STAR Series (Very AU, sci-fi) {COMPLETE}

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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The Ususal Author's Comment

Post by silverofroswell »

Heroes of the Stars ends here. However the story will continue in one week. I won't give a new title because to the new book, mailny becausa the events why HotS was called HotS will only happen in the third book. These nine chapters were completely unplanned at the end of Between the Stars. So let's suppose book two was called "The Birth of a Prophet" and book three is Heroes of the Stars, shall we?

As a teaser, here are the titles of the remaining seven chapters. Let's see what comes after Thin Ice!

I. Friends and Foes
II. Hail the Heroes-Antar (This one may change, the rest is more or less fixed)
III. Traitors and Renegades
IV.The Heroes of Humanity
V. The Birth of a Prophet
VI. Of Love and Duty
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Chapter 10

Post by silverofroswell »

Chapter 10
The New Alliance

Part 24

Two solely antaran fleets, the First and the Third, plus a joint, the Ninth Alliance Fleet awaited the arrival of the human envoys. They were in constant alert; the humans could arrive at anytime now.
The mood wasn’t better in the royal palace either. The royals and some of the representatives from the other races were around the great table of the Audience Hall. It was completely round, to symbolize equality. Currently about fifteen people were sitting around it, biding time, they knew when the humans departed with the expeditionary force, but they lacked the technology to even detect superluminal objects, so communication was totally out of question.


`What if they don’t want to negotiate? If they only come to attack?` The draconian ambassador, just like any of her kind, became extremely prone to worrying even from the slightest stress.
`Calm down, Hiel, I’m sure that the three Generals will make short work of the lowly humans in that case. They are just green troops after all.` In your dreams. Liz would mop the floor with them anytime. Hey, wait a sec, whose side I’m on?
`Thank you, Khivar, but I think that is enough. I’m quite confident that my son made the right decision inviting them here.` It was clearly a rebuke from Dad, even if a polite one. Unfortunately, the mention of Zan’s name put Ava in worry mode now. Sigh.
`Do you think he is alright? They took him as hostage after all. They could have done anything with him!` Yeah, as I know my bother, the anything consisted mostly of kissing and sex, with a certain high-ranking alien, while fooling an entire human fleet. Before my mother could start one of her five minutes long let’s-soothe-poor-Ava-together sessions, I snap.
`He is perfectly alright. Liz would never hurt him, and he offered himself as hostage, they didn’t “take him”. So why don’t you just quit whining? Zan is fine.` Ava looks at me like I’ve slapped her. Maybe I got a bit carried away. Ava’s thoughts are radiating the antaran equivalent of crying. She jumps up and ran away. Okay, a lot carried away.
`How could you be so cruel to your sister-in-law?` My mother says, giving me a disappointed, scolding look. She stands up too, and hurries after her. Sister-in-law?? What is she talking about? Max’s wife is… Yeah. I haven’t been thinking for a moment. She is supposed to become my in-law. But she can be so irritating. She can’t help it, but she thinks that Zan belongs to her. I guess it just tickles my protective instincts. I don’t think I got away that easily, there is surely a mother-daughter talk scheduled for tonight. While my brother is having fun with his girlfriend in the middle of the action, I’m stranded on this wretched planet lying to everyone, and wondering why I ever agreed to help him. Maybe because he is too big a fool to pull this off alone.
In the beginning, I didn’t like the idea of him and Liz together at all. To be exact, I freaked out pretty much when I first saw the link between them. I had all sorts of crazy ideas, like they brainwashed him or used some secret human “magic” to influence him, things like that. The same exact thoughts that will occur to everyone if they get caught. But I’m my brother’s sister, and we share a bond, not so different from what’s between him and her. I know how much he cares about her. What they have is special, even in the terms of our people. Their love already shook the stars, and what they will be able to accomplish together…
The talks on Antar will be covered by webs of deception, each party will have his own agenda, but I bet that they’ll all fall to their cunning. I’m amazed at my brother and my sister-in-law. They manipulate everyone and break every rule to be together. They’ve forged an interspecies alliance for the sake of their love, while everyone else is totally convinced that they hold all the cards.
I don’t know if history will ever become aware of their machinations, but if it does, theirs will be marked as the greatest love of all times.


Half an hour later

The human fleet exploded into normal space right outside of the edge of the system, the polite way to enter. The three Alliance Fleets rushed to form up ahead of them. Though the individual fleets were slightly smaller than the human wargroup, their advanced technology and greater experience could easily balance this fact, and the three of them put together; they were a formidable force.
The battleships of the Fourth were at full battle-readiness, the pilots in their craft, operators in the weapon and shield rooms, all awaiting their Admiral’s orders.
`Alliance forces! This is Admiral Parker aboard the Republic Battleship Destiny. We’ve come in peace.` There was a moment of breath being withheld back, then the reply came from the second planet of the system itself.
`Admiral! I’m the King of Antar. We thank you for coming and we welcome you into the territory of the Alliance. Please feel free to station your ships around the fifth planet.` This was well away from the inhabited planets, but in-system, nevertheless. `If you need any supplies, please free to ask.`
`Thank you, Antar, for your generosity, but we will not need anything.`
`Then we will contact you in an hour to commence diplomatic negotiations.`
`In an hour then. Destiny out.`
`Antar out.`
During the next hour, the Fourth Fleet sailed to the fifth planet, which was a gas giant and “set anchor” there. There a sizeable fighter force began patrolling the area, looking for signs of trouble, while the long-range scanners started to map the defenses of the heart of an alien race.
The ships of the expeditionary force, which were sent to relieve Vertigo, returned to their own orbital docks. The “guests” however remained on Destiny. Ambassador Zander was allowed to contact his home planet, to receive instructions. Their communication was of course recorded, just like every other radio message passing through the system. The exobiologists, with the help of Destiny’s supercomputer were set to the task of decoding the language. They begun the same work Max’s team had done on Earth.

