Deceptive Appearences (MATURE/ADULT) *Kyle, Tess OPEN*

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Post by FallenMagic »

~* Kyle *~

Tour guide? Into the UFO Centre with a hot girl? I feel a smile form on my lips. Almost immediately I'm offering to help Tess.

"i'll be glad to show you around." I say.
<center>There are endings and beginnings and then there are Crossroads; and, somehow, in the end all that's left are Pieces Of A Dream</center>
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Post by isabelle »


Wow. If Liz is picking up something in my mind, then we must have actually been in the '47 crash. Not just our parents, or even grandparents. That means the three of us spent 42 years in those pods. We've guessed about that, but it's so strange to know that it's really true.

"What else did you see? Any people from the ship?" I ask her. Our parents, maybe. I wonder what they looked like.

"No," Liz says, shaking her head. "I saw the military people searching, and I felt - frightened."

I nod. Who wouldn't be? Stranded on a strange planet. People coming after you. She must have seen something. Something that could explain what happened. "Was there anything-else?"

"Well, yeah. Not just now, but earlier. At the apartment," she says. "I saw stars. A spiral galaxy with a red star in the center. Max, I think it's where you were from."

I swallow hard and then look up at the stars. "A spiral galaxy..." I repeat. Wondering about it.
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Post by liz_maria »


I'm standing just outside the Crashdown. I try to look by the big glass windows to see who's in. I spot Maria walking around, her back turned to me.

Screw this! I'll save myself the trouble of peeking through the windows and just go inside.

I open the doors and step in. The bell hanging somewhere by the doors ringing softly. Maria turned to look at me and I gave her a small wave...
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Post by isabelle »


Liz nods as I lose myself for a moment. Wishing there was some way to find out more about all this. That there was someone to ask.

Then I remember the flashes I got, and I turn to face Liz again. "Liz? I saw some flashes, too."

"Yeah? About the crash?" She says. She looks hopeful but also a little tense. Like she's afraid of what I might say.

"I don't really understand what I saw. It was you and Serena, and Ms. Brennan. You were in her kitchen, cooking something when you were both about eleven or something. What was that about?"
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Post by KatnotKath »


“What else did you see…? Any people from the ship…?”

His tone is hopeful, I know how much it would mean to him to find out anything about his parents…unfortunately I can’t help him with that. “No…” I shake my head. “I’m sorry…I saw military people searching, and I felt – frightened…”

He nods at this. “Was there anything else…?”

Should I tell him about earlier…? Yes…it must be related… Whether I’m getting these flashes because of my powers or not, he deserves to know what I can tell him. Slowly I nod in response to his question. “Well yeah…Not just now, but earlier at the apartment…I saw stars. A spiral galaxy with a red star in the centre…Max I think it’s where you were from…” I’m concentrating, trying to remember the vision in as much detail as I can. I think that’s it now…

“A spiral galaxy…”

I can tell that this isn’t easy for him to hear. He and the others have tried to find out about where they’re from for years and yet they’re not the ones to reveal the information…I am… I nod and wait to see if he’ll say anything more. He looks away, obviously trying to process it all, then suddenly he faces me again.

“Liz? I saw some flashes too…”

I immediately know whatever he’s seen isn’t going to have been related, but I ask anyway. “Yeah? About the crash?” Maybe it will be…or maybe it’ll be normal stuff…just please don’t have let him seen anything supernatural…

“I don’t really understand what I saw. It was you and Serena and Ms. Brennan. You were in her kitchen, cooking something when you were both about eleven or something. What was that about?”

I can’t help feeling a little relieved…he could have seen far worse…this I should be able to explain for now at least. “Well I don’t know why you’d see it, but Ms. Brennan used to look after us sometimes when we were younger…you probably just saw us baking or something…” I’m not sure whether he’ll buy it but I have to try.
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Post by isabelle »


I hear what Liz says and find myself shaking my head. I don't even know why I'm disagreeing with her. Maybe it's some residue from the flash, but I know what she said is wrong.

