Is Antar or Earth Home (Sql to DoL) TEEN/MATURE AU COMPLETE

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Roswell Fanatic
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Post by Roswelllostcause »

Thanks for the feedback!!!

Part 21

Alex wrapped his arms around Isabel and gave her a kiss. She smiled at him. She had always hoped that she would one day she would see the world she came from. But never dreamed that it would be because it was at war, and she would have to help free it.

“Yeah Iz?”
“Did you ever think that you would come here?”
“No I had actually given up hope that I would come here. Isabel why did you ever think about coming here?”
“Yeah. But the thing is now that I am here I kinda miss Earth.”
“I miss it too.”
“What about your parents?”
“Well they didn’t take the news that I am an alien very well. I mean they promised not to tell anyone but that doesn’t mean that they wanted me around any more. But I’m ok with it.”
“How can you be? I mean if I was in your place I would be really upset about it.”
“The thing is I was never close to either of them. So that it wasn’t too disappointing that they disowned me.”
“Alex, what I don’t know is why your parents disowned you. But Liz’s didn’t.”
“Well Liz’s knew for years. Serena told them when she was going to be around more so they wouldn’t freak to much when they saw her hanging around all the time.”
“Serena is still a mystery to me. She knows more than she will say. I know that she is keeping something from Liz. I don’t know what but for some reason I think that Liz should know what Serena is hiding.”
“Serena has been hiding a lot of stuff. But that doesn’t mean that it’s something bad. Besides I think Max and Liz are more worried about what Nicholas is up to.”
“I don’t get him. First he is on Kivar’s side now he wants to help us. I don’t understand the runt.”
“He is strange. I don’t even want to know what is going on inside of his head.”
“That isn’t something I ever want to know either.”

Alex smiled and gave Isabel a kiss as they walked down to the lake.


Tara rolled over and found Nicholas sitting in a chair watching her.

“Nick is something wrong?”
“No just been up for a while. I thought you looked to peaceful to wake you.”
“Nick I’m worried about Liz. I really feel that she is in danger. I think that we should head to the base soon. I want to make sure that your sister is safe.”
“Tara you really should talk about what happened to you back at the palace.”
“Nick I don’t want to talk about it. What happened is in the past. And there things more imported than what my brother did to me. I hate Stefano. But if he does anything to harm Liz I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. Nick the sooner we leave the better things will be.”
“Ok but I want you to promise me that you will get some help for what happened to you. Tara I care about you.”
“Nick when all this is over I will get help. But right now we have to take down Stefano.”
“I know that. And as much as I hate to admit it Max is the right man to lead Antar.”
“Oh Nick have you gone soft after spending so much time blending in with humans.”
“Shut up.”

Tara laughed as Nicholas blushed. She had forgotten how much fun it was to be around Nicholas. He was never all bad. In fact he just didn’t like to let anyone see his good side most of the time. But maybe now that was changing. She didn’t care what it was all she knew was that if she wasn’t careful she was going to fall in love with him.

Part 22

Serena paced outside of Liz and Max’s room. She knew that she was going to have to tell Liz what Ry told her in the dream. But telling Liz was going to be hard. But she knew that it had to be done. Taking a deep breath she knocked on the door. After a minute Liz opened the door.

“Serena is something wrong?”
“Liz we have to talk.”
“What is it?”
“Can we talk inside?”
“Sure Max is just about to leave to go talk to Michael anyway.”

Liz stepped back and let Serena in the room. Max saw the look in Serena’s eyes and knew that she was going to tell her about her dream with Ry.

“I’ll see you later Liz.” said Max
“See you later Max.”

Max gave Liz a kiss then walked out of the room.

“So what’s up?”
“Liz I had a dream back on the ship, Well Ry kinda came to see me. I know it’s sounds weird. But he told me something about you and your baby.”
“Rena just tell me what it is.”
“Liz he told me that if anything happens to you and the baby then Antar is screwed. There will be no saving Antar from Stefano.”
“Rena why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“Because I was scared. I didn’t want you to worry.”
“Serena, I want you to tell me things like this. I might start to worry but that doesn’t mean that I won’t be careful. Come on Rena I know that you care about me. You spent ten years watching me from a distance to make sure no one ever found out that I wasn’t human. But there is something I want to know. If someone who couldn’t be trusted had found out would you have killed them?”
“Liz, I was trained to do that. But that doesn’t mean that I would do it. It didn’t happen so we have nothing to worry about.”
“What about Alex’s parents? They aren’t really part of the fan club.”
“Liz if they end up being a danger then I will take care of it.”
“What do you mean that you will take care of it?”
“Liz it doesn’t matter.”
“Liz, there have been threats in the past to all of you while you were growing up. I may not like it but I have killed to protect you.”
“So you would kill Alex’s parents if they put him in danger?”
“Yes. If I had too. I hope that it doesn’t come to it. But if it does I will protect all of you.”
“I know you will.”
“Liz you know that I love you and only want to keep you safe.”
“I know you do.”

Liz hugged Serena and gave her a smile. She knew that her sister was going to lay down her life if she had to keep her safe.

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Roswell Fanatic
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Post by Roswelllostcause »

Part 23

Anne walked into her room when she felt someone hit her over the head and she fell to the floor. Right before she blacked out she saw a man standing over her. Anne woke with a groan a couple hours later. She found that she was no longer in her room at the base. She was in a room that she had never seen before. She reached up and rubbed her head. She knew that she was in trouble. But judging from the way the room looked she knew that she was in the palace. But the only way that could have happened was if she was kidnapped. Just then she heard a door open and two men walked in. One she had never seen before and the other was someone she remembered from the ship.

“Nice to see you awake Princess.” said Zard
“Who are you?” Anne asked the other man.
“So you are Zan and Elexa’a daughter. You are the best-kept secret of those stupid rejects. Nice to meet you. You can call me Lord Stefano.”
“Oh my god.” Anne mumbled
“Zard you did well. Now if you don’t mind leave me alone with the little princess.”
“Yes sire.”

Zard walked out of the room and Stefano sat next to Anne on the bed.

“What do you want from me?” asked Anne
“Well princess you are just one of the keys that I need to win this war.”
“You will never win. Max won’t let you.”
“Do your really think that boy can stop me?”
“The members of the Royal Court are stronger than you think.”
“Princess, there is no one on any planet that can stop me.”
“I seem to remember that your father thought that too. But look at him now. Wait you can’t cause he’s dead!”

Stefano glared at Anne then slapped her.

“Bitch. You will shut your damn mouth or I will kill you. Do you understand me?”
“You will just make Max and Liz mad if you kill me.”
“True. They are your parents aren’t they? But I know that I can stop them. There is nothing any of them can do to stop me. If any member of that stupid court dies it’s the end of them. And I know just who to kill to bring them all to their knees.”
“There is no way that you will win.”
“Oh Annie, Annie, Annie. You just don’t know when to shut the hell up do you? Good thing I am here now to teach you. And I mean it if you don’t learn to shut up I will kill you.”
“You’re not going to get away with this.”
“I already have princess.”

Stefano grabbed Anne roughly and pushed her down on the bed. He then climbed on top of her and looked her in the eye before speaking again.

“Do as you are told or I will make your life a living hell do you understand me?”
“Go to hell.”

Stefano slapped her again and then grabbed her jaw roughly so that she looked him in the eye.

“Do you understand?”
“Yes.” said Anne spitting.
“Bitch if you even think about doing something like that again you are in trouble.”

Stefano got off her and walked out of the room. Anne just laid on the bed and started to cry.


Tara and Nicholas were walking through the woods when Tara fell to her knees with a vision.

Stefano beating a strawberry blond woman. Then standing over her as she wrapped a blanket around herself.

“Tara are you ok?”
“Nick is there a strawberry blond other than Serena and your mother on the base?”
“Uh yeah, There is this girl Anne that looks a lot like Elexa did before she died.”
“Could Elexa have a daughter?”
“It’s possible. But she wouldn’t have been able to carry the baby to term. She was killed before she could have given birth.”
“But Seria has the power to transfer an unborn child to a sister of the mother if the mother is dying.”
“So Serena would have given birth to the child if Anne really is Elexa’s daughter.”
“So it’s possible?”
“Yeah I would say so.”

Tara knew that this vision was very close to coming true from the feelings she got off it. But there was no way in hell she was going to tell Nicholas that. When she had recovered from her vision they started for the base again.

Part 24

Serena pushed her hair back from her face. She knew that they were in trouble. Anne was missing and if she was right than she knew who had her. This was bad. She had no clue how to tell the others. But Max and Liz had a right to know. She was lost in thought and didn’t hear her mother walk up to her.

“What’s wrong Serena?”
“Uh well I just discovered that there was at lest one spy in camp and that spy has kidnapped Anne.”
“You have to tell your sister.”
“That is what I’m afraid of. Mom Liz still has trouble controlling her powers when she is upset. No matter how much I work with her she will never be able to control them when she is upset.”
“Serena in case you forgot Elexa was always like that. In fact I think you really are scared that because of that she will hurt you.”
“Mom I’m not scared of Liz.”
“Serena why won’t you admit that the fact that she is so powerful scares you.”
“Because I don’t want her to know that I’m scared! Mom I took an oath to protect her at all cost.”
“True but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be scared too.”
“Mom when Lexa was alive were you ever scared of the power she had?”
“Yes. But that is was one of the signs that she was meant to be with Zan. Serena you have to tell her about Anne. I know that it will be hard but it has to be done.”
“I know. Thanks mom.”
“Your welcome. Now go talk to your sister.”

Serena knew that her mother was right. But that didn’t make this any easier to do. Serena walked down to the lake where she saw Max and Liz sitting talking. She took a deep breath and walked over to them.

“Hey Serena. What’s up?” asked Liz
“Max, Liz I have some bad news. Anne is missing. Well She was kidnapped by a spy and taken to Stefano.”
“What do you mean?” asked Max
“Max, Stefano had a spy on this base. It’s not unheard of during a war you know. But this spy has taken Anne. I don’t know how much Stefano knows about her but you can bet that he knows who her parents are.”
“Serena your not to blame for this. We will find Anne.” said Liz
“Liz you don’t know how dangerous it is that Stefano has her. If his powers are anything like his father’s then he will be able to control her. He could turn her to his side, and with her he could become unstoppable.”
“Serena we will get Anne back and Stefano will be stopped.” said Max
“I hope that you are right or Antar is doomed.”

Serena walked away and Max turned to Liz.

“Boy your sister really knows how to kill a mood.”
“I noticed. Max I’m worried about her. She is really scared.”
“I noticed. I wonder what really is going on in her mind.”
“Max I’m not going to snoop in her mind. I know that I can go in and find out, but I would rather not. When she is ready I do believe that she will tell us what is bothering her.”
“I know that you are right, and Liz for the record I will never ask you to go into someone’s mind unless I feel they are a danger to us.”
“I know you won’t Max. I think we can trust Nicholas in case you were wondering. I think he when after Tara.”
“I think my little brother is in love.”
“Gee just what we need. Little Nicky in love.”
“I think it’s kind of sweet.”
“You would.”

Liz just smiled and gave Max a kiss.

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Roswell Fanatic
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Post by Roswelllostcause »

Michelle17 Oh don't worry Stefano will get what is coming to him. Just wait and see. Yes it is cool that Nicky is in love. Anne well she is going to be in trouble for a while.

roswellluver Anne is going to be in Stefano's claws for a while. Thanks for the feedback!

Ansleyrocks Glad that you like that Nicky is in love. Will the group save Anne? Well that is still up in the air.

Part 25

Nicholas helped Tara as they walked up to the gate of the underground base. It had been a long walk but they had made it. He saw two guards come up to him.

“Come with us Nicholas.”
“Let me help Tara. I’ll go with you after we get her to safety.” said Nicholas
“I’ll be ok Nick.” said Tara

Just then Liz walked up to the gate.

“Nicky where have you been?”
“Uh well Liz, I had to go help Tara.” Said Nicholas
“Because I love her Liz!”
“What?” asked Tara
“Tara I love you and have for a long time. You are the reason I came back to Antar.”

Tara didn’t know what to say. She never thought that the day would come that Nicholas would admit his feeling for her. She looked over at Liz and saw she didn’t look as surprised to hear her brother say it. But then again Liz may have brushed Nicholas’s mind at some point and found out how he felt.

“Nick I don’t know what to say. I didn’t know that you felt that way about me.”
“Tara, how do you feel about me?”
“I don’t know how to put it into words.”
“Tara do you love my brother?” asked Liz
“Liz, you could find that out if you wanted too.” said Nicholas
“Nicky I know that. But I want to hear her say it. Besides the fact is I don’t like doing that if I don’t have too.”
“I care about you Nick. I don’t know if it’s love but I am willing to find out.” said Tara softly.

Liz smiled when she saw Nicholas’s face light up. She knew that they could trust both of them without a doubt. Liz turned to see that Serena and Kyle standing behind her.

“How long have you two been there?” asked Liz
“Long enough to know that the runt is in love.” said Serena
“Will you ever stop calling me a runt?” asked Nicholas
“Don’t know I kinda like the nickname Nicky.” said Serena with a smile.
“Serena?” asked Tara
“How are you Tara?” asked Serena
“Been better.”
“You know you look so much like your mother.” said Serena
“You mean that? I know that she was your best friend.” said Tara
“Yes she was. But I knew that her life was going to be hard once I heard that she was going to marry Kivar. I know that he was your father but I will never be able to forgive him for killing almost everyone I care about.” said Serena
“He was my father. But I know better than anyone how evil he was. He killed my mother in front of me, and I know that Stefano is just as evil if not more so than my father was. But I’m not my father.” said Tara
“Tara no one ever said that you were.” said Kyle
“But not everyone trust me.”
“True. It will take time but you will earn their trust.” said Liz
“I know that you are right Liz but if we don’t act fast Stefano could win.” said Tara
“What do you mean?” asked Serena
“I had two visions since I left the palace. One I saw Stefano kill Liz. The other I saw another young woman in danger. Nicholas thinks its Anne.” said Tara
“Serena I want the truth who is Anne?” asked Nicholas
“Nicholas, Anne is the daughter of Zan and Elexa. She is the princess of Antar.” said Serena
“Oh god if my brother has found this out she is going to have to make some big choices very soon.” said Tara
“Chances are he all ready knows and will make a choice. To die or marry him.” said Trinity joining them.
“Lady Trinity?”
“Serena was right Tara you do look like your mother. But what she didn’t say was that you also have her kind soul. She knew that her days would be numbered when she helped form the underground. But she did it anyway. It was what she believed in. Tara I know your father force the powers of the seer on you. But do you know who the seer was before you?” said Trinity
“It was your mother’s sister Dana. She felt just like you do that it’s a curse. But she saw the deaths of the Royal Court but couldn’t get to us to warn us, Kivar stopped her.”
“I never knew this.” said Tara
“Not many do. I think that both Tara and Nicholas could use some rest. And Liz we all know that you need your rest.” said Trinity
“Liz mom is right. You need your rest for the baby’s sake.” said Serena
“Is it me or did we just skip over the fact that Tara here saw Liz’s death?” asked Kyle
“We didn’t just skip over it Kyle. We are just not focusing on that at the moment.” said Liz
“Besides if my brother finds out that Liz is pregnant than he wouldn’t kill her right away. He would want the baby to raise as his own and use to control Antar.” said Tara
“I think that I will go lay down.” said Liz
“Serena show Tara and Nicholas to their rooms.” said Trinity

Liz walked off and Serena led Nicholas and Tara to their rooms. She knew that there was a good chance that both of Tara’s visions will come true. Most of the time a seer’s vision did come true. But she didn’t want to think about that. She was more worried about Anne at the moment. Anne could end up dead and there would be little anyone could stop it.

