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Post by Liz_Parker »

Sure :) I've just gotta read back, like a bunch lol

The Original Rivalry that we all love :) ... 24523.html

check it out if you wanna read it again, I did :)
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Post by StormWolfstone »

ooc: sorry it's been so long... if you want to move ahead go for it.
Just might want to give Chris enough time to get caught up lol... I'm going to be helping her with that tonight.

I'm not quite certain what to think as we are all making our way up to Liz's room and out on the small rooftop area. It does seem strange lately that there were things that seemed to be going on. It also seemed unlike my brother for him to end up sneaking into someone's room. But, he did seem to be questioning some things about her. So, why now did it seem that there wasn't a shred of uncertainty in him?

I listen as Max walks out ant stepping in front of Michael hands it to him. "Here you go. I'm sorry about not telling you Michael. It just seemed like it would be a more honest test if you didn't know."

"So, you just thought it would be better to make me look like a fool. Some friend, Maxwell." Michael ends up replying after seeming to struggle with getting the box opened. I can't help but furrow my brows in thought. How would it be possible to make something that even Michael's powers couldn't open, especially if it was only using Max's powers? "I'm outta here." Michael says and before I can even think to call after him, he's on his way out.

"Michael! No!" Max tries to shout after him following him to the edge of the balcony. "That wasn't the idea. I'm sorry."

I shake my head, this was just too much to even think on at the moment.

Max turns back to face us after a moment and I listen as he begins, "It wasn't ever supposed to be this big. I'm sorry it got so out of hand." Yeah, I'd definitely say it got out of hand. I can see how badly he feels about this, but something tells me there is still something more to it then what's been said. "I didn't want to hurt anyone."

Liz steps up beside Max and I can't keep from looking at her carefully, "It was a bad idea guys...we know that now, and we're sorry..."

Max obviously says something quietly to Liz and then the two kiss. I glance away looking toward Alex and Maria, wondering what they are thinking. My attention is called back when I hear Liz again, "Look guys, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry... We obviously made a mistake, maybe more than one... We shouldn't have kept it secret from you, and I wish there was something I could do to make it better..."

I shake my head after watching my brother leave and I can't help but wonder just what he was going to do if he caught up to Michael. I'd known that look. Michael was feeling betrayed. "Maybe you didn't expect this reaction, Liz. Still, it doesn't really matter does it. It's done and there is nothing that can be undone. Trust suffers here. I never would have expected this from you or my brother. I know I can trust you not to tell our secret... but that's because of how you feel about Max... but otherwise... I don't know if I can trust you at all. You and Max... Michael is going to feel betrayed. He needed the feeling he'd had of being able to count on more then me and Max... he never had that... now... I don't even know how he'll feel."

I can't help but feel hurt and angry because of how effected Michael was by it. I'd always felt like he was a brother and when Liz, Maria and Alex joined the secret it took a lot for him to feel comfortable and even to trust them. "This move is just going to make him think again that human's can't be trusted and now, he's not going to trust Max either." The entire time I'd spoken, I'd kept my voice calm and low.


I'm fuming, how can I not be? I can't believe that Max and Liz... that they had done that. Made such a fool out of me. I can't believe I'd let myself believe that I could count on anyone. I should just leave Roswell, get away and go somewhere that I don't know anyone and that way I'll never have to feel this torn again. It was killing me that Max of all people could do this to me. Max and Iz, they were all I'd had for years. They were my family and yet, in one swift move Max has knocked down everything I believed.

It didn't take me long to realize that Max was walking beside me, but for the moment I remained silent, not wanting to even bother talking with him. I don't even know why he felt the need to follow me. It's not as if he really gives a damn. It's like the cave painting thing all over again. "Go away, Maxwell." I finally decide to say something. Not even bothering to look over at him, my hands fisted at my sides.

"Just go back to your girlfriend and enjoy your schemes and lies. I'm done. I'm done believing for a second that you give a damn. I'm done believing that the secrets will end. How many more secrets will there be, Maxwell?" I shake my head and look over, glaring at him. "Don't even bother to answer that one. Just go back and enjoy your life. I won't be in it."
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Post by isabelle »


"Michael, no. I'm not going away. You'll always be a part of my life. Always. You're my brother," I tell him. He can try to wall me out, but I can't let him. He and Isabel are my family. They always will be. I know I need them. I have to find a way to mend this.

"I wasn't trying to make a fool of you. I didn't even know you would be there. I'm sorry, Michael. I should have told you. We should have told all of you. It was dumb. I messed up," I tell him. I mean every word of it and I only hope he can hear me.

