Time Changes Everything -(AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 28 07/24[WIP]

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Time Changes Everything -(AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 28 07/24[WIP]

Post by Blue*Soul »

I had a bit of an idea floating around and decided to just write it. The inspirations from a Bollywood movie called Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. Its sweet. This story will be sweet and typical cause i wanted to write something fluffy... Of course with some drama thrown here and there….I can’t help myself! I’m trying to keep this short and light. Flash backs in italic. Enjoy.

Author: Blue*Soul
Category: Max and Liz, AU
Rating: Mature
Disclaimer: Characters aren't mine. Inspiration is also borrowed from a movie.
Summary: Liz and Max were friends since childhood. Max was the popular high school jock, whilst Liz was his side kick- the feisty, in yer-face tom-boy. They had a pretty unique relationship…but it was un-named. Back then, Max and Liz, were slightly less then lovers but more then just friends. They did everything together. Knew every secret about one another. Amongst all the frolicking, arguing, and banter- a type of love began to grow. Liz was the first to realise how much she felt for Max….but not before it was too late. Another girl arrived into their life and she changed everything. From that point on, things were never the same. Liz left town, Max, and his friendship forever. We meet Liz at high school reunion.

Guess who she meets?

Banner by Josephine/ Max and Liz believer

Time Changes Everything.

Chapter 1

Liz groaned as Sadie walked past. She had no idea she would have to dodge so many people.

The sun was a horizontal, orange across the sky. Music blasted in her ears as she dashed around the gardens making chit-chat, with a glass of red wine to keep her company. Kyle was around somewhere too. Probably making chit-chat, and enjoying it to the maximum, aswell. She sighed. She wasn’t like her boyfriend; making chit-chat, or faking chit-chat. It was all the same to Liz. She smiled politely as the hundredth person complimented her. Told her how beautiful she looked. How much she had changed since she had last seen them. How much she was glowing.

Of course Liz had changed. Possibly because high school had been ten years ago. Mainly because now she was nothing like the tongue in cheek, short haired, quick tempered, tom-boy, that she used to be. It was all under wraps now. Liz had learnt the unspoken rule of social conduct. How to put on a façade. How to act. How to smile and be polite.

Boy, it killed her too… but mom was pleased, to say the least.

The men kept eyeing her. Wondering who the pretty girl, with mane of shiny hair and flawless olive skin was. There was Tommy, and Josh Kent, and even Aaron Curtis.

Curtis. Gee. How much she had hated him. Liz gave him a nod as he smiled at her unwittingly. She tried to suppress the laughter raging inside her. Social conduct and all. Liz would never be able to forget the look on his face when she and Max had put slices of ham under his duvet cover, on the camping trip. Or when she had run off with Aaron’s clothes, whilst he was skinny dipping, whilst Max was decoy.

Those were the days. Fun. Laughter—and Max.


The only reason she had decided to come was because Maria had forced her and as much as she hated to admit it, because Max wasn’t going to be here.

“Liz! you have to come!”

Liz didn’t bother look up from the paper she was reading.“Blah.”

“No, Liz. No, blah. This was high-school.”

“Exactly Maria. I’m 26 now.”

“Don’t tell me you’re not even the slightest bit curious if any of your predictions have come true? I for one, am dying to know how big Aaron’s big beer belly has become, If Darren Choo and Rory McGregor are still together, and if Tia has turned to prostitution to make ends meet.”

“You’re the only person I kept in contact with, that’s the way I like it.”

“ Don’t give me that crap. You mean the only person who bought a house across the street from you, and you couldn’t help but keep contact with.”

Liz shifted uncomfortably. Maria was right. When Liz had left Roswell to live in Washington, she had imagined, and hoped that she would ever see any of those faces again.

“Please Liz?”


“Max won’t be there.”

Liz sat up, taking interest. “He won’t?”

“He won’t. The last time I heard, he had moved to England with the wife.”

Liz had agreed. She hadn’t asked how Maria had heard this piece of information. When this event had happened, and how… even though she had desperately wanted to. She had wanted to ask so many questions.

Too many questions.


Miriam had been acting strange. Again. Trust her to send him on a wild goose chase. Back to high school no less, especially when he had been on the run all day. He was always on the run. Constant travelling and relocating on behalf of his company insured that. He had come anyway. Obviously he had said yes to Miriam. No questions asked. He couldn’t say no to her. He didn’t see how any man could. She was that beautiful.

Max stopped in his tracks breathlessly and looked around the school gardens incredulously. It was all...so much smaller. So much quieter.

“Late again, Max Evans?”

“Michelle?” Max laughed, kissing his ex flirt buddy on the cheek. Trust it to be Michelle. He should have known it would be Michelle. She had always been around and um, available.

“Looks different doesn’t it?” she nodded around her.

“Sure does.” Max agreed. “It seems so long ago since I was the king around here.”

“I see you still possess that old modesty of yours.” She laughed, “I take it lifes been a ride, just like high school?”

Max let out a bitter chuckle. “You could say that.”


“Having fun?” Kyle pulled Liz to him, and she enjoyed a familiar kiss with that warmish feeling that accompanied it. It had been four years. Four years since Liz had met him at her mothers barbecue party. Irritated at her mother, who had decided to play match maker, yet again... Liz had told Kyle (when he had tried his chance at making friendly conversation) that under no circumstances was she interested in any type of relationship what-so-ever. As well as asking him why, in the name of god, he was wearing a thong.

Back then, she had been repulsed by Kyle’s, play-boyish behaviour. But something about his ease with words, and a rather blunt honesty and genuineness about him, had charmed her in a way that no man had been able to do for years. They had become fast friends, and then more.

Liz smiled, as Kyle widened his eyes questioningly, “You definitely are.” She nodded at the even-more-bleached-then-before- Tia.

“Oh she’s just…” Kyle waved his hand dismissively. “I have eyes only for you baby.” He grinned, making smoochy noises at her.

Liz playfully shook her head, as Kyle went off to refill her glass, looking around the garden, until her eyes stopped short.

She could only see the back of his head. But she’d recognise that stance anywhere. The way he leaned to his left. The way he ran his hand through his hair every couple of minutes (she had always teased the hell out of him about that). How his head would turn to the left when he laughed, before he made eye contact again. It was all a part of his subtle charm.

She couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t believe the way her heart had just jumped into her mouth. The way her fingers had started tingling. The way she had started shaking uncontrollably. She almost stopped breathing.

Liz had never had this reaction to a man before and it almost made her run to the opposite direction.

But there was no way she was going anywhere. Not now. She was here, and so was he.

Max Evans. Her Max Evans.

Before she could stop herself, she had covered the distance between them and was tapping him on the shoulder.


Max turned and stared blankly at the pretty girl in front of him. No, wait. Really Pretty girl in front of him.

She stared right back, with huge challenging, brown eyes.

“Yes?” he asked politely. She was inherently familiar….but…but…

“Not yes, you moron, who!” She blurted, then blushed profusely, scratching her left brow, like she had spoken too soon.

Christ. No.Way. Hell, there was no way! However, there was no mistaking the only person that would speak to him like that. And now that he knew, there was no mistaking that cross expression, that determined tilt of the chin, or those almond, expression filled eyes.

“Parker!” Max mouthed, his jaw dropping agape, and completely ignoring, Michelle Steward, who he had just been talking to for the last hour.

Liz nodded excitedly. Max lunged forward. Liz squealed in delight.

They hugged then, squeezing the life out of one another. Rejoicing. Relishing. Forgotten, for a few precious seconds were the many years, that had passed between them. The pain and the losses that had come with it.

They were Max and Liz who first met at the tender age of five. Max, who had been intrigued by her instant outspoken temperament, and her ability to pick up snails/slugs/worms/slimy creatures, and chase him around kindergarten with them. And Liz, who had 'liked Max’s sneakers'. They were the Max and Liz in fourth grade, when Max took her side when girls made fun of Liz because she looked like a boy.

They were Max and Liz, in high school again.


Liz sat in the corner of the classroom crying. She pushed her scraggly dark hair out of her face, and it stubbornly fell into her eyes again.

She hated her hair.

Stupid hair. Stupid face. Ugly Liz. Boyish Liz. Stupid Liz!

Tia was right. She was ugly, and she was never going to get a boyfriend! Not that she cared. Who needed boys anyway? Not Liz. Never Liz.

For some reason this made Liz cry harder.

“Parker? Liz. Hey, Liz?”

She heard Max’s voice and she quickly wiped away her tears.

“What?” Liz tried to sound like she hadn’t been crying, but her voice came out all funny.

Liz looked up at Max, terrified at the what she had just given away. Max looked at her red eyes, and both of them quickly looked away.

Liz was crying. Max had looked all over for her, for ages. But he hadn’t expected her to be crying! “I’m sorry about Tia.”

“I don’t care about Tia.” She said heatedly.

Max nodded quickly, “I know. But she made you cry.”

“No she didn’t!”

“But... you were crying.”

“No I wasn’t!”

“I don’t care if you’re boyish you know…” Max looked down at her, and bit his lip. “In fact I’m glad you are. I think your hair looks quite nice.”

For some reason, that made Liz feel a lot better. “Mum cut it herself. She doesn’t like the hair dresser, says she charges too much.”

Liz could see the thinking look on Max’s face. “You don’t like Tia do you?” he asked suddenly.

“She’s okay.” Liz said fleetingly, “Anyway, I know you two are going out.”

“No we’re not.”

“Tommy said he saw you two kissing behind the bike sheds.”

Max blushed. He knew Tia kissed a lot of boys. He had wanted to try it too.

Liz looked at him, eyes narrowed. “Do you love her?”

“What? No way! I'm dumping her anyway”


“She has bad hair.”

They finally pulled apart, breathing hard and both took a step back, disbelievingly.

Liz blushed hard. She couldn’t believe she had just jumped on Max Evans in front of everyone. It had been so long since she had let go like this. Michelle Steward stared at her. Max grinned.

Max was at a loss of words. Where to start? It had been 10 years after all. He had almost come to believe that he would never see her again. That was the worst part. The losing hope part. No part of his brain had even comprehended the idea that she might be here! But she was... and suddenly, he loved Miriam even more.

There were too many questions. Way too many to cover in a sentence. Where had she been all this time? Where had she gone? Why had she gone? Why hadn’t she contacted him? Had she missed him?…God. He had missed her. Why had she left him? Where to start? Where to start?! Fortunately for him, she beat him to it.

“You look as bad as ever Max.”

Her eyes were scanning, taking him in. Time had only improved his appearance. His body had only become more sculpted, his face had a certain stubbled, ruggedness about it. There was more casualness in his appearance, like he wasn’t trying to impress anymore. And to Liz, that was the sexiest of all.

Max laughed at her comment. She hadn’t changed one bit, but at the same time so much.

His gaze travelled from her absolutely blemish free (it actually looked moisturized) skin, down the length of her shiny locks, and off the shouldered black top with a curved neckline- showing cleavage, small pert breasts--

Liz Parker had cleavage! Jeez. Time had moved on. Miriam reminded him how much every day.

He quickly looked back up. “Your hair actually suits you long.”

Liz touched it self consciously, “Surprise?”

Max shook his head.

Surprise indeed.

Last edited by Blue*Soul on Tue Jul 24, 2007 4:13 pm, edited 56 times in total.
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Post by Blue*Soul »

See? I did spend BH productively, even though I could have been paid time and a half for getting off my ass, and going to work :) Lazy people rock!….Thanks Mom! A fourth grader would be around 9…..right? Ellie- Miriam is not his secretary. lol. That’s all I’m saying for now. FSUMSW94- Liz not looking the same, will be important on a number of levels in this story. Anonymousarfan- I guess you’re even more upset with Max now, right? Thanks everyone for reading!

Time Changes Everything

Chapter 2

Liz pushed her hair behind her ear self consciously, and bit her lip. “So.”

“So.” Max couldn’t take his eyes off Liz Parker. Couldn’t take his eyes off Liz Parker! How odd that sentence sounded!

They both launched into speech at same time, stopped abruptly and laughed.

“You first.” Liz took a place on the near by bench table, next to Max.

“I’m feeling rather privileged today.”

“Its been 10 years Max. I’m feeling nice. Don’t expect the same treatment again.” It was strange how she just presumed they would be meeting up a lot after this.

Max laughed and then asked the question that would inevitably come up between the two of them. “You still play basketball?”

Liz's smile widened. “Haven’t touched it since I left high school.”

“I see.” Max was surprised. She had, had such a passion for it. He would have thought she would be a professional by now. “The whole etiquette about now being a woman thing?”

“I guess.”

“And you’re not offended?”

“About what?” Liz asked curiously.

“Me. Calling you a woman.” Max put on a mock frightened expression.

Liz flipped her hair, playfully. “I made a better boy then all of you at high school, put together.”

“Well…” Max casually toyed with a strawberry. “Possiblly a more... masculine boy.”

Liz threw a cherry at him.

Max caught the cherry and popped it into his mouth. “I was speaking for back then.” He threw her a sudden look.

The hairs at the back of Liz’s neck, stood alert, at its intensity. “A lot changes with time.”

Max Evans had finally noticed that she was a woman. Hal-friggen-lujah. Liz chuckled bitterly to herself, not that it even mattered now.

“It does, and another thing.” Liz looked at him questioningly. “I’d so beat you at basketball.”

She laughed. “You really sure?”

“Positive. I’ve been practicing.”


“I beat you! I beat you! I beat you! I told you I would!!” Liz jumped up and down excitedly. Life was good.

Max sat in the middle of the basket ball pitch glumly. He threw the ball at Liz angrily, who dodged before it could touch her.

“Sore loser!” She yelled.

“You cheated.” Max accused. He got up and wiped his jeans. He’d never come across anyone as fast as Liz Parker, in his life. She had to have cheated.

“You cheated.” Liz imitated Max’s sore loser face. “You always say that.”

“I’m always right.” Max answered huffily. “We start high school in three months. Trust me, I’m gunna be on the ball then.”

“How’s that, Maxie waxie?” Liz asked teasingly.


“Well make sure you practice at becoming a better loser!” Liz laughed, sticking her tongue out, as Max chased her down the playing fields.


Liz looked at her watch for the fifth time. What was wrong with him? He had started to arrive later and later. Started to keep her waiting longer, and longer. It was a bad habit and she needed to swipe at Max’s loser habits before he become a, well, loser. She rummaged around in her gym kit for her cell, before she could press the dial button, Max rushed in, breathless.

“Late again.” Liz started bouncing the ball.

Max eyed it. “I was doing stuff.”


“I need my beauty sleep you know. I have better things to do, then be playing basketball 6 in the morning.” He always said that. But he always made it. No matter how late he was.

“Things like losing, Max Evans?”

“Not this time Parker.”

“No?” Liz asked cheekily. Challenging him, as she bounced the ball toward him.

Max took a swipe for the ball but missed. “I told you I would beat you, before you turned 15.”

Liz jogged around him, aimed for the hoop and missed. “I turn 15 tomorrow Max.”

“Game on.” Max grabbed the ball and made a run for it, Liz only seconds behind.

Liz had relished the moment, like she did each time, when Max lost. Liz clearly was the better player. She knew. The school knew. Hell, the whole world knew. But Max wouldn’t admit it.

Not on his life. Not to Liz Parker.


Everything about her screamed femininity now. She was practiced. More demure. Patient. Soft-spoken. She had finally learnt the fine art of being a lady. But there was still a whole lot of Liz Parker in her. That mischievousness in the back of her eyes, absolutely dying to be bought to attention. Her exaggerated, hand gestures. The way she stroked her left brow when she got embarrassed. He had missed all of this.

He had missed her.

He wanted to tell her. Wanted to ask her. He couldn’t, though. There were barriers now. Barriers called time.

