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Post by Anna-Liisa »


"Kyle? Are you having trouble with the energy again? Maybe I can help?" I hear Tess ask.

I opened my eyes and looked at her. She had her hand near me in a position that pretty much meant taking her it. I stared at Tess for a while, but then nodded.

"If you're so then...okay..." I said.

I felt like she wanted to make things better and that I could trust her in that, so I placed my hand on hers. I felt a little better if if nothing had happened yet. I guess the feeling that she wanted to help did that.
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Post by M »


After a little hesitation Kyle gives me his hand and I try to calm to energy that's going crazy in his body. I'm not as good at it as Max is, and so I just try to take the excess and hope that will help. As I do I get a sense of how upset Kyle really is. I didn't realise that he felt things so strongly, and I forgot that most people don't have my training to move past their emotions.
I can feel his fear, confusion and frustration and as I pull my hand away I squeeze lightly to let him know that maybe he isn't totally alone. It feels a little foreign, but not wrong.
I look up to see Maria grinning at me and I give her a very self concious smile in return.
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Post by isabelle »


Liz leans against me and I close my eyes for just a moment, enjoying the feel of her body in my arms, the warmth of her skin, the scent of her hair. Her promise to me makes me feel weak in the knees, but at the same time, I feel stronger than before. Having Liz with me, I feel like all other problems are solvable. Even this mess.

I lean down and give her a quick soft kiss on the top of her hair. "Me, too. Thank you, Liz," I tell her, wondering if she has any clue how much I mean that. The flashes earlier gave me a hint of how much she hated pulling away from me over the summer. I know she thought it was the right thing to do, but this -- having Liz in my arms -- that's what's truly right, even if everything else is wrong...

"We better go," I tell her, feeling both reluctant and urgent. I want to stand out here with her all afternoon, just enjoying her closeness, but I'm sure we'll have time for that later. I'm feeling equally urgent about sorting out whatever is going on between Tess and Kyle as well as quelling any other tensions so we can all work together. We're still at the mercy of these strangers and we need to learn as much as we can so we can gain some control over ourselves. I know Liz will be there for me later, but this is something that I have to deal with now.

My hand is still linked with hers as I step towards the door, but I drop it as I walk into the lunch room. There are two reasons for that -- Although I have no intention of keeping my choice secret, I don't want to cause more friction with Tess at this instant. Second, even more urgently, what I see between Kyle and Tess.

Kyle's face is twisted in pain and fear while Tess is leaning towards him, her hands on his. I can immediately see that she's not the one causing his discomfort. She's actually trying to help him. I feel a twinge of guilt for having lingered outside with Liz. I had no idea he was in such a desparate condition...

I close the distance between us quickly without running because I don't want to alert Antonio and Serena. So far, they haven't seemed to notice what's going on, or maybe they're just waiting to see what happens. I'm sure they don't know the whole story.

I arrive at their side just as Tess pulls back from Kyle. The look in her eyes is one of shock, while Kyle looks simply relieved and tired. I drop my hand on top of his and I can feel that he's partialy drained, I can also feel how close he had been to losing control again. Tess has eased the excess energy but the problem will be there again when it replenishes. Liz is right. He needs to accept this in order to control it. He needs to understand that this is part of him, not an outside force. But I don't think he's in a mind-frame for any sort of training right now and I'm still concerned about revealing too much to Antonio and Serena.

"Everything okay?" I ask the two of them.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: not sure if I should actually have had her saying something to Kyle, but I wasn't too sure what if I did, so hope this works as it is. If anyone wants me to change something just say


I feel Max press his lips onto the top of my head, and his words make me smile. I shake my head and look up at him. “No…thank you…” I whisper softly as we pull away reluctantly. I really want nothing more than to stay here, to stay with him and enjoy that closeness, but we both know we can’t do that…

Maybe later, when things are sorted out, but for now we have to go back in…

“We’d better go…”

I nod quickly, knowing that he is right. We step towards the door together and push it open before walking inside.

