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Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 1:55 am
by babylisou
A/N: ok, I'm not really really proud of this part. I wish it had been better especially since it's one of the most important so far... but anyway, I'll post it like that. I got some really good advices from my beta (thanks Frenchkiss :wink: ) and I changed a few things before posting it. So now I hope it won't be toooo bad :roll:
Another thing is for the banners. You can check out one graciously made by Marteloise on the first page! :onfire: thank you soo much. Also, I got another one made by Anipoo, and you can see this one on my signature as a link for SGTY :wink: So great thanks to her too! I love both!

Now, here goes the new part:

Part 9

Liz and Michael both jumped at the sound of Max’s sleepy but determined voice. The young man was slowly pushing the wheelchair in the middle of the room looking at them in both anger and confusion, darting his eyes from one to the other.

“Max... I-I thought you were asleep…what are you doing up?” Liz was the first to talk suddenly understanding the gravity of the situation when she saw Michael’s agitation increasing. He had turned his back to them muttering under his breath as he slapped his forehead in frustration.

“Shit! Shit! Shit!” She could hear him repeat over and over.

Max dismissed Liz’s question, his gaze focused on his friend’s back. “Michael?” he made an effort to straighten his slumped body on the chair when he saw his friend eventually turning around.

“I’m sorry Maxwell I shouldn’t have said that.” He said blandly already walking to the front door for a fast retreat. “Michael!” Max called weakly as he tried to catch up on his friend’s fast step, all the time pleading Liz with his eyes to help him.

She quickly moved from her spot, running to the open door and grabbing Michael’s arm before he arrived to his car. “Michael please, you have to stop! Max needs you, and whatever the truth is, I think he deserved to know it.”

She met his agitated look once again briefly before he closed his eyes raking a tired hand over his face as he sighed. “Liz you don’t understand…it’ll kill him!” He whispered dimly.

“It’s my choice to take that risk Michael.”

His friend’s voice caught him of guard and his head shot up as he watched Max weakly pushing himself up against the front door. “Maxwell! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He cried running to his friend to put him back in the safety of the chair. Max didn’t resist, the simple effort of pushing on his arm had awaked the pain of the broken ribs and he winced slightly as he sat back.

“And what do you think YOU are doing hiding stuffs from me Michael?” Max retorted sternly once he was seated and had once again his friend’s full attention.

“I- Max, please don’t make me do that… please.” Michael pleaded softly. But Max’s eyes held determination and he knew he had no chance to get through this easily. Max wanted to truth and one way or another he’d have it.


They all sat in silence in the small living room. Liz had found Maria in her room a few minutes earlier, where her friend had retreated when she had heard the serious argument going on in the living room. Liz had explained the situation quickly and they had both agreed to meet again later on this afternoon when, hopefully, everything would be back to normal. But Liz felt that somehow it wasn’t going to be that easy.

She watched as Michael nervously fidgeted on his seat, his head hanging low as he refused to meet his friend’s gaze. Finally Max’s patience wore off and asked once more.

“Michael? I’m waiting.”

“Fine! Fine! I’m telling you, ok! Just give me a minute...” Michael exploded, jumping from his sitting position to finally stand by the window.

“I don’t know where to start Maxwell…” He finally admitted.

“Try the beginning.” Max answered, the sarcasm painfully audible in his voice.

Michael went to sit back on the couch, leaning his elbow on his knees as he searched for the strength to tell Max what he had been hiding for months.

“Ok…Hmm…I guess- I guess I should start with-.” He looked up at Liz, somehow seeking her encouragement and she granted it to him by putting a comforting hand on his forearm. Finally, he met his friend’s eyes.

“Max, when they brought Tess to the hospital, she was still alive-.”

“I know that Michael!” Max sighed in exasperation, “Would you cut the slack and go straight to the problem here?” He snapped impatiently.

Michael pinned him with a glare, not liking at all his sudden brat-like reaction. “You want the truth Maxwell, you’ll have it, but you’ll have to listen to me, now will you stop interrupting, it’s hard enough like that.”

Max didn’t reply, sinking deeper in his chair when he realized his attitude would get him nowhere, before nodding his acceptance.

“Ok, so like I was saying, when they brought Tess to the hospital, she was still alive and they managed to keep her heart and vital functions in shape long enough for her parents to say goodbye. They also run a battery of tests on her trying to find out what was wrong with her and they found out…” His breath caught in his throat and he fight back tears of anger, composing himself for his friend’s reaction to what he was going to say.

“Maxwell, they found out she was pregnant.” He breathed the words out closing his eyes sharply as he wait for the outburst. But his revelation was met by a heavy silence. He opened his eyes slowly, slightly confused by the lack of reaction from Max. His jaw was actually moving but no sounds were coming out from his mouth. Michael took this opportunity to continue, knowing that making Max believe he had also lost his child in the accident wasn’t the solution either.

“But I had a reason for not telling you Max, a good one.” He had read the unspoken question in her friend’s eyes and hastily answered.

“What could be a good reason for hiding this?” Max hissed through his teeth, feeling sick to his stomach at the simple thought of Michael lying to him on something so important. “How did you dare?” he whispered angrily, looking at Michael with disgust. He couldn’t believe Michael, his so-called best friend had betrayed his trust like that, were there other secrets he was hiding from him? About him, about Tess?

“Max it’s not over. Maybe I shouldn’t have kept this from you, but I told you I had a good reason, believe me!” Michael pleaded for his friend’s acceptance.

He could see the wheel already turning in his head, first he was blaming him for hiding this secret, and then he would start blaming himself for letting a child he thought was his own dying in the accident. Michael needed to tell him the all truth before letting his friend hurt himself mentally. He waited till he had his full attention to continue.

“A few days after the accident, this guy showed up at the hospital. He was looking for Tess claiming he was her fiancé.” He saw the shocked look in Max’s eyes but didn’t stop. “This nurse at the desk, she had just started her shift and she didn’t know… I heard him from the hallway, he was screaming and saying Tess was pregnant and he needed to know if the baby was ok… that’s when I came to him… I asked him how he knew about the baby and… he said he was the father.”

This time he refused to look at Max, knowing what he would see in his eyes, confusion, pain. “I interrogated him. He said he had known Tess for years, they had grown up together, but they had only started…” he cut himself feeling ill at ease. “They had only started… err… seeing each other…a few months before.”

He heard the gasp from where Max was sitting but kept on “He didn’t know she was seeing somebody else, and when she told him about the baby he thought he would marry her… but she broke up with him, saying she had a better future for the baby and that if he loved her he would let her go… I wouldn’t believe him at first; I wouldn’t convince myself that Tess was capable of something like that… I thought he was just jealous, but it didn’t make senses since Tess was dead now… I even confronted Ed Harding at the funerals. The bastard knew everything, he knew about Tess being pregnant and he was the one who had convinced her to tell you it was yours.”

By that time, Michael was pacing on the floor; he needed to get done with this once and for all or he wouldn’t make it through. He was careful not to look at Max but he still felt his intense gaze focused on him.

“When I learnt about all this you were in such a bad condition that the doctors didn’t even know if you were going to make it. I kept hoping for a miracle and all at the same time wishing you’d never wake up so I’d never have to tell you that, to hurt you once again…” Michael admitted shamefully “I knew I was being stupid and when you finally woke up I was relieved somehow but I made the promise to keep this to myself…I didn’t know what to do; I saw how you were blaming yourself for her death but I just couldn’t find the guts to tell you what I knew…I-I just didn’t want to hurt you again Maxwell.”

There was a long silence as Michael stood behind the couch, keeping some distance between his friend and him. For the first time in his life, he felt like he might have lost his best friend. He felt miserable and resigned all at the same time.

He eventually raised his head meeting Liz’s comforting gaze before focusing his attention on Max’s slumped form in the wheelchair. He looked plainly devastated. Then Max looked right back at him and Michael felt the sudden urge to duck his head shamefully, hating to see the tears shimmering in his friend’s eyes.

Liz looked back and forth between the two friends, feeling like she didn’t belong here but at the same time refusing to betray Michael’s pleading eyes. She had made the promise to him to stay by his side the whole time whatever Max’s reaction would be.

Max sat there, his mouth opening in a series of quiet gasps as angry tears started to fall down his cheeks. He hated himself for being so weak, for having to cry again as though he hadn’t already cried all his tears for Tess… Tess… How could he believe one second that what Michael was telling him was true? He had known her, lived with her. And this woman Michael had described had nothing to do with his quiet innocent Tess. She had been the world to him and he had been the same to her. No this couldn’t be true…

“You’re lying.” He said blandly raising his head to meet Michael’s eyes once again. “You’re one fucking liar!” He shouted.

Michael closed his eyes at the sudden attack. He should have expected that, he should have known, but nothing could have prepared him for the rush of emotion resulting from it afterward. He ran a shaking hand through his hair as his friend leave the room for the comfort of his bedroom. He flinched when the door slammed but didn’t look up.

Liz noticed the stiffness of his stance but his face was unreadable. His fist clenched and unclenched several times and he eventually move from his spot heading straight for Max’s door.

“I need to go talk to him.” He stated resolutely, but Liz’s firm grip on his arm stop him from reaching Max’s door. “Liz what are you doing, I need to talk to him.”

“No Michael, you need to leave him alone.” She said quietly.

“What? No!” he snapped irritated by her reaction.

“Yes Michael!” She stood up before continuing, her voice softening at the sight of despair on Michael’s face. “You have to let him deal with it alone now?”

“Why?” He asked confused.

“Because Michael, he is on the edge right now, he is confused and angry but he’ll come back to his sense, I promise. But right now, one wrong move toward him and we’ll lose him forever.”

“How do you know? How can you be so sure?” All irritation was gone from his voice replaced by wonder as he admired her calm and composure.

“I’ve known a lot of people like Max, hurt both physically and emotionally. I know how they work and it’s basically always the same… you’ve got to trust me on this Michael, I know what I’m talking about ok?” She waited until he gave her a reluctant nod and softly pushed him to the door.

“Here, now you need to go home and relax. I’ll call you if anything happens.”

He didn’t say a word as he left the house but she saw him casting one last glance toward Max’s closed door.


Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:39 pm
by babylisou
Heyla everybody!!! thank you sooo much for all those great feedbacks!!! :onfire: I'm sorry it took me soo long to update :oops: but I've been quite busy the last few days... but anyhoo, here is a new part. It's short and transitional, but I promise I won't make you wait too long for the next part, should be here by the end of the week :wink: Thank you again to my beta Frenchkiss for her great work.

Part 10

It was late afternoon when Maria made her way back to the now quiet house. Liz had called her just an hour before and she had quickly ended the transaction with her boss’s friend before heading to Liz’s new place.

She found Liz cuddled on the couch, absently looking through the window.
“Hey Chica, everything’s ok?” She asked, the concern in her voice clearly obvious.

Liz was startled out of her thoughts; she hadn’t heard the door opening and was even afraid to ask how her friend had managed to get into the house.

“Maria? … Yeah, everything is fine.” She answered absently, her eyes focusing once again on the cars passing by. “So? Are you going to tell me what you’re doing here?” she finally asked when Maria take a seat by her on the couch.

“I was just missing you.” She shrugged shamelessly. “But it’s not the problem right now. I’m here and I wanna have fun! We are in New York City Lizzie!” she exclaimed excitedly.

But Liz’s answer to her enthusiasm wasn’t what she expected. Instead she just sat there, her eyes moving to the closed door down the hall.

“I’m not sure it’s a good time Maria.”

Maria sighed, knowing instinctively it wouldn’t be today that Liz and her would catch up for the past week. Her friend seemed preoccupied and obviously it had something to do with her new patient.

Maria hadn’t had time to meet Max and she doubted he had even noticed her. She had had a glimpse of his features when she had unexpectedly entered the living room a few hours ago but he had barely acknowledged her presence.

“Are you going to introduce me to Max then?” She asked impatiently in a last attempt to cheer up her friend.

Liz gave her a sorry look. “Max isn’t really in a good mood right now… it… it’s just not… maybe later? Maria I’m sorry-” She started apologizing but her friend cut her off waving her hand dismissingly.

“It’s fine Lizzie, no problem… just-… well, maybe you should go see if he is ok,” she said pointing her thumb behind her back up to the door. “While you do that I’ll go get some ice cream and we can have a little girl talk tonight. What do you think?” She was already walking to the front door, waiting until Liz nodded slightly to flash her a bright, excited smile before exiting the house.

Max was lying on his back when he heard the door open and Liz’s quiet footsteps.

“Max?” She called softly. “Max, I just... I wanted to see if you were ok.” She continued, sitting on the side of the bed and gently putting her hand over his, afraid to startle him. It was a stupid question really, how could she expect him to be ok after what had happened earlier in the living room.

His eyes were closed but she knew better. His stance was too stiff and he was obviously awake. She shook him slightly, willing to catch his attention. It was one thing to let him deal with what he had heard by himself, but it was another to let him brood and close himself up into his depression.

She watched him open his eyes slowly, silently praying for him to say something, anything. But he didn’t. His eyes were once again focused on the ceiling over him so she stood up, letting his hand drop by his side.

“I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.” She said, turning to leave. But his voice stopped her before she had the time to reach the door.

“I knew.” He had whispered it so softly that it sounded almost like a silent breath.

She watched him push himself up and sat on the side of the bed, his legs dangling lifelessly on the edge and his head hanging lower as she approached his slumped form.

She didn’t say anything and he was grateful for that, instead she took a seat by his side, her small hand covering his again as it gripped the wrinkled cover. She wasn’t looking at him and he was relieved that she wouldn’t try to push him into revealing anything, though he felt the sudden overwhelming urge to tell her, to confide to her. He had no idea why and somehow it was frightening, but the relief to come tempered his fear.

“I knew… and I didn’t do anything.” He said, his silent sob hiding the anger behind his words.

Liz heard him even though his voice wasn’t louder than the first time. She stayed quiet, waiting to see if he’d say anything else… but he didn’t.

“You were scared Max…” she answered softly, her words sounding less confident than she wished they would. But she was cut off when she noticed him shaking his head.

“No…I was blind. I knew… I knew everything but I refused to see, I just-… I didn’t want to look and realize I had already lost her.” He finished almost tearfully, the whole time his eyes fixed on the dark blue carpet.

He wasn’t sad. He had no idea how it was even possible, but he wasn’t. He was angry; for letting himself believe, letting himself hope for something that was never there. He had never failed to notice Tess’ repeated absences. But instead of worrying he had chosen to ignore the signs. When he had learnt she hadn’t made it, he had been torn between cold relief and despair but it had been so much easier to accept the guilt of her death than to let himself believe in the truth had been dreading for months. He hadn’t lost her that day after the accident, she had been gone long before that.

He didn’t know what he was expecting from Liz but so far he couldn’t complain. She had been quietly sitting next to him all this time, just holding his hand comfortingly and he realized that she was exactly what he needed. Somebody new yet close enough to understand, somebody who wouldn’t judge him or expect anything from him. She had been there for him all week, never turning her back on him even during the hardest times. She had been on his side but most of all, she wasn’t afraid. There was no fear or pity in her eyes when she looked at him. Just warmth and comfort: a mixture that created magical effects.

He took a deep breath holding back the tears that threatened to fall. He had cried enough, long enough. He didn’t want to fall into this never-ending rollercoaster of emotion: a succession of depressing moments that had made of him somebody he wasn’t.

“She was going to tell me, you know…”

The heartbreaking sound of his shaky voice cut through the silence and Liz looked up to meet his tumultuous gaze.

“She was going to tell me something important… I know she was going to tell me about… about the baby.” He finished in a whisper obviously torn between mourning the loss of a baby that could have been his and screaming his heart out in anger for her betrayal.

A wave of relief washed over him as he felt Liz’s hand soothingly stroke his back creating a thousand of different sensations that confused him even more but he refused to analyze them right away.

“You can let it go now Max.” She breathed out against his ears as she leaned against him in a tight hug. He didn’t hesitate and circled his arms around her slim form, clinging to her as he finally broke into heart-wrenching sobs. Crying as if his heart would break in two.

They stayed that way for a long moment, Liz whispering comforting words to his ears while he cried… like he hadn’t, couldn’t for months; his sobs gradually decreasing to quiet hiccups.

Even after he had calmed down he refused to let her go. He felt that her body, no, her presence was the anchor he had been reaching for all those months. He couldn’t explain it, couldn’t find a reason why his heart had chosen her, but at the moment it didn’t matter much to him. He dreaded to see her disappear.