“So how’s life with you?” she asked, picking at her plate of fruit.

Max shrugged. Where to start? Where to finish? He opted for, “Pretty okay, actually.”

“Yeah…” Liz nodded. Now that the formalities and small talk was out of the way, she was beginning to find this tough too.

Tough to talk to Max Evans! She had never imagined that this, would ever be the case. She looked to her left and saw Kyle was scanning the gardens for her. She gave a little wave, so he could see where she was, and made the introductions when Kyle joined them. “ This is Kyle my boyfriend. Kyle, Max.”

“Hello, Max.” The men shook hands and suddenly Liz found it extremely odd that she was introducing a boyfriend to Max. As far back as she could remember, she had never really dated anyone serious when Max had been around. It had always been about him.

Kyle was looking at Max curiously. “He was my closest friend. ” Liz added, sharing a smile with Max.

“Really? How come, in all of our four years, I haven’t heard a word about this Max?”

“Yes Liz. How come?” Max questioned.

“You know.” Liz shrugged a little dismissively. “Never got around to it really. “

For some reason, this irked Max. Why had she cut him so completely out of her life? So much so, that she’d never mentioned their friendship. When had he become so unimportant in Liz Parkers life? It was beginning to flicker now. After the pain of losing her, the small flames of anger that lit up occasionally. Flames of bitterness at never contacting him. Resentment for leaving him, just like that.

Before he could focus on the thought anymore, his phone burst into sing-song. Liz and Kyle looked at him--Miriam had set her own tune to Disney’s Prince Ali.

“Excuse me.” Max said to Kyle and Liz. He walked to a quiet spot, “Hey, baby.”

“Its me.” It was Max’s mother. She sounded weary.

“What is it Mom?”

“Miriam had an asthma attack.”

“What?” Max began to panic. He had been so concerned when his Miriam had been diagnosed with asthma, and he lived in constant fear of her having an attack. “When? Where? How did it happen?”

“Its okay, Max.” she tried to assure him.

“She’s okay?”

“Yes. Yes...shes fine. We went for a walk. She didn’t take her inhaler that’s all.”

Max’s heart calmed a bit, but he knew he wouldn’t get any peace until he checked her over himself. “I’m coming back. Tell her to stay in bed.”

“I’m fine!” he heard Miriam yell in the background. He could imagine her rolling her forest eyes and shaking her dark bobbed hair. “Don’t you dare come back!”

Max was reluctant. He didn’t listen to anyone, especially not Miriam, when it came to Miriam.

He quickly jogged back to Kyle and Liz. “Guys, I gotta go. It’s a bit of an emergency.” He nodded at them quickly, mouthed a goodbye and was on his way. He didn’t say goodbye to anyone else. Nor did he notice Liz’s crestfallen expression, as he rushed on his way.

Only later that night, as he sat in bed with Miriam, did the realisation hit that, once again, there was no way to contact Liz Parker, and suddenly, he missed her more then ever before.


Liz was growing breasts. How horrible. She hated this. What was the point in having them? It was annoying. Annoying. ANNOYING!

She pulled on her sports bra, and pulled on a t-shirt on top of it. She noticed two healthy peaks in the middle of her chest. She pulled her shirt back off and was in the middle of wondering whether there was any masking tape around, when her bedroom door burst open and Max strutted in like he owned the place.

“There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you. Here.” He held a pile of tattered papers toward her, but then, put them on the desk instead, as Liz was too busy covering her near to naked body.

“Max!” Liz cried. Her whole body had turned red from embarrassment. She couldn’t believe he had just seen her in her bra!

Max was now sitting on her bed, completely oblivious to Liz’s discomfort, as he chewed on an apple he had picked from her lunch box, and read the latest addition of Fast Cars.

“What?” he looked up and down again at the magazine. “Have you seen the new Sx-900? Its awesome.”

Liz groaned. “Me, Max!” she quickly pulled on a shirt. “I was undressed!”

“Yes, I realise that.” He said flippantly, like he saw her undressed everyday. He closed the magazine, and chucked the copy behind the bed. “Hurry up and get dressed, so you can check over my work. Carlands gunna eat my ass if I mess up this essay again.”

Liz grabbed the papers from her desk and threw them at him angrily. They split up, flying all over her room. Some landing on the bed. Some all over the carpet. “Go do it yourself, jerk.”

Max looked at her disbelievingly. Still oblivious to the fact, that he had walked into a half naked, teen, girls room. “Why’d you do that for?”

“Because!” This was as frustrating as hell!

Max shook his head disapprovingly. Liz was getting rather moody since she had started having periods. He wondered if she’d always be like this now. If she was, he was going to have to start taking painkillers too.

They were stuck in a glaring match. Liz wondering why he wouldn’t just understand, and Max wondering what the hell he had just done wrong again.

Max heard someone beep the horn outside. “That’s probably Tommy. I gotta rush Liz.” He picked up all the papers strewn around her room. “See ya.”

“Knock next time.” Liz hissed.

Max stopped at her door. “Oh, that was the problem? You should just have said.” Max smirked, knocked twice on the door and left.

That just left Liz fuming more. The cheek!

Liz’s Mom had come in after him, with a cross expression on her face. She had always been a little protective, but recently she started to disapprove the closeness between Max and Liz a lot. What kind of friendship did her daughter have with this boy? They literally lived in each others pockets. What kind of friendship had no boundaries? Not one that she had ever heard of. After that incident, her mother had put a lock on Liz’s door.

Not that Liz used it or anything. But at times when Max annoyed her, it was nice to make him wait outside for ages, whilst she pretended to be busy.


Liz sat in the darkness of her new apartment. What was it about Max that had set her world out of spin? Why couldn’t she get him out of her mind? All these years. All that time had passed… and still, she thought about him all the time.

Clearly, she meant nothing to him though. She wasn’t even much of a friend anymore. Liz had to stop her welling eyes, from letting all the tears run loose, when she thought of the way he had just rushed off. Without any contact details. Without much of a goodbye.

Maybe his wife needed him. She was more important, after all.

He was no longer her Max. He hadn’t been for a while now. She had to stop these ridiculous feelings. She had to come to terms with it.

Who was Liz parker to Max Evans? Nothing. Not a friend. Not a Lover. Nothing.

Its time to get your life into order, Liz. Stop moping like a little girl! With a certain dread, she realised it had started again. The ache in her heart. Not that it had ever gone completely. With Kyle though, the ache had dulled. She had almost let herself forget about Max. That, and with her new job as a teacher, starting tomorrow, Liz would make things better.

Determined now. She lumbered into the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face.

If she didn’t ever see Max Evans again, it would be the least of her problems.
Last edited by Blue*Soul on Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Blue*Soul »

You've all pretty much got it. Yes. Well done FrenchKiss and AlienMom, you should be detectives! Keeper- I'm glad i bought you back...and hope i can keep you here! I'm so glad that this story is turning out to be less confusing then JAC! Lets put some more mystery into it, shall we? :wink:

Time Changes Everything

Chapter 3

“David. David! No... Listen to me David…ME…Yes… Better.”

Max talked on the car phone to his assistant, ate his toast and tried tying a stupid knot in his tie (he was so bad at them), whilst his car drove free spin.

He quickly jerked on the steering wheel, as they turned left and threw a look at his daughter, who as usual was in absorbed in that thick, pink, book she insisted on carrying everywhere with her.

“What?… No! Tell Paterson I’ll kick his fuck--“ Max threw Miriam an apologetic look, and rephrased. “I’ll kick his ars- ahem, his derriere if he even as much as tries that one.”

The man spoke again. Max chewed his toast and beeped at the stupid driver who had started reversing into his car.

“What the hell are you doing?! …No. No. not you David. Yeah, like I was saying, tell Paterson I’ll shoot him through the fuc--the--the roof...

A few more obscenities between Max and David were exchanged as Miriam continued to read, her head ducked. Max watched his daughter. She was a natural intellectual, just like her mother.

When the torturous conversation with his no-good assistant ended, he turned to Miriam when he stopped at a red light. “Sorry about that babe. Now that’s language I shouldn’t be using.”

“Its okay.” Miriam shrugged nonchalantly

“No, really.” Max insisted. “Bad Daddy.”

“I know those words.”

Max looked down at his daughter. “No you don’t M.” Of course she didn’t. She was just nine.

“Fuck and Arse.” She said, not even bothering to look up from the book.

Max blinked.


His nine year old daughter knew how to swear. Not only swear, she knew some pretty bad swear words. He ran his hand through his hair as he signalled left, and wondered if this was normal. If it wasn’t, what kind of father did that make him? He wondered who to ask, and if there was a handbook on these things. He doubted it. After all it had been nine years, and he still hadn’t found the frigging handbook.

Hence his situation.

A mature for her age, extremely fast growing daughter, who constantly amazed him with her intelligence and depth, raised by a father who quite obviously, didn’t know his ass from his elbow.

“Okay. Well, um,” Max coughed. “You’re not meant to use them okay? Its all my fault though. Its all the bad influence. It’s my…”

“Dad. Dad! Calm down.” Miriam almost groaned. No one would ever believe that her Dad was actually, quite a laid back guy judging from the way he acted around her! “I won’t use them.” Despite all that maturity however, she couldn’t help but giggle at the bewildered look on his face. It was time for him to stop the constant, crazy, worrying and realise she had grown up now. She was a big girl. Grams always told her, so anyway.

“Okay. Good.” Max nodded. “No swear using.” Good. That was good. Right?

Miriam rolled her eyes at him, and disappeared in to her pink, covered, book once more. Again, Max wondered what her fascination with it was. Last year they had opened her mothers safe, and she had carried it around like a second skin, since.

Miriam looked up, knowingly. “No, Dad. You can’t read it.”

“I didn’t ask.” Not this time anyway.

She smiled and disappeared again. Once again, he realised what a miracle she was.

His baby girl.

“Oh shit.” He was so busy looking at her, that he almost crashed. He swerved the car, and peanut butter from his toast fell onto his new tie.

That was the tie he was going to wear to the meeting!

“ Shit! SHIT!” Max yelled.

“You have a back up one in the office.” Miriam said calmly.

Max calmed down. She was right. He did. Courtesy of Miriam. Sometimes he wondered what he would do without her. She was a daughter, a wife, and a mother all rolled into one. She was what fulfilled his life. He had never really needed another woman in it after Serena, even though his mother, and even Miriam at times constantly reminded him how he was ‘just young yet’, and how he needed ‘to get a life’.

Of course he had dated. He had, had flings. No one was ever long term. No one had ever taken a hold of his heart, like those in the past had.

Any doubts that the words of his daughter or mother might bring, were wiped away everytime he looked at Miriam. She was his life. His everything. Sure Miriam didn’t have a mother figure, but he had done okayish, hadn’t he?

It was just the two of them now.

Max parked up next to her school. “Right. Ok. Off you go.”

“Um, Dad.” Miriam bit her lip.

Damn. What had he done wrong now? “Yes?” he asked, checking the time. Last time he dropped her off, he’d been told off by the headmistress for bringing her in an hour late.

“This is kindergarten. Schools half a mile down the road.”

Max hesitated, and looked up at the clear sign on the left that read, Kindergarten- No Parking. He scratched his collar. “I knew that.”

“Sure you did.”

They shared a knowing glance, then both burst into fits of giggles. It was just too silly not to laugh at. Stuff like this was a dead cert. Max always tried, but his need to get everything right often ended in the opposite happening. They laughed until Max pulled up inside the school gates.

“Okay M. Enjoy yourself.” Max said, wiping away tears of laughter. “If that guy… what’s-his-name…“


“Yeah. Rory gives you any hassle let me know. I’ll kick his ass for you.”

Miriam giggled. “I will Dad.” She shuffled around, shoving the pink book in her bag.

“Oh, have you got your inhaler?”

“Its in my pocket.” Miriam said, tapping her blazer.

She leant forward and kissed him. “See you in two weeks. Love you.”

Max smiled. “Take care of yourself, babe.”

“You first.” Miriam blew him a kiss and was gone.

Max waved his daughter off, watching her until she disappeared from view. He was damn proud of her.. She was one hell of a girl, and even though she had her moments, she had taken to growing up in a single parent family, a hell of a lot better then he ever had.

Only when she had been gone for a full five minutes, did Max decide to get a move on. He was cutting his flight time pretty short.

As he reversed back, he didn’t see the small Fiat racing toward his Benz, and it would have been a full-speed collision, if he hadn’t swerved just in time.

“Fuck!” Max cursed, pulling out of the school.

Stupid, women drivers.


“Stupid jerk!”

Liz mouthed as the Mercedes jeep guy swerved to the right and pulled away. Not like she wasn’t nervous about this job already. To deal with insurance claims, with some loony parent who wasn’t watching where he was going, was not on the list of her right priorities now.

For a moment though, she had to double take. Liz thought she saw a familiar face in that jeep.

Great! Now thoughts of him, were haunting her at work too!

She shook her head, and gathered her books. She was already running ten minutes late.


Miriam squeezed into her seat next to her best friend Lucy. Lucy passed her a chewing gum under the table and Miriam popped it into her mouth. They weren’t normally allowed to chew gum in class. Normally she wouldn’t, but today they were getting a new teacher, so naturally, it was break-as-many-rules-as -you-can day.

“I like your hair band.” said Lucy. “Can I borrow it some time?”

“Sure.” Miriam smiled. “ I still have your blue one.”

“I know. “ Lucy grinned. “I’d like it back sometime. That’s my lucky band you know!”

Miriam threw her an apologetic look. “I’ll bring it in tomorrow. I don’t want you to have bad luck forever!”

“Do you have one?”

“A lucky band?” asked Miriam.


“No. My Daddies my good luck charm.”

“Really?” Lucy looked at her sceptically.

“Yeah. Everything seems to go good for me when he’s around.”


Miriam didn’t expect her to understand. Not many girls had such strong bonds with their Dads, like she did.

“Hey Miriam!” Rory tapped her and Miriam shrugged away. “Can I borrow a pencil?”

“No.” Miriam said quickly, blushing, and avoiding all eye contact with him.

“Can I?” asked Cal. He was Rory’s best friend.

“Sure!” she said smiling sweetly, and making sure she made a display of taking her pencil out in front of Rory.

The class suddenly silenced and Miriam could hear the footsteps of the new teacher. She turned to look at the new arrival.

Her mouth dropped open as she stared, and the pencil fell from her fingers.

She blinked. No… It couldn’t be!

“Hey, you okay?” Lucy asked, reaching for the pencil and waving her hand in front of Miriam, who looked pale of a sudden.

“Yeah. I’m fine.”

Lucy looked between Miriam and the new teacher. “Why are you looking at her, like that?”

“I just--I know her.”

“Who is she?” Lucy asked curiously.

“Liz Parker.” Miriam breathed. “ The girl my Dad loved.”

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Post by Blue*Soul »

Welcome RASaero611 , Earth2Mama- nice to have you here. FrenchKiss- 'nuthin gets past you- You gud! Ellie- Thanks to you for reading!—I’m only generous cause im enjoying writing this a lot. Behryliz- glad you like this relationship. Emz80m, Behrsgirl1230, BehrObsession, begonia9508, RoswellDreamer_bb10, FSUMSW94, Dreamer06, Jason's Lover, g7silvers, anonymousarfan, The Keeper, Lizza, txndreamer06. Thanks all for your FB/insight.
Smac wrote:
As always look forward to more and the promise of a new, long part sounds good to me. :D
Here it is! I originally wrote it as one part, but it kinda spiralled out of control. So here are the next two chapters… 4 and 5, I hope I’m not overdosing you guys!

Time Changes Everything

Chapter 4

“Sorry - What?” Lucy was unsure she had heard Miriam correctly. “The girl your Dad loved? But your Mom is…” Lucy trailed off. She didn’t like to say it. She doubted Miriam liked hearing it very much either.

“Not my Mom.” Miriam said. “Look at these.” Lucy watched as her best friend pulled a pink book out of her bag, opened it and held up three photos from within it. “Here.”

“Photos?” Said Lucy, scanning the pictures that Miriam had shoved in her face.

“Yes. That’s Liz Parker. She was good friends with Mom and Dad in high school.”

“That’s her?” asked Lucy. It didn’t look very much like the teacher standing in front of them. A short haired brunette girl featured in all three of the photos. In one of them she was smiling widely. It was a close up photo and she was looking straight at the camera. Lucy wondered why she was so happy. She had never seen such a huge smile in her life! In another, she was sitting on a high up branch of the tree. This photo seemed to be taken whilst the girl was in mid-speech, probably talking to whomever was taking the picture. In the last one she was wearing a cap, her face was half hidden by a huge, fluffy jumper, and she looked a little annoyed, Lucy thought.

“Can’t you tell?” Miriam asked scanning the photos. Sure, she had longer hair. She was more elegant looking. But, Miriam had studied these photos enough to know, that the girl was Liz Parker…It was obvious!

“She looks different.” Lucy shrugged sceptically, looking between the tomboyish person in the photos, and her pretty, new teacher.

“No it is!“ Miriam was adamant. “Just look at her.”

“But still -“ Lucy insisted. How could Miriam know one hundred percent?

Miriam looked back and forth between the picture in her hand, and at her teacher, biting her lip, with a dawning dread. The more she looked at the photos, the more different her teacher looked all of a sudden. Maybe Lucy was right. Maybe it was just in her imagination. Her wildly beating heart seemed to have slowed right down, and disappointment had settled in her gut.

Miriam had wanted it so badly. Wanted to fulfil her mothers wishes. She had wanted to find Liz Parker so much… that she had started imagining her!

She watched as her new teacher put some rather heavy looking books on the desk in front of her, and pick up a chalk. She turned around and began writing on the board.

Lucy was still speaking. “There’s no way of knowing really until--“ She was cut short by the new teacher.

“Hello everyone. As you all know Ms Turner is pregnant and I’m her replacement for now. You may call me Miss Parker.”

Suddenly Miriam’s heart had kick-started again. Miriam and Lucy exchanged glances as everyone chorused a greeting. Lucy’s mouth had dropped and she looked at Miriam with questions in her big blue eyes.

“Just wait.” Miriam whispered. “I’ll tell you everything at recess.”


“How can I help you Mr. Evans?”

Max straightened his collar and ran his hand through his hair. He had been driving past, and despite himself, pulled up. Now that he was here, he suddenly felt a bit stupid. He wasn’t quite sure why he was here, or what he was doing. He just knew that this had been on his mind all weekend, and he goddman needed to do something about it.

“This is a weird request.”

Max had gone through a lot in the ten years since high-school. A lot more then most people would experience in a life time. At this moment in time, Max was the vice president of one of the top firms in USA. He had beautiful nine year old daughter, who he doted on. He could get almost anything he wanted at the drop of a hat. So what was it about being back in school and standing in front of his old headmistress- Amelia Raven, that suddenly made him feel like that 16 year old, inexperienced, school boy again?

“Go on.” Amelia Raven prompted, trying to keep the small smile from highlighting her grim face. In all her years, she’d never have thought it would be Max Evans visiting her again.

Max looked down at his polished shoes, like he was a school-boy caught smoking behind the bike sheds. And he definitely knew what that felt like.

“I was wondering if you kept records of students and where they went after. You know… from 10 years back.”

Mrs Raven raised her eyebrows, like he was asking something extremely odd. “No we don’t Mr. Evans, and anyway that’s classified information.” Amelia shuffled some papers in front of her.

Max felt deflated. Well, what had he expected? He had found Liz, and he had let the opportunity slip through his fingers. It was all his own fault. His own mess.

“Oh okay, That’s fine. I was just you know… wondering.”

“Any particular reason?” asked his old headmistress.

“No.” Max shook his head. “No particular reason.”

The shrill ring of the bell caught him off guard and both himself and Amelia glanced to their right, where the mill of students had began filling the corridor.

“Anything else I may do for you Mr. Evans?”

“No.” Max backed away, “See ya. I mean….” Max rephrased quickly, “Thanks Mrs Raven- --Amelia.”

Amelia watched as a grown up Max Evans, awkwardly exited her office. She smiled to herself.


Max felt rather odd walking down the school corridor in his suit and tie. Even though he still had time to catch the next the flight to Washington for his meeting, he found him self slowing down. The noises of students talking, slamming lockers, and the squeak of sneaker rubber, as they ran on their way to next period made him a little nostalgic. He walked past the gym locker room and breathed in the chlorine smell that always accompanied it, feeling the rocky gravel of the school walls under his palm.

It seemed only yesterday, he had roamed these corridors, himself.


Max slammed the locker closed, with a bang.

“What is it Max?” Liz stood behind him, chewing gum ferociously.


“Okay then. There’s a coupla things from my end. I need you to pick up a cake, some drinks, don’t forget candles. Its Maria’s birthday. You remember right?… Max?… Right? Cause I know how forgetful you are. When you come gym tomorrow don’t forget to bring your old sneakers. I’m going to the recycle place tomorrow—um Max?” He seemed to be lost.

Liz punched his shoulder. “Hey Zone-Out boy, you sure you’re okay?”

Max shook his head. He was more angry at himself then anything else. He shouldn’t have had such high hopes. He glanced at Liz’s worried face. “Gommerys failed me again... Damn Liz! I tried so hard for this essay as well.”

Liz's whole demeanour changed, her eyebrows furrowing together in concern. “Really…failed you?” Gosh. Max had tried SO hard for that, and its not like he was even stupid! she had checked over the essay herself, and it had seemed fine to her-- a B grade at least.

“ Gommerys got it in for me. I always told you Liz. You never believed me. He hates me. He hates jocks. Thinks we think with our dicks.”

“Well… I cant speak for anyone else…” Liz didn’t like to mention that a lot of jocks did think with their dicks. “But you did well in that Max. I know it.”

“ My essay says otherwise. “ Max made an inaudible sound, and punched the locker. “This means I fail this whole semester.”

There was silence for a while.

“No you don’t.”


“No you don’t.” She repeated.

“What are you talking about Liz? There’s a bright red F on my paper.”

She was biting her lip. It meant she was thinking hard. Max could almost feel the emitted heat, from her tick-tocking brain.

“There’s a remark policy Max. If we appeal… he has to remark it. This time we make sure he does it properly. And if he doesn’t…we appeal again.”

Max shook his head dejectedly. “Come on Liz, no one ever does that.” That’s the way it was. It was one of those un-written rules. Despite what the rule book said, no one ever, questioned a teachers mark.

“I for one know, that, that paper is NOT a fail!” She cried, “Plus, you’ve always been the trendsetter Max.”

Max hesitated and faced Liz unsurely. “We’re gunna face Gommery?”


“You’re gunna get on the bad side of your favourite teacher?” Sure Gommery hated jocks. But he never hid how much he adored his star pupil.

“I don’t care.” Liz’s eyes were bright. Almost fierce. “Do you?”

“Hell, no. He’s a jerk.”

“Well…what are we waiting for then?!”

Max’s paper had gone up from a Fail to an B-. Max had never loved Liz more.


I'll be back with next part in 10...
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Post by Blue*Soul »

ETA- Theres also a chapter before this. Don't miss that one.

Time Changes Everything.

Chapter 5

The smell of sulphur stung their nostrils. Max leant over to Liz’s side of the table, his chest leaning into her arm, as he drew a bright red naught on the grid, at the corner off her school diary.

Liz replied with a blue cross underneath it. “Beat you.” She whispered.

Max responded by drawing another grid just beside it. “Best outta three.”

Gommery cleared his throat loudly. It was a tell-tale sign that he wanted more quiet. Nobody listened. So he continued anyway.

“This year the timetables have changed around a bit,” he said boredly. “thus, some new lab partners.”

There was some murmuring from the class.

“I hope I get you again.” Max said to Liz. He liked her as his lab partner.

Liz smiled at Max and showed him her crossed fingers, from underneath the desk.

Max pinched her nose playfully. “What are you - 6?”

“And a helluva a lot older then you.”

Max stuck his tongue out at her.

“Aha!” Liz said triumphantly. “ I stopped doing that at Kindergarten.”

“ --I don’t want any complaints.” Gommery continued. “Just like before, some of you will like it, some of you wont. Some of you will be partnered with bright ones, and some with those that should be chucked from the education system.” He cleared his throat. “You’ll get on with it. Whatever problems you have. Resolve them. Don’t come to me, cause guess what I’ll say?… Resolve them!” With that, he started reading out the list of names.

“Tommy Jenkins and Pam Troy. Tia Shepherd and Aaron Curtis. Maria Deluca and Michael Guerin –“

There was a sudden disturbance at the back of the class.

“Sit back down Ms Deluca!… No buts…NOW…”

Gommery gave a twitch, like shaking off an unseen bug and continued, “David Green and Sheldon Newman. Liz Parker -“ Max and Liz exchanged looks of anticipation. “--and Brett Thomazin”

Liz uncrossed her fingers and pouted. “Sods law. Anyway, Good luck.” She picked up her diary and moved to be seated next to Brett.

Sods law indeed. Knowing that, Max would probably stuck with Josh Kent, who was dumber then a brain-dead fish.

Max watched Liz regretfully, as she smiled at Thomazin. Thomazin winked at her.

He narrowed his eyes. Why was he winking at her for? And why was Liz smiling so widely?

Thomaz better not get too close or he’d--

“--Max Evans and Serena Adams--”

Max looked around the classroom and his eyes stopped on the new girl.

He gave her a wave and she nodded back at him.

Well, at least she was hot.


Miriam sat on her bed and opened up her favourite book. Her mothers pink diary. She had just had supper with Grams. Grams food was always nice. Properly cooked and heated, for a start. She had enjoyed it. But she had already started to miss her Daddies half cooked sausages and strange concoctions of popcorn, ice-cream and cheese.

Miriam flipped to the favourite part of the diary. Right at the end. Here the writing was smaller, and scrawled, like her mother had rushed to fit as much as she could into it. It had taken Miriam ages to decipher parts of it at first, but now she nearly knew it off by heart.

At first, this part of the diary had made her happy. Then really sad, and now…Now it bought contentment.

Miriam could read this part over and over again. As many times as she could…and she would. She would never be satisfied. This was the only part of the diary that was directly addressed to her. It was the only time, her mom had, and ever would, speak to her.

Miriam scanned her mothers last entry and begun to read.

I know I’m going soon.

It’s not that I’m going, that upsets me. It’s what I’m leaving behind.

The worst part is seeing all that hope in Max’s eyes. He refuses to believe it. Refuses to cry. He talks about your future like we’ll both be there. He’s so desperate. So sad. Even though he’s not admitting it, I can see it written all over his face. Etched in every feature. Max has never been one to admit his feelings. His sadness. His losses.

They told me to write my will. But before that… I want to make sure I give this to you. It’s my diary. It’s the part of me, that you won’t have. It’s the part of me that would fail me as a mother, if I didn’t give it to you.

My darling baby, these are my thoughts. My feelings. My life.

Miriam skipped a few paragraphs and continued to read with an unmatched fervency.

Its not that he doesn’t love me. He does. A lot. Your father cares for me in a way that’s not explainable in words, and when I go, he’ll never try to explain either. If I know anything about my husband, it’s this-- He’ll be strong. He’ll keep going. But deep inside, it’ll never be the same for him. Like it was never the same for him when the girl that owned a huge part of his heart, left forever.

Her name was Liz Parker.


The stars were blazing diamonds in the misty, charcoaled sky. Trying to keep out the cold, the class of ‘94 sat huddled together around the small, burning fire.

Max pointed his camera at the sour expressioned girl in front of him. It was not that she was usually sour. But at this point in time, she was very annoyed.

“Smile Liz.”

“Stop it Max!” When Max got into something, he didn’t just’ get into it’… he got obsessed. Photography was his new hobby, and his latest project, was apparently Liz.

Max clicked away. All his energy focused on Liz.

“Seriously stop it!”

Her plea’s fell upon death ears. Liz pulled her cap ever her eyes and disappeared in the huge, fluffy, jumper she was wearing.

Maybe that would make him go away.

Her hiding only seemed to liven his passion. “One more. Turn to the right. Look up slightly. Tilt your head. That’s it… Liz c’mon!...”

“If you take one more, I'm gonna kick your ass to heaven.” Liz threatened.

“You can photograph me if you want.” Tommy chuckled at the two of them.

Max gave him an ‘are-you-joking-me 'face. “If I want to photograph a horses ass, I’ll come back in the morning. They give free rides too.”

“Ouch.” Pam giggled. “I can see why Max needs something to do, though. These camping trips are so boring. Same place. Same activities. Same people.”

“Not everyone’s the same. She’s new.”

Everyone turned to look where Tommy was pointing .

A figure sat by herself on the grass. Her dark hair wisped around her shoulders as she watched the ocean move. It was Serena, the new girl.

“Oh. She’s a nasty piece of work,” Said Pam, making a disgusted face. “She doesn’t make en effort to talk to anyone.”

“Did you make an effort to talk to her?” asked Tommy, fiddling with the laces on his shoe.

“No.” Pam reddened at someone confronting her so directly. “But she’s the one that’s new!”

“I don’t care.” Aaron said, giving the sitting girl a once over. “She’s damn hot.”

“Aye.” Tommy agreed. “You guys just hate her cause she’s way over your league.”

“You just have a crush on her cause she’s a girl.” Naomi rolled her eyes. “All the boys are like ooh- la-la around her.”

“Yeah! all the guys are… Its so gross!” Tina agreed. “See a fresh peace of meat, and they’re goners!”

“No they’re not.” Everyone looked up the owner of the voice. Max.

“What?” asked Naomi.

“I don’t like her much either.” Max shrugged, fiddling with the nozzle on his camera.

“Finally! A guy that has some sense!” Pam cried.

Liz looked up at Max curiously. “Why’s that?” She quite liked Serena. Sure, Serena didn’t go out of her way to make friends, but she was nice enough when you talked to her.

“I dunno. She’s just annoying and prissy.” Max put the camera down and lay on his stomach, facing her.

“Prissy huh?” She had a certain self assurance about herself, which a lot of girls lacked.

“Yeah, she transferred from England.” He said, like that explained everything.

“So she’s automatically annoying and prissy?” Asked Liz, wondering where the hell his reasoning came from.

“She lived in Cambridge Liz.” Max defended.

“So? What kinda dumb excuse is that?” Liz glared at him. “You just don’t like her, because she’s the first girl that didn’t get all hot under the collar for you, when you tried it on… and guess what? That’s exactly why I like her.”

“No.” Max denied, “ its--“

“Okay, guys Listen up!” Mr. Stevens interrupted him. “ Everybody in groups of three for the next activity.”

Liz saw Serena look around, and before Max could protest she yelled, “Hey Serena! Over here!”

Max glared at her. Liz smiled widely.


Miriam was lying on her stomach, head in her hands. The pink book lay open in front of her. The world could have ended, and she wouldn’t have noticed. She was that absorbed.

You can love in many ways. But sometimes its hard to realise how much you love, until its gone. Max always believed love stems from friendship. The way Max loved Liz, was unique.

Things happen for a reason. I don’t regret a second I spent with Max. I truly don’t. We made a beautiful baby and that’s something I’ll never regret either. But, I did come between something special, and a part of me will always regret that.

