All The Things She Left Behind ~CC~ TEEN/MATURE {COMPLETE}

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Location: Suburbia, where they tear out the trees and name the streets after them!

Part 19B

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

Part 19B

Marissa bounded down the steps and ran into the kitchen. “Are we going to the zoo today?” she asked excitedly, climbing up on a stool to sit at the island in the kitchen with the grownups.

James smiled at Marissa. “Yes Honey, we are in just a little bit.”

Marissa clapped her hands together in delight. “I’m so excited! I love the zoo! Daddy said that he would take me to the zoo in Phoenix if I was a good girl! Laura was ‘posed to go too, but she died in an accident.”

Jeanette frowned. “She died?” she asked the little girl.

Marissa nodded her head. “Can I have juice please?” she asked. James went to the refrigerator and got Marissa some orange juice. He handed it to her and she thanked him.

“What kind of accident?”

Marissa looked at her “grandma” while sipping her juice. “A car accident on Thanksgiving. Mommy said she’s with the angels in heaven watching over Daddy and me.”

“That’s very sad. Did you like Laura?” Jeanette asked.

Marissa nodded. “Mmm hmm. She was very nice. We were going to paint my room pink at Daddy’s house.”

“Was Laura your Daddy’s friend?”

“No, she was Daddy’s wife silly!” Marissa said laughing.

Confused, Jeanette looked at her son. “I thought you said that Maria and Michael were together the past 6 years?”

“Umm…well, they were.”

“Nuh huh! Silly James! Mommy lived in Chicago and …”

“That’s enough Marissa!” James interrupted, but Marissa didn’t stop.

“Then we came back to Roswell for James’ and Mommy’s wedding, but Mommy is getting back with Daddy.”

“Marissa!” James yelled.

“And James and Mommy are just going to be friends.”

“Marissa, it’s not nice to lie!” James said, starting to pick her up to take her away. She slapped him away.

“I’m not lying!” she exclaimed! “Grandma, I promise I’m not lying, please believe me!” she pleaded. “I don’t lie. Mommy said it’s bad.”

“I believe you sweetheart.” Jeanette got up, went to Marissa, and lifted her off the stool. “Go get your shoes on Marissa, and we will go to the zoo.”

“Ok.” Marissa, now slightly upset, left the room.

“I do not know what the hell is going on, James, but you better have an explanation by the time I get back from the zoo.”

“I thought we were all going,” James said.

“I don’t think so. You need to stay here and decide on what is true and what’s not, and you had better not be planting falsities in that little girl’s head. She’s innocent in whatever is going on here,” Jeanette said sternly.

“Grandma! Let’s go!” Marissa yelled from the other room. Jeanette glared at her son and left him alone in the kitchen.

He heard Marissa start babbling on happily about monkeys and then the door slam shut. James slammed his fist down on the counter and cursed loudly. This was not good.

* * *

The doorbell rang at the Valenti house very early. Kyle had fallen asleep at the computer and he jumped at the sound. He slowly and tiredly walked to the door and answered it. “Isabel,” Kyle said.

“Hi, is uh… Tess here? I gotta talk to her,” she said hurriedly.

“Uh, yeah. She’s sleeping I think. You can come in,” he said, moving out of her way. She nervously entered and Kyle shut the door behind her.

“Are you ok?” he asked.

“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m great.”

Kyle gave her a funny look. “Um… ok.”

“Can you just get Tess? It’s really important,” Isabel said.

“Yeah.” Kyle headed off down the hall. He walked into the bedroom where Tess was putting her robe on.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“Um, Isabel is here and she said she needs to talk to you. It’s really important.”

“Ok.” Tess followed Kyle into the living room where Isabel was sitting on the couch. “Hey Is, what’s up?” Tess asked.

“Yeah, can we go somewhere to talk? It’s really kind of private.”

Tess shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah, let me get dressed.” Tess left the room.

“Do you want some coffee or something?” Kyle offered.


“Look Isabel, about yesterday…”

“Oh yeah, forget it. It’s fine. I’m not mad,” Isabel said, not looking at him.

Kyle snickered. “Yeah, I wasn’t going to apologize; I was going to say you were really out of line.”

“Whatever,” Isabel said.

Tess came out dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. “Ok, let’s go,” Isabel said, quickly standing and heading for the door.

“Bye,” Tess said, kissing Kyle on the cheek. “Call me if you hear from Maria and Michael.”

“Ok, bye. Bye Isabel.”

“Yeah, bye Kyle.” Isabel and Tess left and Kyle stared at the door after they shut it. That was weird.

::Coming soon... Jeanette takes Marissa to the zoo and finds out some interesting things. Maria and Michael come to claim their daughter... and where is Tess?::
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

Part 20

Bit of an author’s note… I’ve never been to the San Diego Zoo so anything I've written about it comes from my imagination....

"I love the monkeys!" Marissa exclaimed as she and Jeanette exited the monkey exhibit.

"How about we get something to eat before heading home?" Jeanette asked.

"Ok, I am pretty hungry." Marissa held Jeanette’s hand as they walked over to a small restaurant. "I want some chicken strips and ice cream!" Marissa told Jeanette.

Jeanette smiled. "Ok." She ordered their food and then headed over to a table. Jeanette helped her as she opened her ketchup packets. "So what does your mommy do?" Jeanette asked. She knew that something very strange was going on and she wanted the truth. Sadly, she could only get the truth from a poor 5 year old, who was probably just as confused as she was.

"She works in James’s office. She’s the secretary."

Jeanette had been amazed at Marissa’s intelligence the moment she met her. She was a chatterbox, but everything she said had meaning. She was so happy all the time and always playing. Jeanette thought it was wonderful. "How long has she lived with James?"

"A long time. Since I was born," Marissa told her, shoving a chicken strip in her mouth.

"And when did you move back to Roswell?"

"A little bit ago. Mommy and James went there to tell my other Grandma about the wedding. Mommy hadn’t been there in a long time. Everyone was really happy to see her, and everyone missed her. That’s when I met my daddy! He’s very nice and we have lots of fun. I love my daddy."