“LIZZIE!” The sound of Maria’s voice in the hallway startled them both and Max finally disentangled his body from hers, meeting her eyes with a questioning gaze.

“Who’s that? Are you expecting someone?” he asked, his voice rasp and deep.

She blushed slightly, tugging on her wrinkled clothes self-consciously, finally meeting his eyes. “It’s Maria. She showed up this morning-… I- you probably didn’t see her, but I can tell her to go if you feel uncomfortable...”

He shook his head slightly. “No… it’s fine, she can stay here.”

She turned around to the door but his hand grabbed on her pulling her back to him. “Just-… please don’t go away.” He asked fearfully, his eyes shamefully lowering to the floor.

She bent over, framing his face with her hands so he would look at her once more. “I’m not going anywhere Max.”

For the first time in a week, Liz saw a genuine smile appear on his face. It wasn’t wide and bright but it did the trick and she smiled back at him.

“Now you better get ready because Maria wants to meet you.” She said excitedly and swiftly brushed away the fear in his eyes with a quick hug. “Don’t worry, you can trust her. She’s a little big crazy but she is fun you’ll see.” She finished with a chuckle already walking to the door when she heard Maria calling once more.


Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:18 am
by babylisou
Hey guys! I don't know how to thank you all for all those feedback! It's so amazing! I know I've been gone for a while but first I was working on What about the World? and then RF was down for almost a week. So while it was gone, I went to Applebylicious's site and got hooked. I just spend a lot of time there so I've less time to write, but I'm writting, I'm not stoping don't worry. Though I advice all of you guy to go take a look at the site: Land of Dreams

so now that I'm done with the add, here is the new part :wink: :

Part 11 A

Max wheeled himself into the living room fifteen minutes later and found Liz and whom he guessed being Maria, caught up in an animated discussion. Well actually, Liz wasn’t doing much except for nodding her head and smiling at her friend. On the other hand, the blond girl whose back was facing him talked excitedly, her mouth going a mile minute and her arms flailing energetically in front of her. He didn’t even bother trying to understand what she was saying, instead his attention was focused on Liz.

She hadn’t noticed him yet but he didn’t mind, he could have sat there all day watching her interact with her friend, smiling and laughing at one thing or another. Yep, her laugh was magical, almost contagious. He fought the urge to smirk when she rolled her eyes at her friend’s antics, her gaze finally settling on him.

“Hey. You’ve been here for long?” She asked quietly stopping Maria’s ranting. She walked up to him, grabbing the other’s girl wrist on her way, her eyes never leaving his.

“Just a few minutes…”

He was smiling softly through his bruised cheeks. He didn’t want to encounter Maria’s pitiful look just yet so he didn’t break eyes contact with Liz until both girls were standing in front of him. But he was surprised to see a grin on the blond girl’s lips when he eventually turned his attention to her. She was nudging her friend’s ribs slightly as she outstretched her hand to him.

“Hey, Liz you could have told me your new patient was such a hotty.” She said between her teeth but obviously loud enough for Max to hear. He shook her hand awkwardly, a chuckle escaping his lips as he saw her winking his way. He watched Liz covered her flushed face with her hand from the corner of his eyes and it made him smile even more that she could be uncomfortable with her friend’s boldness.

“Hey I’m Maria. You must be Max?” She asked kindly but not waiting for his answer. “I heard you needed someone to cheer you up. It’s good, I’m all yours bud, whenever, wherever, I’m yours-.” She was cut short by Liz pulling her backward in the kitchen area while Max laughed silently shaking his head. He didn’t know what was funnier: Liz’s obvious embarrassment or Maria’s sudden proposal.

Liz dragged Maria into the kitchen trying to find a spot far enough so that Max wouldn’t hear them. She tried to look serious but it was hard when all she wanted was smile at the sound of Max’s soft laugher filtering from the other room.

“Maria! What do you think you’re doing?” She scowled slightly. After all, Maria was lucky Max had reacted that way. She barely knew him and she couldn’t take the risk of a wrong move, especially coming from somebody who didn’t know him.

Maria just shrugged casually oblivious to the possible drastic consequence of her actions. “Hey I was just trying to cheer him up…” she popped her head quickly through the open door catching a glimpse of a smiling Max. “And I think it worked.” She finished proudly.

Liz had to admit that hearing Max laughing was new. She knew he had been anxious to meet Maria and the tension had been visible on his features earlier, but now, he looked relaxed and almost happy. She sighed trying to convince herself she could trust Maria’s 6th sense, and followed her friend back into the living area.

Max had move by the couch, facing the TV screen where a cartoon was playing. He jumped when Maria clapped her hands behind him, startled by her sudden appearance. He smiled weakly when she planted herself between him and the TV.

“Ok girlfriend, you and I are gonna have some time to know each other while Liz is gone.” Maria said excitedly.

“What?” Both Max and Liz exclaimed at the same time as she walked deeper into the living room.

“Where?” He finally dared asking after a second of shocked silence; his fear was obvious as he palled sickly.

“-I…no…I-.” Liz stuttered before turning her attention back to Maria, a deep scowl plastered on her face. “Maria, what are you talking about, I’m not going anywhere.”

Maria walked determinately to her friend, sliding an arm on her shoulder as she led her into the small foyer. “Oh yes you’re Liz, now go and have fun. Max and I will be fine together.”

Liz slid from under her loose grip turning back to face her friend, her eyes drifting to Max who looked at her pleadingly. She couldn’t leave him, not now, not yet.

“Maria, I can’t go anywhere, Max needs me.” She whispered gravely.

“Liz, listen to yourself, you sound like you’re talking about a child. Max can take care of himself; beside he won’t be alone, I’ll be there and you won’t be gone for long, just the time for you to enjoy some fresh air.” Maria stated determinate to convince her best friend that everything would be ok.
Max watched from where he sat as the blond girl trying to talk her friend into leaving. How could he let her? He couldn't be alone, not right now. His eyes fell on Liz's soft feature, her pale cheeks contrasting with the darkness under her eyes. She looked so small, so fragile. But she was his rock, his anchor. How had this happened? He couldn't understand what he was feeling right now, nothing could explain it. His fear soothed by her refusal, he realised maybe it was what she needed. She had been there for him all this time, now she deserved some time for herself. Some peace. She'd be back. He knew she would...

Liz was surprised to hear Max’s voice spoke as she rubbed her face tiredly; it held a hint of uncertainty he was trying to hide. “She’s right, you’ve been here for the last week and you need some air…” She looked at him trying to read his eyes but all she could see there was… well... she couldn’t really tell, but it wasn’t as bad as she had expected; even good somehow.
"Max I'm okay, I don't need-."
“I’ll be fine Liz.” He cut her off with a small smile, all along trying to calm her guilty conscience.

“You sure?” she asked hesitantly. “I mean, if I go, I won’t be long, but I want to be sure you’re ok with Maria staying here with you and-.” He cut her rambling with another smile, and she lost herself into his eyes.

There was a long silence, as they shared deep gazes. She felt Max’s reassurance as he looked at her, talking through his eyes, and she almost gasped as the strange feeling. Finally, Maria snapped her fingers between the two, eventually breaking the soulful exchange.

“So we are okay. Liz you can go, I guess Max and I will manage without you for a couple of hours.” She said already pushing her through the doors. Liz met his eyes one last time before finding herself alone on the threshold.

Liz came back an hour and half later, feeling fresh and revitalized. Maria had been right, she needed that. She couldn’t believe she had spent the last few days closed up in Max’s apartment. Michael usually brought back groceries and with everything that had happened, she had been afraid to leave Max alone, even for a few hours.

Finally, during the last hour, she had felt like herself again. She wasn’t Liz Parker ‘the nurse’ anymore she was plain old Liz Parker again. Yet, even plain old Liz Parker found herself worrying for Max. It had been such a shock earlier when he had opened up to her she hadn’t had time to think about it. But now that she found herself alone she replayed in her mind the events of the day.

So much had happened and she was suddenly afraid to face him again. What if he realized she was just Liz again? What if he was disappointed? When she was Liz ‘the nurse’, she was composed and organized, but Liz, plain old Liz had fears that ran deeper than what she let people see. And one thing was for sure, she couldn’t stand to lose Max.

Just a week, it was all it had taken for him to become more than another patient. He held a place in a heart that she didn’t even know existed…

Liz opened the door, slightly worried by the silent that reigned in the small house. She walked deeper into the foyer, closing the door behind her as she called for her friend.


“Here Liz.” Maria called softly from where she sat cozily on the couch, the TV channeled to the same network it had been when she left. She frowned as her friend shushed her softly, pointing to something on her laps.

Liz walked behind the couch, bending over to find Max lying asleep, his head cushioned by Maria’s laps, his lips slightly parted in a quiet snore.
“He fell asleep just after you left… I didn’t have the heart to wake him up.” She explained whispering. Her hand was stroking his dark hair as she carefully avoided the several cuts and bruises adorning his forehead.

“What happened to him Liz?” She finally asked in a teary ton. “Who did that to him?” She raised eyes to her, pleading for an explanation and Liz found herself baffled by the affection Maria seemed to show for Max.

“It’s a long story-.” She started as she sat on a chair by the couch, her eyes never leaving the sleeping young man resting peacefully, but Maria cut her off before she had a chance to deny her question.

“He has nightmares. He was whimpering and moaning; it took me 10 minutes to calm him down… I don’t even think he woke up but… Liz, it was frightening.” She admitted fearfully.

Liz just nodded. As much as she wanted to convince herself that everything would be okay now that Max had opened to her, the rational part of her knew he was far from being fine. And even if his body was recovering, the wound in his soul was still deep and wide open. A wound she had no way to heal…


Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 4:48 pm
by babylisou
Hey guys! Finally RF is back! isn't it kewl! i'm so glad it's finally back! So anyways, it's been so long i should have posted for this story but everything going on I completely forgot. I did write a new part, it's coming next tho I must warn you, my muse decided to play tricks on me, so it's really sucky, especially the end. another thing is that, the end isn't beta yet. I'm posting it like that because I don't want to wait any longer to post and I will post it again all cleaned up when my beta (frenchkiss) will send it back to me :wink: so anyhoo, on with the story and THANKS a LOT for all the fbs! I was so surprised! Thank you sooo much!


Part 11 B

Michael walked through the quiet streets of New York in the early morning hours. He had wandered around all night, passing by Max’s door several times but never finding the gut to come in. As he had been sitting by Brooklyn Bridge, watching the cold dark water flooding under his feet, that’s when he had realized the sun was slowing rising, illuminating New York’s skyline with beautiful colors.

It was past 6 o’clock when he finally entered the silent apartment; quietly closing the door behind him, he walked into the living room, intending to wait until either Liz or Max wake up. Whatever Liz was saying, he needed to talk to his friend.

The room was unusually dark and he frowned when he noticed the closed curtains. Why would Liz close them? His question was quickly answered when he heard the piercing sound of somebody screaming behind him. He jumped, turning around only to come face to face with a hysterical Maria.

His first reflex was to plaster his hand to her mouth, muffling the sounds of her shrieks. She fought against his grip her eyes going wide when she recognized who he was and her fear changed into fury.

“Are you going to shut up!” He half shouted, half whispered when she kept on struggling against his hold.

She finally managed to disentangle herself from him the moment Liz entered the room, scolding sleepily at the two.

“Did you guys notice it was 6 in the morning! It’s a little early to start bickering! Now please would you shut up and go back to bed. You’re going to wake Max up, and god knows he needs his sleep… and me too!”

She didn’t leave them the time to answer and disappeared into the kitchen, leaving two baffled friends behind her. They both looked at her retreating form before Maria broke the silence, throwing her fit against Michael’s chest.

“You freak! You scared the hell out of me!” She whispered fiercely. “Now I’m in trouble because of you!”

Michael didn’t even try to stop her, only wincing when she started pinching his upper arm. “Hey that hurts! And it’s not my fault anyway, you were the one screaming your lungs out!”

“Because I thought you were a burglar!” She kept on, whispering urgently as she pointed a menacing finger to his face.

They were interrupted once again by a door opening and Max tiredly pushing himself into the room, and they both fell silent as he stared at them angrily, but never uttering a word. He looked around, his eyes seeking something, someone he couldn’t find, eventually giving up and frowning when he saw Michael approaching.

“I don’t want to talk Michael. It’s 6 in the morning and all I want for now is for you to shut up or leave.” He passed by him, his scowl softening as Liz entered the room with steamy mugs in her hands.

She smiled at him and Michael was surprised to see his friend smile back.
“Hey, did they wake you up? I’m sorry.” He waved her apologies, shaking his head slightly. “I’m fine. I don’t like waking up too late anyway.”

Liz made a mental note to remember this detail. She had been learning more about Max Evans during the past 24 hours than she had been during the past week. Yet, she had been surprised to see his face lightened when she had come into the room. She had expected to have to deal with a cranky Max but instead he had greeted her with a full blow smile. She wasn’t going to complain…

She handed him the steaming cup, ignoring the burning sensation under her palm, feeling his fingers brush against hers instead with a silky tenderness.

Someone clearing their throat broke them out of their daze and they both jumped, looking down self-consciously. Max had no idea where this was coming from. The way she looked at him, the way her eyes bored through his like she was reading his mind, his soul; there was nothing he could do to fight it, to not grant her access. Her gazes were warm and her touches addictive.

Max’s expression went grim when he heard Michael behind him and he didn’t even bother to turn around to face him; He couldn’t talk to him now, not yet. He had yet to let his mind think about everything he had learnt yesterday.

“You’re not welcome here, Michael.” He said coldly. He knew his reaction was childish, but there was no other way he could hide his own uncertainty. “You better go home.”

He didn’t turn around, but he could hear shuffles behind him and a door opening confirming that Michael was leaving. He fought back the tears threatening to fall as he remembered the events of the day before. Even dead, Tess had managed to hurt him by creating a rift between his best friend and him. Would things ever go back to normal again?

He watched as Maria made a quick exit for the bathroom and started pushing himself toward his room, his mug cradled between his thighs, but Liz’s voice startled him and he stopped brutally, a few drops of café spilling on his pants.

“Why are you doing this Max? ...” Her voice wasn’t accusing, there was no anger in it, not even pity, but of that he wasn’t surprised. Liz had never been one to pity him.

“Doing what?” he asked, his face hanging low, and his voice trembling.

“Pushing him away.” She replied right away, coming to kneel by him and forcing his chin up. “Max, he’s your best friend. He can help you through this; he wants to help you through this...”

“Help me with what?!” Liz slightly jumped at his sudden outburst but knew from the stern expression on his face that he hadn’t noticed. “Can he tell me why the woman I loved cheated on me? Why she manipulated me? Used me? ... How Liz? How is Michael supposed to know that better than I do? How can I-… how am I supposed to know that?” He finished in a desperate note. He had tried. All night long he had done nothing but think about it, trying to understand what he had done wrong. But there was nothing, nothing to explain what had pushed Tess to do such a thing. How was it even possible for him to believe this was true?

“Max I’m not saying that Michael will help you understand what happened with Tess and anybody else for that matter. Nobody asked you to understand…” She straightened his head, meeting his eyes filled with tears, her hand soothing away the tight set of his jaws. “But we can help you get through this… Michael, me… even Isabel and Maria… we want to be there for you Max, and if there was anything I could do to change what happened, I would do it… Michael would too…”

His eyes softened as he listened to her voice, barely hearing what she was saying and swallowing every single word all at the same time, feeding his soul with her sweetness.

“And even if this is impossible, there is something we can do Max. We can help you to fight, we can help you to get your life back. We are all here for that. Pushing everybody away won’t help you. Please believe me Max…”

His blur vision settled on her face once again, searching her eyes desperately, searching for the truth he knew he’d find there, and when he finally found it a fragile smile appeared on his lips drawing one on Liz’s in the process. “I believe you…” He whispered weakly.

10 minutes later they sat facing each other at the kitchen table while they heard the shower going off into the adjacent room. They had settled there for a long lazy breakfast. But it was still early in the morning and none of them felt like eating anything. So they sat silently sipping on their cup of café waiting for the other to break the silence.

Finally, Max decided it might be his chance. Liz would call Michael later this morning so he would join them for lunch and Max and him would have the time to talk a bit afterward; Maria was currently busy in the bathroom and would still be for at least half an hour; that was the minimum with a woman and he had learnt that the hard way while growing up with Isabel. Until then, he was alone with Liz and had all the time he needed to try to know her some more. So far she had been the only one asking questions except for a quick role reverse a few days ago, but he had been too exhausted to even listen to what she had to say. No, right now was his chance.

