Is Antar or Earth Home (Sql to DoL) TEEN/MATURE AU COMPLETE

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Roswell Fanatic
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Is Antar or Earth Home (Sql to DoL) TEEN/MATURE AU COMPLETE

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Title Is Antar or Earth Home
Author Helen
Disclaimer I don’t own Roswell. Never have and with my luck I never will. So don’t sue.
Summary Sequel to Destiny or Love or is it the Same Thing. (DoL) Must read before that before this. ... 35&start=0
Note Takes place two months after the end of DoL.

Part 1

Liz roller over and felt her husband wrap his arm around her. She couldn’t believe that it had been two months since she married the man that she loved. And only a matter of hours before they would get on a spaceship and travel to a planet that they barely remembered.

“Max honey we have to get up.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Max we have to. We have to we leave tonight for Antar. I want to go into town and say good bye to my parents. I don’t know when I will see them again. I know that they aren’t my parents by blood. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t love them. They raised me. They found me in the desert and gave me a home. There is nothing I can do to ever repay them for that.”
“Liz I understand. Why don’t you go take a shower and get ready? I’ll take my shower after your done.”
“What you don’t want to take a shower together?”
“Liz I would love to do that but we both know that we get very distracted when we shower together. Then you might not be able to go see your parents before we leave.”

Liz climbed out of bed and stuck her tong out at Max as she walked into the bathroom. Max just smiled. He loved that Liz wasn’t afraid to be herself. They were both still very young but had to rebuild a whole planet that had been at war for a very long time. Weather they would be able to do it or not remains to be to be seen. Max looked up and saw a strawberry blond green-eyed two year old standing in the door holding a stuff dog.

“Hey Lexa come here.” said Max

Lexa walked into the room and climbed into bed with him.

“Who’s your friend?” asked Max
“His mane is Fred.” said Lexa
“Where’s your mom?”
“With Yle.”
“She’s with Kyle?”

Lexa nodded and played with Fred on the bed. She was still playing when Liz came out of the bathroom fifteen minutes later.

“Hey sweetie. Where is your mom?” Liz asked Lexa
“She with Yle.”

*Max I have to talk to Serena about her daughter.* Liz said in Max’s head
*Liz is something bothering you?*
*Nothing I want to talk about right this minute. Go take your shower I’ll take Lexa to get some breakfast.*
*Ok honey.*

Max got up and when into the bathroom. Liz picked up Lexa and gave her a kiss.

“Come on sweetie let’s go get some breakfast.”
“Ok Auntie Lizzie.”
Liz smiled at her niece. She loved the little girl so much. As she walked down the hall she saw Karen sitting on Eric’s lap as he rolled down the hall in his wheelchair. He lost his ability to walk in the final battle with Kivar over two years ago. She knew that Max still felt guilty about the fact that he couldn’t heal Eric. But one good thing had come out of it. Karen realized how she always felt about him and told him and they were now engaged to be married.

“What do you want for breakfast Lexa?” asked Liz
“Don’t know. What they have tay?”
“I think they have pancakes today.”
“With maple syrup and Tobasca sauce?”
“Yes with maple syrup and Tabasco sauce.”

Liz walked into the dinning room and helped Lexa get her pancakes and some juice and sat down with a cup of coffee. A few minutes later she watched as Serena walked in with a dreamy look in her eyes. When Alex sat down at the table with her and Lexa with his own cup of coffee.

“Morning Alex will you watch Lexa while I go and talk to her mother?” asked Liz
“Yeah sure. I like spending time with the rug rat.” said Alex
“I not a rug rat Unkie Lex.” said Lexa

Liz smiled as Alex started to talk to Lexa. Liz got up and walked over to where Serena was talking with Eric and Karen.

“So tell do you know where your daughter is?” Liz asked Serena
“Uh Liz. Morning.” said Serena
“Answer the question Serena.”
“Not at the moment.”
“Rena let’s go for a walk. We’ll see you two later.” Liz said to Eric and Karen.

Liz and Serena walked out of the dinning room and out into the warm desert air. Serena knew what Liz wanted to talk to about.

“Rena I know that you like to spend time with Kyle.” Liz said softly
“I know there is a but coming.”
“Your right. But you have to think about what is best for your daughter too. I love Lexa but she needs her mother.”
“I know it’s just that every time I look at her I see Ry. She has his ears and nose and his smile.”
“Rena, but she is your daughter. You need to be a mother to her. Come on when she hits her teen years she will need someone to fight with. Do you even know how you feel about Kyle?”
“I love him Liz. Not the same way I loved Ry. Ry was my first love. I will never forget him. But you were right when you said that Ry would want me to be happy.”
“And Kyle makes you happy?”
“Yes. Liz I’m sorry if Elexa has been bothering you and Max. I will talk to her about that.”
“Rena just be her mother ok.”
“Look Kyle knows that you have a daughter. So maybe you should do things with both Kyle and Lexa.”
“Your right Liz. So are you going to go into town before we leave tonight?”
“Yeah in fact I should go and see my husband.”
“Lexa is ok isn’t she?”
“She’s fine. Alex is watching her.”
“Why did you leave her with him?”
“He agreed to watch her while we talked.”
“You know he is going to teach her some of his lame jokes.”

Liz smiled as she and Serena headed in.

Part 2

She paced in her room. She knew that it was only a matter of time before Zan would return with the rest of the Royal Court. She knew that her father was dead and had been for two years. Not that she cared. He had never treated her right. He was a dangerous man and killed anyone who crossed him. She learned that when he killed her mother. Her mother had been part of the underground and she was now part of it as well. If her brother found out then she was as good as dead. He was just like their father. Just then she heard a knock on her door.

“Come in.”
“Tara what are you up to?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about Stefano.”
“Your up to something now tell me what it is.”
“I really don’t know what you are talking about. I have just been in here all night reading. I just got up to stretch my legs.”
“You don’t lie very well little sister.”
“Stefano you’re just like our father.”
“And that is a bad thing?”
“Our father was an evil man. He killed the rightful King. You aren’t the heir to the throne of Antar.”
“Zan was a weak boy and if he had been a man he wouldn’t have been so easy for father to kill.”
“Stefano you aren’t the ruler of Antar nor am I. Zan and Elexa are coming back one day and they will rule once again. That is what the people of Antar want. You know that.”
“If Zan ever steps foot back on Antar I will kill him for killing our father. Either you are with me in this war or you are a traitor.”
“If that is how you see it. Then I am a traitor. Do whatever you want with me. Just know that there will always be people fighting to restore Zan to the throne. You will go down one-day brother dear. I know that Zan will defeat you. I know that you don’t believe that, but it was written long ago a reborn King would return and free Antar from a great evil. I always thought that it was taking about our father now I know it’s talking about you Stefano. You are more evil than our father ever was.”
“Guards take the traitor to the prison.”

Tara watched as two guards grabbed her and dragged her down to a cell. She knew that she was in trouble. She hoped that she would be able to escape from this place so that she would be able to help the Royal Court bring down Stefano.

Last edited by Roswelllostcause on Wed Jun 16, 2004 9:40 am, edited 23 times in total.
Roswell Fanatic
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Part 3

Liz and Max were walking down by the lake before they were going to leave for town. They just walking and enjoying spending time together when Liz heard Serena talking to Lexa. She looked over by a tree and saw Kyle and Serena there with Lexa by a hole in the ground. It looked like Kyle was placing something in the hole. Liz led Max over to them.

“What is going on?” asked Liz
“Lexa found a dead frog.” said Kyle
“His name is Bob.” said Lexa

Max and Liz smiled at her. They knew that when Lexa said that something had a name that it was true.

“Lexa why do you call the frog Bob?” asked Max
“He look like a Bob.” said the two-year-old

Serena shot Max a look that said “you wanted to know.” Liz smiled at Max. One thing she couldn’t believe was how smart Lexa was. Most two-year-olds weren’t as smart as she was. Lexa acted like she was four or five rather than two. But Liz knew that Serena wouldn’t have had it any other way. Ry had been smart like that, so Liz guessed that Lexa took after her father that way.

*I think she takes after you.* Serena said in Liz’s head.
*Rena what are you doing talking to me in my head?*
*I wouldn’t be able to do it if you didn’t let me. Liz, back on Antar you were really smart. You were writing by the time you were three. I think she will be the same way.*
*So why Bob the frog?*
*I don’t know. She’s two. I don’t think like a two year old.*
*I know I know. Sorry I asked.*

Liz gave Serena a smile as Kyle buried “Bob” the frog.

“Rena, Max and I will see you later we are going to go see my parents.” said Liz
“Ok. Just remember to be back by sunset. I just hope none of the UFO nuts see the ship taking off.” said Serena
“We will be I promise Rena.” said Liz as she and Max left.

Max and Liz walked back to where the cars were parked and climbed into Max’s jeep and headed into town. It took about half an hour to drive into town from the base. Max parked in front of the Crashdown and they headed in. Liz saw her dad working behind the counter with his back to them. She decided to have a little fun with him.

“Tell me sir where do the aliens live?” Liz asked.
“Well the truth is there are no aliens that I know of living in Roswell ma’am.” Said Jeff Parker turning around.
“Oh really dad?” asked Liz with a twinkle in her eyes.
“Lizzie, come here honey let me give you a hug. I miss you so much. You are taking good care of her aren’t you Max?”
“Yes sir.” said Max
“Dad I came in to tell you that we are leaving tonight.” said Liz
“Let’s go upstairs to talk. Jose call me if you need anything.” said Jeff
“Right boss.” came Jose’s voice from the kitchen.

Max and Liz when up to the apartment with Jeff and sat down on the sofa.

“So dad I guess Max and I don’t count as aliens?” asked Liz with a laugh.
“Lizzie I will never see you as an alien. You are always going to be my little girl even when you are on that other planet.” said Jeff
“I know dad. But I couldn’t help but have a little fun in the Café. It was just too easy.” said Liz
“I know. You know I have been asked that before. When you were younger. It was after Serena told your mother and me the truth about you Liz. I told the person the same thing I told you.”
“Dad I wish that you and mom could come with us but it’s to dangerous. Kivar maybe dead, but there are still those loyal to him on Antar fighting.”
“Liz we understand that. But it won’t stop us from worrying about you while you are gone. Liz I know you won’t promise that you will be back, but I want you to promise that you will try and come back.” said Nancy coming into the living room.
“Mom I promise you that I will do everything in my power to try and come back here and see you and dad again. I hope one day when it’s safe that you and dad will be able to come as see Antar. But the thing is you have to find someone to run the Café while you would be gone. Serena told me that it will take about three weeks to travel that far from here.” said Liz
“You know that Jose would love to be in charge of the café for any amount of time. Who knows maybe he will knock some sense into Agnes.” said Jeff
“Why haven’t you fired her? She is so lazy dad.”
“Well Lizzie I lost my two best waitresses. But I am looking for some help.”
“Mr. Parker you don’t need to worry about Liz. I will take good care of her while we are gone. I want to come back here too. Hopefully we won’t be gone too long.” said Max
“Well the cover story we are telling people is that you guys are going to collage out east So that will take care of up to four years.” said Nancy
“I know but I would like to come back here before then. But I know that it’s going to time to rebuild Antar to the way it once was. But it will never be the same as it was.” said Liz
“Your right Liz. Antar will never be the same place that it once was. But hopefully when we return there and restore peace that it will be a place that we are all proud to call home again.” said Amy from the door.

Liz looked over at her and saw Jim Valenti with her. Something told her that the two of them were more than friends.

“Uh hi Amy, Sheriff.” said Liz
“Amy are you and the Sheriff seeing each other?” asked Max
“Yes for about three years now. And before you ask Kyle and Maria know.” said Jim
“Jim has promised to look after your parents Liz so you don’t have to worry about them. He will also keep an eye on the Whitmans.” said Amy
“Alex was so hurt when they turned their backs on him. But they will always be in danger knowing about him. Not that they will be able to tell anyone anything about him.” said Liz
“Liz I think that they were more scared then anything when they were told the truth after you guys defeated Kivar. I have to admit that I was scared when Serena first told us. But I knew that you would never hurt me. That you were keeping it to yourself as a way to try and keep us safe.” said Nancy
“Mom I was scared to tell you. I thought if I told you that you would stop seeing me as your daughter but as a monster.” said Liz
“Liz, I will always love you. I felt something that night I found we found you in the desert.” said Nancy
“Mom I’m really going to miss you.” said Liz
“I’ll miss you too honey but I know that this is something you have to do. Besides you’re not a little girl any more. You’re a married woman. Just take care of your self ok honey?”
“I promise mom.”
“I really hate to do this but we should head back so we can get ready to leave.” said Amy
“Bye mom. Bye dad. Remember that I love you.” said Liz giving them each a hug

Jeff and Nancy said their good byes and Max and Liz headed back to the base while Amy and Jim said their good byes.

Part 4

Max stood with his arm wrapped around Liz’s waist as the ship landed in the desert out side of Roswell. The ship looked like the flying disks that the UFO nuts were always talking about. He couldn’t believe that in three weeks they would be on a different planet. Serena came up behind them with Lexa in her arms.

“You two ready?”
“Yeah I guess.” said Liz
“Your scared aren’t you Liz?” asked Serena
“A little.”
“I know that you don’t remember much about Antar. You don’t have to be afraid. You’re not going to be alone.”
“I know Rena. I know that but that doesn’t mean that I can’t be a little scared does it?”
“Liz you never have to be afraid with me here for you honey.” said Max giving her a little kiss.

After the ship touched down to the ground a door opened and a ramp came out. Everyone then started to board. Maria and Michael were led one way with Alex and Isabel, while Liz and Max when the other way with Serena and Kyle. The others split up and when with the others. Max and Liz walked into their room and found that it was fit for a King and Queen. There was a King size bed, with what felt like silk sheet to Liz as she rubbed her hand over them. They had a window that would look out over the stars when they reached space. Just then there was a knock on their door.

“Come in.” said Liz
“Hey little sister so how do you like your room?” asked Alex as he came in.
“I thought I told you not to call me little sister?”
“Uh you did.”
“Then why do you keep calling me that?”
“Because I love you Lizzie.”
“Alex just stop calling me little sister. It’s not like you are much older than me. Besides I believe that I am your Queen.”
“Yeah you are my Queen. So I will do as you ask. By the way the guards have Nicholas in the brig.”
“Liz, why are we taking him back to Antar with us anyway? I mean he is a traitor.” said Alex
“Because Antar is his home. And I know that we will need his help once we get there. Kivar may be dead Alex but this war isn’t over yet. Something tells me that Kivar’s followers won’t give up Antar without a fight.” said Liz
“Your right Liz. Kivar’s son was left in charge on Antar while Kivar came looking for you.” said Trinity coming into the room.
“Kivar has a son?” asked Liz
“Yes his son’s name is Stefano and is just like his father. But Tara, Kivar’s daughter is nothing like her father. In fact Tara has been helping the underground for years.” said Trinity
“Why is she so different than her father?” asked Max
“She takes after her mother.”

Just then they felt the ship take off and head into space.


Tara paced in her small cell. She knew that she would no longer be able to get information to the underground about her brother’s actives. Just then she saw a guard come up to her cell.

“What do you want Kart?”
“Lord Stefano wants to know if you have changed your mind.”
“Tell him to go to hell.” said Tara
“I take that as a no.”
“Boy we have a smart one here.”
“Tara, why are you doing this? We were friends once.”
“Kart you know that my father hated Zan because he got to marry Elexa. Elexa hated my father more than my mother did. He knew Elexa would never be happy with him. My brother is stupid to think that Zan and the rest of the Royal Court won’t win. They are much stronger than he will ever be. Because they know how to work together to get things done.”
“Tara your brother will kill you. You know that.”
“You act like you care about me.”
“Like I said we were friends once.”
“Just friends?”
“I admit it I did have a crush on you when we were younger. But you never showed any interest in me.”
“Kart I don’t know what to say.”
“Tara I understand if you don’t have any feelings for me. But just know that I do care about you and hope that one day I can show you how a real man should treat a lady.”
“Kart do you believe what my brother is doing is right?”
“No. I never did. I just have no idea how to get in touch with the underground.”

Tara pulled the pendent that she was wearing over her head and placed it in Kart’s hand.

“Go to the old church ten miles east of the palace at midnight tonight. There you will meet with a woman named Taya show her the pendent. Then tell her everything you can about what Stefano is up to.”
“Who is she?”
“My contact to the underground.”
“Why are you trusting me.”
“Because I know that your father was once part of the Royal Guard. You were raised to serve the rightful King of Antar.”
“I promise not to betray your trust Tara.”
“I believe you Kart. Be careful if my brother finds out about this he will kill you.”
“Don’t worry. I know how to take care of myself.”

Tara watched as Kart walked way. She hoped that she was doing the right thing by trusting him.

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Roswell Fanatic
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Post by Roswelllostcause »

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Part 5 Two Weeks later

Liz’s Dream

Liz found herself standing on a beach like none she had seen on Earth. She walked down to the water where she found Ava waiting for her.

“Hey Cornball.”
“Aren’t you dead?”
“Yeah. But I can come and visit once in a while.”
“For some reason I think that this is important.”
“Got that right. I know you have heard about Stefano.”
“Yeah. He sounds like an ass.”
“He has vowed to kill Max for killing Kivar.”
“Will he be able to do that?”
“Don’t know.”
“What do you know?”
“That you will have to trust someone you may not want too.”
“You mean his sister.”
“Yep. Listen Liz I know that you are scared of what you will find when you reach Antar.”
“How do you know about that?”
“I know things being dead. Like I know that Serena is seeing Kyle.”
“Like that isn’t something everyone knows.”
“But the important thing is that all of you must work together to save Antar.”
“I know. Ava why did you come to me? I mean we didn’t even really know each other very well.”
“Because you are one of the few people on that ship that I know will listen to what I have to tell you. Besides I don’t only bring bad news. I also bring good. Well for you and Max anyway.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Your pregnant.”
“You and Max are going to have a baby.”
“This is so not a good time for that.”
“Maybe it was destiny that it happened now. I don’t know. I was just told I could tell you that.”
“Wow. I never thought that this would happened this early.”
“Well Liz my time is up I got to go. Take care I maybe back.”

Liz watched as Ava faded away. Then the beach started to fade.

Liz woke to find herself in bed next to Max. She placed a hand on her stomach and she knew that Ava was telling her the truth. She was going to have a baby. She got out of bed and grabbed her robe and slippers and when for a walk in the halls of the ship. She found herself in one of the lounges after a short time. She saw Serena sitting on one of the window seats staring out at the stars as they past.

“Something wrong Rena?”
“Liz, Kyle told me he loves me earlier.”
“Do you love him?”
“I don’t know. Maybe.”
“What did you say to him?”
“Nothing. I didn’t know what to say.”
“Rena I know that you are happy with him. I know that Ry would want you to be happy.”
“I know it’s just I feel like if I do let myself fall in love with Kyle I will be betraying Ry.”
“Serena I can’t tell you what to do. But if you love him you have to tell him. I remember what you were like after Ry died. You were so upset. But for the past year you have been so much happier.”
“I know that I have to tell him how I feel. But don’t you have something that you have to tell Max too?”
“What are you talking about?”
“The fact that you are pregnant.”
“How did you know that?”
“It’s in your eyes. And the fact that you are up in the middle of the night walking the halls.”
“I just found out a little while ago.”
“Uh I had this dream and Ava was there. She told me”
“Liz you know that this war is far from over.”
“I know we still have Stefano to deal with.”
“He is such a pain in the ass. I’ve met him he is worse than his father was. But unlike his father he wouldn’t blink an eye at killing you. His father was the one in love with you. Stefano is much worse. I don’t think that he even knows the meaning of the word love.”
“When did you meet him?”
“When he was thirteen, almost twenty years ago. I wasn’t on the ship that crashed. Philip, Diane and Amy were. The truth is a pilot was the one that the US government found dead. I came after that. Stefano and his sister where on Earth for a short time twenty years ago. His sister is very different from him.”
“I always knew that you didn’t tell me everything you knew.”
“I’m sorry but I couldn’t until you were ready.”
“I know. Tell Kyle how you feel. I am going to tell Max about the baby I promise. I’m just not going to wake him and tell him tonight.”
“Go on back to bed Liz you are going to need your rest”
“I know. Night Rena.”
“Night Liz.”

Liz when back to bed and felt to sleep next to Max.

Part 6

Serena paced outside of Kyle’s room. She was scared she knew how she felt and knew that she had to tell him or she could lose him forever. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After a minute the door opened and Kyle stared at her.

“What do you want?”
“Kyle we need to talk.”
“No we don’t.”
“Fine I have something that I have to say.”
“Fine come in.”

Serena walked into the room and watched as Kyle sat down on his bed. She knew that this was going to be hard but she had no choice. She had to tell him how she felt about him.

“If you have some thing to say. Then say it. I want to go and get breakfast soon.” said Kyle
“Kyle I know you were hurt yesterday when I didn’t say anything when you told me that you love me. The thing is I’m scared to put my heart on the line like that again. But Liz made me see something when I talked to her last night. That if I don’t want to lose you then I have to tell you how I feel. I know that what I feel is real. I love you. Kyle you make me happier then I have been in a long time. Please forgive me for not saying anything yesterday.”
“Rena I was hurt but I knew that you had to take time to say how you felt about me.”
“So you forgive me?”
“I was never mad. Rena you are a very caring person. Ry was your first love and the father of your daughter. I understand that you will always have some feelings for Ry. I just want to make you happy. Ry died and there is nothing we can do to bring him back. But I am here and I love you and want to make you happy.”
“Kyle you do make me happy. I just had to realize that I didn’t want to lose you like I did Ry.”
“You will never lose me. Rena just be honest with me and you will never lose me.”
“I promise Kyle. I will always be honest with you.”

Kyle smiled and wrapped his arms around Serena and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Next thing Serena knew was that she was lying in Kyle’s bed with him on top of her kissing her. When they finally broke for some much-needed air she saw a question in his eyes. A question that she knew that he wanted an answer to. She just nodded her head to answer the unspoken question. Kyle slowly started to undress Serena while she did the same with him. An hour later Serena was curled up next to Kyle under the covers.

“Rena do you regret what just happened between us?”
“Kyle how can you ask that? I love you and I will never regret what happened.”
“Maybe we are moving too fast.”
“We have known each other for two years and we are both adults and can make our own choices.”
“You know that Liz is going to want know why you are so happy today.”
“Like I care. Besides I don’t have to tell my sister everything.”
“True. But Rena we do have to get dressed and go to breakfast.”
“I know.”

Serena climbed out of bed and started got dressed while Kyle got dressed on the other side of the bed. Then they when to the mess hall for breakfast. Serena saw Liz shot her a look that said, “We will talk later.” Serena when over to where Lexa was eating with Alex and Isabel and gave her a kiss before going to find something to eat.

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Roswell Fanatic
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Part 7

Stefano paced in his office. He knew that Zan was on his way to Antar. He had a spy on the ship that was bringing them to the planet. He knew that the key to get Zan or Max as he was going by these days to do what he wanted was to use his wife Elexa. But Elexa wasn’t going to be easy to get to. She not only had a protector in her sister Serena but no one who was part of the underground would let him close to her. And it didn’t help that Nicholas had betrayed them to help his sister, the once and future queen of Antar. Just then there was a knock on the door.

“Sir we just got word that the ship will be here in less then a week. Oh and get this Serena has a brat.” said Jav a guard.
“Oh really? That is good news. If Elexa is anything like she was when she lived here she will do anything to keep her niece safe.”
“Yeah. Uh you want to know what Serena named her daughter?”
“Let me guess, Elexa for her big sister. Who is the little brat’s father?”
“Well that would be Ryath. But he is dead. Your father killed him. Well Kivar meant to kill Serena but that stupid Ryath jumped in front of the blast to save her life.”
“I’m not surprised. Ryath was head over heals in love with that bitch. He would do anything for her.”
“You only met Serena once didn’t you?”
“That is true. But my father told me everything I needed to know about her. She worshiped her big sister and I wasn’t surprised when I found out that she would be acting as a protector for her Royal brat of a sister.”
“Sir what do you plan to do if “Queen” Elexa won’t turn herself in to protect her niece?”
“Oh she will. She would never let me kill a child if there is something she can do to stop it. She is weak that way. I never understood what my father saw in her.”
“I don’t know sir. I never met her. I was just a boy when she was killed.”
“I wasn’t even born yet. But she is all my father talked about for years. When he found out that she and the other Royal rejects had been recreated he made it his mission in life to make her his. I plan on killing the bitch myself. But not before I have a little fun with her.”
“Sire are you sure it was wise to send your sister to the prison? She is very powerful. If I remember right she was given the power of the seer as a child.”
“True but in that cell she now calls home she is powerless. Being a seer will do nothing for her in that cell. If I didn’t need her alive I would kill her.”
“Why do you need her alive?”
“Because of the fact that she is a seer. As long as she is of use to me I will keep her alive. She will still get her visions in that cell that is one thing I can’t stop. But her powers to use them to help the underground are useless to her. She knows that as well as I do. I will use her as long as I can then she is dead. I give a damn that she is my sister. Tara is too kind hearted to do the same to me. But she knows that I will kill her in a heartbeat if it comes to it.”
“Sir if you don’t care what happens to Tara then why don’t you let me have her?”
“She can kill you easy if she wants. You know she is stronger than you.”
“True but there is always the power drain collar. Place it on her and all she will have are the visions. Any power other than that is useless just like when she is in that cell.”
“That is true. Let me think about it.”
“Let me know what you decide.”
“Jav if I decide that someone can have their way with Tara you will be the first on the list.”
“Thank you sir.”
“You have proven loyal to me Jav. I will let you know my choice in the morning.”

