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Changing Faces Part 10

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:42 am
by Luvtruche
Part 10
The being emerges

As the being heals from it’s landing, its memories start to play in its mind.

The stars. They are so beautiful. Seeing them as you travel through space is such an experience. For a long time, it was thought that our planet Necron was the only one in existence. We found out later that it was not the case, as Antarian and Zynothans who decided they would spill their war on our beautiful land invaded our planet. Necronians did not understand the concept of war. Our beings are peaceful and loving. Yes, we knew pain and hurt; but we never acted on – emotion. We, the Necronians, were a pure breed that survived everything. That was until our world was destroyed, and our Queen, died.

The mixture of Necronians, Antarian and Zynothans corpses left many too confused to identify us. Our essences, or inner glow, are what was used to tell the difference between us. However when death is near, our essence dims, until it is no longer visible. No one realized how much the three species looked a like. We were in fact cousins. Cousins. Two sides that were all ways at war; and another who knew nothing of the others.

When Necronian’s Queen died, her essence was transferred to another life all ready in existence. The Zynothans and Antarian also lost their royal members, however, their loss was not by our hand. The deaths of the royal ones were killed by their own kind.

The Zynothans did not wish to fight after their royal king, Queen and prince died. They wanted a peace treaty. They brought this proposal to the Necronian first, because they were the most peaceful. The Necroan felt that a merging of species would make for the best peace treaty. Single males and females bonded from both sides and children were born. These unions changed the essences of both the Zynothans and the Necronian – the two became Necrozyns.

The Necrozyns kept the peace between themselves and the Antarian. They offered the treaty to Antar’s new ruler, Khivar, but he declined because he thought the need for a union was indecorous – Why bond with those soon to be your slaves?

Khivar was a big problem. The people of Antar feared him, yes, but there were those who were still solely loyal to those that perished – King Zan and his family. The rebels kept in close (as close as you can get without beheading) contact with us and informed us of the King’s essence being mixed with human DNA, and being sent to Earth. This Zan we need to get in contact with and commence the peace treaty. Finding him was going to be the hardest part, or so we thought.

Khivar had managed to get a location on Zan and the others, in Roswell, New Mexico Earth. Khivar couldn’t transport to Earth because his now “loyal” followers destroyed the technology and killed the specialists who created it, so that he could not get off the planet. Sure he had cruisers to travel short distances, but those longer trips needed a better type of ship. Currently his new specialists are in the testing stages of a new piece of technology called the teleport. However, the tests made have failed. He needs a heavy-duty ship and though it’s not his style he’d rather take care of this Zan immediately before his people learn of their thought to be dead king.

What Khivar didn’t know was that the Necrozyns had the same information he did, and were making their own plans to send someone to Earth to retrieve him. That was the plan, until the Queen’s Essence called to her direct blood descendant – her sister. It was time to reunite with the Queen and bring her back. The calling started off faint and grew intensely until the Necrozyns were able to pinpoint the location – EARTH.

The being awakens. It’s dark where it is. How long has it been? Hours? Days? Weeks? Rejuvenation is slow on this planet. The being emerges from the garbage bin, its physical attributes apparent – Female. Undressed, the being walks into the busy street on Rockaway Blvd., and is immediately gawked at by passerby’s.
“Hey lady!” A man approaches her.

“Not that I’m complaining, but did you forget to put your clothes on this morning?” he asks talking to her breasts.

The being looks around and sees others covered in fabric. Why do they hide their bodies? The being turns back to the man, and senses his arousal. If only the males on her planet could see how easily these males get hot, they’d give themselves a clap on the back. These humans are so easy.

“Hey lady, did you hear what I said?” She looks at him blankly.

The man looks around and then takes her hand and backs her into the alley. A mischievous grin on his face.

“So you don’t speak English huh. I’m going to teach you how we Americans say Hi.

The man places his hand on her breast and squeezes. She looks at him confused, at least that’s what she wants him to think.

The being needs to find out about her location, where she is, and how to move around. This stupid male fondling her will have to be used so that she can find the information she needs. Just a simple mind read.

Even though she didn’t understand the words that he was saying, she didn’t sense he would do harm, that was until his body movement and his tone did not match. The man put his hand in places even she knew he wasn’t suppose to touch. She did not want to injure anyone, but this man needed to be tamed.

The being whimpers. The man looks up and asks her, “Oh, you like that. I can make you scream baby.”
She looks at him; a mischievous look comes upon her face. She raises her hand and touches his face. In an instant she has retrieved all of his memories. She took his images with force; so much force that he was stupefied. As her powers increased, as she understood all of the words that he had uttered to her, she became angry and she passed her fury on to him in pain.

The man began to scream as the pain ripped though his head and his face began to melt.

“So this is how you help those in need?” She sneered.

It was the last words he heard before he was turned into dust. All that was left were his clothes. She quickly put them on, and discovered they were too big. She waved a hand over herself – instant alteration.

Now that she was uniformed accordingly, she needed to find her Queen. She would have preferred to find Zan first, but her ship was intercepted, which resulted in a crash landing.

‘Damn, the ship.’ She’d take care of getting the ship later.

The Queens essence is getting stronger. The being has been getting images, confusing images that she couldn’t understand the purpose of. Were these images supposed to guide her? She couldn’t tell. All she knew was that each time she got images they were fuzzy at first but are slowly becoming clearer. From what she could gather, her Queens’ essence fused into a human. It was all ways there, in the background and has just started to blend itself within the human body. Its not taking over the body, it is just blending its memories with that of the human. The being needs to get to the Queen before she or he becomes delirious from all of the memories that are revealing themselves.

The being looks around her. “Where to go, which way?” She looks past Walgreen’s.

“That way!”