Until the moment we walk inside, Max is still holding my hand, but he drops it instantly as we enter. I look over at him, almost worried for a moment, but the look on his face waves those worries away. Max is right…right now pushing the fact that we’re back together – because from the things that have been said I don’t think there’s any doubt about that – into the faces of the others isn’t going to help… It’s not the right time…

The look on Kyle’s face is enough to tell me that for certain… I’m sure I know exactly how he’s feeling…

The one good thing is the fact that Tess actually appears to be trying to help, as opposed to ignoring it, or acting as Max said she was before…

That doesn’t change the fact that he’s obviously hurting though, and I know that we should have come back in sooner… what if it’s too late, if he’s hurt because of us…? The worries come pouring into my mind, but as I feel the effect they’re having on my own energy I concentrate, as though holding up a mental hand. NO! I can’t think like this, I mustn’t let it go…

I take a few deep breaths, following Max as he heads over to the table where Kyle is sat. I look over cautiously at Antonio and Serena, checking if they seem to have been alerted, but they seem to be continuing to talk…

I arrive at the table just as Max is asking if they’re okay, but I don’t think I really need to listen to their answers to get a reply. The look on their faces shows it’s not good, and there’s something in Max’s eyes that tells me he’s worried too.

I look over at Kyle and see signs of feelings I am very familiar with right now… This really isn’t good… I want to say something, but I’m not really sure what, and for now just wait until they answer, keeping an eye on Antonio and Serena for any sign that they’ve realised something out-of-the-normal is happening.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


I felt a lot of better after a while. Tess squeezed my hand silently before she let go of it. I moved my gaze to her and smiled a little. I felt tired, but it was better than the pain. I was going to say something to Tess but then I felt something touch my hand. I saw Max's hand there. I guess he wanted to see if I was all right. I was. Tired...but okay.

"Everything okay?" he asks me and Tess.

I nodded. "I'm okay, thanks to Tess.." I said. "I'm tired but I'm okay" I got up to a better position and saw Liz a little further away. She looked like she wanted to say something, but wasn't sure what. Then I noticed that Antonio and Serena didn't even notice what happened. They just kept chatting a eating.

'Are they stupid or just blind?' I though to myself.

With a sigh I turned my gaze back to the table. I felt like I should say that I'm sorry because I really felt like I had been acting like an idiot, attacking Max with words like that. The truth was that I was scared and just tried to but the blame on someone I knew. WIth another sigh I looked up at Max.

"Look...I'm sorry. About everything I said...I shouldn't've.." I said to him.
The only "ism" Hollywood believes in is plagiarism.
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Post by M »


As I finish taking Kyles excess energy Max rejoins us, obviously having found Liz as she is trailing him, looking her usual star struck.

Everything okay? He asks and suddenly very weary I allow Kyle to answer, dropping Maria's gaze and staring at the table top.

I'm okay, thanks to Tess..I'm tired but I'm okay

I look up just in time to see Max's look of surprise. I want to say something about the fact that I can be an asset, that I'm not a terrible person, and that maybe I could add something to the group, but I just can't really be bothered. Taking the excess energy wasn't easy, and I kind of want to curl up into a ball and sleep, or just die quietly for a while. I don't want to be here, I don't want to deal with any of these people any more.

Kyle surprises me more by his next admission Look...I'm sorry. About everything I said...I shouldn't've..

I know the next thing is for me to apologise. That's the way it works. I'm now supposed to say I'm wrong and then everyone hugs and makes up, but I'm just not in the mood.

"I'm sorry, Kyle. I shouldn't have been so willing to let you go off by yourself" We share a look, not a smile, but an understanding.

I push back from the table and move to leave the group. When Max says in a warning tone "Tess?"

I'm not sure if it's because I haven't apologised to everyone else, or if it's a warning not to leave the group.

"I'll be at that table over there Max, I'm not going anywhere." Sighing I make my way to the table and face the wall, I know I can't leave them, but not looking at them makes things a little better. After staring at the wall I put my head down on my arms, deciding that a little rest would be a good idea.
The problem with changing the world is that it makes any life beyond that impossible...
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Post by isabelle »


"Good," I say as Kyle explains that Tess helped him. It confirms my feeling that the problem has less to do with healing than it does with capacity and control. I know Tess can do some healing, too, but having done it three times now, I'm getting a feel for it that's a little different. It's not really manipulating molecules, although my skill at healing might be a bit of a help.

I'm surprised and pleased when the two of them actually apologise to each other in a manner of speaking. It sure beats what I saw before I left. I wonder if they experienced a connection and flashes while Tess was helping Kyle and if that had anything to do with the softening of their attitudes.