Part 26

Anne paced in her room she knew that she was in trouble and there was nothing anyone could do to help her right now. She would just have sit tight and hope that she would be able to get out of here alive. But she knew that there was little to no chance of that right now. Just then she heard the door open and watched as Stefano walked in.

“What do you want?” asked Anne
“Now is that how your mother taught you to speak? Oh wait I forgot you weren’t raised by your mother. You were raised by that bitch Serena.”
“Don’t talk about Serena like that.”
“Why not? She is nothing but a bitch and a slut.”
“She is not. She is one of the best people I know. She is a better person than you will ever be.”
“Annie you have spent way too much time around humans. Serena is weak.”
“Stefano. Serena isn’t weak. She is much stronger than you think she is.”
“Well maybe she is stronger than those Royal rejects.”
“Don’t talk about my family like that.”
“You stupid girl. They aren’t your real family. Your parents have been dead for a long time. Max Evans is not your father. He is just some human boy who has been given some of your father’s genes. Elizabeth Parker isn’t your mother. She is just some stupid human girl with your mother’s genes.”
“They are not some stupid human kids. They are the rightful King and Queen of Antar. They will rule again. You will go down and if I have to die to help to restore them to the throne I will.”
“Oh you will die princess. I will make sure of that.”
“Go to hell. I know that your father is waiting for you there.”
“Stop being a smart mouth bitch.”
“Gee I can understand why you think that I have a smart mouth. Because I haven’t heard you say anything smart in the short time that I have known you..”

Stefano slapped Anne across the face. But she didn’t back down she knew that he was trying to break her. But she would die before she let that happen.

“I know that your mother didn’t teach you to hit a woman.”
“My mother was a traitor. What she taught me means nothing.”
“But what your father taught you, means everything?”
“My father was a great man.”
“Your father was a coward who killed to get what he wanted. But he never did get the one thing that he wanted. My mother. She was killed in the battle.”
“I don’t know what my father saw in your mother. She was weak.”
“My mother was not weak. You know nothing about her.”
“I know what my father told me about her. He was blinded by the fact that he loved her.”
“He loved my mother I believe that. But he didn’t know her. He didn’t know that she loved walks on the beach at sunset. He didn’t know that she use to play tricks on her twin brother. That she once turned Serena’s hair green. He knew nothing about my mother. Serena and Lady Trinity my grandmother and Queen Seria told me so much about her. I could write a book. I know that Liz is not the same person as my mother was. But she has my mother’s memories. She is the closes thing I will ever have to my mother and I love her that way.”
“You’re just as stupid as those humans.”
“Believe what you want about me. I don’t care. But I know that my family will come after me. You will not win I know that for a fact.”

Stefano grabbed Anne roughly and stared into her green eyes with his ice cold blue ones and smiled an evil smile.

“I have already won princess. You have a choice. You have three days to make that choice. You can marry me and become my loyal wife or you will die a slow and very painful death.”
“Go to hell.”
“Now, Annie is that anyway to talk to your King?”
“You aren’t a King. You are noting but a loser who can’t find a woman that will love you.”
”Love is useless. My father didn’t understand that. Human put to much faith in emotions like love. And so do those stupid royal rejects.”
“One thing I learned on Earth is that emotions are what make humans stronger. Humans may use their emotions more than antarians but they are not weak because of it. Emotions have helped bring them closer together in times of need. I am proud of the fact that I spent my whole life living with them. And I would lay down my life to save them from the likes of you any day of the week.”
“If emotions bring humans closer together than why is there so many of them at war with each other? Why don’t they all get along and live in peace?”
“Because of something known as free will. No one tells anyone else what is the right thing to believe in. There are many humans that believe in world peace. But until they solve their differences there will be no peace.”
“Spoken just like a human. Remember you have three days to make your choice or you will die.”

Stefano left the room and Anne punched her pillow. She knew that he would kill her but she couldn’t betray what she was taught to believe in. She hoped that someone would come after her soon. She didn’t really want to die but if it came to it she would to protect those she cared about.

Part 27

After her nap Liz walked in the garden and found Tara sitting on a bench. She sat down next to her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

“Are you ok Tara?”
“Nothing I want to talk about.”
“Tara I know that your brother did something bad to you. It would help if you talk about it.”
“I don’t think that I can.”
“Why because if you do it will be more real?”
“Tara, I know that we just met and all but if you want to tell me what happened you can. I won’t tell anyone not even Max what happened.”
“I just can’t talk about it. It’s not something that is easy to talk about.”

Liz knew what Tara was talking about. But didn’t know how to get her to open up about it.

“Tara, you care about Nicholas don’t you?”
“If you don’t talk about what happened then you may never feel like your relationship with him will do any where. You need to talk about it with someone. What Stefano let that guard do to you was wrong. But you can’t change the past and until you deal with what happened you can’t move on to the future.”
“Liz have you ever been where I am?”
“You can’t know what I am going threw then.”
“I do because I feel all your emotions coming off you. I’m trying to read you but they are so strong that I can’t block them.”
“I know that. Some of our powers are a like. We both can find out what others are thinking and if they can be trusted or not. But the fact is I’m scared to talk about what happened to me.”
“With me or anyone?”
“It’s ok to be. But I know that Nicholas wants to help you to heal. But he can’t unless you let him.”
“I know that you are right. What about you? I can tell you are worried about Anne.”
“Not just Anne. It has to do with your vision the one where I die.”
“Liz, just because I see thing that will happen does not mean that they are set in stone. Any vision can be changed before it happens. I have done it before. I want you to know that I will do whatever I have to even die to keep you and your baby safe.”
“Why would you do that?”
“Because my mom taught me that if you have the chance to protect your King and Queen then there is no greater honor, and weather you like it or not you are the Queen of Antar.”
“I know.”
“Besides I had another vision while I was lying in my room earlier. About this child of yours. This child is going help bring peace to Antar once and for all.”
“So did you see weather it’s a girl or a boy?”
“It wasn’t clear enough. But I do know that this child will become a great ruler one day.”
“That does give me a little hope that your vision about my death won’t come true.”
“I think I will go find Nick. Your right that I need to talk to someone about what happened and I know that he will help me get past this.”
“Ok I’ll see you around.”

Tara got up and walked away. Liz was left alone with her thoughts. She hoped that Tara and Nicholas would be able to work out their relationship and that there was still time to change the vision about her death before it was too late.

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Roswell Fanatic
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Post by Roswelllostcause »

Thanks for the feedback!!

Part 28

Serena watched Kyle and Elexa play together from the door. She didn’t know how she felt about how close the two were becoming. But then again she may have admitted that she loved Kyle but that didn’t change the fact that she was scared to lose him the same way she lost Ry. She was lost in thought and didn’t hear Alex come up behind her.

“Penny for your thoughts.”
“I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s ok. I was just thinking.”
“What about?”
“The fact that I think that Lexa is getting too close to Kyle.”
“I thought that you were in love with him.”
“I am. It’s just I don’t know if it’s a good idea that she get too close.”
“Why Rena? Because of the fact that we are in a war and Kyle might die?”
“Yes. I don’t know how I would explain to her if he wasn’t here any more.”
“Rena there is no way to tell what is going to happen in this war. We may win. We may lose. But have you thought about the fact Lexa could lose you?”
“Alex I don’t like to think about that.”
“Look Rena you love Kyle and I know that he loves you. Let him closer to you and Lexa. A wise woman once told Liz, Maria and me to follow our hearts where ever they took us. So I’m telling you to do the same thing little sister.”
“Claudia Parker was a wise woman.”
“You met her?”
“Yes when you all were kids.”
“So did she know that Liz wasn’t fully human?”
“Yes. She had noticed something about Liz and saw me watching her one-day. I had to come clean with her. I knew I could trust her. I don’t know how I knew but I knew.”
“She was a kind and loving woman.”
“Yes she was. Alex when this is over are you going to go back to Earth?”
“I don’t know. My parents didn’t really want me around after I told them I wasn’t human. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to see them again.”
“Alex, I don’t know if Liz told you but I kinda told her that if your parents end up being a threat that I would take care of them.”
“You mean kill them.”
“I have had to kill in the past. I didn’t like it. But I couldn’t let anyone harm Liz or you. Alex what you don’t know is there is a secret part of the FBI that is all about hunt down and killing aliens. Look Alex they don’t give a damn that you are part human. They kill first then deal with the questions they have.”
“How do you know about it?”
“I was once caught by them. I barley got out with my life.”
“I didn’t know.”
“No one did. Not even Ry. If I had told anyone then I would never have been able to do my job.”
“Rena I know that you are scared. But I think you should forget about your troubles for now and spend time with your daughter while she is still young. You know she won’t want to spend time with you when she becomes a teenager.”
“Your right Alex. Thanks.”
“No problem sis.”
“See you later bro.”

Alex watched as Serena when to join Kyle and Lexa. He knew that they still had a long battle a head of them. Even with Anne in Stefano’s hands they needed time to be with those they care about. And they would plan on how to take down Stefano. The final battle was coming he knew that. When he didn’t know. But he knew that they would be ready when that time came. If they weren’t Antar would be doomed.

Part 29

Anne was laying on the bed when she heard someone come into the room. She turned expecting to find Stefano, not the woman she found.

“Who are you?”
“A friend princess.”
“Can’t you give me more than that?”
“You know Serena use to trust me with everything. So you can too.”
“Wait a minute. Are you saying that you are Laya? I thought you were dead.”
“As far as everyone knows I am. Anne I know that this is a shock. But I had to fake my death. Well I almost died so it wasn’t that fake. Kivar almost did kill me. I still don’t know how I lived. But since then I have been working on a plan to help the underground. But now that I know that Zan and Elexa are back a long with the rest of the Royal Court I know that there is a way to stop Stefano once and for all. I just never thought that my son would turn out to be more evil than his father.”
“How did he end up so evil? I don’t understand.”
“I don’t either. But the fact is the only way that Antar will be free is for my son to die.”
“That must be hard for you to face.”
“It is but I know that it’s the only way that he will be stopped.”

Anne could see that Laya had tears in her eyes. She didn’t know what to do for the older woman. Anne got up from the bed and pulled the older woman into a hug and held her.

“Thank you princess.”
“Hey your Aunt Rena’s best friend she would be pissed if I didn’t at lest try to help you.”
“She raised you well.”
“Yeah well she has her own daughter now.”
“Really? What is her name?”
“Elexa she’s two.”
“Who is her father?”
“Her father was Ry. He was killed by Kivar.”
“I’m sorry for Serena. I know she loved Ry.”
“She did but she has found love again with Kyle he’s part of the Royal Court.”
“I know. I know all about their human names. Anne I should go before my son comes back. Just so you know I will never be too far away.”

Anne watched as Laya left. She didn’t know why she trusted this woman she had never met but knew if she didn’t than she would end up dead.

Check out my Author page for a list of my fics! ... 1&t=155639
Roswell Fanatic
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Post by Roswelllostcause »

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I have few more twist that will come out before the end so keep a look out.

Note I just want to tel you that I name Max and Liz's baby for a friend of mine that died in a car crash when I was in high school.

Part 30 Three months later.

“Max if you ever do this to me again I am going to fry you do you hear me!! yelled Liz

Serena bit her lip trying not to laugh. She knew that Liz didn’t mean what she was saying. But the look on Max’s face of how scared he was at the moment was priceless. She knew that it was only the pain that Liz was in at the moment that was talking not her real feelings. She knew because she had been there two and a half years ago.

“Is something funny Rena? Cause I don’t find any of this funny.” said Liz
“Liz you need to calm down. You are going to be fine. Your baby is going to be fine.” said Serena
“Serena, I don’t think that I can do this.”
“Yes you can. Liz look at me. I know that this is hard. But everything is going to be ok. But if you don’t calm down now you could harm you baby and you don’t want to do that do you?”
“I know that your right. But it hurts!”
“Hey I know that. Don’t forget that I have had a kid!”
“I know.”

Liz looked for Max and saw him standing by the door looking scared to get any closer.

“Maxwell Evans if you don’t get your ass over here and help with this baby I will hurt you do you understand?” said Liz

Max just nodded and made his way over to them. Serena took Liz’s hand and an hour and half later Max was cleaning off a baby girl before handing it over to Liz. Serena look at Liz and her new niece and smiled.

“Do you have a name picked out yet?” asked Serena
“Kelly Lynne.” said Liz softly.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Do you want to hold her?” asked Liz
“You sure it’s ok?”
“It’s not like you don’t know how to hold a baby Serena.”
“I know it’s just that she is so small.”
“Lexa was once this small too you know.” said Max
“Yeah I know.”

Liz placed Kelly in Serena’s arms and watched her sister with the baby. Serena looked so happy holding her. Liz knew without even going into her sister’s head that she wanted another child.

“Hey there Kel I’m your Auntie Rena and I am going to spoil you so much that you won’t believe it.” said Serena to the baby in her arms.

Liz rolled her eyes remembering when she had done the same thing when Lexa was born. Just then there was a knock on the door and Alex poked his head in.

“I heard a baby crying and thought I would check on you guys.” said Alex
“Alex come in and meet your niece Kelly Lynne.” said Liz

Alex came into the and looked at the small baby in Serena’s arms and smile. The baby was beautiful. She had her father’s soulful eyes and he could see a few strands of her mother’s brown hair on her head. But what almost made him laugh were the ears sticking out. He could see that Max in them right away.

“Hey kid you look great. But it’s a shame that you got your father’s ears.” said Alex to the baby.

Liz just raised her hand slightly and sent a small shock at Alex. Alex jumped and turned to face his sister.

“Don’t talk about my daughter’s ears like that. I think they are cute.” said Liz
“You’re her mother Liz. You would think she was cute even if she was green with three fingers.” said Alex
“Alexander Charles Whitman get out now or I will fry you!” said Liz
“Later!” said Alex as he bolted from the room.
“Max I think we should go too. Liz and the baby need their rest.” said Serena
“Liz I’ll be back later to check on you ok?” said Max
“Ok. And Max I love you.”
“Love you too.”

Max gave Liz a kiss and Serena placed the baby in the cradle next to the bed before leaving the room.

Part 31

Tara was walking on the edge of the woods when she felt someone wrap their arms around her. She smiled knowing who it was and leaned into him.

“Liz had her baby. A little girl.”
“That’s great. What’s her name?”
“Kelly Lynne.”
“I like it.”
“Tara have you ever thought about having kids?”
“Nick why are you asking?”
“Because I have always wanted a little girl. I know most guys want boys. But I want a girl that is just as beautiful as her mother.”
“Nick I do want kids. But not right now. We still have to get Anne out of the palace and unlike with me you can go in there and bust her out. My brother may not be the smartest guy on the planet but he is not going to let you walk in there again.”
“I know. But you know that guy Kart really well right?”
“I know that his father worked for your family years ago.”
“So would you bust Anne out?”
“I don’t know. Nick he is in there feeding us the information that we need to bring down Stefano. Besides I always got the feeling that my brother didn’t trust Kart as far as he can throw him.”
“But your brother throws worse than a girl!”
“Nick I would be careful if I were you. If Liz hears you talk like that she will go sparky on you.”
“I know. But you aren’t going to tell her are you?”
“No I won’t tell her.”

Nicholas smiled as they walked together.


Serena walked into the play room and saw Kyle playing with Lexa. She smiled as she walked up behind him and gave him a kiss.

“Hey. How is Liz?” asked Kyle
“Good. She has a little girl.”
“Kyle I know that this isn’t really a good time to talk about this. But I want to know if you have ever thought about having children.”
“Yeah I thought about it.”
“Kyle I want to have more kids. I don’t want Lexa to grow up as an only child. I saw what it did for Anne and I don’t want the same thing for my daughter. Anne has always been kind of a loner because she didn’t have any brothers or sisters.”
“Rena I would love to have kids with you. I would love to have a little girl that has your sparking green eyes, your silky strawberry blond hair and your smile that lights up a room when you show it off. I love you Rena and when you are ready I would love to be the father of your children.”
“You really mean that Kyle?”
“Yes. Rena I know that we don’t know how this is going to end. But I know that Stefano isn’t going to win without a fight. And you know that all of us working together will make us almost unstoppable.”
“Thanks Kyle,”

Kyle pulled Serena into a hug and gave her a sweet kiss. Serena knew that things could get worse from here or they could get better. But she also knew that all of them were stronger when they worked together than they were when they were apart. This war maybe far from over. But they had one thing that Stefano didn’t. The love of family and friends on their side. And from what she had learned on Earth love was something that could make you stronger than you were without it.

Roswell Fanatic
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Post by Roswelllostcause »

Thanks for the feedback!!!

Part 32

Anne pushed her hair over her shoulder as she walked out on the balcony. She knew that Liz would have had her baby soon if she hadn’t already. She wondered if she had a sister or brother. She turned when she heard footsteps behind her. She found Stefano standing there.

“What do you want?”
“To see where you were.”
“Stefano what are you doing here?”
“To see if you are ready to tell me the answer to my question”
“What question is that?”
“Don’t play stupid bitch. I want to know if you will agree to be my wife or do I get to kill you?”
“I believe that I gave you an answer a while ago. I told you to go to hell.”
“Annie answer it.”
“I will marry you when as they say on Earth hell freezes over.”
“So you want to die?”
“If that is my only other choice then yes I will die for what I believe in.”
“I don’t understand why you want to die. I sure as hell don’t.”
“I never said that I wanted to die. I just said that I will die if I have too. I am ready to give up my life if that is what I have to do to keep those I care about safe.”

Anne watched as Stefano took a step closer her. She knew that she was in trouble. She tried to back away from him but had no where to go. Stefano grabbed her and pulled her into the room. Stefano pushed her down on the bed and stared at her. She tried to pull away but he was too strong for her. He pushed her so that she was lying on the bed with him on top of her. Then he pulled his shirt off and reached for hers. Anne felt her heart start to race. She knew what was coming and also knew that it was hopeless to beg him to stop. She didn’t even try to fight him. She could only hope that those she cared about would get her out of here soon. She didn’t know how much longer she could live her life like this.


Laya watched from the shadows as Anne cried herself to sleep after Stefano left the room more than an hour later. She couldn’t believe the way her son had turned out. She knew that she had to go to the base and help them with the plans to take down Stefano. There was little she could do for the princess at the moment alone. She knew that Tara would be very surprised that she was alive. Even her best friend Serena would be surprised to see her. She knew that Taya would have told every one that she was dead. She hated tricking everyone but had no choice. Now she had to go to them and make them believe that she was really who she saids she is.

Part 33

Maria walked into Liz’s room and saw her friend holding the sleeping baby.

“Hey Liz how you feeling?”
“Tired. But this is something I am going to have to get use too.”
“Yeah. So I heard that you told Max that you would fry him if he gets you pregnant again.”
“It was the pain talking. I want to have more kids. Max knows that isn’t how I really feel.”
“Well Michael doesn’t seem to want to have kids.”
“Maria give him time. I don’t know if this is the right time to have a baby. I mean we are fighting a war. Do you want to have a child right now?”
“You did.”
“Max and I didn’t plan Kelly. I mean if we had thought about it more we would have waited. But we can’t change that now. And I wouldn’t give my little girl up for anything. I love her.”
“She is kinda cute. But she has Max’s ears.”
“True. But I like Max’s ears.”
“Well that is your choice.”
“Maria did you want to hold Kelly?”
“I don’t know.”
“Maria are you scared?”
“No it’s just I have never held a baby before.”
“I trust you Maria.”

Liz handed Kelly to Maria and watched her. Maria lowered her head and talked softly to the baby in her arms. Liz knew that Maria was talking about soiling her. Not that Liz cared. She knew that all her friends and family were going to do that. But she couldn’t help but think about what she had been told. That this small baby was what the hope of Antar would be built on. She didn’t know what that meant other than the fact that it would put her daughter in danger.


Max watched from the door as Liz talked with Maria. He was worried about Liz. He knew that Liz didn’t want to think about the vision that Tara had told them about coming true. But he couldn’t help but worry. He didn’t want anything to happen to Liz. He loved her too much to want to lose her. He was lost in thought and didn’t hear Michael come up behind him.

“You ok Maxwell?”
“Michael I worried about Liz.”
“Why because Tara saw her die?”
“Yeah. Michael I don’t want to lose Liz.”
“Max you know that none of us want that vision to come true. And you know that I will do whatever I have to, too keep your wife safe. You know Serena will too.”
“I know it’s just I don’t know if we can stop the vision.”
“Max we will stop it. I know that it’s hard to believe right now. But I will not let anything happened to Liz. I care about her.”
“What do you mean you care about her?”
“Maxwell I love her in a different way than you. I love her the same way that Alex loves her. I love Liz like a sister. You know when we were kids a couple of times I didn’t have a lunch and Liz would give me part of hers. I don’t know if she knew we were a like then or if she was just being nice. But I knew that she was a girl that I would stand up for if she ever needed it. Now she needs me to help keep her safe and I am going to do it."
“Thanks Michael.”
“Anytime bro.”

Michael walked off leaving Max alone with his thoughts.

Part 34

Serena was walking down by the lake when she felt someone grab her from behind. She turned and found herself staring at what she thought had to be a ghost. But then again it couldn’t be a ghost. A ghost wouldn’t have felt cold to the touch if it was even possible for a ghost to be able to hold her like this. But from what she had heard the person standing in front of her was dead. There was no way that this could really be her childhood best friend, unless Laya for some reason faked her death.

“Serena I knew you would be surprised to see me. But I didn’t think that you would be speechless. I never knew you to be that way. It always got us in trouble as kids if I remember right.” said Laya
“How is this possible? Taya said that Kivar killed you.”
“He almost did. I was nearly dead for a while.”
“Why are you here now?”
“Anne is in trouble. Stefano is either going to kill her very soon or force her to marry him.”
“That is one thing I will never understand. How he turned out so much worse than his father.”
“Rena I wish I knew. But there isn’t a lot of time. We will have to act fast if we want to save Anne’s life. I know what my son can and will do. I have been watching him for years.”
“Laya why let Tara think that you are dead? Why let everyone think you were dead?”
“Rena I had too. It was the only way that I knew of to keep the underground from being found. Kivar knew that I knew where the underground’s base was and he was going to force me to give it up so that he could kill those that would protect Zan. I couldn’t let that happen. It would have put everyone I cared about in danger. So I let him believe that he killed me.”
“How did you live?”
“An old friend helped me.”
“Who was that?”
“Zark the Royal doctor. He gave me a drug after Kivar nearly killed me that made it look like my heart stopped. But it really just slowed it down enough that everyone thought I was dead. It was the only way. I woke up a few days later fully recovered and started spying on Kivar and Stefano. I knew that Tara would choose the side of the underground. I raised her to believe in the cause.”
“You know my little brother has joined us and is in love with Tara.”
“You know that was written long ago. A long with the prophecy of the child of the reborn King and Queen will be the hope that Antar will be rebuilt on. I know that child has been born.”
“Yeah. A girl.”
“But I also know about your daughter Serena. I am sorry you lost Ry in this war.”
“Thank you. He died to save my life and the life of our daughter.”
“Yes but you have found love again. Kyle treats you well I see.”
“Yes. But part of me will always love Ry.”
“You never forget your first love Serena. I have to go. I must keep an eye on Anne.”

Serena watched as her old friend disappeared. She had forgotten about Laya’s power to teleport wherever she wanted. She knew that they had to come up with a plan that would take down Stefano before it was too late for Anne.

Roswell Fanatic
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Post by Roswelllostcause »

THanks for the feedback!!!

Part 35

Stefano paced in his office. He couldn’t believe that there was still no sign of his sister or Nicholas. But then again if they were with the underground they wouldn’t be anyway to find them. No one could find all the members of the underground. He knew that. He had tried more than once, and he had yet to find someone who could be bought into telling him where they were. Hell even the princess wouldn’t give them up to save her own life. He knew that in time she would brake how long that would take he didn’t know. Just then there was a knock on the door.

“What?” he asked
“Sir the girl is sick.” said Jana from the door.
“What do you mean sick?”
“She is sick. She can’t get out of bed and won’t eat.”
“How in the hell do you know that she isn’t faking it? Because she could be you know.”
“That was what we thought at first. But when the doctor took a look at her he found out that she has a high fever.”
“How high?”
“High enough that it would kill a human with it.”
“That means nothing. The princess isn’t human. No matter what she wants to believe. She never was human and never will be. She is Antarian.”
“I know sir. But it’s even on the high side for an Antarian.”
“How high is it?”
“120! Damn that is high. What is causing it?”
“The doctor doesn’t know.”
“Get her in an ice bath. I am not done with her yet. I need her still.”
“Yes sire.”

Stefano watched as Jana left. He had to wonder what was causing the high fever in Anne. He didn’t know of any illness that caused that high of a fever. But then again he wasn’t a doctor either. He hope that they would find out what was wrong with her soon. He didn’t like to admit it but he thought that he was falling in love with the girl. Something that he couldn’t let happen. If that happened then he would lose the war for sure.


Jana walked into Anne’s room and met the girl’s eyes. She looked worse than she had when she had left not ten minutes before.

“Am I going to die?” asked Anne weakly
“I don’t know princess. But we are going to try and bring your fever down.”
“Why are you being kind to me?”
“Because I am a member of the underground. Lady Laya had me join right before she died.”
“Why is Stefano letting you do this?”
“I am not sure. He has been acting strange as of late even for him. I have never in my life seen him like this.”

Just then the door of the bathroom opened and two other women came out.

“The ice bath is ready we need to move the princess.” said on of them
“It’s ok Anne they won’t hurt you. They worked for your parents many years ago.” said Jana
“Come princess. You know you look a lot like your mother did.” said the one who had spoken before.
The three women helped Anne into the ice bath hoping that they would bring down the fever. What they didn’t know was that Laya was watching from the shadows. And she knew that was wrong with Anne and there was only one person on Antar that could save her life. The woman that had given birth to her. Serena.

Disclaimer The song is the Greatest Love of All. I don't own it. Not sure who does. But it's not me.

Part 36

“What Lexa?” Serena asked her young daughter.
“Are you, me and Yle going to be a family?”
“I don’t know honey.”
“You love him don’t ya?”
“Yes I love Kyle.”
“Then marry him.”
“It’s not that easy honey.”
“It’s just not.”
“Lexa I can’t explain it.”
“Elexa I just can’t so stop asking why.”
“Mama I love Yle. He would be a great daddy.”
“I know honey.”
“Auntie Liz and Unkie Max got married cause they love each other.”
“I know. But Kyle and I aren’t like them. We have to do things our way.”
“Mama say that you will marry Yle. I want a daddy.”

Serena bit her lip. She knew why she didn’t want to marry Kyle just yet. She was scared. Not that she would lose him. But that she would be happier than she had ever been in her life if she did. But how could she tell a two year old that? She couldn’t so she had to come up with a different reason.

“Sweetie I know that you love Kyle and want him to be your daddy. But I don’t know if I am ready to get married.”
“Well honey getting married is a big step and means that we would be committed to each other for the rest of our lives.”
“That’s not a bad thing.”
“Besides he has never asked me.”
“You should ask him.”
“Uh that’s not how it’s done honey.”
“I can’t explain it. You will understand when you are older. Now it’s time to get some sleep.”
“I’m not tried mama.” said Lexa with a yawn.
“Yes you are now go to sleep.”
“Sing to me.”
“I don’t know honey.”
“Please mama?”

Serena closed her eyes and then very softly started to sing.

I believe the children are our are future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
Everybody searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone to fulfill my needs
A lonely place to be
So I learned to depend on me

I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all

I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be

I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all

And if by chance, that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love

When Serena stopped she found her daughter fast asleep. She gave her a kiss and left the room.

Roswell Fanatic
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Post by Roswelllostcause »

Thanks for the feedback! Sorry it's so short today.

Part 37

Tara was sitting by the lake when she heard someone sit down next to her. She turned to find Liz there with her baby.

“She’s beautiful.” said Tara
“Thank you. Tara is something wrong?”
“I know that you love Nicholas. But there seems to be something on your mind.”
“Well there is. Liz I know that my brother has to be stopped. But I don’t want him to die. I love him.”
“Tara of course you love him. He is your brother. But he is also a traitor.”
“He is only doing what our father taught him to do. I mean there has to be some good in him. He could have killed me when he found out about me being part of the underground but didn’t. Something in him stopped him from doing that.”
“I have never met him. But I did meet your father. You know that Kivar would have killed Serena and her baby if Ry hadn’t jumped in front of her?”
“I didn’t know that. But I did watch him kill my mother. Why do you trust me? You don’t know me. Nick isn’t always the most trustworthy either.”
“Well I kinda got a visit from Ava. She told me that I had to trust you if we are going to save Antar.”
“Liz I have to be honest with you. I think that Anne is in real trouble.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know I get these visions right?”
“I had one about her and in it she was really sick. I mean so sick that there is a chance that she will die.”
“What could cause it?”
“I’m not sure. I don’t know much about illnesses. I have never been sick.”
“I know what it could be.” said Serena from behind them.

Liz turned to look at her sister and saw fear in her eyes.

“What is it?”
“It’s a very rare illness. They called it Gart Fever.” said Serena
“The death fever?” asked Tara
“Yes. Liz it’s called the death fever because very few who get it live to tell about it. I know more about it than most. I almost died from it when I was a child. It also means that I have to get to Anne somehow because I am the only one that can save her.”
“Why Serena?” asked Liz
“Because only someone who has lived through it can save someone else with it. But then that person can’t save anyone else. It becomes the job of the person saved to save the next and so on.” said Serena
“Who saved you?” asked Tara
“Your mother. Her mother saved her. Now I have to save Anne.” said Serena

Liz watched as Serena walked away and wondered what else Serena was hiding from her. But she knew that she couldn’t just go into her sister’s head. It wasn’t right.

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Post by Roswelllostcause »

Part 38

Kyle watched as Serena paced in their room. He knew that she felt helpless to save Anne’s life. But there was nothing they could do. He wasn’t about to let the woman he loved go off and let herself get caught by Stefano. He didn’t even want to let her out of his sight. But she was stubborn he knew that when she set her mind to something that there was no changing it.

“Rena look at me. What you are thinking about doing could get you killed.”
“Kyle I know. But I can’t sit back here and let Anne die. Besides there is a chance that Stefano will never know that I was there.”
“How is that?”
“There are a few with the power to teleport. If one of them were to help me then I could get in heal Anne and get the both of us out without anyone knowing I was there. They would know that someone had gotten Anne out and how but not that I had gone in.”
“Serena you don’t know that Anne is even alone. Stefano could be with her right now.”
“I never said that I would go in right now.”
“Serena I know that you are hiding something from me and everyone else. Why are you still keeping secrets from us after all this time? Liz has noticed. You’re lucky that she doesn’t go poking in people’s heads unless she has to uninvited.”
“Kyle I’m sorry that you feel that you don’t trust me. But did you ever think that maybe I am holding stuff back because I don’t want to see any of you hurt?”
“Serena I have but you hold tons of stuff back and I don’t understand why. Why won’t you tell me what is going on with you. I love you and I don’t want to lose you.”

Serena bit her lip. She knew that she had to tell him sometime soon. But she was scared too. She knew that he would be happy about this but she wasn’t sure she was at the moment. If things were different sure she would be happy but right now she wasn’t so sure.

“Kyle I promise when I am done working through what is going on in my head I will tell you. But until then you can’t push me. I was never very open and it will take time for me to change. But I want you to know one thing that I will always love you no matter what happens.”
“Rena you have me worried.”
“Try to mediate Buddha Boy.”
“I have always hated that nickname.” Kyle mumbled

Serena smiled and gave him a kiss before leaving the room.


Laya watched as the doctor looked over Anne. She knew it was bad from the look on his face. Anne had slipped into a coma the day before. There wasn’t much time left if she didn’t find Serena now then Anne was going to die. She closed her eyes and when she opened them she was in the woods on the underground base. She stayed in the shadows as she looked for Serena. She saw her young King and Queen taking a walk on the moon lit beach by the lake. She saw Nicholas and Tara on a blanket looking up at the stars together. She finally found Serena coming out of one of the buildings.

“There isn’t much time. We have to hurry.”
“Laya I don’t know if I can do this.”
“Serena you don’t have much of a choice. You are the only one that can save Anne’s life.”
“You don’t understand there is more at stake then just Anne’s life.”
“Rena what are you talking about? You are talking in riddles.”
“Laya, I’m pregnant. I don’t know if I can save Anne without harming my baby.”

Laya watched as Serena started to cry. She knew that her friend cared about Anne. But she knew that Serena didn’t want to lose her child either.

“Serena there may be a way to do it without hurting the baby.”
“You will have to let me connect with you at the same time you go to heal Anne. I can’t try and protected the baby.”
“Laya if you do that you will be risking your life.”
“I know. But it maybe the only way. I will still be strong enough to bring all of us back here.”
“Why risk you life like this?”
“Because it is the right thing to do. Besides I know how much you have always wanted a big family.”
“I wish that you would tell your daughter that you are alive.”
“Serena I promise that if I live through this I will tell Tara I am alive. But now we must be going.”

Serena took Laya’s hand and the next thing she knew they were in a dark passage on the palace.

“Where are we?” asked Serena
“In the palace.”
“I know that much. But where?”
“One of the old passages. It was use to by the Royals to escape when the palace was under attack.”
“Are we near Anne?”
“Other side of that wall.”
“Laya I’m really scared.”
“I know Rena but if you don’t at lest try and do this you won’t be able to live with yourself. I know that and so do you.”
“But I don’t want to lose my baby.”
“Rena if I have to I will die to keep your baby safe.”
“There is something that you aren’t telling me isn’t there?”
“Your baby has a destiny the same as Elexa and Max and Liz’s baby.”
“What do you mean?”
“Rena it isn’t the birth of one child that Antar will be rebuilt on but five. I don’t remember all the details but Elexa was the start of it. I know that this is a lot to take in right now but I had to tell you this now.”
“I don’t get it. Why does it have to be my children in this?”
“Rena you are part of the Royal Court and were always meant to be. All I know is that it’s the first five children of the Royal Court that the Hope of Antar will be built on. That mean Elexa and this new baby of yours.”
“Why can’t my life ever get easier?”
“Rena its destiny. You know that you can fight it all you want but sooner or later you will have to follow it.”
“Destiny sucks.”
“Now that’s the Serena I remember as a kid.” said Laya with a laugh.

Serena just stuck her tong out at her friend as they moved closer to the door of the passage. Laya opened it a crake and they saw Stefano checking on Anne.

“We have to wait until he leaves.”
“How long will that be?”
“I don’t know. But we best are quiet or we could be found out.”

Serena and Laya sat on the floor of the passage and waited for Stefano to leave.


Note ok now you know at lest one thing Serena is hidding. I need your help with naming the baby. I haven't decided for sure weather it will be a boy or girl so I would like to have you give me a name for both a boy and a girl that you like.
Roswell Fanatic
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Post by Roswelllostcause »

Thanks for the feedback!!!

Part 39

Kyle knocked on the door to Max and Liz’s room. He was worried Serena had taken off after they talked and he hadn’t seen her since. After a minute Liz opened the door.