I know he’ll never find her, himself. So I hope one day, you can help him on his way to happiness. Help find the girl that left because she wanted him to fulfil his happiness. Help find the girl that possibly loved him more then I’d ever be able to.

Help him find his Liz Parker.

Last edited by Blue*Soul on Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:41 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Blue*Soul »

Heres the new part... earlier then i anticipated...enjoy...[/i]

Time Changes Everything

Chapter 6

“Are you sure you’re not coming to Rococo Island?”

Max threw a side ways glance at the girl draped over his bed. She threw her flaxen curls behind her and leant back on her elbow, her skirt travelling several inches up her thigh.

Max tried not let his growing smirk show, as his eyes scanned her legs and landed back on her face. The knowing way she bit her lip, and the candid way she dropped hints--not too much, but just enough to tell him she was interested told him, that she was quite an expert at this.

He had, had no idea that Tess’s assertive business etiquette would make its self itself central in her private affairs too. There was no denying that Tess had mastered the technique of allurement and knowing his associate, been damned successful at it too.

Not this time though.

Max had realised that mixing work with play had its fair share of consequences, in the days of Sheila Stevens. There was no way he was planning on making that mistake again.

No matter how horny Tess was.

He threw her an aware smile and made his way to the bar, pouring himself a drink.

“I’m beat.”

Tess sighed loudly, almost boredly, reading past his excuses. “Oh come on Max. The meeting was an hour long--the shortest we’ve had in absolutely ages. The deals successful. We should celebrate.” He could hear her shuffling behind him. “Besides, you’ve already unpacked, called your baby girl…what’s her name? … M … and I’m certain you’re not tired. So, don’t be a kill joy.”

Max turned to look at her, taking a sip of champagne. “How would I be killing your joy?”

Tess fluttered her lashes and her tone deepened. “You know how much joy I get when you dance with me.”

“Not entirely, no.”

She threw him a flirtatious stare, and Max bit his lip, deciding that, no more words was the best policy. He had a tendency to flirt with women without knowing how far he had gone, and Tess wasn’t exactly seeming to get his ‘just friends’ hint. It seemed she put as much effort into getting what she wanted into her personal affairs, as she did in her work.

But Max hadn’t got to his position without a little dose of persistence too.

“Another time Tess.”

She pouted a little, and then seemed to have a sudden change of mind. “Your call Max.” She unravelled herself from his bed, almost caressing herself as she did, reminding him what he might be missing. “Good night.”


She threw him one last backward glance and was gone. Max shook his head, chuckling to himself as he walked out to the balcony.

The setting sun caused an oil painting effect across the sky. Jet black and a passioned red, streaked across the horizon, in a simultaneous pattern. Its beauty was unique. Almost mathematical. Max remembered the sky being exactly that same colour, only twice.


Max stepped into the back yard softly. The sun was setting into an amazing mixture black and red which reminded him, his daughter should have been in bed a while ago. A small anxiety at the pit of his stomach struck, when he didn’t see her. Then there she was, sitting on the lowest stone step, curled up into a ball. She was so tiny and precious, that he was almost weary of treading too loudly as he walked toward her.

Max stood a while, but when his shadow didn’t stir her, he spoke.

“There you are M. Nana and I were looking all over for you …”

His daughter pulled away from the brace of her arms, eyed him tearily and sniffed.

Wait. Was she crying?

“ M? … Baby are you okay?” Concerned Max lowered down to her level and touched her shiny, jet hair softly.

“No.” Miriam mumbled.

Max’s heart broke.

“Hey. What’s the matter?” Max puckered her chin and pulled his daughters face toward him. Tear spilt marks, were the stains that highlighted her cheeks. Max wanted to kill whoever had caused this.

“Today at school…” she was cut off as she hiccoughed.

“Yes?” Max asked tentatively. Miriam never cried easily - and he was hugely curious to know what had made her cry so, but he didn’t want to push and drive her away either. Since the day Miriam had been born, Max had never done a single thing that might make her cry - and heaven help anyone that did.

“T-today at schoo l… t-the teacher gave us all a different topic to write about.”

“O-Okay.” Max was puzzled. That had made his daughter cry? He had imagined he would have to threaten some school boys. But, he could hardly ask the teacher to stop giving his daughter work!

“I had to write about Mommy.”

And then he understood.

Max looked at the scrunched up piece of blank paper in her hand. There was not a single word on it.

Now everything made sense. Why she had been so awkward after school. Why she had disappeared for hours.

He didn’t ask why she hadn’t asked him for help. Instead he scooped her up and placed her on his knee, dropping a kiss on her forehead. “That’s okay M.”

“No its not. How can I write about Mom if I’ve never seen her?… Never talked to her?… I don’t even know her!”

Max swallowed. Miriam had known her mother was in heaven, since a very young age. Occasionally Max talked about Serena to his daughter. But not too much. He never knew how much of Serena to give his daughter. Whatever he said would never be as potent as her being here herself, and further questions such as whether memories of Serena would help Miriam, or hinder her, always haunted him.

Max watched his dejected daughter in silence for a while. He had expected something like this would happen at some point. Miriam had just changed classes and he should have warned the teachers to be sensitive about her situation.

“I have an idea ... how about I tell you then?”

Miriam shrugged.

Ignoring her non compliancy, Max continued. “Okay lets see … Well your Mom was probably the most caring person I’ve known.”

“Really?” Miriam sniffed. Her eyes had lit up a tiny bit. That was enough bate for Max to continue.

“Yes. She was nice in an extraordinary way... like in a way people don’t think about too much … She’d do the usual, you know, give money to charities, help old ladies cross the road, etcetera. But things about Serena stood out … like she’d have a smile on her face, even if she had the most unbearable day.”

Miriam looked up at him curiously and Max pulled at the corner of his daughters mouth so it curved upward. Miriam smiled.

“You know what --?” Said Max lowering his voice.

“What?” She asked, lowering her voice to match his.

“There was this really strange, stray cat, which I nicknamed – a, well really horrible name - It used to hang around our apartment a lot … It stank and everyone used to kick it. You know what Mommy did? ... Mommy took it in and cared for it, even though she was pregnant with you.”

Miriam’s eyes had widened into huge saucers now. “Where is it?”

Max shrugged. “We had to get rid of it. It kept going schizo and clawing everyone.”

Miriam giggled. Her smile made Max’s face break out too.

“What else?” Miriam was almost bouncing on his knee now, nothing like crying, huddled girl, he would console at the price of his life. It was transformations like these which he lived for. Nothing made him happier.

“Um…” Max put on a thoughtful face, “Lets see -- Her favourite food was avocado.”

Both Max and Miriam shuddered at this.

“--She loved to dance. Salsa, Jazz, anything. She had proper rhythm too. Not like me. I have two left feet all the way.”

“Those you do.” Miriam giggled. Every time her Daddy danced it seemed really funny to her.

“She was really stubborn too. Grandma wanted your second name to be Louise after her sister. But Serena wanted it to be Elizabeth.”

“Was there a reason you called me that?” Miriam asked.

Max paused, and smiled. Countless memories overpowering him. “ I think that maybe, someone with that name made a bit of an impression on your Mom.”


“Look at the sky Max.”

“The suns setting.” Max said deadpan, observing Liz disapprovingly, who was smiling dreamily at the sky.

Since when had she gotten into all that beauty of the stars thing?

“Yeah I know!… Isn’t is pretty?” she almost sighed.

Almost sighed. What was this? Liz was acting all ... girly.

“Sure. So, dance with me.”

Liz’s connection with the sky seemed to have broken. “So, go to hell.”


“Max!” Liz sighed, and stepped off the front porch, throwing Max a brazen glare. “You know I don’t do all that dancing stuff. Why do I have to come to your ballroom dancing night anyway? Isn’t that for old people?”

Max seemed to go a shade of red before her eyes, threw a hesitant look behind her, and then said rather loudly. “Its not MY ball room night, moron. I’m too cool for that, but--”

Liz snorted, as laughter bubbled over. “Please stop- right there. Mr. Cool.

“Shut up, Liz. Mom organises them and I promised I would go.”

“Yes. You. So, Why me?” Liz questioned, walking across the yard, as Max paced just two feet behind her.

“Cause I need a partner! Plus I went to your uncle Dodo’s—“


“--Dugals wedding with you.”

Liz groaned and pushed strands of short hair away from her face. “There’s loads of girls that would be willing to go with you ...”

“But, I want you.”

“--I---“ Liz stopped mid sentence.

I want you. That was enough.

Max looked so needy and sincere at the same time, that it made Liz’s heart melt. How could anyone’s not?

“Okay. Okay. Okay!” Liz was sure she was going to regret this. “If you get bruised feet, don’t blame me.”

Max jumped upward his hands fisted.

“Oh- argh!” Before Liz could even let another doubt pass, Max had grabbed her from the waist and pulled her against him. She threw him a mock annoyed look as she went flying into his chest (which had become rather solid nowadays) and took an instant step back, to create more space.

“Oh, sorry.” Max apologised.

“Hmm …” Liz mumbled into his chest. Her neck had started to prickle a little.

“So its like this.” Max started to explain, dragging her along to keep step with him “We do five across.”

“Like this?”

“Yes. Then we do the kick thing.”


“Yeah. I think so.” At least that’s what he had seen his Mom do…

“So lean back. Wait… No. Not yet… Liz!”

Liz found herself on the floor. She gritted her teeth and glared at Max through narrowed eyes.

“Whoops?” She looked so agitated, that Max tried to hide his smile before he got boxed.

“How are you gunna teach me if you don’t know yourself?!” she yelled.

“I do. Look, let me…” Max squatted down to help her up.

“No.” Liz refused to take his help. “I’m late for dinner. Practice on Serena.” Before Max could utter one more word, she had ran off into the dusk.

“Liz, wait--Oi!”

Damn. Max shook his head. Thinking he was going to look rather stupid going to the event, without a partner, as well as not knowing how to dance! … Even if it was full of old people.

Max ran his hand through his hair as laughter interrupted him.

“What you laughing at?” He glared at the girl sitting on the drift seat on the porch. Not unusual for her, she was wearing a large summer hat and her green eyes were smiling up at him.

“I bet you’re an expert at everything. Ballet Jazz. Salsa.” He said bitterly.

Paying no heed to his embittered tone, she replied. “Actually, yes.”

Max watched Serena gracefully slide off her seat and walk toward him. She was wearing summer shorts and a tank top, yet her clothes hung off her like there were tailor made for her.

“I still do ballet. Salsa, I’m okay at, and Dad and I used to go to a ballroom dancing all the time. It wasn't full of old people.”


Max was still unsure what to make of her. Liz had kind of taken Serena under her wing, and their two-some had fast become a three-some. He wasn’t sure if he liked this at all. Being her lab partner, he saw enough of Serena as it was, and she still made him feel as awkward as hell.

“It’s easier then it looks actually.”

Not noticing his changed demenour, Serena took Max’s hand in her smaller one.

Max let himself be led across the garden path, as Serena taught him the ins and outs of ballroom dancing with a lot more patience then he could ever imagine anyone would ever have.

“Look to the left, and kick.” Serena nodded excitedly when he got it right. “That’s it. Just like that.”

Max looked down at her head. She was the slightest bit taller then Liz and her head fit snugly under his chin. Her hair smelt of Vanilla.

“And kick. No Max you must do it at the same time. Again … Better.”

They danced as dusk turned into night. Serena hadn’t let go of his fingers once. Her chest kept brushing against his and suddenly Max noticed what hot day it was.

“Okay perfect. Your hand should rest a little lower. That’s it.”

Some kid ran past and wolf whistled at the two of them. Max was glad that Serena didn’t notice, as she was too busy telling him off about his stature.

A gentle breeze had begun now. Serena’s hair wisped into his face. She nodded with triumph as Max finally mastered the kick and grinning, looked into his face.

“…And there you have it…”

He thought she had the most beautiful eyes.

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Post by Blue*Soul »

Hey all- Thanks for FB. There’s more of the M/L/S story explained in this chapter. Earth2Mama- Miriam was pretty young. I’m planning on explaining that aswell at some point. Let me know what you think!

Time Changes Everything

Chapter 7

Liz held the pink seashell to her ear. It’s age was apparent from the dust and the small crack around its middle. It seemed so long ago, that she had found it at the park when riding her bike one summer with Max. Smiling she dropped the shell into the large storage box to join the photos, cards and small trinkets inside.

Liz had only realised the extent to which the past had a hold on her, when she had packed all her belongings, to move to this new apartment in Roswell. Something seemed terribly off about the idea that, she had collected so many memories from 10 years back, they almost outdid the ones she had now.

A year back, she had managed to detach herself. The shell had just been something she had collected long ago. A repressed, distant memory. She had been glad. It had taken a long time to do that…. Since the reunion however, things had been different. The shell once again screamed Max. It reminded her how carefree, and happy she had been back then.

How much she had loved him.

The images of her posing with school friends reminded of her of Max. As did her old basketball. Her baseball cap. Her school uniform.

All this stuff that she was packing away, would mean nothing to anyone else. But once, it had meant the world to her. It was all going away now. It held no purpose to the life she lived today. It was time for all this reminiscing and living in the past to finish.

To be over, once and for all.

“Hey, baby.”

Liz almost jumped up in surprise, as Kyle took place in the couch behind her. He massaged her shoulders, his hands still damp from the washing. “Thanks for the dinner. It was delicious as usual.” He placed a small kiss on her shoulder. “What are those?”

“Nothing.” Liz quickly slid the lid over the storage box. “Just throwing away old memories.”

“Well let me see.” Kyle prompted, kneeling down on the carpet, beside her. “I want to see these memories of yours.”

Liz shook her head, still reluctant. “They’re nothing. Just old, boring stuff.”

This did not put Kyle off however. Instead it seemed to liven his enthusiasm.

“Really? Well lets see really how boring Liz Parkers past is… one which she does so well at hiding from me.”

Before she could say more, Kyle had lifted the lid and started snooping through her stuff.

“Kyle!” Liz groaned, jumping up. A red colour was rising to her cheeks. For some reason she was rather uncomfortable, and embarrassed about Kyle going through her past. She watched as Kyle picked up a the seashell, threw her a look, and put it back in. He delved into the box further.

She paced toward the door. The further away that she was from Kyle and her ‘memories’ the better. However, Liz stopped short, when Kyle made an amused sound. Just as she had dreaded, he had found the batch of photographs at the bottom of the box.

“Max Evans, right?” Kyle asked, nodding toward the photos.

“Right.” She answered stiffly. Anger rising within her. Why was it so important for him to keep pressing her for past information? Why couldn’t he just mind his own damned business?!

Liz felt instantly guilty at these thoughts. It was unfair for her to think that way about Kyle. So, why was she suddenly feeling like Kyle had found out some sordid secret? Why did it feel like Kyle was uncovering a past that would ruin everything between them? After all, it had been nothing more then a friendship between Max and herself. A little more on her end. Stuff like that happened all the time. It was unrequited and it was over now. She had nothing to hide.

Still Liz felt sick. Kyle flipped through the photos, and Liz felt he was scanning her soul. Raping her of her memories.

“You guys were pretty close.”

It sounded like an accusation.


“Right.” Kyle claimed suddenly, like he had found the answers he had been looking for. He shoved the photographs into the box and looked up at her.

Liz suddenly felt weak at his knowing stare. Kyle wasn’t stupid. He had noticed her distance when they had first started dating. He had mentioned it, but never questioned her. Over the years he had managed to win her over. Though, once again, since the reunion, there was distance and Liz was sure, he hadn’t missed it this time either.

Liz bit her lip, as he addressed her with questions sat on his lips, wanting to be fired and fed.

Kyle raised his eyebrows and said, “So how about that movie then?”

Liz breathed a sigh of relief.

At least tonight, the secret wouldn’t be out.


