STAR Series (Very AU, sci-fi) {COMPLETE}

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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STAR Series (Very AU, sci-fi) {COMPLETE}

Post by silverofroswell »

Between the Stars

Disclaimer: I own nothing, as usual.
Summary: in the distant future, mankind is methodically destroying every race that could pose threat to it. Until this time, they had only easy victories. Now, when the bloodiest war of the last ten thousand years is about to break out, humanity's most brilliant Admiral meets a mysterious, dark-haired stranger from an exotic place...
Visualization: Warhammer 40K, Starcraft (especially the video after the terran level 10) and Star Wars gave me the inspiration to form the human fleet. Think along those lines. (other races will be described when they appear, I don't want to spoil any surprises)
Rating: who cares? (Probably MATURE).


The year is 2384.
The world is a much wider place.
Peace reigns on Earth.
War rages in space.
To the very end.

Some nameless star two thousand light-years from Old Earth
Moira-class battleship Destiny
Central bridge.

A young woman was leaning over the shoulder of the operator of the main vidscreen. She was wearing jeans and a sparkling blue blouse. Her long, black hair was clasped together by a diamond-adorned barrette. Her dark stresses were tickling the neck of the operator, but he didn't dare to move. Her strawberry scent filled his nostrils. He'll get a lot of free beers for his story tonight! He was already envied for his position on the bridge, but after this! She nearly touched him!
She glanced down at his nametag. She couldn't read it upside down, so she used his rank instead.
`Sergeant, could you please zoom in a bit on the planet?` He obeyed, the spinning blue globe filled the screen. The same picture could be seen on the twenty-foot wide screen above her, but she preferred the monitor. She was resting one hand on the back of his chair, holding her café in the other.
One of the attendants approached her. He was wearing the uniform of the Navy, just like everyone else except her. Black pants and long-sleeved silk shirt, a communicator clasped to his belt. It was pointless to carry sidearms on a spaceship, battles weren't fought hand-to-hand anymore. The shirt was amethyst blue with an inch-wide silver stripe across his chest, indicating that he served at the on the flagship of the Fourth Human Fleet. His nametag said Major Louis Chan. He was of the far-eastern race, but some Negroid blood showed in his skin and his hair. He stopped at a respectful distance and a good minute later, she finished watching the planet and turned to him, he saluted.
`Commander, all specimen-collectors have left the planet. The bombers are ready. We are only awaiting your order.`
`Proceed.` She sounded sad. It didn't go unnoticed by her officers; they'd have done anything to cheer her up. Half the fleet had a crush on her.
`Commander, you need to...` He didn't know how to correct his commander.
`I know. Destiny, record my words.`
`Recording started, Admiral.` The ship's computer had a pleasant male voice, but it sounded dead and alien; it wasn't programmed to express any emotions.
`I, Elizabeth Parker, Admiral of the Fourth Human fleet hereby order the Exterminatus of planet number ET-256.`
`Record stored, Admiral.`
`Now you can proceed, Captain.` She said without waiting for an answer. She turned back to watching the large screen. The bridge came alive. The fighter-commanders started giving orders to the squads under them. Vice-Admiral Enteroff, the captain of the Destiny, ordered the hangar bays to open. Vice-Admirals James Valenti and Samuel Pierce, captains of the two other battleships of the fleet, Fate and Doom, did the same. The bombers left the sides of the Moira-class spaceships in threes, while the fighters escorting them did so in dozens. There was no alien threat here, but the protocol was that no bomber could go on a mission without fighter-cover. In one minute thirty-six bombers and more than a hundred fighters formed up ahead of the fleet, streaking through hundred thousands of miles of emptiness to their target.
The orders were given, there was nothing left to do. Silence filled the bridge, except for the fighter-commanders giving unnecessary directions to their underlings. Everyone else was staring at the wide vidscreen. It focused on the green orb nearly filling it. After two minutes, one by one, tiny dots appeared at the lower edge. The engine-glow of the fighters and the bombers. Ten thousand miles before the atmosphere, the fighters scrambled, assuming patrol, while the bombers continued their run.
Everyone watched holding their breath as the first bomber dived into the atmosphere. Seventeen others followed, all releasing their deadly payload over pre-calculated points of the planet. Numbers started to run down on the left edge: the countdown. The small crafts quickly pulled away from the world condemned to death.
Sixty seconds later the first bomb exploded. Then the next. Eighteen explosions in quick succession. Millions of years of evolution evaporated in one minute. The blue orb slowly turned black and red as the firestorm destroyed the air and an all-consuming flame enveloped the planet.
Silence filled the bridge. One minute of silence for a living world.
Then things resumed their normal pace. Once all crafts returned, the fleet started to move.
The three enormous moiras turned slowly away from the flaming planet, the cruisers, destroyers, and frigates all around them followed their example. The Fourth assumed traveling formation: the motherships on the vertexes of an equilateral triangle, the smaller ships in the middle. Slowly, the faint glow of the engines dimmed. The computers of the battleships synchronized their clocks one last time.
`Navigation ready.`
`Space-ingurgitator-drives ready.`
`All fighters in hangars.`
`Escort ships in position.`
Then finally came the reports from the sister-ships.
`Fate is ready to proceed.`
`Doom is awaiting our signal.`
The Admiral threw a last glance at the Earth-sized ember that was a living, breathing planet not even half an hour ago. It was a heart-breaking sight. She sighed and said softly,
`Let's go home. There is nothing left here.` Enteroff nodded to his adjutant, and exactly ten seconds later, the Fourth Human Fleet left the star-system with three-thousand times the speed of light.

But this time the youngest and most brilliant admiral of humanity was wrong. In the nearby asteroid field, a small rock started to move. It limped out of the field then turned ninety degrees and left the now-empty system in the direction of a strange, V-shaped constellation...
Last edited by silverofroswell on Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:07 pm, edited 78 times in total.
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Chapter 1 Part 2

Post by silverofroswell »

Part 2
I leave the bridge when the fleet reaches the traveling speed of twenty-five thousand c. I loath myself at times like this. I murdered twenty million innocents. I ordered them to be slaughtered. They were harmless, they have done nothing wrong, their only sin was that they existed. I'm half running, I can't break down in front of my people. They are as strong as I am, if I show weakness, they'll show it too. Officers are staring after me as I hurry down the corridors. I finally reach my quarters and hit the door opener. It recognizes my fingerprints and lets me in. I have the largest flat of the fleet, more than three hundred square meters of valuable space. When the door closes behind me, I kick off my shoes, and I throw myself down on my bed. I let my tears flow freely. I curse my race, I curse Ricker, and his fucking doctrine, I curse my job, that forces me to do these things, and most of all I curse myself because I'm so good at it.
A whole civilization of intelligent insectoid creatures, communicating with pheromones. They had magnificent structures held together by their spit. A complex caste system. Culture. Art. They had lived. They had loved. And now it's just ashes. A few thousand of them inside a gigantic specimen collector, that's all that remains from a whole race. Oh, they'll be fine under a Dome on either Eden or Paradise, the twin-planets for exterminated races; the irony of the names! Oh, no, we don't throw away anything that could be of further use, we carefully store them, examine them, and experiment on them. After all, it's for humanity's best interest.
Bitterness fills me. I don't know how the others can cope with that sight. A lush green and ocean blue planet turning to black and red in seconds. I know I can't; yet, I couldn't tear my eyes away. I owed them that. All the millions who died because of me.
When did humans become inhuman? In the old times, the twenty-first century, humane meant compassionate, caring, loving. Now human means cold, cruel, and efficient. Back then, they had believed in the brotherhood of sentience, the links connecting all life. They had dreamed of a peaceful universe, some kind of big republic where everyone has the right to live and the freedom to seek happiness and fulfillment in that life.
There is nothing left of those dreams. We are the Human Republic, a tight alliance of thirty inhabited worlds, with three more already being colonized. ET-256 will be the thirty-fourth in another forty years. The republic was formed from three mega-states back in the XXII. century, the Canado-American States, the Euro-African Union, and the Asian Republic. Mars became the second planet, Alpha the third. Then the first contact was made with the Tritons. They were peaceful water-dwellers, and they gladly shared all their technologies, science and culture with us, and most importantly, the coordinates of their four star systems. They were pacifists, sweet, innocent, and wise. They entered space thousand years before us, but they had no motivation to expand or to conquer. The Tritons didn't know the word "ambition.” We did. We learned whatever we could. We've even enlisted the Tritons help to build the very warships that destroyed their planets later. They didn’t understand the purpose of armed ships, they saw it as an engineering challenge, and they did good job.
Two months later, the Tritons were only a memory. The head of Council was called Ricker in those days. The infamous Ricker-doctrine was composed after the Triton wars. It is basically about the survival of the fittest. That humanity must expand without pause, conquering and colonizing all available planets and systems. That if an alien civilization appears, then humanity must pretend friendship until we know it's true power. If it's weaker, then it must be eliminated without mercy after we learned everything from them that could be of use. If it's stronger, then we must build up the fleet until we can attack. No lasting alliance is to be made. No alien is allowed to know the coordinates of a human world, except for Transit, the planet prepared for such occasions. No war is to be started if we aren't sure, we'll win. Show no mercy. And finally, never ever endanger humanity's survival. Colony ships must be ready to bolt, if a war begins. If everything fails, all our planets are scorched, we must be able to start again. Even the backup plans must have backup plans.
These are the basics of humanity's foreign affairs. In the last two hundred years, we've never met anyone else who even invented rocketry. Two hundred and fifty five Earth type planets. More than a hundred bustling with life. Twenty times, intelligent life. Another sixty non-Earth type planets with life, five of them sentient. Now all of them are extinct. The planets conquered, sometimes colonized, sometimes awaiting to be colonized. Humanity's growth rate is the only limitation of our expansion, and our population doubles every forty years or so. We live in never imagined luxury, for the first time in human history, there are more material resources at our disposal than we can use. The Council is fighting very hard lest decadency corrupts our society. Sixty billion humans (or terrans, as it is fashionable nowadays). Our life expectancy is over two hundred years. Crime is at a nominal level, with poverty and destitution gone, there is no source of it remaining.
Our race has changed too. During the last hundred years, humanity took the next step in evolution. About five percent of the kids born today have minor mental powers. Telepathy, telekinesis and auspex are taught along history and mathematics. We don't yet know our limitations, being a psychologist is one of the hottest jobs in this century. Our fighter pilots all have prescience, it's their only chance against computer-controlled drones. They can see where the enemy will shoot, the computer can't. But the AIs' reaction time is under the millionth of a second, while a human pilot is only a hundredth. We are slow and blind compared to a computer, but now the development of the fighter drones and the mental training of the pilots, it’s a neck and neck race. My money is on the pilots, no drone can measure up to the decision making ability of a human. Kyle definitely agrees with me, though the drones have their own good points too. I can send a drone into certain death, while I would hesitate to do it with a pilot. But someday, I'll have to. The first rule of warfare is that there is no victory without a price. By this definition today wasn't a victory. It was slaughter. Pointless and unnecessary. Why did we do it then? Why did I do it?
I've run out of tears. Mourning the dead won't bring them back.
I'm feeling even more miserable than I usually do. I can wallow in self-pity, but pain won't ease my conscience. I think I'm going to take some sleeping pills and in the morning... Well, I won't feel any better in the morning, but the pain will be dulled somewhat. Another thing to have nightmares about. One more reeking wound on my conscience. Sometimes I think I'm the only one who has any.

