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Time After Time Challenge

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 12:52 pm
by Fred
Basic premise

Time After Time . . . The Soul Lasts Forever

The war on Antar happened (if the granilith can travel through time as well as space it could have happened hundreds or thousands years ago – or it could have happened last week) during the war Max is killed and is sent to Earth just like on the show . . .

BUT. . .

He has been sent here many times throughout Earth’s history. (My thought on this is that he can’t get it right. He doesn’t learn enough, humans end up killing him or something happens that prevents him from going back and saving his planet. Each time he dies in failure (according to his planet needs) his ‘essence’ is sent back to Antar where his mother (or whoever) recycles it and sends it back – hoping that someday he will get it right and save them.

I thought it would be cool to make up a series that would include a few (or 20) new and established authors taking a time period (any time from the beginning of time to 1982 (when Liz was born on the show)) and writing a story about how the alien king found his soulmate (Liz . . . duh :wink: ) in the time that they have chosen. (If you prefer other couples - keep reading. Even though my idea started as Dreamer it has expanded a bit.) :)


Each author could come up with a ‘Liz’ during that period (varying her social status, nationality, and such) but her soul would always be the same (basically a semi-recognizable Liz).

Max (same as above) would have to be alien in each story but he would obviously have to live in this world. The author could choose if they wanted to ‘deal’ with the alien part of his life. If there are people hunting him, if they believe he is a god or if he actually hides that part of his life easily. (In that way you can decide whether or not he hides that part of himself from Liz – think about your time period and how someone at that time might react.)

It can be happy or sad. They just must find each other – have a connection of some sort (not necessarily alien) and then they can part (by circumstance or death) or live happily ever . . . at least until their next life.

Max and Liz could remember (or not) their past life. But if they do that memory would be very vague.

You can decide if the other aliens are sent to Earth with him, exploring if all souls gravitate towards the same souls in each life. (I do think it would cool to see this done with each couple.)

If one author picks the Vietnam era then someone else picks WWII then because of birthdays and such the WWII writer could not have a truly happy ending (Liz AND Max would have to die before the next ‘birth day’).

On that note – if you all think this is a good idea – if an author picks a time period he/she must state the birth and death dates for other authors. (ie. I’m writing a WWI era fic which will cover 1889 – 1932 (this is an example – I’m not writing it . . . at least yet). That would mean that one of them (Max or Liz) will be alive during those years. Maybe Max was born in 1889 and Liz in 1893; then Max dies in the war – say 1916 but Liz lives until 1932. Another author could not write a story (under this idea) between those two dates. (Does that make sense?)

One more thing - It would be nice if there was something the same in each fic. Nothing that would change anyones story - just something for readers to look for. So I decided that Liz will always have a locket (or depending on time period a vial or something) during each story (each author can decide what is in it - a locket of hair - a picture - poison - space dust - whatever - they can also decide how she comes about having it - readers would have to read to find out).

Put in the title/A/N/Summary (somewhere like that) the words . . . Time After Time . . . Just so everyone knows the stories that belong together. Also - when you start to post - send me the link and I'll put it on this post. Then when we have a few going . . . maybe . . . we can have an Author's Thread or something where readers can find all the links in one place. :D THANKS!!!

The End

Ok – that’s it – what do you think? Maybe the idea sucks – maybe in 10 years I will write it if other authors don’t jump on my bandwagon. :wink: Let me know. Oh yeah – if you are not a writer but would like to read a series like this please let authors know.

If you think the idea sucks – then just ignore this thread – it will go away soon enough. :lol:

Now that this is out of mind I can go back to writing my story that has been sorely neglected these last few weeks. :roll:

Hugs :lol:



Ok - if you are an author who would rather focus on another couple - that is fine - just make sure there is the M/L connection too. (In saying that . . . this is not a challenge that I feel is ALL MINE or anything so if Stargazer and/or Candy Writers would rather start a challenge just like this one but with the other couples - feel free - you can even copy it word for word and just relplace the names. But you don't have to start a new challenge in order to participate - I just wanted to give you the option.) :D
BTW - Changed the name of this thread to reflect this. :)

GO LOOK at the requirements . . . I added one more. (Just a little one - if no one complains too much.)

and since no one seems to object I kept the 'locket' in the challenge.

Also . . .
I decided to add to this post the dates that have been taken. If your time doesn't have a beginning (again when they were born) and ending (when they are all dead) date - then make sure to let me know. If any of the dates are wrong or I missed something - feel free to yell :wink: at me. Thanks.


Breathless . . . The Beginning (prehistoric man)
In the Beginning

Christmasnazi . . . Ancient Greece

Chione . . . 1340 - 1270 BCE

Breathless . . . 1 - 35 AD

ps_dreamer . . . 579 - 600

cherie . . . 840-865

Thanette . . . 1060 - 1140

Doublestuff . . . 1140 - 1165

Kath7 . . . 1170-1230
Destiny's Circle

Applebylicious . . . 1343 - 1400
The Jade Tower

nickimlow . . . 1405-1430
The Fleet to Destiny

Inside Your Heaven

kay_b . . . 1534-1552

roswellianprincess16 . . . 1570-1600
Eternal Summer Fades

blake . . . 1610-1670

Anniepoo . . . 1670 - ?

Kath7 . . . 1770 – next story

Kath7 . . . 1800 - 1840's

LysCat . . . 1840's - 1889

Fred . . . 1890 – 1924

Luvya . . . 1925-1947

Zendorox. . . 1947-1975/76

Roswell TV Show Canon Period - 1982-2002 - OFF LIMITS

Jason's Princess . . . 2006 - 2070


Anniepoo . . . 2450 - 2575

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:00 pm
by Raychelxluscious
I personally think it is a freakin' awesome idea, and if I had the skill to pull it off I'd be the first to jump on the bandwagon.

I'd love to read a couple 20 of these ;) and I hope you get people to join in.

Amazing idea. ;)


Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:11 pm
by roswellianprincess16
Wow Fred. This idea is soo incredible. Can you imagine the type of life we could map out for Max and Liz? The journeys they could be sent on? And there are SOOO many talented Dreamer authors!!! It would truly be incredible. :)

I'd love to see this done. Hopefully people will jump on. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:56 am
by Fred
Thank you Raychel and roswellianprincess for your votes of confidence!!! :D

I was thinking (so figured I would add) if you are an author who would like to take this challenge please respond to this thread informing others of your chosen time period (that is all that is needed). It might just help get the ball rolling. :wink:

Please remember to include birth and death dates - so even if your story is going to start in 1950 when Max and Liz are both 20 and ends one year later you need to put 1930 as the beginning date. The ending date is the year the last one dies which could be as late as 1982 (is that right? :oops: You know whenever Liz was born on the show).

Still - if you like the idea - whether you will write one of the stories or not - let me/us now. Thanks :D



Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:03 pm
by Behrsgirl77

I think the idea of these *stories* is great!! I would love to read them, and I love the idea that the author puts something in the story for people to *look* for, so they know what it symbolizes.

It would be very interesting to read the story each time, through each author's eyes in each different time period. Love it!

I would love to take it, but let's just say I'm not up to par to get something a good as this could be going. I do, however hope that people come forward and snatch this great challenge up :wink:

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:05 pm
by Chione
Um, I would so love to do this, during Ancient Egypt seeing as I'm a major Egyption history buff and I just got this huge ass book for my birthday, but I've got so much going at the moment that I'd have to wait until I finish one of my other stories to start.

But this idea is so cool. I love it. If no one takes Ancient Egypt time (about 1350 BC to about 1300 BC would probably be where I'd write it) by the time I'm done with That Which Hath Made Me, then I'd love to do it! I've written, like, three original stories set in that period, and have been looking for an excuse to jump back in.

I really, really, really, really hope some writers take this! I'm a major history dork, and the idea is very romantic, finding each other through the ages. So much potential. I'd definitely read 'em.

Wonderful idea.


Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 2:26 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
Hi Fred, I too think that this idea sounds really really cool and diffrent, I know that I would love to read the series... good luck with it. :D

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 5:43 pm
by ~Ruby~

I think this is an awesome idea.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:16 pm
by Kath7
Lyn and I have chatted, and I'm totally in. I've actually done something like this before. My story Destiny's Circle fits into this idea perfectly. It's set in the medieval period. I'll specify more exact birth and death dates later for people, but for now, suffice it to say that the main action takes place in 1192 and the characters are all approximately 17 years old.

This is the perfect impetus to get off my butt and write the second installment of the series that I've wanted to for years. So, I am officially claiming the Regency period in England, circa 1814. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:19 pm
by Spacegirl04
oh wow this is certainly interesting, I can't wait to read it myself, though I suck at cc and timelines, otherwise I would say i'd love a part...but I can't wait to see this actually written...hehe :shock: