The Martyr of Antar-COMPLETED

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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 295

As Isabel and Kyle were leaving the room, Max called to them.

- Hey Iz, no need to call a taxi, I can drive you over and come back right away. -

He had moved to the easy chair where he was sitting with Liz on his lap, still holding each other. He gently pushed Liz away to get up.

- Wait Max, you better stay for security issues, that means your shield. My shift is starting in a few minutes anyway. Maria, I’ll get you covered but I’ll have to borrow your car, ok? - She watched Maria smile relieved, nodding her agreement. - I’ll drive you guys home. -

- You’ll be ok? - Max said as he kissed her.

- Sure, it’s you guys they’re after, so I’ll drop Isabel first and have her make sure Jesse is home. She’s safe with him because there’s no way he’s giving himself away, specially with Isabel. Kyle will come with me to the Crashdown and we’ll call Jim to pick him up. Safe enough? - She smiled smugly.

- Smart bitch! - Max whispered back with a big grin.

Liz gave him a quick kiss and turned to go, shuddering at the way he had sounded just like Zan.

On cue, Isabel gave Liz and Kyle a thumb up from her window, meaning Jesse was home, and sent them on their way to the Crashdown where Agnes’ cousin gladly rushed over to take Maria’s place for the night.

Jesse was pretending to be in a playful mood to cover his frustration.

“So Michael got away, but I have my own alien right here to make my life a little better.” He thought.

When Isabel turned around, Jesse wasn’t there anymore, but he was calling her from the bedroom.

“Oh shit!” Isabel thought. “How do I get out of this one?”
She was in no mood for sex, but she didn’t want to get Jesse pissed, since she had been using too many excuses lately.
Jesse was already lying back in bed, still dressed and with a big tent. He reached out and wiggled his fingers for her to go to him.

- Ride me! - He ordered.

- Jesse…- Isabel began.

- I need my wife; I think I have one, right? - He was starting to frown and Isabel sensed danger. - Come here! -

Isabel obeyed, reluctantly faking a smile which she was sure had come out just right.

- Wow! That’s what I was missing! My bossy husband! - She feigned being amused.

She straddled him feeling his hard on, but still safely clothed.

- Wave them away! - Jesse demanded.

- What? - Isabel was surprised.

- Don’t play stupid, Isabel. Wave all our clothes off. -

- Jesse! You hate it when I use my powers! What is it with you? - She whined.

- Just do it, “Samantha”! - He screamed, half pissed, half mocking.

Isabel obeyed, fighting the tears of shame, and revulsion as she felt his cock prodding at her. She was glad to let her alien side take over, as she had instinctly been doing during her whole married life, to prevent her from getting pregnant. At first, she admitted, it had been because she wanted to be away from Roswell and the alien problems to dare having and raising a child that she had hoped would end up as human and normal and they had thought Max and Tess’ was. When she realized that wasn’t possible, she just decided she wasn’t risking a child with him, not sure of what would come out of it, mostly for the child’s sake. At least after the aftermath, she could have Jesse out cold without his suspecting her, and she could leave to be with Max and Michael. She felt bad about getting rid of Kyle but she had her reasons. Kyle really needed a lesson and it was about time.

Maria felt safe with Max’s shield and Michael’s strength, in an emergency.

- Isabel was sure pissed to keep Kyle away but I thought it was safer not to interfere. What exactly did he do? - Maria asked.

Max filled her in about Kyle’s big mouth at the Crashdown and Maria agreed he needed to learn the lesson since it wasn’t the first time he had almost got them in trouble for speaking too loud and out of time.

- Yeah, Isabel can be quite harsh…- Max said, getting a strange look.

Maria had moved the easy chair that Max and Liz had been using, and placed it by the bed. She curled in it and held Michael’s hand, watching Max opposite her on the computer’s chair. He had Michael’s other hand in one of his as he cupped his cheek with his other. Maria shivered at the look of utter love and lust which Max gave his sleeping warrior-cousin-lover. Their relationship was totally alien, full of raw feelings; Zan was vengeful and jealous of Rath-Michael, turning his frustration on the younger boy who couldn’t help causing Zan’s fury because of his duties and his sexual drives with other males. Rath-Michael, on the contrary, took everything and gave all he could, accepting Zan’s constant incursions to the brothels as counteractions for his “infidelities”, most of which were out of his hands, for political issues. Zan understood, but couldn’t control his rage at the ones he knew Rath-Michael enjoyed. He would go berserk, taunting his young cousin with his sluts, and all he got back was that Rath-Michael was ok with it telling him it was his right, too, but he wasn’t interested in them because the only female he craved was Vilandra. Once, in a fit of fury, Zan had asked Rath-Michael to walk him to the brothel, where four of his favourites had been waiting, on his orders, to drag the reluctant boy inside and watch as Zan tied him to a bed. Then he made the women get under the victim, one by one, to enjoy him while Zan flogged him and practically raped him mercilessly, throughout the vicious act. He could see the women’s eyes welling with tears of pity for the true Royal heir, laughing to himself, because it would be the biggest honour they would have in their sorry lives. They had felt the boy’s responses to their coaxing had been mechanical, and their hearts had broken seeing in Rath-Michael’s eyes the pain and understanding for their plight. After a repenting Zan healed him and they left the brothel, Rath-Michael, now having the upper hand again, ordered Zan to be the one to tell Vilandra what he had done. Zan went death pale and trembled to the point that Rath-Michael had to forcefully drag him, shaking, into the castle. As they neared the corridor that led to their bedrooms, Zan started begging and pulling back but he was no match for his younger cousin’s strength. As they reached the dreaded door and Zan heard his sister’s voice responding to her lover’s call, Zan managed to pull away. Fear lent wings to his feet and he vanished from sight with a rarely seen speed. Zan always suspected Rath-Michael had let go of him knowing he had learnt his lesson. There was no other way he could have escaped from that killer grip on his wrist. Vilandra was lost in Rath-Michael’s arms and as she kissed him, she got the whole story. She pulled back and slapped her lover’s face, to then leave four deep scratches in his other cheek as he was recovering from her blow, and decided to let her find her stupid brother and get even with him. He knew she would get even with him too, and shuddered thinking what he would have to face later, as she took off screaming back at him:

“You wait for me here!”

Rath-Michael lay down, pushing his face into the soft pillow and braced himself. Vilandra wouldn’t take long, he was sure, but he fell asleep waiting for her because her delay told him Zan had hidden himself well. He woke up with a gasp and hiss as Vilandra pounced on him like an angry lion. The future king and his future warlord were missing for three whole days, but the smug look in Vilandra’s face, and the relaxed demeanor of the adults in the castle had the people at ease. Rath-Michael was kept prisoner in their room by Vilandra, who fed him and kept him company as he slowly healed from the external and internal wounds she had inflicted. Zan appeared on the third day, looking as if he had been run over by one of the larger transporters and had miraculously survived with just a smudgy face, straggly looking hair and filthy clothes. He knocked at their door, begging to come in for almost an hour, and when she finally allowed it, Rath-Michael couldn’t help laughing at the sight.

“What did you do to him?” He winced.

“She vanished my teeth and hair, that’s what she did! It’s taken me these three days to be decent enough to come out. I realized too late the great hiding place I had found was a sewer!” Zan spat.

“He’s so stupid he couldn’t smell it!” Vilandra scoffed.

“I did!” Zan snapped defensively. “I thought the smell would keep you away! Fat lot of good it did!”

“Too bad, brother, as you can see I am ready to walk through shit to get to you when you fuck up with my man!” She raised her hand and Zan cowered trying to get behind the open door.

He was too late and Vilandra slammed it shut so he was trapped in the room with her.

“I’m sorry, I can’t control myself when it comes to him! You should know!” He sobbed, raising his hands defensively in front of his head as he sunk to the floor to end up sitting against the closed door.

“You’re lucky I do! Now heal him! I know I wasn’t fair taking it out on him, but I can’t stand your whining and he can take pain like the man you aren’t. DO IT!” She demanded.

As Zan was healing Rath-Michael, Vilandra went to the window and screamed for the black slave. He rushed into the room as Zan was finally finishing. Zan slowly pulled out of Rath-Michael, making sure the boy’s insides were again intact, and went again to cower by the door, afraid to leave without her permission.

“Stay there and now, watch what Rath-Michael really likes and needs. You dare come near or touch him and I swear you will never lay a finger on him again! You hear? I SWEAR!” She had them all on a sideways view to Zan, so he wouldn’t miss a detail.

Zan sat sniffling and jacking himself nonstop until the sexual act ended and the slave walked past him out of the door, leaving the couple on the bed enjoying the aftermath the slave was not allowed to take part in because of Vilandra’s presence and the lack of respect to her person that would be.

Maria’s eyes popped open and stared at Max’s, which seemed to have just done the same.

- What the hell was that? - Maria exclaimed.

- That was a sample of Isabel’s way to take revenge. - Max scoffed.

- Sorry girlfriend, but she had every right! Trust me, I may not be alien, but stay away from him if you’re going to force him to cheat on us, cause now we’re two, and my own “human powers” can be just as devastating! - Maria emphasized.

- Warning taken. I’ll be a model “girlfriend”, I promise. - Max said meekly.

- You better! - Maria persisted, but grinned right after.

Isabel slammed the front door to let them know she was home. She went to the kitchen to get something to drink from the fridge and saw the note in her mother’s writing under one of the magnets: “Dinner at the Smith-Gillespie’s” with the date right under it.

“So that’s where they are!” She said, full of relief.

She walked into her bedroom and told them what she had just found out, knowing Max was also worried about their parents’ whereabouts. The sound of a car arriving had them guessing if it was the Evans or Liz, since according to their watches it was almost 11pm. Maria said it was her car, and she turned out to be right as the knocking on the door had Max running to open the door to his girlfriend. They walked back into Isabel’s room, hand in hand, and sat at the side of the bed leaning on it. Isabel brought another easy chair and a couch with Maria’s help, using a touch of her powers, and gave the larger one to Max and Liz, placing the chair at the opposite side of the bed from Maria’s.

When their parents arrived from their dinner party, they noticed Maria’s car parked in front of the house. They went in quietly to find them all in Isabel’s room, sleeping peacefully. They were aware of the dangers they were facing and understood their staying in one room for safety. They tiptoed to their own bedroom and let them rest.

Classes were practically over, with Graduation just a few days away, so skipping a day would make no difference. Next morning, it was Liz and Max who were up before everyone, Max of course, had been awake after his three needed hours, but let his human side take over and just dozed to make up for all the stress they had been through these last days. When Liz started stirring, they ended sitting up together, to check out on the others. Michael was still out, as expected, Isabel’s eyes opened when she heard them, and covered a yawn with her hand, to close them again with a sigh, her stress had Jesse’s name written all over it. Maria was sleeping curled up like Isabel on the plush armchairs, both girls clutching Michael’s hands. Diane was already up when Max and Liz arrived at the kitchen and she smiled fondly at them.

- Everything ok? - She asked.

Max smiled nodding, glad to be able to be out in the open with his parents, but still trying to spare them from their problems.

- Is Michael alright? - Diane asked, suspecting he wasn’t.

- He had a visit from the FBI, but he got away just a little sore, that’s all. He’ll be fine, and so will we, from the scare he gave us. - Liz elaborated.

Diane’s eyes clouded over as she shook her head, but accepted it silently.

- We have to go to school for the Graduation practice, but we don’t want to put you at risk leaving Michael and Isabel behind, so we’ll take them to the pod chamber to make sure they’re inaccessible. - Max informed his mother.

- When did you come up with that? - Liz asked surprised.

- While you slept and I was just dozing. It’s the safest place. - He assured her.

They could hear Isabel talking in the living room and a peek told them she was on the phone, probably with Jesse, calculating his alarm clock had just gone off and before he got pissed at not finding her in bed beside him. Maria walked in like a sleepy zombie, just in front of Isabel.

- Must we really go over that “cap and gown” travesty again today? - She whined.

- It would be suspicious if we didn’t go. - Liz confirmed Maria’s fears.

- But I want to stay with Michael, and he isn’t going. - She ranted.

- What a surprise! - Max teased. - Isabel’s staying with him at the chamber pod. -

- Aye aye, sir! - Isabel mocked. - Your majesty’s decision so I must obey? -

- Isabel, it’s for your safety! - Max said a little loudly. - I’ll keep Liz, Maria and Kyle close by to use my shield if it’s necessary though I doubt they will dare do anything in front of too many witnesses. I will drive you there and then we’ll go to school. We’ll be a little late, so what? -

- It’s a good plan. Let’s get ready, Maria. - Liz grabbed her hand and they went to the bathroom.

Jim and Kyle arrived, and Diane insisted in treating them to some pancakes.

- Kyle wouldn’t let me drive him to school; he preferred to go with you guys. - He told Max, somewhat upset.