Liz was yelling at Michelle Steward, who was offering her a soda pop. The patterned lights, highlighted Michelle’s face into different contortions every few seconds. One second she was imprinted in blue triangle, then red dots and then yellow stars. Liz wasn’t taking notice of all that. She was more interested in getting her question answered.

“What?” Michelle mouthed.

Liz sighed. It was pretty obvious judging from Michelle’s expression, that once again, someone had snuck alcohol into the dance.

“Max.” Liz mouthed, almost resignedly. “I said, have you seen him!?”


“Never mi —“

A dancing group bashed into Liz’s back to send her hurtling into Michelle. Michelle’s soda pop, left a nice pink stain on Liz’s white blouse.

Liz wanted to scream.


It wasn’t problem enough that Max had disappeared from planet earth, but now she had to walk around the school gymnasium with a large splodge on her chest whilst she tried to find him.

Normally, she never would have wondered why he was always the one that disappeared and why she was always the one to trying to find him. Nowadays, however the question had begun to grate her nerves.

Why was it always her? It was about time Max started making some effort, and when she found him, she was planning on telling him just as much.

“Hey Liz!”

Liz was dragged backward as someone took a hold of her wrist.

“Hey- what are you –“

Brett Thomazin's vivid blue eyes stared down at her. If he hadn’t been such a great lab partner, Liz would have boxed him one already, for grabbing her so hard.

“Come dance with me,” he mouthed into her ear.

“Um, In a bit.” She shrugged away from his grasp, looking around the gymnasium distractedly.

“Where are you going?”

“Max.” Liz answered without looking at him.

Thomazin looked annoyed. “Dance with me just once, Parker. You can find your Max in a bit.”

Liz shook her head. “I’ll come back…I will… You haven’t’ seen Max have you?”

Brett rolled his eyes, shook his head, and was gone.

Liz sighed, wiping at the wet stain on her shirt. It was soaking into her chest and into her bra, which she had no choice but to wear. Gone were the days, when masking tape would do the simple trick. Plus it wasn’t exactly the most comfortable option.

Liz continued to scan. When her eyes fell on a crop of dark hair and she smiled.


Liz began toward Max, thinking how much she was going to tell him off for disappearing like that, when something made her stop dead in her tracks.

Max was holding onto Serena’s arm, as she playfully struggled out of his grasp. Normally Liz wouldn’t have cared in the slightest, but today the equation was different.

The way Max was looking at Serena. The way Max was touching Serena. The persistency, the determination masked in his features.

Max wouldn’t let Serena walk away. When she tried, he pulled her toward him, so close, their noses were almost touching. Max whispered something in her ear and Serena laughed, ruffling his hair.

Okay, so Max was obviously drunk. He was trying to get it on with a girl. Any other day, Liz would have shrugged it away, called him a loser afterward.

Watching the scene in front of her, however, irked Liz. This wasn’t just any girl. It was quite obvious that Max cared about Serena. So Liz cared that he was trying it on with her. It was a simple equation like that, that sent Liz’s world out of spin.

The gentle flirtation between the two of them. The way Max kept glancing, as Serena downed her Soda pop. The way he mirrored her movements. The way she looked up surprised, yet pleased, when Max dropped a gentle kiss on her cheek…

Liz turned.

She was running.

The girls bathroom door flung closed behind her. She held onto the wash basin out of breath. Her neck felt hot from the exertion. Liz looked down at the stain on her top, and let the water run, splattering it on her, until her top was soaking.

She had been doing this for ten seconds when the bathroom door opened and a rather flushed looking Serena walked in.

“Oh, hey!” Serena smiled brightly, looking pleased to see her.

Liz nodded soberly. Today Serena's bright, infectious smile wasn’t affecting Liz at all.

Serena might have been the prettiest female in school, but today was the first time that Liz felt a heated resentment toward the girl she had befriended.

Serena pushed her long charcoal hair away from her face. “What happened there?” nodded toward Liz’s chest, soaking from water.

“Soda pop.” Liz answered flatly.

“Oh, no.” Serena disappeared into a cubicle and reappeared with a wad of tissue paper. “ Here…”

Liz took some paper from her and did nothing to wipe herself clean. Instead she observed as Serena began dabbing her cheeks. They looked they had been blushed.

Liz noticed the girl beside her, was the opposite to herself. So feminine looking. She remembered the day it had stormed. By the time they had gotten to school, Liz resembled someone being dragged through the hedge… and back again, whilst Serena looked like had just stepped out from the stylist.

Maybe nature was just kinder to some people then others. Maybe God was kinder to some people then others too. From Serena’s tilted green eyes to her, shapely legs, God had been having an extremely good day, when she came into being. It seemed, since then, Nature had been kind to Serena too.

Liz watched her glumly. She would never be as naturally beautiful as her.

“We were looking for you.”

“You were?” Liz questioned disbelievingly. From where she had been standing, it seemed looking for her had been the last thing on their minds.

“Yeah, where were you? Serena questioned.

“Places where it wouldn’t be hard to find me, if you wanted to. ” Liz bit, her voice coming out harsher then intended.

Serena stopped dabbing at her cheeks and threw Liz a look. Then shrugged to herself, ridding thoughts that might have crossed her mind.

Liz glared into the mirror where Serena’s pretty image reflected back. She wanted to dislike Serena. She wished that Serena was an awful person. Mean. Spiteful. But she wasn’t. And Liz found it so hard to be angry at her.

This was so unfair. Despite everything, Liz liked Serena. She had been nothing but a good friend to her. So why was tonight, irking her so much?

“Max is a bit drunk.” She continued. “Someone bought alcohol into the gym.”

“They always do that.” Everything forgotten, an instantaneous smile appeared in Liz’s lips, thinking about the last time Max had gotten all wasted. “Last time Tommy spiked the punch. This time I presume it was Pam. Max is so funny when he gets drunk… you know last time he started running up and down Summer Bay Camp. He gets really hyper… but its kind of cute… it –“

Serena was staring at her. Liz closed her mouth and toned down her smile. She always turned a little daft when talking about Max. Mom told her so.

Serena turned the off the tap, looking suddenly grave, she turned to Liz, so they were face to face. “Liz , can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” Liz nodded.

Serena brushed her hair behind her ear, but it fell out of place, finishing off in the exact, perfect, place it had started. Her eyes scanned Liz’s, like she was searching for something before she spoke. “Do you have feelings for Max?”

“What?” Liz was taken aback by the forthrightness of Serena’s question. “What kind of… No!…” What kind of question was that? Serena was still searching her, so Liz blurted out only name that she could give to the relationship between Max and herself. The only name that she had grown up with.

“Best friends! We’re best friends!”

Serena took a step back at the ferocity of Liz’s response. Liz blushed wildly.

The first to gather herself, Serena said, “No not like that. Those other type of feelings… you know… do you see him as anything other then a friend?”

Liz was still shocked. She instantly shook her head. “No way!”

No! how stupid was that. Sure she was over protective about Max and sure she loved him. But it wasn’t like that. No…it wasn’t. She was his friend. They were friends.

Best friends.

Serena’s sombre expression changed then, she seemed to breath a sigh of relief. “Oh. Right … It was just me …I just thought … Because you guys spent a lot of time …”

Liz couldn’t make head nor tail of what she was saying. Serena seemed to shake herself, back to reality. “I’ll see you outside okay?”

Liz nodded, befuddled. “Sure…”

With Serena gone, Liz stood still in the bathroom, wondering why she had asked her such a strange question. She felt like she had just taken an unexpected exam and given the wrong answer. How could she have feelings for Max? If she had feelings for him, she would know ... right?

They would be together…right?

Liz and Max , were just friends … right?

Head still spinning with questions, Liz had stumbled into the bustling, loud gymnasium again. This time when Thomazin had grabbed hold of her, he was reluctant to let go, until she had danced with him.

After the dance, Liz found Max again. This time, her heart sank so deep into her gut, she thought it would never come back up again.

Serena and Max were kissing.

It was later that night, when she sat alone in a cubicle of the bathroom crying so much that it hurt, did she realise she didn’t have feelings for her best friend.

She was in love with him.


“This is nice.” Max lied. He had taken to drinking the tiniest sips possible of Jeff Parkers coffee, hoping he wouldn’t notice.

Jeff laughed at the suited boy in front of him. “It’s okay Max, I’ve never been much of a coffee maker.”

Relieved, Max put the coffee back down and settled back on the comfy sofa. The house was tiny compared to many he’d seen in Washington. Jeff seemed to be quite a collector, judging from the clutter surrounding his living room. Max had already knocked down two of his ornaments, and was currently in the process of trying to not move at all.

Jeff took a sip of his own coffee, and leant back to address Max. “So what brings you here, Max?”

Max was unsure of how to answer that question. They had finished business early today, and shopping with Tess hadn’t looked the slightest bit attractive to him. Instead, he had found himself driving around for a place to eat, and then he had ended in in a neighbourhood, familiar to him, even though he had never been here. He had ended up in the house of man, he had barely met once.

“I was … well, driving past…”

“You were, were you?” Jeff raised his eyebrows.

Max felt uncomfortable, like Jeff knew something about him, that he, himself didn’t.

“Good its been a long time.” Jeff continued. “Haven’t heard from you since ten years back. Calling to see if Liz was about.”

Max let out a bitter chuckle, when he had remembered how desperate he had been back then. “ She kind of disappeared. I just hoped, I guess, that she would be here. It’s the second place I’d thought she’d be after Roswell.”

Liz hadn’t been in Washington. Her family had been reluctant to tell him where she was, which made him think that maybe she had told them not to inform him. But, Max didn't understand why she would do that, unless her purpose was to hurt him. Max had searched, asked around. Then, Liz’s Mom had moved from Roswell. Jeff parker had changed his number, and he had lost all contact of Liz.

“No. Liz wanted to be away. She went travelling. She did come back two years later, however.”

Max sat up. “She did?”

“Yeah. She was back and forth. Actually, she only left Washington to go Roswell three months back.”

Liz was in Roswell? And she had been in Washington before that?

Max took a deep breath. The flames were coming up. Flames of anger, and resentment at the past. What could have been if he had just tried a little harder. He still blamed himself, for losing Liz, sometimes. Though this time it was definitely his own fault.

“Why didn’t you say she was here? When you said that she wasn’t here … I assumed that she wouldn’t be coming back at all.”

Jeff didn’t seem to be surprised at Max’s reaction at all. Instead he took a biscuit and popped it into his mouth.

“If Liz didn’t want to say. It would hardly be my place to tell you, would it Max?”

“She just disappeared. No contact. No nothing.” Max said quietly.

Jeff was surveying him again.

“From my experience Max, there’s two things that would make someone so close disappear with no contact what-so-ever. Amnesia, or heartbreak.”

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Post by Blue*Soul »

It was extremely interesting to see the different opinions on Serena and those of you that have seen the movie I hope im not disappointing! Sorry for the huge delay.

Time Changes Everything

Chapter 8

Miriam sat next to Lucy as they wrote about their summer in green books Miss Parker had provided them. She was normally good at this kind of stuff. Writing was something she enjoyed, except today Miriam’s mind wasn’t on recalling what she had done in her holidays. Portugal and France wasn’t what she was thinking about now. She was recalling a different past. A past she hadn’t lived.

“So what are you going to do?” Lucy whispered in her ear anxiously, breaking Miriam from her thoughts.

“I don’t know.” Said Miriam, as she watched Miss Parker talking to Rory and scribbling something in her book. She was smiling. Miriam thought she had the brightest smile ever. It made her look all glowy.

Miriam turned toward Lucy, who after reading parts of Miriam’s pink diary (other parts were too private) had been more nervy than Miriam.

“I have to find a way for them to meet again.”

“Hmm…” Lucy seemed deep in thought, then her eyes lit up. “I know! There’s that parent child camping trip. Get your Daddy to come.”

“But that’s weeks away.” Miriam countered. She had thought about that already. Miriam didn’t like to show it, but she was getting pretty anxious about Miss Parker and Daddy meeting thing. It wasn’t as easy as she thought it would be.

Lucy leant back dejected. “What then?”

“Hey Miriam, Lucy.”

Miriam jumped and dropped her pencil at the voice. A red colour rose to her cheek, as Miss Parker smiled down at her and picked up the pencil, handing it to her.

“Thank you.” Miriam said shyly. Often, she didn’t know how to act around her teacher, especially with the secret she was keeping.

Whipping her shiny hair away from her face, Liz pulled a chair toward the two girls. “No problem. How are you doing girls?”

“Good.” Said Lucy really fast.

“Okay.” Said Miriam hiding her blank page of work.

Liz took out her notepad, putting the awkwardness of the two girls down to her being a new teacher. Her recent observations had told her they were two bright kids, contrasting in appearance, but stuck to the hip. She remembered the same closeness with certain warmth in her heart. She had always treasured the closeness she had, had with Max.

Liz smiled down at the two of them warmly. “Have you asked your Mom or Dad about parent’s night?”

Lucy and Miriam both looked at each other. Unspoken words sprinkling the air. Miriam had completely forgotten about Parents night!…This was a perfect way to get them together!

“It’s in two days. 6pm. I have five slots left.” Liz continued busily.

“Oh… Dads coming back from Washington that night. I hope he makes it on time.” Miriam said more to herself than anyone else.

“What about Mommy then?” Liz asked, “I’d really like to introduce myself to one of your parents at least.”

Miriam gulped as Lucy looked at her sadly. She hated moments like this, even though she should be used to them now. She shook her head. “No… she won’t be coming…”

“Okay.” Liz made a mental note of Miriam’s reaction, assuming a divorce or a separation from the family. She didn’t feel it her job to pry anymore though, unless Miriam was ready to tell.

“Well then, here's to hoping I see your Daddy on Thursday.”

Miriam crossed her fingers under the desk. “Here’s to hoping too.” She murmured under her breath.


Max rushed into Liz’s room as usual without knocking and flopped down on the bed next to her, out of breath and shrugging the snowflakes from his hair.

Looking at him, Liz scowled and continued to jab at her game station. She groaned in dismay, as the tune sounded once again (she wasn’t having much luck) and then in an instant, the game station was flung from her fingers and across the bed.

“Come on lets go.” Scooting toward her and leaning on his elbow, Max brought his face to hers.

“Max!” Liz yelped at her flying game station as she scurried off the bed. “I told you I’m not coming.”

“You’re not coming to ice rink?” Max repeated disbelievingly. Liz never missed the ice rink. The year before she had come even when her temperature was soaring. Max looked at her curiously. What was wrong with her? She’d been acting all weird the last few days.

“That’s what I said.” Liz said examining the equipment that had been keeping her company for some nights now.


Liz rolled her eyes and responded tartly, “I have things to do, you know.”

“They only put it on once a year.” Max defended. “It’s like tradition. Plus warriors are on TV later. We can’t miss the game.”

“So.” Liz shot back.


“Serena’s going.” She answered simply.

Liz was aware of what had been passing since that night at the gym. The way Max would turn up to meet Liz all late and flushed. She didn’t have to wonder where he had been, Serena was always lagging two minutes behind.

Max shrugged nonchalantly “But I want you ... I want you to come.”

“That won’t work anymore.” Liz tried not to show that her heart had missed a beat. It didn’t matter that those words didn’t mean crock to him. To her, they always carried promises… what ifs.


“You don’t want me.” It was obvious who Max wanted. She had seen those odd looks, lingering stares between Max and Serena. Hell, the whole school had.

Max rolled his eyes. He was used to Liz’s odd mood swings. They happened every time she was on her PMS cycle thing and then every other day.

Even though this one seemed to be a longer mood swing then general he was sure she’d get over it.

“Liz--” Max begun, noticing once again she had become fiercely one with her games station. “Liz?” Max prompted again. Not getting an answer, Max picked up the nearest cushion and threw it at Liz’s head.

“Oi!” she cried in surprise, hurling it back at him as a response.
“Your being moronic Liz.”

“Go to hell Max.

“Join me.” Max grabbed her from the bed.

Liz kicked him on the leg.

“That’s it.” Max jumped up.

Ut, oh. Liz had seen the face before. She likes to call it basketblue face, often appearing during an incredibly vicious game. Liz might have been as feisty as hell, and yes she could probably kick his ass if she tried hard enough but Max had a good number of pounds on her and he used this to his advantage. Hauling her from behind, he picked her up, pretty much kicking and screaming.

It was obvious that today, Max wasn’t going to take no for answer.

He picked her up easily as she shrieked and screamed, and walked out of her room effortlessly with no one to stop him. It was only when they had gotten to the landing door where Miss Parker stood looking rather angry, did he stop in his tracks.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Max dropped Liz like a hot coal and reddened considerably, looking between Liz and her mother as Liz brushed herself down. This was the one reason he dreaded coming to Liz’s place, and the reason she was mainly at his. He had always gotten the feeling that Nancy didn’t like him and as she stood briskly staring angrily at him, he just wanted to shrink away and run.

“Oh Mom… we were just--going to the ice rink.” As always Liz proved her loyalty.

Her mothers foreboding tone screamed for more debate, so Liz opened the door and was out before she could say more, pulling Max along with her.

“Phew.” Max jokingly swiped his forehead, as they fell into step.

“Are you scared of my Mom Max?” Liz mocked.

“Your Mom is scary.”

Liz snorted rubbing her arms to keep out the cold.

“She’s just protective,” Liz lightly punched his arm. “especially around you.” As they walked along the icy path side by side, Max noticed in a hurry to get out, Liz hadn’t taken any warm clothes so he pulled off his jacket and placed it around her shoulders. Liz took it unknowingly.

“I noticed.”

“And it doesn’t help when you do this.”

“Do what?” asked Max unwittingly.

The air was cold and icy. Liz’s nose was growing red and Max thought it was the cutest thing ever, as she stood in front of the rink, hair blowing away from his face with an awed expression on her face.

She might be as moody as hell, but the warm lull in his heart that came from the pleasure on her face, made it all worth it. He loved seeing Liz smile.

The rink was decorated beautifully, covered in a pale yellow light. Silent night acoustics played as children skated around in their scarves and hats, like they were flying.

“Treat me like I’m your property.” Liz’s Mom was doing the whole ‘disapproving Max’ thing more and more lately, and Liz had a feeling as to why. Her Mom knew exactly how much she adored Max. How much she doted on him…relied on him and believed nothing good could come out of it. “I’m not always going to be around you know.” She said as a young woman passed her some skates.

“You’re not going anywhere.” Said Max tying up the laces on his own skates.

Liz shrugged away from him, skating slightly ahead of him, but not too fast. “I don’t belong to you, so don’t take me for granted.”

Max put on the pressure, moving faster to keep up with her, he took her hand. “You are mine.”

It was a simple response on Max’s part. Automatic and unattended, but it made Liz look up in surprise, unsure how to answer what he had just said.

They skated then. Hand in hand. Enjoying each others company and laughter and silences. Liz came to a halt as her skate slipped and she found arms encircling her from behind. She leant into him, as he surrounded her senses.

The night was cold and breezy, but her insides were surrounded by warmth that could only come from her companion.


“Hmm?” Liz was facing up, looking into his darkened pupils.

“You will always be around won’t you? I mean … I can’t imagine you not being around …”

Max stopped mid-sentence blushing. He wasn’t used to admitting stuff like this. Especially not with Liz. But something about what she had said earlier made him shudder. He couldn’t imagine life without her. She was so important to him. He couldn’t understand how he would ever go on without her.

Liz noticed his discomfort and smiled. “I’m not going anywhere.” then laughed, “not yet anyway.”

He nodded, gruffly. “Yeah.Good.”

She didn’t like to hope too much. But it feathered her heart when his arms became tighter around her as they watched the snow fall. Every passing moment Liz felt herself falling deeper. It was simple, unspoken moments in time like this that made her feel more loved and wanted then she ever had. Moments like this, which she hoped would last forever. Moments like this… that would stay with her forever.


Liz was freezing in her jacket and she could swear her fingers were stuck together as Max came running toward her. Late as usual.

“Are you sure you wanna do this?” asked Max with chattering teeth.

“Hell yeah!” Liz cried, throwing the basketball at him. She had never opted out of a basketball game yet. “Beating you gives me a kick that even warmth can’t give.”

“Maniac.” Max whispered under his breath, bouncing the ball.

Liz watched the ball enthusiastically. She was watching Max bounce it toward her, but just scour in the nick of time. His technique was improving. But he still hadn’t managed to beat her once without her letting him. It wasn’t that he was bad, Liz smiled to herself, just that she was hella good!

“So where were you?” Liz asked breathlessly. Deflecting the ball as he moved toward the goalpost.

“Serena.” Max said running after her breathlessly.

Liz’s movements slowed. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with her.” It was more a question then a statement. One she wasn’t too sure she wanted the answer to.

“She’s great.”

“What?” That wasn’t the answer she was looking for.

Max grabbed the ball from her and scored.

He threw her a smile bouncing the ball toward her. “I said she’s great. At first I didn’t like her. But she truly is …” he drifted off concentrating on the game.

By this time Liz had lost all intention of playing. Suddenly the game seemed pointless. Winning seemed pointless. Everything just… seemed pointless. She coughed, “She is?”


“You said she’s truly something.” Said Liz only half chasing him. “She’s what?”


Liz crossed her arms and shivered. Damn it was cold. So cold. “You really like her, huh?”

“I'm asking her to go steady…”

“Really?” Liz almost didn’t recognize herself. Her voice was faded and hoarse.

“Yeah. She’s really... I don’t know Liz. Great.” He answered for the lack of adjective, Max threw the ball at her and it bounced twice at her feet.

“What’s wrong with you?” He jogged past her ruffling her hair. “It’s not been 2 minutes into the game and I’ve scored past you.”

Suddenly Liz felt sick and panicked. “Listen I gotta go.”


“It’s cold okay… I’ve got to go.”

“What -“

“Later, Max.”

Max stared disdainfully behind her, as he stood holding a lone basketball in the middle of the wintered basketball pitch.


Max checked in at the airport and nodded courteously to the ticket lady as he passed her on his way to boarding business class. He was planning on surprising Miriam by coming home two days early. Most of the big stuff was out of the way and Tess had said she would handle the smaller deals, even though she was sad he was going. None of her whining had done even the slightest to change his mind. Like always, he missed his baby girl like crazy, and was happiest when he was home.

Only when Max had boarded the plane, and asked for his favourite wine did Jeff Parkers words fully wash over him.


Liz had suffered heart break. Something about this scenario was extremely wrong.
Liz had heartbreak that he didn’t know about...But that was impossible. They had always told each other everything. At least he had. At that time, Max hadn’t kept a single secret from his best friend. It had been the same for her. Or that’s what he had assumed.

Who could have broken Liz’s heart? So much so that she had left without even telling him about it? Who?... Why? When?

Then just like that, it fell into place. It made Max’s heart stop.

No way. It couldn’t have been him.

Could it?
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Post by Blue*Soul »

coloradospace wrote: (and Max really dumb :roll: )
Ha ha. Judging from that FB I’m guessing that’s the general consensus.. I thought I’d make Max represent all male kind in this fic. (If you’re a a guy- then I’m only joking…really… :D )

Time Changes Everything

Chapter 9.

Max had barely wobbled onto the porch with the car keys hanging from his lips, luggage bag and briefcase hanging from his arms when the door was flung open and Diane Evans beamed down at him.

“Welcome back, honey.”

“Oh hey, Mom.” Max nodded, scanning around for his daughter and placing his luggage in the hallway.

He dropped a kiss on his mother’s cheek and was relieved that it wasn’t Miriam that had greeted him at the door. He adored the look of happy surprise on her face when he suddenly appeared from nowhere.

Like she was reading his mind his mother confirmed, “She’s in the kitchen doing some homework. I saw your headlights whilst I was in the living room folding laundry.”

“Right.” Max nodded, “Thanks again for staying over Mom.” His mother had helped out a lot more then he could thank her for. Miriam had a nanny, but Max always preferred if Diane stayed over too. It helped with his piece of mind and he hoped it helped so Miriam didn’t miss him too much when he was away, which was quite a frequent occurance

“Don’t be silly.” Diane waved off. “You know I adore spending time with her.”

Max gave his Mom a warm smile, but was interrupted by a squeal.


Max widened his eyes at his mother. It seemed his daughter had beaten him to his surprise. “Hey, baby.”

Miriam covered the distance from the kitchen, by flinging herself at her Dad. She was always happy when her Dad came back early, she often missed him terribly. But this time she was extra happy because he was back in time for parent's night. Her plan was beginning to piece together and she was so excited.

“Whoa. Easy on M.” Max laughed, “Catch me off guard like that again and I’ll be landing on my ass.”

His daughter was growing at an enormous rate and had perfected the art of flinging herself and catching him off balance at an even better rate.

She looked down at him with her bright green eyes. “And not like we haven’t seen that before…”

This sent both Diane and Miriam into fits of giggles.

“Oi, both of you, behave!” Max scolded. “I’ve only been here for five minutes and you’ve started already.”

“Okay fine.” Miriam smiled sweetly. “Ten is a good number, right Nan?”

Diane winked at her granddaughter.

Max rolled his eyes. “Mom have you been teaching M back-talk?”

Diane looked up from the laundry blankly. “Excuse me Max? This is coming from the gentleman we were hoping to get the cane reintroduced for?”

Miriam giggled cosying up on her fathers knee, as Max defeatedly settled on the couch.

“So how was Washington?”

“Same old.” Max shrugged. “You know, stuffy old men, conferences, cigars, business meals, stri-uhm, bars”

“And Tess?”

Max looked at his daughter in surprise.

“Yes, Tess too.”

“Oh.” Miriam said fadedly.

Diane cleared her throat loudly.

Max groaned, making his annoyance known. “Yes. I know you both despise her. I’m sure the whole neighbourhood knows this. Jeez, she’s just my business associate … and she’s not even that bad!”

What was it with women and women?

“We didn’t say anything!” countered Diane concentrating on folding the laundry once again.

Max shook his head not wanting to debate this, for some reason, rather sensitive topic of Tess.

“Hey.” Max tapped Miriam on the shoulder and leant into his bag. “Look what Daddy bought for M.”

He watched his daughters eyes light up as he pulled out a jewelled hair band.

“That’s so pretty!” Miriam cried jumping up and down on his knee and grabbing it from him. “Did you choose it?” Her Dad had such good taste!

“Actually Tess did.”

Miriam stopped still in an instant and scowled, having second thoughts about how nice the band was. “Really?”

Max winked. “Just kidding, but that reaction was priceless.”

This time it was Diane and Max laughing, as Miriam frowned disapprovingly, arms folded.


Max and Liz were staring at the electro 7L. The basketball computer game. The best game ever.

“I cant’ believe it’s out already.”


“It’s beautiful.”

“It really is.”

A cough from behind Max and Liz broke them from their staring. Serena didn’t care much about computer games and Liz had decided, she didn’t care much for Serena anymore either. Before, the girl had irked her, but Serenas kindness and gentle ways had gotten in the way of Liz resenting her totally. However the last few days had made it impossible for Liz to like Serena. It wasn’t that she hated her…. She just found it hard to like her.

Liz found she was always around. Always the third person. When Max came out, Serena was with him. When Liz asked for Max- he was with Serena. At first Liz had thought this going ‘steady’ business was just a phase. She had given Serena and Max two days. In those two days Max would realise that Serena was just a crush and decide that he preferred Liz.

But that hadn’t happened. A week and a half of the two of them stuck to the hip was too much for her liking.

“Would one of you come to Kookai with me? I’ve got to return this dress.” Serena pointed at the bag she was holding.

Hell, no way. If she wanted to go return a dress, she should go alone!

Liz was busily turning back to the game when she saw the look on Max’s face. She realised then, it didn’t matter if she didn’t care. Max cared. His face clearly said that he would prefer to stay in the games section, but if Liz didn’t offer he would go.

Liz didn’t want him to go.

“I’ll come.” Liz offered more then less reluctantly and then walked to the store with Serena in uncompaniable silence.

“You okay?” Serena asked perceptively as she pulled open the door to Kookai.

Liz shrugged. “Sure.”

“I’m gunna return this dress.”


“Okay.” Serena threw her a quizzical look and glided to the cashier.

Liz watched with narrowing eyes as Serena pulled out a burgundy body hugging dress with frill around the bottom and a slit up the side. She thought the dress was horrendous. Why on earth would someone wear that? Boredly, Liz gazed around the shop. It was full of similar dresses. In fact she had seen Max ogling, when Serena had worn a really tiny dress to the Aarons party.

Maybe buying something like that would get Max’s attention…

That night when Serena and Max were gone, Liz bought something that she was sure would get Max interested.


Liz brushed her hair back from her face, pulled down her new dress, pumped her lips together, and pushed herself past the school gates.

As she had expected, all the girls and boys stared at her. This obviously meant she was hot and that her plan was working! She walked slowly so everyone could get a full look, growing more and more excited all the time. She then circled the long way to the playing fields where her group sat.

Her heart started to beat a tad faster as she saw Michelle, Pam, Tommy, Aaron, Serena and Max eating lunch together. She wondered what Max would think. Would he like the way she looked? Would he start seeing her differently after he saw her wearing a dress?

Taking a deep breath, Liz strutted forward and put on her best smile.

“Hey, guys.”

She watched with glee as Pam’s mouth dropped to the floor and Tommy’s eyes nearly popped out.

Then it happened.

Max groaned, “My god Liz!”

Suddenly, everybody was laughing. Laughing at her.

This wasn’t the way it was meant to go… This wasn’t meant to happen...

The noise was chaotic as Pam screamed, “You look like a witch!”

There ruckus was everywhere as the chortling became louder and louder. Liz thought the whole school was laughing at her as Tommy lay on his back and kicked the floor in utter hysterics.

Liz wished the ground would just open up, as she pretended to giggle along with them. “It’s funny right?... I thought it would be…I thought I’d surprise you… yeah, I thought I’d…”

Liz gulped looking from laughing Tommy to Pam to Max embarrassedly. Serena was the only one that wasn’t laughing anymore. Serena was giving her a look. The look that Liz had seen in her eyes before and it was the pity in the others girls face that made Liz run.

In the girls bathroom Liz stared at the tiny navy Lycra dress with pink and black stockings and burst into millions of tears.

God, she was so stupid!

How could she have thought that buying a dumb revealing dress and covering herself in foundation, would make her ferociousness look any better? How stupid was she?

Tia had been right in Kindergarten. She was ugly and unattractive. She wasn’t fit for Max… she never would be.

Stupid Liz. Stupid. Stupid!

Liz turned on the tap and splashed water on her blotchy face. When she looked into the mirror the make-up had run down her cheek in rivulets and she looked even worse.

“I’m such a f-fool.” She mumbled in between tears.

“No you’re not.” Liz jumped as Serena appeared behind her, shaking her head.

“How w-would you know? You’ve never b-been a f-fool in your life.”

The other girl smiled softly. “Trust me, I’ve had my moments.”

“Yeah, r-right.” Liz sniffled, she couldn’t imagine Serena being foolish in any way.

Serena fiddled in her purse, took out a handkerchief and handed it to Liz.

“I can’t believe I even thought I looked good.” Liz murmured more to herself then anyone else, as she dabbed her cheeks with the handkerchief.

“This is high school Liz, and no matter how mature we think we may be, we find it hard when people break out of their stereotypical molds.”

Liz shrugged, looking at the handkerchief and the huge dark stains on it from her mascarad eyes “What if I don’t like my stupid high school mold anymore?!”

“Then break away,” Serena said wisely, “but be strong.”

Liz sniffed, this time not noticing the way Serena was looking at her.

Serena bit her lip and moved toward Liz. “Um, Liz…”

Liz looked up; it looked like Serena was going to say something important, but both girls jumped at the hefty knock on the girl’s bathroom door.

“Oh that’s Max by the way." Serena said like she had forgotten. "He’s waiting outside.”

“I don’t want to see him.” Liz was so darn mad at him. He was second person she was maddest at, after herself.

“He’s sorry.” Serena coaxed.

“I don’t care.”

“I think you should-“


Serena took a step back at mere force of Liz’s tone. “Okay. I’ll go tell him.”

Liz continued to dab at her eyes as Serena disappeared, and then the door opened again seconds later.

“He says if you don’t go see him, he’ll come see you.”

Liz rolled her eyes and yelled at the door. “This is the girl’s toilet moron; don’t bother unless you’ve grown a pair of breasts in the last five minutes!”

She hated him and she was never, ever going to talk to him again, no matter how much he begged. She was going to- “Max!” Liz screeched as he strolled into the girl’s bathroom like he did it every day.

He threw her an apologetic smile. “Sorry no breasts, but here I am anyway.”

Liz turned away from making eye contact with him. “Go away.”

“No.” Max grasped her hand and nicked her chin. “Hey you-“

“--Go away!”

Max sighed. “Look at me, Liz.” He pasted his face in front of her.

“Stop it.” Liz stared at the ground.

Max pasted his face beneath her. “Why aren’t you looking at me? You can’t dodge me forever you know.”

As soon as their eyes met, Liz burst into tears again. She couldn’t take this anymore. This whole thing was killing her slowly. It was so unfair! Why couldn’t Max love her as much as she loved him? Why couldn’t he just understand that she needed to be with him, or never ever see him again, because it hurt that much? Why couldn’t he see that being around him was making her life a living nightmare?

Taken aback by Liz’s outburst, Max threw Serena (who looked like she was about to burst into tears as well) a surprised look before taking his best friend in his arms, stroking her hair as she wept on his shoulder.

He had no idea that Liz would take the episode in the field, this badly. Liz took everything on the chin, especially when he laughed at her. Threatening to kick his ass was one of her dead cert come backs.

What had happened today then? Where had this new found sensitivity come from?

“I’m so sorry.” He whispered in her hair.

“I-I’m s-so u-ugly.”

What? Ugly? Where had that come from? He had never meant to make Liz feel like that.

Max took Liz’s face in his hands.” You’re joking right?”


“Jesus.” He groaned.

Liz shook her head. No matter what Max said wouldn’t make her believe otherwise.

“You are an absolutely beautiful woman with the most beautiful heart that I have ever come across.”

“What?” Liz bit. She couldn’t quite believe what she had just heard, and sure as hell couldn’t believe she was melting already.

Max felt his ears burn and he smiled shyly. “C’mon Liz, don’t make me say it again...”

Then Liz looked up at him, in that coy yet proud way of hers. Her face smudged in the ugliest make-up that he had ever seen, she smiled. At that moment, he truly believed she was the most beautiful girl in the world.

“The most?” she whispered, her face awed and her voice husky from crying.

“God. Absolutely the most.” He meant it and it showed.

Liz leant into him, her soft skin pasted against his hard chest and squeezed him hard, like she never wanted to let go. “I love you.”

“You too.” Max whispered stroking her hair.

They stood like that a while. Max’s nose buried in Liz’s hair. Liz enveloped by him, drowning in his essence, until Max saw someone shift from the corner of his eye. His eyes turned toward Serena and Max couldn’t quite make out the expression on her face as she pointed toward the exit and mouthed, ‘I’m gunna go’.

Max looked down at Liz, who was so still, she could be sleeping. He mouthed a ‘no’ to Serena hoping she hadn’t gotten the wrong impression.

‘Please’ she mouthed back, trying to slide past the two of them.

Max didn’t let her go. With the spare hand that wasn’t holding Liz he grabbed Serena’s arm and made her stay.

Like that the three of them stood, holding into one another, grasping at teen emotion that would shape their futures for a long time to come.


Miriam watched as her father moved about the kitchen in a loose shirt and jeans, fiddling with a can of beans and some yellow stuff. She thought it was custard but wasn’t quite sure.

“Nan left some chicken in the oven you know.”

“I’m fed-up of proper dinners.” Max said vaguely looking back at her, “I want something good.”

“What are you having?” she asked curiously.

“Well… I’ve decided its gunna be custard and ice-cream. Do you want some?”

“Definitely.” Miriam answered excitedly. She always looked forward to the weird concoctions of her Dads.

Max passed her a plate and pulled out a chair seating himself beside her, with his own concoction.

“So are you doing anything this Thursday Dad?”

“Not that I know of.”

“Its parent-teacher’s night.” Said Miriam carefully, placing hot custard and cold ice cream into her mouth. It made her tongue tingle.

“Oh.” Max said slowly and unhappily. “Mrs Turner right?” He had never had a good rapport with Mrs. Turner, especially since he had turned up late, the last three parent-teacher nights.

“No, I have a new teacher. I told you already!” she said exasperated.

“Yes you did." Max countered quickly. "You said on the phone.”

“Yep.” Miriam nodded licking her lips. “She’s great. Much, much nicer then Mrs. Turner.” She smiled enthusiastically. “I think you’ll really get on with her.”

“Oh good.” Max mumbled in between mouthfuls of ice-cream and custard, not remembering his daughter ever getting this excited about a teacher. “I’m looking forward to meeting this new teacher of yours M.”

Miriam grinned widely. She was really looking foward to them meeting too.
Last edited by Blue*Soul on Sat Dec 17, 2005 7:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Blue*Soul »

A long chapter to make up.... enjoy.

Time Changes Everything

Chapter 10

“You look absolutely stunning you know that?” Kyle called from the bathroom as Liz touched up her lip gloss in the mirror of her dresser.

Liz smiled to herself, rolling her eyes and lamented for the fifth time, “thanks again Kyle.”

That was the thing about Kyle. He was never unkind with his words. He made sure to tell her again and again how much he appreciated her...

...to the point of nostalgia.

“Hey, it’s the truth, ” Kyle grinned widely as he reappeared from the bathroom shirtless, dropping a kiss on her cheek, “a beautiful woman should never go unappreciated - so where’d you say my white shirt was again?”

“You left one in the left wardrobe.” Liz nodded toward it. Kyle walked toward it rummaged through, made an ‘aha’ face and walked back into the en-suite.

“I’m glad you’re coming to this dinner. My colleagues have been dying to see you.” he called back at her.

“M-hmm.” Liz answered vaguely as she sat herself down on the bed, where Kyle’s briefcase lay half opened and scattered.

He had rushed back from work in his uniform relying on her to have some of his clothes and luckily she did. Luckily for him, she had also agreed on this last minute dinner thing. Liz wasn’t exactly a sucker for small talk and the last time she had gone to a work thing of his, all of his team had turned more than too rowdy for her liking. It wasn’t that she was intimidated by them in anyway, but warning more than one guy with her ugly face whilst he tried to grope her thigh was more than tiresome.

Kyle had started to hum along to himself and Liz knelt down to put his papers back into his bag.

God, everything was such a mess, why didn’t he get a file or something?

Sighing she started gathering the papers together. She was just straightening the edges of yellow rimmed paper, when her eyes caught something.

Wait a minute. Was that her name?

Liz picked a paper poking out from under Kyle’s notebook.

Check- Liz Parker: School: Roswell High New Mexico, lived on Rud Hill Drive until age 17. Parents split in 1996.

Liz looked curiously at the paper in front of her, eyebrows furrowed in thought.

Check. Liz shook her head wondering what on earth he was doing carrying around bits of paper with her name on them. What the hell was that?

…Wait a minute, it couldn’t be what she thought it was… could it?

Liz felt her heart thumping harder in her chest.

She flipped a few pages.

Max Evans: bought up in Roswell- married Serena Adams, relocated England: Fulham, London. England: Dundee, Scotland. Hammersmith, London. America: New York.

Liz scanned faster with a dawning dread.

Current residence of Max Evans: America: Roswell New Mexico. Reason of move: Promoted to vice president of LBV Inc.

Roswell?.... Max was here?

Liz flipped a few more pages of Max’s check and couldn’t believe her eyes.

Mother is Diane Evans. Father is the late Phillip Evans: Deceased 09 May 1984. Daughter-

Liz but her lip, not bearing to read anymore.


Kyle wouldn’t do that.

He wouldn’t infringe on her privacy like that…But as she sat their clasping the yellow rimmed papers. She realised.

He had.

He had.

By the time Kyle walked back in her face was burning from absolute and mere rage. How could he do this to her, behind her back like this! What on Earth had been thinking?

“I’m ready when you are baby.” Kyle grabbed his jacket and turned to regard Liz, who was sitting as still as a statue on the bed. “Liz come on… Liz?”

Liz stared at him, fuming. “What is this Kyle?”

“What?” Kyle looked at the papers fisted in her palm. Yellow rimmed papers.

“You did a check on me?” Her voice was trembling.

“Liz what is that? Were you going through my stuff?” Kyle shook his head, walking toward her arms stretched for his papers.

Liz couldn’t believe her ears. How dare he? She shot up before she could stop herself. “Were you going through my life Kyle? Were you? How dare you?” she felt heat boiling from her body up to her face. “What gives you the right? WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT?”

Kyle gave Liz a look that said ‘what’s the big deal? “Liz, calm down. I can explain.”


What was there to explain? It was all pretty clear to her! He hadn’t trusted her enough to ask. He had just gone behind her back without her permission.

Kyle groaned. What was it with women? “Yes. I was curious. I mean, you keep so much to yourself, there’s times when I feel I have all of you …and then times when you’re not there at all.”

Liz stared at him with widening eyes. Sure, he was right. Sure, for the last few weeks- especially since that damned reunion she hadn’t been able to give her all to Kyle. But damn it, she was far too mad to contemplate her own fault in this…and it still didn’t make what he had done, right.

“Did it occur for you to try talking to me?”

“When does that ever work?” Kyle answered, “You’re closed. It’s become so much worse after the high school meeting thing. I just had to do something about it.”

“You went behind my back?” Liz fumed. She couldn’t let it go. Her past was something painful and special at the same time, and she didn’t want someone to go through it without her permission.

“You know I love you -“

“No you don’t.” Liz spat back before she could stop herself.

“What?” Kyle looked shocked.

“Someone that loved me wouldn’t do this.”

“Liz, don’t be stupid. I was just wondering about Max Evans. I mean this guy…well he seems to be such a huge part of your life and you act so weird--”

“--You want to know about Max Evans?”

Liz could already feel it in her bones. Tingling up her spine. She knew it then. She couldn’t hold it in any longer. She was going to cross the line that shouldn’t be crossed.

Kyle shrugged. “I’ll find out either way.”

“I’ll save you the trouble, Valenti.” Liz stormed toward him, throwing the papers at his face. “You want to know, Kyle? I’ll tell you. Max Evans was the love of my life. I doted on him like I’ve never doted on any man. I loved him so much that it hurt.”

Kyle remained expressionless and all Liz could hear was the thumping of her own heart, the rush of blood in her ears. She knew she would regret this. But it just felt so good to say it.

“…and now?” Kyle asked finally. He wasn’t sure what to make of all this. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard.

Liz stared at him silently. Anger and confusion pounding through her veins.

And now?

She didn’t want to say what she still felt now. It was something she pushed to the back of her mind every time she thought about it.

It scared the hell out of her.

She had gotten over Max. Or at least she thought she had…but doubts had started to cloud her mind since that forsaken reunion. The reunion had bought back all those high school hopes. Liz had become High school Liz Parker again. All the irrationality and attention wanting and wondering about Max Evans, when all he had done was disappear again without a care in the world.

Again, gone from her life.

Truth be told, she hated Max Evans. She hated him for making her feel this way.

“This is just wrong.” Kyle shook his head and buttoned up his jacket. “This was worse then I suspected. It’s just…”

“Where are you going?” Liz turned toward him, embarrassed that she couldn’t stop herself feeling like this.

“I’m going, Liz. I’m going so you can decide… which Liz you are and who you want.”

“What does that mean?” Liz croaked, panic and anger making her voice hoarse.

Kyle picked up his briefcase and turned momentarily toward her and said, “Go figure.” before walking out and closing the door firmly behind him.

As Liz stood in the silence of her own breathing, she realised that Kyle was right.

There were two Liz’s.

There was the then Liz. She had been crazy and innocent and full of life and perhaps too naïve. Then there was the now Liz. This Liz now had responsibilities, was mature and didn’t carry her heart on her sleeve.

After not seeing Max for so long she had cut strong distinctions between the two Liz’s.

So why did it suddenly feel like suddenly, she couldn’t distinguish between her separate selves any longer?

Why did she suddenly yearn to be that Liz, with Max at her side?

Liz snorted at herself. How could she even think all these thoughts? He was happily married. She was happily engaged.

That Liz was stupid. She wasn’t stupid any longer.


Liz tried to concentrate on her revision, but she couldn’t. Every time she wrote something down, it got wet from the tears that fell from her eyes.

Stupid crying. Who cried over boys anymore?

She cleared her throat and wiped her tears away harshly. She couldn’t stand this. Why was she acting so absurdly?

All that had happened was that Serena has asked her again about Max. Like a moron she had gotten all flustered and said no.

Of course she didn’t like Max! Not in that way, anyway! Serena must be crazy to keep asking her!

Then Serena had admitted her feelings. Serena had told Liz that she had fallen in love with her best friend.

In love with Max.

Her Max.

Liz had stared at Serena for the longest time after that. Just stared, unsure of what to say. Unsure of what all the emotion cascading through her was. Anger? Fear? Jealousy? Sadness?

Did she want to laugh at Serena and tell her there was no such thing as love? Did she want to slap Serena around the head and tell her Max loved only her…he just didn’t know it yet? Or did she want to curl in a ball and cry because there were so many only ifs running through her mind.

Only if she had gotten their faster. Only if she hadn’t invited Serena into their group on the beach. Only if she was a little more sophisticated…prettier maybe?

Liz couldn’t understand.

How could someone else possibly love Max …more than she did?

It was impossible. She knew this with all her heart.

….She wished Max did.

Liz sniffled and another tear fell onto her notes. She couldn’t bare Max to love anyone more then he did, her.

Another call blistered her ears and she saw the 11th missed call from Max on her cell.

She couldn’t do this anymore…

She couldn’t….


Max untied his seat-belt and peered out of the window taking in a view of the rapidly disappearing buildings below. He looked at his watch impatiently, shaking his head at himself.

He hadn’t been expecting this. The deal had been changed to an earlier time and he had to take off without even saying goodbye to Miriam this morning.

He should have gone with instinct and hired a car to drive back home. In fact he had wanted to - but Tess had pestered him, and not in the mood for a bicker session Max had agreed to take the flight back. But lo and behold the flight had been delayed forty five minutes.

It was often a struggle to make time to see his daughter in between meetings, but this whole delay thing wouldn’t have been so much of a problem if he hadn’t promised Miriam that he would be there for teacher- parent night. After all, if Mrs Turner was anything to go by, Max wasn’t particularly excited about meeting his daughter’s teacher.

However a promise to Miriam was almost always kept and this damned flight had cut it way too close. He hoped he could get there on time. Max didn’t want to let her down.


“Hm?” Max turned toward his formerly sleeping recipient who had just been successful in breaking him away from thoughts of his daughter. Tess lay beside him, seat reclined.

She turned away from him, eyes fluttering, still asleep.

Max paused. Had she just moaned his name in her sleep?

Contemplating only for a second more at the absurdity of what Tess had just done, he sighed, leaning back into his chair, doing a double take at the brown haired air hostess. He had been doing that a lot lately, looking at brunettes, especially ones that were petite and lively. It was almost as if he was expecting Liz to just be there. Liz as an airhostess. Liz as a hotel receptionist. Liz as – well whatever- it was insane.

Truth be told, the ache in his heart had always been there, and had gotten so much more damn magnified the night of the reunion.

He knew he should forget about her. Clearly she had proved that their friendship hadn’t meant much when she had disappeared without a word….

But although he had hardly had any time to breathe through all the business tie ups over the last week, he couldn’t help but contemplate what Jeff Parker had told him.

How had he broken Liz’s heart and hadn’t any idea about it?



Miriam sat stubbornly in the front room. Arms crossed sifting from channel to channel and watching nothing in particular.

Nan stood beside the couch, looking down at her disapprovingly. Nan’s disapproving look wasn’t the easiest to ignore, but Miriam was pretty expert at it by now. Nan had been giving her ‘that’ look for the last fifteen minutes and she had been pretending not to notice as she surfed from channel to channel.

“Miriam Elizabeth Evans,” Diane finally said frustrated, “put that remote down now and go and put on your jacket. We are going to be late.”

“I already told you -“

“ - your father is going to be late, Miriam.”

Miriam looked up at her a little startled and Diane’s voice softened in appreciation of Miriam being an only child, as well as one whose father was hardly at home. “You know how it is with him. But he does it for you... We’ll just go to parent-teacher night today and he’ll make it up to you. I’m sure.”

“But that’s not the point…” Miriam began to argue. Her Dad never let her feel like he wasn’t there, but today had been important! She had wanted her Dad to meet her new teacher. She had wanted him to meet Liz Parker, the love of his life.

Another cough from Diane made Miriam switch the TV off unhappily. She had been looking forward to this so much. A little less than Lucy perhaps, but still, so much. She couldn’t believe that her Dads flight was late!

“What is the point then?” Diane asked curiously as she waited at the front door.

Miriam shook her head, taking her jacket from the stand. “Never mind.”

Sighing, Diane let Miriam and then herself out. Sometimes the girl seemed to have all the wisdom of Serena and more rolled into one, and sometimes well, she was just a stubborn as hell nine year old girl.


Liz couldn’t concentrate. Typical for this to be the first parent-teacher night she has hosted at Grantsville Elementary and she was in the sourest of sour moods. If she had to reflect on her mood she would say it was the Kyle argument that was getting her down, but truth be told, that wasn’t the only thing. Somewhere in the recesses of her mind there was something else. Something about what Kyle had said had irked her. Too many questions and not enough she could answer to.

Was she really two different Liz’s? Why had she done this to herself?

She had aimed to forget about Max from the day she had left him. So why did everything remind her of him? Any guy that ran his hand through his dark hair, any familiar aftershave smell, anytime basketball came on TV.

She hadn’t touched the damned game. But how much she missed getting her hands on a ball. How she itched to play with Max and beat him every single time. That defeated yet, nonchalant look on his face was missed with every single moment that passed.

Liz shook her head at herself. She was resolute, that as of today this obsession – or whatever it was –was going to be over.

He had a wife. He had a daughter! He didn’t give a rats ass about her. It was time for her to move on.

A knock awoke her from her surmise and Liz looked down at the list of names. Well at least this one was a pleasure to teach.

She smiled and nodded toward the student entering her classroom.

“Good evening, Lucy.”


“At last!” Max cried, as finally his luggage bag arrived. He grabbed it and began to walk through the airport to the exit terminals with Tess following in tow, carrying three of her own heavy bags.

“Max, hold on!” Tess cried, as she tried to sort out her hair and bags all at once. He had sped off that plane so fast that she hadn’t even had time to blink let alone freshen up. How awful she must look! She hated looking like shit. She was used to people admiring her and Max, not just for their business etiquette, but as a beautiful couple that people stared at in awe.

Max turned to look slightly at her. It always beat him as to why she was insistent on bringing her whole wardrobe and then buying another one at the country of their residence. He had never seen her wear anything but business suits. He picked up two of her bags and ran toward the taxi stand.

“Max wait… wait!” Tess cried helplessly at his back, as he disappeared from view.

What was up with the guy? He was determined to get home like he had some surprise package waiting for him.

Tess screwed her eyes.

He’d better not have.


Miriam called her Dads cell. It was still out of range. Sighing in disappointment, she plonked it down on her lap again, fiddled with her seatbelt and jiggled her leg.

Her plan was going all wrong. This wasn’t meant to happen!

“So, why the sulky face?” Her Nan looked at her questioningly from the drivers’ seat.

“I’m not sulking.”

“Hmm.” Diane nodded to herself deep in thought. “You’ve been to plenty of parent-teacher nights without your father, what’s so special about this one?”

Miriam rolled her eyes playfully. “You’re a sharp one, Nan.”

Diane clicked her tongue in response. “It must run in the family right?”

Miriam shrugged nonchalantly. “Nothing important. I just wanted him to meet my new teacher.”

“So it’s about the teacher, hm?”

Miriam bit her lip in contemplation. To tell or not to tell. If she told her Nan, it would be good to have someone on her side. But what if her Nan told her Dad? Then she’d be all caught out.

“What?” Diane prompted.

“I can’t say.” Miriam answered deciding on the latter.

“Why not?”

Miriam looked up her, her stark green eyes twinkling in mischievousness “'cause it’s a big secret!”

Diane shook her head. Not knowing if her grand daughter was playing her head.

“So, why can’t you tell me? What’s that thing you always say…share and…”

“- sharing is caring.”

“Yes that’s right.”

Miriam toward her in pure innocence, “I just tell Dad that so he’ll tell me stuff and it works... and anyway if I told you… “Miriam widened her eyes cryptically. “I might just have to kill you…”

Diane gasped. “Miriam Elizabeth Evans! Cut the cheek right now.”

Miriam smiled a little then straightened up. “Sorry, Nan.”

Diane shook her head.

It seemed her granddaughter hadn’t just inherited traits from Serena’s side of the family.


“Why are you driving so slowly?”

“I’m driving as fast as the car in front will let me.” The cab driver shook his head and muttered something inexplicable under his breath.

On any other day Max would have felt a little guilty about leaving Tess as he flung himself into a taxi, but today he was on a mission. He had never let Miriam down and he wasn’t going to start…and no, he didn’t feel guilty, even though Tess had called out his name five times before the cab driver turned a corner.

“Right. Just here... here…” Max said as the taxi driver took an abrupt right into Miriams school.

“Thanks, man.” Max took out a bill to the taxi driver. “Keep the change.”

He jogged into school, hoping he hadn’t missed Miss Perkins, or whatever her name was.


“She’s so nice!” Lucy whispered at Miriam as she exited out of the classroom. “But where’s your Dad?”

Nan was still looking at her suspiciously so Miriam shrugged nonchalantly at Lucy. “He’s still on his trip.”

Miriam hoped that Nan had managed to miss the way Lucy’s face had gone white and dropped in disappointment, before Miss Parker called out her name.


Liz motioned toward Miriam and someone who she assumed was Miriam’s grandmother to enter her classroom. They were a startling contrast, Miriam, a brilliant and striking dark haired girl and her grandmother was soft and fair, with light blue eyes.

Liz screwed her eyes as she walked a few steps to greet them.

…Was that… “Diane?” Liz began slowly.

Diane’s eyes flew open in surprise, unsure who the pretty young lady in front of her was. “Yes…” she began. “You…are?”

Miriam looked between the two. Oh, Crap! She hadn’t thought of this one!

Before Liz could elaborate on what Max’s Mom might be doing here with one of her students, heavy, running footsteps from down the hallway made all three heads turn.

Miriam’s frown turned into a huge smile, when she saw her Dad, still wearing a suit and his bag flagging behind him turned the corner to face her. His hair was out of place and he slowed down as he spotted her, relief coursing through his eyes.

“Hey baby.” Max began breathlessly, “I am so, so sorry for the lateness. You know how unreliable those flights get.” He knelt down to kiss his daughters cheek, unaware of the silence around him.

He got back up, glancing slightly at his mother. “Hey, Mom. Thanks. I can take over from here.”

Still talking he turned slightly toward the very still figure on the left of his mother and stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you Miss Perk—“ Max trailed off. The silence in the hall way becoming a ringing in his ears. The girl staring at him, in absolute shock written over her features was Liz Parker.

Liz Parker.

The Liz he had been looking everywhere for. And like some miracle here she was.

“Liz…?” Max began slowly. Like if he spoke too loud or fast, she might disappear.

Liz opened and closed her mouth. She had been doing the goldfish routine for the last two minutes. She had never felt so flustered in her entire life.

Max Evans. What were the chances? She looked down at Miriam who was smiling very widely and at Diane who was looking at Miriam suspiciously and everything fell into place. It all made sense now. Miriam was Max’s daughter. How could she have missed that?

Liz touched her face self consciously. Was she dreaming? Maybe thinking about him too much had made her delusional.

Max’s smile widened to match his daughters. Halle-fucking-lujah!

Neither spoke.

“ Dad this is my teacher. Miss Parker.” Miriam said breaking the silence.

Max shrugged and said breathlessly, “Surprise…”

Truth was, it was more a surprise to him. Mother of all coincidences that it was, fate had just pushed him right back to Liz Parker!

“Oh…” Liz hiccoughed and then shook her head at herself. She was acting moronic! Liz pull yourself together!

She let out a small cough, wondering why this was so difficult. She had managed it at the reunion. What had changed now?

Her thoughts.

Max Evans had showed her that he was still the one that could make her heart pitter patter that tiny bit harder in her chest, more than any other man could. He was the only one that could totally capture her in everyway possible. The only one that could break her heart into a billion pieces and hurt her as much as he had.

Liz held herself tight. There was no way she was going to let him do that to her again.

No way.

Max was still staring in awe. Had she just become even more beautiful than the last time he had saw her? “I guess we…uh, meet again.” Max shrugged, so many emotions filling him at the same time. Was he happy? Bitter? Ecstatic?

Was it possible to be all of those at the same time?

“Yes…” Liz nodded. “We do, um… lets take a seat.” She needed to sit down.

Liz led Max and Miriam into her room, whilst Diane who was still looking complacent said she’d take a seat outside.

Max pulled out a chair across from Liz and Miriam pulled up one next to him. He faintly wondered why on earth his daughter was grinning to herself like that, when his attention was captured by Liz again.

“How are you?” Liz said politely, trying to stop her body trembling.

“I um…” Max shrugged. “Good.” Max nodded, his smile breaking in sync to hers. That was his Liz. A smile that could light up the room.

Liz stared Max straight in the eyes before turning away.

God… he was beautiful.

Liz remembered that easy yet warm smile. It was enough to make any girls heart run akimbo. Max Evans may have been the heartthrob jock of many, but it was these small things about him that had always captivated her. She watched as he shifted in his seat and ran his hand through his hair, coughed and looked at her. Sure sign way to say he was feeling a little caught off guard. He wasn’t the only one.

She took out her sheet and stared at it, trying to gather herself. “Miriam…ahh yes Miriam.” Liz smiled at the girl in front of her. It was odd to see Miriam in a different light. There were so many connotations attached to the nine year old girl in front of her all of a sudden.

Again she marvelled at the similarities.

Not just the way she looked either.

How on earth had she missed it? That easy way of hers. That naughtiness hidden behind pure innocence.

Liz cleared her throat because Max was staring, and her heart was beating so loud it was just going to jump out.

“Very good student. Hands in work on time. Innovative and creative in self expression. Very friendly and good natured. I think that’s a pretty good report. Don’t you?”

Max opened his mouth and closed it. “I...yes…I think so Miss um…”

“Turner?” Miriam filled in for her Dad.

“Yes. Yes…Miss Turner always thought so.”

“Yes.” Liz cleared her throat.

Miriam smiled broadly. This was so fun! Both her Dad and Miss Parker were getting all flustered. This was good! Soon they would start talking like buddies and then they would get friendly and voila…

Her Mom would be so proud!

“So…um… how have you been Liz?” Max asked, taking in her flustered expression as she stared down at her report.

He realised that she didn’t look so different after all. Her hair was longer, her skin was clearer, yet everything about her was so familiar. The embarrassed expression, the stubborn tilt of her chin, the little scar on her brow.

Liz rubbed her brow self consciously.

Yes…this was definitely his Liz.

“Oh good. Yes.” Liz smiled at him professionally. “I would like to show you this art work that Miriam did.” Liz picked up the painting from the table, “Miriam really has a penchant for still life.”

Max nodded a little confused at Liz’s utter professionalism.

“In fact all her drawings are pretty good.”

“She got that from her mother.” Max smiled.

Liz opened her mouth and then closed it again. A little pang going through her heart.

Serena. Of course.

Liz nodded politely. Asking no further questions about her former friend. She didn’t want to further into anything that might cause her to be entwined into Max’s life again.

“How are you finding class Miriam?” Liz asked shifting attention.

“Oh…I love it.” Miriam smiled. “You make it so much more fun than Mrs Turner did. Ask anyone.”

Liz blushed a little. “Well I’m not sure about that…”

“No. No. You do!” Miriam countered. “I especially love the sports lessons and normally I hate sports. Ask Dad.”

“She hates sports.” Max nodded in quick agreement.

“Dad you don’t have to agree with everything I say.”

“M, you hate sports.”

“I don’t hate ‘em that much. You always tell me I’m pretty good at basketball.”

Max groaned a sigh and put his arms up in surrender as Miriam turned back to Liz.

Liz let out a small laugh at the act going on between the two. It was so heartfelt and sincere and she couldn’t help but wonder how Serena fit into their picture. She was probably the epitome of motherliness. With her perfect butter cookies and chocolate muffins. It was so typical; Max and Serena equalled perfection.

Max was giving her a strange un-nerving look again, so Liz thought it was time to finish off. She handed him Miriam’s report, hoping that her hands weren’t shaking too much.

“Okay well. Thank you for coming Mr. Evans.” She nodded politely at Max. “Thanks Miriam, it’s been a pleasure, and I’ll see you in class tomorrow.”

She sensed there were unsaid questions, because Max didn’t get up straight away, but he had no choice as she walked toward the door and held it open. Only when they had walked out, did Liz let go of herself and took a deep, long, much needed breath.

Oh, god. It was just like him to pop by when she was intent on forgetting him. She could sense it all starting again.

Oh god!

But there was no way she was going to let him slide back into her life so easily.

No way!


Max walked out of the classroom quite unsure of what had happened.

Was Liz M’s teacher? Had he just found her, when he thought he had lost her again? Was this the same Liz Parker that he had missed so much? Had Liz just treated him like he was just some parent, that she had seen for the first time, and not someone that had been a huge part of her life for years? Had he just walked out of her life again without saying a word to keep in touch?

Miriam only echoed his thoughts when she said, “Um, Dad, what happened?”

Max looked at her still disorientated. “I don’t know baby. I don’t know…”

Miriam tilted her chin. Even Nan giving her a funny look wasn’t enough to stop her trying to think something up…and fast.

Afterall, this was no good! How could her father not know what had happened?

But she knew what had happened. Dad and Miss Parker were being all awkward around each other. They were acting all polite.

Something had to be done to get this right. Something had to be done to stop Miss Parker and her Dad acting like total strangers. Something had to be done to get them acting normal again...

But what?

Last edited by Blue*Soul on Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.