He fidgeted with his cup, the hot china warming the palm of his hands. This sole feeling was what confirmed him he wasn’t dreaming.

“So Liz…” her head shot up at the sound of his voice and she appeared slightly surprised, but her expression changed quickly to a warm smile of encouragement. “You know almost everything about me and-… well, I don’t know much about you.” He chuckled nervously hoping she wouldn’t think he was invading her privacy too much.

“What do you want to know?” her fast reply was filled with reassurance and it shocked him for a second as he looked at her face for any kind of discomfort, but he saw none.

“Well, I was wondering… You’re from Chicago right?” He asked, not really knowing where to begin.

“Actually no I’m not. I’m from Roswell.”

“Roswell?” his eyes widened in disbelief and she laughed at the dumbfounded expression on his face. “As in Roswell, New Mexico?” He watched her nod her head with a grin, and she started talking again when he didn’t say anything.

“My parents used to own a café there, called the Crashdown. I was born and raised in Roswell.” She told him, a hint of nostalgia in her voice.

“What happened? Why did you move to Chicago, it must have been quite a change for you?” Max’s curiosity took over and he leaned over the table, his chin resting in his palms.

“It was...” She confirmed quietly, her expression grim, as she remembered what had brought her mother and her to leave Roswell, but she didn’t leave Max the time to stop her, seeing he had noticed the changes on her face. “My dad left us when I was 6… he-, well it doesn’t really matter what he did but my mom couldn’t run the café on her own so we moved to Chicago with my aunt. My mom opened a flower shop right in front of Maria’s mom’s own shop and we have been friends ever since.” She finished, a sad smile tilting the corner of her lips.

Max winced, feeling sorry for asking her. Sometimes he felt he was better keeping his mouth shut. His head lowered guiltily. “I’m sorry Liz, I-.”

“It’s ok Max, you couldn’t have known...” She reached for his hand, stroking his knuckles soothingly with her thumb. “I’m glad you asked.” She met his eyes, this time with a genuine smile and he couldn’t help smiling back.

He opened his mouth to apology once again, but Maria chose this moment to make her entrance.

“So?! What’s for breakfast?!” She asked cheerfully as she got into the room, oblivious to the tender moment she had interrupted and when two sets of eyes looked at her angrily, she just stood there confused.

“What? What did I do?”

It was a bad idea. The more he thought about it, the more he believed it. This couldn’t be good. It might have sound like the good thing to do back when Liz had talked about it this morning but now that Michael sat in front of him in the living room, Max knew it wasn’t a good idea. But it was too late to back down now. Michael was here, and he had to face him.

He ran a wary hand through his hair, his arm shaking slightly as try to recall the things he had to say. Lunch had been quiet, mostly filled with Liz and Maria talking while Michael and him avoided looking at each other. It would have been a normal day, they would have been just as talkative as those two… well, maybe not just as much as Maria, but he doubted anybody could beat Maria at that game. It brought a smile to his face. From the moment she had come into the room this morning, she hadn’t stopped a second and he found himself wondering if she ever breathed.

Liz had told him she talked more when she was nervous and she must have been pretty nervous because the moment Michael had arrived, she hadn’t stopped even to let Liz talk.

Michael watched confused as Max smiled to himself, wondering what could be so amusing right now. He had nothing to laugh about. He had feared this confrontation the moment he had received Liz’s call. Why had Max changed his mind so fast? Something was off and he couldn’t tell what.

“So Maxwell…” He decided it was time to break the silence that had started to become increasingly uncomfortable. There had to be a reason for Max’s sudden wish to have a heart to heart and he was here to find out what it was.

“Yeah…hmm…” Max lowered his gaze to the carpet under his feet as he leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. There wasn’t a way to start what he wanted to say. Be honest. Those had been Liz’s last words of encouragement before she had opened the door to let Michael in just an hour earlier. But what had she meant? He shook his head, fighting for control over his raging emotions and gathered his strength.

“I’m sorry Michael.” He finally blurted out, his eyes boring through his friend’s.

Michael was taken by surprised. He had no idea where this came from but he had a feeling it had something to do with Liz. It was the last thing he would have expected from Max. What was he supposed to say next?

Michael saw his friend’s awkwardness and decided to spare him the discomfort.
“Maxwell I don’t understand… There is nothing to be sorry for I-.”

“I messed up Michael.” Max cut him before Michael could make his own apologies. “I messed up and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted that way… blame you-…”

“Maxwell stop it!” It was Michael’s time to cut him off brutally. He wasn’t going to sit here listening to his friend apology for something he hadn’t done. The way he had reacted before wasn’t something Michael hadn’t expected from Max and his best friend had every right to hate him for what he had done.

Max raised his head at Michael’s outburst, angry that his friend wouldn’t let him finished a speech, which took him so long to fix in his head. But the moment he met his friend’s eyes, for the first time since he had come into the room, he noticed the guilt and pain.

It wasn’t Michael’s habitude to let his emotions show. When his parents had died when he was 10 and he had come to live with the Evans nobody except Max had witnessed his breakdown. He had been a brick wall ever since, never letting people see this part in him and consequently Max had seen less and less of this softer side every day.

He closed his open mouth, his words catching in his throat. Michael didn’t give him time to say something, lowering his eyes, intimidated by his friend’s intense gaze.

“Maxwell, there is nothing you’ve to be sorry for… I- … I lied to you Maxwell, I hide something from you and-… I’ve no idea what it must feel like and I’d understand if you decided not to trust me anymore-…”

“It’s ok Michael I don’t need your apologies.” He replied sharply. “I know you wanted to-.. protect me or whatever-… but Michael I don’t need to be protected. What I need is for you to tell me the truth. Whatever you know, I want you to tell me. I’m the same Max Evans who went to school with you and grew up with you and-.. Michael I’m still your best friend.”

Michael was taken aback by Max’s confession. He hadn’t known his friend had been feeling that way; like people weren’t treating him like the boy- the man he had been before the accident. He watched silently as his friend continued.

“I’m sorry if I’ve been acting differently but-… man… people are treating me like I’m some kind of invalid, like I can’t do anything by myself! For the last 3 months, people have been taking decisions for me, I don’t control a thing anymore and- damn, it’s freaking frustrating Michael!” Max finished heartedly. He hadn’t meant to get carried away but the frustration he had held in for the last few months had taken the best of him.

“Maxwell I-… I don’t know what to say…” Michael dared a glance in Liz’s direction. He understood now what had pushed Max to open up to her those last few days. The way she acted around him was so different from the way everybody else had treated him during the last months. She had no idea who the man Max had been before the accident, the only one she knew was the one she had in front of her right now. She didn’t expect anything from him.

“I never- … I’m sorry-.. I didn’t mean...” He stumbled on his words, his eyes darting around the room awkwardly.

“It’s ok Michael… just- I’d rather not talk about yesterday.”

“But- ”

“No Michael. I- … I need to sort it out myself. Just please, give me some time ok?” For the first time since they had started the conversation, Michael noticed the firm grip Max had on Liz’s hand. At this point, his knuckles were turning white and he saw Liz wince painfully.

His eyes met his friend’s once again, nodding silently. If that’s what Max needed then, if his friend needed the space, then he’d grant it to him. “Ok.”
Max’s grip loosened on Liz’s hand and she sighed in relief as their eyes met swiftly.

She had been listening intently as they talked, sometimes feeling like intruding but she had promised Max to stay by his side, she had promised him earlier she’d help him through everything and she wasn’t going to break her promises. She wanted to help him; Michael wanted to help him… now he needed to let himself be helped.


Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 2:53 pm
by babylisou
Oki, I'm sorry once again it took me longer than foreseen, I'm really sorry it took so long for me to update, plus I'm starting my trainy tomorrow and I dunno if I'll have time to update really often but I'm gonna try to keep it to one part a week. So, thank you to all of you for reading this story, I WILL finish it. And I hope to see you on next monday when i'll post the next part.

Special thank to Frenchkiss for her beta work and Marty and Rebby for their quick help on this last scene...

This new Part is for Ashley, I luuuuuve you sweetie.

Part 12

6 weeks. It had been six weeks since Liz had first walked through the crowded Hall of JF Kennedy airport. 6 weeks since she had made a life changing decision to move in New York City. 6 weeks since she had seen Max Evans crossed the threshold of her new home and meet the grumpy young man he was back then.

So much had changed since. At first things had been uncertain and awkward to say the least. There had been so much thrown at her in such a short time notice and the adjustment had been long and difficult. Add to this Max’s rejection to her presence and the shock of their first encounter; Liz had been quite put off after her first week spent in New York.

But despite the troubled events of the first days, the week had ended on a happy note since Max had finally decided, surprisingly, to open up to her. He was still reluctant to let himself be healed, both physically and emotionally, but Liz had witnessed the slow changes operating in him.

During the last few weeks, he had agreed to start the treatment again. It hadn’t really been a choice on his part, but he hadn’t made a single complain since Liz had started administrating the medication. It hadn’t been easy for any of them. For Max because having a large needle being slide into his lower side every morning was always painful, especially without the painkillers he had received when they had first started at the hospital. They had noticed the drug had a direct effect on the efficience of the treatment and at the time it had soud like a good solution for Max to be administrated any but for Liz, it was hard to see the pain blanch his face every morning when there was nothing she could do to help him except to be there for him.

This morning, she sat on the edge of his bed after he turned over on his side, groaning slightly. His head came to lie on her laps and she started stroking her finger through his hair soothingly. It had become something almost traditional, if she could call it that way, that she would stay with him until the pain dissolve and he would drift off to sleep.

Both relished in the comforting silence that settled between them.

Liz hated to see him in pain, but it was better than to have to leave him alone. If her presence could ease his discomfort in any way then she would stay as long as he wished.

As his heavy lids dropped, long eyelashes covering his high cheekbones, she leaned against the wall, not quite ready yet to let herself go. She still had to go to the hospital to meet Dr. Stevens and assessed of the new development in Max’s healing. She had started a diary relating every single improvement in Max’s condition and writing down every change in both his physical health and emotional state. Three times a week she would meet the doctor in his office and present any changes that had occurred. It was tedious but it helped keep things on track.

A smile appeared on her face as she recalled the progresses Max had made since the first time they had met. The treatment was indeed painful, but efficient nonetheless. Dr. Stevens had explained it worked basically like a reverse anesthesia, but instead of numbing the lower part of his body, it stimulated the nerves’ endings and rebuilt the damaged tissues. It was a very interesting theory and Liz was glad to be part of the experience.

Max had showed so much improvement in a so little time and she was still amazed even though Dr. Stevens had warned that if Max’s body started getting used to the solution it would be all work for nothing. They had both been asked not to get their hopes high and just a few members of the family unit knew of the incredible improvements in Max’s state.

So far, the pain he still felt every morning showed that his body was still reacting but she was afraid to admit she had noticed he seemed less hurt and his body less responsive to the painful injection. Yet Max was good at hiding his emotions and it could just be that too.

Until any further notice, she was glad to remind herself of the many progresses they had made. Only 2 weeks after they had started the treatment again, Max had recovered the sensations in his feet and the feelings had slowly risen as days passed. He could now feel his legs up to his thighs and could move his hips and toes effortlessly. He had started taking séance with a physiotherapist just a week ago and already his mobility had increased considerably.

The smile was still on her face when she heard a light knock and the door opened slowly revealing Maria’s worried face as she eyed her best friend. “Liz? Is everything okay? You’ve been here a long time…” she whispered softly as she walked deeper into the room.

Liz’s smiled widened and she slid from under Max’s body and took her friend’s arm, walking her to the door to give him some privacy as he slept. “Everything is fine Maria. I was just-.. I was- …” Maria gave her a knowing grin.

“It’s okay Chica, there is nothing to explain. I was just worried. Don’t you have an appointment with Dr. Stevens this morning?” She inquired softly.

Liz nodded glad that her friend wasn’t trying to push her deeper into telling about her feelings for Max. It was no secrets to Maria anymore as she had noticed the fire sparkling between those two since the first time she had seen them in the same room. But having Liz admit her feeling was one difficult task and she knew not to push her friend right now.

Liz walked into the foyer, grabbing a light jacket and her purse as she approached the door. “You know where everything is Maria, right? I put some bread in the oven, don’t let it burn; and there are vegetables and steaks out on the counter. Are you going to be okay?”

Her friend pushed her toward the door as she rolled her eyes. “Liz I’ve been doing this for the past weeks, I think I know how things work around here. Plus, Michael is supposed to arrive in an hour. So you see everything will be fine. Now go and take your time. Max and I will be good.”

Liz turned swiftly, embracing her friend in a quick warm hug. “Thank you Maria. I don’t know how I’d survive without you.”

“You wouldn’t Chica, that’s why I’m here.” She answered flippantly. “Now go or you’re going to be late.”

The next minute, Liz found herself walking through the quiet streets passing by the now familiar sights. Maria was right: she wouldn’t have made it through so easily if her friend hadn’t decided to stay after her first visit in New York. They had had quite an argument on why Maria should go back to Chicago, but as always the spitfire had won the fight hand down.

After having spent her first few nights on the couch in the living room Maria had moved in Michael’s guess room swearing to herself that she would not stay more than another few days before finding her own place to stay. But despite their mutual dislike for each other, Michael and Maria had managed to make it work and had been living together for the past 3 weeks.

Every 2 days, Maria would show up early in the morning to let Liz have some quiet time for herself. She’d have lunch with her and Max before leaving for the job Michael had found her at the University. It wasn’t much but it paid for half the rent and food, plus Maria always sounded happy about it.

Liz walked through the familiar paths leading to the medical center where Dr. Stevens worked. It was a long walk but she loved it. She had always heard New York was a beautiful city but now that she could see it for herself she couldn’t help but love the sight even more. Her only fear was that soon Max wouldn’t need her anymore, and she’d have to leave not only this beautiful city, but him too…

It was late afternoon when Liz and Maria came back from their trip to the Mall. They had left right after lunch, leaving Michael and Max alone to wait for Dr. Kenzy, the physiotherapist to show up like every day.

By the time they walked through the door, the doctor was long gone and they found Michael alone in the living room watching some game on the sport channel.

“Hey loverboy, where is your best friend?” Maria fell easily on the comfy couch, Michael’s arm falling easily on her shoulders. “His room…” He answered distractedly, his attention back to the game.

Liz raised her eyebrows, looking at her friends quizzically as she noticed the coziness between them. None seemed to notice as she started walking to the closed bedroom door. “I’m going to check on Max, guys.”

The only answer she got was a grunt from Michael as Maria leaned deeper into his shoulder unaware of her friend’s departure.

She made her way deeper into the now quiet house, knocking slightly against Max’s door before walking in. She stopped dead in her track when she saw Max wasn’t anywhere in sight. The small bathroom’s door was opened and he wasn’t in there either.

She walked back into the living room, a worried frown plastered on her face. He wasn’t in the kitchen either and the place wasn’t that big. If he had left the house, Michael would have heard him, and he couldn’t have gotten down the front steps on his wheelchair anyway. No, he had to be in the house.

She noticed the door to her room is slightly ajar. Could it be? What would Max do in her room? Why would he go in there anyway?
She pushed against the hard wood and the door creaked as it move drawing Max’s attention. He was sitting by the desk when she came in and jumped when he saw her standing by the door. Quickly hiding a paper between his legs and ducking his head shamefully, he mumbled an apology as he started pushing his chair toward the door.

But she stopped him before he reached her. “Max wait-… what’s wrong? What were you doing?” She asked softly closing the door behind her to prevent him to flee.

He doesn’t raise his head. His voice barely a low whisper: “I-… I’m sorry… I just-… I needed…” He stumbled on his words, not able to explain his presence without revealing the actual reason he was there. He can’t tell her, what would she think?

He didn’t notice she has knelt in front of him until she forced his chin up and met his eyes. “Max, I’m not mad. I just want to know… Did you need something in the desk?”

Liz’s eyes wander to the messy table in the corner of the room, with two drawers on each side. She hasn’t touched a thing on it since she had settled in the room a month and a half ago. It seemed obvious Max had been using this room as an office of some sort. There were papers and bills scattered all over the small surface of the table but she had held herself from looking through them.