"You've done stuff without telling me, too. You know that. She was only trying to protect us -- hiding her diary so nobody could take it again. The next person might not be as friendly as the last one." I shake my head, still amazed by that. Liz refuses to tell me who took it, but someone had that information and she's sure we'll still safe. I don't know if they didn't even read it, or if there's some other reason she knows that they won't act against us ... Wow. I wonder if it was one of her witch friends? Not Ms. Brennan, but someone-else? As much as I've always trusted in her assurances, I have to admit, I've always had a bit of an itch in the back of my mind, not knowing in who's hands our secret had fallen...

I bit my lip, trying to get my thoughts back on track. "We were planning to tell everyone, anyway. If I'd known it was going to get this big ... I'm really sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. That's the truth."
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Post by StormWolfstone »

Last edited by StormWolfstone on Sun May 28, 2006 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by isabelle »

OOC - Michael's feeling a bit self-righteous, isn't he? It's not like he or Liz are planning to tell Max about the diary ever, either. He didn't tell Max or Liz about being abused by Hank, either.


"What?" I say, my voice tense. I want to shout but we're still in public. This is rediculous. I'm trying to be sympathetic but all I get are accusations and protestations that I know aren't true. "You never lied? How about when you promised that you weren't going to try to break into Valenti's office, but then you did. Or when you assured me that you weren't going to try to contact Nacedo, but then you did! You've lied, too. Do you think that didn't affect us?"

I really don't believe he can put on this act of the innocent do-gooder. "This didn't endanger us, it was supposed to protect us. Liz is a friend. What exactly do you think you risked? I told you I was looking for a box and a book, and I was. I didn't tell you which book or what box and you're going to walk out for that? I was surprised that it worked as well as I'd hoped. That we actually couldn't get in."

I let out a tense breath, trying to calm myself. My words are a bit softer as I continue. "Maybe you're right. If you hadn't been there, maybe I wouldn't have mentioned it except to say that I was happy with the way the diary was hidden. Liz had already told everyone that she was working on a better way to hide it. Nobody seemed to be that interested in the specifics, so maybe I wouldn't have bothered unless someone actually asked. But you were there, so yes, I was planning to tell you right after school. I didn't think it was going to involve everyone, but now it has. Is that what you need? For me to tell you every thought I ever have? Are you telling me that you don't have any secrets you haven't told me?"
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Post by StormWolfstone »

I'm going to be trying to get something out here this week... being ill has really screwed up everything the last few weeks... still don't know what's wrong even after having a CAT scan.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

ooc: I was going to work on a post here but obviously Michael's post was a problem so I'll be taking a bit longer to think of what to do... I can always delete my previous Michael post since it obviously wasn't something that was liked.... Could have just asked me to change it.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »

The Michael post wasn't a problem nor was it not liked. It was a great post and perfectly in character for him. :)

I've been looking forward to Michael's response. :)
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Post by isabelle »


Hoping for a Michael? Please?

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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: still thinking about where to shift to (anyone got any ideas?), but putting this up in the meanwhile.


Isabel says that she doesn't know if she can trust me, and I look down slightly, wishing I could end all the secrets. More than anything I want to open up and tell them everything, let everyone know about the craziness that makes up my life.

But I've done that once today already, all without telling my sister or Ainsling, and I know that I can't do it again... Not now, not today... It's not just about me, it's about them, and about the others, and the additional danger they'll be in simply because they know...

Telling Max was one thing, and in the eyes of many witches it would be bad enough I know - I broke one of the most basic rules, one of the first things that I was ever told about my powers - to keep them secret.

Just like Max I guess, breaking his own rule about not letting anyone in when he healed me, and subsequently told his secret. He could have turned to Isabel or Michael and told them, but he didn't, and we came up with this plan - silly, stupid perhaps, but the best we could manage...

Oh why do things have to be so complicated, why can't things just be simple and straightforward...?

My life is just...

For a few, short moments earlier, I was able to just be myself...

But that's over now, and it's back to hiding, back to pretending to be something I'm not, and lying to my friends... Isabel is right - why should she trust me? Why shouldn't they feel betrayed? I lie to them every minute of every day by pretending to be plain ol' Lizzy Parker, never explaining why I'm off school, covering my scars with makeup and continuing on as normal. I shake my head and bit my lip without looking up. "I'm sorry..." Trailing off into silence, I turn back towards the window and prepare to climb back inside.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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