Kyle went to check on Michael as soon as he finished eating and Max went with him. Maria and Liz already had Michael writhing and trying to get away from their tickling fingers to no avail. They whisked him into the bathroom but had to stay out and shut the door on him as Diane came towards them. At least they had been on time to get his naked form away from Diane’s eyes. They heard a bump and guessed Michael had probably slumped to the floor. Max and Kyle came to the rescue, managing to slip in, opening the door just a sliver. Isabel joined them and the four women got a quick glimpse of Michael jackknifed over the fallen hamper, ass in the air, before the door slammed shut. The look in Diane’s eyes was priceless and they noticed that Jim, peering from behind her, had feasted his eyes too.

- They’ll take care of him, mum, don’t worry. - Isabel giggled.

The struggling voices and cursing growls told them they were juggling Michael into the shower stall. The sound of falling water confirmed it and a “Shit! Dammit!” in Michael’s husky morning voice had Liz explaining the water had been a little too hot for Michael’s taste. Her empathy told her they had just burnt his butt and Michael would make them pay for it. Then Max and Kyle’s protesting shouts had Liz informing that Michael had turned the water cold and dragged the partners in crime into the shower with him, clothes and all, so now Michael was laughing his head off while the other two grumbled.

- Oh man…that feels good! - They heard Michael’s husky voice again.

- Mmm…Michael’s cooling off his…the place he was burnt. - Liz giggled.

Diane rolled her eyes and went back to the kitchen.

When the three boys arrived at the kitchen, dressed and ready to go, Diane fed Michael and had a lunchbox for him and Isabel to survive on until they picked them up after school. Jim decided to escort them to the desert and back to school to make sure they made it alright, his company always welcome.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 296

As soon as they were sealed in the safety of the pod chamber, Michael got the sleeping back from the nook in the wall and rolled it open on the floor. He was about to drop on it when he turned to Isabel.

- Go on Izzy, it’s all yours, the floor is good enough for me. -

Isabel smiled gratefully at him but she had other ideas. She grabbed his wrist and aimed his hand towards the sleeping bag as she did the same with her other hand.

-Let’s make it fit our needs...- She grinned at him and he winked back at her, getting the idea.

They lengthened and widened it, then thickening it enough to pass as a fairly comfortable mattress.
Michael raised his hand and kissed Isabel’s, still holding him, as she reached out and pushed her fingers into his hair, pulling his face to her and kissing his cheek. Then, she let go of him.
First she sat and then lay back, stretching her arms above her head and sighing contentedly. Lately, her bed was no resting place, constantly trying to find reasonable excuses to hold off Jesse’s advances, and facing his frowns. Then, she kept waking up with a start everytime their bodies touched accidentally or not, the latter always coming from Jesse. And sleeping away from home had her just as jumpy, expecting to hear the phone any minute and Jesse’s angry voice demanding her whereabouts. It was definitely catching up with her making her cranky, as Kyle had found out just yesterday. Michael lay beside her on his side and leant into her with an amazing craving for her lips. Isabel felt it coming and moved her face away so his mouth was pressed just beside hers. Michael moaned in disappointment and Isabel sensed the pain she had caused him with her rejection. She hated doing that to him, remembering she had been the one to lose him because of her love and lust for him flaring and indulging him, to then wane and push him away. She wished she had followed her alien instincts instead of giving in to her senseless human restrictions, which had only deprived her of a love that was meant to be. She had forced him to look elsewhere, wounded and hurt by her too, and by the time she realized how wrong she had been, it was too late. Now, with Maria’s understanding, she might be getting another chance, so what was she doing? She cast her human defective side to the wind and turned back to meet his lips in a kiss that transcended time and space. A kiss as fierce and passionate as the warrior he was, as the boy who had died for her, to sadly find when he was dying, that she was already dead, to be reborn in a planet where crossed signals had made their love unacceptable by a society which knew no mercy or respect. Where a child like him could be beaten and abused anyway possible with no one moving a finger to prevent or help him. Where life away from her had been so painful that he had built his stonewalls to stop his suffering, in the hope that someday, she would return to him to be the only woman he had eyes for, like in their previous life. But that could never be again, because now Maria held a place in his heart as big as Isabel’s and there was no way he could choose one over the other without breaking his heart in two. That would kill him. Isabel grabbed his ass and finished rolling him completely over her, his thighs spread, riding her hips, but then she sobbed and Michael broke the kiss, wincing at what he knew would happen.
The guilt in Isabel’s eyes made him wince again.

- What is it Izzy? What have I done? - He whispered, confused.

- It’s not fair to Maria...- She murmured.

- Maria once said my being with her wasn’t fair to’re killing me, you know? You both are. - Michael scoffed.

- We need to talk it out, the three together. - She nodded.

- I totally agree. I don’t want to have my ass kicked by an alien princess and a human hurricane. - He smirked.

Michael started rolling off her but Isabel dug her nails into him, holding him to her.

- No, don’t go, it may be warm outside but it’s chilly in here. It’s ok, we don’t need to do anything, I just want to enjoy your company, to feel you close to me, to feel protected. -

- I’ll always protect you as long as I’m alive, Iz, you know that. -

- No, Michael, please don’t say that. You can’t imagine how much it scares me. - She was sobbing again.

- Shhh, Iz, I’m right here, I’m not leaving you. -

- Let’s just sleep, Michael, is that alright with you? - She asked.

- Sure Izzy, anything you want. -

Michael closed his eyes and felt her relaxing as they lay in each other’s arms and soon they were drifting into a peaceful sleep.

Liz sat up with a start as her face slid off her hand, which has holding it up.

- It’s alright, Liz, I saw it too and I’m fine. I know I belong to Michael’s human side, but I have to accept he has an alien side too, and that’s Isabel’s. He really belongs to her, you know? I am just a replacement until she finally opens her eyes and sees the truth staring at her face. Then she will claim her part and we will have to share him. She stupidly lost that half, and she regrets it, but now she can’t get it back, and she’ll just have to cope, cause I’m not letting go. She knows that too and I’m honestly sorry for her. Losing Michael is my worst nightmare, you know? I’d rather have half of him than losing him completely and hopelessly.

- And I thought it was having one of my totally human meaningless dreams that I used to have before all this began...- Liz scoffed.

Maria making so much sense? Liz thought she was really dreaming until Mrs. Newton approached them and handed them their gowns. Her fingers touched Liz’s and she saw her in black and mourning, standing by a coffin which held an older lady looking very much like her.
Before she could stop herself, she blurted:

- I’m so sorry about your mother...- She felt so embarrassed as the teacher looked back at her kindly.

- Thank you, she has been out of it for sometime, but she’s still holding up. Anytime now, there isn’t much we can do. - She gave her a sad smile and left.

- What was that about? - Maria asked Liz who was blushing furiously.

- Maria, I saw her mother dead, in her coffin, but apparently she’s still alive! That was so scary! -

- It sure is! What’s going on Liz? Maybe it was Serena, she’s a seer right? Maybe you got it from her with your empathy...- Maria
was trying, but she knew she wasn’t making Liz feel better.

- I hope so! That was so creepy! Let’s go Maria, I can’t stay here. Hurry up! -

As they were reaching the door, one of the secretaries rushed past them and spoke in Mrs. Newton’s ear. They could see her hand cover her mouth and her eyes fill with tears.

- Oh my god, oh my god! - Liz repeated and dragged Maria out of the room.

- Liz, you’re very pale, let’s go find Max! - Maria was now the one dragging her friend away as fast as she could.

- No Maria, not yet, I’m still not ready to face this. Just forget it please? And don’t even mention it, promise me! - Liz spat, stopping dead on her tracks, so Maria almost tripped.

- Alright, chica! Take it easy! I can keep quiet when I have to! Don’t worry! Jeez! - Maria exclaimed.

As they turned the corner, they almost collided with Max and Kyle who were probably looking for them.

- Hey Liz, you ok? You look kind of...- Kyle began.

- I’m fine! - Liz snapped a little too harshly.

- Hey, why is everybody taking it out on me? - Kyle protested.

Liz noticed Max was giving her a funny look.

- I’m sorry Kyle, we had to spend about half and hour with the gowns on and it was just stifling in the room. - Liz lied convincingly.

-Did you hear about Mrs. Newton’s mother? Sad, huh? Liz? -Kyle persisted.

- Liz, you don’t look well...- Max said worriedly.

- I’m sorry, yes, we heard, it’s just that it reminded me of my aunt Claudia. - Liz sighed. - Can we talk about something else, please? -

- Sure, sorry, we didn’t mean to upset you. - Max put his arm around her shoulders and they all walked away quietly.

Kyle began to say something but Maria whacked him up the head and he shut his mouth immediately.

“Better safe than sorry!” Maria thought as she gave him a threatening glare and Kyle sighed and nodded.

Michael gasped and raised his face from Isabel’s breast.

- You ok? - Isabel asked beginning to run her hand up and down his back.

- Did I wake you up? - He asked in a sleepy voice.

- I’ve been awake for the last three hours at least...I didn’t want to wake you up. - She rubbed his butt with both hands.

- They’re coming, they had nothing else to do in school so they left early. Isabel, go easy on Liz, ok? She’s going through some know...she’s just not ready to talk about it yet, just needs some time, so don’t even mention that she looks stressed cause it will only set her off. - The look on his face convinced her it would be for the best to follow his advice.

She just nodded, sensing Michael was blocking whatever was up with Liz from her, knowing she could get it through her brand. She would trust him on this one, but she would try to dreamwalk Suzanne Duff tonight, and no one would stop her. She tried to block that away from Michael but wasn’t sure she had. He was getting so strong lately.

- Isabel, are you sure it’s not dangerous for either of you? - He asked. - Let me go there with you. -

She definitely hadn’t!

- Sure, if you can break free from Maria, and Max, and Kyle and even Liz, and anyone else I might not know that is also after your ass! - It came out pure Vilandra, as she pushed him roughly away from her, using her powers to make up for his weight, before jumping to her feet.

His look held hurt and surprise as he pushed up from the ground and Isabel felt really bad. She reached out and took both his hands in hers as he finished standing up.

- I’m sorry, sometimes Vilandra gets the upper hand. I didn’t mean it, Michael. Yes, I think we should go together, you’re absolutely right. Maybe they should know too, I’m sure they will agree. -

Michael smirked and let go of her hands after a gentle reassuring squeeze, knowing they were just steps away from joining them.

Max let them in and Maria walked up to Isabel and hugged her, then she hugged Michael and he knew it was ok with her. Michael kissed her with the same passion he had kissed Isabel and she knew she had been right: she belonged to his human side and she accepted the fact that Isabel belonged to his alien side. Maria couldn’t understand how Isabel could stand to be even near Jesse, feeling how she did about Michael, but then she remembered Isabel’s sense of duty. This was nothing compared to what she had gone through in Antar, having to share her love the way she had for the good of their people. At least here, she shared him with their small family group and they all loved Michael and were careful not to hurt him much, except in the heat of passion, and he now had both his alien and a human healer.

- Ok, we’re out of here! I need some air! - Isabel headed for the entrance. - Let’s go to the mall and do some normal teenage stuff in case we are being watched. That should throw them off. C’mon! -

It was a good idea, they needed some distraction and that was the perfect place. They would feel safe in a crowded place.
At the parking lot, they made sure they would always stay in sight of at least two of them, they would go to the same stores together, and have some fun.

After two hours moving all around the place, they ended going after CD’s and even Michael bought some that weren’t Metallica, in a very secretive way that had them all intrigued. They had seen the guy from the shop searching all over the place to find what Michael wanted.

- Hey man, new Metallica’s? - Teased Kyle.

- No, not Metallica. - Michael said cuttingly.

- Not Metallica? What else would you buy? - Max wondered.

- They’re not for me. -

Max and Kyle just wouldn’t let him be until Michael, making a supreme effort not to get violent with them, hissed:

- You’ll find out when we get back home! -

And they could tell his patience had reached its limit and it would be dangerous to pursue it. They went for ice cream before they left, and both Maria and Isabel asked for pistachio for Michael together, and laughed goodnaturedly, with Liz joining in.

They were received at the Evans’ where they had made their current headquarters, by Diane and Philip who made them all feel at home. Once at Isabel’s bedroom, which had become the “holy of holies”, the silence was absolute as they all focused expectantly on Michael. The tall alien boy scoffed, guessing what they were waiting for.

- Ok, ok. - He sighed as he pulled some CD’s from the bag.
- They’re oldies, but somehow, I identify those songs with the three of you. I don’t know about the rest of the songs but I chose them for one in each. -

He gave Maria one by Blondie, saying:

- You won’t need to guess which song I chose in this one. -

- Of course! “Maria”, what else? I love it! It’s beautiful! - She kissed Michael until the others were protesting.

- Alright! He’s all yours! - Maria laughed.

- This is for you Isabel. I’m sorry, it’s kind of…well, I identify with it. I’m sure you’ll understand it. - He handed it to her.