A/C I have to go back on my words. Contrary to my previous statements, this is the last chapter of Heroes of the Stars. From now on I'll post every day or every second day, so stay in touch. Sorry for keeping you waiting so long, but I had to write the story ahead for some time.
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Chapter 10

Post by silverofroswell »

Part 25

`Vice-Admirals, thank you for coming.` They used one of the smaller conference room, only the four leaders and their second-in-commands, or, in Liz’s case, her adjutant.
`Why have you called us away from our ships? We could be attacked at any time!` Pierce’s tone was accusing.
`The long-range scanners show nothing, and besides I’m quite confident that Antar won’t risk a war.` She didn’t need to add that she would know about any attack plan well before it was executed. Jim and Vasilij already added that fact in their minds to her sentence, and Pierce wouldn’t believe her anyways. `To answer your question, I’ve called you here to inform you of what I expect of you while I am away.`
`What do you mean while you are away?` Jim asked politely.
`The King of Antar invited me to start the talks in his palace on Antar, which I instantly accepted.`
Pierce, not fully believing what he was hearing, jumped up.
`This is madness! You can’t go there!`
`Vice-Admiral, I don’t need your consent. I’ve called you to give you my orders.` Her voice was ice cold. `Until I return, Vice-Admiral Valenti is in command and Vice-Admiral Enteroff is his second. Destiny: make note.`
`Note stored, Admiral.` The ship sounded as uninterested as usual.
`The Council will hear about this! I’ll make sure of it! You can’t just push me to the sides to pursue your mad dreams!`
Liz slowly stood up, her face flaming. There was an edge of barely controlled anger to her voice.
`Do you dare to threaten me on my own ship?` She didn’t wait till Pierce had a chance to protest. `Destiny! Vice-Admiral Samuel Pierce has lost my trust, and thus I’m unable to accept him as the captain of one of my ships. Because of irreverence to his superiors, hereby, I remove him from the captainship of Doom.` She couldn’t hide her smirk. `You are to help the captain I appoint above you until he becomes confident enough to manage the ship without your “help”` The others sat mutely, confused by the pace of the events. Liz is demoting Pierce? Why? They didn’t understand exactly how they got to this point this fast. However, for Pierce, seeing Admiral Parker’s face, it became clear that he had been led into a trap.
`You.. .you planned this! To remove me! I accuse you of treachery! Destiny hear me!`
`Do you have the support of the other two Vice-Admirals? If you don’t then your accusation will count as treachery and you could be executed.` She didn’t plan for this, but when the opportunity presented itself, she gladly followed the future where she could get rid of him entirely.
`Of course I do. Valenti, Enteroff, tell her!` The others just looked at him. Jim was the first to speak.
`Destiny, I don’t support Vice-Admiral Pierce’s Claim of Treachery.`
`Neither do I.`
`This means that you tried to rebel against your superior. Destiny. Call security. Samuel Pierce is without rank from now on. Have him arrested for treachery and secured in a cell.`
For a moment, Pierce looked like he was trying to make a run for it. Then, he decided against it. An uncomfortable silence settled for the next half minute. Jim and Enteroff avoided his eyes, just like everyone else in the room. When security arrived he was led away without a word.
`The first point of the agenda is accounted for.` She said in a casual voice. She turned to Pierce’s second, a dark-olive skinned man in his forties. `Colonel Gandhera, are you ready to continue your tasks?` The man gulped.
`Yes, Admiral.`
`Excellent. Valenti, I hope you can continue without your second, because he is the captain of Doom from now on. Congratulations, Colonel.` Two-Star Colonel Huito was a member of the second circle, a brown-haired Indian in his late thirties. He jumped up and saluted.
`Thank you, Admiral! I promise I won’t fail you!` She gave him a warm smile before her expression changed back to the neutral, business-like mask she reserved for these meetings.
`You are welcome. Now, let’s begin the real work.`
She took out seven papers and distributed them along the table. Except for Alex and Jim, who already knew what to expect, they all gulped and turned a little white when they saw the top of the agenda.

“Commander’s meeting
Destiny, room IC-354
2384.10.06 10:30


1: The arrest of Samuel Pierce and the promotion of Peter Huito.
2: Patrol routes for the cruisers….”

A/C. Thank you for the feedback!

to joliedreaming : the parts are contradicting, but with a good reason, to simply put it, Liz is lying to herself in order to keep her sanity. Think about the consequesnces of being nearly omniscient. I've gotta run now, but I'll explain later in more detail if you want to.

to Gigo: Isabel is slowly becoming a main character from a supporting one. Don't worry, she'll play a part too.
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Chapter 10

Post by silverofroswell »

Part 26

`This is the space shuttle Swan, requesting landing clearance.`
`Swan, this is Antar. Maintain your course. Two cruisers will escort you in. Follow them and do not stray from the path.`
`Copy, Antar.` The forehead of the captain of the Swan; Swan-1C7, to be exact, was glistening with sweat. She wiped it with the sleeve of her shirt. She and her co-pilot were entrusted with the task of ferrying the Admiral down to the surface of the alien planet. She was completely calm, standing behind them, watching the planet on the main viewscreen before them. She turned her head slightly, unable to give the due respect to her commander while strapped to her chair.
`Admiral, please return to your seat. There could be atmospherical disturbances.`
She practically saw her commander’s smile when she answered.
`No, there won’t be. It will be a clear landing.` She smiled herself. If their Prophetess said so, it will be so.
`Yes, Admiral!`, she said with sudden enthusiasm.
The planet was only a few thousand kilometers away.
`Here they come.` She heard Admiral Parker a second before the proximity-radar showed the two new crafts that pulled up to their sides, only few kilometers away. Her first officer entered some commands and the secondary viewscreens zoomed in on the new arrivals.
They were wider and longer than the ships categorized as “draconian cruisers” by the a-tech (alien-technology) guys. The hull was about three hundred meters long, but its wings gave nearly the third of the length. Instead of the sickly yellow – amethyst blue combination of the Alliance crafts, it was pure blue, and it radiated with some inner light – probably energy-shields. It’s beauty was undeniable, but definitely alien. The silence was broken by the superior officer of the Fourth
`Now, Lieutenant, follow our friends to the surface. Let’s show them what we’re made of!`