"And I’m sure your daddy loves you very much." Jeanette didn’t know what to do. James had been lying to her, or someone had been lying to this child. Either way, the situation was not good. "Does your mommy know you are here?" Jeanette asked.

"Umm…," Marissa hesitated.

Jeanette started to worry. "Marissa?"

"Umm… if I tell you a secret will you promise not to tell anyone?" Marissa asked.

"I promise."

"Pinky swear?" Marissa held out her pinky and Jeanette smiled.

"Pinky swear."

"Well James wouldn’t let me call my mommy so yesterday when you and Grandpa went golfing and James was sleeping and Sarah was sleeping, I snuck downstairs and called her. Don’t be mad! I missed my mommy and my daddy and wanted to talk to them!"

Jeanette was shocked. Her son had kept this little girl from her mother, possibly illegally. This just wasn’t right. And this little girl was so confused. "I’m not mad at all. I’m glad you called your mommy and told her where you were."

"Can I tell you something else?" Marissa asked.

"Of course," Jeanette said.

"Mommy and Daddy are coming to get me. Mommy said she has been looking for me for days," Marissa told her.

"Well you better hurry and eat your chicken so we can go home and see if Mommy‘s there yet," Jeanette told her.

"And remember, you can’t tell James. Daddy said it’s a surprise."

"Oh I’m sure it will be," Jeanette said. A surprise it would be. James was in for the surprise of a lifetime when he opened the door to find Maria and Michael coming for their stolen daughter, and Jeanette couldn’t wait. Her son was in big trouble.

* * *

"Michael can you go any faster?" Maria said annoyed. This was taking too long.

"Maria, I’m going 55 in a 40," Michael snapped at her.

"Look Michael! There’s the zoo!" Maria exclaimed, pointing at the huge San Diego Zoo.

Michael pulled into the parking lot and Maria ran to the entrance. Michael hurried behind her, and paid their way in.

"I don’t even know where to start looking! I’ve never been here," Maria cried.

"The monkeys!" Michael told her. "She loves them. She told me that when we went to the zoo, we had to go see them."

Maria smiled. "You’re right!"

The two saw a sign pointing to the monkey’s and hurried that way.
After going through the whole exhibit, they left disappointed. She hadn’t been there.

"Michael, I need some water," Maria told him.

Michael saw a small restaurant a few feet away from the monkeys and pointed. "We can get some there."

"Ok," she said sadly. She was extremely frustrated, not knowing how to find her daughter. Kyle hadn’t called back with an address yet and they were just going on small clues. They didn’t even know if they were going to the zoo today.

Michael saw the distress on Maria’s face and he took a hold of her hand. She looked up and smiled at him, thankful for the comfort. She laced her fingers in his and they walked into the restaurant.

"This is my favorite shirt!" they heard a small voice say. Maria turned to see a little girl standing in the center of the restaurant. She was looking at her shirt, pouting. There was chocolate ice cream on it and an older woman was kneeling next to her with a wet napkin, trying to clean it.

"Michael." Maria tugged at his sleeve and he turned to see what she was looking at. There she was, his daughter. Standing right in front of him and pouting over spilled ice cream.

"My daddy bought me this shirt." She started to cry.

"It’s ok Honey. The ice cream will come out. I promise. We’ll wash it and you can wear it when you see Daddy again," the older woman told her.

"Ok," she sniffled.

"Marissa," Maria said, in almost a whisper, but it was enough to get the attention of her daughter and the older woman.

"MOMMY!" Marissa screamed in delight. She ran over to Maria and jumped in her arms, smothering her with kisses. "I missed you so much Mommy!"

"I missed you, too!" Maria said, holding her tightly.

"Daddy!" Marissa exclaimed as Maria handed her to Michael.

Michael kissed her forehead. "Marissa, I am so happy to see you!" Marissa then got a sad look on her face. "What’s wrong?" Michael asked.

Marissa pointed to the stain on her shirt. "I spilled ice cream," she said regretfully.

Michael stated to laugh. "It’s ok Marissa, I’m sure Mommy can take care of that."

Michael set Marissa down on the floor and she ran over to the older woman who hadn’t moved from the spot she was standing in. Marissa grabbed her hand and led her to Michael and Maria. "Mommy, Daddy, this is James’s mommy… I call her Grandma," Marissa said.

"I’m Jeanette Masters," she said, offering her hand.

Michael shook it. Maria hesitated, but forced a smile and shook it as well. "I’m Michael, she’s Maria," Michael said.

"I’m so happy to finally meet you. Marissa here has been telling me all about you today. I think that the three of us need to talk."

"I think so too," Maria said.

* * *

Jeanette led Maria and Michael into the house. Michael held Marissa tightly in his arms, knowing that if he held her, he wouldn’t hit James. Maria however, had no one holding her back and that was just frightening. Maria was a firecracker and she was mad.

"James! I’m home and I have guests with me," Jeanette called into the house. She turned to Michael and Maria. "James’s father is out of town for the day, but he’ll be back tomorrow. I would love for you to meet him and tell him how my son betrayed you."

"Ok, if we can," Maria said.

James leisurely entered the living room. "Hey Mom, who’d you bring…" James stopped dead in his tracks. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

Maria could no longer hold in her anger at her former love. "I think the question should be what the hell is my daughter doing here?"

* * *

Kyle paced up and down the length of his living room. Liz and Alex sat quietly on the couch, watching him.

"Kyle, I’m sure she’s fine. She’s with Isabel right?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, she came over this morning, but she was weird, Liz. I can’t explain it. I just have a feeling. Something’s off."

"Well Isabel is probably still pissed. She doesn’t get over things quickly," Alex told them. "I suppose she won’t let me in the house for a few weeks."

The doorbell rang and Kyle jumped. He walked to the door and opened it. "Isabel, where’s Tess?"

"Hi to you too," Isabel said, pushing her way inside. "Is Alex here?" she asked.

"Isabel, where is Tess?" Kyle asked. Liz and Alex joined the two in the foyer.

"Alex, we need to talk," Isabel said.

"ISABEL! Where is Tess?" Kyle was getting angry.

"It is not my day to baby-sit her!" Isabel snapped. "Can’t a person have a conversation with their husband?"

