Man Eaters (AU, CC, Mature/Adult) #2 [WIP]

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Man Eaters (AU, CC, Mature/Adult) #2 [WIP]

Post by ~Ruby~ »

Thread One


Maria, Liz, Tess and Isabel are all best friends. They own a small chain of bookstores all over the country. But they're tired of their lives, they hate that they live in a world filled with people who would stab them in the back if the money was good. The only problem is they're also torn because as much as they want out they love money. That's right for enough money these girls will make anyones life beautiful at least until that money runs out. They're money hungry and willing to hurt anyone to get more of it, aside from each other.

Insert Max, Kyle, Michael and Alex. They're all extremely wealthy and eligable. Problem being they're also very smart, they're VERY skeptical of these four beautiful ladies who seem to be stalking them. Yes in the beginning the guys think they're weird and crazy and obsessed, why? Because every where they go they're there.

No one in their crowd of "friends" think the girls can pull this off but if there's one thing the girls love more then money it's challenge and they're determined to win over their 'hearts' (and of course their wallets) of the countries most eligable bachelors.


Basically this is going to be RPing about how they come together etc etc.

I don't want things rushed because the guys are smart, they know there's something off with these girls and again they think they're after their money (Which of course they are!).

The girls have hearts of ice and so I don't expect they should fall madly in love with them the first day they meet or the second for that matter.


I don't have many rules, just have fun, try to post, you can add characters and most of all don't rush the characters into relationships.


The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended."




CC: A/I, L/M, M/M, K/T



((Borrowed profile from Cherry, hope she doesn't mind))


Maria: Baby_Bre (ME)
Tess: FaithfulAngel24

Alex: Sternbetrachter

Added Characters

Angela: Baby_Bre (ME)
Tawny: CherryCoke ??
Mario: Baby_Bre (ME)
Gail: Prodigal_Roswellian ??
Quinn: Ruby
Kyan: Ruby


Name: Angela Molina
Age: 24
Status: Angela comes from old money and lots of it. She is the Queen of what people refer to as the 'game' she has taught the four girls everything they know about getting to a guys heart which will lead them straight to the real prize, their wallets. Her paernts spoil her rotten and she has no real need to play the 'game' other then to get back at guys for what they've done to her. On the outside she is this cold unfeeling bitch (unless you're one of the privledged few who know the real Angela).
Motto: Don't hate the players hate that you're not strong enough to play the game.
Quote:'I don't care what it costs! I want it! And I want it now.'

Name: Isabel Evans
Age: 21
Status: Owns a series of book stores all across america with her 3 best friends. The one thing she cares about besides her friends is money. If it has to do with money she has to do with it too. Love isn't anything for Isabel she'll use love for money. Isabel thinks love is meaningless.
Motto: Live by money, not by the rules
Quote: "Love doesn't take you places, Money does"

Name: Tess Harding
Age: The baby of the group she just turned 20.
Status: After a particuarly bad break up the debauched angel turns to her closest friends who are also her business partners for help. Not only does she learn the tricks of the trade , but she inheirits their lust for material possessions.
Motto: She who holds the gold makes the rules.
Quote:"I'm telling ya girl, Seduction is one of the finest thrills life has to offer."

Name: Maria Deluca
Age: 22
Status: Maria is probably the most vicious one out of her group. She's been turning tricks since she turned 14 and it was only until she met her friends and Angela took them under her wings that she really entered the big leagues. When she started out it was just to make a few bucks here and there but as things progressed Maria wanted more and more money.
Her standards are set very high, she wouldn't settle for anyone who couldn't at least supply her with enough money to last 7 lifetimes. The reason being she probably spends more money in a day then an average middle class person makes in 5 - 8 years. Now that her girls and her have their bookstores she isn't sure why she's still in the game, maybe because she knows she'll never settle, maybe because she likes the company, mostly for the money and perhaps a little bit for the rush.
Motto: Money might not buy me happiness but it'll buy me that cute new prada bag.
Quote: "Didn't I ditch you like 6 whole figures ago?"