The sparkling-blue Royal Cruisers pull over us thundering in the air, leaving the descending shuttle alone. It’s a dull, grey ship, an in-system transport. No armor, shields, or weaponry. Of course the cargo hold could hide atomics of million megatons, but I don’t think that that’s the case.
The pilot puts it down on one of the Palace landing pads. I lead the welcoming delegation. The humanoid races are represented in equal numbers here, three antarans, three renulars, and three draconians, plus a smaller crowd of onlookers and the hyenas of the media are gathered at a safe distance. The low hum of the AG engines slowly become dimmer, then cease altogether. The ramp is descending with a hiss. It’s an open elevator, with five humans standing in it.
Liz is in the lead. She is wearing her pure-white uniform, her hair is clasped together. She, like all the others is breathing through a mask, combined nasal and oral filters to clean out the carbon-monoxide of our air, which would be deadly to her kind.
A short, forty-something woman with spiky white hair and a stressed out expression is standing on her right.. They are all wearing mind-shields, so I can only guess at her emotions, but she seems to be nervous to set foot on an alien planet. This can be understood. They only came as murderers in the last centuries.
Two lean, but muscular guards are escorting them. Both only twenty-something, with identical, ruffled hair. They look like hawks, with their eyes moving all around, trying to take in as much as they can, analyzing potential threats and enemies. The hand-weapons at their sides are unknown to me, but they look like some kind of guns.
The fifth man, on my sister-in-law’s right is Alex. He is surprisingly handsome in his blue-black uniform. Our eyes lock for a second and a shiver runs down my spine. There is no chance that he could know me in this form, but it looks like that recognition flashes in his eyes too.
They step out of the elevator. If I was in human form, I’d take a deep breath now. The Admiral is leading them, moving gracefully in a hostile environment. She looks like a tigress on the hunt. Her two guards move the same way – elegant and fluid. Her expression is stern. Aggressive, almost threatening. My brethren can’t read human expressions. If they could, they’d be calling for reinforcements right now. They keep a good meter’s distance from one another; the air is shimmering around them. Personal shields? Humanity has personal shields? Why didn’t we know about them? I don’t have time to ponder on the question; they quickly cross the distance between us. I step forward too, to great them – as the highest ranking member of the host race, the honor is mine.
`Greetings, humans. I’m Princess Vilondra of Antar.` We stand maybe five meters from them.
`Greetings Princess. I’m Admiral Elizabeth Parker.` There is no warmness in her words, it’s only a formal greeting, nothing else. Pleasantries are not necessary in interracial exchanges
`Admiral, the King and the Representatives are awaiting only you. Please, follow me.`
`Lead the way, Princess.` I long to ask if there is something wrong, but I can’t, for obvious reasons.
We start out towards the nearest wing of the Palace. We fall into an age-old pattern; Liz is walking beside me, while our entourage follows us in two separate groups. I try to give her something like a tour.
`This is the antaran royal palace. The building is more than three thousand human years old. We are heading for the diplomatic wing, which has been built especially for occasions like this...` She is walking beside me in silence, but I know that she is listening. She is technically an enemy at the moment, though she is here to become a friend.


The King

My daughter leads the humans into the chamber. Five persons, two females, three males. I can’t differentiate between individual humans, but I assume that the one talking to my daughter is their famous Admiral. After the obligatory introductions, it becomes clear that I was right. The others are her assistants and guards. We offer them seats which they decline. I send a questioning thought to my daughter, asking the possible reason. Maybe I’ve offended them?
<No, don’t trouble yourself over it.> There is a promise of a lengthier explanation in her reply, so I let it drop.
The humans stand a meter away from the table, apparently waiting for us to start the talks.
`Admiral, the Alliance would like to use these talks to forge an alliance against the talronids. However, before we start to discuss the terms of that alliance, we’d like to sign a mutual non-aggression treaty.`
`You are asking me to commit my race to one side in your conflict. It doesn’t matter whether it is a non-aggression treaty or a full alliance.` I didn’t expect this bluntness.
`You misunderstand our offer. We just want to ensure…` She interrupts me, which is completely unacceptable. She is clearly a beginner in diplomacy.
`Don’t think me a fool, King of Antar.` It’s the first time I’ve heard my title without any kind of respect. Who does this little human think she is to threaten me in my own chambers? But she is not finished yet.
`You desperately need allies. If we turned on you, your Alliance would fall. I’m willing to commit my race to this war, but you’ll pay a price higher than you could ever imagine before humans would spill their blood in your war.`
I’ve been wrong. She is not a beginner in diplomacy, or if she is, we will never know. This is an ultimatum, one we can’t refuse.
How does she know things like that? We’ve been betrayed! But by whom? Maybe they’ve tortured my son for this information? What can we do now? How can one play poker, when all of our cards have just been laid bare on the table by none other then the opponent?


Isabel was watching the exchange with an inward smile. Only fifteen minutes has passed, but her sister-in-law already had her father pressed up to the wall and sweating.
Liz was behaving far better than she expected her too. Isabel placed her bet on that she would achieve this in the first five minutes.

