Say Goodbye To Yesterday (AU,M/L,Adult) AN 01.06 pt 17 [WIP]

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Say Goodbye To Yesterday (AU,M/L,Adult) AN 01.06 pt 17 [WIP]

Post by babylisou »


Author: Babylisou
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters.
Summary: Take place in an AU. Max lives in NYC, Liz lives in Chicago. He has an accident and Liz comes to help him.

A/N: I left this fics a long long time ago, I was really busy the last 5 months and I couldn't updated it, by the time I came back, the fic had been taken out of the board. But I'm back now with a new and revise version of Say Goodbye To yesterday. Longer and all. I hope you guys will like it.


I was stained, with a role,
In a day not my own,
But as you walked into my life
You showed what needed to be shown
I always knew, what was right
I just didn’t know that I might
Peel away and choose to see
With such a different sight

And I will never see the sky the same way,
And I will learn to say goodbye to yesterday,
And I will never cease to fly if held down,
And I will always reach to high cause I’ve seen,
Cause I’ve seen, Twilight

As the sun shine through it pushes away,
And pushes ahead
It fills the warmth of blue
And leaves a chill instead and
I didn’t know that I could be
So blind to all that is so real
But as illusion dies
I see there is so much to be revealed.

(Vanessa Carlton-Be not nobody)

Max drove happily on the road that led to the lake. He had never been happier in his life than he was right now. He had everything he wanted and he would have lived like that forever if it wasn’t for his other projects; projects that would give him more and more happiness everyday. He was sure that what he had today was nothing compared to what he would be blessed with in three or four years.

He was out of college, he had the most beautiful girlfriend he could have dreamed of by his side, and he had had his own place for 3 years now. He was convinced most of the men his age hadn’t had his chance in life. He didn’t only have all that he could have wished for, but he also had what he thought were the best friends and family.

He had left his hometown of Chicago 3 years from then when he had graduated from High school a year before boys his age. He was pretty young but despite his parents’ worries, he had moved to New York to integrate UNY. He wasn’t alone either, Isabel, his sister, had moved to New York City a year before him and his best friend, Michael had decided to finally get his independence and left his foster home to live with Max.

Then he had met Tess…

His gaze fell on the little woman sitting beside him on the car. Blond curls and blue eyes, and the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. Tess Harding was his dream girl for years and now she was his.

They had met just a few days after he had moved. She had shown him his way to the University and after spending a few hours talking in a bar, they had found they had more in common than they thought. She told him about her money-less life in New York and her wishes to integrate NYC…
He had decided at that moment that he would take her under his wing, and they hadn’t left each other’s side ever since.

“So. What are you gonna do now Max?”
Her angelic voice was hypnotizing him and he had to remind himself that he had to look at the road in front of him.

“Well… I have a job, a flat… What do you think about marrying you, having a dozen of children and live happily ever after?” He asked her with a sexy cute smile dancing on his lips.

His happiness was contagious and Tess found herself smiling back at him. She slid her knees on the soft cover that lay beneath her and leant toward him, placing a tantalizing hand over his thigh.

“Well, well, well Mr. Evans. Is it a proposition?”
He turned his head over, facing her and giving her a self-conscious smile. “And what if it was?”

She leant even more on his side, her hand running dangerously closer from his crotch.
“I’d say yes.” She whispered in his ear.

Max gazed at her blue eyes but was met by a frightened look he had never seen in them. Her gaze was focused on the road in front of him and she cried his name hiding her head in the crook of his neck. Everything that happened next was fast… Too fast. Max heard the honk of a car behind him and all he saw was the truck speeding right in front of his car.
He had no time to think. Everything went black and he was gone.

Last edited by babylisou on Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:11 pm, edited 37 times in total.
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Post by babylisou »


When he woke up Max first thought it had all been a dream, a nightmare. He kept his eyes closed as he became conscious of the pain coursing through his body; it was becoming almost unbearable. Was it really a dream?

He was suddenly aware of the voices around him. People were crying, panicking, saying some incomprehensive words. What the heck was all this about? He couldn’t recall what had happened. All he was thinking of was the pain.

The whimper that escaped his lips was involuntary, but it seemed to alarm the people around him and they started screaming even louder every minute.

He opened his lids, trying to stop the throbbing in his head but it was way worse with his eyes opened. Someone was slapping his cheek insistently.
“Hey, He is regaining conscious!”

Another doctor hovered over Max’s head, making him dizzy. All those people running around him were making him light-headed and he could already feel the room spinning around him.
“Can you tell us your name?”

His mouth felt dry and he had to force his lips open.
“Max… Max Evans.”
“Max, do you know where you are?”
Max didn’t care where he was. Something had obviously happened and he just wanted to know if Tess was okay. He couldn’t see her and started to panic. The beeping sound above his head accelerated his rate as he felt his heart contract in pain. His head turned to the side and he saw other people hovering around a body. He could see the blond curls and he knew it was Tess.

“Tess… Tess…”
His voice was shaking and he felt his eyes closing. But he didn’t want to fall asleep. He wanted to know if she was okay. He had to be here for her or she would…

He felt the metallic taste of blood in his mouth and he knew something was wrong with him. But he had no time to register it; his head fell to the side as his eyes drifted closed. He was gone again.


“Mom, look! I’m telling you he moved his hand!”

Voices around him were almost like whispers, the lulling sounds of a rhythmic beeping in his ears preventing him from waking up. He understood what they were saying but his eyes remained closed.
He didn’t know how much time he had been asleep; he just didn’t want this endless nap to end.

It was like he was conscious of everything around him but he couldn’t open his eyes or communicate with people around him. It was frustrating at first but he learnt to appreciate the feeling.

He didn’t want to open his eyes anymore; but today, he couldn’t fight it. He needed to open them. He was bored; he wanted to see the world that had been continuing to turn without him. He wanted to take his life back.

And the moment he opened his eyes, ever so slowly, carefully, he forgot everything he had heard during the time he was out. But what he was not expecting was the life that had been waiting for him behind those closed eyelids.


“Hey Chica! How was the day?”


Liz let herself fall heavily on the couch in her parents’ living room. She hadn’t had the time to change from the white gown the nurse had to wear; but she didn’t care, she was so tired she had almost fallen asleep in the bus. All she wanted now was a shower and a good night of sleep.
Or maybe she would simply fall asleep right here...

“Hey Lizzie!” Liz jumped, startled by Maria’s outburst. “Yeah Maria.” But her eyes were already closing.

Maria sat beside her best friend, taking her head between her two hands.
“Liz, stay awake! You have a date tonight!”

Liz jumped to her feet. She had forgotten the date. Sean had asked her out for the thousand times yesterday and she had finally accepted to get rid of him. She had intended to cancel during the day, but the thought had fled her mind with all the work she had had. Now it was too late, he was probably on his way here and she had just a few minutes to get ready…

It would only be for a night after all. Nothing really important. After that she would be back to her traditional routine which was ‘work, study, work’. She had been working at the hospital for a year now and she wasn’t ready to give up. She had dreamed of this job since she was out from high school three years ago. And she had finally gotten it.

She was a lucky one. In one month she would have finished College and would start working for real. She didn’t know where for now, but she wanted to go away from Chicago.

Living with her parents was becoming really stressful. At 20 she still had a curfew, and she couldn’t bear her father's temper anymore. She wanted to be independent, have her own place and live on her own.

It was a sweet dream…


Dr. Stevens looked at the X-ray in front of him. He hadn’t expected that. Max Evans had been in a coma for almost 2 months and he hadn’t even expected him to wake up one day. But he was here and he seemed fine. Except maybe for the fact that he had been complaining from the pain in his legs ever since he had regained consciousness.

When he had arrived at the hospital, Max was in a critical state. He had internal bleedings that needed to be stopped and he had contusions that covered all his body from head to toes. He didn’t even know someone could survive to a trauma like that. But Max Evans had. He was a survivor.
The medics who were on the site of the accident had even thought he would be dead by the time he would reach the hospital, but he was alive and so was his girlfriend… at least for a while.

She hadn’t worn any safety belt and had been projected outside of the car, they had tried everything, but the young girl had died almost immediately after her arrival at the hospital.
He didn’t want to be there when his father would tell Max the bad news. The boy had been asking for her constantly since his waking up.

As he looked at the X-ray in front, almost 2 months after the accident, Dr. Stevens realized his mistake. He knew it would never change anything. Max would have been in a wheelchair even if they had found this injury to his lower back two months ago.

But he didn’t know how he could explain to his parents or even to Max that he would never be able to walk again…

Last edited by babylisou on Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by babylisou »

A/N: thanks guys for all your feedbacks. I really wasn't sure about starting this fic again, but now I'm convinced it was the good decision. For the readers who have already read the first 8 parts before, I still advice to read those part since it has been revised and I've made some significant changes. You might be lost when you'll start the new chapters if you don't... thanks anyway for all the feedback, I really appreciate them all. :D

Part 2


Max tried to lift himself from the bed where he had been lying, but his mom held him back, pushing on his shoulders so he would lie back onto the pillow. He was still weak and didn’t resist, but tears of anger were still running on his lips as he kept whispering.

“That can’t be true… she can’t be dead.” Diane was crying as she held her son in her arms, trying to comfort him as well as she could. But as he kept crying, she took his face between her hands.

“It’s going to be ok sweetie, don’t worry…”He stared back at her blankly, a dumbfounded look on his face mixed with desperation. “Do you know what it means mom? Do you know … I …” He swallowed hard, lowering his head as he found it impossible to look at any member of his family present in the room.

“I killed her mom … I KILLED HER!”

He couldn’t believe it was real. One day his life was perfect. He had all he could have dreamed of in it. And the next it was a whole bundle of shit. Questions started to run through his head wildly: Why him? Why Tess? What had they done to deserve that? Why was he alive and not her?

Dr. Stevens had tried to answer his questions the best he could concerning Tess. Telling him she was alive all the way to the hospital. She had called for him the whole time. But was it supposed to appease his pain of losing her?

Yes, she had loved him. But didn’t he know that already? They had proved their love for each other thousand times in the most intimate way, and for Dr. Stevens and his family, knowing she had called his name before dying was supposed to calm him. It hadn’t saved her.

And calling for her wasn’t going to bring her back either, he knew that…


Max watched the young couple smiling at their newborn baby in a carriage through the large window of his room. The woman was probably leaving the hospital today and it made him want to be in her shoes even more. Those two seemed so happy. They probably deserved their life… as much as he deserved his.

It had been a month since he had woken up. A month during which he had kept repeating to himself that he deserved what he’d gotten. But he couldn’t find what he had done wrong. Maybe he had been too happy… It was the only way he had found to accept his condition without falling apart.

The first days had been the worst: laying on bed, unmoving, barely able to talk. The only distraction he had had was his family and friends who came to visit him. It had been the first days...
But when he had seen the pitiful looks on their faces he had refused any other visit. Most of them never came back anyway. They would come once and when they had seen their friend laying on his bed not even able to do the basic dailies, they’d gone away and never come back. They were probably afraid. Reality was hard to face.

But it was even harder to live it…

Max turned his attention back to the window when he heard someone enter the room.
“Hey man! How are you doing today?”

He grunted back at the one he had once called his best friend; now he didn’t feel like being anyone’s best friend. He had to avoid him, but it seemed that the further he’d get from him, the closer he’d come. Michael was one of those who had come once and had never gone. He was here every morning at 10 a.m. and never went away before 6 p.m. when the visits were over.

It had bothered Max at first; he didn’t want his friend to see him that way. They had known each other all their life since their fathers had been each other’s best friend back in College, and when Michael’s parents had died in a plane accident, leaving him rich but alone, there had been no hesitation to where Michael would live, he had been part of the family way before his parents died and the fact that he had come to live with them had just increased their closeness. They had gone through childhood as best friends and had made it to adulthood as brothers.

“Hey Max! I heard you were going out in two days. Excited?”

Max grunted again. He was happy that was sure. He had wanted to go back home since he had woken up a month ago. But he was afraid too: he didn’t want his parents to stay and he feared they would force him to go back with them to Chicago. His life, even if it was a different one, was here in New York and he had no intention to change this.

He needed to convince them. And he had two days for that.


“Dr. Stevens? My wife told me you wanted to talk to us.”

Dr. Stevens looked at the father of the young boy he had learnt to love like his own son during the last months. He had felt a connection with Max Evans ever since the day he had entered the ER.
This young man looked so much like his own son. But his hadn’t had the chance that Max had had. He hadn’t survived the crash car he and his family had been in.

But he knew it was hard for Max. He knew what Max was going through; he had seen thousand of patients like him. He knew Max was blaming himself for what had happened, just like he had blamed himself for the death of his son and wife. He would do anything to appease the pain of this young man, even if it meant letting go of his career project. He had already several posts in California and even Europe so that he could stay by Max’s side after he had woken up.

“Mr. Evans. How are you today?”
He shook the hand of the man in front of him, suddenly realizing that it was the first time in 3 months that the couple had entered his office to hear good news. He didn’t wait for an answer, too eager to talk about his discovery.

“I wanted to talk to you about Max’s condition actually.”

He watched as Phillip looked wearily at Diane, half expecting to see her burst into tears once again, but she didn’t, instead she focused her attention on the Doctor in front of her, avoiding her husband’s glares.

”Yes doctor, we don’t know yet how we are going to deal with it; he will obviously go back to Chicago with us, but we don’t know anything from now.”

Dr. Stevens nodded, not sure if bringing back Max to Chicago to live with them was the best idea, but that was another issue he would deal with later. “I know I’ve talked to you about Max’s almost impossible chance to ever walk again. The X-rays were very clear on that point and there was no doubt at that time.” He watched the parents crossing eyes, composing himself for what would come next.

“I don’t want you to get your hopes high for nothing, but Max’s chances might have increased a little bit.”
He paused, waiting for the question he was sure would come.
“Are you saying Max might walk again?” Diane’s voice was full of tears and he knew she was holding them on.
“I’m not assuring anything for now, but one of my colleagues in England has developed a new treatment for back injured victims. Their might be a chance for Max to enter the program without even moving from the US; Dr. Richmond, my colleague, has been asking me for months to join him over there and enter the project but I was never willing to leave my patients; now he proposed me to follow my own researches based on his own results from here… and to be honest Max appeared to be the perfect subject for the testing.”

Phillip eyed him carefully, reticent to let his only son take such a risk. “Are you asking us to let our son be tested for a medication that is still experimental? I don’t think so Dr. Stevens. Don’t you think he has been suffering enough, you have to put some more pressure on him. What tell us this drug isn’t even mortal anyway?”
Diane put a comforting hand over her husband’s, trying to calm him down. It was her turn this time to cool things down. “Doctor, I don’t think this is a good idea to put Max through this kind of stress again. The last month has been really hard on him and all we can do now is go back to a normal life.”

“Max will never have a normal life again!”
He hadn’t intended to say it that loud, but when he saw the startled looks on the Evans’ faces he realized his mistake. He started more slowly.

“Listen, I would never have accepted to continue the researches here if it hadn’t been for Max. I heard from it recently again, and it caught my attention. Max has all his chances on his side, and if he doesn’t respond to the first part of the treatment, we’ll stop right away. Dr. Richmond has been testing it on other people, with the exact same symptoms as Max's. The results came out positive for 50% of the patients that were treated. Now he needs me to start the experiment here in America; we have a lot more material here in New York. I wouldn’t do it if it weren’t safe for Max I swear…”

He looked at them obviously bothered by their reluctance. A chance was given to their son and they were hesitating. But at the same time he understood their reaction, they were parents and they were worried.

“Listen I know you care a lot for your son, and I respect you for that, I’ve… had… a son myself and I know what it’s like to take a decision that determinant for him… and that’s why I’m going to be really honest with you, Max is legally old enough to make his own decision. I will be asking him this afternoon for the treatment, and if he accepts, you won’t have a word in it. I just wanted to tell you about it, thinking that maybe if you knew it’ll be easier to seek for support while asking him… you have to understand that this is the chance of a lifetime for Max. He will be in a wheelchair all his life otherwise.”

“You don’t know that.” Phillip erupted, but Diane was on her feet by him in a second.
“Phillip, don’t lie to yourself, you know that he won’t walk again anyway, what will it cost to try this? Max trusts Dr. Stevens and I think we should too. You’ve been by Max’s side all this time, now is not the moment to let him down.”
Phillip look at his wife dumbfounded. He would have thought she'd be the first to be opposed to the idea. “Diane do you realize that Max would be staying in New York! Our all life is in Chicago, we can’t afford to move here!” He knew it was a desperate argument, but he would have tried anything at this point.

He looked as Diane’s face crumbled in deception. She hadn’t thought of that, he could see. She glanced briefly at Dr. Stevens, obviously expecting him to say something, but he didn’t. Instead he nodded, a sad look on his face.

Diane took a deep breath, not even sure she was strong enough to tell what she wanted to. She tried to look as determined as she could but her tears betrayed her.
“If that’s what it takes for Max to be happy… then I think it’s worth it.”

Last edited by babylisou on Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by babylisou »

Part 3

”So this is the big day, huh?”
Liz eyed her best friend carefully, smiling comfortingly when she noticed the sadness in her eyes. She didn’t say a word, instead she went to sit by her on the large bed they had shared during many sleepovers. She laid her head on Maria’s lap like she used to do when they were in high school.

“Are you scared?” Maria asked after a silence. Liz shrugged, refusing to say a word in fear to break the comforting moment she was in. “I’m… I’m scared to lose you.”
Liz raised her head at that. “You know it won’t happen. It’s just New York City, not the end of the world Maria.” She stated matter-of-factly but she knew she was trying to convince herself just as much.

In less than three hours she’d be in a plane, starting a new life. She didn’t even know what to expect, Dr. Stevens, her old biology teacher in college had called her saying he knew her wish to leave Chicago and that he might have something interesting for her. She had been really excited about it ever since he had called. It was nothing fancy really though, she would have to live with an old invalid man, make his meals and probably provide him with any medical care he would need. But it was the opportunity for her to finally leave her hometown and live on her own.

She let herself relish the last few moments she had with her best friend, closing her eyes as Maria slid her hands through her hair. Something they had done a thousand times when neither of them felt like talking.

There would be enough to talk about when they’d have to say goodbye…


Liz walked blindly in the huge airport, trying to find her way out while carrying suitcases two times her size in both of her hands. It was a lot bigger than Chicago’s and people were wildly running in every direction.

Somebody in a loud voice speaker announced little Sarah was waiting for her mother at the meeting center and she realized at that moment she wished her mom was with her. She was on her own now and the only person she could complain to was herself.

One of those little electric cars sped before her and she jolt in fear.
“Liz Parker?”
She heard her name being called, but couldn’t see through the crowd who this was coming from. She heard the voice again and a friendly hand settled on her shoulder, pushing her through the mass of people and out into the street.

When they finally stopped, a tall young woman with shinny blond hair stood before her, staring at her with insistence.
“Are you Liz Parker?” She asked again above the brouhaha of cars and bus passing by. Liz just nodded. Not knowing what to do anymore.

“Yes, yes, I’m Liz, who are you?” She covered her ears with her gloved hands, wincing at the noise of a pneumatic drill going off right beside her.
“I’m Isabel Evans. I think you talked to my dad on the phone. He said I had to pick you up.”

So it had been whom her mother had been talking to this morning. She had told her she had gotten a call from Mr. Evans and that his sister would be here to pick her up at the airport later in the afternoon. She had been expecting somebody much older though, from what she knew, Mr. Evans was an old man and Isabel didn’t look much older than she was.

The woman just took one of her suitcases and led her to a black convertible, already loading the trunk with what Liz had brought from Chicago. It wasn’t much really, she had assumed everything would be furnished in the house.

Isabel Evans looked at the young woman that was following her. She couldn’t blame her, she had been like that herself the first time she had come to New York and it had taken her sometime to get used to the life in this huge city. But it was also a good thing that Liz was from Chicago like their family, that way she might be able to convince Max to go back there sometime.

“I thought we could go drink something before I drive you home. I’d like to talk to you for a little bit… get to know you a little bit you know.” She smiled warmly trying to reassure her that she was trustworthy and when she saw it wasn’t helping she just reached for her arm.

“I’m sorry Liz, is everything okay? You look… surprised.”

“It’s okay… I just… you are Mr. Evans’ daughter right?” She tried to ask again, not sure she had quite understood what she had said inside the airport. Isabel just nodded eying her with a questioning look on her face. But Liz just chuckled nervously.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know he had a daughter actually. I thought it would be your aunt who would come. I… I was waiting for someone a little bit… older.”

Liz said softly. She didn’t want to seem impolite. But it was true: when she had talked on the phone with the doctor, she had understood Mr. Evans was a bachelor. She hadn’t expected him to have a daughter.

Isabel frowned at her words. What was she talking about? Had Dr. Stevens told Liz her mother would come at the airport? She didn’t even have an aunt, her father was an only child.
“I believe there was a misunderstanding Liz, I’m Mr. Phillip Evans’ daughter, Max’s older sister. I don’t even have an aunt.”

Liz stayed silent for a moment. She was as confused as the young woman in front of her. She didn’t have an aunt? But who was she then?
“Wait, who… who is Mr. Maxwell Evans? Is he your grandfather?” She asked puzzled by the strange situation.

Isabel started to realize what was happening. There had obviously been some confusion about the age and all she could do was laugh about it. “Actually I’m Max’s sister.” She said between two giggles. “How old do you think he is?”

Liz glared at Isabel Evans with suddenly huge wide eyes. Isabel smiled knowingly. She thought she was Max’s daughter. This only thought made her shiver.
”Oh my god, I’m so sorry… I… Dr. Stevens said that he needed somebody at home and I assumed he was… I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay, I’m just glad we noticed the confusion before you met him.”
The sudden seriousness on Isabel’s face wasn’t reassuring at all. She didn’t know what she was feeling right now. She should have been relieved that it was a younger boy and not an old one. But in another way, it implied a tragedy had happened and she couldn’t help wondering what it was that had put him in such a bad condition.

“How, Er … how old is Mr.… I mean, Max?”
She asked as they both settled into the front seats. Isabel started the car refusing to confront the young girl’s reaction at the realization of Max’s young age.
“he turned 20 two months ago. He came out of coma right after his birthday.”

“What… what happened to him? …”
Isabel shook her head sadly. She knew she would have to tell her. She had just hoped Dr. Stevens would have filled her in a little bit more. But things had gone so fast Max decision to stay in New York, the beginning of the tests for the treatment, everything. She needed to be sure though, that Liz wasn’t going to go back and abandon them once Max would be at home now that she knew the challenge she’d be up to.

She lowered her head not wanting to meet Li's pitiful look.
“A little more than three months ago, Max was in a car accident with… with his girlfriend… he stayed in a coma for two months and when he woke up… the doctors noticed his back had also been injured. They weren’t even sure if he would ever wake up so his back was the least of their worries at the time. When he woke up he had lost his mobility from waist to toes … Dr. Stevens assured it was hopeless, but something like two weeks ago, he told my parents Max's chances to walk again had increased thanks to a new treatment they were experimenting. He must have told you about that.”
Liz only nodded remembering the discussion she had had with her old professor.

“The cure from England…”

Isabel raised her head meeting the girl’s eyes, looking at her seriously.

“You have to know that… His girlfriend died just minutes after her arrival at the hospital… Max was the one who was driving and since that day… he thinks that his… current state, is his punishment … I don’t think he really believes this treatment will work, but he accepted because it was his only hope to stay in New York and not have to go back to Chicago with my parents.”

Isabel took a breath, looking suspiciously at Liz. She couldn’t read what she was thinking. Her face was literally unreadable.
“If I’m telling you that Liz, it’s because I want to be sure that you know it’s going be hard. Obviously Max knows you’re going to live with him, but he is convinced he can live by himself… and my brother is stubborn.”

Last edited by babylisou on Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by babylisou »

OK here it is guys for the Part 4!!! I really tried to work on it the best I could. I really didn't like Liz and Michael meeting but I really like the idea. I tried to work on it, but it's still not really as good as I imagine it in my head. I just hope you'll like this part and I'll be coming with Max and Liz's meeting real soon!

Part 4

Dr Stevens entered Max’s room early that morning, trying to be quiet as he thought the young man would still be asleep; but he found him sitting by the large glass window, looking at the wide blue sky.

He wouldn’t be gone before tomorrow but he could see the suitcase was already packed on the table on the far end of the room, the dresser almost empty, with only a coat and the gown Max had been wearing during the first days he had spent at the hospital left in it.

“Max… I didn’t expect you to be awake yet. It’s only 6, why are you up that early?” The doctor approached him, sitting on the bed and focusing his attention on the view.

Max just shrugged, refusing to say a word. He had felt so peaceful during the last hour, just sitting there, watching the sun rising slowly, and he didn’t want to break the moment.

There was a long silence and Dr. Stevens got up, grabbed a tension meter and strapped it around Max’s arm to take his blood pressure. This was something nurses were supposed to do everyday, but not today. Today was Max’s last day, and he wanted to be the one doing even the smallest tasks on him.

They kept a comfortable silence between them as they accomplished the daily tasks and when it was over, Dr. Stevens helped Max back to lie on his bed. He was amazed by how thin Max was.
When he had entered the hospital he had been a strong young man, one you could see was exercising regularly. But his long coma had made him weak. He had recuperated most of his strength during the last few weeks, but his weight was still alarming. Max barely ever ate and it didn’t make it easy for him to gain back all the pounds he had lost.

Now, as he carried him to his bed, Dr. Stevens realized he didn’t weigh much more than a healthy ten years old. With his long skinny body and his white cheeks that strongly contrasted with his dark black hair, Max almost looked like a ghost and he suddenly realize it might have been a mistake to let him go home that early. All he could do now was hope that Liz would hold this situation as nicely as he had seen her hold so many others.

He sat on the chair by the bed and Max understood it was time for the daily lecture. He sighed deeply.
“Don’t even ask doc, I’m fine, I’ve been telling you. I’m going home, it’s no big deal.” He was getting tired of repeating this to every soul that had entered his room during the last week. He knew what was waiting for him back there… or at least he thought he knew. He had started doubting his decision to go home so early during the last few days. He didn’t know how difficult it would be to live without Tess. She had been his life, his reason to wake up every morning and to go to sleep peacefully every night. Tess wasn’t here anymore and he didn’t know how he’d go through this without her.

“This isn’t what I came to talk to you about Max… or at least, not only that.” Max grunted but Dr Stevens pushed his chin so that Max was facing him, but he strongly resisted, keeping his eyes focused on the ceiling.

“Listen to me Max? It’s really important.”
“I’m listening doc.” He said exasperated.

“Max, your parents might be fooled by your victim attitude, but this doesn’t work with me.” Dr. Stevens said forcefully. “I know you didn’t decide to take this treatment because you believed it could help you out of this wheelchair, but only because it was the only way for you to stay here in New York. I’m not going to say anything about that, it’s your choice, and I can’t force you to believe that it will work, but if you want to stay in New York, you have to pay the price even if this means having to get involve in your recovery. I know you don’t feel like doing anything, but this isn’t going to work without you. I planed on getting you out of this wheelchair, and you’re not going to get in my way. Is that clear enough?”

The Doctor’s tone was the one of an angered father. He made it sound like it counted more for him to see Max on his feet than it did for Max himself… and he suspected it was true. Max had no idea why he was doing all this for him, but if it could keep him to stay here in New York, he would do it. But he also felt the doctor hadn’t said that just to lecture him on his purposes.

“What do you want to say Doc… just say it.”

The doctor’s features softened as he saw the resigned look on his patient’s face. “This isn’t going to be easy Max. We are entering the painful phase of the treatment and having you going home right now may not be the best idea, but I’m not going to stop you either. I just want to be sure that you understand that without the morphine you’ve been provided with during the last week, having to bear the pain is not going to be easy… If you decide to stay for a few more days, nobody will complain Max, you know that right?”

Max looked at the ceiling deep in thoughts, he had taken his decision and he was not going to let his freedom pass him by anytime soon. He turned his face to the doc, looking in his eyes with deep conviction.
“I’m going home tomorrow doc.”


Liz lay on her bed, completely awake. It was 11 p.m. and if she’d been in Chicago she’d have been asleep for a while. She had had a hectic schedule back there and it had become common for her to go to bed before 7 p.m.

But tonight was different. Excitement had been keeping her awake during the last few days, first back in Chicago, and now that she was comfortably settled in New York all that she was waiting for was to meet her next patient. She didn’t even know how she should call him… Her patient? Mr. Evans? Max?

Isabel had been nice with her the last two days, showing her around, and even though she knew she had much more to discover, she now felt way more at ease in this big city. The apartment she would be living in was in Manhattan itself, but in a small secluded area not too far from the Brooklyn bridge. It was calm and yet not too far from the most interesting parts of the town.

She had also refused to sleep at Isabel's tonight as she had done during the last two days. She felt way more comfortable now to sleep in her new rearranged room. The apartment was a two bedrooms with a living area, an open kitchen and a bathroom attached to it.

The room she stayed in had its walls colored in pale pink and contained some furniture. She could have sworn nobody had lived here for years, but the room had been kept neat and clean all the time. As if it had been waiting for someone…

She tossed and turned in her bed, trying to find a comfortable position, but nothing seemed to keep her mind off of what she would experience tomorrow. She was too anxious. Knowing that Max wasn’t that old after all had struck her and she was still trying to imagine what it’d be like. Max would be a new experience, a new challenge for her.

It was the beginning of a new life…

Her head shot on the pillow as she heard noise on the hallway. The soft clicking of a key and the sound of steps walking in the hallway got her into panic mode. She bent down under the bed to retrieve a baseball bat and gripped it firmly in both her hands. She opened her door with trembling fingers and walked into the living area.

Why hadn’t she listened to Isabel and stayed the night at her place like she had proposed, she had told her New York was dangerous. Why was she always so stubborn?

The light went off briefly and she screamed in fear at the shadow she perceived in front of her. She closed her eyes, agitating the bat wildly in an attempt to scare the stranger out of her house. She kept on screaming until she felt the wood hit something soft and strong at the same time.

Somebody yelped in pain but she kept on beating and beating blindly. This time when she opened her eyes, the light was on and a man was facing her, wincing as he rubbed his left arm.

She stopped for a second, breathing heavily, but when he raised his head and met her eyes, she started again more forcefully.
“GET-OUT-OF-MY-HOUSE!” She screamed in rhythm with the bat beating his arms and shoulders.

Michael looked at the young woman before him and trying to beat the hell out of him, he effortlessly grabbed a end of the bat and yanked it out of her grasp.

Liz froze as she realized she had nothing left to defend herself. What would happen now? Was he going to rape her? Or beat her? Leave her dead in her own place and she would be found dead in a day or so?

Her thought were cut short by Michael’s outburst.
“What are you doing in MY house?” He looked at her from head to toes finally noticing her state of dressing. “… And wearing PJ's…” He finished lamely.

Liz stumbled until her back met the door. Her body was now trembling in fear and she managed to croak out a few words. “Who… who are… you?”

Michael opened his eyes wide, looking more surprised than afraid to see her there. He gave her an exasperated look. “Who are YOU?”

“I live… I live here!” Liz retorted, trying to sound assured but lamely failing.

It hit Michael at this moment. Isabel’s phone call. Late this afternoon. How could he have forgotten that? “You’re Liz aren’t you? Liz Parker?”

Liz frowned. How could he know her name? She hadn’t written it on the mailbox yet and no one was supposed to know about her for now except for the Evans family and some close friend Isabel had talked to her about…

Her trail of thought was stopped dead as she realized who he was.
“You’re Michael?”

“Well it’s nice to meet you too!” He said sarcastically.

“What are you doing here in the middle of the night?” Liz asked without preamble. This guy was rude and she wished she wouldn’t have to deal with him too much. She crossed her arms on her chest, trying to show some fake authority. But she couldn’t stop herself from shaking.

He shrugged, obviously unaware of her trying to have a strong attitude. “I’m Max’s best friend, you’ll see me here a lot. Aren’t you a little bit young for a nurse?” He asked out of the blue.

Liz sighed, realizing her failed attempt to sound strong and determined was wrong and inappropriate. She was also tired to answer this question to everybody she had met during the last few days. She sank in a chair next to him, meeting his eyes with a wary expression.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ask that, it’s just… well, you know Max is just a little bit smaller than me, and I thought you might have some difficulties… you know, if he needs to be carried or something.”

He saw her frightened look and immediately understood his mistake. He wasn’t here to scare her and he wasn’t doing a really good job. “But don’t worry, I’ll be here as much as possible… at least the first few days, until you’ve taken your marks you know.” He tried to reassure her.

There was a silence as Liz tried to calm down. She had the opportunity to have her patient’s friend in front of her, she could ask him thousand of questions. Trying to know him. But she felt more tired now than in the mood for this kind of discussion.

Michael hesitated an instant and stood up again.
“Maybe you should go to bed now. You look tired. We’ll talk tomorrow… and you can let this bat here. I’ll sleep here tonight.”

Liz nodded gracefully, feeling strangely relieved. She knew she would not find slumber before a long time, but at least she felt safe…


“Home sweet home!”
Isabel tried to lighten the oppressive mood in the car as they turned at the corner of Max’s street.
It had taken more time than they had expected to have Max settled into the car safely. They hadn’t thought he would feel uncomfortable into a car so long after the accident and she was sure that he hadn’t either. The last time he had been in a car his girlfriend had died from it so who were they kidding when they thought it would be a piece of cake for him to reintegrate the dreadful engine?

He had almost hyperventilated when his dad had lifted him from his wheelchair to carry him to the backseat, but now that he was in, he just stared outside the window blankly; trying not to think about what would waiting for him at his place… or who wouldn’t…

There would be no greeting from Tess this time. No hello kisses. No happy laughter floating through the little place as he chased her… She was gone; and he was back. Suddenly he doubted he’d be able to live in this place again; to see their room; to smell her scent. Her presence was still all over the place he was sure.

The car stopped and his dad carried him out of the car and into the wheelchair he had learned to consider as a part of himself. His eyes never left the door of the building. He was grateful to finally leave the damned car, but was he really ready to enter this building?

Last edited by babylisou on Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by babylisou »

Part 5A

Liz heard a car pulling outside the small apartment and she quickly got up, starting to nervously bite on her lower lip. Michael had watched her do that all morning. He sat quietly on the couch, his legs extended and resting on the coffee table. He had seen the horrified look in Liz’s eyes, but she hadn’t said a thing.

“Is that them?” He asked, before getting up, and made his way to stand next to her at the window. She looked up at him, waiting for his answer to his own question. He nodded and they both looked as Isabel and Mrs. Evans exited the car emptying the trunk of Max’s suitcase and stuffs that had been at the hospital with him.

Liz refused to look further, she didn’t watch as Mr. Evans helped Max out of the car, or when he carried him to the wheelchair. Instead, she focused her attention on Isabel and her mother making their way up to the door. She caught Michael’s eyes, silently telling him to help them as they crossed the threshold.

“Thank god Michael! This suitcase weighs a ton!” Isabel exclaimed as her friend effortlessly lifted the large bag into his arms. “Diane? Need any help?”

The older woman just shook her head, her attention already focused on Liz. She hadn’t had the chance to meet her before now and she was glad to finally do. This girl looked so young, barely as old as Max. She was already afraid to leave him here alone, what if Liz wasn’t able to handle it? Would she have to come back here and take care of her son herself? Maybe she should just stay here for a few days to be sure that everything was ok. Isabel had convinced her that taking their plane back home this afternoon would be the best solution for everyone, but she still had time to change her mind.

“You must be Liz.” She said, encircling her arms around Liz’s shoulder and surprising the young woman in the process. She had obviously not expected that from her. “I’m so happy you’re here…”

Isabel grabbed Liz by the arm, disentangling her from her mom’s grip before she could start a ranting on how to take care of Max.

“Liz! How was your first night in the apartment?”

Liz glanced briefly behind her shoulder, sharing a knowing smile with Michael. They had had time to talk about it this morning and Liz knew what to expect from each of the Evans’ family members… but even knowing about each of them, didn’t ease her fear to eventually meet Max.

Michael hadn’t said much about his best friend, just the basics: his likes and dislikes, his personality, and also his version of the accident. He didn’t want Liz to have to face the moody person Max had become without being prepared.

Liz was glad somebody had finally filled her in on her new patient. She had received a copy of Max’s files from Dr. Stevens, a few days before leaving Chicago, but beside a few basic information about his health and the treatment she’d have to administrate, there was nothing concerning the actual human being Max Evans.

“It went… pretty well actually. Thanks for asking.”
“Are you excited to meet my brother?” Isabel asked, wiggling an eyebrow as she saw her father and Max approach the door. She had been trying to soothe the oppressive mood since this morning and seeing Liz all tense and anxious wasn’t really reassuring.

Liz didn’t have time to answer as who she guessed was Mr. Phillip Evans wheeled a young man into the house. Isabel had shown Liz a few pictures of her brother when they had been discussing at her place and she had herself seen a few scattered in the apartment, but none could have prepared her to the actual sight of Maxwell Evans.

His black jet hair framed his white ghostly face, his features a mix of tenderness and obvious torture. She didn’t notice his large ears at first as Isabel had already warned her about this detail; they were now hidden behind the hair falling over them. A few long bangs covered his eyes and she noticed for the first time the dark amber pools staring right back at her. She had been so engrossed in her contemplation of Max that she hadn’t noticed Mr. Evans extending his hand to greet her.

“Hello Miss Parker, I’m Phillip Evans, it’s a real pleasure to finally meet you.”

Liz was astonished by the easiness with which they had all accepted her.
“Oh, I’m sorry Mr. Evans; it’s a pleasure to meet you, too.” She said, obviously overwhelmed by the situation. She shook the hand he was extending, her eyes back on the young man in the wheelchair.

Max had noticed her the moment he had entered the house and he had felt her large brown eyes on him. He hadn’t expected somebody that young. Dr. Stevens had recommended her to his parents and with the little time they had, they really couldn’t object. All he knew about her was what his sister had told him and she had ‘forgotten’ to say she was actually his age, if not younger. He didn’t really care, but he just realized it would be harder for him to get rid of her now that he was thinking about it; he could already feel she’d be more reluctant to give up than any other old lady.

He watched as his dad greeted her, making no attempt to greet her himself, he wasn’t in the mood for civility. He realized suddenly that this was it: he was in his house again. The last time he had been in here, he had been on his way to get Tess. He remembered this morning so well it haunted his nightmares every night. She had insisted on staying at her parents' house during the time of his exams, refusing to distract him during his revisions. They had been living together for a while back then and they knew it didn’t take long to distract each other from work. This morning had been their first free morning after the result, the first time they had been together other than at school, in one long month… and it had never ended.

He wheeled himself inside the living area and stared at the pictures hanging from the wall right by the bathroom door. He could still feel her smell in the room even after all those months, her presence was everywhere. He felt tears welling up in his eyes and he swallowed his sobs, trying not to make a fool out of himself in front of everybody. He desperately needed to get out of there; he didn’t want anyone to see him like this.

“I’ll be in my room.” He said his back to the small group of people, as he rode himself all the way to the slightly opened door. “…if you need me…”

“Do you need any help Max?” His mother cut him off before he could say anything else. “Maybe you should take a nap, rest for a little while.”

“I’m fine mom.” He said, never turning back the whole time. Then he disappeared behind the closed door, leaving them all in an awkward silence.

Last edited by babylisou on Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by babylisou »

Part 5B

Liz sighed deeply as she slumped her weary body on the couch. It had been one exhausting day and it wasn’t even over…

After Max had left the living room this morning, they had all gathered for a small brunch to discuss, in obvious anxiousness, what would happen next. Liz hated having to talk about any patient without said person being present, but he hadn’t left them a choice.

She hadn’t seen him since this morning. After he had left, none of them had dared enter the quiet room, except for his parents who had gone to say goodbye and had left just a few minutes ago. And she and Michael were alone again, since Isabel had decided to drive the Evans to the airport.

Michael watched her fidget with her shirt, glancing every now and then at the door behind which Max had disappeared a few hours ago.

“Maybe I should just go in there.” She said after a long silence, her tone sounding more questioning than assured. Michael stared back at her, pondering the different solutions they had, before jumping to his feet.

“Let me go first.”

He was already at the door when she got up, and she watched him enter the now darkening room without bothering to knock first. He had left the door slightly ajar and she couldn’t help looking at what was happening inside the room. She heard muffled sounds, and then Michael’s voice got louder.

“Maxwell, you can’t just stay in this room forever, you’ll have to get out of here sooner or later? Plus Liz is waiting to meet you, so quit being rude!”

She listened at the grunt reply she imagined came from Max and quickly turned around when she heard the ruffling sound behind the door and footsteps getting closer. A second later, Michael opened wide the door.

“Here Liz, you can come in.”

She hesitated for a few seconds until Michael gave her an encouraging smile and pushed her deeper into the closed-up space. She immediately noticed the room was filled with a sweet sent she identified as being Max’s.

Her eyes fell on the young man sitting on a twin size bed who stubbornly refused to look at her. He stared blankly at the closed window as she tried to find any way to start the conversation. She watched as Michael disappeared into the kitchen, obviously wanting to give them some privacy.
After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, she noticed a single picture on the nightstand by the bed. She picked it up and looked at it in obvious interest.

The blonde woman staring back at her from the photography was engulfed in an apparently much younger Max's arms. He was smiling on this picture, a smile that reflected happiness you couldn’t even imagine.

In a bold attempt to break the silence, she sat next to him on the bed, extending the picture to him.
“Is it Tess? When was it taken?”

The moment she pronounced her name Max’s eyes turned to her and then fell on the picture she was showing him. He felt tears pooling in his eyes at the sight of Tess’ smiling image, and angrily yanked it out of her hands. He knew he was acting like a child who had been taken his toy away, but who was this girl to even dare pronounce her name anyway.

He tenderly ran a finger on the picture smiling faces, it had been taken so long ago, and yet it seemed like only yesterday he had been holding her like that in his arms. He wrapped his hand around the thick paper crushing the picture between his fingers before throwing the now ruined photography outside through the opened door.

He turned his head back to Liz and was surprised to find a shocked expression on her face. She was obviously upset and he watched her getting up and nervously running a hand through her hair, looking flustered. “I’m… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean… I didn’t mean to-to upset you Mr. Evans, I-.”

Liz was caught off guard when he reached out to grab her wrist and stopped her dead in her rambling. She was lost in the depth of his eyes for a second and she could see he was, too. None of them said a word until he lowered his eyes to where he was holding her and noticed the red spot starting to form on each side. He suddenly let go, realizing that he was probably hurting her.

“You didn’t...”

He said it so softly she thought for a second she had imagined it. It was the first time she was hearing him talk, the first time he was uttering a sound in front of her and she couldn’t help but shiver at the deep throaty tone of his voice. A weak smile appeared on her lips and she didn’t notice his gaze changing direction, focusing on the closed window again.

“I’d rather be alone now… Liz…”

The smile on her lips widened at the way he had pronounced her name, almost sensually. She gave herself a mental slap when she realized where her thoughts were going. What was wrong with her? She was literally fantasying about her new patient. But at the same time who wouldn’t, with those eyes, and that voice, and those hair you wanted to slide your hands through- she stopped herself mid-way, mentally kicking her butt for having such inappropriate thoughts about her patient…

Her patient… she looked around, realizing for the first time that she was still standing in the middle of his room, staring right at him while he looked at her questioningly. What had he said again? ... Alone? Alright, he wanted to be alone… god, what was wrong with her tonight?

“O-Okay…” she stammered after what seemed like endless minutes. “Dinner will be ready in half an hour then.”

“I’m not hungry.” Max blandly said, laying his back on the bedspread, suddenly finding a real interest in the white ceiling above him. Those simple words turned Liz into nurse mode instantly.

“Mis-…Max, you’ve got to eat something.” She scowled gently, refusing to sound too pushy, he was a grown up man after all and it was obvious he was frustrated of being treated like a child just because he had lost part of his independence. His brain was still the same… and she would prove that to him if she needed to. Obviously, being treated like a child had also turned him into some kind of spoiled rotten brat, but she knew it wasn’t unusual; usually in that kind of cases, parents became overprotective and gave their ‘big child’ all the attention they seeked and even more… turning them into what they naturally weren’t.

“I’ll see you in the living room in a minute… and if you don’t come…” She didn’t finish her sentence, not even knowing herself what she would do. Would she cave in? Or beg him? She refused to wonder. Instead, she left the room, quietly closing the door behind her and eventually taking the deep cleansing breaths she had been dying to take since she had entered the room.

“Are you okay? What happened?” Michael’s voice startled her and she jumped on her feet, holding her chest, a hand against her heart. “Michael! You scared me; I thought you were gone…”

He shrugged passively, looking at her with worried eyes. “I decided to stay; Liz did everything go right in there? I didn’t hear anything for a while and…”

He trailed off as Liz bent down, retrieving a creased paper, and unfolded it; she handed him the picture without a word, eventually asking in a whisper. “Is that Tess?”

She didn’t know why she was asking. After all, it was obvious it was Max’s girlfriend, but she wanted to be sure, for his sake, and also, she had to admit, to satisfy her own curiosity.

She watched worriedly as Michael’s features crumbled as he looked at the picture. It wasn’t regret or nostalgia she could see in his eyes, but anger and frustration. She gave him a questioning look, silently asking what was wrong; but was rewarded with a grunt she could barely translate as a ‘bitch’.

She was taken aback by the accusation and felt like crawling over or melting into jelly just for her stupidity. Who was she to stumble into their lives and mindlessly ask about the girl they were all missing. Once again, she found herself mentally scolding her curiosity. She’d have escaped into the closed space of her comforting room, but dinner had to be prepared and Michael decided it was time to leave. He didn’t turn back, instead, throwing away the picture behind his shoulder as he bypassed her and mumbled some goodbyes.

She was alone again, except this time, Max was on the other room… well, literally she wasn’t alone, but in her mind, she hadn’t felt more alone before than at this very moment. She busied herself by preparing the dinner and a table for two, even though she knew it wouldn’t be tonight she’d drag Max at the table to have a face-to-face with her. Instead, she settled on dinning alone and once she was done and saw that he wasn't making any attempt to join her, she gathered some food on a plate and walked cautiously toward the room.

She knocked slightly on the door, once, then twice, but when she didn't receive any answer, she entered as quietly as possible. Max was laying on his back, his eyes focused on the white ceiling, basically the same way she had left him 30 minutes ago.

"I brought you some dinner." she said in a shaky voice.

He could feel she was waiting for some kind of answer on his part and sighed in exasperation when she didn't make any attempt to leave. "I said I wasn't hungry." He finally told her forcefully.

"And I said you need to eat." She snapped back.

He didn't reply to this one and she felt kind of upset for having almost yelled at him, but he needed to understand what was important for him; even if he didn't care, she knew that his family, his friends and even herself, cared.

"Fine, maybe you're not hungry right now, but you might be later." She said her tone softening "I'll leave it here okay?... Call me if you need anything."

She didn't wait for his answer and left the room without anymore words. She settled on the couch, her head cushioned between her legs as she recalled the events of the day.

But she couldn't concentrate enough; her thoughts constantly distracted by the slightest noise in the little house. If she had been alone, she would have turned on the TV or some music, but she suddenly felt self-conscious knowing that Max, the actual owner of this place, was on the other room.

When she had come here, she had relished in the idea to finally have her own place to live, but then she realized that she was once again in somebody else’s house.

What if her dream, after all, had been nothing more than that… a dream…

Michael drove blindly through New York City, his foot unconsciously pushing on the accelerator, making the car go faster than the actual speed limit. His anger was growing every minute and he fought to stop tears from falling down his cheeks.

He didn’t know where he was going, and to be completely honest, he didn’t care. He just had to go away, to flee from all this… from what Max had become, from what she had turned him into. And even now, even dead, she managed to make his life unbearable. Max was slowly dying under the grief for a girl only he knew hadn’t been what his friend thought.

Even before the accident happened, he had known she wasn’t what she appeared to be, but he had been too blind, too coward to say anything, to really convince himself that what he thought was actually the truth. He had been scared too that jealousy was influencing him, jealousy of all the time Max gave Tess… time who had before been his.

He reached out in the glove compartment to retrieve an old picture taken two years before they moved to New York. It showed Max and him, their arms resting on each other’s shoulders as they smiled to the camera. They had been happy back then, young and carefree. But from the moment Tess had entered Max’s life, everything had changed. Sure, Max was the happiest man he had known; but look where it had led him. Now he was mourning over a love he had never had.

He ran a shaky hand through his hair, trying to gain some control. How was he supposed now to tell his best friend that the love of his life had been nothing but a cheater?


Max sat on the front seat of the jeep waiting for her to finally come out. It was late Saturday morning and the sun was already high in the sky, warming the macadam.

The front door of the little house flew open and she ran out wearing tight jeans and a blue top. She rarely wore make up, but today was an exception, she had put on a light pink lip-gloss; her soft blond curls bouncing on her shoulders, framing her pale looking face.

She wasn't smiling when she reached the car though Max was too happy to notice. He went to meet her halfway and kissed her deeply and she welcomed the kiss.

"Max... I have something to tell you..."
She whispered as he started kissing her jaw and neck.


"It's important Max..."

"I got the job."
He whispered in her ear, ignoring her last statement. Before she could answer anything else, he was dragging her into the car; jumping into the driver's seat at her side and starting the Jeep.

By the time they had reached the road on their way to the Lake, Tess seemed to have forgotten what it was so important she had to tell him. She played with her lover, catching his eyes, and his attention.

He didn't see anything at first. All he saw was her face; all he heard were her screams. He felt her grip his shirt when he turned back to the road, but he didn't have time to see the truck, nor the road. Instead, he saw darkness.

The car rolled several times on the hard cement, and when it finally stopped, Max had his head stuck against the wheel in front of him. Only the belt was holding his body in place and he could feel his back throbbing with pain.

He opened his eyes, but he couldn't see anything, or was it blood on the front glass? He blinked several times, and finally he saw her. A few feet away from the car, she was lying on her side, her eyes were opened and she was calling for him.

"I'm sorry..."Was all he could read on her lips. What was she sorry for, he didn't know, but it didn't matter. Two men wearing dark blue coats and a red case ran at her side and he couldn't see her anymore. "Tess... Tess..."

"FIRE!" he heard someone screaming. But he couldn't move, he couldn't even breathe. Another man was bent over the blood-covered front glass, he was talking to him, but he couldn't hear anything, the blood pounding in his ears was too loud.

He barely had the strength to turn his head on the other side, but all he could see was flames; deep blue and orange flames. His right arm was just a few inches from them and he heard himself scream in fear...

Liz woke up in a start, completely disoriented. Where was she? The hard cushion under her body wasn’t familiar at all and she felt a shiver coursing through her body when she realized she wasn’t covered with anything. She looked around the dark room and noticed she had fallen asleep on the couch.

She had yet to find out what had woken her up so brutally but eventually registered the screaming coming from behind Max’s door. She quickly got up, not bothering to knock as she entered the room. She found him thrashing on his bed, almost convulsing with the glass-breaking sound of his screaming. She ran to his side, trying to get a hold of his flailing arms as she tried to wake him up.

“Max! Max, wake up, it’s a dream, wake up!”

She caught his head between her hands and held on until his gaze focused on her. His eyes wide open he stopped screaming, still breathing heavily as he looked at her. She waited until his eyes softened and started stroking his sweaty hair in a desperate attempt to soothe him out of his dark nightmare.

“It was just a dream…” She heard him whisper after long minutes. “Just a dream…”
She continued her soft ministration until his heavy eyelids eventually dropped back against his fearful eyes. He was back asleep, but she could sense he wasn’t peaceful yet, his grip on her arm still tight and his body was stiff.

She refused to leave the room until she was sure he was okay, and when she tried to untangle his arm from hers, he just wouldn’t let go even in his sleep. So she just laid by his side, cuddling as far as she could from him and yet close enough to comfort him with her presence.

Last edited by babylisou on Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by babylisou »

Part 6

Max woke up the next morning feeling exhausted. All his muscles were stiff from the weird position he had fallen asleep in. He rubbed his eyes, trying to wipe away the fog before opening them again. His left arm felt numb and crushed. He turned his gaze to the side and almost jumped from the bed when he realized what, or more specifically, WHO was crushing his left arm.

This Liz girl was lying on her side cuddled next to him, his arm encasing her small frame around the waist. He had no idea what she was doing here, in his bed and fully clothed…

Had she sneaked in during the night while he was asleep, but why?

He watched her wake up slowly under his gaze. He just couldn’t take his eyes off of her, too mesmerized by her natural beauty. She stretched languidly, a smile gracing her lips as she did. Whatever she had been dreaming about, he could say it had been good.

Her eyelashes flickered as she fought to open her eyes. He unconsciously smiled back at her and they both relished into the sweet moment. But it didn’t last long…

Liz jumped from the bed with a gasp the moment she registered where she was and who was with her. “I’m so sorry! ... I-I didn’t mean to fall asleep… I- …”

She was lying, she had loved falling asleep next to him, and she had felt his strong arm around her waist all night, even in her sleep. But it had felt so good, and safe. He had needed her comfort just as much as she had, and she had nothing to be guilty about. And still, now, facing him like this, she couldn’t find the words to explain herself.

Max slumped back on the bed as he listened to her ranting. Why was she doing that every time she was around him? It was giving him chronicle migraines. He held up his arm as she didn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon.

“Please, would you stop that?” He said in a tone more exasperated than he had wished to sound.

She stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes on him as he turned to look at her. He didn’t see any hurt in her eyes but she was apparently upset. He raised his upper body, taking leverage on his elbows and she ran to his side to help him, but he pushed her away gently.

“I’ve been doing this for the last month Liz, I can do it alone.”

“I’m sorry I-.”

“And you need to stop saying you’re sorry.” He said with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. She looked tense and uncomfortable and making her feel that way was the last thing he wanted… Not now… not anymore.

“I’m…” Liz started but stopped when he raised his eyebrow, staring right back at her. “O-Okay…” she finished lamely.

They stayed in awkward silence for a few minutes and then Liz stood up and started heading for the living room but she was cut off before she had crossed the threshold.

“Are you going to tell me what you were doing here?”

She looked at him frowning, obviously confused by his question. Didn’t he remember what had happened last night? Or maybe he had expected her to leave when he had been better… She didn’t really know what to answer. And if he did not remember, was it really the best thing to do to remind him?

“Are you sleepwalking or something?” He continued when she didn’t answer anything, just stared at him blankly. “I mean, it doesn’t bother me, it’s just… well I need to know if I have to get use to it, if you’re going to make it a habit or something.” He finished with a chuckle.

Liz’s face was flushed with embarrassment; he obviously didn’t remember. And now she was feeling awful for having fallen asleep. She was a nurse she was supposed to stay awake.

“I’m sorry. I- ...”

“Here you go again!” He laughed, shaking his head in fake exasperation. “Do you always do that?”

Liz gave him a self-conscious smile but didn’t answer his question, instinctively knowing it was rhetorical. She didn’t know what had gotten into him but he was in a really good mood… Strangely, she knew it was only a façade, a mask. He wasn’t feeling that good; she could read it in his eyes with an easiness that surprised her. But she wasn’t going to break the slightest glimpse of hope she had had since his arrival. She was delighted to hear him laugh and joke around her.

“I’ll go get the breakfast ready… if you want to join me-“

“No.” He snapped before she could finish. She looked at him and noticed his eyes had turned black with anger. The change had been so fast she hadn’t had time to register it. After the shock had passed, she went to sit on the bed, facing him.

“Max, you haven’t eaten since yesterday morning. Starving yourself isn’t going to help you walk again. You need-.”

“Who told you I wanted to walk again?” he snorted with disdain.

Liz sighed softly, trying not to let him see her exasperation. He had the bad habit to cut people in mid-sentence and it was starting to really annoy her. But she needed to stay calm, to keep cool in front of his obvious resistance.

“Dr. Stevens told me you were taking an experimental treatment… You may have a chance to walk again so why would you want to blow it?”

Max lay back on the bed, avoiding her gaze. She might be strong and determined, but not as much as he was and he wasn’t going to let her win this battle.

“If I accepted the treatment it was just to get the hell out of this damn hospital…” He stated matter-of-factly. He had nothing to hide and if she wanted to say it to Dr. Stevens, be his guest. Nobody would ever bring him back into that prison even if his life depended on it.

There was a long silence and he turned back to face her, curious to know why she hadn’t replied yet. The sight before him almost made him laugh, but he just grinned, refusing to give her this pleasure.

Liz had stood up from her seat on the bed, her arms crossed over her chest in determination and a fake frown on her face that made her look almost authoritative. He had to admit she was good, he was almost convinced.

“Max Evans, I won’t let you ruin your health! Whatever your plan is, you can forget it. If I have to thrust this food down your throat using force, I’ll do it.”

His snicker only flamed the anger in her eyes. “And if I have to call Michael to do it, I will, too.”

Max paled at that last threat but she held on against the urge to smile triumphantly, instead she kept a straight face and exited the room without waiting for his reaction.


“I can’t believe you brought me here!” Max growled, exasperated as Michael and Liz exchanged amused looks from above their menus.

It was mid-afternoon and they were sitting in a little restaurant where Max and Michael had dinned several times. It wasn’t too expensive and yet you could eat some good food.

“Max, I hate to see you that cranky, you’ll take a nap after lunch okay?” was Michael’s only reply. He kept his eyes on the menu, knowing that if he crossed Max’s shocked gaze, he would burst out laughing.

Max rolled his eyes when his best friend refused to look at him. What was the matter with him, it wasn’t hard enough to have them controlling his every move, did he have to treat him like a child, too?

Liz’s gaze swept around the room they were in. It was small but luxurious in its own way, the decorations giving a soft and comfortable atmosphere. There weren’t a lot of people since it was late for lunch and too early for dinner but it had taken some time to get Max out here.

When he hadn’t shown up for breakfast or for lunch, Liz had been forced to call Michael, refusing to see Max miss another meal. He was thin enough already. The friend had almost immediately arrived, and when his attempts to have Max eat something Liz had cooked were revealed to be mission impossible, he had decided to bring them here where it was really unlikely that Max would throw a fit.

“Did you choose already Max?” Michael asked, ignoring the death glare his friend was sending him. He turned to Liz, silently asking her the same.

“I’ll have a steak and backed potatoes.”

“Good choice.”

Liz and Michael chitchatted lively, unaware of Max’s frustration. They were openly ignoring him and he hated that. He was always the center of attention when he was in a room… or at least, since the accident, he had been. As much as he had hated it, he realized he wasn’t ready to be ignored yet.

He lowered his eyes on the menu, mumbling softly, but loud enough for Michael and Liz to hear. “You guys just get a room and spare me the drooling…”

Michael finished listening to Liz, sharing a knowing smile with her, before turning his attention back to his friend. “Max? Did you say something?”

He just shook his head dumbfounded, his gaze going from Liz to him with disbelief. “I’m out of here.” He said with conviction, pushing on the wheels with his hands. But he jerked back front when Michael pushed him back against the table, lowering his head to whisper in his ear.

“You want to decide what you want to do Max? You want your freedom back? Work for it! Until then, Liz and I will decide for you…”

He waited until Max met his determined gaze and nodded his approval almost fearfully. Those brat's reactions Max had had for the last months were starting to seriously piss him off and if he had to use authority to make Max realize what he was missing all this time, then he would.

Michael took back his seat silently, staring at his friend like nothing had happened just a second before. “So, Max? What will it be?”

Michael and Liz sat quietly in the small living room, trying to ignore the retching sounds coming from the other room. The moment they had arrived Max had retreated into the bathroom and had been there for the last 15 minutes.

None of them dared say a word, knowing well it was something they could only wince about. But Michael just couldn’t take it anymore, he just had to make it at least bearable, if not for Max, at least for himself.

“Is it normal Liz?” He asked worriedly.

Liz shrugged slightly, not wanting to appear unaffected. It wasn’t the first time she had to assist people getting sick, heck, it had even happened several times a day when she was at the hospital. But this time was different, this time it was Max, a man she had met yesterday but who had already taken a special place in her heart, like the connection she had created with him had nothing to do with one she had already had with any other patient.

“It could be.” She answered after a while. “If he hadn’t eaten in a while or it could be a side effect of the treatment. I’ll call Dr. Stevens to be sure, but he should be here tomorrow. I’ll ask him.” She said reassuringly. There was nothing she could really do at this point.

They heard the flush going off, and Max exited the room a few minutes later, looking pale and worn out. He was tiredly pushing on the wheels of his chair, and Michael rushed to his side, helped him up and dragged him to his bed. He was asleep before his head hit the pillow, snoring softly.

He stayed by his side for a few minutes, eventually getting up when he heard Liz enter the room with a steaming cup in her hands.

“Chicken soup.” She answered his questioning look. “He’ll be dehydrated when he wake up.”

“Oh… hmm... okay… you know maybe I should go…”

Liz only nodded, knowing there wasn't any way she'd convince him to stay here with her and Max. She could see he hated to see his friend like that so she’d have to handle it on her own this time. She grabbed his arm before he could exit the room.

“Thank you for coming Michael.” She whispered, keeping her voice down to not wake up Max.

“No problem...Call me if you need any more help… I know he can be a handful sometimes.” He finished with a soft chuckle.

She smiled in answer, her eyes were back on Max as soon as he had left the room. He was sleeping peacefully for now, but it wouldn’t last. She could already see his eyes moving energetically under his lids and she knew the nightmares weren’t far away.

Last edited by babylisou on Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by babylisou »

Part 7 (i'm posting part 7 on the 7/7... hope it'll be chance! )

“So Max, tell me, did Liz take good care of you those past few days?”

Dr Stevens asked happily to the grumpy young man sitting unmoving on his bed. It was the first time he was seeing Max since he had left the hospital 3 days ago and he wasn’t surprised to find him depressed and pretty much as cranky as when he had last seen him, but he shouldn’t show his worries. He wasn’t in a state as bad as he had been expecting him to be though. Apparently, Liz had managed to make him eat something this morning and compared to yesterday, he had kept it down so far. He was kind of afraid that having the treatment stopped for those last few days had caused the nauseas, but he wasn’t sure yet of all the side-effects the treatments could have on the human body.

He looked at the young girl sitting on a chair on a far corner of the room and noticed the guilt and pain in her eyes when Max didn’t answer. He had called her and pressed her to come here to New York City, even promising her that it would be a great experience for her, but he realized that it wasn’t that much of an interesting training for the potential she had. But soon they’d start the treatment again and she’d have more to do than look after a grouchy young man in a wheelchair.

Max was pretty much independent, more than a lot of people with a reduced mobility. He had learnt a lot during the last few months at the hospital and didn’t need much help for the basics like showering or dressing up. But he needed somebody to push him, to keep him on the track of life, and Dr. Stevens knew that Liz was perfect for that.

“So, I guess I’ll just need to do a little check up and we’ll need to make some analyzes to see if your white cells are ready to start on the treatment again. What do you think Max?”

“Do whatever you have to do Doc, just stop asking questions!” Max snapped.

He was really in a bad mood this morning, not that he had really been in a good one ever since the accident, but today he had woken up feeling weak and worn out. The smell of greasy bacon cooking had made him sick all over again, but Liz had still forced him to eat some afterward, even threatening to call Michael again. Now he could feel the bill churning his throat as the nausea came back, but the doctor just stayed oblivious. He lay on his back, letting the doctor prod him and do whatever he had to do. He welcomed the cold feeling of the stethoscope on his bare chest and the pressure on his arm as he took his tension. He winced when he put a needle in the now sore spot in his arm. And he sighed when he eventually got up from the bed, indicating he was almost over.

“Have you noticed any new sensations in your legs since you came back here?”

Max opened his eyes, looking back at the frowning face of Dr. Stevens. He hadn’t really thought about the pain he had been feeling in his legs since they had started the treatment. Dr Stevens had said it was normal, but having stopped the treatment so brutally might have had side effects and even if it was a blessing to have the pain fading away, it was also a curse if they had to start the treatment from the beginning. He just shrugged not really knowing what answer he was expecting.

“I guess I’ll just give it a quick look then. I wouldn’t like to have to start the treatment from the beginning if it’s not necessary.”

Max nodded quickly, already pushing his jeans down his hips eager to get it over with; but his gaze met Liz’s and he pushed them back up. She had been here the whole time and he hadn’t even noticed. He stopped, feeling self-conscious suddenly, and he saw her cheeks flush as he looked at her with insistence.

“Err… do you mind… Err…” He muttered nodding toward the door, hoping she’d understand.

Liz just looked at him realizing she had a golden chance to have him pay for the hundred embarrassments of those past few days. She stood up, walking to stand by his bed next to Dr. Stevens, crossing her arms almost shyly, still feeling bad having to do that.

“Actually, I’d rather stay here. I might have to do those exams later on and I’d like to see how Dr. Stevens proceeds.” She said trying to sound as determined as she wished she really was.

She beamed at the look of shock on Max’s face and her shyness almost disappeared.

“Need help with that?” She asked when he didn’t move, already boldly taking hold of his waistband and pushing his jeans past his hips again and all the way down his legs in one swift motion.

Max quickly recovered and the flush on his cheeks disappeared, his ego swelling as he cocked his head to the side, looking at her with a grin on his face. “Looks like you’ve had a lot of practice Miss Parker.” He said snorting and noted her smirk fade as she turned her back on him to fold his jeans, ignoring his teasing.

Dr Stevens witnessed the exchange between the two young people with a knowing smile and snickered when he saw Max roll his eyes at Liz’s lack of reaction to his teasing. He sat back next to Max and started prodding Max’s feet and he could feel Liz’s gaze stubbornly focused on his hands as she tried to ignore Max’s intense stare. He was sure the young man didn’t even notice he was doing so.

He pinched and prodded several times on Max's feet, knees and thighs, a smirk on his lips as he sat between the two young people. He wasn’t really expecting any reaction from his patient and he had let slip some of his concentration, but Max’s yelp brought him back to the reality and he looked shocked as he started rubbing the area Dr. Stevens had just pinched.

“Man, you pinch hard!” He muttered, not even realizing what he was saying.

“You felt that?” Dr. Stevens asked with in a shocked tone.
Max almost jumped at the realization of what was happening. He kept rubbing his thighs enjoying the small pain. The feeling wasn’t strong, and yet it was here. It almost brought a smile to his lips, but then he remembered… He couldn’t get his hopes high, it was his punishment and he couldn’t believe to be that lucky.

But Dr. Stevens wasn’t that pessimist and he needed to believe that it meant something. He pushed Max’s hand, not even waiting for his answer and prodded more firmly on the skin just above his knee. “Do you feel that Max?”

“Hum… well, yeah kinda...” Max said unsure. He met the doc’s smiling face but refused to smile back.

Dr. Stevens noticed that but he refused to let the young man’s reticence put a damper on his own joy. “Well, at least it means the treatment is working! We could start on it again tomorrow; the sooner the better.”

He turned to Liz, happy to find her smiling back at him. Apparently Max was the only one still unsure about it all, but Dr. Stevens was confident. Soon Max would realize the chance he had. Though he could feel something was keeping the young man from appreciating each moment, and he feared it was still the guilt from losing his girlfriend… if only he could realize that his condition had nothing to do with any kind of punishment…


It was late afternoon when Liz finally found some time to relax. She had been busy cleaning and unpacking the last few things she had received this morning by mail. She had insisted on having Dr. Stevens staying for lunch, knowing that if he was there, Max wouldn’t fight her. And she had been right, Max had been reluctant at first, but had finally settled at the table with them for a short but healthy meal. He had been sitting in his room watching cartoons ever since, something she had noticed he did a lot.

She almost groaned when she heard the bell ringing. She hoped it would be Michael or Isabel but already knowing it was less than likely since they had both a late shift today. She ran into the foyer when the knocking on the door became insistent and opened the door swiftly. A middle aged man stood in front of her, a soft smile on his face.

“May I help you?”

She watched him nervously clench his fist but his face remained unwavering.

“Hi. I’m Ed. Harding, I came to visit Max. Is he here?”

Liz frowned. Nobody had come to see Max since he had left the hospital and this man looked a little too old to be one of his friends. He must have noticed her hesitation because he quickly reassured her. “I’m a friend of the family, I just came back in town and I learnt he was home… I just thought I’d visit him.”

“Hmm… well, you know, he’s kind of tired and-”

“I’ll be quick!” He cut her off, noting her frown increased at his eagerness. “I’m sorry… I just… I just want to see him if you don’t mind… I won’t stay long I promise.” He finished calmly.

“Well, I guess it’ll be fine for just a few minutes…” She said as she opened the door wider, reluctantly letting him into the foyer. “His room in the first one on the left.” She indicated as they entered the hallway.

Liz passed by him and went to knock slightly at Max’s door, hoping he’d be asleep so it’d give her a reason to tell the stranger to leave. As usually she didn’t get any answer and she opened the door to find him sprawled on his bed, his eyes focus on the TV.

“I’m not hungry Liz-.” He said stubbornly turning his attention to her, but his eyes widened when he saw the man standing on the threshold and he felt a lump forming in his throat when he met his angry eyes. “Mister…Harding…”

“I see you remember me Max.” The man said coldly, pushing a surprised Liz into the middle of the room to stand next to the bed as he looked down at Max.

Liz had immediately noticed the fear in Max’s eyes and she watched clueless as he pleaded her to help him with his intense gaze. He crawled on his bed, trying to put as much distance as he could between the man and him. Liz was at a loss of what to do. She took a hold of Mr. Harding’s arm, gently tugging on his sleeve to get his attention. Couldn’t he see he was scaring Max?

“Mr. Harding, I think you should go now. Max needs his rest-.” But the man didn’t listen to her, instead he shrugged off of her grip and his fist came in contact with Max’s thin jaw. Liz’s yelp of surprise matched Max’s groan.

“STOP IT! Just stop it!” Liz screamed helplessly when the man kept on punching Max’s weak body. Her own powerless actions to keep the man off of Max were unsuccessful and soon Max stopped fighting.

“YOU KILL HER YOU BASTARD!” He was screaming on and on after Liz had eventually managed to put herself between the man and Max, stopping his fist from hitting Max’s now lifeless body once again.

His angry eyes met Liz’s as she pushed on his chest to get him out of the room and she could see sudden realization in his eyes. He turned around and ran for the door. Liz didn’t even try to hold him back or chase after him, she knew it was hopeless; instead she quickly knelt by Max’s slumped form on the bed, cradling his bloody face on her lap as she checked the damages.

Max’s whimper almost reassured her, at least he was conscious. Hot tears were now melding with fresh blood making his face look like a mess. She grabbed a handful of tissue and carefully started to wipe his face, aware of his painful groan. She could see his left eye starting to swell and his lip was literally torn apart; but his face wasn’t the only part that had been hurt; she had already noticed him clutching his lower chest painfully, He must have at least one or two broken ribs.

She tried to untangle herself from his body, he was holding tight onto her and she carefully untied his grip, whispering softly in his ear as she heard him complain about her leaving. He was scared shitless she could see.

“Shh, I’m still here… I’m not leaving. I just need to go grab something to take care of those cuts Max… I’ll be right back. Ok?” She tried to soothe him by stroking his sweaty hair the way she had done just the night before to calm him after he had awaken from his nightmare.

She quickly ran to her room, searching through the still unpacked boxes for her first aid kit, she knew there was some in the bathroom too but she knew she’d need all of it.

She saw the phone on the nightstand and stopped dead in her tracks, finally taking it with her free hand as she headed back to Max’s room. She made a mental list of who she had to call but she dialed Michael’s number first, wishing he’d be here…

Last edited by babylisou on Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by babylisou »

Part 8

Michael sunk into the comfortable depths of Max’s couch, eventually exhaling a deep cleansing breath. The events of the night had worn him out and he knew it wasn’t over yet. After Liz had called him this afternoon, he had barely been home from his mid-day shift, he had called his boss, saying he wouldn’t be back tonight because of a family matter.

He had been surprised by the calm with which Liz had handled the situation. When he had arrived completely panicked at the apartment, she had already called the police and Dr. Stevens and Max was resting in his room, the several cuts marring his face neatly cleaned up.

The police had arrived only 5 minutes after Max had woken up. He was obviously shaken up but Michael had been surprised to hear the determination in his friend’s voice when he had stated he didn’t want to sue Ed Harding. He and Liz, with the help of another policeman, had tried to convince him otherwise, but he hadn’t budged from his decision.

Seeing his friend so beaten had scared Michael like little before. Even with all the care Liz had put in cleaning Max’s face, he could still see the fresh cuts and deep purple bruised marring both of his cheekbones and eyebrows. Liz had confirmed the 2 broken ribs and had carefully bandaged his lower chest tightly so that he couldn’t move that much anymore.

The images were vivid and still fresh in Michael’s memory and made his blood boil with anger even as he fell into an agitated slumber.

When he woke up the next morning his back was aching from the weird position he had been in all night; recalling the reason why he had fallen asleep in Max’s living room got him to bolt from the couch and grab his coat as he exited the small quiet apartment in a hurry.

He drove fast until he crossed the Brooklyn Bridge, eventually parking his car along the sidewalk in the poor residential area the Harding where living in. He quickly got out of the car, heading to the plastic swinging door, determination leading his steps. He knocked on the glass window, not bothering to be quiet in the early hours.

The woman who opened the door eyed him warily, frowning as she tried to remember where she had seen the young man and when she finally remembered who it was, she didn’t look surprised at all to see him here; instead she turned inside calling her husband as she walked back in.

Michael was stunned. He had met Tess’ mom a few times and she had always appeared to be a strong woman despite her small body. Now, she looked tired and old, her deep blue eyes the only reminder of the woman she used to be. He stood there, frozen, waiting for her husband to show up.

He was more prepared for the shock when he saw Ed Harding cross the threshold of his own house. The older man looked just as weary as his wife and seemed to have aged 10 years in the last 3 months since he had seen him at Tess’ funeral.

Michael approached him, feeling no pity for the man who had beaten up his best friend.

“Michael Guerin, Max’s friend right? ... What are you doing here?” He asked innocently, which enraged Michael even more and he took advantage of the few more inches he had on the man, looking down at him as they stood face to face, their chests almost touching.

“You know exactly why I’m here…” he said threateningly and beamed internally as he saw Ed Harding swallow thickly, the fear obvious in his eyes even though he was trying hard to keep a straight face.

“If you’re expecting me to apologize to Max, you can forget it.” He said while turning to return to the safety of his home, but Michael grabbed his arm, barely waiting to have him back facing him before throwing his fist to crash on the older man’s jaw.

Michael stuck his arm under his throat, pushing him against the closed door and pointing a menacing finger to his face: “If you touch Max again… you’re dead. Am I clear enough?”

He pushed harder when he didn’t get an immediate answer, only to be rewarded by a whimper and then a grunt. “He killed my daughter.” He hissed between clenched teeth as Michael’s grip tightened on his neck.

Michael slapped his fist against the hard wood beside Ed’s head, startling the old man.

“How dare you say that when you know that bitch was cheating on him!” he said exasperated, anger boiling his blood as he refrained himself from punching the man to death. “She was using him like a toy! But you didn’t say anything! Hell No, you didn’t, because you knew the consequences if Max found out… And then she got pregnant by that stupid fool from your neighborhood! How could you do that to him! How could you do that to the man who took care of your daughter all those years?” He looked at him with a disgusted look on his face and strangely he didn’t have to fake it at all. “You make me sick!”

He finally let go, pushing him back into the house through the swinging door into his crying wife’s arms. She had witnessed the whole scene but Michael knew she wouldn’t be stupid enough to call the police.

He gave them a last hateful glance and strode back to his car, raged tears running on his cheeks.


Liz entered Max’s room quietly, checking first if he was awake before completely opening the door. She tried to smile when she saw his eyes were on her, trying to ignore the bumps and bruises on his face.

“Morning, Max!” She said as cheerfully as she could manage in such a situation, and came to sit on the bed facing him but he turned his head to the bare wall, refusing to meet her eyes.

She sighed at the self-protective gesture. “Max, I need to see your face to check on those cuts and bruises.” She stroked his arm soothingly trying to get his attention. Eventually he turned his head back to her but his eyes were still on the ceiling.

She winced at the sight. Since yesterday, his cheekbone had considerably swollen, the soft skin turning a yellowish color. The cut on his right eyebrow and his upper lip had bled during the night and dry blood now stained the white pillowcase.

“Here, take that, it’s for the pain.” She disposed a white pill on his tongue, put a glass of water under his lips and Max enjoyed the cold liquid running down his dry throat. When he was done, she stroked his cheek soothingly, gently tabbing the cuts with a cold compress. He winced at the sting but didn’t complain.

“Why are you doing this?” He asked eventually.

She looked at him, frowning in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Dr. Stevens, he told me you could have been anything you wanted… so why a nurse?… and why here, why for me?” He asked again as he searched for her eyes, eager this time to make contact.

She stopped her hand in mid-air and retreated slightly, looking uneasy under his intense gaze.

“I… Max, I don’t know… It’s my job I guess-.” But she stopped, noticing him shaking his head stubbornly.

“You’re not like the others…” He said genuinely as wonder transpired through his voice. She was taken aback by the adoration, the acceptance she could see in his eyes.

Liz felt suddenly self-conscious. She hadn’t expected that coming from the cold-hearted man she had been living with during the past few days. She had known from the beginning that he wasn’t what he appeared to be, the mask he put on his face every day was in total opposition to what she could read in his eyes. She had seen that in a lot of patients before, back when she was working in Chicago, and they usually softened as they realized the chance they had been given in living a new life. She had witnessed several patients slowly opening back to each member of their family, usually one in particular; but this process was taking months, years even sometimes.

And she suddenly wondered how it was possible for Max to start opening up so early after the accident… and also, she wondered why her? He could had chosen anybody, Isabel, Michael were more likely to be the chosen ones, so why her? Somebody he barely knew…

She bit her lip nervously, avoiding his eyes, trying to search for the words she could say to explain what had been so obvious to her all this year; her need to help people, to be at their side through difficult times was almost overwhelming sometimes.

She felt his weak hand grabbing her much smaller one and was startled by the sudden gesture. She composed herself quickly when she realized there was nothing she could tell him beside the truth. She took a deep breath before starting.

“I guess he’s right, I could have been a professor or a physician or anything else… but the truth is, nothing else but this was what I wanted to be, nothing else could have contented me more than this job” She answered passionately, her mind lost into the sudden realization of what had driven her every day through life…

“I don’t really know what pushed me to come here” She continued, her gaze focused on an invisible target on the wall. “Dr. Stevens called me one day and it was an opportunity for me. he didn’t tell me much, but I knew already that it was what I had to do, that I wouldn’t have any other chance like this one in my life so I took it… and then, I met you and I thought-.”

She cut herself when she saw his eyes close, followed by a soft snoring. She knew he hadn’t meant to fall asleep but he was weak and worn out and she was glad she had had at least a glimpse of who the real Max Evans really was… maybe he wasn’t dead after all, he just lived there, buried deep under pain and grief.

Late in the morning, Maria parked her car in the calm residence area where Liz was now living. She had driven all night to arrive in time to surprise her best friend.

It had been a week since Liz had moved from Chicago and Maria had had an unexpected offer from her new boss when he had asked her to drive his old car all the way to New York City since the new buyer lived there. She had gone a day in advance to be sure she had enough time to spend with Liz.

She was happily stepping out of the car when she felt the car jerked forward and she found herself a second later laying flat on the floor by the front seat door of the car. She lay there dumbfound until she heard the deep voice coming from above her.

“You okay?” Michael said scratching his eyebrow. He hadn’t noticed her getting out of the car when he was parking and it was too late when he had realized his foot was already slipping from the brake, and the car had jerked forward unexpectedly.
Her furious green eyes met his as she got up, putting her hands on her hips as she threw him a death glare. “What did you think you were doing?” She hurled.

Before he had time to register, she was cursing at him, pacing as she rambled about her boss and how mad he would be if he found out.

Michael put his arm above his head when she threatened to beat him with her purse, not even bothering to listen to her ranting.


Liz was walking back into the living room when she heard the familiar shriek coming from the street. She quickly dropped the empty glass in the sink and made her way to the foyer, opening the front door swiftly.

She was surprised to see her best friend at her front door, pounding her fist on Michael’s chest while she yelled incoherently.

“Maria? What are you doing here?” She asked stunned as she run to her two fighting friends: Michael was trying his best to avoid the hurricane’s kicking feet.

Maria turned around at the sound of Liz’s voice and immediately wrapped her arms around her in a warm hug and Michael took that opportunity to duck behind Liz. “Liz I missed you Chica!”

“Maria I’ve been gone for a week.” Liz chastised her overreacting friend. “What are you doing here anyway… and why are you kicking Michael?” She asked still confused by her friend’s strange behavior.

Maria’s eyes widened at Liz’s words. “You know that jerk?!” She shouted as she pointed at the young man standing fearfully behind her best friend.

Liz glanced between them, a look of genuine confusion on her face. “It’s Max’s friend. Now do you care explaining me what is happening?” She cast a glance at Michael indicating that the question was directed to them both.

She watched as Maria started thumping her foot on the ground in a very unnerving manner while Michael ducked his head, obviously dismissing her question.

“You guys are acting like children! C’mon, get in you both, and I want an explanation later.”

The second they were in, Maria made a fast retreat for the bathroom, leaving Liz to confront Michael on more important subjects. They both sat in the living room, facing each other.

“So, how is Max doing?” He asked after a long silent, avoiding her searching gaze.

Liz glared at him, finding it strange that Michael was acting so shy suddenly, something was wrong and she feared it had something to do with Ed Harding and what had happened the day before.

“He is fine... Michael where were you this morning? I woke up at 6 and you were already gone.”

Michael’s head shot up at her sudden question, the guilt of what he had done obvious in his eyes, but it soon was replaced by rage when he recalled the reason he had acted that way. He saw the glimpse of fear in Liz’s eyes and her stand stiffened as she crossed his gaze and his features immediately softened.

“I just had some stuff to take care of…” He said blandly.

“Michael? What did you do?”

He was amazed at how easily she could read him. He was an open book to her and he felt he wasn’t the only one that Liz Parker could read through. He jumped from the couch and started pacing the room restlessly and he could feel the young woman’s eyes on him all along.

“I just couldn’t let it go Liz! I had to do something! The bastard beat him up for no reasons!”

She stood up and stopped his pacing by putting a calm hand over his arm. “Michael, I don’t agree with what he did, far from it, but you should just forget it… It’s Max’s choice, too.”

“But Max doesn’t know everything Liz! That’s the problem! He doesn’t know the bastard this man is, he doesn’t know who SHE really was! He doesn’t know the truth!” Michael hissed between his teeth.

Liz crossed his agitated eyes trying to find in them what was bothering him so much, but she was cut off by the deep throaty voice of Max coming from the hallway.

“What truth Michael?”

Last edited by babylisou on Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:41 am, edited 1 time in total.