COTV Part 2 (FF,CC.Adult)

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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


I sit here watching everything that is being discussed in the dinning room. I don’t know what to say or do. But I don’t think my opinion matters at the moment, well not to my new found sister that is. "Xada? I want to know you, too. Isn't there some way we can do that? Maybe you can come with us to Earth -- for just a little while." Zan tells Xada.

"I suppose I could use a vacation." Xada said giving into the idea. Xada on earth? Are they serious? They can’t be serious, can they? Xada and I under the same roof is that possible? I wonder where she is going to sleep. I hope not in my bed and me on the cold, hard floor? Oh there going to be major drama if that happens. I mean I am happy that the missing member of our family is finally joining us. But at the moment, this is too much to handle. What we been on Antar for three days and my family expects me to be all goody goody about it?

"That will be wonderful. We can leave Larak and your grandmother in charge for a few more weeks.” My dad tells Xada as my mother joins in on the idea. “I agree, I think it's a great idea Xan... Thank you Xada..."

"Wonderful. I'm looking forward to introducing you to your Aunt Isabel and your cousins –” My dad said sounding very excited and very happy.

"I'd like to send Justin home tonight, even if you're not able to leave that soon." He then said. Awe I’m going to miss Justin. It was actually kind of nice to have someone to take to that was close to my age and a little like me.
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Post by nickimlow »

OOC: Sorry, I really wasn't sure what to post without Xada's reply, but here goes nothing :D


"I suppose I could use a vacation," Xadalyn said slowly. It was agreement enough for me. Honestly, I had been expecting her to decline outright, considering her concern for Antar.

Dad seemed to like the idea, promptly suggesting that Larak and our grandmother be left in charge. I couldn't help but wonder what Xadalyn thought of this, since she wasn't exactly our grandmother's biggest fan. Before she could respond, though, he went on quite excitedly, "I'm looking forward to introducing you to your Aunt Isabel and your cousins --"

At this, I shot a glance at my mother and smirked as my mind conjured an image of Xadalyn being attacked - in a manner of speaking - by the boys. But at the same time, I pictured her letting loose for perhaps the first time in seven long years, smiling freely like a girl her age should.

"How long would it take to arrange for transport or for you to settle your obiligations here? I'd like to send Justin home tonight, even if you're not able to leave that soon."

I was glad to hear that Dad wanted to send Justin home immediately. Although I was beginning to enjoy the little humour he brought to our stay, I knew that as long as he was with us on Antar, he could not be completely safe. How would Uncle Kyle be feeling back home, having to worry incessantly about his teenage son stuck on a faraway planet?

While waiting for Xadalyn to gather her thoughts and reply, I cast a glance at Sarah. She wasn't exactly jumping for joy at the prospect of her half-sister following us home. I had to speculate that, naturally, Daddy's little girl was afraid of being ignored, replaced.

"Lighten up, kiddo," I told her softly, unable to supress a smile.

Truth be told, I was looking forward to having Xadalyn with us. For the first time, I would be able to spend time with the twin sister I had never known existed until several days ago. And, for the first time, perhaps she would be able to forget momentarily about her worries and responsibilities. The likelihood of this was, of course, scarce, knowing her, but one could always hope.

"Xada, in terms of preparation - or whatever, I'm ready to help you wherever I can, all right?" I offered, knowing full well that there really wasn't much that I could do. All the same, I didn't want to sit idle either.
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Post by isabelle »

OOC -- we do need Xadalyn post so we can move ahead ...


I noticed that Sarah hadn't seemed to join in on the conversation. I hoped she was okay with this idea but I wasn't about to change my mind or rescind the offer. Xada needed the change and I really wanted a chance to get to know her away from all this. It might be the first time that she would get a chance to know herself, as well.

"It'll be fun," I told Sarah, trying to be light and re-assuring. It would be difficult at times, I'm sure, but I really want to do this.

In the back of my mind, I wondered if Xadalyn was agreeing just so that she could take the time to convince me to turn over the seal. If so, she would be disappointed. It wasn't something that I could do. I glanced at Xan, wondering if he would understand if I told him. The oracle told me not to, but I do think he could be trusted ...

