Beautiful Tragedies- MATURE/AU/CC *CASTING-EDITED*

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Post by Ranch »

(( OOC: Contact either Alizaleven or myself through a PM and if your bio sounds good, we'll approve you. But other than that, enjoy yourselves :D ))

Here is the bio for Keirstyn.

*Bio For Keirstyn Donovan*


I was a girl that thought that everything was alright with me. I’ve grown up my whole life with two amazing and gracious parents. Their names were Erica and Zachary. They both were pretty tall. Taller than me. I was about 5’4”. Mom was about 5’10” and Dad was 6’3”. Both of them had emerald green eyes and so did I. We lived in a fair-sized house and I had no siblings but being the only offspring was alright with me. My parents were so good. Both were big shot lawyers and I studied a lot of law and medics course work.

When I was around 13 years old, my parents had gone out for a few hours. They said they’d be back home by midnight. I just went to my room and watched some television and my parents knew that I could handle myself at home while they were gone doing some case workings. I had fallen asleep with the remote in my hands and then the phone beside my bed accidentally fell down. It woke me up and I looked at the alarm clock on the table and my parents weren’t home yet. I got curious and wondered why they were taking so long. I remembered that there was my Mom’s old beetle/convertible blue car was still in the driveway. Dad always taught me how to drive it. It was a good thing my parents told me where they were going.

I got up, got my red fleece jacket, my black shorts, and my grey sandals on, grabbed the car keys and headed outside to the vehicle. I drove, underage though, but I looked older than my age back then. So I went to the place where my parents were and embraced myself to enter the building. Suddenly, I heard a deathly gun-shot and heard people yelling. I was getting petrified. I rushed over to my parents’ offices, and found them both dead. I was devastated. Both of them were shot right in the heart. My own heart had been beating rapidly and tears fell from my eyes.

Then, all of a sudden, someone grabbed me and pointed a gun to my throat. He looked at me and took me away from the building. He placed barbed-wire ropes around my wrists and thrust me into a car and I guess he had a friend with him that told him to keep his own gun pointed at me as we drove away. We drove at least over three hours away from my hometown. When we arrived at a place, the man forced me to change my clothing. He made me wear a short black skirt that went down to my thighs, a grey strapless bra, and a blue short jacket with golden buttons on it. He made me wear three inch black heel shoes.

The man was Hank DiMatteo. And his friend was Derek Leonardo. Both men made me steal stuff from stores, precious items, and beer. One day, when I refused to go and steal more valuable items, Hank had turned into this gross and vicious creature. He was known as a werewolf and then threatened me to go to the most expensive store and get this $230,000.000 wrist band with a real golden X on it.

Derek had started to abuse me. But then I fought back but then Hank had gotten to me in an instant. He bit and tore off skin on my leg and it was bleeding like hell. Suddenly he voraciously ate the skin off my leg and somehow for some unknown reason, I was turning into what Hank became. I became a werewolf. My life was turned inside out and I had attacked both Hank and Derek who were both fathers that I evidentially found out about. Then Hank was going to hurt me again, but I dodged, and Hank had accidentally attacked Derek and he died right then. Hank grew so viciously angry at me. I took the gun and shot him to death and right then he died as well.

But his last words were, “I will make sure my son gets you and do the things I have done to you, you regretful bitch! You will always remain my prostitute! FOREVER…” Then he died.

I was scared and I reverted back to my regular form, a human form, and realized that I’ll forever be a werewolf. My parents were both dead from both those two bastards. I could never forget my parents’ deaths. I had finally escaped from the two men that had changed my life eternally. I was in complete despondence. I drove myself back home and had to take care of the house and lived the rest of my life as a freak of nature. Whenever the moon shined down from the skies, I always stayed in the house, fearing what I will become once again.

And now, every night I fear thinking about the moon that shines down from the dark skies. I thought to myself once, ‘Don’t worry Mother and Father… I will kill the sons of the ones that did this to the both of you. I’ll get my true justices…’ and I never left my house at night. I had to stay in and protect myself from the crescent and full moon.

When I was 18 years old, the two sons from Hank and Derek came to my house and tried to abuse me in a way that every nightmare for a girl my age would think. But I had a gun. My Dad always kept a caliber in his drawer and I would aim it at them both. Their names were Scott and Austin. I told them to never return. They left with fear and I looked at myself. I am not a killer. But I had murdered someone. Someone that was fully human. I vowed myself not to kill another human, but in realization knew that both Scott and Austin were both just like me: Werewolves. I couldn’t help it.

So, again, I always stayed in my house at nights, completely every single night. I was petrified of becoming a monster that I had converted to before. I only left the house in the day time to get money, groceries, and stuff to keep myself alive. And the house too I should say. So, I lived my life, once a prostitute, a horrific creature known as a werewolf, and tried to be overly all human as much as possible. One day, I will get my justice…

~Portrayed by Image Peyton List ~
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This RPG is being locked at the request of the author, due to some RL issues.

Will be opened at a later date, at request of author.
I once heard that dust is made up of human skin cells. If that's true, I think there's a naked man under my bed!