STAR Series (Very AU, sci-fi) {COMPLETE}

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Chapter 7

Post by silverofroswell »

Part 14


This is incredible. I’m leaning over a dusty volume; I have to be extremely careful with the crystalline pages. I’ve never known that this collection even exists. It’s hidden knowledge, and with good reason. Only four people can access it in the entire Alliance, and it’s just a lucky coincidence that I’m one of the Royal Four. A whole library in a hidden room under the palace, but only the Head Librarian knew about it, and even he is forbidden to enter under the pain of death.
Sometimes it’s just convenient to be the crown prince.
I look around the room. There’s information on all kinds of media. Skin and stone tablets from the earliest times of our history, codices made out of metal to survive the eons, crystalline pages with hard leather cover. The rules are clear. No one is to enter, except under the most dire circumstances. No information is to be duplicated. Ever. If something needs to be replaced, it has to be redone by one with royal blood, and upon completion, the original must be destroyed immediately. Desperate times gave birth to desperate measures. Nowadays, the security is bit more lax. The greatest protection of this place is the extreme secrecy surrounding it. We’ve never heard about it. I don’t know if my mother knows about it. Dad was informed the day he was crowned, and I’d have been as well if I haven’t come here on my own.
There is a certain sadness to this place. These bits of truths were collected sometimes at an enormous cost. Men and women gave their life to protect this library. I wonder sometimes what it could be like to go into a fight knowing that you have absolutely no chance, knowing that even coincidences will be against you. A fully awakened prophet could cut down a thousand Swordmasters with a kitchen knife. They were virtually omnipotent and omniscient, but most of them were just petty criminals at the same time. No sense of purpose apart from ruling everything in their vicinity, no grandeur, no plans. They only cared about themselves, everyone else were just vermin to them. It was a dark age.
Everything the Antaran race knows about prophecy or visionaries is here. Many volumes were destroyed when the last prophet was hunted down two thousand years ago; they contained knowledge only useful to a visionary. But there are a lot of books on hunting prophets and they hint at quite a few things about their abilities. I don’t know what Liz needs exactly; I’m copying every page into my handheld computer. It is strictly forbidden of course, but no one is allowed in here except us, and Isabel is just as busy as I am with the copying, so it’s unlikely that I’ll get caught. And anyways, I’m bonded to an alien prophet, it’s unlikely that any jury will be surprised at the “unauthorized photocopying” charges. Hell, if it ever comes to that, they’ll probably add illegal parking to my ever-growing list of sins.
Isabel took the news surprisingly well. I think she expected something like this, she was quite specific about her questions. It’s good to know that my actions make sense to at least one antaran beside me. It’s a sort of sanity check.
I put the codex about the various drugs that increase susceptibility back on the shelf and I take down the next one. I don’t think that chemotherapy designed for antarans will be of any use to Liz. This one is more interesting. The idea behind hunting prophets is that you should fight fire with fire. Train a group of weak visionaries, brainwash them, and use them to dethrone the true seer. Once they’ve lost their use, they can be executed easily, and voila, you have no prophets left. This book describes a series of exercises to increase the abilities of these prophetlings.
We started to research the contents of the public library, but we found that apart from the common knowledge, there is nothing on prophets in the history books. After hours of fruitless search, we were forced to ask the chief librarian for help, and that was when he took us here. Initially we only wanted to copy everything into our machines, but we can’t resist stopping here and there. The powers are truly frightening and way out of the range of what a common man should be capable of. I’ll try to read as much of it as I can later, this can certainly come in handy for Liz, if her powers are like ours. We can’t be sure about that, maybe the similarity is just a coincidence. For example we never had anything like their precogs here on Antar, so our fighters are mostly controlled by computers. There is no race in the Alliance that ever showed any signs of prescience apart from us.
I glance at my watch. I’ve kept my Corneill as a souvenir. At least that’s what I keep telling everyone. The truth is that Liz got it for me after the ball in Genf, the morning after we made up. There is an L.P.+ Z. engraved into its back. It’s currently set to antaran time, and it’s starting to get late.
We leave a mess behind us, it’s not likely that anyone is going to go in there until tomorrow morning, if we were the first persons in the last thirty years to enter.


Under the surface of planet Antar

The six crystal computers were buzzing quietly to themselves, communicating silently. They knew each other very well, they’d spent countless millennia together. There were no actual words involved of course; they got past that point a long time ago.
`The records have been visited by the prince and the princess. `
`I see only one likely explanation,` another chimed in. A third draws the conclusion.
`There is someone with prophetic abilities among the humans.`
`The others only heard about extremely short-range visions.`
`It might be just idle curiosity on their part.`
`Possible, but unlikely.` The granoliths hardly ever ruled anything out.
`The logical conclusion is that the young prince has the special knowledge we were denied.` It was the first voice again.
`The next jump in logic is that his bondmate has the special abilities.`
`I don’t give it more than twenty-five percent, and I’ve taken the fact that she is an outstanding commander into consideration as well. Possibly someone else.` It was not a personal opinion. All the granoliths had the same data, and they’ve arrived to the same number with only minuscule differences.
`What shall we do?` Again, it was not a question, but an indication that the discussion is nearing its end.
`We shall listen carefully, and act with care if our suspicions are confirmed.`
Without further ado, the six granoliths concluded the meeting and jumped to the next topic.
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Chapter 7

Post by silverofroswell »

Part 15

Meanwhile, in the palace

The Queen was watching her son and her successor. Zan was acting definitely weird around here since he came back. He was never a great fan of the idea of marriage, but he always accepted it as sort of granted. Ava was an excellent match for him. She was an extremely intelligent woman with a sweet heart. She had spent the last ten years training for her future job, mostly working along with the Queen, learning the ropes. The two women got to know each other very well and became good friends. Last night, a teary-eyed Aviana knocked on her room. She nearly lost it in front of her. She said that Zan was deliberately avoiding her, that he was turning down all of her invitations claiming that he was busy, no matter what she came up with. She was not accusing him, nor was she coming to his mother to whine about him, she was just broken and wanted to know what the problem was with her. Did he find her unattractive? Boring?
It was sad to see this usually composed and self-conscious woman so dejected. She tried to reassure Ava that nothing was wrong with her, and indeed, she could find no reason for her son’s withdrawal. Zan was never exactly a shy boy when it came to women; he used to cause some headaches for the King. Like he was any better in his younger years! The Queen smiled at the memory. The men of House Antar were simply irresistible. It seemed to be a family trait. Still, surprise royal offsprings were best avoided. Thanks goodness Isabel had no flings. Her daughter was well over thirty, but the antaran was a long-lived race and there will be ample opportunities for her to choose a lifemate. She will of course choose someone from the appropriate classes, no doubt, but more or less, she was free to marry out of love.
As she watched the interaction between her son and Ava, she was becoming more and more convinced that her son was actually afraid of her. He was sitting as far from her as etiquette allowed, even a little farther. What was wrong with him? The Queen usually refrained from interfering with her son’s love life, but a talk was definitely needed here. After all, she was the responsible for the family; her husband was responsible for the rest of the race. Sometimes she wondered which of them got the raw deal.


