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Post by FallenMagic »

~* Talia *~

I let Asher lead me into the study. There was time for talk about Lenora. Right now, we'd simply catch up. I glanced around the place aswe walked, noting everything.

"The decades have been kind." I tell Asher as we make out way down a long hall. "As you probably know my pard is dispersed wide. It helps me keep track of everything. they're loyal to me and I take comfort in that. I know that some pards aren't always...let's say happy with their leaders." I smile at him in with some amusement as I say, "My love life has been dry though for quite a while. I haven't heard from Liam since he left. He promised he'd be back but it's been a year already." I shrug lightly, not really concerned. "Doesn't matter though. There is always somebody there, ready to take his place as my lover." I look over at Asher once more and this time my smile is affectionate. "I don't imagine you having the same problem. Your love life...or should I say sex life, was always to your taste."
<center>There are endings and beginnings and then there are Crossroads; and, somehow, in the end all that's left are Pieces Of A Dream</center>
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Post by Elf3748 »

((I was thinking of maybe having Maria fall in love with Asher...not to rally up allthe M&M fans its just lol Asher's hott ^^))


I'm sitting by the fire by Alex who's sitting next to Isabel. Normally I would sit next to Liz but she seems to have moved away from the fire and group. I looked over at her to see her yet again deep in thought. This of course is no surprise on my half.

'She's probably thinking about Max.' I shake my head before taking a big bite into my hamburger. Those two were starting to annoy me. Not to sound harsh I mean I love Liz to death and all but man all those soulful glances and they still havent hooked up? Something is seriously wrong with them.

"I need to stop thinking about's not my problem." I mutter to myself and then nod in agreement.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: not really sure what to put, hope that this works


I sit here in silence, taking a small bite of the burger and chewing slowly. I’m trying desperately not to look over at Max, keeping my eyes down, but to some extent I think I’ve already lost the battle. Although I might not be looking at him, my mind is already focused on one thing, Max, and as much as I might not want to, I just can’t drag it away from him.

Although I know I’m dreaming, I see Max get up and walk over. He crouches down next to me and takes my hand, telling me he’s sorry and that he was wrong. His arms snake round my back and he pulls me up into his arms, his head dipping towards mine….

I shiver and it’s all back to reality. I’m sat her alone, away from the rest of the group because I can’t face Max. I can’t face sitting with him and knowing that he won’t let us be together…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »

Shall we move on to Star-gazing with Alex and Isabel, playing poker with the guys, alien stories around the campfire, hunting for the sighting, an attack by the magical creatures or any combination of these? :?:


When everyone's done eating, Mr. Whitman volunteers to help my dad with the clean up. Mostly that just means burning the paper plates, but there is some cookware to be washed. That leaves Alex sitting alone for the moment, while Liz is still somewhat apart from the group.

Biting my lip, I move over and sit next to Alex. "Hey," I say. He looks up at me and says "hey" but nothing more. After a few minutes of staring at the fire, I glance back at Liz again and softly ask Alex, "Is she okay?"

Alex looks at me, shaking his head. "Gee, I don't know. Why don't you ask her yourself?" he says, with just a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Well, I -" I start, but there's no way to finish. It's all to jumbled in my mind. In my heart.

"Listen, Max. I don't understand this thing you're doing with her, but even if you're not together, you don't have to ignore her. You're acting like she's not even your friend, anymore." He sounds clearly frustrated and maybe a little annoyed.

"Alex," I say, wondering how to explain, but Alex just gets up and goes to sit next to Isabel. Frowning, I look down in the dirt. I realize he's right. She is still a friend and I don't want to lose that. I just don't know how to do it right now when every look, every thought, makes me want something I know I can't have. I look back again and see her turning away, rubbing her hands together to fight the chill in the air.

I pick up a blanket from our tent and walk over to Liz. She looks up, but then away as I sit down beside her. "Here," I say, draping the blanket over her shoulders. "You look cold."
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Post by KatnotKath »


I pretty much sit in silence throughout the meal… I think Mr Evans, Mr Parker and my dad do most of the talking. Max, Isabel and I exchange pleasantries, but everything is stilted and awkward. It’s obvious that none of us really want to be here and I’m amazed our dad’s don’t seem to be picking up on it.

The tension between Liz and Max as he hands her a burger is almost thick enough to cut with a knife and I’m hardly surprised when she goes to sit on her own a little way off. I want to go to her, but somehow I know it won’t do any good. There’s only one person who will put a smile on her face at he moment, and that one person is doing a pretty good job of pretending to ignore her…

When we’ve finished, my dad and Mr Evans say that they’ll clear up the ‘pots’. From what I can see, I imagine that Maria is just waiting for an excuse to get out of here…Liz too… I have to admit, I don’t think I’ll be far behind them either. I seem to be getting no where with trying to talk to Isabel and I can only take so much for one night…

I’m about to move when suddenly Max gets up and moves over to me. If there’s one person I really don’t want to talk to at the moment, I think he has to be it… Still, he is supposed to be my friend, whatever that means at the moment, and I force myself to greet him. “Hey…” Normally I’d smile, but right now, not in the mood, and I can’t bring myself to say any more. Maybe Max will get the picture and back off…

Apparently not, he sits down and stares at the fire. I try and forget the fact that he’s there but then he looks over at Liz and asks me if he’s ok.

“Gee, I don’t know, why don’t you ask her yourself?” I know that I’m being rude, but I just can’t help it. Max knows full well what’s wrong with Liz, he knows she’s not ok and he’s to blame for all that. It’s his attitude that has put her in this state. Liz has been my friend far longer than max, and my loyalty is to her before him at the moment. I know that what Liz needs more than anything is just to talk to him…

"Well, I -"

He starts to try and speak but nothing that makes any sense comes out. I shake my head, loosing my patience with him completely. "Listen, Max. I don't understand this thing you're doing with her, but even if you're not together, you don't have to ignore her. You're acting like she's not even your friend, anymore." I can’t imagine that he doesn’t know what he’s doing to her…


Max tries to explain again but I’m afraid I’ve just had enough. Refusing to listen, and realising that he doesn’t seem to be taking the hint, I get up and take matters into my own hands by moving myself. I sit down next to Isabel and smile softly at her. “Hey…thanks for the meal…” Boy, could I sound more awkward…?
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: I'm not sure I like this Liz, it seems patchy and stilted to me, but right at this moment in time it's all I can come up with and I want to post, so I guss it'll have to do. I'll edit if I can think of a way to tie it together better but the content will stay the same unless someone wants me to change it.


I’m sat on my own, just wishing away the evening and trying not to think too much about Max, when I suddenly realise that he’s here… At first I think that I’m dreaming again but there’s something that tells me that I’m not… Max is really here, he’s really coming over…

Perhaps I should get up and walk away. Whatever he wants it doesn’t really matter, because I’m fairly certain that it’s not going to be like in my dream. Life doesn’t work like that…or not for us anyway…


As I feel him drape the blanket over my shoulders, I look up and although part of me is screaming that I shouldn’t, I give him a small smile. “Thanks…” This I can just about handle, but I need for him to now walk away.

He doesn’t…not that I’m surprised. I just can’t continue facing him and I look away. I don’t know if I can do this.

“You look cold…”

I bite my lip a moment, fighting to keep my composure. “I’ll be fine…”
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


All through dinner it's the same thing. Dad keeps staring at the Evanses and Liz and Maria, but mostly at Max. He's hardly even pretending I'm here. Our one time, every year, to really spend time together, and he's not even here.

"So, I told the team that I think we should use orange elephants, because the blue ones keep getting lost in my socks and I never have enough turpentine to feed them," I say.

"Uh, huh. That's great, Kyle," Dad mutters.

"That's what I thought you'd say," I answer. He doesn't hear a word I say. I walk over and stand in front of his face. "Yo. Dad. Maybe we should go over there. Play a game of poker or tell ghost stories or something."



"You sure you don't want to come closer to the fire?" I ask Liz.

"Max, I told you I'm fine," she repeats.

Frowning, I nod. I can tell she's not happy. I don't blame her. This is really awkward and difficult and it's all my fault. I should have been stronger. I shouldn't have let this start, 'cause then it would only be me hurting, not her, too. She would never know...

I look into her face, although she doesn't meet my eyes. "I'm sorry, Liz."
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Post by Elf3748 »


I swear to God if Max or Liz don't makea move on each soon im going to toss my cookies. Its stupid how they just sit there and dont take any action. If I were Liz I would dating the loser now...but ick me and Max? Baaaaaad picture.

I finish my hamburger and throw away the paper plate. I sit back down by the fire getting somewhat bored. That of course when Kyle comes over and asks if we wanna play poker or listen to some ghost stories. This is gonna be along night.....

((Can we speed things up a bit? lol ^^))
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: Wasn't really sure what to put so I'll just hope this works ok



“You sure you don't want to come closer to the fire?"

He just doesn’t give up. Can’t he take a hint…? I’m sat here because it’s so hard for me to be near him, and what does he do, come and sit next to me. I look down, refusing to meet his eyes. "Max, I told you I'm fine," I repeat although can’t help shuddering a little in the cool breeze. I do my best to try and hide that fact that I’m cold on it, trying to make him accept my response but he’s obviously not buying it and I doubt he just missed my last shiver…

He reaches over, touching my hand and I pull away sharply. I just can’t do this…

"I'm sorry, Liz."

He’s sorry… I shake my head mentally and try not to think about what he means. He’s sorry that he saved me, he’s sorry that he told me his secret…he’s sorry that he kissed me that once… All possibilities, but in truth it just doesn’t matter what he means. What matters is how I feel and that’s just not going to change whatever he might say… I keep my eyes down, refusing to meet his eyes for fear that he realise what I’m thinking. I shake my head. “Please Max, can we not do this…?” I’m only holding it together by a thread, and if he says anything more, quite honestly I don’t know what I’ll do…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


I can't help but frown as Liz shivers, all the while claiming she's not cold. And then she brushes me off when I try to appologise. I don't know how to make this better. Maybe there is no way. Maybe it just takes time. Or maybe, ten years from now she'll still be mad at me. I saved her life that day in the Crashdown, but that didn't give me the right to ruin it for her. To bring her into this. I've loved her since I first saw her, but all I've done is hurt her.

"You are cold," I tell her gently. "Go sit by the fire and warm up. I'll go take a walk and leave you alone, if that's what you want."
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