A/C: I love that what Liz is doing is pissing people off everywhere I put this. It means that I'm writing it the way I intended to. Liz was not meant to be an entirely positive figure. She must and will do everything neccessary to win. If she must choose between ending millions of innocent lives by destroying a planet, or a one percent chance of losing the war, she will press the button. She knows that what she's doing isn't right, but someone has to do it.

to joliedreaming: Last time I didn't have enough time to answer properly, I was just posting. I've never read the book you mentioned, but I'll try to acquire it.
About the exterminated races. The sister planets of Eden and Paradise are used to store the alien life forms under 2-20 kilometer wide domes. The specimen collectors grab a 1 km wide chunk of earth and rip it off the ground before the planet is scorched, there are usually 10 collectors accompanying the fleet. They are stored in the docks of the battleships, they are like balloon, but instead of canvas, forcefields contain the earth. Of course this method does not guarantee that the race will survive, but it isn't a priority anyways, just an opportunity. They don't show favouritism, or if they do, it's not official. All other life forms are inferior and are to be treated as animal. Imagine the fascist regime ad hundredth, with the plus that they are perfectly justified. (and personally I agree with the Ricker doctrine, but I like happy ends, and Liz methodically destroying Antar and torturing the Royals to death would be a lot less fun)
They've never kept any of the Tritons, it was the first kill of humanity, they were doing a through work that time.
The concept of my Liz comes from the one who could sacrifice her happiness for the good of the world, and the S3 Liz, who was much more hard-headed, risk taking and stronger. My favourite point of the show was when Liz threw Tess to the wall. What could have become of an extremely intelligent and sensitive woman who is thrown into a basicly evil system (evil only by her standards!) and has the power to change it, and she is the only one? She picks up the mantle, even if it destroys her. Remember, at the beginning Liz wasn't exactly what you would call happy. Duty above all, and duty in its best sense. "To do what must be done."
She sees that you have to be rough to sometimes to prevent greater harm. The motto is: "No price is too high to pay."
She senses that madness threathens her and knows unconsciously that she must attach herself to her emotions before she becomes something more alien than any creature of the Alliance. Sensing the future completely alters the perception of reality. (Or at least I think so. I'm not a prophet, and I've never met one.) The hardest thing about being (semi-)omnipotent is not to act as if you were omnipotent, and to avoid treating everyone else like they were crap, while they are crap, compared to you.

Thank you all for the feedback, and more, more, more please, the lenghtier, the better.
My beta is moving, so she disappeared for the last week off the face of Earth, and this was the last of the corrected parts, so if I don't get anything back in a few days, I might be forced to post uncorrected parts, and if you've read Ascension War in the beginning, you might remember what a nightmare that is. Anyways, I'll be back on Wednesday with a new part, or at least a teaser from eleven parts ahead.
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Chapter 10

Post by silverofroswell »

Part 27


“There is still no communication with Vertigo. What could have happened to the twenty-first colony?”
“The government refused to answer any questions about….”
“The Fourth’s abrupt departure wrecked havoc in the patrol plans. Who is to blame? Watch the Galaxy Tonight with us at two thousand, Earth time. Now back to the sports…”
“Anonymous sources inside the military…’
“Councilor Zeyla is accusing the Head of carelessness….”
“…recalling the Fourth…”
“Unknown aliens….”
“… a great and victorious battle…”
“… rumors that the Loki is returning with the survivors of Vertigo…”
“… still no contact with the Fourth. The Government denies that the Fourth is lost…”
“…the transport of the Sirius Inc. met the Loki heading for Earth. Detailed reports on the evening news.”
“…the Loki arrived in the Sol system. The government promised a news conference later…”

Erika Wronsky, the captain of the Loki, turned off the vid. She reviewed the intercepted news from the last two weeks. The Loki traveled in complete radio silence, silently streaking through the light-years separating Vertigo from Earth. It seems that Admiral Parker hadn’t advertised her plans either, Earth was in complete turmoil.
Her ship was approaching the orbital bases around Moon. The thirty-one thousand survivors were housed in the three transport ships that were assembled near Vertigo. She retreated to her room when it was clear that the docking would proceed smoothly. The transport ships were already disembarking their passengers on the Moon. They will be the living banner to their cause.
The magnificent battle-cruiser came to an abrupt halt near the giant orbital dock. The airlocks connected with the sides of the station and opened with a hiss. Sailors were already forming rows in the corridors leading out of the ship. Only half of the crew got shore time now, the others had to remain to help the maintenance crew repair the damages sustained in the battle.
Erika left her room too, debriefing awaited her.


Moira-class battleship Destiny
The third day of the talks

`Admiral, a message came from Earth! ` The comm officer’s tone suggested that it wasn’t good news. Liz hurried over to him, with Alex on her trail. She quickly took over the chair and read it. It said that the Fourth should return immediately to human territory and all talks with the aliens must be abandoned at once in the most polite fashion possible. When she finished, she stood up silently. The communication officer sat back and looked at her questioningly.
`Can I forward it to the other ships?`
`No,` came the sharp reply. `Delete it. We didn’t receive this message, do you understand?`
The man gulped. He perfectly understood.
`Yes, Admiral.`


`What will you do now, Liz?` An emergency meeting was called. Enteroff, Valenti, and Alex were sitting around a small table in one of the briefing rooms while Max stood behind Liz, resting his hand on her shoulder. The Prince of Antar moved more or less freely aboard Destiny, now that the talks were safely underway. It wasn’t suspicious anymore if he disappeared with the Admiral for a few hours here and there, if anyone asked, he was giving background information on antaran culture.
`Nothing. The treaty will be signed in two days, after that, we’ll retreat to the Republic and begin the undermining of the Council.`
`You can’t simply pretend that a message that was repeated a thousand times, simply disappeared!` Enteroff was still new to this business, so Valenti had to correct him.
`Like hell, she can’t. We can do anything and we can get away with almost anything.`
`We will pretend that it never arrived, so they’ll pretend that they never sent it. I’ve ignored other orders in the past as well. And yes, Alex, I’m aware of that,` she said to him when he was about to say something.
The meeting was pretty much concluded with that. After they left the room, Enteroff asked Alex.
`What were you about to say?`
He just sighed and shook his head.
`It doesn’t matter anymore.`


Sol System, a few days earlier

"The whole army is being mobilized after the catastrophe of Vertigo. Exclusive interview with retired Navy Vice-Admiral John Hendrix after the evening news."
"Detailed reports of the happenings on Vertigo. Who were the attackers? What could be the real intentions of the so-called "saviors"? Who is to blame for the death of millions?"
"Protests and demonstrations for and against sending out the Third! Complete turmoil on the streets of New York! Should we take revenge or pull the defensive net tighter? The Council is still silent."
"We should take any offer of help", said Colonel Wronsky, after returning from her Council hearing, "Admiral Parker is working now on forging a mutual defense treaty with the Alliance. She refused to confirm or deny the rumors concerning Admiral Parker." Famous parapsychologist Andrew Webber claimed that the feats accredited to Admiral Parker are totally impossible. What's going on with the most famous Admiral of the Republic?"
"Newsflash: anonymous sources inside the military confirmed that the Fourth was recalled from the Talks, as they began to call the negotiations with the Alliance. They should arrive back to Earth in two weeks. The same source confirmed that the Third will be sent out instead. Has Admiral Parker lost the faith of the Council? Or is there another reason for the Council's actions? We don't know. But we will find out! So remain with us after the ads. Skynews: The news, just for you!"