Isabel received it, placing her fingers over his and taking from him which song he meant. It was “Love Hurts” by Nazareth.

He watched her eyes fill with tears and frowned.

- Sorry Iz, I think it was a bad choice…-

- No Michael. You’re right. I understand, and yes, that song has always made me think of you. - She smiled wistfully and kissed his cheek, hugging him tight.

- It’s ok, Isabel. Go on and kiss him. I’ll never forgive you if you don’t. - Maria coaxed her.

Isabel got up on tiptoes and kissed Michael’s lips but in a chaste sisterly way.

- That’s not a kiss! You’ll have to do it again! - Maria insisted.

So they really kissed, but not long, just enough to make it a real kiss and no tongue either. Not with that audience.

- Ewww! - Max went and had them all laughing.

- Ok then, how about…- Max continued but was cut off by Michael, who had fished a last CD from the now empty bag.

- I haven’t finished, Max. This is for you Liz. - Michael said softly, handing her a copy of the Dirty Dancing soundtrack.

- It it’s “Hungry Eyes”, I swear Michael…- Max said in not so mock jealousy.

- Good choice man, but no, it’s really “She’s Like the Wind”. That’s Liz for me. - He smirked.

Liz wrapped her arms around Michael and buried her face in his chest to cover the fact that she was blushing.

- Thank you. - Her voice sounded muffled against his t-shirt. The rest went through their empathy, with Michael blocking what could come out via brands.

“Is that how you feel about me? Your heart belongs to Maria and Isabel.”

“It’s big enough to have a part for you. You’re special to me Liz, you know that.”

- Hey! Stop hogging my Spaceboy! Help me Isabel! -

The two blondes stood at either side of the uneven couple and tickled them apart as Diane cleared her throat at the door.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 297

Diane Evans didn’t mean to interrupt or interfere at all. She didn’t want to make the group of young people uncomfortable, so she just stood at the door until she could find a suitable moment to make her presence known. She was touched by Michael’s gifts to the girls, Maria’s and Liz’s CD’s had been clearly identified, but she was intrigued by the one he had given Isabel, specially after the strange dialogue that came after it. She had grown very fond of the tough handsome boy, admiring the fierce fearless way he protected his friends with no concern for his safety. He had changed so much, once the abuse at home was gone, his true sweet, gentle and caring nature started to show as slowly as he started to lose his insecurity.
She was older and a mother but that didn’t stop her from being a woman, and she had admired his strong, young body when he found him stark naked in Max’s bed. The kid was very well made, she remembered, as she watched him writhing when Maria and Isabel started tickling him. Wishing she could be their age, she cleared her throat.
Every eye was focused on her and she felt she was intruding.

- Is there anything special you would like for dinner? - She asked.

They all looked at each other, searching for a suitable answer and it was Michael who gave it in a charming way.

- We don’t want to cause you any problems, we’re bothering you enough as it is. Anything will be ok, really. -

- No Michael, - Diane said walking over to him, - I’m glad to have all of you here so I can be sure you’re safe. - She reached up and patted his cheek.

She had overheard he had been having problems with Maria, but they seemed to be ok again. She wanted him to feel loved, now more than ever, after Philip had tricked Jesse into spilling what Isabel had told him: that Michael had been there that night when they took Max and Isabel away from him. Philip had been visibly upset when he had come home that night and they had cried together with the guilt of what that poor boy had gone through because of their actions, even if it wasn’t their fault. She realized her hand was still on his cheek when she felt him sofly move it to his lips and kiss it before he let go and she pulled it away from him.

- Thank you Mrs. Evans. - Michael smirked.

- Diane, please…- She said.

As she quickly turned around to leave the room, because she felt the colour rising fast to her cheeks, she caught a glimpse of the CD in Isabel’s hand when she rushed by her.
It read: Nazareth’s greatest hits, featuring LOVE HURTS.
She headed for the living room but just made it around the wall, where she stopped to lean against it, waiting for her thumping heart to subside. It was breaking with pity and sorrow for Michael. Was her son taking advantage of the boy’s need for love? Something was surely going on between those two. She had caught Max more than once, spooned against Michael, the taller boy’s ass pushed into Max’s lap, and Isabel practically under Michael, their genitals pressed together, Michael’s face on her breasts as he slept in her arms and Max’s.

They were quite startled by the way Diane had left.

- What, you’re after my mother now? - Max joked to break the weird vibes he was getting.

- Fuck off Max! You’re lucky she’s your mother! You don’t know what it is not to have one! - Michael scoffed. - I need a shower.-

He left the room and they heard the bathroom door close. Maria hurried after him and of course the door was unlocked, so she stepped right in. She caught him waving his clothes away but he didn’t turn to face her. She went to him and wrapped her arms around him. The way he was breathing, she knew he was fighting the tears that were ready to fall from his eyes.

- It’s ok baby, it’s ok, you have me, you have all of us now, we’ll never fill the place of a mother, but we love you, you know we do. - She filled his back with kisses and she felt him take a deep breath and relax.

- I’m fine, thanks; it’s just that I don’t feel like talking about it, I just need to…- He knew she would get pissed at him if he finished the sentence.

- You need to be alone…I know, it’s ok. I’ll be right next door if you want me. - She leant down and kissed the small of his back, making him shiver and sigh.

She went out quietly and as she was arriving at Isabel’s room, she heard the shower turning on. Maria saw the room was empty so she followed the voices to the kitchen. Liz was the first to notice her and went over, putting her arm around her shoulder.

- He just needs some time alone Maria, that’s all. - Liz whispered and Maria nodded, understanding.

- Is Michael alright? - Diane asked Maria.

- Yes, he’s taking a shower. - Maria smiled at her, thinking she would’ve been a great mum for Michael, too bad things didn’t turn out that way for him.

Isabel and Max were whipping up a large pasta salad bowl and Kyle kept insisting some tuna fish would give it a great touch. No one was agreeing so Diane gave Kyle one for himself. Diane filled their dishes but noticed they were hardly eating. She also noticed all eyes were on Liz, whose own eyes were downcast, or closed, she couldn’t be sure, and seemed to be concentrating. When she looked up and smiled weakly, nodding, they smiled back at her and surprisingly regained their appetite. All but Liz, who kept glancing at Max as if asking for his permission and Diane wondered what was going on. Max was ignoring her until he gave a start, from an obvious kick under the table, and he sighed and nodded reluctantly. Liz excused herself and left the table heading for the bedrooms with a heaping dish, feeling Diane’s curious eyes at the back of her head.

She found Michael in Isabel’s bed, wearing just sweatpants. Max’s, cause they were rather short for him and quite snug. She could see the way they clung to his butt, as he lay prone, with his hips a little sideways. She placed the food on the nightstand and sat behind him, sliding her hand up and down his thigh.

“Michael…” “Liz…” They let their minds do the talking.

“Want a back rub? Stupid question…” And went right to it.

Michael purred and writhed in pleasure. Soon he was totally relaxed and Liz knew he was hungry.

- Ok then, sit up and have your dinner. - She slapped his ass and he moaned and stretched before rolling over and sitting on the edge of the bed with her beside him. He took the dish choosing the spoon over the fork, like she knew he would, and started eating. Liz’s eyes followed his legs all the way to the floor. He was barefoot, his heels resting on the ground and his feet were in the air.

- Wow, Michael! Your feet are a podiatrist’s nightmare! - She observed.

Michael moved the dish aside and looked at his feet, surprised.

- Huh? What’s wrong with them? - He frowned.

- Nothing! They’re perfect! There’s nothing to repair of fix, that’s what I mean. They would starve, if everyone had feet like yours, you know? - She giggled.

He nodded and went on eating with gusto, enjoying the food.

- It’s kind of a late lunch, I can see you were hungry. Guess you and Isabel forgot to eat, right? - She smiled.

- Shit! We forgot the food bag at the chamber. - He scoffed.
- How are you and Max doing? -

- You know, we’re dealing. - She answered.

- Good. - He said, but he could feel the way Liz was looking at him. - Liz…-

- Sorry, it will never be the same, but we’re doing ok. -

- Tess messed everything up, huh? - He shook his head.

- Yeah, she did too. - She shrugged and Michael felt she was thinking of him, not of Tess.

- Max needs you. - Michael whispered.

- I know. - Liz whispered back.

Kyle and Max “volunteered” to do the dishes when Philip arrived and as usual, insisted on having dinner with Diane in the dining room.

- That’s what it’s for, right? - He half joked.

He hated having his meals in the kitchen.
Meanwhile, Maria hit the bathroom as Isabel returned to her bedroom and found Liz considering putting into practice Isabel’s idea of dreamwalking Agent Duff. Isabel went pale.

- Liz, were you there all the time? - She asked in a hushed voice.

- Relax, Isabel. Michael blocked me out when things started heating up, but once they cooled down, I started getting a little info here and there, that’s how I got that one.

Isabel took a deep breath and her colour started coming back.

Kyle and Max chose that very moment to burst into the room yelling:

- SURPRISE! - But the surprise turned on them when Michael pinned them to the wall with their feet a yard away from the floor as he kept Liz and Isabel behind him.

- Shit man! We’re just bringing you ice cream! - Protested Kyle, while Max went ghostly white and dumb, his mouth working but nothing coming out.

- You idiots! I could’ve killed you! You’re lucky I recognized you a second before I fried you! - Michael growled, his eyes flashing fire and letting them down.

Liz and Isabel came out from behind him, glaring at them as Maria came screaming Michael’s name at the top of her voice. That brought Philip and Diane running over too.

- What happened? - Philip exclaimed, once he saw everyone was there and in one piece.

Isabel took over and explained the whole thing. Her parents
calmed down and also glared at Kyle and Max, who had recovered his voice and looked normal again.

- Sorry, yes, that was stupid. - He admitted.

- Give me the ice cream! - Michael demanded and helped himself, stretching out on his side and spooning away.

When the ice cream was finished, Isabel went to her bed and looked down at Michael.

- Michael, I’ll need my bed. -

He inched all the way to the edge making space for her, but stayed there.

- I mean all of it! - She pushed him with her powers but he resisted her, wincing.

- C’mon Iz, there’s plenty of space. I’m not getting up. You said I could go with you. You’re not backing out now. -

Isabel sighed and had to accept, because nothing was moving Michael out of that bed.

- What the hell are they talking about? - Kyle asked Liz, noticing Max and Maria were also at sea.

Liz calmly explained to them what Isabel was about to do and they also had some doubts as Michael had had at the chamber, but they knew once Isabel’s mind was set, nothing would stop her, so they had to hope for the best.
Isabel closed her eyes and Michael spooned into her side, his thigh over her legs, and his arm over her stomach holding her hand in his. Liz had worked out the time difference in Washington DC, and there was a chance that Agent Duff was already sleeping. Isabel found her dozing on her couch with the TV set on, and what they saw on the screen was clearly what was going on in Suzanne Duff’s mind. The news man said that a derelict group of totally unauthorized FBI agents, who had taken matters in their hands, had been severely disciplined by the Bureau and were being questioned about their behaviour, having momentarily been taken out of service while their actions were being clarified, though not justified. Thankfully, there had been no casualties and they were making sure it wouldn’t happen again. Isabel knew that that’s what Suzanne had heard, but it didn’t mean it was the exact truth, but what they wanted her to know, if they suspected her involvement with them. So it wasn’t reliable either. Isabel decided to go straight to her, so she forced her way into her brain. Suzanne gave a start and opened her eyes in her dream. She stared at Isabel and Michael through narrowed eyes, very confused.

“Oh, I’m dreaming, right? - She finally got it and smiled, locking eyes with Michael. - How are you doing, kid? -

- They’re lying, Suzanne. - He flashed her what had really happened, blocking the Jesse parts from Isabel and replacing him with an unknown man, but explaining to Suzanne what he was doing and why. She nodded her understanding.

- It was part true. Those were not the real Alien Recovery agents, that’s why the real ones were quite pissed. Those are the ones that will be going after you, once this little stunt is
put behind, which will be in the next few days, so you’re safe until then. The leader of the derelicts, though, has gone scot free, but has been severely reprimanded, so he won’t risk getting sacked. - Michael immediately knew she meant Jesse but was also keeping it away from Isabel, respecting his reasons. - They’re sticking to the plan I got to you through Jim…- Then her telephone rang and she woke up, breaking the connection.

Isabel tried to sit up, but Michael was waking up much slower than she was. She could see Max and Kyle, but Liz and Maria weren’t there anymore.

- Where are they? - Isabel asked.

- They went to the Crashdown, their shift will finish at 10:30 but Liz has to close down tonight. I will drive over with Kyle and he will return with Maria so I can stay with Liz and drive her back her when she finishes. Liz got from Michael that we were safe for a few days and the guys who took Michael were out of action for the time being. That’s why they decided it was safe to go to work and make it up for Jeff Parker, who’s getting pretty pissed and on the verge of losing his patience.