Changing Faces Part 11 6/22/04 Page 5

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 3:33 pm
by Luvtruche
A/N: Thanks everyone for the feedback. Here is the next part, I hope you guys enjoy. I am looking for a banner for this fic, so if anyone is interested, please feel free to PM me. :) Thanks

Part 11
Intergalactic Reunion?

Liz hung up the phone. She is slightly relieved, only slightly. Paul is still at the door. He is no longer knocking, though. He just sits there waiting until he hears something, then he starts screaming Maria’s name. This is a humiliating situation.

“So is Max coming or not?” Maria says practically shrieking.

“Yes, no, I don’t know. Alex said he’ll talk to Max and when they find a way to get here, he’ll call and tell us when to expect them.” Liz sighs.

She’s terrified and she knows Maria is too. Maria is probably more terrified than I am; with her glowing and passing out only to wake up not knowing where she is. At least Maria’s sleeping. Every time I close mine, I get flashes of streaming planets and people.

Liz walks into the kitchen. Her mind on her dreams. ‘What are they about? What does it all mean?’ Liz thinks to herself. Her mind replaying her dreams to her.

The planet is very beautiful. There are no cars but hovering crafts. The terrain and the architecture alone would leave you in awe. The people there all seem familiar, but Liz had no idea who they were. Yet when they spoke to her, she knew them by name. Why is that?

The other weird thing is that they addressed her as Queen, Queen Sari-Anna. She didn’t correct them though, she knew that that was her name. At least in her dreams. Liz still can’t figure out what these dreams have to do with her, but she knows that it’s a dream that won’t go away. At least her dreams are in her sleep. Maria’s living out her worst nightmare.

Liz looks over at Maria.

“It seems like the glow is fading.” Liz looks at Maria’s face which seems to be going away, at least from her face.

“It’s probably fading ‘cause Paul the Alien didn’t get to finish his little experiment.” Maria says as she sits on the bed.

“What am I going to do about Paul? How are we going to get out of here?”

Liz looks at Maria, her thoughts the same. There is only one answer.

“We have to wait for Max.” Liz says with a sigh.

Maria looks up, her eyes wide like saucers.

“Maria, what is it? You okay?” Liz walks over and sits next to Maria.

“Is Michael coming?” Maria isn’t thinking straight. What does this situation have to do with Michael?

“Of course. At least that’s what I think. He would come if he knows you’re in trouble.” Liz hopes this will ease some of her tension. Maria’s sudden facial contortions knocks down that thought.

“Call Alex Back!”

Maria jumps up and starts pacing.

“I don’t want them to come! I don’t want Michael here! I can fix this myself.”

Maria walks out of the bedroom and heads towards the front door. She is determined to resolve this situation before Michael comes here and throws the worst fit imaginable. She doesn’t want Paul to get hurt, even if he does deserve it. Not that Paul can’t take him, seeing that he is also capable of Alien Blasts.

Liz is right behind Maria, but Maria doesn’t notice.

“Maria wait, you’re acting irrational. What are you doing?”

Liz doesn’t know what will meet them on the other side of that door if Maria is considering opening it. This has gotten completely out of control.

“Don’t open that door Maria!”

Too late.

Maria opens the door to confront the one who made her this way.

“I will not let you scare me, nor will I let you kill me with out a fight.”

Somewhere during her walk to the door, she became more enraged about the situation than scare. She is so tired of living in fear. She walked away from that three years ago and there is no way she is going to let this, this, thing put her back in a corner.

Maria looks out and sees the man she has come to all most fall in love with. This is some drama she’s suddenly been thrown into. It’s just what she deserves too. ‘That’s what happens when you’re ungrateful about the great relationship you have’. Maria thinks to herself.

“Maria, why would I scare you?” Paul looks at Maria and notices that something’s not right with her. She has a certain glow about her that’s beautiful. At least it’s beautiful on her face – the rest of her is just bright.

“What happened to you Maria? Are you okay?” Paul takes a step closer to Maria.

Maria backs away. “Oh don’t even try to act all concerned. You know what you did you son of a –“

Maria’s last words got cut off as Paul made his way in to the apartment. His look intense yet confused.

“Get your hands off of me! How dare you touch me, I won’t let you take me.” Maria is practically hysterical.

Paul not sure of what to do just continues to babble.

“Maria, why did you leave the house? I went out to get some ice cream, and when I came back, you were gone; the house was in shambles, I thought someone hurt you.”

Paul closes the door behind him walking further into the room.

Liz is beginning to panic. The look in Paul’s eyes is unnerving. She’s not sure if he has gone crazy or if he is really concerned, or maybe a little of both. At this point Liz doesn’t think that Paul is an alien. It’s possible that Paul was in the wrong place at the wrong time; but come on, this is just too eerie. Either way, until we know who’s an alien and who’s not, Paul can’t stay.

Liz looks up, and sighs. “Maria, why did you open the door?” Liz says, but she doesn’t think they heard her. Paul is still advancing towards Maria. This is not a good at all. Liz closes her eyes and concentrates. If the way they connect in her dream is real, then maybe it’ll work in real life. Liz hears Maria screaming in the background. She pours all of her heart and try to find that humming sensation that she knew was Max. It was weak, but it was enough for her to concentrate on it, and use it to connect with him.

Max, I’m not sure if you can feel me, but I really need you at this moment. Please hurry!

Liz sends all her panic and fear in her body outward hoping that it’ll reach Max. Now to figure out how she’s going to pull Maria away from Paul. Liz doesn’t want to, but she opens her eyes to see Paul and Maria struggling. Paul is saying over and over that he is not going to hurt her, that he’s safe.

Something in the corner of Liz’s eyes catches her attention. A small bright blue light that is suspended in the middle of the living room.

