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Post by KatnotKath »


Just when I didn’t think this could get any worse… I have to try hard not to groan as I see my dad go over to speak to Max. He’s moving faster than both me and Maria, we’re putting this off as long as possible… I try to ignore them both, thanking Isabel quickly for inviting us over and participating in some small talk with Maria who obviously doesn’t want to be here any more than me. I’m tense and need to know what’s being said though and move closer just in time to hear Max’s response to whatever my dad’s been saying. “We’re lab parteners…Biology…”

That might be all Max wants me to be, but however much I try, I find that he means far more to me. Max saved my life, but that wasn’t the important thing…the important thing is that he is who he is and after getting to know him, I’ve fallen for him completely… Now if only I can get him to give up on this ‘it’s too dangerous…’

Maria is saying something else, having followed me over it seems, but I’m afraid I’m not listening…I know that we both said that we’d had enough of the aliens, but I don’t think I could ever have had enough of Max. I want to be there with him…I want to be there with him… I don’t care about the danger, it’d be worth it… I know that Max isn’t likely to change his mind though, so everything I’m thinking are simply dreams…dreams which are never going to become reality however much I might want them to. Biting my lip, I back away again and sit down on the floor a little way from Isabel and Alex who I think are talking…at least one of us seems to be having a good time….
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by FallenMagic »

Okay, re-read everything and I just have to say what a wonderful jobs you guys are doing so far! The posts are funny yet incredibly well written!Fantastic work! And here's my "late" post. Sorry about the delay.

~* Talia *~

Asher led me into the mansion that we would be staying in and with once glance I knew it was big enough to hold both of our pards and packs. Stepping into the dimly lit foyer, I glanced around, taking in the comfortable furniture. Although we vampires don't need much rest it never hurts to be living in comfort.

I turn to one of my vapimires, Katrina. "Make sure that everyone settles in. We have much to do once the rest of the pard shows up." I tell her. "And I am to know the second the pard shows up."

"Leave it to me, Talia." Katrina replies with a small incline of her head. She leaves me and Asher alone in the hall and I finally turn to him. He had been waiting patiently for me to finish. I know he is eager to know what I think of the place and to catch up on old times with me. Pity that our reunion will be tainted with this business of Lenora.

"You've got one hell of a place here Asher." I compliment ith a smile. "Looks like you've gotten used to living in comfort in all these years."
<center>There are endings and beginnings and then there are Crossroads; and, somehow, in the end all that's left are Pieces Of A Dream</center>
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Post by isabelle »


Now that I've got a good fire going with Mista's help, I'm already to start cooking. "Ready for a burger, dad?" I ask. Naturally, he's not paying the slightest attention to me. Staring at the Evans's campsite.

"Dad! Burger?" I ask again.

"Wha? Oh, sure," he says, relucatingly looking at me for a moment. With a sigh, I put a couple patties on the grill. This is sure gonna be a great weekend. Let me tell you.
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Post by Elf3748 »

((Hopefully this isn't too late))


I sigh as we make are way over to the "Evans Torture Tent Of Hell" or so my new nickname for it. I think it suits it well. As we walk over I get a sickening feeling in my gut. It seems that whenever I myself or Liz is near the Chezlovakians something really bad always happens. It could have to do with the fact that they're not of this earth or it could not but whatever it is its bugging me.


A few strides later we're at the camp site. Max and Isabel are talking then Isabel moves off to Alex....Grrr. That space bitch needs to stay away from Alex. All she'll do is break Alex's heart. But whatever its not really my business. Anyways back to the present. Once Isabel had left, Max started to put burgers on buns. I could tell he was somewhat nervous. Probably cause of Liz, but I wouldn't put it passed him it was cause of the fact that Mr. Parker was headed in Max's direction.

He walks over and starts up a conversation which from the distance we are I can't really hear much. Liz turns to me nervously and starts talking to me about really nothing still trying to hear bits and pieces of the convo.

"I understand you and my Lizzie are pretty close..." Mr. Parker says.

Max fidgets a little while turning over a burger and says "Um, yeah. I guess...We're lab partners. Biology."


Hearing this I almost burst out laughing while I notice Liz deep in thought. Lab Partners?!? Yeah right!!!

"If they're just lab partners then I'll shoot myself in the foot..." I mutter shaking my head.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: short, and probably not the best, but it's all I could come up with, hope it's okay for everyone.


"If they're just lab partners then I'll shoot myself in the foot..."

I look up sharply, hearing what Maria has just said and bite down hard on my lip. She know about this, she’s living through it just like me… Why oh why can’t I just find some way of getting over this…? I want to, but at the same time I don’t… I want to be with Max, but I know it’s not going to happen so I want to get over it so I can move on right…? I shake my head, completely confused by my thoughts. I don’t know what’s going on in my head at the moment I have to admit… This are just too confusing, too strange… Then again, what’s so great about normal…? – Nothing when it’s without Max… I can’t help laughing bitterly as I think this and looking down. Of course I know what I want…I want Max…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by StormWolfstone »


I smiled as I turned to look over at Talia watching her while she gave her throng their orders. I was patient, though barely. There was much to discuss with my friend and much to plan for. As she commented, I listened in silence.

"You've got one hell of a place here Asher." She complimented with a smile. "Looks like you've gotten used to living in comfort in all these years."

I nodded, "I certainly did, it has been a blissfull time in life. I will ne'er again allow myself to live as a peasant the way I did before being turned." I placed a hand at the small of her back as I gently guided her toward the study where I felt we would be more relaxed while we got caught up. "How have you fared these many decades, Talia?"

Though they had kept abreast of where the other was located, other news wasn't always forthcoming. Besides, Asher much preffered to hear any news from the source rather then the vampiric rumor mill.

Elf3748 Good to have you back. I hope we won't have another long lax in posts

Fallen Magic Welcome back and thanks for posting. Glad to see you are doing alright and hope school is going well.

I am still not back completely, but luckily got the chance to go to a library for a few. TTY all soon. [/i]
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


The conversation with Mr. Parker doesn't get any better. "Your boss said Liz was your girlfriend," he says.

I blink at that. "Milton?" I say, my voice so tense it almost squeeks. I swallow and manage to continue. "We're good friends. She's been there a few times to see me." I admit. "He must have mis-understood."

"And I notice you spend a lot of time at the Crashdown, too," he says. When I don't answer right away, he nods. "But you're just lab partners."

"That's right." I tell him, glad that the last of the burgers are finally done. "Time to eat!"
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Post by KatnotKath »


The look on Liz’s face doesn’t improve as her father immediately goes to talk to Max. I can see that she doesn’t like the way this is going, and from the way Max is looking, it doesn’t take much to see that he doesn’t either. Liz and Max’s relationship is complicated…we all know that. I mean, some of us, me and Liz for example, don’t quite see why it’s so complicated, but then that’s like me and Isabel. I don’t really see why she can’t let anyone get close. It’s reminiscent of Michael’s stone-wall attitude and I can’t see that getting him very far either.

Personally I would have thought that Max would have gotten over his ‘it’s too dangerous’ by now… I mean for starters, it’s not really like she’s in any less danger when they’re split up than when they’re together. Anyone who wants Max is still going to know that she means a lot to him. Him pushing her away isn’t going to help. Maria, Liz and I are all involved now, and that’s not going to change. We can’t just sit back and watch them get hurt, we won’t… No matter how hard Liz and Maria try to, I know they’re not going to move on because it takes very little to be able to see that Michael and Max are the ‘ones’ for them. The way they look at them, I’m not stupid. Liz never looked at Kyle in that way, and they were together properly supposedly. No, they’re not going to move on, because deep down, they don’t want to…

“So how are you doing anyway…” I force myself away from these thoughts and amble over to Isabel hoping that she’s not going to try and say this gesture is me trying to make our relationship into something more. I might like to, but if friendship is all that she’s offering, well I want to grab it with both hands, and talking is something that friends do…

Just then Max announces that the foods ready so for now any conversation we might be about to have is cut short before it’s even started.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: hope this works, I hope that I didn't take too much of a liberty with Max here Isabelle, if I did, just say and I'll change it.


My dad doesn’t seem to be finished with Max and I really do wish that the ground would just open up and swallow me when he mentions that Milton said I was Max’s girlfriend. Can this night get any worse…? Honestly, I’m thinking not, but I’m almost scared to think it since every time I do, life seems to love slapping me in the face by proving me wrong…

Max denys that is true and I can’t help feeling a pang of regret. No matter how much I might try, I just can’t move on from Max… That day when he saved me, he also captured my heart and I don’t think it’s ever going to be free again. Maria tells me that I should move on over and over, but I think that the fact is that I don’t move on because I don’t really want to… I know what I want, all I have to do now is persuade Max to change his mind, which is definitely easier said than done…

My dad mentions him spending a lot of time at the Crashdown and I know, despite everything that Max has said that my father doesn’t believe him.

For now though, whether my father intended to continue his digging at the moment I don’t know, but since the food is ready that kinda puts a stop to it. Max starts to dish up the burgers, putting them in a bun and handing one to each of us in turn. When it getting to me, I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but I could swear that he takes slightly longer, his fingers brushing against mine. It’s only a moment though, and as soon as it’s finished I wonder if I was just making something out of nothing.

Maria told me this morning that I had to be strong, but I don’t think I want to be. Being around him like this is agony and I want more than anything to be able to talk to him again. I’m almost certain the pain I’m feeling will be able to be seen in my eyes and I look away, taking a seat a little distance from the others and trying to keep them from seeing. Dad calls me over, saying that I must be cold over here and to come and join them by the fire, but I shake my head. “I’m fine thanks…” I tell him, trying not to shiver as the night air sends chills through my body.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


It's all I can do to keep on acting like normal as Liz comes up to collect a burger. Why didn't I just hand the whole plate to Isabel and let her deal with this? But she's there, so beautiful and fresh and ... Liz. I remember to breathe as I give her the food, my fingers just brushing hers. The feel of her skin is electric to me, but I know I can't get involved.

Isabel keeps telling me that I was right to break it off with Liz. I know it's true. We're different. It's not safe. But I can't stop feeling this way about her. For years, I've watched her and dreamed. Now that I actually know her - actually kissed her - it's so very much harder. Knowing what I'll never be able to have.

She sits on the far side of the group and I try not to watch her. I know she understands why we can't happen, but I also know it's hurting her. I'm hurting her. I try to hope she finds a way to get over it, even 'though I know I never will.
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