Michael shuddered and rolled over on his side, allowing Isabel to get up. She was frowning.

- Which of the two plans that Jim told us did she mean? The one where we are all spared except Michael, or the one where we are all killed and Michael is taken by them? - She wondered.

- With my luck, probably the second one. - Michael scoffed.

- Something’s not right! Michael, are you keeping something from us? - She asked him, quite upset.

- Isabel! - Michael exclaimed, outraged, but cunningly not answering her question.

- Then who the hell is that leader? Why did he pick on you like that? Like a revenge! - Now she was angry.

- They just hate us, because they can’t do what we can, that’s why! What is it with you? Can’t you see it? It’s crystal clear! - Michael assured them.

- It does make sense…- Max agreed, though not totally convinced.

- Hey, I need to sleep, I mean really. If I know Maria, she’ll be up to something tonight. - Michael smirked.

- Hey man, not under our parents’ roof! - Max frowned.

- It didn’t bother you before…but you’re right, they’ll probably be checking on us during the night, so if we’re safe, we’ll go to my place. - He shrugged.

- I must go home. - Isabel made a face and Michael shuddered.
- I can handle it. Remember, we must keep him on our side. I’ll be fine, Michael, if anything comes up, you’ll get a pain in the ass from my brand, so you can come and rescue me, alright? - She grinned.

- It’s not funny! - Michael snapped.

- I know, I’m sorry. I’ll be fine. - She repeated, wanting to believe it.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 298

Max fished his keys in his pocket and tossed them to Kyle.

- Drive Isabel home and come back right away, clear? - He ordered.

- El presidente has spoken! - Kyle took a mock bow. - Let’s go, Isabel. -

Isabel turned to Michael and leaning over, kissed the corner of his mouth. Michael tilted his face a little sideways, searching for her lips, and deepening the kiss when he found them. His hand found her breast as hers slid down his side, over his hip, to his thigh. Halfway down, it started back up, over his butt, giving Max a jolt through his brand, then up to Michael’s shoulder. Her fingers went for his spine, tracing it all the way down to disappear into the warmth between his buttocks. Michael moaned and rolled again over Isabel, spreading his thighs for her and at the same time, giving Max and Kyle a perfect view of what she was doing to him. She just skimmed over his sensitive parts, no use prodding, because they were both dry and it would only hurt him. Their breathing filled the room.

Maria’s eyes and mouth suddenly opened wide, and she took off towards the back room screaming:

- Break, break! -

Liz thought she was having a bathroom emergency and after a couple of minutes went to check on her. She found her sitting on the couch, with her eyes half closed and her mouth open. Her face was a mask of ecstacy.

“Jesus! She’s about to come!” Liz thought.

Isabel had been quiet since they left the house. Kyle simply respected her privacy. He kept checking on her every now and then and she just sat there with her eyes closed, leaning her head on the window with her hand in between. When they reached the last traffic light before her apartment, the light turned red and he had to stop. Uncannily, he felt her eyes open and he looked at her to find they actually had. They were shining with tears, as they ran down her cheeks.

- Isabel? - Kyle whispered.

- I’m fine Kyle, it’s not what you think. It’s this...- She passed the CD she had against her ear to her other hand and pressed it to Kyle’s. He listened to the song that Michael had chosen for her, the words swirling in his head:

“Love hurts, love scars, love wounds and mars, any heart, not tough, not strong enough, you take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain, love is like a cloud, holds a lot of rain, love hurts, love hurts. I’m young, I know, but even so, I know a thing, or two, I’ve learnt from you, I’ve really learnt a lot, really learnt a lot, love is like a torch, it burns you when it’s hot, love hurts, love hurts...I know it isn’t true, I know it isn’t true, love is just a lie, made to make you blue, love hurts, love hurts...”

Kyle moved his head away, not wanting to hear anymore, frowning.

- It’s so unfair to Michael...- Isabel sobbed.

- I know...-

Suddenly, Kyle saw Michael naked over an also apparently naked Isabel, in a close sexual connection, the way his hips slid as he went in and out of her were absolutely inviting. Her nails dug into his butt, drawing blood.

“She’s spreading him for me!” Kyle heard his words in his own voice, in his mind.

He felt his cock jump up to full attention in a fraction of a second and he couldn’t stop himself. He plunged into Michael, ramming hard into him to the hilt with each shove, it had nothing to do about Michael’s pleasure, it was all about his. He noticed Michael was bracing his body on his knees, protecting Isabel from his onslaught, and he looked at her over Michael’s shoulder. Isabel! Her face was shining and it was now a mirror reflecting Michael’s face. His eyes were shut tight and his teeth bit his lip as he winced in the familiar mixture of pain and pleasure he enjoyed so much, but still hurt.

- Kyle? -

He shook his head and registered a car honking behind him.

- Sorry, I kind of zoned off. - He said, driving on.

- I love him so much, Kyle, how could I do that to him? - She sobbed again.

- I love him too! - Kyle protested.

- Of course you do, we do, we love to hurt him. - She shook her head. - And this is from us, that say we love him. Kyle, what’s wrong with us? -

He was unable to answer as they had arrived and Jesse was framed in the window pane.

- Well, it was about time! - He said in an unpleasant tone.

- Goodbye Kyle. -

She was out before he could answer, running to the door, and he took off before Jesse decided to come down and make sure it wasn’t Max, in a bout of unfounded jealousy.

Kyle took off at a reasonable speed not to arouse Jesse’s suspicions, but as soon as he turned the corner into the avenue, he took off as fast as he could without attracting attention to himself. Then, just as he had known Isabel’s eyes were open, he knew something was wrong with Michael. A lifelike flash attacked him and he saw Michael writhing and wincing on Isabel’s bed with Max kneeling behind him, his hands pushed high up between his spread thighs drenched in blood halfway up his forearms. He looked desperate. A blinding light hit his eyes with a blast of insults, and he swerved just in time out of the oncoming car’s way to have his engine stall by the curb. He realized he must have taken an unregistered turn into a one way side street, going in the opposite direction. He took a few deep breaths to calm down.

“Max is hurting Michael? Max has hurt Michael! What the hell is going on? Why isn’t he healing him? Why does he look so scared?”

All those questions raced across his mind as he started the car to return to the avenue and head to the Evans. He floored it, hoping to make it without any more life threatening flashes, and praying that neither Hanson nor any of his men would get in his way.
He came to a screeching stop in front of the house and jumped out of the car ready to sprint all the way into the bedroom. Of course, he had forgotten a small detail: the front door was closed. Right now, he didn’t give a damn and was about to start banging away when he remembered he had Max’s keys. After a few nerve wracking nervous fumbles, he opened it and heard Max’s scream, to confirm the flash.

- KYLE! -

He couldn’t have got there faster and it was just as bad as he had seen it, worse because it was real.

- Max! What the hell happened? What did you do to him? Why aren’t you healing him? - He asked hastily.

- I don’t know! It doesn’t make sense! Ok, so I made love to him, but he started bleeding out of my scar! And I can’t make it stop! This isn’t supposed to happen! Kyle, I can’t stop the bleeding…I CAN’T STOP IT! - He screamed in desperation.

- Serena…- Michael whispered between moans.

- He’s right Max! Concentrate… get Serena! - Kyle exclaimed. - Oh my god! Liz…and Maria! -

- I blocked them…out…when I felt I was…tearing. - Michael gasped.

- Good, they must think you just wanted some privacy. - Kyle sighed. - Max, what are you doing? -

- I can’t concentrate, so I’m using the phone. I don’t know what else to do. - Max held his cell phone against his ear, chanting nonstop: - C’mon, c’mon, c’mon! -

- Uncle Derek! I need Serena it’s an emergency! - Max shouted.

- I know, she’s getting there, any second now…- He whispered, trying not to interrupt her concentration.

- Thanks. - Max whispered back, just in case and turned to Kyle. - She’s coming. -

Knowing what he had to do, Max took one of Michael’s hands, which were lying parallel to his body, clutching the sheets and gently loosened the gripping fingers to clasp them in his stained ones. Then he reached out to Kyle who took his bloody, slippery hand in one of his, and Michael’s other hand in his free one, like Max had done. They closed their eyes and waited, hoping it wouldn’t take too long, as Michael was suffering and bleeding severely. Kyle heard Max whispering:

“Please…please… please...” grimacing and scrunching up his face.

It took Serena only 30 seconds to get there but they were unending to the two friends.

- Serena! - Max exclaimed as he sensed her presence.
- What…? -

- It’s you Max, you’re doing it, you have to let go all your jealousy towards Michael or you’ll kill him! - She said.

- Serena! How can you think that? I’m not doing anything! How can I be jealous of myself? I was with him when it happened! - Max cried out, confused.

- Listen to me! It also happened in Antar…I never told you or let you see it because it might influence you and make it happen here too. It happened anyway! Remember Max! Your fear of losing him doesn’t let you think straight! What did you feel when you started making love to him? You must! Michael’s life depends on it! Think! -

Max took a deep breath and concentrated, blocking everything off his mind and backtracking to that moment. He went further back to make sure he had it right.

“When Kyle and Isabel left, I went to Michael and started giving him a back rub. I worked down from his shoulders and when I reached his ass, I started getting these disturbing images of other people making love to him, a lot of weird looking older guys I didn’t recognize, probably from Antar, then it was Hank, his friend the doctor and his junkie sister after him, that boy Eddie and his sister, Kyle, Stuart; Isabel and Vilandra, overlapping each other, even Liz and Maria using their toys on him! Yes! I felt like sending them all flying away from him! Yes! I was jealous! I rammed into him with all the anger I felt at them and I knew I was hurting him, I wanted to hurt him to make him forget them, so he would never want to be with any of them again! Oh my god! Yes! You’re right! I did this to him!” Max whined.

- Alright, alright! Calm down! You’re not helping him like this, just relax and feel the love Michael has for you and how much you love him. He may love others but not like he loves you. Others may make love to him but no one will do it like you do. What you two have is special, and what he does and has with the others has nothing to do with it. When you two are together, there’s no one else in his mind…just you, and you know it! So you have no reason to be jealous of the rest. It’s the other way round. You’re his king and he’s your warrior, you’re two of a kind, there’s no competition there! There’s no other alien guy here to give him what you can. The men in Antar, even those who were considerate and careful with him, making him feel respected and cared for, giving him a pleasant time instead of torturing him like most did, could only please him once and he was back to you. So what are you jealous of? Think, Max! You have no reasons to be jealous of them. You are the dominant male when it comes to that kind of sex with him. Now, let him know how much you love him, let him feel your love, take him again with all the love you have for him. Don’t let anyone else inside your mind, just him! You’re the only one he’s thinking of, he’s feeling, when you make love to him! No one else is on his mind then, so how can you be jealous of who isn’t there? Who can you be jealous of when it’s only you with him? Now, love him Max, like only you can do! Make him feel it, make him feel you deep inside him, send your love into him, that will heal him. Only you can do it and you know it! Now, Max! Do you want him to die? Do you want to lose him? - Serena urged him back into reason.

- MICHAEL! - Max shouted and let go of Kyle’s hand to push into him, oblivious of the blood which helped him slide in and out of Michael’s tight ass.

- Max! Ungh! Oh Max! Yes! - Michael knew only Max could ease this searing pain because it came from him.

With each thrust, the pain started taking a different meaning. It was still pain, but it slowly merged with lust, and he embraced it like a lover, like Max embraced him. Michael felt it changing into a healing pain as the source of it began to mend. He felt it burning and making the bleeding stop, turning his fever into one of desire, its heat warming his very soul.

- Max! Ahhh! Unghhh! Yesss! - Michael came like a tidal wave, like a tsunami, unstoppable, he kept coming and coming, writhing in pleasure until Max caught up with him and filled him with his hot healing balm: the best medicine Michael could ever have. Max rolled them on their sides, staying deep inside him. Serena and Kyle looked at them, and they were the jealous ones now. Michael pillowed his head on both his arm and Max’s as his lover’s other arm wrapped around his hip and his hand covered his cock, his own hand over Max’s. His face couldn’t show any more pleasure and satisfaction, his lips still parted from his last moan, and his eyes shut in the relaxing feeling of their aftermath. He could feel Max’s huge cock, still erect deep inside him and his lips curved in a smile that made Kyle want to kiss them. It was all he could do to stay away from him. He understood Max; he felt that jealousy too, though he had no right over Michael. He wished he did, but there was Max, Maria and Isabel before him, and of course Liz, with her empathy. He wondered if Michael had finally let them in. He checked his watch but it was only 9:30 pm. It was going to be the longest hour of their lives, because he could see them racing out of the Crashdown the second their shift was over, still in their uniforms, totally ignoring Mr. Parker’s outraged shouts. Tonight he was doing the cleaning and closing up without his daughter and her best friend…again!