Name: Liz Parker
Age: 23
Status: The oldest of the bunch, Liz has seen it all. Or so she thinks. Her fiance of two years (David) froze at the alter and ran, her mother is 49 and pregnant and thinks Liz will die an old maid with 50 cats. As if that's not enough, Liz also has a business to run and has no time to fulfill her dream of being a writer. With the her 3 best friends Liz helps run their highly profitable corporation. Since life has delt her such a cold hand Liz has decided that love is for dopes and from now on it's all about the Benjamins. She's bitter and she wants to take it out on the next male she meets.
Motto: Don't knock it 'til you try it.
Quote: "He made it up to 'for richer or poorer and bolted. Though I must admit, if he wasn't loaded to begin with I may not have said yes to his proposal to begin with..."

Name: Alexander Charles Whitman
Age: 24
Status: Responsible for THE revolutionary computer programms and systems that made Microsoft and Linux look like kindergarten toys. He created said programms with 17, making him rich over night. Used to be a geek in high school till then and turned to someone everyone wanted to be friends with. That's why he is wary of beautiful and popular women who just seem to not get enough of him - and his money. He is very slow when it comes to dating, never trusting a woman completly to really like him and not the money, or as a friend put it: he's having certain issues with relationships.
Motto: Never trust the bold and beautiful.
Quote: What's love got to do with my credit card?

Name: Michael Guerin
Age: 25
Status: Michael lived in a very poor home until he was 18. Moving out, he had to try to survive on his own, holding down a job as a fry cook. No matter what he did, he couldn't seem to get ahead. Every week he would buy lottery tickets and would be fortunate if he won back a dollar. It wasnt until he turned 21 that his luck changed. His weekly lottery ticket ended up being worth $31.7 million. Since that day, he had to change his phone number 4 times and eventually ended up moving after having 'family members' showing up that he never had. Although he is loaded, he would rather wear his blue jeans and Metallica tshirt than fancy clothes. Michael has never had what could be called a good relationship. He's extremely closed off and defensive.
Motto: It's better to never love than to deal with the headaches.
Quote:Does my forehead say FDIC?

Name: Dr. Maxwell Evans (Max to all his friends, except Michael of course)
Age: 25
Status: Max is a young doctor, who knows his shit better than any of the (old timers) that he works with. A protégé. Some might say of his father, who was also a great doctor. He made his fortune at the age of 23 and because of his stupendous investment skills he has been able to turn himself into one of the richest, and most sot after (mostly by women because of his good looks) doctor in the country.
Motto: Take two and call me in the morning.
Quote: “Nurse could you hand me that scalpel? Thannnk Yooou.” Or “Sorry, I don’t do plastic surgery.”

Name: Kyle Valenti
Age: 27
Status: Kyle is the only child of Texas oil tycoons, Jim and Abigail Valenti. As a child Kyle had been sent away to school and as a result never quite developed that ubiquitous southern drawl most Texans are notorious for. Although from time to time, a hint of it might creep up. After graduating college at the top of his class, Kyle returned to Austin to work along side his father at his company. When a tragic accident cut his parent's lives short, Kyle inherited the multi billion-dollar Oil Empire and became one of the richest men in the world. Kyle is the epitome of the southern gentleman, but don't let his polite manner fool you, Kyle is also very much the sweet talking, jet-setting playboy. Kyle works very hard and likes to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Every possible luxury is afforded to this very handsome and very eligible bachelor, and he does not hesitate to indulge. He has no intention of settling down any time soon and refuses to be suckered by anyone, least of all a woman.
Motto: Work hard, play harder.
Quote: Keep your friends close and your wallet closer.

Name: Tawny Hart
Age: 19
Status: Living couch to couch. She meets a new friend and bums a ride, she visits old friends and chills out. She has no job, no money and has a kick ass time where she is. She doesn’t talk to her family because they are all snobs and she refuses to sell out. She knows Liz through family friends and despite the fact that Liz is money in heels and Tawny is careless in battered converse, they get along wonderfully. She is the complete opposite of anyone in Roswell but most of all… She doesn’t care.
Motto: Live as if it was your last day.
Quote: “Mind if I bum on your couch for the night?”

