Stories By DarkMagic- updated June 17 2008

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Stories By DarkMagic- updated June 17 2008

Post by DarkMagic »

AN: WOW :shock: I am updating all the stories I am writing which is a really short list and stories yet to be written right here!
The WIP stories are posted on this site in crossovers ; I am presently writing with the plan to finish all my WIP's by end of August 2008 so I can start writing some other pieces I am interested in doing.



Dead But Still Moving

Ratings: Mature

Genre: Super Natural XO Act/Rom/Horror.

Pairings: UC, Dean/Liz.

Spoilers: This is set in season 3 episodes “Changes” and “Pancrea”.

Summary: Liz went away to boarding school in Vermont to escape Max and deal with her newfound powers on her own terms; only to find her self caught up in the mysterious accidents happening at her school.

Dean and Sam are undercover substitute teachers at the school investigating the accidents suspicious that an evil force is behind it.
They may be taking on more than they can handle with the trouble of teaching at an all girl’s school, they reluctantly accepts help from Liz and her friends.

What is a girl who is developing alien powers to do?
Between hiding her powers, solving the mystery that surrounds the school and trying to fight the powerful attraction between her and her substitute teacher when will she find the time to study?


Presently being reviewed and rewritten so I will be posting this all over again soon.


b]Rating: [/b]Mature

Genre: Crossover with X-men/Action/Romance.

Pairings: Pyro/Liz.

Spoilers: This takes place after Graduation when they all leave in the van and after X men 2 when Pyro leaves the X-men and joins Magneto’s group.
X men three will also play a part here.

Summary: It was love at first sight, Liz recognized the signs but wanted nothing to do with it can Pyro (John) change her mind?

Presently being reviewed and rewritten so I will be posting this all over again soon.

Strangers in the Night

Rating- Mature

Genre- X/O Supernatural, Romance/Action/Drama

Pairings- Dean/Liz

Spoilers: Set after “Graduation” when they left in the van (two years later) and the first episode of Supernatural when Dean is on his way to meet Sam to convince him to track their father down.

Warning: Liz is very angsty and frustrated with Max and the pod squad so be prepared
for lots of attitude from Liz.

Summary: Liz and Max’s marriage is on the rocks due to Max not wanting to have kids.

Dean is passing through town on his way to convince Sam to help him search for their father.

Liz and Dean meet in a bar and started talking, which ended in a passionate one-night stand.

It was suppose to be just a one night stand so why can’t he forget that night and when fate brought them together once again, will Dean tell Liz how he feels and will Liz be able to tell Dean the consequences from that night
Presently being reviewed and rewritten so I will be posting this all over again soon.

“The Chronicles of Zan”
Author: Dark Magic
Genre: Horror/Action/Romance.

Pairings: U.C. & C.C. (Zan/Liz, Kyle/Ava, Alex/Isabel, Michael/Maria and others)

Rating: From PG13 to R for mature,

Author’s Note: I have been heavily influenced by all those movies and television shows I watched and of course all the books that I just could not put down!
As you read this story you would realize which ones I was influenced by since listing them would take too long!
Lol! I almost forgot to mention aliens are not in this story; instead vampires are the order of the day! Read on to find out which character I have as a vampire!
Hee! Hee! Hee! I am so evil!

Summary: Zan was unable to save his brother from a fate worse than death and it has followed him all of his life shaping what he has become.
A vampire slayer in search of his twin brother taken by vampires,
but can he handle the challenges he has to face that includes meeting his soul mate, finding a religious artifact that could redeem his brother’s soul and having a face off with his now evil twin brother!


Meet your match

Couples: U.C. and C.C.
Rating: PG13 could go up to R.
Genre: Romance/Comedy/Action.
Summary: Twins Elizabeth and Bethany arrive in Roswell High to turn Zan and Max’s life upside down!
As different as night from day, the alien kings know their destiny is not on this planet but can they have a change in plans when they fall for the girls.


The Alliance

Summary: The Council of Earth together with the The Men In Black has monitored all alien activities on the planet and due to Antar's Citizens creating problems on Earth. MIB has sent out two teams to give a final warning to Khivar, the royal four and all citizen's of Antar presently residing on Earth.
Intergalactic rules must be obeyed by all parties or they would be banished from the planet.
Will this start a chain of events that will lead to a ultimate battle between Khivar, Antar's evil ruler and Earth?

Genre: Sci-Fi/Action XO Men in Black and LOTR
Ratings: Mature
Couples: U.C. and C.C.
Last edited by DarkMagic on Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:03 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by DarkMagic »

Finally :shock: I am updating my story "Dead But Still Moving" Tonight that is so check it out on the crossover boards. :D
and I want it delivered by cute, naked men
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Post by DarkMagic »

I have updated Dead but still moving WOW Amazing :shock: go check it out!
and I want it delivered by cute, naked men
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Post by DarkMagic »

You can make a wild guess here yep I have finally updated Dead but Still moving go check it out in crossovers :D
and I want it delivered by cute, naked men
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Re: Stories By DarkMagic- updated June 17 2008

Post by DarkMagic »

Okay I have updated the stories I will be writing now!
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