Whoa, that was embarrassing! My own mother, looking me in the eye, asking why I am avoiding Ava. Was it that obvious? I guess it was. I find that creature physically disgusting. It’s not that she could help it. Poor soul.
I just hope that she’ll never meet Liz. For a female to watch as another was trying to steal her bondmate… It can turn nasty. And despite all of Ava’s powers, I’d bet on Liz. Not that I could be “stolen”. A bond can’t be unmade, breaking it means the destruction of the person as a whole.
I, of course denied everything. We agreed that she will give me some breathing space and in return I’ll try to give her more attention. I need to come up with some safe topic fast, or with some extremely creative reason why I can’t be around her at all. I mean claiming that I got infected with a human virus that is deadly only those females whose name begins with “A” isn’t really clever, and at the moment it’s the best I can offer. My mind is just occupied with other stuff. My love is heading into battle, I’m deceiving entire races, I’ve already broken some of the most ancient laws of my people, plus I plan to break a few others, and I’m dragging my sister along into this mess. Excuse me, but I just don’t have the energy to pretend that I’m interested in her, when I’m already married!
Of course, I couldn’t tell them this. At least we will be gone in a few days. Rath already left. He is the second-in-command of the Eleventh Draconian, one of the newest fleets of the entire Alliance. It’s draconian only in its design and name. Antarans and renulars will fly it, along with engineering help from the Little People, as we call the draconians. They are about three feet high, with extremely thin, colorful skin. The humanoid races fly most of the battleships of the Alliance. The two Hive races have their own space vessels, mostly colony ships or powerful mental weapons. No one can stand against an intellect that is nearly a million years old and has billions and billions of bodies. They are like the Talrons, except that they are much, much bigger and a lot less nasty. The talronids only tried to attack a Hive intellect once. It was not pretty. It easily shattered the Talron and the ships of its fleet slowly froze in space. The problem with the Hive intellects is that they can only travel in normal space, hyperspace would kill the parts that enter it. There are few ships of the nearest Hive-race en route to Antar to take root on one of the spare moons of the system. We help them with great ion-thrusters, but it will still take about a hundred years till they get here. The other races have their own fleets too, but they can’t cooperate because of the extreme differences in their biology, so the researches of the humanoid races are the fastest. We try to share what we can; it’s our common goal to defeat the talronids.
I take a detour towards the highest-level practice chamber to cool myself down. Lonnie is already there, of course. So she has been practicing night and day since we came home. Hmm.
It’s common knowledge that bondmates share their gifts through the link. It works with interracial marriages too, sometimes. Let’s test it!
I pick up my blades, activate my shield belt, and casually walk to Isabel. She is in the middle of a routine. I wait for her to finish. She stops spinning at last and looks at me.
`Want a rematch? `
`You afraid? `
`Keep hoping. Ready?`
I relax my mind and try that mental exercise, I’ve learned about today. It includes a few minor changes in my brain. I close a vein here and nudge a little blood there. There’s a tingling sensation. I open my eyes. My vision is blurred. Except it’s not a blur, but a shadow. A shadow of where the objects will be. I feel funny. This is not what I expected from the descriptions. The walls are totally clear while I can barely see my sister. I adjust my grip on the hilts. I hope this really works.


While Princess Vilondra suffered a spectacular defeat from the Prince of Antar, the buzzing of the granoliths strengthened.
`Something is happening.` There was only a hint of annoyance in the ancient voice.
`It’s too weak. We can’t locate it. `
`We will continue to watch.`
`Whoever it is, it will blunder sooner or later.`
`And it will get caught.`
`We can’t allow the Seers to come back.`
`No. We can’t.` It was extremely rare for a crystal computer to repeat something unnecessarily, but they all saw prophets as a primary threat to the well-being of the people entrusted to them.

A/C: I thought I made a smaller logical mistake in part 14, the Granoliths couldn't know who is Max's bondmate, because he denied them. Then, I realized, that they could know through Is or Michael. So there was no logical gap, but not because I thought of this beforehand.
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Chapter 8

Post by silverofroswell »

Chapter 8

Alea iacta est

Part 13

`So you are a precog? Huh, ` asked Alex. The “innest” circle met in Liz’s flat. Alex, Jim, Kyle, and Serena were sitting around the dining table. They all had questions about the events of the last weeks and now they could ask them.
`It’s not that simple. Max’s people use the term “prophet” for my kind. I think it's more appropriate.`
`Max's people?`
`Dad, chill, Max is Prince Zander. I'll explain later, ` Kyle added, seeing the baffled expression of his father.
`And you've kept it from us all along.` Alex's sounded hurt and a little accusing.
`I've never told anyone. Maria was there, when I first found out, but apart from her, no one knew. Max found out by accident and nearly killed me because of it.`
`What?` Alex and Kyle nearly jumped up.
`It turned out to be okay. Antarans had a few rather evil prophets.`
`What happened?` It was clear that Serena meant her and Max's relationship.
`We came to terms with it. I'd rather not talk about it. I asked him to find out everything he can about prophecy. I hope he has a lot of information.`
`And won't this mean problems on Antar?` Alex was already thinking ahead.
`If they find out, then yes. As far as I know, Max is the only antaran who knows about my... abilities, and I intend to keep it that way. We must make it clear for the delegates that they can't talk about it. We'll be walking on thin ice, but I think I'll be able to manage it.`
There was a few seconds of silence, broken by Kyle.
`So that's why you were always so curious about precognition. Tell me, what's it like?`
`I think our abilities resemble only in results. I've spent a great deal of thought on it, and I think that while you see the whole probability matrix, my mind filters most of it out. I can... quest ahead, seeking a certain goal. I used to be able to see only a few minutes, but now... I don't know my limits anymore. I could rush ahead along a certain path to see where you will be an hour from now, and I could act in a way that makes that future come through. But because of the chaos-theory, my options for the next hour would be extremely limited. It was the clearest during the battle. You know the feeling? The difference between life and death?` Kyle just nodded. Liz continued to talk in a soft, explaining tone while the others watched her as if she was some kind of oracle, sharing divine knowledge with them.
`I felt it with the entire fleet. I couldn't prevent every death, but I came very close to it.
There was a good chance for us to lose the Loki. I clearly remember that moment. If I hadn't ordered the Duino to move forward, the Loki would have been obliterated by a suicidal talronid. I don't know why I needed to move the Duino, maybe it distracted the talronid ship or something, but that was the only path when the Loki stayed alive.` She felt strange about actually explaining this, even to her friends. She kept it hidden for so many years, and now to discuss it freely... It was like some kind of perversion. They were too eager to listen to her, somehow.
`And what about Vertigo? `
`I don't know what happened there. It was not seeing the future, but more like seeing a vision. It was triggered by the death of the millions, I think. I don't know. Look, can we just rest the topic for a bit? It feels weird to talk about it. I don't want you to look at me as if I was a sort of Oracle. That's one of the main reasons I've never told anyone.`
`It will change your relationship with your men forever. What the hell got into you? Tell me, why did you reveal all your cards?` Alex didn’t fully understand his friend’s actions.
`After the battle, it was clear to everyone that something wasn’t alright around me. The more I delayed it, the more trust I’d have lost. Now they know where we stand. I just hope that they will accept me as I am.`
`Don’t be ridiculous Liz, who wouldn’t want an Admiral who guarantees that we’ll win all of our battles?` Kyle seemed amused by the idea.
`Kyle is right, ` she said, ` when I came over, my people already decided that it’s a good thing. They were proud of you, that you are so talented.`
`I was just fed up with… with everything. I was lying to everyone around me in the last two months, without exception. Or maybe except Max. He was the only one I could be honest with. I just needed to get a few truths out. To clear the air. That sort of thing.` She knew she was babbling, but once she started to speak, she found that she couldn’t stop. She had kept everything bottled up, and tried to control everything. It felt so good to let go of some things.
`Liz, I’ve told you a thousand times, but you never believed me. You’ve won the hearts of your men a long time ago. They’ve seen the destruction on Vertigo. They’ll look into themselves and see what you’ve said is true. There will be a few who will deny the similarities between us and the talronids, but they’ll come to their senses. You’ve dumped a lot on them, and it will take some time for them to process, but they’ll come out alright. You have their loyalty. And you have mine.`
`Thank you, Jim.`
`Just as mine.` Kyle moved to stand up, but seemed to think better of it.
`And mine,` Serena followed suit. There was something going on there apart from telling a friend that they trust her, a something that changed when she admitted to being a prophet. Somehow, Alex’s words shocked her the most, and the deep sincerity with which he said them.
`You lead us.`
After a minute’s hesitation, she admitted.
`I do.`
She didn’t know what was happening, but deep inside her, something stirred in its slumber, an instinct never allowed free rule, but always close to the surface. The absolute, total confidence that was called self-conceit when it was empty. When it was always, in every occasion established, it was called the Curse of the Prophets.
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Chapter 8