Name: Gail Lake
Age: 17 and a half.
Status: Gail will be the first to admit she's a bit gullible. To her seeing isn't believing, being told is. Unable to lie herself, she can't fathom that anyone else is capable of such a thing. She has a heart of gold, and at only 17 years of age (she just graduated high school) A LOT of growing up to do in the ways of the real world. With that in mind, her father thought it would be a good idea for her to intern at a successful business to "get some direction in her life". Gail would prefer to party.
That's where this group of best friends come in. What better way to make her father happy and keep herself sane? Her father will think she's finally looking towards her future, and Gail will keep her trust fund intact - and maybe learn a few valuable lessons along the way. It's the perfect solution in her mind. Now all that's left is to convince Angela, Liz, Isabel, Tess, and Maria of the same thing. It's not like she expects to be paid. Remember that trust fund?
Motto: Enjoy your youth, because life sucks once you get wrinkles.
Quote: "They really got stuck that way?!” *pause* “It's official, I'm never having sex!"

Name:Mario Molina
Age: 23
Status: Mario is Angela's cousin, they were like brother sister growing up. He's pretty quiet and reserved. Never having to worry hasn't made his life any easier because although he'll be set up for life and will eventually take over his fathers position as president in charge of a huge set of airline companys that are about to merge it's not what he really wants to do with his life. Mario is very passionate about animals and wants nothing more then to be a vet but his father tells him that job holds no real future for him and if he goes ahead with his dreams that he will be cut off completely.
Motto: Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties
Quote: "I want the chance to fail."

Name: Quinn Hunter
Age: 24
Status: Quinn Hunter is smart, beautiful and rich. And let’s be honest what more could you possibly ask for. Heiress to half of one of the biggest Real Estate business ever, a multibillion dollar company, Quinn is set for life. All she needs in life are 3 things; her credit card, her cell phone and her Chihuahua, Gucci. Life is great when you are Quinn Hunter.
Motto: S'ils te mordent mords les - If they bite thee, bite them
Quote:Bow down and worship me!” or “Money makes the heart grow fonder

Name: Kyan Hunter
Age: 24
Status: Kyan Hunter gives the words man candy a whole new meaning. If you wanna dance with the devil, you gotta play his way, play the game and Kyan never loses, if he wants something then he will do everything in his power to get it.
Motto: Vincit omnia pertinax virtus - Stubborn virtue conquers all
Quote:Only bitter poor people think that money can’t buy you happiness!”

Name: Zovea Cortez
Age: 24
Status: Zovea comes from a long line of money, old money and lots of it. She grew up experiencing all the pleasures money has to offer. When Zovea turned 14 her parents introduced her to a son and niece of their very important business contacts, Mario and Angela. They all became very close, Mario and her fell in love. At the age of 19 she was going to marry him but when he confessed his dreams of doing something different with his life she couldn't stand by him, wouldn't. Zovea wasn't about to marry someone who wanted to throw his whole future away. Angela disowned her as a friend and Mario broke up with her, she's regretted it every day. Now she's back, she found herself and with that she found that money is not the most important thing in life.
Motto: 'You'll never know what you got till it's gone.'
Quote: "I can't believe how horrible I was! How could I do this!"

Name:Alejandro Paolo Dorelli
Age: 27
Status: Alejandro is a member of the huge Dorelli Clan. His Great-grandfather fled from Italy to America and ever since then his family has lived in New York. Their business started small with a cosy Italian restaurant, but as time passed the Dorelli Family Business became more and more established and today they own restaurants, clubs (like BED) and pubs all over the country and have had quite a lucky hand at the Wall Street. Of course their ties to the mafia (the reason for his Great-grandfathers emigration) are helping too. Alejandro has several siblings but he is the second oldest, but after his older brother died, Alejandro has taken over the Family business.
Motto: Don't limit your challenges - challenge your limits.
Quote: “You must learn to eat and drink with your relatives and do business with strangers,Sandro!”

Name: Sandro Carlino Dorelli
Age: 22
Status: He’s the baby in the family and his mother’s darling. He’s the ultimate golden boy and everybody loves him. For Sandro family is the most important thing and that’s the reason why he puts up with his family’s mafia connections even though it is against his beliefs.
Sandro is a dreamer and a very good person. He has a lot of respect and love for his older brother even though they have their problems. Sandro hopes that he won’t have to take over the family business and that he will be able to do his own thing.
Motto: All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.
Quote: “I just want to do my own thing, can't you understand that?"

Name: Christen Daniels
Age: 20/21
Status: Christen comes from a pretty poor family, he never really had anything which is why he never cared much for materialistic possessions. It wasn't long ago that he became well known when a best friend of his convinced him to go to a model search they were holding at their local mall. Christen was discovered and not long after found himself appearing on buses and billboards, in magazines and newspapers. Now he's just a small town boy at heart struggling to keep his beliefs in a big city.
Motto: There's more to life then money and designer labels.
Quote: Money isn't everything.
Last edited by ~Ruby~ on Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


Before I can get a cab Kyle reaches me and tries to appogogize. However he doesn't know he's saying he's soory for being to perfect and its not as if I can tell him.

"I'm sorry, Kyle. It's not you. I should have never agreed to come out tonight. I knew it was different this time. You were differnet, but I can't... I won't." I know I'm not making any sence to him but I don't do... love. I use men to get what i want and then i throw them away. Just like i was taught. I won't do that to Kyle. He deserves better.

"Please. I'm not who you think I am. Just go." Tears start to flow down my cheeks and I make no attemp to stop them. Instead I turn away and siganl for a cab. I broke the number 1 rule in my line of business. I fell in love.
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment

Post by POM »

"Well, what would you like to know? Dr. Evans..." she asks playfully.
I wink and smile...God this girls confident...I love it.
"Well....tell me one thing you dislike about your friends." I say grinning. "There by I will discover what kind of person you really are. And you have to say something"

I didn't want to sell my friends out, by this geourous man in front of me. What kind of friend would I be then? smirking I put down my drink and tell him.

"Why don't you just ask me...instead of trying to get the dirt off my friends? I don't think I would answer it anyways...a girls gotta keep some things to herself, what would be the fun in it, if I told you everything?" I smiled as I put down his drink and walked him over to the dance floor.

"Do your worst doctor." I leaned over and secudively told him in his ear.

Before I can get a cab Kyle reaches me and tries to appogogize. However he doesn't know he's saying he's soory for being to perfect and its not as if I can tell him.

"I'm sorry, Kyle. It's not you. I should have never agreed to come out tonight. I knew it was different this time. You were differnet, but I can't... I won't." I know I'm not making any sence to him but I don't do... love. I use men to get what i want and then i throw them away. Just like i was taught. I won't do that to Kyle. He deserves better.

"Please. I'm not who you think I am. Just go." Tears start to flow down my cheeks and I make no attemp to stop them. Instead I turn away and siganl for a cab. I broke the number 1 rule in my line of business. I fell in love.

"Wait. Tess, let me drive you's the least I can do--please. I don't know what happened, but please let me do this one thing for you." I inch my way over to her and wipe away her tears, and stare into her beautiful eyes.

I look at Isabel surprised. She couldn't get my off her mind?

"Really? Well, I hope you were having nice thoughts about me." I smiled.

"Well, you could say that..." I blushed and turned to continue my drink. "Out of all your would you place yourself amonst them?" I asked as I finished my drink and winked at him.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"Wait. Tess, let me drive you's the least I can do--please. I don't know what happened, but please let me do this one thing for you." he steps forward cautiously as if he's afraid I'll bolt again.

Which to be perfectly honest is what I'm contemplating. That is until he places his gently hands on my face. Wiping my tears with a tender expertise my breath catches in my throat. I don't want to go, but I should. Standing here like this... it makes me want what I've been avoiding. Could I go through with it? Could I set myself up to be hurt again?

I swore I'd never put myself in the postion that allowed any man to have any sort of control over me. Kyla gained access without even trying. What am I going to do? The conflict must have been apparennt because he smiled a warm comforting gesture.

"Okay..." I agree afraid of what I've gotten myself into.
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by madroswellfan »

She puts down her drink and says "Why don't you just ask me...instead of trying to get the dirt off my friends? I don't think I would answer it anyways...a girls gotta keep some things to herself, what would be the fun in it, if I told you everything?"

She takes my drink off me and walks me over to the dancefloor. My eyes widen.

She leans over and says "Do your worst doctor."

My it me or is incredibly hot in here?

I put my arms around her waist and I dance very close to her. "Ok," I say swallowing hard. "Heres you you like to take control, or follow orders" I say smirking.

Post by POM »


I was actually blushing at his comments, I never allow myself to blush--but I figure since I'm here don't back out...just enjoy it.

As our bodies are rubing against eachothers, I wrap my arms around his neck and it takes me a few thoughts to comeback from his question.

