First Daughter Secrets (AU M/L Mature) A/N 5/1

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First Daughter Secrets (AU M/L Mature) A/N 5/1

Post by Maxsgurl »


Title: First Daughter Secrets
Author: Masgurl [Jennifer]
Disclaimer: The characters do not belong to me...the same old same old...Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN are responsible. Idea of first daughter and Chasing Liberty are also not mine. This is just my take on how it would happen if Liz and Max were the characters.
Paring: AU M/L...other couples are involved but mainly M/L
Rating: Mature
Liz Parker has wanted to be normal her whole life, but she has always been in the spotlight and never felt like a regular girl. Being the president’s daughter, Liz was always the proper lady and never got to experience anything like a child…she was always the mature one. Finally stepping out on her own, Liz is getting a chance to be a normal 18-year-old… by going to college; along with 2 of her favorite Secret Service agents of course. While enjoying the college life, Liz meets Max Evans and instantly falls hard…problem is that Max has a secret Life.
Max Evans values his job tremendously; he worked hard to get there at a young age and will do anything to keep it that way. When he is asked to be a civilian secret agent to protect the president’s daughter at his local college, Max thinks it will be a piece of cake. What Max doesn’t expect is to fall for her, and how that will affect his job. What happens when Max’s true identity is revealed?
A/N: Thanks to QBon for being my beta!! You rock!! This is going to be updated once a week...if you all like it. This will have slight drama but I am a dreamer and it will lighten up.

There once was a beautiful little girl whom everyone loved; she was the apple of her parent’s eyes and she had many special friends. Her name was Liz Parker and she was an 8-year-old brown haired, doe-eyed cutie when her father Jeff Parker decided to go into politics. Liz didn’t understand much at her young age, but she knew later that her father’s politics were different and everyone loved him so he moved up in the political arena very quickly.

When Jeff became the governor of New Mexico, there were threats against his family because of the way he ran things, so Liz was pulled out of public school and was soon home schooled. Bodyguards promptly surrounded Liz day and night, but she didn’t mind because they would play with her. She always thought it was fun when the men in the nice clean suits would sit down at her little table in her little chairs, having a tea party with her.

Until she was 14, Liz rarely had a moments rest, but she still had a modicum of normalcy. When Liz turned 15, her father was elected as the next President of the United States. Although Liz was thrilled that her father won the election, she understood that her life would never be the same and she was right.

Liz was never left alone, she always had at least 4 secret service agents around her at anytime and she never had any fun. Everyone knew that the president’s kids partied hard, so the photographers were following her everywhere trying to catch her at a rowdy moment, but they never came. Liz grew up in the spot light and she never stepped out of line. Liz had never had a single drink; done any drugs, or even kissed a boy…she never had the privacy to do so.

But soon that would all change because Liz was going to college…and nothing was going to stop her from living the normal college experience. But what Liz didn't expect was to find the love of her life and the secrets that followed him.
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Fri Jun 02, 2006 12:44 am, edited 28 times in total.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/'s all I can say about all your kind works and motivation to keep going. Thanks guys!! I decided to post a day early...cuz I couldn't wait until tomorrow. Although this chapter is a bit of sets up the story and I hope you don't hate me to much after this....the next chapters are more light and just in warning this chapter could be considered dark...but not really. Well here goes personal thanks:
lovinGuerin2much: Thanks!! Glad you like my banner...i had so much fun making it!
DreamerAZ04: Glad your like it!!
Sweet Liz: Good. Thanks for reading!!
taressa05: Surprise surprise...dani's I was looking through the feedback looking for you!! Glad your enjoying it. I'm posting this early cuz you begged me to update over at
RASaero611: Thanks!!
Michelle17: cool! Thanks for reading this!!
FamersAmers: Yeah...glad to see your reading and enjoying yourself!!
Luvya: Lol. I'm a day early...does that help?
maxandliz4ever1357: thanks for letting me know you like it!!
Grace52373: Thanks. But this is not going to be like the film...just to let you know. Just the basic plot...I've taken it in my own direction from there...but I hope you will still read this?
AppleJacks: I'll let you know about Promised Returned the sequel...I'm guessing a week..two weeks? That sound good?
monkeycgm: Lol, I know it's been forever. I had this pretty much finished and then with all the plagerist issues...I was scared so I rewrote the whole thing. Sigh...sad. Glad you like the banner...means a lot coming from you!! :)
Emz80m: Thanks Emma. Glad your reading this!!
RoswellLuver*16: I'm back!!
BehrObsession: Thanks!!
auroraskyL Thanks I'm back!!
ayznshorti: Lol...ok. I'm updating!
linliz68: Thanks!!
urpersonaloddball: I am!!
obsession: Lol...your feedback had be LMAO!!!! For the sake of the world I'm back!! Lol
anonymousarfan: Thanks!!
JBehrsGurl: Thank you!! By the way you need to update Email my heart!! Lol...I miss it. And My big fat antarian wedding looks good....let me know when you post ok?

Wow....half an hour later!! Thanks you guys!! I love being able to individually thank you and comment on your feedback...keep it makes me happy, and a happy jennifer means more Ok so here the new part.

Chapter 1

“Dad come on!” Liz pleaded with her father. She didn’t understand why he wasn’t letting her go. “It’s my choice!!”

“I said no Elizabeth. It’s the rest of your life. You can’t make this decision on a whim!” Jeff Parker said as he flipped through some files on his desk. He understood where Liz was coming from but he also knew she understood how important her behavior was.

“But everyone else is going!” Liz pleaded again. She knew it wasn’t the best defense…but it was worth a try.

“Elizabeth.” Jeff sighed as he closed his folder and rubbed his face in his hands. If he didn’t already have gray hair he knew that Liz would eventually give him some.

“Fine…but I’m sending you the bill from my therapist.” Liz said as she slumped back into her chair and crossed her arms.

“What therapist?” Jeff asked concerned. He didn’t know Liz was seeing a therapist…he made a note to check with his wife Nancy on that one.

“The therapist I’m going to need if I don’t get to have a normal life for once!” Liz pleaded again. “Dad…come on! Let me be an ordinary kid…please.”

“I’m sorry Liz, but you aren’t a normal kid…you’re very important; you’re my daughter.” Jeff said as he tried to convey to his only child how important her safety was to him.

“I’m not the important one…you are. People don’t care about me…even you! You’re more concerned about your precious scandal-free image than the happiness of your own daughter.” Liz sighed. She really wanted her dad to understand.

Jeff was about to respond when the office door opened and his secretary walked in with his evening tea. “Here’s your tea sir.”

“I bet Samantha agrees with me don’t you Sam?” Liz said as she motioned to the redheaded secretary. Liz had always liked Samantha, she was maybe 10 years older than Liz and Sam was always nice to her…not because she had to be…but just because.

“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about Liz.” Samantha said as she backed towards the door. She did not want to get into the middle of this.

“Where did you go to college? Did you pick it…or did your parents force you to go where they wanted?” Liz asked and she glared at her father when he scolded her.

“Elizabeth Claudia Parker…you know the situation is not the same. That was a different time and different circumstances. Samantha was not the president’s daughter! You are!” Jeff said. He watched as his wife walked through the door with all the commotion.

“What’s going on?” Nancy asked as she saw Jeff and Liz in a staring contest.

“Your husband is a jerk and won’t let me go to the college I want! Why won’t you let me have once hint of normalcy!” Liz said as she stormed out of the office.

“I’m sorry if I caused something sir…it was not my intention.” Samantha apologized.

“Don’t even worry Sam, you know it wasn’t your fault. Liz is just being a brat.” Jeff said and Sam excused herself.

“Jeff…you shouldn’t be so hard on the girl. She’s trying to fit in. She’s 18…she wants to find out who she is in the world.” Nancy explained as she sat on the arm of his chair and ran her hands through her husband’s hair.

“God…she reminds me so much of her mother…Melissa wanted to find out who she was in the world and look what happened to her!” Jeff exclaimed and he apologized when he felt Nancy tense next to him. “I’m sorry…I know you don’t like talking about her.”

“No, I don’t. But you’re right; Melissa was careless and what happened was tragic…but Liz wants to go to college where all her friends are going. Let her have her life; how many years has she given you; followed you all-around the world for campaigns being the perfect daughter. Give her one decision Jeff, for me.” Nancy pleaded as she stared into her husband’s eyes.

“Man…you sure know how to work the guilt huh?” Jeff chucked as he pulled Nancy down to him and kissed her forehead. “Fine…I’ll let her go…but not with out Michael and Alex.”

“I don’t think she will mind. You’re doing the right thing.” Nancy responded. She knew it was only a matter of time until Jeff caved for Liz. When they first got married, Nancy resented the little doe-eyed girl’s relationship with Jeff…but she quickly realized that although she was his wife…Jeff loved Liz more than life itself and Nancy grew to love the girl as her own.

“Yeah…but you just wait until this comes back and bites me in the ass…I reserve the right to say I told you so.” Jeff said as he went back to work. Nancy got up from the chair and headed towards the door but Jeff stopped her. “Would you mind going up and telling her? I don’t think she would like to see me right now.”

“Of course. She’ll forgive you Jeff…she always does. I’ll be waiting up for you.” Nancy said before she left her husband to his work.


“I don’t understand anymore Mom…Dad used to listen to me…now all he does is say no and goes back to work.” Liz cried. She was looking at one of the only good pictures she has of her mother. Melissa was sitting under a tree with a book and a huge smile on her face. “I wish you were here.”

“Liz?” Liz heard Nancy call to her from inside her room and she quickly wiped away the tears and called Nancy on to her balcony. “Hey kiddo.”

“Hey.” Liz said as she tried to discretely place the photo on the ground.

“Its ok Liz. You don’t have to hide it, I don’t mind.” Nancy said as she sat down on the lounge chair next to Liz. She sighed as she remembered all the nights they would stay up talking here when Jeff would be off traveling usually around election time.

“Thanks.” Liz said as she brought the picture back up on her chest and stared at it. “Why does it make you uncomfortable to hear about my mom?”

“Wow Liz…breaking out the tough ones tonight aren’t you.” Nancy said as she chuckled and shook her head.

“Sorry…forget it.” Liz said quickly.

“No, it’s ok. I think it’s about time you heard this.” Nancy said as she took a deep breath. “I knew your mother, we were best friends actually.”

“What?” Liz turned her head sharply towards Nancy.

“Come on, I wanna show you something.” Nancy said as she got up and Liz followed her a few doors down.

“What are we doing here?” Liz said as she stood uncomfortable in the storage room. Her father set this one up for her mother’s memories and personal effects. Liz rarely came in here.

“We are looking at…this” Nancy said as the found a book in the bottom of a dusty box. “Come here.”

Liz cautiously made her way towards Nancy and looked at the picture in the book. “My mom’s yearbook?”

“Yup. Senior year. And look.” Nancy said as she turned the page and pointed to the old picture.

“Mom.” Liz sighed as she ran her hand over the young picture of her mother.

“And…this is…me.” Nancy said as she turned the page again.

“Oh wow! Look at you! What’s with the hair?” Liz said as she stared at her stepmother’s senior portrait. Liz always admired Nancy’s beauty and now she could tell she was always that way.

“Shut up…it was the style.” Nancy laughed as she sat down on the couch in the room. Liz sat down next to her and Nancy wrapped her arm around her. “We met freshman year…she was my biology lab partner.”

“Biology is my favorite subject.” Liz commented as she looked at the picture. It was her mom and Melissa posing for the camera with big smiles on their faces.

“It was your mom’s too.” Nancy said as she brushed Liz’s hair off her forehead. “I was more into lunch…or anything that wasn’t academic. But your mother was a genius…so much potential and love for life. She wanted to go to college.”

“But she met daddy instead.” Liz said. She knew this story. Her parents met in a whirlwind romance and got married after dating for four months…she was born 9 months later.

“Yup…your mother was so in love with your dad. We used to sit up at night and she would go on and on about him. She knew he was going to be the next president and we used to talk about how she wanted to be the next Jackie O.” Nancy chuckled. She wiped the tear that fell from her eyes. “I want you to know that your mother loved you very much Liz…no matter what people say about her…I knew her better than anyone…and I know she loved you.”

“I know.” Liz said as she leaned her head on Nancy’s shoulder. “Why’d she do it?”

“Your mom wanted to experience life. She didn’t really get to have a real young adult life. She was 19 years old married, with a baby…she felt like she was drowning. So when the 80’s came…your mom fell into drugs…hard. Your dad and I naturally tried to stop her…but she couldn’t take it and left. Six months later we found out that she had overdosed and died. I don’t think I’d ever felt so alone.” Nancy said as she remembered her dear friend.

“How did you and Daddy happen?” Liz asked wanting to change the hard subject.

“Long story short…we kept in contact because of you. I helped raise you before Melissa left but after…it was too hard to be around you and Jeff…so I stayed away. I came back to see you when you turned 8…remember that?” Nancy asked and she continued when Liz nodded. “We sat up late that night talking about the good old days…and I found myself falling for your father, as you know the rest is history.”

“Was it awkward for you? To be around me?” Liz asked.

“At first yes…you looked so much like your mother…you still do, but back then…it was like looking directly at Melissa. It hurt to know that you would never know her…so I promised myself that no matter how hard it was…I was going to be your mother’s best friend and let you get to know her from me…but I couldn’t keep that promise…every time you or your dad mention her I tense…I’ve never been comfortable even thinking about her.” Nancy explained.

“Until now. Thank you for sharing this with me Nancy.” Liz said as she hugged the other woman. Liz had always seen Nancy as her mother…since the day she met her at her 8th birthday party…Liz knew that she would be seeing Nancy a lot.

“He’s scared Liz.” Nancy said once they parted. “He doesn’t want you to get lost like she did…he’s trying to protect you.”

“I know he is…but I wish he would understand that I’m going to have to learn eventually…he won’t always be there for me.” Liz sighed.

“I know…that’s why he’s letting you go.” Nancy stated and she smiled when Liz pulled away to stare her in the face.

“You serious?” Liz exclaimed.

“Yup…but you have to bring Michael and Alex with you.” Nancy commented.

“That’s a no brainer!” Liz said as she rolled her eyes. She loved her agents and she would bring them anywhere.

“Well then you’re going!” Nancy stated.

“Oh my gosh!! I can’t believe it! Thank you!” Liz said as she threw herself at Nancy and hugged her.

“You’re very welcome sweetie.” Nancy chuckled as Liz jumped from the couch and ran to the door.



“Yes! I’m serious Maria! I get to go!” Liz told her best friend. Liz called Maria as soon as she got back to her bedroom and started to go through her closet.

“Girl this is big! You know that right?” Maria said as she laughed at her friend. Maria could tell Liz was nervous; Liz tended to ramble and giggle when she was nervous. They had met back in the 3rd grade, and Maria quickly took Liz under her wing trying to show her how to have fun…without her father knowing.

“I know right!” Liz said as she held a shirt up to her body. She checked out her mirror and stuck her tongue out. She couldn’t find anything to wear. “Ria…I need help…what can I wear?”

“We can go shopping all summer ok? Don’t worry sweetie I’ll make you look good!” Maria said as she tried to help her friend calm down.

“Thanks Ria…well I’m going to go…I’ll see you tomorrow ok?” Liz said and she hung up after she said goodbye. She left her room and headed to the oval office to find her father.

“Hey Daddy…can I talk to you a second?” Liz said once she heard him call her in after she knocked.

“Uh…yeah. What’s up?” Jeff said as he pushed his papers away. He wasn’t expecting to see Liz tonight.

“I wanted to talk to you about fall.”

“Fall?” Jeff asked confused.

“College? That you said I could go to?” Liz said and she continued when her father nodded. “I first want to thank you for letting me go…secondly I agree to take Alex and Michael.”

“Well that’s good.” Jeff sighed…he was happy Liz was talking to him.

“Why didn’t you tell me that Mom and Nancy were friends?” Liz said softly and she looked up at her father when he didn’t say anything for a while. “Dad?”

“Nancy told you?” Jeff asked and when Liz nodded he continued. “Well…um, I didn’t tell you because it hurt Nancy so much when your mom left…she doesn’t like to talk about her…so I just never did. I’m sorry I should have told you…but I didn’t want you to think badly of me.”

“Why would I think badly of you Daddy?” Liz questioned as she slightly shook her head not understanding her dad’s logic.

“When Nancy and I first started dating…there were rumors that we had always been together, or that I never really loved your mother since I was with her best friend now…I didn’t want you to think those were true…because I loved your mother so much Lizzie…more than I ever knew until I lost her.” Jeff explained and he sighed.

“I won’t turn out like her Daddy…I won’t get hurt. I just want to live my life.” Liz said after a minute of silence.

“I know baby and I’m sorry for expecting you to always want to be my little girl…I can’t promised that I won’t mess up…but I’m going to try to let you live your life.” Jeff said as Liz hugged him.

“Thank you Daddy. I love you.” Liz said as she pulled away and kissed his cheek.

“I love you too baby…now go…let me get to work before I keep Nancy waiting until 3 for me.” Jeff said as he gestured for Liz to leave.

“Ok, Night Daddy.” Liz said as she walked out the door.

“Night sweetie.” Jeff whispered as he watched her walking away. He knew he was doing the right thing…but he was having trouble letting go of the second woman he had ever loved; he just hoped this turned out better than the first. I said before the next ones will be I'm going to go before you all through rotten food at me...bye!
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Hello everybody!!
taressa05 wrote:Updating a day early...that's what I like to see. :lol: I must say though, I didn't find that chapter particularly dark or angsty. After all the crap that Max and Liz put us and themselves through in Promised, that was like a walk in the park. :) I've seen what kind of angst you can do, and that chapter was pretty fluffy in comparison. :D But even if you did thow us some major angst, I would still read because I love your writing. Thank goodness that Jeff is letting Liz go because otherwise she would never meet Max, and there could be no nookie. And as we all know, that's the most important thing here. :lol: Can't wait for another chapter.
Thank you Dani!! Its always reassuring when a reader who tells me that she hates my angsty ways...will still read it if I write
Michelle17 wrote:Greart new part
Thank you! Glad you liked it
BehrObsession wrote:Great part. It's good that Nancy was finally able to talk to Liz about her mother. They seem to have a loving and warm relationship. Liz is so full of life and curiousity. I'm looking forward to read more.
Thank you. I' happy you liked my version of Nancy and Liz's relationship; and that you pretty much got my Liz character to the basics. She is curious...she hasn't been able to see the world on her own, and that will lead to the fun of our story :mrgreen:
RASaero611 wrote:great update. i'm glad Liz is able to go and that she likes having Alex and Michael around
Thank you. This chapter will explain the relationships between Michael and Alex
Grace52373 wrote:Of course I'll still read it! I didn't expect it to be like the film anyways, cause that would be plagarism. Update soon!
Yeah, I was just making sure. I've read some versions of movies, and readers were mad cuz it wasn't like the movie
monkeycgm wrote:Wow, very interesting that Nancy was not Liz's biological mom. And so funny that Alex and Micheal are her bodyguards, I cant see them ever being serious. Then again, they could guard my body anyday.
Yeah, that bugged me on the show....I'm a biology major so I've done hours and hours of genetics problems and there is no way that Nancy and Jeff could be Liz's parents...i know its hollywood but it bugged me lol. Your comment about Alex and Michael had me cracking up!! :lol:
trueblue wrote::D :D
That was great more please...
Thanks Lisa!
Emz80m wrote:great part. poor Liz her life is very difficult obviously. love how Nancy stuck up for her against Jeff though
Thanks Emma. I had fun writing Nancy on Liz's side. If I had a step mother I would want her to be like Nancy.
FamersAmers wrote:Ok there will be no throwing of the rotten food!!! :wink: I loved that established the story and why she is so protected..i mean other than the fact that she IS the presidents daughter! I really am loving this and I am so glad you posted early!!
Thanks for saving me from the rotten food Amy!!
obsession wrote:Wow, you came back. Is the star align to signal an astrological phenomenan. Hehe. I like how the story is going so far with all these emotions going on already. Hmm, what more will happen along the way. Can't wait for more.
:D Thanks! Glad you liked it. All these astrological phenomenans around here huh?
anonymousarfan wrote:Great part!!!! I loved Liz and Nancy's relationship!! Please post more soon!!
Glad you liked my writing of their relationship.
AppleJacks wrote:I love when the updates are early. I loved this part very emotional and there will be no rotten food throwing from me.. I can not wait to read more!
Thank you. Lol, I thought you all would like the early post.
LovinGuerin2Much wrote:Great part.. its a good thing that Liz has Nancy there to be on her side...Post more soon.
Yes it is. Nancy is going to save Liz from alot of Jeff's rath in this story... oh no! Have I said to much?!?! :wink:
loviedovie wrote:Cute story! I was just thinking about this movie the other day and wondering if there was a Roswell version of it! Lol, well I'm glad to have found it! I can't wait to read more so post more soon please! :D
I'm glad you found this story too! Welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay here!!


Ok guys here is the next chapter. Just as a warning this chapter contains some talk about an unconvenstional relationship. The details are minimal...but it might make some of you uncomfortable and I'm sorry...but I'm warning you now.

Chapter 2

After a summer of fun and relaxation in Washington, it was finally time to leave for college. Liz was so grateful that her dad finally allowed her to go to Las Cruces like she wanted. She knew he was upset that she had turned down Harvard and every other Ivy League school in the world…but it was her choice and she had made it.

“Come on guys…I want to fit in! Are you seriously going to wear your suits everyday?” Liz whined as they all joked around on Air Force One. Alex and Michael looked down at their attire and then looked at Liz.

“Liz, we happen to be comfortable in our suits. We aren’t wearing Birkenstocks.” Alex commented and watched as Michael also nodded.

“Guys…it’s New Mexico not some liberal, hippy school.” Maria commented before she laid her head back down on Michael’s shoulder. The two had finally started dating as soon as Maria graduated. They were going strong at 3 months and everybody loved watching them together.

“No…absolutely not…we are secret service agents…not rent a cops!” Michael commented and he ran a soothing hand through Maria’s hair when she stirred next to him.

“Daddy, my agents won’t wear different clothes…can you please change their minds?” Liz said as she batted her eyelashes at her father. She loved that she could always get her way when she did that.

“Agents, as your Commander and Chief, I command you two to go to get new clothes as soon as we land.” Jeff said with a calm but stern voice and he walked over and kissed Liz’s head. Liz glared at her Agents when their jaws dropped at how easy Liz had just manipulated her father.

“But sir, as soon as we land, Liz should be in orientation and getting ready for the start of her classes. We can’t leave her sir.” Michael mentioned. Alex was always the fun one, up to any adventure that Liz and Maria could think of; while Michael would tag along…he always mentioned the risks and rules for each activity.

“Fine, Lizzie, how about tomorrow you take the boys out and get them some appropriate clothes ok? Today you just enjoy being a college student.” Jeff said as he walked out of the room and Liz nodded.

“Always get your way huh, Parker?” Alex joked and ducked when Liz threw a chip at him.

“College life is not going to be the same you do realize that right?” Michael commented after picking up the lost chip and eating it, dismissing the disgusted looks for the other two.

“I know…but I’m ready. I don’t want to be treated as the president’s daughter. I want to be Liz Parker.” Liz said.


As they walked through the halls looking for Liz’s dorm room Liz had gotten them all lost a few times and the agents were laughing at her.

“Hey! I only do this to keep you old men on your toes!” Liz said with a chuckle and when she turned around she laughed at the expressions on their faces and waited for the outburst.

“HEY! Wait just a minute! OLD MEN? OLD MEN?” Michael said after he stopped in front of Liz to keep her from going any further.

“YEAH! We are what? 2 years older than you? That doesn’t make us old men Liz!” Alex said from behind Liz and she chuckled before moving past Michael to get to the right dorm room. She opened the door and then turned to her friends with a smirk.

“Yeah, yeah…come on gramps, you better hurry up, seeing as I’m over here…and you’re all the way over there. Your performance is slacking and you’re doing it right in front of the Commander and Chief.” Liz said and she laughed when both men’s eyes widened and they rushed forward to her side.

After a few minutes, a few tearful goodbyes, and a couple promises to call…they were left alone. Liz and Maria sat down to relax while Alex and Michael kept guard at the door. They discussed the two other roommates that should be arriving any minute when they heard yelling and commotion coming from outside their door.


“LISTEN ICE QUEEN! YOU CAN’T GO IN UNTIL I GO THROUGH YOUR BAGGAGES TO MAKE SURE THERE AREN’T ANY WEAPONS!!” Liz heard Michael yell back and after sharing a glance with Maria who just shook her head; they quickly ran towards the door and pulled it open.