She lowered her gaze to Max’s laps where his fist held the white paper he was reading when she came in. His knuckles were turning white and she could see the paper creasing. “What is it?” His head shot to the side so she couldn’t meet his eyes again but his lips were tight as he refused to look at her.

“Max?” The confusion was obvious in her voice and she didn’t give up. Whatever was bothering him, she wanted to know, she needed to know. “Please, tell me what’s wrong.”

“It’s just…- a letter.” His finally answered her in a quiet whisper. By the ton of his voice she could tell something was definitely wrong. This letter wasn’t any letter. “From whom?” she asked boldly.

This time he met her eyes quickly, not allowing her to see anything transpired of his emotions but she still see the tears shimmering under his lashes. “Max? ... Talk to me.” She pleaded softly.

“Tess… this is from Tess.” His hand opened and he handed her the crumple paper almost like it had suddenly burned his skin. “I found it a week before-… before it- happened… I- … I hadn’t read it all yet but-… It was for… for the baby’s father and-” he stumbled over his words, his eyes moving swiftly as he looked for any distraction from Liz’s inquiring gaze.

“Max…” He flinched at her ton, hearing a hint of pity leaking through her words. But his eyes met hers this time and he found himself lost in their depth again. She was doing something to him, he knew she was. There was no other way to explain the way he felt; the way she made him feel. Her eyes bored through his and they were close, oh so close.

Liz closed her eyes softly, feeling the sudden urge to do something she knew she would regret. She leaned over, her forehead touching his as her hands came to encase his face in a tender gesture. What was she supposed to do now? She knew her behavior must be awkward to him; she needed a few minutes to compose herself though.

The moment she felt the moisture of his tears prickling her own cheeks she opened back her eyes surprised to find his open as well. She hated to see him cry, to see tears staining the beautiful skin of his cheeks, to hear his sobs racking his body. It was something she saw happening too often at night when he woke up from a nightmare. She didn’t want to witness it again… not now, not ever.

“Liz…” his voice was pleading, a mere whimper as she leaned forward a little bit more, feeling his hand grabbing her waist but never knowing if he was holding her back or drawing her closer.

Her eyes had closed again and when she opened them this time, she knew she had lost her inner battle. It was too late to back off, too late to ignore his pleading eyes. She leaned over him again, but this time only her head moved as her lips inched closer from his and her eyes closed again.

A last whimper escaped from him when he felt her soft lips touching his.


Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 1:13 am
by babylisou
Hey guys! thanks for all the fbs! and also thanks to the lurkers who read (I know there are some coz they told me so rofl! so thanks to them for reading! :lol: ) and here is the new part.

Thank you to Frenchkiss for the beta work! :wink:

Part 13

The moment Liz's lips touched his, Max felt a sudden rush of emotion so overwhelming he swore he would have lost grip on reality if it weren’t for her presence. She had always been his anchor, but at this moment she was just as gone as he was; lost in a place only they could visit.

His world started spinning as she moved closer, deepening the kiss as she leant over his sitting body. If it weren't for his hands tightly holding her hips, she would have been sitting on his laps by now. He felt her tongue brushing tentatively against his upper lips, taunting him into letting her into the recess of his mouth.

Hesitantly, his lips parted to let her in and the feeling of her warm wet skin against his was too extreme. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, a feeling was kicking, something was off, something was definitely wrong but he couldn't put his finger on it.

His hands curled against her side and grazed her tender skin just above her waistband, sliding one finger and then another under the hem of her shirt. He felt her shivered, her body tensing at the feel of his warm skin against hers.

Their lips continued moving against each other, their tongues dancing sensually as the strange feeling grown in Max. Waves after waves of deep fear started rising in his chest and panic overtook him. It was wrong. She was wrong. He didn’t want that. Her lips felt so good against his, too good. How could he be the one stopping this? But this kiss was so different, so intense. It was nothing like what he had experience before and he couldn’t let himself get drown in that sensation… not ever again.

Tears started pooling against his lashes, his eyes closed tightly as he fought an inner battle.

Liz was lost into her feelings, totally enthralled by the sweet taste of his tongue against hers. The warmth of his fingers putting her skin on fire distracted her from everything except for the blinding kiss they were sharing.

Only when she felt the wetness moistening her cheeks, did she realize something was wrong? It took her a few seconds to realize he wasn’t holding onto her anymore, he was pushing her away. She quickly moved away, stumbling backward until her back met the door. Her hands flat against the hard wood, she watched as the gap between her and Max widened… but he hadn’t moved.

Her breath caught in her throat as she waited for his next moved. His eyes were closed and his head fell forward, his hands gripping the ruffled fabric of his jeans. His voice was filled with despair and contained anger but held no accusation when he spoke.

“Why did you do that? ...” He cried softly, his voice barely above a whisper. “Why?” He shook his head stubbornly as he refused to let his feelings took over.

“Max…” He hissed at the sound of her voice, so vulnerable, so soft and tender. It had always soothed his fears to hear her talk. Late at night when he would wake up in sweat and she’d be here, by his side, fighting his demon while he rest, it was her voice that kept him alive… But tonight her voice was killing him softly…

Why did he have to feel that way, why did she have to feel that way? Couldn’t things stay the way they were? He couldn’t let himself be hurt again. Her lips had felt so good against his, her skin had been so warm against his fingers and he knew where this was leading. He had felt that way before and he only brought pain and disappointment.

Liz tentatively reached out for him with her hand, her fingers brushing against his cheek, but the whimper escaping his lips scared her and she moved away quickly. Her own tears blurring her vision as she fumbled with the doorknob, turning around one last time to mumble an apology before fleeing out of the room now filled with Max’s relieved sobs.


Michael knocked against the slightly opened door of his friend’s bedroom, pushing through when he didn’t hear a reply. His eyes swept the dark room for any sign of Max’s presence, only to find his slumped form cuddled against the far wall under the window. Heavy curtains hung just above his head, not letting in much light and he walked in with a purpose, his hands grabbing the grey fabric and pushing them away to let in the sunlight of an early morning.

Yesterday had been chaos and he hadn’t really had time to interrogate his friend on what had happened. Liz had only been gone a few minutes before she had stomped back into the living room, her eyes full of tears as she frantically run her hands through her hair. He had to be honest there: it had scared him shitless and he had jumped to his feet, thinking something had happened to Max.

But Liz’s sobs weren’t ones of worried and he had quickly realized his best friend would be good… at least physically. Liz on the other hand was another story. She had been shaking from head to toes when had taken her in his arm, softly asking what was going on while Maria had ran into the room to see what had got her friend so upset.

He hadn’t managed to get her to reveal anything about what had occurred instead she had begged him to let her go repeating over and over that she had to leave. But there was no way he would let her stay alone in this state. He had waited until Maria came back from the room, obviously as confused as he was, and had half carried Liz to his car, driving straight home. Maria had agreed to stay with Max if he promised to call and let her talked to Liz.

Liz had fallen asleep halfway to his apartment, crying herself to oblivion and he had been shaken by the forced of her sobs. She was barely conscious when he had laid her on the bed Maria had occupied for the past weeks and he could still hear her cry in her sleep. He had called Maria then, only to find out Max was in the same state except he wasn’t asleep, instead, he had cloistered himself into his room and she was at a lost of what to do.

She had been worried for her two friends probably just as much as he was and none of them knew what had caused such a breakdown from both of them. It had happened so fast.

He had taken the time to calm Maria down and handled the situation of her own freak out with a stillness he didn’t know he possessed. It was strange enough only the sound of his voice had seemed to ease her fears.

He had woken up this morning to find Liz still asleep and had taken this opportunity and drove to Max’s house gave Maria his key so she could go take care of her friend while he checked on his.

And so that’s where he was now, confused at the look on Max’s face. He was wearing the same clothes as yesterday and the dark stumbled on his chin showed he hadn’t taken the time cleaned up last night or this morning. His legs were unnaturally bent at the knees and his forearms laid over them. Dark circles had settled under his eyes, a proof he hadn’t slept much more than he did. His eyes were blankly staring ahead, every now and then looking downward at the picture in his hand. One he recognized was of Tess and him. A crumbled paper laid on the floor between his legs neatly folded even though you could see it had been manhandled.

Max blinked as the light entered the room and broke the comforting darkness. His head rose and he met Michael’s worried gaze. He wasn’t ready to deal with his friend just yet. It had been sometimes since the whole argument they had had, but what had happened yesterday had brought it all up.

“What happened, Maxwell?” Michael’s voice broke the silence as he sat on the floor in front of his broken friend, his back resting against the bed. He bit nervously at his thumbnail, trying to appear unaffected by Max’s purposeful silence as he waited for an answer. “Take your time. I’ve all day.”

Max’s head rose at this last statement and he gave Michael a quizzical look. His friend just shrugged, answering his unspoken question. “I call in sick. Plus, I was supposed to bowling with Maria and she dumped me ‘cause of you.”

“Me?” Max’s voice was raw and throaty and he coughed a few time before starting again. “What does it have to do with me?” He asked confused.
Michael smiled secretly glad he had finally caught his friend’s attention.

“Well, looks like you upset Liz, and Maria said if Liz’s upset, then she’s upset too and believe me you don’t want to spent a day with an upset Maria! Man, it’s hard enough when she’s PMsing!” he finished jokingly, hoping it would finally broke the ice that had settled between them.

It did the job and his lips crooked to the side when he noticed the wry smile on his friend’s face. But as soon as it had appeared, it disappeared to be replaced with a frown and once again, Max’s lowered his head avoiding his friend’s gaze.

“I’m sorry Michael… I didn’t mean to ruin your day…” He whispered dejectedly.

“It’s ok man, I just-… I’d like to understand what happened last night. Last time I heard, you and Liz were going fine.” He stated puzzled. “So what happened? Did you guys have a fight?”

Max couldn’t help the sarcastic snort from escaping his lips shaking his head in disbelief. “If your fights include tongues and lips they yeah, we had a fight.” It was definitely ironic. He and Liz had shared the most intense kiss he had experienced with anybody in his whole life and there they were, both hurt and bruised like they had fought their first battle as enemies.

Michael’s question brought him back to the reality of the moment though. His voice sounded just as perplexed as ever, adding to that a hint of disbelief. “You guys didn’t-… I mean… did you-.”

Max raised his head quickly, his eyes going wide at the look on Michael’s face. “What-? No! No, Michael! We… Even if we wanted to anyway, I don’t know how I could.” He rolled his eyes emphatically.

Michael frowned at the revelation. “You’re-… can you-… I mean-… you know!” It was his turn to roll his eyes at the confused look on his friend’s face but he still felt his cheeks reddening at the uncomfortable question. “You know…”

“Yes I Can, Michael.” Max answered matter-of-factly and almost laughed at the relief sigh Michael let out. But all laugher dissipated soon, leaving renewed fears and pain.

“We kissed though…” Max finally uttered after a minute of uncomfortable silence.

“You kissed…” Michael echoed his friend’s words, not at all surprised by the revelation. Maria and him had been talking about the growing feelings between their two friends lately. It had been an obvious observation for the both of them that it wouldn’t be long before the two give up. But it puzzled him to see the consequences. Had this kiss trigger both of his friend’s reaction, or was it something else?

“So-… what happened? Did Liz kiss you? Or did you?” He finally spoke.
Max frowned, avoiding Michael’s intense gaze. “I- … Er- I guess she did. But- …”

“But it’s not like you didn’t want it right?” he finished for his friend and Max gave him a sheepish smile and a shrug. “Then what happened?”

“I- … I just… -.” Max stumbled through his words, searching for the best way to explain what he had done but finding no actual reason to his behavior of last night. “I pushed her away.”

“You- … Why Maxwell?” Michael inquired confused. It had been obvious Liz feelings for him were strong, and Max’s, even though they were hidden, were just as strong as hers. There was no mistaking.

“I was scared Michael! …” He jumped at his friend sudden honesty. He hadn’t really expected an answer but he didn’t flinch when Max continued. “I- … I freaked out. I wanted-… I need her Michael.”

Max looked away when he felt tears pooling in his eyes once again. He thought he had cried enough those past few months, but obviously he still hadn’t had enough of those sleepless nights spent sobbing. Had the whole accident made him a sissy or something? Why was he so much on the edge?

“I screw up didn’t I?” He finally asked distractedly.

“I think you did man…” was Michael’s only answer.


When he left the room to give Max some privacy while he cleaned up and dressed, Michael found that Maria was already back. She was rummaging through Liz’s stuffs. A duffle bag was laying on the bed and she was filling it up with clothes. “Maria?”

He caught her attention, sitting on the bed and catching her in his arms to calm her obviously sensible nerves. She was shaking but she rapidly relaxed when she felt the safety of his embrace surrounding her. She didn’t know what it was about Michael Guerin but he always knew how to handle her…. And beside Liz and her mum he was the only one.

“How is Liz?” He asked after a while, his lips grazing her right temple in a tender gesture. If he had done that at another time and place she would have thought it was totally inappropriate but right now she didn’t mind, it felt right and it felt good.

“She’s upset… She told me Max and her kissed last night....” she answered, burying her face against his chest as she settled on his laps.
“Yeah, Max told me… he pushed her away. He knows he fucked up though.” Michael continued sighing deeply. “I guess this whole thing kind of freaked him out… he found one of Tess’ letter, that’s why he was in Liz’s room, he was looking for it.”

“What was it?” Maria asked, raising her head to meet his eyes and he silently wished she had stayed curled up against him instead.
“It was addressed to John, the real father and she was telling him about the baby and her plans. Max found it the day of the accident but he never had time to read it fully; he remembered about it yesterday and went into Liz’s room to find it.” He repeated Max’s words dutifully all the while running his hand distractedly through her hair.

“So you think Liz will change her mind after she knows that?” Maria asked almost hopefully. “I mean, Max was upset and everything, it probably wasn’t the good time and… well, maybe if he goes to her, she’ll stay.”
Michael gave her a worried look, his eyes suddenly falling on the duffle bag on the bed by his side.

“What do you mean ‘change her mind’? ... Is Liz leaving?” He asked barely believing it himself.

Maria bit her lips nervously as she nodded. “She asked me to come here and pick up the necessaries for her to leave in a few days. She doesn’t want to come back here and have to face Max… Dr. Stevens proposed her to follow him in San Francisco to continue the research on the treatment. Now that they saw it worked on Max, they can develop it fully… anyways, Liz wasn’t going to accept because she wanted to stay with Max, but now she wants to. She says he doesn’t need her anymore… She leaves in 3 days. She’s already called Dr. Stevens and he expects her by the end of the week.” She finished wearily.

Michael’s eyes widened as he listened to her words. It couldn’t be happening. If Liz were leaving, Max would not bear it. He had seen the way his friend had said how much he needed their new friend and he couldn’t imagine what it would do to him to see her go away. Then another thought crossed his mind and he found himself wondering how this whole situation would affect him. He swallowed the lump in his throat before asking.

“Are you- … are you leaving too?” he asked, biting his tongue not to sound too affected.

Maria stared at him for a long moment, trying to read past his stonewall appearance but finding it impossible. “I can’t leave her alone Michael.” She watched him sigh and turned his head away not to face her as he nodded understandingly. She pushed his chin back to her, looking straight in his eyes as she forced a smile on her lips. “But I’ll be back.”

His smile matched hers then and he bent forward, touching his lips with her softly before tightening his embrace and pressing her head to his chest while she cuddled on his laps, relishing on the comfortable silence settling between them…


Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 3:58 pm
by babylisou
Okay people, today it’s gonna be a big A/N before the new part. You guys reacted strongly to the last part and I don’t want you to hate me after reading this next part. So yes, a lot of you guys are hoping to see Liz stay. I know you didn’t like her idea to leave Max. Some found her irresponsible and cold-hearted, but please, I’m begging you, trust me on this. Yes, this is an angst fic but it won’t last long…

Jadeling : Yes, I’m going to fix this. Everything can be fixed… just be patient… till the next part :wink: thanks for the fb!

DreamerHeart : you’re right… They do need to tell Max. :wink: thanks for the fb!

begonia9508 : you’re one of the few who see Max may have done a mistake too. Somehow, everybody is right since both Max and did something wrong. Thanks!