The Third Human Fleet sailed out two days after the Council called back the Fourth; they haven't even waited for a reply. Their first target was Vertigo, and where from there? They didn't know yet. A score of politicians accompanied the Honor, the flagship of the Third, with the necessary power to negotiate on behalf of humanity. They've supposed that Destiny will return to Earth in two weeks, and they wanted to pick up the negotiations with the Alliance. Little did they know that the deal was already closed. And that Admiral Parker might have ignored a direct order didn't even cross their mind.
It’s sadly ironic, that from all the players of the chaotic game that was called interracial politics, they had the least information on someone that they thought was under their control.
Last edited by silverofroswell on Sat Oct 25, 2003 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 10

Post by silverofroswell »

Part 28

After five days, the treaty was ready to be signed. Humanity committed its resources to the war against the talronids in return for precious metals, space maps, and most importantly, technology. Liz wasn’t actively using her abilities to influence the deal; she knew that the granoliths were ever listening for prophets; but she simply couldn’t not hear some things that helped her to forge a treaty that was acceptable to her “superiors.” But she didn’t even need foresight to win most debates. The Alliance was in a tight corner and she used it against them.
To anyone who read this pact, it became instantly clear that the Terrans got
everything they wanted and gave only promises. However, there was no doubt that Admiral Parker intended to keep these promises.
The Alliance was paying tribute to the Human Republic for their help in the war, and they knew they were paying tribute. Though it was better than the alternative, it was still hard to swallow for a confederation that was founded a thousand years before the humans started to use steam engines.
The ceremony took place in the Grand Hall of the Royal Palace. Nine Representatives stood on one side, Prince Zander, who returned just the day before to Antar, among them, while Admiral Elizabeth Parker signed in the name of humanity. There were two identical metal tablets, both containing the Terran and the Antaran version of the treaty. The “signing” was only quite symbolic – there were no procedures set in stone for interracial diplomacy. In this case, it consisted of the exchange of the tablets between Max and Liz.
The Grand Hall seemed quite empty, though there were about two hundred sentients in there. The antarans had quite the same idea about magnificent structures as the humans did – another surprising similarity between their races. Huge pillars cut from some shimmering, green and scarlet stone, the floor paved with the white version of the same stone gave the basic outlines of the chamber. There was a lonely table standing in the middle of the polished floor, the two tablets already placed on them. The human delegation entered exactly the same moment the huge doors on one end of the chamber as the nine Representatives came in on the other.
Liz brought all of her Vice-Admirals, and about fifteen other high ranking officers as well. Officially, the Alliance earned the “trusted” status by humanity, so the fleet was in their “in-friendly-port” mode instead of their “in-the-heart-of-the enemy-territory” mode. Liz wanted all of her conspirators to meet their future allies, so all but a few members of the first and the second circle were here. They were led in from the landing pad by none else than Princess Vilondra. The humans still wore their mind shields, but at least the force fields were turned off. The delegation was escorted by twenty fighter pilots, who were quickly getting used to the role of the official bodyguards. They had their sidearms holstered, just like the Palace Guards escorting them from a safe distance. Everyone was wearing their best uniforms, though rather for the benefit of the future viewers at home, than for the antarans, who couldn’t tell uniforms from street clothes, so it didn’t matter for them. Isabel could tell that they were impressed by what they saw so far. She took a slight detour to take the delegation on a path that she knew would be pleasing to human eyes.
The thirty-something Terrans stopped ten meters before the table, just like the Representatives. The two leaders stepped forward and walked to the table. The Alliance media was recording the event, and one of the humans was carrying a camera as well.
Liz and Max met in the middle. They both picked up one tablet and looked at their versions of the treaty. After a minute of silence they looked up, exchanged the tablets and checked that whether it was the same. It was quite a stupid ceremony, and rather pointless, but there had to be some sort of official event. When they were both done with the second tablets, they put them back on the table.
The two sides watched in silence as the short human woman extended her gloved hand to the tall antaran man. The silver being took it and shook. Long, shining fingers clasped the silk of the Admiral’s glove, sealing the deal.
Humans, antarans, draconians, renulars, and the other Representatives of the Nine Races began to applaud, each in his own way, celebrating the new alliance between the stars.
Last edited by silverofroswell on Sat Oct 25, 2003 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 1

Post by silverofroswell »