“Michael, Alex, let them in” Liz quickly pushed the agents out of the way to let the girls in. “Hi, sorry about them, they are just doing their jobs. I’m Liz Parker. And this is Maria Deluca”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Tess Harding, This is Isabelle Green.” Tess said after shaking Liz and Maria’s hands. Liz took the opportunity to get a good look at their new roommates. Tess was about Liz’s height, bouncy curly blonde hair, and striking blue eyes. Liz watched as Tess walked into one of the empty rooms and placed her bags on the bed before coming back into the room. Liz quickly turned towards the other girl and glanced at her. Isabelle was very tall and very beautiful, blonde hair and brown eyes; Curves to die for…but she seemed cold…icy.

“Nice to meet you Isabelle.” Liz said as she offered her hand to the other girl.

Liz watched as Isabelle studied her hand and then finally put her hand out to shake it. “You’re a lot different than I thought you would be.”

“Thanks…I guess.” Liz said as she turned to get away from Isabelle’s cold stare. “These two gentlemen are my close friends and personal secret service gents. Michael Guerin and Alex Whitman.”

“Michael is also my boyfriend.” Maria threw in protectively. She had just started to date Michael and she wasn’t going to let anybody take him from her now.

“Nice to meet you both.” Tess offered and Isabelle turned to take her things back to her room.

“So Tess…what’s your major?” Maria asked the shorter blonde. “I’m a music major while Liz is a biology major.”

“I’m actually a psychology major. I love the way the mind works…it’s a fascinating organ that can easily be warped.” Tess explained excitedly. “Isabelle is an undecided major right now.”

“So you two know each other?” Liz asked. That was a surprise to her. The two girls were so different from each other in almost every way.

“Yeah, Izzy and I have gone to the same school since kindergarten. We may not have hung out in the same groups…but we knew each other pretty well. So when we found out both of us were coming here, we decided to make a request to be roomies.” Tess said as Isabelle walked into the room.

“We didn’t know there would be other roommates.” Isabelle responded coldly as she headed to the kitchen.

“Don’t worry about her. She is that way when she meets all new people. She’ll open up eventually and you’ll see that Izzy is really a nice girl.” Tess assured Liz when she saw the hurt from Isabelle’s comment.

“I hope you’re right.” Liz said. She decided to just move on, and if Isabelle didn’t like her, then that was too bad. “So what do you guys do for fun? I have to be honest…I haven’t had that much experience in the ways of a normal childhood.”

“Surprise, surprise” Isabel said as she came back and sat on the couch.

“Do you guys like to party?” Liz asked after ignoring Isabelle’s comment. She wasn’t going to let her ruin her college experience.

“I love to party! We used to hang out at the little family restaurant every Friday night where I used to work during high school. We would play music and dance. There wasn’t drinking or drugs…but we had fun. My friends knew how to have fun without doing anything illegal.” Tess said while glaring at Isabelle.

“What? Just cuz I went to the cool parties doesn’t mean I participated in their activities. I could have fun without drinking and drugs too.” Isabelle said as she played with her toe nail polish. “What have you done for fun Liz?” She asked with a smirk.

“Well, let’s see…I’d play chess with the vice president. He always let me win, even though I can hold my own. But most of the time I just like to read, or hang out with Alex and Michael.” Liz responded with a shrug. She knew she was lacking in the excitement arena, but if her first impressions of these girls held true…she was in for a treat.

“In Liz’s defense…there weren’t that many parties where we went to school…and even if there were, I doubt Alex and Michael would have let us go.” Maria explained.

“What is it with those two anyhow? Aren’t they a little young for the secret service?” Tess asked while glancing towards the other side of the room where the agents were in conversation.

“Well, yeah they are pretty young. But they are the best I’ve ever had. They have been with me since I was 16, and they were 18 fresh from the academy. They were supposed to be transferred because the senior agents thought they were a liability because of their age…but I requested that they stay. Besides if I’m going to go to college, who better to guard me than a couple of college aged kids…would you two prefer some bald headed 30 year old guys following you around?” Liz explained.

“I have no complaints. How long have you and Michael been dating Maria?” Tess asked and Maria glanced back and watched Alex and Michael laughing at a joke.

“Um…about 3 months…but we have been interested in each other for 2 years.” Maria explained with a shrug and glanced at Liz. Tess was a psychology major…she would catch on.

“And you’ve only been together for 3 months? Why is that?” Tess asked and she glanced between Maria and Liz.

“Well there were some circumstances that caused us to fear that Michael and Alex’s jobs could be in jeopardy if we dated.” Maria explained trying not to make eye contact with Liz.

“Ok, what’s with the looks? Did you date one of them?” Tess asked Liz and when the brunette blushed and ducked her head, she knew she understood. “So, the senior agents found out and wanted to transfer the pair…but you buttered up to daddy and got them to stay, if you promised to be good.”

“Wow…you’re good.” Maria said as she leaned back against the couch with a smirk.

“We didn’t date. Not officially, we were just interested in each other…that’s it. But after all the drama…we decided to just say friends and he come a close friend instead.” Liz explained with a shrug. She didn’t think it was that big of a deal anymore…however her dad almost had a heart attack when he found out that she was in a quasi relationship with her guard. Luckily it didn’t get out farther than her father; if the press had found out she would have been dead.

“So you confirmed Tess’ story…now are you going to give up a name?” Isabelle asked as she walked to her room and started to unpack. Liz could tell she was interested, but trying to hide it.

“It was butter ball.” Liz said nonchalantly and Maria chocked back a laugh.

“Wait? Butterball? Who is butterball?” Tess asked confused.

“Ask.” Liz said as she motioned to the two agents.

“Ok.” Tess said before turned around and facing the agents. “Which one of you two is butter ball?”

Liz watched as Michael tried to hold back a chuckle and smirked towards Alex who was wearing a very interesting shade of pink on his cheeks. Alex ducked his head and rubbed the back of his neck. “Liz…you said you wouldn’t tell anybody.”

“I didn’t! I mean I didn’t tell them why you were called butterball. I just said butterball and Tess asked who it was…I never told them why.” Liz replied with a knowing smirk, because she could already tell that Isabelle liked Alex and wanted to know why butterball was his nickname.

“Why does Liz call you butterball?” Isabelle finally asked with a sigh when she realized that no one else was gong to ask for her.

“I think maybe the third party should explain this story.” Alex said as he motioned for Michael to clarify.

“Well, it was our first Christmas protecting Liz, and we had all become pretty close, some closer than others.” Michael said as he threw Alex a look and smirked when he saw his partner blush. “Liz was sad about something…I don’t remember exactly, I think her hamster died.”

“Try my grandpa Henry idiot.” Liz interrupted.

“Ok, her grandfather died, and she was sad. So Alex, being the caring young man that he is, wanted to do anything he could to make her happy again. Even though I had advised him to buy her a teddy bear or roses…he insisted that those just wouldn’t be enough. So Alex snuck into the kitchen and stole the turkey for dinner. He walked into Liz’s room with the turkey stuck on is head…I mean fully on his head. He stuck his face in the bird’s butt! He starts dancing around and acting like a food trying to get Liz to laugh” Michael explained with a laugh.

“Did it work?” Tess asked as she pictured Alex with the big bird on his head.

“What do you think? It was hysterical. I couldn’t breath…but that wasn’t why we actually called him butterball. The idiot got the turkey stick on his head. We had to rush down stairs to get a couple sticks of butter before the chefs realized it was missing and we started to stick the butter around his head to lube it up. Sufficed to say, we finally did get the turkey off, and Alex has been know as butterball ever since.” Liz said as she smiled when she saw Alex blushing even more.

“Dinner that night was very interesting. I don’t think I have ever turned down one of Mrs. Dumbnots dinners and she was really upset.” Michael commented and Maria nodded. “I just couldn’t get the image of Alex’s head up the bird’s butt out of my mind. I was scared I would eat a hair or something.

“I had to tell my parents that I was a vegetarian that night. They still tease me about it since the next day I was fine with meat.” Liz said.

“Tasted alright to me…it was very tender and butter flavored.” Alex said and everybody laughed. “And lets not forget Michael’s indictment into the nickname club with the wishbone!”

“HEY!!” Michael yelled when he realized what Alex was trying to do.

“Wishbone? Why are you called wishbone?” Tess said in-between laughing.

“Well, since Michael explained my nickname, why don’t I explain his?” Alex said with an evil smirk. “Michael decided at lunch one day to collect the wishbones from our chicken that we had eaten that day. So he goes into the kitchen and asks the chef for them. After a few days they had dried out so he wanted to break them. Being the ingenious man that he is, he decided to try to break them in his mouth. So, he placed them in his mouth and when he tried to close his lips to break them, the bone slipped down and got stuck in his cheeks. So he was walking around the room with a wishbone jammed in his mouth trying to get us to pull it out. Maria finally helped him out and she actually got a wish!”

‘You never did tell me what you wished for.” Michael commented after the laughter died down.

“I wished for you to do it again, but I think having it in your mouth, took away its power.” Maria responded.

“Well, Alex is butterball; Michael is wishbone…what about you two? Do you have nicknames?” Tess asked as she motioned to the girls. She watched as they all glanced at each other before Liz spoke up.

“I’ll explain yours then you explain mine deal?” Liz said to Maria and she agreed. “Ok… so about a year after Alex and Michael started to protect me, Maria decided to dress up for Halloween to impress him. She went to the store and bought the cutest little fairy custom and came to the White House to get dressed. After getting dressed she pulled out this huge bottle of glitter and started to sprinkle it all over herself. She apparently got some in her nose and sneezed in the bottle causing the whole thing to go all over her…so she walked around the White House covered in glitter. There was a trail following her around and every time she sneezed glitter went everywhere so we call her pixie dust.” Liz explained and Michael wrapped an arm around Maria and kissed her forehead.

“The maids were mad at me for a month…because that is how long it took to get the glitter out of the carpet.” Maria said and everyone laughed. “Ok…Liz’s turn. It was actually the first time that we met Michael and Alex. We had decided to go for a swim to we went to Liz’s room to change. I had already changed into my bathing suit so Liz went into the bathroom to change. At the same time her dad was still new to the concept of privacy and he walking into the room to introduce her new agents. He came into her room with out knocking right when Liz walked out of her bathroom in her bathing suit.”

“What’s wrong with that?” Isabelle asked and Liz smiled inwardly…she was finally opening up to her.

“Well, lets just say that she didn’t have the complete suit. She had come out because she had picked up the wrong top. So Liz was introduced to her new agents in just the bottoms.” Maria said and Liz covered her face with her hands when she saw the girls mouths fly open.

“You didn’t cover yourself up?” Tess questioned.

“Oh I did, with one arm. The other arm was out to shake the agent’s hands. I had never been so embarrassed in my life. So, from that day on…Alex and Michael have always called me bikini bottoms.” Liz said with a shrug.

“Wow, I take back what I said about you guys not having fun. You four are a riot!” Isabelle said and everyone laughed.

TBC.....By the way the turkey thing is not belongs to the writers at FRIENDS. Also thanks to Daniela (Qbon) for getting this back to me with corrections so rock girl!!
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

:shock: :!: :shock: :!: WOW... thats all I can say about this feedback!! You all are amazing thanks so much for liking my story! Now a few things before I get to the personals

#1. was Alex and Liz that "dated." It was never official because the administration heard about it and the only way that Alex and Michael could stay was if they didn't date. And where would this story be without Butterball and wishbone? :wink:

#2. I AM SOO GLAD YOU ALL LIKED THE NICKNAMES!! Lol...and as you know Alex's is not mine...but the other ones I find from personal experience....*clears throat* lets not go there.

#3. Since a lot of you have asked about this I decided to make it a general comment. This is big news...MAX IS COMING IN THIS CHAPTER
Earth2Mama wrote:LOL I remember that episode! That was a good one :) Great story. Please, update soon :D I'm anxious as to when Max comes into this story.
Thank you!! Yup...Max comes in now!
RASaero611 wrote:haha that was great! it seems that Isabel has warmed up a little bit. And i loved the stories they all told and remember that episode of Friends. great update
Yes Isabel has warmed up and she is now going to have all kinds of fun in this group.
kittens wrote:So if dating an agent issue already came up then what trouble will it be now?? yes it came up but right now, no one knows Max is an agent...he is a SECRET secret it will get explained in this chapter a little bit more
monkeycgm wrote:Great part, loved how Tess is a psychology major because she is facinated with how the human mind can be warped. I was lol at the nicknames too. Keep up the good work
YEA!!! I'm glad you noticed that! I loved writing that little seemed so Tess to say, I'm glad you liked it!!
Timelord31 wrote:That was so funny. Can't wait for the next part.
Thanks and I think you will like this chapter as well
taressa05 wrote:Funny, funny update! That was especially great about the turkey thing. I remember that fact, I have it on DVD. May have to watch it now so that I can picture Alex with his head up the turkey's ass instead of Joey. :lol: So it would seem that all the gang is now in the picture except Kyle and Max. I could care less whether Kyle shows up, but I can't wait for Max to get here. Hope it's soon. Looking forward to the next update. ~Dani
Lol...i was watching that epi when i wrote that Dani!! Lol...yes Max is coming into the picture and so is Kyle...but not as much as Max is. So Max is here this chapter and I think you will like the way they :wink:
icequeen wrote:Funny parts about their nicknames. I can totally see Alex doing something like that. And Glitter is a pain to get out of the carpet! Isabel seemed like she was going to be a problem but it looks like she has warmed up to them. I’m guessing Isabel and Max aren’t going to be related since she would have said something about her brother being an agent by now. Is Maria going to room with Liz also? If she is I bet they are going to have some fun and drive Alex and Michael crazy. Can’t wait for Max to come in the picture
Isabel and Max are related but not siblings, you will find out next chapter what the relation is. And the roommates are Maria, Liz, Tess, and Isabel. So yeah they are going to drive Alex and Michael seriously up the wall.
GottaFeedTheMonkey1257 wrote:That was an awesome update! I love those nicknames, especially Liz's. I'm surprised that her father didn't make her run back in and put the rest of her suit on before greeting her guards. Also, I'm just a tad confused about something. Was it Alex that Liz dated? Call me ignorant, but I just didn't understand that. When I first saw it, I was thinking maybe Kyle was an agent but got sent away after her dad found out about their relationship. If anyone can explain, I'd be a happy person! >*Kristen*<
Yes I think I PMed you about it...but Liz and Alex dated.
AppleJacks wrote:another great new part I can not wait to see how max played into this group
You find out now!!
obsession wrote:Where did you get those nickname. Cute very cute. I like Alex's the best. True genius. Can't wait for more protection.
Thank you...but alas that genius is not mine :cry: At ease and continue to write.
BehrObsession wrote:Great part. Everyone is starting to loosen up and have some fun. Can't wait until Max comes into the picture.
He's coming now!! I hope you like it!
loviedovie wrote:Lol, that was great! Nice nicknames! Especially Butterball, I love that Friends episode! :P Can't wait for more!
Thank you! Yes...Friends Rocks!!
FamersAmers wrote:Ok I am a little behind...I know I know!!
You know I got your back with the rotten food..I will save you!!!!(i am having the look of a super hero right now!!) LOL Ok so...Alex and Liz..hmmm this may be a problem later on cause Alex might be more attatched than he is letting on, but maybe Liz wont have the problem letting go..hmm I dont know I will have to wait and see about that one!!!
Isabel and Tess and Maria and Liz I think once they all warm up to each other will be grea least that is my opinon and you know what people say about those!! Loved it as rock!!!
Breath, I was going through all these and was a little scared cuz I didn't find you....I thought you forgot about me :cry: but I'm ok now. No...I will tell you this, Alex is not attached like no worries there...but it will cause a little problem in this chapter, but it will end in this chapter as well.
LovinGuerin2Much wrote:Great chapter.. very funny.. So Liz and Alex dated... I hope he doesnt act weired when she meets Max. It was nice to see that during the end of the chapter the girls were laughing and Isabel dropped the Ice Princess thing... Post more soon! :D
Thanks...yeah I thought it was time for Isabel to melt! :lol:
dreamer destiny wrote:Just found this, and I love it so far.
Thank you and WELCOME TO THE STORY!!!
sunrise102 wrote:Great story! I'm confused too, who did Liz date?
Lol...Liz dated Alex...I think I PMed you as well.
FamersAmers wrote:So I was roaming the board and I was like oooo you are updating today...(wednesday) even though it is still techniquely (hmm I dont think I spelled that right!) tuesday at least in California and Hawaii!! But then I remembered you posted a day after getting myself all worked up because iI thought you were updating today wednesday which is still tuesday I realized you werent because it wasnt tomorrow which is Thursday :wink: !! So the whole point to this pointless message was to say...I cant wait for whatever day you are posting...but I hope you make it today wednesday that is still tuesday in California!!
Did that Make any sense? hmm I dont think so...hey it was the thought...right? :D what I got from this...was that you were excited because you thought I was posting yesturday (tuesday) cuz I posted early last week...but you forgot that I post on wednesdays...right? You are too funny Amy!!

Ok on with the chapter...OH HI LURKERS!! COME OUT AND SAY HI!!!

Chapter 3

“Liz…why are we here?” Michael asked as he followed Liz to every other club table to get an information package.

“Because Michael, I want to join a club and meet some new people. I can’t do that alone, so you have to come with me.” Liz said as she signed the information request sign-up sheet for the science club.

“But at least do something interesting! Look over there is a movie club. That’s fun…watching movies and then talking about it…I could do that!” Michael commented.

“Yes Michael I know you can…but I’m here to educated myself and receive a normal college experience.” Liz said while she bumped into someone and dropped her stuff. “Oh I am so sorry…I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

“Liz!! Are you OK?” Michael said as she grabbed the offender off of Liz and quickly checked Liz over for injuries after passing the guy to Alex.

“I’m fine!! It was an accident…Alex let the man go!” Liz commanded and she watched as Alex’s grip loosed but he didn’t let go completely. “Alex…now.”

“Thanks…he may seem scrawny but he can sure use what muscle he has.” The stranger said while rotating his shoulder.

“I’m so sorry. They are just trying to protect--” Liz tried to explain but the interrupted her.

“It’s ok. I understand. They are your secret service agents; I’m lucky all they did was hold me back. I’m surprised I didn’t have a gun pointed to my head.” The guy joked and bent down to help Liz pick up her things.

“Thanks.” Liz said and she glanced up when their hands touched the same paper. Liz quickly shot her eyes towards him and was met with a pair of the most beautiful amber eyes she had ever seen. “I-I’m Liz…Liz Parker.”

“Max Evans. Pleased to meet you.” The guy said as she placed his hand on Liz’s elbow and helped her stand up. “Looks like you’re looking for a good club” Max asked while glancing through the pile of papers in his hands.

“Um, yeah. I was just looking for something to educate myself with…you know the normal college experience.” Liz said while glancing around the campus, anywhere but his eyes…they were mesmerizing.

“Well, then you obviously know nothing about college Liz.” Max said with a laugh and Liz quickly fell in love with the sound. “College is about fun and adventures...not education.”

“You don’t think it can be both?” Liz asked and she watched Max smirk.

“Depends on what you need education on.” Max said huskily. His voice sent shivers down Liz’s spine. “Listen, it was great talking to you, but I got to go…so I hope to see you later. Good luck with your search.” Max said before quickly walking away.

“Yeah…”Liz said as she watched him walk out of her life as quickly as he walked in. “Max Evans.” Liz said and she knew she would see him again.


It had been 3 days since Max first set eyes on Liz Parker. He finally admitted that he was hiding. He’d seen her in the common quad but he quickly hid and went the other way. He wasn’t prepared for how beautiful she was. He had obviously seen pictures of her in the newspapers, but in person she was so much more attractive.

Max still remembered the day that he was assigned this task

FLASHBACK: 3 weeks ago

"Agent Evans, the board is ready for you." A petite young woman said as she proceeded to show Max to the meeting hall. Max didn't know what the meeting was about, but he knew it was important for them to call him away from his current status. Max had been a Secret Service Agents for over 4 years and he had loved every minute of it. At first it was great, getting to meet new and exciting people, but soon his job was protecting the little guys and Max felt he was being misused. A year ago Max asked for a change of title so that he could get his education. Max had never gone to college and he decided now would be a good time, so he became an undercover civilian agent who would only be called if it was completely necessary.

"Board, Agent Evans has been put into the undercover agent program and I believe he would be the best for the job." Chief Agent Brody Davis announced to the board after Max entered.

"Sir, with all due respect, what assignment are we talking about?" Max asked. He usually knew not to ask questions about orders, but this wasn't an order yet.

"Protecting the first daughter in college." Max’s eyes drew wide at the realization that this was a big deal. He was a young agent and they usually didn't get high profile jobs like this one until you are well in your thirties.

"I thought that Guerin and Whitman were the only agents assigned?" Max questioned. Although he didn't know the agents personally, he knew of them and they were really good. Max kept up to date with different assignments throughout the organization.

"Only dressed agents, the president has asked for an additional source of protection that Liz would be unaware of. We decided to use civilian agents. So you up to it Evans?" Brody asked as he handed Max a file detailing the assignment. Brody could tell Max wanted the job, but he could tell Max was still wary. "What’s the deal Max?"

"Sir, I'd love to take this assignment, but it’s too late in the term to transfer to a new college. There is no way to get into her college with out drawing attention to it." Max said. He loved his college and he didn't want to leave, but this assignment was a big one.

"You won't have to. That’s why we want you to do this. The target is coming to you." Brody said with a smirk when he saw Max's eyes jump up and he quickly started to flip to the file page that contained Liz's education plans.

"Las Cruces? That’s not what I expected from the first daughter." Max said as he perused the page. "Wow, excellent grades and SAT scores...why is she not going to Harvard like ever other first daughter?"

"Don't know...don't care. I'm just here to provide protection. So you up to it?" Brody asked again.

"Consider the case closed." Max said as he handed the file back.


Max didn’t know what he would say to Liz if he ever saw her again, he thought he would have more time to think about it, but he realized he still had her stack of club information on his desk; he should probably give those back. “Here goes nothing.” Max said as he headed out his door.

Max straightened when he saw one of her agents standing at the door. Max walked up and noticed the door was open. “Um, hi I’m here to see Liz--” Max said but he stopped when he glanced inside and saw Liz on her bed…with Alex sleeping in her lap.

Liz still couldn’t decide which club to join, she really wanted to join the biology or science clubs, but she didn’t want to subject Alex and Michael to that. Maybe she could join 2 clubs? One for her and then one for the guys…but which one? Individually she could easily pick a club for each of them to enjoy…but together…that was hard. Although they were partners and good friends, they didn’t really share all the same interests. Looks like she would be joining 3 clubs: science for her, movies for Michael, and music for Alex.

Alex, Liz felt so sorry for him. He wasn’t feeling good today, something about food poisoning from Maria’s cooking. Liz wasn’t surprised, Maria was already trying to cook great meals and the guys didn’t know how to say no. Alex changed out of his suit and got into some sweats promptly curling up into Liz’s lap when Michael told him he could handle standing guard for a few hours. Liz glanced down at Alex’s peaceful face and smiled as she ran her hand through his hair to sooth him. She glanced up when she heard a throat clearing coming from the door.

“Liz, you have a visitor.” Michael said and he stepped aside to let Max become visible.

“MAX!!” Liz squeaked and quickly pushed Alex off her lap. OH GOD!! Did Max see them? He might think something was going on…NO NOT WITH ALEX! He was a friend who was sick…Max saw that right? Liz quickly turned around when she heard Alex groan and she realized she had pushed him off the bed. “Oh, no Alex! I’m so sorry, are you ok?”

“Jeez Liz, you sure know how to make a guy fall for you.” Alex said as he pulled himself to a sitting position on the bed. His eyes widened when he realized he was going to be sick and quickly rushed by the unnoticed Max to get to the bathroom.

“Is he alright?” Max finally asked. He was still confused about the closeness of Liz and her agent, were they dating? He thought he felt something from Liz, maybe he was wrong…

“He’ll be alright; he just has to remember not to eat Maria’s cooking anymore.” Liz responded and she quickly added after seeing Max look at her confused. “One of my roommates, Maria has just started to cook. Alex is now showing the rewards of being a nice guy.”

“Oh, well, I hope he gets better…how are you feeling?” Max asked as he gently touched her arm but he pulled back when he felt an instant jolt.

“I’m fine, I chose last night to pull my vegetarian card again,” Liz said and when she saw Max’s confused look again, she added. “It’s a long story…never mind.”

