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Time After Time Series (Various Authors)

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:07 pm
by Kath7

Time After Time is a series of loosely linked stories throughout history. Each story will feature Max and Liz in a CC relationship. Most of the other pairings will be CC, but it is not required (meaning that mild UC is a possibility). Nor is pairing the other characters with anyone necessarily going to happen. The stories in this series can all be read independently, but will be connected by Max and Liz's relationship, and by one other trend. See if you can pick it out! The stories may end happily, or not. This is at the discretion of the author. The backstory in each fic might be different. These stories are not necessarily canon based. The events of the TV show Roswell are just another link in the time after time chain.

Here is a list of the authors participating in the challenge (click on the banner to access each story):

Breathless . . . The Beginning (prehistoric man) (Complete)


Christmasnazi . . . Ancient Greece

Chione . . . 1340 - 1270 BCE...Coming Soon!


Breathless . . . 1 - 35 AD

ps_dreamer . . . 579 - 600

cherie . . . 840-865

Thanette . . . 1060-1140

Doublestuf . . . 1140-1165 (WIP)


Kath7 . . . 1170-1230 (Complete)


Applebylicious . . . 1343 - 1400 (WIP)




Islandgirl5...1470-1530...Inside Your Heaven (WIP)


kay_b Renaissance (coming soon!)


roswellianprincess16 . . . 1570-1600 (Complete)


blake . . . 1610-1670

Kath7 . . . 1770 – next story

Kath7 . . . 1800 - 1840's..Coming Soon!


LysCat . . . 1840's - 1889

Fred . . . 1890 – 1924

Luvya . . . 1925-1947...Coming Soon!


Zendorox. . . 1947-1975/76


Roswell TV Show Canon Period - 1982-2002 - OFF LIMITS

Jason's Princess...2006-2070....Coming Soon!




Anniepoo98...2450 - 2575

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:23 pm
by Kath7
Sig banners! Link yourself to this thread! Please save them to your own server. Thanks to Annie for her hard work!






Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:52 pm
by Fred
There are still a bunch of open dates (past and future) so I wanted to tell all the writers out there that you are welcome to join us. Just click on the challenge below. :D

Time After Time Challenge

Also, I wanted to say again how much I love the banners Annie! They are beautiful! And Kath - thank you so much for putting this thread together and writing the summary! You all are wonderful!!! THANK YOU!!! :D

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:59 pm
by Anniepoo98
Howdy all~

I've made a couple of not time specific banners at Debbie's request. Feel free to let me know if you would more made!


PS.... please save to your own server/photoalbum.




Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:44 am
by nickimlow
The stories up so far are awesome and the banners are beautiful!! Can I use them in my sig too? :D

This challenge sounds like so much fun. I soooo regret having exams this year. Poof poof poooooof! Is it possible to reserve a time period but work on it after my exams- ahem, which are in October :?


Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:54 pm
by Kath7
Selena's link added! As to coming on board later, I don't see why not. After all, I know I'll be writing my two newer stories in October. lol As long as it's a time period not taken, I don't see any problem with it.

Fred, what do you think?


Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:40 am
by Fred
nickimlow - PLEASE feel free!!! I know (with everything that has been going on in my life) I won't be writing my story for a few months and personally, I'm thrilled that writers are still showing an interest! So if you want to write in a time period that is still unclaimed just let me or Kath know (or reply on the challenge thread) and we will add you to the lists. :D

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 11:49 am
by Kath7
Welcome Jason's Princess to the Time after Time family!

Also, check out the beautiful banner that Annie made for my Regency fic.

Don't forget to pm your banners, once they're ready to go, even if you're not yet ready to post your fic. Advertising is everything. :wink:

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:34 pm
by Breathless
I've started posting In The Beginning. Kath, can you tell me how to turn the picture of the banner into a link to the fic?

And can you change it in the first post to the addy below? I saved it into my photobucket account, the one on the first page is Anniepoo's foki account. Thanks! ... inning.jpg

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:39 am
by Kath7

I added your banner to my fokti account, because it's just easier for me to track them that way. : )

Post this to have your banner be a link (just take out the **):

[url**=][img] ... ss1-vi.jpg[**/img][**/url]

Beautiful banner, Kay!