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Post by Athenea »

Dreakus (With Tess Dialogue)

"Is he the one who did this? The one who hurt Zaira? Why would you even WANT to go back to somebody who would do that to your daughter?" Max says and I look between him and my mother. She looks like she’s going to blow up at him any minute.

“This is her fault that she got herself into this predicament in the first place! She seduced him!” She yells, and I am just shaking my head ‘no’ while she continues her tirade. “Walking around looking like your perfect sister, Max! Of course Khivar couldn’t help himself! I never dreamed my daughter would be my competition!”

Finally I can’t take it anymore and I stand up facing her. Well, towering over her is more like it since she is so short. “HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT! SHE NEVER DID ANYTHING TO DESERVE THIS!” I say pointing to Zaira. “HOW COULD YOU EVEN THINK SUCH A THING! ZAN TOLD YOU SOMETHING HAD CHANGED IN FATHER AND YOU DIDN’T LISTEN TO HIM EVEN THOUGH YOU KNEW IT WAS TRUE!!! YOU SAW THE WAY HE STARTED LOOKING AT HER AND YOU DID NOTHING!!! IF THIS IS ANYBODY’S FAULT IT’S YOURS!!!!!!” I scream and take several breaths trying my best not to strangle her. She’s looking at me like she actually fears me and I look down at my arms at the white electricity that is flowing up and down my arms. My power flared up while I was angery. I still have trouble controlling it. It’s called ‘white light’ on my planet and the gift is very rare, its sortof like having a lightening bolt at your disposal.

I take several more breaths before turning away from her but my power is still acting up. Zaira is now wide awake, probally due to my screaming. I sit down beside her, careful not to touch her, for fear I might hurt her. She sits up and I feel her rubbing my back as she whispers in my ear, “Take deep breaths, concentrate on pulling the power back inside you to your source.” She says in the comforting voice she uses with me when she’s trying to talk me down off my power high. I put my head in my hands and do as she’s instructs and I feel the electricity slowly dissipating.

I continue to look at the floor because I feel if I look at Mother I might just kill her. Zaira just keeps rubbing my back and it amazes me that she is comforting me even though she needs comforting more than I do.
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


My father doesn’t even respond to Dylan outburst and I feel sorry for him. He shouldn’t be ignored. * “It’s ok Dyl….everything going to be ok….” * I telepath Dylan.

My mother doesn’t answer me, and quite frankly she might be afraid to. I don’t know who these people are or why they are here. But my father despite the mother she is not what any average mother I ever seen. From what I seen she looks like the type that doesn’t take responsible for her own actions and blame them on others.

What shock me more was not when my father asking question about what I don’t know or Dylan but when Tess, the mother name, son, I don’t know his named turn on his own mother. What kind of environment these people grew up in? I’m sure not a loving one.

The boy goes to his sister as she comforts him. Shouldn’t his mother be doing this? She looks so drank to even try to comfort her own bother, but she does anyways. And now I have a new respect for her and her brother. It looks like if they don’t have their mother love than they have each other for that.

I took a step forward and look at the strangers in front of me, “Is anything you all need? Some water? Food?” I ask. I’m not the type of person that just stands there and does nothing. My mother tells me I act like my father in a way, the leader. But I’m the older sibling I have to be. It’s my job.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: sorry for the delay, hope this works. Isabelle I'm not chickening out of explaining to the kids, but I'm not too sure whether to do it there, or try and talk to them privately, and I don't think she should be saying anything without at least warning Max that's what she's thinking so I left it where I did. Hope you don't mind...


"Zaira stop this foolishness at once!"

I can't believe that I was just trying to comfort her... Tess' daughter is crying, obviously seriously hurt, and she's telling her she's being foolish...? With someone else, I might think this is just a coping mechanism, but it's not... It's Tess, and I guess I still haven't learnt the lesson... Still, after everything she's done, I went to her, I offered her comfort, because I actually thought she was worried about her daughter...

Her son looks at her sharply at this, but her gaze is cold and he turns away quickly. Is this how she's brought them up, with fear...? I can't imagine that... My children are the best thing that's happened to me. Alexis might not have been planned, and in truth this little one currently sleeping inside me wasn't either, but they were and are both very much loved. Max and I weren't ready to be parents no, we were newlyweds, in our first year at college, we were just starting out on our own... But neither of us would ever change what happened.

I watch Max in silence, as he tries to comfort her, and I can feel the angish in his heart over everything that he's missed... Tess took her away without him even knowing about her, she took his children away, off this planet, she took away his right to be there for them as I know he would have been... Maybe he wouldn't have been with Tess - I believe in what we have - but I more importantly, I believe in us, and I believe that we would have found a way through. I know he would have been there for his children though, whoever their mother was, and Tess took that away from him.