“Oh my God!” Paul is doing this!

Liz starts moving towards Maria and is blinded by the light. It appears to be getting bigger.

“Maria! Get away from him! He’s going to hurt you!”

Maria turns around and sees the blue light that is now the size of a basketball. Paul grabs Maria and starts to pull her away.


Chaning Faces ** New part 12 6/28/04 Pg 5

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 9:31 pm
by Luvtruche
Part 12
“I see Humans?”

The being walks through the neighborhood. She recalls the images she got from the man. His name was Ahmed. He had no mate, but three children – three girls. Their names are Shawna, Nekita and Priya. ‘Shawna, that’s a nice name.’ the being thought. Its not like her sister’s, Sari-Anna, but it’s nice.

Sari-Anna, the perfect queen of Necron was assassinated. It still brings the being to tears; tears that she may never knew existed if her home, her planet wasn’t invaded.

There are so many bodies that Queen Sari-Anna collapse overcome with tears.

“What did I do for my people to suffer like this?”

Serena stoops next to Sari-Anna. Her look of horror changing into one of reassurance as she looked at her sister.

“Sari, there is absolutely nothing that you could have done that would have caused this type of massacre.”

Sari-Anna saw one of her people moving on the ground out of the corner of her eye. She moved quickly to find her dear friend Jana taking her last glimpse of the four moons. Sari-Anna peered over Jana, tears in her eyes as she placed her hands on Jana’s wonds preparing to heal her. The damage was too great to heal in one session though. If she connected with Serena she maybe able to cover more area so that they can move her.

Sari looks at Serena her eyes pleading. Jana raises a hand to Sari’s face. Her essence dimming.

“My Queen, my life is over. I will be reborn with nature.”

Tears are streaming down Sari’s face.

“Jana, I can’t let you die. You are my best friend. Life won’t be the same without you. We can get you to shelter, just trust me.”

Jana, her eyes glistened with tears trys to sit up, but fails.

“Sari, there isn’t much time. I am no more, but you are alive.” Jana coughs.

There is some noise in the background. Serena goes to look.

“Sari, we don’t have much time. Decide now what you are going to do.”

Sari looks at Serena then Jana. For the first time in her life, she didn’t know what to do.

“Sari, you must go. You must find shelter.”

Sari looks at her friend, indecision weighing heavily on her conscious.

“Jana, I’ll go but I want to do something for you. I want to have your memories so that I can share them with your loved ones.”

Jana looks at Sari. ‘She’s all ways thinking about everyone else and not herself.

“It would be my honor to share my memories with you.” Jana smiles as Sari’s eyes brighten.

Serena suddenly worried as she realizes the task Sari has ahead of her.

“My Queen, I cannot join you in this task. I must keep watch.”

Sari-Anna nods.

“I won’t take long.”

Serena watches as Sari connects with Jana. The Queens’ powers are strong and she’s concentration hard to get all of Jana’s memories before her essence dies.

As Serena surveys the area she notices a group of Soldiers coming their way. They are not Necronian soldiers.

Serena turns to Sari, her essence brightly burning as she absorbs Jana’s memories. Gently touching Sari’s shoulder, she connects briefly to say it is time to leave. Sari pushes Serena out not ready to stop. She must get every ounce of Jana into her mind.

Keeping the connection is getting hard as Jana is dying. Jana shows Sari all of the admiration she has for her; Jana’s last image one hugging her Queen and best friend. Jana’s essence fades.

It happened so quickly Sari-Anna didn’t notice that Jana was no more. She still felt Jana in her mind.

Serena now pushing as hard as she can with her mind towards the soldiers who are advancing in their direction, making them see a plain field instead of the three of them being in the middle of it. She breaks concentration when the soldiers change direction away from them. Serena looks at Sari and Jana and gasps at what she sees. Jana’s essence starts to dim, then suddenly its glow bright and hovers over Jana. The light is a brilliant pink and gets brighter and brighter then suddenly flies in the direction of Sari.

Serena didn’t expect this. Sari blue essence was so bright to begin with, and now this other essence just as bright now combined with Sari. It was beautiful. So beautiful that the soldiers who detoured noticed the light and turned towards them.

Sari opens her eyes and looks down at Jana.

“Sleep well my friend. Your journey is not over yet.”

Sari turns to her sister her eyes wide with anger and determination.

“My dear sister, I will not run.”

The calmness that surrounded Sari-Anna made Serena uneasy.

“We have to go Sari. You are the Queen; you have to continue to shelter. For the sake of your people!” What has gotten into her? She thinks I’m just going to let her stay here and die?

Sari cups Serenas face. The soldiers are close, their deaths only a few feet away.

“I will not run Serena. I will continue on until it is no longer needed for me to continue. You know that I will live again Serena. I won’t forget you my sister. Neither will you forget me, you will need to find me once my light finds its new Queen.”

Serena, hearing her sister’s words starts to sob.

“Sari, you don’t understand. I will perish with you. I can’t leave you here to meet your death. I won’t be able to find you from my grave. “

Sari looks over at the soldiers advancing, their hands glowing preparing to attack.

“I’ll take care of them and you. When you come to you will be on the other side of the planet.”

Serena not willing to allow her Sari to sacrifice herself, grips on to he tighter. It’s of no use though. Sari starts to glow brighter and brighter as she gathers her energy.

The last thing Serena hears before she passes out is Sari’s last prayer.

“Please take care of my people, until I can reunite with them once again.”