I've finished my shift. I work as an exobiologist; I study alien life forms. While the fleets are moving, I'll never run out of work. We were watching those bee-creatures in the specimen collectors. We have to carefully control their environment if we want them to survive till they reach Eden. Too little or too much UV light, a tiny change in the atmosphere, everything can be deadly. We aren't acquainted with their biology, but hopefully they have everything they need in the one-kilometer wide earth-chunk each collector carries. Because if they don't, we can't go back for another round.
Liz will have another breakdown. That's the only reason I leave my lab now, she needs me. After the fleet took off a year ago, I instantly moved in with her. As one of the scientific personnel (my official rank is Lieutenant, not that it matters) I'd be entitled to my own ten square meter cabin, but now I have the greater half of three hundred square meters as a courtesy of my best friend. Plus I can get as much free lunches as I want, provided I share some details about her.
Honestly, this fleet is crazy with her. She is deified by the crew. Half the fighter jocks are in love with her. And that means two thousand muscular, manly males! Not that she is interested in anyone, she is the epitome of the untouchable commander. If I wouldn't know better from personal experience, I'd even believe the rumor that she moved in together with her lesbian lover. Not that anyone would dare to voice this opinion on Destiny; he'd be torn apart before he could finish the sentence.
I know she is the best admiral. She can beat all of the others, and half the times even two of them at the same time. That's the only reason she still has control of the Fourth. She is well known for her eccentricities. She nearly never wears her uniform, she shares her living space with someone else, she regularly asks the crew's opinion on questions concerning them... The only reason the Council hasn’t replaced her yet is that Destiny has the highest moral of the whole navy and our people are most efficient at any task. So while she produces results, they turn a blind eye. If they only knew that their most precious Admiral is their greatest enemy!
Liz is a moralist and a dreamer. That's the reason she is probably crying her eyes out right now. Every time she has to wipe out a planet, she swears bloody oaths that she'll change the system. I don't know if she is right. I mean look at the Tritons. A hyper-advanced, eudaimoniatic society, and where it led them? One race thrives, one dies out. Whose strategy was better? But on the other hand, I don't have the blood of millions on my hand. Don't get attached to the specimen under examination. That's the rule that keeps you sane while you are working with intelligent life forms. Probably you are no better than they are, they just had tough luck, and they ended up on the wrong side of the bars. Most of the time I pity them; I have the freedom to do so, they are already defeated. But she gets attached even before she knows them. And that's a dangerous attitude at someone whose job is to exterminate them without mercy. Poor Liz.
The crew knows that something is not all right with their commander. That she feels bad about it. She is truly the heart of the Fourth. If something troubles her, it troubles the whole fleet, most of all Destiny. I've been hearing talks about right and wrong, questioning Ricker, the Council, and our own actions. The fleet and the Admiral are the same. They are way too sensitive to her mood, and the way they admire her... She had won their hearts long ago, and she has far more power over them than she realizes.
I've reached our quarters; I open the door and step in. It's furnished with real wood and soft springy carpets are covering the metal floor. Two bedrooms, an enormous living room, a diner, a study, a kitchen, a small private gym, and the best bathroom of the fleet. There is a door encoded to her genetic material, even I can't enter it. In crisis, Destiny can be controlled from there. I know she is home, I nearly fell over in her shoes. I check the living room and the kitchen, then I knock on the door of her bedroom. No answer. I turn the doorknob and step in. She is sleeping on her side of her double bed. As far as I know no one else has ever slept in it, but she only uses one half, the other is meticulously made. Compared to my bedroom! She has her "street clothes" on, she hasn't even bothered to turn off her com. I do it for her and I tuck her in. Just as I thought, she has cried herself to sleep. Her blouse is of course ruined by her tears; it was her best article of clothing. I don't know why everyone has a crush on her. I mean she looks decent enough, but she is not a top model or anything. She never bothers with make-up, and she wears only her most comfortable clothes. Some mornings I practically have to forbid her to go to the bridge in sweat pants! I use the word morning out of habit of course; there are no days or nights here, but our daily sleeps are synchronized, so we can have at least breakfast and dinner together. However, our usual time to go to bed is three hours away, and I'm not sleepy at all. I'm thrilled instead by the new specimens. But I can't leave her alone now. She can wake up at any time, and she'll need a friend when she does..
Last edited by silverofroswell on Mon Aug 18, 2003 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 1 Part 3

Post by silverofroswell »

Okay people, here is chapter three, and because you the story got the best reception on this board, you get a little teaser from much later in the story. (I've a lot of parts ready, they are being betaed (is there a verb betaed?))

"Colonel Alexander Charles Whitman's villa
Liz's bedroom

Two naked figures were laying in the bed, arms and legs entwined. The woman was sleeping blissfully, with a serene smile on her face. The man slowly came to consciousness. He raised his head and looked at his lover's face. He slowly disentangled himself. He kneeled up in the bed and watched her silently for a minute in deep concentration, as if he was trying to burn the picture in his mind for ever, then he started to reach out towards her neck, to silence the greatest enemy of his race for once and for all. "