I reach out across the connection between us, sending all my love, and support, showing him I'm here for him...always...

That's when I realise both Alexis and Dylan are in the room, looking on, with eyes wide in questioning, confusion rolling from them in waves. Max just healed Zaira in front of them, and that's compeltely at odds to everything that we've always taught them about keeping their powers secret, they must be wondering what the heck is going on...

*Mom….what’s going on? Who are these people and why is dad holding that girl?*

I feel a familiar telepathic touch, finding my daughter stood next to me and swallow, neglecting to answer at first as I continue to watch Max as he continues to tend to Zaira. *I'm here...I'll always be here...* I send to him.

"Why? Why did you do that...?"

Dylan too now voices some of the questions I know he has, but as Zaira starts to talk, asking about Zan, her brother reaching out to her, everyone else falls silent it seems. His words provide one answer for Dylan at least...they're not human...

"Did Zan kill father..."

I look over at Tess at almost the exact same minute as Max asks what I'm thinking about... Her 'father'... Her father's right here...she doesn't know though does she... The response received is cold and calculated, and I don't know how I could have ever thought she had changed.

Max is understandably angry as he speaks about how she has lied, before going on to ask about if Kivar was the one to hurt Zaira, and even for Tess, the response is low. I can hardly believe that I'm really hearing right as she suggests that it was Zaira's fault. I know no details about what happened, but no one could deserve to be hurt like that, and certainly no mother should blame her child like that...

Her son apparently doesn't approve of her words either, getting incredibly angry, crying out, and it's Zaira, who moves to comfort him, talking to him softly in a way that is far more motherly than I imagine Tess has ever been.

As Alexis steps forward, asking about food and drink though, my thoughts return to my own children, realising that still they have no answers and I feel incredibly guilty for not having answered either as yet. *I'm sorry...* I send to both of them, turning to Alexis, pulling her into my arms for a moment and then doing the same with Dylan. Both kids are probably about ready to cry out in horror, but what can I say, I'm emotional - maybe it's the pregnancy hormones...

I look between the two of them, and then back at Max for a moment. *They need to know...*
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »

OCC: I didn't get a respond from Corina, but I'm hoping this is alright. BIC:


As soon as I park the car I ran into Max’s and Liz’s house with out knocking, of course making sure Vega is right behind me. I open the door and as soon as I see Tess all my rage was building up in me.

I raise my hand and blast her against the wall, “HOW DARE YOU SHOW FACE HER.” I scream at her, I didn’t care who was in the room or how they would reaction to my outburst but I don’t care. She took Alex away from us, from me and for that she could never be forgiven, never.


If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be living my life without the man of my dreams. She made Max suffer, she made Liz, Michael and everyone else that loved Alex suffer and for that I will always hate her for that, always.

I looked around after cooling down and notice the strangers in the room. Who are these people and did they come with that evil bitch.
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Post by isabelle »


I can't even believe what Tess is saying. Sure, I've heard of mothers who have blamed their daughters for being molested but I've never understood it. And this is even worse. She thinks Zaira is competition? She's a child. A victim. Tess is just evil. As evil as Khivar. And I don't even want to try to understand.

Dreakus leaps up and attacks her verbally. I can tell it's things he's been thinking for a long while. I don't know why he feels strong enough to say them now, but I'm glad he does. I want to say as much and worse. I stay still, one hand on Zaira until Dreakus starts to flash with a white electric power. I get to my feet then, not sure what to do. I expect him to actually kill Tess and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm secretly hoping he does.

He doesn't 'though. He turns away, fighting to control it as he sits near Zaira and she soothes him. I guess she's not the only one who's been hurt. Dreakus and Zan have both been betrayed by their mother, as well. I find myself advancing one slow step towards her. I wonder what it would feel like to put my hands around her throat. I had needed answers before but now I have them. Any other answers, I can get from the kids ... probably.

*They need to know...* Liz tells me. I pause as she brings my mind back the children. They all need to know. Not just Alexis and Dylan, but Dreakus and Zaira, too.

*You're right,* I tell her, although that won't be easy with Tess spouting off her poison right here in my house.

Suddenly, the door opens. For one heart-stopping instant, I think it's the military and they've found us already. Instead Isabel bursts in, shouting at Tess, ready to attack and I feel relieved. Her blasting powers aren't as strong as Liz's but I fully expect that I'm about to gain a hole in my wall -- not good with military helicopters overhead, but I feel it just as strongly. She killed Alex, nearly destroyed my relationship with Liz, stole my children and then destroyed their lives, leaving Zan to fall into the hands of the military. I want to do the same myself --

Isabel stops then although I have no idea why. Her ire has cooled somewhat and she seems to notice the rest of us for the first time.

On the other hand, my anger is still growing. I continue to advance on Tess, one slow step at a time. Letting her see how furious I am. "How dare you blame her! She's a child. You're supposed to protect her. Not lie to her. Not let her be hurt. But that's all you do. You lie. You hurt people. You stole my children!"

What happens next takes only an instant. Without giving her a chance to respond, I raise one hand, palm outward. I see the fear in her eye for a brief moment before I create my force-shield, slamming it into her, pinning her against the wall. I don't know if she truly has powers or not so I act quickly. One step forward and I'm only inches away from her. I clear the center of the forcefield and shove my other hand through, grabbing her forehead. I use my powers in a way I've never done before. Instead of healing, I render her unconcious. She slumps to the floor as my shield disappates.

"She's not dead." I assure Zaira and Dreakus, although at the moment I'm not even sure that they would have minded. What's meant to assure them, however, feels like an admission of weakness in the face of Liz and Isabel. Why can't I kill her? I can't help but think that in the end, that's exactly what I'll have to do. I should probably do it now before she hurts anyone any more than she already has...

Then I feel a burst of alarm that I recognise as coming from Liz. Spinning around, I see her doubling over, grabbing at her stomach. "Max!" she gasps. Tess is forgotten in that instant as I rush to Liz's side. I can't help but notice how pale she's gone. Her breathing is strained and her eyes are wide with alarm. Something's wrong with the baby.

"Liz. I'm here," I promise, holding her close.
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Post by Corina Star »


Ashton and I are on the road to go to his dirt bike competition in Florida. Ash has been looking forward to this all month, and he insisted that I go with him. Well, I really had no reason to say no. This was important to him and a chance of a lifetime. This may feels stupid but it reminds of how I had been in Maria’s way of her own dream and I feel bad. I wish I could give her back her dream but it too late. Ash had picked up singing at a young age, but he always said he cherished his bike ride, as long as he was dedicated to it I had been on board. He grew up so much, God time flies from where you’re aging with your kids. God I feel old. I wish I could slack the hell out of age in him. He’s making me look old. Hey I’m starting to get gray hair.

“So Ash how are you gonna smoke the compotators?” I ask him.


It still amazes me how my dad acts so much like a child. He has always been that way, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be serious at times, which he can be when I’m in serious trouble.

This year in order to go to this once in a lifetime opportunity I had to maintain good conduct in school and of course no destroying school property, which includes no melting of lockers. Well it had all been worth it, and it had been so simple to answer Dad’s question.

“There’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll lose, Dad.” My dad just chuckles and says, “I wouldn’t be too sure about that Maxwell.”
Five minutes later my dad gets this look on his face and isn’t saying much. I’m sure he's talking to Uncle Max, probably with some bad news. It’s pretty cool how this alien bullshit comes in handy, especially telepathy.

Before he said anything, he turns the car around. I have no idea, but it must be important, “I’m sorry Ash…” Dad starts to how sorry he is, but I cut him off with, “No Dad its fine.”

Deep inside it hadn’t been fine; I’ve been waiting for this even all year. What could be so important for dad to rush over Uncle Max’s and Liz’s house, I know I should look forward to seeing Lexi, but how could I be when missing the most important thing in my life? It sure better be good or they going to wish they ever ruined my big day.
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Post by KatnotKath »


*You're right...* Max responds to me, but before either of us can do any more, the door behind us opens suddenly. My initial thought is that its the military, it has to be considering the circumstances, but that idea is soon wiped from my head as Isabel bursts in and before I completely realise what's happening, she's blasting Tess against the wall. The kids look shocked, and I'm hardly surprised... It's not exactly usual for Isabel to act like this - impulsive, without thinking - kinda like Michael a lot of the time...

Not that I don't understand her anger, and had she come back earlier, I might well have done the same... I hate Tess, I hate her for what she has done, and who she is... She killed Alex, tried to take Max from me, and took away his children. She lied and cheated, and she would have delivered Michael, Isabel and Max to Kivar had it not been for us finding out what happened and her display since she arrived has served to show me that she hadn't changed.

I feel a weak cramp in my stomach as Max moves towards Tess, but I barely register it because of the emotions I can feel coming from my husband right now. He's yelling at Tess, angry at her for everything that she's done, both before and now. Blaming Zaira was low, even from her. He's perfectly right, she lies, she hurts people, she killed Alex just as Isabel said... In his anger, he yells out about taking away his children, and I can feel yet more waves of confusion and questioning coming from Alexis and her brother at this but I can't explain, not yet... I continue to watch, almost scared of what he's about to do, as suddenly a forcefield forms in front of Max and he uses it to force Tess against the wall. He steps forward again, and then reaches out, and she falls to the floor.

My eyes go wide, but I have no chance to ask what he's done, and I barely even register his reassurance to the kids as I feel another cramp inside. This time it's much stronger, and much as I don't want to draw attention away from everything that's going on right now, I can't possibly ignore it. I wince and bit down on my lip, doubling over and grabbing my stomach. Drawing in a number of short breaths, because it's all I can manage, I look up, calling to Max both mentally and verbally. "Max!" This definitely isn't normal, there's something wrong...

"Liz, I'm here..."

*The baby!*

He's at my side in a minute, and I reach out, clinging to him desperately, hardly even registering the others in the room right at this moment in time as I feel a third cramp, accompanied by a feeling of distress which I know if from the baby and realise what's happening. *'s way too early...* Alexis was early yes, but not this much... I shake my head, looking up at him. My chest is tight with worry and fear, and I can barely speak aloud.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


I don't have any idea what's going on. Aunt Isabel suddenly arrives and attacks the other woman with almost no warning and then Dad does the same. I feel like I've dropped into somebody-else's life. I don't know what's happening or why. Who these people are, nothing.

"She's not dead," dad says. I'm releived to hear it but it doesn't explain what did happen. She stole his children? I must have heard that wrong. It doesn't make any sense.

Then suddenly, mom is collapsing and Dad is there, helping her.

"Lex, what do we do?" I ask. Alexis always knows.


It's definately the baby. I hear Liz's panic in her mental voice as she says the same thing. I hold her close, bearing her weight as I look up at the rest of the room. Zaira and Dreakus are still on the sofa. A small crackle of white lightening tells me he's still not completely undercontrol. Or maybe the attacks on his mother foiled what control he had achieved. In any case, the sofa is occupied.

I lift Liz and bring her to the recliner. A telepathic nudge opens it to near-horizontal before I lay her down. *It's okay. It's going to be okay,* I promise Liz.

Again, I lay my hand on her stomach as I look into Liz's eyes. This baby has been difficult and I don't know why. Maybe it's just because Liz is older, but she's not that old. Maybe it's something different about the baby. Something special. This time, I'm sure at least part of it was brought on by the stress of Tess and the attacks in our house. I feel bad about my part in it but right now there's other things to do.

I slide more deeply into our familiar connection, calming Liz's muscle spasms and soothing the small one inside her womb. *It's okay. Just rest. Be calm,* I repeat in my mind. It's almost a mantra and for just a second, I think of Kyle. The thought is gone as quickly as it comes, my focus remaining on Liz and our smallest child.

After an endless time, I gasp, coming back to myself and realizing that my own breathing has become heavy. I blink, recovering myself as I stare into Liz's eyes. "It's okay. ... just ... just stay still for a little while," I whisper to her. She needs a blanket, too. I extend a hand and the second blanket that Dylan brought lifts itself into the air and comes to me. I take a deep breath and gently spread it over Liz.

"Dylan, get your mother some water," I suggest. "For Zaira and Dreakus, too."
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


I felt my mom hug me, I like getting hugs from my mom and my dad, but in a situation like this, I was beginning wonder why she was hugging me and Dylan. I stand there amaze on my Aunt Isabel attach the blonde woman, I think her name is Tess. Aunt Isabel cool off but my father hasn’t, in fact, he finish the woman off for Isabel. I don’t know what this woman done, or what kind of pain to cause my family so much suffering, but I needed answers, I needed them now.

Suddenly I heard my mother moaning in pain. My heart stop, what wrong with her? Is it the baby? My father ran to her side and I stood there waiting for him to do something, anything.

*“Mom!”* I telepath her.

My father carries my mom to the couch and lay her down and put some blanket on her.

"Lex, what do we do?" I heard Dylan asks me. What do we do? What do we do? I don’t know and I know Dyl needs me. “Just stay calm and everything going to be ok” I said. Yea just stay come that we all need I said to myself.

“Dylan, get your mother some water," my father asks my brother. "For Zaira and Dreakus, too."

I walk to my father and mother, “Dad what wrong with her? Is it the baby?” I ask him worry for my mom and my little baby brother or sister.


I watch Max as he took over in trying to make Tess suffer. He surprise and shock me as how he made her suffer. I never knew my brother had that kind of power. But I don’t blame him for turning on Tess, she deserves to died, she deserves to suffer ever pain is coming to her.

I looked at children, the one’s I never seen before and the girl on the couch, the one comforting the young boy looks familiar to me, but why? Wait if Tess is here then where is the child? Max's child?

It’s then I heard the most painful sound I ever heard in my life. It’s Liz, she is pain. Oh my God. Is she having the baby now? Right now in the situation were in now, but early…too early.

I go to Max’s side, “What is it Max? What wrong with her” I ask worry for him and Liz as well as their children.
Last edited by Dreamer_Dreaming on Fri Mar 10, 2006 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by isabelle »

OOC: Tess never came to Earth with the baby so Isabel won't know his name is Zan.
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