I am a dreamer : you’ll get most of your answer in this part. :wink.

kay_b, Leika, Dreamer_Dreaming, linliz68, Earth2Mama, Michelle17, Alma, Jasons Angel, roswellluver, MilesToGo99, FSUMSW94, Alien614, Angel Eyes : thanks so much for the fb!!

g7silvers : just one quick answer : Max is now healed, he doesn’t really need Liz anymore. He has Michael and Isabel. I’m sorry, I should have made it clearer to the reader…  But you’re right about what Max feels…

sweetbrowneyes : thank you so much for your feedback ! Liz does have an idea of what it’d do to Max… at least, she’ll have time to think about it…

mmcherron : My sweet sweetypie ! Thank you sooo much for your feedback !

hazz: Yes I’m Evil! Rofl

OmegaRam1 : Welcome, I’m glad you like this fic ! as for the nookie;.. it’s coming really really soon!! :wink:… as in Really REALLY soon… not yet “right now”… but the next “right now”… can I be more obvious?

Frenchkiss: Thank you soo much for betaying this work and for your feedbacks. I dunno how to thank you. Thank you for being so fast on correcting the following part. I did the lil changes thank you for your advices! :wink: Thanks for the support too :wink: I’m preparing a lil “thank you gifty” for ya! :wink:

And now, on with the new part: (it's actually a "part 13 cont'")

Part 13 cont’!

During the days that followed, Michael lived at Max’s house while Maria stayed with Liz, helping her getting ready for her departure. He was trying to help them the best he could, maybe if he showed he was supportive, Maria would decide to stay. There was still a chance as he could see she was reluctant. But she was the best of friend too, and when she had made a decision concerning Liz, there was nothing that could change her mind… Nothing except maybe…

Max had yet to learn about Liz’s impending departure for California. Michael had been given the assignment to tell his friend about it, but no times seemed good enough. Ever since this whole situation had occurred, Max had been living on hope to see Liz again and explain his behavior. But he hadn’t been given a chance yet.

It had been three days since Liz had left the apartment. She had come during one of Max’s séance with Dr. Kenzy, to pick up the last remains of her stuffs, but hadn’t bothered to stop by his room to see how he was doing. He didn’t really blame her for it, just for the way she had left and never tried to know his own point of view. From what he had learnt from Maria, the girl was convinced Max had rejected her for who she was and not because of his own problems. And as much as Michael had tried to convince her of the opposite, Liz was one stubborn woman and her only answered had been that she had already made her decision anyway: she would leave New York City and forget about Max. It was the best solution… at least, that’s what she thought.

He loved Liz dearly and on some level he could understand her reaction, but she was being unfair by not trying to talk to Max. She had left that night without thinking twice about what she was doing to him. Sure, Max had pushed her away, but he had been confused at the time, torn between two women, one just a memory who had betrayed him but who he had thought at the time was the love of his life; while the other was a strong presence that had helped him through the darkest paths and for whom he had growing feelings. There wasn’t much max had kept from Michael, and the little he didn’t say, it was visible in his eyes. Max loved Liz, more than he had loved Tess even before that.

As he opened the front door of his apartment Michael had in mind to try to convince her to stay one last time… if not, to at least give Max a chance. If she loved him, she would let him explain.

His eyes fell on the several boxes and suitcase lying in the hallway. The airport services were supposed to pass by the house during the afternoon to pick up all the heavy luggage to ship them to San Francisco while Liz would leave a few days later with only a duffle bag and a carry on; the best solution considering all her belongings consist of only two suitcases and 3 boxes.

He stepped into the living room, finding the two girls sitting on the couch, talking animatedly. Liz sounded excited and happy and he felt a pang of anger as he thought about his friend sitting at home depressed and alone. How could she be so insensitive when she had appeared so affected the night it had all happened? Had it been all an act?

All thoughts flew his mind though when Maria’s eyes settled on him and she gave him a small smile. Liz’s gaze followed hers and the grin on her lips faltered before completely disappearing. She knew what he was here for.

“Hey! Michael!” Maria greeted cheerfully jumping to her feet as she tried to lighten the sudden heavy mood. He nodded, trying to give back her smile but his focus was on Liz. He watched as the young woman seemed to disappear into the cushions. She wasn’t meeting his eyes and she shifted uncomfortably under his stare.

“I’ll be in the kitchen.” Maria murmured, feeling she wasn’t supposed to be there. She gave Michael a quick peck and left the room quickly leaving her two friends alone.

“So…” Michael said after a long silence, sitting on the couch as he folded his arms behind his head. Liz was biting her lips nervously, avoiding his eyes fearfully.

“So? ... How- … How have you been Michael?” She asked finally, her voice barely a mere whisper.

“I’m doing good, can’t say the same about Max though.” He answered flippantly.

Her head shot up at hearing Max’s name. She watched shamefully at the accusation in Michael’s eyes. In her heart she knew he had every right to be angry. After all she hadn’t been the only one hurt, Max had been too, but she couldn’t find the strength to face him. When she had called Dr. Stevens to tell him she was accepting his offer to move to San Francisco, it had been just a few hours after it had all happened. She had been hurt then and scared. Now that she thought about it, it had been an impulsive reaction. She couldn’t just flee from New York in hope to forget about what had happened and wish Max would do the same. But now it was too late to change her mind. As much as she wanted to, she now had a contract with Dr. Stevens and she had to be in San Francisco by tomorrow night.

She wondered if Michael had already told him she was leaving… “I’m sorry” She apologized softly, lowering her head, fidgeting with the fabric of her dark skirt.

“Where you even going to ask?” Michael jumped from the couch running a hand through his hair. “I can’t believe you Liz. The guy has been trying to talk to you and you’ve been ignoring him for the past week! Aren’t you even going to give him a chance to explain?” He exploded but immediately regretted his outburst when he saw the look on Liz’s face. She was livid.

“Michael- … I’m sorry I- … I couldn’t see him. I don’t think there is anything to explain. I can’t just ignore what happened. But- …” She muttered in her breath, her hand running through her hair nervously as she tried to find explanations she herself didn’t have.

“But what Liz? Max was hurt, he was confused and you never even gave him a chance to explain? So yes he pushed you away but what is YOUR excuse for doing so?” He snapped angrily.

Liz fought back angry as she stared back at Michael. How could he say that? How could he say she had no reason for running away? She had literally humiliated herself and she had been just as scared as Max. Why was he allowed to doubt but not she?

Her heart pounded faster as she got up crossing her arms around her small frame in a protective gesture ash she stood before Michael. A stubborn line crossed the middle of her forehead as she looked directly at him then.

“You’re right Michael, Max was confused, and he probably is still right now; but there is nothing I can do about. I messed up! I know I did and I’m sorry but right now, the best I can do is leave. Max is not ready for a relationship, he hasn’t even gotten over Tess yet and what I did probably didn’t help… He needs to heal Michael… and… I can’t help him anymore… Not after what happened…” She finished her voice shaking terribly.

Michael’s stance softened as he watched her head fell into her hands, her index fingers massaging her temples as she tried to ease the headache pressuring her skull. He wasn’t ready to let her off the hook just yet, but she had a point. Max wasn’t ready to be in a relationship. He was too weak, too fragile emotionally. Even to him, Michael “Stonewall” Guerin, it was obvious.

“Anyway, I came here to tell you I won’t tell Max about you leaving. If you want him to know, you can come and tell him yourself…” He finished more softly, but anger still tainting his voice. He walked past her on his way to the door and she stopped him before he had a chance to leave.

“Michael- … I- … I’m sorry.” She muttered wearily, not really knowing what else to say. She wished it had all ended up differently. But she had no other choice, at least for now… Would Max ever forgive her? Michael’s reply was one of the many answers:

“Don’t say it to me Liz… tell it to Max.”

8 A.M.

Liz tapped the cabdriver shoulder indicating they were there and quickly getting out of the car, tightening her coat against her neck as she walked the last few feet separating her from Max’s front door. It wasn’t that cold yet for mid-October in New York but a soft breeze was cooling the air, brushing through her hair softly.

She stepped the stairs quickly, unlocking the door with her old set of keys. It was still early in the morning and she knew Michael was still asleep in the guest room she had once occupied. But she was sure, from habitude, than Max was awake.

She wouldn’t stay long. She just needed to leave her set of keys there and take the last few pages she had written concerning Max’s progresses; she had left them on his nightstand like she would do every time after her visit with Dr. Stevens. She thought he deserved to at least know what they were writing and studying on him.

The mere thought to meet him, to have to face him though was frightening but by coming here she had known there was a great chance she would. She had thought about the possibilities to actually talk to him before leaving for the airport but all that she could think about was all the different ways their meeting would end.

She walked through the familiar hallway, dropping her purse on the floor and hanging her coat against the wall. After a few minutes spent arranging her hair back into place and running a hand over her clothes to wipe away the creases, she found herself standing in front of Max’s door, her hand frozen above the doorknob.

What should she do, knock and wait for an answer or just come in like she would usually do in the morning? Her hand hovered over the dark wood, trembling with nervousness and she bit her lips when she heard movements on the other side.

She stepped back surprised when the door opened and her eyes immediately fell lower meeting with the deep amber pool of Max’s eyes. He was looking straight at her and he didn’t seem surprised to see her here. A smile grazed his lips when he saw her and she couldn’t help but felt guilty.

“Liz? What- … what are you doing here? I- … I wanted to talk to you. Do you want to come in?” he asked, hastily pushing his wheelchair backward to leave her some room and she stepped in hesitantly, awkwardly looking around for any changes. It had only been a week, what could have changed in a week?

They shared an uncomfortable silence as Liz stood there nervously switching from one foot to the other while he closed to door and wheeled his chair deeper into the room inviting her to seat by him on the bed. But she picked up a stool, setting it not too close from him before sitting on it, looking stiffed and tensed.

“Liz?” He questioned worriedly, his eyes falling on his nightstand where his clock was and noticing the early hour. “What got you up so early?” He wondered suddenly if her nights had been just as sleepless as his. The dark circles under her eyes were proof enough it had been so. A line he had never seen before creased her forehead as she frowned, obviously feeling ill at ease in his presence.

He wished this awkwardness between them would disappear, that they could go back to the way they were before. He had learnt so much about her in the past weeks he could easily say he knew almost as much as Maria herself. But now, at this moment, she felt more as a stranger than anything: Dressed in dark suit pants and black leather jacket, her hair tide on the top of her head and her face looking pale and so unfamiliar.

“I needed to talk to you.” She finally whispered her answer.

“That early?” he inquired softly, not wanting to make her feel uneasy but still curious. “We could have met later for breakfast. What-.”

“I don’t have time later.” She cut him off brutally. He gave her a confused look and she quickly added. “I’m leaving… my plane is taking off in 2 hours.” She finished flippantly, biting her lips nervously as she waited for his reaction.

When her last statement was met by silence she was forced to meet his eyes and she flinched at the look on his face. His lips were moving back and forth like he wished to say something but no words would come out of his mouth and his eyes watering rapidly.

“You-… you’re leaving? … For-... how long?” he managed to croak out, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall once again. He was shocked. He had expected everything from her, he had played every scenarios but he had never thought she could leave him. In his mind they could still work it out and she would come back here with him, come back home.

“Where are you going?” He asked again when she remained silent

“San Francisco… Dr. Stevens needs help developing the treatment. I’ll be there for a few months at least.” She tried to control the shaking in her voice but her own tears were getting hard to control.

“Why?” He could see she was just as hurt as him. She didn’t want to leave. Why would she want to leave him? Didn’t she care about him? “Liz, you can’t go… I need you.” He pleaded softly, his voice trembling as he spoke.

Her eyes darted away, avoiding his purposefully as she swallowed thickly. “I called Dr. Stevens and told him I’d be there… I- … I can’t change my mind anymore.”

“Liz please, you’ve to let me explain!” He begged when he saw her stood up readying to leave. She stopped, looking up to not meet his gaze as he took a hold of her hand.

If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all

Her small hand fitted his so easily and he slide his fingers through hers the way she had done so many time as she comforted him in his restless sleep. Her soft skin was a painful reminder of what he had lost but he didn’t mind. He needed the contact, the touch of her even if it was the last.

“Liz please, look at me…” She did as asked and he gasped at the tears pooling in her eyes, slowly sliding down her cheeks. A sob escaped her lips and he pulled her down, sliding his arms around hers as she rocked back and forth on his laps. “Please, don’t cry. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…”

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

For the first time since they had met, he was the one comforting her as she cried. The roles were reversed and it felt right; she felt right in his arms. “Please don’t go… stay with me…”

Hearing his pleads, Liz quickly stood back up, wiping off her tears. “I can’t.” She stated simply. “I can’t… not anymore. I tried but- … I need to do that… You need time to heal Max… and I need sometimes to think things through too…”

“But I need you! ... I need you to heal.” He cried softly.

“You don’t need me anymore Max. You’re doing fine… now you need to heal-…” She knelt in front of him, one hand on his knee while the other went flat against his chest, right above his heart. “You need to heal here… and I being here will only make it more complicated… please Max trust me.” It was her time pleading and she sighed when he nodded reluctantly avoiding her gaze.

I don’t know why you’re so far away
But I know that this much is true
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I praying you’re the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

“Will you come back?” He whispered his voice shaking as he held back tears.

“I’ll always be with you …”

She pushed back his chin to her, looking straight in his eyes so he would see the love shining there, only for him. Always for him. What would keep him alive all those months: the hope and love he was seeing right now in the intensity of her gaze.

Her lips found his sweetly as she leant forward but she pulled away before he had a chance to deepen the kiss and he sighed again as she straightened and backed away. Before he had a chance to open his eyes she was gone already and all he could see was her retreating back before he was left alone again with for only anchor the hope to see her again. He had been confused those last few days about what he felt but now, at this moment, there wasn’t a doubt anymore: He loved Liz Parker and he’d do anything to have her back even if it took months to do so…

‘Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
I know my heart is by your side.


Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:33 am
by babylisou
Guys guys guys, First of, thank you all for the amazing fb, when I started rewritting this story, I never thought something like that would happen and I would get so many readers! Thank you all so much, I really dunno how to thank you all for your support in this story... Don't worry, it's far from being over. Far from it. I'm enjoying writting this too much and I've found myself really into writting more of it. So no worries.

Now, I think I own you all a sorry. I know I had promised to post every week and I haven't posted in more than a week.... I'm sorry, it won't happen again I promise. Thing is, I can assure you that the wait is and will be worth it for you! Not becoz I'm a good writer coz I wouldn't dare saying such thing, but because this party was half writing by the amazing RebeccaBehrEvans. I didn't feel comfortable enough yet to write any ADULT yet I wanted this part to be perfect. So she agreed to make it right for me, to write it so that it'd be perfect... and believe me IT IS!

Now, I need to tell you some other little things about this next chapter: first, yes it's going fast, but I didn't feel the need to explain anything that really happened between this chapter and the previous one; It seemed unnecessary...
Second of all, you might believe what Max and Liz are doing in this chapter is really uncharacteristic from the characters I've depicted so far, but remember that they are in a certain state, in certain conditions.. I don't want to say too much. And i will welcome any criticisms if given.

I'm already working on the next part and it should be coming either Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest...

Now, I want to give one last big THANK YOU to Rebecca because she literally wrote this part. Or at least, more than half of it. And since she left me the choice I'd rather not tell you guys where her part starts, if asked later, I will answer though, but I want you not to think about what I might have written and she might have written when you read this part at least the first time... do I make senses?

OK, so Big Huge Thank you To Rebecca, she deserves the praises on this part! also, thank you to Frenchkiss for taking the time to beta the part I wrote! I can't thank you guys enough!

Finally, thank you to all of you for being patient... I hope you'll like this part as much as I do. :wink:

(Post in two due to length :wink:)

Part 14

“Liz, c’mon you have to come. Plus I haven’t seen you in 2 months! I don’t think we have ever been away from each other for that long in all our life!” Maria whined on the other end of the net connection. She was sitting in Michael’s new office, talking into the small microphone linked to the computer. She could see Liz shifting uncomfortably in her chair through the small window cam that was showing on the screen.

“Maria, we haven’t even known each other all our life.” Liz corrected wearily. She had had this conversation with her best friend all week. Ever since Maria had moved back to New York 2 months ago, they hadn't been able to see each other. They had first lived together in the small apartment adjacent to the laboratory where Liz and Dr. Stevens had been working for the past 4 months, but quickly, Maria had realized even though she loved Liz dearly, having to miss her life the way she was, wasn't worth it. She had gotten to love New York City during the few weeks she and Liz had been living there; but most of all, she missed Michael…

He finding his first real job at the Mayor House, a great post he had acquired thanks to his connections, and his choice to move into a bigger place, had decided Maria once and for all. She had been thinking about moving back to New York for some time already, but those events had triggered her decision and she had finally given up. Within two weeks, she was moving into Michael’s new place, first in her own room, before quickly ending up into his.