Part 3

Two weeks later

The Fourth turned off the SI drives when they reached the Sol system. The three enormous battleships and the hundred cruisers in their trail found themselves facing the First fleet, or the home fleet. When both sides made equally sure that this is not some elaborate trap, the Fourth began to move forward to the stellar docks near Jupiter. It was out of question that any of the battleships land on Earth, they wouldn't support their own weight. Even AG (anti-gravity) suspensors would make only a temporary solution. There was just too much armor on them. While the three moiras moved into their own "dry docks,” the rest of the fleet scattered into various naval yards throughout the solar. There were two inhabited planets and 5 colonized moons, thus making it the largest settlement of mankind, but it could only host two fleets at the same time, and one of them was always the home fleet. Its sole purpose was to defend Earth, Mars, and the neighborhood of the Sun. The Second protected all the other planets, it was scattered throughout the galaxy, always on the move. The Third was the reserve fleet, usually orbiting Alpha and New Earth, the second largest colonies, but it could be called to battle whenever it was necessary.
The Fourth was the offensive fleet, it was spending ninety percent of operative time outside the borders of humanity, conquering and destroying alien civilizations.
The Fifth was the scout and scientific fleet. It was a fleet only in its name, it had no true battleships, and only nominal central command. The explorer ships were mapping distant stars, making contact with aliens, examining them, and then reporting their whereabouts to the Fourth.
The Sixth was the oldest fleet, practically junk now, but it could be called to battle too, if the need arose.
While the fleet was undergoing major repairs and weapon upgrades, the crew got shore time. Those who were from here could visit their family, while the others used the two months of peace and quiet to blow off some steam. About one-tenth of the fifty thousand people retired, got reassigned or otherwise left the fleet, fresh cadets took up their work. And all the tasks crashed down on the Admiral. Idiotic messengers from the Council, demanding reports and explanations for expenses, the handling of reassignment requests, the decisions between the new kinds of weaponry researched in the meantime, and attending meetings and formal occasions with various parts of the elite. Six months’ work for two.
And all the calls and visits to the admiral's office only met an increasingly grumpy Alexander Whitman, who informed everyone, that sadly, the Admiral Parker is nowhere to be found. Yes, there is the expense budget. No, we really want the B-type gauss cannon, not the A, and no, we don't need a live presentation. We've already seen it on vid and that was convincing enough. And finally, the admiral is unlikely to be attending any social events, but please be so kind to leave your number here, and you'll be the first to be called if she changes her mind. So, to cut a long story short, much to the annoyance of the bureaucrats, the most eccentric officer of the fleet performed her famous disappearing trick again , and just like any other time, without a percent drop in efficiency.

Liz's POV
`Okay Alex, I owe you a barrel of single malt. Fine, fine two. I can't thank you enough. So, what else turned up apart from the expected things?` She was calling him in her own office from his own flat. We had begged, cried, made puppy eyes, and when none of the above worked, bribed him into giving us the keys and covering for us. Of course, I can't allow my intense dislike for bureaucracy to influence the fleet, but thank god, the five hours meeting about the health of the crew, when all the reports, requests and plans had been prepared months ago was truly unnecessary. There'll be a few times when I need to appear, at least once before the Council, once before the crowds (I hate that one already. There is nothing worse than seeing an endless sea of people hailing you for slaughtering a completely defenseless civilization.) and a few technical demonstrations. Plus I'll need to mop the floor with Admiral Houston in a simulated battle, but I don't really understand why he feels that a rematch is necessary. The last time the Fourth destroyed Earth without losing a moira, while he had all the defensive battle stations under his command besides his fleet. No one has ever seen so many big shots kicked out of the defense ministry, like when I had proven that all of their precious Starforts are worth nothing.
Houston kept his job though. I don't really understand why, it was clear that the guy can't think under stress, but that's not my problem. He claimed that I’d cheated. Well, it was never written down that I couldn’t send over a commando team in a cloaked asteroid who were to drill his ship's hull and take control of the reactor chamber. He claimed that he didn't dare to send his men down, because unlike in a real war, he couldn't kill them. I countered by saying that in a real war he wouldn't have had to send his people over, because instead of the commando team, a tactical nuke would've been sent down to the reactor chamber, and I didn't need to finish the sentence. The jury examining his protest was convinced and I walked away laughing.
He'll have a lot of good plans ready this time also. I bet he's been preparing for this the last two years, but once I surprise him, he'll lose all control again. It's a tough game, pal, and even inferior forces can win when they face an enemy who is clueless at what to do. The best part was when I had a few of his officers "approached" after the defeat, offering them a real chance to show their skills. Mysteriously, fourteen high ranking officers and another hundred of their underlings requested reassignment the day after, and it was just dumb luck that I'd kicked out fourteen of my ship-commanders and tactical officers along with their staff that morning... Once it leaked out (and I made sure it leaked out), the whole Earth was laughing at Houston. I heard he didn't take it well. So he'll be desperate to win, and once things start to slip out of his hands, he'll panic, and then I'll crush him. The fact that I'll know his every decision a good minute before he makes them we'll be a bit of help too...
But for now, I just finish the conversation with Alex, giving him a few orders about various issues, and when he finally hangs up, I go back to my cheri. Alex has a magnificent house. We're in the southern part of what used to be the Greece. The villa is overlooking the Mediterranean, about five kilometers from the outskirts of Athens. I guess, being the right hand of one of the six admirals has its perks. I don't own anything like this. To be exact, I don't own anything apart from my clothes. I must have huge amounts of money, though I've no idea how rich I am. I don't even know how much is my salary. I spend only half much as Maria does, and even she has a nice sum set aside! And she is a lieutenant, while I'm... well, you get the picture.
My parents are from New Roswell, Alpha. It was christened New Roswell because one of our ships has crashed there. The real Roswell was (or still is?) on Earth, and supposedly aliens visited it regularly. That's bullshit. We've never met any race resembling the descriptions. We've never met even remotely humanoid races at all. There are just too many possible shapes, too many roads for evolution to take, to expect anything like us. Anyways, they own a small restaurant there. I've never been home in the last three years. We send each other cards regularly, but it's not the same. I wonder how they are doing?
We came here with Kyle. Shame on him, his father is working his heart out while his son is vacationing on one of the most beautiful beaches of Earth. I'm standing on the balcony, looking at the stars. They look so different from down here! They seem to hold some mystery, the promise of eternity. I know that their winking is caused by atmospherical disturbances, but I can't help to be awed by their glory. Down here, they are your friends. Their beauty is eternal. They've inspired so many of our greatest poets! I too feel, the silent pull at my heart, whispering to me that I'm not alone, that they'll show me the way. Since we walk among the stars, we have lost the ability to marvel at their wonder.
Out there... out there they are only huge balls of fire indicating the locations of possible enemies. I've come to hate the stars. They are signals of new planets, new crimes to be committed, new lives to be extinguished. It's a the saddest thing, there is. Hating the stars.
I'm snapped out of my stargazing by Maria.
`Come on, Liz, you can't just sit there, getting drunk all alone and depressed.`
`Excuse me, I'm not getting drunk.` I try to put as much life and indignation into my voice as I can. I try to steer her away from the alone and depressed part.
`That's your third cheri. You are sixty-two kilos. This means that after the tenth you'll be out cold.` That's the problem when your best friend is a doctor, even if she majored in exo-biology.
`All she needs is a good lay.`, Kyle chimes in. This time I don't have to feign indignation.
`Excuse me?!?`
`Come on, Liz, when were you last with a man? You know, male homo sapiens.`
`That's none of your business.`
`Maria, help me here. Tell her that she needs some sex, and we are going to get it for her.` Maria is watching me with a thoughtful expression. Please, please, don't tell me, that you are seriously considering this.
`Kyle, now you mentioned it, it just might be the solution I've been looking for. Chica, we need to go partying, and you are not going to sleep alone tonight.`
`Wait, wait, wait. You can't just sell me out to the highest bidder! I thought you were my friends.`
`Exactly. We are your friends. That's why you and me are going to go upstairs right now and choose a dress for you, and after that we're going to Athens and find you some nice guy. And don't try to protest. There are two of us against you.` It's hopeless to resist, if I play along I might escape later, before she hooks me up with someone. Don't get me wrong, I've no objections against guys - in general. But I can't start a relationship with one of my officers and I don't have time for anything once ashore. I'm a little too old-fashioned, I like to know at least the guy's name before I bed him. I like to meet the prey on my on turf. So, I haven't been with anyone for years now. Not that I really miss it... Hell, who am I lying to? Even I deserve a good night's fun once in a while.
`Okay, but there are few ground rules. I'll go as Liz, not Elizabeth Parker and definitely not as Admiral Parker. If anyone as so much mentions my rank, we are out of there. I don't want to be on the front pages. Second. No military, no government official, no bureaucrat. Some women are impressed by uniforms, I don't find them so irresistible. Third, if I don't like him, you'll help me to lose him. I don't want any psychos or stalkers. Agreed?` I know I'm making the wrong decision as I see them nod; they are grinning devilishly. What have I gotten myself into?
Last edited by silverofroswell on Mon Aug 18, 2003 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 2 Part 4

Post by silverofroswell »

Getting to know you

Part 4
The Siren's Call was a modest, quiet bar in the center of Athens. They had live music, but they mostly played early twenty-second century tunes. It was nearly full, but there were a few empty tables too. Maria shooed Kyle off to find himself some entertainment while she and Liz headed for the bar. Liz had undergone an amazing change under her hands. Her hair now was blonde with fiery-red streaks to avoid recognition. She wore a simple, backless black dress. She refused to put on anything more revealing, despite Maria's best intentions. Her only ornament was a silver necklace, and a sapphire earpiece.
Maria wore her usual outfit, jeans, and a see through blouse, and tons glittering jewelry. Kyle was in his fighter-pilot uniform, it was the "hottest chick magnet ever invented by man,” according to him. The plan was that Liz and Maria would sit at the bar and try to pick up someone while Kyle keeps an eye on them from a safe distance.
Only five minutes had passed when Maria felt Liz stiffen. She slowly turned her head towards the entrance. Two men were coming down the stairs. Both tall and muscular, but not overtly so. They were both in their late twenties. The first was dark haired with a serious expression and wore jeans and a tight T-shirt showing his sculpted chest, while the other was more blondish, ruffled hair, warm colors, and a grumpy expression. They descended the stairs. The first gave a nudge to the second and motioned towards the girls watching them.


