Defying Convention (UC/ Adult )Characters needed

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Defying Convention (UC/ Adult )Characters needed

Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


Hey All you: Streetwalkers, Cliffhangers, Loyalists, and well if you just like UC this RPG is for you!

Defying Convention

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...
Disclamer: I don't own 'em. Course if I did they'd be tired. LOL!

Rating: Adult

Pairings: Completely Unconventional


None of the Dupes are evil. Neither is Tess!

Begins during "Meet The Dupes" Zan, Rath, Ava, and Lonnie travel to Roswell because the conference will not meet without the other Royal for being present also. Wanting to return home to their rightful place on the throne Zan leads his crew in disrupting the roswellians lives.

What happens next is up to the players?

Our Girls


Our Boys



Our Players

Rath: RiaRath101
Liz: lizandzackfan
Kyle: Open
Michael: RiaRath101
Tess: Zansgirl
Zan: Open
Max: roswell3053
Alex: Open

I don't care if you want to double up. :wink:

What do ya'll think?
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


'Ya even babbles in ya mind.' He thinks and I grin from ear to ear. He's right. Even in the most intimate of situations I'm still me. Hurricane Deluca. 'She who babbles constantly' He thrusts his hips harder sending my body already weak from pleasure into convulsions. How is it that even though we've never been together he knows exactly how and where to touch me. It's as if we were made for each other. Which I know is ridiculous because technically he was created for someone else ,but I won't let that make me feel inferior or guilty.

These sensations coursing through my body could never be wrong. In fact it's the only right I feel I have ever truly known. He seems to sum it up rather well when he tells me through our connection. 'Ya feels so good around my cock, Iz can'ts waists ta feel ya walls clamp down on my cock likes they did when Iz drank down ya juices.' He licks his lips hungerily as if he can't get enough of me. I adore the territorial look on his face as he drinks in the mere sight of me.

'Ya knows ya mights have my taste for sweet and spicy' He replies with a sexy smirk. I grasp him tightly throwing myself up into his passionate embrace. Sweat glistens our skin as he takes me furthur and furthur to the edge. My nails rake along his forearms sharply with every deep breath I take. I feel myself surrcome to that sweet surrender that overtakes us all. My toes curl as the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. My body prepares itself for the wonderous experience that only he can give me.

My knees tremble in anticipation as I tumble toward orgasm. Every inch of my body tightens and then at the brink releases into perfect nothingness. 'Oh Rath!' I think and then thinking becomes too difficult.
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Post by RiaRath101 »


I can sense and feel Maria is close. I hear her in my mind thinking, 'Oh Rath!' before she loses all sense of thought. I grunt in pleasure as her walls milk my hardened cock. Thrusting harder and faster, I say, "better than I imagined." My large mushroom head brushes against, her g-spot as I fill her with my hot seed.

"Ria..."I moan while I continue to thrust prolonging our orgasms. I couldn't describe how I was feeling other than being with her was intense and I had never felt so much pleasure before. Bringing my mouth to her mouth, I captured her mouth in a passionate kiss. I broke the kiss for air and reluctantly slipped out of her fluttering heat.

Rolling onto my back, I bring her into my body and wrap my arms around her holding her tightly in my arms. I run my hand up and down her spine while watching her intently. "Alien sex baby except no imitations"I say with a smirk.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


My name rolls off his tonuge like a prayer spoken by the devil himself. A sweet contradiction that according to all logic shouldn't be ,but still is. "Ria..." His kiss is...electrifying. It does things to my body that no other could even conceive attempting let alone accomplishing. Once we are both spent he reluctantly removes himself from me and I immediately miss his warmth and vitality nestled safely between my legs. He lazily rolls on his back and scoops me up drawing me closer to him equisite form.

My lover envelopes me with his arms and I revel in how safe and protected I feel. His gentle hand runs soothing lines down my spine and I can sense his eyes are upon me. Normally that would freak me out ,but the closeness we share is so far beyond anything I have ever experienced. I want to feel him all the time. Hear his thoughts. See his dreams. It's sensational and more precious to me than anything in this world. I love him with all that I am ,and nothing could be more perfect than this. Just lying in his arms.

"Alien sex baby except no imitations" He announces with a charming smirk and it's all that I can do not to burst out into the giggles. He is certainly right. In all honesty I don't have anything to compare it to ,but I'm pretty sure humans aren't suppose to have hour long orgasms. Which are great by the way. If you ever get a chance t have one of those... I totally reccommend it! I beam with happiness. I feel like I'm glowing all over. "Wow... That was" Leave it to me to try to verbalize such a complicated thought. :wink:
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Post by RiaRath101 »


I can feel Maria's happiness which makes me grin. "Wow... That was" she says. I nod my head in agreement while using my powers to bring the covers up over our bodies. I could feel my body coming a live wire with desire again and said, "Another thing about us aliens is we has a quick recovery after."

Knowing that this had been her first time, I was concerned she might be sore. I hated how taking her virginity had hurt her but loved how she had given herself to me. Such a precious gift. I continue to run my hand up and down her back while tempted to give into my desires to be one with her again. Pushing my desires aside, I said, "We should get some sleep."
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Bumping :lol:
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


He nods in agreement with a sweet smile. Studying the lines of his face I can't help but be enthralled by his beauty. There's an unmistakable masculinity in his strong features. I'm utterly mesmorized by those eyes. The hold a power over me that I can't quite explain. Nor do I wish to try for I fear it would take away from the magic. He brings the covers up over our bodies using his powers and I'm more than a little impressed. Not just from the act itself but from his consideration. He really does care for me.

"Another thing about us aliens is we has a quick recovery after." He admits while I feel the heat imminating from his skin. Like a beacon I fill drawn to his very presence. I crave his touch and all that it implies. My lover runs his hands soothingly up and down my back and I can feel his concern for me. It's almost to much. I am so lucky to have found a man as special as Rath. My first impression of him is nothing like the man he is. I'm glad I saved myself for him. This just feels right. Like now I am whole.

"We should get some sleep." He advices but the flutter of my heart prevents me to do so. "You're right. We should." I agree but find myself capturing his lips for a searing kiss. Exploring his mouth with my tongue I fear my thrist for him will never be quinished. "Maybe later." I mumble against his lips while my fingers run through his hair. :wink:
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Post by RiaRath101 »


Ria says, "You're right. We should." and before I can even blink she captures my mouth in a seering kiss. All thoughts of sleep quickly vanish from my mind as our tongues explore each others mouths. She breaks the kiss and mumbles against my lips, "Maybe later." while running her fingers through my hair.

I smirk while running my hands down her back until I reach her firm ass cheeks. Gently squeezing them, I shift my body so that her heat is pressing into my once again hard cock. My eyes darken with my own desire to be one with her again. Unable to resist, I slowly guide her downward so my hard cock is buried deep inside of her tight wet heat.

"Ria..."I moan while moving my hands to her hips. I enjoy the way she feels around my cock and capture her mouth in another passion-filled kiss. Breaking the kiss when air, becomes an issue, I say, "Ya can be in control dis time." I think this position is better for our second time since she is probably sore from the first time.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »

I just wanted to see if anyone was still interested in this rpg. If not I'll shut it down.
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Post by RiaRath101 »

i am
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