"Isabel, Tess left with you this morning and I haven’t seen her since."

Isabel looked at Kyle. "I didn’t see Tess this morning," she told him. "I was with Max this morning."

"Isabel, you came over and asked to talk to Tess. You were here," Kyle insisted.

Isabel shook her head. "Kyle, I was not here this morning. I haven't talked to Tess or any of you since yesterday."

Coming Soon... Uh Oh Tess is missing... Maria and James have a showdown, and Max and Liz have their first encounter since the day at the CrashDown.
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 21

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

A/N Thanks for all the feedback!!!

Part 21

"Now Maria, there is a perfectly good explanation. I can assure you," James started.

"Oh, there better be. I am dying to hear this," Maria snapped.

"Maybe I should take Marissa into the backyard to play," Jeanette said.

Marissa tightened her arms around Michael. "I want to stay with Daddy!" she cried.

"Marissa, go in the backyard and play. Daddy will come get you when it’s time to go home," Maria said. Marissa pouted and hesitantly let go of Michael, who didn’t want to let go of her either. She reluctantly went in the backyard with Jeanette and Maria continued with her rampage. "You are going to jail! You kidnapped my child, took her across state lines, and lied to her! I trusted you!" Maria yelled.

"Maria, I’m sorry! I just…"

"YOU JUST WHAT?" Maria was losing it. "You have no excuse, no explanation, because there is none! What you did was completely and utterly wrong! YOU TOOK MY DAUGHTER! What on Earth were you thinking? And you lied to your parents and my daughter."

Maria’s cell phone started ringing and she reached for it, not taking her eyes off James. "We are not done yet," she told him.

"Oh, I’m sure we’re not," he said, faking a smile.

"What?" Maria snapped when she answered her phone.

"Maria, it’s Kyle."

"Oh hey Kyle, we found Marissa. I’m about to kill James, so can I get back to you later," Maria said into the phone, still giving James a death stare.

"Maria, we have a big problem," Kyle told her.

"What?" she asked, starting to worry.

"Tess is missing," he told her.

"WHAT?" Maria cried into the phone. "What the hell are you talking about? Hold on Kyle," Maria said. She threw the cell phone at Michael. "Talk to Kyle," she told him. "Something about Tess. I think it’s uhh… work related." She gave him a look and he understood exactly what she was talking about.

Michael took the phone and moved away from James and Maria, but kept them in sight. He had no idea what James would do to Maria, or rather what Maria would do to James.

"Kyle?" Michael said into the phone.

"Michael listen. This morning Isabel came over, asked to see Tess and they went out. Tess never came home and she’s not answering her cell phone. Isabel is here and she said that she never came here this morning. That she hasn’t seen Tess since yesterday," Kyle explained.

"Shit. This is not good. Look Kyle, Maria and I will try to get back as soon as we can, ok? Just keep us updated."

"Ok Michael. Bye."

"Bye Kyle." Michael clicked the phone off and rejoined Maria and James.

"Maria, Tess is missing," Michael told her.

"This is just great. I don’t suppose you took her too did you?" Maria snapped at James.

"Actually, I think I might be able to help," James said.

* * *

Max let himself into the Valenti house where a very distraught Kyle sat. With him were Liz, Alex, and Isabel. They were all trying to console him. Max couldn’t believe this was happening. "Any news?" he asked.

"No," Kyle said.

Max sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Any word on Michael and Maria?" he asked.

"They found Marissa. They are with James and his parents in San Diego," Liz told him.

"That’s good. We need Michael back here. We don’t know what we’re dealing with," Max said.

"Yeah and I’d say we aren’t about to find out if we just sit on our asses waiting," Kyle snapped.

"Kyle, we can’t just go off without a plan," Max told him. "We have to deal with this rationally."

"Listen to me, your highness! I am sick and tired of taking your goddamn orders. My wife is gone. Maria’s daughter was gone. There is more going on here than we can handle. We need my dad to help us. So if you have too much pride to ask for help, then I will. I hate to burst your little bubble Max, but this isn’t about you and what you want. This is about me and my family," Kyle told him.

"Kyle, I understand that you are upset, but…"

Kyle cut Max off. "But nothing. I’m tired of always being so passive and just waiting. We can’t wait anymore Max or more people are going to end up missing and someone will get hurt or even die. I’m calling my dad."

"Kyle’s right," Liz said. "We can’t just sit around anymore. We’ve been waiting six years for your enemies to pounce and it looks as though they have. It’s time to take action Max."

"I don’t know what to do," Max finally admitted.

"Well you have to be willing to help first Max," Liz said.

"I don’t know how to help."

"Look, Isabel you dreamwalk Tess and see what you can get from her. Take Alex with you, just in case. Kyle, you need to get some sleep." Liz saw the protest forming in Kyle’s eyes. "Kyle, you’re of no use to her if you are dead tired. Just try ok?" He nodded in agreement. "Max and I will go out looking for Tess and see if we can find her."

The group agreed and went their separate ways. Max and Liz were stuck together.

* * *

"Nothing, no sign of her anywhere," Liz said in frustration. "Now I know how Maria and Michael felt just driving aimlessly trying to find Marissa."

"Yeah, but we’ll find her. I know we will," Max told her. "Listen, Liz… I just wanted to say I’m sorry for everything."

"I’m sure you are Max," Liz replied. She wasn’t ready for this conversation yet.

"I didn’t sleep with Tess. It was all a mind warp."

"I know," she said. "You think that the fact that you two didn’t sleep together, makes it alright?"

"Well… yeah," he told her.

Liz shook her head and sighed. "Max, it doesn’t matter if you slept with Tess, or if you didn’t sleep with Tess. What matters is that you didn’t tell me. You lied to me for a long time."

"I know. I’m sorry." His eyes were pleading for forgiveness.

"Max, I don’t think the problem is Tess anymore. I think that the problem is us. And I don’t know how to fix us right now."

"Liz, I love you," Max told her.

"I know Max, but sometimes, that’s just not enough."
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

::Ok after long consideration I've decided that everything that happened in season 2 regarding Nikolas and the Dupes and the Granolith happened, just without Maria... Kyle saved them in Wipe Out instead of Maria... Ok... that's all.::

Part 22

"What do you mean?" Michael asked James.

"I mean I know who took Tess," James admitted.

"How do you know? My God is this some conspiracy or something?" Maria asked. "I mean come on, what would you want with Tess?"

"It’s not me who wants Tess. And it’s not just Tess they want," James informed them.

"You mean…," Maria started.

"They want Michael, Max, and Isabel, too. And Max’s kid and something called the Granolith."

"The Granolith," Michael said to himself.

"Ok, this means nothing to me," Maria said.

"Who wants us?" Michael asked.

"Some guy named Nicholas."

"Shit." Michael ran his fingers through his hair.

"Michael… what does this mean?" Maria asked. "Who is Nicholas?"

"How did Nicholas find you?" Michael asked, ignoring Maria’s questions.
"We thought he was dead. We haven’t heard from him in 5 years!"

Maria grabbed Michael by the shirt and yelled into his ear. "MICHAEL! WHO THE HELL IS NICHOLAS?”

"Maria, call Kyle right now. Tell him that Nicholas has Tess," Michael ordered.

"Umm… when am I going to get answers?" she asked annoyed.

"In a minute," he told her. She huffed and went into the other room to call Kyle.

"This Nicholas, he was like a teenage boy right?" Michael asked James.

"I never met Nicholas personally. I met someone else; someone who looks like you. I mean he could be your twin only… well, Maria told me you weren’t very well groomed; she should have met this guy."

"Rath," Michael said to himself.

"Yeah. That’s it," James said.

"This is not good. Not good at all."

* * *

Kyle hung up the phone with Maria and glanced around the room at his friends. "Nicholas has Tess. James said that Nicholas approached him through Rath. He told James he’d pay him to take Marissa to cause us to fight amongst ourselves. To divide us so that Max, Isabel, Michael, and Tess would be easier to kill."

"So he took Tess? Why Tess, why not Max?" Isabel asked.

"Because Tess can mind warp," Liz said. "I mean it makes perfect sense if you think about it. I mean first of all, he could easily have taken either Max or Tess by having Rath or Lonnie impersonate Isabel or Michael. They know Michael is gone, so they used Isabel. Second, without Tess’s mind warp, you guys have no cover. You’re just out in the open. You can go and try to save Tess, but you have nothing to hide behind. Nicholas knows this."

"Liz is right," Max said. "And they needed to get us fighting, that’s why they mind warped me to think Tess and I slept together, and then took Marissa. Divide and conquer. Damnit!"

"Max it’s ok, we can figure this out. Isabel, what did you see when you dream walked Tess?" Liz asked.

"I couldn’t get in," she said defeated.

"Ok, take Kyle with you. Like you took me when Max was in New York. Max healed Kyle too, so he’s different."

"Ok," Isabel said.

"Now that we know who they are, we need to be on the lookout. Trust no one outside of this room," Max advised, "unless it’s Maria or Michael."

"How do we know if it’s really Michael?" Kyle asked.

"Michael wouldn’t leave Maria and Marissa, so if Michael comes here alone, don’t trust him," Liz said.

"Good plan," Alex said. "Don’t trust Michael."

"Let’s go find Tess, Isabel," Kyle said.

"And what do the rest of us do?" Alex asked Liz.

"We wait."

* * *

"Mommy, Daddy please, please don’t leave me!" Marissa cried. "Mommy!" Marissa held on to her mother tightly.

"Baby, you have to stay here," Michael told his daughter.

Maria tried to hold back the tears as she spoke. "Marissa honey, it’s not safe at home. You stay here with Grandma and Grandpa. Then when it’s safe, I promise Mommy and Daddy will come back and get you."

"Mommy no," she cried.

Tears flowed freely from Marissa’s eyes and Michael couldn’t bear it. He took Marissa from Maria and held her close. "Marissa, please. Please stay here and be good," he whispered to her.

"I don’t want to. I want to be with you Daddy and with Mommy!"

"I know ‘Ris, but you can’t. You have to stay here." It broke his heart to see her cry. He knew that it was a feeling he never wanted to have again. Michael set Marissa down and kissed her forehead. "I love you very much Marissa. I promise in a few days, when the bad people are all gone, I’ll come back and get you. Then we’ll go to the zoo and play in the park." Marissa continued crying loudly. "Bye Marissa. I love you." He kissed her again and turned away, going outside.

"Mommy, please. Please don’t leave me please!" Marissa screamed.

Maria started to cry as well. "I’m so sorry; I have to go with Daddy. Please stop crying. Please." Maria held Marissa as tightly as possible. "I’m so sorry. I have to leave you here. It’s for your own good. I don’t want you to get hurt." Michael could see from outside that this was killing Maria.
"Bye Marissa. Please, please be good. I’ll call you in a few hours. I love you." Maria hugged her and kissed her cheek. "I’m sorry." She turned to Jeanette. "Thank you," she said through her tears.

"I won’t let anything happen to her. I promise," Jeanette told her.

"Bye Marissa. Bye honey." Maria waved and went outside.

"MOMMY! DADDY! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!" Michael heard Marissa scream again. Her face was beat red form crying so hard. Michael watched Jeanette lift her up as she threw a temper tantrum and shut the door.

Maria grasped Michael and sobbed into his chest. "I don’t want to leave her," she cried.

"I know, but we have to. It’s for her own safety. I don’t want to leave her either, but we have to." He held her and kissed her forehead. "It’ll be ok. We’ll get this taken care of, and come back to get her. I promise."

"And what if we don’t make it?" Maria mumbled into his chest. "What if something happens to us?"

"That’s just not an option," Michael told her, thinking of his little girl. He let go of her and they headed towards the car. James was sitting in the back seat. Michael didn’t trust him, but at this point, they had no alternative. Maria looked back towards the house and started crying again. Michael turned around and saw Marissa sitting at the window crying with Jeanette trying to calm her.

Michael reached for Maria’s hand and didn’t let go. She looked at him, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I love you," she told him.

"I love you, too." He kissed her forehead and they got in the car, on their way back to Roswell, New Mexico... where it all began.
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 23A

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

::Well here's a little something for you guys... thanks for being patient while I try to get thru my issues :-)::

Part 23A

Tess awoke slowly, her head throbbing in pain. She tried to reach her hand to her head but she realized she couldn’t move; she was tied up. She tried to remember the day’s events. She and Kyle had been trying to track down Marissa, when Isabel came over. No… not Isabel, Lonnie, it had been Lonnie.

Tess was fully aware of her surroundings now. She was in a basement or something like it, and she was tied tightly to the wall. She tried to move but her whole body ached in pain. There must have been a struggle somewhere, and she just couldn’t remember it now.

They had told her their plan. They told her how they took her because she could mind warp. They used some sort of injection and it blocked her powers. She had to give them a bit of credit; they had thought this one through. Then a scary revelation hit her. They had mind raped her. They knew everything now. Nikolas told her what he wanted, the Royal Four dead, the Granolith, and the heir to the throne, and now thanks to Tess they had two of the three. This was not good.

* * *

Michael, Maria, and James knocked on the door to Kyle and Tess’s house and waited for an answer. Liz answered the door and gave Maria a questioning look.

"James knows where Tess is," Maria told her, before shoving her way into the house.

"Umm… ok," Liz said. Michael shoved James inside and watched him closely. He didn’t trust the bastard as far as he could throw him. "Where’s Marissa?" Liz asked.

"With James’s parents in San Diego. We didn’t want her coming here and being put in danger," Michael said.

"So what’s with James? How does he know about Tess?" Kyle asked.

"Look, this Nikolas guy sought me out and told me he’d pay me to take Marissa from Maria. At the time, it seemed like a good idea," he said, unsure of himself.

"I can’t believe I was going to marry you. You’re an idiot!" Maria snapped.

"Maria…," Michael warned. They were going to get nowhere if Maria went on another rampage.

Maria rolled her eyes, but looked at James. He continued, "Anyway he said that I could help him get what he wanted and then he’d help me get what I wanted. I wasn’t quite sure at the time that he wanted to kill all of you, but he promised he wouldn’t hurt Maria or Marissa, so I went along with it."

"Ok, I saw your parents’ house. How can you be in need for money? My God they live in a fucking mansion," Maria exclaimed.

"It’s a long story," James told her.

"What does Nikolas want?" Max asked, because they were not getting any answers. James was just babbling about nothing relevant.

"He wants you," he pointed to Max, "Tess, Michael, and Isabel dead. He wants something called the Granolith, and Max’s kid."

Max and Liz looked at each other and then at their friends. Maria was really confused. "So you guys don’t have a kid, how’s that gonna work?" Maria asked.

"Umm…," Liz started and then looked down.

"Liz," Maria said, "what the hell is going on?"

"Max and I have a son," Liz finally told her.
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 23B

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Part 23B

"What?" Maria asked, completely confused. This was just too much for her. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Liz and I had a son before we were married. His name is Christopher. We weren’t ready for kids at the time so Liz’s Aunt from Florida took him," Max explained.

Maria noticed the grief stricken look that Liz had on her face. This had obviously been a tough decision. "We didn’t want to, but at the time with Nikolas and the Skins, it just wasn’t safe for him," Liz said, holding back tears. "I never wanted to give him up." A single tear slid down Liz’s cheek and Max put his arm around her. To Maria’s surprise she didn’t flinch or move away, she just rested her head on his shoulder.

"Liz, I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine how hard that was for you," Maria said. Maria couldn’t imagine what she’d do if she had to give up Marissa.

"It’s ok; we did what was best for him. He’s about Marissa’s age. I bet they’d be great friends," Liz told her. She then started crying.

"Oh Lizzie." Maria went to her and hugged her. "I’m so sorry. It’ll be ok."

"It just wasn’t safe and then we didn’t want to uproot him. It’s so horrible Maria. I feel like I’m a bad person."

Maria stroked her hair. "You aren’t a bad person Liz; you did what you thought you needed to do. It’s ok."

Liz sniffled. "I’m ok," she said, letting go of Maria. "We need to focus on finding Tess."

"Well if Nikolas mind raped Tess… he knows where the Granolith and Christopher are. We need to call your aunt," Michael said.

"Oh my God, I hadn’t even thought of that." Liz reached for the phone, but then stopped. "They aren’t home. My aunt was going to visit some friends in California."

"What is it with California?" Maria thought aloud.

"Well anyway, at least he’s safe for now," Max said, squeezing Liz’s hand.

"Yeah, now we need to find out how to get Tess back," Kyle said.

"James you said Rath is working with Nikolas. Do you know if someone looking like Tess named Ava is?" Isabel asked.

"I have no idea," James said.

"Ava hates Lonnie and Rath because they killed Zan. If we could find her, she could help us," Isabel told them.

"I’m so confused." Maria collapsed on the couch and sighed. "Gone for six years and everything’s changed." The group looked at her with amused looks. "What?"

"Six years is a long time without any contact," Michael said, with a hint of hurt and sadness in his voice.

"Let’s not get into this again," Liz said. "I can find Ava," she told them. "Let me handle that. You guys come up with a plan."

"Are you sure Liz?" Max asked. "You can find her? And it’ll be safe for you?"

"I’ve got it under control Max." Liz grabbed her purse and started out the door. Max followed her.

"If anything strange happens I want you to get right back here, you understand?" he told her. "If anything happens to you…"

"It won’t. I’ll be fine."

"Bye Liz."

Liz leaned in and kissed Max gently on the lips. "I love you," she told him.

He smiled slightly. "I love you. too."
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 24

Jeanette answered the door and smiled at her old friend Karen. She had completely forgotten that she was coming to visit until this morning. It had been hectic, but she managed to get Marissa help her clean up since the maid had the day off. "Karen," Jeanette said, hugging her, "it’s so nice to see you."

"It’s great to see you, too Jeanette," Karen said. A little boy about five stood timidly behind her. He had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. His skin was a tan color and he wore tan little shorts with a button down shirt and tan sandals.

"This is Christopher," Karen said, taking the boy’s hand in hers.

Jeanette leaned over to be eye level with him. "I’ve got a little friend to play with you," Jeanette told him. "Her name’s Marissa and she’s very excited about meeting you."