Jav left and Stefano smiled. He knew that this would be Tara’s worst nightmare come true if he let Jav do whatever he damn well pleased with her. He decided to go down to the prison to give his dear sister the news. When he walked up to her cell he found her on her cot. She looked up at him knowing that something was up.

“What do I owe this pleasure?” asked Tara
“Tara as of tomorrow you are Jav’s to do with as he pleases.”
“Stefano why are you doing this to me?”
“Because I can. You mean nothing to me.”
“I am your flesh and blood. I’m your sister!”
“You have never acted like it.”
“I seem to remember when we were kids that when you were sick I was the one that sat by your bed taking care of you after he killed mom.”
“Tara, you would support me if you really cared about me.”
“Stefano I do care about you. That is way I can’t betray the rightful king.”
“Then you have done this to yourself.”

Stefano walked away and Tara started to cry. She knew what Jav would do to her. That was something she knew that she wouldn’t be able to fight it. She knew that she had one thing left to try. She had to try and reach out and contact Serena. She was the only one on that ship she would even have a chance to reach. They had met once many years ago on Earth. Stefano had no clue who that woman on the beach was. But she did. She knew that it was the Queen’s sister. She laid down and closed her eyes and reached out to Serena.

Tara walked down the beach were she saw Serena watching the sunset. After a few seconds Serena turned to face her.

“Tara what are you doing here? If your brother finds out what you are doing he will kill you.”
“Serena I am doing this because what Stefano has planned for me is a fate worse than death.”
“What do you mean?”
“He plans to give me to a guard named Jav. He is very loyal to Stefano.”
“Tara I’m sorry, But I can’t do anything to help you right now I am on a ship in the middle of space. But I will be on Antar in less then a week.”
“That soon?”
“Yeah. I know that this is a nightmare for you. But you have to hang on for as long as you can. Promise me that you will.”
“I promise Rena. Just keep our King and Queen safe.”
“I will. We will be there as soon as we can Tara I promise.”
“Rena just be careful.”
“I will be.”
“By the way I’m sorry about Ry.”
“Thank you. You better go before your brother finds out what you are doing.”
“Bye Rena.”

Tara broke the connection and tried to get some sleep.

Part 8

Serena woke and found Kyle still sleeping next to her. She didn’t know what she was going to do. She wanted to help Tara but there was no way to do that from this ship. She climbed out of bed and when for a walk. She was lost in thought and didn’t notice her mother until she had almost walked into her.

“Serena are you ok?” asked Trinity
“Mom, Tara contacted me tonight.”
“She is scared. Stefano is going to give her to Jav.”
“Serena there is nothing we can do to help her until we reach Antar.”
“I know. But that shouldn’t be happening to her or anyone.”
“Honey I understand how you feel. But you know that this isn’t the first time something like this has happened on Antar. Stefano has the power right now. He is her only male family member so there for he can do whatever he wants with her. You know that is how Kivar raised him. Stefano is just like his father believing that men own women. Zan never believed that and I know by the way Max acts and looks at Liz that he knows that Liz is his equal not that she would ever let him think anything different.”
“I know. Mom you’re not hurt that Liz doesn’t feel the same way about you that she did when she lived on Antar are you?”
“No. Liz and Elexa are two different people. I would never expect her to see me as her mother. She was raised by Nancy Parker and sees her as her mother now. She will always have part of my little girl in her but she’s not Elexa any more. I love her but she’s different than she once was. In fact you have changed too Serena.”
“What do you mean mom?”
“Honey you have grown during the time you have lived on Earth. You made a choice to watch Liz grow up with humans rather than raise her yourself. I know that was the right choice. She has learned things from the Parkers that she would never have learned from you.”
“Mom, you know that I have been seeing Kyle.”
“Honey everyone on this ship knows that. I haven’t seen you this happy about a guy since you came home and told me that Ry had asked you out the first time.”
“Mom this feels different with Kyle.”
“You think that he is your soul mate?”
“I don’t know. But I do know that I don’t know what I would do if he wasn’t in my life. I know that part of me will always love Ry. He is the father of my daughter after all.”
“Serena things are going to be hard for a while. You know that. We will be going to one of the underground bases until we can defeat Stefano.”
“Do you think that Nicky will help us?”
“Nicholas? I know that he doesn’t want to see anyone in his family hurt again. But what we have to think about is that if we fail and don’t stop Stefano than he will try and take over Earth. And if he does then he will kill most of the humans. He will kill the Parkers and Valenti you know that.”
“I know. I just hope that we are strong enough to do this.”
“Serena Tara is the only one who could know the out come of the war. She is a seer after all.”
“I know. I want to try and get her out of the Palace.”
“Serena honey that is dangerous.”
“I know but Tara could be a big help when it’s time to take down her brother.”
“Serena you should get some rest.”
“I know night mom.”

Serena headed back to her room. And climbed into bed next to Kyle.

“Where were you?” asked Kyle
“I just when for a walk.”
“Rena I will never push you to tell me things. I just want you to be honest with me. Is something bothering you?”
“Kyle I don’t want to talk about it right now.”
“That’s fine. Just know that I will always be here for you.”
“Thank you. I love you Kyle.”
“Love you too Rena.”

Kyle gave Serena a kiss before they both fell back to sleep.

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Roswell Fanatic
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Part 9

Maria rolled over and saw Michael staring at her. She still had no clue when they started to think of each other as more than friends.

“Michael when did we stop being just friends?”
“I don’t know. Pixie why are you asking me this?’
“Just wondering.”
“Maria all I know is that what I feel for you is love. You know me better than anyone else. You know that you are the best thing to ever happened to me. I had a crappy childhood. But you make my life better. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life. You make me a better person Pixie.”
“You mean that Space boy?”
“Yeah I do. Maria I’ve been wanting to ask you something for a while. I know that we are heading into a war zone and everything. But I want to know something. Will you marry me?”
“Did you just ask me to marry you?”
“Yeah I did. So will you marry me and make me the happiest guy on any planet?”
“Yes. Yes Michael YES!”

Maria kissed Michael passionately before they made love.


Alex and Isabel walked down the hall to the mess hall when Isabel spotted a bright star off to the right.

“Alex do you think that might be Antar’s sun?”
“I don’t know. Isabel you know that we will be on Antar soon.”
“I know. Alex what do you think it’s going to be like?”
“Isabel I’m not sure. But you have to remember that this is a planet that has been at war for a long time. Even with the few memories we have of the planet. It’s not going to be the same place it was when we lived there. But hopefully one day we will be able to restore it to the way it once was.”
“Why do I get the feeling that not everyone that we have grown to care about will make it out of this alive.”
“Because it’s a war we are fighting. People die in war. Iz, we have already lost people. Serena lost Ry; we lost Ava and Eddie too. There have been more too. But I will make you a promise that I will do whatever I have too, to keep you safe. I love you Isabel and I don’t want to lose you.”
“Alex just promise me that you won’t do something stupid like get yourself killed.”
“I promise Isabel.”

Alex leaned over and gave Isabel a soft kiss. Before they when to breakfast.

Anne was sitting at a table by herself poking at her breakfast when Liz sat down across from her.

“Is everything ok Anne?”
“Uh yeah.”
“You sure?”
“Liz can I ask you something?”
“Sure go a head.”
“I don’t know if I really want to go to Antar.”
“Anne, I know that you don’t really feel like you belong with us but you do. I know that without you we wouldn’t have stopped Kivar. Anne you are a part of us. Antar is as much your home as it is mine.”
“But there is a difference. You remember Antar. I don’t. Earth is the only home that I know.”
“True. But that is something I have been thinking about a lot. Where is home? Is it Earth? Is it Antar? Or is it somewhere else.”
“What have you decided?”
“Well I decide that my home is wherever my heart is. Max owns my heart. So wherever he is. that is where my home is. I know that you haven’t found love yet. But I know that when you do then you will feel at home wherever the man you love is.”
“So what you are telling me is that home is where the heart is?”
“Yes. I know that might sound kinda lame. But it’s true. Until I let Max into my life I never felt at home anywhere. Now I feel at home wherever I am.”
“I wonder if you were like this when you lived on Antar. You know this smart. Because if you were even half as smart as you are now. I can see why you were such a good queen then. And I would be proud to have you as my mother.”
“Thank you Anne.” said Liz blushing.

Just then Max sat down next to Liz and gave her a kiss.

“Liz, Anne I just talked to the pilot and he said that we will reach Antar in two days. In fact we can see the sun from here already.” said Max
“Wow. That was fast.” said Liz
“Liz is something on your mind?”
“Uh I’ll see you guys later.” said Anne getting up and leaving.
“Liz you know that you can tell me anything.”
“I know. Max I should have told you this sooner but I didn’t.”
“What is it Liz?”
“I’m pregnant.”
“Your pregnant?”
“This is great news Liz.”
“Liz I know that the timing of this could be better but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want this baby. This is a dream come true for me. I use to dream about the day we would have a family together.”

Liz gave Max a kiss as they started to talk about names for their baby.

Part 10

Tara paced in the small cell. She knew that anytime now someone would come and take her to Jav. Just then she heard footsteps coming up to her cell. She looked up to see Jav coming up to the cell with a power drain collar. She knew that if he got that thing on her even if she was let out of this cell that she would be powerless. She watched as he opened the cell and grabbed her roughly and forced the collar around her neck.

“Jav what are you going to do to me?” asked Tara trying to keep the fear out of her voice.
“Your brother said I can do whatever the hell I want with you. As long as I keep you alive.”
“Jav please don’t do this.”
“You can beg all you want bitch. But it won’t help you.”

Tara started to cry. She knew that Jav had a temper that you didn’t mess with. She had known him all her life. He would do whatever it took to get what he wanted. After a minute she felt him start to pull her out of the cell and out of the prison. Without her powers she knew that he was much more powerful than she was. She knew where he was taking her. After a good five minute walk threw the halls of the palace to a room where he pushed her down on a bed.

“Jav you could let me go. You don’t have to do this.”
“Shut up.”

Jav slapped Tara across the face and started to pull at her shirt.

“Undress now.”

Tara knew that it was hopeless to fight him at this point. He was much bigger and stronger than she was. She noticed that he had striped down to his boxers. The next thing she knew Jav was running his hands over her body. He then pushed her long sandy blond hair back from her face. Then he placed his lips on her neck and started to kiss it. It took all her will power not to take his ear in her mouth and bite it as hard as she could. When he stopped he looked into her eyes. She had never noticed before how cold his gray eyes really were. Someone, who didn’t know him as well as she did would think that he was good looking with his short black hair, well built body. But Tara knew better. He stood well over six feet tall, and he didn’t treat woman right.

“Tara look at me.”
“Please I’m begging you not to do this.”
“Begging? I don’t give a damn that you are begging! Our King Lord Stefano gave you to me to do with as I please. He doesn’t give a damn about you as long as you stay alive.”
“Jav you weren’t always heartless.”
“Tara you are mine now and forever. Remember that.”

An hour later Tara laid crying in bed as Jav dressed and left the room locking the door. She never thought that Jav would be this evil. She knew that her brother was. But it had never stuck her that anyone else on Antar could be this evil. She had finally finished dressing when Stefano walked into the room.

“What do you want?”
“Tara, your life doesn’t have to be this way.”
“Go to hell.”
“Tara you’re my sister. I could end this as long as you agree to support me as King.”
“Over my dead body.”
“Then remember that this is your choice.”
“Stefano I hope that you burn in hell.”

Stefano walked out of the room locking the door. Tara knew that Jav would be back later. She only hoped that one day soon that Serena and the others would be there soon to free her and the rest of Antar. The members of the Royal Court were the only hope for Antar now.

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Roswell Fanatic
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Post by Roswelllostcause »

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Part 11

Serena lay in bed as they neared her home world. She had dreamed of the day she would return to Antar with the Royal Court to free it once and for all. But that dream had also included Ry by her side. Not that she didn’t love Kyle. But she would always miss Ry her first love. She closed her eyes and next thing she knew she was standing by the lake of the base back on Earth.

“What am I doing here?”
“I brought you here Rena.”

Serena turned to see Ry standing by the lake.

“Ry your dead.”
“Yeah but you know that doesn’t mean that I still can’t talk to you.”
“Why are you here Ry?”
“Because Stefano plans to kill Liz. If he finds out about her baby than there will be no saving Antar if he gets his hands on it. Rena you are the only one that can keep that baby safe.”
“Ry why me?”
“Serena you know that the baby Liz is carrying is the hope that Antar will be rebuilt on. You know that if that baby dies there will be no saving Antar. This is what you dedicated your whole life too.”
“I’m scared Ry.”
“I know. But you got to do it. Besides Tara needs your help too. Stefano has done the unthinkable to her.”
“How do I help Tara and keep Liz’s baby safe?”
“Rena I wish there was an easy answer. But there isn’t. As long as the baby and Tara live Antar will be freed. If not then I will see you in the after life.”
“Ry I want you to know that I will always love you.”
”And I you. But I know that Kyle makes you happy. I want you to be happy and I want our daughter to be happy. I know that it was hard for you to move on. But Kyle is a great guy and you are both lucky to have found each other. I have to go. Take care Rena.”

Serena watched as Ry faded away.

Serena sat up and looked around. She was alone in her room on the ship. If what Ry had told her was true than she knew that if it came down to Liz’s baby’s life or her own that she would have to give up her own to save her planet.


Kart watched the night sky. He knew from the underground that it would only be a few more days before the members of the Royal Court returned. He didn’t know how he felt about that. He knew that Stefano had to be stopped, but didn’t know if Zan was the right man to lead Antar. He had done as Tara had asked and kept the underground informed about Stefano’s plans. But was it because she had asked? Or was it because he just wanted to stop Stefano he didn’t know. But it was the right thing to help the underground he knew that. In fact he never told anyone that his parents had both died fighting with the underground. As he watched the sky he saw what looked like a ship come into view. He knew who was on that ship. The only hope to stop Stefano. He grabbed his jacket and headed for the Palace he had to get word to Tara that help was almost here. But that had become harder. Because of Stefano. He had told Jav that he could do whatever the hell he wanted to her. Kart knew what Jav was doing to the girl in that room and he was powerless to stop it. Jav was evil he was worse than most of the others that followed Stefano. Kivar had been bad. But he would never have done this to any woman. Stefano was pure evil, a man that cared for no one other than himself. Kart knew he would have to be careful so that Stefano would never find out what he was doing. It still surprised him how Tara was so much different than her brother and father. But then again her mother had been a very sweet woman. A woman who had watched some of her closest friends die. Laya was best friends with Queen Elexa’s sister Serena. He knew that she had spent a lot of time with Serena and Lady Trinity had once joked calling Laya her other daughter. His father had been one of the guards that had worked in house of Lord Jarzer. His father had told him stories of Laya and Serena playing and trying to be just like Elexa. But that had changed a few months after Laya turned sixteen she was then forced to marry Kivar. Serena had been there for her friend but Kivar didn’t want to marry Laya he wanted Elexa. When Laya did visit Serena and that was not often she was depressed and more than once looked like Kivar had been hitting her. But never said anything. He only knew this from the stories he had heard. He was a boy when Kivar killed Laya. But what none of them knew was that Tara had seen it. He wanted to protect Tara and that meant helping to restore Zan to the throne weather he believed he was the right man or not.

Tara paced on the balcony of the room she was locked in and watched as the ship came closer to Antar. Her brother wasn’t going to be happy about this but she didn’t care. If she was right than her freedom couldn’t be far away. She couldn’t be happier about that. But knew that it would still be a long time before that happened. She would still be at the mercy of Jav for a while yet. Just then the door to the room opened and Jav walked in. She walked into the room and stared at him.

“What are you doing?”
“You’re lying. Tell me the truth Tara.” He said slapping her.
“I was stargazing that’s all.”
“You know something. Tell me.”
“I was just looking at the stars. I know nothing. It’s not like I can use my powers with collar on.”
“That is true. Tara you know that your brother is going win. Zan will be dead and this time Seria won’t be able to bring him back.”
“Jav, I know for a fact that power of the Royal Court is stronger than Stefano. They will win because they know how to work together and aren’t afraid to died to protected each other.”
“Tara that is what makes them weak.”
“You don’t know what you are talking about. Jav working together is what makes a unit strong. But you don’t understand that.”
“Shut up you little bitch. I am sick of you talking about that stupid Royal Court. You are lucky that your brother hasn’t killed you. You are a traitor.”
“He won’t. I am the only seer on Antar. So he can’t without me he has no power. I am the one who knows what is to come. I know that the Royal Court is going to bring him down because I have seen it.”
“You don’t see everything. Or else you would have known that you would become my whore.”

Tara knew that he was right. But wouldn’t admit it to him ever. That would be giving in to what her brother wanted and there was no way in hell that she would let that happen. She may not have use of most of her powers but the power of the seer that had been forced on her at a young age nothing could stop. She felt Jav put his hands on her. She hated this feeling but was powerless to stop him.

“Get undressed.”
“Jav you don’t have to keep doing this.”
“Do what I tell you slut.”

Tara started to slowly remove her shirt and pants. She knew that she wasn’t moving fast enough when Jav grabbed her and ripped her shirt the rest of the way off. Then slapped her again. She knew that he was pissed at her. She had decided that she wouldn’t let him see her cry but it was hard holding it in. When he forced her down on the bed and climbed on top of her. She hated that feeling. He made her feel dirty every time he touched her. But with him being more than twice her size she could do nothing to stop him. She watched as he pulled on his pants and grabbed his shirt and left an hour later. Then she finally let herself brake down and cry. She didn’t know how much longer she could put up with this.

Part 12

Liz stood by a window and watched as Antar came into view as they got closer. In the matter of hours she knew that they would be on the planet. A planet that she dreamt about returning too. But had given up on that dream years ago. She felt someone come up next to her and turned to see Serena standing there.

“Liz how does it feel to know that you are almost home?”
“I don’t know Serena. I don’t know if Antar really is my home any more. I remember very little still about this planet. I have been thinking that Earth is my home now. I hope that this doesn’t hurt to hear.”
“No Liz. I understand. Antar is always going to be my home but so will Earth. I lived on Earth a long time.”
“Rena I have noticed that things are going well between you and Kyle.”
“Yeah. So have you told Max about the baby yet?”
“Yes. He’s happy. But you know the timing could be better.”
“True. But there is always a reason for when things happen when they do.”
“I know.”
“Liz the underground is going to look to you and Max for leadership. You are their King and Queen.”
“I understand that. I just hope that we are really ready for what lies a head of us.”
“We will be Liz. I know it.” said Max coming up to her and wrapping his arms around her and giving her a kiss.”
“You know the two of you are sickening.” said Alex coming up the group.
“Yeah like you aren’t the same way with Isabel.” mumbled Liz
“Did you say something Lizzie?” asked Alex
“Just that you are the same way Whitman.”
“I am not.”
“Yes you are Alex. I would say your worse.” said Serena
“What are you talking about?”
“Liz and Max at lest know the meaning of the words “Get a room.” You on the other hand are making out everywhere.” said Serena

Liz reached out and touched Serena and sent a small spark at her.

“Ouch! Liz what did you do that for?” asked Serena
“What do you mean?” asked Liz acting innocent.
“Liz I know that you shocked me.”
“I wouldn’t do anything like that.” said Liz smiling.
“Oh yes you would.” said Alex and Serena together.
“Max would I do something like that?” asked Liz
“This is between you and your brother and sister. I am staying out of this.” said Max

Liz stuck out her tong at all three of them and walked away.

“Is it me or is there something different about Liz?” asked Alex
“Well, Alex I am risking your sister killing me but she’s pregnant.” said Max
“Really? That’s great news.” said Alex
“Serena your not surprised?” asked Max
“Uh I already knew. I have to go check on Elexa.”

Serena took off down the hall. Max watched her go. There was something strange about her. But he never knew what. He didn’t care.

“I’ll see you later Alex.”
“Ok man. Remember you hurt my sister I hurt you.”

Max smiled as he walked away.

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Roswell Fanatic
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Post by Roswelllostcause »

Thanks for the feedback!! This is the last post until after Easter. So see you after the holiday!!!

Part 13

Stefano watched as the ship landed in field. He knew that the underground would be happy that their king was back. But what they didn’t know was that the would be king was going to die long before he could take the throne. Just then his communicator beeped.

“Sir we have arrived.”
“I saw the ship.”
“Sir when I know more I will report in again.”
“You better.”
“I would never betray you my King.”
“That is good to know Zard. If the stupid boy king knew that one of the guards on his ship was with me he would be surprised.”
“Sir you are right about that. He is stupid.”
“Zard keep me informed.”
“I will sir.”

Stefano smiled evilly as he closed his communicator. He was going to kill Zan in the matter of days.


Serena held her daughter in her arms as she stepped off the ship. It had been a long time since she had been on her home planet. It was nothing like she remembered. It was a place that had been destroyed by a long war.

“Rena are you ok?” asked Kyle
“I just didn’t think it would be this bad.”
“Once we stop Stefano we will restore it to the way it use to be.”
“We had almost given up hope that you would return at all Serena.” said a woman walking up to them.
“Taya where is Laya?” asked Serena
“Serena, I have some bad news. Kivar killed Laya five years ago.” said Taya
“Laya is dead?”
“I’m sorry. I know that she was your best friend.”
“Taya it’s not your fault.”
“Who is Laya?” asked Kyle
“Laya was Stefano and Tara’s mother. She was also my best friend when I was a kid.” said Serena
“Laya use to follow me around with you Rena.” said Liz
“Yeah she did. It bugged the hell out of you.” said Serena
“We should head inside. Stefano will have seen the ship. So we better take cover.” said Taya
“It is a good idea.” said Seria
“This is Antar? Why isn’t like I remember?” asked Maria
“Cause Pixie there has been a war going on for years. It was destroyed. But after we stop Stefano we will make it like it use to be.” said Michael
“You mean it Space boy?”
“You know I do.”

Maria and Michael kissed. Liz was happy for her friends. But knew that it was still a long road a head of them to restore Antar to the way it once was. Liz watched as Alex wrapped his arm around Isabel as they headed into the base. She noticed that Karen and Eric had already headed in a long with Trinity. She felt Max wrap his arm around her and lean down to give her a kiss.

“How are you feeling?”
“Max I’m scared. I don’t know what it is. But I know that something bad is going to happen.”
“Liz I don’t want you to worry too much about what is going to happen. It’s not good for the baby.”
“He’s right you know. You don’t need to be stressed out right now.” said Serena
“Rena stay out of it. This is between Max and me.” said Liz
“Liz I didn’t mean to butt in. But I know what he is talking about.”
“I know Rena. I just need time to get use to be pregnant.”
“Liz I hate to tell you this but you don’t get use to it. You just learn to live with it.”
“Rena I don’t think that you are helping.” said Kyle
“Shut up Valenti.” said Serena
“Mommy I want a drink of water.” said Elexa
“Come on Kyle. Let’s get Lexa something to drink.” said Serena
“We should head in too.” said Liz

They all headed in and started to come up with a plan that would take down Stefano.

Part 14

Tara paced in her room she knew that the Royal Court was now on Antar. She just hoped that they would be able to save her soon. She heard the door open and watched as her brother walked in.

“Tell me when are your little friends going to strike?”
“How in the hell would I know? I have no way of getting in touch with anyone in the underground.”
“That is a lie. I know that you have someone informing them of my plans.”
“I don’t know. Look Stefano I can’t tell you anything. I have no idea what is going on with the underground.”
“You tell me what you know and Jav will leave you alone.”

I bet this is what they mean on Earth by being stuck between a rock and a hard place. I can either betray what I believe in. Or I can let Jav keep doing what he wants with me. I will not betray the cause I believe in so I know what I have to do.

“Go to hell Stefano.”
“Tara just tell me what I want to know and you will be free.”
“Like hell I would be. You lie more than our father did. I will never help you.”
“Fine then you remember that this is your choice.”

Stefano walked out of the room and Tara punched the door and put a hole in it. She looked again and saw that her hand she use to punch the wall had started to glow. She didn’t know what the hell was going on and didn’t care. Then she heard the doors to the balcony open and saw Nicholas standing there.

“Miss me?” asked Nicholas
“What are you doing here?”
“Well let’s see your idiot brother has no clue that I betrayed your father to help my sister. So I was able to walk right on to the palace grounds.”
“Why here?”
“Thought I would get you the hell out of here. But here is the thing once you get out of here it’s over you can’t come back until it’s time to take down Stefano.”
“Fine with me Nicky.”
“Let’s get that thing off you first. You may need you powers to take out some of the guards.”
“How was I able to use my powers to punch that hole in the door?”
“I turn the power leave down on it. Now once we get that thing off you can use full power.”
“Thank you Nicholas.”
“Hey I promised Liz that I would help them take down your brother.”

Nicholas placed his hand on the collar and it fell to the floor. Then they both when out of the balcony doors and jumped down to the palace grounds and took off for the gate. They were spotted before the reached the gate and they both sent blasts at the guards hitting some and missing most of them. Once they were outside of the gate they ducked into the woods and lost the guards following them. Once they were in the woods they stopped running. Nicholas watched Tara as they walked through the woods. In his time on Earth he had forgotten how beautiful she was. She looked just like her mother.