“LIZ! I’m out of mouthwash! Can I use yours?” Alex yelled from the bathroom and Liz rolled her eyes as she moved past Max to get to her toiletry bag. She tried to ignore the feeling that his eyes were burning into her head. “Here it is.” Liz said as she handed Alex the bottle of scope once he opened the door.

“Thanks, bikini bottoms!” Alex said as he leaned out and kissed her cheek. Liz shrieked and smacked his shoulder.

“Alex, that’s disgusting…you just puked! GROSS!” Liz exclaimed as she wiped at her cheek and turned towards Max. “So, um…what are you doing here Max?”

“Oh, I um…I accidentally forgot to return these to you the other day…so I thought I would stop by. To return them.” Max said as he held up the pile of fliers. Max was mentally slapping his forehead. He could be so stupid sometimes! Was he sure he didn’t fail his tactical maneuvers course?

“Oh, thanks. I was actually just going through the fliers I had when Alex came in to get a nap. He wasn’t feeling good because of the food poisoning…and I let him sleep on my lap because he couldn’t get comfortable and--” Liz was going to continue but she quickly stopped herself. MAN! Why did she have to be so stupid sometimes!

“Oh, so did you decide on any clubs?” Max asked as he handed Liz the fliers and watched as she turned and placed them with the pile on her bed. He was hoping to get to know her better…but it seemed like she was taken, plus it might be against the rules…he wasn’t quite sure, but Alex didn’t seem to follow the rules.

“Well, actually I decided to join 3 I think. One for me, one for Michael, and one for Alex. They put up with my interests…but they don’t really enjoy science as much as me…so I thought I would join a club for each of them so that they could have fun too. After all you did say college was about fun!” Liz responded.

“I did say that didn’t I. Science? You like science? So do I. I’m actually majoring in Law…but a minor in biology.” Max explained. Why was he telling her this…she didn’t care…she had a boyfriend.

“Really? My major is biology! Oh, now I know someone who likes science as much as me. Law…I’m not so sure I could talk with you about that one.” Liz said. Like he would even want to talk to me about law anyway…he probably has some opinionated blonde bimbo paralegal aid to talk to…he didn’t need her, he just stopped by to bring back the fliers, which reminded her. “How did you find my dorm room anyway?”

“What?” Max asked; he was shocked at the quick subject change. “Oh, that…I...Um, I’m actually friends with the R.A. for this dorm, so I just looked you up in the system…I didn’t mean to invade your privacy… I just wanted to return your fliers…” Why was he rambling? He never did this around a pretty girl…but Liz wasn’t just a pretty girl…she was breathtaking.

“You know the R.A.? So does that mean you live in this dorm?” Liz asked. She was so excited, that meant that she would probably run into him a lot…that was a plus.

“Yeah, actually right down the hall, so if you ever need to get away…you can just come and hang out there…” Why was he doing this!! She had a boyfriend…she didn’t need to have him stalking her. Max knew this had to be breaking the rules, but Liz was drawing him in.

“I’d like that.” Liz said and her eyes widened before she quickly re-stated her comment. “I mean, I might take you up on that offer…some day.”

“Yeah, well I should go…you need take care of your boy…Alex. I’ll see you around Liz.” Max said as he headed towards the door. He stopped when Liz called his name; it sounded so good flowing off her lips.

“The offer goes both ways.” Liz stated. “If you ever need to get away from the responsibilities of Law, my door is always open for you.” Liz couldn’t believe how bold she was being with Max, she didn’t even know him that well…but she definitely wanted to try.

“I might take you up on that offer…some day.” Max said while smirking when he used Liz’s response to his offer earlier. “See ya.”

“Bye, Max.” Liz said softly as he walked out the door.

“You have it so bad bikini bottoms!” Alex said as he appeared at her side. He had watched the whole interaction from the bathroom doorway and he knew things were going to get interesting around here.

“ALEX! Why did you have to call me that in front of Max! God he must think I’m so stupid!” Liz said as she turned and started to hit Alex on the shoulder.

“Relax Liz; Max was so concentrated on you that he didn’t even pay attention to me.” Alex said and he watched as Liz blushed.

“What are you talking about Alex; Max just came by to bring me the fliers from the other day.” Liz said as she turned towards her bed and picked up said fliers and sifted through them. She noticed one that she didn’t pick up…Law. Hmmm…maybe she could join 4 clubs?

“Liz, did you or did you not go back and get the same fliers once Max walked away with them?” Alex asked with a smirk and he added once he saw Liz blush. “Look Liz, as a guy who was infatuated with you…I know what a guy will do to be able to see you again…I luckily didn’t have to try to hard since I was ordered to your side. But Max, he’s a regular guy and he will try anything to get to see you.”

“You really think so?” Liz asked as she looked at Alex.

“Yes. Now get back on that bed…I need my pillow again!” Alex said and Liz laughed as she sat back down and Alex immediately curled in her lap and fell back to sleep. Liz flipped through a magazine with a huge smile on her face…

“Thank you all for coming to the first meeting. I’m glad to see some old faces.” Max said as he glanced around the meeting room. His eyes landed on a familiar face and he smiled. “And a few new ones as well. I hope this year’s Law Club is as productive as last years. We will discuss whatever law issues or questions anyone has throughout the semester. We try to discuss how we see or would handle court cases that are getting a lot of public attention, so keep your eyes open for new information to contribute to the discussions.”

“Liz, I still can’t believe you dragged us here! I mean come on! Do you even understand anything about law?” Alex leaned over and whispered to Liz. He couldn’t help but notice how Max’s eyebrows twitched when he noticed how close Alex was to Liz.

“That’s why I’m here Alex, to learn about law. I want to get a well rounded education.” Liz said as she tried to not take her eyes off of Max. He was such a captivating speaker. As soon as Liz saw that Max was the club president listed on the flier she knew she had to at least check it out.

“Well, that’s all we had planned for tonight’s meeting, unless there are any questions we will meet here next time.” Max said as he quickly started to pack up his notes from the podium and headed towards Liz. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself.” Liz responded with a smile. “You remember Alex don’t you?”

“Yeah, good to see you are not puking your guts out this time.” Max said as he reached out a shook Alex’s hand. Or your head in Liz’s lap. “Where’s Michael?” He added as he looked around the room for Liz’s other agent.

“He doesn’t really like Law, so he decided to take his post outside.” Alex added and he quietly radioed for Michael to join them.

“I thought you said you didn’t like law either?” Max asked as he turned his attention to Liz. Max thought she looked radiant tonight…her hair was down and it was shining and was begging for him to run his hands through it…if only her boyfriend wasn’t there.

“I said, I couldn’t talk to you about it…I’m trying to change that. You think you could give me private help?” Liz asked and she was shocked at her boldness…did she just ask Max out?

Did she just ask me out? Max thought…no…not in front of Alex…maybe he had them all wrong. “I think we could arrange that. I mean we do live right down the hall from each other…it couldn’t be that hard.”

“Hey Max.” Michael said as he joined the trio, he already liked Max and he knew Liz did…Alex and him just had to get the two to realize they both liked each other…

“Hey Michael…how are you doing?” Max said as he shock the agent’s hand.

“Good, look can I ask you a favor?” Michael asked and he watched as both Alex and Liz quickly glanced at him to see what he was up too. Michael never asked for favors.

“Sure…what do you need?” Max asked, he saw Alex and Liz looking at Michael strangely, but he didn’t pay much attention to it.

“Come out with us tomorrow night.” Michael asked and he prepared his ears for the attack.

“MICHAEL GUERIN! OVER HERE NOW!” Liz yelled as she stormed off to the other side of the room tapping her foot on the ground waiting for Michael to join her. Once he did she tried to keep her voice down. “What are you doing? Why are you asking him to hang out with us?”

“Relax Liz, Alex and I are taking Maria and Isabelle out tomorrow, Tess is bringing a guy from one of her classes…we can’t leave you at home and you won’t go by yourself…so I’m just bringing in Max to keep you company.” Michael explained trying to sound like he wasn’t playing matchmaker.

“Michael…what are you really up to? I don’t trust your idea. Max doesn’t want to hang out with me.” Liz said and she tried to hide her frown when she thought about that.

“Hey.” Michael said as he lifted Liz’s chin so her eyes met his. “Liz, I’m a guy and I know when another guy likes someone. I’m the one who told Alex he liked you” Michael said and he watched as Liz smiled. “He likes you Liz…do you like him?”

“Yeah…I think so…I just don’t want to get hurt Mike…not again…or by him” Liz said as she quickly glanced across the room to see Max and Alex in an intense conversation.

“He won’t Liz. With Alex and I there…he wouldn’t dare…just give him the chance to prove you wrong, he may surprise you.”

Liz took a deep breath and slightly nodded her head. “Ok…I’ll give it a shot.” Liz said before her and Michael headed back towards Alex and Max. Liz smiled when she heard the topic of their heated discussion.

“I’m serious! Liz tell Max I’m serious! Tell him that my band was great! The next Gomez!” Alex said as he quickly grabbed Liz and pulled her in front of him holding her in his arms. He tried not to smile when he heard Max growl.

“Now Alex, you know I love you…and I loved the Whits…But the next Gomez you were not.” Liz said as she patted Alex on the cheek. She laughed when his mouth dropped open and he blinked his eyes in shock.

“You…you told me you thought we were great…” Alex said as he hangs his head.

“Alex man, shut up. It was like 5 years ago…and all Liz did was listen to your stupid demo and said she liked it…end of story.” Michael explained and he turned back to Max. “So, tomorrow night? You want to join us?”

“Well, I guess…I mean I don’t have any plans, but I won’t want to intrude on yours either.” Max said, he also didn’t want to watch Alex and Liz together the whole night; right now was enough to last a lifetime.

“You won’t be. Alex and I are bringing dates, so if you don’t mind…you and Liz could hang out.” Michael said and he tried not to laugh when he saw Max’s eyes widen while glancing between Alex and Liz. Michael also noticed how Liz took a deep breath waiting for him to turn her down. If Michael was right, she would be waiting a long time.

“You-you have a date?” Max asked shocked while pointing towards Alex. He couldn’t believe it…Alex was going on a date…not with Liz.

“Yeah, why do you seem so shocked?” Alex asked from behind Liz.

“Well, I just…I just assumed that you and Liz were together.” Max said and he sighed when he saw Alex and Liz’s shocked faces.

“What? Me and Alex? No, no way, never…we are just friends. Never.” Liz said while shaking her head profusely and quickly pushing Alex’s arms off her.

“Hey! I take complete offense! We almost went out! Why am I not good enough now?” Alex asked Liz. He knew what she meant, but it was fun to see her squirm.

“Enough you two.” Michael said once he realized what Alex was doing; he turned is attention back to Max. “You in or what?”

“Um, yeah. I’m there.” Max said as he glanced at Liz. He couldn’t believe he was going to go out on a date with Liz…date; well not really…it was a hang out. Yes, but potential for future date status.

“Great. So tomorrow night. We are meeting at Liz’s dorm.”

TBC....See you nexct week!! For the "non-date"
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Post by Maxsgurl » I'm back y'all!! I was hoping to get this too you earlier...but it didn't work out...sorry! But I'm here now...does that count? :D

LovinGuerin2Much wrote:Very funny chapter.. I thought it was really funny and cute that Max and Liz were all nervous and rambling a little bit.

It seems that Alex and Liz are more like brother and sister. they get along so well.

Poor Maria making him sick.. I was like aww.. lol

Looking forward to your next post!
Thank you! I'm soo glad you like my Alex and Liz relationship...I honestly work soo hard to get it to where it is. Thanks!!
Timelord31 wrote:Can't wait for it.
Thank you!!
dreamer destiny wrote:I hate that Max has this big secret he's keeping from Liz.

Good update!
*sigh* so do I. I hate having a secret between them...but I kinda need it for the story, so yeah. It will come out in the open, so don't worry.
taressa05 wrote:As soon as I read your response to my feedback, I knew they were gonna meet through the good old Bump/Stumble/Catch. :lol: Nothing like a BSC to start a love story off right. :wink: And I love how Max and Liz are like two stuttering idiots that say really stupid things and come up with lame excuses to see each other, and yet they remain oblivious to the attraction of one for the other. *Sigh* Young's great ain't it. :) But I can see how Max got the wrong idea about Liz and Alex, they were awful chummy. No offense to Alex, but Max is Hottie McSexGod, and add in the fact that he and Liz had the BSC and that all spells she wants you. :lol: Now if only Max would just see this, but since he's a fictional character I guess I'll forgive him for his momentary stupidity. :D

Great update, and I'll be waiting on the next one so we can see the non-date date, AKA the hangout. :lol:

DANI YOU KILL ME!! :lol: :lol: I was lmao with Hottie McSexGod...HILARIOUS!! Yes the good old BSC spells she wants you no questions there. Lol...non-date you like my terminology? I actually made that up from personal experience!! Lets just say these non-date dates...*looks around to make sure no one is listening/reading* usually turn out to more like dates....from personal experience :wink:
Earth2Mama wrote:"The nondate". I love the sound of that. It's also has me intrigued as to what could possibly happen :wink:

Post it soon :D
Lol you hit the nail on the head....all the possibilities of a non-date date!!
Grace52373 wrote:Poor Alex! and poor Maria! No one will ever try her food after that! LOL! Loved this chapter and the previous. I just have one question, do Michael and Alex know that max is another agent assigned to Liz? Update soon!
You will found out more later, but no one knows who Max is except Max, the agency, and Isabel. But you will find out more later.
obsession wrote:Ha ha. Alex could be so horrible at times to make Max think of such a thing when there isn't any.

Liz, daughter of the president, swarm. That is just something.

I like this "non-date" date. Can't wait to see how it plays out.
Glad you are liking this lol...yes Alex did do that on purpose...he is the trouble maker of the agents.
googi wrote:I just finished reading the first few chapters of this story and I am loving what I'm reading.

Keep posting more. Love the way that Alex and Michael are around her. They truly care about her as a friend and not as an assignment. I only hope that when finds out that Max is also a secret service agent she can really see that he is really interested in her and will forgive him.......Eventually, of course.

Great Job!
Thank you and welcome to my story!! Glad you see that Michael and Alex love Liz as a person but as an assignment, that is what I wanted to get across. got that...she can't just forgive him right away; thats no fun! :wink:
icequeen wrote:Poor Alex, what did Maria make? LOL I have a feeling that when they find out the truth about Max Michael and Alex are going to be pissed.

They seem really close to her and not just cause of work. It's really funny to see them like that.

Great part.
Oh yes...once Max is outed...there will be anger EVERYWHERE!!
GottaFeedTheMonkey1257 wrote:Oh, yay an update!!

I'm hoping that this doesn't end up totally like that one movie with Katie Holmes that I just forgot the name to cuz that ending sucked majorly. Max can break the rules!! He's too hot for rules!!

Awesome update, my friend.
Lol...Max and Liz will be breaking rules! Yeah...the movie you are talking about is First Daughter, and I completely agree the ending sucked. No worries I am a dreamer.
RASaero611 wrote:oooo can't wait for the date
Thank you!
AppleJacks wrote:I am way excited for this date!
ME TOO!! And I already know what happens!! HE HE HE
ShatteredDreamer wrote:That chapter kicked ass! Loved the way Max and Liz met and then he slipped the Law club flyer in with her other flyers before returning them. How cute! Shouldn't Max already know whether or not it's against the rules for him to date Liz? Well, since it's a non-date technically he hasn't done anything wrong yet. The dynamics between Liz, Michael and Alex are great! I definately understand how Max could've mistakenly thought Alex and Liz were a couple. Glad Michael realized Max and Liz like each other and decided to invite Max out with the group. Do Michael and Alex know that Max is an agent too?

Poor Alex. No more cooking for Maria! Can't wait for the next part! Come back soon!

I second GottaFeedTheMonkey1257's request not to end this story like the movie.
You will find out this chapter why Max doesn't know if its against the rules. No Michael and Alex do not know who Max is...but when they do find out...bad things.
Emz80m wrote:great part chica

I'm surprised Max is so eager to get involved with Liz considering his job, and why is it that Alex and Michael dont know about him, how are they supposed to pretect Liz if they dont have all the information?

cant wait for more
Hey Emma, you will find a little bit about why Michael and Alex don't care who Max is during this chapter...but you will understand more later
aussietrueblue wrote::D :D
That was so great.....
I can not wait for them all to go out together.....
Sounds like fun....
Thank you!! It will be fun!!
BehrObsession wrote:Loved it! The whole Liz with Alex misunderstanding had Max growling & muttering. And he's only just met her. He can't seem to help himself when it comes to the attraction he feels for Liz. Can't wait to watch the relationship blossom, but I fear Liz will be devastated when she finds out that he's an agent assigned to her. I have to believe that they'll work it out in the end. Should be an interesting ride and I'm all buckled up!
Good...I'm glad you buckled up, I don't want any casualties on this story, especially my readers!! Yes it will be VERY interesting
FamersAmers wrote:JENNIFER!! *doing a happy dance* And dont fret!! IT WILL BE HERE!! It will probably be like 3 pages after you posted...cause sheesh woman you are popular!!

That was great, I was assuming in my last post and I am glad I was wrong!! ha ha my assuming mad an ass out of me!!!WOO HOO!!!!

I love Max and Liz together...I love how they were both a bunch of silly dorks around each other and I loved Max getting jealous.

I noticed how Max sort of questioned himself in what he was doing with Liz and how it was probably against the rules and all that jazz. He is a thinker...I like that! I want to see him be a doer! Although he made a pretty good doing when he went to Liz's room!!! I LIKE IT!!!

As for Alex and Michael do they know who he is...I know he is undercover but do they know he is who he is?

Hmm so much to think about till next week!! You are awesome!!!

HA HA like thinkers huh? Oh he will be a doer...HE HE HE. Michael and Alex do not know who he is...its a secret...and we all know about secrets. When they come out...its never good!!
loviedovie wrote:Okay, that was a GREAT part! Loved every sentence of it!! Max is very cute, I really like how you described his background and included his point of view. I like how Michael and Alex are playing matchmaker, that's sweet of them. I guess they don't know who Max is though. They really are a close knit group, Liz and the boys. They seem like brothers to her almost. This is way better than the movie it's based on, I'd take Max & Liz over Katie Holmes & Marc Blucas any day! Kay, sorry if that sounded like most of the other feedbacks already recieved..., I just share most of those opinions. Come back soon! :D
No don't worry about it!! I love it when feedbackers say whats on their mind...even if its been said already. Feel free to repeat, and repeat, and repeat, and re- well you get the idea
Earth2Mama wrote:Congrats on the nomination! And thanks for letting us know about the new part :)

I can't wait :D
Thank you!!
aussietrueblue wrote::D :D
Thanks for letting us all know...
You are very welcome Lisa!!
FamersAmers wrote:Doing a dance and song just for you and me!!! WoooHOOO!!!

I am so glad for you!! You so deserve it!! And here is my note to you saying how you need to hurry up and post!! I so wanted to read before I went into the doctor!!! Bummer!!!

congrats to you!! You are awesome!!!
The doctor? I hope everything is ok?!? :(
Yes! Congrates to you as well Ams. We both deserve it ok? Good luck with all your noms!!

AppleJacks wrote:congrats

Chapter 4

“Liz will you calm down?” Maria said as she tried to curl Liz’s hair. Maria, Tess and Isabelle had already gotten dressed for their dates and they now turned their attention on Liz; they wanted her to knock Max’s socks off.

“Maria, whywouldInotbecalm?” Liz said in one breath. She breathed deeply, when she heard her roommates’ chuckle at her. “I meant to say, why would I have a reason to not be calm? After all, it’s not a date right. Right? Oh god! What if it’s a date? What if he totally expects this to be a date and I don’t! I’ve never been on a date!” Liz said as she quickly jumped up and walked around the room, causing Maria to chase after her trying to pin a curler in place.

“Liz! Stop! Calm down! It doesn’t matter if it’s a date or not. Technically you should want it to be a hang out…less stress.” Tess said and Isabelle agreed with her from the vanity. She was checking her makeup; although she was trying to make Liz look good, Isabelle still wanted to look good herself.

“What do you mean less stress? What about the fact that this non-date will determine the existence of any future dates?” Liz said as she flopped down on the vanity stool.

“Liz, sweetie. Max likes you. He really likes you! Why do you think he agreed to go with us tonight, if he didn’t realize he would be stuck with you the whole night?” Maria explained and she watched as Liz started to blush. “Now, relax and try to have fun. That way the impression you leave him with will determine the definite existence of many future dates ok?”

“Ok, thanks.” Liz said and she smiled when the girls got back to making her beautiful.


Max tried to wipe his sweaty palms on his jeans while he walked towards Liz’s dorm room. He didn’t understand why he was so nervous; it wasn’t a date…right? What if Liz thought it was a date? Was he supposed to bring flowers? Should he quickly go grab some from the quad? Girls like freshly picked right?

Max had spent the whole day looking through his rulebook making sure that dating Liz wasn't against the rules. What he found was not helpful; for a full dressed agent such as Michael or Alex it was against the rules...but there was no mention of a civilian agent dating his target. Max had even called Brody for assistance.

"Max, suck it up. You’re a civilian, with very special training. Why wouldn't you two date? She can be protected every moment. I think the best way to help keep her safe, although rather unconventionally, is to date her. Now go get ready for your date."

“Hey Max. What’s up?” Michael asked once Max reached Liz’s door. Max smiled at the fact that even though they had dates tonight, both Michael and Alex were going to be secret service for Liz tonight.

“Nothing much, what about you guys?” Max asked.

“Same as always. You ready to go?” Alex asked Max with a smirk when he noticed how often Max either shook out his hands or wiped them on his jeans.

“Yeah, are we waiting for your dates?” Max asked as he glanced at his watch, he was on time, but girls usually liked to take a few extra minutes to get ready.

“Yeah, they are already inside. So why don’t you knock?” Michael stated.

“O-ok. I can do that. Knock…yeah.” Max said as he lifted his hand to knock on the door; but before he did, Alex stopped him.

"Look, I got to be honest here, I had the agency run a security check on you Max." Alex said and he added when he saw Max's eyes widen. "We do it for anybody that comes into Liz's life. You seem like a really great guy...trustworthy. I was surprised when the chief agent actually okayed you to be alone with Liz, so tonight you are in charge of Liz…and giving Liz's safety over to someone else is the hardest thing I have ever done. I will say this once, although you have the agency and Liz's trust…you need to earn mine. Break her heart and I break you. Got it?" Alex said calmly. Max nodded in understanding and knocked on the door.

“Hello boys, do come in!” Maria said once she opened the door.

“Hey Pixie Dust, you look good.” Michael said as he walked into the room after placing a kiss on Maria’s cheek.

“You clean up pretty good yourself Spiky.” Maria responded and she chuckled when Michael started to blush. “Well, the girls are almost ready, so why don’t you have a seat next to Tess’ date Kyle Valenti. I’ll go get the rest of the girls.” Maria said and the guys went and introduced themselves to Kyle.

“Dude, why you so nervous? It’s just Liz.” Alex said to Max as Max started to bounce his knee in nervousness.

“Yeah, sure it’s just Liz.” Max mumbled and the two agents laughed. All 4 boys looked up when they heard laughing coming from the hallway.

“Yeah Al--” Isabelle started to say as she entered the room but she stopped when she noticed Max. “MAX!!”

“Isabelle! What are you doing here?” Max said as he quickly caught Isabelle when she ran to him. He couldn’t believe she was here!

“I’m going to school here dumb ass! What are you doing here?” Isabelle said as she pulled out of Max’s arms. She was shocked to see Max here, last she heard from him he was planning on going to Washington.

“School here also, um…a special project.” Max tried to explain. Isabelle was one of the few people in his family that he gave detailed information to. He knew he couldn’t go into more details but he gave Isabelle a look that said he would explain later. “What are you doing in this room?”

“Max, this is my dorm room. I live here with Tess, Maria and Liz.” Isabelle explained and she watched as Max’s eyes quickly widened and darted around the room until they landed on Liz.

“Wow, you look amazing Liz, you really do.” Max said as he stepped away from Isabelle and stood in front of Liz. Her hair was pinned back and the ends were curled under, and her jeans and red sweater were breathtaking on her.

“Glad you noticed.” Liz responded slightly cold. She didn’t understand why she was jealous or acting mean to Max, it wasn’t a date…but the way he was hugging Isabelle showed some familiarity that she didn’t like. Liz looked to Alex to see his reaction and she was happy to see him just as confused.

“So, you two know each other?” Alex said as he motioned between Max and Isabelle. He had been trying to set Max and Liz up, but it looks like he may have lost his own girl in the process.

“I would say so!” Isabelle said with a laugh.

“We are actually cousins.” Max explained and he turned to study Liz when he heard her sigh in relief.

“How did you not know Isabelle was our roommate, you saw the list of roommates in the room. Isabelle, you knew Max’s last name.” Maria asked.

“Well, I knew there was an Isabelle Green in this room…” Max explained.

“I changed my last name from Evans to my mother’s maiden name when I turned 18. I didn’t think there was a connection to Max; since there are actually a lot of Max Evans in the world…I thought it was a coincidence.” Isabelle continued.

“So, you’re cousins?” Alex asked while he glanced at Liz to make sure he heard them correctly.

“Yup, we practically grew up together in Roswell. Weekends would be traded off visiting each others houses.” Max explained.

“So, now that the family reunion is over with…can we get on with this date?” Michael said.

“Wait…Alex you’re dating my cousin?” Max said with a raised eyebrow. Max thought it was funny that at first he thought Alex and Liz were together when really Alex was trying to date his cousin.

“I’m attempting to. What can I say the Evan’s have a way with people?” Alex said as he winked at Isabelle, which caused her to giggle. Max glanced at Liz and noticed she seemed a little calmer than before.

“Come on everybody lets go!” Maria said as she grabbed Michael and pulled him out of the dorm. “Max, I’m taking Spiky, and Isabelle has Alex, Tess and Kyle are together…you get LIZ!!” Maria said Liz’s name in a singsong voice. She wasn’t stupid…she knew the two had the hots for each other.

“I hope you don’t mind being stuck with me tonight.” Liz said to Max as he followed her out of the room. Liz tried to stop the goose bumps from forming when Max placed his hand on the small of her back to guide her.

“Not at all Liz, not at all.”


Once they were all secured in the car, with Alex and Isabelle up front, Maria, Michael, Tess and Kyle in the middle row and Liz and Max snug in the back row, Max finally asked where they were going.

“Well, there is a carnival in town so we decided to go check that out…if that’s fine with everyone else?” Isabelle explained while she turned around to double check that there were no objections.

“If it wasn’t fine, there would be no use against the Nazi!” Max said and he chuckled when he heard Isabelle gasp from the front.

“MAXWELL PHILIP EVANS! I can’t believe you just called me that! I’m telling your mother!” Isabelle said as she turned back around and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Why did you call her that?” Liz inquired softly.

“What? Oh, Isabelle has a tendency to go over board with lists and planning, she is like a Nazi, so the rest of the cousins call her that…she never really did like it.” Max explained. He had caught sight of Liz’s hand on the seat in-between them and itched to hold it.

“How many cousins are there besides you and Isabelle?” Liz asked; she felt like she knew nothing about Max. Anything he ever wanted to know about her could easily be found on the Internet, but he was a mystery…something she wanted to change tonight.

“Well, lets see…there are Amy, Seth, Robbie and Samantha who are my aunt Julie’s kids. Then there are Matt, Mark, Meghan, and Michelle who are my siblings, and then there are Isabelle’s brothers Scott and Tim who are twins. So all together there are…12 cousins, from 3 different families.” Max explained with a smile.

“Wow, you have 4 siblings? What are their ages?” Liz asked. She always dreamed of having a large family, but by the time her father went into politics her parents felt it was too late for more children.

“I’m 22, Matt is 18, Mark is 17, Meghan is 14, and Michelle is the baby of the group at 8.” Max said.

Liz could tell Max loved his family very much. “Are you the oldest cousin as well?”

“No, my aunt Julies kids Amy and Seth are twins and 22. Twins sort of run in our family, I was actually a twin but my sister died in birth.” Max said with a shrug.

“Oh, God…I’m so sorry…I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories…I’m just going to shut up now!” Liz said as she covered her face with her hands. She couldn’t believe how stupid she could be!

“I wish you wouldn’t.” Max said as he gently took Liz’s hands off her face and kept one in his. He decided earlier to follow Brody's advice and be a normal college student who just happened to be able to protect Liz as well. “I like talking to you.”

“Really?” Liz asked as she watched as their fingers naturally intertwined.

“Yes really.” Max reassured Liz as he caressed the back of her hand with his thumb…he couldn’t believe how soft her skin was. “What about your family?”

“My family? Wow, well you probably know I don’t have any siblings. I have a few cousins but I don’t know them very well. I’ve met them maybe twice my whole life, I don’t even know their names or ages really.” Liz explained; she hated that she couldn’t know her family because of safety reasons.

“Wow that must be tough. I don’t know how you can always be in the political eye.” Max said. He never thought this assignment was going to get this close…but now that he was getting to know Liz…he wouldn’t change it for the world.

“I admit it is tough sometimes, but other times it is fun. I get to meet and talk with a lot of people that I normally would never have a chance to meet in my life.” Liz said with a shrug. “So, speaking about family…do you want one?”

“Are you offering?” Max asked with a chuckle.

“No, it was a request for information not an invitation.” Liz said while blushing…she couldn’t belief she said that.

“I know. And yes I do. Someday, once I’ve settled down and married the perfect woman for me.” Max said as he thought about how flawlessly Liz fit into that mold.

“And what is the perfect woman for you like?” Liz found herself asking.

“Wow, that’s a tough one…can I get back to you on that one?” Max lied. He really knew the answer, but he thought it was a bit early for him to tell Liz. “What about you? You want a family some day?”

“Being the only child had its benefits I will admit, but sometimes I would have loved to have someone to play with. If I ever am blessed with children, I don’t want just one, I’d want a litter.”

“A litter?” Max chuckled. “How many is that? Ballpark figure.”

“Five or Six. What about you? How many little Evan’s do you see running around?” Liz asked Max.

“I could see myself with a litter, if it was with the right person.” Max stated looking directly at Liz and he smiled when she blushed and turned away.


“I had so much fun tonight! Thanks for hanging out with me Max; I hope I didn’t bore you to death.” Liz said as she and Max walked back to their dorm. Liz was surprised that when they got to the carnival all the couples split up. She hadn’t even seen Alex or Michael all night; it was refreshing to be a normal girl. She got a text message earlier from Maria saying that the six of them were heading back to the dorms and if they wanted a ride. Liz and Max had decided to hang out a little more at the carnival and then walk back.

“I had a lot of fun tonight too Liz. Don’t worry you didn’t bore me…I don’t think you ever could.” Max responded as he gently squeezed Liz’s hand. Ever since Max held Liz’s hand in the car and she hadn’t objected; Max had grabbed it any chance he could. He had actually felt like he was on a normal date, and not Agent Evans protecting his target; it felt nice.

“The carnival was so much fun; I haven’t been to one of those and really enjoyed myself since I was probably 8!” Liz said and she explained further when Max looked at her confused. “I’ve been to carnivals since then, but I couldn’t go on rides with out at least 6 agents on the ride, 4 or 5 more working the ride, and about 10 men surveying the area, so tonight without Alex and Michael meant a lot to me. I still don’t know how we got rid of them; they broke a lot of rules tonight.”

“Yeah, I know.” Max said and he quickly added. “I mean I would think so. Plus Alex kind of warned me earlier that they would leave us, since they were on dates. But he said Michael and he both trusted me to take care of you. I’m guessing that’s a big deal since it’s their jobs to protect you, huh?”

“Yeah, Michael and Alex have never given my protection over to someone else, you should feel honored.” Liz said sadly. She didn’t realize until now that this was just a favor to Max, he was doing the guys a favor protecting her while they had some fun. “I could write a great recommendation for you to get in to the Agent program if you want.”

“Liz.” Max said when he heard the tone in her voice. He didn’t want her to think that tonight was a chore; he really did like spending time with her. Max stopped walking and turned Liz towards him. “You were not an obligation to me tonight. I wouldn’t want to be any where else than right here, right now…with you.”

“Really?” Liz asked quietly while she stared Max in the eyes.

“Yes really.” Max said as he brought his hand up and cupped her cheek. Her skin was so soft Max just couldn’t resist touching her. “Liz, I have to tell you something…”

“Ok.” Liz said. Max couldn’t believe the trust and respect he saw in her eyes…he just couldn’t destroy that; not tonight…tonight was perfect and for Liz.

“I-I like you.” Max said and he held a breath as Liz just stared at him. When she didn’t say anything back Max quickly added. “Look you don’t have to say anything...I just wanted you to kno--” but he was silenced when Liz gently touched their lips together.

“I like you too Max. Very much.” Liz couldn’t believe it. Max Evans liked her. The greatest guy in the world liked her, and she kissed him…her first kiss.

“Great.” Max said as he held Liz’s hand and they walked back to the dorms in silence, just letting the new information and feelings sink in.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

WOW!! I love all the feedback!! Thank you guys soo much, I'm glad you liked their little kiss...I must warn you though....Some of you are going to hate me after this chapter...but I promise... IT'S NOT AS BAD AS IT SEEMS!! I will fix it ok?
Lin4u wrote:That was really sweet, her first kiss! I wished mine was as great as that!

Love, Lin!
Lol, don't we all Lin?
Earth2Mama wrote:OMG!!!

THEIR FIRST KISS! *sigh* What a great evening everyone seem to have. Liz learned a lot about Max and his family and he of her. I think the fact that they both want a lot of kids is endearing. :wink:

Post more when you can :D
Lol thank you! I thought it was time that they really got to know each other, after all, that's what is supposed to happen on a first date!!
obsession wrote:WOW, Liz is getting bolder by the minute. Can't believe she initaitate the kiss. You go girl.

Great part, come back for more.
Lol than you! I'm glad you liked Liz's actions...Max wasn't moving fast enough, so she had too!!
Timelord31 wrote:Great update. I really hope that Max is able to talk to Isabel and tell her whats going on before Liz talks to her and finds out the information herself.
Don't worry, Isabel will not be the one to tell Liz, I promise!!
RASaero611 wrote:aw they are just so cute together

great update
Thank you! Glad you liked it!
taressa05 wrote:Aww, they were so very sweet. But damn, Liz sure does cut straight to the chase. Why didn't she just maul him in the car? I know I would've, passengers be damned. :wink: :lol: Nah, I thought it was cute how they were discussing families, and how Max kept thinking that Liz would be the perfect wife and mother. He really should tell her the truth though. I can just see it now, she'll find out that he's an agent assigned to protect her and think that's the only reason that he was with her all the time. She'll probably even go to Brody and he'll tell her that he told Max to date her. Ugh, if Liz would only realize that once you have the BSC there's no turning back. But I bet she will.

Great update Jennifer! Please come back soon.

I agree with you Dani, the BSC is a deal sealer lol. And I would have mauled him as well...not just in the car....on the ferris wheel, the roller coaster, the tunnel of get the idea right? :wink:
FamersAmers wrote:Jennifer!! Woo Hoo...that was great!! And you did deserve the really did!!! :)

So the Secret Service clearing he wouldnt pass!!! And Isabelle...hmmm if she knows he is SS then will she spill it to Liz..just on accident or even spill to Alex or Michael? hmmm

Max and Liz...I got the feeling he wanted to tell her his secret but maybe that was just me and I am wrong...but it sure seemed that way until he saw the look in her eyes!

And Liz was the doer tonight...hmm GO MAX GO MAX GO!!!!

You know I am loving it and I cant wait for more!!! I will pm you!!

Ok had to edit...cause I am a dork and called Alex max :roll: sheesh you would think? :wink:
Wow Am's first off..a PM? I don't see no Pm? Lol.
And you were right, Max was going to tell Liz until he saw her eyes and didn't want to ruin the moment...there will be a few more of those in this story.
Isabelle will not spill the beans...scouts honor!!
I hope you are feeling better...I haven't heard any news from you, so I am guessing all is well.

aussietrueblue wrote::D :D
Aww that was so sweet...

Thank you, glad you liked it!
Emz80m wrote:awesome part

Max was so close to telling her, i wish he had

Sorry Emma, but as a warning, there will be a few more of those moments to come!!
BehrObsession wrote:That was such a great part. The kiss was so sweet. I just know that Liz is going to feel betrayed when she finds out that Max is an agent assigned to protect her. Hopefully she'll love Max enough to get over it. Can't wait for more.
You got it!! :wink:
AppleJacks wrote:Such a sweet part, the date seemed like fun I hope there alot more to come!
He he...there will be!!
loviedovie wrote:Perfect! :D They are sooo right for each other!! Can't wait for more!
Thank you...and I totally agree..they are perfect together, now I just have to get them to see that!!
icequeen wrote:Aww her fist kiss. How sweet. It's cool that they are getting to know each other. I hope Isabel doesn't spill the beans. Max needs to talk to her fast before she does.

Great part.
Lol, why does everyone think Isabel will spill the beans?
GottaFeedTheMonkey1257 wrote:Awww...that was so sweet!

They had their first date and their first kiss! *Sigh*

Ok, so Brody gave Max the ok to date her, but is something going to happen? Like is Max going to get into trouble?! No! Dang worrying.

Awesome update!
Lol, I'll let you in on a secret...Max will not get in trouble from Brody ok? Lol...other people, thats a different story :wink:
FamersAmers wrote:I beat you this time!!!

Just leaving my freindly note telling you....I'm waiting!!! :wink:

Yes you did beat me lol...good job girl!!

Chapter 5

Liz woke up the next morning with a smile on her face. She still couldn’t believe that Max liked her…they liked each other but she still didn’t know where that left them. Liz decided not to dwell on it and to just see where it took her; she wanted to enjoy this stage of their quasi relationship. She quickly got up and headed to the shower.

After taking a shower she changed and headed towards the common area. As she approached she heard laughter coming from the room. Liz actually heard Isabelle laughing and it brought a smile to her face, Liz could feel that her relationship with Isabelle was about to change for the better. Liz also heard Max’s chuckle and she could feel herself blushing as she turned into the common room.

Max couldn’t even form a thought when Liz entered the room. He knew Isabelle was having a conversation with him, but as soon as Liz came into view he was a goner. He could tell she just got out of the shower because her hair was in a messy bun on the top of her head and he could tell it was still wet. She looked beautiful to him.

“Max. Hi.” Liz said as she stopped at the foot of the couch.

“Liz, hey.” Max responded.

Isabelle sat back and watched the two of them, when Liz got home last night Isabelle, Tess and Maria grilled her about her “date”. Isabelle knew how Max felt about Liz, but she knew eventually it was going to get hard, especially when the truth came out. “Well, as much fun as it is watching you two stare at each other; I have to go shopping. Liz, you need anything from the store?”

“Um, yeah actually would you mind picking me up some…” Liz tried to say what she needed, but she quickly turned towards Max to see him watching her carefully.

“What Liz?” Isabelle asked.

“Some um, some…” Liz said as she started to make hand motions and Max’s eyes widened in confusion.

“Some tampons? Is that what you want me to pick up Liz?” Isabelle asked with a smirk when she saw Liz’s mouth open in shock.

“ISABELLE! Max is right here!” Liz said and she covered her face with her hands, she quickly removed them when she heard Max chuckle.

“Liz, it’s ok. Remember I’m close with my family. Growing up with 5 girls, educated me on female issues quite well. Don’t be embarrassed.” Max tried to reassure Liz. He didn’t find it embarrassing to know Liz had her period; she was a girl
“Well, you may have been open with members of the opposite sex, I however have never talked to any male about my menstrual cycle, not even my dad.” Liz said and she tried not to stammer while saying menstrual cycle.

“Ok, so tampons for Liz…anything else?” Isabelle asked as she grabbed her purse and headed for the door, she quietly left when Liz said no.

“So, last night was fun.” Liz said after a few minutes of silence.

“Yeah, it was. I really enjoyed myself.” Max said as he started to shuffle on his feet.

“Well that’s good.” Liz said as she started to pick imaginary pieces of lint of her shirt. She took a deep breath before she looked up into Max’s eyes. “Maybe we could do it again sometime…tonight maybe?”

“Tonight? I can’t…I have a club meeting.” Max said sadly…he really wished he wasn’t president because he would absolutely ditch the meeting.

“Well, I mean that’s ok…it was just a suggestion.” Liz said as she shrugged her shoulders. She felt so stupid; Max liked her…it didn’t mean he wanted to be with her. Liz quickly picked up a bowl and spoon from the coffee table and walked towards the kitchen.

“What about right now?” Max asked and he smirked when Liz almost dropped her bowl.

“Now?” Liz asked surprised that Max actually wanted to do something with her.

“Yeah, now. Why? You busy?” Max asked with raised eyebrows. He couldn’t believe how cute she looked standing there.

“No, no I’m not busy. What do you want to do?” Liz asked as she placed the bowl in the sink and turned back towards Max.

“Go finish your hair and trust me.” Max said as he motioned for Liz to leave before he grabbed his cell and made an important call.


“Max are you sure about this?” Liz asked as she glanced around to make sure no one was watching them.

“Liz stop doing that; you’re making us look suspicious.” Max said as he juggled the key in the lock.

“Well, Max what do you expect me to do? Stand here whistling while you break into a building!” Liz said while Max laughed at her.

“Liz.” Max grunted as he bumped the door with his shoulder to open it. “I can’t be breaking in if I have a key now can I?” Max said as he jiggled the keys in his hand.

“You found them under the doormat…that’s still suspicious.” Liz said with a smirk while crossing her arms over her chest.

“Come on Liz…trust me” Max said as he motioned for her to enter. He quickly prayed that the gods let this plan work.

“Max do you know where you’re going?” Liz asked as she bumped into his back for the twentieth time. She was following closely behind him as he made his way through the dark room.

“Not really.” Max said as he pulled Liz along.

“That’s reassuring.” Liz responded and Max chuckled.

“Relax, we are almost there.” Max said and after few more turns he added. “Ok, close your eyes.” Liz complied and she felt Max lead her into a room and whispered for her to open her eyes.

“Max” Liz breathed. She couldn’t believe her eyes. The huge storage room was bathed with rotating lights from a disco ball on the ceiling. On one side of the room was an intimate candle lit table for their lunch and on the other side was a few pieces of hardwood on the floor to serve as a dance floor. Liz turned towards the middle of the room and she smiled when she saw the carnival carousel waiting for them. She turned to Max and caressed his cheek. “How did you do all this?”

“Well, the owners of this facility are close friends of mine. They rent out carnival rides for special events and I asked to reserve this room for today. Now we can ride the carousel together and not have to worry about secret service watching us.” Max shrugged he was glad she liked it, but he didn’t think it was enough.

“Max, thank you. This is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me.” Liz said as she leaned up and placed another sweet kiss on his lips. “ Ride with me?”

“I would be honored.” Max said as he led Liz to the carousel. He smiled when he saw her eyes light up when a man stepped out and powered up the ride. The lights started to shine and sparkle everywhere. Liz turned towards Max with questioning eyes. “Go. Go pick your ride.”

“Yeah, thank you!!” Liz said as she jumped up and hugged him before placing a kiss on his cheek and running towards the ride. Max laughed and shook his head as she went and inspected every horse.

“Thanks for doing this Roberto.” Max said as he held out his hand to the older gentleman.

“No, problem Max. When Gloria said you needed a favor, I took it upon myself to see this one through.” Roberto said as he and Max watched Liz finally pick her horse. “She’s something special isn’t she?”

“That she is Roberto; that she is.” Max said as she pushed away from the wall towards Liz after she called him over.

“You ready to ride Miss Parker?” Max said as he extended his hand for Liz to take.

“Yes, this first ride I want to sit on this one.” Liz said as she pointed towards the beautiful purple stallion behind her. “But the next ride, I want to share that one”

Max turned to see where Liz was pointing and he smiled when he saw the carriage bench in the middle of the row. He could already image Liz wrapped in his arms as they rode. “Whatever you want Liz.” Max said before he helped Liz mount her horse before taking the one next to it.


“Thank you Max.” Liz said as she started to drift off to sleep in Max’s arms. After hours at the “carnival” riding the carousel, dancing in each other’s arms, and eating a delicious lunch, they finally made it back towards the dorm. Liz didn’t want their date to end yet so when she asked to go to Max’s room he was more than happy to oblige.

“For what Liz?” Max said as he caressed her hair. After they got to his dorm they stayed there talking until Liz started to drift off to sleep. He graciously took her into his arms as they cuddled on his bed.

“For giving me a lot of firsts lately.” Liz mumbled when Max placed a kiss on her forehead. She smiled at the gesture. “Like, my first private carousel ride, my first date, and my first kiss.”

Max smiled when he heard that he was Liz’s first kiss. He knew Liz was an angel, but that just confirmed everything for him. “Sleep, sweet Liz.”


Max tapped his foot anxiously as he checked his watch. If no one showed up in 2 minutes he could leave and get back to Liz. Max had left her asleep on his bed hoping to get back to his room before she woke up. He hated to leave her there but she had looked so peaceful.

“So, are we canceling the meeting or what?” Mitch, the vice president of the law club asked as he checked his watch. They usually waited 10 minutes after the official start time if no one showed up before the officers could leave.

“Yeah.” Max said as he started to pack up his things to leave. “So, you got plans tonight?”

“Yeah, there’s a party over at Hill House that I’m thinking about hitting up. What about you?” Mitch asked as he also picked up his belongings.

“Staying in.” Max said and he tried to hide his smirk when he thought about whom he was staying in with.

“Can I ask you a question Max?” Mitch asked and he continued when Max nodded. “What do you know about the Parker girl that was here on Thursday?”

“Liz? What about her?” Max’s attention was quickly earned when he heard Mitch talk about Liz. Mitch was known around school as the player, he tried to get any freshmen girls he could into bed.

“What do you know about her? She’s a major hottie ain't she?” Mitch said and Max was seeing red.

“I suggest you stay away from Liz, Mitch. You’ll be asking for a lot more trouble than you’re worth.” Max said as he tried to intimidate the boy.

“Ok, easy Max. You could have just said you two were involved.” Mitch said as he put his hands up and backed away.

“We aren’t involved.” Max said and he really wished he would have asked Liz to be his girlfriend.

“But you’ve set claim on her…so she’s off the market right?”

“Something like that.” Max smirked as he headed towards the angel in his bed.


Max thought about his relationship with Liz as he walked across campus. He knew he should tell her who he was…what he was doing in her life, but he knew it would break her heart and he couldn’t bare that. Max hated to admit it…but Liz had found a special place in his heart and he didn’t want her to leave it. Eventually he would tell her…but first he just wanted to be with her. Max looked up and found he was at the dorm…luckily his feet apparently knew where he was going even when his head didn’t.

Max rushed toward his dorm room and he quickly opened the door. He dropped his papers on a table next to the door and headed towards his room. When he slowly pushed open his bedroom door his heart skipped a beat when he saw her.

Liz was curled up under the covers and her hair was fanned out around her head; Max had never seen her as beautiful as she was right then. He reached out and gently pushed a piece of hair that had fallen into her face back behind her ear. Max tried but couldn’t resist; he bent down and placed a tender kiss on her lips. Max smiled when Liz shifted in her sleep and her eyes slowly opened. “Hi,” he whispered

Liz smiled when she opened her eyes and saw Max staring at her like she was the most precious treasure in the whole world. “Hi, what time is it?” Liz asked as she started to fully wake up, she thought that seeing Max first thing when she woke up was a wonderful gift.

Max looked at his bedside table and noticed the time. “It’s 6:20. Are you hungry?”

“What about your meeting?” Liz asked as she shifted to sit against Max’s headboard, she moved over so that Max could join her and she smiled when his hand found hers.

“It was canceled; no one usually shows up the night of a big party.” Max said as he caressed Liz’s hand with his thumb…no matter how many times he did it he still couldn’t get used to how soft her skin was.

“The party at Hill House? The girls are going there tonight.” Liz said through a yawn.

“Did you want to go?” Max asked. He hoped she wanted to spend some time with him…but he would follow Liz to the moon and back; and not because he was her secret agent.

“I’m not really into parties.” Liz said as she shook her head. Although the thought of dancing with Max at a party; showing off that he was hers was appealing…the alternative was just as, if not, more appealing.

“Me neither. I’m more of a one-on-one kind of guy.” Max said as he leaned over and kissed Liz.

“What was that for?” Liz asked once she caught her breath.

“I just wanted to kiss you…is that alright?” Max asked hesitantly.

“That’s fine…feel free to do that whenever you want to.” Liz said with a smirk as Max leaned in a kissed her again. When they pulled away Liz sighed and laid her head on Max’s shoulder.

“You’re not going to fall a sleep on me again are you?” Max chuckled.

