I didn’t realize that was how you felt. I’m going to go.” Maria told him, making her way to the door.

“Maria… I’m sorry.” Max sighed.

“No Max, don’t be. It isn’t until you aren’t around that you learn what people really think of you.”

Max ran his hands through his hair. “I’m sorry Maria, really I am. I’m just so angry. Angry because I had to watch Michael. Angry because now I’m gonna watch him die all over again, and I don’t know if I can do it.”

“Goodbye Max.” Maria closed the door quietly behind herself.

Max went back to the couch and laid down. He fell asleep within a few moments.

* * *

Michael sat on the couch reliving the moments. They had been fighting, fighting like they never had before. They were screaming at each other. He threw a lamp and blew another one up without trying. He had said ‘fuck’ so many times, he was sure the word had lost it’s meaning. Then he had hit her. He smacked her so hard that she ended up on the floor. Michael felt a dagger cut open his insides as he thought about her there on the floor. The words echoed through his head, he couldn’t get them to go away. “Stay the fuck away from me. YOU BASTARD YOU FUCKING HIT ME!”…”I’ll take you to court if I have to. I’ll do anything to keep you away from her!”

He was never going to get to see his daughter. He was never going to get to hold her, or tuck her in and kiss her goodnight. He’d never be able to watch a movie with her, buy her things and spoil her. He wouldn’t be able to teach her to paint, or take her to school on her first day. He would miss all those things, not to mention the things he had already missed. Her birth, her first steps, her first words. He wondered if James was there when his daughter had first said “Da-da”. Another dagger, this time through the heart.

He had met that little girl and she was amazing. Beautiful and smart. She was a chatterbox, just like her mother. God what he would have given for just one day with her. One day to get to know her. And he had ruined everything. He had hit her. He couldn’t even fathom it. He would never hurt Maria. At this moment he hated her, but before that he loved her. He would have never imagined smacking her, or anyone. He just wasn’t like that. But he had, he had hit her and now it was going to cost him his little girl.

He buried his head in his hands and he felt the overwhelming urge to cry. He tried to hold it back. Michael Guerin did not cry. Ok well Michael Guerin had cried a few times. One time, a long time ago, when he and Hank had gotten into a fight. Max and Isabel begged him to go to their place, but he knew he had to see Maria. She just held him all night while he cried and it was amazing. He had never felt so loved. Then one time in the park about a week after Maria left. He found himself just crying. Then the last time was when he broke down after about 3 years. He had been holding it all in and Laura was just there. She was a psychologist so she was kind of used to it, but that was when he felt loved again.

Now everything was just going to hell. He was crying, alone in his living room. He had no idea where Laura was. She just said she had to go and talk to someone, think for awhile. He couldn’t very well call anyone, ’Hey I backhanded my ex-girlfriend and the mother of my child. Feel bad for me.’ Yeah, that probably wasn’t the best idea. So he just sat on the couch, crying some, thinking some. He was glad Laura was gone however. He just didn’t want to talk to her. She’d wanna talk and psychoanalyze him and all that bullshit and he wasn’t in the mood. He just wanted to be alone.

Today had undoubtedly been one of the worst days in the life of Michael Guerin and he had had some bad days in his time. But nothing compared to the guilt he felt at that very moment. The guilt and the fear that this was just the beginning.
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Addicted Roswellian
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Part 7

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

::Here it is, the long awaited 7th part! Ok well maybe not long awaited... LOL Anyway, I'm not sure how I feel about this part honestly, Apart of me is like, it's missing something, and the other part of me is really happy with it and can't figure out what's missing, so I guess I'll just post it and hope it's ok.. thanks for all the feedback!

Part 7

“Mommy! Wake up!” The little girl shook her mother and jumped on the bed,

Maria groggily awoke from her slumber and smiled at her daughter. “Hi baby, did you have fun with Uncle Kyle and Aunt Tess last night?”

“Yeah! We played Barbie and made cookies! They were yummy! We saved you some!”

Maria sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. When she did, she felt pain in the left side of her face. She winced, and Marissa frowned at her. “What happened Mommy?”

Maria ran her hands through Marissa’s hair. “I fell, you know how clumsy Mommy can be.”

Marissa laughed. “Oh Mommy! I should teach you how to walk.”

Maria smiled at the younger version of herself.

“Come on Mommy it’s breakfast time!” Marissa grabbed Maria’s hand and pulled her out of bed. “Uncle Kyle made blueberry pancakes! Those are your favorite Mommy!”

Maria followed Marissa into the kitchen, not bothering changing out of her pink plaid pajama pants and white t-shirt. She yawned as she sat down at the table, with Kyle, Tess, and Marissa. Tess’s eyes got big when she saw the black and blue bruise across her Maria’s left cheek.

“God Maria.. You’re face.” She said, not able to hold it in.

“Mommy fell Aunt Tess. She’s cumsly.” Marissa told them.

Maria laughed. “CL-UM-SY, Marissa, CLUMSY.” Maria proununciated the word for her child.

“Clumsy.” Marissa tried again.

“That’s right. Good job.” Maria patted her head.

Marissa beamed with pride.

“Maria, Um… Michael called earlier. He wants to talk to you.” Kyle told her.

Maria rolled her eyes and snickered. “Well people in Hell want ice water.” She didn’t even hide the bitterness in her voice.

“Oh…k…” Kyle said slightly shocked, he then turned his attention to Marissa. “What do you wanna do today?” He asked.

“Yeah, it’s Saturday, and we don't have to work! We can do something really fun!” Tess said. She just loved little Marissa and wanted to spend as much time with her as she could. Tess wanted the practice for whenever her and Kyle decided to have kids.

“Can we have a picnic!? In the park!?” Marissa said excitedly.

Kyle looked at Maria to make sure that was ok. “Yeah, that’s fine honey. That sounds great.” Maria told her.

“Well then a picnic in the park it is!” Kyle said.

“Oh goodie! I’m going to go get Theresa and Kira ready!” Marissa hopped off the chair and scurried into the room that Kyle had named her‘s.

Maria smiled as she went then turned back to her friends. “Tess, I think I’m going to have to take Michael to court for this.”

Tess gasped. “Maria! You can’t be serious.”

“Maria… Think about this.”

“Kyle, I have. I’m not letting him anywhere near her. He won’t sign the papers, then I’ll take away his rights by force.” Maria was no where near kidding. She was dead serious, and Kyle could see the determination in her eyes. She would stop at nothing to get what she wanted.

“Maria, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Tess shook her head in disbelief. “I mean, if you take this to court, it’s going to be ugly. If you bring up that Michael hit you, he could go to jail!”

“Well that’s what he gets.” Kyle saw the hate for her former love in Maria’s eyes as she said that. He couldn’t imagine where all of that came from. Maria had been a loving person, always giving second chances. She was good hearted. This was not the Maria he had grown up with. This Maria was bitter and angry. This one wanted to destroy Michael Guerin… and he couldn’t figure out why.

“Maria, please don’t do this.” Tess begged. “Just try to talk to him again… please.”

“No. This is the way that it has to be, and I have a witness that he hit me. If he doesn’t sign the papers, I’ll take him to court and his own wife will have to testify against him.”

* * *

Tess knocked at the Guerin door quietly. She felt badly about what she was about to do, but she couldn’t let Maria take this to court.

Michael answered the door. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess. His clothes were wrinkled and she assumed he hadn’t changed since yesterday.

“Hi Michael. Can I come in?” She asked.

He didn’t say anything, but walked back to the couch. She took that as a yes and went in, shutting the door behind her.

“Michael, I wanted to talk to you about Maria.” She said, sitting down next to him.

“Oh here we go.” He mumbled.

“No, Michael I’m not going to yell at you or anything. Although I think you were really wrong to hit her.”

Michael‘s quiet, calm composure disappeared .“You think I don’t know that!” He cried. “You think that I don’t know how wrong I was, how much I fucked up? I would give anything to take that moment back.” He buried his head in his hands.

Tess put her hand on his back. “It’s ok Michael.” She tried to comfort him, but knew it wasn’t working.

“I wish I could take it back, I wish I could fix everything. I wish I could see my little girl.”

Tess was about to cry at Michael’s desperation. He really was hurting and she knew that what she was about to tell him, wasn’t going to help.

“Michael, I came here to tell you that you need to sign the papers.”

“WHAT?” He whipped his head up and stared at the blonde.

“Michael, Maria wants to take you to court. She wants use the fact that you hit her against you. She wants to get Laura to testify against you. She’s out for blood Michael.” Tess explained. “It’s going to be better all around if you just sign the papers. You could go to jail!”

Michael had a defeated look in his eyes. He had long ago lost the fire that had once inhabited them. Tess knew that after Maria left, he hadn’t ever gotten it back. Maria made him live. He loved Laura, but she’d never have him like Maria had. And Tess figured that Laura knew that.

Michael sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Fine. I’ll sign the damn papers.” He just couldn’t fight with Maria anymore. He didn’t have it in him.

“Thank you Michael.” Tess said.

“On one condition.”

Tess feared what the condition would be. “What’s that?” She asked, not really wanting the answer.

“Maria has to talk to me and tell me why she left.”

“She was scared. She told you that.” Tess didn’t quite understand what else Michael wanted.

“Bullshit. Something else happened and I wanna know what before I sign away my child to her.”

Tess sighed, “I’ll talk to her about.”

“Ok.” Was all he said.

“Well, I have to go. We’re taking Marissa to have a picnic in the park.” As soon as the words left Tess’s mouth she regretted them.

“You’re taking her on a picnic?” Michael asked, sadness in his eyes.

“Yeah.” Tess answered quietly.

Tess stood up, about to leave Michael stopped her. “Tess.”

She turned back to look at her miserable friend. “Yeah?”

“Just… when she’s older or something, just make sure she knows how much her Daddy loved her. Please. Make sure she doesn’t think horrible things of me. I don’t want her to think I abandoned her. Just tell her that I love her.” Tears formed and Michael pushed them away. He wasn’t crying. Not again.

Tess bit her bottom lip. “I will, I promise.” She flashed him a bittersweet smile and then left him alone, drowning in his despair.

* * *

Maria spread the gigantic blue blanket across the soft green grass. Marissa and Kyle were off playing on the slide and Maria watched her daughter intently. Marissa giggled and shrieked in joy as she played with her Uncle Kyle. Maria hadn’t seen her that happy… well ever. Maria could tell Marissa felt at home in Roswell, surrounded by all of these people and Maria, not for the first time, felt a twinge of heartache, thinking of all she had missed, thinking of all everyone else had missed.

Maria loved James. He was very good to her and always was good to Marissa. He had been the first person Maria met in Chicago. For the first few weels she locked herself away in her apartment crying, but after that her money supply started dwindling and so she looked for a job. The office in which James worked in, was just across the street from Maria’s tiny apartment, so when she saw the “NOW HIRING” sign, she applied. James hadn’t been to impressed with her resume, seeing as she had just graduated high school and had only worked as a waitress in some two bit town known for aliens, but he could see how desperately Maria needed the job. He hired her and she had been working with him since.

It wasn’t till a few months later that they became close. He had been working on some loan information after hours and Maria offered to stay and help. That night she ended up spilling everything to him - minus the alien chaos - and that was that. They ended up spending more time together, and became very close friends. He helped her through her whole pregnancy and when Marissa was born, he moved in, in a separate room of course. He helped take care of her so Maria could get some sleep. He provided an income when Maria had to take off work. It was good to have him around. He made her feel secure.

Eventually they moved out of the tiny apartment and bought a house. James still slept in a separate bedroom, but one night things had taken a different turn. He confessed that he had been in love with her for a long time and wanted to try a relationship. Maria had been leery at first, after her experience with Michael, but eventually let him in. She loved him, there was no denying that, but a lot of times she felt as though she was being unfair to him. She was marrying him because she owed him that, because in all truth, Maria DeLuca was not ready to get married.

Maria was snapped from her thoughts when Tess joined her on the blanket. “Hey Maria.”

“Hey Tess.” Maria smiled.

“Um…” Tess started, wanting to tell Maria about her conversation with Michael, but nervous.

“Yes…” Maria said.

“I um.. I talked to Michael.”


“He said he would sign the papers.” Tess told her.

“Really?” Maria almost jumped for joy, it was going to be over.

“On the condition that you talk to him and tell him why you left.”

“Oh.” Maria’s face dropped. Great, just great. “I already told him.”

“He doesn’t believe you.”

Maria rolled her eyes. “Naturally.” She sighed. “When are we having this little chat, Michael and I?”

“I don’t know.” Tess answered.

“Well, I suppose I should call him.”

“Call who?” Kyle asked, coming up behind her. Marissa plopped down between Maria and Tess and rummaged through the picnic basket for her food.

“Michael.” She said quietly.


“Mommy! Did you forget the tasbaco sauce?” Marissa furrowed her eye brows at her mother, still rummaging through the basket.