“Nick what will Max and Liz do once they find out that you took off?”
“I don’t know. I know that neither fully trusts me. I know that Serena wants too. But that doesn’t mean that she does.”
“Nick I’m sure that once they find out why you took off. They will forgive you. By the way how did you get to the palace so quick? I mean the ship just landed an hour or so ago.”
“I paid Kart to bring me to the palace.”
“How did you know you could trust him?”
“I saw your mother’s pendent around his neck. You gave it to him didn’t you?”
“Look, Max may not trust you at first. But once you prove yourself to him you will have nothing to worry about.”
“I know that we won’t make it to the base tonight at lest not on foot. There is an old cabin about two miles east of where we are now. We can spent the night there.”
“Who knows about it?”
“No one. Well Seria and Trinity. But no one who works for my brother.”
“Good. You should contact Serena once we get there let her know that I got you out.”
“Yeah that would be a good idea.”

They walked the rest of the way to the cabin in silence. Tara never dreamed that Nicholas would betray her father to help anyone. Even his sister.

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Roswell Fanatic
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Post by Roswelllostcause »

Thanks for the feedback!!!

Part 15

“Where is Nicholas?” asked Max
“I haven’t seen him since we left the ship.” said Karen
“If that runt has betrayed us he is dead.” said Max
“Max clam down. Maybe he just when to get some information at the palace. Stefano may not know that he betrayed Kivar.” said Liz
“Liz I know that he is your brother. But I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him.”
“I don’t blame you Max. But we don’t have much choice at the moment.” said Serena
“Serena would he betray us?” asked Liz
“I don’t think so. He doesn’t want to hurt you. For some strange reason you bring out the good in him.” said Serena

Liz knew that Serena was right. But she didn’t fully trust Nicholas. Not yet any way. But there was nothing that she could do about it at the moment.

“Liz I want you to get some rest. If we find anything out about your little brother I’ll wake you.” said Max
“Ok. Serena make sure he does.”
“You know I will. If he doesn’t you can always play sparky with him.”
“Funny Rena.” said Liz
“Hey you’re the one that shocked me!”
“Now I remember why I thought that you were a pest when we grew up here.” Liz mumbled.

Liz head into the main building where she was lead to a suit that she was going to share with Max to lay down. After she was gone Serena turned to Max.

“Max I’m worried about her.”
“Serena is there anything you’re not telling me?”
“Max I promise that I will never keep anything imported from you.”
“That didn’t answer my question.”
“One night on the way here. Ry’s ghost paid me a visit in my dreams. He told me that Stefano wants Liz dead.”
“Have you told Liz?”
“Max are you crazy? If I tell her all hell will break lose.”
“Serena, you plan on keeping this from Liz for how long?”
“Max if Liz and your baby die then all is lost for Antar. Your child is the hope that Antar will be rebuilt on. I know that this makes no since to you. But you are going to have to trust me on it. I love Liz and will not let anyone hurt her.”
“Serena I don’t like keeping secrets from Liz. Besides we both know that if she thinks we are keeping something from her and won’t tell her what than she can go into our minds and find out what it is.”
“Max that is a risk that I am willing to take. I know that this is going to be hard on you but we can’t let her know yet. If she gets mad then tell her to take it out on me. I don’t care about that. But I will not let Stefano hurt my sister. I will kill him before I let that happen. He maybe the son of my best friend growing up, but he is just as evil if not more than his father.”
“Serena why are you so upset?”
“Max, Tara is very strong. Not even the power drain collar can keep her from using all of her powers. She can still use telepathy or dreamwalk if she chooses. In females on Antar I believe that her power is only second to Liz’s.”
“What can she do?”
“Everything, you, Liz, Isabel and Michael can do. But she is strongest with telepathy. She likes to get into people’s head a lot to talk to them. At lest that is how she was years ago when I met her. Though she has been in touch with me by dreamwalking. She hates her brother and is willing to do whatever it takes to restore you to the throne.”
“So we can trust her?”
“Yes. I know we can.”
“Then we have to help her.”
“Max, there is something you should know. Stefano is letting one of his guards do the unthinkable to her.”

Serena watched as Max’s eyes darkened she didn’t have to be telepathic to know what he was thinking. She could see that he was thinking of the worst thing that could happen to a woman.

“That ass whole I’m going to kill him.” said Max
“You’re not the only one that wants to. I can tell you that for sure.”

If I am right. Nicholas feels the same way Max does. I know that he has feelings for her. But he will never admit it to anyone.

“Serena what are you thinking about?”
“Nothing imported Max. You know you made a connection with Liz so you can use her powers if you want too.”
“I know. I just don’t have enough practice so it maybe dangerous too.”
“Thinking with your head that’s good Max.”
“Thanks. I think I’ll go check on Liz. See you later Rena.”

Max walked off and Serena stared at the palace in the distance. She knew that they had a long hard fight a head of them. She also knew there was a chance that she could lose someone that she cares about in the up coming battles.

Part 16

“We don’t know sir. All we know is that Nicholas showed and helped her to get away.” said one of the guards.
“You will find that bitch so that I can kill her do you understand?”
“Yes sir.”
“If you don’t I will have your head do I make myself clear?”
“Yes sir.”

The guard left and Stefano punched the wall. He was more than mad. Just then the door opened to his room and a young woman walked in.

“You need to calm down sir.”
“Jana my bitch of a sister is a traitor, and has run off.”

Jana started to rub Stefano’s shoulders and could see tense he was. She knew there was only one thing that would get him to relax at this point. So she slid her hands under his shirt and started to rub his skin. After a few minutes he pulled away and turned to face her and picked her up and carried her over to his bed and laid her down on it and then climbed on top of her and started to remove her clothes. Jana knew that this is what her master needed right now. He was too stressed to deal with his sister running away right now. Not that she blamed Tara for what she did. Tara didn’t want what was happening to her. Where Jana had chosen this life. She had chosen to serve Stefano any way that he wanted. And that meant sleeping with him whenever he wanted her.

“Yes sir.”
“Finish getting undressed.”
“Yes sir.”

Jana watched as Stefano stood up and watched as he undressed, but at the same time did as she was told. She knew that some didn’t understand why she did what she did. But that didn’t matter to her. She had her reasons so she did whatever it took to keep Stefano happy not that he ever really was. When he was undressed he climbed back into bed with her. She didn’t know how long it would last this time and didn’t care as long as he kept his word and didn’t harm those she cared the most about.

An hour later Stefano climbed out of bed and pulled his pants on.

“Get dressed and get out.”
“Yes sir.”
“Jana go see your sister.”
“I mean it. You earned the visit.”
“How long?”
“I will have someone get you when your time is up.”
“Thank you sir.”

Jana dressed quickly and left the room. Stefano watched the girl go. He had to make a choice about her soon. She knew just how to please him but he could only screw her for so long before he got sick of her. He knew that he would have to kill her if she even showed any sign that she would betray him. But for now he would let her live. He still needed her. That is until he found someone else to take her place. He let an evil smile cross his face as he thought of the perfect replacement for Jana.

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Roswell Fanatic
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Post by Roswelllostcause »

Ansleyrocks Is Stefano thinking of having Liz take Jana's place? Maybe. Maybe not. :evil: Thanks for the feedback.

roswellluver and Michelle17 Yes Stefano is psycho! :) Thanks or the feedback!

Part 17

Tara pushed open the cabin door and stepped inside with Nicholas right behind her. She looked around in the dim light she could see that no one had been in the cabin in years. Dust covered everything. Nicholas stepped inside and lit a candle so that there was a little more light.

“Tara how long has it been since someone has been here?”
“I’m not sure. But I do know that it has been a long time.”
“Are you sure that it’s safe here?”
“Yes. My mother told me that I should come here if I ever got out of the palace before making the move to the underground base. Nick I know that showing you this place isn’t the best idea that I ever had. But you save my life today, and I know that you won’t betray your sister. You love her too much. You have always felt guilty that she lost her life when my father over threw Zan.”
“Tara you are right about that. But I have her back and I will do whatever it takes to keep Liz alive.”

Tara nodded and sat down on one of the old chairs. She had had a headache for the past couple of hours. She knew that she was close to having a vision and was blocking it. She hated seeing into the future. But there had always been a seer on Antar, and only a woman with the power to get in other’s minds could hold the powers of a seer. The power of the seer could only be transferred at the time of death. So once you had the power you were stuck with it for life.