Serena woke up and immediately searched for her sister. Refugees who were searching the land for anyone alive had picked up Serena. She was hysterical; if that is the word, for her behavior surprised even her. Nothing was unusual now for the people of Necron. Many had watched as Queen Sari-Anna defeated the soldiers. She may have lived if one of them didn’t get a shot off at her from behind. Sari-Anna died after she made sure that there wasn’t a soldier alive. The refugees say she died honorably. Funny how after you kill a bunch of people and die in the middle of it, you’re honorable. Sari-Anna was honorable before she had to use violence as a means of survival.

After talking to fifty people, Serena accepted the fate of her sister, and herself. Sari-Anna was gone; her essence now in the abyss waiting to awaken the next queen-- and Serena will be the one who finds her. It hasn’t been that long since her sister perished, but she can feel a slight hum. It’s that hum that will lead her to the new Queen, who will have Sari-Anna’s memories. Someone who has leadership qualities, who has been through more than just tribulation, that person would has risen from the fire. There will be no other Sari-Anna, but who ever this person is, they will have a nation to put back together, and a planet to fight for. Once the process has started for the new Queen it won’t be hard to locate her, until then she will wait.


Serena looks up at the sky. Who would have thought that the search for the new Queen would take me to a world that I’ve never seen before. Who would have thought that the next person in the royal line is to be a human?

Soon she will reunite with her sister. At least someone who has her sister’s likeness. The connection is strong; she is not that far from it. There is something odd about it though. The connection seems to spike at odd intervals. It’s not something for alarm, so she’ll deal with the error when she arrives.

Sari-Anna should have all of her memories by the next sunset. Serena will wait until then to make her entrance.



Maria looks for Liz, and tries to pull herself from Paul in the same instance. It’s of no use; Paul has a tight grip on her and won’t let her go.

“Maria, stop! There is something glowing in your living room and it’s not you.” Paul says as he rolls on top of her pinning her down.

“Paul, I don’t know what you want with me, but if you ever had any feelings for me, you will stop this! Hurting Liz won’t make me do your bidding.”

Maria’s eyes well up with tears at the thought that her best friend might lose her life because she forgot to turn her Alien-radar on before dating Paul.

“What? What are you talking about?” Paul shifts a little to get a better look at Maria.

Wrong move dude.

Maria takes that moment, as if it was sent by God. Paul shrieked with pain as Maria’s knee made contact with his nuts. Maria pushes him off her and gets up.

“You all ways said I was rough, babe.”

Maria turns towards Liz and the blue electric ball that is forming in the living room. As she walks over, Maria shrinks against the wall scared that she may be electrocuted by this strange energy. Liz is doing the same thing. When they reach each other they hold hands.

“Liz, this is like out of an episode of Sliders. Only Jerry O’Conner is MIA”

Liz looks over at Maria, her eyes wide.

“Maria, this is definitely not Sliders.”

Changing Faces Part 13 7/11/04

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 2:35 pm
by Luvtruche
A/N: Been a while since I've been able to update. Here ya go guys. Let me know how you like it.

Part 13

It seems as if the summer is moving a slow pace. Normally, Sasha Vardek never gets a moment to enjoy the sun. However, since there has been no movement with the Aliens and their counterparts, she saw no need to miss getting a good tan. No, she wouldn’t be going to the beach or even the poolside; Sasha will take a walk right outside her patio door onto the deck, where she will lay and get a partial tan. No need to go to far from her bedroom, she may be needed; no one needs to see her in her waterproof under garments.

Agent Bask was able to get the ship evacuated from the earth on time and they’ve been observing it for a month. It doesn’t do much but just sit there. It hovers and beeps, but it won’t open for us at all. If an operative gets within two feet of the thing, they turn into ash. There are currently thirteen piles of ash creating a border around the ship. Sasha sighs as she rubs sun tan lotion on her arms.

“Wish my car alarm was on ‘stun’ all day.”

Until we are able to find a way to open the ship without casualties, finding out what’s inside the ship is a no go. How this connects with Vardek’s aliens is what’s got her all in a tizzy.

“I know that Max and the clan are connected some way. If there is a life form inside, then that life form would need to contact with Max.”

Vardek sighs as she runs the thought through her head for the hundredth time. Vardek had put three more agents on each alien once she realized that this crash might be connected with them. It was of no use though; they didn’t move at all.

Suddenly, her cell phone goes off.


“Bask here. We have a situation. Meet me at the rendezvous point at 1200 hours.”

Vardek frowns. Is it possible we may have something?

“I can meet you earlier than that. I’ll be there within the –“

“Vardek, you know we have to secure the rendezvous point.”

Bask sounds a little agitated on the line.

Damn. Got stay in control, getting excited won’t get me any closer to Max. It’ll just make them get two steps ahead of me.

“I know. That’s fine, I figured that we could meet earlier and talk about other developments.”

“That seems feasible. However, I won’t be able to meet until about 1130 hours. We could—“

“Bask, it is not necessary. You take care of security and check with the specialists who are watching the ship. I’ll see you at 1200 hours.”

Vardek hangs up the phone before he could respond.

It’s time to get ready for this meeting. A tan is not what Vardek wanted right now. A shower seems to be more important, her stress levels had gone off the chart.


“Maria, this is definitely not Sliders.”

“Who you telling?”

Liz is being so brave right now. Hell, I’m being pretty brave too. Why the hell is this happening to us?

The light is so bright coming off that thing. It’s expanding and it seems as if it’s coming closer to Maria and Liz.

Maria looks over to Paul, who is slowly getting up.

“I thought hitting him in his meat would at least make his magic dim.”

Liz looks over at Paul and then at Maria who’s face is reddening with anger.

“Maria you have to calm down. We don’t know what’s happening to you and how your mood changes will affect you. Please, I don’t want you passing out on me at this moment.”

Maria looks at Liz and then at the energy ball.

“This is all my fault.” Maria closes her eyes.

There was a loud humming sound as the light reached the tips of Liz and Maria’s nose; and then the light disappeared only to be replaced by a bright green light.


Maria opens her eyes. She didn’t hear what Liz said all of her emotions, mainly her anger, encompassed her. Maria looked down at her hands and noticed that her glow seemed to leave her body, except for hands. They were like two suns. There was something different about it though. This time the heat seemed to be burning her hands, she needed to let go of it; but how?

With tears in her eyes, she looked up at what had emerged from the blue energy and decided that she wasn’t going to hold onto this anymore. Maria turned to Paul who was beginning to stand. He looked at her and then at what was off to his right. Maria couldn’t tell if she saw fear in his eyes, but it didn’t matter.

“Paul, I’ve got a present for you.”

Paul looks over at Maria, immediately noticing that her hands looked as if they were on fire. Before Paul could even react, Maria raised her hands and threw all the energy at him.

Liz couldn’t believe that Max was here. Max seemed to recognize her immediately. His eyes showed so much emotion at her being all right. Something was off though. He noticed some light in his peripheral vision. He turned just in time to see Maria throw what seemed like an energy pulse at some guy. Max released his shield from around Michael, Isabel, Alex and himself and placed it in between the energy and the man. No one was going to die until he knew exactly what was going on.

Maria watched at the pulse went towards Paul. As quickly as it went it seemed to be coming right back at her.

“Oh my God.”

Maria stood there completely shocked. She just watched the two glowing balls come towards and thought that this was it; this is how she’s going to die.


Chaning Faces Chapter 14 pg 6 -- NEW PART

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:38 pm
by Luvtruche
I hope you guys like this! I feel so out of it! Let me know.

Part 14

All this time I wanted to believe that what was happening at this moment was a figment of my wild imagination. Aliens aren’t stalking us, Maria isn’t glowing, and Max Evans is definitely not standing in front of me.

But he is.

I feel like I’m going to die.

Liz leans against the wall, gravity taking over her. Her eyes welled up with tears, for reasons she couldn’t even begin to understand. Liz looks around to see two glowing balls which seem to be suspended in the air. She can’t fathom what’s going on, but it looks like Maria didn’t think before she released whatever energy that was inside her, and it’s come back to bite her in the ass.

Liz’s voice is so small she can barely recognize it.


And then there was darkness.


What have I done! What have I done?

O My God!

“The enemy of my enemy is my enemy; and it’s decked in two balls of fire!” Maria whispers to herself as she watches her energy come back to her.

This is what I get for letting my anger go before I understand the purpose of this, this shit inside of me that is waiting to burst!

The energy gets closer and closer. Maria closes her eyes bracing herself for impact…

…and then nothing.

“Huh?” Maria opens her eyes and her energy, her power is staring right at her.

“This is some really freaky stuff, and the last time I checked, I was done with anything and everything freaky when I left Roswell.”

Maria turns around towards the other glow that was in the room. Her mouth drops open.


Max looks quickly at Maria.

“Maria are you all right?” he asked as he ran towards Liz who went limp on the floor.

What’s wrong with her? I don’t think any of the energy hit her.

Max lays Liz flat on the floor and does a quick check over her body.
Just shock, she’ll be fine.

“What in the hell is going on here!!” Some guy screams in the far corner. He was the guy Maria was throwing her energy pulse at. ‘Her energy pulse?’

Max stands and walks towards the now hysterical Paul. Paul’s eyes are big and show fear. He doesn’t seem to be an alien, Max thinks. Let’s make sure of it.

In one swift motion, Max lifts Paul in the air by the neck. Paul gasps in horror.

“Who are you?”

“Mmmmm my name iss iii is Pppp- Paul.”

“Pppp-please don’t hurt me. I know Maria! Ssss-she’s my girl! Please!”

Max turns towards Maria, who’s look says if she did know him, she doesn’t want to know him anymore.

“Maria, is this true.”

“Max, he’s an Alien. He’s done things to me, to my body that I can’t explain.”

Max turns back to Paul, and looks at him. He stares deep into his eyes and connects with him. He searching for something from his memories that would prove his other existence, but it’s all coming up blank. If Paul was an alien he would have felt it as soon as he got close enough. He would have felt it the way he was feeling it come off Maria.

Max let’s go of Paul and turns to Maria.

“Maria, Paul’s not an alien.” The energy coming off of her is so strong. How did this happen to her? She’s having a hard time controlling it.

“Y-yyes he is Max. He’s done things to me, nobody else has been this close to me besides Liz.”

Max rest his arms on Maria’s shoulder’s.

“Ria, there has to be another explanation. Paul is not an Alien. Whoever is doing this to you, we will find out, that’s why we’re here.” She doesn’t look to sure, but it calms her down for the moment, which is all I asked for.

Michael comes over and gives Max a nod. Michael looks at Maria, as Max leaves them alone.

“Hey, Maria.”

Awkwardness is a bitch.

“Hey.” Maria says nonchalantly.

Michael takes a look around the living room. He’s so unsure of what to say, but he doesn’t like the silence either.

“So this is where all the action happens huh?” Geez, she’s gonna smack me for sure.

“Excuse me?”

“I-I mean so Paul is your boyfriend huh?” Nope. Why did I say that?

“Yeah, Michael he is. So don’t even think about coming over here doing your alien wooing dance because he’ll kick your ass.”

Boy does he love it when she gets heated.

“Really? By the looks of piss boy over there, I’d say he’s more scared of us than we are of it. Wait until he finds out about the Alien part.” I say with a raised eyebrow.

She scoffs and walks away.