Chapter 1
Fanfare for the Warriors

Part 1


`New convoy approaching, Captain!`
`Let’s do the routine, people! Athena, hail them, and when you are finished tell the Angels to assume a loose escort formation! Geoff, match their speed! Let’s lead them in.` I give the orders, though everyone knows what to do. The Firebird streaks past the six Alliance transports, and my navigation officer, Geoffrey, turns behind them on a leisurely curve. The comm officer informs the antaran escort crafts that we’ll take over from now on. Kyle and his guys spread out in a thousand mile radius sphere around the convoy. The pure-blue, gunboat-class crafts we named as “antaran chasers” turn, and head back to their home base. This is our fifth cargo run, and we do it almost lazily. The thrill of being in an alien system has worn off by now; it’s an almost familiar environment. The ships we are escorting back to Fate are carrying titanium, gallium, uranium, and other metals, prototypes of machines and weapons with their technical readouts, antaran and draconian literature and other things specified in the Parker-Zander Pact. A group of humanoid experts are taking up residence on Destiny as well. The Fourth will fly back to Republic space in a few days. That’s when the interesting things will begin.
I look around on the bridge. Two years ago I was terrified to set feet aboard the Firebird, the responsibility of the captainship seemed frightening to me. Two months ago I was just as terrified by the prospect of having six cruisers under me. Now I feel like I’ve been doing this for ever. We’ve been in the heat of the first battle of the Republic, we’ve been there when humanity made its first alliance, and I don’t doubt that we’ll see much, much more.
It’s so exciting! Everything I believed impossible is coming true. I’m the leader of more than six hundred people, I have the perfect boyfriend, and I’ve become the friend of my childhood idol. It’s like a fairy tale. We fight in a holy war against evil.
There are some “buts”, of course. There is a good chance that we’ll have to fight a civil war before we can turn against the real enemy. I don’t know if the Council is stupid enough to mess with Liz. They might be. But there is no way they could stand a chance against us. I’d hate to spill human blood, but I’ve finally understood what Kyle was trying to say. No price is too high to pay, opposed to total destruction.
I’ve been asking some of my underlings, what they would do if the Council ordered us to attack Antar and the responses were clear. They would stick with their Admiral, no matter what. The fierce loyalty this fragile woman calls forth from her followers is frightening.
When we were going over the details of the third day of the talks, Liz suddenly looked up from the document, and said that my idea was an excellent one, and it took me a minute to realize that I wanted to ask her about changing her title from Admiral to Prophetess. Of course, everyone participating in the talks had been forewarned not to mention precognition at all. The members of the Second Circle were told that we wanted to keep it as a hidden trump, which was true to some extent.
I look around the bridge. More than a dozen officers sit here. Athena, and her two underlings, handling the incoming and outgoing channels, Geoff at the “helm”, the navigation computer, the shield officer, the targeting officer, who marks the next targets for the gunners, Beth, who maintains contact with the sensor room. It’s the heart of the Firebird. I’ve been working with these people for two years, and I trust them with my life. I felt violated when I used them to start the rumor by referring to Liz as the “Prophetess” occasionally. It won’t be a week before the whole Destiny task group takes it over, and I don’t give another for the rest of the fleet. By the time we reach Earth, the new leader of humanity will have a loyal army if it comes to that. I know I should feel bad that I’m planning a civil war that could be easily eluded, but I can’t go back to the ignorance I lived in before. Slaughtering every alien race we meet, is simply not an option. If it means war, so be it.
`Captain! Incoming transmission from Destiny!` It’s my comm officer’s voice, it sounds urgent. I step up to Athena’s chair and look at the screen. I quickly read the three lines, then I snatch up my comm, switch it to all-crew frequency and shout.
`Red alarm! Man the battlestations! Red alarm! This is not a drill! Enemy ships are coming!`
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Part 2

The worm-hole appeared at the edge of the system fifteen minutes after the alarm, five minutes after the sensors of Antar picked up the signal of the incoming ships. Hundreds of ships flew out of the hundred-mile wide blue glow. Talronid cruisers. But the Fourth was already there, waiting.
The three moiras took up positions exactly ten thousand miles from the middle of the warp-gate. The cruisers, frigates, battle-cruisers were gathering around them like ants around the queens. The battle went on according to the book. When half of the attacking fleet was through, the first nuke, which was already waiting near the wormhole with engines shut down, exploded. For a moment, a new sun flared up in the Antar system, and twelve talronid motherships disappeared into nothingness. The rest arrived in a confusion of heat, plasma and all kinds of radiation. The sides of the new arrivals blew open in the split of a second giving birth to the interceptors of the Talron, the dragonlings, but the hundredth of a second was way too slow against the battle computers of Destiny, Fate and Doom. The high-energy lasers had little effect on the heat-resistant hide of the Talrons, but a second after the light-waves, the plasma bolts arrived, vaporizing two of the remaining motherships. So three seconds after the opening of the worm-hole, three-quarters of the invasion fleet was gone. The three Alliance Fleets that guarded the system stood stupefied in face of the effectiveness of the Terran forces.
After the initial hecatomb, there was a few minutes silence. Lasers streaked forth from the human fleet, but they had no real effect, and the five motherships easily eluded the next volley of the plasma cannons. The sub-light drives of the moiras came alive, and the battleships of the Republic began to inch toward the enemy. The buzzing fleet of fighters and drones overtook them easily and they clashed with the dragonlings exactly halfway between the two fleets.


`Begin the approach. Lukowsky-fornation, Destiny on the lead.` It’s completely different from the last time. It was like when a duckling is first thrown in the water. It was a familiar element, one I belong to, but still, it was alien to me. Now I’m a shark plowing through the waves, and the talronids are my prey. And I’m without mercy.
I’ve known that they were coming, it was like a bonfire of danger was set aflame in the night. I’ve beat the Alliance sensors with ten minutes, there will quite a few questions about that, but I’ll deal with it when I have to. Now I can concentrate only on the battle.
The fighters have engaged the dragonlings. There are just too many enemies, and I can’t prevent every death, but I try to. Within a minute, the gunboats will be in range too. The rest of the fleet is following them, forming up around the battleships.
`Cease shooting at their motherships. Concentrate on the enemy fighters instead. Release a volley of nuke. Deploy the bombers.` My words is completely devoid of emotion, there’s no need to raise my voice. I have the situation in my hands. I feel a twitch and I raise my left hand. The attendant who is coming up behind me stops in her tracks.
`Tell them to leave the matter to us.` I feel her actions, I see her gulping and I hear the noise two seconds later. Her voice is only a late echo compared to the one in my mind.
`Yes, Prophetess.` I don’t stop for even a second. That Alliance ships are coming doesn’t change a thing.
`Thor, concentrate shields on starboard. Pegasi, tighten formation. Lambda squadron, scatter.` The twelve gunboats fly in twelve directions and the acid ball that would have hit them all, flies away into space harmlessly. The big ships are still at a safe distance from the heat of the fight, but my orders now will save them in a minute or two.
`Nuclear command:` at my command words, my command system switches to another frequency, reserved for the heavy weaponry control center. `Launch another volley, but take them around the battlefield to the original point of entry. Detonate them exactly…` I reach forward ` forty-seven seconds starting from now. ` The new arrivals are taken care of now. No reinforcements for them. Meanwhile, the gunboats reached the battle too, and the nearest cruisers have started firing their missiles.


