For Better Or Worse: Take Two(CC,AU,Adult) AN, 2/4/06 [WIP]

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For Better Or Worse: Take Two(CC,AU,Adult) AN, 2/4/06 [WIP]

Post by LittleHottie510 »

Title: For Better Or Worse: Take Two

Author: Sarah Marie

Rating: Adult

Genre: AU, No Aliens. Alternating Max and Liz POV.

Couple: All CC. Max/Liz, Michael/Maria, Alex/Isabel, Kyle/Tess

Disclaimer: Alright, check it. I don’t own, you don’t sue. Cool? I’m borrowing the characters, they belong to Katims, Metz, and the head people at the networks. All I can claim is the idea. I promise to put our favorite Roswellians back where I found them when I’m done. I’ll try to leave them more of less in one piece.

Summery: The sequel to All’s Fair In Love And War, I highly recommend reading that one first. It can be found here. We all know that Max and Liz have had their issues, but lately, everything is going great. They have a beautiful daughter, and they’ve worked through their issues. Now, comes the next step: Max is going to ask Liz to marry him... again. This follows Max and Liz from the proposal, through the planning of the wedding, to the actual event itself.

(AMAZING banner by my Holmes, Raychel.(Raychelxlucious) I love you!!!!)


(Max POV)

I prop myself up on my elbows, careful not to jostle the bed too much. It takes every ounce of willpower in my being to not reach out and touch her as I stare down at her sleeping form. There’s no doubt about it people. I’m completely in love with Liz Parker.

She’s laying on her stomach, one hand shoved up underneath her pillow, while the other rests on said pillow, a few inches away from her face. God, this woman is absolutely beautiful. Of course, I might be slightly bias, seeing as how we were married once before, and she is the mother of my child. Although, I dare you to find one person who would disagree with the fact that Liz is beautiful. You simply couldn’t. It’s impossible.

Its absolutely insane to me to think back over everything we’ve been through together. No one can ever say we’ve had a normal relationship, I can tell you that much. However, despite all the bullshit that it took to get us to this moment, I wouldn’t trade any of it for anything. Sure, I regret the fact that we were separated for so long, and I definitely could have done without that divorce... but in the end, it was all worth it.

Liz and I recently bought a house. Well, we didn’t really buy it. My parents bought it for us, if you really want to nitpick the situation. I had eventually moved into Liz’s apartment, because I couldn’t stand to be away from Sophia, and I can’t deny that being closer to her was a bad thing... but when the time came to either renew her lease, or move out, my parents sprung the news on us that they’d already purchased a house for us, and it was just waiting for us to move in.

Although we declined, over and over again, that we didn’t want them to just buy us a house, we wanted to do it on our own, they got us with the argument that this way, we could save up money for Sophia to go to college.

Logically, I know that my baby going to college is still a long way in the future, seeing as how she’s only a year and a half old now, I couldn’t turn down their offer. So, we moved in about two months ago, and here we are. Of course, they waited until we were completely moved to tell us that they’d already had a college account set up for Soph. They knew that we wouldn’t go through the hell of moving again, so they had us cornered.

Things were hectic, to say the least, while we were moving, not to mention decorating. In the end, it all worked out. We’re all settled, and everything is going great.

Liz has began taking classes at the local college. She’s still not completely sure what she wants to do, but I’m not too worried about that. Kyle, Michael and I have more business at the body shop than we know what to do with, most of the time, so money is no issue. Not to mention the fact that I’m a trust fund baby, anyway. Yeah, no worries there.

Moving isn’t the only thing that’s kept us busy. Maria finally managed to talk Michael into tying the knot, they were married almost a year ago. Isabel and Alex have also gotten married, and Isabel found out about a month ago that she’s pregnant. Kyle and Tess have moved in together, but neither of them seem to be in any big hurry to get engaged and get married.

I hear Sophia begin snuffling through the baby monitor. As quickly as I can, I get up, trying my best not to wake up Liz. Once I’m certain that I’ve managed to get up, without waking her, I haul ass down the hall towards the nursery.

I push the door open, and find Sophia standing in her crib, waiting for me. “Hey, my beautiful little girl.” I whisper as I bend down to pick her up. She quickly tucks her face into the crook of my neck. “What’re you doing up? Huh?”

Sophia has been a wonderful baby. She almost always sleeps through the night, is hardly ever fussy, and is not that difficult to entertain. Liz always jokes that if we have another, it’s going to be the child from hell.

I take her to her changing table, pulling apart the snaps that go up the inside of her legs. I coo nonsense at her as I pull her legs out of her pajamas. I bend down to smack little kisses on one of her hands, just as the other reaches out and tangles into my hair, giving it a hard yank.

“Ahh.” I groan as she tightens her grip and pulls harder. “No, no, no.” I scold gently. “You love Daddy, and you don’t want him to be bald.” It takes a few seconds, but I’m finally able to retract her hand, most of my hair still in tact. I rub the sore spot on the crown of my head before I go back to changing her diaper.

After I’m all done, and she’s all clean and dry, I snap her pajamas back on her, and scoop her up off the changing table. I bounce her gently as I walk over to her crib, grabbing her pacifier and poking it softly against her lips.

She quickly opens her mouth, sucking on it happily as I walk over to the rocking chair in the corner of the room. I lower myself into it, cradling her head in the crook of my arm and patting her bottom as I begin rocking.

I stare down into her beautiful face as her eyes begin to droop, and her pacifier slowly slides from her mouth. I manage to catch it before it can fall to the floor, no doubt making a noise as it would land.

I hold her for a few minutes longer, and just watch her sleep. She’s beautiful, just like her mother. Although, she did get my eyes, and my black hair, the rest of her facial features came from her mom. I’ll never know how I got so lucky, but I thank God everyday that I did.

I slowly rise from the chair, careful not to wake Sophia up. She snuffles a little, turning her face into my chest before settling back down. I walk back over to the crib, carefully placing her in it as gently as possible. She snuffles again, but doesn’t wake up.

I breathe a sigh of relief before setting her pacifier on the small table near the crib, and padding to the door. I close it behind me, leaving it open just a crack. I make a detour into the kitchen for a glass of water, quickly gulping it down before climbing back up the stairs and heading back to bed.

As I slip back between the sheets, I lay on my side to watch Liz sleep a little longer. She’s rolled over in her sleep, now laying on her side, facing me. Her arms are wrapped tightly around a medium sized teddy bear that I got for her after she had Soph. There was a smaller bear that came with it, the larger bear said ‘Mommy’ across the stomach in pink cursive letters, the smaller one has ‘Baby’ written across it. I don’t know why I liked those damn bears so much, but I fell in love with them, and got them. Sophia’s sits in the bottom right corner of her crib, while Liz holds hers every night.

This time, I’m unable to stop myself as my hand reaches out to push a few strands of hair out of her face, that have escaped her ponytail during the night. I run my knuckles down her cheek and I’m shocked when she opens her eyes and looks at me.

“I’m sorry, Angel. I didn’t mean to wake you up.” I whisper, giving her an apologetic smile.

She stretches before responding. “You didn’t wake me up just now. You woke me up when Sophia was pulling your hair.” She giggles a little.

“How did you know that’s what was going on?” I narrow my eyes at her. “Did you follow me down the hall and spy on me?”

She giggles again before sitting up and releasing her hair from its holder. She shakes it free and it falls in a cascade of chocolate waves around her shoulders. She grabs a handful, shaking it at me. “You think I’ve never had some of this yanked out?” She cocks an eyebrow at me. “Please, I’m surprised I don’t have gaping bald spots. That girl LOVES pulling hair.” She rolls her eyes, pulling her hair back up and securing it.

Once she’s all settled back in bed, I lean over and place a soft kiss against her lips. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” She whispers back, snuggling deeper into her pillow and closing her eyes.

In that moment, I know that what I’ve been contemplating for the past two weeks is exactly what I need to do. I love this woman more than I love the next breath of air that I need to survive. I don’t ever want to live without her.

God help me, I’m gonna ask Liz to marry me. Again.


So? Short, I know... but its just the prologue. The chapters are longer, of course. Lemme know what ya'll think!
Last edited by LittleHottie510 on Sat Feb 04, 2006 9:37 pm, edited 19 times in total.
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Post by LittleHottie510 »

Hey guys! I'm back with the first chapter. Since Wednesday was my official posting day for "All's Fair In Love And War" (I don't know why I remember such details.)... Wed. will be my official posting day for this, too.

I hope you guys enjoy this. I've, so far, had a good time writing it.

Thanks to everyone who left me feedback. I greatly appreciate it. I'm shutting up now. On with the first chapter.

Chapter One

(Max POV)

I ducked out of work a little early today. I didn’t tell Michael, or Kyle why, I just told them I had something I needed to do. Being as that they’re guys, they just grunted in response. That’s just how the guys are. You don’t have to explain things to them, they don’t poke and prod in your business. They take what you tell them at face value. You gotta love that.

I wring my hands nervously as I stare at the door in front of me. I’ve been standing here for a good five minutes, yet I haven’t been able to make myself actually knock on the damn thing. I sigh, rolling my neck to try to ease the tension as I finally step forward and rap my knuckles on the door a few times. I take a step back and wait until its opened.

I don’t have to wait long before Nancy Parker opens the front door. “Well, then turn the channel, Jeff!” She yells over her shoulder before turning to face me. She’s slightly shocked to see me. “Max.” She states the obvious. Yes, Mrs. Parker. I’m Max. Nice to meet you. I mentally roll my eyes. “What are you doing here, honey?” She asks, stepping out the door and looking around a little. “Is Liz with you? Where is that darling granddaughter of mine?”

“Liz and Sophia are at home, Nancy. I was wondering if I could talk to you and Jeff for a moment.” I’m still wringing my hands nervously in front of me, something that doesn’t escape her attention.

She looks down at my hands, then back up at me, raising an eyebrow. She doesn’t question it however, just opens the door for me. “Of course, come on in.”

I step inside their apartment, closing the door behind me. I follow her as she makes her way into the livingroom, where Jeff is sitting on the couch, yelling at the TV.

“What the hell is George doing on that list?! Who decided this?! I’m writing a strongly worded letter!” He yells, tossing one of the throw pillows in the TV’s general direction.

“What’re you watchin, Jeff?” I ask, taking a seat in the chair adjacent to the couch.

“Oh, this stupid thing on the Discovery Channel.” He grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s called Greatest American, its supposed to be a list of the greatest Americans, or some crap like that. They put fuckin George Bush on here though. How the hell he’s considered a great American is completely beyond me!”

“Jeff, watch your language.” Nancy reprimands him from the kitchen entrance. “Max, would you like something to drink?”

“No, I’m fine. Thank you.” I decline.
“What are you doing here?” Jeff says, prying his eyes away from the TV to look at me. “Are Liz and Sophia with you?”

“Do you see them anywhere, Jeff? What kind of a question is that?” Nancy asks, coming into the livingroom to sit beside him on the couch. I don’t bother to point out the fact that she asked me that same question not three minutes before, instead, I wisely keep my mouth shut.

“It’s a perfectly logical question.” Jeff throws back. “I can’t, for the life of me, remember a time when Max has showed up here without the girls with him.” He turns to look at me again. “Not that I mind that you stopped by on your own, I’m just sayin.”

“No, its ok.” I wave him off.

“Max said he wanted to talk to us for a minute.” Nancy says to Jeff, although he’s been sucked back into the vortex of the Discovery Channel. “Jeffery!” Nancy claps her hands in front of his face.

“What was all that about?” He asks, jumping slightly at the sudden noise. “You could have just said my name, you know?”

“I did.” She sighs. “Give me the remote, Jeff.” She makes a grab for the remote, but he grabs it first, holding it out of her reach. “Jeff!” She scolds, swatting at his shoulder. She leans her mouth in closer to his ear, hoping to garner his attention that way. “MAX NEEDS TO TALK TO US!” She screams, talking slowly.

“I ain’t deaf.” He grumbles, rubbing his ear. “That’s all you had to say.” He turns off the TV, setting the remote on the coffee table. “So, what do you need to talk to us about?”

Now, by this point, I’m trying my hardest to not laugh. I take a deep breath, hoping to quell any laughter threatening to bubble up.

Nancy apparently notices my valiant attempt to not laugh, slapping Jeff in the thigh. “See that, now? You made him all giggley. You should have just turned off the TV when I told you to.”

“Men don’t giggle, Nancy.” He corrects, rolling his eyes.

“Ok, so the reason I came by...” I start, knowing that its now or never. I’ve managed to keep my laughter at bay, and I haven’t lost my nerve yet. Here goes nothin. “I wanted to ask you both.” I stop to look at both of them. “If I had your permission to ask Liz to marry me.” I pause for a minute, before tacking on one final thought. “Again.”

They both look shocked by my admission. “Oh, wow.” Nancy fiddles with the pendant on her necklace, looking over at Jeff. “I was wondering when you’d finally ask Lizzie to marry you.”
“Yeah, what took you so long?” Jeff asks, tilting his head to the side. “And one more thing, why did you feel the need to ask our permission? You didn’t last time.” He finishes, a slight bitterness in his tone, which I can understand.

Last time Liz and I got married, it was a spur of the moment thing. It was a few weeks before we were due to leave for college, and we had been busy packing up all of our stuff, and making sure we were going to make it out to New York in time for orientation and all that stuff.

We’d finally put a night aside to spend together, no worries about packing, or driving to New York, or being college freshman. We’d ended up at a party at some kids parents cabin in Fraiser Woods. We’d both been drinking, and we were out on the dance floor, I can’t even remember the song that was playing at the time. She was smiling and laughing about something, and I just blurted out ‘Marry me.’ It took her a minute to get over the shock, but she agreed. We went the next day and applied for our marriage license, then were married at the court house two days later.

I know now that it wasn’t at all the fairy tale wedding that Liz had been envisioning for us. It definitely wasn’t the wedding she deserved. She deserved the whole nine yards. A big beautiful dress, bridesmaids, a photographer, a reception, and a first dance. I’m not a total numbnuts, I know that’s the dream that every little girl has when she thinks of her wedding. I regret that I never got to give her that the first time around, but I plan to make it up to her now.

Liz is going to get the big wedding that she’s always dreamed of. I’ll stop at nothing to make sure that it happens.

“I know that I messed up the last time I did this.” I tell them, looking down at my work boots. “I should have asked your permission, and we should have done it right.” I glance back up at them. “But that’s all in the past now. I can’t go back in time and change it, and honestly, if I could, I don’t think I would. All of that... the impromptu wedding, the separation, the divorce... it lead me here. I have a beautiful daughter, and I have the kind of girl that any guy would kill to have.” I take a deep breath. Ranting and babbling is really Maria’s thing. “I want the three of us to be a family. I want to marry your daughter, and I want to make her happy.”

“How do I know you’re not going to screw it up like you did the last time?” He throws back. Well, I can’t say I wasn’t expecting at least some of this.

“Jeff!” Nancy gasps, then turns to me. “I’m sorry...”

“No.” I hold my hand up and stop her. “It’s a legitimate question. I screwed up the last time and I screwed up badly.” I turn to Jeff to answer his question. “Liz and I are different people then we were before. We’ve both grown up and matured a lot since then. I know what it’s like to have her in my life, and I know what its like to not have her in my life. I don’t want to ever not have her in my life again.” I finish, hoping that it was enough to convince him.

I watch as he looks over at Nancy, and they pass looks back and forth. If they don’t answer me, I just might scream soon. It’s terribly nerve wracking to be left hanging in limbo like this. Although, I’m sure I’ll do the same thing when some boy asks me if they can marry my daughter. Oh, hell. I did not need to think of that right now. I quickly push those thought out of my mind. My little girl isn’t allowed to date until she’s thirty. I’ve just decided that.

“Alright, Max.” Jeff finally speaks up, startling me so much I nearly fall out of my chair.

“Alright?” I parrot, glancing between them. A slow smile spreads across my lips. “Is... is that a yes?”

“Yes.” Nancy nods. “You have our permission to ask Liz to marry you.”

I heave a huge sigh of relief, smiling like an idiot. “Thank you.” I stand up, as do both of them. I shake Jeff’s hand and give Nancy a hug. I begin to say my goodbyes before I stop and turn back to them. “Can I ask another favor?” Yeah, like asking them if I could have their daughter for the rest of my life wasn’t enough?

“Sure.” Jeff nods.

“I’m gonna ask her tomorrow night. Since tomorrow night is Friday, I’ll just ask her if she wants to do date night.” They nod, knowing that we tend to do that. They’re always anxious to babysit Sophia, so about once a month, Liz and I go out to dinner, or to a movie, or we stay in. Whatever we feel like. “I’m sure she’ll be calling you later tonight to ask if you can watch the baby...” I trail off.

“We’ll agree, and we won’t say a word.” Nancy promises.

“Thank you.” I smile back at them. “For everything.”

They both just nod, and I wave goodbye before heading towards the front door. Once I close it behind me, I take a deep breath. So far, everything’s going perfectly.

I practically skip down the stairs, then as I’m turning towards my car, I stop mid-step. My stomach does a quick flip-flop before I let out a curse and rip my cell phone from my pocket. Who’s the dumb ass that hasn’t bought a ring yet? Me, that’s who.

I quickly call Michael and Kyle, who are both still at the shop, and tell them to meet me at the Crashdown ASAP. It helps that I’m already here, seeing as Jeff and Nancy live above it. I put in another call to Alex, relaying the same message before I place one last call to my dad.

Once I’m assured that everyone will be there as soon as their cars would carry them... ok, so I was a bit dramatic, I told them it was a life and death emergency, I go to stand in front of the café and wait for them.


Michael, Alex and Kyle have arrived, and are asking questions like there’s no tomorrow. I tried to tell them that when my dad gets here, I’ll explain everything, but they’re relentless.

Finally, I see my dad’s car coming down the street, obviously speeding, before it whips it into a parking space in front of us, throwing the door open and running up to us. “What’s going on?” He demands, looking over at Michael, Alex and Kyle. “Hey guys.” He looks back at me. “What’s going on?” He asks again.

“Ok, first of all... did any of you call your women and tell them you were meeting me?” They all look at each other, then all shake their heads no. “Ok, good. This needs to be kept on the down low, understood?” They all nod, anxious for any shot of information I give them. I take a deep breath before finally announcing my news. “I’m going to ask Liz to marry me tomorrow.”

In unison, four pairs of eyebrows raise. I wait for a minute, and they say nothing. Finally, Alex opens his mouth. “That was the life and death emergency?” He rubs his temples with his fingers. “Max, I ran out in the middle of a meeting for this...”

“I know, I’m sorry. That’s not why you’re all here. I mean, it is, but its for something else.” They all look at me like I’m speaking Dutch. “I didn’t get Liz a ring yet.”

Kyle still appears to be confused as to what that matters, of course, he hasn’t tried doing this yet. My dad, Michael and Alex, however, all look horrified.

“Are you kidding?” Michael balks. I sadly shake my head no.

“You haven’t picked out a ring yet?” My father asks. Again, I shake my head no. WAS I speaking Dutch???

“Max, do you remember when I made you come with me to pick out Isabel’s ring?” Alex questions, not letting me answer before he plunges on. “We had to go to seven different jewelry stores. It took a total of over ten hours. The ring is the most important part of the proposal!”

I’m unable to hide an amused smile as Kyle pulls a small notebook out of his back pocket and begins jotting down notes. He pokes Alex slightly. “Hey, for future reference, which store would you recommend?”

“Oh, there’s this little one out in Dexter. It doesn’t look like much on the outside, but the selection...”

“Guys! You sound like girls! Keep the focus, please?!” I beg. Kyle jots down one last note before replacing the notebook in his pocket.

“Alright, just give me a minute.” My dad says, pulling his cell phone out of the inside pocket of his suit jacket, and dialing. He puts the phone to his ear, giving me a nod of... encouragement? I really don’t know why the hell he just nodded at me. To let me know he was on the phone? I don’t know.

“Christopher? Yeah, Phillip Evans. Just fine, thanks, you? Oh, Diane is doing wonderfully. How is Sheila? Good to hear. Yes, we will have all four of us together for dinner soon. You’ll have Sheila call Diane? Wonderful...” He glances over at me, and I give him a pleading look.

“Oh, right. Listen, Chris, my son is planning on asking his girlfriend to marry him tomorrow. No, I know they were married once before...” He sighs. “Christopher, please. Thank you. Now, he wants to ask her tomorrow, but he’s forgotten to get a ring. Yes, we tried telling him that.”

I groan. Yes, people. I’m an idiot. We’ve established this. Can we move towards fixing it now?? “In about ten minutes?” He continues into the phone, pacing the sidewalk. “Excellent. Goodbye.”

He hangs up the phone, placing it back in his pocket as he strides toward his car. Just as he’s about to climb in, I finally loose it. “DAD!” I yell, stomping my foot on the sidewalk like a three year old.

“We need to hurry and get over there.” He calls back. “Christopher is only going to be in for another hour. Everyone just follow me.” He instructs.

I sigh, but turn to walk towards my Denali anyway. I turn to look at the guys, who are still standing on the sidewalk, looking rather lost. “C’mon guys, just ride with me, I’ll drop you back off here later.”