I don't know why I let Maria talk me into this. I feel like a whore put on display. "Hey, take me, I'm easy!" I'm getting more and more uneasy about the whole thing when the lightning strikes. A flash. Me, naked, in the arms of an unknown, dark-haired Adonis. So, this night truly has something in store for me. I hear the door open. I slowly and deliberately turn. Yeah, I was right, my Greek god (an expression never more appropriate) is descending the stairs. I don't waste a thought on his companion, I watch him as he slowly walks down. He is about ten meters away, but I see his pupils widen when our gazes lock. Did he recognize me? No, I don't think so, even my own mother wouldn't know me. He elbows his friend and jerks his head towards us. The other shrugs and they head towards us.
I panic, though I've no reason to. What will he say? What will he ask? What can I tell him? I feel like before my first date. In a future, I made love to him. But what is the path to that future? Breathe, Elizabeth, breathe. You'll be okay. You've got him once, you'll get him this time too. But why am I so anxious? He's just a man.


We've come here to get Liz laid, but currently they are just sitting alone at the bar. She is clearly uncomfortable about the whole thing. It's a laughable sight. The admiral of the Fourth fleet, waiting to be picked up. If she would let me, I could arrange a date for her any time, there’d be more than enough volunteers. She is the idol of my comrades. And because I'm known to be a friend of hers, I'm the king of the hill. (Or in this case, the hangars.)
Like all pilots, I have prescience, I know about the important things a second before they happen. It's more than enough to dodge an incoming missile, but it can be fucking annoying in the middle of a conversation. I do not have visions, they are just feelings, knowledge from my bones. There are rumors about prophets, visionaries who can see the future hours or even days ahead, but I don't believe them. I can sense the possible pathways ahead of me (it's called the probability matrix by the white-coats); it's the sum of all possible futures, differing in minuscule details. Sometimes the details aren't so minor, in a dogfight it can be your life or death, but it's an enormous and complex thing even for a second's distance. No human mind could deal with that amount of information. Days, my ass! A minute must be more than anyone could bear.
Anyways, I know that someone's going to enter the bar. I turn that way and watch the new guests. So do the girls. Two men, they don't look like a threat, so I turn back to my beer. A minute later I look there again. The two newcomers just sat down with the girls. I feel anxiousness radiating off Liz. What's the matter with her? I've seen her in combat countless times, but she has never even flinched. Now she is blushing like schoolgirl!


`And what is a beauty like you doing in our small town?` He is directing his words at me, completely ignoring Maria, just as I ignore his pal, Michael or whatever. Maria is keeping him occupied, I think. Not that I care. He is sitting right beside me, our arms are touching, sending bolts of electricity up my spine. I feel dizzy from the possibilities. I don't know what's happening exactly, but I feel like this is the most important night of my life. The number of the paths in front of me is doubling with each passing second. It's like I'm standing on the top of a lone mountain and the sun is coming up slowly, illuminating the plains at my feet. Like a flower blossoming. I can feel the infinite possibilities unfurling around me, this is a turning point of history, of my life. A crossroad of paths. I don't know where they lead, I just feel that they are there. It's no wonder that I can hardly concentrate on the conversation!
`Uh, I'm here on vacation.` A light smile is playing on his lips, as he is taking a sip from his tea.
`How come a guy like you drinks just tea? You look like the whisky type.`
`Really? And what other types do I look like?`, he teases me.
`I don't know... Maybe you should tell me. What types you really are?`, I tease back. And why can't I think clearly when you are around?
`Maybe the type that's been waiting for you in his whole life?` I've heard that line before, and it always sounded lame, but now when he says it... It sets my blood on fire.
`Maybe.` Our lips are inches away, I feel his torrid breath on me. I'm ready to close my eyes and offer me to him, but I don't want to look like an easy lay, so I pull back awkwardly and take a sip of my drink. He just smiles an omniscient smile. He knows that I was about to kiss him, just as sure as I do. Ohmygod! Now he must be thinking that I'm a slut!
`Don't worry, it's okay.` I furrow my brow in suspicion.
`Are you a telepath?` That's just my luck, I've been paired up with a mind reader! How much does he know by now?
`No, see, no tattoo.` He shows me his right palm. All telepaths are tattooed to warn the average person of their abilities. They usually wear the same symbol on a necklace, just to avoid misunderstandings. `I'm a weak passive empath. ` He shows me his left palm. True, the symbol shows that he can sense only the extreme emotional flares, and can't alter other people's minds. Active empaths and telepaths are extremely rare and dangerous, and they usually prefer each other's company. No one wants to live with a creature that can alter your thoughts at his whim. I visibly relax. So, my secrets are safe.
`You aren't afraid of me. Why?`
`I guess I'm not afraid of my emotions.`
`How strange. Most people fear us more than the telepaths.`
`Perhaps we define ourselves more by our emotions, than our thoughts.`
`You suggest that humans are still creatures of instincts rather than logic?`
`The grand average certainly. Human IQ has risen 27 points in the last four hundred years, while the average EQ only 8. So our emotional behavior is more predetermined than we like to think.`
`I've never knew this.`
`I'd read a comparative psychology study ages ago.` I can't believe myself! A minute ago I was about to kiss him, now we are discussing sociology. I glance at Maria. She is slow dancing with Michael. Max follows my gaze and gets off the barstool. He holds out his hand for me with an elegant gesture. I accept it without a word. He leads me to the middle of the dance floor. He takes me in his arms, his hands rest on my hips. I put my head on his chest, feeling his muscles move, breathing his scent in. I don't know his cologne, but it's just like him. Strong and masculine, yet gentle at the same time. How do I know things like this about him? Get a grip, girl. You haven’t even known him for five minutes. Strong, yet gentle. My ass. Where did that come from? Of course. I've been remembering forward, again. Sometimes thoughts and feelings from the future find me unexpectedly, especially if I'm in the same situation I'll be. It's like deja vu, just the other way around. But it seems right. Hmm... strong, yet gentle. That's what I've been looking for. (It can do wonders to your libido, if you know beforehand, how the night will end.) I tilt my head to look up at him. Our eyes meet, and he smiles down on me. The outside world fades as I lose myself in his amber eyes. I don't know how long we've been staring into each other's soul, time has lost all meaning. I itch to probe forward into the future, to find the right path for us, but I resist the temptation. There is some innate wrongness in using my abilities for a purpose like this. I can't explain this, but it's just not right. It's like using active emotiopathy to lay a girl is considered rape before court. It should be me who wins him, not my gifts.
All my concerns melt when he starts to lower his mouth to capture mine. Just before he closes the last millimeter of distance separating us, I hear Kyle bellowing.
`Hello, guys! What are you doing here?`
I jerk away and I look at the entrance. About ten pilots from Destiny are streaming down the stairs. I freeze on the spot. I must look like a deer caught in headlights. It's one thing to fool Earthlings who have only seen me on vid with a little yellow die, but I know these guys personally, and more importantly they know me, and if they see Kyle, their first question is going to be that where was the admiral.
What am I going to do?

Author's comment
Stone me if you want to, but I really think that the Ricker-doctrine is the way of survival. If we'll ever meet aliens, they'll not be nice, smiling humanoids, waiting to fall in love with schoolgirls. Sooner or later there will be war, and it does not matter that a thousand year after the meeting, or the next day.
And once the war is underway, the winning side has absolutely no reason to stop. Imagine a war to the bitter end. Not for resources, because the galaxy is wide enough for everyone. Not for planets, we probably can't even terraform theirs. Once a populated world is conquered, it will be scorched.
When you face the decision whether not to attack and trust completely alien life forms to do the same and spare the lives of your family, your loved ones, your children, or to attack, then you simply don't have the luxury of not attacking. It's not nice and does not fit Hollywood's image of the future, but I'm afraid I might be right. Have any of you read Joe Haldeman: The Forever War?
Last edited by silverofroswell on Mon Aug 18, 2003 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 2 Part 5

