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Post by Anna-Liisa »


"I'm sorry, Kyle. I shouldn't have been so willing to let you go off by yourself" Tess said to me and I looked at her. I guess we understood each other a little better. I guess that was a start. I looked back down as Tess got up to leave the table. Max immediately says her name.

"I'll be at that table over there Max, I'm not going anywhere" Tess said and walked to the other table. I sighed silently. I wanted to sleep. A lot.

"We're going to have to spend some time teaching you to do this yourself" Max said to me and Liz while I was still looking at the table. "Please, let's all stay together. I need all of you" he said and touched my hand. Probably trying either be friendly or just make sure I was okay. Which it was, I wasn't quite sure and didn't care at that moment.

After a moment Max speaks again. "If you're sure you're okay, I think I need to check on Tess" he said and moved over to where Tess was.

'I am okay, just tired' I though to myself.

I see Liz sitting down and hear her say "Hey guys". I nodded silently, but not so it showed. I notice her looking at me. Great. No everyone kept their eyes on me. I sighed silently and looked up.

"How are you doing…?" Liz asked.

"Uhm, I'm doing okay. Just feeling like I could sleep another 1000 years" I mumbled shrugging. "How about you? I mean...you haven't been...you know..." I started, but couldn't find the right words. Maybe she got the point even if I didn't say it out loud.
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Post by isabelle »


As I return to the group, I notice that most of them are still being uncharacteristically silent. Not that I blame them. This is a strange situation and it's often best to be quiet and watch in a case like that. Still, everyone looks to be okay, with the lone exception of Tess who claims to be merely tired, which is entirely likely.

"Well," I say slowly, looking around at the group. "I think I'm about tired of waiting. We need to know more about the world here."

They all look at me but nobody objects. Once again, it seems to be my job to initiate things. I push up from the table and step towards the smaller one where Serena and Antonio are sitting. "Excuse me. If you're done, maybe we go somewhere and you can tell us more about what's going on here?"
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: Isabelle - hope you don't mind Liz joining him at the end of this...;) - if you don't think it works though, say and I can always take it out


I nod, sympathising completely as Kyle says he’s tired. I guess it’s natural…our bodies aren’t exactly built to take this energy like Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess…

As he asks about me, I try to give a week smile, understanding what he means immediately although he doesn’t voice it properly. “Um…well my control is still pretty shaky…” I respond softly. “I managed to blow up a lightbulb on my little walk…” I bite my lip and shake my head. “I still need to work on it, but hopefully Max will be able to help me…” I look at him. “You should let him do the same with you too…”

For a moment, I fall silent, looking down at my hands and thinking over again how close I could have been to getting into some major trouble… Had Max not turned up when he did, would I have been able to get away in time before I had another surge…?

The basic answer is that I don’t know…but it’s very possible not, and that’s all the more reason why Max is right about sticking together…

I take a breath and look up again at Kyle. “I know you didn’t ask for this…and I know that you didn’t want this…but it is part of us now…we need to control it, and I think in order to do that, we need to accept it…” My voice is low, soft, and somewhat hesitant. I said I would try and talk to him, but I don’t know how he’s going to take it…

I swallow a little nervously, waiting for his response, and offer him another weak smile, reaching for his hand a moment. “We might not be together anymore Kyle, but I want to be your friend…if you ever need to talk about this, or anything else really…” I trail off a moment, pausing before continuing awkwardly. “well, the offer's there…I’m here…”

I fall silent again. This isn’t exactly comfortable… Kyle is my ex-boyfriend, and we haven’t exactly been that close since we broke up… Still, we all need each other, and if I can, I want to help him… He needs to know I’m here…

As Max comes over and says that he’s fed up of waiting, I look up, sending a small smile in his direction, but not saying anything. I half expect Michael, or Isabel even, to make some comment to that, but for now everyone seems to be just accepting and leaving it to him.

I get the feeling that he’s not so crazy about that either… As he stands up, heading over towards the other table where Antonio and Serena are still talking, I look over at Kyle, trying to gage if he’s really okay. I make a decision, and hope that it’s not going to be the wrong one. “…I’m sorry Kyle…” I swallow and pull back my hand before standing up and going after Max.

He’s already crossed the room by now, reaching the table, and by the time I near the table, he’s already speaking to them. I chew my lip nervously, wondering if I’m making a mistake, but then close the last few paces between us and as I reach his side, I slip my hand around his. I know it’s not much, but it’s something…however little, that I can do…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


As Liz slides her hand into mine, it takes real concentration to keep from smiling. Not because I don't want her to see it. I'm sure she knows how much I love feeling her touch, even if we're only holding hands. No, I just want to keep serious for Antonio and Serena. I need them to know that we are not just kids. This is important and we need them to start holding up their end of the bargain here. We need to have so very much more explained.

Still, I give Liz's hand a little squeeze, wondering if Tess will even notice, as she was facing the other direction, still quite tired, a few minutes ago.

This all takes just a moment and now we're waiting together, for a response from the two who claim to have the answers we need for surviving in this world...
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Post by isabelle »

POM wrote:One thing...I'm not really sure on...are the doctors there to help them or do expirments on them? Not clear on this one.
LOL -- that's what Alex and the others have to figure out. :wink:


I watch the aliens and their friends while I eat with Serena. We have this whole floor isolated for security reasons. Not to keep them in, but to keep this whole operation secret. To do that, they need to stay until they understand what's really going on. I don't even want to think about what might happen if news got out that they were in this hospital and that they were all awake.

Watching them, they seem so normal. Scared and nervous, but talking to each other and interacting in perfectly normal ways. There don't seem to be any symptoms of their extreme session in CS. They don't seem to be weak or stiff or ill. You would never have guessed it's been a thousand years since they last ate.

They look innocent, too. Un-knowing. Unaware. They have no idea what this all means. How crazy it could get.

I notice the human girl, Liz, get up and run out, followed closely by Max. He's the leader, I know. It said so in the files and he's acted it ever since he's regained conciousness. Yet, he leaves the others to retrieve her instead of sending something else.

I have to say I was pretty scared then. Scared that they would wander too far. That someone would figure out that they don't belong here. I was so worried about that, I almost missed how Tess leaned forward and was comforting Kyle. I'm not sure what was going on there. There was some sort of light that caught my eye but when I turned, it was gone. Something Tess did. I want to ask, but I leave them for now. Then, thankfully, Max and Liz return.

I glance at Serena, giving her a nervous smile as everything is now under control again. Max and the others try to kill time for a bit, cleaning up after themselves while Tess goes off by herself. Another curious thing I hope to be able to ask them about sometime. Then, when they've delayed all they could, Max finally approached us with Liz at his side.

"I think I'm about tired of waiting. We need to know more about the world here," he says, linking his hand with Liz. He's insistant, but not demanding. Not yet. I have a feeling that will come if we don't respond.

"Yes, of course," I tell him, getting to my feet. "Why don't we go down the hall so we can chat."

Max nods, solemly at that. He turns to his group, inviting them to join us. "Let's go. We're going to get some answers."

Last edited by isabelle on Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by POM »


Walking with Dr. Mclean, and two steps in front of Max--I tell him "But wait...what if they are not ready to know...every just yet--how do you think they are going to react? They have to know...That we are not going to harm them Doctor. They won't understand everything this soon, we should wait a week or so until they get familar with everything first." I whisper fiercly to him. As we enter the room, Doctor...answer there questions with caution." I tell him as we turn to address the group.


I take Isabels hand in mine...I know that she needs someone as much as I do, I give her a reasuring smile as I lightly tighted my grasp on her hand to let her know...without words, that i'm here for here...and that I'm not going anywhere.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

ooc: well, here's my attempt at getting things set.... if I am wrong about the relationship assumption as to Isabel/Alex, tell me and I'll change it... I saw very few posts for either one of them mentioning feelings and such other then concern and joy at seeing they were both safe and such..


With everything going on, I'm not quite certain what to think or say or for that matter do. It's as though everything I'd ever believed has gone to hell in a handbasket. I watch as after some heavy debating, some arguing and Michael stuffing his face for some time, Max makes his way over to where Antonio and Serena are seated. I can't hear what he says, but after a moment the two doctors stand and he turns to motion towards our group as he tells us, "Let's go. We're going to get some answers."

I draw in a deep breath, and am grateful when I feel Alex's hand slip into mine. I still remembered the birthday present he'd given me shortly before we ended up being kidnapped. I look over at him and see that smile of his that is an assurance that he'd be there and I smile lightly back at him, that image of him dancing at my birthday party being something that kept me smiling a bit longer then I normally would have.

Squeazing his hand back I suggested, "We'd better go." I was standing before I finished speaking, preparing to follow Max and the doctors. I also heard Michael from behind us.

"About time they decided to give us some damned answers." His voice sounded as gruff as always. I turn around to look and I see that he has his hand out for Maria and I know that he's still being protective over her. It's actually sweet to see that side of him.

As we fall in step behind my brother, I'm hoping that we'll learn things that won't be too much of an issue. I'm also hoping that we aren't stepping into anything foolishly. Granted, so far they have indeed decided to show that they are trustworthy to an extent, but that didn't mean they really were. I'd learned not to judge a book by it's cover, but to dig a little deeper... or I am learning that anyway.

I've seen different sides to Alex, and was glad to know he was here at my side, but I hadn't quite gotten past my friends only thoughts, although I was finding them lessening slowly before my birthday and then a large chunk had changed during my party when he'd been doing that strip show. Still, I wasn't sure that I was ready to give him more then friendship.

(Michael later.... gotta go bed....lol.... tired...)
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by emmylala »


"Let's go" I hear Max say, and I wonder to myself what he must have said to Antonio and Serena and where we might be going. Though Max and I had been at odds about their intentions, I can't really blame him for being skeptical about their motives despite my desire to trust them. Turning my head I see that Tess is still seated by herself and is apparently unaware of what's going on.

As I move to get up from the table, I hear Michael say, "About time they decided to give us some damned answers" and I internally shake my head. Though we might have powers, I didn't think it was such a good idea to be so combative with them. Yes, I wanted to trust them and yes, I had my reasons for doing so, but I wasn't stupid either. We had no idea about what was going on around us, no clue about the society we'd awoken to. Nor did we have any clue on the progress or advances they've made, for all we knew, these doctors and nurses could have powers that dwarfed Max, Micheal, Isabel and Tess' put together.

Leaving the communal lunch table, I make my way over to Tess, who seems immersed in her own thoughts and tap her gently on the shoulder as take a seat next to her. Turning her head to face me, I can't help but feel some guilt over the way I had behaved. Tess might not have really been my friend, but she certainly wasn't my enemy either, besides that, she helped me control my power surge, despite my treatment towards her, and for that alone, I felt indebted to her in some way.

"It looks like we're getting ready to move." I say, gesturing towards Max and the others. Tess nodded and made to stand up, but before she was able to, I placed my hand on her arm and felt a warm current of energy leave me. "Tess, I'm really sorry about before..." I say, staring up into her eyes "...it's just, this is all so crazy and I know that's no excuse but...I'm sorry!" I say, removing my hand from her arm and smiling slightly.
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Post by isabelle »

OOC -- we still need to hear from Liz, Tess and Maria.
As for pairings -- we can go Kyle/Tess or Kyle/Serena and Tess/Antonio. What do you think, M?


I follow Antonio and Serena out of the lunch room, noting that Kyle goes to rouse Tess and make sure she's with us. That's not what I expected. Not after she was willing to just leave him behind with these people. Of course, that's actually what Kyle wanted so I guess they were in agreement, and she did help him with the power surge when I wasn't here...

Liz stays close to me as we head backdown the hallway and finally enter a small conference room or a large office. I'm sure Tess will have something to say about that in private and I'm sure we do need to talk about it, but for now, everyone is quiet as a mouse.

As we enter the room, I hear Serena cautioning Doctor McLean. I hope he doesn't do as she suggests. We need answers now. As many as possible. The more we know, the faster we can sort out what's true from what's false. The faster we can adjust to whatever the future is going to be for us...

Liz and I move into the room towards a pair of seats in the center of the room but I don't sit down. I stand, watching the rest of my group come in and find their places. No matter what the truth is, I know I have to keep them all as safe as possible.

Last edited by isabelle on Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by POM »


her touch felt so right...in this moment--I knew that I could be the one to comfort her, whenever she needed someone--I could be that someone...but the only thing is that--I was kicking myself for not making any contact sooner. But I knew what ever we were in, that we were in this together..I just had to make sure she felt the same way, but right now wasn't the time for that--it would have to wait until later. I gave her a comforting smile and lightly squeezed her hand to let her know without speaking words, that I was there..and I wasn't going anywhere!


"Doctor, don't you think WE should talk about this a little bit before you tell them Everything?" I whispered fiercly, hoping Max wouldn't hear me. Looking at Max--"won't you take a seat?" I asked motioning to the chair beside him, but he did not move, blind or anything.."Okay then.." I look back at the doctor-- "Well, Doctor...It's time for you to take the stage!" I said quietly over to him.
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