“Tara is something wrong?”
“Nothing you need to worry about Nick.”
“You’re blocking a vision aren’t you?”
“How do you know that?”
“I can tell. You shouldn’t block it. It could be imported.”
“Nick I hate these visions. I hate my father for forcing this on me.”
“Tara you know that this is hard on you. But you know that there has always been a seer on Antar.”
“I know! But that doesn’t mean that I like it.”
“Tara, I have never heard of a seer that did like it. Tara I know that this is a curse to you but it’s imported that there is a seer.”
“Nick I know that. Let me find somewhere to lay down and see what this vision is of.”

Tara got up and walked over to the bedroom and laid down on the bed. She closed her eyes and let the vision come.

Stefano standing over the body of a woman she had never seen before. But some how knew that this was her queen.

Tara sat up breathing hard. This was bad and she knew it. She got up from the bed and when to find Nicholas. He was in the kitchen trying to find something to eat.

“Nick its bad news.”
“Tara what’s wrong?”
“If we don’t do something I think Stefano is going to kill Liz.”
“That is bad.”
“Nick what are we going to do?”
“In the morning we will go to the base and do whatever it takes to protect Liz.”
“Will she trust me?”
“I hope so.”
“Nick I think I will just go to bed. See you in the morning.”
“Good night Tara.”

Nicholas wrapped Tara in a hug and felt her flinch. He knew it had nothing to do with him but what Jav had been doing to her. He made a promise to himself to make Jav pay for what he did Tara.

Part 18

Serena woke to find Kyle watching her. She smiled and moved closer to give him a kiss.

“Morning.” She mumbled
“Morning Rena.”
“Kyle why were you watching me sleep?”
“Cause you are beautiful weather you are a wake or asleep. And I love watching you. You know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
“Kyle you know your sweet when you talk like that.”
“Don’t tell anyone. It will make me sound soft.”
“Oh please Buddha boy no one will ever call you soft.”
“Rena do you really think that we will be able to stop Stefano?”
“Kyle it’s not going to be easy to stop him. But if we all work together than I know that we will finally free Antar. But I am worried about Liz. She is in danger.”
“How do you know?”
“Ry came to me in a dream a while ago. He told me that I have to do whatever it takes to protect her. I don’t know if I really am ready to give up my life to protect my sister.”
“Rena I know that you’re scared. We all are. But you know that if you had to you would die for Liz or Max. And I know that I would too.”
“Kyle how can you be so sure that you are ready to die?”
“I’m not ready to die. But I know that if it came down to my life or Max or Liz’s. I would do it. Rena without them to lead Antar there is no way that it will ever be restored to the way it once was. It’s a scary though dying. But you said it yourself Ry came to you in a dream. So there is some kind of after life. Weather you believe in heaven or if it’s just a different plain of life it’s up to you.”
“Kyle I know that is how you see things but I can’t see it like that.”
“That is one thing that I like about you. You don’t let anyone tell you what to think. It’s good that you don’t see things the same way I do. If everyone saw things the same way then it would be kinda boring don’t you think?”
“Your right Kyle. Thanks.”
“No problem.”

Serena gave Kyle a kiss before getting out of bed and going to take a shower.


Max rolled over and kissed Liz softly. He watched as she rolled away from him. He knew that something was bothering her but had no clue what it was.

“Liz what’s wrong?”
“Nothing Max.”
“You don’t lie well Liz.”
“Max I just don’t want to talk about it ok?”
“Is something wrong with the baby?”
“Then what is it. Liz you are making me worry.”
“You don’t have to worry about me. I just am thinking.”
“Liz there is something on your mind. I wish that you would talk to me about it.”
“Max it’s just I don’t know how to tell you, other than to be straight with you. I have this strong feeling that even if we do defeat Stefano that not everyone we care about will live to see Antar freed.”
“Liz this is a war we are fighting. I know that there are some that will die. It’s a fact of war. But you know that I will do whatever it takes to protect those we care about.”
“I know. But I want you to promise me that you won’t do anything stupid like get yourself killed.”
“I promise.”

Liz moved closer and gave him a sweet kiss.

“So Max did you want to take a shower with me?”
“Liz do you really have to ask?”

Liz smiled as she got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. Max was on her heels in less than a minute.

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Roswell Fanatic
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Post by Roswelllostcause »

Thanks for the feedback everyone!!!

Part 19

Stefano sat at his desk going over the everything his spies had given him on the members of the Royal court. He knew that if he got his hands on Elexa who it appears to be going by the name Elizabeth or Liz for short. It also seems that they young queen was pregnant. If he could get her before the baby was born than he would keep her alive long enough for the baby to be born, then he would kill her and raise the baby in the way he sees fit. But then there was the young woman named Anne that no one was able to get much on. He wanted to know who she was, and if she was imported to anyone.

“Kart get in here!”

A minute later Kart walked into the office.

“You wanted to see me sir?”
“Yes. I want you to find out everything you can on that girl Anne who is helping the underground.”
“What do you want to know about her?”
“I want to know who the hell she is! And while you’re at it find that bitch of a sister of mine.”
“No one knows where Tara when sir.”
“I know that! Find her and everything that you can on Anne.”
“Yes sir.”

Kart left the room and when out to the garden. He knew that he couldn’t do what Stefano wanted. But if he were found out he would be killed. What he really had to think about was, was he ready to die for the cause he believed in? Or did he want to betray Tara’s trust. What he didn’t know was Stefano had him followed by Jav. Kart knew what he had to do. He had to go and meet Taya tonight and tell her that Stefano is out to find out everything he can about Anne. He himself knew very little about Anne. He knew that she had some kind of connection to the Royal Court but what he didn’t know.


Jav watched as Kart paced in the garden. He knew that Kart was up to something. But what he didn’t know. But he would find out. It was only a matter of time. Jav knew that if anyone knew why the hell Nicholas betrayed them to help Tara then Kart was the one who knew. But Kart never talked to anyone about anything. As far as any of them knew Kart had gone over to the other side.

“What is going on?” asked Jana
“Nothing slut.”
“Jav we were friends once.”
“That ended the day you started sleep with our King.”
“It’s not like I had a choice at first. My parents did this to me.”
“So what? You are nothing more than a slut now.”
“Jav you have really changed. I can’t believe how mean you have become. I’m out of here.”

Jana walked off. She knew that there was nothing that she could do. She had told Jav the truth her parents had given her to Stefano. But she had chosen to be more than a slave. This way she had some rights. But not many. She did want Stefano taken down. He was more evil than his father had ever been. She only hoped that the Royal Court would be strong enough to take down the Stefano. But only time would tell if they were.

Part 20

Anne walked down to the lake that was on the base grounds. The water looked so different than it did on Earth. She had made the choice to come to Antar to help fight to free it from Stefano. But it didn’t feel like home to her. She had spent her whole life on Earth. But this is where there were others like her. But it didn’t feel like home. She was lost in thought and didn’t hear Taya come up behind her.

“Anne you ok?”
“Uh yeah.”
“You miss Earth don’t you?”
“Yes. It’s the only home I know.”
“True. But this is also your home.”
“I know that this was my parents home. But that doesn’t mean that Antar is my home.”
“I know. Anne this war has been going on for a long time. Many people have lost their lives. People I cared about. I know that Serena is still hurting from the loss of Ry. But I know that she really does care about Kyle.”
“Ava also died on Earth.”
“I know. She died to save Liz’s life from her sister.”
“Taya why did Kivar kill Zan in the first place?”
“Kivar was a man who had to have things his way. He loved Elexa, your mother and wanted her for himself. He knew that Elexa hated him but he didn’t care. What he didn’t count on was for some of his men to kill Elexa along with the others. He didn’t even know that she was pregnant with you at the time. Elexa used her dying breath to ask Serena to save your life. It was an easy choice for her. If she couldn’t have her sister than she would do whatever it took to make sure that her daughter grew up into a kind and loving person just like her mother.”
“Taya I know that Max and Liz are my parents reborn and everything but it’s kind of weird that they are the same age as I as now.”
“I know. But you are just as imported to this war as everyone else. I know that both Max and Liz will let you go back to Earth when this is all over.”
“I know. It helps to hear it though.”
“Anne I want you to be careful.”
“I will be.”

Taya left and Anne picked up a rock and threw it at the water. She watched as it kind of bounced off the water before it finally sunk. The water was more like Jell-O than water like she knew on Earth. Not that it was the only thing she had noticed that was different. There was the sky that a soft shade of pink rather than the blue of Earth. The rich looking soil was kind of purple in color. But one thing she did notice that was the same was the weather. It was very much like the Midwest of the United States. It wasn’t too hot yet but it wasn’t too cold either. She was guessing that the tempter was in the upper to low sixties, maybe close to seventy. After a if minutes she headed back inside.

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