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Part 5


`Max, can we sit down in the back?` The farther away from the pilots, the better. Max sees that I'm troubled, he probably feels it too, so we leave the dance-floor without further ado.
`What's the matter?`
`I don't want to meet those guys.`
`You had trouble with them? I've a friend in the police, I can call... ,` he says with concern. I look for an answer he'd believe.
`No, not at all. Just one of them is my ex, so it'd be the best idea if we ran into each other.` He seems to accept the explanation.
`The blonde one was watching us for a while. He could lead them to you.`
`No, that’s Kyle. He's a friend. We asked him to accompany us.`
`To guarantee, that you don't get torn apart by Jack the Ripper? ,` he asks with amusement in his voice.
`Yeah, something like that.`
During the conversation, we both watch Kyle; as he tries to shepherd out the other pilots from the bar. It takes him five minutes to convince them that this is not their place to hang out; so he leaves with them. When the last of them is out, Max stands up too.
`I think that's our cue to leave. Have you ever been to the beach at night? It's beautiful.` I hesitate. Do I dare to leave with this guy? He seems harmless, but you hear stories.
`Don't worry, I don't bite.`
`Okay, but you drive. Maria will need our car. ` I give in.
The term car is a leftover from the late twenty-first century, when the last of the four-wheeled petrol-eating monsters were made. Today's cars are low-altitude (30-50 centimeters) anti-gravity hovercrafts. Autopilots can safely drive at 500 kmh, 100 in city, any faster would be pointless. Over long distances, it's still better if you take a suborbital, and in city, you can't go any faster because of the frequent stops at crossroads. Besides, the human body can take only so much acceleration and internal gravity-equalizers would be too expensive. Most people still prefer to drive themselves, though the autopilot will override them in case of emergency.
Max owns a blue and white speeder, a one-man hovercraft, the descendant of the motorbikes. They can rise to a reasonable height and have a top speed near one mach, but to avoid accidents, they can accelerate over 200 kmh only in autopilot mode. In practice, these circuits are disabled in most of the speeders.
It's parked near the Siren's Call. He leaves me at the exit, and after he makes sure that Kyle's pals are at a safe distance, he signals me to come out of the shadows. I have to suppress a giggle. Admiral Parker is playing hide and seek with her most loyal followers, sneaking away with handsome strangers in the middle of the night. I feel like a princess who is eloping with her knight in shining armor.
We hop on his machine and he presses the accelerator to the floor without warning. I planned to hold onto to the sides of the backseat, but instead I had to grab his waist to avoid falling off. I cling to him with all my strength; the acceleration is enormous. We rise over the lights of Athens and he comes to an abrupt halt in mid-air. The city lies at our feet. It's a breathtaking sight. I'm not afraid of heights, but it's making me dizzy. I just pull myself closer to him, he is the only solid point within five hundred meters. Now I understand why speeders are considered nuts. There is nothing between us and the ground. He turns his head back, it's only a tiny movement, but I grasp him tighter feeling like I could fall off any second.
`Have you ever been to the Acropolis?` I shake my head. I don't dare to speak.
'Then hold on!` He pushes the nose of the speeder down and turns off the engine. We are falling freely. I think I'm shrieking. We're going to die! The ground is closing in rapidly. When we are about fifty meters from the top of the houses, he turns the engine back on, and pulls out of the dive along an elegant curve. Our toes are nearly brushing the tiles. He is mad! He is raving mad! I want to get off! Mother! Help me!
We are streaking through downtown Athens a hundred and fifty kilometers per hour. He is slaloming between the skyscrapers, I'm sure that he'll hit every one of them, but we always miss them within an inch. I scream at every corner in pure terror. I try to close my eyes, but they continue to snap open with every turn we take. He must feel my fear, but it only urges him to go faster. Thank goodness, we leave the city after the most frightening two minutes of my life. We are flying towards the Acropolis in a straight line at last, fifteen meters above the ground. Hope flares up in me. We are going to land! I can get off this wretched machine for good! But, of course I'm wrong. We just make a big circle around the building. It's truly magnificent, but I can't appreciate its beauty right now. When we finish our lap of honor he pushes the accelerator to the floor again, but this time there are no fancy tricks. When we reach two hundred kmhs, the light glow of the force fields protecting us from the wind becomes visible. Two minutes later, he puts the speeder down on the shore forty kilometers from Athens.
I get off; my hands are shaking and my knees are trembling. I'm glad I didn't wet myself, and I mean that. I make a silent oath that I'll never get on that thing again. After he puts the monster to rest, he dismounts too. He casually walks over to me, flashing a million-carat grin.
`Did you enjoy the joyride?`
`You know exactly how much I enjoyed it!`
`Come on, admit it, it was fun!`
`You are mad! It's a wonder we are both alive!`
`Chill. I've been driving speeders the last ten years and I never so much as had a scratch. You were in no danger. I'd never ever risk someone as beautiful as you.` I can't be bought by a cheap compliment. It'll take more for him to get me to speak to him. When he sees that I haven't forgiven him, he walks back to the speeder. Is he going to leave me here? Alone? That miserable son of a b.. No, he’s just taking a glass of wine and a blanket from the container under the seat. He is coming back to me with an apologetic smile.
`Let's sit down on the shore!`
`And just watch the sea.` He offers me his hand as we head for the water, but I don't accept it. I throw a glance at the bottle in his hand.
`I see you came prepared.`
`I'm always prepared,` he says with mock seriousness. He spreads out the blanket and produces a pocketknife with a corkscrew. The wine is excellent and the view was worth the ride. We are sitting on the shore of the Mediterranean. I kick off my sandals and I let the warm sea wash my toes. The stars are twinkling above us, they are the only source of light in miles. It's a clear, warm, moonless night. The sea is stretching to the horizon as one black, velvety carpet. It's moving up and down slowly. You can't tear your gaze away from it.
We watch in silence for god knows how long. We sat down separately, but as I marvel at the wonder before me, I slowly ease into his arms. I end resting my head on his chest. While his left arm holds me, his right supports our weight. The only sound around is the quiet murmur of the waves and his breathing. He seems to exhale in sync with the waves. It's the most peaceful place I've ever been.
`Thank you.`
`For what?` We are both whispering, we don't want to disturb the holiness surrounding us.
`For sharing this with me.`
`You are more than welcome.`
Another five minutes of silence.
`So this means that I'm forgiven?`
I don't answer; I just turn my head and lean up towards him . He silently bends and captures my lips. It's a feather light kiss, and we pull away quickly, but it's definitely a kiss.
I feel slightly dizzy, but this time it’s not from the height, as I settle back into the comfort of his arms.
Last edited by silverofroswell on Mon Aug 18, 2003 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 2 Part 6

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Part 6

Colonel Alexander Charles Whitman's villa
Liz's bedroom

Two naked figures were lying in a bed, arms and legs entwined. The woman was sleeping blissfully, with a serene smile on her face. The man slowly came to consciousness. He raised his head and looked at his lover's face. He slowly disentangled himself. He kneeled up in the bed and watched her silently for a minute in deep concentration, as if he was trying to burn the picture in his mind forever, then he started to reach out towards her neck, to silence the greatest enemy of his race for once and for all.

