Buring Bright (AU, Teen, M/L) Part 1 of 1 Complete 4/21

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Buring Bright (AU, Teen, M/L) Part 1 of 1 Complete 4/21

Post by baby_bre »


Title Burning Bright
Author Baby_Bre
Rating: TEEN
Category AU
Coupling: L/M
Authors Notes: This is the second part of my wedding stories. (First part is in my sig, it's A/I)

Part One of One

I've always loved him, for a long time however I didn't realize it. It wasn't until the day in the Crashdown when he saved my life, the day he brought me back from the brink of death that I really saw him. I realize now that somewhere deep down inside of me that I had always known, always felt a connection to him, a longing. It was like our souls had been pulling us together all along without my knowledge.

I'll never be sorry that he didn't let me die, that he saved my life because of him I was given another chance in life. He helped me defy death but most important because of him I know what real, honest and true love is. I've experienced what it's like when you have someone who loves you unconditionally. I don't want to even imagine what my life would have been like if that day had never happened, if he had never let me see him. Even though Max may have hurt me many times in the past I know that it was never intetionally and that I can always trust him with not only my life but also my heart.

Max is the only person in this world I can honestly without a doubt say I want to spend the rest of my life with. He is the most caring and considerate man I've ever met and I want to wake up 50 years from now and know that he's been there beside me the whole time. I love him more then I ever imagined I could possibly love someone and even though it's taken us a long time to get to this day and there have been several obstacle courses and lots of bumps in the road I know that it was worth it and that this is meant to be.

Somebody close to me once told me that true love never dies, it never ends, never fades out, that it will last several lifetimes. She told me that if it weren't true love it would be easy, that our flame would burn bright always. At the time I didn't believe her, figured it was just silly talk but that was before I met Max, my soulmate, the man I'm planning to spend the rest of my days on earth and any other planet with.

There is no doubt in my mind that he loves me just as much as I love him. Max told me once that I was his soulmate, that we make our own destiny's and that I'm his. I believe him but I'm not without the belief that in someway fate took a small part in our lives entertwining the way they did.

Maybe Max was being selfish when he healed me but because of that day, because of his saving my life not only have I been blessed with the person of my dreams but my friends have been too. Because saving me not only entertwined Max's and my destiny's it also entertwined those of the ones we love.

When I step up to the alter and say my vows, the ones I've only been dreaming about saying since I learned boy's didn't really have cooties I'll have no regret because although our lives may not be perfect, our past may be haunted and although we may be living day to day I know that none of us will have any regrets. I am sure that I love Max, that Isabel loves Alex, that Tess loves Kyle and Maria loves Michael.

I don't think this day could be anymore perfect, what more could I ask for then a family who loves me, a man who's going to stand by me until the very end and the warmth of knowing that our candles still burning.
Last edited by baby_bre on Fri Apr 29, 2005 4:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.