“Why not, hasn’t anyone ever told you you’re a comfy pillow?” Liz said as she turned her eyes to look at Max but did not lift her head.

“Actually no…there haven’t been too many girls in a position to let me know.” Max said and he prepared himself for the question that was going to come when Liz sat up and turned to sit in front of him.

“How many girls have been in the position?” Liz asked.

“Liz, I wish I could tell you that I am experiencing all my firsts with you too…but I’m not.” Max explained and he felt like shit when he saw Liz break eye contact with him to look at his sheets. “I’m 4 years older than you Liz…I’ve experienced a lot more than you. There was a girl…5 years ago…it was only a few times.”

“Wh-who was she?” Liz found herself asking. She didn’t really want to know…but she asked anyway.

“Her name was Vicky. She lived a few houses down from Isabel. We grew up together and one day w--”

“No, that’s ok…I really don’t need to know the details.” Liz said as she shook her head profusely.

“Sorry.” Max said. He was mentally kicking himself; he should never have said anything.

“It’s ok.” Liz said as she looked everywhere except at him.

“So, you hungry? We could go out and get something to eat.” Max said trying to change the subject.

“Actually, it’s getting late…I should get back. I have a couple assignments to do.” Liz said as she quickly got off the bed and started to get her things.

“Liz.” Max called out for her. When she didn’t stop he quickly got up and followed her. “Liz wait. You don’t have to go.”

“Yeah I do Max. I really need to get these assignments done.” Liz explained as she ran a hand through her hair. She needed to get out of there before she lost all control over herself.

“Ok. Well, um…I’ll talk to you later?” Max asked hopefully while scratching behind his ear.

“Yeah…sure. Later.” Liz said as she lightly kissed Max’s cheek before walking out of the door. As soon as the door shut Max leaned against it and slid down to the ground…he didn’t know what to do to fix this.

As soon as Liz was safely in her own room she let her tears fall. This was all new to Liz. She knew Max had done nothing wrong…but she still felt like he cheated on her. She found her way to her bed and curled up in the fetal position until she cried her eyes out.

TBC...DON'T HATE ME!! It is NOT I repeat...NOT that bad...
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

I wanna stop the Liz bashing for a minute lol. I agree with all of you that think Liz is acting silly because she is...but she knows that.

And just to point out what a few of you have said so perfectly...Liz is a very sheltered girl, this is all completely knew to her so she really doesn't know how to act, that doesn't excuse her for being stupid but it explains it.

2. I'm trying to get this fic and Love's Mistake caught up with Communications which is one chapter 8...if you catch my drift...Ok..I'll tell you. I plan on updating with a new chapter by the weekend...

3. Although we are not at "THE DRAMA" there is so drama in the next two parts...I just thought I'd WARN you....but there will be happiness after...then the bad yeah.

taressa05 wrote:I'll have you know that I've been waiting all damn day for you to update missy! :lol: I almost gave up. But you're finally here with a new part, and you know what...I ain't worried one bit. They'll work this out, and I know that once the big problems hit, this will look like nada in comparison. Frankly, and I know this is gonna sound harsh, but Liz needs to get over this whole complex where it feels like Max cheated on her. It was before she ever knew there was a Max Evans in the world, and it's a dumb reason now for them to be apart. Vicky is his past, but Liz is his present and future, and she needs to remember that fact. But I trust you to fix everything. :wink:

Lol thanks dani! Sorry for the delays..but my beta has a life lol. And I agree that Liz is acting a little childish but I also see where she is coming from. I hope you like both upcoming parts...they have some drama, so I hope you don't come out to Cali to kill me lol.

GottaFeedTheMonkey1257 wrote:
Maxsgurl wrote:"Thank you Max." Liz said as she started to drift off to sleep in Max's arms. After hours at the "carnival" riding the carousel, dancing in each other's arms, and eating a delicious lunch, they finally made it back towards the dorm. Liz didn't want their date to end yet so when she asked to go to Max's room he was more than happy to oblige.
Aww...that is just about the sweetest date ever. Damn, why can't every guy be like Max...or at least look like him.
"I suggest you stay away from Liz, Mitch. You'll be asking for a lot more trouble than you're worth." Max said as he tried to intimidate the boy.
WHOA, I love possesive Max! He just keeps getting better and better. Again, it's a downright shame every guy can't be like him.
"Liz, I wish I could tell you that I am experiencing all my firsts with you too...but I'm not." Max explained and he felt like shit when he saw Liz break eye contact with him to look at his sheets. "I'm 4 years older than you Liz...I've experienced a lot more than you. There was a girl...5 years was only a few times."
Dang man...that kinda sucks. I bet that sure rained on Liz's parade. Heck, it rained on mine! Still, I don't blame Max...he is older than her. It's not like he knew that he'd meet Liz.
As soon as Liz was safely in her own room she let her tears fall. This was all new to Liz. She knew Max had done nothing wrong...but she still felt like he cheated on her. She found her way to her bed and curled up in the fetal position until she cried her eyes out.
Awww...poor Liz!! At least she realizes that Max didn't really do anything wrong. Still, I feel for her. Dang you Max! Lol, ok enough Max bashing.

Awesome part!!!
Lol NO MAX BASHING!! I forbit it lol. You make all valid points. It was before Liz, Max had no idea he was going to meet her...but Liz knows he did nothing wrong. Liz will explain herself in this next part...enjoy!!
aussietrueblue wrote::D :)
Awww poor Liz.....
You need to fix this real quick....
~Lisa b~
Lol I'm trying!!! Thanks for the fb!
Earth2Mama wrote:Oh please! She's taking it a bit far. It's not like he did anything wrong. It was years ago, before he met her. I guess it just goes to show you that girls can be over emotional about certain things.

I hope things work out between them. The are really sweet together.

post more soon :D
Lol, yes girls can be over emotional but Liz will explain. Enjoy!!

RASaero611 wrote:well, its understandable that Max is more experienced so Liz just has to see that. the date was so cute and i love how he got jealous over some guy asking about Liz

great update
Lol, I had fun writing Jealous Max...I think I will use more of him lol.
icequeen wrote:Ok Liz needs to chliax. LOL that was years before they even knew about each other. I'm sure once she thinks about it she will come to her senses. If he told her he was a virgin she would have been mad at him for lying, there was no way for him to win that one i guess.

Their date was cute. Can't wait for the next part.
Chliax? That is a first for me...I LOVE IT!!
Lol...lose lose situation you are right!

dreamer destiny wrote:Aww, I hope that Liz can deal with Max's experience and not be too upset by it. Max and his secrets... :(
Yep...max has a lot of secrets but they will all come out...eventually! :wink:
ShatteredDreamer wrote:
"Liz, I wish I could tell you that I am experiencing all my firsts with you too…but I’m not.” Max explained and he felt like shit when he saw Liz break eye contact with him to look at his sheets. “I’m 4 years older than you Liz…I’ve experienced a lot more than you. There was a girl…5 years ago…it was only a few times.”

As soon as Liz was safely in her own room she let her tears fall. This was all new to Liz. She knew Max had done nothing wrong…but she still felt like he cheated on her. She found her way to her bed and curled up in the fetal position until she cried her eyes out.
Well, I don't understand how she could feel like he cheated on her but I can understand her disappointment about not being his first...anything. I think he could've been more sensitive about the "...I've experienced a lot more than you" explanation but he was being straight forward and didn't mean any harm. I could hear her heart crumbling to pieces though. At least she realized he hasn't done anything wrong so she's not likely to hold this against him. Max should go out of his way to reassure her that she's very special to him even though he's experienced and she's not. I can imagine all the insecurities she might feel when their relationship becomes more intense.
They'll work this out, and I know that once the big problems hit, this will look like nada in comparison.
I agree with Taressa05. When the shit hits the fan, it'll make this seem like spilled milk. Btw, their date was sweet. Hurry back with the next part!
I personally don't think there was a better way for Max to let Liz know he wasn't a virgin...he did it the best he could and Liz overreacted to his words. Yup, Dani's right...this is mild compared to what is coming...
Timelord31 wrote:I glad Liz had fun on her date. But she needs to grow up. They weren't even together or even know each other when Max was with that other girl.
Lol, I agree Liz needs to grow up but remember this is completely new to her...
FamersAmers wrote:I know...I was so going to PM you and time just slipped away! But I promise there will be one there!

OH how cute they rose the carosel(i so didnt spell that right!) Brings back so many memories for me! * :cry: sniff sniff*

And how least he was honest with her. She is so unknowning about so many things and while he was truthful with her it hurt her. I am glad she see's that he did nothing wrong. It just hurts to know that for her especially they way that she feels!!

you are doing great and I cant wait for more!!

I got your PMS ( HE HE HE) don't worry!! Thank you understand where liz is coming from...and that she does know he didn't do anything wrong. YOU ROCK!!
martine wrote:I just found your fic today and I like it. it's sweet and funny. I just hope that Liz will soon realize that she overreacts with Max. he had a life before they met. I'm waiting for the next part.
Aww thank you and WELCOME to the story!!
Emz80m wrote:great part

wow i know this is all knew to Liz but what she did to Max was a little silly. Its not like he knew he was going to meet her.

loving this Jen cant wait for more
Lol, I agree Emma, completely agree!
AppleJacks wrote:why would we hate you, as long as you get back here soon and make it pretty. that was a great party, I feel dad for liz but at least she knows that Max did nothing wrong come back soon!!
Lol...i'm back and I will be back later too...he he he.
OmegaRam1 wrote:Glad there are more chapters out there, and really enjoyed them. Hope Liz can put Max's past life behind her and start a new one with him, because it clearly shows that she have deep feelings for him. As for Max he needs to do everything in his power to reassure Liz that his feelings are for real. I also understand the hurt that Liz showed when Max informed her he had slept with a girl before, when your personal life as isolated as Liz have been being the 1st daughter your activities are very limited.
Anyway hurry back with more, really liking this story.
Yes, Liz really cares for question and he cares just as deeply. Lol you hit the nail on the head with her being so isolated.
Gunther0925 wrote:Update soon I love your stories!!!! :D

Thank you!! I'm back!!
BehrObsession wrote:Great part. Liz is a smart girl. She'll work it out that Vicky is in the past and no threat to their relationship. I think she's been so sheltered that she takes everything to heart. That's why it's going to hit her so hard when she finds out the truth about Max. I hope you have the way to fix it all figured out because it will take some doing! Post more soon.
Lol yup she will with a little convincing from Max. Yup, you got it with the sheltered statement completyely.

FSUMSW94 wrote:I just found your story today, and I must say it is awesome :D Ironically, I just watched "First Daughter" a few days ago and I also hated the ending :( I really like this story and how all the Roswell characters we love are major players in this story 8)

Poor Liz, having lived such a sheltered life, takes everything to heart. She is rational enough to realize Max did nothing wrong, he is older than she is, and even if he weren't he still never knew she would come into his life. People have past relationships, past experiences, and it just further shapes the man he has become. Max is a great person, but I am so afraid Liz's devastation will be hard to overcome once his betrayal is brought to light. He'd better hide from Alex and Michael, because they truly care about Liz and they will come after him with both guns blazing!

You're doing a great job with this one, and I am so happy I found this story today :wink: :!:
WELCOME TO THE SOTRY!! I'm glad you found it and are liking it! I love how you said his past experiences just helped to shape the man he is...BEAUTIFUL!!

obsession wrote:It must of been hard to know that he's your first but your not his. Poor Liz.

Girl, are you trying to kill us at a young age. Too hard to handle Max and Liz first unofficial fight.

Keep it coming, but none of the sad part.

Lol....sorry can not promise no sadness...I wish I could but I can't...I personally like the angsty stuff lol.

Chapter 6

It was Monday and Liz still hadn’t talked to Max since she left his dorm room on Saturday. She had even gone to great lengths to make sure that if she saw him, she quickly found an excuse to go the other way.

After leaving Max’s room, Liz went to talk to Isabel and Tess. They showed her pictures of Vicky and explained that she had the reputation of being a big slut…very experienced in bed.

Liz knew she had to talk to Max, over the last few days she realized she was way over reacting to this…it could have been worse…it was only one girl…one very skanky…slutty girl…with big boobs and blonde hair…the total opposite of Liz in every way.

Liz started to walk towards her dorm with Alex and Michael behind her. As she was getting to the steps she stopped and Alex and Michael quickly went on full alert but they backed down when they saw Max at the top of the stairs staring at Liz.

Liz took a deep breath and headed towards Max. When she reached the stairs she noticed that he stayed put…giving her the control over the situation. One by one Liz climbed the steps and stopped in front of Max. “Hi.”

“Hey,” Max said as he placed his hands in his pockets and rocked on his heels. From his actions Liz knew that he was nervous and he was going to let her make all the moves.

“Um, h-how you been?” Liz asked. She felt so stupid…but she didn’t know what to say to him.

“Good…I’ve been better. You?” Max asked. He noticed how small Liz looked, he wanted to take her in his arms and keep her safe for eternity.

“I’ve seen better days too.” Liz said with a weak smile. “Listen, can we talk?”

“I can’t right now. I’m meeting someone.” Max said. He noticed Liz’s eyes shoot up to his is questioning so he added. “The vice president of the club, he has a few questions…so we are meeting.”

“Oh…ok.” Liz said with a sigh of relief, the thought that she could lose Max made her stomach churn. “Later?”

“Yeah definitely. Um, how about I stop by your dorm when I get back?” Max asked. He tried to hide his excitement. She wanted to talk that was a good sign.

“Ok…I’ll be there.” Liz said as she headed towards the door, but she turned around “For what it’s worth…I really did miss you.”

“I missed you too Liz, a lot.” Max said and he watched as Liz nodded before heading into the building with Alex and Michael right behind her.


Max was a buddle of nerves as he made his way to Liz’s room. They were going to talk, and he wanted it to go well. He made his way to the room and he watched as Michael turned to knock on the door. “Liz? Max is here.”

“Hey Max.” Liz said as she opened the door.


“Listen, can we go to your room and talk? My roomies are here and I kind of wanted some privacy…” Liz asked and she watched as Max shook his head and headed towards his room.

“So…you wanted to talk.” Max said as he led Liz into his dorm room. He quickly started to pick up clothes and trash that were laying around his room; he didn’t want Liz to see how much of an impact her departure made on him. “Sorry about the mess.”

“Don’t worry about it, I’ve had to share rooms with Michael, you haven’t seen a mess.” Liz said as she sat down uncomfortably on Max’s bed; the same bed that she slept in two days before.

“Right.” Max says coldly. He threw a couple shirts into his hamper before he turned around to address Liz. “You know what? You’re a complete hypocrite Liz!”

“Excuse me?” Liz asked shocked, she didn’t see that one coming.

“You heard me. I said you are a complete hypocrite!” Max repeated as he motioned towards Liz.

“How so?” Liz yelled back, she couldn’t believe he was attacking her.

“You get pissed at me for sleeping with someone; 5 years ago…before I even met you! And then you sit there and live with Michael or freaking cuddle with Alex and I’m supposed to sit back and take this shit from you? No fucking way Liz. You have no reason to be mad at me!” Max said as he walked out of his bedroom. Liz stared after his departed figure before she jumped up to follow him.

“You cannot seriously be comparing what you did with that slut, and what I did with Alex and Michael. That was completely innocent and you know it! What you did wasn’t innocent in any way! Alex and Michael are my friends!” Liz said as she stood behind Max’s computer desk where he was sitting. Max turned around and glared at her before turning back to his computer. “What, you have nothing to say? You’re just going to sit there?”

“Just for your information, Vicky was my friend long before we slept together. We were friends a lot longer than you, Alex and Michael have been. Don’t stand there and try to make me feel bad about your insecurities!” Max said after he turned around to face Liz. Max wished he could take it back as soon as he saw the tears in Liz’s eyes.

“You asshole.” Liz said as she started to back away from Max. She blindly grabbed her purse and headed towards the door.

“Liz.” Max said. “Liz wait!” Max yelled as he jumped up from his chair and followed her out. “I’m sorry…I had no right to say that to you…please stay, let’s talk this out.”

“I don’t know if I can Max.” Liz said as she stood there staring at Max. “Why did you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Sleep with Vicky. I don’t understand how you could sleep with someone that you didn’t even care about.” Liz explained as she sat down on the floor by the door. Max followed her lead and sat down a few feet away.

“That’s where you’re wrong Liz. It was never about not caring for Vicky…I did care for her. I just wasn’t in love with her.” Max explained. “Why does this bug you so much Liz. Honestly what is it that pisses you off?”

“She’s not me.” Liz said in a whisper.

“What?” Max asked, he thought he heard her, but he wanted to make sure.

“She’s not me. She’s blonde and beautiful with big boobs and I” Liz tried to explain but Max crashed his lips to hers.

“Don’t ever think you aren’t beautiful Liz. Don’t. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met and it has nothing to do with the size of your boobs.” Max said once he pulled away and started to caress Liz’s cheek.

“I’m sorry Max, I shouldn’t have acted the way I did, I totally overreacted…I’ve never been in a relationship and I really like you.” Liz tried to explain but she shut up when she saw a weird look in Max’s eyes. “What?”

“Can I be your first boyfriend?” Max asked quietly.

“What?” Liz responded. She didn’t know if he was actually asking her or if it was just a question.

“Will you go out with me Liz?” Max asked as he rested his forehead against Liz’s.

“Max, what are you talking about?” Liz was so confused by his change of subject.

“I like you Liz, a lot. I understand why you were mad at me…but you don’t have to be. I don’t like Vicky…or big breasted blondes for that matter.” Max explained and he chuckled when he saw Liz roll her eyes.

“Really?” Liz asked.

“Yes, in fact lately I have had an attraction to dark haired, brown eyed co-eds who just happen to be first daughters.” Max said with a smirk.

“Yes.” Liz said simply.


“Yes I’ll be your girlfriend, I want you to be my first boyfriend. My first everything.” Liz responded shyly.

“Liz I--” Max began to say but Liz interrupted him

“It’s ok Max, one step at a time.” Liz leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.


Days later, Liz and Max were going strong. They never mentioned the situation between them or Vicky. Max never brought up how ridiculous Liz was acting and she never thought about it. They spent their days together either hanging out under a tree cuddling, or hanging in either one of their dorm rooms; they preferred Max’s because there were no roommates there.

“Max?” Liz said as she gently shook his shoulder to wake him up. After class, they met back at his dorm room to spend some time together. After a heavy make-out session they cooled off and fell asleep in each other’s arms on Max’s bed. Liz smiled when Max murmured something and fell back into a deep sleep. “Max, come on you got to wake up.”

“Liz?” Max said as he opened his eyes. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, we were enjoying each others company…until we fell asleep.” Liz explained as she ran her hands through his bed-tousled hair. Liz couldn’t decide what she loved better: falling asleep in Max’s arms, or waking up in them.

“What…so it wasn’t a dream?” Max said groggily with a small smile creeping over his face.

“What? What do you think was a dream Max?” Liz asked with a little concern. Max was kind of freaking her out.

“You’re really my girlfriend aren’t you? I thought it was all a dream.” Max said as he leaned over and kissed Liz.

“Yes, I’m really your girlfriend. And you, my boyfriend, make me so incredibly happy.” Liz said as she looked up at him adoringly. “So, why did you think this was a dream?”

“Sometimes…it just feels too good to be true you know? Like there is no way that such a perfect girl…would ever want me.” Max explained as he intertwined their fingers.

“I know exactly what you mean Max. Sometimes I can’t believe that I could ever find a man as honest and truthful as you.” Liz said as she laid her head down on Max’s chest.

Max froze when he heard her words. Honest. Truthful. Max knew that if Liz knew the truth…she wouldn’t think those things.

“Liz…I.” Max tried to say. He was really contemplating telling her the truth…she would find out some day.

“You what Max?” Liz said as she sat up to get a better view of his face.

“I love you.” So he chickened out. It’s not that he didn’t mean what he said; he was just waiting for a better moment. Max explained his statement when he saw Liz’s worried eyes. “I know it’s soon…but I can’t help but feel that I’m falling in love you Liz Parker.”

“I don’t know what do say.” Liz sated. She smiled when she watch Max turn his head away from her to hide his hurt. “Other than I love you too. I love you so much Max Evans.”

“You do?” Max asked once he made eye contact with Liz.

“Of course…how could I not?” Liz said and she kissed him passionately to prove it to him. After they pulled apart Liz realized their position; Max’s body was laying fully on hers. It wasn’t that they hadn’t been in this position before because they had, but this time was different because they had just declared their love for each other; Liz knew what she wanted more than anything. “Make love to me Max.”

“Liz, I didn’t say it to make you feel obligated. I said it because I felt the need to tell you.” Max said, he really didn’t expect that to come out of Liz’s mouth.

“I know, and I said it because I felt I had to tell you. But I also know that I want to make love to you more than anything.” Liz said honestly. She had never felt more ready in her life.

“Are you sure?” Max said as he sat up to watch her face better. Liz was having none of the distance and she grabbed his collar to pull him back down crashing their lips together.

“Take off your shirt.” Liz asked after they had been kissing passionately for a few minutes. Liz loved kissing Max, but she wanted to see and feel him…she needed too.

Max leaned up and grabbed the back of his collar; with a held breath Max pulled his shirt off his body and threw it on the floor. He sat there leaning above Liz waiting for her reaction.

Liz couldn’t think about anything except how beautiful Max was. Liz’s mind started to wonder what the appropriate male form of the word beautiful was when she let out a chuckle. But Max didn’t understand why she was chuckling and he started to back off until she pulled him back. “No. I’m sorry I was commenting to myself about how beautiful you look, and then my mind wandered to word usage…and I laughed because of all the times I could think about grammar I choose now when a half naked Adonis is on top of me!”

“So, you like what you see?” Max chuckled in relief once Liz explained the inappropriate laughter.

“I don’t think you will ever know how much I like what I see.” Liz whispered as she slowly lifted her hand to Max’s bare chest and lightly touched him; she was amazed at how smooth yet hard he was, Liz watched in fascination when the muscles rippled under her touch.

“Liz.” Max said as he lightly touched her bare stomach where her shirt had ridden up about an inch. He didn’t want to push her but he wanted her to know that he may not be able to last very long…he hadn’t had sex in 5 years…he was about as experienced as Liz.

“Sorry.” Liz blushed as she realized she was ogling his goodies.

“Don’t apologize for loving me, emotionally or physically…but just love me already.” Max said with a chuckle as he bent and kissed Liz softly. He moaned when Liz moved her lips down his neck to his chest. “Liz…that feels good.”

Liz smirked against Max’s chest; she was happy that she was pleasing him. Liz’s mouth soon found one of his caramel colored nipples and she kissed it lightly before moving to its twin. Max quickly pulled Liz back up to his mouth and kissed her deeply; when he pulled away he saw the worried look in Liz’s eyes.

“It’s just…you’re having all the fun, I think it’s time I joined the game too.” Max said and he watched Liz smirk before she started to pull her shirt off. “Wait…let me.”

Liz leaned back and watched as Max slowly inched her shirt up and kissed every inch of the newly exposed skin. Once her shirt was fully off Liz felt self-conscious about her small breasts in her white cotton bra so she tried to cover herself but Max stopped her arm’s movements and looked at her puzzled. “I know, I know I’m not big or sexy…or anything like Vick--” but before she could finish her name, Max silenced her with a kiss.

“This isn’t about her. This is about you and me. Remember I like you the way you are in your cute but sexy bra. You’re perfect.” Max explained and he breathed a sigh of relief when Liz smiled.

“I thought you said you loved me?” Liz said with a smirk. Max growled and started to suck on her neck; leaving a mark.

“I’ll show you just how much I love you.” Max said and the joking banter between them was over as Max started to remove Liz’s bra for the first time. “Liz.”

Liz bowed of the bed when Max took a nipple in his mouth. She now knew why he pulled her up so fast when she was doing it to him…it felt amazing. She moaned when Max paid equal attention to her other breast and he started to move down her body. Liz opened her eyes when she heard her zipper opening and she realized that Max had unbuttoned her jeans before she even realized it.

“Is this ok?” Max asked when he looked at her face and saw Liz's eyes wide. He wanted her so bad but he didn't want her to feel rushed at any point; he would go slowly to make this good for her.

“’s fine.” Liz said and she lifted her hips to allow Max to pull her jeans down her legs. Since they had been sleeping earlier both their shoes were gone so pulling her jeans completely off was no big deal for Max.

