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Post by Anna-Liisa »


I was still looking around. Women, many of them. I walked around. This can't be really happening right? I watched as a girl talked. I felt sorry for all of them. Slavery was cruel.

"This is the last time I'll sign up for a ship without asking what they did in it" I mumbled.

Most of the women were still asleep. I messed my hair. Was this a dream, or was this real?
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Post by StormWolfstone »


After taking a few minutes to clear my head, I glanced around at some of the others and tried to determine if any of them were actually awake. I notice almost immediately that the girl I'd come to know as Maria was awake, simply because I could see her form stiffen. Glancing around a bit more, I was under the belief that it looked like Liz was also awake, though I wasn't completely certain. Glancing at the man that walked in with what looked like food, I attempted to push myself up into a better sitting position as I asked, "What have you come down here for? Come to gloat or something?"

I wasn't certain in the small amount of lighting whether I was really seeing shock on his face or not, but if so I thought that it might be able to be used to our advantage. I had to hope that my brother had gotten the message, that we would be rescued, but until I knew for certain, I had to do everything I could to try and keep calm and figure a way out. "Please, tell us why we've been taken?" I questioned. I wanted to find out everything I could, maybe somehow I could stop this from being one of those types of things where we were unable to do something to save ourselves.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


I was still looking around. Looking at all the women. There wasn't even enough food here. I kept walking until I heard someone talk to me.

"What have you come down here for? Come to gloat or something?"

I turned to her and looked at her. She didn't even look older than I was. All the women were young here.

"I..." I started. But then I didn't know what to say. What was I really doing here? Food. Well, yeah. but I didn't really have time to answer anything when she talked again.

"Please, tell us why we've been taken?"

I look away for away. If I'd know the 100 % answer I'd answer it without thinking. I look at her again. Hesitating I opened my mouth.

"I...I don't know" I said. "I didn't even know you all were here when I signed for the ship. I have no idea why you all are here..." I said.

I wasn't really helpfull. "I'm sorry."
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Post by StormWolfstone »

~ Isabel~

As the guy claimed he didn't know why we were here I couldn't help but feel as though he was telling the truth. Why was I letting myself believe him? I guess it's mainly because of the look on his face. Despite how hard it was for me to do so, I worked myself into a standing position, the chains on my ankles were heavy, but I'd been sitting so long my rear was beginning to hurt too much. I walked over toward the girl Maria and held out a hand.

"We might as well try and stand for a while. We can't let ourselves go numb simply sitting here." I said as I waited to see if any of the other girls would say anything and then turned to look at the guy.

"What's your name?" I asked him, wonedring if he might come in handy. Maybe if we could befriend him, he could get us unchained and then we could find some way to escape. Though, I knew it would be hard while we were on open sea.

"Have we left port already?" I had to ask as well, I needed as much information as I could get. Hopefully, I could find something that would give me an idea, something that would get us free.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by Serephinah »


"Farewell Mother. Farewell Father…May you find comfort in heaven and each others' arms…I will love and miss you always." I whispered in a sorrow-graveled voice towards to the two freshly turned graves in front of me.

A lone tear started to slip down my cheek, a mere drop compared to the torrent that had already rained on the ground. The rainy morning suited my mood and the occasion at hand--My parent's funeral. A number of people had shown up to attend the funeral and to offer their condolences to the sole surviving daughter...me. The number of people bespoke of how well known and liked my parents had been in the colony.

"I'm so sorry," many whispered as they passed me to their carriages and horses. I wish sorrow could bring back my parents...bring back the lively parents who had first traveled to America with such high hopes...who had adopted and taken me into their family. But, alas twas not to be. Nor was I to have much time for mourning. The next day I was bound for passage on the first ship taking the arduous journey to England. My parents had made arrangements before their death for me to be sent to England to my grandparents...The formidable Duke and Duchess of __________. At least that is how they had always described to me by my mother and father…a ghostly smile graced my lips for a moment at the memories. My maid gently touched my shoulder, gaining my attention to the empty graveyard and the waiting carriage.

“Lady Tess…the carriage is waiting…whenever you are ready.”

Susie backed up respectfully and walked away. I pressed a kiss to my gloved hand and touched each headstone one last time…my last farewell to my beloved parents. I turned slowly, walked to the awaiting carriage, and climbed in with aid of our faithful footman George. I sat across from Susie and glanced back out the carriage window towards the forlorn graves disappearing into the distance with only the clickety-clack of the carriage as we drove away and into my uncertain future in England.


The next morning I was packed and aboard the Dauntless…part of her Majesties Royal Navy. My maid Susie had decided to remain with me and so became my escort. We spent many a day and night on that ship before we reached England. Over that time I had come to enjoy the fresh salt air and developed a good pair of sea legs…the men had started to grow so used to me that I was able to wheedle my way into helping with a few deck chores here and there…though this type of work was not for females, I was not like other woman…Forwardness was not unusually for me…part of the attitude I had developed from living in an orphanage (and the Americas, where woman were more independent—my mother had especially liked that about moving to the new colony and I had grown used to that type of environment, though I had heard it was to be different in England).
I was disappointed when we finally arrived into port. I was greeted by a carriage sent by my grandparents, the Duke and Duchess and was set to leave the dock with Susie when I realized that I had forgotten one last thing in our cabin on the Dauntless. The carriage rolled away from the darkened dock for a minute before I realized I was missing something.

“Oh no, Susie I forgot that book mother gave me for my last birthday. I really must go back and fetch it. I’ll be right back.” I rapped on the carriage’s ceiling to stop. “Please have the carriage wait here and I’ll run back.” Susie looked at me a little askance, but nodded her head ‘yes’ a little exasperatedly. I hopped out of the stopped carriage and made my way back to the ship. I was a little wary of the darkness of the dock, but I made it safely to the Dauntless and fetched my forgotten book. I relaxed a little bit walking back to the carriage…Until I heard the sounds of heavy footfalls behind me. I spun around to confront whoever was behind me and caught a brief glimpse of a rough looking man with a long scar on his cheek before something whistled through the air towards me and everything went black…


I remembered exactly what had happened when I awoke in the hold of ship with my ankles and wrists restrained. *How could I have so stupid to let my guard down! Now what am I going to do?* I shake off the rest of my leftover grogginess…helped out by the smell of salt water and the bobbing motion of the ship. I talked a little with the three girls around me…Isabel, Liz, and Maria. I felt a strange kinship with Isabel, as if we had met before…and the other two, Liz and Maria, I warmed up too easily…perhaps more because of our situation than anything, but it was nice to know I wasn’t alone. We had lapsed into silence…it was a little hard to talk and be scared witless at the same time. I had had enough though. I was silently seething inside. I railed against my possible occupation of upcoming slavery. As I railed in my head, a young man had come down into the hold with food. I only slightly registered when Isabel started asking questions, but my attention became fully focused on her and the young man when I heard the loud clanking of her chains as she stood up. She had asked him a couple more questions, but I could only focus on his last reply. I looked up at him with incredulous eyes and slowly stood up amid the clank of my chains.

“You’re sorry?...You’re sorry!?! Must I remind you that you have just found out you are on a ship with an illegal shipment of slave girls and the only thing you can say is ‘I’m sorry’!?...What about something more along the lines…’I will gladly help you my ladies to free you all from this oppressive ship hold’…I mean that at least has a poetic ring to it.”

And than I immediately clapped a hand over my mouth…*Oh no…my runaway mouth is going to be the death of me. I hope my explosion hasn’t just cost us the one person that might be able to help us escape…

Author's Note: Sorry it took me so long to post...RL can be tough sometimes. Thanks for waiting.
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Post by Anna-Liisa »

* Kyle *

The girl asked my name. She asked my name. For what reason? I was on the ship that was going to...do whatever to her.

"My name's Kyle..." I said.

After that she asked if we had already left, I was ready to answer her but then another girl started yelling so I almost fell to the ground. I looked at her. I was a little shocked what she said.

"You're sorry?...You're sorry!?! Must I remind you that you have just found out you are on a ship with an illegal shipment of slave girls and the only thing you can say is 'I'm sorry'!?...What about something more along the lines…'I will gladly help you my ladies to free you all from this oppressive ship hold'…I mean that at least has a poetic ring to it."

"I'm sorry, meaning I really am Sorry. And we're moving so how should I get you out of here without them knowing or how would we get out from the middle of the ocean?" I asked.

I sighed.

"Look I'm not...I'm really not really here.." I wasn't talking well. Damn, I was getting nervous. Calm down. "I'd help you if I could"
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Post by isabelle »


An hour later, we're nearing the likely course for Isabel's slaver ship. It's likely at least another hour away, but best to be on alert. I don't want to miss her.

The time has also cooled my annoyance at Michael. I'm wishing we could get together and discuss this. I promise myself that I'll have him on board as soon as we spot the other ship. We've fought together often enough that we don't need to strategise. He knows what to look for as well as I and we both know what to do against a variety of ships. Still, for this, I'd like to see him face-to-face.

Besides, he'll fight better if I can fix that hangover for him first.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: this isn't as good as I would like, but it's the best I can do at the moment...struggling to concentrate on it :oops:


“I will not let them take me!”

I hear someone whisper, recognising the voice as being Maria almost immediately and more than anything I wish that she hadn’t been involved in all of this… When we were talking earlier she said she had followed me to the stables…she’s here because of me… I want to put my hand out to take hers, to try and comfort her, but for now I remain as still as I can, trying not to catch the attention of the man who has just entered the hold.

Looking through my eyelashes, careful to only open my eyes a slit and see Isabel appear to wake up. She looks up at the guy. "What have you come down here for? Come to gloat or something?"

The expression on his face only seems to confirm my earlier suspicions…he didn’t know what he was getting into, and maybe…just maybe…he might be able to offer us a way out of here other than through the auction block… I’m careful to keep my breathing calm and even as fears begin to surface, one after the other. The thing is, my fears are not only about what will happen if we don’t get out of here, but what will happen if I ever manage to get home. I bite my lip, trying to hold back a sob. Is being sold as a slave really that much worse than being married off to the man twice my age who is rumoured to have already killed his first two wives. Either way, money will exchange hands, and I am the ‘goods’…does it really matter which happens…?

"Please, tell us why we've been taken?"

I hear Isabel asking more of the man and although she sounds calm, somehow I know that she’s fighting to try and keep control.

He looks away again for a moment and I get the feeling that he’s struggling for an answer. "I...I don't know" He says. "I didn't even know you all were here when I signed for the ship. I have no idea why you all are here...I’m sorry"

Sorry…a lot of good that is…

Isabel then stands up, going over to Maria and I can’t help opening my eyes more fully. She holds out her hand to Maria and I cant help thinking that I should be the one offering her comfort…after all, I’m the one that brought her into this.

Tess stands up too. “You’re sorry?...You’re sorry!?! Must I remind you that you have just found out you are on a ship with an illegal shipment of slave girls and the only thing you can say is ‘I’m sorry’!?...What about something more along the lines…’I will gladly help you my ladies to free you all from this oppressive ship hold’…I mean that at least has a poetic ring to it.” She sounds so strong and determined, but I get the feeling she’s just as scared as me. Her outburst stems from fear…and it looks like she’s just realised what she said… I raise my head fully, standing to join the three who are already stood there and one of my hands into Maria’s free one, next doing the same with my second and Tess’.

"What's your name?"

Now that’s not exactly a question I would have been asking at the moment, but I guess it’s as good a place as any to start.

“My name's Kyle..." He looks surprised that she’s interested though…

"Have we left port already?”

Isabel’s next question is one that seems more obvious…we need to find out as much about our position as we can…

"I'm sorry, meaning I really am Sorry. And we're moving so how should I get you out of here without them knowing or how would we get out from the middle of the ocean?"

Strangely it almost sounds as though it’s important to him that we believe he means it…

"Look I'm not...I'm really not really here…I'd help you if I could"

He seems like a strange guy…clearly this really does bother him…yet if it does, how did he get mixed up in it in the first place…? Then again, maybe he’s just saying all this…words are easy…actions are harder…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »

Sounds good to me. :)


At long last the boy in the crow's nest calls that he's sighted a ship. I send Michael a message that I'm coming aboard the Demon, with a promise of a cure for what's ailing him.

None of his crew is suprised when Michael throws everyone out of his cabin so the two of us can talk. They know we might want to discuss this attack. They don't know about the other secrets we share.

"So, let me take care of that head for you," I suggest. He nods, wearily and I walk up behind his chair, putting my hands on his head. With a little push of power, I make the connection and ease the alcohol from his system. "There," I announce, when I'm done. "You ready for a fight now? We have to free Isabel and her ladyfriends."
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Post by Crystalbehr »


"You ready for a fight now? We have to free Isabel and her ladyfriends."

Max says after he takes the blinding pressure of the liquid poison off of my head.

"Of course Maxwell I'm always ready for a good fight to the other blokes death or two or three. Besides there is not a drink on this planet that could stop me from saving Isabel. She's like my sister as well you know.

Great so lets go Max responds.

As we grab our weapons and head towards the ship on the horizon that must be holding Isabel, I can't help but ask one more question.

"Maxwell did you say lady friends. do you think they are cute lady friends she has?"

Max turns and glares at me.

"What I mean we could sure use a good tumble in the sacks from a maiden that's so greatful for our bravery in rescuing her?"
Later Days!
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