The Antaran High Command was watching the human fleets in stunned silence. Twenty minutes ago, the humans started to move suddenly and began deploying their combat craft. At first they panicked, thinking that they were betrayed, but ten minutes later, their sensors picked up an unidentified hyperspace contact. They deployed their crafts and waited in the middle of the system, like the book said. It was impossible to tell exactly where the enemy wormhole will open, so it was the best to remain near the inhabited planets, but it seemed that the humans somehow managed to overcome that scientific problem, so they could ambush the invaders.
The terrans had all the tactical advantages they could wish for, but what they were seeing was still unbelievable. These supposedly green troops, whose technical level was slightly under their own, were rolling up a full talronid invasion fleet in a manner of minutes. This was totally unbelievable. The fearsome talronids were easily humiliated and defeated by these frail and weak creatures.
The General of the home fleet, Lord Larek ordered back his ships after Admiral Parker’s response gladly, and sat back to watch the show and tried to evaluate his new allies’ true strength.


While the highest ranking Antaran, Draconian and Renular officers had no idea, what was behind the success of the Terrans, there were some who had. In their great underground chambers, the six granoliths came alive exactly the same moment. While their caretakers only saw flashing light and felt some worry, they screamed danger at the top of their lungs, having felt something that was unknown to them in the last three millennia. The battle-trance of a True Prophet.
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Part 3


`Only one mothership left!` The 3-D radar shows that two battle-cruisers fly by the last of the big talronid ships and take her into crossfire, while the three enormous shadows that represent battleships of the Human fleet are edging towards the warp-point.
I don’t reach out towards her, I only feel the edge of the dark cloud she is immersed in. My instincts are warning me not to go near her now, she is a danger, to me and everyone around her.
The last mothership disappears in a cloud of rapidly cooling vapor. The Terran fleet slowly decelerates, turns, and stands back into her previous formation. The amount of traffic decreased somewhat, but it’s still high, damage reports streaming back and forth. The fighters stand in lines to re-enter their docking bays. The Fourth is an offensive fleet, it can deploy its fighter force in a manner of minutes, but it takes over the quarter of an hour to swallow them back. Fate, Doom, and Destiny weren’t designed to retreat from battle. They were meant to win or die.
I’m at the High Command with my father and the Generals of the Army. A stunned silence follows the victory of the Fourth. Dad is the first to gather his thoughts.
`Gentlemen, this was impressive.` Everyone nods in agreement.
`They are far more dangerous than we have expected,` says Larek.
`But how did they find us?` I try to steer the conversation away from the fact that those expectations were based on my analysis. `They’ve never found Antar before.`
`The humans could have led them to us?`
`We’ll ask the granoliths.`
`I’ll instantly seek their guidance!` Amreth is a bit too eager for my liking.
`No, wait`, my father commands. `We have to think this over first.` Though for completely different reasons, my father dislikes the granoliths as well. He fears that he would seem weak if he was constantly running to them. I don’t know yet how we will deal with the granoliths, but I’m afraid it won’t be a smooth course. Sooner or later, it will be revealed that my Liz is a prophetess.
`What are their losses?, he asks turning to one of the operators of the battle-computers.
`They’ve lost three of the Ah-Klon class ships, five of the Ah-Tians, forty-two of their version of the Sweepers, only eight of those funny one-pilot ships and over two-hundred fighters.` So three cruisers, five corvettes, more than forty gunboats, a couple of fighters and loads of probes. My father has a knack for spotting the patterns.
`How come they’ve only lost eight of the one-man craft and forty of the bigger?` I answer the rhetorical question instead of the operator.
`The fighters are piloted by precogs, while the gunboats aren’t. The efficiency of the fighters under pressure came as a surprise to the humans as well.` Dad only nods at the information, but General Larek makes a note in his mental-computer. The voice of one of the comm officers interrupts us.
`Sire! The humans are hailing us.`
`Put her through.` There is a second of silence, then my Liz starts to speak. Since the humans got translator computers, they use them constantly, so the voice is artificial.
`This is Admiral Parker.`
`This is the King of Antar.`
`Your Highness, we have stopped a large contingent of enemy troops.` Now, that we aren’t negotiating anymore, she gives him the proper respect.
`For which we are grateful, Admiral. It was quite spectacular.`
`Thank you, Your Highness. You are more familiar with the talronid strategy than us. Can we expect another wave or can I start the repair of the damages sustained?`
`A second wave is unheard of, Admiral. How much time will those repairs take? Is there any way we can help?` He isn’t even trying to conceal his eagerness to have one of our ships in his clutches.
`Thank you, but no. They will take less than one day. It was only a minor attack force, after all, wasn’t it?` She knows just as we do that it was a major attack, but there is no way Dad will admit it.
`Yes, Admiral.` He pauses for a second, thinking about something. `We would like to give you an honoring feast. After all, you helped to protect our planet. It would be an excellent opportunity to get to know each other personally.` Hey, this means I’d see Liz before she leaves for Earth! Come on, love, accept it!
`I feel honored, Your Highness. Can we discuss the details later? I’ve urgent business to tend to.`
`But of course, Admiral.`
`Then Admiral Parker out.`
`Antar out.`
This is all fine and well, but the question still remains open. How in the hell did the Talronids find us after three hundred years of warfare the week after the humans came to Antar?