“Now these I like.” Max said as he little ran his fingers over Liz's panties. Liz looked down to see what he was talking about and she smiled when she remembered what underwear she was wearing. This morning she had picked the cute little green boy shorts that sat low on her hips and had “Cute as a button” embroidered on them.

“Glad you like them. Now let me see yours” Liz said as she sat up on her elbows and waited for Max to take of his pants. He got up from the bed and quickly took off his jeans leaving him in his green plaid boxers and Liz smiled. “I've always liked you in green.”

“Good to know.” Max says and he got back on the bed and leaned over Liz. He felt his erection poking her in her heat; and he moaned. The only things that were separating him from Liz's treasure was their underwear; two thin pieces of cloth.

“I love you.” Liz confessed as she kissed Max. When she pulled away her hands were at the bands of his boxers and she slowly pushed them down.

“I love you too.” Max said before he returned the favor and removed Liz's panties. He looked down at her curls and slowly started to slip his finger in her core.

“Max.” Liz sighed and Max turned to her and kissed her as he placed his erection at her entrance; just as he was starting to push into her there was a loud knock on the door.

“WHAT!!” Max yelled out as he stilled his movements. The head of his erection was barely inside Liz and he was finding it so difficult to not move more inside of her. Max glanced down at Liz and apologized with his eyes at his outburst...but this was just horrible. He sighed when Liz smiled and kissed him.

“Sorry Max, but Liz's dad just called her dorm. Said it was an emergency that he talk to her now.” Alex called through the door. Liz pulled her lips away from Max and he shook his head before he pulled away and got off her. Liz sat up as she called back to Alex.

“Ok Alex, tell him I'll call him in a minute.” Liz said with a sigh, she looked towards Max and saw him breathing deeply and she caressed his face. “I'm sorry about this.”

“Not your fault.” Max said as he tried to keep himself from lunging at her and finishing the job. He was barely holding on anymore. “God, I want you so bad right now.”

“Really?” Liz asked in shock. She looked down at Max's straining member and sure enough it was hard and ready.

“Yes...but call your dad.” Max said as he pulled his boxers on and went to the bathroom to give her some privacy. Once he was gone Liz sighed and reached for his cell phone. She dialed the white house and after going through secret codes and security checks she was speaking with her dad.

“Liz? Thank god you called.” Her father said and Liz could tell something was seriously wrong.

“Daddy? What’s wrong? What happened?” Liz asked worried. She pulled the sheet to cover her chest feeling weird talking to her dad while she was naked.

“It’s your grandmother...she had a stroke baby.” Jeff explained and he couldn't control the sob that escaped his mouth. He was trying to be strong for Liz...since she and her grandmother were so close; he knew that Liz would need all of his strength.

“What? A stroke? Is she all right?” Liz asked in a panic. She looked up when she heard the bathroom door open and she saw Max look at her concerned before he sat down next to her on the bed.

“No. She, she didn't make it Liz. I'm sorry but she died.” Jeff explained and he knew his daughter was in shock.

“When...when do you need me?” Liz asked, she still couldn't believe it. Growing up her grandmother Claudia was her best friend. Liz felt a special kindred spirit thing with her grandmother.

Jeff could tell Liz didn't want to talk about it right now. He explained when the funeral was going to be and all the details and then hung up telling her he loved her and would see her soon.

Liz closed Max's flip phone and just stared at it in her hands for a few minutes until Max gently took it from her and placed it back on his night table. “Liz? What’s wrong?”

“My grandmother passed away.” Liz said as she stood up taking the sheet with her and she started to gather her clothes. She bent to pick up her bra and when she stood up Max was next to her with his arms open; Liz quickly took the invitation and buried her head in his bare chest finally allowing the tears to flow.

“I'm so sorry Liz.” Max said. He didn't say anything else because he couldn't think of anything that would make the situation better. There was nothing he could do for Liz except be there for her and that’s what he planned on doing.

“I have to go.” Liz said as she pulled away from Max and started to get dressed. “My father is sending a helicopter to land on the top of the dorm for me, Alex, and Michael to go back to Washington. He said it should be here in an hour.”

“I'm going too.” Max said as he found his pants and slipped them on. He went to his closet to find a new shirt when Liz called to him.

“No, Max you can't go.” Max turned around quickly at Liz's words and she hated the way that she said it. “You have school Max, you just can't take a week off.”

“I can and I will. Liz, you're going to need all the friends you can get right now...and I'm not letting you do this alone.” Max said as he grabbed his shirt and quickly pulled it on before standing in front of Liz.

“Max.” Liz said as she caressed his cheek and shook her head. “It means so much to me that you would drop everything for me, but I can't let you go. I'll have everyone I need...and honestly I don't want you to be there.”

“I don't understand Liz.” Max said as he stared into her eyes. He was so hurt that she didn't want him to go with her.

“Max, I love you and I'm going to miss you so much. But I don't want to feel guilty for you taking time off of school for me. Stay here and go to your classes. I'll call you everyday I promise” Liz said and as soon as she saw Max try to object she pleaded. “Please...just do this for me Max. If you want to help this.”

“Ok. Ok I'll stay...but if at anytime you need me, promise me you'll call me and I'll get there on the next plane.” Max said as he pulled Liz into a tight hug and kissed her forehead.

“I promise. I have to go pack and make sure Alex and Michael are ready too.” Liz said quietly as she pulled away from Max but he framed her face and kissed her softly giving her his strength and love.

“I love you Liz. Never forget that.” Max said as he pulled away and Liz headed towards the door. She opened it slowly and turned to face him.

“I love you too...with all that I am.” And with that Liz left. back before the weekend guys!! It gets a little ugly from here :cry:
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Ok..first off I want to say sorry, I wanted this out last night but my computer crapped out on me and won't even start I'm on my laptop right now just trying to get things done. I hope to get my actual computer working cuz all my upcoming chapters are on that...and it won't even turn on!! So...if my weekly updates are a little behind I am sorry...but I'm warning you know that it might get a little late from here...damn computers.
taressa05 wrote:I like that you agree with my assessment of the situation. I know how you love the angst, so I know some pretty bad stuff is coming soon. But I can't promise that you won't have a strange knock on your door some night because of the torture that you insist on putting us you better watch out! :lol:

I really liked this chapter. Sorry that I bashed on Liz a little bit last time because of her 'tude, but when you've got someone as freakin' hot as Max that wants you and you brush him off because he's had sex before, I can't help but get a little peeved. When she went over to talk to him, and Max started going off on her, I was yelling at the screen, "NOOOOOO, you IDIOT!" :lol: I figured that she would storm out of there and sob in her dorm room, but it turned out pretty good for them I guess. Would've turned out even better had Grandma not had the unfortunate stroke.

And I just wanted to say score one for the girls with the little boobs! :lol: *Sigh* If only that happened more often in real life. But anyway, great update Jen. I'll be looking out for the next one.


Lol, I'll leave the key under the door mat room is the first on the left lol. Just come on in and bite my head off :lol: Yes I agree...when I wrote Max's reaction I knew people were going to freak...but then it turned out good for them so no worries!!
I just had to go and kill of Grandma Claudia and the perfect time huh :wink: Lol I thought you would like the little boobs thing lol...just for you dani!!

RASaero611 wrote:aw I feel bad for Liz...I'm surprised Max wanted to go with her because the agents there would know him

great update

I agree with you...but Max was clearly not thinking about what would have made sense...he wanted to help Liz and he didn't care what happened.
obsession wrote:That was plain cruel to interrupt them with such a sad news. Hope Liz can hold it together.

And what do you mean it is going to be a bumpy ride from here. What is up the sleeve of yours?

Well what ever it is, hurry it up and post soon.
:lol: I have a lot of surprises up my sleeve...dun dun dunnnnn.
FSUMSW94 wrote:Excellent update :) Max and Liz are so wonderful together. There was sexual tension even while they argued :twisted: I am happy they've fallen in love, but I worry about Liz's reaction when she discovers he is an agent. She is going to feel so betrayed :( I just hope they are able to move past it. I feel bad Liz just lost her beloved Grandmother. It was so endearing how Max wanted to drop everything to join her and comfort her. He really has fallen fast and hard :D

I am a newbie to your stories, so I am getting somewhat nervous when reading other feedbacker's say you like to pour on the angst, but I like angst too, as long as my Dreamers end up together and happy,LOL. :wink:

I really like this story, and the funny thing is, this evening HBO was showing "First Daughter" again and it made me hope you were updating, and when I logged on, I saw you updated, YAY 8)
Lol...yeah, ask Dani (taressa05) and she will tell you that my last story Promised had so much angst in it that I was personally surprised that Max and Liz made it through was BAD. Yes I may enjoy the angst but I can always guarantee a DREAMER ending.
AppleJacks wrote:great new part. I am soo sad for Liz right now I hope that Max and everyone can help her pull through.
On a lighter note I am happy that they worked everything out and are moving forward...

can not wait for the weekend!
Lol thank you!!
roswell3053 wrote:I am so happy that they told each other that they love one another. What is going to happen when she finds out who he really is? I hope that she is not to mad.

I can't wait for another update.
Lol...this is Liz, of course she is going to be mad :wink:
ShatteredDreamer wrote:Okay, I thought I was going to have to put both Max and Liz in time out! but they managed to talk through their issues like adults. What was with Max going off on her anyway?

Yeah, they almost! :D I feel so bad for Liz though. Not only did they get interrupted (which is a crime in itself) but then she finds out her grandmother died.

Thanks for the great chapter, drama and all. Can't wait for the next part. Come back soon!
Lol thank you!! I would have been right with you helping to put those two in time out. :lol: I think Max just wanted to get across to her that she flirted with Alex...and it came out all wrong know how guys are.
FamersAmers wrote:I got your PM and you have no idea... I am so excited!!!

Ok so this chapter!!! (taping my foot) I LOVED IT! As always! Of couse you know Max was kinda of an ass while she was trying to say that she was sorry. I mean I see why he blew up, i would have but come on...give the girl a break...but when we are in these situations we only see black and white, so yeah..anyway!

What the crap..he didnt tell her and I have a feeling she is going to go to the funeral and when she is away she is going to find out exactly who Mr. Evans is...and that is really very sad! My heart went out to both of them as she said you are honest and he knew he was lying to her!! Oye!!

The shit is on it's way!!!

You know I love it and I cant wait for more!! You are awesome Jennifer!! Dont forget that!

Lol thanks Ams and yes my heart was hurting when I wrote that she told him he's honest...sigh. Lol Max may surprise you a little in this part...hope you enjoy!! and you are just as AWESOME and where the heck is WYB? Lol...did you're beta go out of the country..jeesh!
dreamer destiny wrote:I love how sweet Max is being, but I've had experience with lies coming back to bite you in the ass, and I'm worried about their relationship.
Lol, thank you and you are right...his lies will bite him in the ass!!
Earth2Mama wrote:It gets a little ugly from here. :cry:

I hate it when you writers do that! Grrrrr! :x

Post more when you can :D
Sorry :( But I gotta have to angst...hope you don't mind too much!
martine wrote:oh! what a way to stop their lovemaking! and what a news!

so you like "angst" and it's getting ugly as you said, but I have a question, why? why do you have to take that path? or at least why didn't you give us some pleasure, I mean give some pleasure to Liz of course, and to us in the same way, and then you could go on with angst if you like it....

great part btw, I liked how Max pushed her first and how he asked her out I'm waiting the next part

HA HA HA...I'm sorry I couldn't give you (or Liz) some pleasure...but it will only be bad for a little bit and then it will get good again...and then but it will be DREAMER insured so just hang on to your buts!!
Emz80m wrote:great part Jen

Is there some other reason that Liz didnt want to take Max home? it just seemed weird that she would be worried about him missing school.

Also, i'm kind of disapointed that would Max was just about to sleep with her without telling her the truth. Liz has fallen in love with him but the problem is that she doesnt really know who he is.

cant wait for more

Thanks Emma, I think Liz didn't want to be a girl who needs a man to get through a tough time...she didn't want Max there because she knew that she would hold on to him and she didn't want that.
Timelord31 wrote:Great part. But how soon is it going to be before Liz finds out about Max's job. Can't wait for the next part.
Lol Thank you and a few more chapters...dun dun dun. Can you wait?
BehrObsession wrote:Great part. I feel really bad for Liz. It hurts so much to lose someone you're very close to. I'm surprised that she insisted on Max staying at school. I guess it would add to the stress as much or more than it would help her. She's have so much explaining to do to Dad and Nancy. I hate that they were interrupted, but I believe it was for the best. I know there is angst coming and it won't be pleasant. When Max tells her that he's an agent hired to help protect her, she's going to freak and think he's just been playing along with her to stay close. I hope he'll be able to convince her that he truly has fallen in love with her despite his job. Actually, I hope all of this happens before they make love. At least, then, she won't feel used. Can't wait to read more.
You got that right...if Max showed up...Jeff and Nancy would have been a little confused and you're right about the feeling used thing...but then again, Liz could still feel used even if they didn't sleep together.
confusedfool wrote:juz hope liz isnt too mad when max tells her the truth...knowing u she prob will be and there'll be a whole load of angst :(
Lol I'm happy to see you seem to be prepared for that angst.
GottaFeedTheMonkey1257 wrote:Uh oh, you've got me worried with the "THE DRAMA" thing. I wonder what's going to happen. My guess is that Max gets his ass canned for dating Liz. Hmm... Anyway, here's some awesome quotage for you to enjoy.
Maxsgurl wrote:"Right." Max says coldly. He threw a couple shirts into his hamper before he turned around to address Liz. "You know what? You're a complete hypocrite Liz!"
Max's outburst kind of shocked me too. I had to go back and read the last few paragraphs to see where he was coming from. Now, I get it. Always keeping us on our toes hehe.
"Don't ever think you aren't beautiful Liz. Don't. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met and it has nothing to do with the size of your boobs." Max said once he pulled away and started to caress Liz's cheek.
Aww...I love how they can be fighting one minute and then all cuddled up and kissing the next. True Max and Liz fashion.
"Can I be your first boyfriend?" Max asked quietly.
Hehe I love how blunt he is about it. At least we don't have to go through bouts of shyness where no one ever says their true feelings. I'm glad you just made him come out and ask it!
" just feels too good to be true you know? Like there is no way that such a perfect girl...would ever want me." Max explained as he intertwined their fingers.
The question is who WOULDN'T want him. Come now, Max, you're just too oober hot not to like!! Still, what he said was so darn sweet that it makes up for his lack of knowledge about his hotness.
"I love you." So he chickened out. It's not that he didn't mean what he said; he was just waiting for a better moment. Max explained his statement when he saw Liz?s worried eyes. "I know it's soon...but I can't help but feel that I'm falling in love you Liz Parker."
Dang, I was hoping that he would tell her about his job. I bet that's what's going to happen. She's going to find out and get really pissed at him. He should've just told her. Still, it's cool that he said he loves her. That's sweet. Max just knows all the right things to say!!
"Sorry." Liz blushed as she realized she was ogling his goodies.
HAHA, you ogle those goodies, girl!! I would.
"WHAT!!" Max yelled out as he stilled his movements. The head of his erection was barely inside Liz and he was finding it so difficult to not move more inside of her. Max glanced down at Liz and apologized with his eyes at his outburst...but this was just horrible. He sighed when Liz smiled and kissed him.
I agree with you there, buddy. Now is not the time to get interrupted.
"It?s your grandmother...she had a stroke baby." Jeff explained and he couldn't control the sob that escaped his mouth. He was trying to be strong for Liz...since she and her grandmother were so close; he knew that Liz would need all of his strength.
Uh oh...more drama. Poor Liz. That really sucks when you're interrupted before you can do the dirty to be told that your grandmother died.
"Max, I love you and I'm going to miss you so much. But I don't want to feel guilty for you taking time off of school for me. Stay here and go to your classes. I'll call you everyday I promise" Liz said and as soon as she saw Max try to object she pleaded. "Please...just do this for me Max. If you want to help this."
Aww...I wanted Max to go! Oh well, Liz had good reasons for not wanting him to go.

Well, that's all for today. I definitely can't wait to see what happens now. And there's going to be another update by this weekend! Score!

Awesome part!!
Lol...I REALLY LOVE YOUR QUOTAGE!! I seriously look forward to it...please keep it up! Lol, I totally agree and personally love that about Dreamers...they can be pissed off one minute and making out the always. Max will surprise you in this part...hope you enjoy even with the damn angst. I don't think you will be able to find anything to quote in this one though... :(

Chapter 7

A week after Liz’s departure found Max moping around in his room and barely attending classes. The girls were worried about him so they would visit his dorm room on a daily basis and try to get him out and into the world.

“Max…come on. If Liz knew you were acting like this she would be angry.” Maria scolded Max after she walked into his room and found him laying in his bed and she could tell he hadn’t showered or shaved in at least 3 days. “This is disgusting.”

“Maria…just leave me alone.” Max groaned as he watched Maria walk around and start to tidy up his room. “Leave my stuff where it is.”

“No way. When Liz gets back you don’t want her to see you like this do you?” Maria asked as she placed Max’s dirty clothes in the hamper.

“If she ever comes back.” Max sighed and he was promptly hit with a shirt. “Oh man…that stinks.”

“Serves you right. I can’t believe you would believe that Liz wouldn’t come back.” Maria said and Max just shrugged his shoulders. Maria sighed and moved towards the bed. She lifted a groaning Max into a sitting position and then sat down next to him. “She’s coming back Max, she’s coming back to you.”

“Have you heard from her?” Max asked hopefully. Liz hadn’t even called or text messaged him to let him know she was alive and ok…it hurt knowing she wasn’t thinking about him.

“Well…no, but I’ve talked to Michael and he said she is doing as well as can be expected.” Maria explained and Max ran a hand over his face.

“It wasn’t supposed to be this way.” Max said and Maria sent him a questioning glance. “I mean, I wasn’t supposed to feel this way…not this early. I’ve know Liz less than a month and I already can’t spend more than 2 days without her.” Max almost told Maria the truth…about who he was, but he decided the first to know would have to be Liz.

“Liz Parker sure has a way with guys.” Maria said smiling while shaking her head. What was it about the mousy brunette that sent guys to their knees pining for her attention.

“What do you mean? Liz told me I was the first.” Max stated confused. Would Liz lie to him?

“Oh no, you’re definitely the first guy that has made it official, but you’re not the only one who has had an interest in her or who has fallen fast.” Maria said.

“Alex.” Max added. Over the course of their short relationship Liz had explained the situation with Alex. Max was jealous because of the time that Alex and Liz had spent together, but from what Liz had told him it was more as friends than a romantic relationship.

“Yeah him…but there have been others.” Maria said and she added when Max looked worried. “None were important enough to mention or even consider. I mean look at Liz, do you think you and Alex are the only people who have noticed how attractive she is?”

“She’s gorgeous. Liz is easily the most beautiful woman I have ever met…inside and out.” Max commented and Maria chuckled.

“Man you do have it bad.” Maria chuckled and she was going to say something else but the door swung open and a panicky Isabelle started to search through the dorm. “Isabelle?”

“There you are!” Isabelle said as she ran towards Max and Maria. “Alex just called.”

“What is it?” Maria questioned. She prayed something was wrong with one of her best friends. “Is he alright? Is it Michael?”

“No.” Isabelle said and she turned her worried eyes to Max. “It’s Liz.”

“What? Is she alright? What happened? What did they say?” Max asked jumping up quickly.

“Alex couldn’t say much because he was at the hospital, but I got the impression that she wasn’t doing so good.” Isabelle said as she wrung her hands. “She was admitted into the hospital yesturday.”

“WHAT? Why didn’t anybody tell me?” Max asked. Liz said she would call him if she needed him.

“Alex and Michael didn’t know she hasn’t been talking to you…they thought she had told you not to worry. They didn’t know.” Isabelle explained and Max ran towards his closet. “What are you doing?”

“Packing. I don’t care what Liz thinks or wants, I’m going there.” Max said as he opened up his suitcase and started to throw some clothes and his toiletries into it.

“Max maybe-” Maria tried to say but Max cut her off.

“NO!! I don’t care what Liz said. She obviously needs someone who cares about her there and I am dying here without her. Nothing you say is going to stop me from going to be with the woman I love.” Max yelled and Maria held up her hands in surrender.

“I know that, believe me. All I was going to suggest was that you take a shower and maybe wash your hair and shave.” Maria suggested and Max ran a hand through his greasy hair.

“Oh…sorry.” Max said shyly and he grabbed his towel and shower supplies and headed towards the door but he turned to address his friends. “Thanks you guys.”

“Not a problem.” Maria said with a smile and she turned to finish packing for Max before she would go back to her room and pack her stuff as well. No way she wasn’t going to see her friend in the hospital.

“Alex already sent a plane to pick us all up. It should be here in an hour and a half.” Isabelle explained and they all went to get ready.


Hours later Maria, Max, Isabelle, and Tess all rode silently in the elevator. They were heading to the up to the 5th floor where the woman at the information desk and told them they could find Liz.

When the elevator door opened the foursome headed down the hall tentatively searching for the right room, and when they turned a corner Maria started running. “Mr. and Mrs. Parker!”

“Maria! Thank goodness.” Nancy said as she hugged her second daughter. She had been waiting for Maria to arrive so she put her name down at the information desk allowing her to come up to the secure floor.

“Maria. How are you?” Mr. Parker said as he hugged the girl. He hoped that Liz would recover with her friends there. He released Maria and noticed the other people with her. “Hello…I’m Jeff Parker and this is my wife Nancy, we’re Liz’s parents.”

“Oh sorry. You remember our roommates Isabelle Green and Tess Harding.” Maria introduced the girls to the parkers.

“How do you do?” Nancy said as she shook the girls hands. She barely remembered meeting the girls when they helped Liz move in, but she had heard many a story about the girls from Liz and her agents.

“And you are?” Jeff said as he looked at Max suspiciously.

“I’m Max Evans, Sir.” Max said as he shook Mr. Parker’s hand. It was an honor to be in his presence but there were more pressing matters at the moment. “How is she doing?”

“Maria!” Michael called out when he turned the corner as he was returning from his coffee break. He was glad to see his girlfriend there.

“Hey.” Maria said as she went instantly in the comfort of her boyfriend’s arms.

“Alex.” Isabelle sighed when she turned and saw Alex coming from behind Michael. She quickly ran to him and lunged into his arms.

“I’ve missed you so much.” Alex whispered in his girlfriend’s ear and kissed her gently.

Max looked around and saw his friends in the arms of their partners. It was only him and Tess left alone. Kyle wanted to come with them but he had a paper due the next day and he said he would fly out later. “What happened to Liz?”

“Oh um. She passed out the other day in the pool. We were swimming and she just went under the water. We thought she was joking around…but after she didn’t come up.” Alex explained and Isabelle ran a comforting hand down his arm.

“She nearly drowned.” Michael added and he glanced at Maria who was in tears. Michael turned and pulled her to him placing a kiss on her temple to calm her down.

“Why did she pass out? What’s been going on?” Max asked. He wanted to get as much information as possible.

“She’d been doing fine. I never noticed a thing.” Nancy said as she thought back over the last few days with Liz. “I mean she looked tired and pale, but she just lost her grandmother, I thought it was from the grief.”

“What did the doctor say?” Max asked. He still didn’t understand why Liz would pass out.

“He said that Liz apparently hasn’t been eating or sleeping, there is evidence she has been making herself sick as well. The doctor said it was weakening her and then being in the sun that day just took the last of her strength.” Jeff explained. He couldn’t believe this. He had been so worried about Liz going off and hurting herself, but instead she did it right under his nose and he didn’t even notice.

“And you didn’t notice this? You didn’t realize she wasn’t eating or sleeping? That she was killing herself?” Max accused Alex and Michael.

“We didn’t know. Liz was acting like nothing was wrong.” Alex said sadly. He blamed himself for letting Liz get this way…he didn’t need Max to blame him too.

“Liz would take her food up to her room, we never knew she wasn’t eating it.” Michael explained.

“I don’t believe this.” Max said as he ran his hand through his hair. He couldn’t believe it could get this bad in a week.

“Max, it’s not their fault. We didn’t notice either.” Nancy assured the young man who seemed to care a great deal about her stepdaughter.

“But it was their job to protect her. They were supposed to be watching her…taking care of her.” Max said as he slid down the wall and sat on the ground.

“Max…I.” Alex said as he watched his friend breakdown and cry. “I’m sorry.”

“So am I. But you know Liz better than anyone…she wouldn’t have let us help her.” Michael said. He knew how Max felt…they all did.

“She’s the most stubborn woman I have ever met.” Max said with a chuckle and he wiped away his tears as he stood up. “How is she now? Can we see her?”