“Kyle is something wrong?”
“Have you seen Serena?”
“No. Why?”
“I can’t find her anywhere.”
“You don’t think that she when to the palace do you?”
“I hope not but knowing her she did.”
“Liz what is it?” asked Max
“Serena took off to try and save Anne.” said Liz
“Kyle find everyone and we will think of something ok?” said Max
“Whatever you say fearless leader.” said Kyle

Ten minutes later everyone sat in the main meeting room. Michael was pacing. Alex was sitting close to Isabel and Maria was trying to say clam. Amy was pulling out maps while Trinity and Seria were planning the best way into the palace. Tara and Nicholas sat near at the table talking softly. Taya was the only one not there because she was watching Elexa and Kelly.

“Serena is missing.” said Max
“It is not the first time that Serena has taken off to try and help someone Max.” said Trinity
“I know. But she has gone into the palace and I fear that if she is found she will be killed.” said Max
“My brother wouldn’t kill her right away. He will try and get her to tell him everything she knows.” said Tara
“Max you know that Serena would never betray us.” said Liz
“I know that much. But she is keeping secrets Liz. I hate to admit it but she knows a lot more than she is telling us.” said Max
“Max I could try and dreamwalk her but there is little chance that I will get in. Serena does like to block me.” said Isabel
“Kyle why didn’t you try and stop your girl friend? She trying to get herself killed or something?” asked Michael
“Michael. Serena is my girl friend but she is also stubborn as hell. Once she makes up her mind there is no talking her out of it. I will not try and control her. How would you feel if Maria tried to control you?” said Kyle
“This isn’t about me and Maria. It’s about your girlfriend who could be dead by now for all we know.” said Michael
“Michael there is little chance of that. There are members of the underground inside the palace and places to hide. There are the old escape passages. But only a few know of them.” said Seria
“Seria do you really think that Serena is ok?” asked Liz
“I know she is. She is smart. Liz I know that you are still getting to know her and she does keep things to herself a lot but she was always like that. If there is anyone that can make it in and out without problems its Serena.” said Seria
“Amy what is the fastest way to the palace?” asked Max
“It will take almost a day to get there. But I don’t know if it’s the safest way there. Max you do know that if we go after Serena there is a good chance that not everyone will make it out alive.” said Amy
“I know. This is a war Amy. But if I can help it no one will die.”
“Max this is crazy! We can’t go in now we aren’t ready. And if you think that I will let you go in there and get killed Max you are crazy. I don’t want our daughter to grow up without her father.” said Liz
“Liz I’m not going and neither are you. It’s too dangerous for us. Without the two of us Antar will not be saved.” said Max
“That is the best thing I have ever heard you say Maxwell.” said Michael
“Nicholas I want you to lead the team in to bring out Serena and Anne.” said Max
“Max are you nuts? How do you know he won’t betray us?” asked Kyle
“Kyle if Nick was going to betray us he would have done it by now.” said Liz
“Liz did you just call me Nick?” asked Nicholas
“Yeah. You like that better than runt boy and Nicky right?”
“Yeah. Thanks your highness.” said Nicholas
“Liz, Maria, Trinity and I are staying here. Seria I need you to go. You know those passages don’t you?” asked Max
“Yes. I will go.” said Trinity
“Max I don’t think I should go.” said Tara
“Is something wrong?” asked Liz
“Uh well I think I might be pregnant.” said Tara

Nicholas looked at Tara he didn’t know what to say.

“I don’t know if you’re the father or not Nick. It could be Jav.” said Tara
“Weather your child has my blood or his I will be it’s father.” said Nicholas
“You really mean that?” asked Tara
“Yes. I love you.”

Nicholas pulled Tara into his arms and gave her a kiss.

“Ok enough of the mushy stuff. When do we leave?” asked Michael
“In the morning. It’s going to be dangerous.” said Amy
“See you then.” said Kyle

Everyone left and headed for bed.

Part 40

Serena rubbed the back of her neck. She had been sitting in the passage so long that her neck had gotten stiff. She had no idea how long she had been there other than it had been a long time. She looked over and saw Laya peaking into the room.

“It’s clear Rena.”
“Then I guess we better move fast.”
“Serena how are you feeling?”
“Been better.”
“Rena I promise that I won’t let anything bad happen to your baby.”
“Laya I know that you will do whatever you have too to protect me and my baby. But you have to understand that you could lose your life by doing that.”
“I know the risk. And it’s one that I am willing to take if it means Antar will be free.”
“Let’s get going. I know Kyle knows I am gone.”
“I would hope so. It’s almost noon.”
“Noon? You mean that we have been in this passage for almost fifteen hours?”
“Yes. Not that it’s anything new to me. Serena I have been doing this for years.”
“Well this is the first time I remember being in these passages.”
“That’s because we weren’t a loud in them when we were kids.”
“Come on. Let’s see what we can do for Anne.”

The two of them made their way out of the passage and into Anne’s room. Serena sat down in the chair next to the bed. Laya stood behind her and placed her hands on Serena’s shoulders and made a connection. Serena then made a connection to Anne. Serena knew that Anne was sick but didn’t think that it was this bad. By the time she broke the connection almost an hour later she was drained and Anne wasn’t much better. The only good thing was the fever was now lower and not as dangerous as it had been. Laya broke the connection with Serena a moment later. But before they could make their way into the passage the door opened and Stefano walked in. Serena didn’t notice right away but Laya did.

“What the hell is going on here?” asked Stefano
“Stefano that isn’t how I taught you to speak.” said Laya
“Damn it mother I thought that you were dead.”
“I wanted you to believe that. I wanted everyone to believe that.”
“Why is Serena here?”
“She is here because she is the only one that can help Anne. And I have noticed how you look at the girl. You’re in love with her.”
“Mother I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Stefano don’t lie. You care for the girl. That is why you can’t bring yourself to kill her.”
“What’s wrong with Serena? It shouldn’t have drained her that much.”
“I’m pregnant.” said Serena weakly
“You should lay down. I will help you to a room not far from here. That is if you let me.” said Stefano
“What has come over you?” asked Serena
“Like my mother said I care for Anne.” said Stefano
“So I take it I’m a prisoner now?” asked Serena
“I don’t know. I have been beginning to think that my father was wrong. But we can talk about that later. You need your rest.” said Stefano
“I don’t think that I can walk.” said Serena
“Then I will carry you.”

Stefano walked over to Serena and picked her up. Laya walked across the hall with them and opened the door. Stefano placed her down on the bed gently.

“Mother we have to talk.” said Stefano leaving the room.
“Serena try and get some rest.” said Laya closing the door.

Laya followed Stefano into one of the sitting rooms and sat down.

“Mother where have you been all this time?”
“That doesn’t tell me anything.”
“I can’t tell you any more then that.”
“Why is Serena here?”
“She wants to save Anne’s life.”
“She couldn’t cure her. Is there any other way to save her?”
“I don’t know.”
“Mother I love Anne.”
“I understand that. I have seen you change since she was brought here. But you know that Max and Liz aren’t going to give up freeing Antar.”
“Mother if that is all they want they can have it. I don’t care any more. I want Anne to live.”
“Then when Max’s people come for Serena let them take her without a fight.”
“Then I should let them take Anne too. And turn myself in to them.”
“That would be a good idea son.”
“Mother do you really think that Max and Liz will go easy on me?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t met them. You could try asking Serena if she knows.”
“I have to do that then.”

Just then Jana walked in.

“Sir Anne is awake.”
“Thank you. Take the rest of the day off.”
“Yes sir.”

Jana left and Stefano looked at his mother.

“If you want go and see her. I will go and check on Serena.”

Both got up and when to their separate ways.