Same place, previous morning

Maria got up and yawned. Yesterday night was a long one, she thought as she headed for the bathroom. She has spent the night going from club to club with Michael after both Kyle and Liz disappeared, and they ended up in Michael's apartment. Boy, he knew what he was doing! He might have the personality of a wolverine, but there was that wild, sexual trait that made him irresistible. They agreed as casually as they could, that they might show up in the Siren this night, without any of them actually promising to be there. Despite this, Maria was sure that she’d have another night's fun in his company, maybe dragging Liz and her knight along.
On an impulse, she abandoned her coffee making and went to check on her best friend. She was out of the house. So she got the nookie she deserved, she mused. Liz was certainly the type to remain for breakfast, while Maria liked to get home at five in the morning instead. Kyle was fast asleep, and she didn't bother to wake him up. Instead she prepared breakfast for two, turned the vid in the living room on, and tuned into a music channel while she ate her low calorie corn flakes on the terrace. Kyle showed up a few minutes later with a huge hangover. He muttered something about sacrifices made for the common good, and about some promotion he deserved for this, but Maria just ignored his grumbling, as usual.
`Hey, look, what god forsaken fool's out at this time?` Kyle asked pointing at a rapidly approaching speeder.
`It's ten o'clock, Kyle. It looks like he is heading here.` And she was right. The bike made an elegant turn over the house then the pilot put it down on the terrace, hovering it just a few centimeters above the marble. Liz slid off from behind Max, and after a quick kiss and a wave to the others, he was off again. Kyle nodded approvingly at his skill with the machine as he took a few wild turns streaking down through the apple orchard, flying there only for the thrill of it. Liz looked after him with a dreamy expression on her face until he was just a dot on the horizon. The moment she turned back to them, Maria started to bombard her with questions.
`Chica, spill. What happened? Where were you? Where did you go?`
`Nowhere, nothing happened. He just showed me the beach and we slept there.`
`You know, Liz, I had a Sex on the Beach last night, but I think your alcohol free version is better`, Kyle teased.
`There was no sex on the beach. Honestly.` Seeing the disbelief on their faces, she threw them an exasperated look. `Guys, would you just grow up, please?`
`Liz, you don't expect me to believe that you disappeared for a whole night, with that Greek god, and you just slept? Even I told better stories to my mum.`
`I don't care if you believe me or not. We just slept, and anyways it's none of your damn business.`
`Will you at least admit that my idea was an excellent one?`
`What idea, Kyle?`
`That you should get laid.` Kyle and Maria burst out laughing.
`You two are impossible. Now excuse me, I have to get ready.`
`You just got home. Already time for round two? ’, asked Kyle. Maria couldn't surpress a giggle.
`Or maybe round three?`, she bubbled up in the middle of the sentence. Liz chose not to comment.
`Max is picking me up at noon. We are going to have lunch and after that he‘ll show me the museums.’ She said the last part over her shoulder, because she stormed off the terrace, having enough of her friends teasing.
They were in an expensive restaurant with a magnificent view of the Acropolis and the city. She was eating interesting looking sea animals, but it wasn’t the food, or the view that had her attention. They were deep in conversation over the table, and under, he was sensuously massaging her leg with his toe, slowly driving her mad.
`So your, a soldier, against the Ricker doctrine? It's hard to believe.` She had his full attention, but Liz hadn't suspected the reason why he was so interested in this particular topic.
`I'm not a soldier, I'm a biologist,` that was the lie they agreed upon with Maria, `and yes. It's cruel, inhuman, pointless, and suicidal.`
`Suicidal. Let's face it; it's only dumb luck that we haven't met anyone who was stronger than us yet. The universe is full of life, so we can reasonably expect that there are some life forms superior to humanity. Let's suppose you are an alien.` The sudden stiffening of Max went unnoticed by her. `If you meet humanity and find out that these monkey creatures have been slaughtering everyone within their reach, than you have to be really stupid to think that they won't turn on you at the first opportunity. We just need to meet someone more powerful than us. End of story. There must be a way to peacefully coexist with other species, don't you think?` She knew that she was talking too much, especially in front of a journalist, but every time she thought of the planets turning to ashes...
`You might be right, but the rest of humanity doesn't think your way.`
`You only have to see the destruction of a planet once to change your heart.`
For a few minutes they ate in silence, immersed in their thoughts, until Liz's com disturbed them. She looked at the display and with an `Excuse me for a sec!` She hurried off into the restaurant. Once outside, she accepted Alex's call. She has spent the next five minutes dictating orders in a hushed tone, then went back to the table as if nothing happened. She dismissed Max's questioning with an apologetic look. `Sorry, it's confidential.` She sat down to resume their lunch, regretful that she has to hide her true identity from him, not suspecting the intricately woven web of lies surrounding her partner.
In the afternoon, Max showed her the wonders of Athens, the cradle of the western culture. Three thousand year old relics of ancient Greece, magnificent statues and vases, and endless museums. When she grew tired with their beauty, Max led her to a back street ice-cream parlor, where he knew the owners, and she was treated the best sundae of her life. They've enjoyed each other’s company talking freely about history, art, and sciences, sharing their thoughts and feelings without restraint. They had so much in common, that one could think that they had been married for years, or they grew up together. But there were topics they both avoided for their own good reasons, not wanting to lie to the other if it wasn’t necessary: actual politics, private life and their past. Liz was amazed that this man had no one special and occasionally wondered why. He was intelligent, gentle, and caring, everything a woman could wish for. However she hadn't spent much thought on why no one claimed him yet, she was just glad that he was there, with her.
Sunlight shone through Elizabeth's hair, the wind carried her twinkling laugh far, and the people of Athens turned their head and smiled, glad to see their happiness, for it was a heart lifting sight. As they walked hand-in-hand down the cobble-stoned alleys of the ancient city, the Admiral of the Fourth Human Fleet and the crown prince of Antar, still completely oblivious to each other's true identity, were slowly, but inevitably falling in love.
Last edited by silverofroswell on Tue Aug 19, 2003 12:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 3 Part 7

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Chapter 3


Part 7

Same evening, on a beach near Athens


I'm having so much fun! Max brought us to this party. It's in a private part of the beach, a good hundred meters of the seashore has been sealed off. There is pretty good live music and quite a crowd. Before the gates, there was a kilometer long line, but he just flashed a smile to doormen and the four of us just walked in. There are certain appeals to having the local hotshot journalist as your boyfriend. Boyfriend. I don't know if I can call him that. I mean he doesn't know my occupation, and for god`s sake, we haven't even slept together! Though, I plan to change this unfortunate state tonight, and in the morning, I'll tell him, who I am. But until then... Let's party!
Maria and Michael vanished the moment we entered the party, but we don't mind too much. I'm dancing with Max, not slow dancing, but I make it clear that we belong together. I swear, that if some stupid bitch tried to make a move on him, I'd order Destiny to take her out with a precision shot. Note to self: remind Alex that the fleet needs precision shooting practice. Argh! How can I think about work even now?
My attention is instantly refocused when Max grabs my hand, and with one motion, he pulls me in for a wild kiss. I don't understand how can a soft spoken, gentle guy turn into a risk taking, rebellious Neanderthal without any warning. I'm not complaining though, I'm definitely enjoying his passion.
He picks me up and he starts to carry me towards the sea. Our lips are still locked, so I only see what's behind him, but I hear the sloshing sounds when he reaches the water. Have I not mentioned? The best half of the party is in the water. Of course, there are some security fellas in swimsuits too, the organizers don't want anyone to drown. I'm wearing bikinis, and he is waterproof too, we knew where we are going.
The water reaches my bottom, but he doesn't release me yet. Again, I don't complain. Some lips were just made to be kissed!
Only when the water reaches our necks, do we pull apart. This of course means that I'm submerged, so I twine my legs around him, and I pull him close again. Our lips come crashing together again. It's an intensely erotic experience, only two small articles of clothing are separating us, and I feel that he is more than ready for some action. So am I!
I pull a centimeter away and I pant `Farther!` I can't believe my boldness. I used to be a cool-headed , shy girl, but now, the fire burning in veins makes it impossible to think. I want him and only him, here and now, no matter what.
He seems to read my mind, or at least he knows how I hot I am, and he takes us farther away from the music. There are a few people around us, probably doing what we intend to do (or rather what I intend to do). He is driving me insane with his tongue. I desperately want to be closer to him, to feel him fully.
`I need you` I breathe. His eyes darken with desire. He reaches down, and after a few quick wiggles, we are ready for the joining. When he finally drives into me, passion engulfs us both. I think I groan out aloud, but I'm not sure. I've needed this so much! It's not sweet, slow love, it’s hot, wild sex on the beach, where the next couple is only five meters away from us! If anyone recognizes me! We'd make the front pages in the whole Republic! But my worries are washed away as we get closer to climax. We come together, and I'm trying hard not to scream. I dig my nails into his back, marking him mine for everyone to see, and pull him as close as I can.
As usual, in the moment of my orgasm, the visions come. Meaningless, useless flashes from the future. Moiras charging into battle. But there is already a battle, without us. We are the third side? Beautifully formed sparkling blue and sun yellow alien battleships engaging Earth's defense stations. Me, shaking hands with a tall, silvery alien with huge, black eyes without an iris. A Council meeting. Maria washing plates. Of course, there are a few death scenarios too. In the beginning, I nearly went mad because of them, now I barely take notice. These flashes are from so far away in time, that they don't mean anything. I'm falling from the sky, hitting the rocks. I die immediately. So, I shouldn't go climbing in the near future. The next one is disturbingly clear. I'm lying in a bed, my neck in an impossible angle. Hey, wait, it's Alex's bedroom! This means that I could get strangled in the next few days!