“The doctors had to sedate her to work on her. She has been given fluids and she’s being fed though a tube. She’s improving, but very slowly. She’s still out, they can’t wake her up…there is no reason for her to be unconscious, but there is nothing they can do. Liz will wake up on her own.” Jeff explained and he saw the worried looks on all their faces.

“What room is it?” Maria asked. She wanted to see her friend as soon as possible.

“503. Down the hall, turn left and it’s the second door on the right.” Nancy said and she watched as the kids looked at each other trying to decide something.

“Why don’t you all go in first…you know I’m going to take a while.” Max explained and the friends smirked before they headed down the hall towards Liz’s room. “I’m going to make a phone call.” Max said as he headed towards the payphone by the elevator to call a friend to make sure he could get his class notes.

“Who is that guy?” Jeff asked his wife and she just shrugged her shoulders.


An hour later the rest of the group had gone in and seen Liz and it was finally Max’s turn. He headed down the hall and passed Maria on the way. She grabbed his arm and he turned to her. “Just…be prepared. She looks really bad, but Michael and Alex assured me she is looking better.”

“Thanks. But Liz will always be beautiful to me.” Max said with a smirk and Maria laughed before letting him go.

Max turned left and he froze when he saw her door. The numbers 503 staring him in the face. He started to slowly move towards it and he stopped before he opened the door to prepare himself. After a few deep breaths and cracking of his shoulders Max slowly pushed the door open and he broke down crying when he looked inside.

There on the gigantic sterile hospital bed was a sleeping Liz who looked so small compared to the bed. Max slowly made his way over to her side and sat down in the chair there. He raised his hand and slowly traced her face. He noticed the glow that Liz normally had was gone…the color in her cheeks was nonexistent, she had huge bags under her eyes, and her lips looked dry and chapped. She looked absolutely horrible, but at the same time she was still beautiful to Max.

“Liz?” Max tentatively called out. He caressed her cheek gently. “Liz? Please Baby? Wake up…please?” He broke down crying, heartbroken that she didn’t wake up for him. He knew he should have known that she wouldn’t have woken up…but he had to hope.

“Liz? Please?” Max cried and he grabbed her hand and started to kiss it. “Wake up? Please? Liz? Please? I need you to wake up for me….”

Max laid his head down and sobbed. He held on to Liz’s hand tightly, begging for a miracle.

TBC....again...I hope to be back by Wed..but if I'm not I am sorry and I will post as soon as the damn computer works...I love you guys and I hate to leave you with nothing!!
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Post by Maxsgurl »

HELLO!!! Sorry if this is a little later for someone of you around the world...but late is better than never!!! Sorry about any major mistakes..I didn't not get to send this to my my bad!!
dreamer destiny wrote:How sad, poor Max. I hope that Liz gets better soon. I love his overprotectiveness and snapping at Michael and Alex, so cute. Somebody's got it baaaaaaaaaaad.
Lol I agree...Max is way over the edge!!
Emz80m wrote:great part

poor Max, Liz should have talked to him then he wouldnt be a wreck and maybe she wouldnt have been in hospital.

I also think its a bad sign that her parents have no idea who Max is, obviously LIz hasnt even told them about him.
I wouldn't necessarily say it's a BAD sign...Liz has been pretty out of I don't blaim her for not mentioning Max.

FSUMSW94 wrote:Oh, man that was so very sad :cry: :cry: Liz is under soo much stress, she lost her beloved Grandmother, and now she has stopped taking care of herself. Thank Goodness she didn't drown! Max going off on Alex and Michael was understandable, he is very protective of Liz already. He stopped taking care of himself also and I find that kind of ironic :cry: He is so in love with her, I hope she wakes up soon!

I'm sorry you're having computer problems, but we'll wait as long as it takes :wink:
Yea I thought it was very romantic that when they were away both of them stopped taking care of themselves...I'm the biggest romantic lol. And thanks for your understanding of my computer problems lol...I think I fixed it!
RASaero611 wrote:aww Poor Max...he must feel so...ugh I don't even know. and then I feel bad for Alex and Michael because it was their responsibility to be watching her but then she got past them...

i hope she gets better

great update
Yea...I don't blaim Alex or Michael they didn't know that she was doing what she was doing so they had no idea that they had to watch for signs.

GottaFeedTheMonkey1257 wrote:No quotage?! Pshaw! I have tons!! Get ready for some awesome quotage...
Maxsgurl wrote:A week after Liz's departure found Max moping around in his room and barely attending classes. The girls were worried about him so they would visit his dorm room on a daily basis and try to get him out and into the world.
Aw! Max is moping! In one way, it's a bit pathetic, but on the other hand, it's so sweet that he's moping becuase he cares about her, and she left him all alone...if that makes sense lol.
"Liz Parker sure has a way with guys." Maria said smiling while shaking her head. What was it about the mousy brunette that sent guys to their knees pining for her attention.
Well, that isn't such a good thing to tell Max when he's at a low point lol. Still, Max is her first serious boyfriend, so it's all good.
"She's gorgeous. Liz is easily the most beautiful woman I have ever met...inside and out." Max commented and Maria chuckled.
I think 90% of the quotes I've done are about Max's sweet words! He is just...sigh.
"Alex couldn't say much because he was at the hospital, but I got the impression that she wasn't doing so good." Isabelle said as she wrung her hands. "She was admitted into the hospital yesturday."
Uh oh...drama drama!! Poor Liz. First her g-ma dies, and now she's in the hospital! She sure got the short end of the stick.
"He said that Liz apparently hasn't been eating or sleeping, there is evidence she has been making herself sick as well. The doctor said it was weakening her and then being in the sun that day just took the last of her strength." Jeff explained. He couldn't believe this. He had been so worried about Liz going off and hurting herself, but instead she did it right under his nose and he didn?t even notice.
She's been making herself sick?! No, Liz! Don't go there! You've got Max as a is good!!
"Thanks. But Liz will always be beautiful to me." Max said with a smirk and Maria laughed before letting him go.
Aww...another line from Max. He seriously is the sweetest guy EVER!
"Liz?" Max tentatively called out. He caressed her cheek gently. "Liz? Please Baby? Wake up...please?" He broke down crying, heartbroken that she didn't wake up for him. He knew he should have known that she wouldn't have woken up...but he had to hope.

"Liz? Please?" Max cried and he grabbed her hand and started to kiss it. "Wake up? Please? Liz? Please? I need you to wake up for me...."

Max laid his head down and sobbed. He held on to Liz?s hand tightly, begging for a miracle.
Aww...I nearly cried right along with Max. He sounds so pitiful. That's just sad. :(

See, I found quotes! I'm glad you like the quotage cuz I plan on doing it for awhile lol!

Awesome part!!
Lol I like that 90% of your quotes are the sappy romantic Max lines...I work hard on those!! :mrgreen: I loved your line about life being good because Liz had Max as a boyfriend...I TOTALLY AGREE!!
taressa05 wrote:After that incredibly sad chapter you know what I'm sitting here doing? Trying to picture Max with greasy hair. :lol: I don't know why, but that image is so stuck in my head and making me giggle occassionally.

But of course, that's not the only thing that I took away from the chapter. Max and Liz certainly are a pair aren't they. Max was moping around like his dog had just died. I half expected to see him watching The Notebook while eating a gallon of ice cream. :lol: And then you have Liz starving herself. I'm sure that's exactly what Grandma Claudia wanted her to do in reaction to her death. :roll: But since grief can make you do stupid things, she's forgiven, but goodness, she needs to wake up. She has so many people that care about her, and she doesn't need to give that up now. It was great to see the whole gang rush to her side.

Another great update. Just wish your computer hadn't messed up. That stupid thing better get to working so you can update or it will be the one getting the visit from an angry Dani. :lol:

HA HA!! I warned my computer about your dani and it started right up!! :lol: It knows our convos and I think it senses that southern charm...but the bad side of it. Lol it was hard for me to picture Max with greasy hair as well...but it worked for the story. I can totally see you sitting there laughing about that every so often; such a dani moment!
obsession wrote:Not only did you hit us hard but harsh as well esp for Max. That is such a heartretching part to read and I know it was hard for you to write as well. You have made your point and our heart are slowly dying.

On a lighter note, Max met the president and start yelling at the agents without a secong glance. Unbelievable. That was a great part.

Can't wait for more.
I don't want your hearts to slowly die!! That isn't supposed to happen until Liz finds out about Max...oh no! Have I said too much? :twisted:
OmegaRam1 wrote:
dreamer destiny wrote:How sad, poor Max. I hope that Liz gets better soon. I love his overprotectiveness and snapping at Michael and Alex, so cute. Somebody's got it baaaaaaaaaaad.
Her grandmother death really hit her hard, and hope she recuperate soon.

Please hurry back with more.
This is Liz...she has to get better cuz Max is waiting for her!!
Timelord31 wrote:So no one told the father that his little girl had a boyfriend. Can't wait for them to find out. I hope Michael and Alex don't get into trouble because of it.
Don't worry...Jeff is a very understanding guy.
martine wrote:yes right, I supposed that Jeff Parker would have known that his daughter had a boyfriend.

like the others I felt bad for Max first, moping alone in his room and dying little by little because his Liz is away, and of course for Liz...that's incredible that she made herself sick after her grandma death.

I hope she'll wake up soon for her and Max sake.

great part.. and when you'll be ready come back to post the next!
Lol I don't think Jeff ever guessed Liz would have a's are pretty naive to things like that...I know mine is :roll:
Earth2Mama wrote:Whoa!

What the hell happened? How long has she been gone again? For her to look and feel that badly? And no one noticed? WTF??? :x

Hurry back and post more soon! I want an explanation from Liz's mouth.
Liz has been gone for a little over a week and they noticed but everyone thought it was stress from losing her grandmother and they never thought it was as bad as it really was.
FamersAmers wrote:UM what did you do????? LOL...kidding!! My poor beta...she has been so sick...I think I sent her my migrane :? ! Other than that...I have no idea where she is...or if she is ok! Hmmm I need to check on that!!

Ok Max was awesome in that part...look at how he just went there and did that.... :cry: ok you know why I cant finish this thought!! :cry: :cry:

Ok what is Liz doing...and what is going on? Hmmm the mind is just in least you will be back on Wednesday!!!

You know what I think....AWESOME!! you and the story!! keep up the great work!

HA HA HA!! Am's I loved your cute! Yes I really did love Max in this part....heck I love all my Max's lol. I like your mind in overload...keeps you saine!! are the AWESOME one Ams!! SMOOCHES!! HA HA HA! P.S. I posted a little later for probably won't be first...but you'll be up there!
tijuana_lady wrote:
Maxsgurl wrote:“NO!! I don’t care what Liz said. She obviously needs someone who cares about her there and I am dying here without her. Nothing you say is going to stop me from going to be with the woman I love.” Max yelled and Maria held up her hands in surrender.
That was so emotional. He's so in love with her awwww.

Hope Liz wakes up soon. Hurry back! :D
Damn are popping up everywhere!! HA HA HA!! Love it!
roswell3053 wrote:Great part. I can't wait for an update.

I hope that Liz is okay.
Thank you!
madroswellfan wrote::O
I just started reading this and I can't believe I hadn't read this sooner! Oh the angst and heartache! Poor Max! Poor Liz! oh oh oh!
Please hurry back!!!!!!
WELCOME TO THE STORY!! Lol I'm back and I'm glad you like this!!

Chapter 8

Hours later Max woke up and glanced around the room trying to remember where he was. As soon as he saw the heart monitors and IV poles he turned to look at Liz hoping that she was awake. Max let out a disappointed sigh when he saw she had not changed from the last time he saw her. Max looked down at his hand which was still holding on to Liz’s since he had gotten there and he glanced at his watch.

“Its 7:40 p.m.” A voice said from the door and Max turned to see Jeff leaning against the door jam with two cups of coffee in his hands. “I see she is still sleeping.”

“Yeah, she hasn’t moved.” Max said and he smiled as he accepted the cup of coffee. Max took a sip and let it slowly slide down his throat. “Thanks, I needed this.”

“You and me both.” Jeff said as he pulled up a chair and sat on the opposite side of Max. “I’ve been here since she was admitted…I can’t seem to pull myself away in fear that she will wake up alone.”

“I know what you mean.” Max said as he studied the brown liquid in the paper cup. He has been here for 4 hours and was surprised that no one had woke him up.

“We didn’t disturb you since the girls told me you were a nervous wreck on the plane.” Jeff answered Max’s unspoken question. “I know from experience that after those times you just need to crash…so I let you sleep.”

“Thanks.” Max said and Jeff nodded as he took a sip of his coffee.

“So Max…tell me about yourself.” Jeff said and Max almost choked on his coffee.

“What do you want to know?” Max asked as he winced when he felt his throat sting from the burn of the coffee.

“Where you from?” Jeff started. There were more pressing questions to ask about Max’s relationship with his daughter, but Jeff decided to go easy on the boy.

“Ah, Roswell, New Mexico originally.” Max stated and Jeff smiled.

“I’ve been through there a time or two for campaigning. You know of the Crashdown?” Jeff asked. He had loved the small café in the middle of no-where.

“Of course, that was the local hang out during high school.” Max commented.

“And now you are at Las Cruces with Lizzie?” Jeff questioned.

“Yes sir. I took a few years off to get into the work force and make a little money for college. But as soon as I had enough, I went back to get my degree.” Max explained. It wasn’t a complete lie, he had joined the work force and after a few years he did go back for his degree.

“I admire that.” Jeff said with a nod and Max let out a sigh of relief. “Listen Max, why don’t you go out and get something to eat, coffee can’t be the only thing in your stomach.”

“That’s ok, I’d rather sta-” Max started to object but Jeff interrupted him.

“None sense, you need to eat. I’ll watch Lizzie and I’ll call you if there is any change. I promise.” Jeff swore and Max nodded.

“Hey baby. I’m going to get something to eat, but I’ll be back in a little bit okay? I love you.” Max whispered into Liz’s ear softly knowing that Jeff was still in the room and he placed a gentle kiss on Liz’s forehead. “Thanks Jeff.”

“See you when you get back.” Jeff said and he watched as the boy, whose heart his daughter seemed to hold in the palm of her hand, walked out of the room, hours after he entered.

Max walked down the hall away from Liz’s door and he broke down again. Max slid to the floor and sobbed. He didn’t know how long he had been there when he heard someone calling his name.

“Max?” Isabelle questioned when she walked down the hall to the restroom and spotted her cousin on the ground crying. “Max? Are you alright?”

“I don’t know what to do Iz…I don’t know what to do.” Max cried and Isabelle quickly knelt beside him and took him in her arms.

“You have to be strong Max. Not just for you, but for Liz.” Isabelle said and she rocked her cousin in her arms. “Be her strength when she is weak.”

“I don’t know if I can…” Max admitted. He wasn’t strong enough…he couldn’t do this….waiting to know if Liz was alright.

“She’s going to be alright Max; she’ll pull through. Like you said, she’s the most stubborn woman you know, she won’t go without a fight and I don’t think she is done fighting yet.” Isabelle explained and Max started to laugh against her.

“You’re right.” Max said as he pulled away and wiped his tears. “Thanks Iz.”

“That’s what family for.” Isabelle smiled and pulled Max up to a standing position. “Come on, there is a small diner across the street. They have absolutely nothing healthy, they havecalorie filled, artery clogging, cholesterol packed, grease covered comfort food...which is exactly what you need right now.”

“Sounds appetizing.” Max joked and the two walked out of the hospital to try to forget why they were there, for just a few moments in time.


Surprisingly, Jeff relinquished the guard of Liz to Max in an instant, stating that even though his daughter was in the hospital, he still had to run a country.

Max wanted to stay by Liz’s side, but he was so restless after his long nap earlier, so he decided to decorate the plain hospital room. Max called a florist and had 5 dozen long stem white roses and carnations delivered to the hospital.

“Wow, I was wondering who all these flowers were for.” Nancy said when she walked into Liz’s room and saw Max rearranging the flowers around the room. “It looks beautiful Max.”

“Thanks Nancy.” Max said as he placed the last dozen roses next to Liz’s bed.

“These are her favorite.” Nancy commented as she smelled a rose.

“I know.” Max stated as he adjusted Liz’s pillows and sheets.

“It took Jeff 6 months to remember what my favorite flower was, I’m impressed.” Nancy said and laughed when Max blushed. She wasn’t as naïve as her husband, although Liz had not mentioned Max Nancy knew he was someone very special to her.

Max and Nancy sat down at the chairs in the room and silence flowed between them. The only noise in the room was the steady beeping of Liz’s monitors. After about 5 minutes Max had had enough. “She looks just like you.”

“That’s sweet, but I’m not Liz’s birth mother.” Nancy said as she smiled slightly at Max.

“I know.” Max said surprising Nancy. “Just because she isn’t biologically your child, doesn’t mean she still isn’t your daughter…after meeting you I could tell you were her mother.”

“What do you mean?” Nancy asked as she tried not to let her tears flow down her cheeks.

“She acts like you.” Max explained. “She talks with her hands like you do, she tucks her hair behind her ear like you, and she nipples on her lip just like you.”

“Actually, that last one I learned from her mother…so it doesn’t count.” Nancy said in awe of how much Max saw in the short time he had known the Parkers.

“She still learned it from you.” Max stated and Nancy smiled. “She may miss and wish that she knew her mother, but when Liz gets married and has kids…it will be you she will be imitating …its you they will call grandma.”

“Liz sure found a winner in you.” Nancy said as she wiped away her tears and Max blushed. “Thank you Max, for being here, for us…for Liz.”

“I would have it no other way.” Max said as he and Nancy shared a smile.


Max wiped his face with his hands as he yawned and then looked at his watch. It was 11:30 p.m. He sighed as he held Liz’s hand in his and laid his head down on the side of her bed, he was going to rest his eyes for a few minutes.

Max was just falling asleep when he thought he heard someone call his name. A few moments later he felt a hand run through his hair and he definitely heard someone say his name. Max opened his eyes and tilted his head up without removing his head from its spot and he was surprised to see Liz’s beautiful brown eyes staring back at him. “Hi.”

“Hi” Max responded just as softly and he began to shut his eyes again before reality caught up with him and his head shot up. “LIZ!!” Max said as he lunged forward and hugged Liz. He started to cry and he didn’t care who knew.

“You’re here.” Liz stated softly, her voice sore from hours of not being used.

“Of course, I told you I’d come for you.” Max said as he brushed her hair out of her face. “I thought I lost you there.”

“I think you did for a moment there.” Liz said as she glanced down at her hands in her lap. “But you found me.”

“Yeah I did.” Max said and he leaned forward and kissed her gently. “I was so scared Liz. I thought…I thought” Liz lifted her hand and placed it over his lips.

“I know.” Liz said as she caressed his cheek. “I didn’t mean to worry you.”

“Worry me Liz?” Max asked her, surprised at how nonchalant she was acting about what happened. “You almost died; in more ways than one…I think I have a right to be a little worried.”

“Sorry.” Liz said softly as she tried to look anywhere but at Max, she didn’t want him to see her tears.

“Hey.” Max said as he lifted his hand and used her chin to turn her eyes back to him. “Don’t do that Liz…don’t shut me out please?” Max pleaded and Liz nodded. “Why did you do it? Why weren’t you taking care of yourself? Why didn’t you call me?”

“I don’t know…I just wasn’t in the mood to eat.” Liz said with a shrug…it wasn’t that big of a deal.

“Why did you make yourself sick?” Max asked and Liz’s eyes shot up at him. “Yeah we know…the doctor said there was evidence you hadn’t been eating, or sleeping.”

“I’m so sorry Max.” Liz cried and she flung herself into his arms. She had missed her grandmother so much and everyday she had wanted to call Max…but she didn’t want to be one of those girls who relied on a man to get through things…she thought she could get through this by herself.

“Shhh. It’s ok Liz.” Max said as he ran his hands through her hair trying to comfort her. “It’s over now.”

“I’m so sorry I didn’t call you. I would dial but hang up before it could go through…you can check my dialed calls to make sure.” Liz said already trying to remember where her cell phone was so she could prove it to him.

“Its ok…I believe you Liz. It doesn’t matter now. I’m right here, where I want to be.” Max said as he wiped away her tears and then leaned in to kiss her. “Everybody is here and so worried about you. I should probably go get them and a doctor.”

“No.” Liz said as she grabbed onto Max’s arm keeping him from leaving. “Stay with me for a little bit. We have a week to make up.”

“Liz.” Max sighed and she turned her eyes to him...pleading him to agree. “10 minutes…then I get everyone.”

“Thank you.” Liz said as she managed to scoot over in the bed and pulled Max to lay down with her. “I missed you so much.”

“I missed you too.” Max smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “Did you do anything exciting this week?”

“Besides this?” Liz joked and Max rolled his eyes. “Not really, just went to the funeral and stuff. I pretty much hung out at the house. You?”

“Well, I’m going to tell you before Maria has a chance too.” Max said as he scratched behind his ear. “I pretty much sulked around in my room…I didn’t even shower for 3 days.”

“We are a pair aren’t we?” Liz laughed and then leaned forward and smelled Max. “Glad to see you did finally shower though.”

“Maria and Isabelle made me. Said you would not appreciate seeing me all smelly and non-shaven.” Max explained and Liz smiled.

“I think you would look cute with a little facial hair.” Liz said as she ran her finger tips over the heavy five o’clock shadow on Max’s jaw.

“Cute?” Max questioned with his eyebrow raised.

“Handsome?” Liz tried and Max raised his eyebrow again. “Sexy?”

“That sounds more like it.” Max said as he nuzzled his nose in her neck causing Liz to laugh but she started to cough a little bit. “What’s the matter?”

“Calm down.” Liz said as she laid a reassuring hand on Max’s arm. “My throat is just a little sore and dry.”

“I’ll get you some water on the way back from telling everybody.” Max said as he looked at his watch. “Our time is up.”

“Ok…send them in.” Liz said as she re-situated herself on the bed when Max got up. “I love you Max.”

“I love you too.” Max beamed as he bent down and kissed Liz. “I’ll be back.”

Once outside the room Max let out a breath he did not know he was holding and his shoulders relaxed as if a huge weight had been lifted off them. Max glanced back in the window and watched as Liz reached over and touched one of the roses and he smiled before he headed down the hall towards the waiting room.

“What is it? Is everything ok Max?” Nancy said as she jumped up when she saw Max enter the room. Everybody else had been sleeping, but Nancy’s outburst woke them up.

“Everything is fine.” Max said holding up his hands. “She is actually awake.”

“Oh thank you.” Jeff said as he leaned back in his chair and sighed, and his wife jumped into his arms.

“Is she ok?”

“Did she say anything?”

“She need anything?”

Max chuckled as he was bombarded with questions from his friends. “She’s fine. Yes she is talking, we spoke a little bit and she sounds good, weak and tired…but good. She actually asked for some water. I was going to get the doctor to take a look at her and then you all can go in and see her.”

Max sent the doctor in and he went to the nursed station to get some water and ice. On his way back he took his time so the others could spend some time with Liz. When he finally got there he knocked on the door and opened it when he heard someone tell him to come in.

“Oh good you’re here.” Liz said and she held out her hand for Max. He quickly made his way to her side and handed her the water which she drank fast. “Thanks.”

“You’re very welcome.” Max said as he squeezed her hand, he glanced around and saw their friends standing off to the side giving them space while Jeff and Nancy were sitting right next to the bed.

“Mom, Dad.” Liz said and she turned to Max giving him a staggering smile. “I’d like you to meet Max Evans…my boyfriend.”

“It’s nice to meet you Max.” Nancy said as she leaned over the bed and hugged Max. It was good to finally put a title to the boy who guarded not just her daughter’s bed these last few days…but also her heart.

“Thank you Max.” Jeff said as he held out his hand for Max to shake and when he did, Jeff surprised him by pulling him into a hug and whispering. “Welcome to the family.” a little shameless plugging here. This saturday A Roswellian's Fantasies is officialling opening with a FESTIVAL!! There will be contests and chats and games!! I would love for all of you to go and check it out!! We are a small board but with your help we could be sooo much bigger!! We are a recommendation please stop by this weekend and check us out! Look for a recommendation and please recommend some fics!! Link is here : A Roswellian's Fantasies
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Hey everybody!! It is still wednesday in California so I made it lol. I just want to warn you all that college is starting back up for me tomorrow (grrr) so my updates may be a few days behind...I will try not to be but it may happen!

I just want to say how happy I am to see so many of the girls from Fanforum here!! I appreciate all your support girls!!