Christopher smiled shyly. "Ok," he said quietly.

Jeanette led them into the house and pointed to the backyard. "Marissa is outside swinging. You can go and play with her if you’d like," Jeanette told him.

Christopher looked at Karen for permission, and she smiled and nodded her head. "Go ahead, honey." Christopher walked slowly to screen door and slid it open, entering the backyard.

"Who’s Marissa? I thought Mackenzie’s daughter was named Sarah," Karen asked when Christopher was outside.

"My son’s ex-fiancée’s daughter," Jeanette said. "It’s a long story."

"Oh," Karen said.

"Yeah. Anyway, you still have Christopher?"

"Yeah, Liz and Max were going to try to take him home about 7 months ago, but Liz told me that she and Max were fighting a lot and she didn’t want him subjected to that. Now apparently they are separated. It’s so sad. Christopher is getting to that age where he’s asking a lot of questions."

"But he knows Max and Liz right?" Jeanette asked.

"Yeah, they always send him presents on his birthday and Christmas, and try to come out and visit him a few times a year. But I’m happy to have him you know, so it’s not a big deal. They are going through some very hard times now and Christopher doesn’t need to be in a situation like that."

"I completely agree," Jeanette said, thinking of Marissa.

* * *

"Hi," Marissa said, as she saw a little boy come into the backyard.

"Hi," he said quietly.

"I’m Marissa." She jumped off the swing and walked towards her new playmate.

"I’m Christopher."

"I had a Christopher in my day care class. We called him Chris," she said.

"You can call me Chris if you want, my auntie does."

"Ok Chris. Want to swing with me?" Marissa asked, excited about having a playmate.

"Ok." The two kids started swinging and became instant friends.

* * *

"I got it!" Isabel cried, running into the living room. "I got her, she’s ok. She’s alive."

Kyle sighed in relief. "Did you find out where she was?" he asked anxiously.

Isabel’s face dropped. "Not really. I mean, she’s in some kind of basement, but I couldn’t figure out where."

"Ok, but she’s ok right?" Kyle asked.

"She’s ok. She told me the same thing James did, only they mind raped her and that means they know about the Granolith and Chris."

"Well Chris is not in Florida right now, so he’s ok," Max told her.

The front door of the Valenti house flew open and Liz walked in with Ava following. "Ava is going to help us," Liz said proudly.

Ava shied behind Liz. "Yeah," she said quietly.

"Thank you," Kyle told her.

"Don’t thank me yet. I ain’t got your chick back," she said.

Kyle bit his bottom lip. "Ok."

"Do you know where she is?" Michael asked, scratching his eyebrow.

"No, youse gotta dream walk her and find out."

"I couldn’t get a location. I just know she’s in a type of basement."

"Hmm…," Ava said, thinking.

"Do you think they took her out of New Mexico?" Kyle asked.

"Well I met Rath in California," James told them.

"California," Ava said. "Where at in California?"

"Right outside of San Diego."

"They sure are doing a lot of traveling," Maria said.

"And Liz said that Lonnie took Tess."

"Yeah, she came disguised as Isabel," Kyle said.

"Go dream walk her again and see if you can get an exact location out of her. Just get inside her head, like you did with Max when he was in the white room," Liz suggested.

"This will be the fourth time and I’m having a hard time getting in," Isabel told her.

"Isabel… please," Kyle begged. "I need to get her back."

Isabel sighed. "Ok, I’ll try again."

"We’ll find her Kyle," Max said, trying to reassure him, "I promise."

"Thanks Max, but at this point… your promises don’t mean anything to me." Kyle stood up and walked into the kitchen. Max hung his head, knowing that he had been an ass lately. It was going to take a lot to make that up to everyone, but he would start by getting Tess back for Kyle, no matter what.
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 25

Isabel touched the image of Tess and closed her eyes. She kept Tess in her thoughts, and remembered what Kyle had told her as she drifted into a light sleep.

Isabel opened her eyes and looked around her. Everything was different than it had been that last time. The last time Tess seemed fully aware of what was going on and her dream state was clear and visual. This time it was foggy and dark. Isabel felt a panicked feeling arise in her chest, but she tried to ignore it. She had to find Tess. She walked around and called her name. "Tess," she cried. "Tess, where are you? What’s going on?"

"Isabel." Isabel heard a faint voice.

"Tess?" Isabel called. "Tess, where are you?"

"Isabel." The voice seemed to get louder. All of a sudden, Isabel was transported to a room. The walls were made of cement and lined with glass tubes with skin husks. "Isabel, help me." Tess sounded scared and in a lot of pain.

Isabel rushed to her side. "Tess, are you ok?" she asked.

"They drugged me. I felt better and tried to use my mind warp on them, so they gave me a lot of drugs."

"Tess, where are you?" Isabel asked urgently. "We have to get you out of here."

"You’ve been here before Isabel," Tess told her.

Isabel looked around and remembered. "You’re in Copper Summit? Where they were harvesting the Skins?" Isabel asked.

"It’s a trap. Don’t come here," Tess told her. "It’s a trap."

"Tess, we’ll get you out of here. Don’t worry."

"They want the Granolith and Max’s son. It’s a trap. They want to kill you. Don’t come here."

"Kyle!" Isabel said aloud, remembering what he told her.

"Kyle," Tess said weakly.

"He wanted me to tell you that he loves you. He loves you, Tess and we’re coming to get you."

"I love Kyle, too. No! Don’t come. It’s a trap." Isabel felt herself pulled away from Tess and out of the dream. "It’s a trap Isabel." Isabel cried at the sight of her friend, as she awoke suddenly from the dream. Kyle was right by her.

"What happened?" he asked anxiously.

"She said she loves you," she told him.

* * *

Michael walked into the bedroom where Maria was. She was lying curled up in the fetal position and Michael couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was.

"Hi," Maria said softly. Michael sat on the bed next to her and frowned.

"I thought you were sleeping."

"I can’t sleep. I miss Marissa," she told him. "I’ve never been away from her for this long. I only got to see her for a few hours."

"Do you want to call her again?" he asked.

"No, I just called an hour ago. I just want her here with me."