No, it can't be! This can't be true! She can't be Her!
I'm holding her in my arms; I'm shaking. I have to regain control before she notices! I take a deep breath and try to relax. The passion heated moment is gone, like it never happened. She slides off me, we both fumble with our clothes to regain some decency. I try to not look at her. Her, this disgusting creature, our greatest enemy. And I let her within an arm's reach! Rath will never forgive me. I have to kill her!
I have to lure her away from the crowd to some secluded spot. So I do what I'm best at, I pretend. I force myself to lean closer to her, and I try to not shudder at her touch. A few minutes ago, it wasn't this hard. She looks up at me, a bit troubled. Maybe she felt something from me? She felt what I am? No. She'd be screaming "enemy" at the top of her lungs. I make my voice husky, it supposed to be sexy.
`Why don't we continue someplace private.` I try to sound as seductive as I can, while I have to restrain myself from running away. The murderer! Liar! Butcher! Hypocrite! She takes it, hook, line, sinker.
She pulls herself closer, and whispers into my ear.
`There is only one question remaining, darling. Your place or mine?`
`Yours, I guess.`, I got a good training, my voice is not shaking at all. We walk out of the water hand-in-hand, when the only thing I want to do it to blast her to kingdom come. Why, why her of all people?
I've read her psychological profile. Elizabeth Parker, the Admiral of the Fourth Human Fleet. A cruel, ruthless bitch. Cold and efficient. Always triumphs, no matter the cost. She shits on orders and regulations. Power-hungry, the youngest admiral ever. Our analysts say that she's likely to attempt a coup d'etat in a few years, and with a good chance of success. She, who was destroying alien civilizations without mercy in all her life, she will be the leader of her race. She has already proven that she is unsurpassed as a strategist. She is the perfect leader for these... humans. Reports say that her men would die for her. Nothing can stop her. No one.
When she has an enemy, she is not satisfied until he is humiliated beyond measure, like Admiral Houston was. If this monster manages to place her clutches on six fleets instead of just one, we are doomed. With the Talronids breathing down our neck, the Alliance would have trouble defeating the two offensive fleets, but six of them, and under her command... I can only shudder at the thought of destruction she'd lay on our worlds. Draconis. Antar. Renular. The other fifty planets of the Alliance. We wouldn't be able to fight on two fronts. We would fall, and nine races would disappear in the flames forever.
In the heat of passion, I saw into her mind. Just the surface, I didn't dare to venture any deeper. When I found out who she was, I broke the connection immediately. How can my Liz be the same as this monster? She was the first human I felt I could trust. I can only pile on the adjectives. She was gentle, caring, sweet, clever, and beautiful, oh, how beautiful. That she was from a different race, didn't matter. Beauty is eternal and not limited to petty things like races. I felt... I was starting to feel something for her. Of course, that was just an illusion. She turned out to be a hypocrite. A pretender. She lied all along. All her talk about peace between the races!
Humans are the vermin of the galaxy. Bloody handed butchers. When the Alliance received the first reports of them, we didn't believe them. The Tritons (that's how their murderers named them) gone, their planets occupied by humans. Within a hundred years, they butchered a hundred races. All of them totally innocent and harmless, unable to protect themselves. We were blind to the danger they meant, and the humans are expanding too fast, like a disease spreading in a weakened body. We reacted too slowly. They are already our equals in technology and nearly in power. But at last, the Alliance is preparing for war. We have to attack, while we still have the hope of defeating them!
On the other hand, they are nice folks, supposing you are human too. Unlike the talronids, they have an awesome culture. They have feelings, they know the joy, the sorrow, they laugh, they cry. They love. They are closer to us than anyone else we ever met. Except for the fact that antarans don't kill just for the fun of it. They even resemble us in shape. Of course, I wouldn't pass for a human, but I can shapeshift, that's why I was sent on this scouting mission.
I was on autopilot in the last moments, but now we reached my speeder. It's one of the human inventions that we should copy. Since I set my foot upon this planet, I definitely became addicted to speed. I think I'll drop her from a few hundred meters. I can easily throw her off. And if I can't, I'm willing to sacrifice my life for my race. She hops on behind me, still not suspecting anything. She puts her hands around my chest, her cheeks are pressed into my back. I kick the engine in, and we start to rise. Admiral Parker, prepare to die!

Thank u guys for all the feedback, it really keeps me going, and more, more, more of it! (I guess I'm a feedback whore)
Last edited by silverofroswell on Tue Aug 19, 2003 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 3 Part 8

Post by silverofroswell »

Thanx for the FB!

Part 8


As we rise over the city, my resolve weakens. What if it's just a mistake? What if I misunderstood something? Deep in my soul, I know I haven’t not, but I'm not willing to let go of the Liz I got to know today. I should enter a dive here, if I want to drop her. If I turned the bike upside down suddenly, she'd fall off for sure. But, I hesitate and the moment passes. I need to have some hard evidence! I have to be sure; I just have to. I land the speeder in front of the Whitman residence, and I have to quell the nagging feeling that I've heard the name Whitman before. I intentionally don't search my memories for it; I don't want to know the answer it might bring to my question.
If I want to search her mind then I need her to drop her shields, I can't mind rape her, not if she could be innocent. When she seductively looks at me, passion flares up in me again, along with fierce denial. She can't be her; my Liz is not an evil, cruel monster. My Liz.
Without a word, we clash together. I'm desperate, for the answer I seek, because of the answer I dread. We kiss our way through the house and we land in her bed, her legs wrapped around me. I kiss her like there is no tomorrow, because if what I saw was right, she has no tomorrow. She seems to sense the edge of the storm raging inside me; she picks up the hurried rhythm of our lovemaking. It's a bitter and forceful joining, I just concentrate on what my job is, getting her to the peak, I'm not important here, but she keeps dragging me along with her.
As we get nearer and nearer to climax, the walls around her mind tremble and I start to worm my way inside unnoticed. She screams my name when she comes, and I slip inside her mentally too. I do a throughout search now, and I find out much more than I intended to. I stand dumbfounded in face of the facts. I'm so shocked that I don't pull out in time. Her personality crashes in on me and we both pass out from the weight of it.


I stir in my sleep and I turn myself to face an angel smiling at me in her sleep, still all around me. It takes me a second or two until the memories catch up with me, and these are the happiest seconds of my life. But, happiness turns to utter terror.
She is a prophet, a true prophet! I saw into her soul and I saw her darkest secret. Why she is the best of the best. Not because of her tactical skills, she is brilliant, but no one can be this brilliant. It's so easy to triumph when you know what your enemies will do! If a prophet ever turned against us... They are the hands of Doom. No one can stand against them. We had our share of visionaries. They were usually mentally unstable, power-hungry madmen. Now we know what to look for, and we destroy them even before they are born. If a prophet grows up, he can achieve anything he wants. It's no surprise Liz is the youngest admiral ever. But, prophets can be destroyed. Here and now I could take her out. I have to do it, before she has a chance to act. I slowly rise and reach for her neck. I have to do this for Antar. My fingers are hovering an inch above her delicate skin.
But, I can't do it. I saw more than I had to, too much to be able to kill her. I saw her soul. Her gentleness. Her hate for the methods of her race. Her fierce love of life. Her silent tears in the night for the lives she was forced to take. Her vows that she'll change it.
How ironic. Our doom is the only one who could save us from total destruction. I also saw what she felt when she saw me, and I didn't imagine that anyone could feel this way about me. Why her of all people? Why does it have to be this complicated? I remember her grandmother saying: "If it's not complicated then probably it's not true love." I let out a frustrated sigh. This is too big for me to handle it alone, yet I can trust no one. I choose the third path; I get up to make some breakfast.


Only when the door closed behind him, did Liz dare to open her eyes. Her tense muscles relaxed and she began to tremble. Tears were silently running down her face, she occasionally hiccuped. She couldn't understand anything, she just knew that the man she loved was about to kill her, and the only way to avoid death was for her to remain motionless. One question was thundering in her mind, a question she could find no answer to: `Why? `


I had another great night with Michael. We made love in the sea, far away from the party. I can't wait to tell Liz! She'll be sooo shocked, when I tell her that he was fucking me in a public place when anyone could have seen. Of course, we parted again at three in the morning. I'm humming some stupid song; I'm quite satisfied with the turns our lives took. We both have boyfriends now, or at least Liz has, Michael is just a bed partner for me, who'd want to enter a relationship with him? They disappeared almost instantly from the beach, I guess they are sleeping upstairs. I hear steps approaching. It’s either Kyle or them, and when I turn, I face a stark naked Max wandering down the stairs with a dazed expression. I go scarlet, I immediately turn my back, and I shout over my shoulder.
'Hey, mister, this is not a clothing optional suite! ` I hear his footsteps fade away, he went back without a word! I guess he’s not a morning person. Well, if my Liz isn't the lucky one. I envy her. I only saw him for a second, but... Yummy. Definitely yummy. I'm so happy for her! If anyone, she deserves a guy like him.


I walk back towards her bedroom. I'm going to sneak in, grab my clothes and I'll disappear for a while, until I decide what to do. I can't jump blindfolded into a situation like this, when our mere existence is at stake.
As I approach the door, I hear her crying. I know why, she must have sensed something. I don't know what she knows or how she must feel now. I was so close to murdering her, too close. If I go near her, I'll endanger her. Rath would kill her on the spot, and two days ago I would had too. She should die; she is a risk and a threat we can't fight. But, through her, an alliance could be formed with humanity. There is so much to lose, so much to win, for both me and my people! I'm standing in front of the door, my hand on the handle, hesitating, unable to decide what to do.