Post by silverofroswell »

Part 17


I hurry in the corridors of Destiny to the bridge. I wear my pearly-white uniform proudly. The times for games have come to an end, now it is the time for war.
Officers stop as I get near them. They try to look at me from the corner of their eyes, and I boldly meet their stares. What do they see in my eyes? Is there any hidden quality that gives away what I am? I’ve never thought so. I’ve never considered myself any different. But is it that way? I’ve never thought that knowing my abilities would make people behave this differently. I expected fear. Maybe hatred. But never in my wildest dreams did I imagine complete deference. It is somewhat annoying and frightening at the same time.
Some of them hang onto my words like I was Buddha or something. They jump to my commands with such alacrity, as I’ve never experienced before. It’s only been going on for half a day, but I’ve already had enough of it. It’s okay that I’m not treated like I’m a freak, but I’m not a freaking God either. People, I’ve worked years with, watch my words with wide-open eyes.
Time did not stop just because the fleet knows who I truly am, and how I feel about humanity’s “foreign affairs”. The talks are still going on. We’ve agreed that we’ll meet on the surface of Vertigo, because at the current stage, I can’t justify going over to Moonbeam in the eyes of the onlookers. Or I could, but I don’t want to fuel the upstart “cult” around me. I don’t doubt, that some of my officers already reported my views and newfound abilities to Old Earth. Seeing the future isn’t a crime in itself, but they can easily use what I’ve said against me and recall me. I hope that they won’t try, for their own sake.



I set foot on a human planet for the first time. The colors are all too strange for me, green instead of the rusty-red oceans of “grass” of my home world. I can’t help but be anxious. I know that everything’s fixed and this’ll only be a play, but even She can’t keep me calm.
We’ve landed in the middle of an open field, the planet’s spaceports were almost completely destroyed by the talronid swarm, and on a completely empty planet, it doesn’t matter where we meet. I’ve been getting familiar with the customs of humanity in the last weeks. I know that those brown stumps used to be the bases of the human equivalent of our trees. The talronids’ desire for carbon destroyed most of the planet’s carbon-based life forms.
I’m from a harsh world, only colonized a few hundreds years ago, and contrary to the humans, we don’t destroy the ecosystem of our planets, just rebuild it, making exact copies of our motherworld everywhere. My birth-world is a lot different from Antar, with a completely unique flora and fauna, with higher life forms based on chemical energies instead of sunlight. This lush green field is strange for me. Antar looks pretty much the same, but I couldn’t get used to it either. We got here first, but the ferry with the Admiral is preparing to land too.
There is no beauty in the human vessels, or if there is, I can’t see it. They seem like crude boxes to me, just a wall of steel and titanium to keep space out. They don’t have the stabilizer wings necessary for wormhole travel. They are deadly results of cold-hearted engineers, who only had efficiency on their minds.
The human delegation consists of seven people, they all wear human uniforms, force fields, and She informs me of their mind-shields. Those are mostly unnecessary, we are unfamiliar with the human mind, so we would understand nothing of their thoughts or emotions. They could be coming here with naked minds to kill us, and we wouldn’t notice until they pull the trigger. She could break through it easily if she really wanted to, but we don’t want to attack them, of course. They have their own ‘paths as well, but no one can measure up to a renul, especially not to my She (*).
We wear power armors – the formal version, but I don’t think they appreciate the gesture. There are no visible weapons, but power armor is a formidable weapon in itself, they eat more energy in an hour than an average antaran household in a year. There are four antarans here, three renuls and a draconian. He is here only to represent Draconis, his race is not exactly what you would call big shots in diplomacy. Personally, I find renulars annoying as hell, but She finds them amusing.
The human delegation starts toward us, so we begin to walk as well. We have to carefully maintain the illusion of equality. A female leads them, shorter than any of us, except for the draconian. Though all humans look the same to me, I recognize her from the pictures. She is the Admiral, my future Queen. I have to fight the urge to kneel before her, it’d do no good. Her warriors follow her at one step’s distance. They stop ten meters from us,
`Greetings, humans. I’m Ambassador Merkzkath.` Only a portion of the names go through the translator he is using. Those unpronounceable to humans are cut down, as well as the telepathic resonances. The Admiral takes a step forward.
`Greetings, Ambassador. I’m Admiral Parker. We’ve talked before.` The double meaning is not lost on me. Duke Merkzkath relieved the Prince sometimes at the radio, but they met back on Earth as well.
`I’m here to convey the message of Prince Zander.` Pleasantries are rarely exchanged in interracial communication. What is a compliment for one race can be extremely rude to another. It’s best if these things are left alone.
`I’m willing to listen to that message.` During the next ten minutes, the Duke explains the nature of the offer – that the talks should continue on Antar. The humans already agreed to this yesterday, but they felt that a personal meeting was necessary. (**)
We are watching the humans, and She feels that they are probing us as well. It’s unconscious and inoffensive, they only focus all their senses on us, and even those they are not aware of. Their ‘paths keep to themselves of course. Only renulars can sense the weak, tentative probing, but through her, I do too. I can’t read the human non-verbal gestures, but they seem to relax a bit. The Duke finished explaining the invitation – we are waiting for the Admiral’s response.
`Ambassador, I have to ask this. What guarantees our safety if we enter your star system?`
`We can give you no guarantees. If you find it unacceptable, we are willing to go through the talks in any human star system, but sitting in the middle of a talronid invasion zone is far too dangerous, and Antar is much closer than Earth. However, Prince Zander foresaw that you might ask this question and he is willing to offer himself as a hostage.`
<Hostage?> It’s She.
< I doubt it too.> Only the three of us knows of the Admiral’s true allegiance, me, She, and the Duke. The others are in the dark as well as the Admiral’s human.
`I’ll accept the Prince’s offer and welcome him as a honored guest.`
<They are probably looking forward some quality time together.>
<Knowing our Prince is a shifter…>
<Only if they can manage to get away from the prying eyes.>
< I think they are resourceful enough to do it.>
<And I think they are responsible enough not to do it.>
<They are bondmates. If there is a chance they’ll get away with it, they’ll try.>
There is some bitterness in our conversation. I’m not a shifter, physical intimacy was never an option for us. Though her atmosphere is no longer poisonous to me, we still have to take care with our foodstuffs and things like that. Our biology differs too much, even just sleeping together in one bed is out of question. The night temperatures on Renul are well into the negative, while antaran temperature range is only slightly wider than the human.
But if I was a shifter, we couldn’t be together. I don’t envy the Prince. I’d go insane if I had to pretend that I’m not I love with She. He has some pretty rough times ahead of him. It’s no wonder that they want to be together when they can.
Originally, Princess Vilondra sought us out, and asked us if we would be willing to help her in a campaign for the nobility’s right to marry out of race. We of course said yes, as many of the other intermarried couples. Many meetings later, she confessed why she is doing this whole thing: because it already happened to her brother. To say we were surprised is an understatement, but of course, we couldn’t say no.
In the meanwhile, the Admiral and the Duke finished the conversation, the whole affair took about thirty minutes. We are heading back to the Moonbeam. The Prince will go over to the human flagship within a few hours, and we’ll be out of here today. I hope everything’s going to be alright.


The shuttle carrying the alien Prince docked an hour ago, he and his escort were currently confined to their quarters, after they made sure that they carried no harmful microorganisms. Liz couldn’t be there to greet him, he wasn’t alone, and she didn’t trust herself not to reveal their link. The Fleet was assuming traveling formation, with the draconian cruisers in the middle.
`I feel like I should say something very wise and meaningful for history, so the later generations can learn about me,` Alex said jokingly. They were standing beside each other on the central bridge.
`You have a sudden urge to appear in history books?` Liz didn’t feel this playful in a long time. She is going to meet him soon!
`Yea, something like that. You know, when the Fourth Human Fleet departed for the talks that determined the future of the entire galaxy, Admiral Parker’s faithful sidekick only said… And that’s where I need a quote.`
`Remember Caesar?`
`Which one?`
`The Caesar. Julius.`
`Liz, we took that class together.`
`If I recall correctly you only took it because you wanted to get into the pants of the lecturer.`
`And your point is?`
`A certain quote comes to my mind.`
`Veni, vidi, vici?` She chuckled lightly.
`Not yet. The other one.` The countdown was already running down. Alex lifted his hand asking for a bit of silence, and waited with mock solemnity until the perfect moment.
`Alea iacta est,` he said as the SI drives flared up, exploding the fleet well into the superluminal territory.

*Renulars don’t have any names, in their telepathic language, the personal pronoun is the name of the individual as well, so there is a slightly different “he” for each member of the race, and it includes the description of the individual. They don’t really understand the concept of names, but the other individualistic races (races which consist of more than one consciousness) need them. They either invent a temporary name for themselves and use it until they close the business and forget it afterwards, or in the case of marriages, they use the name of their partner. So She’s full name is SheTherand, but Therand’s family (and everyone around them) just refers to her as She.
** The main reason was that Liz couldn’t go to an enemy star system before meeting them in person at least once, but Therand is working with limited information, so he can, and will be wrong sometimes.
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Chapter 9

Post by silverofroswell »

Chapter 9

Thin ice

Part 18


We are locked into a relatively big space; maybe a workshop was emptied for us. We are guarded by a couple of soldiers wearing grim expressions and mind-shields, and an extremely sheepish colonel is trying to ask us what are our needs. I can’t really tell him to get me a keg of beer and a steak and I’ll be fine, though his expression would be priceless. Instead I explain to him, that we’ll be able to digest almost any carbon products and if he brings us distilled water, we’ll be fine. We’ve taken care of the human air problem too. All the antarans are shapechangers, so we don’t need masks, the renular has a filter on her air-changing cells, it will last for about a month and she has a dozen of them, and it’s extremely hard to poison a draconian with alien air, they filter out the oxygen and leave everything else intact. It’s funny but oxygen is essential for many races. It’s a bonus resource. Easy to handle, can be found in abundance everywhere, it’s free energy. The other environmental variables are even less a problem. None of us needs high background radiation to survive, the temperature is within the acceptable range, even if a bit uncomfortable, too hot for the draconian and SheTherand, too cold for the average antaran. But again, shapeshifting can do wonders to heat resistance.
Now, that I am in a human environment, I have the urge to change back to Max Evans, and I know that two of my companions feel the same way. The poor fellow who has to see to our well-being is currently trying to find out whether we need sleep or not. He is like an over enthusiastic hotel manager on his first day. I take pity on him, and ask him to show us some human rooms, and we will tell what we need to be changed afterwards.
There are seven of us: me, two companions from Earth, and two couples, one with a draconian and one with a renular spouse. It’s frightening, how easily I could manipulate the system to give positions to my followers. Lonnie is pushing a half-open campaign for the nobility’s right to marry freely, while I promote the intermarried officers everywhere. And the most terrifying thing is, that no one seems to take notice. Okay, we didn’t do anything too far-fetched so far, and it’s been going on only for a few weeks, but still…
I managed to fill my cruisers with intermarried officers. This means only about ten percent, but still, it’s thrice the number than on any other ships of the fleet. A few couples even know my secret. There can’t be more two than dozen people in the whole Alliance who know about it, but if any of them said the wrong things to the wrong people, I’d be dead. Now I understand what kept Liz worried all the time.
Liz. She is here on the ship. We are finally within a light-year, and I’m free to reach out to her. But I don’t dare to. It will be an electrifying experience, and if she is in some delicate situation, it could give us away. I will have to be strong for a while. Though the bond is silent, I have a general feeling of her whereabouts and she is heading here at last! I can’t hide my excitement. I will finally see her!


He is on the ship, I’d know even if I hadn’t watched him dock. Shivers are running down my spine. I know I mustn’t reach out for him, but it’s so hard. It didn’t seem easy when we agreed that we’d keep it quiet, but after months of separation... I’m just dying for his touch. I just hope that I’ll be in his arms soon.
They got a section of the unused quarters. I head there with Alex and Enteroff trailing after me. We pass a couple of guards. They salute. There are about fifty around the delegation, it’s completely useless, but unavoidable. The quarters around them are emptied and further guards stand at every corner.
Alex’s keeping Enteroff occupied, for which I’m grateful. I’m not sure I’d be able to carry out a normal conversation. I know I mustn’t be so hyped, but it’s not something I have control over.
I turn off my mind-shield. If there is anything they need me to know, then I don’t want to make their work harder. And of course there is the slim chance that Max might want to connect with me, and I absolutely don’t want to render that more difficult.
When we reach the last door, I probe ahead into the future, but I feel no danger, so I nod to the guards to open the door. We step in, and the door closes with a hiss. There are seven humanoids in there. My eye is drawn to him immediately, before I could have a good look at his companions. I know which one is he; I’d know him anywhere and in any form. When he meets my eyes with those huge, swirling black pools of his own, everything’s over for me.
The bond rushes up from the depths of my soul, the strands linking us come alive. Emotions run through the bond, back and forth. His strength, his warmth envelops me again. How I missed this! The only reason I don’t rush to him and fling myself into his arms is that I’m frozen on the spot.
We’ve connected! I start to panic, but he quickly soothes me without words. Somehow, it’s not a problem. Only a few seconds could have passed, but it’ll start to look strange if we continued to stare at each other. I have to say something, but I can’t think of anything except “I love you”! I’m completely under the influence of the experience.
He understands my predicament and a fain suggestion comes through our link. <Ask if we are content with our lodgings! >


I connect with her as soon as she enters, I can’t wait a second more. The instinctual urge to be with her is frightening. I don’t know if I really could resist if I had to. I consciously know that I should wait, but my need is greater than the risk. The bond opens when we look into each other’s eyes, we are one again, the way it’s supposed to be. I bathe in her love, feeling complete for the first time in a long while. I’m still amazed that this beautiful, strong woman can love me. I feel her sudden panic that we did something wrong, but I send a reassuring thought that calms her. It seems that our connection is affecting her stronger, she is still confused from the reconnection. Enteroff is starting to look suspicious, and I’m sure that we are watched by a thousand cameras, so I start to guide her through the connection. She calms a bit, but her head is still not completely clear.
`I hope you are all content with your lodgings. Is there anything we can do for you?`
`No, Admiral.` I reply. I’m unable to resist the urge to send a thought after it. <Not when you are here.> The translating machine I use is two or three words late, so we can carry out a second conversation over the first.
`If you have any needs, please inform the Colonel in charge. We don’t want you to be uncomfortable,` she says. <You weren’t supposed to know that I’m the Admiral!>
`Shit.` <Shit, shit, shit!> We only got to the second sentence and this conversation already spiraled out of control.
`Is everything alright, Ambassador?` I’m trying to think fast.
`It’s just a minor physiological issue. Please don’t trouble yourself over it.`
`Is there anything we could do to help you?` The mental channels are silent.
`Could we continue this conversation later, Admiral?` <I’m so sorry!>
`Of course. Inform the Colonel when you are ready.` <Later.>
`Thank you for your understanding.` Soon after this, they leave.


This was weird. We felt the bond flare up, and it nearly sent She to the ground. I’ve been to weddings before, but it was nothing like the slow, gradual bonding of the two individuals. And I know, that it was nothing like our bonding. She was listening with every one of her senses and it nearly knocked her out. I’m only moderately sensitive to telepathy, but what they share….it practically burns my skin. I’m no expert in human conversations, but it’s clear that their link is distracting them too much. They are so obvious! During the whole conversation, their eyes remained locked together.
Another common trait we share with humanity. There is no other race that pays so much attention to the eyes. Both races consider them the mirror of the soul. The renulars are completely blind and the draconians have no such things as eyes, only photosensitive patches on their skin, and the non-humanoid races are even farther from us biologically.
The conversation was going alright until the Prince started to swear in Human. She thinks that it was a reply to the Admiral’s thoughts. In the end, he claimed to be ill or something, so the humans left. I hope no trouble will come out of it. If this was a sign of how our stay here will go… We are in the middle of an enemy warship. It’s best to avoid these thoughts.


`What was that about? Are you alright?` It took me some time to get used to the whole staring-into-each-other’s-eyes thing, but Enteroff never saw them together, and has no idea of their relationship. He only saw that she entered, stopped in mid-step, and started a strange conversation with the alien prince that ended after ten sentences.
`It’s nothing. I was just wandering, what’s up with Prince Zander. I don’t want him to die on my ship.` Liz seems distracted, there is probably a conversation going on that I’m not aware of.
`No, that would put us in a bad position.` A moment’s pause. `Liz, I wanted to ask you earlier, but I’ve never had the opportunity…` I have a sense of foreboding. I’m not sure that I want to hear the question he will ask of her.
`Can you truly see the future?` Oh, so it’s just something this minor. Hmm. Something this minor. Our lives sure have turned upside down.
`Oh. Yes, of course. Everything I said was true.`
`So… this is how you had always won?` He is clearly uncomfortable asking these questions.
`Yes.` Liz doesn’t seem to be in a mood for chatting, and Enteroff gets the clue.
`So, I’ll see you later.`
`Goodbye, Vasilij.` I say goodbye too. He sets off towards the nearest elevator, and I wait until he is in a safe distance, then I turn to her.
`Okay. What was that really about?`
`We reconnected when we saw each other.`
`Weren’t you two supposed so stay apart?`
`Yes, but for some reason he thought that it was safe. And the conversation got out of control after that.`
`And what was the “physiological problem’ stuff?`
`Oh, he had to say something. He called me Admiral, when he wasn’t supposed to, and when he said shit, we decided to call it a day. I need a little time to talk over things.`
`So you are going back? Okay, stupid question. Do you need someone to look out for you , while you are talking?`
`No, I’ll just lock myself up in my room for half an hour.`


The door closes behind me with a hiss, and I let out a sigh. This was a close call, and I’m not sure that it’s over.
I sit down on the sofa, and open myself to him.
<I’m here, love.>
<At last. I’ve missed you so much.>
<I missed you too...>
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Chapter 9

Post by silverofroswell »

Part 19


The journey to Antar will take five days, the Alliance occupies only a relatively small territory. They have more systems than us, but we only colonize the ET planets, while they can put nearly every possible climate to use. After the first, catastrophic meeting, there were quite a few others.
Max, oh I’m sorry, Prince Zander spoke before a large number of my officers, explaining the talronid threat in detail, talking about the war that has been going on for hundreds of years. Normally, the decision would have been that then we should side with the talronids, but understandably, my men were a bit more receptive to what he was saying. Currently, they don’t necessarily go with the winning side.
Pierce has repeatedly expressed his misgivings about allowing aliens aboard a human warship, but as long as I am the Admiral, I do as I please. I have a dozen days, maybe three weeks before they order me back to Earth. I’m not sure what I will do. If they just call me back, then I might obey. If they try to demote me, or worse, order me to attack, then I’ll deny obeying, and the Fourth will go rogue. By now, I’m sure that I could start a civil war and have the Fleet support me. I’d rather avoid that. I would win, but it would take time, and we don’t have time.
My best chance is to sign a peace treaty and return to Earth as the avenger of Vertigo. It’d put the confrontation between me and the Council off for an indefinite time. But they can’t allow me to remain at the head of the Fourth, not now when they are aware of my abilities. I’m a dagger at their throat. I hope they realize what will happen if they try to replace me, but I’m afraid they won’t take that step in logic. There is a lot to think about, and the events won’t slow down because of me.
Now, that Max is at my side once again, I feel invincible. We can’t spend too much time together, and even when we are in the same room, we have to be very careful to keep up appearances, but when I am alone… Well, I’m never truly alone. He is always with me, whispering sweet nothings into my mind. His spirit-touches keep me aroused constantly. We can’t be together and it’s the second best we could come up with. Three days have passed and he has driven me to the edge of madness.
I’ve never known that telekinesis could be so dangerous. Whenever he is around, I always feel the light touch of his mental force, playing with my body, teasing me. He knows how hot I am, but it only makes him try harder. When I can’t take any more, he shares my pleasure and channels it. It’s a dangerous game we play, but we can’t stop. He got much better at multi-tasking than he was on the first day, but human minds weren’t designed to concentrate on two things at once. I don’t know how he does it, it must be a difference between our species. I can usually just watch and enjoy the show. Literally!
We are currently in the big conference room on Destiny, and Max is talking about the weaponry and tactics employed by the talronids. Two guards flank him, and another six are watching unobtrusively from the corners of the room. That we let him speak, doesn’t mean we trust him. In theory. In practice, I’ve no idea what he is talking about. I took a chair in the hindmost row, with Alex on one side and Serena with Kyle on the other. I think they think that I’m helping him to speak, I don’t really care. They didn’t ask, I didn’t tell.
Consciously, I know that our behavior is irrational and dangerous, but I simply don’t care. I could rationalize it to myself, if I really wanted to, like “I’m just human too, I have a lot of responsibilities, and I deserve some fun once in a while”, but I don’t. I’ve never liked to lie to myself. I know that this is wrong and dangerous, but I. Don’t. Care. Plain and simple. I can get away with it, so I do it. There were a few times when we’d have been caught, if not for my abilities. I rely on them more and more every day. I don’t really talk to people, I just repeat the conversations that I remember already. It was annoying for the first days, but now I got over it. Most of the time, I don’t even notice it.
It was weird only a few times, like when Alex told me a joke yesterday, and I started to laugh before he even got down to asking me whether I’ve heard it. I try to keep myself under control, but it just comes to me naturally. People are so blind, confined to a single split of time they call “Present”. I’ve overstepped that boundary. When I was growing up, seeing the future was something I’d avoided. Now I bathe in it. It’s the natural element of a Prophet.
Even my walking changed. Alex noticed it, that he had to run to keep up with me. He tried to talk with me about it, but I wasn’t in the mood. Instead I answered every one of his questions before he could ask them. He just opened and closed his mouth like a fish, while I did all the talking. I usually try not to get carried away like that, but I really didn’t feel like listening to him, when I already knew exactly what he was going to say. I think my sudden increase in speed is mostly due to the fact that I know that I’ll never fall or slip or anything. I don’t think that I’ll ever cut myself with a knife either.
I’ve read a lot on my kind, or more like, Max read it in his “cell”, and I listened. They were men who took pride in their abilities. The fact that they were shortsighted, egoistic despots is completely irrelevant. There are many differences between them and me. They were all males and none of them had a bondmate. With their abilities, they couldn’t find anyone who could be their equal. I think I’m stronger than them, but we operate on the same principles. The precogs see all the possible futures, that’s why their vision is only limited for a few seconds, while we see paths, that lead to certain things. It’s hard to explain, there are no words for the experience. I see all the possible paths, but not at once. I can look forward, probe ahead for certain things and I can find any path I want to, without going into sensory overload. Another important difference between the antarans and me is that I care about other people. To an antaran visionary, the world was divided into four distinct groups. The prophet. Those who serve him. Those who will serve him in the future. And finally, those who will die because they’ll refuse to serve him. There are no bystanders in the eyes of prophet, only enemies and servants.
The most trivial trap of seeing the future is that you see the future. You become stronger, faster, more intelligent that anyone else, and you start treating everyone like crap, like they were inferior to you. And they are, in every possible aspect. If I started as a private today, I’d be an admiral again before next Monday. There is nothing I couldn’t accomplish, and I’m getting stronger every day. I’m testing my limits, and I found that I have almost none. That’s why I’m behaving so recklessly, that’s why I’m taking incredible risks without thinking about the consequences. And that’s why I’m allowing my boyfriend to masturbate me from a hundred meters in an auditorium full of my officers, where he is the speaker.
In the last days, I’ve fundamentally changed. My abilities became part of me permanently, incorporated into every aspect of my life. When I look around, I feel different from everyone else. I feel like I’m not just a human anymore, like there is a higher group I belong to, that reaches over the races. I know things no ones told me. Like the bond with Max completed me. I’m whole. I know that I’ll get stronger, but I’ll not change so fundamentally anymore. I know that my maturing is almost complete. I’ve become the most terrifying weapon in all the galaxies. Now, that I’m beginning to comprehend how powerful I truly am, I’m even more frightened by the prophecy sent to me by the Other. What enemies will I face that the outcome isn’t already decided? What opponent could stand his ground against a full-grown Prophet?
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Chapter 9

Post by silverofroswell »

Part 20


Two burly guards escort me down the familiar corridors of Destiny. As if they could do anything to me if I wanted to harm them! These last days were incredible. Liz and I toyed in the most dangerous situations. Her control over her power is incredible. When I’m not giving lectures I’m reading the texts I brought with me in my handheld computer. I’ve managed to place my hands on a training guide for weak prophets, and I regularly do the exercises described in there. I’m a bit stronger than a fighter pilot now, but I’m approaching my boundaries rapidly. The exercises described in there are mostly defensive, explaining how to hide myself from a true prophet, but I don’t think I’ll ever need them.
It’s an incredible feeling to have her around me at last. I feel complete again. There is no risk involved, if there was, she’d know about it. Most of the time I just feel dizzy with happiness. Everything’s going on as planned, maybe even better. And tonight, I’ll finally be able to touch her, and if the gods favor us, I’ll be able to do even more!
On the other hand, I only understand half of what’s going on in her. She is hiding things from me, I know that, but I haven’t pressed her for answers. I trust her and her visions; if she thinks that I shouldn’t know then I won’t ask. I haven’t told Isabel anything either until the time came, because her knowledge would have been a danger to us. I perfectly understand her.
Still, it hurts a bit.

We are constantly engaged with each other, most of the times just being there, watching the other and taking comfort in our much-needed closeness. The others only see that I read a lot and converse with my bond-mate constantly. I watched other couples in the last week, and I know that we are different. We are closer than any one of them. We are so intertwined sometimes that I don’t know where I end and where she begins. No one has bonded to a human so far, or to a prophet, so I don’t know what causes our closeness. And there is still the fact that we met by accident. I don’t believe in accidents. They take a lot of work to arrange.
But no matter how much I played with her in the last days, I still ache for physical closeness. And that’s what I’m going to get tonight. I was invited to share an informal dinner with Admiral Parker and her advisors, “to get to know the human customs.” Hmpfh.


There is a knock on the door. Liz was of course standing near the door when it came, so she could answer it immediately. It’s unnerving to see her do things like this. Through her whole life, she knew what was going to come, and we never knew about it. The shy, soft-spoken woman I’ve known and respected doesn’t exist anymore. The new Liz only resembles her in traces. The mannerism is the same, and she sounds like the Liz I knew, but they just aren’t the same. I see through the pretense. There is no Elizabeth Parker anymore. There is only Prophetess Parker. She is a queen, a true ruler, and a real leader. She replaced the dependable, sometimes rebellious, but always caring girl of my youth. The others don’t see this change, they look at her and see the old Liz with some new “features”, namely that she can see the future. Maybe even she is blind to the changes that went on in her.
I see the woman this age needs. Someone who can rally the Ten Races to face the threat of the talronids. She will deceive, lie, kill, and use any means necessary to achieve her ends. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I know that I’ll miss the carefree girl I’ve known for so many years. It’s always sad to see someone pass away, even when there is no death involved. The change was swift and gradual at the same time. I don’t know when I realized that she is no longer my Liz. Maybe when I asked her about the Council. She only answered: “What about them? They’ll join. Either me, or the dead.” The Liz I’ve known would have never talked so casually about killing someone. Sometimes there are things to be done, but taking a life away, just because it’s the easiest path… It’s simply not her.
I don’t know how I should behave with the Prophetess. She expects me to treat her like an old friend, but in fact, I don’t know her one bit. She is so cold and so passionate at the same time. I don’t doubt her motives – she wants peace between the races and the destruction of the Talrons, but most of all, she wants Max. Their love survived her changes, or rather triggered them? I don’t know. But I see a hint of the old Liz in her eyes when she leads him into the room. But when she turns to the guards escorting them, she is cold and commanding again. She used to ask her underlings instead of ordering them. It’s just another sign that Elizabeth Parker is gone.


`You may leave.`
`But, Admiral…` A feeble attempt to protest.
`If there will be trouble, I’d already knew about it.` It’s so funny to hear Liz reason. The guards can’t say anything to it, they salute and leave. I don’t have to suppress my grin. This was way too cool. She has everyone wrapped around her fingers. Who can argue with her when she knows. Officially, we are here to have dinner with Max. The real agenda is to bring Enteroff up to date. Liz said that she was sure that he’d side with us. I’ve always known that I was right to trust her, and now I know why.
Liz is a precog! No, not a precog, the talks in the hangars say prophet. Well, she was the most popular among the fighters, but now they’d do anything for her. Literally. That she gave personal orders to a lot of squads and gunboats during the clash with the talronids, proving that she cared about us, did wonders with my wingmates. The pilots’ morale couldn’t be higher. We’ve proven our worth, showing that the drones are nothing more than a joke compared to a fighter, our Admiral turned out to be one of us, we were easily victorious in battle, there is nothing else we could wish for.
When Liz told them about her opinion on fighting alien races, they were more than open to listen. The Alliance fought along us against the murderers of women and children, they came down to the planet to save the survivors, and so they are brothers. What could be more simple than that? I know that there is a lot of politics involved, but when it comes down to risking your neck, all soldiers share the same heart. You simply consider anyone who risked his life to save you and yours’ a friend.
I don’t know what’s going on in the minds of the rest of the crew, but we all saw the pictures from Vertigo, and I don’t think that an engineer would think so differently.
Liz is much more sure of herself these days. These past weeks served her well. She reached what she aimed for, the Fourth accepted her views and will follow her to the deepest pits of hell without question.
The guards finally left. There is only the seven of us left in the room. Liz and Max, me and Serena, Dad and Enteroff plus Alex. The table is set for seven as well, and Liz had Enteroff puzzled by that. I don’t really know the old fox, but I’m sorry that I didn’t bring a camera with me. The look on his face will be worth a few shots!
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Chapter 9

Post by silverofroswell »

Part 21


Liz steps up to the alien who is Max, takes his hand and gives it a squeeze..
`Go and change. I’ve lain some clothes out for you.`
Max just nods and leaves towards her bedroom. Enteroff’s eyes widen, and he asks with a raised voice.
`Elizabeth, what’s the meaning of this?`
`All in good time, Vasilij. Alex, have you brought the blood tests?` What blood tests? Oh. I understand suddenly.
`Yes.` Alex stands up and produces about a dozen of the tests that could be bought in any apothecary. There is a small computer built into the inch wide chemical and optical analyzer. It can identify ninety-five percent of the human illnesses and show the ninety percent of the rest.
`Vasilij, while the Prince gets into more comfortable clothes, please draw blood form each of us. It might come handy a little later on.` The Vice-Admiral is clearly confused, but he obeys. I see by the look on Kyle’s face that he is enjoying the situation way too much. I elbow him, it’s not nice to take pleasure in our commander’s confusion. He just gives me a look, I can clearly read “killjoy” in his eyes.
After our confrontation over secrets and lies, we’ve been distant for a while. I needed time to think over the whole thing. The way he said that he would kill me… It was not a joke. He meant it. But it was in the same sentence with telling me that he loved me. It took me a long time, but I understood in the end. No cost is too high to pay. Important things are often simple. If we failed, there was no one else to pick up the mantle. We have to be successful, this is the only thing that matters.
That I understood him, didn’t mean that I’ve forgiven him. We were distant during the coming weeks, acting like we’ve only known each other casually. He understood my need for a little spacee, and respected it. There were times when I wanted to run to him, to embrace him, to love him, but every time, I overcame my need. I couldn’t trust him. Not in the way like before.
It all changed the day we battled at Vertigo. I realized that I’ve been a fool, to drive him away from me. When I’d seen him plunge into the hottest of the battle, my heart was gripped by so far unknown fear. I could lose him to any of these creatures. We are soldiers and our race is at war. We can die any day. Life is too short to waste it.
So that evening, I went to his room and we made up. Ever since, we were together.
And I haven’t forgotten what my Admiral told me. That I reminded her of herself. I didn’t believe it back then, and I don’t believe it now either. But I believe that she thinks it’s true. I’m nothing like Liz; I could never even come close to her. She has guided us with such ease, with such skill I could never hope to obtain. And it’s not just because she is a prophet. She can make the decision of what is right instead of what is easy, without losing herself to the corruption that always accompanies ultimate power. Her aspects of personality became more defined, she seems more mature, more of herself. I see Admiral Parker most of these days, or should I say Prophetess Parker? I wonder when it’s going to be her official title. If one started to call her like that, everyone would follow. It would increase her authority, making it clear to everyone that she is what she is, but is it a wise thing? I’ll make sure to mention it to her, though.
My musings are interrupted by movement from her bedroom. Only a few minutes could have passed. The Vice-Admiral already drew our blood, and he didn’t stop asking questions, but Liz remained adamant at not answering.


I don’t understand what’s happening, but Liz told me that I would, so I gave up questioning her. There had been so many changes in the last days! First the alien attack, then the whole business with the Alliance, Liz being a precog, and things like that. I don’t even know where my head is, anymore. What happened to my ordered little life? I was content being the captain of one of the fifteen supreme weapons of my race, safe under the command of a brilliant Admiral, and now we are in the middle of a war against god-knows what, allying ourselves with aliens, going against the Council’s protocol, and I have a nagging feeling that Liz has a secret agenda to top all of that. That business with the alien Prince was just… weird, and there were other strange things too. I’ve never been a close friend with Liz, but I have a feeling that she, Valenti, and Colonel Whitman know a lot more about our situation than I do.
What’s happening seems to support my suspicions. The door (to Liz’s bedroom!) where the alien disappeared, slides open and her boyfriend steps out. Liz stands up from her chair and walks to him. She takes his hand, they stand facing each other. He is a good head taller than she is, she has to tilt her head to meet his eyes. There is silence in the room, everyone is motionless, just watching them with… affection? Respect? Awe? I can’t tell.
`Prince Zander.` She whispers, breathlessly.
`My Queen.` His voice is trembling with emotion as well. She puts her arms around his neck, lifting herself, he leans down slowly and their lips meet halfway. What is this how did Max Evans get here? Where is Prince Zander? I know I should turn away, but I can’t help but watch as they share a long, deep kiss.
`I needed this,` pants Liz, they pulled apart at last, apparently only because air was becoming an issue. They look ready to continue, when Jim’s son clears his throat. They jump slightly, it seems that they’ve forgotten that we even exist. I have to stifle a grin, I remember all too well my young days. Liz might be my superior in rank, but I’m nearly twice her age. My smile disappears completely at her next words.
`Vasilij, I’d like you to meet my husband, Prince Zander, the successor to the throne of Antar.`
`Excuse me?`


It took a while to explain things to Enteroff, and he was quite shocked to learn some of the truths. He performed a blood test on me, showing that I was truly alien, and Liz, Kyle and the others were really human. It’s a paranoid thought, but it’s the first to occur to someone in this situation. “If him, then who else?” Well, he is constantly watching me from the corner of his eye.
`Originally there were only a few people included, who knew most of the truth – that I intend to stop the war and forge an alliance. The existence of shapeshifters was not something we wanted to advertise.` My beloved is speaking, and I’m content just sitting by her, our fingers intertwined under the table.
`There is another, larger group, who think that we act on the Council’s orders, that it was the Council, not me, who the Alliance contacted. I intend to leave them in that faith for as long as I can.`
`I just don’t understand why you kept me out of it? And why are you including me now?`
`You’ve seen what happened on Vertigo. This was happening to sentients everywhere in the last two hundred years. And much of its source has been humanity. Our ways must come to an end. We face only two alternatives, either we side with Draconis, and maybe, just maybe, we can push back the talronids, or we can choose to ignore their threat or even attack the Alliance, and we would meet our downfall, and the talronids would rule everything.` I see that he is half-convinced, and it’s much more than I saw in him two months ago. Was it only two months? It seems two years.
<You have him!> I send.
< I know.>


We spend the rest of the evening with small talk. Enteroff relaxes again and again, just to become fully alert when he reminds himself what I am. I think that what troubles him most is the fact, that the others seem perfectly comfortable around me. Most of them. More or less.
There is no problem with Kyle, he’s known almost since the beginning, and always managed to be cool about it. We are discussing precogs, comparing our notes, figuratively speaking. He doesn’t have much combat experience while I survived many battles, though admittedly not from the cockpit of a fighter. While we try to find the similarities between the ability he had been born with, and mine recently gained from Liz, I eye the others.
Valenti was trying to be as polite and open-minded as he could, but he only found out recently, and didn’t get used to the thought, as of yet.
Serena is alright, just as I thought she would be. She is an amazing person, and Kyle can be very glad that he has her, and he seems to be aware of that too. She has known me for some time as Max Evans, but she has little trouble adjusting to my alienness.
Alex seems distant somehow, I haven’t heard any witty remarks from him for a while. What’s up with him?
< I’ve no idea either. He has been withdrawn for days.>
<Could it be anything to worry about?>
<Not that I know of. If there were any trouble, he’d come to us.>
We close our silent council, and we turn back to our talking partners. The dishes are excellent, though all of them had to be prepared well before, we can’t afford having soldiers rush in and out with new trays.
`Well, I only used precognition once in real situation, and it was only a practice fight against Isabel.` I press her name intentionally, and though I don’t look, I sense through Liz that I have Alex’s full attention. I smile to myself. Just as I thought. Lonnie’s interest in him was not as well hidden as she thought, her supposedly innocent questions were quite straightforward in reality. It seems that Alex isn’t disinterested either.
A light mental chuckle. <Maybe we have our next human-antaran couple.>
<Could be.> I send back. <You and yours claim the entire royal family.> Meanwhile, I continue to talk to Kyle.
`When I turned on the prescience, she stood no chance.`
`What kind of practice fight?`
`Oh, energy blades.`
`It’s a pity I couldn’t see them on Vertigo. I just saw it on vid, and they look pretty impressive.`
`It’s not a problem, I don’t go anywhere unarmed.` Seeing Kyle’s questioning look, I jump up and rush back to our bedroom. I pick up the two small, inconspicuous bars of metal and hurry back. `These are the force blades,` I say and I activate them. They are not really blades, just daggers, only forty centimeters long, and quite weak, so they don’t need a physical base to encircle, just a ten centimeters long handle. Liz stands up.
<Care to give a presentation?>
<You?> There is no way I’ll let a beginner near real weapons.
<Darling, you continue to forget what I am. If half of what you read is true, you won’t be able to defeat me.>
<Was this a challenge?>
<You bet.>
I turn off one dagger and throw it to her, she catches it and turns it back on. Though I’m much better with two long blades, her nonexistent experience with a single dagger won’t be a match for me. She turns to the others, quickly explaining.
`We’ll try a practice match.`
`Those don’t look like practice weapons,` Serena says cautioning us.
`No they aren’t but I trust myself that I won’t injure him.` That lovely arrogance!
`Don’t worry, I’ve been practicing for decades, I won’t harm her,` I chime in.
We both take up a defensive posture, I wonder how she knows the way to stand. Before I could ask her through the link, she rushes me down, with blade spinning; in the middle of her living room.
Last edited by silverofroswell on Sun Aug 31, 2003 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by silverofroswell »

-> Lolita Behrbuns: Well, Liz is a prophet not an empath. With everything on her shoulder, she hasn't got too much time to dwell on Alex's problems. The Earth thing is actually a good idea, tnx. I'll include an interlude in Ch 10 (in part 26, part 25 is already written)

->Gigo: Liz is more or less omnipotent. That's why the war is going to be unlike anything before. Let me remind you of the summary of BtS: "the bloodiest war of the last ten thousand years is about to break out". The sum. before HoS is a hint too.
One of the aims of this fic is to see what happens when no rules apply, when everything can be done to achive victory. We've seen in WWII what men can do to fellow humans if they are justified. What would we really do in a war between different species? And what will we do to avoid the same things? I hope I won't be around when the first war breaks out. I also hope that we will be the agressors. Long live Ricker!

Thanx for all the feedback!

Part 22


We watch enthralled as they whirl around the room, mesmerized by the sight. They don’t seem to hold anything back, they fight with full force. Serena is ghostly white, Enteroff and Dad are glued to their chairs. Alex casually leans back, sipping on his wine. I’m relaxed too. They love each other too much. If there were even the slightest chance that they’d hurt each other, they’d have never begun the duel.
They quickly run through the room, chasing each other. I can’t tell which one of them is the better, they seem to be as much on offense as on defense. Their attacks however seem totally convincing and deadly. It’s an acrobatic dance, with many spins and jumps, but the thrusts are aimed at the heart or vital points.
They seem to get faster with each passing second. They are holding their blades as miniature swords now, cutting and parrying instead of stabbing and dodging, moving around in small circle. I can barely follow the blue glow of their daggers, and the faint sound of the energy-blades meeting in a nearly continuous hiss now.
Suddenly they both stop, panting.
`It was a good round,` Max says.
`Yeah. Let’s get back to dinner.` They start to walk towards us, Liz in the lead. She stops and closes her eyes for the split of a second, and I feel something for a moment. The probability matrix collapses into a single pathway for a second. In the meanwhile, Max slips on something and falls flat on his face. Liz smiles a triumphant grin, as she walks back to him, extending her hand to pull him up.
`I could have had you any time,` she says to him, and I believe her. Max takes her hand, and suddenly, he grins. The next moment, our Admiral is laying on the ground, Max over her, pinning her down.
They are just looking into each other’s eyes, I recognize the signs; they are talking between themselves, probably something extremely mushy and romantic. I know exactly how the scene will end, and I decide that I’ll beat them to it. I turn right, and pull Serena quickly into a kiss. She is surprised, but pleasantly so. From the sounds from the carpet, I guess the lovebirds begun their own party too.


Shortly after our duel we declared that the dinner was over. Kyle and Serena understood all too well what we were silently asking them, and shepherded out the Vice Admirals from my flat. Alex knew too, that it was his cue to leave, so we remained at last alone. We had an hour or two maybe, before he’d have to change back into his antaran form and return to his cell. It could very well be our last time together for months, if not for years. Still, we were reluctant to take the first step. I just stood in front of him, looking him in the eye, enthralled by the beauty of the wise and kind being that lived behind those eyes. I found him or he found me? It doesn’t matter. We belong together.
I remember, all too well, our first lovemaking, heated passion in the Aegean Sea. We’ve come a long way from there. I’m not the same person I used to be, neither is he.
I’ve become the most powerful being in thousands of light-years, I know without doubt. Still, when his fingers trace the lines of my face, I feel weak and at his mercy. He holds the key to my being, he is the very centre of my universe. I capture his hand in mine and kiss his palm.
The playfulness of the last days is gone. We’ll face many trials, till we can be together again and we both know it. Still maintaining eye contact, he starts gently unbuttoning my blouse.
<It will be worth it.>
<Hm?> I’m more occupied with the feeling of his hands, slowly undressing me.
<Whatever we will face, whatever is to come, this is worth it.> His hands run up my naked back, as he pulls me into a close embrace. A certain sadness overcomes me. This could easily be the last time we are together like this. I sigh agreement, as I draw him in as close as I can.
<This is.>


We never got down to making love; we just stood there for the next hour, me half-naked, in the arms of my love. Human or antaran, Prince or Prophet, Admiral or Ambassador, it didn’t matter. I just burrowed my face into his chest, our hearts sharing the same beat. It was the perfect moment, a perfect memory; something that I always reached back for during the years of loneliness that were to come.
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Chapter 9

Post by silverofroswell »

Part 23


Hundreds of thousands of giant bodies hovering in the emptiness separating the galaxies. Thousands of Talrons, all grown and mature fleets, from the old home of this race. There were no thoughts, or emotions as such involved, but it was safe to say that they were… anxious. One of their brothers died in their glorious crusade against the rest of the universe. It happened before, and it will happen again, no doubt – those who are too weak must fall. But not like this. Not like this for a long time.
The dying Talron sent out cries of warning into nothingness, screams of terror. It encountered something that they only met once: in the battles against the Creators. A Victorious One. Her stench was weak, but alarming, alarming enough to rouse the slumbering sentiences. They could no longer rest here, at the edge of their would-be conquest. Though they were still wary from the millions of light-years separating the galaxies, they had to strike before it was too late. The decision was made slowly, and it would take decades until the whole Fleet of Fleets would start to move, but the quickest, the most aggressive, and the most intelligent were already entering the wormholes to seek out and destroy their new enemy.

The End of Book Two