Now I want to say hi to the LURKERS!!! I never do but I want to thank all of you who have come out and said hi!! So all of you that are still lurking...don't!! I love you and you should come and and say hi! I promise not to bite!!

FSUMSW94 wrote:I am so relieved Liz woke up :D I adore Max for never wanting to leave her side, yes he is definitely in love and the feeling from Ms. Parker is definitely mutual :D I also found it endearing when Isabel comforted a sobbing Max, so tender! It was very sweet of Max to tell Nancy that she is the one who raised Liz, so Liz will always imitate her actions, so endearing again! Jeff doesn't appear to know that Max is an agent, will he too feel betrayed once the truth is revealed :? I really love this story and cannot wait for your weekly updates 8)
Lol thank you for your feeback and kind words! And Jeff's reaction, well you will just have to wait and find out.
urpersonaloddball wrote:wow, she woke up. i feel bad for both liz and max. i like the way they taked when liz finally woke up and i love jeff and nancy
Thank you!
janesdilemma wrote:
FSUMSW94 wrote:I am so relieved Liz woke up :D I adore Max for never wanting to leave her side, yes he is definitely in love and the feeling from Ms. Parker is definitely mutual :D I also found it endearing when Isabel comforted a sobbing Max, so tender! It was very sweet of Max to tell Nancy that she is the one who raised Liz, so Liz will always imitate her actions, so endearing again! Jeff doesn't appear to know that Max is an agent, will he too feel betrayed once the truth is revealed :? I really love this story and cannot wait for your weekly updates 8)

Wonderful update... Ups and downs... rollercoaster this fic is.. But im loving it

Lol yes it is a rollercoaster but don't have my dreamer guarentee for a seat belt! :wink:
FamersAmers wrote:That was such a great part! Jeff was so great with Max and Max was so good with Liz and Nancy and I wanted to cry!!

But um...does Jeff know who Max is? It doesnt seem that way but being that he is the President wouldnt he know? hmmm

This is coming along great and you are doing an awesome job!! keep up the good work!!! I am pming you now...LOL

awesome part awesome job and I know I am not first but that is SO least I am here!!

Those better have been happy tears AMS!! I do not want you crying sad ok? You hear me lol. Jeff does not know who Max really is. The civilian agent is only known by Brody, the board (which Jeff is not apart of) and Max. Although Jeff knows there is a civilian agent since he requested him...he does not know it is Max.
martine wrote:that was a great part, so sweet and emotional. I'm glad that Max told Liz how he felt without her. that's good that they don't hide anything from each other, but I know that something is coming soon.

just give a little of Max and Liz moments before something else happens.

come back soon
Don't worry there are a few more chapters of Liz and Max moments before everything blows!!
aussietrueblue wrote::D :) :D
Thank god that Liz woke up....
And all the nice thing that Max said to Nancy.....
Mpre please...
Glad you liked it!
Emz80m wrote:great part

I'm surprised Max didnt tell Jeff who he worked for though

cant wait for more
Thanks Emma!
GottaFeedTheMonkey1257 wrote:Aww...that part was very sweet!! I loved it! Now, some quotes...
Maxsgurl wrote:"So Max...tell me about yourself." Jeff said and Max almost choked on his coffee.
So, does Jeff not know about Max's agent status? Hmm...that can't be good.
"Hey baby. I'm going to get something to eat, but I'll be back in a little bit okay? I love you." Max whispered into Liz's ear softly knowing that Jeff was still in the room and he placed a gentle kiss on Liz's forehead. "Thanks Jeff."
Aww...that was so cute. He is most definitely a goner...but that is a good thing!!
Max walked down the hall away from Liz's door and he broke down again. Max slid to the floor and sobbed. He didn?t know how long he had been there when he heard someone calling his name.
Aww...he broke down again!!! At least he's not pulling the macho card where he's too manly to cry. It's ok Max, you have those breakdowns.
"That's what family for." Isabelle smiled and pulled Max up to a standing position. "Come on, there is a small diner across the street. They have absolutely nothing healthy, they havecalorie filled, artery clogging, cholesterol packed, grease covered comfort food...which is exactly what you need right now."
She certainly got that right...greasy food is comforting!! That's sort of ironic in a way, but you just can't beat the artery clogging, greasy goodness!
"Liz sure found a winner in you." Nancy said as she wiped away her tears and Max blushed. "Thank you Max, for being here, for us...for Liz."
Well, Nancy likes him! That's good...I think that Jeff likes him too, but they don't know about him being an agent. Still, at least they like him for now!
"Hi" Max responded just as softly and he began to shut his eyes again before reality caught up with him and his head shot up. "LIZ!!" Max said as he lunged forward and hugged Liz. He started to cry and he didn?t care who knew.
Haha, when I read that he was falling back asleep, I was like he waited all that time for her to wake up and then he falls alseep...but he didn't. Instead he pounced on her...which is good in it's own way lol.
"Why did you make yourself sick?" Max asked and Liz's eyes shot up at him. "Yeah we know...the doctor said there was evidence you hadn't been eating, or sleeping."

"I'm so sorry Max." Liz cried and she flung herself into his arms. She had missed her grandmother so much and everyday she had wanted to call Max...but she didn't want to be one of those girls who relied on a man to get through things...she thought she could get through this by herself.
I wanted to know why Liz was making herself sick too. She should've called Max...who cares if you rely on a man! Tsk tsk.
"Well, I'm going to tell you before Maria has a chance too." Max said as he scratched behind his ear. "I pretty much sulked around in my room...I didn't even shower for 3 days."

"We are a pair aren?t we?" Liz laughed and then leaned forward and smelled Max. "Glad to see you did finally shower though."
Haha, they certainly are a pair!! Max goes for the record of how long he can go without a shower before the dorm needs to be fumigated, and Liz ends up in the hospital.
"Thank you Max." Jeff said as he held out his hand for Max to shake and when he did, Jeff surprised him by pulling him into a hug and whispering. "Welcome to the family."
Well, that's a good sign!!! I hope that they find out that Max is an agent and still like him.

Okey more quotage for me.

So, is THE DRAMA starting next part?! I hope that there isn't to much angst involved!!

Awesome part!
No the drama is not here yet....we have a few more BEAUTIFUL dreamer moments before then...but I will worn you before ok?
Dreamer 4 Ever wrote:That was such a sweet part. I am so happy Liz is awake.
HEY!! WELCOME TO THE STORY!! Glad you could make it from fanforum Jen!! Means alot that you took the time to post for me!
Timelord31 wrote:Very nice part. Great update.
Thank you!
roswell3053 wrote:I am so glad that she is awake. I hope that everyone will still feel the same way about Max when they find out the truth.

I can't wait for another update.
Thanks and I'm happy you liked it!
AppleJacks wrote:poor liz.. I hope that she will remain OK, and I wonder what max is going to do now about telling Liz his own little secret... I can not wait for more!
Dun dun dun...the suspense it killing you isn't it?
Earth2Mama wrote:Thank goodness she woke up. I'm glad that Nancy and Jeff both noticed how very much Max cares for Liz. And he's been officially welcomed to the family. :) That's just the icing on the cake!

But, why do I have a feeling this is the calm...before the actual storm comes?

Post more soon :D
The calm will last a little bit longer...I will warn you when it arrives ok?
taressa05 wrote:Ok, if you could just wrap up one of these Maxes and ship him out to Texas for me, I would be eternally grateful. :lol: He has got to be the sweetest, most wonderful man ever, and I want one!

Great update. I know I'm so freakin' late with the feedback, but better late than never. I'm so glad that Liz finally woke up, and that Max was there by her side. *sigh* This was just such a dreamy part. Reminds me of the magic that was Max and Liz of first season. Can't wait for the next part.

Which Max do you want Dani? This Max, Communication Max or Love's Mistake Max? Sorry I've been so MIA lately...when my computer crashed I lost my AIM program so I re-loaded it and it won't work for some freaking reason...I'm stil waiting for customer support to deal with the issue...grrr. P.S. There is a buffy line in this part...can you find it? :wink:
dreamer destiny wrote:Getting approval from the president of the US to date his daughter - nice job! That's gotta be tough, lol.
You are right about that! :wink:
tijuana_lady wrote:So glad Liz woke up. And I just love your Max. *sighs*

Post more soon!
Thanks Jules I love my Max too!
BehrObsession wrote:It's such a relief that Liz finally woke up. Max is so gone over her. When he breaks down and tells her he's an agent, it's going to break both of their hearts. He better come up with some way to convince her that he truly loves her because she's going to feel very hurt. Post more soon.
You got that all right! But I promise dreamer moments before then!
obsession wrote:Yes she is finally up. You got worry there.

Hope there is no PTSD.

Now get yourself together and post more. :)
Lol I'm back! Thanks!
OmegaRam1 wrote:Liz have hit the mother lode in Max, he cherish the ground she walks on.
Now that's what I call LOVE and I must say Liz LOVE her some Max also.
These are the kind of stories I enjoy that scream out LOVE, ROMANCE and definitely the NOOKIE, but don't get me wrong I do like ANGST, but the three mention will always out weigh the one that bring all the drama.

Update soon.
Lol I agree with you the three out weight Angst for me as well...even though I LOVE writing you can tell! There will eventually get some nookie...but it is in the future.
aussietrueblue wrote::D :) :D
Just a friendly bump....
Love this fic...
Thanks Lisa!! I'm back!

Chapter 9

Days later Liz was itching to go home but every time the doctors tried to discharge her, someone (mainly Max) found a reason to have them keep her there.

“Are you sure she is stable enough to go back home?” Max asked as he watched at the side of Liz’s bed as the doctor examined her. “Are you sure she won’t have a relapse?”

“Max…I’m going to be fine.” Liz reassured Max as she caressed his arm. “Right doctor?”

“She’s right. I can’t find a thing wrong with her.” The doctor said and he continued before Max tried to interrupted him. “I’ve checked her over countless times. All her tests are normal, and there is nothing out of the ordinary about Liz. She is completely fine.”

“See. Baby, I’m fine.” Liz said as she tried to get up to get dressed but Max held her down. “What now?”

“Just wait a minute…Doctor can I talk to you outside?” Max said as he gestured for the doctor to follow him. When they got outside Max turned serious. “Ok…level with me. Is she really ok?”

“Max, she’s fine!” The doctor chuckled at the young boy. He thought it was sweet how attentive he was to his girlfriend, but there was no reason for her to stay here. “She is ready to go home. She needs to go home and finish recuperating there.”

“Ok…I guess if you think she will be ok.” Max said already going over the problems in his head. “Is there any thing I need to watch for when she is at home?”

“Don’t you think I should be talking to her parents about all this? Since she is going to go back to the white house, I presume that her family will be caring for her.” The doctor commented.

“I am family.” Max said as he thought back to Jeff’s comment when they were introduced. “I’ll be the one caring for her I can assure you of that.”

“Well, ok then…” The doctor said and he continued to explain Liz’s at-home care routine.

Liz was bored out of her mind in the hospital. She couldn’t believe she was still here. She loved Max, but he was driving her crazy with his protectiveness. She wanted to go home and she didn’t care if she had to escape to get there.

“Ok…you ready baby?” Max asked after he came back from his talk with the doctor, he was shocked to see Liz in tears. “Liz? What’s the matter?”

“I want to go home Max.” Liz said and Max tried to interrupted her but she held up her hand to stop him. “I don’t care Max…I want to go home and I want to go now!!!!”

“Baby, will you let me talk?” Max asked with a smirk when Liz finally calmed down enough. “I was going to say that you can go home today.”

“MAX!!” Liz screamed as she jumped from the bed and into her boyfriend’s open arms. “Thank you so much!!”

“You’re welcome baby.” Max said as he kissed her. “Now, let’s get you dressed.”


“Liz it’s so good to see you home.” Mrs. Dumbnots said to Liz when the girl walked into the kitchen. “How are you feeling?”

“It’s good to see you too and I’m feeling fine.” Liz responded and she smiled when the cook went to the refrigerator and got a large piece of cheesecake and placed it in front of Liz. Liz turned and rolled her eyes when Max entered the kitchen. “Mrs. Dumbnots, I’d like you to meet Max Evans, my boyfriend.”

“Nice to meet you Max.” The cook said as she pulled another piece of cheesecake out of the refrigerator and set it in front of Max. “He’s a cute one Liz.”

“Thanks…um. It’s nice to meet you.” Max said and he blushed when the cook complimented him.

“Well…I’ll just get ready to cook dinner for you all.” Mrs. Dumbnots said as she turned to get some out some pots and pans but she turned to Max. “Do you have any food allergies, or anything you just can’t eat?”

“No ma’am.” Max said and the cook smiled and left the couple alone. “So…how are you feeling?”

“I’m doing good.” Liz said as she turned around and grabbed two forks and handed one to Max. “I’m eating.”

“Good to know.” Max smirked. “You keeping it down?” Max asked serious concern in his eyes.

“Yup. I’m feeling great Max…really.” Liz said with a smile but Max noticed it didn’t reach her eyes.

“How about sleeping? Is that going ok?” Max asked and Liz nodded. “Really?”

“It isn’t a solid night’s sleep, but it’s getting better.” Liz explained and Max nodded after he accepted her answer.

“So…what do you do around here for fun?” Max asked with a smirk and Liz took a bite of her cheesecake and giggled.

“Grab your cake…let’s go.” Liz said as she walked out of the kitchen with her cake and Max quickly followed.


“What is this place?” Max asked as he followed blindly behind Liz through hallways and up stairs.

“You’ll see.” Liz giggled as she pulled Max into the dark room. “Ok, you ready?”

“Nothing is going to jump out at me right?” Max joked. “Ok…ready as I’ll ever be.”

Liz smiled and then touched the lighting pad behind them. She hit most of the switches and waited for Max’s reaction. She watched as his eyes widened when the lights turned on. She smirked when the entertainment cabinet doors slide open and a full theatre size screen slid down. “So…I’m getting the impression that you like what you see?”

“Liz? What is this place?” Max asked as he walked forward and started to touch the different leather chairs and couches in the room. He was amazed at all the DVD players and stereo equipment…it was every man’s dream room.

“It’s our very own movie theatre.” Liz explained and she pushed another button causing another cabinet to open and a full size refrigerator filled with almost every soda made, shelves full of boxed and bar candies, and a popcorn machine. “With our very own concession stand.”

“This is amazing. Too bad we didn’t stop by and rent some movies on our way home from the hospital.” Max commented as he checked out the sound system. From what he knew, it all looked top of the line. Max could admit he was disappointed…he really wanted to try this stuff out.

“Oh Max, ye of little faith.” Liz smirked as she pushed the last button and Max turned around when he heard noises from behind him. When Max found the source of the noise his mouth dropped to the ground when the last wall’s cabinets opened and he watched as shelf after shelf of DVD’s came to into view. “I think we have something you would want to watch.”

“I would say so.” Max said as he moved forward and read some of the titles. “There has to be over a 1000 movies here.”

“I think there are at least 4 thousand…but I’ve never counted.” Liz said as she moved to the candy and grabbed a box of chocolate covered peanuts and opened it.

“4 thousand?” Max asked as he turned and stared at Liz who just shrugged her shoulders. “Have you ever watched all of them?”

“I’ve tried…I think one summer Maria, Alex, Michael and I got all the way through the G’s before we had to go back to school.” Liz explained with a smile when she thought back to all those late night movies. That was actually around the time that she and Alex were ‘together’. Michael and Maria sat on one couch trying not to touch each other and Alex and Liz were snuggled on the next couch laughing at the movie and their friends.

“I have an idea.” Max said as he moved to stand in front of Liz and took a handful of the candy and popped it in his mouth. “Why don’t we have a movie night? There is enough room for all of us. We could bring some blankets in here and it would be like an all night sleepover.”

“Sure, sounds good.” Liz said with a smile. She started to make the plans in her head. “What time does Kyle’s flight get in?”

“Everybody else is meeting him there in about half an hour and then coming straight here.” Max said and he watched as the wheels turned in Liz’s head. “What are you planning?”

“Nothing.” Liz said with a smirk and then she leaned forward and kissed Max. “Have I done that today?”

“You’re covering up something.” Max smirked before he kissed her again. “But I like how you’re doing it.”

“Good.” Liz said and she pulled Max to her. They continued to kiss passionately, until they heard someone clear their throat and they broke apart. “Daddy!!”

Jeff had just walked in on his daughter in a lurid embrace with her boyfriend. Although Jeff really liked Max it still bugged any father to catch his daughter getting physical with somebody. “Just wanted to see how Max liked our theatre.”

“It’s nice. I wouldn’t mind having one of these when I get my own place.” Max commented and cautiously tried to wipe of any of Liz’s lips gloss residue from his lips.

“Daddy, we’re thinking of having a movie all-nighter…what do you think?” Liz asked as she grabbed Max’s hand. She knew he was embarrassed, but they were adults and could do anything they wanted.

“You picking up where you left off last time?” Jeff asked and Liz smirked.

“I thought since it would be Max, Tess, and Kyle’s first time here, that they would get to choose a movie.” Liz explained and Max chuckled.

“But, I think to be on the safe side, we will probably be picking a chick friendly movie, instead of the normal action movie that Kyle and I would pick.” Max replied and Jeff laughed before leaving them. “Wow…that was close.”

“What? My dad walking in on us?” Liz said as she pulled Max to her but he resisted. “Max…it’s fine.”

“No it’s not Liz…your dad just walked in on us.” Max exclaimed and continued with a sigh when Liz stared at him confused. “What if he hadn’t come in…what if we didn’t stop?”

“Well, then we would have continued what we were doing when I had to leave over a weak ago.” Liz said huskily as she ran a hand down his chest. Since they had started dating, they had seen each other every day…this last week was the most time they had spent apart since they met and Liz wanted to make that up.

“Liz…I know I was ok with it back then.” Max started to explain, but Liz interrupted him.

“You don’t want to be with me?” Liz asked devastated as she pulled away from him, but Max pulled her back quickly reassuring her.

“No…that’s not what I meant Liz.” Max rushed out and she looked up at him. “I love you, and I want you so bad. But you just got out of the hospital…I don’t want to rush or hurt you.”

“Max.” Liz sighed as she caressed his cheek completely awed by his love for her. “I love you too…and I know you would never rush or hurt me. But I’m ready.”

“Ok.” Max replied. “Don’t take this the wrong way…but I’m not.”

“But I thought…with Vicky.” Liz commented as she shook her head in confusion.

“No, I have. But I want to wait with you Liz. I love you and I don’t want to rush it at all.” Max explained and Liz pulled him down for a sweet kiss.

“I love you.” Liz sighed and Max kissed her again, deeply so she could feel his love through every caress.


An hour later Max and Liz were setting up everything when their friends barged in the room, announcing their arrival.

“Where is she?” Kyle asked when he entered the room and he started to look around for Liz. He watched as she stepped out from behind Max and he glared at her. “You, young lady, gave us all quite the scare.”

“I know…I’ve heard all about it from these guys.” Liz said as she gestured to her friends and they all smirked. Although she wasn’t very close to Kyle, she still did care about the crazy guy…he was perfect for Tess.

“Just don’t go doing it again.” Kyle said and he pulled Liz into a strong hug and kissed her temple causing Max to growl. “Easy boy…just saying hi.”

“Next time say ‘Hi’ without using your mouth.” Max said as he pulled Liz back to his side and safely tucked her under his arm.

“Ok…so what are we watching guys?” Maria said as she moved over to shelves of DVD’s and ran her fingers over the titles. “We starting where we left off at the G’s?”

“No…I decided to let Max, Kyle, and Tess pick a movie since it’s their first time here.” Liz explained and Kyle’s face lit up as he ran towards the movies are started to argue with Maria and Tess about what movie to watch. “Max…mind supervising?”

“No problem.” Max said as he bent down and kissed Liz sweetly before heading over to the arguing friends.

“Hey.” Liz heard behind her and she turned to see Alex and Michael looking at her hesitantly.

“Hey guys…what going on?” Liz asked and she watched her agents share a look before Alex spoke.

“We just wanted to know how you were doing.” Alex asked as he put his hands in his pockets.

“I’m fine.” Liz responded confused at her friends’ behaviors. “Is everything alright?”

“No…actually everything is not alright.” Michael sighed. “We want to apologize to you Liz.”

“For what?” Liz asked. She tried to think back but she couldn’t find any reason for them to apologize.

“For not noticing that you weren’t ok.” Alex added and Liz tried to interrupt.


“NO!” Alex yelled which caused everyone in the room to turn and pay attention to the conversation. “No…don’t try to say it’s ok Liz. We failed you!”

“Alex.” Max tried to object. He didn’t know where this was going, but he didn’t like what was happening.

“No, you were right Max. It was our jobs to protect her and we failed. We should have been paying attention.” Michael said and Liz turned an angry glare to Max.

“WHAT?” Liz yelled and Max winced. “You said that to them? Max, how could you!”

“Liz…I didn’t mean it and they know that.” Max pleaded for her to understand. “I was upset and I was trying to take it out on someone.”

“I don’t care Max…it was wrong. What happened to me was not anybody’s fault but my own.” Liz cried and Max tried to pull her close to him but she stayed back. “No.”

“Liz…I’m sorry.” Max pleaded and his heart fell when Liz shook her head.

“No Max, no. I was the one not eating, I was the one making myself sick, and I was the one not sleeping. Alex and Michael had nothing to do with that.” Liz explained as the tears flew down her cheeks.

“Liz…” Max said and he held out his arms as she ran towards him and crashing against his chest. “Shhh…it’s ok. You’re fine now. I got you.”

“I’m so sorry.” Liz sobbed but she was soon surrounded by comfort and she looked up as she watched all her friends go together in a group hug. Liz laughed at the stupidity of the whole ordeal. “I feel so stupid.”

“Nonsense.” Tess said as she grabbed a napkin and handed it to Liz to wipe her tears. “It’s always good to cry.”

“I cry all the time. It just happens.” Maria added and Michael scoffed.

“Believe me; I know she cries all the time…I have to try to understand what she is babbling about.” Michael said and Maria slapped his arm. “Ouch.”

“Oops…sorry.” Maria said sarcastically.

“Thanks guys.” Liz said as she finished wiping her tears. “So, let’s get this party started!!”

“Sounds good.” Alex said and when everybody started to turn away he quickly pulled Liz into his arms and kissed her temple. “I love you Liz.”

“I love you too Alex.” Liz said and she pulled away and kissed his cheek. She watched from the corner of her eye as Max was watching their every move, and she winked at him.

Liz headed towards her friends for a fun filled night.


Around 3 in the morning, Max talked everybody into going back to their own rooms for the night. They had stayed up and watched at least 5 different movies while laughing and eating snacks. Michael offered to share his room with Maria, and Alex did the same with Isabelle. Liz had set up guest rooms for Kyle, Tess, and Max earlier in the night so they didn’t have to worry about it when they are all tired in the wee hours of the morning.

After escorting everybody else to their rooms Max returned to the theatre to get Liz. When he walked into the room he noticed the mess and realized the cleaning ladies were going to kill them for it. Max walked in looking for Liz and found her completely asleep on the couch. He smiled as he made his way to her and he gently picked her up. Max was amazed at how light Liz was and how easily she molded into his arms. Max made his way back to Liz’s room and laid her down on her bed softly. He then carefully removed Liz’s shoes and jeans and found a pair of pajama pants in her closet and put them on her before he tucked her in for the night. Max bent down and placed a sweet kiss on her forehead and whispered his love to her before he left for his own room.

About a half an hour later, Liz woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. She tossed and turned until she finally got up and grabbed her robe. As she was walking out of her room she saw her reflection in the mirror and realized that Max had changed her clothes for her and she smiled at his love for her. Liz quietly made her way down the hall and entered the dark room.

Max was sleeping peacefully but he woke up shocked when he felt someone kneel on his bed. He opened his eyes and recognized the silhouette in the moonlight immediately. “Liz…what? What’s wrong?”

“I couldn’t sleep.” Liz explained as she crawled up the bed and Max nodded in understanding, glad that she had come to him instead of just not sleeping.

“Come here.” Max stated as he moved over in the large bed and pulled the covers back for Liz to join him. He sighed when she lay down and snuggled against his chest instantaneously. “I love you Liz.” Max declared ad he placed a kiss on her forehead.

“I love you.” Liz responded before sleep claimed her easily. The couple slept peacefully in each other’s arms the whole night.

TBC...Hope you all enjoyed it!!! I love hearing from you all so let me know and once again...HI LURKERS COME OUT AND PLAY!!