As Tess gets up to leave, I feel a sense of frustration and anxiety returning. "I'll be at that table over there Max, I'm not going anywhere." she says, relieving me.

"Okay," I say softly. Although I want to check on her a bit more, I decide to finish up with the others first. I glance at Serena and Antonio who still seem to be oblivious. I'm beginning to think that it's an act. That they're trying to watch how we interact and are just pretending not to notice the odd things like Liz running out or Kyle going all sparkly...

"We're going to have to spend some time teaching you to do this yourself," I say, meaning him and Liz both. I hope that teaching will be enough and that it isn't a more basic problem of their human bodies being unable to handle the energy at all... I can't imagine having to do this for them several times a day, every day. They'd be like alien batteries, creating energy...

"Please, let's all stay together. I need all of you." I touch Kyle's hand once more, both for friendly connection and verifying that he's really completely fine again. Glancing over, I see that she's put her head on her arms and seems to unwell. Maybe there's more 'healing' to this than I thought, for it to have been so hard for her. "If you're sure you're okay, I think I need to check on Tess."

With that, I turn and move nearly silently over to where Tess is sitting. I slide into the seat opposite of her and reach over to gently put my hand over hers. "Thanks, Tess. Are you sure you're okay?"
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: don't know if this works, if you want me to change anything say, but I'm hoping it's okay


I watch and listen in silence, not wanting to but in where I’m not wanted… And it’s clear from the look Tess just gave me that I’m not…

I can’t hear exactly what’s being said, but from the look of it they actually seem a little calmer… Max puts his hand on Kyle’s, much in the same way as he has done with me a couple of times. I know that he’s checking, and probably helping…

Tess looks tired…although I guess maybe that makes sense…I don’t suppose it’s easy to take on that extra energy…I’m struggling enough to cope with my own – wow that sounds strange!

Suddenly she pulls back, standing up and saying something to Max. Her voice is low, and I can’t say I like the way that she’s looking at him, but at the same time I have to remember that I don’t have anything to worry about… It doesn’t matter what Tess wants, or what she does…Max has made his decision…he chose me…

Repeating this over to myself, I purposely try not to think too much about it when, after saying something more to Kyle, he gets up and goes over to sit at the second table where she has now situated herself.

Chewing my lip a little nervously, I move closer to the other table where Maria, Michael and Kyle are still sat. “Hey guys…” I say softly as I take a seat. I look over at Kyle, unable to keep from checking him over with my eyes. He looks okay, but then again I know better than anyone that looks can be deceptive… Presumably I didn’t look like a charging battery the earlier when that nurse saw me…

It’s not much of a joke, but then again it’s hardly a joking matter…
“How are you doing…?” I ask him softly.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by M »


I'm close to falling asleep when I feel Max approaching. I don't understand why he can't feel me, but I feel him all the time- I guess it's a byproduct of the mate thing. I wouldn't complain, but it's enough to know that I'm not wanted. I don't need a running monologue of how much he loves Liz at any given moment.

He sits down and puts a hand on mine, making me jump from the spark of energy it creates in me. Thanks, Tess. Are you sure you're okay?

Pulling my hand away, and sitting up I sigh again. "I'm fine thank you Max. I'm just tired. The mind warping wasn't easy, and then with all the arguing and Kyle's energy surge I just needed a little break. I'm not going to go anywhere. I'm not that stupid. I just wanted to be by myself- or as much as possible, for a second. Is that ok?"
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Post by isabelle »


I touch Tess gently on her arm. "Sure, Tess," say softly. "I didn't mean to intrude. I just wanted to be sure you were all right." I genuinely do care about her and I hope she can hear that in my voice. Just because I'm not in love with her, it doesn't mean I'm not interested and worried about her as much as any of the others.

I move my hand up to brush the hair from her face, not really sure what to say. "I'll let you have your peace then, as much as we can..."

With that, I get up and move back towards the rest of the group. I'm not sure what to do next. Everyone seems to be done eating and I'm half inclined to interupt Antonio and Serena to tell them that we're ready to move on to whatever they have planned next, but I don't want to disturb Tess yet. She really does seem pretty drained.

Seeing the obvious trash bins and dirty plate trays, I pick up my plate and Tess's, stacking them together and adding Liz's. "I'll take care of this," I say, noting that Alex and Isabel have already cleared their spaces. "Be right back."
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