"The Physics teacher was your babysitter?" It doesn't make sense. Liz starts to confirm this, but I go on without waiting. "There was a big puff of smoke. Must have been a pretty strange recipe. Either that, or you two are TERRIBLE cooks."
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Post by KatnotKath »


“The Physics teacher was your babysitter?”

He doesn’t believe it…ok, what can I say to convince him…? I nod. “Yeah h-“ I start to try and explain but Max cuts me off as he continues.

"There was a big puff of smoke. Must have been a pretty strange recipe. Either that, or you two are TERRIBLE cooks…”

Ok, so he saw us potion making…at least now I know what I’m talking about… I bite my lip. I really want to tell him the truth, I want to tell him all about me but I know that I can’t without talking to Aisling first. I pretend to look hurt, trying to divert his attention away from his own flash in the hopes that if he doesn’t think about it anymore he might just buy what I’m about to say. “HEY! Less of the terrible cook comments if you don’t mind…” I pretend to think for a moment then look at him as though I’ve just remembered. “Well there was this one time Ms. Brennan had been cooking with us and we went outside to play then sort of forgot about the pan for a while…whatever we were cooking burnt and the kitchen was filled with smoke…the smoke alarm was blaring when we came back inside…maybe that’s what you saw…” I suggest. And if he doesn’t believe that I’m going to have to just ask him to take me home…I need to talking to Ainsling tomorrow though, this can’t wait any longer!
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Post by isabelle »


I give Liz a reassuring smile, although I don't believe it for a minute. It was only a flash, but I'm quite sure I didn't see a kitchen fire. It was nothing like what happened to Mom. "Sounds pretty scary. Good thing nobody was hurt."

"Yeah, it was," Liz says, relaxing a little.

I nod, holding Liz close, although the emotions that came with the flash were more of excitement than fear. "I guess that explains why I saw it."

Liz turns and looks at me, her eyebrows raised in a question. "What do you mean?"

"Well, just that usually I see the stronger memories. Something like a kitchen fire certainly qualifies," I explain. Liz nods, and I give her a grin before going on. "It also explains why Michael is cooking at the Crashdown instead of either of you."
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Post by KatnotKath »


I watch Max, trying to decide whether or not he seems to believe what I’m saying. He gives me a smile. “Sounds pretty scary. Good job nobody was hurt…”

I had forgotten momentarily about the incident at his house with the fire a while ago otherwise I wouldn’t have chanced suggesting that.. Luckily he seems to be satisfied with my explanation so hopefully it’ll be ok for now. “Yeah…it was…” I comment as I relax a little.

Max nods and pulls me closer. I lean my head against his chest and am relieved that I don’t have to look into his eyes at the moment. I’m fairly certain that the moment he did he would know that I’m lying…he has this way of just being able to tell…

“I guess that explains why I saw it…”

I look up at him surprised. “What do you mean?”

“Well just that usually I see the stronger memories. Something like a kitchen fire certainly qualifies…”
I nod. Yeah…? In my life a kitchen fire would be a nice, relatively normal occurance. Even the alien stuff most of the time isn’t as freaky as some of the witchy stuff…I mean Serena and I have warlocks and demons constantly trying to kill us…our mother died for this and the great likelihood is that one day we will too… I can’t help shivering at this thought and then suddenly become aware that Max has continued talking.

“…Michael is cooking at the Crashdown instead of either of you…”

Luckily it doesn’t take much to work out what the rest of that sentence will have been and, trying to concentrate on the present, not what’s happened or is going to happen, I look up at him and pout. “You know I could get really hurt here…I’ll have you know my cooking is fairly good…willing to bet it’s better than yours anyway…” I tell him laughing softly at the end of this. I don’t want to think about serious things at the moment, I just want to enjoy being with Max…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


I smile at Liz's defensiveness. "I bet you're right. Afterall, you've had loads of practice since then, I'm sure."

"You got that right," she says, sounding almost smug.

"Although I'm not really completely helpless in the kitchen, either," I protest. And I'm not. Mom insisted on teaching both Isabel and me how to crack an egg when we were first with her. I don't have any trouble with the basic stuff. I turn slightly so I can see Liz's face again. "But maybe we can find something more interesting than cooking to talk about."
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