Kyle heard Serena’s whispered “Goodbye! Take care of them!” as she left, her work done. Max whispered: “Bye…” and Michael just moaned yet again, as farewell this time, sure of her understanding. Kyle decided the best he could do was go home to take a cold shower, he could take it there, but as soon as he saw Michael again, he would definitely need another one. He went over simply because he needed to be near them and Michael’s hand shot out from over Max’s and grabbed his wrist.

- Don’t go…please? - Michael breathed and Kyle simply melted.

He lay on his back beside them on the very edge, holding himself up with his hand over the side of the bed against the floor, not to fall, and pushing against Michael making him spoon into his side. He raised his other arm over his head to get as near as possible, his hand still in Michael’s, who pulled him in to share their aftermath. He could feel Max welcoming him too, and knew his jealousy, at least the one over him, was in check. He couldn’t help hoping…perhaps he would get some crumbs, once this bonding was over if he was lucky enough that the girls had not arrived yet. “High hopes”…he thought.

Meanwhile, in spite of the way Jesse had greeted her, Isabel was in for an unexpected surprise, a pleasant one for a change.
As she entered the apartment, she came face to face with Jesse.

- Jesse…I…- She started, doubtful her obviously lame excuses would hold out yet again.

- Sh, sh, Isabel…come here. - He crooned just too gently and opened his arms to her, smiling.

She smiled back with the best of her unfailingly genuine looking fake ones, which she had practiced to perfection lately, knowing for sure that she could get away with it. Still apprehensive, she moved into his embrace. She was amazed to feel again the man she had married, the man she had felt at that moment, was the solution to her problems, the man who loved her and whom she was sure she would learn to love, not the menacing stranger or the threat he had become.
At the same time, Jesse was having some issues of his own. Feeling her warm body in his arms, he remembered how he had fallen for her when he finally saw her, a beautiful small town girl, not the monster he had been told she was. The photographs the FBI had shown him didn’t do her credit. Reluctant as he had been at first to take the mission, he now went for it in a freefall, wracking his mind for a way to keep her for himself. Until the “accident”, he had been desperately hoping she would come through and trust him enough to reveal herself, but she hadn’t. He was so disappointed to have failed in something he was absolutely sure he could have easily accomplished, that his performance when the truth came out under the shocking circumstances, was flawless and convincing. No one suspected him, and his resentment at having been kept in the dark, went through with flying colours. Even the distrustful Michael bought it. He was good! He congratulated himself, and kept up his act, hoping he wasn’t overdoing it. Better that than be found out. No way! The thought of Michael had the boy filling his mind with lustful images. He hated him for being Isabel’s first, even if it was in another life and a different world, and for all the ones that had had him before him. He hated him for knowing he could beat the crap out of him even if he was so much younger. He hated him for having the guts to take all his shit without crying out or begging for mercy even once. He hated him for not being able to find a justifiable reason for keeping him for himself too, when this was over. He hated him for making him lust over him, for giving him the best orgasms he had ever had in his life, but most of all, he hated him because he knew Michael would never accept him except by force, not that he didn’t like it that way, but because he knew they would eventually kill him and there was nothing he could do about it. He had to keep his feelings well hidden, hoping to be forgiven for pissing off the top ones, and be allowed to be present when they tortured Michael. He knew he would get off so many times as he knew no one would notice what was going on with him. That would be his utmost revenge!

Isabel was truly enjoying the vibes coming from Jesse: so much lust! WOW! The guy really had the hots for her. Somehow she had a fleeting image of Michael but she gave it no importance, probably because she knew how jealous Jesse was of him and he surely had guessed Isabel had been with him. She still harboured some hopeless longing that Jesse wasn’t really with the FBI and that it had all been an unfortunate badly timed mistake. But her alien side was more reliable: it never lied to her, so she knew it wasn’t.
“Oh Alex! If I had taken you seriously, I wouldn’t have got myself in this mess. Now all our lives are in danger again because of me. I also befriended Tess! Oh, shit! Will I ever do anything right? Maybe I should just kill myself here too, but after I saw what it did to Michael…I can’t do that to him once again, he will never forgive me now!” She had to keep Jesse on their side, no matter what! Her alien instincts told her it was the only way out. She wouldn’t be able to take it if Michael was also cruelly murdered like he had been in Antar!

- Isabel, love, are you alright? Is everyone ok? - He sounded so concerned, really legit, could it be true?

- I’m so sorry, it’s just that Max and Michael are the only family I have…I mean…you know…from my planet. - She grimaced.

- I’ll keep you safe, Isabel, don’t worry, Max has his shield and Michael is the strongest of you, they’ll deal. You have me. - He searched for her mouth and she let him kiss her.

- Come here, you have been going through too much lately, you need to rest, I swear I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. Please, Isabel, come with me. - He walked her to the bedroom and eased her down on the bed.

He lay beside her and held her in his arms, trying to make her feel protected, but no one could protect her like Michael, they both knew it. At least he was keeping his promise, and Isabel closed her eyes and drifted into a relaxed sleep. She saw Alex, smiling at her and nodding, their life together would have been pure gentle caring love, full of trust, but the lust was missing. She would have ended cheating on him with Michael.
“I wouldn’t have minded Isabel, who knows? I would have even taken part in it…” He chuckled knowingly, and Isabel shook him from her mind, not liking what he was implying. She decided to dreamwalk Michael, because she couldn’t keep him out of her head, and it seemed to be coming from Jesse, adding to her confusion. She couldn’t, he had blocked out all females, so it was a “guy thing”. She snarled in anger, she hated that! She hated Max and Kyle right now, for being with him; she even hated Jesse, from where the Michael thing seemed to be coming. Why? What had they done that night she dreamwalked them together? Had the bonding been that intense? Well, what else could you expect from Michael? No wonder they had all been so elusive. She didn’t even want to think about it. She should have known better! She heard Jesse’s even snores and for once was grateful for them because now she would be able to sleep without interruptions. She placed her fingertips on Jesse’s forehead and made sure it would be that way.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 299

Max started stirring and sat up, his limp cock slipping out of Michael, who sighed and rolled back over on his belly. He ended over Kyle, who, not being able to get away in time, gladly received him in his arms. Michael moaned and snuggled against him. Kyle felt Max’s eyes on them and wondered if he had been wrong about Max getting over his jealousy of him. Then he noticed Max was grinning.

- Well, I guess it’s your turn…- He said, nodding.

Then he just had to laugh out loud when Kyle’s mouth dropped open just like in the cartoons.

- Hey man, don’t play with me; I’m getting very near a stroke in spite of my age. - Kyle said seriously.

- Who says I’m playing? Do I look or sound like I’m playing? - He arched his eyebrows at Kyle.

- Are you really serious? Totally, completely, absolutely, dead serious? - Kyle still couldn’t believe his ears.

Max nodded his head yes.

- Weren’t we going to the Crashdown to get Maria over so you could have some prime time with Liz? - Kyle reminded him.

- Change of plans. Tomorrow will do. Mr. Parker will take it out on them today and won’t let them leave the place until he’s thoroughly satisfied. And that will take some time. Wanna bet? -
He asked.

- How do I get him off me? - Kyle made up his mind hurriedly.

- Watch the master! - Max winked, and walked around the bed.

He leant over and kissing Michael’s cheek, whispered against it: - Bathroom, baby, got to get up…-

Michael moaned and rolled on his side letting him up. Kyle scuttled up and Max took his place, kissing Michael again and this time whispering: - False alarm. - Michael couldn’t care less, snuggling against the body under him. Max pushed his knees together between Michael’s thighs spreading them further still. He slid his hands down to Michael’s butt and held him apart for Kyle. Then, Max spread his legs wider under Michael and wrapped them over his, holding him in place. Kyle was drooling as he dove in and started eating Michael out, his tongue as deep into him as he could, and slithering like an eel inside him. Michael purred and bucked into Kyle’s face as Max’s nails bit into his warm flesh, holding him apart, away from Maria and Isabel’s brands. Kyle had to pull out as his tongue grew numb, and used all the spit he could muster to ease the way for his fingers. He pushed one finger in slowly, as deep as it would go, pumped it in and out a few times, then wet his other index in his mouth and slid it in with the other one. Michael gasped and writhed as much as Max’s legs allowed him. He squeezed and twisted his hips making Kyle wish it was his cock inside him, instead of his fingers. He teased him a little longer and then slowly pulled out as he started his cock between his fingers. Michael felt the transition and shivered with pleasure as Kyle’s huge throbbing penetration probed his already raw insides after Max’s equally extra large cock. Kyle withdrew it, just keeping the head pressed against Michael in spite of his protesting groans.

- Ummm…Max…could you? You know…the “fire and ice” lube? With your powers? Please? -

Kyle knew Max had used the stuff in that same way as he had tasted what little was left inside Michael after his incursion, with a twist to it that tasted familiar, but he was just a tad away from identifying.

- Sure, no sweat…- He extended both his pinkies, as they were the nearest ones and told Kyle to push in.

He felt though his fingertips as Kyle smoothly slid into Michael with the abundant lubrication he was providing.

- Ungh! Yeah…- Went Michael, enjoying the icy heat as Kyle skimmed his g-spot to drive it all the way in.

Michael’s hard cock rubbed against Max’s, which was again in the same condition, knowing he would go back in right after Kyle to make sure Michael was healed of the double chafing he had gone through, after having two cocks of their “heavy duty” dimensions up his tight sweet ass. Michael bucked into Kyle and rubbed against Max nonstop, feeling electricity fore and aft, and he started coming before either of his lovers were even halfway there, bathing Max’s cock with his juices. Then he lay still, letting them do whatever they wanted to him as his breathing stabilized. His own aftermath made him extra sensitive to Kyle’s shoving and thrusting, making him hiss and sigh with the unbearable amount of pleasure it gave him, it was so intense, it actually hurt. Still, Michael wished it would never stop, as Kyle’s electric cock crackled its way in and out of him. His insides were sizzling, driving him wild, and he knew Max had put something extra on the lube to make that happen with him and now with Kyle too. Shit! He wouldn’t sit straight for the rest of his life, but he just loved it!

- Tabasco! - Kyle shouted as he finally got it.

That was what Max had added to the lube! Max chuckled and nodded, capturing Michael’s luscious mouth, sucking and chewing his tongue. Michael shuddered as Kyle went for his prostate and a second orgasm hit him. Kyle felt the pulsing grip on his cock and buried it to the hilt, shooting his hot load deep into Michael.

- Oh god, oh god, oh GOOOOOD! - Kyle screamed as Michael growled, needing no words to express what he was feeling.

Max was glad he had taken the precaution of soundproving the room when he started fucking Michael, knowing it would get noisy. He felt Kyle pulling Michael with him as he rolled on his side where he was more comfortable, and Max went along with them not to lose contact with Michael.
The way their two alien cocks kept caressing each other, their contact keeping Michael hard in spite of coming again, had Max more than ready to do the healing thing which would, of course, give him a super satisfying second orgasm when his healing vibes would tickle them both half to death, along with Michael’s vice like grip provided by the smarting pain he got from the mending tissues and yet another orgasm. He could hardly wait to be inside Michael, but he had to have patience for Kyle to finish doing his thing. They were sharing their aftermath, which would be much shorter because of Kyle’s humanity, after which his cock would be able to come out sparing Michael of more pain. He patiently waited, having Michael in his arms made every second worth it. He just loved Michael’s body, his velvety skin, the steel muscles under it and the way they reacted to the pain and pleasure he gave him, his round ass that he loved to squeeze and bite, how it went rock hard as he penetrated him, just like his long, perfectly shaped thighs, his mouth, how he purred when he touched him, and those lips! The way, they parted and how his eyes shut tight when he was entering him, the way he grunted when he filled him completely, the lust in his eyes when he knew he was about to get fucked, the way he writhed and moaned during sex, every gasp and hiss at what he did to him and how he shuddered and growled when he came! Michael was just too much! Of course he was jealous of anyone who dared lay a finger on him, no matter why, how could he help it? He could manage to control it, but there was no way he could help it! As he felt Kyle starting to stir, he heard a car stopping by their house, but the engine kept goind and soon it was gone. He was sure it was Liz and Maria, but he would find out later.

Liz knew her father would have none of her going out for the night again, so winking to Maria, they went up to her room to make their plans. They waited until the Parkers went dog tired to bed and listened to their soft snoring barely five minutes later. Then, just in case, knowing that if they were really asleep it wouldn’t wake them up, she shouted:

- Bye Maria! Don’t forget to lock up the door! - Then she climbed down from her balcony and joined her in the Jetta. Liz hoped they would be over when they arrived at the Evans’, because Michael’s blocking them out only meant guy action. As they were about a block away, Liz felt Michael faintly, and she knew he was coming down from an aftermath, losing his blocking abilities for a few seconds until he got his grasp back. Just as she suspected, he blocked her out again, which meant they were still at it. She wondered whose turn it was now, and sensed Max. Well, good for him! Jealous much? Yes! She wished it was her with Michael, even if she had to use a lifeless toy! No, this was not good! She turned to look at Maria to see if she had felt Michael too, but she gave no signs. Apparently, her empathy was a little stronger that Maria’s brands. Maybe Isabel had felt it, having both her brand and her scar on Michael for a boost, though she knew for sure Isabel wasn’t there with them. She only got male vibes. They arrived at Max’s and Maria was about to kill the engine, but Liz stopped her.