"I know, but…"

"But it’s not safe blah blah… I got it," Maria snapped.

"Ok." Michael stood up to leave.

"Michael," Maria said, sitting up. "I’m sorry. Please don’t leave. I’m just on edge."

"We all are," Michael told her. He scratched his eyebrow and sighed. "It’s going to be ok, Maria. Marissa is fine with Jeanette and we are going to get Tess back."

"And then what? What happens the next time? What if it’s me they take, or Marissa?" Maria cried.

Michael sat back down and put his arms around her. "I’ll never let that happen, Maria. I love you and Marissa so much. I would never let anyone hurt either of you."

"Will you lay with me?" Maria asked.

Michael nodded his head and lay down. Maria rested her head on his chest and took one of Michael’s hands in her own. Michael took his free hand and ran it through her hair. "I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise."

Maria closed her eyes, her fingers still entangled in Michael’s. After a few minutes, Michael and Maria were breathing in sync. Once he knew she was asleep, he laid her gently on the bed, and slipped out of the room. He had something he had to do.

* * *

Liz sat on the back porch with a cup of tea, staring at the sky. It was a beautiful, clear night in Roswell. Liz had always liked watching the stars, but after meeting Max, it had been different. To know that something was out there was amazing to Liz; to know that there was another whole world captivated her.

She sighed as she thought about the recent events of her life. Her husband had cheated, but not cheated on her. Her best friend had come back from being gone for 6 years. Her other best friend had died in a car crash. Tess had been taken, Marissa had been taken, and Chris was in danger.

It was interesting how everyone had forgotten about Laura so quickly; like she hadn’t even mattered, or been a huge part of the group. It was also interesting how Michael was rushing back into a relationship with Maria, only weeks after Laura had died.

It wasn’t that Liz didn’t want Michael and Maria together, because she did. She just couldn’t understand how Michael could forget how much he loved Laura and move on so quickly. She didn’t think he’d even been to her grave since the funeral. She sighed again; she hadn’t either.

It was just so hectic right now. All of this stuff was going on, and Liz had no one to talk to. Max was… well things with Max and Liz were just too strained. Laura was gone, Isabel was being bitchy, and Maria was caught up in Marissa and whatever was going on with her and Michael. Liz had no one… but then a thought came to her. She went inside the house and grabbed her coat, trying not to let anyone see her leave. No such luck.

"Liz, where are you going?" Max asked, walking into the foyer where she was.

"I’ll be back in an hour," Liz told him.

"Liz, it’s not safe for you to just be running around town."

"Max, I’ll be fine ok?"

"Liz…," Max warned.

"Max, I’m not Isabel, Michael, or Tess. You can’t use that King card on me, so don’t even try."

"At least tell me where you’re going," Max said.

Liz opened the door. "There’s something I have to do."
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 26

"I didn’t expect to find you here," Liz said as a startled Michael jumped.

"Oh my God, Liz. You scared me."

"Sorry," she said. "May I?"

"Sure," he replied.

Liz sat down on the grass next to him. "It’s a nice night."

"Yeah, she would have loved it. She would have forced me to lie on the grass and stare at the stars with her. Not that I would have minded. I would have done anything for her."

"I know."

"Yeah, but did she?" Michael asked.

"She knew. She knew you loved her," Liz assured him. "And she loved you, too."

"I feel like I’m betraying her. I feel like being with Maria, or whatever Maria and I are, is betraying her."

"It’s not."

"But it feels so wrong."

"Being with Maria?" Liz asked.

Michael nodded his head. "Yeah."

"Oh," Liz said quietly.

"I’m in love with Maria. I just miss Laura so much."

Liz looked at Michael and saw a few stray tears rolling gently down his cheeks. She put her arms around him. "I know; I miss her too."

"I’m just so confused. I wish she was here to tell me what to do, ya know? She was always good at that."

Liz laughed a little. "Yeah she was. And I think that wherever Laura is, she wants you to be happy. If she saw you like this she’d say, ‘Guerin stop crying or I’m gonna kick your ass.’ And then she’d kick your ass."

That got a small laugh out of Michael. He wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "Yes, she would," he agreed.

"I think that Laura would want you to be happy with Maria. You love Maria and you two have this beautiful little girl. You guys have a chance to be a family and Laura would want that."

"What if I’m not enough?" Michael asked, surprising Liz.

"In what way?"

"I couldn’t help her and she died. I mean, it’s my fault Liz. I kissed Maria, and that forced Laura to get into that car. And I couldn’t even heal her. What if something happens to Maria or Marissa? What if I can’t protect them?"

"Michael, what happened to Laura is not your fault. You can’t think that. And Maria loves you. She’s always loved you. Even when she was here the first few weeks with James, it was you. It’s always been you. You two have this chance at a life together. You have all of these happy times ahead of you. Don’t throw them away because you’re scared," Liz told him.

"Maybe you should do the same."

"What does that mean?" Liz asked.

"It means that you’re scared of your relationship with Max. He fucked up, and let me tell you he really did, but he loves you more than anything Liz. He’s so devoted to you. Yeah he lied to you, but in Max’s mind, he was protecting you. He didn’t want you to get hurt. Did he hurt you anyway about a million times more? Yes. But he loves you. And you love him. You have a son and he needs both parents."

"I know. I do love him, and it does make a difference knowing that the sleeping with Tess thing was a mind warp. But I feel like I can’t trust him. What if something like that were to happen again? Would he tell me? My mind is telling me to just get a divorce and take Christopher far away from here as soon as all of this is over."

"And your heart?" Michael asked.

"My heart is telling me to hold on with everything I have."

"That’s what I thought," he said.

"When did you become so insightful, Michael Guerin?" Liz asked, laughing.

"I don’t know," he told her.

"It’s weird how things change isn’t it? I mean when we were in high school, I would never have imagined I’d be sitting in a graveyard having a heart to heart with ‘Stonewall’ Guerin."

"Well I never thought I’d be having a heart to heart with Miss Science, Liz Parker. But things change; we’ve changed."

"But we haven’t, not really. We’re still the same as those scared teenagers. We still can’t make decisions on our own, and we’re still afraid of all the things we were when we were kids. Look at us. The Skins took Tess and we’re just all acting like scared little babies. We haven’t even really tried to help her. She’s trapped somewhere and the only thing we’ve done is dreamwalk her. She must be terrified. I know I would be if I were her."

"I know. I wish Max would go on the offensive for once," Michael told her.

"And Kyle," Liz continued, "Kyle is going insane and no one is being a good friend to him. We’re all so preoccupied with our own drama that we haven’t even asked him how he is doing. His wife is missing; that has to be traumatic. We’re all so selfish Michael."

Michael nodded his head in agreement. "We should get back. Everyone’s going to start worrying." Michael stood up and extended his hand to Liz, to help her.

"I’m glad we talked Michael. I feel better."

"I feel better, too. Thank you."

"You’re welcome." Liz turned back to Laura’s grave and smiled. "Tulips are her favorite."

"I know. I hope she likes them. And I hope wherever she is, she’s happy and she knows I love her."

"She does. She knows."

Michael put his arm around Liz and the two friends walked to their cars. A figure with long, curly, dark brown hair sat on Laura’s grave, a tear in her eye, and a bittersweet smile on her face. "I love you, too," she whispered and disappeared into the starry night.
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

Hey guys! I'm back, sorry I've been busy with midterms and then I was out of town, but here I am! Anyway...

Part 27

"Where have you guys been?" Max asked anxiously as Michael and Liz walked through the door. "We were worried."

"Save it, Maxwell. We’re big kids. We don’t need a lecture, we’re fine," Michael said, exasperated. Max looked as though he was going to say something else, but Liz shot him a nasty look and he shut his mouth. Michael pushed his way past Max and walked into the living room. Kyle was sitting on the couch, staring into space. "Hey Kyle," Michael said, sitting down with him. "How ya doing?"

"Not great," Kyle told him.

"Hey man, I’m sorry we’ve all been such asses. We’ve been preoccupied with our own problems and we haven’t even worried about you. If you want to talk or anything, I’m available to listen."

Kyle looked at Michael with a shocked, yet thankful look on his face. "Thanks Guerin, I appreciate that."

"Hey everyone, get in here. I’ve got something to say," Michael shouted. The group that consisted of Max, Liz, Maria, Isabel, Alex, Ava, and James entered the living room from all different directions.

"What is it Michael?" Max asked.

Michael stood up and looked around at his friends and acquaintances. "I’m sick and tired of sitting around here waiting for something to happen. We’re like sitting ducks. I think it’s time to end this. Let’s get Tess back and get rid of Nikolas once and for all."

"And how do you suppose we go about that Michael?" Max asked, condescendingly.

"I know where they are," Isabel said quietly. "I didn’t want to say anything at first; Tess said it’s a trap. They’re in Copper Summit."

"Well, we can’t just go barging in there. We need some semblance of a plan," Alex said.

"So let’s make one," Michael told them. "Let’s just give him the damn Granolith. We aren’t planning on using it anytime soon."

"Ok, now you’re getting irrational."

"No Max, I’m not! Do you plan on going home anytime soon; I mean home to Antar?" Max shook his head. Michael looked at Isabel and she shook her head as well. "That’s what I thought. So why don’t we just give them the stupid Granolith and the stupid crystal, and be done with them forever."

"Because it’s not that easy Michael! They want to kill us and they aren’t going to leave without my son!"

"Then let’s kill them first. What are we waiting for? We have Ava. We’ll mind warp Nikolas, Rath, and Lonnie, and kill them all. It’s ridiculous that we’re just sitting here while they could be torturing or even killing Tess. Not to mention that Marissa is in danger and so is your son. So let’s do something about it."

"I agree with Michael. I think we should take the offensive for once," Kyle said. "We’ve been sitting here for days and that’s not helping anyone. It’s time to make our move."

"I agree with them too, Max," Isabel told him.

"Fine, but we have to have a plan." Max sighed. He wasn’t going to win this.

Michael nodded his head. "I think I may have one."

* * *

"Grandma, can I have some juice?" Marissa asked, running inside. "I’m thirsty."

"Sure sweetie." Jeanette went to the kitchen and poured Marissa some orange juice. "Does Christopher want some, too?" Jeanette asked.

"Chris!" Marissa called into the living room. "Do you want some juice?"

Chris walked into the kitchen shyly and smiled. "Yes, please."

Marissa went to the pantry, opened the door, and looked in it.

"Marissa, what do you need?" Jeanette asked.

"Do you got any Tabasco sauce?" she asked.

"Oh, yes. Your mom told me you love that stuff. I had the maid get some from the store." Jeanette reached to the top shelve and handed her a bottle.


Shocked, Chris looked at Marissa. She raised her eyebrows and looked at him. "What?" she asked.

"You like Tabasco sauce, too?" he asked.

"Yeah, Tabasco is my favorite thing. Mommy says I get it from my daddy. Do you like Tabasco sauce?"

"Yeah. My daddy likes Tabasco, too," Chris told her.

"Wow," Marissa said. "The only other people I know that like it is Aunt Tess, Daddy, Aunt Isabel, and Uncle Max."

"I have an Aunt Tess, an Aunt Isabel, and a Daddy Max," Chris told her.

Marissa walked over to the bar and hopped up on one of the stools. "Come sit up here with me," she said to Chris. He climbed up next to her and the kids drank their juice.

"Where are your mommy and daddy?" Marissa asked Chris when they were sitting.

"I only see them sometimes. I don’t live with them. I live with my Auntie Karen."

"I met my daddy this summer. He lives in Roswell. When Mommy and Daddy come to get me, I’m going to live there, too."

"Max and Liz live in Roswell," Karen told Jeanette, listening to the kids’ conversation.

"Do they know a Maria DeLuca or a Michael Guerin?" Jeanette asked.

"Yes!" Karen’s face lit up. "Maria is Liz’s best friend. But she disappeared about 6 years ago. No one knows where she is."

"She’s back now. She was engaged to my son," Jeanette told her.

"This is really weird," Karen said.

Jeanette looked at the kids. Marissa was talking Chris’s ear off, but he didn’t seem to mind. "Yes, yes it is."
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."