"Well that depends--on which situation I'm in at the moment. Like here, I can take control...but I'm not pushy." I take this oppotuntiy to scratch one hand down his back as the other plays with the back of his neck. Which I like--anyways not the point.

Leaning in closer to him as I continued to talk.

"But in the bedroom, I like to follow...let the man be in control, I mean that's how it's suppose to be right?" I stared up at him, watching his reaction to my comments and liking what I'm seeing.


"Okay, I'm going to take your hand okay." I don't know how this date turned sour but maybe I can get her to agree to another date.

We are already in our car and I'm half way to her home, the car is in dead silence.

"What's wrong Tess? What did I do...Whatever I said or did I'm sorry..." I reached to grab her hand.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »

*Tess* :wink:

"Okay, I'm going to take your hand okay."
he states before reaching down and grasping his hand with mine. He seems apprehensive and I don't blame the poor boy. I've already took off on him once tonight.

We make it to the car and the ride home is unusually silent. I shift uncomfortable in my seat and apprantly that siganls him to try to figure out what my damage is.

"What's wrong Tess? What did I do...Whatever I said or did I'm sorry..." He takes his hand in mine, and just that skin on skin contact causes me to shudder.

Why does he effect me this way? If he was just any other guy I could do the job. Be in and out with out batting an eyelash ,but I can't. My eyes meet his unsure of how to respond and the kindness that dwells there won't allow me to do anything but tell him the truth.

"You didn't do anything wrong." I whisper as my eyes dart away.

"In fact you did everything just right."
I continue not knowing how I can stay away from such a wonderful man.

"It's just that... I'm not like other girls Kyle. There's things about me that you don't know, and probably won't be too thrilled with." Well, here we go. I have never told another man aabout the arrangement the girls and I have, and with good reason. Its rule number two of the scam, but maybe if he knows the truth I can move on. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by madroswellfan »

I grin as she blushes slightly. Her blushing is incredibly adorable....and rather sexy.

She wrpas her arms around me and I think Ive died and gone to heaven. We keep brushing against each other and its so intesnse, its amazing.

"Well that depends--on which situation I'm in at the moment. Like here, I can take control...but I'm not pushy." she says as she moves one
hand down my back and the other plays with the back of neck.

Dear God, this woman is gonna kill me.

She leans in closer and says
"But in the bedroom, I like to follow...let the man be in control, I mean that's how it's suppose to be right?"

She stares up at me and I have to swallow really hard.

"I guess" I say.

Is it incredibly hot in here or is it just me?

"Well thats the way its meant to be, but personally Im upfor anything" I tell her as I pull her tighter towards me. "And unlike most guys, I like to know a womans having a good Ill do whatever she wants" I say huskily.

Post by POM »


'Not to thrilled with', what is that suppose to mean? Instead of saying something I pulled in front of her apartment and waited for her to reply as I turned off the engine to the car. I still had her hand in mine, and wasn't planning on letting go anytime soon.

"Okay, what is it?" I pondered out loud, as I looked into her eyes.



smiling at his words...okay, don't let him get to you--but at the same time I can't ignore the ache I feel all over me as he holds me like this, my legs feel like jello. Be strong strong.

"Well, tell you what...I'll let you lead and I'll guide you along the way." I told him as I guided his had futher down my back.

"I guess you can say it's a test..." I smirked. "At test at how long the man can go to pleasure me without me being in control--that's how I know how good date number two is going to be?" I told him as my hand slowly slid down his chest.

"I'm not being too forward am I?" I huskily asked as the beat of the song started to pick up and the rhythm in my hips did as well.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


We finally reach our destination and I couldn't be more relieved. That is until I realize that I have to explain the meaning behind my cryptic excuse. He turns of the engine, but makes no attempt to move. Instead he squeeses my hand reassuringly. As if to tell me it will all be alright.

"Okay, what is it?" he $questions looking deeply into my eyes for answers I am fearful to give.

I can't do it. My gaze falters and I am left examining the staps of my high heeled crimson shoes. If I tell him he'll want nothing more to do with me, and I can't quite blame him. Although if I keep this a secret amd he finds out later he'll resent me for not being honest. I guess you could say I'm in a lose/lose situation.

"Um... Nevermind. It's not important." I give him a quick peck on the chhek.

"Do you want to come inside?" I offer looking up at the apartment building meaningfully.
Last edited by FaithfulAngel24 on Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment