Life After Roswell (multi xo, CC, Teen) {WIP}

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Life After Roswell (multi xo, CC, Teen) {WIP}

Post by Jennifer24 »

Title: Life After Roswell
Written by: Jennifer24

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell, Buffy or any of the respective shows that may appear in this story. They are owned by Jason Katims, WB, UPN… etc

Category: Crossover with many shows. I hope to do Buffy, Angel, One Tree Hill, I may even try Gilmore Girls… Couples will be conventional. Max/Liz, Maria/Michael. I haven’t yet decided about Isabel and Kyle… maybe I will pursue something between them, or maybe I will bring Jesse back, we’ll just have to wait and see…!

Summary: This story follows Liz, Maria, Kyle and the Pod Squad through their journeys after the final season or Roswell. I plan on doing my best to stick to the truths learned in the original series and I do not plan on anything to unconventional. I also plan on following Liz and she continues to develop her new found powers and Kyle as he struggles to learn what his is.

Rating: Teen. There may be some language and violence. Minimal sexual innuendo also, nothing rated R or above though.

A.N. This is my first attempt at writing a Fan Fiction, so please bear with me. I would appreciate any feedback any of you have for me! Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy!


I’m Liz Parker, and I’m happy. I am currently traveling across the United States with my husband Max, and all of our closest friends and family. There is something special about us. Most of us have been alien hybrids forever, and some of only recently came into our abilities. There are six of us, traveling across the country. We are a family.

Max, the love of my life, is tall, dark, and handsome. Yes I know that is a cliché, but it is the best way to describe him. We have been married for about a year now, and I could not be happier. He has the power to heal people, which has come in handy, if you can imagine.

Isabel is Maxes sister. She is beautiful. She has shoulder length brunette hair, although she keeps saying she would like to go blonde again. She is tall, dresses expertly and could easily be a model. She has the power to dream walk. She can get into peoples minds while they are asleep, and sometimes even communicate important messages to them that way. It is really handy if you don’t have a cell phone on hand, or you don’t want your message to be detected by others.

Michael, who is an alien and was born from a pod at the same time Max and Isabel were. He is tall, with longish dirty blonde hair. He tends to be a smartass, but is always very honest about the way he is feeling. He has the power to blow things up. His ability has saved us many times. He feels a little ashamed that all he can do is to destroy things, but he is vital to our survival.

There is Maria, my best friend, and the only complete human among us, she is also dating Michael, kind of. She has long blonde hair, and an amazing singing voice. She always looks for a good karaoke bar as soon as we get to a new city.

There is also Kyle, my ex boyfriend, turned alien hybrid. Max healed a fatal gunshot wound to Kyle after he had been accidentally shot by his father (who was trying to shoot an alien hunting FBI agent, although that is another story). Kyle is just coming into his powers, he has yet to see what his specific ability is. He is muscular, definitely has an athletes body. He has a sarcastic sense of humor and never has a problem making us laugh.

And then there is me, Liz Parker, Max healed a gun shot wound to my abdomen when we were sophomores in high school. My life changed then, especially during senior year when I started to develop powers of my own. I have the power of premonition.

We travel light, which is hard for us girls, we search for people who need help. People who may not be able to get help from the regular authorities.
We always try to travel a little erratic, so that we will not be easily followed. Sometimes we will stand out in small towns or get lost in the crowd in huge cities.

We had an amazing, and sometimes heartbreaking adventure in our hometown, but that is not where it ends, there is life after Roswell.

This is our story.


Thoughts, anyone? I would really appreciate any feed back. Hopefully I will get the first chapter up in the next few days
Last edited by Jennifer24 on Wed Jan 10, 2007 6:06 pm, edited 17 times in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 52
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:02 pm

Post by Jennifer24 »

Chapter One

Kyle sighed in frustration. He had tried everything he could think of and still nothing. He looked around. Just another motel room, he had seen a hundred like it in the past two years. He had started to experience the green crackling thing Liz had gone through a little over a year ago. He could change the structure of things, that part he had down. He still hadn’t figured out what his special gift was, and it was starting to drive him a little insane. Maybe he didn’t even have a special gift, maybe he had to be just a normal alien hybrid, whatever that meant. He had unsuccessfully been trying to dream walk for the past hour, yeah that was Isabel’s power, but he had tried almost everything else. Anyway, it would be awesome to be able to dream walk, he could kill a lot of time on those long road trips if he could pick up a playboy and go for a “walk.” A knock at the door startled him from his current attempt, and he hastily tried to stash the dirty magazine before the door opened.

“Uh, hey Liz, what are you doing?” Kyle glanced at the clock on the nightstand so he wouldn’t have to meet her gaze, it was close to midnight.

“I came to see what you were up to, so what are you up to?” Liz asked, and when she saw the magazine she couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh sorry, I’ll leave you alone.”

“Grow up, I was trying to… dream walk.” He finished the sentence and hung his head, a little embarrassed. Liz walked over and plopped down on the bed next to him.

“You can’t force it, when I started to get mine it just hit me all of a sudden, I’m sure the same will happen for you.” She smiled at him encouragingly.

“I’m starting to think it won’t ever happen, maybe I’m not meant to have one. What more could I possibly contribute, the group seems to have every special power it could need.”

“That’s not true, when it happens it will happen. Maybe it would have happened if you weren’t being so difficult about it,” Liz nudged him as she said this. Kyle rolled his eyes and playfully punched her in the arm.

“Abuse! Abuse!” Cried Liz, holding onto her arm and laughing.

“Hey what’s going on in here?” Max walked into the room and scooped Liz into his arms. “Is Kyle beating you again, because I’ve had this talk with him before,” Max gave Liz a light kiss on the lips.

“Okay, I’ve told you not to do that around me. All this mushy ‘I’m so in love’ crap is really starting to make everyone sick to their stomach,” teased Kyle.

Max set Liz down and turned to Kyle, “We are going to grab a late snack at the diner down the street, they don’t close until 1. Do you want to join us?”

“Me, turn down a meal, I think not!” Kyle grabbed his jacket and was out the door in a second.

The diner was greasy and the food wasn’t that great, but they were just stopping through so it would do just fine. The diner was typical, a fifties rock theme that really needed to be updated. The walls were decorated with pictures of people from around the town. The waitress looked to be dead on her feet when she walked up to the group. She was blonde with eighties styled hair, red lipstick and a little too much blue eye shadow.
“Hi, I’m Emma, and I’ll be taking care of you tonight. Can I get y’all something to drink while you look at the menus?” She asked. The group went around and put in their orders.

“Okay, I’ll be right back with those, let me know if you have any questions about anything on the menu.” She smiled as she walked away.

“She seems nice, but she really needs to be referred to that show, ‘What Not To Wear’,” Maria said, raising a brow, after she had disappeared into the back.

“Really Maria, you put too much emphasis on material appearances…”Kyle began as everyone groaned.

“We’re really happy you have this inner peace, and are one with Buddha and all that, but could you please lay off?” Michael asked with an exasperated look on his face.
“I’m just saying is all, you don’t have to bite my head off.”

A moment later the Emma returned with their drinks and a smile. “Have you made up your minds, I’ll be serving as your cook tonight also, the regular guy had to leave early, so if it takes me a few extra minutes to get your food out that is why. Oh, but don’t worry, I’m a mighty fine cook, I would even say better than Pete, I just may be a little more slow, oh sorry, I’m starting to ramble.” She put a hand over her mouth and acted like she was locking it, then she picked up the order book and put her pen at ready.

Isabel smiled as she ordered her chef salad. The rest of the group made their orders also.
“Okay, that should be ready in just a few minutes!” The waitress hurried to the back of the restaurant. Twenty-five minutes later she returned with a large tray filled with food and began passing it out. “Can I get you guys anything else?” Everyone replied a negative. She walked behind the counter and leaned with her arms over it as the group began to eat.

“So what’s your story? Are you guys on a vacation?” She asked.

“Well sort of, I guess you could say we are road tripping around the country.” Max told her.

“Oh, how wonderful,” she replied, “I wish I could do something like that. This town kind of gets a hold on you, and you get stuck without being able to go anywhere.” She had a far off look on her face.

“That sounds kind of like the town we came from, we were lucky to get out, who knows, I could be working at the cheese factory,” Maria said while she rolled her eyes.

“Oh really, where are you from?” asked the waitress.

“A small town in New Mexico, called Roswell.” Replied Max.

“Oh… so are you like a bunch of aliens,” she giggled at her joke, and everyone else followed after the slightest hesitation.

“I guess you could say that,” smirked Michael.

There was a loud banging in the back room.
“EMMA, EMMA,” came a shout from the back room The waitress paled and hurried back there.

“What are you doing? You should be home takin care of me!”
“I’m sorry, Pete had to take off early and I got some customers in late, as soon as they are gone, I’ll be home.”

A gruff looking man rushed into the front.
“Do you know how rude it is to come an get a bite to eat this late at night, what are you, a bunch of criminals, stayin out this late.” The man had an obvious slur to his voice and wasn’t walking very strait. He was starting to come closer, then caught the look in Michael’s eyes, and started to back off.

“You get rid of them and get home, you here, I won’t tolerate this, if you can’t get home maybe you shouldn’t work anymore, your so stupid I swear.” They heard the sound of skin meeting skin, which made Max, Kyle and Michael jump out of their chairs. It was immediately followed by the thud of a door. They heard an engine rev and tires squeal off. The boys sat back down.

“Do you think we should go check on her?” Asked Isabel, with a look of concern on her face.

“I don’t want to embarrass her, lets let her come to us.” Replied Liz.

A few minutes later Emma returned, carrying their bill. Her mouth was swollen and her massacre was running a little. It looked as if she had tried to regain her composure before coming back out.

“I’m sorry about that,” she tried to manage a smile. “If I could get y’all to pay then I could go on and close up.”

“Are you going to be okay, do you need someone to drive you home?” Asked Kyle.

“No thank you, I really enjoyed talking with you guys. Why don’t you come back tomorrow, we open at 11, I would really like to see you again.” She said as she took their money. “I’ll be back with your change.”

“No, don’t worry about it, the rest is for you.” Replied Max.
“Thank you.” With that she disappeared to the back again.

The group stood up and headed for the door. They were all a little shaken, they felt bad for Emma.

Okay, so there is the first chapter! I would really appreciate any comments or suggestions!

Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 52
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:02 pm

Post by Jennifer24 »

A.N. Thanks for all the feedback, I really appreciate it.
I wanted to apologize for my chapters running so short. I figured I would post with shorter chapters more often, rather than making you guys wait a long time just so the chapter could be long. (Wow that was a mouthful!)

Chapter Two:

Kyle woke slowly to the sunlight streaming in through the window, and to the sound of the TV blaring, courtesy of Michael.

“What are you doing up do early?” Kyle asked in frustration.

“Dude, it’s like ten already, I couldn’t sleep anymore.

Kyle rolled out of bed and started doing push ups. He stood and grabbed a towel,
“Well I guess I should take a shower, has Max said what time we are leaving today?”
“I think we are just going to grab a bite to eat at the diner and then head out.”
“Sounds good, I’m ready to get out of his town,” replied Kyle.

Fifteen minutes later Kyle emerged from the bathroom, his hair was still damp and he was running a towel through it. He was fully clothed, shaved and his teeth were brushed.
Michael was still kicked back in his bed with his pajama pants and a t-shirt on.

“Dude, are you going to take a shower or what?”

“Yeah I guess, he flipped off the TV, stood up and stretched and disappeared into the bathroom.

It always takes him forever to get ready. Kyle grabbed a room key and left, he was going to see what the girls were up to. He walked to the next door down and knocked on Maria and Isabel’s door. Isabel answered, and she was all ready to go.

“Do you ladies want to join me for a walk, we have about forty minutes until the diner opens.”

“Well I would, if the princess here hadn’t been in the bathroom for the past hour,” Maria replied in frustration.
“Sorry, but it takes time to look this beautiful,” replied Isabel. He couldn’t help but smile, he was sure that she would look beautiful even if she only spent five minutes in the bathroom. Snap out of it Valenti, the last thing you need is to start thinking like that again.

“I would love to go for a walk.” With that she waved goodbye to Maria and exited the room. They knew better than to knock on Liz and Max’s door and continued on their way.

They were in a small Missouri town called Lone Jack. Thirty miles up the highway was Kansas City, but they had just traveled from New York and preferred to stop by somewhere a little less noisy. It was May and all the trees had sprung their leaves and the grass was an amazing shade of green. There was a light breeze that carried the scent of flowers on it.

Isabel laced her arm through Kyle’s and they walked side by side down the sidewalk.

“I was wondering how you were doing?” asked Kyle.

“I’m fine, and you know that, so why ask?” Isabel retorted, with a smile on her face.

“I meant,” Kyle started slowly, “in regards to Jesse.” As he finished he glanced at her face. She smiled.

“I’ve thought a lot about it, God knows we spend enough time in the car for me to do so, and I have truly accepted that I’m glad he isn’t here. He worked so hard in school to become a lawyer, I don’t want him to throw it all away on me.” She glanced away as she said it.

“I think he would have gladly done so.”

“Yeah, I’m sure he would have, but I wouldn’t have been happy if he did that. I’m sure he would enjoy traveling around, helping people and all, at least for a while.” She smiled at this, “But eventually, Jesse would want to settle down and start a family. That just isn’t something I will be able to do anytime soon. We would always be running.”

“Yeah, it doesn’t seem like there is an end in sight. Honestly though, I kind of enjoy it, I don’t know if I will ever be able to stand having a ‘normal’ life, I would get too bored.” Kyle replied.

“I know what you mean, this sort of life starts to grow on you after awhile. I just don’t think it would be right for Jesse. I really hope he will move on with his life, maybe even meet someone new. He and I just weren’t meant to be.” She looked a little sad as she said this. “But at least I have you!” She wrapped her arms around Kyle and gave him a playful kiss on the cheek.

“Come on now Evans, don’t tease me like,” he wrapped his arm around her shoulders as he said this. Kyle glanced down at his watch. “It is getting to be about 10:45, we should head back and see if the others are ready to go to the restaurant.


The group was waiting by the diner door when it opened. It large man in a greasy apron let them in. “Welcome,” he mumbled, “I’ll be taking care of you today.” He didn’t exactly sound thrilled by the idea.

“Oh, well where’s Emma? She told us to come by today.” Max asked.

“She didn’t show up this morning.” The group exchanged glances.

“Does she do that often?” asked Liz.

“Nope, she has missed one day in the past three years, and that was because she had the flu,” answered the man. This only increased the group’s uneasiness.

They sat at a table and begun getting themselves situated.

“Well I don’t know about you guys, but she sure didn’t seem to be sick last night,” stated Maria.

“I know, maybe she is embarrassed because of what happened. I know back when Hank did that to me, I didn’t want anyone to know about it,” Said Michael, as Maria placed her had on his and gave him a small smile.

“Yeah, but we obviously knew it happened, we were sitting right here.” Said Isabel.
“And she told us to come back today,” added Liz.

“Maybe we should look into it a little, without drawing any attention to ourselves,” said Max.

The group ate their meal, and when they finished the boys went up to the counter to pay and engaged Pete, their server, into some idle chat about football.

Liz got up and walked over to the counter. She saw the pad Emma had used the night before on the counter and casually ran her fingers across it. When she did, she was hit with a flash. A truck was rumbling down a disserted road. Then a flash of Emma’s gagged, tear stained face in the passenger seat. That was all she got. She knew that they were meant to help Emma now, she was in danger, and Liz wouldn’t have gotten the flash if they weren’t supposed to do something.

Isabel walked up next to Liz. “You got a flash, didn’t you,” she whispered. Liz nodded in response. Liz saw Isabel glance back at Pete to make sure he was still preoccupied. Then her head turned and she scanned the wall then walked up to a picture and quickly pulled it down. Liz walked behind her and took it, then headed strait for the door.

Once she was outside she took a deep breath of spring air. A sense of urgency was welling inside of her, I wish they would hurry up and get out here. As she thought this the door opened and the group filed out. Max walked up to her and put his arm around her, he kissed the top of her head and hugged her.

“What did you see?” Isabel got strait to the point.

“I saw an old truck and then Ellie gagged in the passenger seat. She had definitely been crying.”

“That’s not much.” Michael said, he was also so blunt, it was annoying.
“Yes I know, but hopefully if Isabel dream walks her she can get more information.” Liz responded

“Yeah, but I can’t do it now, I’m sure she isn’t sleeping. We will have to wait until tonight.” Isabel sighed. Liz could tell that she really wanted to be able to do something now.

“I guess we should head back to the motel and get our rooms for at least another night.” Max got out the keys to the van as he said this.

Isabel was already walking away. “I think I am going to walk back, I would really like to clear my head a little.”

“Do you want some company?” asked Kyle.

“No thanks, I want to spend some time alone.”

Isabel was to the street and the group was getting ready to pile into the van when Liz heard a slightly familiar sound. She looked back and saw a truck; it was light green and rusted out. It was the truck from her vision! It was barreling down the road, full speed, and headed strait for Isabel.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 52
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:02 pm

Post by Jennifer24 »

A.N. Sorry it took me a little longer than I had hoped to get this posted. I had intended to write a few really long chapters over the weekend, but that didn’t pan out. Anyway, here is the latest chapter. I hope you enjoy! 

Chapter Three:

Kyle felt the panic well up inside of him. The truck was coming at Isabel full force and she seemed too distracted to notice. It ran through a stop sign kicking up a tail of gravel and dirt as it moved. Kyle heard Liz scream Isabel’s name, which only made her turn her head towards the group. Max and Michael held up their hands, but they wouldn’t be able to do anything quick enough. I have to do something, I have to do something.

The next thing Kyle realized, his body was crushing into Isabel’s and tackling her out of the way. Just as they hit the ground, the truck roared past them with its horn blaring.
He halfway sat up and held a shaking Isabel in his arms.

“Are you okay, you didn’t get hurt did you?” He asked while brushing her hair out of her pale face. She shook her head and rested in his arms, trying to regain her composure.
The group was running towards them, when they got there Max helped Isabel up and immediately embraced her while whispering calming words into her ear.

“What the hell was that?” asked Michael as he helped Kyle up.

“I don’t know, I saw the truck coming and knew I had to do something, God I must have run faster than ever to get over here!”

“Dude, you didn’t run.” Replied Michael.

“What are you talking about, of course I did, how else would I have gotten here?”

“One second you were next to us, and like the next you were on top of Isabel,” Maria was kind enough to explain.

“What? How could that have happened?” Kyle was baffled by all of this.

“It must be your special power Kyle, you have finally gotten it!” Liz threw her arms around him at this realization.

“And it couldn’t have come at a better time.” Isabel looked up from Max’s shoulder and gave Kyle a shaky smile. “Thank-you, Kyle.”

“How did you do it? Do you think you could do it again?” Asked Max.

“I don’t know, I was caught up in the moment. I just saw Isabel and more than anything I wanted to get to her in time.”

“Maybe you could try it again,” suggested Maria.

Kyle looked at the van, he focused all of his energy on a spot next to the van, without realizing it, his perspective changed, he glanced around, he was at that spot. He threw his arms in the air and laughed, it was about time! The group came trotting up to him again.

“You did it, congrats man!” Said Max.

“I wonder if you can go through walls, actually transport through solid matter. That could be helpful!” Said Liz.

“I’ll have to practice and find out. Man, this is great! Oh crap, you don’t think anyone saw me do they?” Kyle was looking around for other people as he said this.

“I don’t think so, but just in case maybe we should leave.” Max said this while getting out the key’s to the van and everyone climbed in, including Isabel, her urge for a walk had quickly faded.

The group was talking excitedly while they were driving back to the motel, everyone was happy for Kyle, glad that he finally found his ability he had been waiting for.

“Guys,” Liz spoke up, “I forgot back in all of the excitement, but that truck, it was the same one I had in my vision.”

“Did anyone happen to see what the license plate number was? I was too distracted saving Isabel to notice.” Kyle said.

The group got silent, everyone kicking themselves for not looking when Maria piped in, “I swear, where would all of you aliens be without my detective skills. Of course, I looked at the plates.” Everyone smiled, they knew that although Maria didn’t have any alien powers, she was still vital to the group.

“I’ll see if I can hack into the local Police Departments site when we get back to the motel,” Said Liz. Ever since Mr. Whitman had given her Alex’s laptop after he died, Liz had taken the time and learned all she could about operating it and about the internet. She was now quite savvy when it came to technology, and that had come in handy in the past when they have needed certain information that was not readily available.


“The car is registered to Joseph Hill and the address is 801 SE Lumbar Road. She clicked open a new window and typed in a map site in the address bar. She went to the “get directions” choice and typed in the criteria.

“Hmm, he lives kind of out in the country a bit, about a twenty minute drive from here, a lot of dirt roads and such.”
Max walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders while he looked at the screen, “Who would want to live so isolated from everything?” He asked.

“I don’t know,” Liz twisted in the chair and planted her lips onto his. The kiss deepened and was quickly becoming a lot more serious when they heard a knock on the door. Max sighed and gave Liz one last kiss before walking to answer the door.

“Can I help you,” he asked, obviously a little annoyed.

“Sorry,” said Maria, with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, “but Isabel is going to try and dream walk Ellie now, and I thought you might want to know. Anyway, she likes it quiet and kicked me out of my room, so I thought I would kick you out of yours so I could get a little gal pal time with Liz.” Maria held up her hand with a plastic bag that had a gallon of ice cream in it. Max smiled, he knew that the bond between Liz and Maria was strong between the two of them, and it wasn’t unusual for them to kick him out while they shared a gallon of ice cream and talked about everything that was going on in their lives.

“Is someone with Isabel?” He asked while he grabbed his jacket.

“Kyle is, he offered to sit with her, now shoo.” Maria pushed him out the door, but not before he stole one more kiss from Liz and told her how much he loved her.

“You two make me sick,” said Maria after the door had closed.

“You kind of interrupted us you know,” said Liz, mocking anger as she grabbed a couple of plastic spoons from her bag. She always kept a box on hand just for this occasion.

“It is 2:30 in the afternoon, now you know I would not disturb you anytime after eight, unless I was having an emergency. But, if you want to have a mid afternoon tryst, then you should hang a do not disturb sign or something. Not that I wouldn’t disturb you if I felt it necessary,” said Maria, taking a big bite of ice cream. Liz just laughed.

“Now I really need to talk to you about Michael. Our relationship so lags when we are in these small towns, there isn’t anything to do, nowhere to go. I swear I need a big city so I can get a date out of him…”


The only light that Isabel had lit in her room was a candle, it cast a dim glow around the room and everything seemed peaceful. Isabel could probably dream walk with all of the lights on, but it wouldn’t be the same. She had to do it just right, it was almost a ritual. She took out the picture of Ellie and gazed down at it. “I really hope she is going to be okay,” she looked over at Kyle who had just finished taking of his shoes and was making himself comfortable on the bed.

“Don’t worry Isabel, we’ll get to her in time. Are you ready to start?”

“Yeah,” Isabel leaned back into him and rested her head on his chest, he put his arm around her. She touched the picture and felt consciousness slip away.

She woke in a dark musty area, it must be in a barn of some sort.. The daylight was slipping through the cracks.

“Ellie, ELLIE? Where are you?” Isabel called out. She turned around and saw Ellie, gagged and tied to a pole. Her hands were tied tightly behind her, Isabel saw that the ropes must be cutting into her wrists. Everything was impressionistic, but it felt to real to be a dream, Ellie must either be awake or only half asleep. Isabel heard a banging sound, like a car door. The door to the shed was opened and the man from the diner last night stumbled in. He reached out and slapped Ellie in the face.

Isabel screamed in pain and came out of it holding her face. She could feel what Ellie had felt. This was weird, she had never experienced that before.

“Are you okay,” asked Kyle, giving her a hug. “What’s that,” he looked at her, then leaned over and flipped on the bed side lamp.

“My God Isabel, your bleeding!” She reached up and touched her cheek, she winced and pulled her hand away and got up to look in the mirror.

Kyle was already up, “I’ll be right back, I’m going to get Max.” Isabel nodded her agreement and sat down on the edge of the bed, holding her cheek.

Max came into the room followed by Michael and the rest of the group.

“Oh God Iz, what happened to you?” Max demanded.

“I..I don’t know. Ellie was slapped in the dream walk, and I felt it Max. That has never happened before.” She had tears in her eyes, “God Max, we need to help her.”

“Let me see it,” Max said softly, he ran his hand over her face and healed it.

“Thank-you,” Isabel replied. Everyone in the room was quiet for a moment or two, just trying to digest what had happened to Isabel.

“I think we should get going,” said Michael. Everyone nodded in agreement and made their way for the door.

Isabel explained her dream walk to everyone on the way. They knew they were looking for a barn.

“Well if this guy is really drunk, then it should be easier if we have to over power him,” said Max.

“Well, when I had to live with Hank, when he got as drunk as this guy sounds, he usually passed out. So maybe we won’t have to over power him at all,” Michael replied.

They pulled up to the house about thirty minutes later, the dirt roads were a little more difficult to navigate than they had imagined. The house was small and run down. There was trash out on the lawn. A rusted out broken down car and old tires stacked next to the front door. There were empty alcohol bottles everywhere; this guy was really serious about his drinking. The truck was parked in front of the house, the driver side door open, the guy probably forgot to close it when he got out. Isabel saw a shed that stood back from the house a little bit.

“There, she’s in there!” Isabel pointed and the rest of them followed her gaze. They hurried to the shed, careful not to make to much noise because they didn’t want to draw his attention. Isabel threw open the door and then stopped dead when she saw the man in there. Only, he was lying on the floor, and that was a little odd. Michael started to put up his hand, and then they heard a muffled sound coming from the corner. The man didn’t seem to be moving, so Isabel took a cautious step inside followed by Michael. The guy still didn’t get up. Isabel turned and ran over to where Ellie was tied up and removed the gag from her mouth. She could see that Ellie’s face was bruised; she had been beaten pretty badly.

“Oh thank you Lord, thank you, thank you so much,” she cried as Isabel removed the gag from her mouth.

“Shhh, it is going to be okay now, don’t worry.” Max and Michael were standing beside the man.

“It’s okay, he passed out an hour ago, I’ve been watching him, but his chest stopped rising and falling about twenty minutes ago.” Max felt the man’s wrist and shook his head. “There isn’t a pulse.”

Even after everything she had been through, Ellie hung her head and said “Oh, Joe,” under her breath. Isabel ran her hands over the back of the ropes making a very rough cut in them, then she changed some of the dirt on the ground into a small pocket knife, so it would appear that Ellie got herself out.

Kyle helped her stand up and walked her out of the shed. She nodded towards the house and he helped her there, with the others following behind. Ellie sat down on the couch and sobbed for awhile. Liz and Isabel sat on either side of her, comforting her, and allowing her to get it out of her system. After awhile she stopped and when her breathing returned to normal she started to speak.

“After what he did to me last night, I had been through enough. I came here and I told him I was leaving him, and I packed my things and left. I didn’t tell him where I was going, I went and rented a room at a motel. He was so mad, I have never seen him that angry, but he let me go. I guess he had time to think about it because he was waiting for me when I walked to work today. I had been running late and I got there at about 11:45. He grabbed me and tied me and put me in his car and sped off. I think he almost ran over you,” she said looking at Isabel, “I’m really sorry about that.” Isabel squeezed her hand and gave her a smile.

“I don’t know how you found me, but I am so glad you did. I tried and I tried, but I couldn’t get the ropes off. I’m sure I would have died there if you hadn’t shown up,” a new wave of sorrow gripped her body and the tears started to flow again.

“It’s okay, he won’t be able to hurt you anymore,” said Liz.

“We can’t tell you how we found you, we have certain, gifts, that allow us to help people in need. We have already made it look like you got out on your own, we would appreciate it if you wouldn’t tell the police anything about us. I guess you could say that we like to keep a low profile, and out of the way of the law.” Max explained all of this to her while looking into her eyes, and trying to show her that they weren’t bad people.

“Your like angels,” Ellie said, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about you. You go on and leave and I will call the police in an hour, when I’m sure your home.”

“Are you going to be okay here by yourself?” Asked Maria.

“I will be okay, thank you, I can’t thank all of you enough.”

The group said goodbye to her and made their way to the van. They piled in and the ride home was quiet. They all took quick showers and were relaxing in Maria and Isabel’s room when they heard sirens screaming past them. They knew that must have been the police on the way to find Ellie.


Three days later the group went into the diner to have lunch. They had gone shopping in Kansas City for a few days and had decided to head back to the east coast again. They were always careful never to travel in a predictable fashion, and heading back 1,800 miles in the direction they had come from three weeks ago, was definitely not predictable. They were seated and Ellie came up to the table. Her face was healing and she had a smile on her face.

“Well I thought I would never see any of you again,” She said as she walked up.
“Yeah, we are just passing through. We are getting back on the road today and thought we would stop by to see you before we went.”

“I’m glad you did.” She replied. She took their drink and lunch orders. She sat down and talked with them while they ate. She told them of her plans to get out of Lone Jack, she was going to travel and see the world a little just as they were doing. After they were finished and had paid, the group had a request for her.

“Can you hold onto this for about a month, and then drop it in the mail,” Liz asked as she handed her a large manila envelope. It already had postage on it and it was addressed to a P.O. Box in Roswell. It was the Box her father kept for business affairs only. If her house were still being watched it would be odd for her parents to receive a large envelope, and it could be intercepted before it got to them. However it wasn’t at all unusual for her dad to get lots of large envelopes and packages at his Box, and that was kept under lock and couldn’t be tampered with. The envelope contained letters to all of their loved ones back home, and pictures from their travels. Even though it was not possible to receive any correspondence back, it allowed their parents to know that their children were alive and well. Ellie took the envelope in her hand and smiled,
“Of course I will, it is the least I can do.”

After that the group said their goodbye’s and piled into the van. They were headed to New Haven Connecticut. Liz had wanted to see Yale’s campus since they had been to Harvard’s about a year ago.


Okay, so what do you guys think?

The next chapter will be my first cross over chapter and it will be with Gilmore Girls.
I don’t think I will have any dramatic event occur, it will just be a fun section and help me ease into cross over writing. Hopefully I will get it posted by the end of the week or this weekend!
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 52
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:02 pm

Post by Jennifer24 »

Darknhauntinglove- thanks for the FB. I don’t know if I am going to do SV or not. I only really watched the first and maybe half of the second season before I got annoyed with how repetitive the show got. I’m not sure I would be able to cross it over very well because I haven’t really kept up with the characters or the storyline. But I think I will set my DVR to record the series for awhile and I will watch and see if I can re-spark my interest in the show.

Sorry it took me so long to update, I wanted to sooner but I had two tests and a creative writing assignment due this week so I have been a little preoccupied. My goal is to start updating every Friday, and this summer I may update a little more often.

A.N. Okay a few items. One is I will be doing the cross over with Gilmore in this chapter and the next. This occurs after Rory moved in with Logan (this season), but before they had the fight at the wedding and she broke up with him. I know that my story is set in May so the timelines don’t quite mesh, but this is my story and that is my prerogative.
Next I use some technology references in here. This is a warning, I know very little about computers and how they work, so everything I wrote about I basically pulled from thin air. So if you are reading it and you do happen to know about the stuff, please don’t think I’m a complete idiot, I just had to make a point so that the story could progress.

Chapter Four

The group arrived in New Haven just after midnight and decided they would sleep in the van for the night. Everyone piled out to stretch and Max hopped into the back of the van, waved his hand and transformed the entire back into one large mattress with pillows and blankets. Everyone climbed in and stretched and slowly drifted off to sleep. Max held Liz close to him and breathed in the scent of her hair. He felt content, even though they were technically on the run, he had never been happier in his life. He had his beautiful wife, his absolute soul mate with him everyday. He got to be with the rest of his family, and everyone was safe and surviving. He did feel a small ache deep down when he thought of baby Zan, but he knew that his parents would have made sure that he ended up with loving parents, much the same as he did. He hoped that maybe one day he and Liz could settle down and start a family of their own, and maybe there was the smallest of chances that he would be able to get to know Zan, perhaps someday. Max was thinking of this as he drifted off to sleep, holding Liz’s small body close to him, he could almost feel her heart beating in unison with his own.


The next morning the group stretched and got out of the car, Max returning the back to normal. Liz grabbed her toothbrush, toothpaste and a change of clothes from her bag and headed into the Wal-Mart they had parked in front of. She wanted to go and freshen up a little. She went into the bathroom and made sure she was alone and ran her hand over her hair, cleaning it and styling it all at once. She did the same with the rest of her body, removing any dirt or bacteria and cleaning her pores. It wasn’t as good as a shower, but it worked well in these situations. She brushed her teeth and changed her clothes. She put on a pair of dark blue, low rise jeans and a black cami that showed a little of her stomach. She ran a hand over her face applying just a little make up and then looked at herself in the mirror. She gave a small smile and left the bathroom and headed towards the others.

“You look nice, where are you going?” asked Maria.

“I wanted to get an early start, I thought I would head down to the Yale campus and check it out, and didn’t think any of you guys would really want to join me…”she trailed off at the end.

“Not exactly my idea of fun,” said Kyle as he rummaged through his bag for something to eat.

“I think we will go and try and find a motel for the night,” said Max as he leaned down and kissed her forehead. “We will pick you up on campus around noon, and then we can go and get some lunch. I will drive to the main entrance, assuming I can find it” he said giving her a kiss. He pressed his lips to her ear and said huskily, “you look really, really hot today, maybe we could just get into the back of…” Liz laughed and pushed him off, “You work on getting that motel room and then we can talk.” She kissed his cheek and bounded off down the street in the direction of the school.

It was a beautiful day. A little warm for the beginning of May, but that didn’t bother Liz. She was sick of winter and ready to spend more time outdoors. As Liz came closer to campus she saw that it was bustling with activity.

Some kids were rushing off to class, some sat and studied on various benches, and some were even moving things out of their dorm. Must be finals week, Liz thought to herself.
She was awed by the beauty and wisdom the buildings seemed to hold. Liz wanted to visit the library and the Science department, if she could find it. She looked around for a map but didn’t see one. She ended up wandering around campus for about an hour when she spotted a coffee cart and hopped in line. She could get something to drink and have the guy working it point her the direction of the science department.

“Can I help you?” asked the kid working the cart.

“Um yeah, can I get a small coffee and is there anyway you can point me in the direction of the science building?” asked Liz.

“What do I look like, an information booth?” He handed her the cup of coffee, “that will be a dollar twenty five.” She handed him the money, a little taken aback by his rude comment.

She started to walk off when a girl with shoulder length brown hair and bright blue eyes ran up and tapped her on the shoulder.

“Sorry, I heard how rude he was, I think I can help you find the science building, I don’t have anything to do right now, by the way, my name is Rory.”

“Liz, nice to meet you. Are you sure you don’t mind showing me, I don’t want to intrude.”

“No, no, don’t worry about it. I just finished up my last final, and I don’t live on campus so it isn’t like I have to move or anything. Plus I don’t mind an excuse to stay here for a bit longer, I really love this place.”

“Okay, thank-you.” Replied Liz.

“So, are you applying here for next fall? Seems like your getting a late start.” She said, giving Liz a sideways glance as she led her through the campus.

“Oh no, we’re just passing through. I wanted to see this campus since I had the chance. I have always loved science. Growing up it was my dream to go to Harvard and to become a molecular biologist.” Said Liz. The girl let out a laugh.

“That’s funny, I always wanted to go to Harvard too.” Said Rory.
“How did you end up here then?” asked Liz.

“Long story short, when it came down to it this place had more pro’s and less con’s to it than Harvard, also my grandfather came here and loved it, he did his best to sell me and I guess it worked.”

“That’s nice, so what are you studying?” asked Liz.

“Journalism, I’m editor of the Yale Daily News.”

“Wow, that’s really impressive, I’m sure that will look good on any application you may have,” Liz smiled at her, she couldn’t think of how lucky this girl is, she seemed to have just about everything she wanted. Liz felt a little pang as the entered the science building and she felt a pang when the familiar smell of the lab hit her nose. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.

“You actually like that smell?” asked Rory as she crunched her nose.

“Oh yeah, it feels like coming home,” said Liz, opening her eyes.

Rory smiled at her, “I know what you mean, I feel something similar when I walk into the newspaper office.” They walked to an empty lab and pushed open the door. Liz walked into the room and ran her hand along the counter while taking in everything around her. “Sometimes I wish I had gone to college,” Liz said and then quietly added, “maybe one day I will.”

“Forgive me for prying, but why didn’t you, I mean, did you not get accepted,” asked Rory.

“Its okay, I was accepted to Northwestern, but it didn’t work out.”

“What do you mean?” Liz smiled, she realized she couldn’t say to much.

“Well around the time of graduation things got complicated and to hard to handle. So me and my boyfriend, who is my husband now, and four of our close friends all got into a van and took off. We have been traveling the country ever since, for about two years now.” Liz gave her the short and direct version.

“Wow, sounds really exciting. My mom and I back packed across Europe after I graduated high school, we wanted to experience it first hand.”

“Your mom sounds cool,” said Liz. “She really is,” replied Rory. “Anyway, if you don’t mind me asking, do you ever want to settle down?”

“Of course I do, just not anytime soon. We are really enjoying ourselves, I’m sure it will wear us out eventually, then maybe we will relax and start a family,” Said Liz. She looked around her one more time, “well we had better go before I decide not to leave.”
Glancing down at her watch she realized it was only 11:20. “Did you have somewhere you needed to be?” inquired Rory.

“Oh, I’m supposed to meet the group at noon, it seems I have some time to kill.”

“Well I have to stop by the newspaper office for a moment, your welcome to join me.” Rory said as they headed for the door. Liz smiled and followed her.

On the walk there Liz told Rory all about her little family and Rory told Liz about her mom, and her grandparents. As Rory opened the door to the newspaper office Liz asked, “so do you have a boyfriend?” Just then Liz saw a very good looking blonde man, who looked slightly familiar walk up and give Rory a kiss, “There you are, I’ve been waiting for you.” He looked over and saw Liz and stuck out his hand, “Logan Huntzburger, nice to meet you.”

“Liz Evans, likewise.” Liz realized why he looked familiar, she recognized him from his last name and from the photos of him that often turned up in the tabloids. This girl seemed to know how to pick them.

“Sorry Logan, I forgot. I actually ran into Liz near the coffee stand and she was trying to find the science department so I showed her, you know I never pass up an opportunity to give a tour. We got to talking and I lost track of time.…” She was going to babble on but Logan covered her mouth, “Its okay, don’t worry about it.” Rory went to her desk and one of her staff walked over with a piece of paper and started asking her a question.
“Hm, that may take her a minute, so are you coming here next year or something?” Logan asked as he turned to Liz.

“Um, no, I just wanted to see the place, I’m just passing through town.”

“Oh, where are you headed?” He asked.

“Nowhere, everywhere, I don’t really know, we just keep traveling on.” Said Liz.

“Who is we?”

“My husband and I and a group of our friends, it is kind of like the ultimate road trip that doesn’t seem to end.”

Logan smiled, “sounds nice, I wish I could just disappear onto the open road.” As he said this Rory walked back to them, “Okay, I’m ready now.” She looked at her watch, “Oh, its getting to be time for you to meet your friends, where are you supposed to meet them?”

“Max said he would pick me up at the main entrance,” she said.

“Okay we’ll walk you there,” said Rory as Logan offered his arm to her. As they walked through campus the trio continued to talk. Liz spotted Max in the distance and pointed him out to her new friends. When Max saw her his face lit up and he walked up to her and wrapped her in his arms and gave her a kiss. He noticed Rory and Logan and pulled away from Liz, sticking out his hand. “Max Evans, nice to meet you.” The group went around and introduced everyone. Michael gave them both a look before Maria nudged him and he stuck out his hand to Logan. After they were all introduced Max said, “We were going to get some lunch, did you have any suggestions?”

“Yeah, there is a great pub not to far from here,” Said Logan.

“You are welcome to join us,” Said Liz, much to Michael’s dismay.

“I would love to but I can’t,” said Logan, “duty calls, my father needs me to sit in on a meeting in an hour, so I should probably head out.” He leaned over and gave Rory a kiss. Before he walked away he said, “I’m having a party tonight, you guys are welcome to join us.”

“We would love to,” said Maria before anyone else had a chance to respond. She received a pointed look from Michael. She shrugged, like she was going to pass up the chance for a party.

“Great, Rory will give you directions to my place,” said Logan. “I’ll have lunch with you guys. Follow me, the pub isn’t that far away, we can walk.” Rory said, leading the way.


Later that day Liz was at the public library with her laptop, sitting next to one of their computers with internet access. For the last few months, using her technical knowledge and some aid from her powers she had been writing a program to block the signal from her computer. She knew that the government could track them if they tried to contact home. She thought she had finally gotten it and she sent an email from her main account to a side account. She logged into the libraries computer and tried to crack the wall and see if she could locate the origins of her email, but she couldn’t track the signal. She felt a smile spread across her face, everyone was going to be really excited, they could finally hear from their families and know how they are doing! Liz was tempted to send an email to her parents right away, but she wanted to surprise the group first. They didn’t know what she had been up too. It was only fair if they sent emails all at the same time, and just to be on the safe side they should wait until they were ready to leave this area.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 52
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:02 pm

Chapter 5

Post by Jennifer24 »

A.N. Sorry I didn’t update on Friday, I had a really busy week. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I know it is kind of short. But I have already started on the next one and will have it up Friday. I think I will do another two chapters maybe three before the group moves on.

Chapter 5

“How can you be sure its safe?” Typical Michael, always suspicious and always lacking faith. Liz sighed loudly and rolled her eyes to the sky.

“I have been working on and perfecting this for months Michael. I wouldn’t have even mentioned it if I wasn’t sure that it would work. Could you just trust me? Have I let you down before?” Michael visibly softened at her questions.
“I’m sorry. I just wouldn’t be able to take it if anything happened to any of you guys.” He motioned to the others sitting around the park table. They were looking from Michael to Liz as they talked, almost as if they were watching a ball being volleyed back in forth in tennis.

“I know, and you do a good job keeping us on our toes, but you need to have a little more faith in me.”

Max walked behind Liz and wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head, “I have faith in you, everybody think about what you want to write and then we can send emails to our parents before we leave here.” Liz looked up at him and smiled and snuggled herself deeper into his arms. He had so much faith in her, she didn’t know what she had done to deserve it. His amber eyes looked down at her and she never wanted to look away. He leaned into kiss her and she welcomed his lips on hers.

“Ahem, ahem,” Kyle’s fake cough startled them and Liz looked up, obviously annoyed, “Sorry, I know you guys want to do your thing where you get lost into each other’s souls but we are still sitting here. You could at least have the decency to wait until you are behind closed doors.”

Isabel reached over and playfully punched him on the arm, “Leave them alone, I think it is great that they can be so happy and so in love even after everything we have been though.” With that Max resumed his lip-lock with Liz. “Well I didn’t mean for you two to make love right here, ugh, I’m going to go somewhere else.”

She looked over at Kyle and he gave her a smile, “Do you want to join me?” Kyle jumped up and offered her his arm. They began chatting as they walked away.

Michael stood up and stretched and looked over at Max and Liz. He couldn’t help but feel a pang, he wanted to feel the kind of love they did. He knew he loved Maria with all of his heart, he just wasn’t as good at showing her as Max was at showing Liz. He saw Maria looking at the loving couple and she almost looked sad. Michael knew that she had been a little agitated that they were in kind of a rut, and he wanted to change that. He loved her, and he wanted to make her happy. God, why have I waited so long to ask her to marry me. It’s not like I’m holding back because I’m going home, or because I want her to be safe from danger. She is a part of this, and whether I like it or not, she is in danger. I could at least make her happier and give her all of my love. I’m no longer protecting her by being closed off, all it is doing is hurting her. With that he made an important decision.

“Maria, lets go for a walk.” He patted Max’s back and got some sort of grunt in response. Michael couldn’t help but smile. He surprised Maria by grabbing her hand and pulling her close and kissing her. “You know I love you, don’t you.” He grabbed her hand and walked off. He was going to propose, but not right now, he had a little planning to do first.


The group naturally gravitated back towards the van after a few hours. When Maria practically skipped up holding Michael’s hand, Isabel and Kyle were already there. Isabel was laughing hysterically, and had tears running out of her eyes and Kyle’s face was covered in ice cream, he had a goofy smile on his face.

“What happened to you?” asked Michael.

“We got the ice cream, hahaha, and then he tried, hahaha, and now, hahahaha.” Isabel gave up trying to explain and just broke down into laughter again. Maria started to giggle a little and then Michael started laughing as well. They didn’t know exactly what happened, but laughter was infectious and before long both he and Maria were in hysterics looking at Kyle. Kyle looked around and made sure no one was around and waved his hand in front of his face.

“Sorry, it was getting cold, but I told you I could get you to laugh.”

Isabel’s laughter was starting to die down, “yeah but it wasn’t even that funny, I just didn’t expect you to throw your cone up in the air and try to catch it in your mouth.”

“Doesn’t matter, you still laughed, and that means I win the bet.”

“Fine, fine, fine. We can dream walk anyone you choose, just no one from Playboy, please.” Kyle laughed, “Okay, then hustler it is.”

He winked at Isabel and she rolled her eyes and started giggling again. Max and Liz walked up and they both had flushed looks on their faces and wide grins.

“Hm, wonder what you guys have been up to?” Michael said and then Maria slapped his arm. Liz started to blush and Max just got a bigger grin on his face.

“Okay so you guys want to go and get some dinner, then we can get ready for that party.” Suggested Liz.


They arrived at the building that had Logan and Rory’s apartment and had to check the address to make sure that this was the right place.

“Wow,” said Kyle. Everyone else just nodded their heads in agreement. There was a door man who let them in and the lobby was beautiful. Ornate and expensive was all that came to Liz’s mind. She looked down at the slip of paper she had written directions on and it told her to take the elevator to the top floor. “And he lives in the penthouse too,” said Liz.

The girls had taken their time getting ready, it wasn’t often that they got to socialize and they wanted to look their best. Liz was wearing a simple black dress that fit her curves perfectly. She was wearing her hair in loose waves and was wearing dark eye makeup that set off the brown color of her eyes, and simple clear lip gloss. She was glowing. Isabel was wearing a low-cut dark red dress that would stop any man dead in his tracks. She was wearing her hair blond again and she had it styled a strait and sleek and extra shiny. Her lipstick was the same color as her dress and gave her a very sensual look. Maria was wearing a tight brown dress that showed off her long legs. She had her hair down in big curls that fell far past her shoulders. She was wearing clear lip gloss with a hint of pink that made her lips look extra-pouty. She had her eye makeup done in a subtle gold that brought out the color of her eyes. To say the least, the girls all looked like they should be posing on the cover of a magazine. The guys were all wearing button-down shirts and black pants. They looked more like celebrities than fugitives from the law.

They got off the elevator and headed towards the door and when they got there they happily knocked. Rory and Logan answered together and looked over the group, impressed. Rory was wearing a stylish green dress and was wearing her hair strait.

“I’m so glad you guys came, I was hoping you would!” Said Rory.

“It’s always nice to have some new faces at these parties,” Logan added and reached out to shake the hands of the guys. “This way guys, I will show you where the bar is.” The guys walked away and the girls were left by themselves with Rory.

Rory looked over and spotted Colin and Finn heading their direction, “Girls you have to watch out for those guys, I’m not surprised they have already spotted you.”

“Well, well, well, who do we have here? Have I met you before?” Asked Finn, with a little slur to his speech. The girls giggled a little.

“These are some new friends of mine, this is Liz, Maria and Isabel.” She introduced the girls to the drunk college guys.

“You know, I have a very large trust fund,” Colin directed his statement towards Liz.
She smiled, “Uh yeah, that’s, um, really great for you.”

About that time Max walked up and put a possessive arm around her. “Max, nice to meet you,” he said as he stuck out his hand. “Oh, so you must be her boyfriend?” asked Finn. “No I’m her husband.”

“Oh,” both boys responded and turned to Maria, as Michael slipped his arm around her.

They then proceeded to turn to Isabel, immediately noticing that the last guy in the group hadn’t made a move towards her.

Isabel looked at them and saw the hungry look in their eyes, she immediately grabbed Kyle’s hand, “Honey, don’t be so rude and introduce yourself to these nice young men.” She said, forcing his arm around her waist. Kyle got a huge grin on her face and she knew he was loving this. “Of course, cuddle bear, where have my manners gone? Kyle, nice to meet you.” He stuck out his hand. The rest of the alien group couldn’t help but smile, they knew Kyle would play it for all it was worth.

Colin and Finn got an agitated look on their faces and turned to Rory, “You are such a tease, you invite three gorgeous women here, but they all have boyfriends.” Rory just shrugged her shoulders and laughed. As they turned to go Finn said, “always the same girls at these parties, and right when…” His voice trailed off as they moved in the direction of the bar.

“Yeah sorry about that, those guys are jerks,” Logan laughed and then walked off when the door bell chimed.

“Feel free to help yourselves to the bar, the bartender can make you anything you want. There is food in there,” she pointed to the kitchen area where there were caterers, and then pointed to the cleared out living room where a DJ was finishing setting up, “and there should be music and dancing over there shortly. I know the guys are going to want to start up a poker game in a bit, and you are welcome to join them.”

She moved off when the couple that had just arrived walked up to her, she had to go and take care of her hostess duties.

The guys went to the bar and ordered drinks, to help them blend, but they waved their hands over them removing any traces of alcohol. For the rest of the evening the group enjoyed dancing and socializing. To say the least, they attracted attention, everyone was curious about the beautiful strangers. It wasn’t just the girls who got hit on either; the slightly-drunken high-society women were actually more aggressive than even Colin and Finn. The girls had to stake their territory. Isabel was surprised that she was actually a little jealous when girls hit on Kyle, and she was also surprised that she enjoyed pretending to be his girlfriend through out the course of the evening.

The party raged on into all hours of the night and didn’t start to thin until almost four in the morning. Rory had made her way back to her new friends, and the girls enjoyed a long conversation while the boys played poker in the next room. Rory told them all about Stars Hollow and her mother’s inn. She told them stories about the eccentric residents, and the girls told her stories about some of the people that made their way through Roswell for alien conventions and such. They really enjoyed themselves and didn’t realize it was almost six in the morning.

“Geez,” said Rory looking over at the clock on the Tivo box by the TV. “I’m actually going to visit my mom later this afternoon, maybe you guys would like to join me? There is lots of shopping and we could eat at Luke’s.”

The girls all nodded, that sounded really nice to them. Liz yawned as the guys made their way over to the couch.

“We should probably get going.” Said Max.

“Hmm, I’m looking forward to sleeping in a bed and a nice hot shower,” said Liz.

“Well actually,” said Max, “we weren’t able to find a room because of the college students leaving. We tried to book, but we were told that this is a busy time, a lot of students get hotel rooms after they have to be out of their dorms until they get their various flights home and such.”

“Oh bummer,” said Liz with a pout.

“Where are you guys going to sleep?” asked Logan.

“Probably the van,” said Michael. Logan and Rory both looked really surprised, “What we do it all the time if we aren’t within distance of a hotel.”

“Nonsense, you guys can stay here. No reason for you to be uncomfortable when I have plenty of guest bedrooms.” Said Logan.

“Oh we couldn’t, we don’t’ want to impose,” said Isabel.

“Oh no, I would feel to awful if you guys had to sleep in your car, please stay.” Said Rory. The group was too tired and the idea of a comfortable bed was too promising for them to decline.

Rory showed them to the various bedrooms and everyone got settled in.

Liz snuggled under the blankets and cuddled into Max. It was so nice to be in a bed, but she didn’t have long to think about it because she quickly fell asleep.


Okay, I would have written more but I thought this was a nice place to stop for now. Anyways, I would appreciate any feedback you guys could give. I’m still trying to work out the kinks in all of this and your reviews would be appreciated, that way I could know what I’m doing wrong. Thanks for taking the time to read!
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 52
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:02 pm

Post by Jennifer24 »

AN This part is going to be really short for now. I am having a little writers block so sorry. Also, thanks for the FB!

One part of Chapter 6

The group arrived in Stars Hollow around four that afternoon, they had followed behind Rory to get there. They drove through the quaint downtown that was filled with people walking to stores, or sitting in the park situated in the middle of the downtown. All the trees and flowers were blooming so the whole town was colorful.

“My gosh, this town is like something out of a storybook!” Gushed Maria.

“I can’t believe how pretty it is! And look at all the people just walking around!” Said Liz.

“Women,” Michael rolled his eyes, but he did silently note that this town was pretty, and perhaps the perfect place to propose to Maria.

The van continued to follow Rory’s across town until they entered the residential neighborhoods. She pulled into the driveway of a cute house with a wrap-around deck. It looked like it had been recently renovated. The group piled out of the van and stretched. Rory was about to say something when a blonde woman came running from next door.

“Rory baby! It’s good to see you darling! Hey, if you run into your mom will you tell her I got a package for her, I had to sign for it, oh and tell her Kirk was pokin’ around here earlier, but I chased him off. Oh, who are your friends?”

Rory went around and introduced the group to Babette. “Well it was nice to meet ya, but the cat is stuck in the piano again and Maury is trying to get him out, I had better go see how he’s doing.” With that Babette ran back to her house. Geez, this place does have weird people, thought Michael.