Even as these thoughts cross my mind, he chimes in offering to help her sort her affairs. He knows even less about how things work here than I do, but it is as much his business as it is hers, or mine. I'm so very proud of the way he's adjusted to all this new information, a new world and a new sister. She might even accept his help more than mine. So far, she doesn't seem to view him as a rival for the throne...

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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


“Lighten up, kiddo,” my brother said tells me in the biggest smile he can ever express. I can’t help but not smile. I just see these imagines in my head that my family is going to through me out the door that I never met anything to them. I know they have try to make me understand that they weren’t going to do that, but it has been 3 days since we been on this planet, 3 long days for me to adjust to the idea of having another sister, 3 long days for me to get use to of the idea that my perfect family will never be the same.

“Xada, in terms of preparation - or whatever, I'm ready to help you wherever I can, all right?” Xan asks Xada, which she hasn’t yet to respond.

“It'll be fun,” I look up to meet my father’s eye as he spoke. I simple nod in agreement, but my feelings inside of me are over reacting. I feel a tiny tear come out of the corner of my eyes as I get up and turn away from my family for them not to see them.

I haven’t cry in years, never did. I close off myself with the emotion intact. I have learn from the time I got my powers that it wasn’t something I could change about myself and that crying will never help.

But now I am crying now, what will that solve? Having my back to my family, I walk over to the desert table and grab a napkin to wipe away the tears before they have any effect to my eyes.
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Post by isabelle »

OOC -- We still need Athenea. Has anyone heard from her?


"Hey!" I say, frowing. Mr. Evans and the others are all just making their plans like I'm not even here. Don't I get a say in any of this? I want to stamp my foot on the floor but I suppress that feeling. I'm not a kid, afterall.

"Why do I have to go home first? I wanna stay with the rest of you!"
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: hope this is okay


I can see that Sarah's struggling with this, but she turns away before I can say anything and then Justin pipes up, insisting that he doesn't want to go home early. It had to be expected of course... Sighing, I shake my head mentally, knowing that I need to deal with this first.

"That may be so Justin, but this isn't just about what you want. You disappeared without giving any warning to your dad, and I'm pretty sure he'll want you home as soon as possible..." I respond in what I'm sure he thinks of as a typically annoying parenting manner but I can't help it, afterall, that's what I am isn't it? I know that Max told Isabel about Justin being with us, and asked her to pass it onto Kyle, but I have a feeling even knowing where he is isn't going to be much of a comfort to Kyle right now considering that his son is hundreds of light years from home on an alien planet which he has no way of getting to. I know that if I were in his shoes right now, I would be going crazy with worry and I don't want to prolong that for Kyle. Justin is his world, and if anything happened to him...

I shake my head, not wanting to think about it. No, I won't risk that, I won't do that to Kyle... "You need to go home Justin. This might all have been a wonderful adventure for you, but this a whole lot more serious than that, and I think it's time that you went home to your dad okay...?"
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »

OOC -- it was great, Kat. :D


I frown deeply, wanting to kick my toe in the dirt but I'm inside and there's no dirt. I'm not going to go stamping on the floor again. "... Yeah, yeah," I say, irritably. I'm here on an alien world and I'm being sent home just because my dad's not here.

"Well, how much longer will you guys be here?" I ask.

"I don't know, Justin," Mr. Evans says. Clearly they're all on the same side. The 'let's ditch Justin' side. Grrr. He looks at Xadalyn, as he finishes his comment. "How long will it take?" he asks her a second time.
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Post by nickimlow »

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Post by KatnotKath »


Justin questions how long we're going to be staying, but as Max says, that's not something we can say with any certainty... He thinks that we're just being annoying adults I'm sure, but that's really not the case - we just...don't know... I sigh and shake my head, reaching out to touch his arm. "Justine I know you might think we're spoiling your fun, but I really think we should see about getting you home as soon as possible...afterall, we don't want your dad accusing us of starving you because of the food..."
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


Mrs. Evans comments have me thinking about my dad. He probably is worried, but he shouldn't be. I can take care of myself -- or at least I can when I'm in a group like this and at least some of them have a clue what's going on.

"It's not fair," I say, knowing that nobody much cares about that.
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