Maria grabbed her purse and reached in. “Wa - La!” She pulled a bottle of Tabasco and put a little on her daughter’s peanut butter and jelly sandwich. “Mommy would never forget the Tabasco sauce.” Maria told her.

Tess leaned over to Marissa. “Can I have some too?” She asked.

Marissa handed it to her eagerly. “You like tasbaco sauce too?” Marissa asked in awe. “Mommy and James hate it!”

Tess laughed. “Well I guess we are just special.”

Marissa then occupied herself by eating her sandwich.

“So you’re gonna talk to him then?” Kyle asked.

“Yeah, I think… I think I owe him that much.”

Kyle smiled at Maria’s comment. It was an old Maria thing to say, and at this point, Kyle was really missing the old Maria. “Good Maria. That’s good.”

“Let’s hope.” Maria said. “Let’s hope.”

* * *

“I know, I’m so sorry!… Of course I missed you… I know… Yes… Alex!… What about tomorrow night?… Yeah! Bring Isabel, I’m dying to see her! I’ve seen everyone else… I know Alex I am a bad friend… yes I’ve been in town a week and I didn’t call you… I know, Alex, I’m sorry… I’ve been busy and preoccupied… I only talked to Liz once… I know that’s no excuse… Do you still love me?… Alex! I love you too… Yeah… Oh it’s a whole big story, I’ll have to fill you in tomorrow night! … You want to eat at the Crashdown?… For old time’s sake!… Ok Alex, tomorrow, 7... Yes be there or be square, I got it. You are such a dork Alex. Ok… Love you too… Bye.”

Maria clicked the phone off and set it down next to her. It had been a whole week in Roswell, and she felt really guilty about not calling Alex. He had heard she was back through Liz and was hurt that she hadn’t called him. Maria missed him so much and was excited to see him again, but first she had Michael to think about. He was coming over to pick her up and then they were going to go talk.

Maria was nervous. The last time they had talked, she got slapped. Her anger and hatred towards him was fading away more quickly than Maria had expected. They were actually going to have a civil conversation. Now this time she was going to tell him the truth. The whole truth, it was time Maria DeLuca dealt with her actions. Just as she was ready to go check on Marissa her cell phone rang.

“Hello?” She answered it quickly.

“Hey Honey.” Maria frowned at the voice.

“Hi James.” She said, faking happiness in her voice. In all honesty Maria had to admit to herself that she was happy being with her Roswell friends, not worrying about James for awhile. She felt bad about it, but she was enjoying her time in Roswell very much, despite Michael issues.

“How are you?” He asked lovingly.

“I’m great.” She lied, really she was nervous as hell about seeing Michael, but she wouldn’t be divulging that information to him.

“I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to get back anytime soon. Evelyn completely screwed up like 20 loans. I’m not even exaggerating honey. She’s going to be fired after she helps me and Sarah fix this mess she got us in.”

“Oh honey! That’s awful.” Thank God he wasn’t coming back. She thought, then mentally kicked herself for the thoughts. She should want to see her finace… She shouldn’t want to be parted from him for any amount of time, but sadly that was just not the case. Being in Roswell was awakening the old Maria, and James was not apart of the old Maria.

“Well Maria, I better go. Have fun. Tell Marissa I love her.”

“Ok, Bye James.”

“Love you.” He told her.

“Love you too.” She clicked the phone off and sighed. This was just too much…

A knocking at the door came as a relief to Maria. At this point she was choosing Michael fighting with her over James, who never fought with her.

She opened the door slowly, her nervousness coming back. “Hey.” She said, almost in a whisper.


"Umm… you should come in, I need to tell Marissa goodbye.” She told him.

Michael walked into the house and Maria shut the door behind him. Kyle and Tess entered the room and smiled at their visitor.

“Hey Michael. How ya doing?” Kyle asked.

“I’m ok.”

“Sit down!” Tess told him, and Michael did as he was told. As he did, 5 year old Marissa bounded into the room.

“Hi Michael!” She said gleefully as she hopped into his lap. “Theresa is really excited about you being her date for Mommy’s wedding.”

Michael was taken aback at first, but then, for the first time in a week, smiled. “Tell Theresa I’m excited too.”

“Marissa! It’s bed time. Let’s go.” Maria said entering the living room. She was shocked to see Marissa sitting on Michael’s lap.

“But Mommy…” She pouted. “I wanna talk to Michael!”


“MOMMY!” Marissa cried. “I’m not tired!”

“Hey. Don’t make Mommy mad. You better go to bed.” Michael told his

Marissa sighed in defeat. “I guess if Michael says so…”

Marissa climbed down from his lap and followed her Mother into her room. “Bye Michael! We’ll play some other time.”

“Bye Marissa.” Marissa and Maria disappeared into the bedroom and Michael sighed.

* * *

Maria lifted Marissa into bed and pulled the covers over her. “Kyle or Tess will come in a read you a bedtime story ok? I have to go.”

“Can Michael read it to me?” Marissa asked.

“Not tonight Honey. Mommy and Michael are going to go talk.”

“Oh. Mommy?”

“Yes Honey.”

“I like Michael. I want to play with him sometime.”

Maria was confused at how Marissa could like Michael without spending any time with him. They had only been together a total of ten minutes at the most and Marissa was just taken by him. This was going to be great. Maria thought sarcastically.

“We’ll see Honey. Go to sleep. Mommy loves you.” Maria kissed her forehead and left the room.

“You can go read to her if you want.” She told Kyle and Tess as she entered the living room.

“Ok!” Tess agreed happily. “You two have fun now.” Tess said, smiling, hoping the two would come to some sort of agreement.

“Bye guys.” Kyle said, almost shoving the two out the door.

“Bye.” They said in unison.

* * *

They drove in the car a long time before they reached their destination. The desert was always the place they went to be alone, to talk. They had spent many nights under the starts just talking, sometimes making out, but usually talking. They both found it peaceful just staring at the sky, imagining their life. The life that they would never have.

Michael got in the trunk and pulled out a blanket and sat it on the ground.

“I’m impressed. I get a blanket.” Maria said, getting out of the car.

“Well I figured we needed to be away from civilization and I didn’t figure you one for sitting in the dirt.”

“Good call SpaceBoy.”

The two sat down on the blanket, quiet at first, neither knowing what to say. The custody papers sat in the car, Michael having promised to sign them after they talked.

“So…” Maria said, breaking the silence.

Michael who had been engrossed in the stars, broke his vision from them and looked at his ex-girlfriend. “Why did you leave me Maria?”