Somewhere on the southern pole of Antar
Deep under the ice

A dimly lit cavern, maybe a hundred meters across, maybe a little less. A fusion generator sitting in the middle, slowly using up the tons of hydrogen buried with it. Titanium walls to keep the pressure of the ice away. Stacks of weaponry, tools, and armor with a few vehicles, including a small spaceship. Each piece was at least three thousand years old, but still in perfect condition. Nothing moved in here since the death of the engineers who accompanied this metal sphere to its only and final journey. The only sound had been the low hum of the life-support systems. Until now.
Twelve five-meter tall boxes are placed along the wall at equal distances. Twelve sarcophagi, and frozen in them, twelve warriors of the antaran race. The best of the best.
They were created for one and only one purpose, and having fulfilled that purpose, they were put to sleep. And now, that the need arose again, their immortal masters called them back to life.
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Part 4

The Antaran Senate

`As you probably all know, today the human fleet repelled a Talronid attack aimed at our heart. I hope this proves the value of this alliance to all of you. However, I hope we all agree that we must increase our vigilance, now that Antar’s location has become revealed. I’d like to call back the Seventh fleet as well, and request further assistance from the Joint Forces. Before we put the question to vote, I’m awaiting comments.`
A polite applause followed the King’s words. The Senate wasn’t a really formal place. Most senators only watched the debate from home, though there were many who preferred personal attendance. The King was the head of the senate and the supreme commander of the army. The governor of Antar played the role of the head of government and was elected by a semi-democratic system, which gave everyone a different number of votes, depending on the degree of education received and the purity of blood. Law-making was a slow and tedious process, sometimes dragging on for years, but militaristic decision were left to the High Command, so no one expected too much hassle about voting the strengthening of their own defenses.
There was a moment of silence while everyone tried to gather their thoughts. The order of succession of the speakers was the age old principle of first-come-first-served, flavored with the ability to make short comments after every speech.
Everyone expected a supporting speech from Lord Amreth, so they were surprised when the Keeper of the Order made her announcement.
`The right of the first speech goes to Zander Ainnen Thear Antar of House Antar.`
Max stood up and nodded to the Keeper.
`Thank you. Senators! Fellow antarans! My father talked about measures necessary to take to increase the protection of our beloved planet. However, he forgot one thing. That in this war, secrecy had always been our greatest protection. Now, we’ve lost this protection. With the position of Antar revealed, how long can we stand against onslaught? Every planet the Talronids attacked has fallen. So will Antar. `The polite silence that greeted him was gone, everyone was whispering to his neighbors. But his last words commanded silence again.
`We haven’t met them on the battlefield for thirty years. Can you imagine the number of Talrons that could have grown up in that thirty years? Because I can’t. In the last two weeks, there were two attacks, on two planets we never imagined the talronids would find. It seems that the war has begun anew and with greater ferocity than ever before.` He stopped for a second and took a deep breath.
`Gentlemen. We all know deep in our heart, but the time has come for me to say it. We are losing this war. We’ve been losing since the beginning. With humanity’s help, maybe we can turn the tide, maybe we can not. But the fact remains. We must evacuate Antar, before it falls. Immediately, and with all haste. The people first and our culture after them. Hopefully we will be able to return, but we can not and must not endanger the billions that live upon this planet by staying in the invasion zone of the enemy. We must leave, while we can. So instead of calling reinforcements, I say we must call the troop carriers and begin the evacuation immediately, before it’s too late. That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you.`
There was no applause this time.


`Entering atmosphere.`
`Angels, hold the formation, they’re watching us in live.`
`Zeus, begin descent.`
`Swordsman-seven, don’t stray from the corridor, we aren’t on a sightseeing tour, we are the sights.`
Messages like these filled the ether as the three shuttles of the Zeus squadron and their fighter escort began landing on Antar. Now, they used the military section of the interstellar spaceport instead of the backyard of the royal palace. The forty-something craft touched down on the solid ceramic pavement of the spaceport smoothly. The fighter pilots opened their craft’s cockpit and climbed out.
The biologists found a cure to the high carbon-monoxide problem, each of the participants received a shot of genetically modified red blood cells which should take care of Antar’s deadly gases for the next 36 hours, but everyone carried nasal and oral filters for emergencies, so they could wear comfortable clothes and enjoy Antar as if it was a human planet. .
A good hundred officers came with the three shuttles, the most reliable hundred from the fifty thousand. Their escort, the pilots were selected too, but with a different system – strong precogs who had martial arts training and/or weapons expertise. Though the Admiral was sure that nothing threatened them, she had to keep up the pretense of not being omniscient - or careless, depending on one’s point of view.
Participating in the feast was still a bit risky – though they had been warned before, any of them could have slipped what she was. However, she felt that socializing with their allies was worth taking the chance.
About fifty groundcars awaited the terran delegation. The drivers were all from the diplomatic corps, which were glad to give a tour of the capital city of their planet en route to the Palace.
The convoy formed up soon after the ships touched ground and left the spaceport, taking the guests of honor to the Royal Palace, and showing the denizens of the Antaran Capital their new allies.


The twelve prophetlings were sitting in the aircar the granoliths sent for them. A hundred and twenty of the best antaran warriors were called to the Capitol, some dragged out from their beds on the other side of Antar, just to be flown over half the planet without any explanation.
It was all carried out in outmost secrecy. The direct requests of the granoliths were rarely denied, especially when they were seemingly so innocent. Of course, the transportation of such number of troops didn’t go unnoticed, but no one suspected anything.
The hundred and twenty blademasters were soon standing on a small military airfield near the Palace, waiting for their so called “squad commanders”. They were all equipped with the best defensive equipment available. Mind shields, personal force fields, AG boots, etc. It was clear to them that they were collected for a commando mission, but they didn’t know the target. Yet.

A/C: This part is quite short folks, sorry, but I'll try to update on quickly. Gigo: I've given the title of the next chapter. Think about it...
About the questions concerning the Talrons, well all in good time.