- Let’s go Maria, they’re on a “guy thing”, we’ll just be in the way. C’mon, I know there’s plenty of ice cream in your freezer, and your mum’s still away. - She sighed.

Maria also sighed in resignation. Ok then, they would have a “girl thing” too, with no sex involved of course, not their thing, just plenty of ice cream and lots of self pity. “Michael will pay for this!” Maria thought, smiling wickedly.

Max opened his eyes to see Michael wince and bite his lip. Then he saw Kyle rising behind him with an apologetic look on his face.

- Bathroom…- He said.

The way Kyle was pressing his legs together, meant he was in a dire need to pee. Max received Michael again in his arms, and this time he would be all his.

- Do you want me? - Max asked, teasingly.

- Mmmmm…- Michael moaned.

- How much do you want me? -

- Mmmmm…- He moaned again.

- I know you’re hurting, so you I’ll ease your pain. - Max said.

Michael gave another moan and snuggled against him. He was getting as hard as Max already was. Max suspected he was still half asleep and decided to find out.

- Who’s bigger, Kyle or me? - He asked, trying to sound serious.

- Mmmmm…-

- Who’s the better fuck…- He couldn’t finish because he was interrupted by Michael’s chuckle rumbling in his chest.

- Michael! - Max said, exasperated, and spanked him hard with both hands.

- Oh yeah…give it to me…- Michael growled.

- I’ll give it to you! -

Max reached as low down as he could and using his powers to deal with Michael’s weight, he grabbed his upper thighs and heaved him higher up, spreading him wide so his cock cleared Michael’s body and bounced up against his ass.

- Mmmmm…- Michael went yet again and Max knew his next move would definitely make a different sound come out of Michael’s mouth.

He slid his hands up to Michael’s round globes and did all this almost simultaneously: He dug his nails into them like before towards the inside, spread him, aimed his cock with the help of his now experienced pinkies, and shoved in hard. Michael’s frustrating vocals had Max’s usually abundant pre-cum down to just a few drops, so that would have to do, along with Michael’s own drying cum coating Max’s cock. Michael’s breath hissed through his teeth and his eyes opened wide for just a couple of seconds, giving Max a confused look, to shut tight right after. His teeth bit his lip hard enough to make it bleed and his narrow passage clenched tight in defense and protest.

“Damn, he was really asleep, he wasn’t ready!” Max thought, feeling very bad.

- MAX! - Kyle’s scream protesting along with Michael’s aching insides, made Max start, and the large head of his cock connected against the resisting tissue.

Michael squeezed him even harder that Max thought was possible.

- Fuck, Kyle! Don’t ever do that again! - Max yelled.

Kyle realized Max had not heard him return from the bathroom. Open mouthed, he saw Michael shudder and regretted what he had just caused.

- Sorry man…- He said, contritely.

He hadn’t meant his actions to cause Michael such pain.

- Hey, sorry kid…- He reached over and rubbed Michael’s thigh.

Michael just winced and nodded, breathing hard and trying uselessly to relax.

Kyle felt Michael’s thigh was rock hard and on fire, and his shudders were turning into shivers.

- Max…- He said softly, not to startle him again.

- I know! I hurt him inside; I’m healing him…-

Kyle waited, watching Max’s face scrunched up in concentration, and held his breath until Michael cooled down and relaxed just a bit so Kyle could feel the difference. His breathing stabilized and he moaned softly.

This time the sound was welcomed by Max, who also relaxed, finding a way out of his predicament. Not a good one, but the only one.

- Michael, love, I have to pull out, it’s gonna hurt, cause I’m kind of dry...-

- No! Don’t stop! I can take it! - Michael begged.

- I’m not stopping, I need to pull out to lube up and do it right. I’ll make it up to you on the next thrust, I promise! - Max reassured him.

- Ok…- Michael nodded, still wincing.

Max looked at Kyle and shook his head, frowning.

Kyle sighed and nodded. He understood, Max hadn’t meant to hurt Michael, he had just reacted badly to what he had thought was Michael’s teasing. Kyle’s bad timing had been as accidental, as had been his unintentional intervention. He was amazed at what he was getting just from touching Michael, through his connection with Max. “Alien powers, baby, soon to be mine!” Kyle smiled. He knelt on the bed between their legs enjoying the view. Max’s pinkies rimmed Michael’s ass right where they were joined, leaving a greasy sheen all around. It would help some, but not much. Max had seen dogs stuck to each other after sex, but this was ridiculous! They hadn’t even started! He knew he would have to tear his way out. He began to pull out slowly and felt Michael’s delicate inner tissues clinging to his flesh. He had to do it, he couldn’t stop.

- Owww! Shit Max! Do it fast! - Michael growled.

Max followed his advice and yanked it out. Michael buried his face in the pillow beside Max’s head and clutched the sheet with both hands.

- Oh my god, Max! He’s bleeding! - Kyle yelled.

- Of course he is! What did you expect? I just scraped off a layer or two of his internal mucous membrane! - Max explained with incredible cold blood.

Kyle was sure that if Max could see what he was seeing, he wouldn’t be so cool. Max was spewing pre-cum like a geyser as he pushed in again very gently. He swiveled his body left and right, coating Michael all around, as he worked his cock into him.

- That would be a “Royal screwing”! - Kyle whispered.

He was bracing his body on his hands, on the left side of the bed, as he hovered right above the place where the action was going on. He knew he was drooling when he saw the drops falling on Max’s protruding cock as it buried back into Michael.

“Cool!” Thought Kyle. “Max’s precum with Michael’s cum and my spit are going deep into his ass. Real Cool! WOW! I’ll have the granddaddy of wet dreams tonight!”

Once it was all in, Max placed his hands on the spot where Michael’s thighs met his buttocks and closed his eyes. Kyle saw Max’s hands shining white, like a fluorescent light, and Michael writhed under them as if trying to get away. He gasped and grunted with the searing pain the healing gave him, as it burnt the damage until the tissue was whole again. Michael’s back was beaded with sweat. Kyle couldn’t understand for the life of him how Michael could take it without screaming, and the tortured boy’s words rang in his head: “The energy I would spend in screaming, I use to deal with the pain. Screaming doesn’t make it any better. It’s a useless waste of energy and time.” Yeah, sure! Easier said than done! It only worked for Michael. Kyle doubted it would for any other person, aliens included. He somehow knew Max had screamed his head off when the scalpel had made just a shallow cut on his chest in the white room. Michael would have died without giving them the pleasure. Kyle had read somewhere that the Red Indians would laugh their heads off when tortured, which was screaming anyway, and mocked their enemies at the same time. He would scream…oh yes…he would scream his head off, he was sure of that! “No hero here, sorry dad!” Kyle scoffed.

Max’s conscience was doing a great job. Now that Michael was healed, sore of course, but healed, he was making the sweetest love Kyle had ever seen, to Michael, and the tall boy was sure enjoying it. He sighed, he purred, he moaned, he gasped, he hissed, he slithered, twisted, writhed and squirmed. If Kyle had had a video camera he would have won all the Oscars available to porno films. Man, it was so hot! Max stopped every now and then to hold back, leaning over and covering Michael’s back with kisses, and scratches, as Michael kept begging him for only he knew what else. He was wild under Max who could barely hold him down to impose his teasing pace. Then he was allowing Michael to buck hard impaling himself to the hilt a few times to then stay shuddering, skewered in Max’s huge cock, sobbing and whining with his shattering alien orgasm. Then Max went on, still a long way off, and patiently worked Michael out to another intergalactic orgasm, the audio and visual effects were so awesome, that Kyle almost came there and then. He felt like ripping Michael another one to fuck him at the same time. “Jeez, Michael, you’re really out of this world, baby, you’re just too much!” Shit! He wanted to pull Michael away and take Max’s place! But Max would zap him to oblivion, and that scared the crap out of him! Damn him, ears and all! Kyle had to laugh at Max’s ears, thankful that they couldn’t read minds…or could they? He froze, hoping he was right, turning his face apprehensively in his direction, but there was Max, happily fucking away, not even registering his presence in the room. Kyle was in for a surprise as Max’s voice rang inside his head.

“Do you want him?”

Kyle jumped as he shouted “YES!” though his voice had not left his mouth. He had done it mentally too!

“Ok, but quick! Are you ready?”

“YES!” Kyle felt like an idiot, but he didn’t know what else to say.

“Go! He’s ready to come with you! I want him right after!”

Kyle thought he had imagined it, but then he saw Max pulling out all the way and he plunged into Michael who was slick enough to take him. Kyle began to come at the first contact with Michael, shooting all the way in and feeling Michael coming with him, to squeeze him dry. Kyle kept coming, pumping into Michael, though he knew nothing was coming out of him anymore. It just felt so good! Michael was moaning and wanting more, his orgasm unending.

“Get out now! I’m going to come!” Max roared in his mind.

Kyle pulled out hurriedly and reluctantly as Max was prodding into the spot between Michael’s ass and his balls impatiently. The second Kyle was out, Max thrust back in and came as fast as Kyle had. Max was deep inside Michael, shaking like he was having a fit, as he emptied his load to the last drop. Then they finally relaxed. With Michael on top, they didn’t need to move, his strong thighs straddling Max’s hips as his cock filled him completely. Kyle, being much smaller, curled on Isabel’s comfy armchair, pressing it against the lower part of the bed so he just had to reach out to grip Michael’s thigh. Before they knew it, they were all fast asleep.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 300

Liz and Maria had barely driven a block when Liz decided it might not be such a good idea to go to Maria’s empty house. They would be safer at her place and of course, there was plenty of food, ice cream included. They drove back and had a girls’ chat, Maria being very interested in what was happening to Liz, but Liz wasn’t ready to talk about it still, and made Maria promise to keep it between them. Then it was all about the boys until their eyes were closing. They ended flat on their backs on Liz’s bed holding hands and fast asleep. Liz hadn’t tried again to get to Michael. He would let her in when he was ready for it. Maria’s words had left her thinking: “I really don’t know where I’m going with Michael. I love him so much that I’m willing to share him with Isabel when she needs him or he does. Everything is going fine so far, but deep inside, I’m so scared, and I hate to live like this! I think I should have stayed away, but he just pulls me back in!” Liz had just patted her hand and assured her everything would be alright, she just needed to sort it all out, and she trusted she would make the correct decision. That was just before they fell asleep.
Liz’s alarm clock had them up and ready in minutes, then they went down to the Crashdown to cope with the breakfast crowd. They found Isabel at the door waving at them and they rushed to let her in. She told them about last night with Jesse and they decided she had done what was best for all of them.

- Jesse doesn’t even suspect I know what he is. That means we’re even. We both found out who we really are the hard way, but I have the advantage that Jesse doesn’t know I know about him. - Isabel frowned, not happy with it.

- We all know, which is even worse for him. - Liz observed.

- Serves him right! He was out to get you guys, until he got the hots for you! He’s a prick! - Maria said angrily.

That was as far as they got because the place started filling with hungry customers. Isabel was glad lending a hand to keep her mind away from Jesse and Michael. She knew there was some kind of connection there, but she couldn’t nail it and it was freaking her out. When their shift was finally over, they got in Maria’s car and went to find the boys. Isabel was surprised their mother didn’t even know they were there. She said they had been so quiet.

- Are you sure they spent the night here, honey? I can’t believe I didn’t hear them, not even the TV. You better go check and let me know to fix them some breakfast, ok? - Diane went back to her laundry, a worried look in her eyes.

As they arrived at the door of her old bedroom, Isabel immediately sensed it.

- The room’s soundproofed, no wonder mum heard nothing. -

She waved her hand and opened the door. The guys were just like they had dropped asleep after their orgy. Liz touched Max’s ankle and it twitched. They had a muffled giggle over that.

- Are they…oh my god! - Diane’s voice had them turning and watching her quickly walk away.

- Oh shit! That one will be on me. - Isabel said, thankful she was about to open the curtains but still hadn’t.

The room was dark enough for Isabel to believe her mum had guessed, but not seen clearly what the light started to reveal.