Michael follows Maria’s strut over to Isabel and Alex, whom she greets warmly. Paul is still clinging to the wall, and by the looks of him, doesn’t really want to start a conversation. My eyes continue to scan the room until I see Max and Liz. He doesn’t look to sure of what to do. He looks like he two seconds from shaking her awake. I walk over to him.


Max looks up waiting for him to talk.

“Why don’t you bring her to her bedroom, so that she’s comfortable.”

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, thanks Michael.” Max picks Liz up and makes his way towards a door he thinks leads to the bedroom. Closet.

“Max, try door number 2.” Michael couldn’t help but to laugh at Max’s sudden sheepishness.

I take a seat on the couch and decide that all this nice chit chat is done with.


Maria, Alex and Isabel look at Michael.

“Now that we know that you and Liz are ok, why don’t you start to tell us what’s been going on, and when Liz wakes up she’ll tell us her side of the story.”

Maria’s eyes well up.

“Where’s Liz? Oh my gosh, I didn’t even think to make sure she was all right!”

Just then Max comes out of Liz’s bedroom.

“Maria, she’s fine. She just fainted. She’ll wake up soon.”

“Okay. As long as she’s all right. There is so much to tell, but I’m not sure if Paul should be here while I’m telling it”

Everyone turns to Paul, who was doing a great job of looking nonexistent until then.

“Uh, would you guys like me to leave? I’ld be more than –“

“NO!” Paul was on the verge of getting up but that wasn’t what the pod squad wanted.

“Ok. No problem, I’ll be right here if you need me.”

Alex walks over to Maria.
“Everything is going to be just fine. Take your time telling them what happened. I’m going to check on Liz.”

Maria nods and reluctantly takes a seat next to Michael.

“All right, where do want me to start?” Maria looked around hoping someone would tell her a good place to start.

“Start from the crash.” Max says.

Maria takes a deep breath. “All right, the crash. Yeah I can start there. Well you guys all ready know about when it, uh crashed. The location of whatever it was that crashed was four blocks away from us on Rockaway Blvd. Two days ago, the entire street was filled up as if nothing ever happened.”

Max, Isabel and Michael look at each other.

“So you don’t know for a fact that it is a ship?”

“Oh I know it was a ship. Special Unit was all over it.” Maria puts her hand to her head. She lets out a sigh and says, “Anyway, maybe a day or two passes and I start having these weird dreams that I’m on another planet; I’m some people or creatures Queen, and I’m tortured to death.” Maria looks up her eyes wide with what looks like fear.

“You are a queen?” Max asks. This isn’t making any sense.

“Yes! A queen! On some planet and there were two different races on the planet fighting. I couldn’t figure out the reason for the fighting.” Maria throws her hands in the air.

“You don’t believe me! I knew in my own mind that this was farfetched but I figured that you guys would understand immediately and put my mind at ease. I guess I thought wrong.” Maria sighs, fresh tears in her eyes.

Isabel sighs as well.

“I have no clue as to what your dreams mean Maria. I don’t believe it’s farfetched – we’ve been through some out of this world stuff lately. It’s just a lot to absorb.” Isabel watches as Maria’s face crumbles in tears admitting defeat. She quickly shoos Michael out of the way and sits next to her.

“Maria,” Isabel is not sure of what to say that’ll make it all right. Her and Maria never really “bonded”.

“Everything is going to be all right. We’ve been through hard times before, this is nothing different.” Isabel gives Maria a quick hug.

“We just have to figure out what’s missing to solve the puzzle. Until then we have to get you to control whatever powers you possess.” Maria eyes widen again at the mention of her powers.

“I don’t want to have anything to do with it. I won’t use them for anything.” Maria shakes her head, wishing her new talents away.

“You said the same thing about not ever seeing me again, and look, I see you.” Michael pipes.

Maria shoots him a glare, but couldn’t help but to laugh.

Alex comes in the middle of their laughter. A worried look on his face. He hears them talking and he knows that noone is arguing but they sound naturally happy.
“Uh, guys.” He says in a low voice that no one hears. He moves closer forcing himself to open his mouth wider and say it again louder.

“Guys!” The four look at Alex, their faces turning from smiles to instant frowns.

Max walks over to Alex. He notices that his face is pale.

“Alex? What’s wrong?” Max makes looks at Liz’s bedroom door, fear creeping into his heart.

“It’s Liz Max. Something’s wrong.” Alex says; sweat pouring down his face.

Max’s is starting to sweat looking at him. All he wants to do at this moment is push Alex out of the way and run into the room.

“Max she’s not there. One moment I was holding her hand, and the next minute she’s gone.”

“Alex, she can’t just be gone.”

Maria comes up behind Max, followed by Isabel and Michael.

“Where did she go?” Maria says almost in a sob.

Max moves past Alex and barges into the room.

She’s not there.

He goes to the bed and touches it.

He goes to the closet, opens the door.


He looks under the bed, behind the door, in the bathroom, kitchen and then the living room.

No, no, no, no NO!

There is no way that he is going to lose her not again.

He closes his eyes and concentrations on the small connect he’s had with Liz. He felt and knew she was close. She was confused and unsure or her surroundings. She was closed herself up. NO!

He concentrated harder and pulled. Let me know that you’re all right Liz, Please!


“Liz!” Max opens his eyes, a sudden sickness coming over him.

Michael, Alex, Maria and Isabel are looking at him waiting for news.

Maria speaks up.

“So where is she?”

Max looks at Maria.

“I don’t know.”