“Sorry about that guys, that’s our crazy neighbor, but she means well. It is a little too early for dinner, I was going to have my mom meet us at Luke’s around six. So if maybe you guys want to go shopping for a bit?” The girls all nodded, but Michael had other plans.

“Uh, guys. Shopping isn’t really my thing, how about we just wander around town for a bit.” The other guys looked a little relieved and agreed.

“Okay, how about you meet us in the center of town around 5:45?”

Michael and Max gave their significant others a kiss before the girls bounded happily towards the town.

Kyle stretched, “I don’t know about you guys, but how about we go to the center of town and toss around the football for a bit?”

“That sounds like a great idea, Michael?” asked Max.

Michael shifted nervously from foot to foot, a little embarrassed, but this was his one chance to be away from Maria so, he had to fess up to the guys.

“Actually, I was kind of wanting to do a little, um, ah, shopping,” the guys gave him a shocked look and Michael quickly explained, “I decided to propose to Maria so I want to go and buy her a ring.” Both men immediately grinned.

“That’s great Michael, congratulations!”

“Wow, your going to marry hurricane Deluca, you’re a brave, brave, brave and perhaps slightly stupid man.” Joked Kyle.

“Yeah, but I kind of love her, you know? I want to make her happy, and I know neither of us can be completely happy unless we are married.”

“Okay, lets go buy her a ring.” Said Max, and Kyle nodded.

“All right, just let me get some cash.” Michael walked over to the van and opened his bag. He pulled out a large stack of ones and used his powers to change them into 100’s. Isabel had jokingly mentioned it a few years ago, but now that was actually how they came across money. They knew it wasn’t the most honest thing they could do, but they figured since the government was hunting them like animals that it was fair compensation. He stuffed the money into his wallet and the guys headed towards the town.


Sorry, I know this part is super short, but I had a little trouble getting it written and I wanted to post something today. I will work on the rest of the chapter and get it posted by Sunday!
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 52
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:02 pm

Chapter 6

Post by Jennifer24 »

AN Well you can thank the merciless Insomnia for this part. I haven’t been able to sleep tonight at all. Ugh, its 5, I have to be at work in two hours and I don’t get off until seven tonight. Looks like another day of being a zombie for me! Anyways, I’m just a little out of it, so if this chapter seems a little off, then that’s why. If you notice any mistakes let me know and I will edit them a little later. :)

Chapter 6 cont.

It was time to meet with the girls and then head over to dinner. Michael and the guys had managed to find a jewelry store and not be seen by their women while in the store. Michael had picked out a one carrot princess cut diamond set in platinum with three smaller princess cut diamonds on each side. He bought a wedding band that had a solid row of the smaller diamonds running around the band. He thought it was loud, and that reminded him of Maria, so that was the one he bought. He also knew that if they were going to be engaged and married that she would want everyone to know about it. This ring would do an adequate job of pronouncing it.

After leaving the store the men were tainted with the shopping, and that was not acceptable. When the girls arrived to meet them they were in the middle of a three man football game, they all had their shirts off and were sweating.

“I swear, you guys couldn’t pause from your game to go find a restroom and freshen up. Is it so much to ask for my boyfriend to not smell like a pig all though out dinner?” Maria delved into one of her many rants about how inadequate Michael is.

“Hey, at least we took off our shirts so we wouldn’t get them dirty.” Protested Michael.

“Well I think it’s cute, and you know I don’t mind when Max takes off his shirt” said Liz as she walked up to Max and gave him a big hug and kiss, despite the sweat.

“You would,” said Isabel rolling her eyes. Liz wasn’t listening, after giving her a huge kiss Max picked her up and pretended he was going to throw her. She was shrieking at him to put her down, like that was going to happen.

“Hey Kyle, go long!” He hiked her up, but instead of throwing her he set her on the ground and began tickling her. Within seconds they were rolling on the ground, laughing and groping at each other.

“They can’t get enough of each other,” Kyle explained to Rory.

“I can tell.” She had a smile on her face as she watched the young couple.

“Sometimes they forget we’re here,” said Maria, with a look of mock hurt on her face.

“We don’t forget you, we just like to ignore you,” said Liz. She stood and was straitening her shirt when Max lunged and grabbed her by the waste pulling her down again.

“See, we can’t do anything with them, their worse than high school students!” Said Maria.

As soon as she got the words out of her mouth, Michael scooped her up and started tickling her in her arms, “Stop it,” he just looked at her and began to nuzzle her neck, she started giggling, “Come on now, no means no space boy. How am I ever going to make a point about how disgusting Liz and Max are if you act like this.”

The two couples continued to play while the other three stood by chattering and laughing at their antics. Finally everyone calmed down and headed for Luke’s.

The boys immediately headed towards the rest room to ‘freshen’ up. They walked into the restroom and locked the door. They all stood in front of the mirror and waved their hands over their bodies and were as good as new. Michael replaced his shirt and headed for the door.

“Stop,” said Max.

“What? Why?” asked Michael.

“Think about it, we can’t just walk out there, looking fine and clean, after only having been in here for ten seconds.”

“Oh, I guess you have a point.”

“So when are you going to ask Maria to marry you?” asked Kyle.

“I guess I’ll do it after dinner.” Said Michael. “I don’t see any sense in waiting.”

“What no flowers, nothing romantic?” Asked Max, “I’m not sure that will fly with Maria.”

“I’ve never been that way; it would be weird if I started now. I’ll just tell her how I feel about her and she can choose whether or not to accept me.”

“Okay,” said Max, but he didn’t look convinced.

“That’s Michael’s way, she’ll love the proposal because it will come from his hear.” Said Kyle, as he patted Max on the back.

“Thank you, I’m glad you see it my way. I think Max is more nervous about the proposal that I am” Joked Michael.

The guys opened the door and headed towards the dining room. The noticed a thirty-something brunette sitting with the girls.

“Here they come now,” said Maria. As they drew closer to the table Rory began introductions, “There is Max, that is Liz’s husband, and Michael is Maria’s and Kyle belongs to Isabel. This is my mother Lorelai.” Kyle and Isabel both blushed and looked down.

“Well not exactly,” corrected Maria, “they were kind of pretending last night because Isabel felt uncomfortable around those two drunk guys.”

“Ah must be Colin and Finn,” smiled Lorelai, “the first time I met them they bowed down before me, they are shameless. Although most young men I meet throw themselves at my feet.”

“She is wonderful,” said Liz, motioning to Rory’s mom, “she runs an Inn and she told us it is slow right now so she offered to give us complementary rooms for a few days!”

“Wow, you really don’t have to do that.” Said Max.

“Please, it will be nice to have some young people around. We have had so many older couples there lately I’m afraid we’re going to get a bad rep.”

“Well I say thanks,” said Michael plopping down next to Maria.

They ordered their dinner and continued to chatter throughout the meal. Talking with Lorelai wasn’t at all awkward for the group, as they had imagined it would be. She was really laid back. She reminded Maria a lot of her mom, which Michael could tell was making her said, he decided it was time for him to make his move.

He cleared his throat and everyone looked at him. He got up from the table and kneeled in front of Maria, pulling the jewelry box from his pocket. She gasped and her eyes immediately got wet with tears.

“You know I enjoy being with you and dating you and spending time with you. But what I want you to be clear about is how deeply I love you and how I could never live without you. You are my other half, who knows how lost I would be without you by my side everyday. You constantly remind me to be a better man, and although I may get annoyed with that at times, I really am a better person because of it. I want you in my life, not just for now, but for always. Maria, I would be honored if you would be my wife, will you marry me?”

Maria threw her arms around his shoulders and kissed him, “Yes Michael, I will marry you.”

She gasped when he slipped the ring onto her finger.

“Oh my God! Liz, Isabel, check this think out,” she popped up and Michael half fell over, he straitened himself out and stood next to her with a huge grin on his face. She excitedly showed all the women her rings and there were oooh’s and ahhhh’s around the table.

“So when are you going to get married?” asked Isabel. She was already going into Nazi mode.

Maria looked up at Michael and he shrugged, “I hadn’t thought about it, I would like to soon, maybe we could go to Vegas?”

Maria crinkled her nose, “That’s not for me.”

“I have an idea,” said Rory. “You could get married in the gazebo, here in town in a few days. It’s an option if you don’t want to wait long to get married.”

“Yeah, and Sookie could cater it!” Said Lorelai.

Maria’s eyes were shining as she looked up to Michael for permission. “Sure, this place is really nice.” Michael kissed Maria on her lips.

“How long do you think it would take to put a small wedding together?” asked Maria.

“Give me two days,” said Isabel, “anyway, I owe you one remember?” Said Isabel, remembering how Liz and Maria had saved her wedding when she was caught up with the Kivar mess.

“In two days, I will make you my wife.” Said Michael as he looked into Maria’s eyes. “And I will make you my husband.”
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 52
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:02 pm

Post by Jennifer24 »

Thanks for the feed back Zanity!

Elizabeth Kivana- Thank you for the wonderful feedback! It encourages me to keep on writing! Also I was trying to make Max seem to be a little nervous about it, more so than Michael was. Also, we all know how Max likes to be in control of situations! Thanks again for the FB!

Chapter 7

After everyone had fawned over Maria and her ring, and the girls had effectively made Michael blush, Isabel was down to business.

She stood up and,” Okay, I have to see the area I have to work with. I don’t have much time, so Rory and Lorelai would you mind joining me for a moment?”

They shrugged and stood up, not really understanding the sympathetic looks they were receiving from everyone else.

They exited the diner and walked across the street to the square. They saw Isabel and giggled as she was making sweeping motions with her arms and counting paces.

They continued talking amongst themselves as the busboy cleared the table off. They ordered pie and coffee and were enjoying it when Isabel came back in. Somehow she had a small notebook and a pen and was taking down numbers Lorelai was reading to her from her cell phone. They sat back down and Isabel was going over her notes in silence.

“I’m planning a wedding also, so I already have numbers of the best places.” Lorelai explained.

“Thank you so much for helping, I know Isabel can be a little overbearing when it comes to organizing events. Actually sometimes she can act like a Nazi!” Michael said and was rewarded by a death glare from Isabel and a punch in the arm from Maria, “Don’t insult her, without her our wedding won’t be possible.” Isabel smiled at Maria and then turned back to her notes.

“So a Priest or a Rabbi?” asked Rory.

“Is this a bad joke?” groaned Maria.

Rory laughed, “No, we have a Priest in our town and we have a Rabbi, which would you prefer?”

“Well we have never exactly been religious, maybe a justice of the peace instead?” Asked Maria and Michael nodded on agreement.

“Well, I don’t know, maybe Taylor?” but Rory didn’t look convinced.

“Don’t do that to them,” piped up Luke from behind the counter.

Just then a tall, skinny guy who had heard them talking walked to the table.

“My names Kirk and I couldn’t help but to over hear you.” He said.

“What do you want Kirk?” asked Lorelai.

“Well I have recently become licensed to perform weddings in this state, and I would be happy to render my services to you.” He said. He pulled out a license from his wallet and handed it to them to study. Isabel plucked it out of their hands and started looking at it.

“That’s fine with me.” Said Michael.

“Yeah, that would be nice, thank you!” Said Maria.

Kirk had a satisfied look on his face until Isabel stood up and threaded her arm through his, “Okay, we have to talk them. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” She walked out the door, dragging Kirk behind her.

“You better watch out, he is easily the most eccentric person in this town, and that is saying a lot.” Said Rory.

“Somehow I think Isabel and Kirk are going to get a long just fine.” Added Lorelai.

They looked out the window and saw Kirk making the same extravagant gestures Isabel had been making earlier. He them took the notebook out of her hand and started making notes of his own. There were laughs around the table.

”Would you like directions to the Inn? I am going to go over to my best friend Sookie’s house so we can talk about catering your wedding; I know she will want to get a jump start on ideas. If I were you I would leave it in her hands, she is an expert chef. I’m sure she will have samples for you in the morning. Are any of you allergic to any types of food?” They all shook their head in the negative. “That’s great! Here are the directions, I already called ahead and told them you are coming!” She got up, walked to the counter and kissed Luke then was out the door in a flourish.

Everyone stood up and stretched. Although they slept in earlier that day they were still tired from being up all night. Michael had a feeling that Isabel was going to make tomorrow a very busy day for all of them, so it wouldn’t hurt for them to get a head start to bed. They walked out of the diner as Isabel was saying goodbye to Kirk, she walked up to them.

“Kirk is going to help me plan the wedding. He seems to have his hands into a little bit of everything in this town so he should be a good resource.” No one missed the look of jealously that crossed Kyle’s face for a split second. No one commented on it though.

“Yeah and he seems to be wound just as tightly as you are!” added Max. Isabel sent him a look, but shook it off.

“Tomorrow we are going to buy your dress Maria, there is a cute dress shop just down the street. Liz and I should be able to get dresses there too. Kirk runs a Tuxedo business so you guys have to go meet him at 9 so he can get your measurements so your suits will be ready in time. Also we are going to check out flowers at 11:30. I have a meeting set up with the company who rents tables and chairs at 1. We still need to figure out music.”

“My best friend was in a band. They had a falling out, but I think the bad is back together now. I’m sure they would be happy to play for your reception!” Said Rory.

As soon as she got it out of her mouth, Rory’s cell phone rang and she answered it.

“It is Sookie, she wants to know what time you can meet her to go over food samples tomorrow. The earlier, the better, it will give her more time to work on the food.”

Isabel looked through their cramped schedule. “How about around 7 in the morning, that seems to be the only free time I have until afternoon.”

Rory relayed the message, “She says that sounds great, she said she would feed you breakfast while she was at it.”

“Tell her thank you and we will see her tomorrow morning!” Said Isabel.

Rory got off the phone and immediately called someone else named Lane. She talked for a minute then hung up with a smile on her face, “That was my friend in the band, she said she would be happy to play your wedding. They are having band practice tomorrow at 5 if you all want to stop by and hear them.”

Everyone nodded. Michael looked at Maria and he knew she was hoping that they would let her sing a few songs with them at the wedding. They all walked back to Rory’s and said goodnight before piling in the van to head for the inn. When they arrived they checked in and got their room keys. Everyone was pretty tired but Isabel was still wound up.

“I’m not really tired, I think I’ll go for a walk and clear my mind.” She said.

“Do you mind if I join you?” asked Kyle.

“Of course not, I would be honored if you joined me.” They said goodbye to the others and disappeared arm in arm, joking with each other as they went.

Maria stretched but didn’t feel to tired, she was bursting with excitement.

“I’m sorry girlfriend, but I need your wife.” Maria said to Max before grabbing Liz’s arm and dragging her into her room.

She located the mini fridge and found it filled with sweets. She picked out a bunch and made a smorgasbord on the bed.

“Okay, so I am marrying Michael Guerin, I need some major girlfriend support here. My head is going a million different directions at once.”

The girls dug into the sweets and Liz started to help calm Maria’s nerves.


Max and Michael were left with each other in the hall.

“Yeah, not into girl talk.” Said Michael.

“Me either,” said Max.

They both started to head to their respective rooms, when Max paused at his door before opening it. “Congratulations Michael, I’m really happy for you.”

“I know, thanks.” Said Michael before he walked into his room and closed the door.

A few minutes later both TV’s turned on and the guys were reclined comfortably on the bed.

Maria smiled and yawned as she slowly opened her eyes. The sun was beginning to filter in through the shakes. She stretched and felt the relaxation in all of her muscles as she settled herself back into the softness of the bed. She pulled all the blankets around her and closed her eyes. Not a second later she was greeted by a shrill BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.

“Ughhhhhh.” She looked over, only opening one eye. Isabel was already sitting up in bed.

“Time to get up, we have to get ready, Sookie will be downstairs to meet us in an hour!” Isabel immediately hopped out of bed and walked to the rest room.

Maria heard the shower start up. She decided to close her eyes again, just five more minutes, Isabel still had to take a shower before she could get up. Fifteen minutes later Isabel walked out of the bathroom, fully clothed with hair and makeup.

“Get up Maria.”

“Damn alien powers,” Maria murmured to herself as she grudgingly got out of bed and stretched her arms over her head.

“I’m up, but you are drying my hair and applying my makeup when I’m done taking a shower and getting dressed.”

“Fine, I’m going to go and wake the others up.” Isabel seemed almost excited about getting to do so as she left the room with a smile on her face.

Maria stood up and went to the closet to pick something out to wear. She had hung up all her outfits last night and had Isabel run her hand over to get the wrinkles out. She chose a short khaki skirt and a long brown halter top. She picked out brown sandals and jewelry to match.

She went into the bathroom and started the shower. When it was hot enough she took of her pajamas and got in. She savored the feeling of the hot water cascading down her body, relaxing her muscles. I am going to marry Michael tomorrow. Then the thought that she got to go and pick out her wedding dress occurred to her and she picked up the pace. She felt the excited butterflies in her stomach and got out of the shower.

She quickly dried off and got dressed. When she walked out Isabel was sitting at the desk with a check list for the day in front of her.

Maria walked over to her. Isabel looked her over and ran her hand over her face, giving her makeup that would match her outfit. She then ran her hand over Maria’s head and dried it and left down with loose curls.

“Thanks!” Said Maria. “When will everyone be ready?”

“They are going to meet us downstairs in fifteen minutes.” Replied Isabel and then returned to her list in front of her.

Maria started to pace around the room. Now that she was up and ready to go, she was anxious. She wanted to start her day, and quickly. She sat down on the edge of Isabel’s bed and picked up the remote. She turned on the TV and then immediately turned it off. She stood up and started to pace again.

“Your driving me crazy! Here sit down with this, maybe you can get an idea what your looking for.” Said Isabel as she tossed Maria a bridal magazine.

“Thanks Is, your really amazing, you know that right?” asked Maria.

“I know, I marked some pages I thought you might like.”

“Thanks,” said Maria, with a large grin on her face. She started to flip though the magazine. Sure enough, the pages Isabel had marked contained dresses that Maria would really like. She wanted something with flowing sleeves. She didn’t want anything puffy, something a little more form fitting. She was lost in her thoughts when Isabel stood up and looked at the clock.

“All right, time to go.” She said. Maria quickly got up, grabbed her purse and headed for the door.

Everyone was waiting for them downstairs. The guys all looked grumpy and half asleep, but Liz seemed to be full of energy and ready to go.

Maria walked up and showed her the magazine. The two girls immediately started screeching at each other as they looked through the pictures. They were greeted with puzzled looks by the man running the front desk, he had a dark complexion.

“They kind of have their own excited language.” Max tried to explain.

“Whatever.” The man drawled, with a thick French accent.

They shook it off and headed for the dining room. Lorelai walked out from the kitchen to greet them. She guided them to a table and explained the Sookie would be out in a few minutes.

Sure enough she came out with a large tray filled with food. They tried all kinds of different foods and they were all amazing. It was hard for them to narrow down what they wanted for their wedding.

After they tried all the different foods she brought out cake samples. Everything was amazing, they weren’t even hungry for breakfast afterwards.

Michael got up and headed towards the restroom and Maria got up and pulled Sookie aside.

“I know this is going to sound really weird, but Michael has an obsession with really spicy foods mixed with really sweet.” Sookie gave her a blank look and she continued, “Could you make his grooms cake be chocolate and Tabasco flavored? With lots of Tabasco sauce. It doesn’t have to be very big. But Michael, Max and Isabel will absolutely love it. No one else has to like the way it tastes.”

Sookie smiled. “That’s really sweet that you would do that for him. I’m sure I can come up with something!”

“Thank you so much,” Maria couldn’t resist the urge to reach out and give her a hug. Sookie immediately headed to the kitchen to try and solve the culinary puzzle presented to her.

They all left around the same time. The guys headed to Kirks and the girls went to the dress shop.

After looking for a half an hour Maria found exactly the dress she wanted. It was an off-white color. It was form fitting around the top, and it was cut a little low, but not too much. It had a pretty pearled design on the front. The sleeves when to just below her elbows then tapered out really long, they went almost to her knees. The bottom of the dress flowed out from the top and went down to her ankles; it had a short train with the same pearled pattern as the bodice that trailed behind her about a foot. It was easily pinned up for the reception.

The best part was that it fit Maria almost perfectly, it just needed a few minor alterations. Isabel said she could do them, but the old lady who ran the shop overheard and wouldn’t allow it. She said she would have the dress ready by the next morning.

Isabel and Liz found matching dresses, but got them in different colors. Isabel’s was red and Liz’s was black. The dress had a plunged neckline with a thick stain ribbon that went just under the breast line. The dress came to just below the knee. The back of the dress had a matching plunge as the front. The dress was accented with subtle jewels and the girls found necklaces and earrings to match. Everything came together perfectly.

The rest of the day went by quickly. They picked out flowers and arranged for tables and chairs. They found pretty linens to go on them.

Kirk also had a bar service he was starting. Even though the Roswellians didn’t drink they thought they should have some in case their new friends wanted too. They listened to Lane’s band and they agreed to let Maria sing a few songs at the wedding, even though they were a little less rock and roll than they would normally do.

In the evening the girls all got together for a get together at Lorelai’s house. Rory, Lane, Sookie, Lorelai and the Roswell girls all gathered in the living room. They ate finger foods and pizza, they had all kinds of dessert. They utterly pigged out.

They were amazed at the amount of food Rory and Lorelai could stuff into their petite bodies.

They did facials, and makeovers. They painted toenails and fingernails and watched chick flicks. They also arranged flowers and made center pieces for the tables and the buffet and gift table. It was a very enjoyable evening.

Maria was a little bummed that the wedding wasn’t going to be that large but Lorelai assured her she could arrange for plenty of people to witness it. She immediately got on the phone and started calling her neighbors and friends.