Maria stepped towards the bed and her eyes were drawn to Michael’s ass, exposed by his vulnerable position. The head of Max’s cock was still inside him, and cum was seeping around it. She wanted to touch Michael there, but it would mean she might accidentally touch Max, and that totally grossed her out. He placed her fingertip just above their connection and slowly dragged it upwards, to the small of his back, between the two dimples she loved to lick, tickling him and making him purr and go tight. This caused Max’s cock to slide out of him completely and look shrunken and harmless, almost lost in the mass of dark pubic hair. Michael wasn’t that hairy, Maria noticed and glided her finger down to her original target, now vacant and waiting for her. She pushed it into him and felt her finger dip in the thick cum which had been held in by Max’s cock. Michael hissed and purred. “Wow! Those two really filled him up!” Maria thought, wondering how she could be so cool about it. Just months ago, she would have taken off shrieking in the opposite direction, as far as she could go and never want to see him again.

- Buddha is here! - Isabel announced in a formal voice against Kyle’s ear.

He sat up with a start, his eyes darting left and right, looking very scared.

- Where? Where? - He croaked, his voice breaking.

The girls’ second bout of giggling had his slitted eyes opening wide as he saw them, and a strangling sound coming from behind, told them Max was struggling to free himself from under Michael’s body. The tall alien boy was bucking his hips lazily as Maria played with him

- Here, give me a hand. - Maria asked.

Liz and Isabel went to help her gently roll Michael to his side.

- Hold it Max, I don’t think we’re ready for you, and neither will you want us to see your pride and joy in desperate need of a magnifying glass to recognize it for what it is! - Isabel saw with satisfaction the effect of her words in Max’s red cheeks.

She waved her hand and had him on sweats, top and bottom, giving him the confidence to worm his way out from his chosen imprisonment as they made it possible.

They let go of Michael so he could flop back to go on sleeping, as Max fled to the bathroom. Kyle was about to follow suit but was stopped by his lack of clothes. He begged silently with his eyes and got what Max had got. As he started getting up, Isabel saw her chance to get back at his big mouth.

- Kyle, while Max is getting decent, will you please go to the kitchen and tell mum you guys will be ready for breakfast in say, twenty minutes? - Her voice dripped honey and he nodded eagerly.

He took off and the girls waited until he was far enough to laugh out loud.

- That was mean Isabel; he doesn’t know your mum saw them! Did she see him? - Liz wondered.

- I’m sure she recognized Michael, she couldn’t miss him, but the other two, any of them could have been the one under Michael, and so let her take a guess. - She grinned. - Kyle will do his best to clarify the situation and get himself in more trouble he could bargain for! -

They turned to Michael, watching the trickle of cum pooling between his thighs.

- He needs a rinse…- Maria observed.

- He needs an enema. - Liz concluded.

- A douche will do, I’m sure we’ll find some in mum’s bathroom. Michael, my father’s coming up the stairs…- Isabel whispered against his ear.

- What does he want with me...? - Michael slurred, miraculously seeming to be waking up.

- Well, he’s not going to fuck you, he’s going to kick your ass all the way to the bathroom! - She snapped.

Michael’s eyes opened and he was on all fours in a fraction of a second, forcing Maria out of him. Three sets of arms wrapped around him and eased him out of the bed. He let them half walk, half drag him to the main bathroom, asking Isabel, somewhere on the way there about her father’s progress.

- You were saved by the phone. - She whispered, trying not to laugh, as he nodded relieved, and cooperating more actively now.

Liz, being the shortest, walked behind him with her arms wrapped around his stomach, his ass glued between her ribs due to the difference in height. She knew she was getting the goo coming from him onto her, and it gave her a perverse pleasure. She kept her feet close together, giving dainty geisha-like steps to make sure she didn’t trip him, which would mean they would all go down.

They could hear Diane eating Kyle up, shoes and all, though he was barefoot, as he kept trying to defend himself, but not getting much said. They felt a little sorry for him, but it was turning out to be, quite by chance, the best distraction they could ask for, to get Michael where they wanted him.

Once there, they locked the door behind them and by now, barely able to cope with his weight in spite of his help, they let him slide down to his knees in front of the tub. He tried to climb in, but ended jackknifed over the edge, before he decided to stop moving. The three girls watched him open mouthed, changing to a pleased smile.

- Perfect! Keep him still! - Mouthed Isabel, not to arouse his suspicions as to what he was about to get.

- There, Spaceboy, let us give you a nice massage…- Maria coaxed as she knelt at his right side with Liz on his left.

They started rubbing his firm butt as Isabel strategically crouched between his legs, careful not to touch and warn him. She nodded and both Liz and Maria dug their fingers into him and spread him. Taking advantage that his still sluggish sleepy state hadn’t alerted him of her intentions, Isabel pushed the nozzle into him and kept squeezing the contents of the bottle into him as he floundered into the tub, protesting and trying to escape from them. Liz and Maria were laughing hysterically, as Isabel followed him into the tub and made sure the last drop was inside him. Then she stepped out from where he lay writhing and whimpering, ashamed to be defeated and violated by three women, and turned the shower on.

- Shit! - He growled, as Max burst into the room.

- What are you doing to him? - He spat.

- What you should have done when you were over with him! - She spat back. - Now, you finish what you started! -

Isabel scoffed and took a dignified retreat with Liz and Maria, looking satisfied at a job well done, as they walked out of the bathroom and left Michael in Max’s hands.

As the three girl procession neared the bedroom, they crossed paths with Kyle who shot them as furious look.

- Where’s Michael? What have you done to him? - He hissed.

- You’re not the only ones who can fuck him, you know? - Said Maria, sweetly.

- He’s with Max. - Liz informed him, gesturing towards the main bathroom with her head. - Hurry up or you’ll be left behind. -

Kyle gave her a funny look and took off without a word.

Kyle found the door locked and banged away, yelling at Max. He opened it for him and had him lock it again behind him.

Kyle giggled as he watched Max trying to help Michael upright from all fours, which was as far as he had got him.

- Are you going to help me or what? - He threw at him, angrily.

- Bitches! - Michael sounded pissed, but his tone changed completely into one of pleasure with his next words, followed by one of his deep chuckles: - I love them…-

- Yeah sure, tell me about it, make up your mind man! - Then, turning to Max, Kyle mouthed: - What did they do to him? -

Max rolled his eyes and shook his head dramatically, pointing to the floor under the toilet.

Kyle saw the empty douche bottle where Isabel had tossed it, to get them in even more trouble with Diane. He picked it up, quite finicky, and gave it to Max who placed it on the hamper, planning to make it disappear before they left the room.

- What did mum say to you? - Max had heard the end of it as he walked out of his bathroom, but Michael’s distressed voice made him choose to go to him instead.

- She said she knew we were doing something “nasty” to Michael and we should be ashamed of ourselves. She kept rambling about knowing my father and what was I thinking making him look bad like this, and she had suspected about you but not me, still she hadn’t told your dad but she would have to and what would he think of you and she knew how would he react, and didn’t even want to think about it…-

Max shook his head trying to stop Kyle’s voice droning away.

- Shut up Kyle! - He shouted covering his ears with both hands.

Kyle gave him an offended look but obeyed.

- Well? - Max raised his eyebrows at him.

Kyle went over and stepping close, but still out of the tub, he grabbed Michael and between the two, got him up, turned him around, and braced him with his face against the tiles, his back to the spray. They pulled his hips back, spread out his legs, and aimed the jet of water at his ass.

- Ohhh, thanks man, this damn thing stings! - He complained.

- It’s not made for the ass, that’s why! - Max stated.

- Ok, let’s get it out of him…- Kyle pumped his finger into Michael, getting the slick fluid to start flowing out of him.

- Mmmmm…- Michael moaned.

- Look! The slut likes it! - Kyle laughed.

- I’m not a slut! - Michael snarled.

- Yes you are! - Kyle and Max shouted together and started laughing as hysterically as the girls had.

- Ok, “hooky”, it’s all out now, let’s get you dried and out of here. - Max giggled.

- “Hooky”? Oh, pet name for hooker, neat! - Kyle echoed Max.

- Don’t tempt me, cause I’m finally waking up completely and getting all my strength back! - Michael threatened. - About time, huh? -

- Oh shit! - Kyle made a mock scared face.

- Mum, help! - Max added, making a face too, as he opened the door to flee.

Ironically, there was Diane, waiting for them to come out. Max paled and politely and cowardly excused himself with Kyle cowering beside him, as far from Diane as possible, taking off at a run towards the kitchen.

- Oh you poor dear! - Diane went all motherly on Michael.

He had turned back to face the wall twisting his hips away from Diane. She picked up a huge bath towel and spread it between her arms, raising it to cover her face, for his sake. Michael couldn’t decline the invitation and turned stepping out of the tub into her waiting toweled arms. As he cleared the edge with his other leg, he miscalculated and tripped, having to use his powers as he hanged on to her not to end up lying over her. Diane was amazed at the strength she felt coming from him as he steadied them not to fall. She knew what had happened and trusted him to keep her safe. That’s when it happened again, only this time she wasn’t scared anymore, she wanted to know what had happened and when the flashes she got from him showed her, she was outraged. She saw what Maria and Isabel had done to him, right after the night of lust her son and his friend had spent with him. She wrapped him up in the towel and he pressed against her, bending over so his cheek was on her shoulder, his warm breath on her neck. She rubbed her hands up and down his sides moving to his back, unashamedly rubbing his ass too, as if he were a child. Then, on cue, he turned and her arms went around him to rub his chest and stomach dry. She stepped back, pulling him with her, and she sat on the toilet to do his legs. He felt her hands slide down his front on either side of his genitals, avoiding them, and rub his thighs down. Her cheek pressed on the back of his thigh as she stooped to finish his legs all the way down. She went around, backing her hands up his calves and as she continued to his thighs, the towel fell from where it perched on his shoulders, exposing his butt to her. She couldn’t help staring at it, as it was level with her eyes, her hands rising up the inside of his spread thighs. Her left held him still, as her right slid between his buttocks drying him there too. Then she spanked him smartly before tying a smaller dry towel around his waist.

- There you go, kid, you finish up and come down for breakfast, ok? - She got up and passing by his side on the way out, she went on tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

But he wasn’t letting her get away. He reached out and grabbing her wrist, he gently brought her back to him and gave her a bear hug, kissing the top of her head. Then leaning his chin where he had just kissed her, he whispered:

- Thank you. - And let her go.

Diane looked up at him and saw his honey coloured eyes were shining with tears, just like hers were. She smiled at him and left, this time free to go.
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Post by Chelbert8 »

Man I LOVE this story!!!!!!! A certain author told me this story wasn't going beyond 300 chapters :lol: I love it when I'm right

~The keeper of Michael's sexy smirk~
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the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Glad you enjoy it, Chelbert8, I get very little feedback, which makes me doubt at times if the fic is good enough, but the ones I get sure make my day! Thanks.
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the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 301

Michael stood there, getting back together. These motherly things sent his control down the drain. He took a deep breath and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, then considering it wasn’t enough, he splashed cold water on his face. He peeked to make sure the coast was clear and returned to Isabel’s room. He dressed and went to the kitchen, where Diane received him with a heaping bowl of cereal, honey and a carton of cold milk, like she knew he liked. The second she turned away, he spiked it with Tabasco, and the soft chuckle he heard coming from her, told him she knew he would do just that. He smirked and started eating.

- Listen, I have to take some stuff to the charity house, anything I can get you? - She looked at them waiting for their feedback.

Max and Isabel went on forever with their demands, and when they were through, she turned to Michael who just shook his head no on a full mouth. He loved her for including him as part of the family.

- Ok, then, will you guys help me with the bags? Just place them on the back seat. - She asked Max and Kyle.

They automatically turned to look at Michael.

- He’s the strong guy...- Kyle gestured towards him.

- He sure is but he’s eating, so that’s why I’m asking you, chop, chop! - She clapped her hands impatiently.

Max and Kyle frowned and took the bags following Diane. At the door they turned, giving Michael a vile look, and Michael stuck his tongue out at them and went on eating. They heard Diane start the car and Isabel told them the mechanic had recommended her to warm the engine up before taking off, as the car was rather old. Max and Kyle burst into the room pretending to be playing a hard game of basketball, and loudly voicing their plays. The girls couldn’t be sure if it was on purpose or not, but they crashed into the unsuspecting Michael from behind almost unseating him and sending the spoonful on the way to his mouth, flying through the air. Michael had to jump to his feet not to fall.

- You fucking idiots! - He went and sat back down gingerly, unable to hide a wince like he had done when he came into the kitchen. They had thought they had imagined it, but now he confirmed they hadn’t.

- Pain in the ass? – Said Max in his typical unpleasant way.

- After taking us studs, the guy must go through the delivery of quintuplets everytime he takes a ...-

- KYLE! - The three female voices roared in disgust.

A rustling by the door made them turn and they saw a flushed Diane with her hand in the basket by the door.

- Forgot my keys...- She mumbled, but they were sure she had heard it all.

- I’ll never come to your house again...your mother hates me! - Kyle sobbed exaggeratedly.

- I don’t seem to be in her list of favourites now, either...- Max sighed. - You know Kyle, your big mouth is really getting us in trouble lately, you’re a mechanic why don’t you adapt a muffler that fits you? -

- Hey, sorry man, how was I to know your mum was coming back into the house? – Kyle whined deffensively.