She loved it there. She loved being back in New York, closer to her mother, to her only family and closer to her new friends... but so far away from the best of them...

“C’mon, Liz, Max won’t even be there. You’ve to come. Plus it’d be a good chance to see your mother, she was asking about you the other week when we went to Chicago… Haven’t you been calling her?” Maria asked worriedly.

“Did Michael go with you to Chicago? Did he meet Amy?” Liz tried to avoid her friend’s last question but Maria wouldn’t see it that way, she wouldn’t pass through the 3rd degree this time.

“Liz, c’mon, you’ve got to call her! It’s your own mother. Do you even have a reason not to? She is worried about you.” She was trying hard to convince her best friend, but she couldn’t understand the reasons why Liz hadn’t even given news to her family and friends in Chicago ever since she had moved to San Francisco. She could understand she had to stay away from Max, but her family was another matter.

“Maria…” Liz whined wearily. She was definitely not in the mood to talk about this. To be quiet honest, she didn’t even have an answer… The moment she had set foot on the Californian ground she had felt like another person. For the first time in her life she had felt like herself. She had a job she loved, a place to live in and friends she cared about. Not that she hadn’t all that back in Chicago or even in New York but what she had found in San Francisco had brought some peace into her life. What would it do to her well designed little life if she was to go back to New York even only to visit?

At the same time, she knew there was no way she would be able to resist Maria. She missed her best friend. Even with all the people she loved here, nobody could compare to her.

“Do you promise Max won’t be there?” Maria sighed when Liz ignored her questions once more, but at least she was finally considering coming which was all in all good news.

“I promise. He told Michael he was going to Chicago for the week end. So see, all clear!” Maria bounced excitedly at the resigned look on her best friend’s face. The connection wasn’t good enough to see much, but Maria knew this look too well and she didn’t wait for Liz’s answer.

“Your plane tickets are booked for tomorrow morning at 8 AM!!! Oh Liz, I’m so happy you’re coming, I can’t wait.” She started talking animatedly and Liz had to smile at the sight her friend was making. It was familiar and she had missed it, yet she couldn’t help dreading what might happen if she was going back… what was bound to happen anyways…


Liz walked through the small two stories house Michael had purchased just a few weeks ago before Maria moved with him. It wasn’t too big, but it was warm and welcoming. The feminine touches Maria had put here and there were obvious but it didn’t seem to bother Michael too much. Plus it gave the house a comfy feeling that hadn’t been present in his previous apartment.

She sat on the bed in the guestroom she had been assigned to. The one Maria had been occupying when she had first moved back in New York. The drawers were still carrying a few of her old clothes, make up on the nightstand and a few torn posters on the walls. She smiled at the sight of the teddy bear that sat in the middle of the comforter. She had given it to her the day she had left San Francisco. It was small, and white and fluffy and she remembered how Maria had jumped and shrieked when she had given it to her as a goodbye present.

A commotion in the hallway caught her attention and she got up when the door flew open revealing a grinning Michael.

“Liz!” He crossed the room to where she stood and quickly swooped her into his arm, enveloping her in a warm hug. “I missed you.” He said honestly.

“I missed you too Michael.” She said shyly when he let her go, giving him a self-conscious smile when he looked her up and down.

“Wow! Liz! You look… different!” Michael exclaimed suddenly.

The petite woman before him was far from the Liz he had last seen at the La Guardia Airport only 4 months ago. She looked older, wiser. How could somebody change so much in so little time? It wasn’t bad though: she seemed surer, more adequate. “Beautiful.”

He watched her shrug dismissively and he smirked at the awkwardness they both felt. Maria saved the moment by coming into the room, happily jumping on the bed to sit by her friend and hug her once more.

“Liz, I’m so happy you’re finally back! I can’t wait for you to meet everybody tonight! This is gonna be a great party, you'll see!”

Liz held her sigh back. She had almost forgotten the reason why Maria had insisted so much on her coming. She and Michael were having a party this very night in this very house, and it wasn't just a simple get together with only a few people, no, they had decided to make it big and invited half the population of New York City. Or at least, the half they knew.

It was still early afternoon, but soon the house would be buzzing with people and she was actually glad she would get to stay a few days to catch up with her friend because there was no way she would be able to do so tonight.


Max walked carefully into the crowded house, trying to avoid people passing by on their way to the kitchen or the living room. His steps were still unsteady and careful but his legs were getting stronger everyday. His eyes swept around the place and he sighed trying to remember what he was doing here?

Oh yeah that’s right, Michael had managed to convince him to come. Him, Max Evans, he hadn’t even attended a party since… well, at least since the accident. He had had some of his old friends coming to visit for a poker night or even just a hockey game and some pizza but those parties had never been for him, not even before the accident. He had always managed to avoid big gathering like this one.

Michael had been the same basically, but since Maria had come around, he had been meeting more people, making new friends, even his job was a great place to make more acquaintances.

Max wasn’t even supposed to be here, but a last minute change of plan had got him stuck here in New York instead of flying back to Chicago and Michael had jumped on the occasion and begged him to come here. What was he even supposed to do anyway? It was not like he could dance or anything.

He felt a warm hand grab his left shoulder and turned around to the friendly face of Kyle Valenti. They had met a few years ago when Max had moved to New York and had been sharing classes. He, Michael and Max had come to become good friends. He had actually left New York to continue some studies in Europe a year ago, and when he had learnt about Max’s accident he had wanted to leave Paris and fly back immediately. He had come a few times when Max had still been in the hospital before returning to his unfinished abroad program.

He had only been back a month ago and had spent quiet some time with his old friend already, stopping regularly by Max’s place on his way to work and was trying his best to get him to enter his father’s company. Soon he would have to start working again: he couldn't live on his parents all his life. And Kyle’s proposal was pretty tempting to be honest.

“Hey Max, I didn’t know you were coming!” He shoved a bottle of beer into Max’s hand and started looking around, bobbing his head to the music and winking back to some chick standing a few feet away. “Some good meat tonight Evans, don’t you think?”

Max just shrugged at the ‘oh’ so familiar comment, smiling broadly. “Got somebody in your radar Kyle?” he asked teasingly.

“Man, you have no idea! Wait till you see the beauty I met earlier: Simply gorgeous.” He said excitedly waving his hand up and down before taking a good swing of his beer.

“Who is she?” Max queried not too curiously. He wasn't really interested but if he could just keep Kyle by his side for a while he wouldn't feel too out of place.

“Some chick from California. Maria introduced us.” Kyle slapped Max in the back, his eyes following behind the path of a blond girl wearing tight red leather pants. “Huho, Man, I think that's my cue. I’ll see you later.”

Kyle was gone before Max had a chance to hold him back and he sighed heavily looking around with a frown when he felt the familiar scent of strawberry shampoo. He couldn't forget this smell for anything. It was Liz’s and he had learnt to recognize it no matter where or when.

The feeling quickly dissolved and he shook his head trying to get rid of the lingering sensation as he walked deeper into the room to sit on the already crowded couch. He squished himself between two couples and brought the beer bottle to his lips taking a much needed sip of the harsh liquid.


Liz had to hold onto the kitchen counter to keep herself straight up as she walked. This guy had given her some heavy mixture and she was starting to feel the effect. It was good, damn yeah it was but it made her see things she wished she wasn't.

She could have sworn she had seen Max earlier, walking into the room but her alcohol induced condition was tricking her, she knew that. Deep inside she knew she wished he was there, but the fear to actually have to face him was stronger.

She fell onto a chair facing her own best friend as she busied herself with drinks and finger food. “Liz? Are you ok chica?” Maria asked worriedly noticing the glazed look her friend was giving her.

Liz blinked, trying to clear her blurred vision, how much of those drinks had she had already? She couldn't even remember. But the moment she had first glimpsed the familiar figure in the crowd, she had known she wouldn't hold it. So whatever the consequences, if she had to have a hangover the next day at least she could have fun tonight. She nodded, wincing as the room started to spin. “I thin’ I had a lil too much of this thing your frien’ makes.”

“Kyle gave you some of his mixture from hell!?” Maria asked barely believing it. “He promised he wouldn't make this crap in my house anymore! Liz, last time he did that I ended up with the worse hangover ever.”

“But tis good...” Liz argued distractedly bringing the liquid filled bottle to her lips once more before Maria had a chance to take it from her.

“No, no young lady, you’ll blame it on me tomorrow if I let you! Maybe you better go and lie down for a bit. The party is not over anyway, you can come back when you’ll feel better.” Maria proposed wisely and Liz had to admit it was tempting.

She considered the offer for a few minutes trying to keep herself from nodding, finally settling on an answering moan as her friend half carried her into her room. Her eyes darted around distractedly and she blinked when she recognized the familiar face again. She sighed heavily, finally closing her lids and letting Maria lead her.


Max leant forward over his knees, looking down at his feet and the two dozen of bottle scattered on the floor: at least half of them where his. Damn, he couldn't remember the last time he had drunk that much… probably never. He grabbed tightly onto his clutch and one side of the couch and pushed himself up; he swayed on his feet for a second trying to get his balance. He had seen Michael earlier and he had to find his friend. The bottle of beer tangled dangerously in his hand as he walked around dazzled.

He held his head with his free hand when he finally came close to the one he was looking for. “Hey Michael!” he said too loudly wincing at the shaky sound of his voice.

Michael eyed him worriedly. “Maxwell, you ok man?”

“Not sure… hmm, mind if I lie down for a bit.” He asked feeling his tongue resting heavily against his teeth. Whatever Kyle had put in those bottles it wasn't light.

Michael frowned, taking a hold of his friend’s elbow and leading him into the narrow hallway. “Sure man, go ahead and have a rest. You don’t look too good.” He pushed Max toward the stairs before somebody caught a hold of him and he was walking back into the crowded living room….


Spotting the first room on his right, he entered quickly and closed the door behind him, hoping no one would come to disturb him. He really didn't feel like socializing anymore. He didn't even know why he had accepted to come to begin with, after all it wasn't like he hadn't known beforehand that he wouldn't enjoy himself, right? He couldn't dance and talking to people he barely knew wasn't exactly his idea of fun either. Besides there was only so much a man could drink before he rolled completely under the table, and he had definitely reached his limits.

Now he just craved the silence and the only thing he wanted was to lie down and pray that the monstrous headache he was feeling right now would pass once he would close his eyes. Next time he would think about drinking so much he would have to remember this night and consider first if the aftereffects were really worth it. And he wasn't even talking about the hangover he so knew he would have in the morning.

Resting against the door for support, he kicked his shoes off and started to unbutton his shirt, but stopped abruptly when a soft rustling sound made him realize that he wasn't alone in the room.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he noticed the form lying on the bed, obviously already asleep, and he blinked a couple of times, sure that in his inebriated state, his mind was playing some tricks on him.

Slowly he approached the bed, not bothering with the light since the shutters hadn't been closed and the moon provided enough for him to see, and he instantly sucked in a breath when he realized who it was.

He was tempted to pinch himself, thinking that he was apparently even drunker than he had first assumed and that he was simply hallucinating now, but hell, if it was a dream then he didn’t want it to end just yet. She was there, and that was all that mattered.


More beautiful than he had ever seen her, her chest heaving steadily while she slept peacefully over the covers, still clad in that red dress he had imagined her in before. He would have sworn it hadn’t been a dream earlier, but the sight before him was just too good to be true.

Her hair was still piled up on top of her head, and he ached to just brush away the few strands that fell over her face, but somehow he managed to restrain himself. The last thing he needed was probably to have her waking up with his hands on her after having molested her in her sleep.

As if she sensed someone was in the room, silently observing her, Liz stirred and rolled on her back, involuntarily giving Max a better view of her perfect body, and he just held his breath in anticipation, not knowing what else to do.

He marveled at her beauty, his eyes feasting upon her, trying to reacquaint himself with the vision she truly was, while he debated on what his next move should be.

Part of him thought that it would be better if he just got out of there before Liz could realize he was even in the room, admiring her. But a greater part of him just wanted to stay where he was and bask in her presence. Revel in it, now that he could finally see her again after having been forced to let her go.

Four months were definitely more than he could take, and now that she was here, he couldn't make himself move or leave her again.

"Max?" her sweet voice echoed in the room, momentarily pulling him out of his thoughts, and as he looked back at her, Max realized that she was just as surprised to see him here, as he had been to see her himself.

His heart in his throat, his hands sweating suddenly, he looked like a deer caught in headlights, unable to find anything to say that could justify his presence here. His brain seemed to have turned to mush unexpectedly the instant she had turned her big doe eyes to him. Was he still dreaming? How long could this fantasy last?

Sitting up Liz rubbed her eyelids, trying to clear the sleep off, but when she opened her eyes again, he was still standing a few feet away from her and she found herself staring at him in complete disbelief.

She was probably still dreaming, there was no other way to explain that Max Evans was actually standing by her bed. Last time she had seen him he could barely feel his own legs.

"Hey." Max whispered uneasily, taking a tentative step towards her, but he stopped immediately when he saw her backing off slightly.

He briefly wondered if she was afraid of him or something, but then he guessed that her reaction was pretty much normal considering the situation. He would be disoriented, too, if he had just woken up and found a figure hovering above him in the dark.

(continue next post)

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:34 am
by babylisou
(continuing from previous post)

"Wha-What are you doing here, Max? " Liz asked once she managed to find her voice again.

It wasn’t the first time she was dreaming of Max, definitely not. He was in her mind every single night. The only way she could be with him was in her dreams and she was the only one to blame for this. She knew her decision to follow Dr Stevens had been the right one, that they had both needed the change and the separation, but it didn't mean that it had been easy in any way. No, not easy at all.

That was why she had accepted Kyle's drink to begin with, even when she knew she couldn't hold the alcohol. Being here again, in the same town, in a house she knew he visited regularly and had his habits in, and where she could have seen him if he had wanted to come to this party, had just been too much for her.

She had lost count of how many martinis and other beverages she had downed after realizing she kept seeing Max everywhere, even when she knew it was impossible since Maria had had to repeat to her that he wouldn't be there to convince her to come herself. But now despite everything, she couldn't say just how happy she was to see him again, even if it was just another fantasy induced by her drunkenness.

"I-I… I was just trying to find… I-I wanted to rest…" Max stammered and then inwardly cringed when he realized how slurred his voice sounded even to his own ears.

He knew he should have slowed down on the drinks way sooner. If he had he wouldn't be feeling like such a babbling idiot right now, and he would probably be able to think coherently and utter a sentence that made sense, at least to him. But it would also mean that maybe this beautiful dream Liz was wouldn’t be here right now.

"Oh… I… I'll just go then… I mean… I… " Liz responded just as awkwardly when she understood that his being here had only been pure coincidence.

He obviously didn't even know she was there until he had entered the room. But what did she expect really? That he had seen her downstairs and had sought her out, because he simply couldn't stay away from her?

He probably didn't care about her now, if he had ever, and it would certainly be better if she left him alone anyway. After all, he really looked like he could use the rest. He seemed to be barely able to stand on his two feet and she couldn't miss how his hand closed tightly around the handle of his clutch.

"You d-don't have to… " Max told her as he saw her all but crawl out of the bed and reach hastily for the heels she had kicked off not an hour before.

It was just on the tip of his tongue to beg her to stay, but he was almost sure that it would only make her run faster if she could sense just how desperate he was to have her here with him.

"No… it's… it's alright… I… " Liz stuttered, knowing it would be safer for her if she didn't stay in a room, alone, with Max Evans for too long. Not with the crazy things that ran through her mind if she just as much as looked at him, and not when the only thing she wanted right now was to throw herself into his arms and have him hold her forever.

However in her haste to get out of there as fast as possible, she tripped on her own two feet and as she lost her balance, she stumbled forward, unable to stop her fall.

"Oh, god!" she cried out, sure that she would soon connect face first with the floor and make a complete fool out of herself, and that in front of Max of all people. But to her surprise, it never happened.

The sound of Max's clutch unexpectedly hitting the floor broke the sudden silence of the room, but none of them heard it.

Breathing heavily, Liz closed her eyes, her head spinning suddenly, but she knew this time it had nothing to do with her still slightly intoxicated state.

Max's arm held her tightly around her waist and she relished in its warmth even when she knew she shouldn't. She didn't know how he had managed to catch her from where he had been standing, but while she expected to end up sprawled on the hard carpeted floor, she found herself wrapped in the safety of Max's embrace instead.

His front plastered to her back, his arms circling her and his head resting against the crook of her neck, Max lost sense of reality himself, the only thing he knew now being Liz. She felt so good against him. She smelled so good, her sweet scent getting directly to his head faster than any liquor could have at that point.

He was almost afraid to talk now or just move, sure that if he did she would just bolt out of there like she had obviously been ready to before he had to catch her up and stopped her from falling. But even if everything inside told him he should just let her go, he couldn't. Not after last time.

"Max?" Liz breathed out his name in question, feeling her pulse quicken as his breath caressed her exposed neck.

His fingers drew slow little circles on her stomach and she sucked in a breath at the feeling. She didn't know what he was doing to her or why he was doing it, what kind of spell he was casting on her, but she couldn't fight the incredible sensation, no matter how many times her brain seemed to scream at her that this was wrong.

Not necessarily wrong in the literal sense of the word, because there was no saying just how good it felt to feel Max behind her, to feel his hands caressing her, but she couldn't let this go any further, right?

Shouldn't they like talk or something? See what they had missed from each other's life first? Because clearly it didn't take a genius to understand that talk would be the last thing on their minds if she didn't pull away from him right now.

"I've missed you!" Max whispered softly, his nose nuzzling her ear, before he lowered his head and gently kissed her bare shoulder. "So much Liz…"

Of course he knew he shouldn't do this. He shouldn’t even be this close to her and even less touch her, but he couldn't control himself. His fears and doubts were inhibited by the alcohol still running in his blood.

The way he was drawn to her was something he couldn't fight even if he wanted. And right now, he would definitely lie if he said that he wanted to be anywhere else or do anything else. Not with the way she made him feel.

God, her skin was so soft, it felt like silk under his lips and he just knew he wouldn't be able to stop until he would have explored every inch of it.

"Max? What… what are you doing?" Liz croaked out, her voice trembling as Max's hands stroked their way up her ribs and his thumbs brushed the underside of her breasts.

She couldn't breathe. She couldn't think anymore. All she could do was feel him, feel what he was doing to her and already she sensed that if she didn't end this now, when he had barely touched her yet, she wouldn't be able to later.

The problem was that while her brain commanded her one thing, her body seemed to say another and she didn't know which one to follow anymore.

Slowly he turned her around and Liz gasped when she met his gaze. They were both standing, and she found herself looking up at him. She hadn’t even realized how much taller than her he was until now.

She couldn’t see much through her blurry vision and the darkness of the room made it even more difficult, but she noticed the changes that had occurred in him during the few months they had been apart: his hair was cut shorter, looking more like the picture she had seen of him before the accident, his skin looked darker, gone was the pale thin figure he was before.

His usually amber eyes had taken a darker hue and she couldn't mistake the emotions she could read in them. Passion, desire, and dared she hope, love? The way he looked at her was enough to make her melt at his feet but when he gently cradled her face and brushed his lips against hers, she thought she would die.

He kissed her softly, tenderly, sucking her bottom lip between his own and then running his tongue along them, until Liz lost all will to fight his attacks and surrendered to him.

As if they had grown a mind of their own, her arms wrapped around his neck and Max growled low in his throat when he felt her pressing her body against his and finally granting him access to her mouth.

His tongue slid through her now parted lips and Liz moaned when it caressed her own, making her feel weak in her knees. His taste was like nothing she had tasted before, sweet even with the soft tang of alcohol, intoxicating, heady, and she couldn't get enough of him.

His hands on the small of her back drew her even closer and she struggled for breath when she felt his evident arousal pressing against her stomach.

She felt lost, dizzy, as if she just let go of him she would fall, but at the same time she couldn't help but think that this was going too fast. That they were probably jumping into something both of them were not ready for.

She felt Max's lips trailing a path to her throat and she instinctively gripped at the hair at the nape of his neck, needing something to hold onto.

"I want you…" Max murmured breathlessly, the alcohol inhibiting his usually shy demeanor. The way she kept rubbing involuntarily against his hardness was slowly driving him insane.

"Max…" Liz moaned at a loss of words, feeling her own body heating up to uncontrollable proportion.

This was crazy. This was actually so totally out of character but she couldn't control her reactions to him.

"I've wanted you for so long Liz…" Max revealed as his lips kept wreaking havoc on her senses, nibbling the skin of her neck, the lobe of her ear, everywhere they could touch.

He couldn't lie to her, no more than he could lie to himself, because if there was one thing he knew it was that he had always been incredibly attracted to her, even when he had still been unaware of his own feelings. But now, he wanted her to know what she did to him and how much he could desire her, and if she just let him, he would gladly show her what she meant to him.

"M-Me, too… " Liz admitted before she could stop herself, but then in a last effort to be reasonable, she felt compelled to add, "But… we c-can't…"

She knew that none of them was thinking clearly anymore, but as much as she wanted this, wanted him, they couldn't do this, could they?

"Liz…" he just whispered meaningfully, looking at her with his heart in his eyes, and that was her undoing.

Not the way he breathed out her name, like it was the sweetest sound in the world to him, but the way he looked at her like he had never seen anything so beautiful in his entire life, and she didn't need more to know that this was right.

And so before they could understand or even just question what was happening between them any longer, their lips met in a searing kiss and they both knew that there would be no stopping them now. They didn't even need to discuss it anymore, because when your body took over and spoke for you, there was no need for words, and if their minds were still confused, their bodies definitely understood each other.

Max's hands made their way up her back, leaving goose bumps on their wake, and they didn't stop until they reached her shoulders. Slowly he pulled the spaghetti straps of her dress down, before attaching his lips to her collarbone and laving her skin with his tongue, making Liz want him even more if that was possible.

Her own fingers worked clumsily on his shirt buttons, but she quickly grew frustrated when she couldn't even open the few that were left, and in desperation she just pulled at the material, involuntarily tearing it off.

Max stopped his ministrations just long enough to take a look at the damage, but could only smile when he realized that at least this had to mean that she wanted this as much as he did.

"I'm sorry… I… " Liz mumbled, feeling suddenly self-conscious, though one look at Max's face proved her that he didn't mind. At all. If anything he looked like he was pleased and strangely turned on by her impatience, and she didn't have to wait long for his own reaction.

"Don't be… " Max just uttered before his lips came crashing down on hers once more, stopping any further apology Liz could have wanted to make, and she easily took the hint.

He felt her hands gliding under his shirt and pushing it down his shoulders and arms, and he helped her getting rid of it before concentrating on her again.

Her dress held haphazardly to her breasts now that the straps didn't support it anymore, and ever so slowly he drew it down till it pooled around her waist; though Liz heard his sharp intake of breath when he realized she wasn't wearing a bra, it didn't stop her from feeling slightly inadequate. She was all too aware of the fact that she wasn't as well endowed as many other girls could be, so what if he found her lacking in that department?

She knew she was being ridiculous considering Max seemed to be totally in awe in front of her, but she couldn't help it and blushed when he kept devouring her with his eyes.

Unaware of her thoughts, Max's hands shot up when he saw Liz squirming under his inspection and trying to cover herself like she was ashamed of her own beauty, and he immediately stopped her.

"You're so beautiful… so perfect…" he whispered, his eyes locking with hers, if only to show her just how sincere he was and how much he meant those words.

Her rounded and supple breasts were a sight to behold, and he barely resisted the urge he had to growl when he noticed the way her nipples hardened the more he looked at them.

He licked his lips unconsciously and with trembling fingers reached out and gently caressed the protruding peaks, marveling at how they felt under his touch and how Liz seemed to struggle to breathe at the contact.

Like a moth to a flame, his lips were drawn to them and before he could stop himself, he was sucking hungrily on one rosy point, making Liz shiver and moan in delight.

One of her hands came back to settle at the nape of his neck and he knew that he was doing something right, if only because of the way she kept pressing it against him and nearly forced him to swallow her flesh.

Switching from one mound to the other he kept driving Liz crazy until she grunted his name and roughly pushed him onto the bed. He fell backwards with a thud, but the instant she stepped between his parted legs, he attacked her skin again.

Showing no mercy, his lips trailed a path of wet open-mouthed kisses from the swell of her breasts to the edge of her panties and he only stopped when the material of her dress prevented him from going any further. Yet not being one to give up easily, his hands stroked her thighs, moving upwards very slowly, exposing more and more of her tempting skin with each inch, until the dress bunched around her hips and he could have a perfect view of her red matching thong.

Liz heard him mutter a soft curse at the sight, but she forgot about scolding him in any way the instant she felt his thumbs out tracing her nether lips through the lace of her panties. God, if he hadn't known before how much she wanted him, she was sure he couldn't doubt it anymore now, the way her juices kept flowing and saturated her thong being a dead give away.

As he felt the moisture against his fingers, Max honestly thought he would just lose his head. Just knowing that he was actually the one causing such a strong reaction nearly drove him nuts and it was only by sheer willpower that he managed to stop himself from tasting her, no matter how much he wanted to do just that right now.

Needing to see all of her, Max started to tug on the dress and he smiled when he saw Liz giving him a helpful hand and wiggling sexily out of it. However when he expected her thong to undergo the same fate, Liz stopped his hands and straddled his hips instead, nearly killing him in the process.

Driven by her own lust and becoming more aggressive now, she sealed her lips to his and kissed him with a passion she hadn't even known she possessed, not caring how wanton that could make her look. But she guessed she shouldn't be surprised, Max made her feel like she was completely out of control, like she wasn't even the owner of her own body, so all facts considered it was probably normal for her to feel so wild.

Not one to complain, Max followed her lead and kissed her back just as eagerly, but when she started to press her burning core more insistently against his throbbing erection, he was tempted to slow her down, sure that he wouldn't last otherwise. It was already a miracle he hadn't lost all his means with the way she affected his body, if she kept that up he probably wouldn't survive it. Or not without completely embarrassing himself in front of her at least.

Too far gone to sense Max's sudden distress, Liz moved smoothly on top of him, enjoying the sensations that rippled through her engorged clit every time it connected with the rock hard bulge in his pants, and Max couldn't do much more than swallow into his mouth each blissful whimper that escaped her throat as she worked on bringing them closer to ecstasy.

All the while, hands roamed and caressed skin endlessly, both of them wanting to discover as much as the other's body as they could, but still it wasn't enough for Max. It wouldn't be until he would be where he was sure he belonged now. Deep inside Liz.

Finally losing patience, he tried to pull away from her long enough to get rid of his jeans, but Liz had obviously other plans in mind and he was stopped once more. Pressing her weight onto him, she forced him to lie completely on the bed and follow immediately, molding her body into his.

Chest to chest, hips to hips, they rubbed along each other until Max thought that he would literally explode. But when he couldn't take it anymore and was ready to beg Liz for mercy, she seemed to read his mind and slowly glided down his body, all the while tasting his skin and marking him as hers.

As she reached his navel, she darted her tongue out and circled it before briefly dipping its tip into it and then trailing down to the top of his jeans. Feeling more confident, she swiftly unbuttoned them and wasted no time making them slide along his now muscled legs.

His boxers and socks soon followed and Max lay there exposed to a suddenly heady with desire Liz. His hard thick member jutted proudly before her dilated eyes and she knew she wouldn't be satisfied until she would have touched it and discovered if it felt as soft as it looked.

Dropping to her knees between Max's parted legs, she locked eyes with him just long enough for him to read the hunger clouding them, and before he could even think about taking his next breath, her hand enclosed around his smooth hot flesh and he lost all trail of thoughts.

Liz moaned softly herself at the first contact and then smiled slyly when Max breathed her name in what seemed to be supplication. Whatever she planned to do to him, she better do it fast he thought, if she didn't want this to end before it even started.

Tentatively Liz bent over him, her free hand caressing his inner thigh and making Max already shiver in anticipation, and when she was just above him, she flicked her tongue over the tip of his shaft, then started licking his length, pleased beyond belief when Max growled in appreciation.

His hands fisted into her hair and before he could stop them, his fingers had taken off the pins that had held it up until now and released her long mane. He hissed in bliss then, going out of his mind between Liz's sweet ministrations and the feel of her hair caressing his abdomen and thighs. This was actually torture of the worse kind, and yet it was obviously only the beginning.

Fisting the sheet at his sides now in a futile effort to control himself, he closed his eyes and prayed for the strength to hold on just a little more, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t suppress the groan that escaped his lips when Liz finally took him into her mouth.

Her lips closed around him and while she kept stroking his length, she sucked slightly, making little mewing sounds that nearly killed Max on the spot. Or so he thought, but he had to revise his position when she started to bob her head up and down and swirled her tongue around the tip of his manhood every time she reached its end, because if anything could kill a man, that move was definitely it.

"Liz… oh, god… Liz, please… s-stop… " He pleaded breathlessly, knowing that it was more than he could take right now, his release being probably only a few licks away.

It had been way too long since he had had any type of sexual activity, and though he wished more than anything that she could bring him to completion with just her lips and tongue, he knew he better not tempt fate if he didn't want this to be over before he had a chance to make her feel even only a half of what she had just made him feel.

Reaching for her as best as he could, he pulled her upwards and sighed almost in relief when he felt her coming willingly. Maybe too willingly actually, and that should have been enough to make him understand that she would probably find another way to torment him, no matter how delicious the means.

Licking her way up his torso, she stopped when she reached his left nipple and unable to stop herself, she kissed and bit it teasingly, then soothed the sting with a sensual flick of her tongue before continuing her journey and positioning herself completely on top of him.

"I want you… now, Max…" she whispered provocatively into his ear and Max's breath caught in his throat when he heard her request.

Cradling her face, he kissed her lovingly and then let his hands skim her bare back, until they encountered her thong and tugged it down her shapely legs.

Liz trembled above him though she was feeling hotter than she had ever felt in her life before, and as her moist center came into direct contact with his pulsating flesh for the very first time, her eyes all but roll to the back of her head, just like Max did.

Though he didn't know how he managed to even move after that, his fingers slid over her rounded bottom and briefly stroked her wet folds, before he took hold of his painfully hard member and guided himself to her core.

When she felt its head touching her, Liz ever so slowly lowered herself onto him, and they both growled hoarsely when Max finally found himself deeply embedded into her. And at that moment, even if he knew that was definitely not the manlier thing to do, he felt the sudden urge to cry at the feeling.

As long as he would live, he would probably never forget just how incredible it felt to sink inside Liz's depths for the very first time. To experience the extreme pleasure that coursed through his entire being when her hot wet core finally swallowed him whole.

Nothing had ever felt this way. So normal, so natural and at the same time so utterly right and perfect. But maybe it was only because contrary to what he had believed until now, he had never 'made love' before. Not until that very second. Not until Liz.

Caught in her own world of bliss, Liz straightened up above him and resting her hands on his sides for support, she started to rock her hips, undulating languorously on top of him, her vaginal walls driving him deeper with each move.

Max's eyes were glued to her all the time, unable he was to see anything but the way she shifted up and crashed back into him, the way her chest heaved with each sharp intake of breath she took, or each throaty sigh she expelled. She kept rising and falling on him, slowing then increasing her pace to bring both of them the pleasure they sought and Max could only encourage her.

When he felt her weakening eventually, he pressed his hands to the small of her back and brought her back to him. Skin to skin again, their lips met in an explosive kiss, speaking of the passion that boiled their insides and the love they both couldn't deny anymore.

Moans and grunts of pleasure reverberated in the room, fortunately covered by the music still blasting downstairs, but at this point the party could have moved directly inside those walls, and they wouldn't have heard anything but the way they cried out each other's names.

Feeling himself nearing the edge, Max rolled them over and once on top of her, he drove hard and fast inside of her, knowing that all they both needed were just a few more strokes.

Their labored pants mixed and then turned into cries of ecstasy when he felt Liz's walls clamp around his flesh and he shuddered in absolute pleasure when he finally emptied himself into her, just as the same time that she reached her own climax.

Sweating and trembling, he eventually collapsed on top of her, but since Liz obviously didn't mind his weight, he rested his head against the crook of her neck and savored the feel of being inside of her as long as he could, even if he promised himself that this wouldn't be the last time.

Liz didn't think there was ever a moment when Max's hands or lips had left her body actually, even after their skins had finally cooled off, and when the first ray of light streamed inside the closed bedroom, she could still feel him caressing her warm skin. But one thing remained sure: when she finally closed her eyes, utterly sated and satisfied, she knew that she would never forget this night and that there would never be anyone but Max Evans in her life after that.


Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 5:47 pm
by babylisou
Guys, I’m so happy you guys liked the previous part. I’m sure Rebby appreciated the compliments too. I told her about it and she told me she would help me again if needed. Isn’t it some wicked news? YAY! :wink:

So this part is for my lil sweetpie Lissalou72 aka mmcherron

Thank you all for the amazing feedbacks, I hope you'll like this part, though some of you might notice something that will raise your curiosity :wink: we'll see... :wink:

Special thank you once again to Frenchkiss for her amazing beta work and her good advices.

Part 15

Max awoke to the annoying sound of a door closing loudly down in the hallway. He opened his eyes only to close them again quickly when the bright light hit his sensitive pupils. His head started throbbing excruciatingly and he tried his best not to move, throwing his forearm over his face as he groaned deeply.

God, what the hell had he been doing last night to feel that way?

He tried to recall the events of the day before which might have caused such a painful awakening. He remembered the awkwardness he felt around all those strangers, the music blaring in his ears. He remembered the familiar smell of Liz’s perfume blinding his senses, her scent surrounding him, her body, her soul… God it had been one hell of a dream.

As he blindly reached over his head for the alarm clock on the bedside table, his hand briefly brushed against warm silky skin. His eyes popped open and he bolted forward immediately regretting it as he brought a hand to his aching head. God, he wasn’t alone. He winced as he turned his head, trying to catch a glimpse of the person lying next to him, and leant over the body cuddle on its side.

From where he sat, he could barely see the outline of her face but the dark chocolate color of her hair could not be mistaken. Her shoulder rested on her sheet-covered breasts as her chest rose with each breath she took. This couldn’t be; she couldn’t be there…


As though she had felt him moving by her side, she shift in her sleep turning over to face his own barely covered body, giving him a full view of her naked front. His jaw dropped at the sight and he had to fight the urge to flee. His body protested painfully as he swung his legs to the side of the bed, his eyes never leaving the sleeping beauty lying beside him.

How had this happened?

The dull taste of alcohol and bile in his mouth made his stomach churn and he got up swiftly, crossing the room toward the bathroom door as fast as his unsteady legs could bring him.

God, what had he done?

Maria closed the door behind her as she exited hers and Michael’s bedroom. She grabbed the glass of icy cold water she had left on the table when she had come in and started walking down the hall. Michael was still nursing a painful hangover as she had left and she was now heading toward Liz’s room, sure to find her best friend in the same state as her own man.

A smile grazed her lips as she realized she had managed to get past it, not having drunk much and still she had enjoyed herself quiet some.

She pushed open the door; squinting her eyes to accommodate her vision to the darkness; she tiptoed to the side of the bed, grinning at the state of the bed, her friend must have had quiet a night with herself. The covers were thrown over, the pillows lay haphazardly on the floor, clothes slumped all over the place while Liz slept peacefully covered with just a sheet.
She left the glass on the nightstand, knowing she would appreciate the cold drink when she’d wake up later, and started walking back to the door, but she stopped dead in her track when her feet caught into a pair of jeans.

She bent over to pick them up and hold it up frowning as she noticed the large size. Those were definitely not Liz’s. Had Michael left some of his? He barely came into this room, why would his clothes be in here? Unless Liz had borrowed it, but why? She shrugged it off and started walking again when her gaze fell on a blue shirt hidden half under the bed and half under a pair of large boots.

She picked one shoe and the other, cradling it in the crook of her arm as she lifted the shirt before her. Had Max been wearing this shirt yesterday morning? ... Max… She remembered Michael telling her Max had finally showed up last night at the party and her frown deepened as she heard the sound of a flushing toilet in the nearby bathroom.

She walked carefully, the clothes still dangling in her hands as she neared the slightly open door. She peered through the slit and the sight before her made her gasp. She covered her mouth quickly with her hand trying to hold back her giggling fit.

It really was not funny since Max was actually looking pretty bad, his head resting against the white tile wall aside from the toilet, his eyes closed and his face looking as white as the towel thrown over his naked body.

Maria’s eyes wandered between her two friends: Liz lying naked in her bed looking ravished and Max half naked on the bathroom floor. Whatever had happened last night, it was definitely anything innocent.

She shook her head, deciding she better leave before Max come back and quickly walk out the door.

Tightening his torn shirt around his bare chest, Max squint his eyes as he exited the bathroom into the hallway bashed with light; He tried to fight the urge to step back into the bedroom and lay back next to Liz. It was wrong. Oh so wrong. He just couldn’t go back in there and pretended everything that had happened last night was alright.

They hadn’t planed anything; they were both drunk; they had both done a mistake… But it had felt so good. It had taken a while but now he remembered. The details of how they had get this far were still blur, but he could feel her lips on him, the sweetness of her scent surrounding him, her small body cradled against his, his own buried deep inside hers…

His steps unsteady, he walked into the kitchen and blinked several time, catching the sight of a form sitting at the table.

A cup of coffee cradled in her hands, Maria smirked at the sight of her friend entering the quiet kitchen. He definitely looked like shit. His face was a ghostly white, his clothes hanging flabbily against his slim body.
He sat before her, whispering a tight hello and giving her a grateful look when she handed him a cup of hot coffee. He let the strong warm liquid fall through his parted throat, groaning when it burned down his still sensitive stomach.

He tried his best to avoid her eyes but she was making it hard, staring at him purposefully.

“So…” Her voice held a hint of teasing and he realized it was a waste of time to try to fool Maria De Lucas. “I saw Liz did a good job last night…”

She nodded her head to his torn shirt when he gave her a questioning look and noticed the blush creped slowly on his cheeks. “I- …”

“I could give you one of Michael’s T-shirt. I hardly doubt you’d want to go out this way.” She cut him before he had a chance to explain. She wanted to spare him this torture. He smiled faintly, lowering his head.

“Thanks, it’d be cool.”

There was a long silence before any of them decided to speak up. It was Max who broke the ice this time.

“Maria I-…”

“I don’t want to know Max.” She held her hands up in the air, shaking her head. “Anything that happened last night is between you and Liz and I don’t want to know… Now maybe you should go home and… I dunno, take a shower or something. I’ll talk to Liz when she’ll wake up.” She reassured softly.

“Wait, no I can’t leave right now Maria. I’ve got to talk to Liz!” He argued strongly, getting up and running a hand through his still shaggy hair.

“Fine, you can stay but at least go take a shower. I’ll bring you some clean clothes.” She nodded understandingly.

“Ok… thank Maria.” His words hold more than he let it shown, and she knew that. He had her full support, always had. She would stick by his side and he knew it.

He was really grateful for her not trying to push the issue of him spending the night. He himself didn’t even know what had really happened let alone how it would end, but one thing was for sure, he needed to sort it through with Liz before he talked about it to anybody else.

Liz woke up to the quiet ruffles of sheets by her side. She felt the mattress shifted and she carefully opened her eyes, groaning softly at the pressuring pain in her temples.

Soft fingers ran through her hair, soothing the frown lines on her forehead and she looked up, finding herself face to face with the shy smile of no other than Max Evans.

“Max!” She shot up on the bed, her eyes widening as they fell on her naked front. She quickly pulled the white sheet over her chest, covering her breasts self consciously. “Oh my God.” She whispered in her breath, her gaze darting around the room taking in the covers, pillows and clothes haphazardly lying on the floor. God, it had not been a dream…
“Liz.” Max’s warm hand on her bare shoulder startled her and she moved away from the bed on shaky legs. She swayed for a few second only to have Max catch her before her bottom hit the floor.

“Hey take it easy.” Max quiet whispered in her ear made her shivered and she forced herself out of his arms when he started wrapping his around her. God what had happened last night?

“Max, wait no…” She ran a shaky hand through her messy hair, racking her brain to remember what she had first thought had all been a dream. But seeing Max here, not at all surprised to see her there, proved her it had been anything but a dream.

She raised her head, meeting his confused gaze. “God, Max I’m sorry… I- ...” She stammered weakly, at a lost for what to say.

“It’s ok Liz; you don’t have to say anything. I understand you must be surprised, and-… well, probably confused but it’s ok, I don’t regret what happened last night. I mean, it was probably careless and completely out of character from both of us…” he added with an uncomfortable giggle but his ton quickly turn serious again. “But I don’t regret it Liz… I- I want to be with you now.” He admitted honestly, his hand reaching out for her.

Liz gulped past the lump in her throat, eying his outstretched hands like it would burn her. What was he talking about? One minute she was waking up from the most real dream she had ever had about Max, only to realise it had all been true. And the second later he was saying he wanted to be with her? How had things got so much out of control?

She couldn’t meet his eyes. She wouldn’t have the strength to resist him if she looked up at him.

“I think you should leave now Max.” She whispered breathlessly, tightening her hands in the sheet she held against her bare chest. She heard the short intake of breath coming front above her and she fought the urge to look up.

“Liz…?” she could hear the uncertainty in his voice and his pleading ton brought tears to her eyes. “Max please, you’ve got to go now.” She replied insistently. She couldn’t bear facing him right now but she knew if he didn’t give up this time she would.

There was a long silence and she held her breath expectantly, waiting for the sentence to fall. She could only see his feet from the way her head was lowered to the ground and she noticed the shifting as he hesitated for a second.

Finally, he spoke up and the cold ton of his voice made her shiver involuntarily. “It’s not over Liz.” She closed her eyes briefly, holding back tears as she heard his retracting footsteps and stopping for a moment as he lingered at the door before the door closed behind him and she let herself fall at the foot of the bed, cradling her head in her hands as she sobbed.


“Oh, My God! Maria what did I do?” Liz covered her hand with her mouth as she paced the room, finally falling on the couch and cradling her knees to her chest. She lifted her head, eying her friend questioningly, obviously waiting for an answer.

Maria laid a calming hand on her shoulder, drawing her into a comforting hug. “You didn’t do anything wrong Chica… At least, you are not more responsible than Max. As far as I know, you didn’t attack him…” Her statement was met by a silent and she eyed her friend worriedly. “Did you?”

Liz rolled her eyes, getting up again and running a tired hand through her hair. “No! ... No, I didn’t…. It just- It felt so right Maria.” Her gaze pierced through Maria’s, as though she was seeking some kind of reassurance from her.

“I bet it did.” Maria laughed, winking as she tried to lighten the mood. She patted the cushion by her side. “Come here.”

Liz obliged and laid her head against her friend’s shoulder, relishing into her hand running soothingly through her long hair.

“This is not your fault…. And this is not Max’s fault either.” Maria spoke finally, her voice kind and soft, filled with reassurance.

“What should I do now Maria?” Liz asked with a whimper, whishing she could find the answer.


Max groaned when he heard the footsteps in the hallways. Turning around in his bed, he tried to ignore the insistent knocking at the door and buried his head deeper into the pillow. His head was still throbbing painfully and with everything that had happened, he didn’t feel like talking to anybody.

When the knocking didn’t stop, he sighed and reluctantly rolled over, tiredly getting up. He didn’t bother picking up his crutch. There was barely any need for it now and he padded to the door his lean body clad only in a pair of dark jeans.

Rubbing a hand over his face he reached for the doorknob but it flew open before he had a chance to lay his hand on it; knocking him off balance as the hard wood hit his forehead.

He groaned painfully, holding his hand against his injure temple. “Ouch.” Immediately he felt an arm wrapped around his waist as a hand tugged at his own.

“Oh my god, Max I’m sorry!” Liz’s voice was full of worries as she led him to the near bed. “Here, come and sit down. God I’m sorry.”

The moment he heard her voice, Max stopped complaining, his attention focused on her. He blinked several time, trying to convince himself he wasn’t imagining her. The door must have hit him pretty bad if he was seeing Liz next to him now.

He sat on the side of the bed, dazzled, letting her check the growing bump on his forehead. His eyes never leaving her angelic face… God, she really was there, and she was talking to him; her soft fingers rubbing against his temple, running through his hair in this soothing manner he had gotten so used to months before.

“You’ll be ok. Are you ok? Feel dizzy? Nauseous?” she continued worriedly, lifting his chin so his unfocused gaze met hers.

“I’m… I’m fine… Liz…” He stammered, watching helplessly as she stepped back self consciously. But before she had a chance to move too far away, he grabbed her wrist drawing her between his legs.

She gasped at the contact of their heaving chest, their faces only a mere inch apart. Her eyes closed briefly as their lips met, a whimper escaping her throat, and Max swallowed it eagerly. His hands glided through her hair, pulling her closer to his suddenly heated body. She couldn’t be any closer but he wished she would just crawl in him.

Her hand caressing his cheek brought him back to reality and their lips parted soundlessly. He leant his forehead against hers, breathing heavily.

“I missed you so much.” He admitted in a whisper. God he did miss her. After leaving this morning, he was sure he wouldn’t know what to do if he met her again. But kissing her seemed the right thing to do. He didn’t regret one second what had happened between them the night before, but the thought of hearing her telling him she did was frightening.

“I missed you too.” She whispered back truthfully, but her action contradicted with her words as she moved away from his embrace. He tried to draw her back but she stepped away a little more, her stance stiffening.

“Max we need to talk… about-.. About what happened- last night.” She finished half-heartedly, lowering her gaze to the ground as she shifted awkwardly.

“Liz I don’t regret what happened.” Max said passionately. He believed every word he said. He might have been drunk and a little bit inhibited but he had had time to think about it after leaving Michael and Maria’s place earlier; what he had felt last night was nothing compare to what he had ever felt before. Nothing Tess had ever given him.

“I do…” Liz’s soft words cut through his heart like a sharp knife and he gasped, taken aback.

“Wha -… what do you mean?” He asked in disbelief.

She raised her head defiantly but he could see the tears shimmering in her eyes. “I mean I regret what happened last night.” She said firmly. “It’s-… none of us were ready for what happened… I think- we were drunk Max, we didn’t know what we were doing…. It was wrong.” She finished tightly.

“You’re wrong Liz.” Max snapped, standing up, he towered her and she resisted the urge to shield herself. Max wasn’t going to hurt her, Max was good. He would never hurt her… Not like… No, he wasn’t like Him. Yet, she was surprised by his sudden outburst and the fact that he was actually standing on his own two feet looking down at her.

He looked so tall and proud and she almost had the heart to smile. He had done it, he had healed…. without her. He looked everything of a healthy young man… a handsome young man… Yet his face constricted in barely contained pain and frustration as he stared at her.

“You’re wrong Liz and I know it! You keep saying we are not ready, you took this decision to leave months ago and-… and maybe you were right back then… Maybe I needed to heal, but this time I’m fine! ... I’m perfectly fine and what happened last night proves it.” He stated resolutely.

There was no way he was letting her go without a fight this time. He would not let her walk away again. It had almost destroyed him the last time and he had only lived on the hope to see her again, this time he knew if she left, it would be forever. He couldn’t accept that.

“Max- … I- …” She stammered helplessly. Trying to find the reasons she had to leave again. But there were none. Max was fine, she was fine. They had made love last night, and there was no way she could deny this fact. But what if they failed? What if they were not meant for each other?

“I love you Liz…” He whispered chokingly cutting through her train of thought.

Did she love him? She shook her head knowing it wasn’t a time to wonder such things. Sometimes she would just have to take a risk, to live life the way it goes and take a chance at love when it presents itself to her…

Now, with Max, it was her chance.

She looked up after a while, meeting his weary eyes, a weariness she had unconsciously put there, and she saw he was ready to give up if she wasn’t going to say anything. He was going to let her go if she didn’t fight for what they already had.

Her hand reached out for him and she stroke his cheek soothingly as he leant closer into it, his lips kissing her soft palm. She sighed at the longing in his eyes. Those eyes held so much pain but so much love. Had she put that in them? Ever since she had met Max Evans a few months ago, this endless pain had been part of his feature, was she the cause of it? Or was she the medicine to make it go away?

There was only one way to know it and she was ready to take the risk she had to take to find out. Standing on her tiptoes she closed her eyes, pressing her lips to his waiting for him to deepen the kiss… And he did. Drawing her closer to his body, he crushed her to his chest, his hands fisting in her hair as he drank from her thirstily.

Finally breaking apart, she leant her forehead against his, sighing deeply at the feelings overwhelming her… Good feelings. It was her chance.

“I love you.” She finally admitted, whispering softly.

“And I love you.” He repeated, a smile grazing his lips as he did.