The guys went out to a bar with Logan and his friends. They had to de-alcohol their drinks, but still had a fun time. In fact all of Logan’s friends thought they were great because of the amount of alcohol they could hold and still seem in control.

The girls arrived back to the Inn around 11 and Liz slept in the room with Maria and Isabel.

Maria stretched comfortably and smiled at Liz who was already sound asleep next to her. She made herself calm down so she could fall asleep. She tried some breathing techniques that Kyle had told her about for meditation.

She wanted to look rested after all, tomorrow she was going to marry Michael. Although that thought should scare her beyond belief, she fell asleep with a peaceful smile on her face.


Hoped you liked that chapter! The next chapter will be the wedding! I have already planned out the next chapter on paper. (I babysat for a couple on Friday and their cable and internet was out so I had nothing to do after the kids went to bed). Anyways I just have to type it up. I also have Chapter 9 ready to go to so I will probably update once later on this week and then again next Monday!

Also I don’t have a Beta to look over my writing, so if you see any obvious problems please let me know. My professors tell me I need to work on comma splices!
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 52
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:02 pm

Chapter 8

Post by Jennifer24 »

Chapter 8

Maria woke to the alarm clock again. She looked over, it was only 6. Liz was beginning to stir next to her. Maria and Liz let out a groan in unison.

“Relax Maria, go back to sleep, only I need to get up this early, you can sleep in until 10.” Maria smiled and immediately closed her eyes.

She felt Liz snuggle back into the bed next to her, a moment later Liz let out a yelp and Maria opened her eyes to see Isabel dragging her out of bed.

“Not you, I need help. Now hurry up, go take a shower and meet me downstairs in half an hour. Get that husband of yours up to, I’ll take care of Kyle.”

As Maria drifted off back to sleep she heard Liz grumbling as she left the room.


She woke up again at 9:30. She stretched and yawned then stood up out of the bed.

She went to the window and opened the curtains. The sun immediately shone through and she had to cover her eyes. She peeked outside and saw the sky was clear with a few of those harmless puffy white clouds sprinkled in the sky. The weather was perfect.

Maria had half expected the day that she was going to marry Michael Guerin to be stormy, but it wasn’t. The wedding wasn’t going to start until 4, so Maria had plenty of time to get ready.

She grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom, she started to run the shower but changed her mind. She turned to the large bathtub instead and started to run the water.

She walked to the sink and saw a small basket sitting there. It was had bath salts and oils, soap and shampoo and conditioner. They were all lavender scented; lavender was good for calming nerves. Maria smiled, Isabel knew her so well. She turned to the bath and dumped the salts and oils into the steaming water before easing herself into the hot bath. She leaned back and closed her eyes, relaxing as she felt the lavender do its job.


Liz wiped sweat off her brow and sat back on the heals of her shoes and sighed. When they had gotten to the town square Isabel directed Max and Kyle in setting up all the chairs.

Liz had the job of fastening various flowers to the end chairs on the aisle. She had just finished fastening the last one, it had been a pain, but it was worth it. The aisle looked beautiful, just perfect for Maria.

Isabel was directing Max and Kyle on the other side of the square as they were setting up tables and chairs for the reception. Liz knew she should head over there, but she also knew that Isabel would immediately put her back to work. She decided to sit there and rest for a few more minutes.

She was lost in her thoughts about her own wedding when she heard Isabel yell at her to get off her ass. She rolled her eyes up to the sky and then stood up and made her way over.

A few minutes later she was helping Isabel arrange all the table clothes. After they were all on to Isabel’s liking they started putting the centerpieces they had made the night before on the tables. Everything was perfect.

The only thing left was the stage for the band and they were going to stop by at noon and start setting that part up. Liz looked at her watch, it was almost 11.

“Well we should head back to the Inn. I want to take a shower and then help Maria get ready.” Said Liz.

“I agree, I see Kirk getting here to set up his bar service, I’ll make sure he looks after everything.”

Isabel walked to greet him and Liz, Max and Kyle headed back to the van.


Maria had finished her bath and then called downstairs for a light breakfast. She was too nervous to eat anything to big. When she finished eating she sat down to work on her vows.

Around 11:15 Isabel came home, and she had the dresses with her. Maria was starting to get really excited. Isabel greeted her and hung the dresses and then disappeared into the bathroom, a few moments later she heard the shower start to run

. Shortly after Isabel came out of the bathroom Liz bounded into the room, wearing a pair of sweats and a tank top. Her hair was still wet, but she ran her hand through it and dried it.

“Okay Maria, I have busted my ass this morning getting your wedding ready, so you better like it.” Liz said and then flopped down next to her on the bed.

“Lets get started getting you ready, what color nail polish do you want?” asked Isabel.
The girls began trying out different colors of polish on her fingernails and toenails. She settled with a dark red fingernail polish and French tipped toenails.

They tried about twenty different intricate up-do’s before they settled on letting her hair stay down. Isabel discreetly added a few inches and Liz gave it a little more volume. They added highlights and red lo-lights. Then they added simple waves and gave her hair extra shine.

“Perfect!” said Liz as she and Isabel sat back and admired their work.

“I don’t know how anybody could ever get ready for something like this without alien powers to assist.” Said Maria as she looked in the mirror.

“Okay, now we need to do your makeup.” They decided to go with earthy tones. A brownish-pink blush grazed her cheek bones. They did light brown and gold eye-shadow and accented it in a chocolate brown.

All that was left was her lip color. They couldn’t decide what to do until Liz made up her mind. She touched one of Maria’s nails and then touched her lips to make them the same color. Isabel looked at it for a moment then ran her hand over Maria’s lips adding a little more shine and locking in the color so it wouldn’t come off on Michael when they kissed.

They decided she looked perfect and they turned their attention on themselves. They did their makeup and then they both did their hair in identical up-do’s. They looked perfect too.

They noticed it was starting to get late so they got into their dresses and headed to the wedding.


Maria was starting to get really nervous after Isabel and Liz have walked down the aisle.

She looked over at Max and Kyle and they have their arms outstretched for her to take. She had decided that she would have both of them give her away, they had both been brothers to her for so long that she couldn’t pick between them.

She heard the wedding march begin and she took their arms and they smiled down at her. She had a bouquet and she had to hold it in her right hand that was threaded through Kyle’s arm.

They walked towards the aisle. She let her eyes run over the chairs and she saw how beautiful it looked. She was also surprised at the number of people who had shown up at her wedding. She noticed a lot of faces from around the town, of course Lorelai and Luke were there too. Rory and her boyfriend and his friends were there. Rory’s best friend Lane and her band were there too.

Maria was happy that so many people had shown up, but she couldn’t help but miss those that couldn’t be there. Her heart ached for her mom, and even Sheriff Valenti.

It only lasted a moment, and any sadness she had melted away when she saw Michael standing at the front looking back at her. He looked unbelievably handsome in his tux. She could see all the love he had for her in his eyes, and she realized how much she had missed seeing him for most of yesterday and today. She never took her eyes off him as they made their way down the aisle.

He smiled at her and she almost wanted to cry right then. But she couldn’t, she still had to make it through her vows and his. As they reached the front and Kirk began the ceremony, asking who gave her to be married. Kyle and Max both spoke up and kissed her on the cheek before taking their places next to Michael.

She hardly heard Kirk talking, she was so lost in Michael’s eyes. Finally she felt Liz nudge her from behind and whisper, “Maria, its time for your vows.”

Maria shook her head and smiled at Michael before she began to talk. “I love you, Michael Guerin, you have really completed my life. I have always felt an attraction towards you, even before I ever really met you. Of course I made excuses to get around confronting my feelings, but after we kissed for the first time during the heat wave, I was a goner. I knew there was no way I would be able to deny how I felt about you any longer. After that I got to know the real Michael, the one you let few other people know. I was honored that you let me into your life, and that you let me see who you really were. Then you came to a fork in the road of your life, you could have left and experienced an entirely different world, but instead you chose to be with me and love me. I have always been able to count on you. You gave me comfort when I was grieving over the loss of Alex, you were my rock when it was hard for me to stand. You even gave me space when I wanted to pursue my music and find myself again. In the end you were waiting for me, with open arms and ready to love me. My love for you grows a little every day, and I’m excited to see where that will take me in the future. You are the greatest thing in my life, Michael. I am excited to start this new chapter in our lives- one I know that I will be by your side every day in. I love you Michael, and I am proud to become your wife.”

When she finished speaking she had tears in her eyes ready to spill over and she was thankful that Isabel had made sure none of her makeup would run.

Then Michael began to speak. “I know I told you that I knew you were the girl for me since that day I stole your car, but that was a lie. I just didn’t realize at the time that I have always known you were the girl for me, even before I knew your face. I have always loved you, and before I knew you I was empty. Then you stormed into my life and turned it upside down, most people would have been put off, but I was never truly happy until I was hit by Hurricane Deluca. I look back on all I have been through in my life. There has been a lot of bad, but since I have let you into it, you have filled it with more good than I ever knew existed. You helped me through my troubles with Hank, and you listened when I had a problem with Maxwell. You have been with me through all the chaos, and I don’t think I would have survived this crazy life without you. We both know there has been a lot of turbulence in our relationship, but you Maria, always found a way to help us mend our problems. You have been one of the few constants in my life, and I feel overwhelmed with happiness when I think about how you will always be a constant in my life. I did have a choice once to leave you and have everything I had dreamed about growing up, but what you don’t realize is that it was not a hard decision to make. I would have been lost and alone if I hadn’t chosen you, no one could fill that part of my life. I would have been forced to put up my stone wall and never let anyone in, and that would not be living. So here we are, after everything, standing in front of our friends and a bunch of strangers and committing ourselves to each other. Pretty cool, huh? Today I am going to make you my wife, and when I do I will be finally completed. I love you Maria, and I will stand by your side until my life is over.”

The tears that had threatened to spill over when she had given her vows were now tumbling down her cheeks. She was taken aback about how open he had been about his feelings for her, especially in front of all these people.

She had an overwhelming urge and she couldn’t stop herself, she wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. She pulled back and blushed when she realized that they hadn’t gotten to that part yet.

Kirk just cleared his throat and continued on. Michael didn’t seem to hear him, he looked a little dazed after the kiss Maria had given him.

They exchanged rings and then they officially got to the part where they were supposed to kiss. This time Michael wrapped his arms around her and then dipped her down before giving her just as passionate a kiss as she had given him.

The crowd erupted into a cheer and there were a lot of whistles. She regained her composure and Kirk announced them as husband and wife and they made their way back down the aisle hand in hand.

A.N. This is a little shorter than I would have liked, but I really wanted to give you guys an update today. My boyfriend jacked the computer from me when he got home at 4 and I only just got it back an hour ago. I wanted to leave you guys an update before I went out tonight so here it is and now I’m off to the bars! Hoped you liked it!