Maria sighed at the question she was expecting. Boy they sure did just get right to the point these days…

“Michael…” This wasn’t going to be easy.

“Maria, I need to know.” He urged her.

“Ok, but don’t interrupt me. I mean, let me tell the whole story and then you can say what you need to, but I need to get this out without interruptions.”

“Ok.” he agreed.

She sighed again. “Remember that day when Naseado impersonated Max and took Liz?”

Michael nodded.

“Well… That day I overheard a conversation I was never supposed to hear. I walked into the kitchen and heard you and Isabel talking about… a

Michael eyes got really big and he was about to interrupt, but stopped himself respecting her wishes.

“Anyway, I already knew I was pregnant, but when I heard you tell Isabel all of those things about how you would stand by her and it was your child and then you hugged her, I didn’t know what to do. I mean, as far as I knew you had cheated on me and slept with Isabel. I was outraged and upset, but I never got the chance to talk to you about it because we had to find Liz and then Max was in the white room. You were so busy and worried about Max, I couldn’t worry you with something else. Then when you told me that you loved me too much and that it was too dangerous, I thought it was just an excuse. An excuse so you could be with Isabel. Liz came to me that night and told me about the destiny thing and I made up my mind to leave. I couldn’t get in the way of your life anymore. So I packed what I had and I ran. I never meant to hurt you, I wanted to do you a favor. I assumed you and Isabel would be getting together. That’s why I didn’t call anyone. I didn’t want to know that you and Isabel were together, it would have killed me. I’m so sorry I hurt you Michael. I didn‘t want to.” She started crying softly.

Michael sat in shock. She had left because she thought he cheated on her. She thought that he wanted to be with Isabel. She had left him because of a huge misunderstanding. All the anger he felt for the woman in front of him turned into compassion. Compassion because she had run off, for his greater good, or what she thought was his greater good. Liz had really rubbed off on Maria, because usually Liz was giving things up for the greater good and Maria was a fighter. It must have been so hard for her, he thought.

“Maria…” he didn’t know what to say. “Maria, I wish you would have come to me.”

“I know. I’m sorry.” She apologized again, not able to look at him, she
looked at her lap.

“Maria.” He lifted her chin so that they were eye to eye. “I never slept with Isabel.”

“What? But… I heard you…”

He shook his head. “Maria, Isabel and I were having dreams, in the dreams we had sex and then we had this kid. We didn’t know what they meant, and Isabel thought she was pregnant. She wasn’t and we never got together. I didn’t love Isabel like that. I loved you.”

Maria started to cry harder. “I’m so stupid! I’m so stupid, I just screwed up everything. I’m so stupid.”

Michael put his arms around her while she cried. “You aren’t stupid. It’s ok.” He whispered into her hair.

As Michael held her he was overcome by emotion. He could smell her hair again, he could feel her body against his. It was almost too much for him to handle. His skin tingled at her touch, a spark ignited in him, one he hadn’t felt for a long time. He pushed those thoughts away. He was married now. He was married and he loved his wife. He let Maria go and she slowly stopped crying.

“You ok?” He asked.

“Yeah.” She laughed at herself. “Just embarrassed.”

“Don’t be.” He smiled at her. Then he sighed. “I think I better tell you something too.”

She looked confused. “Ok.”

“I know that what I did, when I hit you, was wrong. I mean, I am so sorry Maria, I would never hurt you intentionally, I was just so upset. I know that’s no consolation for hitting you. I mean, I know what you must have been feeling, I’ve been there, so I’m really sorry, but I was so upset because… It brought back some bad memories and I lost it.”

“What bad memories?” She asked.

“Well… Laura and I got married about a year ago. We were dating, seriously dating. I really loved her, I mean I really do love her, but I wasn’t ready to get married. Honestly, aside from you, I never wanted to marry anyone. Anyway Laura was pregnant and so we got married. Don’t think I married her because she was pregnant, like I said, I love her so much, but that was a huge factor. So Laura and I got married and a few months later, we had a baby. It was girl. We named her Chelsea. She was so beautiful and I just remember, I’d do anything for her. ” Michael felt the tears well up, not again! Why am I, Michael Guerin such a cry baby this week? He thought, but went on with the story. “Anyway one night I got up to check on her. I couldn’t sleep, so I figured I mideswell.” He stopped, unable to finish.


He took a deep breath. “She was.. She was dead.”

“Oh my God.” Maria couldn’t imagine what Michael and Laura had gone through. She couldn’t imagine losing a child, if she lost Marissa she was sure she wouldn’t be able to go on living.

“SIDS, you know, sudden infant death syndrome. It was horrible Maria. That was why I lashed out. That was why I was so upset. It was like Chelsea was dying all over again, I was losing another child.”

“Michael, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know, I can’t imagine… I’m so sorry.”

“It’s ok, it’s over now. But I thought you should know.”

Maria stood up and walked to the car, grabbing the custody papers from it. She searched through her purse for a few minutes, but sighed at her failure.

“Maria, I have a pen in the car, if that’s what you’re looking for.”


“Can you do that thing SpaceBoy?” She asked him.

He looked perplexed. “What thing?”

“That thing! That thing where your thumb is like a lighter!”


“Well do it!”

He formed a flame on his thumb and Maria put the papers in his other hand. “Torch them.” She told him.

He looked at her, his eyes wide with surprise. “Really? Are you sure?”

“Yes! Burn the bitches. You will get to see your daughter.”

Michael set the papers on fire and him and Maria watched as they smoldered into ash.

“Happy Birthday Michael.” She told him. “Make a wish on your burning pieces of paper, I don’t have a cake.” She laughed.

He smiled at her. “You remembered.”

“Of course. I did.”

“Thank you Maria… Thank you.”

The two sat there in silence, watching the stars. The two had spilled their hearts out to each other, and it had gained them alot. It gained Maria a new sense of understanding, it gained Michael a daughter. A silent bond formed between the old lovers that night. One that held an understanding, one that held a friendship.

Maria smiled to herself, thinking of how great Michael would be with Marissa. It was just a matter of time, but now she had to think of James. He was going to be infuriated with her. She sighed, this wasn’t over yet.
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Addicted Roswellian
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Location: Suburbia, where they tear out the trees and name the streets after them!

Part 8A

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

::Ok this part is in two... this is the first one, it's short, but focuses on M/L. It's not an explanation part but more of a what's going on with them part... I love M/L just as much as M/M so don't worry about the outcome of them... I'm just trying to show with this how they aren't as perfect as the show makes them out to be. They both makde selfish mistakes at times... Just like M/M... Ok anyway enough of that, I'll try to have the Alex/Maria meeting up by tomorrow but that's part 8B just so you know what's coming up... thanks for reading!::

Part 8A

You're laying right beside me,
but you're a million miles away
And if I ask you what's the matter
You don't have much to say
And I can tell that i'm not standing
Where I stood with you before
We can't love like this, anymore

Liz walked into the living room to find Max sitting in front of the TV. That was pretty usual these days. Max would watch TV in the living room and Liz would watch TV in the bedroom or in the basement. Rarely did they ever sit together and talk, not like they had when they dated, or even at the beginning of their marriage. Liz was depressed most of the time, at their lack of a relationship.

Liz couldn’t remember the last time that her and Max had actually talked. Everyday was the same. They’d get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner in silence, then head off to separate rooms to watch TV or do something else, then they’d go to bed. Liz was frustrated and couldn’t understand what had happened to them. They had been the perfect couple. Every couple wanted to be just like them. They were so wrapped up in each other. Now it was a miracle if they even talked more than pleasantries.

Liz had made the decision last night that she couldn’t take it anymore. It had been like this for months and Liz was just unhappy. She couldn’t live like this anymore. So she was making a decision for both of them, because someone had too.

Sometimes it makes me angry, but mostly it just hurts
I thought time might make it better
But it only made it worse
And I can't climb these walls you're building
And I can't unlock the door
We can't love like this anymore

“Max.” She said warily as she sat down next to her husband.

“What?” He said, not looking from the TV.

“We need to talk.” She told him.

“Later.” He said. She rolled her eyes. This was how it was. He said nothing more than 1 word sentences to her. Liz was fed up. She grabbed the remote control and shut the TV off.

“What the hell Liz?” He said, pissed at her.

“Hi! I’m your wife! Remember me?”

“Liz, I don‘t wanna fight with you right now. Give me the remote.” He said.

Liz, her anger overpowering any of her sense, threw the remote control at the TV. It shattered the screen.

“Damnit Liz! What the hell is your problem?!?!”

“Max, I’m done.” Determination in her voice. “I can’t live like this anymore. We don’t talk, we don’t sit together, we don’t go out. You barely look at me anymore. The only time you do is when you are mad at me. I’m tired Max. I’m tired of living like this. I’m tired of lying to my family and friends. I’m tired of making them believe we are the perfect couple. I’m tired of telling my Mom and Dad that you had to work late, or you were really tired, when you don’t come with me to dinner at their house. I’m tired of telling your Mom and Dad that you couldn’t make it to dinner because you had to work late or you were really tired. I’m just done.”

We're coming to a crossroad, I can tell
I'm not sure we'd be this lonely by ourselves
But I won't give up as long as there's a chance
So where we go from here is in your hands

“Well what do you want from me?” He asked bitterly.

“Nothing, I’m leaving you.” She told him bluntly. “I’m going home for a while, maybe that’s what we both need.”

“Are you kidding?” He asked her, his mouth partly open from shock.

“No, I’m not kidding. I’m leaving… tonight.”

“Liz, you can’t be serious. I mean, what will everyone think.”

Liz threw her arms in the air and rolled her eyes. “JESUS MAX! You are so selfish. Do you even care how unhappy I am? I don’t care what everyone thinks, everyone can go to hell. I’m done, I’m not living like this anymore!” She yelled, not one bit shocked by his comment.

Max sat in shock in his living room, in the house he had shared with Liz for five years. She was leaving him. This was it. He had screwed it up and now she was leaving him. He had been distant from her for awhile, at least 6 months. He knew the answer to the question that had plagued her thoughts for months. ‘Did I do something wrong?’ ‘Are you mad at me?’ Those questions had been regular for the first few months, but after a while of not getting much of a reply, she suppressed her questions and lived a life of wonder.

Now he was paying for his mistakes, she was leaving him and he was helpless to stop it. The truth would kill her and he would have no chance on getting her back.

“Liz, come on, let’s try to work this out.” He reached his hand to touch her shoulder, but she pulled away harshly.

“No! It’s too late now Max. It’s too late. I’m leaving.” She stood up.

“Liz… Think about this.”

“I have. I need a break. We both need to decide what it is we want, because this is not the life I pictured us living.” Liz retreated into the bedroom and slammed the door. She collapsed on the bed and sobbed as quietly as possible, not wanting him to hear.

Just say it's over, and at least I’ll know for sure
We can't love like this, anymore
We can't love like this, anymore
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 136
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm
Location: Suburbia, where they tear out the trees and name the streets after them!

Part 8B

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

~Ok I'm a dumbass... anyway back in part three I talk about how James is in Insurance and that’s not really what I meant… I mean James was in the mortgage business… so yeah just mentally correct my error and I’m going to fix it in the story when I get a chance… sorry about me being an idiot! Sorry this part is pathetically short...

Part 8B

Maria laughed at one of Alex’s corny jokes. She smiled inwardly and was happy she had the chance to see him again. It was great to see all of her friends again actually. Even Michael. The two had come to an understanding about things and that night they were going to talk to Marissa about Michael being her Father. First though she had to talk to James and that was going to suck. He was going to be irate with her.

Alex’s laughing pulled her from her that thought and she was back at the CrashDown with Alex, Isabel, Kyle, Tess, and Marissa. The Parkers had been thrilled to see Maria and gave the group their meal for free. Maria found it strange to be sitting in the CrashDown and not taking orders and fighting with Michael while he grilled the hamburgers.

“So Maria how long are you here?” Isabel asked.

“Umm… I’m not sure. I mean, I want to have the wedding here, and James agreed so… for a while I guess.”

“So tell us about this James character.” Alex said.

Maria laughed. “James works in the mortgage buisness… he gives people loans so they can buy their houses. I sit in the office and answer the phones. It’s a secure job. Not exactly what I had pictured for myself, but… it’s secure.”

“So why Chicago? I mean God Maria, I figured you were in New York.” Alex told her.

She smiled slightly. “That’s why I didn’t go to New York. I knew you’d all look for me there. No one was bound to think that Maria DeLuca would go to Chicago.”

“Makes sense.” Kyle said.

The group started talking and joking again when Maria saw Liz in the back room through the window in the door. She excused herself from the table and headed in the back.

“Hey Liz. What’s going on?” Maria asked as Liz was walking up the steps.

Liz jumped slightly and turned to face her old best friend. “Nothing, just going upstairs.”

“You should come hang out with Kyle, Tess, Isabel, Alex and I. Marissa is here, you can meet her.” Maria offered.

Liz shook her head slowly. “No thanks Maria… I don’t feel like it tonight. Maybe tomorrow.”

“Do you wanna talk Liz?” Maria asked.

“No.” Liz told her.

At that moment Laura rushed into the back room of the CrashDown. “Liz! What’s wrong you said you wanted to talk. Why here?”

Maria stepped back from the situation, understanding better. Liz didn’t want to talk to Maria. Liz wanted to talk to Laura. Laura was her new best friend. Maria felt a sudden hatred towards her, but then let it subside. Liz had been her best friend since before they could talk, and they would always have a special friendship. But Maria had left and Liz had to find a new best friend, someone that was there for her, because Maria wasn’t.

“Hi Laura.” Maria said quietly.

“Oh Hi Maria.” Laura said, not noticing Maria’s presence until she had spoken.

“Let’s go upstairs.” Liz said. “Sorry Maria, umm.. I’ll call you later ok?”

Maria faked a smile and nodded her head. “Yeah, ok Liz… later.”

Laura followed Liz up the steps and Maria watched until they were out of sight. She then sat down on the couch and tried not to cry. Liz had a new best friend, someone that had replaced Maria. She had replaced Maria in Michael’s life as well as in Liz’s and Maria wasn’t sure she could handle that. That should have been me, she thought. I should be following Liz up those steps just like I did a million times. Liz is my best friend. But the thoughts only provided her more misery. This Laura chick had taken her life… that wasn’t true. Maria had practically handed it to her on a silver platter. She had left, she didn’t call them or write them… she just pretended they didn’t exist for 6 years. Maria DeLuca had thrown her life away, and now she was ready to get it back.
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Addicted Roswellian
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Part 9

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

Happy Holidays! Here's the next part... I might get another one up tonight if I get time... :-) Merry Christmas or happy whatever else it is you might celebrate! Enjoy part nine, which has some happy and some sad parts in it...

Part 9

Thanksgiving Day - Chicago, Illinois

James paced around his office, a frown on his face. He had sent everyone home late last night, but there was still a million things to do. Evelyn had gotten in way over her head with loan applications and many people were going to be pissed when they realized their loans didn’t get processed and they’d not be having a home for the holidays.

He sat down at his desk and sighed. He was extremely upset because it was Thanksgiving and he was spending it in Chicago while Maria and Marissa were in Roswell. He wasn’t sure how it was going there. Maria had been brief in all of her phone calls and James was worried. Something wasn’t right. She was distant and preoccupied. It frustrated him. Maria had always been slightly distant, keeping everything about Roswell to herself, but never this bad. Usually she was at least open with what she was doing. Now she was just closed off.

James picked up the phone and dialed Maria’s cell number hoping she’d answer it this time. The past couple of days he’d either gotten her voice mail or she’d answered and had to go within a few minutes. He missed her and Marissa and just wanted to talk to both of them.

James heard it ring and hoped she’d answer it this time.

* * *

Thanksgiving Day - Roswell, New Mexico

Maria rummaged around her purse for her ringing cell phone. She cursed silently seeing it was James. She had been trying to avoid him, afraid to tell him that Michael and Marissa were getting to know each other and becoming family. Marissa was completely taken by Michael. She loved spending time with him and getting to know her real father.

It had come to quite a shock to Marissa when Maria explained to her that Michael was her Dad last week, but she took it well… better than Maria had expected. She was excited to finally know him, but mad that Maria had kept him from her. She’d gotten over it after a few hours and Maria was happy at the way things were turning out.

She was shaken from her thoughts by the loud cell phone ringer and finally answered.

“Hello?” She said, forcing a happy tone in her voice.

“Maria! Finally, I’ve been calling all morning!” James said, sounding relieved to hear her voice.

“I’m sorry, I’ve been busy and I left my phone in the bedroom. I had to go out and do a few things.” She lied. She had gone out and done things, but she had her cell phone with her all morning.

“I understand. So what are you doing today for Thanksgiving?” He asked.

“Umm… well… actually, we’re all getting together at the Evans’s… Max and Isabel’s mom loves to cook so all of us are going.”

“All of you meaning… who?” He asked, not wanting Michael to be there.

“Um… Max, Liz, Isabel, Alex, Kyle, Tess, Me, Marissa, Liz’s parents, Alex’s parents, Max and Isabel’s parents, My mom and Jim, Laura and um… Michael.” She added the last name quietly.

“Hmm… interesting. Well have fun. Can I talk to Marissa real quick.”

Maria panicked… “No, she’s not here.” She told him.

“Well where is she?” He asked, annoyance in his voice.


“WHAT? WHY?” He asked, anger and surprise overwhelming him.

“Because I decided that I’m not keeping her from him. There. I told you. Michael and I had a long, long talk and I think that Michael should get to see his little girl. We burned the papers.”

“Maria! What the hell! We agreed this was what is best for Marissa!” He yelled into the phone.

“I know, and I’m sorry, I should have talked to you about it but…”

“You’re damn right…” He said cutting her off. “This is ridiculous. You’re just getting her close to him and then you’re going to break her heart when you bring her back to Chicago! This is not good for her Maria, none of this is. I’ve been indulging in your little game long enough. I want you both to come back to Chicago tomorrow.” He demanded.

“Excuse me?” Maria was pissed now. “I don’t think that you’ll be telling me or MY daughter what to do. If we want to stay in Roswell we will. If I want my child to know her Father, then she will. Marissa and I will be staying in Roswell for a while longer, if you have a problem being away from us then why don’t you come here. I’m not leaving my family again.”

James sighed into the phone. “Maria, I’m sorry.”

“No, you’re not! You’re just trying to avoid an argument; well it’s about time we had one! Marissa is my daughter and I’m grateful for everything you have done for her and I the past six years, but I have a lot of unfinished business here and a lot of people I hurt… I missed them all and I need to be with them right now. Marissa needs to get to know her Father and if you have a problem with that, then I suggest you pack Marissa and I‘s things and ship them here, because we won‘t be coming back.”

She could tell that James was taken aback. “Maria, I’m sorry. I don’t want that. I want to marry you. I’m sorry.”

“Ok, well I’ll call you tonight and we’ll talk about this. Happy Thanksgiving.”

“I love you.” He said into the phone.

“Love you too. Bye.” She clicked the phone off and fell back onto the couch, sighing. Well that had gone well…

* * *

The group of eighteen sat around the Evans’s gigantic dining room table. Maria felt at home with all of her friends, yet sad she had missed so many past holidays with them. She pushed those sad thoughts away and focused on the present. Marissa was sitting between her and Michael talking up a storm to both of them. Maria could see the joy in Michael’s face as he talked with his daughter. It made her smile when he patted her head or when she called him “Daddy.” She could see the pride in his eyes, that he was a Father.

Maria could also see the disappointment in Laura. She was good at hiding it, but Maria could sense that Laura was slightly upset that Michael had a child with another woman, that he had a child and her’s had died so suddenly. Maria made a mental note to talk to the woman about Marissa later. She wanted to become a friend to Laura, especially since Marissa would have a lot of contact with her.

Maria glanced over at Max and Liz, who were sitting by each other, yet hadn’t spoken two words to each other. Michael had told her that Max and Liz separated. Liz hadn’t brought it up to Maria yet, so she just held her tongue about the situation, knowing that when Liz was ready to talk to her, she would.

Everyone else seemed to be enjoying the nice meal and everyone chatted idly during dinner. After dinner The Liz’s parents and Alex’s parents headed home. Laura had offered to do dishes and Maria offered to help, hoping she’d get a moment alone to talk to her. Everyone else cleaned up the table.

Laura and Maria took the dishes to the kitchen and Maria started washing, while Laura started drying. It was silent for a while, but Maria decided to speak up.

“I know that this is all pretty weird for you. I’m sorry.” Maria told her.

Laura looked at her and smiled slightly. “It’s ok, weird, yeah but … don’t be sorry. I knew Michael had a life before me.”

“Yeah…” Maria said… “I just want you to know that I hope you and Marissa can become close. She absolutely loves people and I know she’ll be spending a lot of time with you. I want you to feel comfortable around her. She’s your step daughter…”

“Thanks. That means a lot.” She smiled.

“Thanks for accepting all of this so well… I don’t really know what I’d do if my husbands ex came back with his child. I’d freak!”

The two women laughed. “Well it’s been interesting, but I’m glad I finally got to meet the infamous Maria.”

They both smiled and continued with the dishes talking and laughing.

* * *

“Hey Laura, Liz wants to talk to you.” Michael told her, coming into the kitchen to see his ex girlfriend and his wife laughing and talking together like they were old friends.

Laura put down her rag and walked towards Michael. “Ok, well you finish helping Maria with the dishes ok?”

“Ok.” Laura left the room and Michael picked up the towel and continued drying all of the dishes.

“So… She’s really nice. I like her.” Maria told him.

“Yeah… she’s something else.”

The two ex lovers were facing each other now, just looking at the other. Maria tapped her foot nervously, not knowing what to say. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and kiss him and hold him. She wanted to run her fingers through his long, thick, brown hair. She wanted to tell him how sorry she was and how much she was still head over heels in love with him, now time hadn’t changed a thing. She wanted to tell him that whenever he was in the room she felt this energy from him and it was like everything inside her was buzzing, a feeling she had never gotten from James, her fiancé.

James, Maria had to stop her fantasies. She was engaged now and Michael was married. They were not the same people they were six years ago, even though she wished they could be. Things had changed and they were no longer meant to be together and Maria had to accept that.

“I never told you how much I missed you.” Michael said, snapping Maria from her thoughts.

“I missed you too, I’m so sorry.”

Michael took a step toward her and Maria was surrounded by his scent. It was almost too much for her to bear, but she kept telling herself that she was engaged and Michael was married.

“Thank you for giving me Marissa.” He told her, taking another step closer. Maria wondered why he was getting so close. Was it possible he felt the same way she did? Maria took a step towards him and they were now so close that only a thin line of air separated them.

“I should be thanking you.” Maria said. “I wouldn’t have her if it wasn’t for you.”

“You know this whole week we’ve been spending a lot of time together and, I’m glad. I’m glad you are back in my life.”

Maria’s heart started beating very quickly and she was short of breath. He was so close to her, just one or two inches and they would be wrapped in each other’s arms, but she held back. It wasn’t right, she kept telling herself. Then she was defeated. His arms were around her and his lips were crushing hers. She returned the kiss eagerly, and he deepened it.

Then as quickly as it had happened, it was over. Maria pushed him away and turned away from him. Michael wiped his lips with the back of his hand and sighed.

“I’m so sorry.” He told her, I… I don’t know what happened. It just… happened.

She turned back to him, her breathing still heavy. “Oh God… You’re married and I’m engaged. This is wrong.”

“I know, I’m sorry, I…. I have to go.” Michael threw the towel on the counter and Maria leaned up against it, trying to regain composure. Michael rushed out of the kitchen just as Liz was coming in, Michael about knocked her over.

“I’m sorry Liz.” He mumbled then hurried away.

Liz looked at him quizzically but then turned to Maria. “Everything ok?”

“Um… Yeah, great… we we’re just talking… that’s all… nothing else, just talking… me and Michael.”

“Ok…” Liz stared at her old best friend. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah… so what’s up?” Maria went back to the dishes and Liz took over drying. “You know that position doesn’t last long. You’re my third dryer.” Maria told her laughing.

“I’m sure I can handle it.”

“So how ya doing Liz?” Maria asked.

“Umm… Not good… Max and I separated a week ago and I wanted to tell you.”

Maria saw Liz on the verge of tears. She put her arms around her and pulled her into a hug. “I’m so sorry Babe.”

Liz started crying and Maria led her to the table to sit down. “What happened?”

“I don’t know. We just… things were so… I don’t know Maria, I don’t know.” She put her head in her arms on the table and Maria rubbed her back. “I just don’t know what happened, we were so happy, then one day… I didn’t even know him anymore.” She mumbled into the table.

“It’ll be ok Babe, I know it doesn’t seem like it, but things will get better.”

Liz looked up at Maria and sniffled. “Do you think we’ll get back together?”

“I don’t know Lizzie, but I know that you and Max had something really special, you just need to find it again.”

“I hope we can.” Liz said.

* * *

Michael rushed from the kitchen and grabbed Laura and led her outside. Laura followed looking strangely at her husband. When they got outside, away from everyone he stopped and turned her too him, looking her straight in the eyes. “I have to tell you something.”

“Ok…” She said, wondering what was up with him.

“I have to tell you because I love you and I screwed up.”


“I kissed Maria.” He said.

“WHAT?” She said angrily.

“I kissed Maria, I know, I’m sorry, I just… it happened. She didn’t kiss me, so don’t hate her. I kissed her, it was my fault. It just happened it meant nothing.” He babbled.

“Unbelievable Michael. I knew this would happen. You’ve been spending so much time with her, I just knew it.”

“Laura, no, I love you. I want to be with you.” He told her. “I feel nothing for Maria…”

“Obviously you feel something if you kissed her.”

“Laura… I know you are mad, but please, I told you because I love you and I want to be with you. I want you to trust me.”

“Give me the car keys.” She said.

“What?” He asked.

“Give me the keys. I need to go somewhere and think ok. This whole week has just been too overwhelming for me. I need to be alone.”

“Laura… please… Don’t do this. You’re upset and driving is not a good idea.”

“I’m a big girl Michael, I can drive if I want. Give me the keys.”

He reluctantly handed them to her. She snatched them from his hand and headed towards the car.

“I love you Laura.” He called after her.

“I know, I just wonder if you love me as much as you love her.” She got in the car and started the engine and drove away. Michael cursed at himself for being so weak, for kissing Maria. He had a bad feeling that things were about to change again, and he didn’t like it.

* * *

Michael sat solemnly on the couch watching football with the rest of the guys. Marissa was situated in his lap, sleeping. He pushed a strand of hair out of her eyes and smiled. She was the only thing keeping him sane at the moment. Laura had been gone a long time and he was worried. She wasn’t answering her cell phone and it was getting late.

He knew it was stupid to worry about her. She was very capable of taking car of herself, but she had been upset when she left, and he just wanted to talk to her and fix things. He shook his head trying not to think about it. She was probably just at home, lying in bed not answering the phone. He made a mental note to himself to catch a ride home with Kyle when they left.

Maria and Liz entered the living room and Maria walked towards Michael.

“We’re about to be heading out. I’ll take Marissa home with me.”

“Um… ok.” Michael shook Marissa gently to wake her.

He little green eyes fluttered open and she smiled.

“Mommy’s going to take you home now ok?” Michael told her.

“Mmmmm…k” Marissa said, sitting up. She kissed Michael on the cheek. “Bye bye Daddy.”

Michael kissed the top of her head. “Bye Marissa. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Maria lifted Marissa from Michael’s lap and cradled her in her arms.

The doorbell rang and Phillip jumped up to get it, Michael figured it was Laura, finally coming to get him.

Phillip re-entered the room with a cop following him. “Michael… it’s for you.” Phillip told him.

Michael panicked and jumped up towards the cop.

“Mr. Guerin?”

“Yeah…” Michael said. He could feel Maria behind him and a hand went on
his shoulder, as to calm him.

“I’m afraid you’re wife has been in an accident.”
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Addicted Roswellian
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Location: Suburbia, where they tear out the trees and name the streets after them!

Part 10

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

Part 10

“If there is anything any of us should have learned over the last year and a half, it's that nothing is ever what it seems.” Liz Parker - Cry Your Name

Max left his Parent’s house right after dinner. He had hoped to talk to Liz before he left for New York for his trip, but he could tell she wasn’t in any mood to talk. He said his goodbyes and headed home to grab his luggage and get to the airport for his late flight. He wrote Liz a short note and left it for her on the counter, knowing she was coming home this weekend to grab some more of her things to take to her Parent’s.

Max’s heart broke every time he thought of Liz moving out. It killed him inside, but he knew it was something she had to do. He had been dishonest with her and he deserved whatever it was he got.

He thought back to that night… Kyle was out of town and Max had stopped by their place to help Tess paint the living room. They had painted and talked all night, just laughing and joking like friends, then it had happened. He wasn’t even sure how, or why and he didn’t remember many details, but he could remember sleeping with Tess. He could remember every detail about their night together, and it made him sick.

He’d woken up that morning, sleeping next to her on the floor. He grabbed his things and hurried home to Liz who was still fast asleep in their bed. He sat in the basement for hours that morning just crying. He had screwed up big time and there was no way Liz would ever forgive him. So he kept it from her. He lied and avoided her. He could see the hurt in her beautiful brown eyes when he started to detach, but she dealt with it, and after six months, she was fed up.

He didn’t want to lose her, which had been the main reason he kept the secret from her in the first place, but he had lost her anyway, and now he was drowning, barely able to keep his head above water. Liz was his life and he had to tell her the truth, and maybe, just maybe save his marriage to the only woman he would ever love.

He and Tess had never discussed that night and she went on with life like it had never happened, so he followed suit. He’d been to afraid to bring it up to her, but decided that when he got back from New York he was going to confront her. It had been six months and Max just couldn’t lie to Liz anymore.

Max thought about how to confront Tess and tell Liz the truth the whole way to the airport. By the time he knew it, he was there. He checked his luggage and turned off his cell phone, and waited to board the plane.

* * *

“Call Max!” Michael cried at Liz who was standing across the room in shock. A police officer had just told them all that Laura was badly injured in a car accident. The whole room was silent until Michael yelled at Liz. “Call Max!”

Liz was shaken from her stupor and lunged for the phone, knowing exactly what Michael wanted.

She let the phone ring once before she got his voice mail. She slammed the phone down. “His cell isn't on!"

Michael didn’t have time for that. He ran into the main bedroom and grabbed his coat.

“Mommy… what’s wrong with Daddy?” Marissa asked fully awake due to the commotion.

Maria also in shock by the news had just been staring at Michael. She led Marissa to the couch and sat her down. “Everything is gonna be fine Honey. Daddy just has something to do that’s really important. He’ll see you later ok?”

“I want to see Daddy now.” Marissa said, sensing something was wrong with her new found Father.

“Marissa, you can see him later.” Maria told her.

Michael rushed back into the room, his coat on. “I’m going to the hospital.”

“I’m going with you.” Liz said, putting her coat on too.

“Daddy! I want to go.” Marissa cried from behind him. He turned to look at his beautiful daughter who looked sad.

He kneeled down next to her and kissed her forehead. “You can’t go Marissa. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He promised.

Marissa flung her arms around Michael and Michael hugged her back. “I love you Daddy.” Marissa said.

Michael felt tears well up in his eyes. Marissa hadn’t told him she loved him yet, and even though it had only been a week, she said it.

“I love you too Marissa.” He told her, letting her go. “But I have to go. Mommy will take you home and you’ll go to sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bye Daddy.”

Michael stood up and hurried out the door, Liz hurrying out behind him. Everyone else sat around in complete silence, knowing that this couldn’t be good.

After everyone had taken in the last few minutes they all left. Kyle, Tess and Maria left first with Marissa, needing to get her to bed. Maria was secretly really worried about Michael, not sure he could take this in his life right now. He had been through so much and if Laura died, she wasn’t sure he’d ever recover.
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."