- We better not be here when she comes back. - Isabel decided.
- She’s probably giving it quite a thought while she’s driving and who knows what she’ll come up with when she returns.

They didn’t need to go to school since they all had their caps and gowns fitted and ready for graduation, but it was better than risking Diane’s rage.

- C’mon Isabel! For old times sakes! - Maria and Liz teased her.

- You make me feel like I’m thirty! I just graduated one year earlier, that’s all...ok, let’s go! -

As they rounded the corner and arrived at the science room, they noticed that the door was wide open. The familiar voice came loudly from inside the classroom:

- Well, look who’s here! Just when I was desperately needing a hand! I was hoping for the janitor, but this exceeds my expectations! None other than Evans, Valenti and Parker, and Evans, Isabel, to top it all! Can’t seem to stay away, huh? You came visiting at the beginning of the schoolyear, looking for the elusive Michael Guerin, and here you are again at the end of the schoolyear to wrap it up neatly! C’mon in! I’m serious! - He chuckled.

The second Michael heard the teacher’s voice, he decided he had better ways to spend his time, than trapped back in the science room. He was thinking of quality time with Maria, hoping to be able to break away from the group without offending any of them, specially Isabel, and this was his chance. For some time, he had been entertaining the idea of getting her in the storage room at the back of the Physical Ed gymnasium, where he had been for the first time about a couple of months ago, before he was attacked by Nicholas. He had been asked, also for the first time in his High School years to help put away the mats they had used in class. The room was long and narrow, along the back of the left side of the gym. The small door opened in the middle, and the mats were stored in two ceiling high stacks, at the back to the right, with room enough to pull them down and ease them out for using. To the left, the rest of the junk was stored anyway it arrived and fitted, far from tidy as the matts. Michael knew immediately what and how to do it.

He pulled Maria around heading for the opposite direction before Seligman detected them. Liz, who had stayed behind to cover them from view, having got Michael’s intentions through her empathy with him, reached back and waved them away. Her hand accidentally touched Maria’s arm, and what she got from her made her heart skip a beat.

“No Maria, don’t do that to him please!” She silently pleaded, as she had no other choice but comply with the teacher’s request. She saw them disappering round the corner with the corner of her eye.

- If he sees he’s pissed you, he’ll keep us in here longer! - Max whispered, thinking he had guessed the reason for her frown.

- Yeah, right. - Liz forced a very fake smile and scoffed.

- Michael! Where are you going? Seligman will come after us! - Maria complained.

- He didn’t see us, hey, you’ll love this, you’ll see! -

Michael had felt an angry vibe coming from Liz, probably for being discovered by Seligman, so he blocked her out immediately, not up to anything that would spoil his mood right now. He was also getting upset vibes from Maria, so he did the same as with Liz, specially because he wanted to make sure it would be a surprise. But not even near the one he was about to get.

- Maria! Don’t you want some time alone with me? C’mon, it’s our last chance to enjoy the school’s “facilities”! - He said enthusiastically.

- Yes, I need some time alone for what I want to tell you, but the eraser room wasn’t what I was thinking of as far as comfort is concerned. - Maria frowned.

- I’m not taking you to the eraser room…- He confided, as he guided her into the gymnasium.

- Here? Not what I would call private! The stupid janitor might pop in any minute! Are you out of your mind? - She exclaimed.

- You obviously didn’t notice, but I sure did! The stupid janitor is cleaning the swimming pool and it will take him at least until past midday to finish the whole damn thing. No one will interrupt us here. - Michael nodded.

They arrived at the small door and Michael opened it with his powers pushing a reluctant Maria inside. He closed and locked it again behind them and extending his hand upwards to the top mats, he eased two down, side by side, at their feet, and two more on top of the previous ones, merging them together and extending them to make a real thick king sized best quality mattress. He turned to Maria with an evil grin, and gathered her in his arms, shutting her ready to protest mouth with his own. He dropped to his knees on the extra plush “bed” and inched his way to the middle, where he eased her down without stopping the kiss. Maria couldn’t feel Michael in her mind in spite of her brands, so she knew for sure he had blocked her out to surprise her.

“Well, I may as well let him have the nicest goodbye possible, and give myself a great something to remember him by. So, why not? I’ll drop the bomb when it’s over. It will be a nightmare either way, and he’s the greatest fuck ever…”

At the very last phrase, Maria felt Michael unblocking her and she sighed with relief at his timing.

“I am the greatest fuck ever, Maria, because no one will ever love you as much as I do.” He sent her, full of confidence.

He broke the kiss and waved them naked, as Maria gasped and gave him a funny look, her eyes were shining with what at first, he thought were tears, but then he convinced himself it was pure lust. Yes, lust. No doubts about it! She pushed him gently away.

- Michael, I want to do it like our first time, please? - She asked softly. - You know, the 69 Michael style? -

- Maria, we do that most of the time…- Michael smiled.

- I mean, exactly like our first time, everything like we did it that time, except of course, the virginity thing. - She smiled back at him, though her smile wasn’t very convincing.

Michael’s instincts kept telling him something was rather off, but he kept telling them it was just Maria’s fear of being interrupted.

- I swear I already have the most perfect excuse if anyone comes snooping by, but I assure you it’s highly unlikely. Please trust me, Maria! - Michael begged her.

Maria fell back with a sigh that fell more into the category of a scoff, and forced herself to relax and carry on with her plan, making the best out of it.

Michael shifted his body to kneel behind her shoulders and created a makeshift anatomical pillow from the mattress itself, so it wouldn’t move out of place, no matter what, holding up Maria’s head in the exact position she required. Then he first took her right nipple in his lips, sucking and nibbling on it, while he stimulated the other one rolling it gently between his thumb and index finger. Maria reached up and did the same to both of his at the same time. His cock was glued to his belly as he moved his mouth and fingers to the other breast. He trailed his hands as far down her stomach and he could without support and then slid them at the side of her hips to ease himself carefully over her, his knees bracing as much of his body as possible not to crush her. Passing some of the responsibility to his elbows, his hands made their way to her pussy as she spread her legs for him. Knowing the drill by heart, Maria now took the lead as she had been doing everytime after their first. Michael, as usual, chuckled and it tickled her as much as she knew her wet tongue was tickling him too. She had grabbed his butt and pushed him further apart than his wide spread thighs had already done. She felt his brands under her hands and chuckled, making him shudder with pleasure, to think of the jolt it had given Isabel and Max, and wondering how they had managed in front of Seligman. She didn’t give a damn! She could tell Michael was thinking the same thing, chuckling again and having the same effect on Maria. The brands weren’t that big, her palms barely managed to cover them, as her ring of crescents framed them completely. Her nails dug over them as her thumbs eased her entry. She thrust her dripping tongue as deep as she could into him, and he did the same in her wet pussy. She sent shivers up his spine and he sent shivers up her belly. When her tongue got tired, she pulled out and glided it down over his balls all the way up the bottom of his cock as her finger replaced it. Her hand took his cock and her thumb played over the head making his pre-cum start flowing. She coated her fore and middle fingers thick with it and changed hands, shoving now two fingers into him as she took his cock and jacked him just the way he liked it. He followed the movements of her hand on his cock, on her clit, as the two fingers of his other hand in her pussy, followed Maria’s, in his ass. Maria pushed his cock into her mouth, their position forcing her to keep it there aided her hand, as Michael took her clit in his mouth, using his free hand to pinch it up so he could nibble and suck like she was doing to him. She was rough with him, he was gentle and careful. Soon they were coming together, swallowing each others’ juices, Michael enjoying her musky scent and flavour and Maria, his spicy with a sweet hint of cotton candy one. Michael lay over her in a lazy aftermath, sure that she could take him and knowing she would have it no other way. They were far from over, and as soon as he got enough strength back, he slithered right side up and started sliding into her as they played their game and he felt just what she was feeling too. It had to be Maria to get it going, so right after she did, when someone told him “Fuck you!” He would say “No problem!” with his knowing smirk, putting them totally off and having them wracking their brains for eternity trying to find out exactly what he meant by it. Everytime they saw him, the look on their faces told him they had started off again, if they had ever stopped. He loved to tease them, giving them this lusty sexy look, biting his lower lip and they would blush and use whatever they could to cover their unfailing hard-on. Then he would just walk away, feeling their hungry eyes on his ass as they now had another one to think about: “Were they gay?”
When he told Maria what he was doing to all those stupid jocks and studs, she laughed her head off and told him no matter how macho he was, he was being a bitch! He knew he was, and he sure enjoyed it as he was now enjoying every inch he felt sliding into him. Maria set the pace and he followed her giving her all she asked for, holding back and making her come twice before he joined her on her next. God, she loved him! She couldn’t believe what she was about to do! She just hated to do to it to him yet again, she hoped he understood her reasons this time, she was sure he would. Right in the midst of the love induced aftermath, Michael felt a serrated blade drive into his gut, no, close enough but not exact. He felt Maria’s claws piercing his chest and ripping his bleeding heart out. He was savagely yanked out of it into the cruel reality of his feelings. Fighting to stop the pain, he gasped:

- Maria? What is it? Why are you hurting me? - He moaned.

- Michael, I love you too much…- How could she go on?

“Oh shit! Not again!” Michael thought, and he was back on the bench in the park.

- But I’ve been having this recurrent nightmare lately, and it’s scaring me to death! They kill me, Michael! They slit my throat! I don’t feel a thing, it’s so quick, but the cold and darkness after, it’s terrible! You can’t imagine! - She sobbed.

- I can, Maria, I’ve died before, and I’ll die again to protect you! Why are you doing this? You know I’ll do it! - He whispered, not trusting his voice.

- You do, Michael, I watch them kill you! I see the point of the blade coming out of your chest as you stand in front of me to take it for me! I see the pain in your face as the blade is twisted both ways inside you, I hear the sick giggle of your murderer, and I receive you in my arms as you fall dying, your hand dissolving away the point protruding out to you not to harm me. You agonize over me, and I think I’m safe, covered with your blood and your shuddering body, as you keep whispering my name, over and over while you still breathe. Then you stop in the middle of the word and when you stay still, I feel the sound of the blade, cutting the air as it swoops towards my neck and then the cold and the darkness envelop me. My only comfort is that I’ll be with you, wherever we are then, but no, I’m alone…I call you, I scream your name until I’m hoarse, but you can’t hear me…because you’re not there! You’re not with me Michael! Your alien side has taken you somewhere else! You’re surely with Isabel, and although I know she wouldn’t push me away, I can’t go there, it’s not for me! Michael, I’m sorry, I’m a coward! I don’t want to die! - Maria was weeping piteously as he squeezed her in his arms.

- It’s clearly a nightmare, Maria! That’s all! When have you heard of the FBI using swords? You’re safe, you heard what Suzanne Duff said, our human partners are considered harmless, they will be spared! They have no reason to kill you, they’re after us! There’s nothing they need from you! Please, don’t do this Maria! - She saw the agony in his face just as in her nightmare.

- I’m sorry Michael, I’m not ready to die for you, I’m not that brave, there’s a lot I want to do before my time comes. We can have fun anytime you need me, it’s ok, but not as a couple. Just as friends. Or ex-lovers, what’s the difference? - Her smile came out as a grimace.

- Maria, if you don’t see the difference, then you’re wrong. You don’t love me. You have no idea what it feels like when you truly love someone. We’re not even ex-lovers, because that would imply you once loved me. Right, we’re just friends, at least I’m sure I am, because no matter what you do to me, I will always be there for you. -

Michael pushed up and before Maria could say another word, they were fully dressed and she was lying on sweaty gym mats as the door slammed behind Michael, leaving her sitting alone and already missing him.

His heart was burning in his chest, as if Maria had really ripped it out. He had only screamed in pain twice in his life. Once, when Max had burned the Royal seal out of him, not as much from the physical pain, as from the frustration of a deep understanding that it was truly his, and going back to Max would bring their deaths again, and before that, when Nicholas had tied the four of them to make-believe columns in school. Again, the pain had not been his own. The vision he had been sent had, uncannily been of Maria with her throat slashed and her dead eyes staring at him accusingly. Later, when it was over, he found out the same vision had been sent to Max of Liz, to Isabel of Alex, and Tess said hers had been of Max, but now he knew it had been of her parents. His pain had then been psychological, of not having been able to protect Maria as she was now implying. This time, though, his reasons were under almost identical circumstances, only the pain in his heart was so physical, that he cried out just the same from the inability to make Maria understand that what she was doing made no sense whatsoever. But Maria rarely made sense, so what was new here? Welcome to Maria’s world, Michael, relax and enjoy it! Shit! His love life was sucking again when he finally and stupidly thought it never would.
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Post by suicide_eagle_rath »

Hey congratulations ñusta for having over 300 chapters, that is quite an achievement.

s_e_r :D