I'm crying, and crying. What have I done? Why does he hate me? Why does he want to kill me? Is it because who I am or because what I am? I can’t find any answers to these questions and I'm unable to stand up to go and confront him. My love was denied. I've given my heart and it was shattered and tossed back at me. I'm too weak. I'm spent both emotionally and physically, I just want to crawl up and die. I'm tainted with innocent blood. I'm evil that should be destroyed. He is an empath; he must have sensed the crimes I've committed. I'm unworthy of him, I don't deserve to be loved, and I don't deserve to live.
I feel the futures expanding all around me. He is coming back. I look at the door and I look at the window overlooking the cliffs. A hundred meter's fall. A myriad of possibilities await. I can't track them, there are just to many of them and I'm too tired anyways. Death is the final freedom. Maybe this is the meaning of the old proverb? The freedom of knowing the future? But, it's not a freedom, it's a curse.
He stands in front of the door. He doesn't want to come in, he's afraid of me. Disgusted by the monster I am. That must be it. The line between cause and effect are being washed away, I'm not sure where one starts and where the other ends anymore.
I look at the door.
I look at the window.
Two paths. Only one path to take. I take a deep breath. Without love, there is no life. If love is denied of me, then there is no reason for me to exist. Without him, life is just misery.
I choose the window. Like a moth drawn to the flame, I take the first tentative step. Then the next. Then the next. The room is small, now I stand in front of the open window. It's wide open, letting the sunshine in. The cool morning breeze plays with my hair, making goose bumps all over me. I step up to the sill, and before I could change my mind, I let go.
Last edited by silverofroswell on Tue Aug 19, 2003 12:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 3 Part 8.5

Post by silverofroswell »

And here is today's part. Actually it is the end of part 8, but i'm an evil SoB and I left it out yesterday.

Part 8.5

The moment my feet leave the windowsill, the door blows open. I hear Max shouting 'No!` Time seems to stand still as I begin my final dive. The futures around me are rapidly collapsing. It's the strangest feeling I had ever felt. I have been surrounded with futures since my birth, now they are gone. I feel naked without them. Not that it matters anymore. I expect that only one will remain in the end, but I'm mildly surprised that there are two paths. They are crystal clear, clearer than anything ever was before. I can choose to live or I can choose the rocks rapidly closing in. I grasp desperately for life. I don't know how I’ll survive the fall, but my muscles do what they have to instinctively. I spread my arms and I turn to offer the greatest possible resistance to the wind. It's only a split seconds difference, but it's enough. More than enough. Now I know what Kyle was always trying to tell me about prescience. When there is either black or white, death or life, than it's the easiest thing in the world to choose between them. That's why no fighter pilot ever retired. They can't go on without this feeling, without this sense of purpose. I am exactly who I need to be and I am exactly when and where I need to be. I have my place in the universe. It's that kind of feeling.
I'm just a meter from the ground when a something green flares up in front of me. I fall into some kind of force field. It takes my momentum away, it envelops and protects me. It slowly starts to rise, with me cocooned inside it.
The futures come back. Now the familiar feeling of possibilities surrounds me everywhere. I look up towards the sky. He is standing there. Green light is illuminating his hands, the same light from which the force field is wowed. He brings me up to the level of the window, then into the room. Only when I have ground under me, does he release me. I fall to the floor, panting.
I nearly threw my life away! Instead of fighting, I ran. Now I know that I made the worst decision of my life. I don’t know what I’ve been thinking, simply no idea at all. How could I’ve tried this, and why? I know that I'll need time to process this, but it's not now. The time for tears is over. I've no right to cry. I owe him my life, and I'll pay this debt, no matter the cost. My life is not only my own anymore.
We stand in front of each other, both naked, but our eyes don't wander from the other's. He doesn't know what to say, but I do. The questions can wait. I know what is more important than anything else right now.
`Thank you.`
Last edited by silverofroswell on Tue Aug 19, 2003 12:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 3 Part 9

Post by silverofroswell »

Part 9

They were walking on the edge of the cliffs. It was time to shed light on the truth. Mainly Max was speaking.
`I didn’t know who you were when we first met. It was chance that brought us together or maybe I can say destiny.` Liz did not know what to say. The phrase "brought us together" caught her unprepared.
`I only knew about your occupation since last night. I'm, my abilities are a little stronger than your empaths', I can occasionally see into people's soul.` Liz was about to ask a question, but he raised his hand to silence her. `No, let me finish. I did not believe what I saw. I needed final evidence. And last night, in your bedroom, I found out that you were a prophet. I should have killed you that moment. I tried, but I couldn't. `He hesitated for a moment, trying to express something he had no words for. `You are too good. Too noble to be destroyed. You don't deserve to die. And... and...` He couldn't finish the sentence. He had no right to tell her that he loved her, after what he put her through.
`But why? ` He did not ask for clarification, he knew what she was talking about.
`Because you are dangerous. You are more dangerous than you realize. With your power, skill, and position, you could destroy us.`
`I... I don't understand.`
He stopped his steps and turned to her. He took her hand into his. This was the part that he was dreading. What if she freaked out? What if she would hate him? What if her pacifism was just a superficial layer? No one from her race stood in front of someone from another in the last two hundred years. He had no idea how she would react. Maybe it was better if he put a few steps between them. He tried to pull away, but she tightened her hands.
`Liz, I've never told this to any human. I've been deceiving you about who I am. I'm not Max Evans from planet Earth. I was born far away, and to a different race.`
`What are you talking about? I don't understand.` She sounded calm, just a bit confused.
`I'm a shapeshifter from Antar. I was sent here ten years ago to investigate humanity and to make contact if possible.`
`What? This is nonsense.` She still didn't raised her voice, but it was like she thought he had gone mad.
He pulled his left hand free of hers. He concentrated and changes started to run through his palm. The skin smoothed out and it's color turned purple then red and finally back to human. He dreaded looking up at her.
She pulled her other hand free and took a step back. She was fighting to control herself. She sat down on a nearby rock, and for half a minute she just stared into nothingness, then she turned back to him.
`Okay. Tell me everything.` He sat down too, putting a three meters distance between them.
`The Alliance is based on the peaceful coexistence of nine races. The three major races are draconian, antaran, and renul. The other six own just one or two star systems. The Alliance is now a three thousand years old loose federate. We are expanding, though much slower than humanity. Antarans surprisingly look like humans. That's why I was able to take up a human form. We received the first reports of you from the Tritons, we sometimes traded with them. Then, after they... were gone, we started to watch you. But, we were not prepared for your... aggresivity. I won't lie to you Elizabeth. You’re caught up with us now in technology. We could still possibly win a war, but if a prophet lead you...`
`Then why did you save me?` She did not care about politics now, if she tried to process what he said, it'd take days, days she did not have, so she just tried to go with the flow and remain on surface.
`Because it was you. I saw into your soul. You are the only chance to stop the war from breaking out. Admiral Parker, can you help us? Will you help us?` Liz looked at him. She was silent for a while, then she sighed, making her decision.
`You are asking me to betray my race.` He tried to protest, not liking her tone, and where it could lead.
`No, it's not like...`
`Don't worry`, she interrupted `I was merely stating the fact. Of course, I will do everything within my power to prevent the war.` She stood up. `But I'll need information, Ambassador.`
`You'll have it, Admiral. Anything you need. Anything.`


They talked about politics for hours, going over possibilities to convince the Council that aiding the Alliance was the way to survive, but they found none. The elected officials sitting in the Council were too old fashioned and set in their ways. Any idealism they might have had in the beginning of their careers was destroyed long ago by cynicism and corruption.
They could use their own weapon against them, the Ricker doctrine, and force them to pretend to be friendly for the time being, and convincing the people of the Republic that peaceful coexistence was possible in the meantime, but great tact and finesse was required to accomplish this. They needed to keep humanity away from Alliance space for the time being, and Elizabeth had to make sure that she’d be the first to make contact with the Alliance, carefully controlling the situation from getting out of hand. It was not much of a plan, but it was the best they could come up with. They agreed that no one needed to know about Max's true identity until much later on.
`But that means that we need to come up with a cover story, why we would need to meet regularly.` Max tried to approach the topic as neutrally as he could, not wanting to suggest anything that might hurt her. He knew that many things had hurt her and he was the cause of all of them, but he had no idea how to behave. He had lost his right this morning to be a part of her life in the way that he wanted to. He put her through hell, and it only made him admire this woman more. That she endured and despite his attempt to kill her, she was still ready to risk her life for them. Plus, he was still lying to her. He kept his position among his people hidden from her, claiming only to be a shapeshifter. He told her that only one in a million Antarans was able to shapeshift, but he did not offer any more details and she didn't ask.
During the last hours, they both acted like professionals, concentrating only on the matter at hand, but this coldness was starting to put a strain on them. Yet, the current state of their personal relationship was a topic that neither of them wanted to approach. But, as they headed back to the villa, they had to.
`I think if we acted like we’re just friends, then everyone would suppose that we are hiding a relationship. If they think that they figured us out, they'll leave us alone.` They both remained silent, struggling with the thoughts they wanted to share with the other, but unsure how to express it without hurting the other.
`I guess that will be okay.`, Max managed to say rather awkwardly in the end. They both walked beside each other for the rest of the distance immersed in their thoughts.
Last edited by silverofroswell on Tue Aug 19, 2003 12:45 am, edited 1 time in total.