Changing Faces Part 15

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 12:55 pm
by Luvtruche
Part 15

"Whisper" by Evanescence

Catch me as I fall
Say you're here and it's all over now
Speaking to the atmosphere
No one's here and I fall into myself
This truth drives me
Into madness
I know I can stop the pain
If I will it all away

Don't turn away
(Don't give in to the pain)
Don't try to hide
(Though they're screaming your name)
Don't close your eyes
(God knows what lies behind them)
Don't turn out the light
(Never sleep never die)

I'm frightened by what I see
But somehow I know
That there's much more to come
Immobilized by my fear
And soon to be
Blinded by tears
I can stop the pain
If I will it all away

Don't turn away
(Don't give in to the pain)
Don't try to hide
(Though they're screaming your name)
Don't close your eyes
(God knows what lies behind them)
Don't turn out the light
(Never sleep never die)

Fallen angels at my feet
Whispered voices at my ear
Death before my eyes
Lying next to me I fear
She beckons me
Shall I give in
Upon my end shall I begin
Forsaking all I've fallen for
I rise to meet my end

Don't turn away
(Don't give in to the pain)
Don't try to hide
(Though they're screaming your name)
Don't close your eyes
(God knows what lies behind them)
Don't turn out the light
(Never sleep never die)


“Max!” Liz screams but it’s not her mouth that’s moving. Her mind is trying to connect with Max, to tell him where she is; but it’s hard, like something is holding her back. There is something there, wherever this place maybe with her; but she can’t see them.

Everything is a blur. Liz tries to focus on one thing but can’t seem to make out anything.

“Where am I?” She knows that she isn’t in queens. She doesn’t even think that she is in New York. This is some type of limbo, where the colors mix together like a bad Van Gogh painting.

Liz continues to look around, turning in circles until she became dizzy. She feels that presence – very silent and watching her. Maybe if I keep talking out loud someone will answer, Liz thinks to herself.

“Why am I here? What is this place?” Liz waits.

It seems like forever has passed and Liz’s patience has gone thin.

Liz stands up, a look of pure defiance on her face. “I know that you’re here. I can feel you.”

Suddenly the air around her went from warm to cold and then back. The colors stopped swirling and started to solidify into something. It looked just like her room, but it couldn’t be.

Liz immediately ran from her bedroom into her livingroom. There, she saw Max, Michael, Isabel, Alex and Maria standing in a tight circle; worried looks on their faces. Liz walks up to Max.

“Max, something weird is happening and I don’t know how to explain it. What just happened to me seem like a dream but it may be real.”

Max doesn’t look at her. He didn’t even acknowledge that she came into the room.


No answer.

Liz shakes Max’s arm and notices that he doesn’t feel anything. He doesn’t even move. As a matter of fact, he’s talking, but there is no sound coming out of his mouth. They are all talking, back and forth, but I can’t hear anything.

“This is insane. There has to be some logical explanation for this.” Liz walks over to the couch and plops down. Maybe if I concentrated on the connection I have with Max I may be able to wave him out of whatever it is he’s in. Liz closes her eyes and concentrates on him. She thinks about the first time he kissed her, the way he looked at her. How every time they were together it was as if no one else existed.


“Damn it!”

Liz gets up and looks around the living room once more. This time she notices something different about the room. Everyone is there, even Paul; but there is a shadowy figure not too far from him. Liz walks towards it, hoping the shadow will lighten up and reveal who this thing is.

“Serena?” Liz says, surprising herself. She doesn’t know how she knows who this person is, something to do with the dreams she’s been having.

Dreams. That’s something else she needs to talk to Max about. Especially because they involved him and well both of them, in a kind of…embrace. Wait, I can think about this later.

Liz looks at the shadowed figure, whose image has suddenly become clearer.

“Sari, is that you?” The figure moves closer to Liz.

Liz moves back.
“My name is Liz. I don’t know who Sari is; but I recognize the name.” This is so weird. I should be afraid for my life, but instead I’m thinking about how to solve the mini mysteries in my head. Maybe she can help me. Liz continues her thoughts her eyes trained on the figure, she called Serena.

“You are right, you are not Sari; but I am Serena.” Serena steps back, her eyes taking in Liz looking for Sari’s essence.

Liz doesn’t know what to say. Serena doesn’t seem dangerous, at least not to her.

“Where am I?” Liz moves toward Serena

“You are in your home.”

“If I am in my home, how come my friends can’t see me? How come I can’t talk to them or get their attention?”

“You cannot connect with them because it is my will.”

This confused Liz. “Why?”

“My reason shouldn’t be your concern. What you need to know is that you are in danger, and if you really care about your friends you not involve them.” Liz caught a hint of impatience in Serena’s voice. She didn’t like her tone, and she decided that she wasn’t going anywhere with out letting the guys know what’s going up.

“If there is any danger, it wouldn’t be you who would protect me. I demand you to release me from whatever hocus pocus you’ve placed on me and come into my reality and explain yourself fully.” Liz was becoming angry. She knew that Serena wouldn’t harm her because she felt, strangely, that Serena was looking out for her best interests; like an annoying sister.

“Liz, you don’t understand your friends can be dangerous to you. They are not of this earth, at least three of them aren’t.” Serena’s eyes were pleading with Liz.

“I know.”

Serena’s mouth dropped open. After gaining her composure she looked at Liz.

“If that is the case then I shall restore your, uh, reality.”

Liz turned and started walking towards Max. She felt the connection she had with him growing stronger as she got closer to him.

“I’m coming back now. I have someone with me. Don’t panic.”

She could only pray that he got all of that.

Changing Faces Part 16 10/19/04

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:14 pm
by Luvtruche
Part 16
Confessions and then the bomb

Vardek entered a small dinner on Crossbay Blvd. Her flight was long and frustrating, not because it was a long flight, it was the things on her mind that made the ride dreadful.

Vardek sees Bask sitting at a booth and immediately walks toward him. Bask looks up, then at his watch. She’s on time as usual.

“Agent Vardek.” Bask says coolly

“Bask.” Vardek retorts.

Bask passes the folder he has under his arm and slides to Vardek. The file was thick. Vardek became very warm, her hopes obvious.

“These are photos and basic reports on the apartment that Parker and Deluca reside in. Activity was none up until seven hours ago.”

Vardek opened the folder and glanced at the pictures. Liz alone in her apartment. Maria and her boyfriend alone in the apartment. Maria at her boyfriend’s house. Vardek continues flipping through the photos her patience dwindling.

“Bask I thought you had some good news not family photos.” She glances at him quickly before glancing at the next photo. She didn’t notice Bask’s smile as she picked up the photo, her mouth agape.

What she was looking at just couldn’t be. It was impossible. The next photo she looked just as blown away if not more than before. After scanning the photos she looked at Bask. His smile never left his face.

“Do we have video surveillance?” Dumb question, but the agents have been very lazy lately.

“Yes, and what you’ll find on the video is much better than what you see in those photos.” Bask takes the folder and places it in his briefcase. Bask looks at Vardek thinking it’s time to make a move.
“I know what you are thinking. But it’ll have to wait until I see the surveillance. I need to know what we are up against. And if that picture is right, we are going to need more than a presence, we are going to need a lot of fire power.”

Bask sits back and sighs. Women always want to wait.

“Fine, why don’t we head to the truck and look at it the-“ Basks cell goes off.


Vardek sips some water while Bask listens intently to his call. His forehead creases up. ‘That’s not a good sign.’ Bask hangs up.

“What’s up?”

Bask looks at the table wondering how this is possible.

“Vardek we have a slight problem.” Bask looks at her, the crease still in place.

“Well spit it out.”

“It seems that we’ve lost one. Parker has vanished.”

Vardek’s mouth opens and closes. ‘What can you say to that?’ Finally, she gains her composure.

“Let’s go.”

Vardek and Bask exit the diner.


“Soon they will know.”

The last sentence that came out of Serena’s mouth as she followed Sari’s essence to an apartment building. This wasn’t the first time she’d actually found Sari’s essence. Serena’s been tracking it down for weeks now. At first it was very faint, but as the weeks went on the energy grew stronger, until it reached it’s peak and doesn’t require her to concentrate only on it. She can feel it when she sleeps, when she breathes. Still, there was something odd about it, and she couldn’t figure it out, all she knew was that she was getting mixed emotions. Mixed emotions that made her very confused. There was fear and anger; sadness and excitement. Calmness laced with defiance --- emotions that were too different. Emotions that seemed to be coming from different sources.

Serena focused all her energy on Sari. She needed to connect with the essence so that she could know what was going on. Before she knew it, she had connected with her and had been thwarted into Sari’s living quarters. She quickly hid herself so that she wouldn’t be noticed, but watched in shock at what played before her eyes.

There were three people in the room with her. One, the blonde one was glowing. Her energy was filled with rage and despair, but most importantly it was Sari’s powers. The other, the dark haired one, didn’t seem to have any special powers at all. There was something coming off of her that she couldn’t identify but she felt some sort of connection to her. Maybe what was really troubling her was how Sari and this dark hair girl look so much alike. Serena knew from that moment that she had to hold Sari’s essence, at least apart of it. For the “glowing” girl had something of Sari’s but why she had it Serena didn’t know. This has never happened before. When one’s body dies its essence is always given to one being, not two.

Either way Serena had to protect the dark haired girl from the rest of the group. She knew that the three Aliens were of Antarian decent but she didn’t take enough time to really analyze their species. There was no time for that. She needed to get the girl away from the rest. Serena closed her eyes and concentrated on the girl. Soon, the dark haired girl fell to the ground appearing to have fainted. One of the Aliens picked her up and brought her to her bedroom, followed by a human. The alien came out and everyone in the living room started to talk.

Serena made her way to the bedroom to look in on the girl. The human was still there and he didn’t want to go away. ‘I need to talk to her alone. I need to get her away from all of this.’ An idea hit her. Serena closed her eyes and pictured in her mind that the girl suddenly vanished right before the human’s eyes. Serena slowly opened her eyes and watched as the panicked human exited the room and soon after entered the alien boy.

There was something very strong about this boy. All of his feelings seemed to be involved with his emotions relating to the girl. Serena couldn’t identify the emotion he felt at first, but as his motions became more violent in his search for her; one things was clear: if he finds the one who made the girl vanish, they would die. Serena was afraid, just a little.

Serena stopped paying attention to the alien boy and looked at the girl lying on the bed. Perhaps she was a little forceful I putting her into a deep sleep because she nudged her with her mind and she wouldn’t wake up. Serena didn’t want to put too much pressure on the girls’ brain, since she wasn’t sure if she damaged her when she put her to sleep. Serena would have to touch her to wake her up.

Suddenly, Serena felt a force of energy that nearly knocked out her mindwarp. She turned and looked at the alien boy, who was concentrating on homing in on the girl. This boy is strong; but he must not connect with the girl. Serena concentrated harder on keeping the mindwarp alive.


Serena watch as the girl rise up and call out someone’s name. She had succeeded in keeping the two separated.

Serena now looks at the girl whose name is Liz and realizes that she is much stronger than she seemed; just like Sari. Liz also recognized her, which she didn’t expect at all. Not to mention, this whole “search and bring back the future queen” has been a task in itself.

Serena closes her eyes, preparing to undue the mindwarp and possibly meet her doom with the three aliens. Even though it is against every bone in her body, she cannot defy the queen. As Liz walks towards the group of humans/aliens, Serena prays that things will go in her favor.

“If not, I’m going to have kill again.”

changing faces update

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 9:09 am
by Luvtruche
Hey guys..

lost internet service for a while, but I'm back and will be posting a new part shortly...