They follow, and soon we’re all piled into the SUV, following my father down the road. “When did you decide you were going to ask her to marry you?” Michael asks. I hear something crunch after he asks, and I turn around to find him in the backseat, happily munching on some Doritos. I don’t even want to know where those came from.

“I’ve been thinking about it for a few weeks now. Decided definitely last night, asked Jeff and Nancy for their permission right before I called you guys.” I explain, pulling my cell phone out of my pocket again. “I have to call Liz and tell her I’ll be a little late, keep it down ok?”

They all chorus an ‘ok’ as I begin dialing. Liz picks up after the third ring. “Hey, you.” She giggles into the phone.

I know I have a dopey smile on my face, and you know what? I don’t care. “Hey baby. What’re you doing?”

“I’m making dinner.” She replies, right before something starts beeping. “Are you on your way home?”

“No, I’m gonna be late tonight, baby. You know we’ve been swamped around here lately. Kyle, Michael and I are staying around a little longer to get caught up.” I lie. I hate that I have to lie to her, but in this case, its something that has to be done. I’m sure she’ll forgive me for it later. “I’m sorry.”

“Oh, its ok.” She says, but I can hear the disappointment in her voice. “I made spaghetti and garlic bread for you.” My favorite, God, I feel even worse now. “I’ll just keep it warm until you get home ok?”

“No, don’t do that. You go ahead and eat, ok? I can reheat it when I get home.” I tell her.

“Its not the same after its been reheated, you tell me that all the time.” She says, then sighs. “No, I’ll just keep it warm and wait for you to come home, ok? I’ll go ahead and feed Soph and get her bath and all that, but try to hurry, ok?”

“I will, baby. I promise. I love you.” I feel like the biggest asshole in the world.

“I love you, too. Bye.” The line goes dead and I pull the cell phone away from my ear, snapping it closed.

“She made your favorite and you’re lying to her. How big of a piece of shit do you feel like right now?” Kyle asks from the backseat.

I don’t ask him how he knows that, I’ll just assume that he could hear the conversation and move on. “Dude.” I groan. “Shut up.”

The rest of the ride is made in silence. We finally park next to my dads Lexus and get out of the car.

“Now, we’re dealing with Christopher Jacobs, ok?” He starts, clasping his hand on my shoulder as we begin walking. “I’ve known this man for many years, he’s the best around here. You just find the one you like, and leave the rest up to me, understood?”

I nod. Far be it for me to deny my father the opportunity to argue with someone. He is a lawyer, after all. He lives for this kinda shit.

We walk into the jewelry store, and Michael, Alex and Kyle began scanning all the cases, while my father drags me off to meet some guy, who I can only assume to the this Christopher dude he’s been talking about for ten minutes.

“Christopher, this is my son, Max. Max, this is Christopher, the best jeweler I know.” My father begins schmoozing right off the bat. You gotta give him his credit when its due. The man is good.

“Max, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Your mother is always raving about you and your sister.” He smiles at me, holding out his hand. I shake it, smiling back at him. “You’re looking for an engagement ring, as I understand.”

“Yeah.” I nod, looking around at the guys. They all look so confused, I barely hold in a chuckle. “Do you mind?” I hitch my thumb over my shoulder, indicating that I’d rather be looking for a ring, then chit-chatting for the rest of the day.

“Oh, by all means.” They both dismiss me, then begin talking about their wives again. I can tell you exactly how its going to go down. They’ll discuss the last time they got together, laugh about what a wonderful time it was, promise each other that they’ll get together again soon, then forget five minutes later. Happens all the time.

I make my way over to the cases, and begin looking. I have no doubt that the confused look on my face is back. I forgot how much trouble this was the last time. There are way too many options. Do I want the square diamonds, or the round ones, or a weird shaped diamond that I can’t even begin to describe the shape of? I already know that Liz hates yellow gold, so its either white gold or platinum. I’m going to go ahead and go with platinum. My girl deserves the very best. Of course, I can’t really tell the difference between white gold and platinum, so I’m back at square one. Damn it.

Michael, Alex and Kyle soon make their way over to me. “Find anything?” I ask, not glancing up from the case I’m perusing.

“There are too many options.” Kyle whines. “I don’t want to have to do this for Tess. Maybe I can just let her pick it out.”

“I’m having flashbacks of the horrors of trying to find Isabel’s ring.” Alex says. I look over and he does look slightly pale. Of course, my sister isn’t the easiest person to please, so he had a lot of pressure riding on his shoulders about that.

“Me too.” Michael agrees. “But for Maria.” He adds, like we’d assume he bought Isabel an engagement ring.

“Do you know what you’re looking for?” Christopher asks, coming over with my father in tow.

“I know Liz hates yellow gold. So I want something in a platinum band.” I tell him.
“I’ll get all of them gathered up for you.” He snaps his fingers and three employees swoop in from the wings. Once he’s relayed his message to them, they take off and begin shuffling around the shop. Thank God I called my father. “Do you know what sort of cut the lady likes?”

I open my mouth to respond with a ‘fuck if I know’ type comment, when out of left field my dad runs in. “Princess or Emerald cut.” He announces.

“How do you know?” I have to ask.

“Your mother has spoken to Liz about it before.” He shrugs. Yeah, I would have been lost as all hell if I hadn’t called my dad. I was debating on just having the guys come with me, but I don’t trust them with a Ziplock bag, let alone to help me pick out the most important piece of jewelry I’ll ever purchase. Yeah, ok, so I’ve done this once before. Big flippin deal. It was quite awhile ago, my memory span is not that long, so sue me.

Chris walks over to his workers, apparently relaying that we only want... whatever the hell my dad said. A few minutes later, four trays of rings are brought over to us. How the hell did they manage to find that many matching my very specific criteria? Its only then that I look around and realize just how freakin enormous this place is to begin with.

I shake my head, focusing on the rings displayed in front of me. After taking about ten minutes to look at each of them, I turn to regard my friends. “What do you guys think?”

Michael shrugs. “They all look the same to me.”

“Thanks for the help, dude.” I retort, turning back to the ladies that are behind the counter. “What would you two recommend?”

They both smile flirtatiously at me, taking me off guard a little. Hi, am I not here to buy an engagement ring? Move on, ladies.

They give me their input anyway, although I don’t really like the ones they suggested. “Max, just stare at them. The one that draws your attention the most, that’s the one.” My father suggests.

I take a deep breath, then stare at the rings. This sounds ridiculous. This is never going to... Oh, I really like that one.

I pick up one of them, bringing it closer to inspect. “I like this one.”

Christopher leans over to get a closer look at which one I have my eye on. “Very nice choice. The center diamond is a Princess cut, around four carats. It’s flanked by two baguette cut diamonds each of which are one carat. And, of course, its set in a platinum band.” He explains the whole thing to me, which does nothing more than confuse me. Really, all I need to know about it is that I like it, and I think Liz will like it. The need for knowledge ends there.

I grab onto the tiny sticker hanging from the band to take a look at the price tag. I literally fall backwards into Alex, who almost crumples under my weight.

Luckily, we manage to remain standing, as Michael and my dad reach over to grab onto my arms. “What’s the matter, Max?” My dad asks.

I shove the price tag into this face, my eyes round. He takes the ring from me, looking carefully at the price tag. “Huh, not bad at all.” He shrugs, handing the ring back to Christopher. “We’ll take it.”

“Dad!” I balk as Christopher runs off with the ring. “Did you not see the price tag on that thing? I could buy a car for that much money! I can’t afford that! Have you lost your mind, man?!” I grab him by the shoulders and shake him. I’m officially losing it.

“Max, pull it together.” He pries my hands off of him. He rights his tie and his jacket before turning back to me. “It will be taken care of.”

“No, dad.” I vehemently shake my head. “No way.”

“Don’t argue with your father.” He sternly replies.

I know it’d be a losing battle anyway, so I can do nothing more then stare at the tips of my boots. I wait a few moments before I try, one last time. “Dad...” I start.

“Maxwell.” My father turns to me. “I didn’t get to do this last time. You and Liz got married so quickly last time, I didn’t get to do any of this. I didn’t get to pick out the ring, or help you get ready before the wedding.” Michael, Kyle and Alex try to slip back outside as discreetly as possible. “We never said anything, but it really hurt your mother and I. Your mother got to do this with Isabel, though. She got to go pick out the dress and all that. Not that I wanted to, but you know what I’m saying.”

To say that I’m speechless would be redundant. “Sorry, dad.” I apologize, stuffing my hands into my pockets.

“It’s not your fault, son. There just wasn’t enough time before, but there’s time now. At least, a little more than before.” He favors me with an amused smile. “Let me do this, Max. Please.”

Christopher walks out with a black velvet box in his hand and sets it down on the counter in front of us. “This was the one, wasn’t it?” He asks, looking between my father and I.

I glance over at my dad. “Yeah, that’s the one.” I nod.

He hands me the box, which I take, carefully placing it in the cargo pocket on my pants. He holds out his hand, which I shake. “Congratulations, Mr. Evans.”

“Thank you.” I release his hand before looking at my dad.

“Chris, you have all my information back there, yes?” My dad asks, walking towards the door with me.

“Sure do, Phillip.” He nods, giving us a wave. “Thanks for stopping by, guys.”

I say goodbye and walk outside with my dad. The guys have already piled back into the Denali, looking at me expectantly. I turn to my dad as we come to stand in front of his Lexus. “Thanks a lot, Dad. I still wish you would have let me pay for it, but I understand that you’re a stubborn man, and once your mind is made up, there’s no changing it.”

He chuckles slightly. “You damn right.”

“Thanks for running over to help me.” I pull him into a hug, slapping his twice on the back, as he does to me. “I’ll see you and mom on Saturday for lunch?”

“You better, or your mother will have my head.” He laughs, walking to his door. “Good luck.” He smiles, before getting into the car.

I walk to my door, hopping into the drivers seat of the Denali. “Ready?” I ask them.

“Ready.” They all respond.

We make the drive back to the Crashdown and they all say congratulations and good luck before they move to climb out and get into the respective vehicles. “Hey guys?” I say, before they get out. They all turn back to look at me. “Mention one word of this to any of your significant others, I’ll murder you. I want Liz to be able to tell them, not you.”

“Got it.” They say, shutting the doors behind them as they get out.

I glance at the clock, noticing that its only been half an hour since I called Liz. I pat my cargo pocket to make sure the ring is still there before I begin my drive home. Hopefully, she hasn’t been done with dinner too long, and I can manage to hide the ring before she notices that I’m going to practically run away from her.

I can’t help smiling like an idiot as I drive home, the whole time plotting out the perfect proposal.


And just so everyone knows... the ring that Max picked out is featured in the beautiful banner on the first page. I fell in love with it, so I had to include it in the story, and then I just passed the picture along to Raychel and she stuck it in there.

Hope you liked it. See ya'll next Wednesday.
<center>S&M-*Twinkie* -n- *Twin*</center>
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Post by LittleHottie510 »

Hey guys! I'm back with the next chapter! Why, you ask? Well, because my muse is absolutely OBSESSED with this one, and won't even let me LOOK at 'Writing Mr. Perfect'. Also, Raychel isn't online to talk to me, like we normally do... so I'm quite bored. *LOL* I didn't think ya'll would mind. ;)

Here it is!!! The big proposal!!! I hope you guys like it and I hope it lives up to your expectations. The whole fic *IS* based on this event, and what follows, so it would REALLY suck if I blew this. *LMAO*

Ok... onward we go.

Chapter Two

(Liz POV)

I check on the garlic bread in the oven, making sure that it’s not burning. Just as I’m closing the oven door, Sophia starts banging her sippy cup on top of her high chair, laughing hysterically at something down the hallway.

I have to laugh at her. I made the mistake of giving her spaghetti-o’s, and she has sauce smeared all over her face, in her hair, and on her clothes. Not to mention that there are little spaghetti-o’s littering the floor at her feet, some quite a distance away. This girl loves to throw food.

“What’re you laughing about, baby?” I ask her, coming to look around the corner where Max is crawling down the hallway. I raise an eyebrow at him “What are you doing?”

I laugh as he looks up and sees me, hopping to his feet. “Nothing.” He shrugs before walking up and wrapping his arms around my waist. “I missed you today.” He says, dipping his head to give me a kiss. Sophia lets out a loud scream as half her spaghetti-o’s go flying onto the floor. Max looks up and takes inventory of the situation. “Wow, that’s a big mess.”

“Yeah, it is.” I sigh. “Thank goodness I don’t have to clean it up.” I giggle, making my way back to the stove.

“Why do I have to clean it up?” He whines, coming up beside me and jumping up to sit on the counter top.

“Because I made dinner, and it’s the agreement that when I cook, you clean. And vice-versa. Not to mention the fact that you came home late, after I slaved over a hot stove all day.” I press the back of my hand to my forehead for dramatic effect. “I’m drained.”

“Baby, I told you on the phone I was sorry that I was going to be late.” He pouts at me.

“I know. And as nice as it was, that you called ahead and made sure I knew that you’d be late... you were still late. I’m starving, the baby is a mess, and I’m getting cranky, so lets just eat, ok?” I don’t wait for a response before I grab the plates out of the cabinet.

I put some spaghetti on both of our plates as he goes to the refrigerator to get us some soda. I put a piece of garlic bread on our plates, then take them both to the table. “Honey, grab silverware.” I tell him, pulling Sophia’s highchair closer to the table.

He comes over, setting my drink and silverware down in front of me before he takes his seat at the other end of the table.

After about ten minutes of relative silence, minus Sophia gurgling, banging and babbling, I finally decided to talk to him. “So, did you guys get a lot done after work?” I ask, glancing up at him. He stops mid-chew, glancing up at me with wide eyes. I narrow my eyes at him. “Why do you look so guilty?”

“I’m not guilty of anything.” He shrugs, pushing around his spaghetti.

“Why aren’t you eating?” I question, putting my fork down on my plate to cross my arms on top of the table.

I’m not an idiot. I can read Max Evans better than I can read a book. He’s hiding something, and he’s trying his hardest to make it seem like he’s not. I’ll get him to crack eventually. I always do.

“I am eating.” He answers, proving his statement by taking a big bite out of his bread. “See?” He mumbles around his food.

“You’re hiding something.” I nonchalantly reply. I’ll let him know I’m onto him, it’s easier to get him to crack this way.

I’m rewarded with the classic ‘I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar’ face. “What makes you think I’m hiding something?” He replies, instantly schooling his features to appear as if he has not a care in the world.

“Because you are.” I smile at him. “Just tell me what it is, Max.” I reason with him. “Save me the trouble of beating it out of you. Just relinquish the information.”

“Fine.” He throws his hands up in surrender. “If you must know...” He begins, then sighs. He wants me to know that he’s upset. Ok, whatever. I get it. “I’m planning a date night for tomorrow night.” He leans back in his chair. “Are you happy, now? I wanted to do something nice, be a good boyfriend, and plan a nice date for us, and you’ve gone and ruined it.” He pouts.

Aww. How sweet of him! He knows how much I love date night! We haven’t been able to do it in a few months. Either he’s been swamped at work, or Sophia has been sick and we didn’t want to pawn her off on my parents. They have enough issues without dealing with a fussing baby all night. God knows I love them, but still.

“You’re planning date night?” A big smile spreads across my face. “That’s so sweet, baby. Where are we going? What are we doing?” I instantly fire off questions at him. We usually just end up going to the movies, or to dinner, but if he’s planning it, he must want it to be special, since we’ve had to put off our last few dates.

“Liz.” He whines, giving me a long suffering glance. “You’ve already ruined half the surprise, will you just let me keep some of the mystery?”

“Ok, fine.” I relent, going back to eating dinner. “Oh, but what if my parents have plans tomorrow night and they can’t watch Soph?”

“Well, after dinner, you’ll just have to call them and ask them.” He shrugs. “If they’re busy, you know my parents will take her.”

“That’s true.” I nod, giving him one last smile.

After we’re done eating, he starts putting the left overs in the fridge and loading the dishes into the dishwasher as I attempt to get a little of Sophia’s food off her face. “You’re such a messy girl.” I shake my head at her, trying to get her to hold still long enough so I can get the spaghetti sauce off her hands.

Once I’m convinced that I’ve gotten all of it that I can until I get her into the bathtub, I wipe the wash cloth across her face, despite the fact that she’s struggling against me. I finally get most of it off, before pulling her bib off and tossing on the highchair top.

I pull her free from the highchair, setting her on my hip. “Bath time.” I tell her, to which she giggles loudly. She loves taking baths, for some weird reason. “I’m going to go start her bath,” I call over my shoulder at Max as I walk down the hallway towards the stairs. “Come up when you’re done, ok?”

“Yeah, ok.” I hear his voice carry down the hallway.

I walk up the stairs, having a one-sided conversation with Sophia the whole way. I finally get to the bathroom and I start the water, making sure it’s the right temperature before I begin stripping her down, occasionally finding a random spaghetti-o in her clothes. Note to self: No more spaghetti for this girl.

I eventually get her in the bathtub, and start trying to wash her hair. She squirms around, grabbing at the toys that float by, angrily yelling when she moves too much and the water goes down onto her face.

“Well, don’t move so much, and this wouldn’t be a problem.” Yeah, I’m trying to reason with my year and a half old daughter. This is gonna work.

When Max finally makes his way into the bathroom, I swear that I have more water on me then Sophia does. He starts laughing, but when I swing my glare his direction, he wisely shuts up and comes over to help me.

Fifteen minutes later, we finally manage to get her clean. Although it wasn’t without its casualties. Max ended up with soap in his eye, and we both ended up drenched from head to toe. I pull Soph out of the bathtub and wrap her in a towel as Max goes to change into dry clothes. As I’m coming out of the bathroom to go into Sophia’s room and get her into her pajamas, Max meets me in the doorway.

“I’ll take her.” He says, grabbing her out of my arms. “You go change into some dry clothes and call your parents, ok?”

“Ok.” I shrug, making my way down to our room. I change into my pajamas before grabbing the phone off the night stand and flopping onto the bed. I press my parents on the speed dial and wait as it rings.

“Hello?” My mom answers the phone.

“Hey Mom.” I reply, fiddling with the top of the comforter.

“Hi sweetie. How are you?” She asks. “Jeff! Stop yelling at the TV! I’m on the phone!”

I can’t help but giggle. My parents are hilarious. “I’m fine, Mom. I was wondering if you and Daddy could watch Sophia tomorrow night. Max is planning a date night for us. Although, he won’t tell me what we’re doing and its driving me insane.” I sigh. I really dislike surprises. I like knowing what’s going on. Call me nosey, I don’t care. I just hate surprises.

“Sure, we’d love to watch her for you. We haven’t gotten to lately with you and Max being so busy.” She muses. Yes, mother, I know this.

“Yeah, I know.” I unnecessarily respond. I glance up at Max as he comes into the bedroom, looking around before glancing down at me. “What do you need?” I ask him, moving the phone.

“Did you take Sophia’s baby lotion again?” He asks, turning in a circle to survey the room.

“Yeah, its over there.” I point to the dresser on the far side of the room. Now, before you call me a bad mother, stealing my daughter’s stuff, its just lotion. It’s not like I won’t buy her more. And besides, we use that Johnson’s Bedtime Bath stuff on her. Its in that purple tinted bottle... it smells so good!

“What time are you guys going to bring her by?” My mom asks, bringing me back to the conversation.

“I dunno, hold on.” I move the phone away from my mouth, just as Max is leaving the room. “Wait!” I called, causing him to halt in his movement and take two steps backwards. “What time will we drop Soph off at my parents house?”

He thinks for a moment. “The reservation is for seven, so I’d say around 6:30.” Max says, before walking back out of the room.

“You hear that, mom? We’ll stop by at 6:30.” I relay the time.

“Ok, honey. We’ll see you then, ok?”

“Ok, mom. Love you.” I reply.

“Love you too, baby. Bye.” Before she hangs up, I hear her yelling at my dad again. “Damn it, Jeff! Stop yelling at the TV!” Then the line clicks. I put the phone back on the cradle, unable to stop myself from laughing slightly. God, and people wonder why I’m slightly weird.


I’m standing in front of the mirror in the foyer, checking my hair from every angle, and making sure that it’s doing exactly what I want it to do. Yes, Phillip and Diane are insane, and they insisted that we need a house that could fit us, times nine thousand and five.

We have a foyer, a sitting room, a livingroom, a formal and informal diningroom, a sunroom, there’s a gym downstairs, a pool out back... its basically a carbon copy of their house. Thankfully, they were smart enough to realize that we didn’t want to live on top of them, so they didn’t do anything totally insane, like buy us the house next door to theirs. However, they are only three blocks over.

I stop playing with my hair when the doorbell rings. I can’t stop the smile that instantly spreads across my face. Whenever we do date night, Max takes the baby over to my parents house, giving me time to finish getting ready, and then he rings the doorbell, and takes me out, like it’s a real date. It’s so cute.

I didn’t see him before he left, so I’m anxious to see if he’s as dressed up as he insisted that I be. After I had the baby, his mother took me shopping, and bought me five years worth of cocktail dresses, and evening gowns. Why? Fuck if I know, but I’m not complaining, seeing as how Max insisted that I wear an evening gown tonight.

I give myself one last once-over in the mirror, taking in the dress that I chose. It’s pretty simple, that’s why I fell in love with it to begin with. It’s a black, spaghetti strap, floor length gown. There’s a slit that goes up the left leg, ending about halfway up my thigh. The neckline comes to just under where my cleavage is, and there’s a circular diamond... thing that sits there. Hard to explain, but very cute.

I walk towards the door, only stumbling once. Why did I tell myself I should wear these shoes? Sure, they’re freakin adorable, and yes, their Manolos, but I can’t walk very well in them. Oh well, I’ll just have to hope that I don’t fall flat on my face anytime during the evening.

I open the door, and Max is standing on the other side, looking absolutely amazing in a black suit. While he decided to dress it down a bit, skipping a tie, and opting to leave the first button of his white button-up undershirt undone, he still looks like a million bucks.

He gives me a wide smile as he steps into the doorway, giving me a soft kiss on the lips. He doesn’t want to be wearing my lipstick, and he doesn’t want to hear me complaining because he ruined my lipstick. Smart man.

“You look beautiful.” He tells me, producing a single white rose from behind his back. He twirls it in front of me for a minute before handing it over. I take it and daintily sniff at it, as he puts his hand on the small of my back. “Ready?”

“Yeah.” I nod, reaching behind me to grab my little black sequined clutch purse off the table by the mirror.

Max locks the door behind us, before walking me to the Denali, and opening the door for me. Once we’re both seated in the car, he starts it up and we begin driving to our destination, not that I have any idea where the hell that is.

I glance over at him, and he’s slowly nodding his head in time with the Velvet Revolver song that’s playing softly in the background. He must feel me looking at him, because he glances over. “What?” He asks.

“Nothing. Just thinking about how sexy you look.” I purr, reaching over and trailing my fingers up his thigh.

He releases a shuttering breath, removing one of his hands from the steering wheel to grab my fingers and stop their motions. “Baby. Be good.” He warns, shooting me a hungry glance. I know the last thing he wants me to do it ‘be good’, but I comply.

A few minutes later, we pull up in front of Damiens, one of the best new restaurants in town. His parents were just raving about his place last Saturday when we went over there for lunch.

The valet quickly opens my door and helps me out before rushing around to get the keys from Max. He walks around the car, offering me his arm. “Shall we?”

I tuck my hand into the crook of his arm. “Of course.”


I think I just ate the best steak on the entire planet. That’s all I’m going to say about that.

Max had reserved a table in the corner, slightly out of the way and private. He had a bottle of champaign chilled on ice when we got here... This man is so smooth when he wants to be.

I pick up my glass, taking another sip of my champaign as I glance over at Max, who’s staring at me. I can’t help but giggle, the bubbles from the alcohol obviously having gone to my head a bit. “Why are you staring at me like that?” I ask, setting my glass back down on the table.

“No reason.” He shrugs, reaching over to take my hand in his. “Just because you’re beautiful.” Yeah, this man can definitely pitch woo.

I dip my head slightly, before looking back up at him. “Thank you.”

The waiter makes his presence known, coming to stand near the table. “How was everything?” He asks, glancing between us.

“It was wonderful.” I gush, honestly.

“I absolutely agree.” Max nods.

“Well, I’m very happy to hear that you enjoyed your dinner. Are we ready for dessert?” He asks, looking at Max.

“Oh, I can’t eat anything else.” I shake my head. “I’ll absolutely explode.”

“Yes, we’re ready.” Max tells him, completely disregarding everything that just came out of my mouth. What just happened?? He was being nice, and smooth, now he’s ignoring me? What the hell is that about?

The waiter nods, before turning on his heel and heading back towards the kitchen. Max slides his gaze over to me. “What?” He asks, picking up his glass and taking a large drink of his champaign. What is up with him?

“Honey, I can’t eat anything else.” I try to explain to him. “I’m so full. I was full halfway through the meal, but it was too good to not eat it. I thought I was going to throw up with every bite I put in my mouth, but I stuck it out. Now, however, I’m done. I’m not stupid enough to think I can make it through dessert. I’m sorry.”

“Sweetie, it’ll be fine.” He assures me, draining his champaign glass and pouring another one. He tops off mine before putting the bottle back in the ice and taking two large drinks from the glass.

“Are you ok?” I ask, barely refraining from putting my elbows on the table before I clasp my hands in my lap. Damn you, Diane.

“Yeah, of course.” He nods, setting down his glass. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You’re just acting a little funny.” I shrug.

He doesn’t respond, so I don’t bother to press him about it. I turn my attention to my nails, which I got manicured earlier today. Isabel stopped by, and wanted to try to take care of Sophia for a while, something about training for when she has her baby, so I went and got a manicure. Seemed like a pretty good trade off to me.

I glance up slightly when I hear someone clear their throat before looking back down at my nails. I do a double take when our waiter sets a vase full of white roses in front of me on our table. “Thirty seven roses, for the lady.” He says, off-handedly.

My jaw drops as I take them in. Wait... thirty seven? Wouldn’t it have made more sense to make it thirty six, so there was an even three dozen.

Wait, am I really mentally complaining about the number of absolutely gorgeous flowers sitting in front of me?! What’s wrong with me!?

I look over at Max, who has a smile stretched from ear to ear. “Do you like them?”

“Of course, baby!” I lean over to give him a kiss. “They’re beautiful, thank you!” I go back to looking at the flowers. It takes me a few seconds to notice that one of them is slightly... different. It’s not funny looking, but it has light blue around the ends of the petals.

I reach out to run my fingers on it, and its hard. What the hell is this? My eyebrows draw together. I touch the other flowers, they all seem normal. Then I touch this funky blue one, and its hard... like plaster, or something. “What’s up with this one?” I ask Max.

He looks over, his eyebrows also drawing together. “I don’t know.” He reaches out to touch it. “That’s weird, right?” I nod. Of course its weird, normal flowers aren’t like that. “Well, take it out of there and look at it.” He encourages.

I find that a slightly odd solution to the problem, but I do as I’m told. As I pull the flower out further, I find that its attached to some kind of base. I set it down on the table and stare at it. “What is going on?” I glance over at Max, who simply shrugs. “Flowers don’t come attached to bases like this....” I trail off, noticing that half of there is a gold circle about halfway down the bloom of the flower. “What the hell...?” I grab onto the stem, which is also hard, and I push at the gold thing. Nothing happens. What is this? I don’t like games.

Suddenly, I don’t know what I do, but the top of the rose pops open. I jump backwards, started by the sudden event, then my eyes land on what’s inside the flower.

“Oh my God!” I put my hands over my mouth to muffle my scream. I look at Max, as he reaches over and takes the ring from the inside of the flower and slides off his chair, and onto one knee. “Oh my God...” I mumble again, as he reaches up and takes my left hand away from my mouth.

“I love you more than I could ever even begin to explain. There just aren't words for how much I love you.” He begins, smiling up at me, poising the ring over my finger. “You’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever met. I know we’ve had a rocky past, but that’s all behind us now. I want us to be a family. You, me and Sophia. I want to know that no matter what happens, you’re going to be there with me. I want to be able to call you my wife.” He takes a deep breath, his eyes shining with unshed tears.

I’ve been crying since the minute that knee hit the floor, buddy. I couldn’t stop crying now if my life depended on it!

“I’ve made the mistake of letting you go once before, and I promise, I will never let you go again.” He pauses, and I’m ready to throttle him if he doesn’t spit it out! “Elizabeth Parker, will you marry me?”

“Yes!” I yell, not hesitating for a second.

“Yes?” He parrots, honestly looking shocked by my answer.

“Yes! Of course I’ll marry you!” I continue to yell. Why am I yelling?

Before I have time to contemplate that, he slips the ring onto my finger, dropping a kiss on my knuckle before he stand up, pulling me to my feet with him. His arms immediately go around my waist, as mine frame his face and I press my lips against his. We break apart, resting our foreheads together.

All of a sudden, everyone in the restaurant breaks into a deafening applause. I spring away from Max like I’ve been burned, looking around at everyone. I self-consciously laugh, covering my face with my hands.

Max chuckles, pulling me back up against him. His lips find mine again and for a minute, we just stand there, enjoying the moment.

We finally sit down and I look at the ring. Two words for you: HOLY. SHIT! This thing is HUGE!

Oh, my God. I’m getting married again!

<center>S&M-*Twinkie* -n- *Twin*</center>
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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 113
Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2004 2:14 am
Location: A little place me and Tanya like to call.... ZanLand!

Post by LittleHottie510 »

Hey guys. I'm back with the next chapter! I'm not sure when I'll be back with the next chapter... I have some personal issues to deal with, so I'm going back to Illinois from this Friday- next Wednesday... depending on what happens up there. I *MIGHT* post the next chapter before I leave, but I'm not sure yet. If I don't, I'll be back with the next chapter whenever I get back.


Chapter Three

(Max POV)

“Ow.” I glance at the ground to see what just hit me in the head, seeing Sophia’s pacifier lying on the ground in front of my parents front door. I glance behind me, where Liz is grabbing the diaper bag out of the car.

I have Sophia sitting up on my shoulders, which is the reason I got hit with the damn thing to begin with. I swing her down off my shoulders, tucking her under my arm like a football as I scoop up the pacifier.

I examine it from every angle, blowing on it a few times to make sure all the dirt is off of it before I offer it back to Soph, who sucks it back into her mouth.

“Max!” Liz gasps, coming up beside me. “Did you just pick up Sophia’s pootie off the ground, blow it off, then give it back to her?”

“Five second rule, babe.” I explain, giving her a kiss on the cheek before ringing the doorbell, something I had yet to be able to do with all the flying pooties.

“Five second rule?” She parrots. “Are you kidding me? You, Michael and Kyle can do that all you want, but don’t do that to her.” She whines.

“Liz, when I went to grab Sophia as we were leaving, she’d either crawled, or toddled out of the livingroom, and was laying on her stomach in the kitchen sucking on the floor.” I reason with her. “Believe me, she’ll be fine.”

Liz’s face scrunches up in disgust, right as the front door is opened. I give Rose a wink, as I always do, and am rewarded when she turns 50 shades of red and looks down intently at her shoes.

“Mr. and Mrs. Evans and Mr. And Mrs. Whitman are out back on the patio.” Rose tells us, closing the door behind us.

“Thanks, Rose.” I flirt before throwing my arm around Liz’s shoulders and begin walking towards the patio.

“You are so shameless.” Liz shakes her head at me.

“What?” I feign innocence, smacking a kiss on her cheek. “Baby, you know you’re the one I want.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She rolls her eyes at me, shrugging my arm off and walking ahead of me. She’s not really upset, she just likes to pretend she is. I watch her walk in front of me, her ass swaying from side to side. She wore her favorite jeans today, which also happen to my favorite jeans on her, because they make her ass look oh-so-delicious.

Before my thoughts can escalate very far on that, I hear Sophia’s pacifier bounce onto the wooden floor. I stop, glancing around me until I spot it, then I scoop it up, blow it off and stick it back in her mouth.

I go to continue walking, and almost run over my fiancé, who is standing right in front of me. One look on her face tells me she really is mad this time. “Ok, fine.” I relent, throwing the hand that isn’t holding Sophia up in surrender. “Next time the pootie hits the floor, I will properly sanitize it for at least an hour before putting it back in her mouth.”

“Don’t be cute, Max.” She says, taking Sophia and walking out onto the patio. Geez. PMS, much?

I follow her outside, giving Isabel and my mom kisses on the cheek, then shaking hands with Alex and my dad as Liz says her hellos as well.

We didn’t tell any of them we were engaged yet. She told her parents, because we had to pick Sophia up there, but they already knew. She did call Maria once we got home though. Everyone else is still out of the loop, which is why we had Alex and Isabel join us at lunch today.

We go and have lunch with my parents every Saturday. It’s one of the only days my father doesn’t work, so it gives us all time to spend together, plus time for them to spend with their grand daughter.

Isabel instantly holds out her arms, anxious to play with Sophia. I take a seat as Liz hands her over. I glance over at my mom just in time to see her jaw drop a foot and her eyes get really wide before swinging my direction.

“What?” I ask her, yet get no response.

Alex, Isabel, Liz, myself and my dad are all looking at her, then looking at each other, wondering what the hell has gotten into her.

“Mom?” I finally try again.

“You finally did it?” She asks, regaining her composure.

“Did what?” I look at her, unable to hold in a laugh.

She reaches over, grabbing onto Liz’s hand, bringing it closer to inspect the engagement ring. Oh shit. I knew we should have just told her over the phone. My mom can spot a diamond from three miles away. Liz glances over at me, then looks around nervously at everyone else. My dad and Alex are both smiling, of course, they knew this was coming. Isabel looks at me, then looks at Liz. “Are you?” She asks, pulling Sophia’s hands out of her hair.

Liz looks at me, and I give her a slight nod. “Yes!” She blurts out. “We’re getting married!” She starts bouncing around in her chair as Isabel lets out a high pitched scream.

Everyone stands to give us hugs, and kisses, and congratulations. Once we’re all seated, my mom instantly springs out of her chair, excusing herself to go get her planner. As I watch her walk back into the house, Sophia is plopped into my lap as Isabel excuses herself to do the same. Liz drops the diaper bag in my lap, then digs in my pocket for the keys to the Denali, so she can go get her purse, because her planner is in there.

Once all the women have left, we men sit for a moment, looking extremely confused. “What the hell just happened?” Alex asks, reaching over to take Sophia. He hardly ever gets to hold her with Isabel present, so he’s taking full advantage of the fact that she’s gone for the moment.

“They are going to get their planners, and they’re going to go into Nazi mode.” My dad says, picking up his glass of ice water and taking a big drink. “We’re going to be listening to them babble about dresses, dates, tuxedos, flowers, invitations, churches, cakes, receptions, showers, shoes, hair do’s, and appointments for the next three hours.” He looks like he’s just been told he has to go before a firing squad. “Brace yourselves, boys.” He hitches his chin towards the patio.

I turn my head just as the three of them make their way outside. They all have their planners open, their pens are poised in their hands as the pages fly.

“First things first,” My mom starts, licking her finger then flipping forward in her planner. “We need to set a date.”

“Do you think three months is enough time?” Isabel asks, never glancing up from jotting notes.

“Oh, that’ll be plenty of time.” Liz assures her, also writing furiously. “With you two helping me, plus my mother, Maria and Tess... we’ll have this thing planned in no time.” She immediately stops writing, looking over at me. “Oh my God! Tess!” She makes a grab for her purse, pulling out her phone. “I totally forgot to tell her!” She starts pushing buttons, then puts the phone to her ear. “No one tell her that I forgot!” She glances around the table before jumping up and walking to the corner of the patio to talk to Tess.

“You know what?” Isabel stops writing, then glances up at my mom. “We should have her invite Tess over. Maria and Nancy too. Have them come over after we’re done with lunch, then all of us girls can really start planning this. We’ll get it done in no time.”

“That’s a good idea.” My mom points her pen at Isabel. “If we do that, we could have this wedding in two months or less.”

I let them continue their tirade, ain’t no way in hell I’m throwing in my two cents. They’ll both glare at me, then ignore that I spoke all together, so there is really no use. Forget the fact that it’s MY wedding they’re planning. That doesn’t mean jack shit to these two.

I half listen as Liz comes back to the table and they start going on and on about a million different things at once. God, this is gonna be a long day.


“So... when did Liz turn into a miniature version of your mom and Isabel?” Michael asks.

Somehow, Liz, Isabel and my mom managed to put their planners away long enough for us to eat lunch. Shortly after we were done, Nancy and Jeff, Michael and Maria, and Tess and Kyle all showed up. The women are all sitting around the patio table talking about different options for different things. Luckily, they let the men escape relatively unharmed. My dad, Jeff, Alex and Kyle all opted to putt some golf balls around the far end of the backyard, while Michael and I are wandering aimlessly around the property talking.

“I dunno.” I answer him, slightly shrugging my shoulders, squinting against the bright afternoon sun. I should have grabbed my sunglasses. Damn it.

“Do you realize that the next however many months of our lives are going to be nothing but pure wedding hell?” He glances over at me. “I mean, you know that Liz is going to ask Maria to be that girl that stands next to her... what’s that called?”

“Maid of honor.” I supply.

“Yeah, that.” He points a finger at me, then shoves his hands back into his pockets. “So, its like, mandatory, that Maria also obsess about whether or not the flowers are going to be delivered to the church on time and all that.” He sighs. “This... is going to suck.”

“Thanks, dude.” I sarcastically reply, earning a punch in the shoulder from him.

“You know what I mean.” He waves me off.

“Yeah, well.” I clear my throat and stop walking. Michael notices this and stop also. I lean against the fence that lines my parents property. “About the wedding...” I start.

“What? Don’t tell me you already changed your mind.” Michael comes to stand next to me, leaning on the fence as well. “I know all this planning stuff is scary, and you got off easy last time, not having to deal with it, but its not as bad as I’m making it out to be...”

“No, its not that.” I cut off his rant. “I’m not getting cold feet. That would be kinda stupid, don’t you think? Liz and I already live like we’re married.”

“Well, how the hell am I supposed to know what goes on inside your head?” He throws out, trying to make his thoughts relevant.

I choose to ignore him, and get back to what I was trying to say in the first place. “No, I know that last time we didn’t do it right, and it wasn’t what Liz deserved, so I don’t care that we’re going all out this time. That’s what I want. It’s what Liz deserves, ya know?” He simply nods, but I know he’s wanting me to make a point. “So, uhm...” I clear my throat again. “I was just wondering...”

“Dude, will you get to the point. You’re gonna be late for the wedding if you don’t hurry up and spit this out.” He finally says.

“Fine.” I relent. “I just wanted to know if you’d be my best man.” I mumble, kicking up some dirt with my shoe.

I’m met with silence. Nothing. He doesn’t make one single noise.

Ok, this is slightly disconcerting.

I finally glance up to see him staring at me, his eyebrows drawn together in confusion. “That’s it?”

After a week and a half of silence, that’s all he has to say to me? God, my friends are great. “What do you mean, that’s it?” I throw back.

“You were acting like a total girl for that?”

Would it be too childish if I kicked him? “I wasn’t acting like a girl.” I deny, still feeling strongly about the whole kicking thing.

He turns to fully face me, crossing his arms over his chest. “You know you really didn’t have to ask me.” He shrugs slightly. “You should have known that I’d do it. You did it for me... hell, I did it for you, the first time around. This time should be a piece of cake.”

I shake my head at him slightly. “C’mon. Let’s go see what the other guys are doing.” We turn, slowly making our way back towards the house. “Couldn’t have just said yes? You always gotta be difficult.” I shake my head at him, as we continue to walk

“I like being difficult. Burns more calories.”


“So, we’re going to go tomorrow and check the place out.” Liz finishes, just as I zone back in on what she was saying.

Oh shit. I’m fucked. I’m so fucked! Women hate when you don’t listen to them, and that’s exactly what I was just doing. I was totally not listening. I can’t even remember what I was thinking about! Ok, when did I get Alzheimers?! What was I just thinking about??

“Max?” Liz snaps me back to reality for the second time in a span of thirty seconds. “Are you listening to me?”

“Uhm... yes?” I smile at her. She always tells me she thinks I have a sexy smile. Let’s see if it’ll get me out of trouble.

“You were not. Why? Why weren’t you listening?” She asks, tilting her head slightly. “Am I boring you with the details of planning our wedding?”

I’m in deep shit. It’s not what she said... it’s how she said it. She said it all innocent, like she wasn’t the least bit upset. Now, that might confuse some people, but I know this woman. She’s really pissed.

“I’m sorry, baby.” I push myself up from where I’m laying on our bed. She’s sitting on the edge, on the whole other side, so I have to really reach to get my arms around her. Once I manage that, though, I pull her across the bed, giving her a kiss on the forehead and pulling her in close to me. “I wasn’t trying to ignore you. Of course I want to know how things are going with the wedding planning.”

“Then why weren’t you listening?” She asks, in a small, pouty voice. Oh, hell. She knows I’d buy her a small country if it would get rid of that damn voice. I hate when she pouts. It makes me feel like such a jackass. Ok, so in this instance, I am. Let’s not nitpick, here, people.

“I’m just tired, honey. I know that it’s not excuse, and I’m sorry. Tell me again? Please?” I beg. Yes, you heard right. Beg. I’ll beg, I’ll grovel, I’ll kiss her shoes. It kills me when she’s upset.

“You know, if you don’t want to know, I just won’t tell you.” She continues pouting.

“Angel, I want to know. Please tell me.” I continue to beg. As long as she’s pouting, I’m begging.

“Are you sure?” She drawls, glancing up at me from underneath her lashes.

“Positive.” I tell her, laying back into the pillows and dragging her down with me. Once we’re all settled, and she’s curled up into my side, my hand drifts under the t-shirt she put on earlier when she was getting ready for bed. It’s one of my shirts, so it’s like a dress on her, but God, she looks so sexy in it. I lightly trail my fingers across her lower back. “Tell me everything.”

“Ok.” She goes back to her happy tone... took long enough. “So, like I was saying...” She trails off, lifting her head from my chest to pin me with a quick glare. “We’re going to church tomorrow, like always, then afterwards, we’re going to talk to Father Joe and make sure he’ll do the ceremony for us.”

“Which he will. There’s no way my mom will let him out of it.” I slide in.

“Basically.” Liz giggles. “So, after that, you, me, Sophia and your parents are all going to meet up with Isabel, Alex, Maria, Michael, Kyle, Tess and my parents at the Crashdown.”

“Got it.” I say, just so she’s aware that I’m paying attention this time.

“We’re going to go to that tuxedo shop over in Dexter, and we’re going to pick out the tux’s.”

“By we, you really mean you and my mother.” I’m not stupid enough to think that I’m actually going to have much of a say in anything about this wedding. I’ve already let that go.

“Pretty much.” Liz nods slightly against my chest, running her fingers along the waist band of my boxers. She better stop that if she wants me to keep listening...

“Then what?” I ask, my voice suddenly becoming deeper as her fingers plunge under the band. I doubt she’s really even aware of what she’s doing, but I’m sure she’ll take notice when she see the tent that will become my boxers if she doesn’t stop.

“We’re going to pick out the tuxes and then you boys are free to do whatever you want. The girls are going to head over to that... Country Bride place where Isabel got her gown. We’re going to check out the selection and see if we can’t find the dress, veil and headpiece there. If we can do that, that’s one major thing off the checklist already.”

“Right...” I gulp.


“Yeah?” I ask, opening my eyes and looking down into hers, since she’s lifted her head and is looking at me.

“Did I turn you on talking about wedding plans?” She asks, looking like she’s about to start laughing at me.

“No, Liz.” I shake my head at her. “It’s not the talking about wedding plans, so much as it is the fact that your hand is in my underwear.”

She looks taken aback, and glances down at her hand, quickly pulling it out. “I didn’t even realize I was doing that!” Well, no need to sound appalled by my penis, honey... that’s definitely not your normal reaction to it.

“Well, you did.” I say, quickly flipping her onto her back, laying out on top of her. “And now you got me all worked up.” I kiss down her neck, then back up to her ear. “What are you gonna do about that?” I whisper, satisfied when she shivers underneath me.

“Well, personally...” She purrs into my ear, her hands running down my back. “I think I’m a little too overdressed for this party.”

She reaches down in between us and grabs the hem of the shirt. I lift up off of her as she pulls it up over her head and tosses it on the floor. Once she’s settled back against the pillows, my mouth closes over hers.

I reach down, quickly grabbing onto my boxers and shove them down my legs. As I’m kicking them off, I hook my fingers into the elastic of her thong, pulling it down her legs as well.

Once we’re both free of any barriers between us, I settle myself between her parted legs. I slowly run my hand up her thigh, over her hip, across her stomach, along the curve of her breast and up her throat. I cup the side of her face with my hand as I continue my assault on her mouth.

The second that my hand settles against her cheek, my fingers tunneled into her hair, she lets out a small moan, to which I can’t help but smile. She always tells me about how sexy she thinks it is that I always do that when I kiss her. Apparently, Maria agrees, but I’m not allowed to tell Michael that.

She reaches down in between us, and soon, I’m thrusting into her, spurred on by her soft sighs and moans.

“I love you.” I whisper, resting my forehead against hers as I continue to thrust. She opens her eyes and her gaze locks with mine.

“I love you, too.” She whispers back.

We stare into each others eyes as we continue making love. Her eyes begin to flutter closed as her moans becomes louder. I feel her begin to contract around me, and I quickly cover her mouth with mine, swallowing her moans of pleasure. Her nails dig into my back, only making me drive into her harder, and faster.

A sheen of sweat breaks out across my skin, and I know that I’m close. I bunch my hands in the sheets next to her head and groan as my own orgasm hits.

I thrust into her a few more times before collapsing on top of her. We both let out satisfied sighs, and I roll off of her as to not squish her... she’s quite small, you know?

“Yeah, I definitely needed that.” I announce, sitting up for a second to grab my boxers off the end of the bed.

I pull them back up my hips as she leans over and gives me a kiss. “And I definitely needed a shower before that, so I’m positive I need one now.”

She slips from the bed and picks up her discarded clothing off the floor and skips into the master bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Now, what I really want to know is... where the hell do women get all this energy after sex? I think some kind of energy transfer happens, because I couldn’t move if the damn bedroom were on fire. You might as well put crime-scene tape around me, I ain’t movin.

I hear the shower begin and I flop onto my stomach, pushing my arms up under my pillow. I crack one eye open to realize that we never even pulled back the comforter and sheets.

“Dammit.” I mumble into my pillow, grabbing the tops of the blankets and begin pulling them down, then groan when I realize that my initial plan of doing all that while I was still laying on the bed is just not going to happen.

I push myself off the bed, quickly pulling back the blankets before I belly-flop back into my spot on the bed.

I apparently dozed off for a little bit, because I’m being shaken awake by Liz, what feels like three seconds later.

I open my eyes to find her on the other side of the bed, her wet hair hanging around her face. “Set the alarm, baby.” She instructs me before she kisses my cheek and turns off the lamp next to her side of the bed and makes herself comfortable.

I lift my head up and quickly turn the alarm on, making sure we have enough time to get ready, feed Sophia, get her ready, and get to church on time.

Once I’m done with that, I turn off the lamp on my side of the bed and the room is bathed in darkness. I roll over and pull Liz into my chest. I inhale the scent of her Brilliant Brunette shampoo, not sure exactly how to describe the smell, but knowing that I definitely like it.

“G’night baby.” She yawns.

“G’night, Angel.” I respond before I let sleep claim me.

<center>S&M-*Twinkie* -n- *Twin*</center>
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Post by LittleHottie510 »

Hey guys, back with the next chapter. I hope you all enjoy. I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to come back... My husband and I are leaving early tomorrow morning. We're goin back home to Illinois to deal with some stuff, and I'm really not sure when I'll be back. Until then, you're just gonna have to be patient, there's nothing I can do about this.

Ok... anyway... here's the next chapter, I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter Four

(Liz POV)

Ok, now I’m starting to yearn for the simplicity of my first wedding. There was none of this madness the first time around. There wasn’t worrying about securing the date at the church, floral arrangements, dresses, shoes, veils, cakes, photographers, invitations, and reception locations.

Last time, it was simple. It was easy. Maria and I went to the mall and I got a cute floor-length flowy skirt and a white off the shoulder peasant top. I got some white flip flops, Isabel wove some cute flowers into my hair and curled it, and we were ready to go.

This time around, I should have known it would be different. I mean, I did. I knew that it was going to be a lot of planning, and at first, I was fine with it. Diane and Isabel are master planners, its part of the Evans DNA, or something, a strand which Max is missing, might I add. They are, however, about to drive me insane.

It’s a little over a week into planning all this and so far, we’ve managed to secure a date for the wedding. Max and I are getting married at the All Saint’s Episcopal Church on Main Street, September 20th at 5:30 PM. As of right this second... its August 3rd, 2:41 in the afternoon. There’s way too much shit to do, and I don’t think we have enough time to get it done.

All that shit that we had planned to get done after church that Sunday was never done. Apparently, most places just aren’t open on Sundays. Which, in my opinion, is ridiculous. So, right now, I’m on my way over to Dexter with Maria, Isabel and Tess. My mom, Diane and Sophia are following behind us in Diane’s Mercedes. We’re going over there to pick out the tuxes and figure out who all we’re going to be needing to go in and get fitted for them. Then, we’re going to the dress shop to look for my dress. And, if there’s enough time, we don’t find the bridesmaid dresses there, and everyone’s still alive, we’re going to this little place that Diane knows about.

“So, are you nervous?” Tess asks from the backseat.

I glance at her in the rearview mirror. “About getting married? No, why should I be? Done it once before.” I laugh.

“No, about all this wedding planning stuff.” She clarifies, pushing a curl out of her eyes.

“Nervous about it? Not so much. Annoyed by it? Now, that’s a better term.”

“You’re annoyed with planning your wedding?” Isabel asks from the passenger seat, looking up from her planner. “How is that possible? I had a blast planning my wedding.”

“Yeah, you like planning stuff though. It’s your JOB! You plan weddings, and parties for a living. I don’t like planning things.” I shrug. “I don’t know. I guess it’s not that bad, its just so many little details to remember. I have a horrible memory.”

“It’ll be fine, Liz.” Isabel assures me, as she continues jotting things down. “As you said, I do this for a living. I guarantee that we’re not going to forget anything, and everything is going to be just perfect.”

“Yeah, we’re all here to help.” Maria chimes in from behind me. “You know that anytime you need us, all you have to do is call.”

“Thanks, guys.” I reply, pulling into a free parking space in front of Ducky’s Formal Wear, putting the car in park and turning off the engine.

“Ya know...” Maria says, as we all get out of the car. “This place makes me laugh.”

“The tuxedo shop makes you laugh?” My mom asks, pulling Sophia out of her car seat in the back of Diane’s car.

“Well, the name of it does.” Maria shrugs, putting her hand over her eyes to block the sun as she gazes up at the sign over the front door. “Ducky’s” She lets out a little giggle. “Who thinks of these things?”

We roll our eyes and make our way to the front door. We quickly file in, happy to get out of the blistering heat. God, I hate New Mexico sometimes.

“Hello!” We’re greeted by an overly perky bottle blonde with way too much silver eyeshadow on. She quickly makes her way around the desk. “I’m Tina. Welcome to Ducky’s. Can I help you?”

“We’re here to pick out tuxedos for a wedding.” Diane informs her, automatically taking control like she always does. Not that I care, I don’t care to get into the details. Let me find a tux that I like, let me figure out who’s going to need to be fitted and let me get the hell out of here.

“Who’s the lucky bride?” She asks, looking around the group.

They all point to me. I’ve since wandered away from the group, opting to just look at the damn things, rather than talk about them.

I quickly turn back to her. “Oh, that’s me.” I inanely reply.

“Congradulations!” She squeals, almost making me wince at the volume and pitch of her voice. God, get me out of here. QUICK! “May I see the ring?” She asks, walking over to where I am. I hold out my left hand, which she lightly takes hold of and leans over slightly to inspect my ring. “It’s gorgeous.” She breathes, releasing my hand and looking back up at me. “You’re very lucky.”

“I know.” I smile. Hey, I know what I got. I’m not an idiot.

“I’m sorry, your name is?” She asks.

“Liz Parker.” I shake her hand.

“It’s very nice to meet you.” She replies, a permanent smile on her face. Well, that’s going to get annoying. God, can we leave yet? “I see you’ve brought quite a group with you.”

“Yeah, I never travel without my posse.” I shrug.

“Oh.” Her smile falters briefly. “How nice.” I hold in a laugh. “So, do you know what you’re looking for?”

“Not specifically, no.” I answer.

“Well, we have all kinds of options, as you can see.” She pulls a Vanna White, waving her hand in front of all the tuxedos that are on display. They have a pink one? Seriously? Who the hell would wear that?!

“Something classic.” Diane says, as the group comes forward, all of them taking in the various styles and colors. “Black.”

“Tails?” She asks.

“God, No.” I veto. “Only concert pianists and conductors wear tails. It’s not a good look. Just a normal tux.”

“Like this, honey?” My mom asks, trying to point and keep a hold on Sophia at the same time.

I make my way over there, grabbing Soph as she lunges out of mom’s arms and into mine. Once I’ve got her settled on my hip, she lays her head on my shoulder, burying her face in my hair. She’ll be asleep in ten minutes, give or take.

Finally, I turn to look at the one my mom’s pointing to. It looks normal enough. I like it. “Yeah, I like this one.” I nod. Tina immediately rushes over and goes into a big spiel about it, telling me a ton of details about it that I don’t care to pay attention to. I’m apparently not paying attention at all, because my mom nudges me a few seconds later. “What?” I ask, blissfully unaware.

“She asked what color vest you wanted.” My mom says, pointing over my head behind me.

I turn around and look up, and they have every color under the rainbow displayed. I sigh. It’s just a vest people. Seriously.

“Do you know your wedding colors yet?” She asks, seeing my disprovement over how many options there are.

“Blue and Silver.” I tell her.

“Well, a silver vest would look wonderful.” She says, walking over and pulling a silver vest from the wall and holding it up for me to see.

“Oh, that will look lovely.” Diane says, nodding in approval.

“Yeah?” I ask, skeptical.

“Definitely.” Tess and Maria add.

“Ok, let’s do it, then.” I shrug.

“The groom will, of course, be wearing a white vest, and a white tie.” She says, like that’s common knowledge. I didn’t know that. Why? Why is the groom doing that? “Should we also go with a silver tie?”

I glance around the group, helplessly lost. They all look at me. Finally, I just loose it. “Ya know? I really don’t care.” I whine. “It just has to look good. No ones really going to be looking at the groomsmen anyway! They’ll be looking at me! The one in the big pretty dress.”

Tess and Maria opt to laugh, while Isabel quickly tries to handle this. She takes the vest out of Tina’s hand and walks over to the tux that I chose. She puts the vest under the jacket and sends Tina to get a silver tie. “I forgot how many options there were.” She grumbled, shoving a piece of her new short blonde hair out of her face.

Once Tina returns, Isabel arranges the tie where it should be, and we all tilt our heads, examining it. I simply shrug again. “I still don’t care.”

“I think that’s perfect.” Diane nods, walking over and holding it all in place so Isabel can step back and take a look.

“Oh, I agree!” Isabel gushes as soon as she sees it. “It’s absolutely perfect.”

“So this is what we want?” Tina asks.

“Yes.” I add. “Are we done now?”

“Not quite...” Tina drawls. “I still need to know which of the shoes you like, and I also need the names of the groom, groomsmen, father of the bride, father of the groom, and the ring bearer.”

I sigh. “Where are the shoes?”

“Over here.” She grabs the tie and vest from Diane, and walks to the other side of the store where rows and rows and then, more rows of mens dress shoes are all placed neatly on shelves. “Now, if this helps you any... most people go with this one.”

She points to a normal looking, polished black shoe. I glance at the other options, and she’s right. For some reason, I like that one the best.

“Yeah, I like that one.” I nod, glancing at Diane and Isabel.

“Absolutely.” They chime in.

“Great.” Tina says, making her way to the little desk in the front of the store. “Now...” She pulls out a piece of paper, jots down a few things, and sets it on the counter, along with a pen. “I just need you to fill that out. I don’t need your address or anything. Just your name, a number where I can reach you, and the names of the guys that are going to be needing all this.”

I look it over. She wrote down the tux I chose, the vest, the tie and the shoes. I glance up at her. “Now, I want to make clear that this is what I want.”

“Ok...” She looks confused.

“I don’t doubt, for one second, that one of the groomsmen, probably Kyle, will come in and try to convince you people that I changed my mine and I want that ugly light blue tux. No. I want this one. Don’t let them tell you any different.”

She laughs. “Don’t worry. You picked this one, this is what they’re getting.”

“Ok.” I let out a little sigh of relief. I go to pick up the pen to start filling out the form when I realize that Sophia is asleep. “Uhm... crap. Maria, will you come writet this down for me? I don’t want to wake her up.”

“Liz, she sleeps through everything.” Maria reasons, but steps up to the table and starts filling out my name and everything. “You want me to put down your cell number?”

“Yeah, sure.” I absently reply, trying to tilt my head to look at Soph.

“Little sister?” Tina asks, pointing to Sophia.

“Daughter.” I correct her.

Instead of looking shocked, as most people do, Tina just gives me a soft smile. “She’s gorgeous.”

“Yeah, you should see her Daddy.” Diane chimes in, digging into her purse, no doubt looking for a picture of Max.

The rest of us can’t help laughing. “Let me guess...” Tina smiles at her. “You must be the proud grandma, and the grooms mother?”

“Yes.” Diane looks slightly upset, pulling out her wallet and pulling out a picture. “How’d you know that?”

“I’ve worked here awhile. You pick up on the little things.” Tina shrugs, but takes the picture Diane offers her, looking at it. “Wow!” She immediately catches herself, glancing at me. “Really. Congradulations!” She stresses, looking at the picture once more before handing it back to Diane.

I only smile proudly. My fiancé is hot. “Ok, so...” Maria says, bringing our attention back to her. “The groomsmen are Michael, Kyle and Alex, right?”

“Yeah.” I answer, glancing over her shoulder.

“Ok, and I got Philip and Jeff down, here....” She looks over the paper. “Oh, who’s the ring bearer?”

“Max’s little cousin, Will.” I answer.

“He’s old enough?” Maria asks, glancing over at me.

“Maria, he’s six.” Isabel answers.

“No, he’s not! Kristin just had him like... a year ago.” Maria argues.

“No, she didn’t.”

“Yes, she did!”

“Maria! You aren’t even in our family! How do you know?!” Isabel volleys back.

“Well, because I saw a picture of him!” Maria tries to hold up her argument.

“He’s old enough, Maria, just write his name down.” I plead.

She writes down the name, and I look over her shoulder. “Is that it?” She aks, giving the form back to Tina.

Tina looks it over. “Yeah, I believe it is.” She smiles. “When is the wedding?”

“September 20th.” We all answer.

She makes a note of it. “Ok, just have them all come in as soon as possible, ok?” I nod. “Congratulations, once again. And good luck with the rest of the planning.”

“Thanks.” I say, as we all make our way out the door. “I’ll need it.”


After leaving the tuxedo place, we made a quick stop at Taco Bell to get some food, despite Diane’s protests that it isn’t considered food when people hand it out a window to you... needless to say, she didn’t get anything.

Now, we’re pulling up at Country Bride, inc. Isabel is absolutely certain that I’ll find the dress of my dreams in this place. How does she know that? Has she been in my dreams lately, and knows EXACTLY what the dress I want looks like?

We walk in and I take a minute to look around. It’s all fancy in here. I’m wearing jeans and a tank top, with my hair pulled back in a pony tail. I don’t exactly think I quite fit in.

An older lady comes into the room, a warm smile on her face. “Hello. Welcome to Country Bride. I’m Karen, is there anything I can help you with?”

“We’re trying to find a wedding dress.” Diane tells her. Well, Diane... it’s a damn good thing we came to a wedding dress shop, isn’t it? “It would be a plus if we also happened to find the bridesmaids dresses, but right now, our priority is the brides gown.”

“Of course.” She nods. “Which one of you is the lucky girl.”

I raise my hand, then hold it out to shake hers. “I’m Liz Parker.”

“It’s very nice to meet you. Congratulations.” God, why is that always the first or second thing out of people mouths? She looks down at Sophia, who got put in her stroller, since she’s still asleep, and no one wants to lug her around. She gets heavy after awhile. “And who is this little princess?”

“My daughter, Sophia.”

“She’s just the cutest thing.”

“Thank you.” I reply. I know, lady. Trust me.

“Ok, now. Onto the dress. Are you going to be going with the traditional white, or an off-white or ivory color?”

I can’t help but laugh. “Well, since I have a child, I don’t think people are going to be too shocked if I don’t walk down the aisle in a white dress. I think it’d shock them more if I tried to pull that off. So... I’d say...” I look over at Isabel and Diane. “Ivory?”

“Yeah, let’s look at those first.” Isabel nods.

“Right this way, please.” She says, walking further into the store. I glance around, finding rooms filled to the brim with all kinds of wedding dresses. We finally go into one room, and the girls immediately fan out, pawing through the racks and ‘ooh’ing and ‘ahh’ing over the different gowns. “Do you have an idea of what you’d like?”

“Yeah, I want something with a fitted top, and a huge poofy skirt.” I answer, not knowing a better way to describe it.

“Really?” My mom asks, turning to me. “I never pictured you in that kind of dress.”

“You’ll be looking for something in the traditional ballgown then.” She says, leading me to one section of the room. “Now, I doubt that you’re going to find something small enough to fit you, but if you find one you like, we do alterations on the premises, so we can make any of these gowns to your specifications.”

“Ok.” I reply, already looking through the rack. She tells me to take any that I like off the rack and she’ll put them aside in a dressing room and I can try them all on when I’m done looking.

Twenty minutes and six dresses later, Maria and I are in the dressing room. She’s pulling one of the dresses off the hanger and lowering the zipper in the back as I slip out of my jeans and tank top.

“Here.” Maria lowers the dress. “You better step into it, there’s no way I’ll be able to find the middle of it through the 549 layers of fluff.”

I laugh, holding onto her shoulders for support as I step into the dress. We pull it up my body, and I slip my arms into the holes. Once its securely covering my breasts, she zips up the back of it.

We turn and look at my reflection in the mirror. The lady was right, I couldn’t find anything small enough to actually fit me, so this is definitely going to have to be altered, but I don’t have a single doubt in my mind that this is the dress.

“You look beautiful.” Maria breaths, looking at me in the mirror. “What do you think?”

“Put the other ones back.” I say, running my hands down the front of the dress. “This is the one I want.”

Her eyebrows raise. “You don’t want to even try the others on?”

“No.” I shake my head. “This is the exact dress I’ve always wanted. I knew it as soon as I saw it. I just grabbed the others in case.”

“Are you guys done in there?” Tess yells through the door, knocking on it. “We want to see it!”

I pick up as much of the fluff as I can, trying to make it so I can walk properly. Maria opens the door and I step out.

Everyone looking gasps when they see me, then they all fall completely silent. I lower my head slightly, not too keen on all the attention. “What?” I finally ask, giving them an unsure smile. “It’s not that bad is it?”

“You look unbelievable.” Isabel says, her eyes filling with tears. She has emotional moments every now and then, but being pregnant will do that to you.

“Amazing.” Diane agrees.

I glance at my mom, whose wiping tears from her cheeks. “Baby, you’re so beautiful.” She says, laughing at herself. “Oh, look at me, getting all blubbery”

“Oh, mom.” I walk forward and give her a hug. “Don’t cry.”

“I can’t help it, honey. You look that beautiful.”

“Max will freak out when he sees you in that dress.” Tess adds.

“This is the one I want.” I tell them. “I don’t even want to see the others again. This is it.”

“It’s a lovely choice.” Karen says, stepping forward. “It’s the traditional ballgown style, with the fitted bodice. The bodice is accented with embroidered flowers, sequins and pearls. This one has a Basque waistline, characterized by the elongated triangle forming just beneath the natural waistline. And, of course, there’s the very full skirt that brushes the floor.” She explains. “You’ll notice it has a fairly long train on it, the end of the train is ringed with lace, and also has the flowers, and sequins.”

“This it the one I want.” I repeat to her, unable to keep the smile off my face.

Here I was, dreading this dress shopping like I was headed to the electric chair. I never envisioned it happening like this. I figured we’d be in the store for hours, going through dress after dress, and me never, ever finding one that came close to what I wanted.

I got lucky though. Not only did I find the perfect dress, the one I’ve been dreaming about wearing on my wedding day since I was a little girl, but it was the first dress I tried on.

“Well, let’s go ahead and get you into the alteration room, and pin it and then we can start on the alterations as soon as possible.” She says, leading me into the back.

I stand on a wooden platform, and a few seconds later, a women carrying enough pins for a small country comes into the room.

She starts at the top, adjusting the straps until I get the bodice to sit against my chest at just the right place, then she pins them. After that, it’s the actual bodice. The dress is originally a size nine, or there will be a lot of pinning, and alterations to it.

It takes her a good five minutes to get all the pins in place. She stands in front of me, looking at her work. “Is that good for you?” She aks.

I nod. “Yeah, I like the fit of it.”

“Ok, now. Are you wearing shoes?”

I can’t help but not follow the validity of that question. “No.” I answer.

“Do you have your wedding shoes picked out yet?” She asks.


“Ok, well, then we’ll go ahead and leave the bottom alone, ok? When you find your shoes, you can go ahead and come back in. I don’t want to alter the bottom, and then have you get heels, and then the dress not touch the floor. I can’t just shove the tulle back on, ya know?” She smiles at me.

“Of course.” I nod.

“Ok, so we’re done for now. You can go ahead and go change, just be careful taking the dress off, we wouldn’t want any of those pins to come out. Once you’re all changed, I’ll go ahead and take the dress.”

I nod, stepping down off the platform and making my way back to the changing room. Maria follows me in and we carefully begin to extract my person from the dress.

After a good minute, I’m out of the dress and putting my jeans and tank top back on. “Wow, I liked wearing that lot more.” I pout once I’m back in my normal clothes.

Maria just laughs and we make our way back into the hall where everyone is waiting. The seamstress automatically swoops in and takes my dress, while store workers begin taking all the unwanted dresses back to where they came from.

“Now, did you want to go ahead and try to find a veil, too?” Karen asks.

“Sure.” I shrug.

We follow her to the front of the store, where all the veils are displayed. I glance through them, one in particular catching my eye. I finger it for a minute, then turn to Karen. “Will this one go with the dress, or not?”

“Yes, it will.” She smiles, taking it down and holding it up. “Would you like to try it on?”

“Really?” I ask.

“Of course.” She says, fixing the veil for a second. It has a little clip on it that holds the layers of tulle together, and slides into the hair to keep it in place. Since I’m wearing a pony tail, she just slides it into the hair on top of my head. “It’s a Cathedral length veil.” She explains, walking a few feet behind me to set it all straight. Once she’s done, she takes a minute to look at it. “I think it looks perfect.”

“Yeah, that’s definitely the one.” Isabel chimes in.

“Ok.” I smile, taking her word for it. “I’ll have this one.”

Karen carefully removes it from my hair, folding it over her arm. “Would you like me to hold it, or would you like to take it home today?”

“Can you hold it, and I’ll just come pick it up when I come back for my second alteration fitting?” I ask. I don’t want this thing just sitting in my house. Either Max will find it, or I’ll end up wearing it around the house.

“Sure.” She says. “Would you like to look at the headpieces, as well?” I nod, so she leads me to where they are, then excuses herself to go put my veil in the back.

“I’d say that so far we’re doing very well.” Diane says, glancing through the multitudes of tiaras and beaded headbands.

“We are.” Isabel confirms, flipping through her planner. “We’ve got most of the major things already.”

“Oh, what about bridesmaid dresses?” I turn to Isabel. “Are we still going to look around here?”

Isabel scrunches her nose a little. “I didn’t find any here that I liked, so I don’t think you will either.” She shrugs. “But you can go ahead and look if you want.”

“Nah.” I turn back to the tiaras. Of course I’m getting a tiara, I wouldn’t have it any other way. “We can just go look somewhere else. I’m kind of tired anyway.”

“Ok.” She makes a note in her planner. “Oh, I know this really great place in the mall. We can go check it out tomorrow or something.”

“Sounds good.” I absently reply as I pick up one of the tiaras. It’s one of the smaller tiaras that they have, I’m not the Queen of England, for crying out loud, I don’t need a huge one. I run my fingers across rhinestones and pearls, noticing the little pearl flowers on it.

I walk to a mirror that’s sitting not too far away and I turn it, lifting it up and setting it on top of my head. Yeah, this is the one. I’m in love.

I turn to them. “What do you think?” I ask, slowly turning my head from side to side, not wanting the thing to go flying off my head.

“It’s so you.” Maria smiles at me. “You should wear tiaras more often.”

“I know, right?” I laugh at her. “I like it.”

“Well, that’s really all that matters, honey.” My mom says. “It’s lovely, but you’re the one wearing it, so you pick it out.”

“I want this one.” I reach up and take it off. I walk over to the counter, where Karen is making a note of something. When I get there, I notice that she’s writing my name on a piece of paper, and my veil is carefully folded onto a hanger nearby.

“Found it?” She asks, glancing up at me.

“Yes, can you hold this, too?” I ask, setting the tiara on the counter.

“Of course.” She smiles at me. “Did you want to make an appointment to come back in for your next fitting?”

“Well, I don’t have my shoes yet...” I drawl out.

“Just come back whenever you find them. Everything will still be here.”

“Thank you.” I smile at her.

“No problem. You guys have a great day.”

“You, too.” I reply, then turn and all of us begin making our way out of the store.

Wow. I feel so accomplished. Maybe planning this wedding isn’t going to be the horror movie I’ve been dreading.


I went into LOTS of detail about the dress, I know. It's actually *MY* wedding dress that I'm basing it on, so I do have pictures that I can show you guys... but theres too much packing and stuff to deal with right now for me to screwing around with that. If I remember, I'll post them later on. See you guys whenever I get back.
<center>S&M-*Twinkie* -n- *Twin*</center>
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Location: A little place me and Tanya like to call.... ZanLand!

Post by LittleHottie510 »

Hey guys! I know... its been FOREVER since I've posted, and for that, I apologize. While things have calmed down over here... my muse is officially gone... so I haven't gotten much writing done. Well, to be more precise.. I haven't gotten ANY writing done. I'm in the process of finding a new muse... but things are going very slow! Thanks so much for being patient, and I hope you'll stick with me through this.

Few things before I post....

One- When I went back home to Illinois, I stole my wedding photos from my mom.. who stole them from me.. and I brought them back down here so I could scan some pictures of my dress(the basis for Liz's wedding dress) and unfortunately... they're still in my husbands truck after the drive down here. I plan on getting them tomorrow and scanning them and all that... so look for the pics to be posted sometime this week.

Also, with the flowers in this chapter.. I have pictures of them also... but my photobucket account won't cooperate with me, so the pictures of those will be up later this week as well.

Basically... sometime this week, there will be a whole post of pictures. *lol* Keep on the lookout for that. I felt that with this fic... we've already spent one entire fic getting up to this point, so I wanted to be very visual and have pictures for all of you, so you could really feel like you're there. I hope thats ok with everyone!

Ok, I'm gonna shut the fuck up, and get the hell outta the way. Enjoy!!!

Chapter Five

(Max POV)

“But you should see my dress, baby. It’s gorgeous!” Liz gushes as we drive over to the tuxedo shop.

I’ve been hearing that same damn sentence out of her mouth for the past three days. I love her, obviously, I wouldn’t be marrying her if I didn’t... but if I hear that sentence one more time, I’m going to have to strangle her.

“You told me.” I reply, stopping at the stop sign in front of me. I feel her look over at me, and I know I probably shouldn’t have said it, but I can only take so much.

“You don’t have to be rude.” She says, turning to look out the window.

“And you don’t have to go on and on about a dress that I can’t even see for another month.” I toss back. “Either tell me, in detail, or don’t mention it.”

“What is wrong with you?” She asks, turning in her seat to face me.

“Nothing is wrong with me.” I lie. Of course something’s wrong with me. I have to go to this stupid tuxedo shop, and then we have an appointment to stop at some catering place and try some food that they’ve made for us to decide if we want to use them, then we have to go to some... other place and see if we like the invitations they made. I know someone mentioned something about a cake too....

“Bullshit.” is all she says before she turns back out the window.

I glance in the backseat, finding Sophia happily sucking on her pootie, watching the scenery go by. God, that girl has an easy life. How sad is it that I’m envying my eighteen month old daughter?

As I pull up out front, I see Michael walking out the front door. He doesn’t see us at first, simply shoves his sunglasses on his face and makes his way down the stairs, muttering to himself.

I open the door, and yell over the top of the car at him. “Michael! What are you doing?”

He turns upon hearing my voice, then turns around and walks back over to me. I close the car door and meet him in front of the hood, as Liz begins trying to retract Soph from her car seat. “Dude, do you have ANY idea what your fiancé did?”

“Do I want to know?” I ask. I’m already in a bad mood, please don’t let this get any worse.

“Probably not. So I’m not going to tell you. All I will say though, is that I doubt she considered the price of the tuxes we’re being forced to rent before she picked them. And if she didn’t check the price on those, you can be damn sure she hasn’t checked the price on anything else.” He rants.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. “No, you’re right. She probably didn’t even think about it.”

“Well... good luck not goin broke with this one.” He gives me a smile that screams ‘I feel so sorry for you, dude’ and then clasps a hand on my shoulder. “I gotta go, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Bye, Michael.” I watch as he walks away, just as Liz comes up next to me. “Let’s get this over with.” I grumble, walking inside.


“You could have at least glanced at the price tag.” I try again. We’ve managed to get me fitted for a tux, get down the right size shoe, and now we’re on our way to the florist. My mom called while we were inside the tuxedo shop, catering tasting has been put off until tomorrow, so we’re going to the florist instead. Oh, joy.

“You said that I could have anything I wanted, no expense spared.” She throws back.

“I know I did, but you could have at least glanced. That’s all I’m asking for. A rough estimate on how much we’re going to end up spending would be nice, babe.”

“Well, next time I go in, I’ll be sure to glance.” She sarcastically replies. I don’t try apologizing, cause she’ll just ignore me. She’ll get over it by the time we get to the florist anyway.

As we pull up, Liz is going on and on about how unsure she is about what flowers she wants. See? Told you she’d get over it.

I let her run on inside since my moms car is already here, which means she’s waiting. I opt to dawdle and take my dear, sweet time getting Sophia out of her car seat.

I open the backdoor and stick my head in. “Hey Princess.” I smile at her as I begin unhooking all the hooks, unsnapping all the snaps, and untangling all the straps that hold her in. “What are you doing? Are you ready for... Enchanted Florist?” I ask, once I’ve looked through the windshield and checked on the name of this place.

She giggles at me, and bounces around in her seat, speaking all kinds of baby gibberish. “Yeah, I feel the same way.” I tell her, finally grabbing hold of her and pulling her out of the seat. Just as I stand up and close the car door, I turn around to find a tall brunette behind me... staring.

“Hi.” She smiles at me.

“Uhm... hi.” I reply.

“I was walking over there...” She points to the other side of the street. “And I couldn’t help noticing you. It’s hard to miss a fine ass like that sticking out of the back of a car.”

Is she flirting with me? She is! I’m holding my child, woman. Is that not a clue that I just might be taken? “Well, thanks, but...”

“And then you get out and you’re holding this adorable little girl.” She takes a minute to sigh, then looks me hungrily up and down. “What’s your name?”

“Max. But really, I’m...”

“I’m Amanda.” She introduces herself. “You know, there’s nothing sexier than a guy with a baby.”

“Yeah, well... my fiancé sure seems to agree with you. As a matter of fact, she’s waiting for me inside. We’re planning our wedding, so if you’re done...” I trail off. She looks dumbfounded, so I simply walk around her and make my way towards the front door. “No wonder Uncle Zan’s always telling me that he’s taking you to the park when he comes to visit.” I tell Sophia. She slaps her hands against my chest, causing me to shake my head at her. “You’re a very violent girl.” I inform her as I walk in the front door. “You know that? Must have gotten it from your Mommy.”

“Yeah, or not.” Liz replies, suddenly right in front of me. “So... who was the girl?”

I turn around, and glance outside. She’s gone, Thank God. “Oh, geez. That girl would NOT shut up. Kept going on and on about how sexy I was, and how a guy with a baby is a big turn on.”

“No wonder Zan’s always saying he wants to take Sophia to the park.” Liz shrugs. “Whatever.” She grabs my hand, dragging me to one side of the store, where I find my mother arguing with an employee.

“Well, that’s what she’s decided upon.” My mom continues. “Which means that if these flowers are in Florida, you’re going to have to make a few calls and get them sent up here, right? Right. Good. Why don’t you go make those calls. Liz has decided, so that’s what she’s getting.” Mom pauses to take a breath. “What are you still doing here? Go.”

The employee runs away as my mom turns around. “I think you’ll be getting those flowers after all.” She informs Liz. “Max, so nice of you to join us, honey, what took so long?”

“Some girl was hitting on him in the parking lot.” Liz throws out. “Are you sure they’re going to be able to get those flowers? Diane, I love them. I need them in the bridesmaids bouquets.”

“What are you guys talking about?” I venture to ask.

“Well, I was looking through some magazine over there, and they had these flowers in them.” Liz explains. “They were little, and cute, and they come in both blue and white. Since the colors are blue and silver, that’s just about as perfect as you can get. So I tell the guy this, and he starts going on and on about how they grow in Florida or something, and then your mom started yelling at him.”

“I was not yelling. I was simply instructing him on the proper way to do business. The customer is always right.” She corrects, her attention immediately bouncing to something else. I swear she had ADD, sometimes. “Where did Isabel go?”

“Isabel’s here?” I ask, switching Sophia to the other hip, where she goes to work sucking on my t-shirt. “Soph, don’t eat Daddy’s shirt.”

“She’s in the back.” Liz informs us, taking Sophia from me, and grabbing a pacifier out of her purse. Sophia starts sucking on it, once again content with life. “They’re making me a bouquet.”

“For what reason?” I ask. We’re not getting married for over a month, certainly the thing will die by then, right?

“To make sure I like it.” She shrugs. “I’d already decided on white roses for my bouquet, and Isabel thought it would be nice if they’d tie it together with some silver and blue ribbon, so they’re back there doing that.”

“Then we’re done here?” Well, color me surprised. I figured we’d be here for a couple of hours.

“Well, yeah.” Liz nods. “Your mom was here before us, so she glanced through some of the catalogs and found all these pictures of all these beautiful flower arrangements for the church and the reception. I just went through and picked the ones I liked, and we figured how many we’d need and we had just finished that when I found the pictures of that Florida flower, and then your mom started arguing with the guy, and then you walked in.” She finishes her novel of an explanation of the whole thing. “You would have been here for more of it, but you were otherwise occupied in the parking lot.”

“Yeah, that was my fault.” I roll my eyes.

“Ok, what do you think?” Isabel asks, walking up to Liz with a bunch of flowers thrown together and a bunch of ribbon hanging from them. Liz hands me back Sophia and grabs the flowers, holding them as if she were walking down the aisle.

“What do you think?” She asks my mom and Isabel.

“Perfect.” They both agree.

“Yeah, I think so, too.” She nods. “Ok, I’ll take it.”

“Great!” Isabel beams, pulling her planner out of her purse at the same time my mom does. They both make a few notes, then consult each other on what they’ve just written, then write some more. Am I the only normal person in this whole family?? “So, we’re basically done here.” Isabel takes the bouquet back. “Next up: the invitations.”


“I hope they came out ok.” Liz worries as we make our way over to Kinkos to check out the wedding invitations they made for us.

“I’m sure they’ll be perfect, Angel. If, for some strange reason, there’s something wrong with them, you know my mom will make it right. For God’s sake, she’s getting flowers flown in for you from Florida for your bridesmaids bouquets.” I reason with her.

“You’re right.” She sighs, reaching over and taking my hand that’s resting on the gear shifter. I intertwine my fingers with hers, then bring the back of her hand to my lips, giving it a quick kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I reply, giving her a smile. I flip on my turn signal, continuing to follow my mom and Isabel. “What are we doing after this?”

“We’re going over to some woman’s house.” Liz shrugs. “Your mom knows her, she makes cakes, apparently.”

“Jenny.” I, for some reason, remember her name. “She used to make all of the cakes for our birthdays when Isabel and I were little. I’m sure she’ll have a million and twelve options for us to choose from.”

“That’s perfectly ok with me.” Liz beams. “I love cake.”

“I know you do, honey.” I pull into a parking space next to my mom, releasing Liz’s hand to put the car in park and turn off the engine. “You’re up to wrangle with the car seat.” I inform her.

“Fine.” She sighs, getting out of the car and then climbing into the backseat to get Soph out. She’s much better at it then I am, so she gets her out, no problem, and we all begin to walk inside. I gotta remind myself to ask her to show me how the hell she does that.

My mom walks straight to the counter and informs the clerk why we’re here, and we’re told to please hold on a minute while she goes and finds the envelope with our invitations in it.

When she returns, she’s carrying a large manila folder. You better hope you got this right lady. Heaven forbid my mom dislike them. You’ll definitely be hearing it.

“Ok, so we did two.” She tells us, pulling open the envelope and grabbing the contents. “One in color and one in black and white.” She sets them side by side on top of the counter and we all lean forward to inspect them.

We decided to do something a little different. Instead of just having a normal card that said You’re Invited!, we decided to take a picture of Liz and I, have it put on some paper with a border around it, and have all the details of the wedding, its location, time and all that good stuff written on top of the picture. I think they came out really good. I lean forward and inspect what was written.

<center> Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Parker and Mr. & Mrs. Philip Evans</center>
<center> request the honor of your presence</center>
<center> at the marriage of their children</center>
<center> Elizabeth Louisa Parker</center>
<center> to</center>
<center> Maxwell Philip Evans</center>
<center> on Saturday</center>
<center> the Twentieth of September</center>
<center> at Five Thirty</center>
<center> at All Saints’ Episcopal Church</center>
<center> 201 Main Street</center>
<center> Roswell, New Mexico</center>

<center> Reception at Seven Thirty</center>
<center> at the Evans’ home.</center>
<center> Sixty Twenty Five Murrey Lane</center>
<center> Roswell, New Mexico</center>

Huh. Well, its nice to know that our reception is going to be in my parents backyard. I’m thrilled beyond belief that someone remembered to tell me. The groom. The person who is actually getting married. But, then again, considering it’s my mom and Isabel, I’m surprised Liz and I are getting a say in anything.

“I like the black and white one.” Liz says, still glancing back and forth between them.

“Really?” Isabel looks closer. “I kinda like the one they did in color.”

“I just think that on that ivory paper, with that border, it looks better in black and white.” Liz shrugs.

“Yeah, I kinda see that.” Isabel keeps looking. “What do you think, Max?”

“I like the black and white, too.” I answer.

“Then the black and white one it is.” My mom says. She calls the clerk over and proceeds to order three hundred of them.

Who the hell does she think I am? Donald Trump? I don’t have the money for three hundred wedding invitations! I don’t even know three hundred people!

“Mom, don’t you think that’s too many?” I ask.

“Oh, don’t be silly.” She shakes her head at me. “That’s not too many. It might not be enough.” She thinks for a moment. “Oh well. If we need more, we can always come back.” She find out when the invitations will be ready, and then apparently, we’re ready too, because she’s already on her way out the door. “Come on. Let’s go. We don’t want to keep Jenny waiting.”


“I think I’m going to throw up.” Liz admits as we walk through the front door.

Sophia is already asleep, she passed out in the car on the way home. I give Liz a quick kiss on the forehead. “I’m going to go put Sophia to sleep. Why don’t you go take a nice, hot shower?”

She smiles up at me. “That sounds wonderful. Thank you.” She gives me another kiss before she makes her way upstairs.

I follow behind her, she turns to go into the bathroom, as I turn to go into Sophia’s room. I carefully lay her down on the changing table and begin trying to take off the little dress Liz put in her today, and get her into her pajamas without waking her up.

It takes about ten minutes, which is a significantly longer amount of time than it normally takes, but somehow, I manage to accomplish it.

Once I get her in her crib, I quickly make my way into the bedroom. I pull a CD out of my back pocket that I had Isabel burn for me last night and I put it in the CD player. I grab the remote for the CD player and I put it on the bedside table next to my side of the bed.

I grab a lighter out of the top drawer and go around the room and light every candle I can find. Soon, all the candles are lit, and I strip down to my boxers before turning off the light.

The room is bathed in soft candle light, and I glance around the room, happy with everything, just as I hear the water in the shower turn off. I drop back onto the bed and wait for Liz to get into her pajamas and make an appearance.

I don’t have to wait all that long. A minute or two later, the bathroom door opens and the light turns off, just as Liz appears in the doorway. She stops in her tracks when she sees the bedroom. She glances all over the place, a smile appearing on her lips. “What is all this for?” She asks, her eyes resting on me.

“Well... I had this thought.” I tell her, swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

“This sounds dangerous.” She comments. “What was it?”

“With all this wedding stuff we have going on... we don’t have a song to dance the first song to.” I explain to her. “So, I had Isabel burn me a CD last night, I gave her a few songs, told her to pick a few of her own.” I reach over and grab the remote. A few button clicks later, the beginning of Shania Twain’s ‘You’re Still The One’ starts playing. I stand up, walking over to stand in front of her. “I figure we could give them a test run.” I hold out a hand. “Will you dance with me?”

Her smile gets bigger, and she places her hand in mine. I lead her to the middle of the bedroom before I spin her into my arms and we begin swaying to the music.

As the second verse begins, she lifts her head from my shoulder, looking up into my eyes. “You’re amazing. You know that, right?”

I shrug. “I just thought that with all this chaos going on with the wedding, and the fact that you’re dealing with my family all the time, you could use a little bit of a break.”

She gives me a soft, lingering kiss before she puts her head back on my shoulder. I rest my cheek against the top of her head, closing my eyes and enjoying the feel of this moment. It’s absolutely perfect and I don’t want to ever forget it.

It’s not long before Shania stops, and the second song begins. Liz immediately recognized it, and her head jolts away from my shoulder, and she looks into my eyes. As the words begin coming through the speakers, her eyes fill with tears. “I can’t believe you did this.”

“Can’t believe I did it, or can’t believe I remembered this song?” I ask.

“Both. Mostly the second, though.”

“It was our first date, Liz. How could I forget something like that?” I kiss her forehead and she lays her head back against my shoulder and starts singing along with the song.

I can tell she’s crying, because I can feel the moisture from her tears against my chest. I hold her a little closer, continuing to sway to the beat of the song.

Too soon, the song ends, and I lean back to get her to look up at me. I give her a smile as I reach up and wipe the tears away. “Don’t cry, Angel. You know I hate when you cry.”

“But these are good tears. So it’s different.” She argues. “That’s the one, Max. I want that to be the first song we dance to.”

“Then it will be.” I promise.

I start to pull away to turn off the CD, so we can go to bed, but she pulls me back to her as another song begins. “We’re not done.” She tells me. “You can’t tell me there are only two songs on there.”

“Well, no.”

“Dance with me some more?” She asks, holding her hand out for me to come back.

“Of course.” I take her hand and pull her back into my body.

She takes a deep breath, playing with the hair at the back of my neck. “You’re my favorite.” She whispers.

I smile slightly at our inside joke from high school. “And you’re my favorite, Angel.” I kiss the top of her head. “Always.”

Last edited by LittleHottie510 on Sat Sep 10, 2005 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
<center>S&M-*Twinkie* -n- *Twin*</center>
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Post by LittleHottie510 »

Hey guys! I'm back with the next chapter!!!

I haven't gotten those pictures scanned yet, because I'm lazy, and all week, I've been cleaning and all this retarded stuff, because Alex is up here for the weekend. (Alex is Hopeless Romantic here at RF.) So her and I have been chillin all weekend... we went and got tattooes together, and we're getting ready to go see "Just Like Heaven"... but I wanted to get this posted first.

I promise that sometime this week, I'll get a post of pictures up. Also, I made mock wedding invitations, so you guys could see what those look like... Be on the lookout for those.

Ok, heres the next chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it! I got a movie to get to!

Chapter Six

(Liz POV)

“What do you think about this one?” Tess asks, grabbing a dress off the rack and holding it up in front of her body.

I turn my head to the side, taking it all in. “No.” I say after only a few seconds. It’s not a bad looking dress, but it’s not what I want. We’ve been at this for about an hour, and I’m ready to simply pull my hair out. This is ridiculous.

“I’m 99.9 percent sure I found it!” I hear Isabel say from behind a rack of dresses.

“I hope so, because I’m 99.9 percent parched, and I wanna get the hell outta here.” I reply.

“Well, what do you think?” She asks, stepping out from her hiding place and holding up a dress in front of her.

My jaw drops, and my hands come up to cover my wide-open mouth. There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that the dress she’s holding is the one. It’s absolutely perfect!!!

The dress is a floor length, spaghetti strap dress. It’s got a funky coloration to it, but its gorgeous. It’s got these bands of color around it, that fade from dark blue, to light blue, then back to dark blue, and so on. It has excess fabric around the neckline, that will gather just above the girls’ cleavage, and to make it all the more perfect: it has silver glitter all over it.

“Oh my god.” I hear Maria next to me. “They’re beautiful.”

“Absolutely perfect.” Tess agrees, linking her arm through mine. “What do you think, Liz? Your opinion is the only one that really matters here. I trust you not to put me in something ugly.” She giggles.

“I would never do that you guys. I love you, I wouldn’t want to see you suffer like that.” I tell them.

“Yeah, you also don’t want ugly dresses ruining the wedding pictures.” Maria chimes in.

“Well, yeah. That too.” I shrug.

“So?” Isabel prompts, tilting the dress in front of her.

“Yes, it’s amazing. That’s the one.” I nod enthusiastically.

“Great!” Isabel runs back around the rack. “Well, they have my size...” Tess, Maria and I wander over to where she is. “Oh, Tess. Here’s your size!” Isabel plucks another dress off the rack, handing it over to Tess. “Please, please, let them have Maria’s size.” She mumbles to herself as she gets down to the last three dresses on the rack. “No. No.” She get to the last one. “YES!”

We all scream in unison, causing the other shoppers at the small boutique to turn and look at us. “Sorry.” We mumble in unison.

Maria takes the dress Isabel hold out to her. “Try em on?” Isabel asks, pointing over her shoulder to the dressing room.

“Of course.” I shoo them in that direction. We all pile into the handicapped dressing room, for some reason feeling as though they can’t each get an individual dressing room.

I take a seat on the little bench thing that’s in the room and pull my planner out of my purse. I flip to the to do list, which only seems to be getting longer and longer, despite the fact that we’re getting so much done. I sigh as I glance down the list.

“Zip me.” Isabel instructs Maria. They take turns zipping up each others dresses, then they all turn to the side, popping their hip as they put their hands on their hips, striking a pose for me. “Well? Are we hot, or what?”

“So hot.” I agree, pulling out digital camera. “I better get a picture for your mother, not to mention it’ll be easier when we leave here and go looking for shoes.”

They all face me, putting their arms around each others’ waists and smiling big smiles at me. I quickly take the picture, then look at the finished result on the little viewer. I hand the camera over and they inspect the picture before handing it back and beginning to change back into their regular clothes.

“You know...” Tess says, pulling her shirt down over her head, then turning to the mirror to check her hair. “I saw these really cute shoes at that place over on First Avenue... I think they might go with this dress. And, they were on sale, too.”

“You wanna go check it out after this?” Maria asks, putting her dress back on the hanger.

“Sure.” I make a note in the planner. “What else do we have to do today, Isabel?”

“Well, we have to find YOUR shoes, because the woman from Country Bride called you a few days ago, and you told me to remind you. You need to go back in for your second fitting as soon as possible.” She pulls out her planner. “Also, we need to swing back by the florist, because we forgot to order boutonnieres for the guys and corsages for Mom and Nancy. Gotta swing by the tux shop and make a note of who hasn’t gone in there, and pick up the invitations.” She runs down the list. “I think that should be enough progress for one day.”

“Please tell me that getting something to eat is in there somewhere.” Maria wheedles.

“Yeah, we can do that.” Isabel nods, grabbing her dress. “Ok, ladies. Let’s pay for these, then get over to that shoe store.”

“I can’t believe how easy it was to get the shoes!” I shake my head. “We’re getting SO much done! This is ridiculous.”

“Don’t jinx us!” Isabel laughs. “I like the pace at which we’re getting stuff done. The more we get done now, the less we’re going to have to be doing last minute.”

“True dat.” Maria adds from the back seat. “I don’t want you to be stressed during all this, Liz. So let’s continue to be exhausted for the next few days and get as much done as possible.”

“Oh, hey. Country Bride is a block or two that way.” Isabel points out the passenger side window. “We have your shoes, you wanna stop over?”

“Why not?” I quickly maneuver the car into the other lane, heading for the bridal shop. I sigh, thinking about my shoes in the backseat. “How perfect are my shoes?” I repeat for the millionth time since I laid eyes on them. The second I saw them, I knew they were it. I’ve had that happen a lot with planning this wedding. The shoes are like glass slippers, but they aren’t really glass, of course. They have a thick heel, which minimizes the possibility of me falling on my face. A clear band that goes over my foot just above my toes, and the band has a small rhinestone heart on it.

The shoes that we picked for the girls are very similar, although their shoes have two thinner straps over the top of their feet. One of the bands is just above the toe, like mine, and the second one is higher. We got really lucky that they had all of our sizes!

Ya know what? I’m starting the get scared. The more and more things are just working out perfectly... the more scared I am that things are going to start going to shit. Oh, hell. I shouldn’t have said that. Knock on wood that the good luck continues. Where’s a piece of wood when you really need it?

I don’t hear the girls respond about my shoes, because I’m too busy thinking about them, but I know they think my shoes are nice, because they’ve already said so about a dozen times.

I pull up in front of the bridal shop and have Tess grab my shoes from back there. My mom volunteered to watch Sophia for the day, knowing that we wanted to get a lot done, and also knowing that having to take a child along would make things more difficult.

We walk inside, and Karen greets us at the door, immediately wanting to see my shoes. I pull one out and hold it up for her. “Oh, it’s absolutely perfect.” She breaths. She hands it back to me. “Between the dress you chose, the veil and the tiara... you really are going to look like a princess. Then add the ‘glass slippers’... well, it’s just all too perfect.”

She leads me back into a dressing room, and the seamstress comes in, taking my dress out of a garment bag and showing it to me. Well, all I can say is that it looks smaller, but that’s a good thing. That’s what we were going for, after all.
I undress, thankfully, I wore a strapless bra today, and they help me step into my dress. Once I’m in it, they help me find my feet amidst the thirty-seven layers of tulle, and we manage to get me into my shoes.

“Ok, now, why don’t you walk out into the hallway, and walk the length of it. You’ll know right away if the front of the dress is too long. It looks like it is, but I’ll let you decide if you want to leave it, or not.” She tells me.

I walk into the hall, and I don’t take three steps before I bite it. I catch myself before I fall flat on my face, then immediately burst out laughing. “Yeah, I’d say it needs to be shortened a bit.” I manage through laughs as everyone tries helping me up off the floor.

“That was very graceful, Liz.” Isabel laughs. “Really, I’ve never seen anything quite like it.”

“Well, I’m one of a kind.” I shrug.

“The dress looks amazing, though.” Tess says, once I’m up on the platform and they’re all in the room. “It hugs your body just right.”

“I’m in love with it.” I admit, running my hands over the beading on the bodice. “I know me. I’m going to end up wearing this thing around the house.”

They all laugh at me, and we fill Karen in on all the things we’ve managed to accomplish thus far. “Wow.” She says, after we’re finished. “You’ve gotten so much done, I’m impressed! You should be a wedding planner.”

“Actually,” Isabel holds up the pencil she was writing in her planner with. “I am.”

“Well, there ya go.” She laughs. “I must say, you’re the calmest bride-to-be that I’ve ever encountered. Most women come in for their second fitting, and they’re already freaking out over all the things going wrong, and all the things still left to do.” She shakes her head. “I hope everything continues to go this smoothly.”

“Thank you.” I take a deep breath. “I hope so, too.”

The seamstress finishes pinning the bottom of the dress, and they help me carefully step off the platform, get out of my shoes, and out of the dress. I somehow manage to leave all the pins where they were. Point for me.

I dress, then make an appointment to come back in a week for my final fitting, so they can make sure it’s just right. Then... about four weeks after that, I’m getting married. Oh, holy shit. I shouldn’t have thought that. I’m going to start freaking out now! Ok, Liz. Focus on the to do list. That’s all you have to do. What’s up next? Invitation pick up. Then what? Tux shop. Then flower shop. I can do this. I really can.

“I can’t do this.” I whine, glaring at the box of wedding invitations that sit on top of the table at the Crashdown.

We’ve managed to stop by the florist, and order all the remaining flowers, and get an update on the flowers being flown in from Florida. The florist said that it took three phone calls to find them, and they’ll be flown in three days before the wedding, then made into the bouquets the Friday before the wedding. Sounds good to me.

“You can’t do what?” Tess asks, pulling her straw out her mouth.

“Send out all of those.” I nod towards the box. “Look at em! There’s way too many. This is ridiculous.”

“I’ll do it.” Isabel volunteers with a nonchalant shrug.

“Say what?” I raise my eyebrows at her. “You’re kidding, right? Don’t joke like that. That’s not nice.”

“I’m not joking.” Isabel laughs. “I already have the lists from Mom and Nancy of all the people they want to invite. So, your family and Max’s family is taken care of... so really, I just need to know who YOU want to invite, and who Max wants to invite. I can get this done while I’m watching the rerun of Viva La Bam that’s on later, I missed it on Sunday.” We take a minute to look at her strangely. “What? Don’t judge me. Bam’s cute.”

“I’d do him.” Maria agrees.

“Are you sure?” I make myself ask. I’m thrilled beyond belief that she wants to do it, but I don’t want to shovel that on her, especially with everything else we’ve been doing lately.

“Yeah.” Maria nods. “I think it’s the tattoos, combined with that ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude that’s the real turn on...” She goes on.

“Maria, I was referring to Isabel sending the invitations...” I trail off.

“Oh.” A slight blush colors her checks. “Right.”

“Yes, I’m positive. Besides, my handwriting’s better than yours.” Isabel flippantly responds, ignoring Maria’s outburst. “Just give me the names and addresses of who you want to invite, and I’ll get Max’s and I’ll be good to go.”

“Actually, I’ll send my invitation.” I tell her.

“As in... one?” Her eyebrows draw together. “Who’s it for?”

“I’m just gonna send one to the boys, they don’t need individual ones.”

“The boys? Tess parrots. “Wait... you mean... the frat guys?” I nod, causing all eyebrows to shoot up. “You’re going to invite Steven... the guy you used to have sex with... to your wedding?”

“I was friends with him even after Max and I got pregnant. Of course I’m going to invite the guys. They were there for me when I needed them the most. There’s nothing that could make me not invite them.”

They decide not to debate me, instead the just nod. Is it weird that I’m inviting Steven, and the rest of the Sigma guys? I don’t think so, but then again, I’ve always been kind of odd. Oh well, I’m not worried about it being weird. I’m getting married. My friends and family are supposed to be there to celebrate with me, and honestly... I can’t decide which those boys are. I’m more inclined to call them family, actually.

“Are we ready?” Isabel asks, interrupting my thoughts.

“Yeah.” I glance at my watch. “Max should get off work in about two hours, so I want to be able to have dinner started, at least, before he gets home.”

“Well, it shouldn’t take all that long, we’re just going to the tux place, right?” Maria comments before draining her cup.

“Hey, we should stop at that lingerie place over in Dexter while we’re there.” Tess adds as we all shell out our part of the bill. “You’ll need something for the honeymoon, and it can just be one more thing that we’ve gotten out of the way.”

“Yeah, we can do that.” I nod, scooting out of the booth. “Let’s make like a tree and get the fuck outta here.”


Max and I are lounging on the couch, quietly watching a movie after Sophia fell asleep. Max is kicked back, with the couch reclined, while I’ve got a throw pillow in his lap, and I’m laying on my stomach. I let out a little shudder as he runs his fingers up and down my arm, hitting a particularly sensitive spot.

“How’d today go?” He asks, grabbing a strand of my hair and twirling it in his fingers. “Did you get a lot done?”

“Yeah, we did.” I nod into the pillow. “Picked up the invitations...”

“Which Isabel is going to address, and she wants a list of the people I want to invite.” He fills in. “She called me when I was on my way home.”

“Yeah? Who are you inviting?” I ask.

“I don’t care if anyone shows up. As long as you’re there, that’s all that matters to me.” He says. “Who are you gonna invite?”

“I, uhm...” I pause and clear my throat. I lift my head off the pillow so I can see him when I tell him. “I’m gonna send an invitation to the Sigma house. The guys will know who’s invited.”

Max, being the absolutely fabulous, amazing, and wonderful man that he is, smiles at me. And it’s a genuine smile. I’d know if it were fake, and this one is not. “That’s a good idea, babe. I was wondering if you were going to invite them. I know last time Steven called, he was wanting to come down and meet Sophia.”

Yes, I still talk to Steven. We talk at least three times a month, but he’s been too busy with law school, and an internship at his fathers law firm to get the time off to come down. I know that if I’m getting married though, there won’t be anything that will be able to keep him from coming. He’d never do that to me.

“You’re amazing.” I whisper, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

“You’re just saying that because I’m letting the guy you used to have sex with come to our wedding.” He raises an eyebrow at me.

“Not to be outdone by the fact that I’m having a girl that you used to have sex with IN our wedding.” I remind him.

He lifts one of his hands, bringing it down lightly on my butt. “Details, details.” He scolds, shaking his head at me. “Anyway, what else did you do today?”

“Invitations, got the bridesmaids dresses, got my shoes, got shoes for Isabel, Maria and Tess, ate lunch, went to my second fitting for my dress, stopped at the flower shop and ordered the rest of the flowers... I got white rose boutonnieres for all you guys, is that ok?” I ask, pausing my list.

“Whatever you want, Angel.” He replies, earning him a kiss.

“And, I stopped by the tux shop, if Kyle doesn’t go in there in the next three days, I’m going to kill him, pass it on.” I give him a look, so I know he’ll pass the information on. He likes Kyle, therefore not wanting to see any harm befall his friend. “And, I got some lingerie.” I finish with a shrug.

His eyes get a little wider. See? I knew that was going to sidetrack him. That’s why I left that little piece of information until the very end of the list. “Yeah? Can I see it? Will you model it for me real quick”

“No, you can’t see it.” I shoot him down. “It’s for the night after we get married. You’re not allowed to see it until then.”

“Will you at least give me a general mental image?” He continues on his quest. I tell you, guys are so weird. It’s just lingerie. Really not that big of a deal.

“It’s white, there’s lace, and hearts.” I tell him. “That’s all the info you’re getting.”

“You’re mean.” He pouts.

“You’re nosey.” I toss back.

“You like it.”

“Eh, sometimes.” I stick my tongue out at him.

In reality, I really want to show him, because the lingerie I got is SO cute! The top is a tube top, the part that covers my boobs is all lace, and a single layer of tulle flows down to my mid-thigh, and has little red hearts around the bottom. The bottoms are simply a white, lace thong. All see-through. Very cute.

“So, what’s on the agenda for tomorrow?” He asks, immediately yawning after his question.

“We have a meeting with Father Joe tomorrow night.” I remind him.

We’re getting remarried in an Episcopal church, so really, we’re supposed to go to some kind of meeting with Father Joe about the importance, and meaning of marriage, and find out if this is really what we want, and if we’re on the same page about it all. I think that you’re normally supposed to attend these pre-marriage classes for a month or so before the wedding, but since Max and I have already been married once, and we live together, and have a child, Father Joe said we could just come in two or three times and talk to him about it. He’s really cool, so I don’t have a problem with it.

“What time?”

“5:30.” I tell him, following my statement with a yawn. “I think that’s all we’re doing tomorrow. I know the day after, we have a meeting with the caterer to try the food they’re making, and figure out what the menu for the reception is going to be.”

“Well, remind me of that tomorrow night, otherwise I’ll forget.” He tells me, then yawns again. “I’m exhausted.” He finally manages. “Bedtime?”

“Bedtime.” I agree.

We get up and start turning off all the light and head for the bedroom. So... so far, so good. We just need to keep going the speed we are now, and I’m sure everything will get done, and it’ll work out just fine.

<center>S&M-*Twinkie* -n- *Twin*</center>
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Post by LittleHottie510 »

(I know its alot, but most of it is important.)

Hey guys! I'm back with an authors note, and some pictures.

First-- I just wanted to start off by saying that I'm glad you guys seem to be enjoying this...

That being said... this is quickly becoming a fic that everytime I think about it, I'm stricken with a large headache, and the first thing that comes to mind is "God, why did I start writing that?!"

I've been trying so hard to make sure to get in every little detail about the wedding, and trying to remember everything... I literally have twelve pages of notes for this fic, simply because there are way too many details and I bit off WAY more than I can chew with this. Even if I didn't have 'Writing Mr. Perfect' going right now, I don't know if I could keep up with all of these details. However, I do have 'Writing Mr. Perfect'... I also have five fics on the backburner. I don't normally write all this fluffy stuff, and my fluff is quickly becoming tapped. At the rate I'm going, I really don't think I can keep it up all that much longer.

Now, I know, that by now, you all are freaking out on me... but have no fear. I'm not going to abandon this fic, or give up on it. Even with the first fic I wrote, which was crap, and I wanted to stop writing halfway into it... I stuck it out. I can't not finish this, because it will haunt me for the rest of my life. Stupid thing.

I *AM* going to finish this, I am going to continue to keep posting it... there are just going to be a few changes. Right now, I'm working on writing Ch 9 for this. After that one... this is going to become alot more focused on the characters, and the funny stuff, and it's going to kind of... go back to what 'All's Fair In Love And War' was... which is basically just a bunch of random, funny stuff that I somehow managed to shove into a chapter and have make sense. The wedding will still be happening, obviously, and details will still pop in here and there... but if I keep obsessing about things like "...Did I remember to mention the bridesmaid's shoes?" or "...Did I descibe the dresses good enough?"... I will literally go insane. I'm pretty much at that point now.

For all of you who, in your feedback have said things like 'Wow, this is making me want to just run to the courthouse...' Yeah. *LOL* I'm pretty sure I've said it before, but if not... Liz and Max's wedding in this fic is completely based on my wedding. The only difference really being that I only had a month to plan my wedding, I had to do it by myself because my now-husband was in Texas doing military training while I was in Illinois, and the fact that my wedding really happened... and this one is just in the world of fanfic.

While I really want to make this the best it can be for you guys... I simply cannot do it anymore. I mean... as of 3 hours ago, it's my two year wedding anniversary, and instead of being in bed at 3 AM and sleeping because my husband is taking me out to dinner tomorrow to the Japanese place that I love... I'm sitting at the computer. Obsessing about the reception, and the wedding songs, and what will be happening at the rehearsal dinner and all this. GRR. I'm driving myself crazy.

I know that you guys will understand, because you, my readers, are *SO* good to me. I'm so sorry that I'm having a complete mental breakdown right now... but this is what its come to. Everytime I think about this stupid fic, I just want to cry. I can't do it anymore.

*sigh* Ok... I'm going to stop with all that... because soon, ya'll are going to be calling people to have me thrown in a padded room... and we're going to move onto other things.

I have pictures! Finally, right? *lol* Well, since Alex isn't here anymore, she was only here for the weekend...I'm all depressed, and frankly... quite bored without her... so I made myself sit down and scan the pics. So... here they are.

(Now, I couldn't seem to get a really GOOD picture of the details on the bodice of the dress... so I have a picture taken from the front, and from the back...)

Bodice Detail- From Back
(Ignore my husbands hand... *LOL*)

Bodice Detail- From Front
(Uhm... ignore my hands.. and the flowers...)

Random other details:

Bridesmaids dresses, modeled by my friend Brandi

Group shot to show bridesmaids dresses, as well as the train on the dress...

Train of the dress, with the veil on.

To show the girls shoes... as well as prove there *IS* 200 layers of tulle.. *LOL*

Also... the flowers that I'm planning to use for the bridesmaids bouquests: White and Blue (Yes, I realize that the blue ones look more purple than blue... but whatever. I'm beyond the point of caring.)

And just because....

Alex and I at the bus station and... My new tattoo!

Ok, I have literally been babbling for like, an hour. So I'm shutting up now! If you guys have any questions, comments, and/or concerns... please feel free to PM me. I know that I came off as slightly crazy in this post... but I swear, that on normal days, I'm not... *quite* as crazy. *lol*

I'll more than likely be back on Wednesday night to post the next chapter. You know how last month... I had to go out of town to deal with some personal stuff back home? Well, it wasn't totally taken care of, so I have to go back. I'll be gone a week, so I won't be able to post this coming Saturday. I hope that's ok with everyone.

Once again... feel free to PM me about anything.

<center>S&M-*Twinkie* -n- *Twin*</center>
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Post by LittleHottie510 »

*sneaks back in* Hey guys... anyone remember me?? *lol* So, I'm back. *lol* Few things I wanna say...

First of all-- I want to apologize for my breakdown. That was freakin ridiculous and I'm *SO* embarassed when I go back and read that. Ohmigod, I could cry. *sigh*

Secondly-- I want to apologize for my extended absence. I've worked some things out, gotten a new muse (A cute little thang named Haley, who really loves working on my fics... so things are working out well.)

In the time I've been gone, I'm happy to report that I have been working on my fics. This one seems to be coming along a little faster than Writing Mr. Perfect, but I'm trying to put equal writing time into each. WMP won't be posted just yet... but keep on the lookout for it.

I hope you guys are still with me on this, and I hope you enjoy this chapter. Once again, I'm SOOO sorry I've been gone so long!

Love you guys! *Smooches*

Chapter Seven

(Max POV)

I slow down in front of the house, turning down the radio and glancing into the driveway, noting all the cars. My mom, Isabel, Tess and Maria are all there. I make a quick decision and pull away from the curb, heading out of the neighborhood that we live in.

I know that Liz is expecting me home soon, but after the day from hell at work, I really don’t need to be bombarded by wedding details the second I walk through the front door. I’d be apt to kill one of them, and I don’t really feel like going to prison today.

I pull back onto the highway, cranking Velvet Revolver back up as I pick up speed. It’s blistering hot outside today, what else do you expect from New Mexico, though? Even with that, I have the windows rolled down, and the sunroof open... and the a/c on. Ok, I’m retarded. Whatever, let’s move on, ok?

I pull up in front of Michael and Maria’s house, making sure that I’m close enough to the curb before I kill the engine and pull my keys from the ignition. I hop out of the car and make my way up the walkway, knocking twice before opening the front door.

“Michael?” I yell into the house.

“Yeah?” He yells back.

“Where are you?” I shut the door, walking farther into the house. He doesn’t have to respond, because I find him about three seconds later, kicked back on the couch, a cold beer in his hand. I drop down on the couch next to him, propping my feet up on the coffee table next to his. Out of nowhere, he hands me a beer, and it takes me a second to realize that he has a cooler sitting next to him. Why that surprises me, I’ll never know.

“What are you doing here?” He finally asks, flipping through the channels and stopping on ESPN.

“All their cars are over there.” I supply, popping the top on my beer and taking a long swallow. “I didn’t feel like being attacked over which plate design I liked the best.”

“Yeah, I don’t blame ya.” He nods, taking a sip of his beer before setting it down on the coffee table next to him. About ten seconds later, he sighs, picks his beer back up, grabs a coaster and sets the beer down on top of it. I’m biting the inside of my mouth to stop from laughing at him. “You can hide out here as long as you want, man.” He assures me, already being sucked into the wide world of sports.

“Thanks.” I nod a few times, before turning my attention to the TV.

“Do you really have to pick out a plate design?” He asks, his eyebrows drawn together as he turns to regard me.

“No, we already did that.” I shrug. “Why? Didn’t you have to do it?”

“No.” He looks off into space for a minute, then turns back to me. “Ya know... come to think of it, I didn’t have to do half of the shit you’ve had to do.”

“Maria probably knew you’d either be rude, wouldn’t care, or would yell... so she just decided to not include you.” I finish off my beer, tossing the empty can towards the cooler. I throw my arms up in the air when I manage to make the beer in the cooler. God, I’m good.

“Yeah, probably.” He nods. “Man, I’m lucky.”

“I’m inclined to agree with you on that one.” I say, as he starts flipping through the channels again. ESPN wasn’t particularly exciting.

He finally gets to the movie channels, stopping on ‘Remember The Titans’, which apparently just started because the beginning credits are still popping up on screen.

“Hey!” Michael points at the screen. “That’s that kid that was in that movie with that girl. The one that made Maria and Liz cry.”

I sigh. I hate that I know him well enough that all that made sense. It’s kind of embarrassing, actually. “Ryan Gosling. The Notebook. Rachel McAdams.” I fill in the blanks for him. “And don’t play like that, I saw you tearing up at the end of it.”

“You were, too!” Michael huffs, obviously not loving the fact that I know that.

“Yeah.” I nod. Hey, I’m not embarrassed about it. Have you seen that movie?! That’s freakin sad, man! I challenge you to find someone who watched that movie and wasn’t at least choked up. You can’t. My mom said that my dad even cried!

We sit for a good fifteen minutes in silence, watching as Denzel Washington and Will Patton go toe to toe over who’s gonna be who, in regards to the coaching situation in the movie.

“Have you talked to Liz yet about the bachelor party?” Michael asks, turning his attention away from the movie.

I shake my head, finally tearing my gaze away from the TV to look at him. “No. I’m not expecting it to go well, though.”

“Why?” He really has no idea. How ridiculous is that?! Well, you don’t know what happened yet, but trust me, when you find out, you’ll know why Liz won’t be too anxious for me to have a bachelor party.

“Do you not remember what happened with your bachelor party?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

He thinks for a minute, then giggles. “Oh, yeah.” He smiles, staring off into space. “That was fun.”

I roll my eyes at him, then begin digging my cell phone out of my pocket when it starts vibrating and ringing. I check the caller ID, recognizing the house number before I push the ‘Send’ button to activate the call. “Hello?”

“Hey sweetie. Where are you? You were supposed to be home half an hour ago.” Liz speaks into the phone.

“I drove up and saw all the cars and came over to Michael’s.” I answer honestly. “I just... I didn’t feel like dealing with all the estrogen and wedding stuff today, baby.”

“Oh, ok.” She replies, not sounding mad, or upset about it. “Well, everyone just left, and I ordered pizza, so can you come home?”

“On my way. I love you, Bye.” I answer, ending the call and standing up. “That was Liz...”

“Go on.” Michael waves me off, getting back into the movie. “If you’re going home, that means Maria’s coming home. If Liz doesn’t end up telling you, in detail, about everything they discussed earlier, Maria will.” Michael glances up at me. “Run, Max. Save yourself. It’s too late for me.”

I laugh at his over dramatic act. “Talk to you later, man.” We exchange a little handshake, then I make my way outside to go home.


“Hon?” I ask, as Liz and I are sitting down to the table with the pizza we ordered. Sophia is sitting in her highchair, eating torn up bits of... something, I don’t think I want to know what it is, it looks pretty gross. I’m glad I don’t remember eating all the nasty stuff babies get fed. That kinda stuff puts you in therapy.

“Yeah?” She asks, glancing up from the task of dabbing the grease off the pizza, and reaching for the salt. She puts salt on her pizza. Weird, but what can ya do?

“I was talking to Michael earlier... and we were thinking...”

“This can’t be good.” She quirks an eyebrow at me, smiling a little.

“You’re such a comedian.” I mock-glare at her.

“I’m sorry, sweetie.” She apologizes, but I have a feeling that she’s not really all that sorry. She looks pretty pleased with what she said, and while I gotta admit it was funny... it wasn’t very nice. Is she insinuating that Michael and I shouldn’t be allowed to think? Well... considering the story I know she’s going to launch into, maybe I should just agree with her. “Go on.” She prompts.

“Michael and I were just wondering...” I trail off, shrugging my shoulders, trying to appear nonchalant about the whole thing. “We were thinking about... ya know, me having a bachelor party.”

She smiles at me. Well, this is good right? “Absolutely not.”

Well, hell. That wasn’t the answer I was looking for. I feel my jaw go slack as I look at her. “Why not?” I ask.

Why? Why the fuck did I just do that? I know why! I’m not a total idiot! Well... ya know what? Never mind all that.

“Why not?” She repeats, wiping her hands on her napkin and regarding me from across the table. “Sweetie, I want you to tell me the story of Michael’s bachelor party. Tell me how it starts out.”

I sigh, running my hand through my hair. I really don’t want to relive this. It’s embarrassing, but I know there’s no way Liz is going to let me out of it. “I don’t want to.” I mumble.

“Well, that sucks for you then, honey. I want to hear it.”

I take a deep breath, feeling the tips of my ears grow hot. I know that they’re probably bright red. They always turn red when I get embarrassed. Damn them. It’s bad enough that they stick out the way they do... but they have to turn red, too? I clear my throat, trying to stall.

“C’mon, Max.” Liz says, urging the story on.

“So...” I clear my throat again. Why am I so nervous to say this? She already knows what happened. “I ended up in the trunk of a rental car headed for Mexico...”

“And you wonder why I won’t let you have a bachelor party.” She interrupts, shaking her head at me.

“Baby, that wasn’t my fault.” I try to defend myself.

“Not only did you end up in the trunk of a rental car headed for Mexico... you guys actually tried to make the journey. If Kyle hadn’t been so damn drunk when he was driving you guys down there, he wouldn’t have gotten on the wrong interstate, and you wouldn’t have ended up in Corpus Christi.”

“Hey, I came back, didn’t I?” Why did I use that as my defense? I couldn’t come up with anything better?! I’m so stupid sometimes, I actually shock myself. Ever done that??

“Yes, I’m so proud that you were kind enough to give up the big venture to Mexico to come back home to your girlfriend and child. Wow, I’m so glad I snatched you off the market when I did.” She throws back. She’s not really pissed, she’s just fuckin with me.

“It could have been worse.” I finally try that avenue.

“How?” She takes a drink of her soda. “I can’t imagine how it could have been any worse.”

“I could have got arrested.”

“You almost did!” She throws her arms in the air. “When you guys were finally giving up and deciding to come back, all... how many of you were there? Six? Piled into the Dodge Neon and then got surrounded by ten cop cars, screeching up, guns drawn, sirens blaring.”

“Once again, not my fault!”

“Well, if you guys hadn’t shoved Gabe in the trunk, and someone hadn’t seen ya’ll and called the cops, you would have been fine. Oh, and what would have been a good way to avoid that?” She taps her chin, appearing to ponder the question. “Oh, that’s right. Don’t take off for Mexico when you’re drunk!”

“Fine.” I finally relent. No bachelor party for me, then. “But seriously.” I feel the need to defend myself. “It’s not my fault that someone thought we had kidnaped Gabe. I mean, when they put me in the front seat of the squad car, I saw on the little screen that they had robbery, kidnaping, and possible homicide.” I list off our offenses on my fingers. “That’s a little extreme, don’tcha think?”

She doesn’t feel the need to actually answer me. She just send me a small smile, shakes her head and goes back to her pizza. We eat the rest of our dinner in silence. When Liz gets up and takes Sophia upstairs for a bath, I pick up the house phone and give Michael a call.

“Yeah?” He answers.

“Hey, it’s me.” I respond.

“What’s up?”

“No bachelor party.” I cut right to the chase.

“That’s stupid.” He grunts. “Why not?”

“Let me see if this can’t jog your memory: Rented Dodge Neon. Alcohol. Me in the trunk. Headed for Mexico.” I tell him. Ya know, I really can’t even think about that without shaking my head. What the hell were we thinking?!

I hear Michael chuckle on the other end of the line. “God, that was fun.”

I roll my eyes. “Of course it was. You weren’t in the trunk of the Neon all the way from Roswell to Corpus, were you?”

“Hey, we kept the back of the seat down in the backseat and had Alex sit on it. It’s not like you couldn’t breath back there. Besides, we were drinking the whole way down there anyway. It was a good time.”

“Whatever you say, man.” I shake my head. “Either way, the wife said no.”

“She ain’t your wife yet, dude.” He reminds me. “But close enough, I guess.”

We sit in silence for a few minutes. “So, I guess that’s that.” I shrug. “Oh well.”

“Screw that.” Michael argued. “As your best man, I’m telling you right now... I ain’t lettin you go out like that. You’re gettin somethin!”

“What?” I all but whine. “Liz said no bachelor party. I’m not going against that, Michael. If I asked her not to have a bachelorette party, and then she did it... I’d be wicked pissed.”

“Don’t be such a girl.” He throws back. “What about a joint thing?”

“A joint thing?”

“Yeah, you know... we just have a party for both of you at the same time. That way, you can keep an eye on her, and she can keep an eye on you.” He explains.

“Michael, I trust her. I don’t need to keep an eye on her.”

“Whatever you say, man.” He continues, as if I’d never spoken. “We can just all go to the club one night. Have the grandparents watch the rug rat, and then you two can get totally hammered.” He takes a minute to laugh. “Yeah, we have to do that. You two are hilarious drunks.”

“I’ll talk to her about it, but don’t hold your breath, dude.” I reach my hand up to scratch behind my ear. “Ok. I gotta go, I don’t smell all that great, I need a shower.”

“See you tomorrow, man.” He says, then I hear a dial tone.

I simply shrug, placing the phone back on it’s cradle. I’m not surprised that he didn’t bother saying goodbye properly. That’s not the Guerin style. I’m surprised I got him to talk on the phone as much as I did. He’s not much of a phone person, that Michael. Shocking, I know.

I begin making my way upstairs, anticipating my shower, yet dreading having to bring up the subject of a bachelor party with Liz.


“Baby, come sit down.” Liz says to me as I make my way out of the bathroom after my shower. “I need to talk to you about something.”

“Gimme a second.” I reply, going over the dresser and grabbing a pair of boxers out of my top drawer. I unknot the towel that I have around my waist, dropping it on the floor as I pull my boxers up my leg.

“I hope that you’re on your way to the bathroom to hang that towel up first.” Liz says, as I start walking over to the bed.

I don’t know how she does that, but it freaks me out. She’s laying on her stomach, so she can’t see me. How did she know that I was just gonna leave the towel on the floor?

I don’t bother asking, I just grab the towel off the floor and go into the bathroom, hang it up, then go flop onto the bed next to her. She has a large three-ring binder open in front of her. There are papers scattered all around. This looks scary. “What’s up, baby?”

“We have one major thing that we still need to handle, so I told your mom and Isabel that I’d talk to you about it tonight.” She explains, going through her papers, setting some off to the side, and stacking the rest.

“And that would be?” I prop my pillows up and make myself comfortable. When it comes to this wedding stuff, I know its always better to be comfortable. More than likely, I’m gonna be there while.

“Well, we’re having the reception in your parents backyard, as you know...”

“Yeah, the invitations told me.” I interrupt.

“No, sweetie, I’m sure that I told you.” She says. She grabs a blank piece of paper and a pencil. “So, anyway, we have to come up with a rough sketch... well, we both know how awesome my drawing skills are, can’t draw a stick person right, but we need to come up with ideas for what we want the reception to look like.” She rattles on.

“Well, let me hear what you’re thinking.”

See? That was smart on my part. I ask her what she wants, and then I can just agree with everything. I don’t really have to do anything, except talk her out of something if it sounds like it’s gonna look hideous.

“Well, the backyard is pretty big, so here’s what I’m thinking...” She thumbs through a stack of papers, grabbing one. “We have an area that will be the dance floor. Your mom already said that they can bring in... something. Wooden squares or something, for the actual floor.”

“Why?” I have to ask. “Why don’t we just dance on the grass?”

“Well, if you’d see my shoes, and the shoes the girls are wearing, you’d know why.”

“Then you guys can take the shoes off.” I shrug. She looks absolutely horrified by that notion. “No, think about it. You’re always complaining about how you hate wearing heels because by the end of the night you have blisters all over your feet. You’re going to be standing at the alter for who knows how long, by the reception, you’ll WANT to take off your shoes.”

“I guess you kind of have a point...” She admits.

“You know you girls are gonna ditch your shoes anyway. You all did it at Maria’s wedding.” I add.

“Yeah, you’re right. We’ll go with that.” She finally decides, making a note on the piece of paper. “Ok, so there’s that. We’re going to have tables set up all along one side of the yard, the dance space will be next to it. I think that we should have tents set up.”

“Yeah, because it rains so frequently here.” I roll my eyes.

“Not for rain.” She sighs. I’m apparently hard to deal with. “First, the sun is still going to be up when we start the reception, this can be a way to stay a little cooler. And then, just because it’ll be cute. Isabel and I were thinking that we could have clear Christmas lights all over the place, too.”

“Sounds good.” I throw out. I have to say something every now and then, or she’ll think I’m not listening, and then I’ll have to listen to all of it again.

“There’s gonna be lots of flowers, some decorative little trees, lots of lights, the tents are going to be white, I’m sure we’ll find some little blue details to put in there...” She trails off. “I don’t have anything else.”

“It sounds perfect, baby.” I lean over and kiss her on the cheek. “I’m sure if you take that back to Isabel, she’ll have a million and five other things to add, and it’ll come together in no time.”

“Thanks.” She smiles at me, then starts digging through the papers again. “Next on the list is...” I hold in a groan over the thought of more stuff. “The food.”

“We haven’t even gone to the caterer yet. How do you know we’ll like it?” I ask.

“Isabel and I stopped by the other day. They were making food for another wedding and we just sampled a few things. It was delicious.” She glances up at me. “Ready for the list of what we were thinking?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Ok.” She glances down at her paper. “We’re going to start with a soup and salad bar. Soups that we went with were the Cheese Soup, the Vegetable Beef Barely and Tomato Basil. They were all amazing, and everyone will like one of them.” She pauses and looks back up at me. “And before you argue the Cheese Soup... it has beer in it. You’ll love it.”

“I wasn’t gonna say anything.” I deny. Ok, so I was, but she doesn’t need to know that. Don’t tell her.

“Then, they’ll get a choice of the main course. You can either have Burgundy Beef: succulent chunks of Prime Rib simmered in Red Wine and Mushroom sauce with fresh Rosemary and Basil. Served over Smashed Potatoes.” She sighs. “Sorry, I’m remembering the Smashed Potatoes. Those were SO good!”

I laugh at her. “The other option?”

“Penne Pasta. With or without meatballs. The meatballs are homemade, and its all in a Marinara sauce with a blend of Assagio, Provalone, Romano and Mozzerella cheeses melted over the top.”

“I’m hungry.” I interrupt, frowning. “Why did we have to go over the food now?”

“Honey, we ate like, an hour ago.” She laughs at me.


“Anyway. Does that sound good to you?”

“Of course it does. Otherwise I wouldn’t be hungry.” I kiss her on the forehead, then turn and get out of bed, making my way to the door.

“Where are you going?” She asks, making a few notes.

“I’m going to get a piece of pizza out of the fridge.” I shrug. “I wasn’t kidding about being hungry.”

“Before you go, we never decided on which flavor we wanted the cake to be.” She starts putting all the papers back in her binder. “We tried fifteen different kinds, said we loved them all, and said we’d get back to her on which flavor we wanted.”

“Which one do you want?” I ask, leaning against the doorjamb.

“Chocolate.” She giggles. God, she’s so cute.

“Then that’s what you’ll get.” I tell her. A huge smile lights up her face as she writes it down and closes the binder. “That it?” I ask, already pushing off the door and beginning my journey to the fridge.

“Yes, that’s all.”

“Ok.” I start to make my way down the hallway, then remember that I have to talk to her about what Michael and I had discussed. I make a U-turn, going back and sticking my head in the door. “Honey?”

“Yeah?” She asks, glancing up from all the stuff on the bed.

“I talked to Michael earlier, and he suggested that we have a joint bachelor/bachelorette party. Just get the whole crew and go to the club. What do you think?”

“I’ll think about it.” She says, going back to her work.

I turn and begin making my journey downstairs to the pizza. I guess that was better than a no.

<center>S&M-*Twinkie* -n- *Twin*</center>
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Location: A little place me and Tanya like to call.... ZanLand!

Post by LittleHottie510 »

Hey guys! I'm glad you're all still with me on this. I know that I was away for quite awhile, but I don't anticipate having to do that again. Right now, I'm writing this at a pretty good pace, so HOPEFULLY, it'll be done soon, and I'll be back to working on WMP. After that... well, I'm not sure whats going on. I'll let you know whenever I do. *lol*

Just so you all know... Yes, Raychel was telling the truth in her FB about the last chapter. The story about "So there I was... in the trunk of a car... headed for Mexico..." is a TRUE story. It didn't happen at a bachelor party... its just the kinda shit that happens when the Army boys get drunk and bored on the weekend. *LOL* That's actually Kenyons story(he was the one in the trunk), whose in the other room playing Madden. *lol* He worries me sometimes...

Anyway! Here's the next chapter for ya'll. I hope you like it, and I'll see you next Saturday with the next update.

Chapter Eight

(Liz POV)

I imagine that the four of us make quite a funny picture at the moment. Maria, Isabel, Tess and I are all out at lunch. We decided to go to the sushi place over in Dexter. You know the one. The one that I went to with the three of them after the night that Soph was conceived.

God, that seems like all that happened another lifetime ago. Back then, I never would have imagined that this is where I’d be today. I would have told you that you were smoking some pretty serious shit if you would have told me that I’d be planning my second wedding to Max Evans...ever.

So, back to the four of us. We’ve been sitting here for about half an hour. We’ve all ordered drinks, and we ordered our sushi a few minutes ago. At the moment, we’re all sitting at the table, each of us with a day planner open in front of us. We’re making lists, and figuring out what all we still need to do for the wedding. This is getting ridiculous. I can realize that, and accept it, but there’s nothing I can do to stop it now. Too much planning has gone into the whole thing.

“Ok. So, let’s go down the list.” Isabel says, finally looking up from her planner. Maria and Tess weren’t always this organized, with planners and such, but once they realized everything that was going on for the wedding, they both went out and bought one.

Maria looks over her list. “The bridesmaids are all set.” She glances at me. “We have our dresses and our shoes. Our bouquets are planned. All we need to know from you, is how you want us to have our hair.”

“Well, Isabel and I were at the mall the other day, and we saw these cute little flower clippy things. They had like... four little white flowers on them, so we got three of them.” I look over at Isabel. “You still have them, right?” She nods, continuing with her notes. “I think we decided that you guys should all have your hair spiral curled, and piled up on your head, and then get the clippys put in there somewhere.”

“Oh, that sounds cute.” Tess says, writing all that down. We’re ridiculous, I know.

“Do you have everything you need?” Isabel asks.

“I have my shoes. I have all undergarments to go under the dress, including the two garters....”

“Why two?” Tess asks.

“Well, you need one for the groom to throw, and then another one to keep.” Isabel shrugs.

“Anyway.” I bring the conversation back on topic. “I need to go in for my final dress fitting next week. After that, I can pick up the dress anytime. I also need to pick up the veil and tiara. I found a cute hair style in a bridal magazine that I’m going to give the hair stylist, have her replicate it.”

“Wait.” Maria looks up suddenly. “Have any of us made appointments to get our hair done?”

We all look like a pack of deer caught in headlights. Deers don’t come in packs, do they? What’s the proper term for that? Flock? No, that can’t be right... Herd! Is herd right? A herd of deer?

“I’ll call Mom right now.” Isabel pulls out her phone, pulling me from my thoughts. “She can get us all appointments, no problem. What time should we get our hair done?”

“Well, what time did the photographer say that he wanted to be set up to take all the girls pictures before the wedding?” Tess looks around the table. “I forgot to write it down.”

I thumb through my planner. Oh, there it is. Photography by Jeff is the guy we decided to go with. I looked at some of his sample stuff... it was amazing. He has a really unique style, and likes to get random details. He had pictures of closeups on beading on dresses, pictures of the girls hairstyles, pictures of their shoes... See? Random, but definitely an interesting way to remember all the little details. “He said that he wants the girls ready to get their pictures taken by 3:30. Ceremony starts at 5:30.”

“Ok, let’s go for noon, then.” Isabel says, getting up and excusing herself to go talk to her mom.

“Are we still going to get mani/pedi’s the morning before the wedding rehearsal?” Maria sips her drink.

“Yeah, I made us all appointments at Dukes Design Studio for the 19th.” Tess says. “Our appointments start at 9:15 AM, and Ana, the girl who’s doing all our nails, because she’s AMAZING! Put aside four and a half hours for us. She’ll do our nails, then we’ll get passed along to Erika, who’s going to do our toes.”

“Is it really going to take four and half hours for her to do our nails?” I ask. It doesn’t usually take that long when I go. I mean, I know it wouldn’t, cause I go by myself. But this girl has set aside a little over an hour for each of us. It doesn’t take me that long to get my nails done.

“Well, I told her we’d all be getting acrylics. She doesn’t airbrush the french manicure on. She has two different kinds of acrylic powder. The pink for the majority of the nail, and then white for the tips. Also, I told her that the colors were blue and silver, so I think she’s going to paint little flowers on our nails.”

“That’ll be too much.” I shake my head. “I don’t want all that.”

“Well, then we can get one flower on our pinkie nails, or something.” Maria suggests.

“We’ll figure it out when we get there.” Tess assures me.

“Ok, fine.” I relent. God, this is stressful. “So, we have everything set up for our preparation for the wedding, right? Let’s think... hair, nails... makeup?”

“Mom already hired her personal stylists, Stacy and Nikki, for our hair, and Jamie to do our makeup.” Isabel says, coming back to the table and taking her seat. “So we’re set for that.”

“I really think we might have everything under control.” Maria sets her pen inside her planner. “How scary would that be? If we didn’t have anything else to plan?”

“Oh, no. Don’t say that.” Isabel shakes her head. “There’s always some detail to worry about.” She glances up as the waiter comes up next to the table, followed by a few helpers with our trays of sushi. “Not now, though.” She closes her planner, putting it in her purse. “For now, we’re going to have a relaxing lunch.”


“I love sushi.” Tess gushes, popping another piece of unagi in her mouth. You know what unagi is, right? It’s eel. How disgusting is that?!

“Me too.” Maria agrees, still trying to get the hang of her chopsticks. “I just wish the utensils weren’t so damn confusing.”

“They’re not confusing. You just suck a little bit.” I tell her, giving her a sweet smile.

“Thanks, honey. Back atcha.” She replies, rolling her eyes as she continues fighting with her chopsticks.

“Did you get the invitations sent out?” I ask Isabel after I swallow the last of the California Roll that I had in my mouth.

“Yeah, I got them all addressed the night that I went and picked them up. Went to the post office the next day.” She confirms. “Most people should be getting theirs either today, or tomorrow.”

“Thank you.” I sigh. “I would have never gotten them done.”

“Like I said before, it was no problem at all.” She glances up at me suddenly. “Hey, random thought. We’ve never talked about this, but... are you going to have a bridal shower?”

I think for a minute, pushing my sushi around on the tray. “No, I don’t think so.” I shake my head. “I mean, what would be the point? I already have a house, and far too many dishes, and stuff.”

“So... what are people supposed to get you for wedding presents?” Tess asks, resting her elbows on the table and propping her chin in her palm.

I push away the urge to correct her about elbows on the table, cursing Diane Evans for constantly yelling at me about it. Damn you, woman. “Ya know... I don’t know.” I answer, completely at a loss.

“Well... maybe you could just register somewhere, and then you can pick out things that you don’t need, and then take them all back and get store credit and get something else.” Isabel shrugs.

“I suppose I could do that. Although... damn it.” I run my fingers through my hair. “That’s one more thing to add to the list, then.”

“We’ll just go next week and do it.” Maria lays a reassuring hand on my arm. “It’ll be fine, don’t worry.”

“So, we basically have... what? Three weeks?” I ask, suddenly panicking. “Ohmigod. We’re never going to have everything ready in time! We’re slacking too much! What the hell is wrong with us?! We have to go! We have to do stuff!”

“God, Liz. Calm down!” Tess drops her chopsticks and scoots her chair next to mine. She puts her arm around me, running her hand up and down my arm. “Take a deep breath. You’re going to be fine. Everything is going to work out perfectly.”

“No, it won’t!” I suddenly burst into tears. “I’m not ready! I haven’t planned everything. I haven’t picked everything up! I don’t even have my dress yet!”

“Shh.” She whispers into my hair as Maria and Isabel all scoot in, six arms banding around me as I break down. “It’ll all be ok. I promise. We’ll get everything done.”

After a minute or two, my tears subside. They loosen their grip on me, and I grab my napkin, dabbing at my eyes. “That was very embarrassing.” I mumble, looking down at my lap.

“Are you ok?” Maria asks, once all the girls have moved their chairs back to where they were. She reaches out and grabs onto my hand.

“Yes, I’m fine.” I sigh. “I’m crazy, but I’m fine.” I laugh a little. “I just didn’t realize how close we were, you know? I knew I was going to be getting married soon, and that’s not what I’m worried about, I’m just afraid we won’t have everything done by then.”

“What makes you think that?” Isabel looks hurt. “Do you not trust us to get it done?”

“No!” I shake my head quickly. “It’s not like that at all! I just want every single detail to be absolutely perfect, and I’m scared that it won’t be. I’m forever losing sleep, worrying that I’m forgetting something. I guess it just all caught up with me at once.” We sit in silence for a minute before I add one last thought. “I know I’m forgetting something. I know there’s a detail that I wanted in my wedding that I’m forgetting. It’s driving me crazy.”

“I know what it is.” Maria throws out, as if its nothing.

My head pops up, and I look at her. “What? What is it?!”

“Disposable cameras.” She smiles at me, as I look completely confused over what the hell she just said. “Think, Liz!” She laughs a little. “Friends. Season Eight. Episode One. ‘The One After I Do’.”

I gasp a little, bringing my hand up to cover my mouth. “The disposable cameras on the tables at the reception.” I sigh. “I would have forgotten.” I smile brightly at her. “What would I do without you?”

“Be bored and have no one to sit with for ten hours straight while we relive the Ross and Rachel days?” She rhetorically asks.

“Hey, those were good days.” Tess points at Maria, then at me. “Next time, invite me. I wanna relive it too.” She sniffles a little. “I miss that show.”

“Me, too.” Maria and I chorus.

“Wow, you guys are dorks.” Isabel giggles.

“Oh, be quiet. You’ve been right there with us, a box of Kleen-ex and a ton of junk food by our side during those marathons on more than one occasion.” I throw back.

She just rolls her eyes at me. “Don’t worry, Maria and I went out two days ago and picked up close to fifty disposable cameras.”

“Thanks, you guys!” I bounce in my chair.

“Not only did we get the cameras...” Maria stops me mid bounce. “We wrote the CUTEST thing on each of them!”

“What’d you write?” I obediently ask, knowing that’s the setup question she was looking for.

She looks exceptionally pleased with herself. “Since a lot of people have disposable cameras, we didn’t want yours getting confused with anyone else’s... so Isabel and I spent fifteen minutes writing “Property of Mr. And Mrs. Max Evans” on them.”

“AWW!” Tess and I both squeal, then giggle.

My cell phone begins ringing with the new ringtone that Isabel programmed into my phone a few days ago. I giggle every time I hear it ring. I mean, my ringtone is ‘Here Comes The Bride’, for cryin out loud... but I love it.

I pick my purse up off the ground next to my chair and begin digging through it. I’m starting to rethink this purse. When I saw it, I just had to have it, because it’s the cutest purse in the whole entire world... but it’s freaking huge. Everyone refers to my purse as a suitcase, rather than a purse. You know that huge Louis Vuitton purse that Jessica Simpson carried around for the good majority of the first season of ‘Newlyweds’? I have that purse. Except, mines pink, and it has little pink flowers with smiley faces all over it. I’m absolutely in love with Louis, but it’s a pain in the ass trying to find a teeny, tiny little flip phone in this monstrosity of a purse. Not to mention, it gets pretty heavy.

I finally locate my phone, of course, it would be all the way on the bottom. I open it up and check the caller ID, a huge smile appearing on my face when I see who’s calling me.

“Hey!” I practically scream as soon as the phone is up to my ear. “What are you doing?”

“Calling you, what do you think?” Steven’s rich laugh drifts through the earpiece. “So, word on the street is that someone’s getting married.”

“Oh, that’d be me.” I giggle, dropping back in my chair. “Did you see the invitation I sent to the house?”

“Of course I saw it. How else do you think I know this? Really, Beth. Think.” He laughs.

“You’re so funny.” I sarcastically retort. “So, what’s the verdict?”

“Well, I intercepted it in the mailbox, and I knew exactly who you were extending the invitation to, even though you didn’t put down names, not wanting someone to feel left out, but... yes, the guys and I will be there.” He announces.


“Of course.” He immediately responds. “Why wouldn’t we? By the way, Matt, John and Brad all say hi, and they can’t wait to see you.”

“Aww. I can’t wait to see you guys, either!” I’m getting all emotional. I never realized how much I missed those guys.

“Quick question.” He clears his throat. “I was thinking about maybe... uhm... you know...” He trails off, sounding all nervous.

“You were thinking of doing what?” I prod.

“Bringing a date.” He finally spits out. “Would that be too weird?”

I can’t help but laugh. “You’re coming to my wedding, and you’re asking if you bringing a date would be weird? Really?”

“Right. Dumb question. So... I’m bringing a date.” He says.


“Yeah.” I can practically hear him smiling. “You’ll love her, Beth. She’s wonderful. We met about a year ago at The Grind.”

“The Grind!” I gasp. “I miss that place so much!” I take a minute to think about the place where I spent the good majority of my college life. I shake myself from my thoughts, diving back into the conversation at hand. “I can’t wait to meet her. What’s her name?”

“Raychel.” He sighs.

“Pretty.” I smile into the phone. I’m so happy that Steven’s found someone. He really is one of the best guys I’ve ever met. I’m sad that things worked out like they did for us, but I’m thankful that we can still be friends. Hell, I’m happy the kid can stand the sound of my voice!

“Beth, babe, I love you, you know it, but I gotta go, ok? I’ll see you in a few weeks.”

“Ok, I’ll see you then. And I love you, too.” I reply before saying goodbye and closing the phone.

“Who was that?” Maria asks, finally giving up on the chopsticks and picking up a piece of sushi with her fingers and putting it in her mouth.

“Steven.” I’m not surprised when three pairs of eyes shoot up from their food and stare at me. “He just called to let me know that he got the invitation and that him, Brad, John and Matt would all be coming to the wedding.”

“That’s nice.” Tess smiles at me, when Isabel and Maria seem to be at a loss for words. “They seemed really nice when they came for your birthday when you were still pregnant with Soph.”

“They’re all sweethearts.” Maria says, finally regaining her ability to speak after the shock wore off. “I loved living at the frat house with them. Never a dull moment. I was just surprised to hear that they were actually going to come. I mean, I’m happy they are... I just wasn’t sure, ya know?”

“Yeah, I know what you mean.” I nod. “I was kinda scared that they wouldn’t come... but they are. I’m so excited!”

“Girls.” Isabel finally sighs, looking up from her empty tray. “Please hurry and finish, we have lots to do.”

“Yes, Mom.” We all chorus, turning out attention back to our food.


“PIVOT!” Ross continues screaming at Rachel and Chandler as the three of them try to maneuver Ross’ new couch up a stairwell. We all giggle as Chandler gets pinned against the wall, and starts yelling at Ross to shut up, after about eight ‘PIVOT’s. Ross seems to realize that it isn’t going to fit.

“What did you mean when you said pivot?” Chandler asks, always the character to provide the most comedy on the show.

“God, I love this show.” I shake my head at the TV, reaching across Tess to grab a handful of popcorn out of the bowl that Maria has on her lap.

After lunch, the four of us just came back to my house. I relayed the information about what Max and I had come up with for the reception, and confirmed the menu for dinner.

The girls all helped come up with a few more little details for the reception, and we all started making calls to make it all happen. We had to call a place to rent tables and chairs, as well as call the florist and get centerpieces for the tables ordered.

We called and rented tents for the reception to be held under, they’ll be made of really thin white material, sounds like it’ll all be really pretty. We had to rent table clothes, and call and rent all the dishes and stuff.

So far, everything for the reception seems to be coming together quite nicely. We’ve even gotten the DJ hired.

After all that, us girls decided that we needed a rest. Mostly, we decided that Isabel needed a rest. It’s easy to forget that she’s pregnant! She’s not showing yet, and she’s still the same Isabel she always has been. She hasn’t started getting moody, or have weird food cravings yet.

So, for the better part of three hours, we’ve all been sandwiched on one of the couches in the livingroom, watching random episodes of Friends, laughing and having a good time.

I glance to my left, where Isabel is smiling at the TV, then I glance to my right, where Tess and Maria are also smiling.

God, what would I do without these three women in my life? I honestly don’t think I could have pulled this wedding off. I owe them everything, there’s no doubt about that.

I reach over and grab Isabel’s hand, lacing my fingers through hers, and doing the same to Tess. They both glance at me, before giving my hands a little squeeze. I see Tess reach over and lace her fingers through Maria’s, binding the four of us together.

“I love you guys.” I tell them, my attention trained on the TV.

“Love you, too.” They all reply.

I let a smile tug at the corners of my lips. I can remember the exact days that I met each of these girls. I remember instantly knowing that Maria and I would be best friends for the rest of our lives. I can remember all the hallmark moments of our lives, each of us present for the others. I remember when we got our first kisses, went on our first dates, and the first time we had sex. I remember the endless nights of staying up, sitting on my balcony and eating ice cream together. Most of my most cherished memories have Maria right smack-dab in the middle of them, and I wouldn’t change that for the world.

I remember thinking that Isabel was stuck-up, and wouldn’t even glance my direction. I thought that she’d feel that I was somehow beneath her, not pretty enough for her to acknowledge. When I started dating Max, I was scared of her. Scared that she’d put some force over him, make him think that he deserved better than me. I was more than a little shocked when all of my assumptions about her were wrong, and we turned into really good friends.

Then I remember meeting Tess. I remember feeling sorry for her, that she’d ended up with Max. Then I remember starting to warm up to her, and I remember the day that we all went shopping for baby stuff in Albuquerque. That was the day that her and I bonded the most.

Still, with all that, I never would have guessed that we’d all end up like this. I suddenly come to the realization that I don’t need to worry about little wedding details. I know that these three will be there, and if I forget something, they’ll remember. That’s what best friends are for, I guess.

I make myself zone back into the episode of Friends that we’re watching. I’m going to enjoy a relaxing day with my girls. Wedding details can come back and bother me tomorrow.

<center>S&M-*Twinkie* -n- *Twin*</center>